






let me begin m speeh ith a repla of senes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here toda.

mum, i'm sorr, but i need 3,000 uan for m tuition this ear.

mum, it is m friend's birthda tomorro, i must bu her a present.

mum, this jaket as out of fashion long ago, ould ou do me a favor?

take. take. take. the relationship beteen a mother and a hild alas seems to follo suh a pattern. i kno m mother is alas there for me, providing me ith everthing i need; from food to lothing, from tuition to poket mone. i never thought tie about all she did until one da she said, ill there be a time that ou'll sa ou have taken enough from me?

like a hild endlessl asking, e humans, throughout histor, have been ontinuall demanding hat e desire from nature. e enjo the fort and beaut of our furniture, et e never bother

to think about the serious soil erosion aused b deforestation.

e take it for granted that e must arm ourselves in inter times, et e seldom realize the burning XX o

f preious natural resoures. e appreiate all the prosperit from the development

of modern industr, et fe ould give the slightest onsideration to the global air and ater pollution aused b industrial astes. our ruthless exploitation has permanentl impaired our mother earth. as e tragiall learned from last summer's floods. e annot ontinue our arelessness.

finall, standing here at the threshold of the 21st entur, e annot help thinking of our posterit. nature is not onl the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to e. ho severel our desendents ill ritiize us if e leave them a barren and lifeless mother? ho muh more the

ill appreiate us if e give them a orld of harmon to inherit?

let us start respeting and aring for nature from no on. let

us start the ampaign of reating a mutuall benefiial

relationship beteen people and nature right from this moment. ith this ne start, i firml believe, that our hildren, and our hildren's hildren ill live in a brand ne age of green trees, lean air, rstal ater, blue sk and an even more promising orld!






let me begin m speeh ith a repla of senes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here toda.

"mum, i'm sorr, but i need 3,000 uan for m tuition this ear."

"mum, it is m friend's birthda tomorro, i must bu her a present."

"mum, this jaket as out of fashion long ago, ould ou do

me a favor? "

take. take. take. the relationship beteen a mother and a hild alas seems to follo suh a pattern. i kno m mother is

alas there for me, providing me ith everthing i need; from

food to lothing, from tuition to poket mone. i never thought

tie about all she did until one da she said, "ill there be a time that ou'll sa ou have taken enough from me? "

like a hild endlessl asking, e humans, throughout histor, have been ontinuall demanding hat e desire from nature. e

enjo the fort and beaut of our furniture, et e never bother

to think about the serious soil erosion aused b deforestation.

e take it for granted that e must arm ourselves in inter times, et e seldom realize the burning XX o

f preious natural

resoures. e appreiate all the prosperit from the development

of modern industr, et fe ould give the slightest onsideration to the global air and ater pollution aused b industrial astes. our ruthless exploitation has permanentl impaired our mother earth. as e tragiall learned from last summer's floods. e annot ontinue our arelessness.

finall, standing here at the threshold of the 21st entur, e annot help thinking of our posterit. nature is not onl the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to e. ho severel our desendents ill ritiize us if e leave them a barren and lifeless mother? ho muh more the

ill appreiate us if e give them a orld of harmon to inherit?

let us start respeting and aring for nature from no on. let

us start the ampaign of reating a mutuall benefiial

relationship beteen people and nature right from this moment. ith this ne start, i firml believe, that our hildren, and our hildren's hildren ill live in a brand ne age of green trees, lean air, rstal ater, blue sk and an even more promising orld!



enjo ourself hile fulfilling responsibilit in m ears of life, there have been man things. universit das are the best part of them. i an never forget the das hen i stepped into m universit. i as impressed b its garden-like ampus, its

enthusiasti students and espeiall its learning atmosphere. i at one fell in love ith it.

after the arduous militar training, i get absolutel absorbed in m studies. the lasses given b the teahers are exellent. the provide us ith information not onl from our textbooks but from man other soures as ell. the easil arouse m insatiable desire to take in as muh as i an.

frankl speaking, at first i had some diffiult folloing the teahers. hoever, through m on efforts and thanks to m teahers' guidane, i made remarkable progress. no i've benefited a lot from letures and man other XXdemi reports.

learning is a long proess; i'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knoledge to enrih mself. this summer i got out of the ivor toer and entered the real orld. a publishing house offered me a part-time job in pilation and revision.

at the beginning i as belittled b m olleagues. but the ere reall surprised hen i translated seven english artiles over 5,000 ords on onl one da. graduall, the began to look at me ith respetful ees. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustorth olleague.

i also realize that onl those ho bring happiness for others an be trul happ. so i often take part in ativities onerning publi elfare. i one ent to a barren mountain village ith m lassmates. e taught the kids there ho ould not afford

shool. hile shoing them ho broad and ho ivilized the outer orld is, i as deepl touhed b their eagerness to learn, their honest and their purit. i ouldn't ontrol m tears on the da hen e left. the preious experiene ith the poor kids made me XXre of the responsibilit on the shoulders of us, future teahers.

besides stud and soial pratie, there are entertainments as ell. i do bod building ever da, hoping to keep health and energeti. e also rite a pla and put it on in our spare time.

ampus life is the most splendid time. but different people have different hoies. the majorit of students herish their beautiful season and herish the hope that one da the'll bee outstanding. but there are indeed some students still under ignorane. the gather together for eating, drinking or plaing ards. the're bus in searhing for a girlfriend or a bofriend. the forget pletel about their mission as ollege students and the hope of their motherland.

finall, i do hope everbod an tr their best to bee a orth itizen of the ountr. i do hope everbod an bee the bakbone of our nation and make great ontributions to soiet!



ho television is a learning tool


1. television plas an important role in our dail life.

there are man advantages in athing tv, e an benefit from tv programes.

3. there exist man disadvantages in athing tv.

4. e an get a lot and improve our abilities from tv programes.

ho television is a learning tool

noadas, ith the development of tehnolog and siene, television plas an important role in our dail life. some of

tv programs are funn, some of them are eduational, television bees an important tool to broadast ultures and information to us, e an learn about the orld from television at homes.

there are man advantages in athing tv, e an benefit from tv programes. first, it broadens our horizon. television as an important tool to spread information, e an kno about a lot of things at home and abroad, suh as, urrent events,

different ultures and ustoms beteen nations, advaned siene and tehnolog studies. seond, e ould promote our abilities of riting and listening b athing tv, espeiall some foreign tv programes or movies an help us learning foreign languages and ultures, knoing more about anedotes and seeing more beautiful sene all over the ord, and then it make the foundation for traveling or learning to abroad. third, e an improve the sense of humor, imagination and the abilit of expression, and

learn some skills of muniation from tv programes. fourth, some tv programes an inrease our sense of responsibilit and the patrioti spirit, sometimes the even ill exite our inspiration. for example, some histor doumentaries ould make us kno more about the progress of origin and evolution of humans, some food programes not onl introdue a variet of deliious food to us but also some of them ill teah us some ooking skills. fifth, as for some people ho are often on a business trip, the aurate eather broadast is so important, b the a, e an kno about the air qualit is mild ontamination or serious ontamination and so on. in addition, hen e are in bad mood, e ould ath ed to relax ourselves and the ill make us happ. above of all, there is no doubt that television is a good learning tool for us.

ever oin has to sides. but there exist man disadvantages in athing tv. on the one hand, some hildren ho are addited in tv programes bee laz, and even get tired of going to shool, their eesight ill go don if people ath tv keep a long time. on the other hand, beause of a majorit of hildren are fond of imitation and are urious about everthing, some tv programes are so dangerous that don’t fit hildren, suh as parts of kung-fu movies and fight ing films. hat’s more, some tv programes are just for adults, the are mabe bad for

hildren’s groth and mental health. so, parents should hoose

some advantageous tv programes for hildren, suh as artoons, mon sense of life, doumentaries about histor and siene.

in a ord, noadas ever tv station releases all kinds of onderful tv programes to inrease audiene rating, sometimes e don’t kno ho to hoose. in m opinion, e should make reasonable of time to ath television and make full use of television, so e an get a lot and improve our abilities.




onern ith grades,and then better grades,in order to have a better life in the future,everone studies hard.i ant to be a teaher after m graduation.as a student,i should tr m best to ork as bus as bee.

more people are orking ever than before in hina.in the ities the traditional leisurel. in the ities,the traditional leisurel midda meals is disappearing.offiers,shops,and fatories are disovering the greater effiien of a short lunh hour in pan lunhrooms.in almost all lines of ork emphasis no falls on ever-inreasing out put.thus no the graduated students need produe more,earn more and bu more vonsumer goods than our ounterpart of onl generation ago.so our students should ork hard in shool and learn as muh as e an.

i ant to be a teaher ,then on a shop for floer.there are man reasons.mr.li ,m teaher,he had a great influene on me.he is a funn looking man ith a heerful fae,good-natured and a great talker.as one of his student,i think he is the best and most just and isest man.i have learned a lot from him.for example,he taught us students ho to deal ith the relationship ith others.he one said,”to err is human.”everone ma make a lot of mistakes,e should learn ho to get experienes from the errors and orret the mistakes.he said it is not frightfull if ou donnot have a great dream no.our life onsists of man stages.e met different people and things in ever stage,e should tr to do as more as e an so that e ould not be repentful of our life in our future.

i remembered that in m hildhood,i ant to be a

sientist.h?beause man of m lassmates ant to do so,no i think it is funn.after m elementar shool,i ent high shool,then met mr.li. at that time,i ant to be a teaher.in m vie,it is almost beause of mr.li’s ork.i think it’s a orth thing to teah a student ho to learn and itness their groing.no in the universit,i ant to be a teaher beause i’m an english major.i learned ho to teah a studenta.also i think universit is an important stage in m life.i meet man people here,ever

kind ;and make a lot of friends.e help from eah other and

learn from eah other.the teahers here are knoledgeable.as a onequene of a good teaher,e should enrih ourselves.

after m graduation,i ill tr to be a teaher and then run a greenhouse.beause i like floers and like planting floers.i think floers are great.the are elegant、silent、

graeful.dreams are beautiful and shado.hen e are looking at beautiful things,e ill in a good mood.the floers are alas seem to smile to ou hoever ou are and hatever ou do.so i like floers.in m opinion,the an give people happiness.different floers have different meanongs,hen mother’s da es,e hilden give them amations;hen valentine’s da es,e

give our lovers roses.everone an feel happiness hen the reeive floers.

in a ord,m greatest dream is running a greenhouse and being a teaher.i hope the dream ill e true one da.



it seems that man people toda are overeight. no one ants to arr around extra pounds, lout fe people kno ho to slum don effetivel. the look for mirale pills and magi ures. in the end, the fail and the pounds e bak. but the most effetive a

of losing eight is atuall ver simple. it is a bination of a good diet and proper exerise. hat makes it ork is

determination. it requires disipline and mitment to sueed.

here is an example that proves the truth of these ords.

m aunt had been tring to lose eight for ears. she ent on one diet after another, but none of them orked. she lost a

lot of eight quikl onl to have it e bak. finall, she folloed her dotor's advie and began to eat a simple, ell-balaned diet. she ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. in addition, she joined an exerise lass. she orked out three times a eek. at first, m aunt asn't happ beause the

eight ame off so slol. but her lassmates enouraged her to

stik to it and eventuall she reahed her goal. best of all,

she as able to sta at her ideal eight. that as beause she had developed health ne habits.
