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I、Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word(用恰当的词填空)(每小题2分,共40分) 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re ______________.

2. That is my English magazine. Give it to ___________, please.

3. --- Is there __________ milk on the table? --- No, there isn’t.

4. In our villa ge all the shops aren’t ___________ at lunchtime. They are closed.

5. --- Is that bag heavy? --- No, it isn’t. It is quite ___________.

6. Helen’s computer is __________ her clo set. It doesn’t work now.

7. --- What are you __________? --- I’m washing my clothes.

8. I’ve got a bad cold. I t hink I must go and see a ______________.

9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the ___________.

10. My husband doesn’t like banana s. I don’t like bananas, ____________.

11. Are you going to the ___________? We need some salt and a bottle of vinegar.

12. Mike is a sales rep, He ___________ bicycles at a big store.

13. As soon as the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at _____________.

14. In the photograph we can see the little boy is standing ____________ her mother and her father.

15. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I like ___________ coffee.

16. --- Is that tin of tobacco ___________ me? --- Yes, but smoking is not good for our health.

17. I like sports very much. Swimming is my _____________ sport .I love it best.

18. In winter we often skate ____________ the river, because the ice there is very thick.

19. Look! The bedroom is dirty now. Let’s ____________ the floor.

20. Mr. Smith’s living room is very ___________. It can hold twenty people there.

II、Finish the following passages with appropriate words (用适当的词完成下列短文) (每小空1分,共计20分):

A. Write in a or an: My friend John is ____________ engineer and his wife Susan is ______________ teacher. They have two daughters, Anna and Christine. They are not children. Anna is __________ air hostess and Christine is __________ hairdresser. Anna has ____________ Italian car, but Christine has

__________ Engli sh bicycle. They don’t live with their parents. They have their own apartments.

B. Write in be in the right form: Mrs. Smith’s kitchen _________ small. There _________ a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator _________ white. It _________ on the right. There ____________ an electric cooker in the kitchen. There ________ some cups near the cooker. The cups _______ clean. There

_________ a table in the middle of the room. There _________ two armchairs beside the table. The armchairs _________ very beautiful.

C. Write in proper prepositions: Here is a photograph __________ our village. My wife and I are walking

__________ the banks ______________ the river. We are _________ the left.

III、Read and match the correct questions and answers(为下列疑问句选择正确答语)(每小题1分,共计20分):

( ) 41. Whose shirt is this?

( ) 42. Come and see my new bedroom

( ) 43. Who is this young man?

( ) 44. What’s the matter, children?

( ) 45. Where are my magazines?

( ) 46. What are the children doing?

( ) 47. Who are you going to see?

( ) 48. What are you going to do with those flowers?

( ) 49. Can you make the tea, Sam?

( ) 50. Where’s Pamela?

( ) 51. Do you want beef or lamb?

( ) 52. Is this your handbag, Alice?

( ) 53. How are you today?

( ) 54. What’s your job?

( ) 55. What colour are your new shoes?

( ) 56. What are their jobs?

( ) 57. How do you do?

( ) 58. Where’s the teapot? I can’t see it.

( ) 59. What’s the weather like here in winter?
