



选词填空练习及讲解1.Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of foods that are considered more healthful than the types of foods widely sold in supermarkets.For example,whole grains,fried beans,and corn oil are health foods.A narrower (1) of health food is natural food.This term is used to (2) between types of the same food.Raw honey is a natural sweetener,(3) refined suger is not.Fresh fruit is a natural food,but canned fruit,with sugars and other additives,is not.The most (4) term of all and the narrowest classification within health foods is organic food,used to (5) food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm.Fruit and vegetables that are grown in gardens,that are (6) only with organic fertilizers,that are not sprayed with (7) insecticides,and that are not refined after harvest,are organic foods.Meat,fish,dairy and poultry products from animals that are (8) only organically grown feed and that are not injected with hormones(荷尔蒙) are organic foods.In choosing the type of food you eat,then,you have basically two choices: inorganic,processed foods,or organic,unprocess foods.A wise decision should (9) investigation of the allegations(宣称) that processed foods contain (10),some of which are proven to be towic,and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed foods.A.describe E.chemicals I.classification M.samplesB.whereas F.precise J.when N.poisonousC.Vital G.shape K.fed O.dealtD.treated H.include L.distinguish2.EI Nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. This strange 47 happens every five to eight years. It starts in the pacific Ocean and is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade winds(信风), which affects the ocean currents driven by these winds. As the trade winds lessen in 48, the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5℃.The warning of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot, humid (潮湿的)air over the ocean causes severe49 thunderstorms. The rainfall is increased across South America, 50 floods to Peru. In the West Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and 51. 沪江四六级EI Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1982-83 EI Nino brought the most 52 weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage. The 1990 EI Nino lasted until June 1995. Scientists 54 this to be the longest EI Nino for 2,000 years.Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an EI Nino will 55, but they are still not 56 sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be. 沪江四六级[F] phenomenon[B] strength[E] tropical[L] bringing[K] starvation[J] destructive[N] worth[A] estimate[O] strike[I] completely[C] deliberately[D] notify[G] stable 沪江四六级[H] attraction[M] exhaustion 沪江四六47【解析】选[F]。



例:El Nino is the name given to the myster ious and often unpredictable change in the clima te of the world. This strange __47__ happens e very five to eight years. It starts in the Pacific O cean and is thought to be caused by a failure i n the trade winds, which affects the ocean curre nts driven by these winds. As the trade winds le ssen in __48__ , the ocean temperatures rise, c ausing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5°CThe warming of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot , humid air over the ocean cau ses severe __49__ thunderstorms. The rainfall is increased across South America __50__ floods to Peru. In the West Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts or the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and __51__.El Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. T he 1982-83 El Nino brought the most __52__ w eather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billon pounds __53__ of dam age. The 1990 El Nino lasted until June 1995. Scientists __54__ this to be the longest El Nino for 2,000 years.Nowadays, weather expert are able to forec ast when an El Nino will __55__, buy they’re sti ll not __56__ sure what leads to it or what affe cts how strong it will be.备选:A) estimate I) completelyB) strength J) destructiveC) deliberately K) starvationD) notify L) bringingE) tropical M) exhaustionF) phenomenon N) worthG) stable O) strikeH) attraction第一步:先将选项按词性划分:名词有B) strength F) phenomenon H) attract ion K) starvation M) exhaustion N) worth;动词有A) estimate D) notify L) bringing O) s trike;副词有C) deliberately I) completely;形容词有E) tropical G) stable J) destructive英语四级阅读理解中15选10解题步骤:鉴于以上分析,笔者给出题型步骤如下:一.标注词性,预先分组把题目中给出的15个备选答案词汇进行词性分组。



2006年6月——2011年6月一、复合式听写future . n未来,将来前途train . n 列车,火车.v 训练,培养admire . vt 钦佩,欣赏,称赞,夸奖schedule .n 表,清单,目录,计划表,日程安排表considerate .a体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的waste . vt 浪费,消耗,使荒芜,使衰弱visible .a 可看见的,显而易见的,已有的,现有的necessarily . ad 必定地,必然地,必需地,必要地natural . a 自然的,天然的,不做作的usage .n 使用,用法,处理,习惯,习俗exception .n 例外,例外的人,除外,出去,反对particular .a特殊的;特定的;特别的、特有的,独特的;异常的reference .n 提及,涉及,参考,参照,参考文献,了解essay .n散文colleague .n同事,同僚,同行personal .a 个人的,私人的,本人的,亲自的mean .a吝啬的,小气的.v表示..的意思, 意指,意谓, 意欲,意图,打算adjust .vt调节;改变...以适应,校正,解决,调整aware .a知道的,察觉的, 有...方面知识competition n.竞争,竞赛standard n 标准,本位,原尺adj 标准的,本位的,基本的accustom v 使…….习惯semester n 学期inquire v 询问alarm n 警告,警报,惊慌,警报器,闹铃v 使……惊慌,征招入伍increase n 增加,增进,利益v增加,加大sheer adj 绝对的,全然的,俊俏的v躲避,躲开,使……避开adv 完全,全然,避开disturb v 扰乱,妨碍,使….不安comparison n 比较,对照proportion n 比例,均衡,部分v 比例,均衡workforce n 劳动力reverse n 相反,背面,失败adj 反面的,相反的,颠倒的v 颠倒,逆转,倒退labor n 劳动,分工,分娩v 劳动,详细分析ingredient n 成分,因素vital adj 重要的,充满活力的,生死攸关的individual n 个人,人,个别adj 个别的,独特的,单独的engage v 答应,预订,使忙碌generate v c产生,发生,使发生urgently adv 紧急的trend n 趋势,倾向,方位v 倾向phenomenon(2)n现象,特殊的人,特殊的事物particularly adv 特别的explosion n 爆炸,爆发,爆笑,激增scene n 景象,现场,场,景offence n 犯规,过错murder n 谋杀v谋杀,损毁,破坏associate n 同伴,同事v联合,联想concentrate: V ,专注,专心n,浓缩物information:n,情报,资料depend:V,情况phr,依靠,依赖straight:adv,成直线adj,不弯曲的n,异性恋者row:n,一排、争吵v,划船、吵架suspect:v,猜想、怀疑n,嫌疑人adj,可疑的、不可靠的efficiently:adv. 效率高地; 有效地classify:v,将…分类background:n,出身album:n,薄册appreciation:n,欣赏,instrument:n,器械、工具context:n,场合,环境image:n,形象,图像imply:v,暗示rate:n,速度v,对…作评估figure:n,数字v,出现curious:adj,好奇independent:adj,独立的n,无党派政治家interact:v,交流unusual:adj,不平常的formal:adj,拘谨的,正式的n,正式场合abstract:adj,纯理论上的n,抽象地,理论上的mystery:n,神秘的食物preserve:v,维护保护n,果酱、独有的活动、私人渔猎区appreciate:v,欣赏、感激、明白、增值n,欣赏adj,感激的household:n,一家人adj,家庭的convenient:adj,方便的adv,方便地,chat: vi. 聊天;闲谈receive :vt. 收到;接待;接纳submit: vt. 使服从;主张;呈递survive : vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长distant : adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的backward: adj. 向后的;反向的;发展迟缓的discover: vt. 发现;发觉scientific: adj. 科学的,系统的motion : n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向predict: vt. 预报,预言;预知introduce: vt. 介绍;引进;提出;采用二、15选10 精选estimate: vi. 估计,估价strength : n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处deliberately : adv. 故意地;谨慎地;慎重地notify: vt. 通告,通知;公布tropical : adj. 热带的;热情的;酷热的phenomenon: n. 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才stable: n. 马厩;牛棚attraction :n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物completely: adv. 完全地,彻底地;完整地destructive : adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的starvation: n. 饿死;挨饿;绝食bring: vt. 带来;促使;引起;exhaustion : n. 枯竭;耗尽;精疲力竭worth : adj. 值…的strike : vi. 打,打击;罢工;敲,敲击;抓;打动;穿透scale: n. 规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围retailed v 零售,零卖传播;转述generate v 生成;形成产生;发出(光、电、热等)extreme adj 极端的;过激的n 极端;末端technically adv 技术上,学术上,专业上affordable adj 提供得起的situation n 形式,情况,局面,处境(建筑物等)位置,地点really adv 真,真正,实在potential adj. 潜在的;可能的;有力的n. 潜在力;潜式可能(性)gap n (意见的)分歧;隔阂间隙;缺陷v. 使割裂;豁开voluntary adj. 自愿的;自发的;志愿的故意的;有意的n 即兴演奏;自愿捐助者excessive adj. 过多的,过度的,极端的分外的;额外的insult n 侮辱,凌辱;攻击,袭击v 侮辱purchase v 购买;努力取得n 获得物,买进物;买卖;交易primarily adv 首先,最初;原来主要地;根本上result n 结果,效果;成绩v 归结为,导致结果为,由······而造成(产生)involve v 包括,涉及,引起,包含;使陷入,使卷入significant adj. 重要的,重大的;有意义的;大有讲究的range n 方向;范围;等级,种类v 排列;整理;瞄准relieve v 减少,减轻,缓和,除去救济,救助使脱离,解脱issue n 颁布,发行;论点;结果v (报刊等的)发行,发布流出,涌出,发出seriously adv 严肃;认真;严重magnificent adj. 壮观的;瑰丽的;精彩的;了不起的determine v 决定;断定,推定;限定,规定使下定决心limit n 极限,限度;限制界限;边界v 限制,限定减少gravely adv 认真地,严肃地;complain v 诉苦,抱怨,叫屈;发牢骚申诉,控诉respect(2) n 尊重,尊敬;v 尊敬,尊重;prompt adj. 敏捷的,迅速的specialize v (使)特殊化,(使)专门化专用于······;comprehensive adj. 广泛的,全面的,完整的, 有理解力的,悟性好的assume v 假定,想象,设想,以······为先决条件, 承担,担任;act n 行为;举动;动作v 扮演(角色)充当,装作生效,发生作用cooperative adj. 合作的;合作社的especially(2) adv. 特别;尤其;格外entire adj. 全部的,整个的;全体的forward adj. 早的;向前的;迅速的adv. 向将来;向前地information n. 信息,资料;通知;情报;知识image n. 影像;肖像;想象;vt. 反映;象征;想象;offer vt. 提供;试图;出价n. 提议;出价;意图vi. 提议;出现;project vi. 设计;表达;vt. 设计;计划;n. 事业;计划;工程respectively adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地technology n. 技术;工艺;role n. 角色;任务作用victim n. 受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到advance n. 发展;前进;balloon n. 气球claim n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;vt. 要求;声称;需要;vi. 提出要求constantly adv. 不断地;时常地declare vt. 宣布,声明;断言,宣称vi. 声明,宣布interview n.采访;面试,vt. 采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试limit n. 限制;限度;界线vt. 限制;限定manufacture n. 制造;制造业;产品vt. 制造;加工;捏造vi. 制造moment n. 重要,契机;瞬间;重要时刻;指定时刻reduce(2) vi. 减少;缩小;vt. 减少;降低;new adj. 新的,新鲜的;regret n. 遗憾;抱歉;悲叹vi. 感到后悔;感到抱歉vt. 后悔;惋惜;totally adv. 完全地character(2) n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;scary adj. 提心吊胆的;引起惊慌的;胆小的communicate vi. 通讯; 交际, 交流vt.沟通abundant adj. 大量的, 充足的completely(2) adv. 完整地, 完全地derive vt. & vi. 1. 得到; (从…中)得到获得(from)desire vt. 希望, 渴望n. 愿望, 欲望, 心愿vi. 有希望,期望diversity n. 多样化;多样性escape vt. & vi. 逃避, 避开; 免除; ~ (from sth)establish(2) vt. 建立, 成立narrow adj. 狭窄的; 狭隘的naturally adv. 天然地; 天生地,自然而然地personnel n. 1. (总称)人员; 员工;全体人员;职员2. 人事部门properly adv. 适当地;正当地;正确地widen vt. & vi. 放宽, 加宽, (使)变closer adj. 1. 靠近的daily adj.每日的, 日常的n. 1. 日报adv.每日, 常常,经常emotional adj. 1. 表现强烈情感的, 令人动情的2. 易动感情的, 情绪激动的3. 感情的, 情绪的enhance vt. 1. 提高, 增加, 加强2. 增进,增大,扩大;改善vi.1. (价值等)上升;(价格等)上涨;提高enormous adj. 巨大的, 极大的, 庞大的hinder vt. & vi. 阻碍,妨碍,阻挡mission n. 使命, 任务, 天职painful adj. 1. 令人疼痛的2. 不愉快的;困难的;艰难的3. 令人痛苦(或难过、难堪)的performance n.演出, 表演profession n. 职业remarkably adv. 1. 引人注目地;明显地;非常地require vt. 1. 有赖于…; 需要2. 命令, 指示3. 要求, 规定vi. 1. 要求;规定sensitive adj. 易受伤害的, 易损坏的; 易受影响的; 敏感的; 过敏的n. 1. 敏感的人2. 具有超感觉的人;通灵者urge vt. 力劝; 敦促; 催促n.. 强烈的愿望; 强烈的欲望; 冲动vi. 1. 驱策;激励;赶紧,加速行动2. 恳求;力荐;竭力主张already adv.早已, 已经analyze。

2015年12月 英语四级 15选10 高频单词

2015年12月 英语四级 15选10  高频单词

1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片11.bacteria n. 细菌12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排14.candidate n. 候选人15.campus n. 校园16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19.transplant v. 移植20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)字串430.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33.boundary n. 分界线,边界34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的37.vain n. 徒劳,白费38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛55.wax n. 蜡56.weave v. 织,编57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持字串661. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. battery n. 电池(组)65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽79. decent a. 像样的,体面的80. route n. 路;路线;航线81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟82. sake n. 缘故,理由83. satellite n. 卫星84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. temple n. 庙宇86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,87. tend vi.易于,趋向88. tendency n.趋向,趋势89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端字串390. undergo v. 经历,遭受91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学字串5101. organ n. 器官,风琴102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出104. expend v. 消费105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费106. expense n. 开销,费用107. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的108. expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀109. expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110. private a. 私人的,个人的111. individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体112. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的114. personnel n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门115. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋116. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋117. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋118. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢123. balcony n. 阳台124. calculate vt. 计算,核算125. calendar n. 日历,月历126. optimistic a. 乐观127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的字串4128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的129. export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出130. import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入131. impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰133. religious a. 宗教的134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者135. video n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上137. offend v. 冒犯,触犯138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦139. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍140. internal a. 内部的,国内的141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先142. racial a. 人种的种族的143. radiation n. 放射物,辐射144. radical a.根本的;激进的145. range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动146. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑147. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立148. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期149. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道150. hook n. 钩vt. 钩住151. adequate a. 适当地;足够152. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止字串8154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获155. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的156. valley n. 山谷,峡谷157. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的158. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的159. continual a. 不断地,频繁的160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采162. explore v. 勘探163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的166. removal n. 除去,消除167. render vt. 使得,致使168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕169. idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的170. identify vt. 认出,鉴定171. identify n. 身份;个性,特性172. poverty n. 贫穷173. resistant a. (to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的174. resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意175. barrel n. 桶176. bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价177. coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的178. coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车179. code n. 准则,法规,密码字串1180. coil n. 线圈v. 卷,盘绕181. adult n. 成年人182. advertise v. 为...做广告183. advertisement n. 广告184. agency n. 代理商,经销商185. focus v. (使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦186. forbid vt. 不许,禁止187. debate n./v. 辩论,争论188. debt n. 欠债189. decade n. 十年190. enclose vt. 围住;把...装入信封191. encounter vt./n. 遭遇,遭到192. globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪193. global a. 全球的;总的194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览195. scandal n. 丑事,丑闻196. significance n. 意义;重要性197. subsequent a. 随后的,后来的198. virtue n. 美德,优点199. virtual a. 实际上的,事实上的200. orient vt. 使适应,(to,toward)使朝向n. 东方字串3201. portion n. 一部分202. target n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准203. portable a. 手提式的204. decline v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降205. illusion n. 错觉206. likelihood n. 可能,可能性207. stripe n. 条纹208. emphasize vt. 强调,着重209. emotion n. 情感,感情210. emotional a. 感情的,情绪(上)的211. awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的212. awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的213. clue n. 线索,提示214. collision n. 碰撞,冲突215. device n. 装置,设备216. devise vt. 发明,策划,想出217. inevitable a. 不可避免的218. naval a. 海军的219. navigation n. 航行220. necessity n. 必需品;必要性221. previous a. 先,前,以前的222. provision n. [pl.]给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置223. pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行224. stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的225. substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替226. deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得227. discrimination n. 歧视;辨别力228. professional a. 职业的,专门的229. secure a. 安全的,可靠的字串8230. security n. 安全,保障231. scratch v./n. 抓,搔,扒232. talent n. 才能,天资;人才233. insurance n. 保险,保险费234. insure vt. 给...保险,保证,确保235. nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过236. neutral a. 中立的,中性的237. spot n. 地点;斑点vt. 认出,发现;玷污238. spray v. 喷,(使)溅散239. medium a. 中等的,适中的n. 媒介物,新闻媒介240. media n. 新闻传媒241. auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的242. automatic a. 自动的243. compete vi. 竞争,比赛244. competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的245. competition n. 竞争,比赛246. distribute vt. 分发247. disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍248. infer v. 推论,推断249. integrate v. (into,with)(使)成为一体,(使)合并250. moist a. 潮湿251. moisture n. 潮湿252. promote vt. 促进;提升253. region n. 地区;范围;幅度254. register v./n.登记,注册255. stable a. 稳定的256. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的257. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的字串6258. cancel vt. 取消,废除259. variable a. 易变的,可变的260. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象261. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣262. aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌263. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理264. core n. 果心,核心265. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张266. mainland n. 大陆267. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科268. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的269. constant a. 不变的,恒定的n. 常数270. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁271. authority n. 权威;当局272. audio a. 听觉273. attitude n. 态度274. community n. 社区,社会275. commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)276. comment n./vt. 评论277. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别278. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦279. facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便280. faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员281. mixture n. 混合,混合物282. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气283. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的284. prominent a. 突出的字串1285. substance n. 物质;实质286. substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的287. prompt vt. 促使a. 敏捷的,及时的288. vivid a. 生动的289. vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表290. venture n. 风险投资,风险项目v. 冒险;取于291. version n. 版本,译本;说法292. waist n. 腰,腰部293. weld v./n. 焊接294. yawn vi. 打哈欠295. yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量296. zone n. 地区,区域297. strategy n. 战略,策略298. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的299. tense a. 紧张的v. 拉紧n. 时态300. tension n. 紧张(状态),张力字串6301. avenue n. 林荫道,大街302. available a. 现成可用的;可得到的303. comparable a. (with,to)可比较的,类似的304. comparative a. 比较的,相对的305. dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔306. data n. 数据,资料307. dive vi. 跳水,潜水308. diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的309. entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格310. regulate vt. 管理,调节311. release vt./n. 释放,排放;解释解脱312. exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张313. evil a. 邪恶的,坏的314. shrink vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩315. subtract v. 减(去)316. suburb n. 市郊317. subway n. 地铁318. survey n./vt. 调查,勘测319. wealthy a. 富裕的320. adjust v. 调整,调节321. attach vt. 系,贴;使附属322. profit n. 利润,益处;v. 有益于,有利于323. profitable a. 有利可图的324. slope n. 斜坡,斜面325. reinforce vt. 增强,加强326. reject vt. 拒绝327. fatal a. 致命的;重大的328. fate n. 命运329. humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的330. illegal a. 不合法的,非法的字串4331. award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金332. aware a. 意识到333. column n. 柱,圆柱;栏,专栏334. comedy n. 喜剧335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒337. deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的338. decorate vt. 装饰,装璜339. principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长340. principle n. 原则,原理341. prior a. 优先的,在前的342. priority n. 优先,重点343. prohibit vt. 禁止,不准344. remarkable a. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的345. remedy n./vt. 补救,医治,治疗346. repetition n. 重复,反复347. vain a. 徒劳的,无效的348. undertake vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应349. unique a. 唯一的,独特的350. obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍351. odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的352. omit vt. 省略353. opponent n. 敌手,对手354. opportunity n. 机会,时机355. orchestra n. 管弦乐队356. semester n. 学期;半年357. semiconductor n. 半导体358. seminar n. 研讨会359. terminal a. 末端的,极限的n. 终点字串5 360. territory n. 领土361. approximate a. 大概的,大约v. 近似362. arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的363. architect n. 建筑师364. architecture n. 建筑学365. biology n. 生物学366. geography n. 地理(学)367. geology n. 地质学368. geometry n. 几何(学)369. arichmetic n. 算术370. algebra n. 代数371. entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待372. enthusiasm n. 热情,热心373. entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)374. enviroment n. 环境375. episode n. 插曲,片段376. equation n. 方程(式)377. restrain vt. 阻止,抑制378. restraint n. 抑制,限制379. resume v. (中断后)重新开始380. severe a. 严重的381. sexual a. 性的382. simplicity n. 简单;朴素383. simplify vt. 简化384. sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛385. stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满386. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的387. temptation n. 诱惑,引诱388. terror n. 恐怖389. thrust v. 挤,推,插390. treaty n. 条约,协定字串1391. arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒393. burden n. 重担,负荷394. bureau n. 局,办事处395. marveous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的396. massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的397. mature a. 成熟的398. maximum a. 最高的,最大的399. minimum a. 最低的,最小的400. nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动字串8401. nuclear a. 核子的,核能的402. nucleus n. 核403. retail n./v./ad. 零售404. retain vt. 保留,保持405. restrict vt. 限制,约束406. sponsor n. 发起者,主办者vt. 发起,主办,资助407. spur n./vt. 刺激,激励408. triumph n. 胜利,成功409. tuition n. 学费410. twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪411. undergraduate n. 大学肄业生412. universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的413. universe n. 宇宙414. via prep. 经由,经过,通过415. vibrate v. 振动,摇摆416. virus n. 病毒417. voluntary a. 自愿的418. volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)419. vote v. 选举n. 选票420. wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车421. appoint vt. 任命,委派422. approach v. 靠近,接近n. 途径,方式423. appropriate a. 适当的424. bunch n. 群,伙;束,串425. bundle n. 捆,包,束vt. 收集,归拢426. ceremony n. 典礼,仪式427. chaos n. 混乱,紊乱428. discount n. (价格)折扣429. display n./vt. 陈列,展览430. equivalent a. 相等的a. 相等物字串7431. erect a. 竖直的v. 建造,竖立432. fax n./vt. 传真433. ferfile a. 肥沃的;多产的434. fertilizer n. 肥料435. grateful a. 感激的436. gratitude n. 感激437. horror n. 恐怖438. horrible a. 可怕的439. Internet n. 国际互联网,因特网440. interpret v. 翻译,解释441. interpretation n. 解释,说明442. jungle n. 丛林,密林443. knot n. 结vt. 把...打成结444. leak v. 漏,渗出445. lean vi. 倾斜,倚,靠446. leap vi. 跳跃447. modify vt. 修改448. nylon n. 尼龙449. onion n. 洋葱450. powder n. 粉末451. applicable a. 可应用的,适当的452. applicant n. 申请人453. breadth n. 宽度454. conservation n. 保存,保护455. conservative a. 保守的456. parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物457. passion n. 激情,热情458. passive a. 被动的,消极的459. pat v./n. 轻拍,轻打460. peak n. 山峰,顶点461. phenomenon n. 现象462. reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的463. rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望字串2 464. relevant a. 有关的,切题的465. reliable a. 可靠的466. relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻467. reputation n. 名气,声誉468. rescue vt./n. 营救469. triangle n. 三角(形)470. sequence n. 连续;顺序471. shallow a. 浅的472. shiver vi/n. 发抖473. shrug v./n. 耸肩474. signature n. 签名475. sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的476. utilify n. 功用,效用477. utilise vt. 利用478. utter vt. 说出a. 完全的,彻底的479. variation n. 变化,变动480. vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆481. applause n. 鼓掌,掌声482. appliance n. 器具,器械483. consent n. 准许,同意vi (to)准许,同意484. conquer vt. 征服485. defect n. 缺点,缺陷486. delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的487. evolve v.演变488. evolution n. 演变,进化489. frown v./n. 皱眉490. frustrate vt. 使沮丧491. guarantee vt./n. 保证492. guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的493. jealous a. 妒忌的494. jeans n. 牛仔裤495. liquor n. 酒,烈性酒字串1496.liter/litre n. 升497. modest a. 谦虚道498. molecule n. 分子499. orbit n. 轨道v. (绕...)作轨道运行500. participate v. (in)参与,参加字串2501. particle n. 微粒502. particularly ad. 特别,尤其503. respond vi. 回答,答复;反应504. response n. 回答,答复;反应505. sensible a. 明智的506. sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的507. tremble vi. 颤抖508. tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的509. trend n. 趋向,倾向510. trial n. 审讯;试验511. apparent a. 显然的,明白的512. appetite n. 胃口;欲望513. deposit n. 存款,定金v.存放,储蓄514. deputy n. 副职,代表515. derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于516. descend v. 下来,下降517. missile n. 导弹518. mission n. 使命;代表团519. mist n.薄雾520. noticeable a. 显而易见到521. notify vt. 通知,告知522. notion n. 概念;意图,想法523. resemble vt. 像,类似于524. reveal vt. 揭露525. revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收526. shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所527. shield n. 防护物,盾vt. 保护,防护528. vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的529. vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地530. urban a. 城市的字串9531. urge vt. 鼓励,激励532. urgent a. 急迫的,紧急得533. usage n. 使用,用法534. violence n. 强力,暴力535. violent a. 强暴的536. violet a. 紫色的537. weed n. 杂草,野草538. welfare n. 福利539. whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何540. whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管541. essential a. 必不可少的;本质的542. estimate n./vt. 估计,估量543. 执行uate vt. 评估,评价544. exceed vt. 超过,越出545. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其546. exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说547. exclude vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括548. exclusive a. 读有的,排他的549. excursion n. 远足550. flash vi. 闪光,闪耀551. flee vi. 逃走552. flexible a. 易弯曲的553. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人554. hardware n. 五金器具555. harmony n. 和谐,融洽556. haste n. 急速,急忙557. hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨558. incident n. 事件,事变559. index n. 索引,标志560. infant n. 婴儿561. infect v. 传染562. inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的字串2 563. infinite a. 无限的564. ingredient n. 组成部分565. inhabitant n. 居民566. jail n. 监狱567. jam n. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞568. jewel n. 宝石569. joint a.连接的;共同的570. junior a. 年少的;资历较浅的571. laser n. 激光572. launch vt. 发动,发起573. luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品574. magnet n. 磁铁,磁体575. male a. 男性的,雄的576. female a. 女性的,雌的577. manual a. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册578. manufacture vt./n. 制造,加工579. marine a. 海的;海产的580. mutual a. 相互的581. naked a. 裸露的582. negative a. 否定的,消极的583. neglect vt. 忽视,忽略584. origin n. 起源,出身585. oval a. 椭圆形的n. 椭圆形586. outset n. 开始,开端587. presumably ad. 大概,可能588. prevail vi. 流行,盛行589. quit v. 停止590. quotation n. 引文,引语591. recreation n. 娱乐活动592. recruit vt. 招募,吸收(新成员)593. rival n. 竞争对手,敌手594. shuttle n. 梭子;航天飞机字串6595. skim vt. 搬(去),掠过;浏览596. sketch n. 草图;梗概597. slender a. 苗条的,修长的598. theme n. 主题599. textile n. 纺织品600. tropical a. 热带的,炎热的字串4601. kneel vi. 跪602. label n. 标签603. merchant n. 商人604. mere a. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的605. nuisance n. 令人讨厌的东西(或人)606. numerrous a. 众多的,许多的607. parade n. 游行v. 列队行进608. pants[pl.] n. 长裤;内裤609. partial a. 部分的610. passport n. 护照611. prescribe vt. 开药,吩咐采用...疗法612. primitive a. 原始的,早期的613. ridge n. 脊,山脊,埂614. ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒漠的615. ridid a. 严格的;僵硬的616. withstand vt. 经受,承受617. witness n. 目击者;证据vt. 注意到;证明618. withdraw v. 收回,撤销620. smash vt. 粉碎,打烂621. snap n./vt. 折断,拉断;快照622. software n. 软件623. solar a. 太阳的624. lynar a. 月的,月球的625. submerge vi. 潜入水中626. submit vi.(to)屈服,听从627. timber n. 木材,原木628. tissue n. 组织;薄纱,手巾纸629. title n. 题目,标题630. tone n. 语气,音调631. drift vi. 漂,漂流字串9632. drip n. 滴633. durable a. 耐用的,持久的634. duration n. 持续,持续期间635. dusk n. 黄昏,薄暮636. leather n. 皮革637. legislation n. 法律,法规;立法638. leisure n. 闲暇;悠闲639. loose a. 松的,宽松的640. loosen v. 解开,放松641. tarnest a. 认真的,诚挚的642. earthquake n. 地震643. echo n. 回音,回声644. elaborate a. 精心设计的,复杂的645. elastic n. 橡皮圈(带)a. 有弹性的646. elbow n. 肘647. electron n. 电子648. volcano n. 火山649. volume n. 卷,册;体积,容量650. fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累651. faulty a. 有错误的,有缺点的652. favorable a. 称赞道;有利的,顺利的653. favorite a. 特别受喜欢的n. 喜爱的人或物654. gallery n. 画廊655. gallon n. 加仑656. gap n. 间隔,差距657. garbage n. 垃圾,废物658. gaze v. 凝视,注视659. gear n. 齿轮,传动装置660. gene n. 基因661. lest conj. 唯恐,免得662. liable a. 可能的,大概的;(to)易于...的字串8664. liberty n. 自由665. licence/license n. 许可证,执照666. moisture n. 潮湿667. motivate vt. 激励,激发668. motive n. 动机,目的669. generate vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等)670. genius n. 天才,天赋671. genuine a. 真的,真诚的672. gasoline n. 汽油673. germ n. 微生物,细菌674. gesture n. 姿势,手势675. giant a. 巨大的n. 巨人,巨物676. glimpse n. 一瞥,一看677. glory n. 光荣,荣誉678. glorious n. 光荣的,极好的679. golf n. 高尔夫球运动680. hydrogen n. 氢681. oxygen n. 氧682. hostile a. 敌对的,敌意大683. household n. 家庭,户684. hook n. 钩685. holy a. 神圣地,圣洁的686. hint n. 暗示,示意687. hestiate v. 犹豫688. highlight vt. 强调,突出689. hence ad. 因此,所以;今后,从此690. herd n. 兽群,牧群。



四级真题中出现的十五选十的单词挺重要的,注意看看哦名词:mission任务;increase增长,增加;regions区域(复数);communities 社区(复数);competition比赛;recession萧条;households家庭(复数);solutions解决方法(复数);role角色,作用;progress发展,进步;growth增长,增加;competitions竞争(复数);challenges挑战(复数);alert警报,戒备;function功能;abilities能力(复数);appeal请求,吸引力;complaints抱怨(复数);contributions贡献(复数);extent范围,程度;standard标准;accommodations住处(复数);exceptions例外(复数);sense(意义);aspects外观,方面(复数);characters特性,品格,人物(复数);quality质量,特性;recording记录,录音;total总计;动词:contributes促成,促使(第三人称单数);participate参加;provides 提供(第三人称单数);expresses表达(第三人称单数);fixed固定(过去式或过去分词);derive取得,源自;switched转换(过去式或过去分词);maintain断言(某事)属实,坚持(认为);increase增加;增长。

accumulate积累;circling盘旋(现在分词);gather聚集;reviewed查看,回顾(过去式或过去分词);serves服务(第三人称单数);survive存活;reported报道(过去式或过去分词);included(过去式或过去分词)包括,包含;consist由......组成,在于;comprise包含,由......构成;combined(过去式或过去分词)联合,结合;alert使警惕;associated(过去式或过去分词)使联合;attracting(现在分词或动词)吸引;mixed(过去式或过去分词)混合;cling坚持,依恋;continuing(现在分词或动名词)继续;tend趋向;achieve实现,完成;appeal请求,吸引力;displayed显示(过去分词);indicates表明,指示(第三人称单数);proceeds继续进行(第三人称单数);raised养育(过去分词);expand 扩张,膨胀;powering提供能源(现在分词);protect保护;replace替代;shifted转换(过去式或过去分词);supplying提供(现在分词);analyzed分析(过去式或过去分词);contributing捐助,有助于(现在分词);discribing描写,形容(现在分词);established制定,确立(过去式或过去分词);quoted引述,举证(过去式或过去分词);recording记录,为......录音(现在分词);recruited招募,聘用(过去式或过去分词);total总计,共计为;形容词:particulai 特别的,特殊的;conclusive令人信服的,确凿的;domestic国内的;reported据报道的;surrounding周围的;stable稳定的;significant重要的,大量的;marvelous非凡的,了不起的;alert警觉的,警惕的;negative负面的,消极的;sufficient充分的;different不同的;younger(比较级)年轻的;psychology心理(学)的;smart聪明的;clumsy笨拙的;historic历史著名的,历史性的;reduced减少了的;vast巨大的;doubtful不能确定的,不可靠的;established已确立的;quality优质的,高级的;total总计的,全体的;unconscious失去知觉的,未发觉的;unsure不确定的;副词:immensely极大地,无限地;surprisingly令人惊讶地,出人意料地;financially经济上;formally正式地;exactly精确地;certainly当然;definitely明确地,确切地;efficiently有效地;essentially本质上;eventually最后,终于;incredibly极度地,难以置信地;already早已,已经;yet仍然,已经,然而;连词:yet但是,然而;。



四六级阅读真题高频难度单词(精编汇总)1. absolute ['æbsəluːt] adj. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的2. abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的3. accelerate [ æk'seləreɪt] v. 加速,促进4. accomplish [ə'kʌmplɪʃ] vt. 完成,到达;实行5. acquire [ə'kwaɪə] vt. 取得,获得;学到6. adequate ['ædɪkwət] adj. 适当地;足够7. adjust [ə'dʒʌst] v. 调整,调节8. adopt [ə'dɒpt] v. 收养;采用;采纳9. anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] vt. 预期,期望10. apparent [ə'pærənt] adj. 显然的,明白的11. appeal [ə'piːl] n. 请求,呼吁;上诉vi. 呼吁,恳求;对…上诉12. applause [ə'plɔːz] n. 鼓掌,掌声;欢呼13. approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] v. 靠近,接近n. 途径,方式;接近14. appropriate [əˈprəʊprɪət] adj. 适当的,恰当的,相称的15. approve [ə'pruːv] v. 赞成,同意,批准;满意16. aspect ['æspekt] n. 方面;朝向;面貌17. assert [ə'sɜːt] vt. 断言,主张18. at the expense [ɪk'spens] of 以...为代价19. available [a'vailəbl] adj. 现成可用的;可得到的;有空的20. bargain ['bɑːgɪn] n. 便宜货;买卖;协议vi. 讨价还价;达成协议21. barrier ['bærɪə] n. 障碍;棚栏22. battery ['bætərɪ] n. 电池(组)23. beforehand [bɪfɔːhænd] adv. 预先,事先24. benefit package ['benɪfɪt'pækɪdʒ] 福利待遇25. biochemistry [baɪə(ʊ)'kemɪstrɪ] n. 生物化学26. bother ['bɒðə] v. 打搅,麻烦27. boundary ['baʊndərɪ] n. 分界线,边界;范围28. breed [briːd] n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔29. bureau ['bjʊərəʊ] n. 局,办事处30. calculate ['kælkjʊleɪt] vt. 计算,核算;估计;推测31. capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 捕获,捕捉32. certification [,sɜːtɪfɪ'keɪʃən] n. 证明,保证33. certify ['sɜːtɪfaɪ] vt. 证实,保证34. chaos ['keɪɒs] n. 混乱,紊乱35. code [kəʊd] n. 准则,法规,密码36. collision [kə'lɪʒn] n. 碰撞,冲突37. combination [kɒmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 组合,结合38. community [kə'mjuːnətɪ] n. 社区,社会;共同体;公众39. comparable ['kɒmpərəbl] adj. (with, to) 可比较的,类似的;比得上的40. competent [ˈkɒmpɪtənt] adj. 有能力的,能胜任的41. competition [‚kɒmpɪ'tɪʃn] n. 竞争,比赛42. conformity [kən'fɔːmɪtɪ] n. 一致,符合43. conquer ['kɒŋkə] vt. 征服;占有;战胜44. consent [kən'sent] n. 准许,同意vi (to) 准许,同意;答应45. conservation [‚kɒnsə'veɪʃn] n. 保存,保护46. conservative [kənˈsɜ:vətɪv] adj. 保守的;守旧的n. 保守者;防腐剂47. consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] adj. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的48. constant [ˈkɒnstənt] adj. 不变的,恒定的;持续的n. 常数;恒量49. consume [kən'sjuːm] v. 消耗,耗尽;消费,毁灭50. contaminate [kən'tæmɪneɪt] vt. 污染,弄脏51. continual [kən'tɪnjʊəl] adj. 不断地,频繁的52. continuous [kən'tɪnjʊəs] adj. 继续的,连续(不断)的53. conversion [kən'vɜːʃ(ə)n] n. 转变,转化54. decade ['dekeɪd] n. 十年55. decay [dɪ'keɪ] vi. 腐烂,腐朽;衰退;使腐朽n. 腐烂;蛀牙;衰退56. decent ['diːsnt] adj. 像样的,体面的;有分寸的57. decline [dɪ'klaɪn] v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降;倾斜;婉拒n. 下降;衰退;减少58. decorate ['dekəreɪt] vt. 装饰,装璜;油漆59. deem [diːm] vt. 认为60. definite ['defɪnɪt] adj. 一定的,确切的61. destructive [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏性的,有害的;毁灭性的62. discipline [ˈdɪsəplɪn] n. 纪律;惩罚;学科v. 训练;使有纪律;处罚;使有条理63. diverse [daɪ'vɜːs] adj. 不同的,多种多样的64. durable ['djʊərəbl] adj. 耐用的,持久的65. elaborate [ɪ'læbərət] adj. 精心设计的,复杂的v. 精心制作; 详细阐述66. elevate ['elɪveɪt] vt. 提升,举起;使高兴67. emphasize ['emfəsaɪz] vt. 强调,着重68. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθju:ziæzəm] n. 热情,热心69. entitle [ɪn'taɪtl] vt. 给...权利,给...资格70. equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] n. 同等物, 相等物, 等价物adj. 相等的; 同意义的; 相当的71. evolution [‚iːvə'luːʃn] n. 演变,进化72. exaggerate [ɪg'zædʒəreɪt] v. 夸大,夸张73. expand [ɪk'spænd] v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀74. expel [ɪk'spel] v. 驱逐,开除,赶出75. fatal ['feɪtl] adj. 致命的;重大的76. fatigue [fə'tiːg] n. 疲劳,劳累v. 使疲劳; 使心智衰弱77. faulty ['fɔːltɪ] adj. 有错误的,有缺点的78. feasible ['fiːzɪb(ə)l] adj. 可行的79. flexible ['fleksəbl] adj. 易弯曲的, 柔软的, 灵活的80. frustrate [frʌ'streɪt] vt. 使沮丧81. genius ['dʒɪːnɪəs] n. 天才,天赋82. genuine ['dʒenjʊɪn] adj. 真的,真诚的83. harmony ['hɑrmənɪ ] n. 和谐,融洽84. hesitate ['hezɪteɪt] v. 犹豫, 踌躇, 迟疑85. hostile ['hɒstaɪl] adj. 敌对的,敌意的86. illegal [ɪ'liːgl] adj. 不合法的,非法的87. illusion [ɪ'luːʒn] n. 错觉88. illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt] vt. 阐明,说明89. impose [ɪm'pəʊz] vt. 把...加强(on)90. incidentally [ɪnsɪ'dent(ə)lɪ] adv. 顺便地,偶然地91. incompetent [ɪn'kɒmpɪt(ə)nt] adj. 无能力的,不胜任的92. incorporate [ɪn'kɔ:pəreɪt] vt. 合并;体现93. individual [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl] adj. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体94. inevitable [ɪn'evɪtəbl] adj. 不可避免的95. ingredient [ɪn'griːdɪənt] n. 组成部分96. initiative [ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] n. 主动权,首创精神97. interactive [ɪntər'æktɪv] adj. 互相作用的,互相影响的98. interfere [‚ɪntə(r)'fɪr] v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍99. internal [ɪn'tɜrnl] adj. 内部的,国内的n. 本质, 本性; 内部器100. intolerant [ɪn'tɒl(ə)r(ə)nt] adj. 无法容忍的101. jealous ['dʒeləs] adj. 妒忌的, 留心的, 羡慕的102. joint [dʒɔɪnt] adj.连接的;共同的n. 连接处, 关节, 接合v. 连接; 使有接头; 接合103. junior ['dʒuːnɪər] adj. 年少的;资历较浅的n. 年少者, 大学三年级学生104. launch [lɔːntʃ] vt. 发动,发起n. 下水; 发行; 发射105. legislation [‚ledʒɪs'leɪʃn] n. 法律,法规;立法106. license[ˈlaɪsəns] n. 许可证,执照107. luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ] n. 奢侈;奢侈品adj. 奢侈的, 豪华的108. manifest['mænɪfest] vt.表明;adj.明显的109. manual ['mænjʊəl] adj. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册110. manufacture [mænə'fæktʃer] vt. /n. 制造,加工111. massive ['mæsɪv] adj. 大的,大量的,大块的112. minimum ['mɪnɪməm] adj. 最低的,最小的n. 最小量113. modest ['mɑdɪst]adj. 谦虚的114. modify ['mɑdɪfaɪ] vt. 修改; 缓和, 减轻115. moral ['mɔrəl]adj. 道德上的,有道德的n. 道德, 寓意, 品行116. motivate ['məʊtɪveɪt] vt. 激励,激发117. motive ['məʊtɪv] n. 动机,目的adj. 运动的, 成为动机的118. noted ['nəʊtɪd] adj.著名的119. notion ['nəʊʃn] n. 概念;意图,想法120. novel ['nɒv(ə)l] adj.新颖的121. nuisance ['nuːsns] n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)122. obscure [əb'skjʊr] adj. 阴暗,模糊不出名的; 不重要的vt.使…模糊不清; 掩盖123. opponent [ə'pəʊnənt] n. 敌手,对手adj. 敌对的, 反对的124. optimistic ['ɒptɪmɪstɪk] adj. 乐观125. participate [pɑr'tɪsɪpeɪt]v. (in) 参与,参加126. penalty ['pen(ə)ltɪ] n.惩罚127. phenomenon [fɪ'nɑmɪnɑn] n. 现象, 稀有的事, 奇迹128. portion ['pɔrʃn] n. 一部分v. 把...分成多份129. prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] vt. 开药,吩咐采用...疗法130. preserve [prɪ'zɜrv]v. 保护,保存,保持,维持131. presumably [prɪ'zuːməblɪ]adv. 大概,可能132. prevail [prɪ'veɪl] vi. 流行,盛行133. principal ['prɪnsəpl] adj. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长134. priority [praɪ'ɔrətɪ] n. 优先,重点135. prominent ['prɔmɪnənt]adj. 突出的,杰出的136. prompt [prɒmpt] vt. 促使adj. 敏捷的,及时的n. 催促; 付款期限; 提醒137. prospect ['prɒspekt] n. 前景,前途;景象v. 勘探, 寻找; 勘探138. prosperity [prɔ'sperətɪ] n.兴旺,繁荣139. proximately ['prɔksimeitli] adv.近似,接近140. pursue [pər'suː] vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行141. rebellion [rɪ'beljən] n.叛逆142. recruit [ rɪ'kruːt] vt. 招募,吸收(新成员)143. redundant [rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nt] adj.过剩的;失业的,被解雇的144. relevant ['relɪvənt] adj. 有关的,切题的145. reluctant [ rɪ'lʌktənt] adj. 不情愿的,勉强的146. remedy ['remɪdɪ] n. /vt. 补救,医治,治疗147. render ['rendə(r)] vt. 给予148. resistant [rɪ'zɪstənt] adj. (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的149. resolve [rɪ'zɔlv]vt. 解决;决定,决意n. 决定之事, 坚决150. restrain [rɪ'streɪn] vt. 阻止,抑制151. resume [rɪ'zuːm]v. (中断后)重新开始n. 摘要, 梗概152. retail ['riːteɪl] n. /v. 零售153. retain[ rɪ'teɪn] vt. 保留,保持154. reveal [rɪ'viːl] vt. 揭露155. rival ['raɪvl] n. 竞争对手,敌手156. security [ sɪ'kjʊrətɪ] n. 安全,保障157. sensible [ 'sensəbl] adj. 明智的, 有判断力的158. sensitive ['sensɪtɪv] adj. 敏感的,灵敏的159. severe [sɪ'vɪr] adj. 严重的160. skeptical ['skeptɪkəl] adj.怀疑的161. sketch [ sketʃ] n. 草图;梗概162. slightly ['slaɪtlɪ] adv.轻微地163. sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的164. specification [,spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n.说明书,详细说明165. split [splɪt] v. 劈开;割裂;分裂adj.裂开的166. sponsor ['spɑnsə(r)] n. 发起者,主办者vt.发起,主办,资助167. spur [spɜː] n. /vt. 刺激,激励168. strategy ['strætɪdʒɪ] n. 战略,策略169. submit [səb'mɪt] vi. (to)屈服,听从170. substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物质;实质171. substantial [səb'stænʃl] adj. 可观的;牢固的;实质的172. substitute ['sʌbstɪtuːt]n. 代用品vt.代替; 替代, 取代173. tedious ['tiːdɪəs] adj. 乏味的,单调的,174. temporary ['tempərərɪ] adj. 暂时的,临时的n. 临时工, 临时雇员175. temptation [temp'teɪʃn] n. 诱惑,引诱176. territory ['terɪtɔrɪ]n. 领土177. testify ['testɪfaɪ] vt.证明,证实178. torture ['tɔrtʃə(r)] n./vt. 拷打,折磨179. trace [treɪs] vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹180. transform [træns'fɔrm] v. 转变,变革;变换181. transmit[trænz'mɪt] v. 传播,播送;传递182. trap [træp] n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉183. treaty ['triːtɪ] n. 条约,协定184. tremble ['trembl] vi. 颤抖n. 战栗, 颤抖185. tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] adj.巨大的186. trend [trend] n. 趋向,倾向v. 伸向, 通向, 倾向187. triumph ['traɪəmf] n. 胜利,成功v. 获得胜利; 欢庆胜利188. turbulent ['tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt] adj.动荡的,骚乱的189. ultimate ['ʌltɪmət] adj. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端190. untreated [,ʌn'tritɪd] adj.未经处理的191. urban ['ɜːbən] adj. 城市的192. utility [juː'tɪlətɪ] n. 功用,效用193. utilize ['juːtəlaɪz]vt. 利用194. utter ['ʌtə(r)] vt. 说出adj. 完全的,彻底的195. vacant ['veɪkənt] adj. 空的,未占用的196. vanish ['vænɪʃ] vi. 消灭,不见197. via ['vaɪə] prep. 经由,经过,通过198. victim ['vɪktɪm] n. 牺牲品,受害者199. violence ['vaɪələns] n. 强力,暴力200. withdraw [wɪð'drɔː]v. 收回,撤销。
















【例】2009年6月CET-4 第47、48题Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments 47) ________ it. They find the writing process 48) ________ and difficult.47题:语法分析,缩小范围:该句是“unless”引导的一个条件状语从句,空白处需要一个动词担当谓语。



(名词通常做主语或动词介词宾语) 1a/the n. 前有冠词 2n. V. 空白后为谓语动词 3prep. n. 空白前为介词,则空白处为名词或 动名词 (注意:根据空白处前的冠词和上下文判断所填 名词的单复数;根据空白处后的谓语动词的形 式判断所填名词的单复数)

过去分词: 1has/have/had p.p(完成时态) 2be p.p(被动语态) 3p.p n.或 n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或 已发生)

现在分词: 1be -ing(进行时态) 2-ing n.或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或 正在进行) 3prep. –ing(介词宾语)
1adj. n. n. adj. 空白前后是名词 2adv. adj. 空白前是副词 3link v./be adj. be动或系动后考虑形容词做表 语
1adv. v.或 v. adv.副词修饰动词,表示程度状 态 2adv. adj.副词可修饰形容词 3adv.从句,有些副词做句子的状语,表示转折 因果等逻辑关系
充分利用词库中的近义词或反义词 (若词库中出现一对近义或反义词,其中一个必定是干扰 项.反义词考查学生对文章语境色彩的辨析,只要辨析考 点单词是积极还是消极意义,就不难排除.近义词考查考 生对词汇搭配用法的掌握,需要学生牢记近义词的各种用 法及搭配。) Sample: A) gravely B) respect C) limited D) specialize E) seriously F) promoting G) involves H) relieved I) significant J) magnificent K) range L) issues M) result N) determining O) complicated Today, we take pain______. (此处应用副词做状语,考查近义词辨析.Take sth. Seriously为固定搭配)



新英语四级阅读理解中 15 选 10 题型高分策略发布时间:2008-5-23 10:54:00 编辑: 阅读次数:43 作者:wangyi 来源: 文章概要 四六级 阅读题型简介:老四级阅读理解中未曾出现过 15 选 10 题型.部分备考的四级学 员"谈新色变".本题型出现在仔细阅读部分(共 25 分钟),在两篇传统阅读 文章之前(每篇文章解题时间约为 9 分钟).所以本题型共 10 道小题最佳完 成时间应控制在 7 分钟.阅读理解,真的要我们既要"阅读"又要"理解"吗?其实是不需要的.笔者 根据多年的教学经验,为大家解密四级新题型.考点解密: 考点解密:一.核心要求:识辨词性.这是以前考试当中很少涉及的部分.考试要求 在 7 分钟左右时间内将题目给出的 15 个词汇填入 10 个空格中.考核的主要 目的是检查考生的单词词性识别能力.二.四词用法:名词;动词;形容词;副词.纵观样题和真题,我们知道 15 个词汇都属于最重要的四类实词.我们要学会每种词汇的基本搭配和基本 用法.三.寻求突破:副词突破.考试题目中选项最少,特征也最为明显.四.一一对应:"一个罗卜一个坑".也就是说,答案是只能使用一次的.所以还要稍微注意前后的语意的通顺和连贯.解题步骤: 解题步骤:鉴于以上分析,笔者给出题型步骤如下: 一.标注词性,预先分组 分组. 把题目中给出的 15 个备选答案词汇进行词性二.浏览全文,预测答案 题目作出预测.快速扫描文章,预测缺省信息的词性,对个别三.同性比较,选择唯一对相同词性词汇与原文意思进行比照,选择唯一的答案.利用上下文线索,词的褒贬色彩,平行结构,单复数,时态等解题.四.带入选项,通读检查 辑语意正确.带入已选答案,重新通读文章以核对其是否逻真题精析EI Nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. This strange 47 happens every five to eight years. It starts in the pacific Oceanand is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade winds((((信风), which affects the ocean currents driven by these winds. As the tradewinds lessen in 48, the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5℃.The warning of the ocean has far-reaching effects. The hot, humid ((((潮湿的)air over the ocean causes severe49 thunderstorms. The rainfall is increased across South America, 50 floods to Peru. In the West Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and 51. EI Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1982-83 EI Nino brought the most 52 weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage. The 1990 EI Nino lasted until June 1995. Scientists 54 this to be the longest EI Nino for 2,000 years.Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an EI Nino will 55, but they are still not 56 sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.[[[[F] phenomenon [[[[B] strength [[[[E] tropical [[[[L] bringing[[[[K] starvation [[[[J] destructive [[[[N] worth [[[[A] estimate [[[[O] strike [[[[I] completely [[[[C] deliberately [[[[D] notify [[[[G] stable [[[[H] attraction [[[[M] exhaustion 47【解析】选[[[[F]. 空格前为一形容词,通常其后修饰名词,可推知空格处 要填一单数名词.从前文可知,所填名词指代 EI Nino(厄尔尼诺)这种奇怪 的气候现象. 选项中共有六个名词, 而能指代 EI Nino 的只有[[[[F] phenomenon (现象).48【解析】选[[[[B].从主谓搭配来看,空格处描绘信风在哪方面减弱(the trade winds lessen), 选项中剩下的五个名词中能形容风力减弱的只有[[[[B] strength((((力量).49【解析】选[[[[E].选项中能修饰名词 thunderstorms(雷暴)的形容词,并且和闷热,潮湿的空气 气候现象相联系的只有[[[[E]tropical 热带的) 选项中其他两个形容词[[[[J] destructive ( , (毁灭性) ,与 severe((((严重的)意思重复,而 [[[[G] stable(稳定的)不用来修饰 thunderstorms.50【解析】选[[[[L].此处逗号起重要提示作用,逗号后面部分为伴随状态,起补充说明作用.选项中 只有动词的现在分词形式符合题意,[[[[L] bringing 为正确选项.51【解析】选[[[[K].从关键连词 while,可知此处 while 前后两分句形成结构上和语义上的对比,从 选项中剩下的四个名词中选出能和 drought(干旱),poor crops(农作物歉收)构成语义上的顺承关 系的名词是[[[[K] starvation((((饥荒).强干扰项 [[[[M] exhaustion(耗尽枯竭)不能很好地描述 poor crops 现象.52【解析】选[[[[J].此处填一形容词修饰 weather.选项中只剩下两个候选形容词.从后一句话对其 带来影响的描述((((2,000 people dead) 可轻松地选对[[[[J] destructive((((毁灭性的).53【解析】选[[[[N].此处填一名词,能与 eight billion pounds 形成合理搭配,且修饰 damage(损 失),选项中只有[[[[N] worth(价值)符合题意.54【解析】选[[[[A].此处填一动词.选项中有三个动词为候选项.从宾语来看,the longest EI Nino for 2,000 years((((两千年以来持续时间最长的厄尔尼诺现象)为结论性的话,排除[[[[O] strike(打 击);[[[[D] notify(通知)为不及物动词,后接介词 of,不选;[[[[A] estimate(评估)符合题意.55【解析】选[[[[O].此处填一动词,主语为 EI Nino,在两个候选的动词中,[[[[D] notify(通知) 主语通常为人,排除它.[[[[O] strike 作及物动词时表示"到达, 侵袭",与题意相符.56【解析】选[[[[I].从空格后的形容词 sure(确定的)可知此处填一副词.选项中两个副词completely((((完全地)和 deliberately(故意地),很容易能选 I) completely(完全地)为正确选项.。



2010年12月[A]abilities n.能力[I]extent n. 程度to some extent某种程度上[B]achieve vt. 取得,获得vi.实现J]indicates vt.第三人称单数表明...[C]appeal vt.上诉vi.~to要...注意,吸引... n.呼吁,上诉[K]proceeds v.继续/前进[D]complaints n.复数抱怨[L]psychological a.心理的/心理学的...[E]contributions n.复数贡献/捐献[M]raised v.过去时或分词抚养,提升/增加(的)[F]displayed v.过去时或分词陈列/展示(的)[N]smart a.聪明的[G]essentially adv. 本质上[O]standard n.标准 a.标准的[H]eventually adv.最终2010年6月:A) accommodations n.复数短期住处B) clumsy a.笨拙的,难懂的C) doubtful a.怀疑的/难以预测的D) exceptions n.复数例外E) expand vt. / vi. 扩大,扩展F) historic a.历史的/历史上重要的G) incredibly adv. 难以置信地H) powering v.现在分词给...动力/发动...I) protect vt. 保护... J) reduced v.过去分词表过去时或形容词减少(的)K) replace vt.替换... L) sense n.感觉,意义,意识vt.理解...M) shifted v.过去式或分词改变(的)N) supplying v.进行时/现在分词提供... O) vast a.巨大,大量的2009年12月【名词】aspects 方面;characters 性质,特征;quality 质量【动词】analyzed 分析;established 确定的,证实的; quoted 引用;recruited 招聘,招募;contributing 贡献,捐献;describing 描述;recording 记录【形容词】total 总共的,总计的;unconscious 不知道的,无意识的;unsure 不确定;【副词】yet 还,仍旧;already 已经20092008年单词:A.abundant adj.充足的,大量的B. characters n.复数性格,特征,品质C. communicating v.进行时与...交流D. completely adv.完全地E.derive vt./vi.源于...;从...中提取~fromF. desire vt./vi./n. 渴望,欲望,要求,愿望G. diversity n.多样化,差异H. escape vt./n.逃离,逃脱I.establishing v.进行时建立,创建J. narrow adj.狭窄的,vt.变窄。



Paper--More than Meets the EyeA) We are surrounded by so much paper and card that it is easy to forget just howcomplex it is. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.B)It needs to be understood that most paper and card is manufactured for a specific purpose, so that whilst the corn-flake packet may look smart, it is clearly not something destined for the archives. It is made to look good, but only needs a limited life span. It is also much cheaper to manufacture than high grade card.C) Paper can be made from an almost endless variety of cellulose-based material which will include many woods, cottons and grasses or which papyrus is an example and from where we get the word "paper". Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based.Paper from WoodD) In order to make wood into paper it needs to be broken down into fine strands.Firstly by powerful machinery and then boiled with strong alkalies such as caustic soda, until a fine pulp of cellulose fibers is produced. It is from this pulp that the final product is made, relying on the bonding together of the cellulose into layers.That, in a very small nutshell, is the essence of paper making from wood.However, the reality is rather more complicated. In order to give us our white paper and card, the makers will add bleach and other materials such as china clay and additional chemicals.E) A further problem with wood is that it contains a material that is not cellulose.Something called lignin. This is essential for the tree since it holds the cellulose fibres together, but if it is incorporated into the manufactured paper it presents archivists with a problem. Lignin eventually breaks down and releases acid products into the paper. This will weaken the bond between the cellulose fibers and the paper will become brittle and look rather brown and careworn. We have all seen this in old newspapers and cheap paperback books. It has been estimated that most paper back books will have a life of not greater than fifty years. Not what we need for our archives.F) Since the lignin can be removed from the paper pulp during manufacture, the obvious question is "why is it left in the paper?" The answer lies in the fact that lignin makes up a considerable part of the tree. By leaving the lignin in the pulp a papermaker can increase his paper yield from a tree to some 95%. Removing itmeans a yield of only 35%. It is clearly uneconomic to remove the lignin for many paper and card applications.G) It also means, of course, that lignin-free paper is going to be more expensive, but that is nevertheless what the archivist must look for in his supplies. There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise. Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials, causing them to fade and is some cases simply vanish!H) So, how do we tell a piece of suitable paper or card from one that is unsuitable?You cannot do it by simply looking, and rather disappointingly, you cannot always rely on the label. "Acid-free" might be true inasmuch as a test on the paper may indicate that it is a neutral material at this time. But lignin can take years before it starts the inevitable process of breaking down, and in the right conditions it will speed up enormously.I) Added to this, as I have indicated earlier, paper may also contain other materials added during manufacture such as bleach, china clay, chemical whiteners and size. This looks like a bleak picture, and it would be but for the fact that there are suppliers who will guarantee the material that they sell. If you want to be absolutely sure that you are storing in, or printing on, the correct material then this is probably the only way.J) Incidentally, acids can migrate from material to material. Lining old shoe boxes with good quality acid-free paper will do little to guard the contents. The acid will get there in the end.Paper from RagK) Paper is also commonly made from cotton and rag waste. This has the advantage of being lignin-free, but because there is much less cotton and rag than trees, it also tends to be much more expensive than wood pulp paper. You will still need to purchase from a reliable source though, since even rag paper and card can contain undesirable additives.L) A reliable source for quality rag papers is a recognized art stockiest. Many water color artists insist on using only fine quality rag paper and board.M) The main lesson to learn from this information is that you cannot rely on purchasing archival materials from the high street. The only safe solution is to purchase from specialist suppliers. It may cost rather more, but in the end you will know that your important and valuable data and images have the best home possible.1. The corn-flake packet is cheaper than high grade card.2. There are a lot of materials which can be used for making paper, but the superiority ones are soft wood, cotton and rags.3. During the whole manufacturing process, the final product is made from a pulp of cellulose fibres.4. In order to make white paper and card, the makers will add bleach.5. Liguin is essential for the tree but it will make paper easy to break.6. Many paper producers will preserve lignin during manufacture, because leaving the lignin will make more paper from a tree.7. Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials.8. If the lignin is removed from the paper, the paper will be more expensive.9. Although free of lignin, paper made from cotton and rag waste can also cost more money than wood pulp paper because there is much less cotton and rag than trees.10. What we can learn from "Paper from Rag" is that you had better buy archival materials from specialist suppliers.How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint PresentationsA) Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations.The TextB) Keep the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language. Cut unnecessary words—a good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words.Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per slide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button (its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides from the submenu.C) Font size for titles should be at least 36 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24.Use only two font styles per slide—one for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with eachother. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are good for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for the text body.D) Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts:(1) On the File menu, click Save As.(2) On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only.E) Use colors sparingly; two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background.F) Capitalizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggestsa more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first wordcapitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lettering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.G) Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation.Don’t center bulleted lists or t ext. It is confusing to read. Left align unless you have a good reason not to.Run “spell check” on your show when finished.The BackgroundH) Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white background. If the venue of your presentation is not adequately light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text.Minimize the use of “bells and whistles” such as sound effects,“flying words” and multiple transitions.Don’t use red in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and read.The ClipsI) Animations are best used subtly; too much flash and motion can distract and annoy viewers. Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appropriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searching for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specificwords.J) When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a.jpg format. Larger files can slow down your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple,if possible. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships.The PresentationK) If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show file using the following steps. Open the presentation you want to save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your presentation in slide show view.When you’re done, PowerPoint automatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu.L) Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a laser pointer,don’t move it too fast. For example, if circling a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen (use “B” on the keyboard) after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation.M) You can use the shortcut command [Ctrl]P to access the Pen tool during a slide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show.To erase everything you’ve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, press [Esc] once.MiscellaneousN) Master Slide Set-Up:The “master slide” will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every slide in your presentation. You can change fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers,and footers at the “master slide”level. First,go to the “View” menu.Pull down the “Master” menu. Select the “slide master” menu. You may now make changes at this level that meet your presentation needs.1. The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint.2. When making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should not becomplicated.3. In each slide, the font styles for the title and the text should contrast with each other.4. A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of the first word.5. Centering bulleted lists or text can not help to read.6. Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible.7. When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes.8. When making the presentation, you should look at the audience as possible as you can.9. Pressing the E key can help you to erase everything you've drawn.10. In order to meet your presentation needs, you can make changes at the “slide master” level.答案解析Passage1文章精要本文主要介绍了我们平常所见所用的纸的复杂性,通过介绍用木头和破布料造纸的过程,使我们对纸的类别、属性有了更深入的了解。



2017-2019年英语四级考试⼗五选⼗真题及答案汇总2017年6⽉第1套The method for making beer has changed over time. Hops (啤酒花), for example, which give many a modern beer its bitter flavor, are a __26__ recent addition to the beverage. This was first menti oned in reference to brewing in the ninth century. Now, researcher s have found a __27__ ingredient in residue(残留物)from 5000-year-old beer brewing equipment. While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China, scientists discovered fragme nts from pots and vessels. The different shapes of the containers __ 28__ they were used to brew, filter,and store beer. They may be ancient "beer-making tools," and the e arliest __29__ evidence of beer brewing in China, the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To __30__ that theory, the team examined the yellowish, dried __31_ _ inside the vessels. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were f rom cereal crops like barley (⼤麦), and about 10% were bits of roots,__32__ lily, which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientist s say. Barley was an unexpected find; the crop was domesticated i n Western Eurasia and didn’t become a __33__ food in central Chin a until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers. Based on that timing, they indicate barley may have __34__ in the region not as food, but as __35__ material for beer brewing.A) arrived B) consuming C) direct D) exclusively E) including F) in form G) raw H) reached I) relatively J) remains K) resources L) sta ple M) suggest N) surprising O) test答案:INMCO JELAG2017年6⽉第2套As if you needed another reason to hate the gym, it now turns out t hat exercise can exhaust not only your muscles, but also your eyes . Fear not, however, for coffee can stimulate them again. During _ _26__ exercise, our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build u p waste products. Muscle performance can also be affected by a __27__ called "central fatigue," in which an imbalance in the bod y's chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements__28__. It was not known, however, w hether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not directly __29__ in the exercise itself, such as those that move the eyes. Tofind out, researchers gave 11 volunteer cyclists a carbohydrate(碳⽔化合物的)__30__ either with a moderate dose of caffeine(咖啡因),which is known to stimulate the central nervous system, or as a pl acebo(安慰剂)without, during 3 hours of __31__. After exercising, the scientists te sted the cyclists with eye-tracking cameras to see how well their br ains could still __32__ their visual system. The team found that exe rcise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%,__33__ their ability to capture new visual information. The caffein e, the equivalent of two strong cups of coffee, was __34__ to rev erse this effect, with some cyclists even displaying __35__ eye mo vement speeds. So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon.A) cautiously B) commit C) control D) cycling E) effectively F) in creased G) involved H) limited I) phenomenon J) preventing K) s ensitive L) slowing M) solution N) sufficient O) vigorous答案:OIEGM DCJNF2017年6⽉第3套America's Internet is faster than ever before, but people still compl ain about their Internet being too slow.New York's Attorney General's office __26__ an investigation in the fall into whether or not Verizon, Cablevision and Time Warner are d elivering broadband that's as fast as the providers __27__ it is. Earli er this month, the office asked for the public's help to measure thei r speed results, saying consumers __28__ to get the speeds they w ere promised."Too many of us may be paying for one thing, and getting another," the Attorney General said.If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn't be the first time a telecom provider got into __29__ over the broadbandspeeds it pro mised and delivered customers. Back in June, the Federal Communi cations Commission fined AT&T $100 million over __30__ that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consum ed a certain amount of __31__.Even when they stay on the right side of the law, Internet providers arouse customers' anger over bandwidth speed and cost. Just this week, an investigation found that media and telecom giant Comcast is the most __32__ provider. Over 10 months, Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints, many __33__ to its monthly dat a cap and overage (超过额度的)charges.Some Americans are getting so __34__ with Internet providers they 're just giving up. A recent study found that the number of America ns with high-speed Internet at home today __35__ fell during the l ast two years, and 15% of people now consider themselves to be "c ord-cutters."A.accusationsB.actuallyC.claim/doc/0b9d09a73369a45177232f60ddccda38366be11f.html municating/doc/0b9d09a73369a45177232f60ddccda38366be11f.html plainF.d ataG.deservedH.frustratedI.hated/doc/0b9d09a73369a45177232f60ddccda38366be11f.html unchedK.relatingL.timesM.trouble/doc/0b9d09a73369a45177232f60ddccda38366be11f.html uallyO.worried答案:JCGMA FIKHB2017年12⽉第1套A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someon e who is sick, but these creatures have some 26 skills that could hel p the treatment of human diseases.Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban 27 , but they ar e just the latest in a long line of animals that have been found to ha ve abilities to help humans. Despite having a brain no bigger than t he 28 of your index finger, pigeons have a very impressive 29 me mory. Recently it was shown that they could be trained to be as acc urate as humans at detecting breast cancer in images.Rats are often 30 with spreading disease rather than 31 it, but this l ong-tailed animal is highly 32 . Inside a rat's nose are up to 1,000 d ifferent types of olfactory receptors (嗅觉感受器), whereas humans only have 100 to 200 types. This gives rats th e ability to detect 33 smells. As a result, some rats are being put to work to detect TB (肺结核). When the rats detect the smell, they stop and rub their legs to 34 a sample is infected.Traditionally, a hundred samples would take lab technicians more th an two days to 35 , but for a rat it takes less than 20 minutes. This rat detection method doesn't rely on specialist equipment. It is als o more accurate—the rats are able to find more TB infections and, therefore, save more lives.A) associated B) examine C) indicate D) nuisance E) peak F) preve nting G) prohibiting H) sensitive I) slight J) specify K)superior L ) suspicious M) tip N) treated O)visual答案:KDMOA FHICB2017年12⽉第2套Technological changes brought dramatic new options to Americans living in the 1990s. During this decade new forms of entertainme nt, commerce, research, and communication became commonp lace in the U.S. The driving force behind much of this change was a (n) 26 popularly known as the Internet.The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested the 27 of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by scientists to co mmunicate with other scientists. The Internet 28 under governme nt control until 1984.One early problem faced by Internet users was speed. Phone lines c ould only transmit information at a 29 rate. The development of fib er-optic (光纤) cables allowed for billions of bits of information to be received ev ery minute. Companies like Intel developed faster microprocessors, so personal computers could process the 30 signals at a more rapid rate.In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was developed, in large par t, for 31 purposes.Corporations created home pages where they cou ld place text and graphics to sell products. Soon airline tickets, hotel 32 , and even cars and homes could be purchased online. Universiti es 33 research data on the Internet, so students could find 34 infor mation without leaving their dormitories. Companies soon discovere d that work could be done at home and 35 online, so a whole new cl ass of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unsh aven and wearing pajamas (睡⾐).A)advantage B) commercial C) conservation D) equipped E) i ncoming F) innovation G) limited H) local I) maintained J) occupa tions K) posted L) remained M) reservations N) submitted O) valua ble答案:FALGE BMKON2017年12⽉第3套We all know there exists great void (空⽩) in the public educational system when it comes to 26 to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics) courses. One educ ator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system. Dori taught high school engineering for 11 years. She noticed there was a real void in quality STEM education at all 27 of the pu blic educational system. She said,"I started Engineering For Kids (EFK) after noticing a real lack of ma th, science and engineering programs to 28 my own kids in."She decided to start an afterschool program where children 29 in ST EM-based competitions. The club grew quickly and when it reached 180 members and the kids in the program won several state 30 , sh e decided to devote all her time to cultivating and 31 it. The global business EFK was born.Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home, which she then expanded to 32 recreation centers. Today, the EFK program 33 over 144 branches in 32 states within the United States and in 21 countri es. Sales have doubled from $5 million in 2014 to $10 million in 201 5, with 25 new branches planned for 2016. The EFK website states, "Our nation is not 34 enough engineers. Our philosophy is to inspir e kids at a young age to understand that engineering is a great 35 ."A) attracted B) career C) championships D) degrees E) developing F ) enroll G) exposure H) feasible I) feeding J) graduating K) intere st L) levels M) local N) operates O) participated答案:GLFOC EMNJB2018年6⽉第1套An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels. They are used to create some of the energy used by the insurance company inside. When the tower was first 26 in 196 2, it was covered with thin square stones. These small square stone s became a problem for the building and continued to fall off the fac e for 40 years until a major renovation was 27 . During this renovati on the building's owners, CIS, 28 the solar panel company, Solarcen tury. They agreed to cover the entire building in solar panels. In 200 4, the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest 29 of vertical solar panels. A vertical solar project on such a large 30 has never b een repeated since.Covering a skyscraper with solar panels had never been done befo re, and the CIS tower was chosen as one of the "10 bestgreen ener gy projects". For a long time after this renovation project, it was the tallest building in the United Kingdom, but it was 31 overtaken by t he Millbank Tower.Green buildings like this aren't 32 cost-efficient for the investor, b ut it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy33 through fossil fuels. As solar panels get 34 , the world is likely t o see more skyscrapers covered in solar panels, collecting energy m uch like trees do. Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscr aper wasn't a race of 35 , but rather one to collect the most solar energy.A) cheaper B) cleaner C) collection D) competed E) constructed F ) consulted G) dimension H) discovered I) eventually J) height K) necessarily L) production M) range N) scale O) undertaken答案:EOFCN IKLAJ2018年6⽉第2套Since the 1940s, southern California has had a reputation for smo g. Things are not as bad as they once were but, according to the A merican Lung Association, Los Angeles is still the worst city in the U nited States for levels of 26 . Gazing down on the city from the Gett y Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze (霾). Nor is th e state's bad air 27 to its south. Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list in America for year-round pollution. Residents' heart s and lungs are affected as a 28 . All of which, combined with Calif ornia's reputation as the home of technological 29 , makes the pla ce ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pol lution in 30 . And that is just what Aclima, a new firm in San Franci sco, has been doing over the past few months. It has been trying ou t monitoring stations that are 31 to yield minute-to-minute maps of 32 air pollution. Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is happening inside buildings, including offices.To this end, Aclima has been 33 with Google's Street View system. Davida Herzl, Aclima's boss, says they have revealed pollution high s on days when San Francisco's transit workers went on strike and the city's 34 were forced to use their cars. Conversely,"cycle to work" days have done their job by 35 pollution lows.A) assisted B) collaborating C) consequence D) consumers E) crea ting F) detail G) domestic H) frequently I) inhabitants J) innovatio n K) intended L) outdoor M) pollutants N) restricted O) sum答案:MNCJF KLBIE2018年6⽉第3套Neon (霓虹) is to Hong Kong as red phone booths are to London andfog is to San Francisco. When night falls, red and blue and other colors 26 a hazy (雾蒙蒙的) glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs. But many of them are going dark, 27 by more practical, but less romantic, LEDs (发光⼆极管). Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy 28 , but still carry great cost. "To me, neon represents memories of the past," says photographer Sharon Blance, whose series Hong Kong Neon celebrates the city's famous signs. "Looking at the signs now I get a feeling of amazement, mixed with sadness."Building a neon sign is an art practiced by 29 trained on the job to mold glass tubes into 30 shapes and letters. They fill these tubes with gases that glow when 31 . Neon makes orange, while other gases make yellow or blue. It takes many hours to craft a single sign. Blance spent a week in Hong Kong and 32 more than 60 signs; 22 of them appear in the series that capture the signs lighting up lonely streets—an 33 that makes it easy to admire their colors and craftsmanship. "I love the beautiful, handcrafted, old-fashioned 34 of neon," says Blance. The signs do nothing more than 35 a restaurant, theater, or other business, but do so in the most striking way possible.A)alternative B) approach C) cast D) challenging E) decorative F) efficient G) electrified H) identify I) photographed J) professionals K) quality L) replaced M) stimulate N) symbolizes O) volunteers答案:CLFJE GIBKH2018年12⽉第1套Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs t he global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs, with the most serious ___26___ occurring in the developing world. The figures include a number of costs ___27___with air pollution. Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor p ollution, which includes ___28___ like home heating and cooking, has remained ___29___ over the past several decades despite adva nces in the area. Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly al ong with rapid growth in industry and transportation.Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray ___30___ it as an “urgent call to action.” One of the risk factors for premature deaths is the air we breathe, over which individuals hav e little ___31___, he said.The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world, wher e in some places lost-labor income ___32___ nearly 1% of GDP. Ar ound 9 in 10 people in low and middle-income countries live in place s where they ___33___ experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution.But the problem is not limited ___34___ to the developing world. T housands die prematurely in the U. S. as a result of related illnes ses. In many European countries, where diesel (柴油)___35___ have become more common in recent years, that number reaches tens of thousands.A) abilityB) associateC) consciouslyD) constantE) controlF) damageG) describedH) equalsI) exclusivelyJ) innovatedK) regularlyL) relatesM) sourcesN) undermineO) vehicles答案:FBMDG EHKIO2018年12⽉第2套Have you ever used email to apologize to a colleague? Delivered a __26__ to a subordinate(下属)with a voice-mail message? Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person? The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for __27__ and product ivity-and at the same time very troublesome. With so many ways t o communicate, how should a manager choose the one that's best ---__28__ when the message to be delivered is bad or unwelcome ne ws for the recipient? We've __29__ business communication con sultants and etiquette(礼仪)experts to come up with the following guidelines for __30__ using t he alternative ways of delivering difficult messages. First of all, choose how personal you want to be. A face-to-face co mmunication is the most __31__. Other choices, in descending or der of personalization, are; a real-time phone call, a voice-mail mes sage, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most __32_ _ is email. Some of these may change order according to the __33_ _ situation or your own preferences; for example, a handwritten not e might seem more personal than voice-mail. How do you decide on the best choice for the difficult message you've got to deliver? "My __34__ concern is: How can I soften or civilize this message?"says etiquette expert Dana Casperson."So when I apologize, usually choose in-person first, or a phone co nversation as my top alternative, and maybe a handwritten note next. Apologizing by email is something I now totally __35__."A)avoidB)convenienceC)effectivelyD)escapeE)intimateF)particularlyG)primaryH)promptI)rewardJ)silentK)specificL)surveyedM)unfriendlyN)warningO)witnessed答案:NBFLC EMKGA2018年12⽉第3套A few months ago, I was down with a terrible cold which ended in a persistent bad cough. No matter how many different __ 26__ I tried, I still couldn't get rid of the cough Not only did it __ 27__ my teaching but also my life as a whole Then one day after class, a student came up to me and __28__ traditional Chinese medicine. From her description, Chinese medicine sounded as if it had magic power that worked wonders. I was __ 29__ because I knew so little about it and have never tried it before. Eventually, my cough got so much __ 30__ that I couldn't sleep at night, so I decided to give it a try. The Chinese doctor took my pulse and asked to see my tongue, both of which were new __ 31__ to me because they are both non-existent in Western medicine. Then the doctor gave me a scraping(刮)treatment known as "Gua Sha". I was a little __32__ at first because he used a smooth edged tool to scrape the skin on my neck and shoulders A few minutes later, the __ 33__ strokes started to produce a relieving effect and my body and mind began to __ 34__ deeper into relaxation. I didn't feel any improvement in my condition in the first couple of days, but after a few more regular visits to the doctor, my cough started to __ 35__. Then within a matter of weeks, it was completely gone!A) deepenB) experiencesC) hesitantD) inconvenienceE) lessenF) licensesG) pressuredH) recommendedI) remediesJ) scaredK) sensitiveL) sinkM) temporaryN) trembleO) worse答案:IDHCO BJGLE2019年6⽉第1套The center of American automobile innovation has in the past dec ade moved 2,000 miles away. It has __26__ from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming to life.In a __27__ to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced __28__ that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road."Michigan's __29__ in auto research and development is under atta ck from several states and countries which desire to__30__ our lea dership in transportation. We can't let that happen," says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead __31__ of four bills recently introduced.If all four bills pass as written, they would __32__ a substantial u pdate of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions. Manufacturers would have nearly tot al freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads. The y would be allowed to send groups of self- driving cars on cross-stat e road trips, and even set up on-demand __33__ of self-driving cars , like the one General Motors and Lyft are building.Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology. In__34__ , C alifornia, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more __35__ rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel , and ban commercial use of self-driving technology.A) bidB) contrastC) deputyD) dominanceE) fleetsF) knotsG) legislationH) migratedI) replaceJ) representK) restrictiveL) rewardM) significantN) sponsorO) transmitted答案:HAGDI NJEBK2019年6⽉第2套Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean t hat animals don't have culture. There's no better example of this th an killer whales. As one of the most __26__ predators (⾷⾁动物), killer whales may not fit the __27__ of a cultured creature. Ho wever, these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly _ _28__ behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic developme nt.The word "culture" comes from the Latin "colere," which __29__ me ans "to cultivate." In other words, it refers to anything that is __30 __ or learnt, rather than instinctive or natural. Among human pop ulations, culture not only affects the way we live, but also writes its elf into our genes, affecting who we are. For instance, having spentmany generations hunting the fat marine mammals of the Arctic, th e Eskimos of Greenland have developed certain genetic __31__ th at help them digest and utilize this fat- rich diet, thereby allowing them to __32__ in their cold climate.Like humans, killer whales have colonized a range of different __33 __ across the globe, occupying every ocean basin on the planet wit h an empire that __34__ from pole to pole. As such, different popu lations of killer whales have had to learn different hunting technique s in order to gain the upper hand over their local prey(猎物). This, in turn, has a major effect on their diet, leading scientists to __35__ that the ability to learn population-specific hunting m ethods could be driving the animals, genetic development.A) acquiredB) adaptationsC) brutalD) deliberatelyE) expressedF) extendsG) habitatsH) humbleI) imageJ) literallyK) refinedL) revolvesM) speculateN) structureO) thrive答案:CIKJA BOGFM2019年6⽉第3套Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs (暗礁) perfect for scuba diving (⽔肺式潜泳) and preserving marine __26__. Turkish authorities have just su nk something a little different than a ship, and it wouldn't normally ever touch water, an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was __27 __ of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sun k off the Aegean coast today. Not only will the sunken plane __28_ _ the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities ho pe this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area. The plane __29__ a total length of 54 meters, where experienced scuba divers will __30__ be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane's __31__ Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US $ 100,000, but they hope to see a return on that __32__ through the touri sm industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the __33__ of several deadly terrorist atta cks. As far as sunken planes go, this AirbusA300 is the largest __3 4__ sunk aircraft ever.Taking a trip underwater and __35__ the inside of a sunken A300 w ould be quite an adventure, and that is exactly what Turkish autho rities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in a dventure seekers and experienced divers, this new artificial Airb us reef will be a scuba diver's paradise (天堂).A) createB) depressedC) eventuallyD) experiencesE) exploringF) exteriorG) habitatsH) innovateI) intentionallyJ) investmentK) revealingL) stretchesM) strippedN) territoryO) victim答案:GMALC FJOIE。

打印- 四级英语15选10选词填空

打印- 四级英语15选10选词填空
After a century, the monument began to show signs of getting worse in19. Just as Frenchmen had created the Statue, so it was with restoration.
A Frenchman noted the decay and French and American craftsmen andcontributions brought about the renewal of the Statue in time for its centennial.Liberty is still20in France and the United States.
The base and statue,16272 feet tall, were completed in 1886. From a17standpoint, the statue is a marvel. The inner structure was designed by the French engineer, Alexandre Eiffel. His design for the stressed copper skin of the statue anticipated many of the18utilized in modern aircraft.
Directions:In this passage there are ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.



四六级真题十年必考100个单词❉accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速【派】acceleration n. 加速accelerating a. 加速的❉account n. 账户;考虑【考】take sth. into account 把……考虑在内❉accustom vt. 使习惯【考】be accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于……❉adapt vi. 适应【考】adapt (oneself) to... 使……适应……❉adjust vi. 适应;调整【考】adjust to... 适应……❉advocate vt. 宣扬;提倡,主张❉affluent a. 富裕的【派】affluence n. 富裕❉annoy vt. 使烦恼, 使恼怒【派】annoying a. 令人讨厌的annoyance n. 烦恼annoyed a. 恼怒的,生气的;烦闷的❉ascribe vt. 把……归咎于【考】ascribe...to 归因于……❉assess vt. 评估【派】assessment n. 评估❉assign vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)【派】assignment n. 作业❉assume vt. 假设,假定【派】assumption n. 假定;设想❉attain vt. 获得【考】attain one's ideal 实现理想❉attribute vt. 把……归因于【考】attribute sth. to 把……归因于❉automatically ad. 自动地❉beforehand ad. 预先,事先❉boost vt. 提高,推动,使增长;n. 推动,增长【派】booster n.支持者,推动器❉brilliant a. 光辉的,辉煌的【派】brilliance n. 光辉;才华❉collaborate vi. 合作;通敌【考】collaborate with sb. 与……合作❉comprehensive a. 综合的【考】comprehensive university 综合性大学❉conscious a. 有意识的【考】be conscious of sth. 意识到……;知道❉conserve vt. 保存;节省【考】conserve energy 节能;保存精力❉considerate a. 考虑周到的,体贴的❉contribute vt. 贡献【考】contribute to 导致,带来,为……贡献❉convenient a. 方便的【派】convenience n. 方便,便利❉convey vt. 传达❉cooperate vt. 合作【考】cooperative a. 合作的;合作社的❉coordinate vt. 调整,整合❉cultivate vt. 培养❉derive vt. 来自,源于【考】derive from... 来自,衍生于❉despair vi. 绝望;n. 绝望【考】despair of 绝望❉disapprove vt. 不批准;不赞同【派】disapproval n. 不赞同【考】express strong disapproval of 谴责;训斥❉dismiss vt. 撤销;免职【考】be dismissed by 被……解雇❉distinguish vt. 辨别【派】distinguished a. 突出的;著名的❉distribute vt. 分配,分发【考】distribution n. 分配,分发❉dominate vt. 支配,统治❉embarrass vt. 使窘迫, 使尴尬【派】embarrassed a. 尴尬的,窘迫的embarrassing a. 令人尴尬的embarrassment n. 窘迫,难堪;沮丧❉employ vt. 雇佣;使用【考】in the employ of 受雇于【派】employer n. 雇主employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇佣, 工作unemployment n. 失业❉engage vt. 从事;订婚【考】be engaged in sth. 从事……;参加……❉enhance vt. 加强❉enroll vt. 注册;使加入;使……入会【派】enrollment n. 登记;入伍❉evacuate vt. 撤退;疏散【派】evacuation n. 撤退;疏散❉evaluate vt. 评价;估计【派】evaluation n. 评价;评估;求值❉excessive a. 过度的❉frustrate vt. 使沮丧, 使灰心【派】frustration n. 挫折frustrating a. 令人沮丧的❉genetic a. 遗传的❉guarantee vt. 保证❉identify vt. 鉴别;验明❉immigrate vt. 移民;移居(从国外移进)【派】immigrant n. 移民immigration❉emigrate vt. 移民(从本国移出)❉implement vt. 实施【派】implementation n. 执行;落实;方法❉incline vi. 倾向【考】be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事❉inferior a. 下级的;下等的【考】be inferior to 比……低级❉injure vt. 受伤【派】injured a. 受伤的injury n. 受伤❉inquire vi. 询问❉instinct n. 本能;直觉;天性【考】instinct for 有……的天分❉integrate vt. 使结合;使一体化【派】integral a. 完整的;整体的;一体的integration n. 集成;一体【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体global economic integration 全球经济一体化❉internship n. 实习生❉inverse a. 倒转的,反转的❉justify vt. 证明…是正当的❉launch vt. 发射;开展;n. 发射;发行,投放市场【考】launch an activity 发起活动product launch 产品发布launch date 发行日期;上市日期❉negative a. 消极的❉notify vt. 通知;告诉【派】notification n. 通知;通告;告示❉obligation n. 职责,责任;义务【考】legal obligation 法律义务❉obstacle /'ɒbstək(ə)l/ n. 障碍;干扰❉optimistic a. 乐观的【考】be optimistic about sth. 对……很乐观❉originate vt. 由……产生;引起;创作❉overcome vt. 战胜,克服❉phenomenon n. 现象❉positive a. 积极的❉potential a. 潜在的;可能的;n. 潜能,潜力;可能性【考】potential customer 潜在客户❉preferable a. 更好的,更可取的❉prevail vt. 盛行,流行;压倒,胜过【派】prevailing a. 流行的;占优势的❉priority n. 优先;优先权【考】give priority to 优先考虑……first priority 绝对优先权❉proceed vi. 开始;进行;着手❉proportion n. 比例,占比;部分;面积【派】proportional a. 相应的、成比例的❉pursue vt. 追求【考】pursue one's ideal 追求理想【派】pursuit n. 追求,追赶❉qualify vt. (使)胜任;证明……具有资格;限定,修饰【考】qualify for sth. 具有……的资格;合格【派】qualification n. 资格;条件qualified a. 合格的,有资格的❉recommend vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告❉reference n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目❉remind vt. 提醒某人注意【考】remind of sth. 提醒;使记起,使回想起❉relevant a. 有关的,切题的;中肯的;有意义的【考】be relevant to 与……有关【派】relevance n. 有关,相关;irrelevant a. 不相关的;不切题的❉restore vt. 恢复;修复【考】backup and restore 备份与还原❉restrain vt. 遏制,阻止;控制;约束【考】restrain (oneself) from doing sth. 制止/阻止……去……;抑制……❉resume /ˈrezjʊmeɪ/ n. 简历,履历;摘要;/rɪˈzju:m/ v. 重新开始,继续;恢复❉reverse vt. 颠倒;反转【考】in reverse 相反【派】reversely ad. 相反地;反面地❉sacrifice vt. 牺牲❉starvation n. 饥饿;饿死❉submit vt. 提交;屈服;顺从【考】submit sth. to sb. 把……提交给……❉subsidy n. 津贴,补贴,补助金【考】government subsidy 政府补贴❉superior a. 高级的,高等的;优秀的,出众的【考】be superior to 比……好❉survive vt. 幸免于……,幸存【考】survive on sth. 靠……活下来;靠……生存❉transmit vt. 传播❉tropical a. 热带的❉undertake vt. 承担,着手做;保证,同意【考】undertake sth. 从事…【派】undertaking n. 事业,任务❉vanish vi. 消失❉victim n. 受害者❉valid a. 有效的;合法的;正当的;有根据的❉vision n. 视力;眼力;视野【派】visible a. 看得见的;可见的;明显的;能注意到的。




A survey of English schoolchildren shows boys and girls are worrying about the way they look. The found that over half of male schoolchildren lacked confidence because of their body . The figure for girls was slightly , at 59 percent. Researchers questioned 693 teachers about how their students about their bodies. All the children had taken lessons on body image and self-esteem.A)about B) attractive C) blame D) complete E) discover F) fat G) felt H) for I) higher J) lazy K) questions L) reasons M) shape N) study O) upset阅读技巧2:词汇法(词汇搭配)推荐几种单词记忆的方法:1. 背A级、三四六级大纲词汇;2. 通过阅读文章,积累热点单词;3. 将记单词和兴趣爱好结合起来。

Around 55 percent of teachers reported that girls were "ultra-sensitive" to comments their looks.A) about B) attractive C) blame D) complete E) discover F) fatG) felt H) for I) higher J) lazy K) questions L) reasons M) shape N) study O) upset阅读技巧3:上下文联系。



单词词包翻译social四级真题高频词汇 a. 社会的;交际的product四级真题高频词汇n.产品;产物;制品;积;likely四级真题高频词汇adj.很可能的, 合适的system四级真题高频词汇 n. 系统,体系,制度,体制activity四级真题高频词汇 n. 活动;行动;活跃reward四级真题高频词汇 n. 报酬,报答,赏金vt. 给...报酬,奖赏stress四级真题高频词汇 n. 紧张, 压力v. 强调, 着重vt. 强调n.负载expert四级真题高频词汇n. 专家,能手a. 熟练的,有经验的;专门的concern四级真题高频词汇n.关心;忧虑;公司;企业;v.涉及;影响;牵涉;与…有关;university四级真题高频词汇n. (综合)大学individual四级真题高频词汇 adj. 个别的; 独有的n. 个人, 个体view四级真题高频词汇n.景色, 风景, 观点hunt四级真题高频词汇v./n. 打猎,猎取;(for)搜索;寻找challenge四级真题高频词汇 n.挑战;盘问;质疑;怀疑vt.质疑;向…挑战vi.提出挑战,要求竞赛(或竞争);驳斥process四级真题高频词汇 n.过程;工序;做事方法;工艺流程vt.加工;处理;审阅;审核vi.列队行进adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的project四级真题高频词汇 n. 工程,项目,计划,事业v. 计划,设计,表达v. 投射,放映,凸出ability四级真题高频词汇 n. 才能, 能力rate四级真题高频词汇 n. 比率, 等级, 价格vt. 估价, 认为, 定等级;责骂vi. 受欢迎, 受推崇; 责骂radiation四级真题高频词汇 n. 辐射,放射线feature四级真题高频词汇 n. 特征, 容貌vt. 以...为特色vi. 起重要作用create四级真题高频词汇v. 创造,创作;引起,造成,建立crash四级真题高频词汇 v. 撞碎, 猛使...破碎, 迫降,发出巨响n. 轰隆声, 猛撞, 崩溃, 破产, 垮台adj. 速成的n. 粗布advertise四级真题高频词汇 vi. 登广告vt. 为...做广告, 宣传tend四级真题高频词汇 vt.照料,照顾;护理;照管,管理vi.倾向(于),趋向(于);伺侯,招待;关心;注意reader四级真题高频词汇n. 读者;读本,读物;(英国的)大学讲师per四级真题高频词汇prep. 每;经,由local四级真题高频词汇a. 地方的,当地的;局部的highway四级真题高频词汇n. 公路,大路assume四级真题高频词汇v.假设;假定;认为;假装;physical四级真题高频词汇 adj. 身体的,物理的,物质的n. 体检instant四级真题高频词汇 n. 立即, 瞬间adj. 立即的, 即时的focus四级真题高频词汇 n. 焦点, 焦距v. 集中, 聚集, 使集中expand四级真题高频词汇 vt. 增加,详述,扩展,使...膨胀vi. 扩展,增加,详述effective四级真题高频词汇 adj. 有效的,有影响的declare四级真题高频词汇 vt. &vi. 宣布,声明,申报benefit四级真题高频词汇 n. 利益, 津贴; 义卖, 义演vt. 有益于vi. 得益opportunity四级真题高频词汇 n. 机会, 时机amount四级真题高频词汇 n. 数量, 总额vi. 总计, 等于environment四级真题高频词汇 n. 环境,外界status四级真题高频词汇n.地位;身份;情形;法律地位(或身份);brand四级真题高频词汇 n. 燃烧的木条,剑,商标,牌子,烙印,类型vt. 打烙印,污蔑,铭记fashion四级真题高频词汇n.时兴;时装业;(衣服、发式等的)流行款式;v.塑造;adult四级真题高频词汇n. 成年人a. 成年的,充分长成的,成熟的affect四级真题高频词汇 vt. 影响, 作用, 感动compete四级真题高频词汇 v. 竞争, 对抗global四级真题高频词汇 adj. 全球性的, 全局的policy四级真题高频词汇n. 政策;保险单account四级真题高频词汇 n.账,账目;存款;记述,报告;理由vi.解释;导致;报账vt.认为;把…视作involve四级真题高频词汇 vt. 包含, 使陷入, 使忙于, 使卷入, 牵涉lightning四级真题高频词汇n. 闪电a. 闪电般的,快速的technology四级真题高频词汇n. 科学技术;工业技术;应用科学leak四级真题高频词汇 n. 漏洞v. 漏,泄漏vi. 漏,渗competition四级真题高频词汇 n. 比赛,竞争community四级真题高频词汇 n. 社区, 团体foundation四级真题高频词汇 n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立behavior四级真题高频词汇 n. 行为,举止range四级真题高频词汇n.区间;射程;靶场;一系列;v.徘徊;变动;包括(从…到…)之间的各类事物;maintain四级真题高频词汇 vt. 维持; 维修, 保养; 坚持; 断言action四级真题高频词汇 n. 起诉,行为,作用,情节,活动obvious四级真题高频词汇 adj. 明显的,显而易见的primarily四级真题高频词汇 adv. 首先, 主要地detail四级真题高频词汇n. 细节,详情v. 详述decade四级真题高频词汇 n. 十年pollution四级真题高频词汇 n. 污染, 污染物advantage四级真题高频词汇n.优势;优点;有利条件;有利因素;v.有利于;使处于有利地位;有助于;culture四级真题高频词汇n.文化;栽培;养殖;培育;v.培养(细胞或细菌);autobiography四级真题高频词汇n. 自传;自传文学leader四级真题高频词汇n.领袖,领导人;首领accordingly四级真题高频词汇 adv. 因此,于是,如前所说照着相应地enormous四级真题高频词汇 adj. 巨大的, 庞大的avoid四级真题高频词汇 v. 避免vt. 避免,逃避source四级真题高频词汇 n. 来源fulfill四级真题高频词汇 vt. 履行,完成moral四级真题高频词汇 adj. 道德(上)的,有道德的n. 品行,寓意,道德rank四级真题高频词汇 n. 队列,排名,等级,军衔,阶级adj. 繁茂的,恶臭的,讨厌的vt. 排列,归类于replace四级真题高频词汇 vt. 取代,更换appeal四级真题高频词汇 n. 恳求, 上诉, 吸引力n. 诉诸裁决v. 求助, 诉请, 呼吁; 有吸引力approve四级真题高频词汇 vt. 批准,核准,证实vi. 赞同plastic四级真题高频词汇 adj. 塑料的, 可塑的, 体态好的n. 塑料,(外科)整形的,信用卡performance四级真题高频词汇 n.表演;演技;表现;执行recognize四级真题高频词汇 vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激factor四级真题高频词汇 n. 因素,因子vt. 把…因素包括进去vi.作为因素complex四级真题高频词汇 adj. 复杂的n. 复合体shift四级真题高频词汇 n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者vt. 更替,移转,变声vi. 改变,定责,更衣injury四级真题高频词汇 n. 受伤处,损害,伤害outcome四级真题高频词汇 n. 结果insurance四级真题高频词汇 n. 保险impression四级真题高频词汇 n. 印象, 效果household四级真题高频词汇 adj. 家庭的, 家喻户晓的n. 家庭, 户claim四级真题高频词汇n.索赔;宣称;声明;断言;v.声称;宣称;认领;索取;personality四级真题高频词汇 n. 个性, 名人, 特色personnel四级真题高频词汇 n.全体员工;(与复数动词连用)人员,员工;人事部门employee四级真题高频词汇 n. 雇员reserve四级真题高频词汇v.保留;预订;预留;拥有;n.保留;自然保护区;预备队;矜持;adj.后备的;approach四级真题高频词汇 n. 接近; 途径, 方法v. 靠近, 接近, 动手处理capacity四级真题高频词汇 n. 能力, 容量, 容积; 资格, 职位adj. (达到最大容量)满的generally四级真题高频词汇 adv. 一般地automobile四级真题高频词汇 n. 汽车adj. 汽车的male四级真题高频词汇n./a. 男性(的),雄性(的)regardless四级真题高频词汇 adj. 不注意的, 粗心的adv. 不顾contact四级真题高频词汇 v. (与)联系, (与)接触n. 接触, 联系; 联系人wealthy四级真题高频词汇 adj. 富有的n. 富人estimate四级真题高频词汇 n. 估计, 估价v. 估计, 估价, 评价incident四级真题高频词汇 n. 事件,(常指)军事冲突, 插曲,事变adj. 难免的,附带的,(物理)入射的device四级真题高频词汇n.装置;设备;仪器;方法;error四级真题高频词汇 n. 错误, 过失relationship四级真题高频词汇n. 关系,联系recently四级真题高频词汇 adv. 最近scale四级真题高频词汇n.秤;比例尺;范围;刻度;v.攀登;到达…顶点;去鳞;刮除牙石;union四级真题高频词汇n.联盟;工会;联合;联合会;climate四级真题高频词汇 n. 气候, 风气, 气氛available四级真题高频词汇 adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的criticism四级真题高频词汇 n. 批评,评论diet四级真题高频词汇 n. 日常饮食,规定饮食vt. 照规定饮食adj. 低卡路里的accomplish四级真题高频词汇 vt. 完成finally四级真题高频词汇ad. 最后,最终;决定性地spot四级真题高频词汇n.斑点, 污点, 现场civilian四级真题高频词汇 adj. 平民的n. 罗马法专家,平民ground四级真题高频词汇n. 地,地面,土地;场地,场所;理由,根据liberal四级真题高频词汇 n. 自由主义者, 宽容大度的人, (Liberal)自由党人adj. 无偏见的, 慷慨的,不拘泥的, 宽大的, 开明的establish四级真题高频词汇 v. 建立, 确立, 创办indicate四级真题高频词汇 v.指明, 表明, 显示, 象征, 指示potential四级真题高频词汇 adj.潜在的,有可能的; [语法学]可能语气的,表示可能性的;有能力的n.潜力,潜能; [物]电位,势能;潜能的事物; [语]可能语气professional四级真题高频词汇 adj. 职业(上)的,专业的n. 专业人员ideal四级真题高频词汇 adj. 理想的, 完美的, 高尚的n. 理想, 典范, 目标reflect四级真题高频词汇 v. 反映, 反射, 归咎considerable四级真题高频词汇 adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的influence四级真题高频词汇 vt. 影响, 感化n. 影响力, 势力; 影响, 权势n. 有影响的人(或事物)trace四级真题高频词汇 n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量vt. 追踪,找出根源,描绘vi. 追踪attitude四级真题高频词汇 n. 态度, 看法, 姿势chemical四级真题高频词汇 adj. 化学的n. 化学制品network四级真题高频词汇n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络positive四级真题高频词汇adj.肯定;确信;积极乐观的;自信的;n.正片;优点;优势;阳性结果(或反应);territory四级真题高频词汇 n. 领土, 版图, 领域, 范围engage四级真题高频词汇 v. 答应, 预定, 使忙碌,雇佣, 订婚witness四级真题高频词汇n.目击者,见证人;[法]证人;证据welfare四级真题高频词汇n.福祉;(政府给予的)福利;career四级真题高频词汇 n. 生涯, 职业, 事业vi. 猛冲, 飞跑vt. 在...中急行attach四级真题高频词汇 v. 附上, 系上, 贴上, 使依恋profit四级真题高频词汇n.利润;收益;利益;赢利;v.获益;得到好处;对…有用(或有益);musician四级真题高频词汇n. 音乐家,乐师purchase四级真题高频词汇 n. 购买, 购买的物品n. 支点; 紧握, 抓紧vt. 购买, 赢得; (用设备)举起, 移动competitive四级真题高频词汇 adj. 竞争的, 比赛的particularly四级真题高频词汇 adv. 特别, 尤其assign四级真题高频词汇 v. 分配,指派n.[计算机] DOS 命令将驱动器符重指向第二个驱动器符response四级真题高频词汇 n. 反应, 响应; 回答pace四级真题高频词汇 n. 速度,步调,步法vt. 踱步,调整节奏vi. 缓慢地走complaint四级真题高频词汇 n. 抱怨identify四级真题高频词汇 vt.识别,认出;确定;使参与;把…看成一样vi.确定;认同arise四级真题高频词汇 vi. 上升,引起,出现victim四级真题高频词汇 n. 受害者,牺牲sample四级真题高频词汇 n. 样品,标本vt. 采样,品尝adj. 样例的modify四级真题高频词汇 vt. 修改,调正,缓和vi. 修改property四级真题高频词汇 n. 财产; 性质; 道具structure四级真题高频词汇 n. 结构,构造,建筑物v. 构成,建立,建造target四级真题高频词汇 n.(服务的)对象;目标;(射击的)靶子;目的vt.瞄准;把…作为攻击目标belief四级真题高频词汇 n. 相信, 信念, 信仰minority四级真题高频词汇 n. 少数, 少数民族, 未成年resistant四级真题高频词汇 adj. 抵抗的,反抗的n. 抵抗者theory四级真题高频词汇 n. 理论,原则,看法,推测signal四级真题高频词汇 n. 信号,导火线,动机vt. 发信号,标志vi. 发信号adj. 显著的bloom四级真题高频词汇 n. 花,钢块,兴旺vt. 使...开花vi. 开花,变得健康cheat四级真题高频词汇 n. 骗子,欺骗行为vt. &vi. 欺骗,作弊instance四级真题高频词汇 n.例子,实例;情况;要求,建议; [法]诉讼手续vt.举…为例transfer四级真题高频词汇 n. 迁移, 移动, 换车v. 转移, 调转, 调任bacterial四级真题高频词汇 adj. 细菌的threaten四级真题高频词汇v.威胁;危及;恐吓;扬言要;abroad四级真题高频词汇 adj. 在国外,海外(一般作表语)adv. 到国外, 广为流传audience四级真题高频词汇 n. 听众, 观众, 读者, 拥护者, 倾听, 正式会见scan四级真题高频词汇 vt. 扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律vi. 扫描;扫掠n. 扫描;浏览;审视;细看corporation四级真题高频词汇 n. 公司, 法人, 集团threat四级真题高频词汇 n. 威胁, 凶兆gas四级真题高频词汇n. 煤气;气体;汽油promote四级真题高频词汇 vt. 促进, 提升, 升迁; 发起; 促销style四级真题高频词汇n. 风格,文体,式样grant四级真题高频词汇 vt.承认;同意;准许;授予n.拨款;补助金;授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等)vi.同意apply四级真题高频词汇 vt. 应用, 申请; 涂vt. 使专心从事vi.申请; 有关联extend四级真题高频词汇v.扩展;延长;扩大;提供;install四级真题高频词汇 v. 安装,安置,使...就职n.[计算机] 安装,DOS命令 : 装入结束且驻留软件impact四级真题高频词汇 n. 冲击(力), 冲突, 影响(力)vt. 挤入, 压紧; 撞击; 对...发生影响function四级真题高频词汇 n. 功能, 函数, 重大聚会vi. 运行, 起作用industrial四级真题高频词汇 adj. 工业的,产业的n. 工业公司user四级真题高频词汇n.用户,使用者propose四级真题高频词汇v.建议;提议;求婚;打算;alter四级真题高频词汇 v. 改变agency四级真题高频词汇 n. 代理,代理处,政府机构contribute四级真题高频词汇 vt. 捐助,投稿vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一educate四级真题高频词汇v.教育, 训练, 培养absent四级真题高频词汇 adj. 缺席的,缺少的vt. 使缺席poison四级真题高频词汇 n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害vt. 毒害,摧毁,中毒adj. 有毒的airline四级真题高频词汇n. (飞机)航线a. (飞机)航线的possibility四级真题高频词汇 n. 可能性,可能的事情,潜在的价值flash四级真题高频词汇 n. 闪光,闪现,闪烁物,花哨,一瞬间,电脑动画技术vi. 闪现,闪烁vt. 传送,用光联络,流露出adj. 花哨的,炫耀的,昙花一现的nuclear四级真题高频词汇 adj. 原子核的,原子能的nucleus四级真题高频词汇 n. 核,核心,细胞核,原子核raw四级真题高频词汇 adj. 生的,未加工的,原始的,不熟练的,寒冷的n. 触到某人的痛处extensive四级真题高频词汇adj.广阔的;广大的;大量的;广泛的;military四级真题高频词汇 adj.军事的;军用的;讨厌的;好战的n.军人;军队;武装力量directly四级真题高频词汇ad. 直接地,径直地;马上,立即deny四级真题高频词汇 vt. 否认, 拒绝, 反对, 克制absorb四级真题高频词汇 v. 吸收,吸引...的注意,使全神贯注committee四级真题高频词汇 n. 委员会complain四级真题高频词汇 vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉aid四级真题高频词汇n. 援助,救护;助手,辅助物vi. 援助,救援protein四级真题高频词汇 adj. 蛋白质的n. 蛋白质statement四级真题高频词汇 n. 声明, 陈述institution四级真题高频词汇 n. 机构,惯例,创立route四级真题高频词汇 n. 航线,路线,途径vt. 按路线发送, 改变路线associate四级真题高频词汇 vt.(使)发生联系;(使)联合;结交;联想vi.联盟;陪伴同事n.合伙人;伴侣,同志;非正式会员adj.联合的;合伙的;非正式的;(性质上)有密切联系的growth四级真题高频词汇 n. 生长, 增长, 生长物convince四级真题高频词汇 vt. 说服, 使...相信liberate四级真题高频词汇 v. 解放, 使获得自由, 释出, 放出vt. 解放, 使获自由cell四级真题高频词汇 n. 细胞, 电池, 小组, 小房间, 单人牢房, (蜂房的)巢室, 手机publish四级真题高频词汇 vt. 出版,发行,公开发表vi. 出版,发行youngster四级真题高频词汇 n. 年青人, 少年,小伙子,儿童,幼小动物failure四级真题高频词汇n. 失败,不及格;失败者;故障,失灵;未能faint四级真题高频词汇 n. 昏厥, 昏倒adj. 微弱的, 无力的, 模糊的v. 昏倒rob四级真题高频词汇v.抢夺, 抢掠, 剥夺resident四级真题高频词汇 adj. 居住的n. 居民,旅客fund四级真题高频词汇 n.基金;储备;现款;特别基金管理机构vt.积存;为…提供资金;提供资金偿付(债款等)的本息;把(短期借款)转为有固定利息的长期借款appearance四级真题高频词汇 n. 外表,出现,出场portable四级真题高频词汇 adj. 轻便的,手提式的n. 手提打字机efficient四级真题高频词汇 adj. 效率高的,有能力的preference四级真题高频词汇 n. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物solution四级真题高频词汇 n. 解答, 解决办法, 溶解,溶液confidence四级真题高频词汇 n.信心;信任;秘密treatment四级真题高频词汇 n. 治疗,疗法,处理adopt四级真题高频词汇 v. 采用, 收养, 接受skilled四级真题高频词汇adj. 有技能的; 熟练的;需要技能...cultivate四级真题高频词汇 vt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长, 教养respond四级真题高频词汇 vi. &vt. 回复,反应,响应,应答n. 拱柱vary四级真题高频词汇 vt. 改变,使多样化vi. 变化,违背exit四级真题高频词汇 n. 出口,退场,离去vi. 退出,死亡vt. 离开survey四级真题高频词汇 n. 调查; 纵览, 视察, 测量vt. 审视, 视察, 通盘考虑,调查; 勘测vi. 测量, 勘测lest四级真题高频词汇 conj. 惟恐, 以免prep. 唯恐, 以免vehicle四级真题高频词汇 n. 传播媒介, 工具, 手段,交通工具, 车辆;constant四级真题高频词汇 adj. 经常的, 不变的n. 常数, 恒量speaker四级真题高频词汇n. 说话者,发言者;说某种语言者;扬声器atmosphere四级真题高频词汇 n. 大气, 气氛,空气, 格调, 情趣, 气压latter四级真题高频词汇 adj. 后面的,后者的pron.&n. 后者reform四级真题高频词汇 n. 改革,改正,感化vt. 改革,改正,使悔改vi. 改良,悔改economy四级真题高频词汇 n.节约;经济;理财;秩序primary四级真题高频词汇 n. 最主要者adj. 主要的, 初期的, 根本的differ四级真题高频词汇 vi. 不一致,不同(意见)capable四级真题高频词汇 adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的, 有...倾向的distinct四级真题高频词汇 adj. (from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的define四级真题高频词汇 vt. 定义, 解释resist四级真题高频词汇 v. 抵抗, 耐得住, 压制n. 保护膜argument四级真题高频词汇 n. 辩论,争论,论点(据),理由transform四级真题高频词汇 vt. 转换,变形vi. 改变n. 变形despite四级真题高频词汇 prep. 不管, 尽管v.憎恨, 轻视strengthen四级真题高频词汇 vt. &vi. 加强,变坚固distinguish四级真题高频词汇 vt. 区别,辨认,特别关注vi. 区别emotional四级真题高频词汇 adj. 感情的, 情绪的data四级真题高频词汇 n. (datum的复数)资料,数据achievement四级真题高频词汇 n. 成就, 成绩, 完成, 达到strategy四级真题高频词汇 n. 战略, 策略sufficient四级真题高频词汇 adj. 足够的, 充分的ban四级真题高频词汇 n. 禁令v. 禁止vt. 禁止,取缔poverty四级真题高频词汇 n. 贫穷,贫困wage四级真题高频词汇 n. 薪水,报偿,代价vt. &vi. 开始,进行(战争、运动)wisdom四级真题高频词汇 n. 智慧,学问assemble四级真题高频词汇 vt. 聚集,集合,装配vi. 集合, 聚集predict四级真题高频词汇 v. 预知, 预言, 预报accurate四级真题高频词汇 adj. 准确的, 精确的adapt四级真题高频词汇 vt. 使适应,改编vi. 适应,适合risk四级真题高频词汇 n.危险,冒险;保险额;被保险人或物vt.冒…的危险;使…冒风险(或面临危险)liquid四级真题高频词汇 adj. 液体的, 液态的n. 液体thunder四级真题高频词汇 n. 雷电,雷声vt.& vi. 打雷,轰隆地响,大声喊出virtue四级真题高频词汇 n. 美德,优点;贞操female四级真题高频词汇n./a. 女性(的),[语recommend四级真题高频词汇 vt. 建议, 推荐, 劝告vt. 使成为可取, 使受欢迎equality四级真题高频词汇 n. 同等, 平等economic四级真题高频词汇 adj. 经济学的, 经济的,有利可图的n. [-s]经济学(状况等)emit四级真题高频词汇 v. 发出,放射,吐露[计算机] 发射bar四级真题高频词汇 n. 条,棒,横木,酒吧vt. 禁止,阻挠arrange四级真题高频词汇 vt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲)vi. 协商,计划conference四级真题高频词汇 n. 会议improvement四级真题高频词汇 n. 改进, 改善previous四级真题高频词汇 adj. 在...之前, 先, 前, 以前的sensible四级真题高频词汇 adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的n. 可感知物exchange四级真题高频词汇 n. 交换,交换物,汇兑,交易所vt. &vi. 交换,交易,兑换consumption四级真题高频词汇 n. 消费intelligence四级真题高频词汇 n. 理解力, 智力, 情报,情报工作, 情报机关debate四级真题高频词汇 n. 辩论,讨论vt. 争论,思考vi. 商讨,辩论criticize四级真题高频词汇 vt. 批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难vi. 批评rail四级真题高频词汇 n. 栏杆,铁轨,扶手vt. 以横木围栏,铺铁轨vi. 责骂, 抱怨reveal四级真题高频词汇 vt. 显示, 透露n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧, 门侧n. (汽车的)窗框spray四级真题高频词汇 n. 水沫,喷雾器vt. &vi. 喷雾,扫射,喷射investment四级真题高频词汇 n. 投资,投入,投资额reinforce四级真题高频词汇v.加固;加强;充实;使更强烈;n.加固物;cope四级真题高频词汇 v. (with)竞争,对抗,对付,妥善处理vi. 对付,妥善处理exceed四级真题高频词汇 vt. 超过, 胜过, 超出界限vi. 领先confuse四级真题高频词汇 vt. 混乱,狼狈,困惑aware四级真题高频词汇 adj. 知道的, 意识到的superior四级真题高频词汇 n. 上级,高手,上标adj. 上层的,上好的,出众的,高傲的emphasize四级真题高频词汇 v. 强调,着重vt. 强调region四级真题高频词汇 n. 地区,地域,地带,行政区pop四级真题高频词汇n. 流行音乐;汽水;爸爸intensity四级真题高频词汇 n. 激烈,强度,强烈,剧烈appreciate四级真题高频词汇 vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识vt. 领会,充分意识vi. 增值colleague四级真题高频词汇 n. 同事transportation四级真题高频词汇 n. 运输, 运输系统, 运输工具everyday四级真题高频词汇adj. 每日的,日常的fame四级真题高频词汇 n. 名声,名望vt. 使有名望familiar四级真题高频词汇 adj. 熟悉的,熟知的,不拘礼节的n. 熟人,熟悉某种事物的人urban四级真题高频词汇adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的;span四级真题高频词汇 n.共轭(马、骡);跨度,墩距;一段时间;[航] 跨绳vt.缚住或扎牢;跨越时间或空间;以掌测量;以手围绕测量类似测量essential四级真题高频词汇 adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的n.必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西inhabitant四级真题高频词汇 n. 居民weapon四级真题高频词汇 n. 武器, 兵器accumulate四级真题高频词汇 vt. 积聚,累加,堆积vi. 累积eliminate四级真题高频词汇v.消除;消灭;清除;淘汰;remarkable四级真题高频词汇 adj. 显著的, 异常的, 非凡的, 值得注意的remedy四级真题高频词汇 n. 药物,治疗法,补救vt. 治疗,补救,矫正mislead四级真题高频词汇 vt. 误导,使产生错误印象,欺骗,使误入歧途whale四级真题高频词汇 n. 鲸,大量vi. 捕鲸vt. 鞭打,打击,打败cliff四级真题高频词汇 n. 悬崖, 峭壁discard四级真题高频词汇 n. 丢牌,废牌vt. 丢弃,抛弃vi. 丢牌aspect四级真题高频词汇 n. 方面, 外貌, 外观; 方位, 方向shortage四级真题高频词汇 n. 不足,缺少mobile四级真题高频词汇 adj. 可移动的,易变的,迁徙的, 流动的 n. (可随风飘动的)悬挂装置, 可动雕塑crime四级真题高频词汇n.犯罪, 犯罪行为relax四级真题高频词汇 vi. 放松,松懈,松弛vt. 放松,放宽(限制等)fleet四级真题高频词汇 n. 船队,舰队,团队vt. &vi. 飞过,掠过adj. 跑得快的display四级真题高频词汇 n. 显示,陈列,炫耀vt. 显示,表现,夸示mask四级真题高频词汇 n. 口罩, 假面具,掩饰, 面膜vt. &vi. 戴面具,掩饰,化装[计算机] 掩码reverse四级真题高频词汇 n. 相反; 背面; 失败, 挫折adj. 反面的, 相反的, 颠倒的v. 颠倒, 逆转, 倒退security四级真题高频词汇 n.安全;保证,担保;保护,防护;有价证券adj.安全的,保安的,保密的emphasis四级真题高频词汇 n. 强调,重点lucky四级真题高频词汇 a. 幸运的,侥幸的significant四级真题高频词汇 adj. 有意义的, 意味深长的; 相当数量的; 重要的,重大的n. (复)有意义的事物; 标志aircraft四级真题高频词汇 n. 飞机cease四级真题高频词汇 n. 停止vt. &vi. 停止,终了transmit四级真题高频词汇 vt. 传输, 传送, 代代相传, 传达vi. (以无线电或有线电的方式)发送信号gasoline四级真题高频词汇 n. 汽油conduct四级真题高频词汇v.实施;执行;表现;引导;n.举止;管理方法;经营方式;实施办法;abandon四级真题高频词汇 n. 放纵vt. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺stimulate四级真题高频词汇 vt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞vi. 起刺激作用bind四级真题高频词汇 vt. 绑,约束,装订,粘合pressure四级真题高频词汇 n. 压力, 压强, 压迫characterize四级真题高频词汇 vt. 表示...的典型,赋予...特色cycle四级真题高频词汇n. 自行车;周期,循环v. 骑自行车;循环enable四级真题高频词汇 vt. 使...能够,使可行[计算机] 使能craft四级真题高频词汇 n. 工艺, 手艺, 狡诈,航空器, 行会成员vt. 手工制作consist四级真题高频词汇 n. 组成vi. 组成,存在,一致vital四级真题高频词汇 adj. 至关重要的, 生死攸关的, 有活力的, 充满生机的powerful四级真题高频词汇a. 强大的,有力的,有权的navy四级真题高频词汇 n. 海军,船队,深蓝色disappear四级真题高频词汇v. 不见,消失indoor四级真题高频词汇 a. 室内的,户内的release四级真题高频词汇 n. 释放, 让渡, 发行vt. 释放, 让与, 准予发表,发射increasingly四级真题高频词汇 adv. 逐渐地, 渐增地reputation四级真题高频词汇 n. 声誉,好名声forbid四级真题高频词汇 vt. 禁止,妨碍, 阻止inspire四级真题高频词汇 vt. 影响,使...感动, 激发,煽动vi. 吸入usage四级真题高频词汇 n. 惯用法,使用,用法。



• [解析]考生应该如何分类呢?我们给出一个样例: A) wonder n/v I) hid v B) acquired v J) prominent a C) consistently ad K) decent a D) regained v L) countless a E) nightmare n M) recalled v F) native a N) breakthrough n G) acceptance n O) automatically ad H) effective a
• 附录:四级常用后缀 名词后缀 1)-or/er/ess/crat/cis:做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, debtor 2)-acy, 表示“性质,状态,境遇” democracy, accuracy, diplomacy 3)-ance, -ence表示“性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” importance, diligence, difference, obedience 4)-ancy, -ency, 表示“性质,状态,行为,过程” frequency, urgency, efficiency, 5)-bility, 表示“动作,性质,状态” possibility, flexibility, feasibility, 6)-dom, 表示“等级,领域,状态” freedom, kingdom, wisdom 7)-hood, 表示"资格,身份, 年纪,状态" childhood, manhood, falsehood 8)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示“行为的过程,结果,状况” action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction 9)-ism, 表示“制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为” socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism 10)-ity, 表示“性质,状态,程度” purity, reality, ability, calamity 11)-ment, 表示“行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果” treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument 12)-ness, 表示“性质,状态,程度”



2013年6月份Walking, if you do it vigorously enough, is the overall best exercise for regular physical a ctivity. It requires no equipment, everyone knows how to do it and it carries the 47 risk of in jury. The human body is designed to walk. You can walk in parks or along a river or in your ne ighborhood. To get 48 benefit from walking, aim for 45 minutes a day, an average of five da ys a week.Strength training is another important 49 of physical activity. Its purpose is to build and 50 bone and muscle mass, both of which shrink with age. In general, you will want to do stre ngth training two or three days a week, 51 recovery days between sessions.Finally, flexibility and balance training are 52 important as the body ages. Aches and p ains are high on the list of complaints in old age. The result of constant muscle tension and stif fness of joints, many of them are 53 , and simple flexibility training can 54 these by makin g muscles stronger and keeping joints lubricated. Some of this you do whenever you stretch. If you watch dogs and cats, youwill get an idea of how natural it is. The general 55 is simple: whenever the body has been in one position for a while, it is good to 56 stretch it in an oppo site position.A) allowing B) avoidable C) briefly D) component E) determined F) helpingG) increasingly H) lowest I) maintain J) maximum K) prevent L) principle M) provoke N) seriously O) topic答案:47. 答案:H. lowest 【解析】:根据上下文可以判断需要选择一个形容词来修饰risk,根据句子意思,需要选择lowest“最低的”,句子的意思是:人人都知道怎么步行,并且步行受伤的风险最低。

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