
Title: The Essence of LamborghiniIn the world of automotive excellence, Lamborghini stands as a beacon of Italian engineering and design. Born from a visionary spirit, the brand has grown to symbolize not just speed and power, but also a statement of individuality and passion.Founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini in 1963, the company's initial foray into the automotive industry was an attempt to create the perfect sports car. What emerged was a machine that combined breathtaking performance with cutting-edge design, setting the benchmark for supercars.The essence of a Lamborghini lies in its uncompromising pursuit of excellence. Each model, whether it's the classic Countach, the iconic Diablo, or the modern-day Huracán, embodies the company's philosophy of pushing the boundaries of technology and aesthetics. The V12 and V10 engines, hand-built with precision, roar to life with a sound that is instantly recognizable, a symphony of power and craftsmanship.The design of a Lamborghini is as much a work of art as it is a machine of performance. The lines are bold and aerodynamic, the colors vibrant and eye-catching. Each detail, from the sharp angles to the intricate interior design, reflects the Italian brand's commitment to creating not just a car, but a statement of intent.Behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, the experience is as intense as it is thrilling. The raw power and precision handling combine to offer a driving experience that is both intuitive and exhilarating. It's a car that demands to be driven, a machine that rewards the bold and the brave.But Lamborghini is not just about speed and performance. It's also about a lifestyle, a culture that revolves around the pursuit of excellence and the celebration of individuality. It's about belonging to a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the brand and a love for the thrill of driving.In conclusion, Lamborghini is not just a car; it's an embodiment of Italian engineering, design, and passion. It's a statement of intent, a symbol of excellence, and a machine that offers an unparalleled driving experience. It's a dream come true for car enthusiasts and a constant reminder of what it means to push the boundaries and strive for perfection.。

Aventador J
在2012年的日内瓦车展上,兰博基尼 发布了一款名为Aventador J的特别版 车型,Aventador J全球仅限量1台,售 价为210万欧元,比标准版的Aventador 贵了6倍多。
兰博基尼 Ankonian
兰博基尼 Madura
动力方面,一款6.5L V12自然吸气发动机将 装备在兰博基尼的新车上,最大功率700马力, 扭矩峰值达到690N·m。在兰博基尼全新研发 的ISR七速变速箱,以及瑞典Haldex AWD全驱 系统的作用下,百公里加速时间仅为2.9秒。 与该发动机相匹配的是一款Graziano ISR 7 速自动变速箱(单离合器)和一款Haldex全 轮驱动系统。这一动力装置将使得该超跑车 在2.9秒的时间内从0提速至100公里/小时, 最高时速可达350公里/小时。这款超跑车采 用的是全碳纤维的单体硬壳式构造,全碳纤 维驾驶座舱的重量仅为147.5公斤(324.5 磅),同时整个白车身的重量为229.5公斤 (505磅)。这一车身结构使得其扭转刚度可 达35000牛米。
Aventador是兰博基尼于2011年日内瓦 车展推出的一款新车,以代替兰博基尼 上一代产品Murcielago。车身尺寸方面, Aventador长4780mm,宽2030mm,高 1136mm,轴距为2700mm。轮胎规格上, 前轮为255/35 R19,后轮为335/30 R20。 该车重量为1575kg,前后43:57的配重 比。制动系统上,前轮为6活塞卡钳搭 配400*38mm的碳纤维增强陶瓷刹车片, 后轮则为4活塞卡钳搭配380*38mm碳纤 维增强陶瓷刹车片。

介绍兰博基尼的英语作文大学Lamborghini University: Driving Innovation and Excellence in Automotive EducationNestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Italy, the Lamborghini University stands as a beacon of automotive excellence, where the passion for high-performance engineering and the pursuit of innovation converge. Established by the iconic Lamborghini brand, this institution has become a premier destination for aspiring automotive enthusiasts and future industry leaders seeking to unlock the secrets of the automotive world.At the heart of the Lamborghini University lies a curriculum that seamlessly blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience. The university's state-of-the-art facilities provide students with access to the latest technologies and cutting-edge equipment, allowing them to delve into the intricate workings of Lamborghini's legendary supercars. From the aerodynamic design of the chassis to the precision engineering of the engine, each aspect of the Lamborghini brand is meticulously explored and dissected,equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of the industry.One of the standout features of the Lamborghini University is its commitment to fostering a culture of innovation. The institution actively encourages its students to think outside the box, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to push the boundaries of what is possible in the automotive realm. Through a series of design workshops, engineering challenges, and collaborative projects, students are empowered to develop their creative problem-solving skills, honing their ability to conceive and execute groundbreaking solutions.The university's curriculum is designed to cater to a diverse range of interests and specializations. From automotive design and engineering to business management and marketing, the Lamborghini University offers a wide array of programs that cater to the evolving needs of the industry. This multifaceted approach ensures that graduates are equipped with a well-rounded skill set, making them highly sought-after by leading automotive manufacturers and research institutions around the world.Beyond the classroom, the Lamborghini University places a strong emphasis on hands-on experience and real-world application. Students have the opportunity to participate in internships and co-op programs, working alongside industry professionals and gaining invaluable insights into the day-to-day operations of the automotive industry. This practical exposure not only enhances their technical skills but also fosters a deeper understanding of the challenges and complexities that come with bringing a Lamborghini supercar from concept to reality.The university's commitment to excellence extends beyond the academic realm, as it also places a strong focus on the personal development of its students. Through a range of extracurricular activities and leadership programs, Lamborghini University cultivates well-rounded individuals who are not only skilled in their respective fields but also possess the communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities that are essential for success in the fast-paced automotive industry.One of the most remarkable aspects of the Lamborghini University is its strong ties to the Lamborghini brand itself. Students have the unique opportunity to interact with the company's designers, engineers, and executives, gaining firsthand insights into the inner workings of the iconic marque. This close collaboration allows students to understand the brand's rich heritage, its commitment to innovation, and the meticulous attention to detail that goes into every Lamborghini creation.Moreover, the Lamborghini University serves as a hub for cutting-edge research and development. The institution's state-of-the-art laboratories and testing facilities enable students and faculty to explore the latest advancements in automotive technology, from alternative propulsion systems to advanced materials and manufacturing processes. This commitment to research and innovation ensures that the Lamborghini University remains at the forefront of the industry, shaping the future of automotive engineering.As graduates of the Lamborghini University, students emerge as the next generation of automotive leaders, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and passion to drive the industry forward. They are not merely consumers of automotive technology but active contributors to its evolution, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.In conclusion, the Lamborghini University stands as a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. By providing a comprehensive and immersive educational experience, the university is nurturing the next generation of automotive pioneers, who will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the industry. Whether one aspires to design the sleek curves of a Lamborghini supercar or engineer its high-performance powertrain, the Lamborghini University offers a transformative journey thatpromises to ignite the passion and fuel the dreams of automotive enthusiasts around the world.。

龙Super Sport(2.5s),比保时捷
上更有利,两侧宽大的方形网格进气 口可以为刹车提供更多的低温空气。
Sesto Elemento搭载与Gallardo
LP570-4 Superleggera相同的 5.2升
Sesto Elemento同样装备了手自一体的

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目前,兰博基尼已在全球范围内拥有130家授权经销商,并不断创造着一系列 极具动感而高雅的超级跑车车型,包括350 GT、Miura、 Espada、Countach、Diablo、Murciélago、Reventón Coupe、Reventón Roadster与Gallardo。
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毫不妥协的闯劲以及近乎疯 狂的热情,孜孜不倦地追求 着制造出完美跑车的梦想。
毫不妥协的闯劲以及近乎疯 狂的热情,孜孜不倦地追求 着制造出完美跑车的梦想。
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车型 参考价 发动机 变速箱 长*宽*高(mm) 最高车速 官方0-100km/h加速 驱动方式
兰博基尼Aventador 2015款 LP 750-4 Superveloce 801.15万
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兰博基尼Reventon作为兰博基尼Murcielago的继任者,兰博基尼这款被定名为 Reventon的跑车,名字来源于Don· Rodriguez家族所拥有的一头斗牛,它在 1943年的一场斗牛比赛中将一名很有名的斗牛士杀死。这次兰博基尼以一头 获胜的公牛定名,一是与自身公牛标志相匹配,二是要表现出凶猛顽强的车型 特点。
(兰 雷博 文基 顿尼 )
品牌: 兰博基尼 生产厂商:意大利兰博基尼汽车公司 参考价格:1500万 车型尺寸:4700mm*2058mm*1135mm 最高时速:340km/h 加速时间:3.4秒(0-100km/h) 驱动方式:后置四驱
制动方式:陶瓷通风盘式 车身重量:1665千克 轴距:2665mm 油箱容积:100L 标准座位数:2 发动机:6.5L V12发动机 产量:20
进入车内,驾驶舱使用了所有能想 象的到的昂贵材料——上等的皮革、碳 纤维、Alcantara等。而且值得一提的 是,车子的仪表盘不再是Lamborghini 传统且不加修饰的圆形指针盘,而是突 破性的完全以战斗机仪表样式设计的电 子仪表。 这个酷毙了的航天电子仪表盘更使得 整个驾驶舱蓬荜生辉。它由三个TFT 数字化液晶多功能显示器组成。左边 的显示器显示了车辆行驶时所处的档 位和引擎的转速。右边,除了可以看 到当前车辆的时速外,还设计了一个 加速度计,可以显示制动、加速时的 纵向加速度和转弯时候的横向加速度。 当然如果驾驶者不习惯的话,也 可以将仪表盘切换成传统的圆形仪表 风格。
Reventon搭载了 原本属于Murcielago LP640之上的V12引擎, 经过兰博基尼的再调 较之后,动力小幅上 升,同为6.5升排气量, Reventon却是拥有 660匹马力 (8000rpm),最大 扭力峰值更是高达了 660Nm(6000rpm)。

• 前言 • 简介 • 上市推广目标与定位 • 市场分析 • 广告营销 • 剪影
品牌介绍 兰博基尼公司(Ferruccio Lamborghini
Automobile S.P.A.)意大利费鲁齐欧·兰博基尼汽 车股份有限公司 在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼是 诡异的,它神秘地诞生,又神秘的存在,出人意料 地推出一款又一款的让人咋舌的超级跑车,他是恶 魔但并非要蹂躏这个世界;他是撒旦,只因它走另 外一类路线。它是举世难得的艺术品,意大利最具 声望的设计大甘迪尼为其倾注一生的心血。每一个 棱角、每一道线条都是如此完美,都在默默诠释兰 博基尼近乎原始的美。没有多少人可以拥有它,因 为它昂贵到无可想象的地步。它高高在上,呼吸着 天空稀薄的空气,吸引着地上景仰的目光。
21% 26%
13-23 23-45 45-60
• 广告投放: 1、汽车杂志
兰博基尼在多种专业汽车杂志上都有精美的平面 广告,除此之外还有宣传式特刊,《名车志》、 《汽车杂志》、《汽车之友》在兰博基尼2019款 新车推出时都即时即地对新车作了详细地描写, 配以新车的精美图片。数据显示,2019年的名车 志和汽车杂志分别为兰博基尼作了3次特刊。但这 相对于法拉利跑车的广告投入,兰博基尼就显得 比较少。法拉利的跑车进驻中国市场较其他的超 级跑车早,故有相对的优势的市场地位。

介绍兰博基尼的英语作文Nestled in the heart of Italy, a land renowned for its art, fashion, and automotive excellence, stands a beacon of automotive innovation and design—Lamborghini. Founded by the visionary Ferrari enthusiast, Ferruccio Lamborghini, in 1963, the company has since then carved a niche for itself in the global automotive landscape, becoming synonymous with speed, style, and luxury.What sets Lamborghini apart from other automakers isits unwavering commitment to innovation and perfection. Each model, from the iconic Countach to the modern-day Aventador, is a testament to the brand's unwavering dedication to creating not just cars, but art on the road. The sleek designs, the meticulous attention to detail, and the use of cutting-edge technology are what give Lamborghini cars their unique edge.But Lamborghini's appeal isn't just skin-deep. Under the hood, these cars pack a punch that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. With powerful V10 and V12 engines that roar to life with a thunderous growl, Lamborghini cars offer an unforgettable driving experience that is boththrilling and intense. The precision handling and impeccable balance ensure that drivers can push these carsto their limits without fearing for their safety.But Lamborghini is not just about speed and power. It's also about exclusivity and luxury. Each car is hand-builtby a team of craftsmen who take pride in their work, ensuring that each car meets the brand's exacting standards. The interiors are as luxurious as they are functional, with the use of the finest materials and the latest technology, providing a comfortable and luxurious driving environment. Lamborghini's legacy is not just in the cars it produces but also in the impact it has had on theautomotive industry. It has pushed the boundaries of whatis possible in car design and performance, inspiring other manufacturers to push their own limits. The Lamborghini name has become synonymous with excellence in automotive engineering and design, a reputation that the brand has worked hard to maintain over the years.In conclusion, Lamborghini is not just a car brand;it's an embodiment of Italian engineering, design, and innovation. It represents the pinnacle of automotiveexcellence, offering a driving experience that is both thrilling and luxurious. As we look towards the future, Lamborghini continues to push the boundaries of automotive technology and design, promising even more exciting and innovative models in the coming years.**兰博基尼的精髓:速度、风格与创新**在意大利的心脏地带,这片以艺术、时尚和汽车卓越而闻名的土地上,矗立着一个汽车创新和设计的灯塔——兰博基尼。

关于兰博基尼的英语作文Lamborghini is a luxury sports car brand with a long history and a strong reputation for producing high-performance vehicles.兰博基尼是一家拥有悠久历史和强大声誉的豪华跑车品牌。
The company was established in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini, a successful businessman who had previously founded a successful tractor manufacturing business.这家公司是由费鲁乔·兰博基尼于1963年建立的,他是一名成功的商人,之前曾创办了一家成功的拖拉机制造企业。
Lamborghini cars are known for their sleek and futuristic design, as well as their powerful engines and high speed capabilities.兰博基尼汽车以其时尚未来的设计、强劲的引擎和高速行驶能力而闻名。
The company has produced a number of iconic models, such as the Miura, Countach, Diablo, and more recently the Aventador and Huracan.该公司生产了许多标志性的车型,如Miura、Countach、Diablo,最近还推出了Aventador和Huracan。
In addition to their performance and design, Lamborghini cars are also known for their exclusivity and luxury, with many of their models being limited edition or custom-built for individual customers.除了性能和设计外,兰博基尼汽车还以其独特性和豪华而闻名,其中许多车型都是限量版或为个别客户定制制造的。

But ferrari told him, he didn`t have any interest on the advice of a tractor manufacturer, and there was no need to let a tractor manufacturer to educated him how to make sports car. Lamborghini was deeply hurt.
He swore to build better cars
And he made it!
This is the beginning of success
The road to success
盖 拉 多
Lamborghini Murcielago LP750 Edo Competition
蝙 蝠
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Each lamborghini has a strange name. That is the name of the bull which had standed out in a bullfight. For example, the Reventon was such a strong bull that it killed a famous matador(斗牛士) in a bullfight.
He started by making tractor. When he was rich,he has four ferrari. But one day· · · · · ·
He put them all sold
As a ferrari fans, he was excited to meet ferrari and gave him some advice on the improvement of the sports car.

兰博基尼(Lambor ghini)常熟悉。
1958年费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼拥有了自己第一辆法拉利250 GT,而兰博基尼最终转为制造自己的汽车也是源于自己所拥有的250 GT。
兰博基尼总裁兼首席执行官Step han Winkel mann在追忆兰博基尼的著名创始人时表示:“费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼曾经说过,生产世界最佳赛车是毫无意义的,因为人们只会记住赛车手。
40年前,兰博基尼打造了非凡的M iura,它无疑是世界上最好的汽车。
兰博基尼Re vento n(20张)在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼是诡异的。

全亚洲只有一个发货配额!原本周杰伦想买来做自 己生日礼物,但未果。最后落户台湾富豪…
童鞋们~ Hold啊!
2011年3月1日,兰博基尼全新旗舰车型 AventadorLP700-4正式在日内瓦车展上亮相。
换挡时间为50毫秒,变速器的供应商为意 大利的GRAZIANO。该车的百公里加速为 2.9秒,极速达到350km/h。
1995 Lamborghini Cala Concept
1996 Lamborghini Diablo SE30
1998 Lamborghini Diablo Evolution GTR
至此,1998年Lamborghini已被大众收购,归属奥迪旗下管 理,之后Lamborghini一度发展成为世人瞩目的跑车公司。 其独创的“剪刀式”车门更是吸引了车迷对它的追逐与痴 迷。
最贵的跑车 Reventon面世。(雷文顿)
在不到60年的造车历史,兰博基尼却在如此短暂的时间里 成为了世界知名的超级跑车制造商,从创始人费鲁吉 欧· 兰博基尼到兰博基尼的设计师和工程师,他们用自己 全部的激情诠释着他们对跑车的独特见解。就像兰博基尼 的公牛标志一样,只有暴躁才能体现出雄性原始力量的美 感,兰博基尼真正的将这种美感进行了最完美的演绎。

命名源自其创始人佛瑞肯·兰博基尼 (Ferrucio lamborghin)
Euramerican Series 欧美车系
车 标 名 称
注 解
之所以选用“凯迪拉克”为名,主要是 为了向开拓新世界的法国贵族、探险家 Le Sieur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac(安东尼·门斯·凯迪拉克) 表示敬意。
Italy Fiat 意(菲亚特)
Italy LANCIA 意(蓝旗亚)
Euramerican Series 欧美车系
车 标 名 称
Italy MASERATI 意(玛莎拉蒂) Italy Lamborghini 意(兰博基尼) Italy Ferrari 意(法拉利)
注 解
品牌早在1914年由玛莎拉蒂家族四兄弟 创立,阿尔菲力·玛莎拉蒂(Alfieri Maserati)和欧内斯特·玛莎拉蒂 (Ernesto Maserati)这两位是当年最 优秀的赛车设计师和车手
世界上最闻名的赛车和运动跑车的生产厂家 ,总部在 意大利成立于1929
Lamborghini [, læ bo:'gini:]兰博基尼
Lamborghini is said to be outdone himself this is the obstinacy ['ɒbstɪnəsɪ] n. 固执, 顽固, but also reflects the Lamborghini product feature, because the company produced cars are high-power , high-speed sports car. 据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛脾气,也体现了兰伯基 尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动 型轿车。

1963年-1967年:从兰博基尼首款跑车的诞生到消费者对品牌的认可 1963年,兰博基尼首款跑车350GTV诞生,为挑战法拉利250GT而生 1963年,兰博基尼在意大利圣阿加塔博洛尼亚正式成立了自己的汽车工厂, 并于当年在都灵车展上发布了第一辆兰博基尼跑车350GTV。为了能够在短时 间打造出一台可以媲美法拉利的超级跑车,兰博基尼从法拉利和玛莎拉蒂挖 了大批人才,其中包括著名的贝萨里尼——法拉利250 GT引擎的设计师,由 他主持并完成了搭载Lamborghini 350GTV的V12引擎,这台引擎的最大功率 280马力。 1964年量产兰博基尼350 GT 1966年,兰博基尼400GT的推出让消费者开始认可兰博基尼跑车 1966年,兰博基尼推出了350 GT的升级版400 GT,并且Gian Paolo Dallara 把 350 GT改进为2+2座椅,并且配置了4.0L发动机,320马力的最大功率一举击 败了竞争对手法拉利、玛莎拉蒂和阿斯顿马丁,此款车一经推出便受到了消 费者的一致认可,随后兰博基尼也推出了多种版本的400GT车型。可以说 400GT是影响兰博基尼品牌的重要转折点,它的推出让人们真正认识了兰博 基尼。
由于费卢西奥· 兰博基尼曾服务于
罗德岛上的意大利航空基地的机械 组装部,所以机械方面是他相当擅 长的。而且费卢西奥· 兰博基尼对汽 车、拖拉机和飞 机等交通工具相当 感兴趣,这让他很快就掌握了当时 最先进的一些工程技术和设计理念。 二战结束后,费卢西奥开始利用大 量被遗 弃的军用物资制造拖拉机, 并于1947年成立了自己第一家公司 “兰博基尼拖拉机制造公司”,凭 借着自己的天赋以及对机械行业的 精通,兰博基尼公司很快成为了当 时最大的农用机械制造商。
Lamborghini 570-4

兰博基尼英文作文Lamborghini is a dream car for many people. Its sleek design and powerful engine make it stand out on the road. When you see a Lamborghini passing by, you can't help but turn your head and admire its beauty. It's a symbol of luxury and success.The sound of a Lamborghini engine is music to my ears. It's a roar that can be heard from miles away. When you start the engine, it's like waking up a beast that's been sleeping. The acceleration is exhilarating, and you canfeel the power of the car in every fiber of your being.Driving a Lamborghini is like being in a different world. The speed, the adrenaline, it's an experience like no other. You feel like you're flying, and the road becomes your runway. People stop and stare, and you can't help but feel a sense of pride. It's not just a car, it's a statement.But owning a Lamborghini is not just about the speed and the attention. It's also about the craftsmanship and attention to detail. Every curve and line is meticulously designed to perfection. The interior is luxurious, with leather seats and a state-of-the-art entertainment system. It's a work of art, both inside and out.Of course, owning a Lamborghini comes with a price tag. It's not a car that everyone can afford. But for those who can, it's worth every penny. It's a symbol of hard work and success, a reward for achieving your goals. It's a reminder that dreams do come true.In conclusion, Lamborghini is more than just a car.It's a symbol of luxury, power, and success. It's a dream come true for many people. Driving a Lamborghini is an experience like no other, and owning one is a statement of achievement. It's a car that turns heads and captures hearts.。
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Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first decade, but sales plunged in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. Ferruccio Lamborghini sold ownership of the company to Georges-Henri Rossetti and René Leimer and retired in 1974.
In March of 1964, Lamborghini's first production car arrived and was named the 350 GT. The 350 GT was succeeded by the 400 GT and the 400 GT 2+2. When the Miura was introduced, a true supercar, it was named after a famous bull's race, and this practice became a tradition for the House of the Bull.
ⓒ 2010 Abby
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ContentsFoFra bibliotekder Origin
Characteristic Development
Ferrucio Lamborghini was born during 1916 in a Italian farming village called Renazzo di Cento, Ferrara. He was drafted into the Italian service during World War II where he repaired vehicles. After the war, Ferrucio began building tractors out of his garage using army surplus left behind by the Allied Forces. There was a strong demand for his products and which allowed for him to move into larger facilities. In 1959 the Lamborghini production was extended to burners and air conditioning units. The businesses became so successful that he became one of the wealthiest individuals in Italy.
Manufacturing magnate Italian Ferruccio Lamborghini founded the company in 1963 with the objective of producing a refined grand touring car to compete with offerings from established marques such as Ferrari. The company's first models were released in the mid-1960s and were noted for their refinement, power and comfort. Lamborghini gained wide acclaim in 1966 for the Miura sports coupé, which established rear mid-engine, rear wheel drive as the standard layout for high-performance cars of the era.
Automobili Lamborghini SpA was founded in early 1963 at SantAgata Bologna. He used his birth sign, Taurus the bull, as a symbol for his cars. Most of his cars were named in connection with bulls. Giotto Bizzarrini, a former employee of Ferrari was recruited to design and build a V-12 for Lamborghini. The engine was soon completed and produced 400 BHP. Since Ferrucio wanted a GT car and not a race car, the engine was de-tuned to 280 BHP.
Ferrucio Lamborghini owned a Ferrari that started giving him problems. The problems could not be solved by the local repair shop so he took it to Modena and confronted Enzo Ferrari himself. Enzo Ferrari, a man known for his arrogance, told Ferrucio that the problem was not with the car but rather with the 'farmer'. After being insulted, Ferrucio decided to build his own GT car.