莎士比亚 十四行诗 23 赏析范文
莎士比亚经典十四行诗欣赏莎士比亚经典十四行诗:When thou shalt be disposed to set me light,And place my merit in the eye of scorn,Upon thy side against myself I'll fight,And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn. With mine own weakness being best acquainted,Upon thy part I can set down a storyOf faults conceal'd, wherein I am attainted,That thou in losing me shalt win much glory:And I by this will be a gainer too;For bending all my loving thoughts on thee,The injuries that to myself I do,Doing thee vantage, double-vantage me.Such is my love, to thee I so belong,That for thy right myself will bear all wrong.当你有一天下决心瞧我不起,用侮蔑的眼光衡量我的轻重,我将站在你那边打击我自己,证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。
莎士比亚经典十四行诗:Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault, And I will comment upon that offence;Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt, Against thy reasons making no defence.Thou canst not, love, disgrace me half so ill, To set a form upon desired change,As I'll myself disgrace: knowing thy will,I will acquaintance strangle and look strange, Be absent from thy walks, and in my tongueThy sweet beloved name no more shall dwell,Lest I, too much profane, should do it wrongAnd haply of our old acquaintance tell.For thee against myself I'll vow debate,For I must ne'er love him whom thou dost hate.说你抛弃我是为了我的过失,我立刻会对这冒犯加以阐说:叫我做瘸子,我马上两脚都躄,对你的理由绝不作任何反驳。
Apprec iatio n of Shakes peare’ssonnet 23Sonnet 23As an unperf ect actoron the stage,Who with his fear is put beside s his part,Or some fierce thingreplet e with too much rage,Whosestreng th's abunda nce weaken s his own heart; 4So I ,for fear of trust,forget to sayThe perfec t ceremo ny of love's rite,And in mine own love's streng th seem to decay,O'erchar g'd with burthe n of mine own love's might.8O let my booksbe then the eloque nceAnd dumb presag ers of my speaki ng breast,Who pleadfor love, and look for recomp ense,More than that tongue that more hasthmore expres s'd. 12O learnto read what silent love hath writ.To hear with eyes belong s to love's fine writ.This sonnet may not be the most famous in the sequen ce of Shakes peare's sonnet s; it may be the most famous lyricpoem in Englis h. AmongShakes peare's works,only linessuch as "To be or not to be" and "Romeo,Romeo,wheref ore art thou Romeo?" are better-known. But this is one of the most moving lyricpoemsthat I have ever read. Thereis greatuse of imager y within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poemsin the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most profou nd and most beauti ful of them. It is mainly due to the simpli cityand allego ric of the poem praise of the silent love.Line 1~8 the constr uct should be “As an unperf ect actoror some fierce thing,”“so I forget to say...and seem to decay”. At first it use simile”As an unperf ect actoron the stage“to describe the nervou s mood. Then another simile”some fierce thingreplet e w ith too much rage”The imager y is the very vividand approp riate. Line 4“s treng th's abunda nce”equal“abunda nt streng th”. “So I ,for fear of trust, forget to say” this is my favour ate senten ce. It accura telyreflect the people’s psycho logic al activi ty who fall in love withsomeon e. People sympat hizewith such a feelin g.Line 6“perfec t”work in concer t with 1 “unperf ect”. Thus the sonnet becomes more comple ted and logical. Hightly praised the talent of Shakes peare. In line 12, it is metony my that meansthe tongue reflec t the glib people. Metony my, rhetor ic, means the substi tutio n of the name of an attrib ute or adjunc t for that of the thingmeant. In line14, it is synaes thesi a. “to hear with eyes” meansto read with eyes ,thus, readin g.this tell us do not be credul ous to the eloque nce and thoseso-called love promis e. If one person real love you, he/she may not perfor m very confid ent and sapona ceous.Shakes peare's Sonnet s repres ent the firstpoetic crafts mansh ip of Elizab ethan poetry. He has a magicpens, his worksinflue nce millio ns of people from 16th centur y till now, especi allythe sonnet. He turned his artist ic giftsto charac ter by becomi ng a poet The series contai n 154 sonnet s. In Shakes peare's time it was also common practi ce that poetsused real people as the object s of poetry.Thepoet’ssentim ent change d from passiv e to positi ve like the oceanwave. It’salldueto“thee”. Love is the powerof his life. He was more likely born for the true love. Shakes peare’slive has become richer by the love. “Thatthen I scornto change my statewith kings”showsus the leitmo tiv of thepoetry. The“sweetlove”stands for the noblyfriend ship, the faithf ulnes s love and the warm family. He use his poet lead us to a fairyl and wherethe song feelsthe infini te in the air, the pictur e in the earthpoem in the air and the earth, for its wordshave meanin g that walksand musicthat soars. He dipped vessel of his heartinto that silent hour, it has filled with love.Compar ed with otherElizab ethan sonnet sequen ce Shakes peare's sonnet s are more profou nd in theirexpres sed feelin gs. The reveal the most sophis ticat ed aspect s of humannature moralconfli cts and psycho logic al uncert ainti es.e langua ge, too, is compar ative ly unador ned for the sonnet s; it is not heavywith allite ratio n or assona nce, and nearly everyline is its own self-contai ned clause--almost everyline ends with some punctu ation, whicheffect s a pause.Sonnet23 is one poem in the sonnet s to expres s deep love is also restra ined. Real emotio n is hard to expres s to your belove d. Deep love is hard to expres s by langua ge clearl y. People live for only one time, as well as, true love. So, how can it tolera te that people as a perfec t actoron the stageor a sapona ceous lawyer blatte rhis“sincer eness”?"O learnto read what silent love hath writ. The eloque nce is moving. But the true love is silent. When you have a deep affect ion for one person, you wouldnot as wise as usual, butrestrained even clumsy.Love neverdies, love neverfalter s. That love takeson a life much bigger than your own. Love on the way now confro ntedwith a rugged and hazard ous road on whichhas, nevert helss,a specta cle of magnif icenc e that inspir es us who walk throug h it to enjoyanothe r deligh tfulsensat ion of majest y the feelin g of whichthosewho are not with heroic spirit s can nevertouch.Like the subtle tasteof tea that last long aftera sip. The subtle bitter of is what it is meantto be...To hear with eyes belong s to love's fine wit."It is the punchl ine of the sonnet. Authorused“As an unperf ect actoron the stage, Who w ith his fear is put beside s his part,” “some fierce thingreplet e w ith too much rage, Whosestreng th's abunda nce w eaken s his own hear”to accoun t for his upsetfrom hope,his“So I, for fear of trust, forget to say”.Love do not need magnif icent orname nt and perfec t ceremo ny, but the sincer e silenc e. More than that tongue that more hasthmore expres s'd , restrained eyes value much. O'erchar g'd with burthe n of mine own love's might, deeply love teachus silent.Shakes peare’spoetry sounds forcef ul even it just contai ns a few lines. Thereare much more things in it. His excell ent does not come alone, it comeswith everyt hing. Let the moveme nt of his life has its rest in its own poet. And let us live as a poet.。
莎士比亚十四行诗原文译文探析莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)作为英国文学史上最重要的艺术家之一,其作品一直被世人推崇。
其中,诗句“我可将你比作夏天吗?”(Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?)是该剧最为著名的诗句之一,通过把恋人比作夏天,表达了对爱情的热情赞美。
”(Love"sjourney is not smooth, not because of blood, not because of age, not because of friends" choice, but because of war, death or disease.)等,这些诗句深刻地反映了莎士比亚对人生的理解和对爱情的思考。
让我们来看一下莎士比亚的十四行诗《Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?》的原文:这首诗以描绘夏天的美丽为出发点,作者把自然界的美与所爱之人相比较,并表达了爱情的永恒之美。
在第一句中,“Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?”被译为“我能否将你比喻为夏日?”这里的“shall I compare thee to”表达了作者对所爱之人的思考和比较,而“可以将你比喻为”则表达的是一种询问和请求的语气。
在第二句中,“Thou art more lovely and more temperate”被译为“你比夏天更可爱、更和缓”,这里的“art”是表示存在的动词,应该译为“是”,而不是“比”。
莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)作为英国文学史上的杰出代表之一,他的十四行诗《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)被誉为文学史上最伟大的作品之一。
莎士比亚十四行诗欣赏莎士比亚十四行诗:O me, what eyes hath Love put in my head,Which have no correspondence with true sight!Or, if they have, where is my judgment fled,That censures falsely what they see aright?If that be fair whereon my false eyes dote,What means the world to say it is not so?If it be not, then love doth well denoteLove's eye is not so true as all men's 'No.'How can it? O, how can Love's eye be true,That is so vex'd with watching and with tears?No marvel then, though I mistake my view;The sun itself sees not till heaven clears.O cunning Love! with tears thou keep'st me blind, Lest eyes well-seeing thy foul faults should find.唉,爱把什么眼睛装在我脑里,使我完全认不清真正的景象?竟错判了眼睛所见到的真相?如果我眼睛所迷恋的真是美,为何大家都异口同声不承认?若真不美呢,那就绝对无可讳,爱情的眼睛不如一般人看得真:当然喽,它怎能够,爱眼怎能够看得真呢,它日夜都泪水汪汪?那么,我看不准又怎算得稀有?太阳也要等天晴才照得明亮。
下面是店铺为大家带来莎翁经典十四行诗,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,既然铜、石、或大地、或无边的海,But sad mortality o'er-sways their power,没有不屈服于那阴惨的无常,How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,美,她的活力比一朵花还柔脆,Whose action is no stronger than a flower?怎能和他那肃杀的严重抵抗?O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持Against the wreckful siege of battering days,残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸,When rocks impregnable are not so stout,当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉,Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays?无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?O fearful meditation! where, alack,哦,骇人的思想!时光的珍饰,Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?唉,怎能够不被收进时光的宝箱?Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?什么劲手能挽他的捷足回来,Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?或者谁能禁止他把美丽夺抢?O, none, unless this miracle have might,哦,没有谁,除非这奇迹有力量:That in black ink my love may still shine bright. 我的爱在翰墨里永久放光芒。
下面是店铺为大家带来莎士比亚十四行诗鉴赏,希望大家喜欢!莎士比亚十四行诗:So shall I live, supposing thou art true,Like a deceived husband; so love's faceMay still seem love to me, though alter'd new;Thy looks with me, thy heart in other place:For there can live no hatred in thine eye,Therefore in that I cannot know thy change.In many's looks the false heart's historyIs writ in moods and frowns and wrinkles strange,But heaven in thy creation did decreeThat in thy face sweet love should ever dwell;Whate'er thy thoughts or thy heart's workings be,Thy looks should nothing thence but sweetness tell.How like Eve's apple doth thy beauty grow,if thy sweet virtue answer not thy show!于是我将活下去,认定你忠贞,像被骗的丈夫,于是爱的面目对我仍旧是爱,虽则已翻了新;眼睛尽望着我,心儿却在别处:憎恨既无法存在于你的眼里,我就无法看出你心肠的改变。
莎士比亚 十四行诗 23 赏析范文
Appreciation of Shakespeare’s sonnet 23Sonnet 23As an unperfect actor on the stage,Who with his fear is put besides his part,Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart; 4So I ,for fear of trust ,forget to sayThe perfect ceremony of love's rite,And in mine own love's strength seem to decay,O'ercharg'd with burthen of mine own love's might. 8O let my books be then the eloquenceAnd dumb presagers of my speaking breast,Who plead for love, and look for recompense,More than that tongue that more hasth more express'd. 12O learn to read what silent love hath writ.To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine writ.This sonnet may not be the most famous in the sequence of Shakespeare's sonnets; it may be the most famous lyric poem in English. Among Shakespeare's works, only lines such as "T o be or not to be" and "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" are better-known. But this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most profound and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and allegoric of the poem praise of the silent love.Line 1~8 the construct should be “As an unperfect actor or some fierce thing,”“so I forget to say...and seem to decay”. At first it use simile ”As an unperfect actor on the stage“to describe the nervous mood. Then another simile” some fierce thing replete w ith too much rage”The imagery is the very vivid and appropriate. Line 4 “strength's abundance” equal “abundant strength”. “So I ,for fear of trust, forget to say” this is my favourate sentence. It accurately reflect the people’s psychological activity who fall in love with someone.People sympathize with such a feeling. Line 6 “perfect” work in concert with 1 “unperfect”. Thus the sonnet becomes more completed and logical. Hightly praised the talent of Shakespeare. In line 12, it is metonymy that means the tongue reflect the glib people. Metonymy, rhetoric, means the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant. In line14, it is synaesthesia. “to hear with eyes” means to read with eyes ,thus, reading.this tell us do not be credulous to the eloquence and those so-called love promise. If one person real love you, he/she may not perform very confident and saponaceous.Shakespeare's Sonnets represent the first poetic craftsmanship of Elizabethan poetry. He has a magic pens, his works influence millions of people from 16th century till now, especially the sonnet. He turned his artistic gifts to character by becoming a poet The series contain 154 sonnets. In Shakespeare's time it was also common practice that poets used real people as the objects of poetry.The poet’s sentiment changed from passive to positive like the ocean wave. It’s all due to “thee”. Love is the power of his life. He was mor e likely born for the true love. Shakespeare’s live has become richer by the love. “That then I scorn to change my state with kings” shows us the leitmotiv of the poetry. The “sweet love” stands for the nobly friendship, the faithfulness love and the warm family. He use his poet lead us to a fairyland where the song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth poem in the air and the earth, for its words have meaning that walks and music that soars. He dipped vessel of his heart into that silent hour, it has filled with love.Compared with other Elizabethan sonnet sequence Shakespeare's sonnets are more profound in their expressed feelings. The reveal the most sophisticated aspects of human nature moral conflicts and psychological uncertainties.The language, too, is comparatively unadorned for the sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or assonance, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause--almost every line ends with some punctuation, which effects a pause.Sonnet 23 is one poem in the sonnets to express deep love is also restrained. Real emotion is hard to express to your beloved. Deep love is hard to express by language clearly. People live for only one time, as well as, true love. So, how can it tolerate that people as a perfect actor on the stage or a saponaceous lawyer blatter his “sincereness”?"O learn to read what silent love hath writ. The eloquence is moving. But the true love is silent. When you have a deep affection for one person, you would not as wise as usual, butrestrained even clumsy.Love never dies, love never falters. That love takes on a life much bigger than your own. Love on the way now confronted with a rugged and hazardous road on which has, neverthelss,a spectacle of magnificence that inspires us who walk through it to enjoy another delightful sensation of majesty the feeling of which those who are not with heroic spirits can never touch. Like the subtle taste of tea that last long after a sip. The subtle bitter of is what it is meant to be...T o hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit."It is the punchline of the sonnet. Author used “As an unperfect actor on the stage, Who with his fear is put besides his part,” “some fierce thing replete w ith too much rage, Whose strength's abundance weakens his o wn hear”to account for his upset from hope, his “So I, for fear of trust, forget to say”.Love do not need magnificent ornament and perfect ceremony, but the sincere silence. More than that tongue that more hasth more express'd, restrained eyes value much. O'ercharg'd with burthen of mine own love's might, deeply love teach us silent.Shakespeare’s poetry sounds forceful even it just contains a few lines. There are much more things in it. His excellent does not come alone, it comes with everything. Let the movement of his life has its rest in its own poet. And let us live as a poet.。
当然,不是每首Shakespeare 的十四行诗都有这样清楚的起承转合,但是这种小范围内的曲折变化确是它的特点之一。
莎士比亚十四行诗原文译文探析莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)是英国文学史上的一位伟大的戏剧家和诗人,他的作品流传于世并对后世文学产生了深远的影响。
我们先来看一首莎士比亚的十四行诗原文:Sonnet 18接下来是这首诗的译文:第18首十四行诗我是否应该把你比作夏日?你比夏日更可爱更温和:狂风摇曳着五月娇艳的花蕾,夏日的期限太短暂了:太阳有时候照得太热烈,有时候他那金色的容颜也黯淡无光;天生的美丽有时会减退,不管是偶然或是自然的变化所致;但是你那永恒的夏天绝不会褪色,也不会失去你拥有的那份美丽;死亡也不能夸耀说你属于他的阴影,当你那永恒的形象随时间而增长;只要有人们的呼吸或者眼睛还能看到,这首诗就将长存,这首诗给了你生命。
莎士比亚的十四行诗常常采用押韵的手法,并且以iambic pentameter的形式出现。
这首Sonnet 18即为莎士比亚的经典之作,通过比喻把描绘出了诗人对爱人的赞美之情。
第一首诗是《将夜的钟声融入周末的喧嚣》:When I do count the clock that tells the time,And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;When I behold the violet past prime,And sable curls, all silvered o’er with white;这首诗描绘了诗人面对时间流逝和人老珠黄的景象时的情感。
莎士比亚十四行诗原文译文探析莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)是英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的戏剧家和诗人之一,其作品包括了一系列的戏剧和诗歌,被誉为世界文学的瑰宝。
选取的诗歌是《第18首》(Sonnet 18),这首诗可以说是莎士比亚十四行诗中最为著名的一首,也被认为是最有代表性的。
通过对社会现象的描绘和批判,莎士比亚的十四行诗对现代社会中的不公和不义进行揭露,激发人们对社会问题的思 考和反思。
莎士比亚的十四行诗对爱情、友谊、家庭等人际关系进行了深入探讨,为现代人提供了处理情感关系的 启文学的贡献
莎士比亚的十四行诗在形式上进行了创新,打破了传统诗歌的限制, 为现代诗歌的发展提供了借鉴和启示。
莎士比亚的十四行诗运用丰富的修辞手法和意象,极大地丰富了英 语语言的表现力和表达力。
莎士比亚的十四行诗体现了深刻的人文关怀,对人性、情感和社会 的洞察,为现代文学创作提供了宝贵的思想资源。
莎士比亚的十四行诗对现代人精神追求与物质生活的关系提出了思考,引导人们关注内心世界和 精神成长。
莎士比亚在十四行诗中探讨了生与死的主题,表达了对生命短暂和 死亡必然的感慨,以及对生死轮回的思考和领悟。
诗人揭示了人性的弱点和缺陷,如自私、贪婪、虚荣等,以及这 些弱点对个体和社会的影响。
诗人也赞美了人性的美好和善良,强调了人的尊严和价值,以及 对人性的理想和追求。
莎士比亚十四行诗的艺术 手法
莎士比亚善于运用比喻手法,将抽象的情感和概念具 象化,使得诗歌更加生动形象。
sonnet 23十四行诗23
The hugeness of love Silence Blind love, heard with eyes
Thank you for Listening !
SONNET 23 As an unperfect actor on 像是舞台上的一个笨拙的 the stage,Who with his fe 演员, ar is put besides his part, 惊慌中ome fierce thing repl 残, 雄厚的威力削弱了内心的 ete with too much rage, 控制; Whose strength's abunda 所以,我,缺乏自信,忘 nce weakens his own he 了说 art; 成篇大套的爱情的辞令, So I, for fear of trust, forg 自己爱得太狠,反倒觉得 et to sayThe perfect cere 虚弱, mony of love's rite And in 爱的力量把我压得太沉重。
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
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Appreciation of Shakespeare’s sonnet 23Sonnet 23As an unperfect actor on the stage,Who with his fear is put besides his part,Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart; 4So I ,for fear of trust ,forget to sayThe perfect ceremony of love's rite,And in mine own love's strength seem to decay,O'ercharg'd with burthen of mine own love's might. 8O let my books be then the eloquenceAnd dumb presagers of my speaking breast,Who plead for love, and look for recompense,More than that tongue that more hasth more express'd. 12O learn to read what silent love hath writ.To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine writ.This sonnet may not be the most famous in the sequence of Shakespeare's sonnets; it may be the most famous lyric poem in English. Among Shakespeare's works, only lines such as "T o be or not to be" and "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" are better-known. But this is one of the most moving lyric poems that I have ever read. There is great use of imagery within the sonnet. This is not to say that the rest of the poems in the book were not good, but this to me was the best, most profound and most beautiful of them. It is mainly due to the simplicity and allegoric of the poem praise of the silent love.Line 1~8 the construct should be “As an unperfect actor or some fierce thing,”“so I forget to say...and seem to decay”. At first it use simile ”As an unperfect actor on the stage“to describe the nervous mood. Then another simile” some fierce thing replete w ith too much rage”The imagery is the very vivid and appropriate. Line 4 “strength's abundance” equal “abundant strength”. “So I ,for fear of trust, forget to say” this is my favourate sentence. It accurately reflect the people’s psychological activity who fall in love with someone.People sympathize with such a feeling. Line 6 “perfect” work in concert with 1 “unperfect”. Thus the sonnet becomes more completed and logical. Hightly praised the talent of Shakespeare. In line 12, it is metonymy that means the tongue reflect the glib people. Metonymy, rhetoric, means the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant. In line14, it is synaesthesia. “to hear with eyes” means to read with eyes ,thus, reading.this tell us do not be credulous to the eloquence and those so-called love promise. If one person real love you, he/she may not perform very confident and saponaceous.Shakespeare's Sonnets represent the first poetic craftsmanship of Elizabethan poetry. He has a magic pens, his works influence millions of people from 16th century till now, especially the sonnet. He turned his artistic gifts to character by becoming a poet The series contain 154 sonnets. In Shakespeare's time it was also common practice that poets used real people as the objects of poetry.The poet’s sentiment changed from passive to positive like the ocean wave. It’s all due to “thee”. Love is the power of his life. He was mor e likely born for the true love. Shakespeare’s live has become richer by the love. “That then I scorn to change my state with kings” shows us the leitmotiv of the poetry. The “sweet love” stands for the nobly friendship, the faithfulness love and the warm family. He use his poet lead us to a fairyland where the song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth poem in the air and the earth, for its words have meaning that walks and music that soars. He dipped vessel of his heart into that silent hour, it has filled with love.Compared with other Elizabethan sonnet sequence Shakespeare's sonnets are more profound in their expressed feelings. The reveal the most sophisticated aspects of human nature moral conflicts and psychological uncertainties.The language, too, is comparatively unadorned for the sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or assonance, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause--almost every line ends with some punctuation, which effects a pause.Sonnet 23 is one poem in the sonnets to express deep love is also restrained. Real emotion is hard to express to your beloved. Deep love is hard to express by language clearly. People live for only one time, as well as, true love. So, how can it tolerate that people as a perfect actor on the stage or a saponaceous lawyer blatter his “sincereness”?"O learn to read what silent love hath writ. The eloquence is moving. But the true love is silent. When you have a deep affection for one person, you would not as wise as usual, butrestrained even clumsy.Love never dies, love never falters. That love takes on a life much bigger than your own. Love on the way now confronted with a rugged and hazardous road on which has, neverthelss,a spectacle of magnificence that inspires us who walk through it to enjoy another delightful sensation of majesty the feeling of which those who are not with heroic spirits can never touch. Like the subtle taste of tea that last long after a sip. The subtle bitter of is what it is meant to be...T o hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit."It is the punchline of the sonnet. Author used “As an unperfect actor on the stage, Who with his fear is put besides his part,” “some fierce thing replete w ith too much rage, Whose strength's abundance weakens his o wn hear”to account for his upset from hope, his “So I, for fear of trust, forget to say”.Love do not need magnificent ornament and perfect ceremony, but the sincere silence. More than that tongue that more hasth more express'd, restrained eyes value much. O'ercharg'd with burthen of mine own love's might, deeply love teach us silent.Shakespeare’s poetry sounds forceful even it just contains a few lines. There are much more things in it. His excellent does not come alone, it comes with everything. Let the movement of his life has its rest in its own poet. And let us live as a poet.。