第一讲 雅思口语Task 1




雅思口语第一部分高分示范我们以free time activities 为例:What do you like to do in your free time?--Definitely sleep. Y ou see, right now, I’m working very hard to improve my English and I have so many things to do, so I just don’t get enough sleep, and when I have time, I love to catch some z’s or have a long sleep, which is the best relaxation for me.Anything else?--Yes, if I don’t sleep, I love to play computer games. It’s one of my favorite pastimes, and it’s a marvelous stress reducer for me. And apart from computer games, I also play basketball.Do you prefer to go out or stay home in your free time?--Well, most of the time, I like to go out with my buddies to have some fun, playing basketball, or singing Karaoke, but sometimes, when I’m really exhausted, I’d prefer to stay home, be alone and relax by watching TV, surfing the Net, or having a good sleep.People Cards:What he/she looks likeWhat is his/her personality like. His/her hobbiesHis/her past experienceOr: his/her achievementHis/her relationship with you My feeling about him/herOr: His/her influence on me. Place Cards:What the place looks like Its scenery/natural beauty Its facilities/activitiesIts servicesIts peopleIts historyIts atmosphereIts foodsMy feeling about it.Object Cards:Its appearanceHow I got itHow much it wasIts functionWhat role it plays in your life My feeling about it. Event Cards:When and where it happened Why it happenedWhat it was forHow it wentWhat was special about it My feeling about it.Animal Cards:Its appearanceIts habitsIts habitatsWhen and where you saw itIts relationship with you/mankind My feeling about it. Future Cards:When and where it will happen How you will do itWho you want to do it with Whether it will be easy or hard Why you want to do it.如何利用一分钟准备时间:强烈建议大家利用好这一分钟的时间进行快速构思,并在稿纸上写上关键词,这一方面是让考官觉得你事先未经准备,而是预防“忘记”现象,也就是构思的时候想得好好的,说的时候忘记了,为什么会忘呢,因为你说的时候是要看着考官的,不免有些紧张,一紧张就什么也想不起来了。

第一讲 雅思口语Task 1

第一讲  雅思口语Task 1

第一讲雅思口语Task 1▲Standard Introductory Questions*NameQ: Could you tell me your full name, please?What shall I call you?/What would you like me to call you?Does your name have any special meaning?What kind of people like changing their names?A: My Chinese name is…, … is my surname, … is my given name.Well, you can tell me … / most of my friends often call me…My Chinese name was given by … who wishes me to…My Chinese name means/represents/stands for…Names are just symbols. As long as you have great personality, people will remember you instead of your name.Some people are very superstitious and they believe their life is going to be influenced by their names. They will go to the fortune teller and ask them what new namesshould be*HometownQ: Can you tell me where you’re from?*ID checkQ: Can I see your identification, please? And what’s your ID number?Personal infor./introductionWhat’s your full name? 答题技巧:按中文顺序回答Are you working or studying?When do you usually get up?What’s the best time of a day?▲General Topics*HometownQ: Whereabout is your hometown?Could you tell me sth. about your hometown?What is the climate like in your hometown?What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?What is famous about your hometown?What are the people like in your hometown?How is the traffic condition of your hometown?What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?Would you prefer to live in a city or a village? Why?描述城市的词:big/small/medium-sized cityA flourishing city/ a prosperous cityCostal city 天津,珠海,汕头,大连Port city 宁波,广州,香港,上海Ancient city 南京,苏州,西安Location: be located in … province, which is in central Chinabe located to the north of the Yangtz RiverClimate: be different from season to seasontemperature runs/reaches/goes as high as …as low as minus … degrees(注意)摄氏度表达法:(minus)+number+ degrees Celsius表达天气情况的词:dry, humid, mild, windy, foggy, snowy, chilly, mist, typhoon,tsunami, hurricaneHot spot: the South Mountain,Chongqing Grand Theater,Ciqikou,the Great Hall of People People: friendly, hospitable, kind (be specific), easygoing, straightforward, open-mindedTraffic: getting more and more seriousFood: spicy, hot, , heavy, fresh*EducationQ: Can you tell me sth. about your studying?What’s your major?Why did you choose your major?What do you like most about your studies?Is there anything you don’t like about your study?How was your high school experience?A: 在…读书go to…My major is/ I major in…Graduate from… with a … degree in…上大学go to/enter/enroll inbe accepted by…become a student in…与教育有关词汇:高等教育tertiary education中学junior high (AmE)Secondary school (BrE)小学primary/elementaryB.A—Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of LawBachelor of Medicine Beng (Bachelor of Engineering)BSc (Bachelor of science) Meng (Mastor of Engineering)Undergraduate postgraduate PHD candidate*WorkQ: What is your occupation? 不要说my job is…。



1. Do you like to take photographs?I got into photography because of my friends, most of my friends areamateur photographers, they organize shooting sessions during the weekends,and these sessions really pulled me into it.我走近拍照是因为我的一些朋友们,他们都是业余拍照喜好者,他们每周末组织拍照议论,这让我也喜爱上了拍照。

2. What kind of photos do you like to take?I prefer to take pictures of portrait, coz the moments involving people are usually quite hard to capture. So, every time a nice photo of persons can give mea sense of satisfaction and achievement.我喜爱拍人像,因为有人的瞬时是最难捕获的。


3. How do you keep your photos?People like to save tons of photos on the hard drive. I think it ’s taking up too much space. I wouldn ’thassle burning them all onto CDs, that way I have a hard copy of them.人们喜爱把大批的照片存到硬盘里。


我不怕麻烦把照片晌录到CD 上,这样我就能有一份备份了。



雅思口语第一部分准备问题加答案详解预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制HomeTownWhere are you from,which part of your country?I am from a small town of Taian city of Shandong Province in China.It locates on the northeast of China and southwest of Shandong.1.what do u like about your hometown? (What would you say is the best thing about your hometown? What's your favourite part of your hometown?Do u like your hometown? )I love my hometown's beautiful natural scenery[si:neri] very much.My hometown is an inland agricultural region.It is famous for its peach.Most farmers in the town plant peaches ,although they also plant other fruits,but mostly peaches.In the spring,the peach trees are blooming.Without a real look you can't imagine how beautiful the peach blossom blooming all over the moutain is .It is gorgeous.And cos it's not an industrial town,the environment is good ,the air is clear,the sky is blue,and I also enjoy the peace and quiet there.2.what do u dislike about your hometown.I guess the answer would be the economy.Cas my hometown is not near the centre of the city,its economy is bad.Some area are pretty run-down.Pepole in my hometown are not rich and the living condition is not very good.Even worsely its economy is shrinking instead of growing cas the peaches sell not very well in recent years.I think maybe the quality of the peaches drops is the reason,you know,its tasteis not as good as before,so less and less people buy peaches.3.Do u think your hometown is good for young people?No.cas i think my hometown is kind of falling behind the times.it lacks of opporpunity and changes which is very important for the young people.Most old people in the town didn't get the high education.That's why most parents in my hometown try their best to support their children to the college.They think only knowlege can change your fate.4.what's the nightlife like in your hometown?Most pepole in my hometown don't go out at night.After dinner,Children may do homework in their room while the parents watching TV outside.This reminds me of my childhood.cas my parents are not stict with me,so I can watch TV while i am doing homework.That's a reward for my good scores in the exam.Parents in my hometown don't care how u study,they just want the result. You give them what they want ,you can get the freedom.Oh Sorry,i go too far.5.what would u change about your city?The economic system i think. People in my hometown they just plant the peaches and sell them to the dealers.The money farmers can get is very limited.If they can be the dealers themselves or the government of my hometown can open bussiness such as peach juice factories,dried peach factories,i think things may go very differently. And they must improve the quality of the peaches firstly of course.Because in my memory the peach of my hometown are very big and delicious and also have numrous varieties.I am very confused why the quality drops year by year.I just can't get it.6.What types of public transport can be found in your hometown? The bus and bike.If people in the town want to go to the market or the shop and students want to go to school ,they often go there by bike or motorcycle.But if they want to go to the city,bus is the first choice.Few people have private cars in my hometown.And if people has some hurry things to do ,and they don't have a motorcycle and no time to waiting bus ,they may take a taxi.(But the taxi is not a real taxi.I mean it's not like the taxi in big cities.It' kind of a mixture of motorcyle and car.It has three wheels and a carrige shed.In small cities and towns of China you can see this kind transportation everywhere.)But few pepole will do that cas most pepole are penny-pinching ,they think taking taxi is a luxury. Where do you live at the moment?I’m not living in my hometown right now.I am living in my university .It is in Dongying city of ShanDong Province.How long have you been living there/here?I am living there about 6 years.cas I study in my university for about 6 years.4 years for my undergraduate course,2 years for my master’s degree. I am back to my hometown only on vacation.Do you like _____? (The place you are living in now) (Why?/Why not?) Actually I don’t like it.cas its climate is harsh.It seems like there are only 2 seasons in this city,winter and summer.You may wear a down coat yesterday and today you only need to wear a T shirt because of the hot weather.Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?)What kind of place is your hometown?Is that a big city or a small town (or, a village in thecountryside)?(Similar to above) How big is that place? *(For you,) what benefits are there from living in a big city? ?(Similar to above) Tell me something about your hometown. ?Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g.20 years)yes.There are a lot of changes.First of all,more buildings andfactories are showing up , besides,the populations are getting bigger and bigger.The traffic system is more convenient.But the environment is worse than it used to be.Rivers are polluted and trees are cut down,the air is not as fresh as before.Compared to the past, would you say your hometown today is more suitable for living in, or less suitable?It depends. On the one hand ,the house people lives now is far more better than the past and the transportation is more convenient.it seems like today is more suitable compared to the past.On the other hand ,the worse environment plus for the past Do you think you'll always live there?No.I haven’t live there for a long time since I went to college.I will find a job in big cities in the future,so I guess I won’t go back unless I visit my parents.What's the weather usually like in your hometown?It has a great climate all year round.The spring is warm and the summer is rainy.I like autumn in my hometown cas it’s cool and refreshing.And the cold of winter there is within our limit.Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years? Yes.seems to me like the spring days and the autumn days are shorter than 20 years ago .By contrast, the summer days andthe winter days are getting longer.And the summer is scorching now and the winter is like freezing.What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?Most buildings there are 3 to 4 storeys high.Some area are pretty run-down.And people in the village usually live in bungalows.I said that the economy of my hometown is in a slump.7.Do you live in a house or a flat?I live in a flat.It is on the fourth floor of the building of six stories.It's a little high for old people,my mother complains about that everytime she climbs the stairs. why do you choose living there?Cas it’s i n a pretty convenient location.And there's a wonderful view outside the window.It also has a roomy kitchen.But I guess the most important reason may be It’s cheaper than the 1st floor of the building.Which room do you like best? What's your favourite room in your home? (Or: What part of your home do you like best?) (Why?)I love my room best.My sister and I have our own rooms separately.My room has a big window and the whole place feels light and airy.How long have you lived there?The building only has a 2years history.Our family moved in just one year ago.Please describe it a little.The rooms are pretty spacious.The big windows let plenty of natural light in and there's a wonderful view outside the window.The whole place feels light and airy.It has a roomy kitchen and a bg balcony.when do you get up?I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning usually.Then I finish my breakfast at 7:40 and then I go to my labotary to study.That’s my schedule of a normal morning.8.Is there anything hanging on the wall?Ah,Yeah,there is sth. hanging on the wall.it's a big photo of my family.It is on the centre of the wall facing to the door,so you can see it when you come in.If I remember correctly,It was taken on my grandma's 88th birthday.Do u want me to describe the content of the photo for u?Let me recall who is on it.My grandma wearing a red color coat sit at。

雅思口语TASK 1和2模板

雅思口语TASK 1和2模板

TASK 1( 一) 信息描述或数据比较1、The graph illustrates (1) 总体介绍图表情况。

According to the graph, in YEAR1,(2)YEAR1 年的信息描述。

For example, (3) 举例说明。

However by YEAR2,(4)YEAR2 的信息描述。

During the same period, there was a large increase in (5) 描述数据转变。

In YEAR1, (6) 提供YEAR1 的数据。

In contrast, by YEAR2, (7 )提供YEAR2 的数据。

We can conclude from this that(8) 总结图表最突出的特点。

2、The two pie charts describe (1) 总体介绍图表情况。

This first point to note is (2) 图表提供的第一条信息。

Comparing the graphs,(3) 两幅表比较。

The graph also suggest that (4) 图表说明的问题。

In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that (5) 总结图表数据所证明的内容。

The most noticeable thing is (6) 总结图表最突出的特点。

3、The first graph illustrates (1) 总体介绍图表情况。

The second graph shows(2) 图表提供的第一条信息。

The first graph reveals that (3) 描述图表说明的问题。

The second graph tells us that (4) 图表说明的问题。

As can be seen from the two graphs that (5) 总结图表最突出的特点。



雅思口语测试第一部分介绍(IELTS SPEAKING SECTION 1)随着疫情蔓延逐渐得到控制,各类考试很可能于5月、6月开始逐步恢复。


If you are planning to pursue a position abroad as a post-doc or a visiting scholar, you need to keep in mind that you may need to offer some type of proof of English Proficiency. One of several methods to prove your command of English is good, is by taking the IELTS Test.如果您计划到国外做博士后或者访问学者,您有可能需要提供某种类型的英语熟练程度的证明。


IELTS stands for ‘International English Language Testing System’, and it is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. The speaking module is a key component of IELTS. It consist of a face-to-face interview between the test taker and an examiner, and it is divided into 3 sections. This time, we are going to be talking about Section 1.雅思考试是"国际英语语言测试系统"的简称,用于测试非母语的英语使用者的英语能力。



• 关注的焦点变了
• 听力理解时有障碍,但有权要求考官解释
Eg. 如果第二部分描述一个shopping mall, 那么第三部分就可能是以下问题:
Do you think that small shops can compete with large department stores and supermarket chains?
3.What are your criteria of a good English speaker? Pronunciation & intonation To be well understood Confidence

Lesson one
• Introduction of the speaking test 口 语考试介绍
1Q:Can I check your ID card please?
A:Of course.(smile)
2Q:What’s your full name pls?
My name is XXX.
3Q:What should I call you?
• Pronunciation:sound well & can be
What sports do you like to play?
• Answer1: Football. • Answer2: I like to play football. • Answer3: I like to play football. Football is a
Why did you choose your major?



Introduction of IELTS Speaking TestHow long is the Speaking test?The Speaking test is an interview with an examiner that lasts between 11 and 14 minutes. What will I need to talk about?The interview has three separate parts and is divided up as follows.Part Timing What will I need to talk about?14-5 mins The examiner will ask you questions about familiar topics (e.g.hobbies, likes and dislikes, daily routine).23-4 mins The examiner will give you a booklet showing a topic and somesuggestions on it. You need to talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes.You have one minute to write notes before you begin. The examinermay ask you some follow-up questions.34-5 mins The examiner will ask you more detailed and more abstractquestions linked to the topic in part 2.Criteria What do these criteria mean?Fluency and Coherence Do you speak in a fluent way that is easy to understand?Do you link your ideas together clearly?Lexical Resource Can you accurately use or attempt to use a wide range of vocabularyaccurately and effectively? Can you explain your ideas even if you do notknow a particular word?Can you use or attempt to use higher-levelvocabulary accurately?Grammatical Range and Accuracy Can you use a wide range of grammatical structures rather than repeating basic structures? Are your sentences accurate, or do you often make grammatical mistakes?Pronunciation Is your spoken language clear and easily understood?Do you use stress and intonation to add extra meaning?With individual words, do you usestress accurately?No.1: Fluency and Accuracy Do Don’tSpeak at a steady, constant speed 说话速度适中Repeat yourself 重复词汇,表达Give extended answers 给予延伸性的答案Self correct yourself too much 太多自我纠正(一两次可以)Develop your opinions 扩展你的看点Speak too slowly 速度太慢Use linking devices to organize your ideas logically 适当使用连词Pause, hesitate or break down 停顿、迟疑或者突然断掉Speak sentence by sentence 句子连贯讲出来Overuse linking devices过度使用连词(特别是and和so,then,after that)Jump around between ideas跳跃式思考(会以为你是背的)Speak word by word机械式读单词•Prepare in advance (draft)•Remember phrases (not words), and practice many times & every day •Answer the questions with complete sentencese.g. Who usually cooks in your home?Generally speaking, my father does most of the cooking in our home. (complete)•Give enough details/reasons/examples/personal experience...e.g.Samples•Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? (why/why not?)•Band 5 score:•Sure, because when I look for gifts, I want to show people I love them very much.•Band 6 score:•Yes. I have many friends and I need to celebrate their birthday or other happy events. Finding the perfect gifts for them is very exciting.•Band 7 score:•Yes, I do because selecting the right gifts can be really fun. The choices may seem endless, but I always try to consider my friends' interests and personality.I can't really afford expensive gifts. But I believe it's the thought that counts.Do Don’tTry to reduce your accent 尽量减少口音Articulate each word separately 不要像机械人一样讲英语Articulate words 口齿清晰Speak in monotone 音调没变化Contract words where possible使用缩略语(gonna, can’t, gotta,coz)Use weakened forms 重要的词:动词和名词, adj.使用弱读(and, of, at, on, couldn’t )Demonstrate an ability of sound links使用连读(it’s a)跟读模仿剑桥听力P1,p2,模仿语速,语音语调...Use the correct word and sentence stress单词发音正确,特别是重读位置Speak with the correct rhythm and intonation抑扬顿挫(比较真实)No.2: Pronunciation•Refer to dictionary and take notes•Read listening passages (follow every sentence)+这段时间你可以练习跟读模仿听力的文章,每天练:从听力session 1开始,挑你听过做的,先读半篇,练熟半篇。



V ip Part 1 高频话题1. Study or Work 学习或工作a) Are you a student or working?b) Why did you choose this major / job ?c) Which part of your studies/job do you find most interesting?d) What is the most difficult part of your studies/job?e) What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?f) Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?2. Flat or House公寓或房屋a) What can you see outside the window of your house?b) Who do you live with?c) How long have you lived in your house?d) What is there on the wall in your house?e) Which room in your house do you like best?f) Describe your bedroom. Do you like it? Why?g) Is there anything you want to change / improve about your house?3. Hometown家乡a) Tell me something about your hometown.b) What’s the most interesting part of your hometown?c) Has your hometown changed in recent years?d)4. Swimming游泳a) Do you like swimming?b) Do you want to learn how to swim?c) How often do you swim?d) Where do you go swimming?5. Bicycle自行车a) Are bicycles popular where you live?b) When / Where / How often do you ride a bicycle?c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle?6. Internet / Computer互联网a) When did you first use the Internet? Who taught you?b) (When / How often) do you usually surf the internet?c) What do you usually do on the Internet?d) What are the effects of computers on children? Positive or negative effects?e) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet?7. Email电子邮件a) What are the main reasons people use email in your country?b) What are the disadvantages of email?c) Do you think email will replace letter writing?8. Party聚会a) What kind of parties have you been to?b) Do you like going to parties? Why? Why not?c) What kind of parties do you like?d) Who enjoy parties more, elderly people or young people?9. Shopping购物a) When was the last time you went shopping?b) (When / Where ) do you go shopping?c) What kind of shopping do you dislike?d) What’s the worst part about shopping?e) What do you think about online shopping?f) Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small shops?10. Music音乐a) What types of music do you like to listen to?b) Do you play a musical instrument?c) Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument?d) Why do you think many parents in China are forcing their children to learn musical instruments?e) Does music play an important role in Chinese culture?11. Birthday生日a) What does birthday mean to you?b) How did you celebrate your last birthday?c) How do people in your country usually celebrate birthdays?d) Do young and old people celebrate birthdays in the same way?e) What is the most important birthday that is celebrated in your country?f) What kind of presents do you buy for people on their birthdays?g) What would you do with a birthday gift you d idn’t like?h) Do you think it’s important for people to celebrate birthday?12. Food食物a) What kinds of food are popular in your country?b) What is your favorite food ? What’s your favorite food when you were a child?c) Can you cook? Do you like cooking?d) Who cooks in your family?e) What are the benefits of eating home-cooked food?f) Have there been any changes to Chinese food these years?g) Would you like to try a new food that you have never tried before?13. V isitors客人a) Do you like people coming to visit you at home?b) What do you and your visitors usually do together?c) How do you make visitors feel welcome?d) In your country, is it common to bring a gift when you visit someone?e) What’s your opinion of people paying their own bill w hen eating out?14. Television电视a) What kind of programs do you watch?b) What kind of programs did you like watching when you were a child?c) What are the effects of watching too much television?15. Reading / Magazine / Newspapers阅读a) Did you read a lot in your childhood?b) What kind of books do you love reading?c) Why do you think people now read less?16. Evenings傍晚a) What do you usually do in the evening?b) Are there any differences between what you do in the daytime and night time?17. Museum / Art Gallery博物馆/ 美术馆a) Do you often go to museums or art galleries?b) Do you prefer going to the museum or art gallery?c) What kind of museums do you go to?d) Do you think children should go to museums?18. Handwriting笔迹a) Why is writing by hand important?b) When is writing by hand important?c) Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer?d) What is the advantage of writing by hand compared to email writing?e) What do you think of the importance of children writing assignments by hand?f) How can children improve their handwriting?g) Do elementary/primary students always use pencil to write?19. Private Gardens花园a) Do people in your country have private gardens?b) What kind of vegetables or flowers do people usually grow in their gardens?c) Have you planted any vegetables before?d) How much time do you spend in gardens or parks?e) Why do you think people like gardens and parks?20. Sport运动a) Do you like sports?b) What sport facilities do you have near your home?c) Are there any sports you would like to try?21. Place of Interest / Travelling旅游a) What kind of places of interest (do you like / attract you most)?b) Why does it attract you?c) Does tourism benefit your country?d) What kind of travelling is popular in your country?e) Do you think your life will be affected by visitors if you live near a place of interest?22. Holiday假期a) Do you like holidays?b) What did you do last holiday?23. Outdoor Activities户外活动a) Do you prefer going out with 1 or 2 friends or with a large group of people?b) What do you do when you hang out with your friends?24. Daily Routine日常工作/常规/ 惯例/ 程序a) Tell me a little about your daily routineb) What is the best time for work or study?c) Are your weekday / weekend routines different?d) What kind of job is suitable for the daytime / night time?e) Would you like to change your daily routine?。



雅思口语第一部分雅思口语第一部分Try Conformation QuestionsCould you tell me your full name please?And what shall I call you?Can I see your identification, please?Does your name have any special meaning?Do you work or are you a student?What is your major?Do you like to do sports?Do you like to watch movie?What kind of movie do you like best?Part one 记住:EXPANSION扩展Study, major ,future work, hometown, flat/ apartment, full name, advertisement, TVWarm-up QuestinsGood afternoon/ morningCome in and take a seatMy name is …, can you tell me your full name please?/ what shall I call you?My name is XXX, you can also call me XXX, which is my English name. Can you show me your identification please?Yes, here you are.( Sure, here it is.)第一部分开始可能出现的话题1.Your studies and jubStudies: subject studied, why you’re studying, things you like/ dislike about your course, what qualification you will gain, etc.Job: main responsibilities of job, things you like/ dislike aboutit, etc.学生身份1.I am a freshman/ sophomore/ junior/ senior in …university, majoringin…(美式)2.I am a first/ second/ third/ fourth year student in…university, an majorin…(英式)Study1.Do you work or are you a student?I am a second year student inGuangdong Baiyun university, major in business administration.2.Tell me about your school? My school is not very big, you only need10 minutes to finish it. But my school library is very great, there are agreat many all kinds book in here.3.What is your favorite subject?My favourite subject is math, becauemath can train my ability of logic thinking, make me more reasonable solve all sorts of difficulties and problems.4.What was your school like when you were a child?5.What would you like to do in the future? I would like to establish abusiness in the future. I love challenge. And challenge can make my life more clourful.Answer: My favorite subject is PE.Major1.What are you studying?2.Where are you studying?3.Why did you choose this college/ university?4.What’s good about what you’re studying?5.What would you like to do after your study?1、了解清楚自己的专业正确的说法!包括专业科目2、Why?1)Well, there are a variety of reasons.2)There are several reasons.3)There could be a couple of reasons.4)The only reason that comes to my mind is…Studies Questions1.Why did you choose your major?—like/ dislike ---story2.How do you like your major? 你认为你的专业怎么样?3.What do you like most about your studies?4.Is there anything you don’t like about your studie s?5.How do you like your life in the university?6.What do you think of the training you got in the university?Environmental-friendly/ green 环保Why did you choose your major?The reason why I chose this major is because I’ve always enjoyed working with people/ computers, and I was good at math/ communication.I spend quite a lot of time studying this major because I am really interested in it and I wanna further my study on it How do you like your major? 对你的专业感觉如何?I enjoy it, actually, I didn’t know that much about it before I studied it, but I’m glad I chose it because it suits me a lot. My father actually suggested that I major in Accounting, because he thought that I’d enjoy it, too.I don’t like it at all. I wish I could switch to a different one,but it’s next to impossible to change majors. I just hope that when I get a I won’t have to do a lot of work related to my major.What do you like most about your studies?I just like learning principles(理论,原理), and I like solving problems successfully. I also like getting to know my classmates, and working with them.Is there anything you don’t like about your studies?Generally I like my subjects, but I hate the examination system. There are too many examinations, and most of the time we have to memorize lot s of things in books. I’m not very good at that and I find it’s a waste of time and energy. Other than that I quite enjoy my time at school.How do you like your life in the university?I hate my school. The dorm’s crowded, the food’s tasteless, and my teachers are so boring. When I was in high school, I expected a lot about my college life. But now, to be honest, I am very disappointed about it,. College education are not supposed to be like that.I like it a lot. Sometimes it is a little hard to live in the university, but I have made many good friends and I enjoy my major. It was hard at first tolive apart from my parents, but I think that it has been a good change for me. I am much more independent and more able to deal with troubles on my own. My courses are mostly interesting too, so I’m glad I chose this major.Practice: Link your ideasMy university is very large. There are thousands of students in my university. It was impossible to know everyone at the university. I did not know all the teachers.And , because, evenAnd my university is very large. Because there are thousands of students in my university, it was impossible to know everyone at the universityHow was your high school experience?I had a fantastic high school experience because I was at a good school, and I made many friends there, and I think I was lucky to have professional teachers.I think my high school experience was not a happy one because I seemed to have bad luck. Everything seemed to be wrong. It was when I got to university that my luck started to improve.Is your university a good place to study in?Surely my university is a good one, because it’s quite a prestigious one, and famous for its teaching quality. But what I like the best is the library, which is said to have a huge collection of tens of thousands of books. I can always find something exciting when I study in the library.What do you think of the training you got in the university?I think most of my courses will be helpful in the future. My university has tried very hard to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in different fields. There were some compulsory(必修课) classes that I didn’t like, such as politics and history, but overall(总体来说), I think I was provided with a pretty good education.Optional classes选修课I don’t think it was very good. There were some compulsory classes that I had no interest in. Also, our facilities were not very up-to-date, so there were many things we couldn’t do.综合性话题兴趣爱好:hobbies and interests, shopping and fashion,reading, music and TV, sports and exercise, etc.地域文化:holidays and festivals, birthday, wedding, food, punctuality, transport, etc.语言学习:how long, most difficult aspect of language learning, etc.Preference问题1.What kind of films do you like? Why?2.Do you like to watch movie at home or at cinema?3.What kind of movie you don’t like?4.What kind of movie do you like?5.Do you like to have sports?语气词OK then…Alright…Well, you know…Actually…Right. OK…Well, first of all….频率表示All the time, almost every day,Once in a whileNot very often…I rarely…/hardly ever….Maybe once in a blue moon 极少,从不如何去表达“喜欢”I’m fairly/ pretty keen on/ fond of…I’m really into…I’m quite a big fan of…I simply adore/ like/ love…I’m quite enthusiastic about…I generally prefer…I’m crazy/ mad about…I’m quite passionate/ fascinated about…I fall for/ die for…如何表达“不喜欢”I totally detest…I really can’t stand…I’m not that kind of person who can…I dislike, hateI loathe sth.如何表达“特别是”…but in particularly……particularly……especially….…Specifically…To be morePrecise/ specific/ exact/ accurate,…如何表达“原因”And I guess this is probably because..This could/ might be because…This is due to the fact that…I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that…如何表达“另外”As well as this…To add this…In addition to this…如何表达“看情况”Well, I think I could have to say it really depends…Some…, while others…I imagine that it would depend on the situation.I guess my answer would be determined by differentconditions.如何表达“不知道该怎么说”Well, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that question, but I guess I would…As a matter of fact, this isn’t something that I’ve ever considered, but in short…I’m not really sure how to put this, but generally speaking, I think…如何表达“也许会”I would/ w ouldn’t … because if I did, I would…If I were…, I would/ I wouldn’t常用形容词Common, popular, fashionable, widely-used, usual通常,current现在的,notable著名的,up-to-date最新的,widespread 普遍的\范围广的,indispensable必不可少的,influential, significant, best-sellingLIVING ENVIRONMENT地点:Downtown area/ uptown area/ residential area居民区Located in…/ adjacent to…环境:Spacious/ crampedOrganized/ messyProsperous/ under-developedComfy, cozy/ annoying设施:Be well-equipped with( recreation/ sport/ life) facilities; Enjoys a wide range of (recreation/ sport /life) facilities 交通:Convenient transportation networkOffers a great variety of transport options1.Tell me about your hometown/ apartment.2.What do you like about your hometown/ apartment?3.Is there anything you don’t lik e about it?4.What would you change about your city?5.Would you recommend your area as a good place in.Hometown questionsWhat kind of place is it?What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown? What are the people like in your hometown?What places in your hometown do you like and tell me why?Describe your hometownActually I am a local here. Guangzhou is an modern, colossal, international an friendly city in China, and it is the cultural and political center of Guangdong Province. Its economy is well developed and its education system is so mature. Moreover, Guangzhou is going to hold the 2010 Asian game. As a citizen of this historic city, I feel so proud to be part of it.I come from Yangjiang, which is a middle sized city and three- hour driving distance away from Guangzhou. It is a coastal city that is famous for its sunshine and beach. Unlike Guangzhou, Yangjiang has fewer air pollution. Life there is simple and casual.I think it is an ideal place for senior citizens to live and for people to spend their vacations.。



雅思口语第一部分大讲堂今天凯撒国际英语的小编为大家整理出了雅思口语第一部分关键点,这是我们资深外教经过多年的经验总结而出的精华经验!小伙伴们赶紧来学哦!IELTS is set into three sections.Part 1 is generally something about you, where are you from, do you like something, what do you think of something ?So you can prepare before the test to answer some of these questions. Of course you can’t prepare for all things, as the examiner may throw in a few curve balls (tricky). This exchange of questions is going to be about 5 minutes.When asked a question, for example, “Where is your hometown?” you might answer“Shanghai” This is correct but hardly a worthy answer that will convince the examiner to expect a lot from you.Give the place and then say something about it as this shows you can engage in a conversation and not just regurgitate (give) facts and names. Maybe say something about the city, location, size, the fact you might not know much about it because you left at a young age.“I come from China’s largest city Shanghai, on the coast; do you know the area of Minhang in Shanghai? That is the part of Shanghai I was born”A bit more than just one word.Chances are you will get a follow up question as this is a conversation and in conversations you garner (get) information from those you are talking too. “Can you describe… to me” or“How has the city changed” or “What do you like/don’t like… about…” or “What are the people like” or "Who lives in your neighbourhood" or"Where do you buy groceries"Answer how you feel. This isn’t a test on facts, if you lie all the way through then be prepared as lying or non-truths can come back to haunt you.“I come from the state of Nanjing in Beijing, next to India” Completelywrong but no one is taking notes on that. You will get a follow up question about it so chances are you will have to dig yourself out of that hole (talk your way out of a lie). The truth is often easier to talk about.There is a good chance you will also be asked about school or work as that is one of the main questions asked to someone you don’t know.If you are in school then maybe something about enjoying school or not enjoying school or maybe something about a topic in school, why do you study that?If you are working then questions about what your job might be, how long have you been there, do you like it, will you stay long?Again you don’t have to tell the truth, maybe just half truths in case you feel you shouldn’t give out too much information.“I am an International spy here to assassinate you”If you feel uncomfortable about a question then, just as in a conversation, say so and give the reason in a polite way. Politeness goes a long way. The examiner will understand as they are nice people and will try to reword the question so it isn’t so invasive (direct) but they will also be able to tell if you are saying th at just to bypass a question you find difficult or just don't like.Other questions are likely to be about basic everyday things. Something about your family, neighbours, workmates, perhaps the weather or something to do with food or shopping. These are everyday things, or what you might ask someone you just met. Every question will likely have a follow up related to them. They are direct questions about the topic.So food questions may deal with local dishes or if you like sweet food or who should do the cooking and why?Something about your family might be the size of the family, what someone in the family does, your role in the family etc.Be clear and precise, don’t go off topic too much and don’t repeat, don’t repeat what you want to say. Be yourself, take a deep breath before you speakand if you spend a second thinking about it before you start talking, then nod in acknowledgement to the question. A little dead air for a second or two is fine as that is natural in conversations. A second or two, not five or 10 seconds.Here are some other topics to think about. You can probably answer questions on them in your native tongue so now practice using English only.Family, Language, your routine, holidays and festivals, travel, sport, Foreigners in China, Entertainment like TV and reading, cultural areas like art and architecture.There is something called the 5Ws of Who What Where When Why and How. Basic words used to gather information. Maybe 'Have' and 'Will' should be in there too.Pick a topic and try making questions using the Ws along with how, have and will. This isn't how questions are chosen but it is good way to practice and to help you anticipate the next question.Like Sun Tzu says, "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle." The questions are the battle not the examiner.敬请关注凯撒国际英语,更多雅思。


Fluency and Coherence Vocabulary resource Grammatical accuracy Pronunciation
评分标准之 Fluency and Coherence
Speaking Band 5.5 Candidate gives short answers, not willing to talk at length. Responses are exactly what he’s being asked.
Three Parts
Introduction & 20~30s” 1、Daily conversation 4-5ms
3 topics (12 questions)
介绍 日常话题
2、Personal long-turn 1m + 1-2ms个人Βιβλιοθήκη 述人物类物品类 地点类
3、Two-way discussion 4-5ms
4 ~ 6 questions(围绕第二部分的话题展开)
比较类 优缺点类,
预测类 问题与对策类
Hello, my name is Millie. What’s your full name please? What can I call you? Where you come from? Can I see your ID card, please? Well, In the first part, I’d like to ask you some general questions about yourself. Let’s talk about your work or school. ◆ Are you a student or do you work now? ◆ What’s your major and how do you like it? ◆ Why did you choose this major? ◆ What do you think of the education you received? Let’s move on to talk about sports. ◆ How often do you work out? ◆ What’s your favorite sport? ◆ What’s the most popular sport in your country? ◆ Do you think primary school children should have PE classes at school? Now I’d like to ask you about flowers. ◆ Do you like flowers? ◆ What’s your favorite flower? ◆ Do some flowers have special meaning in your culture? ◆ What are the occasions when people send or receive flowers?



1. AnimalsDo you like animals?--你喜欢所有动物,还是只喜欢某些动物,它们的共同特点是什么?你喜欢它们的具体表现是什么?Do people in your country like animals?--答案是肯定的,多数人还是喜爱动物,对动物挺友好的,但也有少数人虐待动物的,着实可恶!What animals do people like to keep as pets in your country? (Why)--从最常见的开始说起,并说明为什么它们那么受欢迎。


Is there any change right now compared with the past?--这个问题问的是过去人们养的宠物和现在又什么区别。

其实,过去又有多少人养宠物呢?Do people of different age keep different animals as pets?--对不起,这个真不知道,但是你可以猜猜。

--Yes I do, but not all animals. I prefer animals that are smart, cute and um, hairy 多毛的, for example dogs. I dislike those hairless animals, like snakes and lizards. 蜥蜴They look so scary , you know. I get goose bumps 毛骨悚然whe never I see them.--Well, generally yes . I think most people are fond of animals. And this can be seen from the fact that so many people keep animals as pets. But I have to ad mit 承认that some people are cruel 残忍的杀害to animals. I often read news reports about someone maltreat ing 虐待or even killing stray 流浪dogs and cats. It 's really abhorrent 【?b'h?r?t】可恶的behavior.--As I know, the most common pets are obviously dogs , all kinds of dogs, like pugs (哈巴狗), Peke (京巴), poodles (贵妇,贵宾), pit bulls (比特犬), huskies (哈士奇), chows (松狮),Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds (萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels (可卡犬). In my neighborhoods, 9 out of 10 pets are dogs. And I think the main reason why dogs are so well- liked is because they are great fun and smart , you know, you can teach them to do some simple tricks 技巧, and they make great company when you are lonely, and for children, they are wonderful playmates , and one more thing, dogs are loyal to their master. So they 're indeed 确实mankind 's best friend.--Mum, well, I don 'tknow much about the past , but I suppose one big change is that more people keep exotic 异国pets now days than before, like German shepherd 牧羊犬and Persian cat 波斯猫. I don 't think people in the past could buy such pets.--I'm not sure, but I guess so. For example, I often see elderly people have pet birds , but I v'e never seen any young people keep them. And it seems to me that dogs are well-liked among all age-groups, yeah.2. Your hometown (Version 1)What's your hometown famous for?--头疼,我们那里没什么有名的呀,那就实话实说呗;如果有,具体说一说就行,比如你们那里的食物有名,然后准备一种食物就可以啦,但一定要能描述它。





1. “good afternoon. My name’s X. Can you tell me your full name, please?”My name is XX.2. “What can I call you?”You can call me Jane.3. “Can you tell me where you’re from?” (= Where are you from?)I’m from Beijing.4. “Can I see your identification, please?” (= Could I see your identification, please? = May I see your identification, please?)Sure.接着必问的三个话题之一:(这部分共四个问题)以下可以适当发挥,每题两至三句话就可以了。


Your Studies1.What subject are you studying?2.Do many people from your country choose this subject?3.Why did you choose this subject?4.How long have you been studying this subject?5.Which part of your studies do you find most interesting?6.What is the most difficult part of your studies?7.Have you always wanted to study this subject?8.How do you think studying this subject will help you in the future?9.Where are you studying?10.Do you think it is a good place to study?11.Why did you choose this college/school/university?12.What do you like about studying at this college/school/university?13.Is there anyone who helps you with your studies at school/university?14.Do you often get together with your classmates after classes?15.What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?16.What kind of job do you want to do in the future?17.How easy will it be for you to get the kind of job you want?Your Home1.What kind of place do you live in , a house, a flat, or a dormitory?2.Who do you live with?3.Do you like living there?4.What do you like about the rooms in your home?5.How long have you lived there?6.What is the area like where you live?7.Would you recommend this area as a place to live?8.Do you think you will move anytime soon?9.What kind of house or apartment would you like to have in the future?Your Hometown1.Whereabouts did you grow up?2.How long have you lived there? (How long did you live there?)3.Do you still live there?(Does your family still live there?)4.Tell me about the town or city you come from.5.What kind of place is your hometown?6.What's the best thing about your hometown?7.What's the most interesting part of your hometown?8.Is/Was your hometown a good place for young people?9.Has your hometown changed in recent years? / since you were a child?10.What changes would you like to make in your hometown?雅思口语第一部分话题1.Advertisements1.Do you like advertisements?2.What kind of advertisements do you like most?3.Do you prefer advertisements on TV or in magazines?4.Do advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy?5.Do you think there are too many advertisements?6.What do you think is the purpose of advertising?2.Ages1.When do people usually get married in your country?2.When do people usually learn to drive in your country?3.At what age(s) can people legally smoke, buy alcohol, and get married?4.At what age do people usually retire from work?5.What could you do when you were younger that you cannot do now?6.How do you think your life will be different when you are retired?3.Agriculture1.What are the main agricultural products in your region(country)?2.Do many people work on farms in your region(country)?3.Do students often work on farms during their holidays?4.Is farm work well-paid in your region/country?5.How important is farming in your region/country?4.Ambitions1.What is your main ambition in life?2.Do you think you will achieve your ambition?3.Do you think that you are an ambitious person?4.Are your friends/family members ambitious?5.Is it always good to be ambitious?6.What do you see yourself doing in 5/10/20 years' time?5.Animals1.Do you like animals?2.Do you have a pet?3.What kind of animals do people keep as pets where you live?4.Are wild animals protected in your region/country?5.Do you often visit zoos or wildlife parks?6.Are animals important in farming in your country?6.Art1.How do you feel about art?2.What form of art do you like most?3.What form of art are you best at?4.Did you learn any artistic activities when you were a child?5.What (other)kinds of artistic activities do children learn in your country?6.Do you ever buy art?7.Bicycles1.Are bicycles popular where you live?2.Do you often ride a bicycle?3.When do you ride a bicycle?4.Where do you ride a bicycle?5.Would you say that bicycles are suitable for everyone?6.What are the advantages or disadvantages of travelling by bicycle?8.Birds1.Do you like birds?2.Are there many birds where you live?3.How do people in your country generally feel about birds?4.Do people often keep birds in your country?5.Do birds have any special meanings in your culture?6.Do you think people should try to protect birds?9.Birthdays1.Do you prefer to be with your family or with friends on your birthday?2.What do children generally do on their birthdays in your country?3.Are birthdays important where you live?4.What is the most important age or birthday which is celebrated in your country?5.Do people in your family celebrate birthdays in different ways?6.What kind of presents do you get people for their birthdays?7.What would you do with a birthday gift you didn't like?10.Book1.How often do you read book?2.Who is your favourite writer?3.When do you usually like to read?4.Do you read more for pleasure or to get information?5.Do you often buy books as gifts for family or friends?6.Would you like to write a book one day?11.Buildings1.What kind of buildings do you like?2.What kind of buildings are there near your home?3.What kind of buildings do you often go to?4.In your opinion, what makes a building beautiful?5.In your opinion, what facilities should [name of building] have?6.Are there many old buildings in your area?12.Change1.Do you like change?2.How has your life changed in recent years?3.How do you think your life might change in the near future?4.Do you find it easy to make changes in your life?5.How do other people help you with change?13.Cities1.Do you (Have you ever)lived in a city?2.Do you like living (Would you like to live)in a city?3.What facilities are there in cities?4.What is the transport like in cities?5.What kinds of jobs do people do in cities?14.Clothes1.How interested are people in clothes where you live?2.Would you ever buy someone clothes as a present?3.What kind of clothes do you like to wear?4.Do your friends wear the same kind of clothes as you?5.Do you think you will wear the same kind of clothes when you are older?6.Is the brand of clothes important to you?7.Do you wear a uniform to school/work?15.Collecting1.Have you ever collected anything?2.Do any of your friends collect things?3.What things are popular to collect in your country?4.How do people get things for their collections?5.Are there many magazines for people who enjoy collecting?6.Why do you think, in general, people collect things?puters1.How often do you use a computer?2.Which websites do you often visit on the internet?3.In what ways do people use computers in your country?4.How "computer literate" are you?5.How much have computers changed your life?17.Cooking1.Are you good at cooking?2.Who usually does the cooking in your home?3.How often do you cook?4.Have you ever thought about learning to cook?5.Do children in your country learn to cook at school?18.Crime1.Is crime a problem in your city/region/country?2.Which kind of crime do you think is the biggest problem in your region?3.Have you ever witnessed a crime?4.What do you do to protect yourself and your home from thieves?5.Do you often read newspaper articles about crime?19.Cultural Events1.Do you often go to the theatre/the opera/concerts/exhibitions?2.Tell me a little about the last time you went to a cultural event.3.What kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city/region?4.Is it expensive to go to such events?5.Do you think that such events are important in people's lives?6.Have you ever participated in a cultural event(or exhibition)?20.Daily Routines1.Could you tell me a little about your daily routine?2.At what times do you usually eat your meals?3.For you, what is the best time of day for work or study?4.Which part of your daily routine do you like best?5.Are your weekday and weekend routines different?6.How would you like to change your daily routine?21.Dancing1.Can you dance?2.How often do you go dancing?3.When do people usually dance in your country?4.How popular are traditional dances with younger people in your culture?5.What kinds of dancing do people like to watch in your country?6.How important is dancing in your culture?22.Drawing and Painting1.What kind of drawing or painting did you do as a child?2.Is it important for a child to draw or paint?3.Do you ever draw or paint now?4.Do any of your friends or family members draw or paint?5.What kinds of things do people draw or paint?6.What are the benefits of drawing or painting for adults?23.Driving a Car1.Can you drive a car?2.Do you have a car?3.Do you think it's important to learn to drive a car?4.At what age do you think people should be able to get a driving license?5.Do you think young people should learn to drive at school?cation1.What was your favourite subject at secondary(high)school?2.How many subjects do secondary(high)school students usually have to study?3.Do many secondary(high)school students go on to university?4.Is education in your country free?5.Do students have to wear uniforms at schools in your country?25.Emails1.How often do you use email?2.Do you generally receive more emails than you send?3.What are the main reasons people use email in your country?4.Do you think there are any disadvantages of email?5.What do email accounts offer, apart from the ability to send and receive emails?6.Do you think email will ever completely replace letter writing?26.The Environment1.How do you feel about protecting the environment?2.What do you do to protect it?3.What else could you do to protect it?4.What state is the environment in where you live?5.Are you a member of an environmental protection group?27.Family1.How big is your family?2.Can you tell me something about your family members?3.What kind of work do members of your family do?4.How much time do you manage to spend with family and relatives?5.What sorts of things do you like to do together?6.Do you get on well with your family?28.Festivals1.Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture/country?2.Do these festivals have special meanings?3.Are there any festivals special to your city or region?4.What special things do people do during festivals?5.Which is your favourite festival6.Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?29.Films/Movies1.How often do you watch films?2.What types of film do you like best?3.Do you prefer to watch films alone or with someone else?4.How often do you go to the cinema?5.Do you prefer to watch films at the cinema or at home?6.How much time do you spend watching films?30.Flowers1.Do you like flowers?2.Do people in your country give flowers as gifts?3.When was the last time you gave or sent flowers to someone?4.Do any flowers in your country have a special meaning?5.How are flowers used for special occasions or festivals in your country?6.Does anyone in your family like growing flowers?31.Food1.What kinds of food are popular in your country?2.What is your favourite food or meal?3.Is it usual for the whole family to eat together in your country?4.Do you think it's important for families to eat together?5.Who cooks the food in your home?6.What are some of the benefits of eating home-cooked food?32.Friends1.Do you enjoy spending time with friends?2.How do you spend your time when you are with friends?3.Did you meet most of your friends through school/work?4.Do you spend more of your free time with friends or with family?5.How important are friends for you?6.In what ways are you a good friend?2.33.Fruits and Vegetables1.Which fruits and vegetables do you like?2.What fruits and vegetables did you like when you were a child?3.Are there any fruits and vegetables that you don't like?4.How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?5.Where can you buy fruits and vegetables near your home?34.Games1.Do you often play games with your family or friends?2.Which is your favourite game?3.Does the winner get a prize?4.Are these games popular in your country?5.Do people in your family prefer different games?35.Gardens and Parks1.Are there any gardens/parks in your hometown/where you live?2.How much time do you spend in gardens or parks?3.What can people do there?4.Why do you think people like gardens or parks?5.What things would like to see in gardens and parks in your hometown/where you live?6.Do you think gardens and parks should be free?36.Gifts1.Do you often give gifts to people?2.What was the last gift you gave to someone?3.What was the last gift you received?4.How do you choose what gifts to give people?5.Are there any gift-giving customs in your country?37.Going Abroad Long-term1.Why are you planning to spend a period of time abroad?2.How long do you plan to be abroad?3.How have your family and friends supported you in this?4.How exactly will you benefit from this experience?5.What problems do you think you may have abroad?6.How do you think the country you live in will be different to China?38.Going Out wiht Friends1.Do you like going out with friends?2.How often do you go out with friends?3.What do you usually do when you go out with friends?4.Do you prefer to be with a large group of friends or a small group?5.When was the last time you went out with friends?39.Going Out in the Evenings1.How often do you go out in the evenings?2.What do you usually do?3.Are these activities expensive?4.Who do you usually spend your evenings with?5.Is there enough to do in the evenings in your/this town?6.How do you feel when you have to stay at home for a long period?40.Grandparents1.Did you have a lot of contact with your grandparents when you were a child?2.Is it common for grandparents to live with their children and grandchildren in your country?3.What part do grandparents play family life in your culture?4.What do children often like about their grandparents?5.How can grandparents benefit from knowing their grandchildren?6.How can grandchildren benefit from knowing their grandparents?41.Happiness1.What sorts of things make you happy?2.Which of those things makes you happiest?3.When do you experience happiness in everyday life?4.Do you think money is necessary for happiness?5.How important is happiness in life?6.Is unhappiness always a bad thing?42.Healthy Eating1.What kinds of food do you think are healthy?2.How often do you eat these kinds of food?3.Why do you choose certain types of food?4.Do you take any vitamins or tablets to supplement your diet?5.What would you like to change about your eating habits?6.Do you think people in your country eat more healthily now than they did 20 years ago? 43.History1.Are you interested in history?2.Did you study history at school?3.Is history important subject at school in your country?4.Are there any historical sites in your hometown?5.Are there any historic figures from your hometown?44.Hobbies and Interests1.What do you do in your free time?2.Did you have other hobbies/interests when you were younger?3.What does your husband/wife/mother/father do in his/her free time?4.Are these activities popular in your country?5.If you had more free time, what would you do?45.Holidays/Vacations1.How often do you go on holiday?2.Where do you usually go?/Tell me more about where you usually go?3.Who do you prefer to go with?4.What do you like to do on holiday?5.If you could go to any foreign country for a holiday, where would you go?46.Hotels1.Have you ever stayed in a really nice/expensive hotels?2.Do people in your country often stay in hotels?3.What services and facilities are usually available in hotels in your country?4.How much does a hotel room in your town/city cost per night?5.What factors are important when selecting a hotel?47.Housework1.Do you usually do any housework?2.Who does the housework in your home?3.When you were a child, did you do any housework?4.Which housework do you least like doing?5.Do you think that children should do housework?48.Indoor Activities1.What kinds of indoor activities do you enjoy?2.How much time do you spend on these activities?3.Do you do these activities alone or with other people?4.If you had more time, which other indoor activities would you take up?5.Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor ones?49.Internet1.How often do you use the Internet?2.Where do you use the Internet?3.What do you do on the Internet?4.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?5.When did you first start using the Internet?6.How did you learn to use the Internet?7.How has the Internet changed your life?50.Keeping Fit1.Do you try to keep fit?2.Have you ever been a member of a fitness club?3.Are keep fit activities popular in your country?4.What kind of exercise facilities are there in your local area?5.How important do you think it is to keep fit?6.Do you think keeping fit is more important to men or women?nguages1.How many languages do you speak?2.How often do you use your knowledge of foreign languages?3.Which languages would you like to learn?4.Do many foreigners speak your native language?5.Do you think your native language is easier than English?52.Learning English1.How long have you been studying English?2.Did you choose to study English or did you have to?3.Is there anything you find especially difficult about learning English?4.What do you find easy about learning English?5.How important is English to you?6.How could you improve your English?7.Do you think you will use English more in the future?53.Leisure Time1.Do you have any hobbies or interests?2.How did you become interested in that?3.When do you normally have free time?4.How could you find more leisure time?5.Do you think it is important to have leisure time?6.What is there to do in your free time where you live?7.How do you usually spend your holidays?54.Letters1.Do you often write letters?2.Do you often receive them?3.Who do you usually write to and what do you write about?4.Do you prefer to write letters or emails?5.What do you think is the most difficult letter to write?6.What kind of letters do you most like receiving?55.Magazines1.Which magazines do you read?2.How often do you read magazines?3.Which magazine articles or features interest you most?4.Did you read different magazines in the past?5.Do you think magazines will be more popular in the future?56.The Media1.How do you get the lastest news?2.Do many people in your country listen to the radio?3.What kinds of news stories are usually reported on TV in your country?4.What non-news items can be found in newspapers in your country?5.Do you pay more attention to local, national, or international news?57.Meeting People1.Do you often meet new people?2.How did you meet most of your friends?3.Can you tell me about the places where young people meet?4.In your culture, what are some of the things that people talk about when they first meet?5.Is it possible to meet people from other countries where you live?6.How do you feel when you meet new people?58.Memories1.Do you keep photographs to remind you about the past?2.Have you kept anything from your childhood to remind you of it?3.Is it common to do this in your country?4.Do you buy souvenirs or other things to remind you of places or events?5.How do you feel when other people talk about their memories?6.What can people learn from the past?59.Museums and Art Galleries1.Are there any museums or art galleries where you live?2.Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?3.How often do you visit museums and art galleries?4.Did you visit museums and art galleries when you were a child?5.Do you prefer visiting museums and art galleries alone or with other people?60.Music1.What types of music do you like to listen to?2.At what times of day do you like to listen to music?3.Do you prefer to listen to recordings or live performances?4.What types of music are popular in your country?5.Do all children in your country study music at school?61.Musical Instruments1.Do you play a musical instrument?2.Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?3.What(other)musical instrument would you like to learn to play?4.What musical instruments do children in your country often learn to play?5.Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument?s1.Is your given name/family name a common one in your country?2.Do you like your name?3.Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?4.Have you ever wanted to change your name?5.Is it common to use special names for friends and family in your country?6.Who generally chooses a baby's name in your country?7.What traditions for naming babies are there in your culture?63.Neighbours1.How often do you talk to your neighbours?2.Do you and your neighbours take part in any activities together?3.What do you think of your neighbours?4.Do you and your neighbours ever have any problems with each other?5.Do you think your neighbours have a similar lifestyle to you?64.The News1.Are you interested in the news?2.Which news stories interest you most?3.How do you keep up with the news?4.Are you more interested in domestic news or international news?5.When did you start to keep up with the news?6.Does the news affect your life very much?65.Newspapers1.How often do you read newspapers?2.Which newspapers do you read?3.Which kinds of articles or features interest you most?4.Which are more popular-local or national newspapers where you live?5.How important are newspapers in your country?6.Will newspapers be more or less important in the future?66.Noise1.Are you often in places where there is a lot of noise?2.How do you feel when you are working in a noisy place?3.Are there any kinds of sound that you particularly like or dislike?4.Do you think daily life is becoming more noisy?5.Would you consider yourself to be a noisy person?6.Do noisy people bother you?67.Numbers1.Do you have a lucky number?2.Do some numbers have special meaning in your culture?3.What kind of numbers do you need to remember?4.Do you find it easier to remember numbers or names?5.Tell me about any methods you use to help you remember numbers?6.Do people in your country usually write numbers, or use their hands to show numbers, in the same way as English-speaking people?68.Outdoor Activities1.What kinds of outdoor activities do you like?2.How often do you do outdoor activities?3.Do you do these activities alone or with other people?4.Which outdoor activities would you like to take up?5.Which outdoor activities are popular in your country/where you live?6.Do you think it is important to spend time outdoors?69.Parties1.Do you like to go to parties?2.Do you often go to parties?3.Where are (these)parties usually held?4.What do you dislike about parties?5.Do you prefer family parties or parties with friends?70.Pets1.Do you have(Have you ever had)a pet?2.What (other)kind of pet would you like to have?3.Do any of your friends or family members have pets?4.Is there anything you dislike about pets?5.Is it common to keep pets in your country?71.Photographs/Photography1.What kinds of photos do you like taking/looking at?2.Would you prefer to buy a picture postcard or take a photo of a new place?3.Is photography popular in your country/where you live?4.How do you organise your photographs?5.What kind of photographs or pictures do you have on your walls at home?6.Do you like having your photograph taken?7.Do you think it would be interesting to be a professional photographer?72.Places of Interest1.Which places in your city or province would you suggest to a tourist visit?2.Why are they significant?3.Do you often visit such places?4.What kind of places of interest do you like to visit?5.Do you like to take photographs at places of interest?6.Do you often visit places of natural beauty?73.Plans and Goals1.Do you often make plans for the future?2.What plans do you have for the near future?3.What goals do you have in life?4.What will you need to do to achieve your goals?5.Will you need any help from other people to achieve your goals?74.Possessions1.Do you own something which was expensive to buy?2.Do people in your country often buy expensive items?3.Do you own something which was a special gift to you?4.Do you own any items which are very old?5.How important are possessions to you?6.What things do you own which you find particularly useful?7.0 Old Things That People Keep in Their Family7.1 What are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?7.2 Why do you think people keep these things?7.3 Why do people pass these things onto the next generation?7.4 Do you think it's good to recall the past?7.5 Who do you think feels old family heirlooms are more important, young people or older people?75.Primary School1.How old were you when you started primary school?2.What kind of clothes did you wear to primary school?3.What subjects did you enjoy most when you were at primary school?4.Where did you go to primary/secondary school?5.What were some of the popular playground activities at your primary school?6.Have you ever returned to see your old primary school?7.Are you still in contact wiht any of your friends from primary school?76.Private Gardens1.Does your family have a garden? Would you like one?2.What do you(people)use your(their)garden for?3.Do many people in your country have a garden?4.Is gardening popular in your country?5.Do you think gardening will become more popular in the future?77.Public Transport1.What public transport is there where you live?2.What public transport do most people use?3.Do you use this public transport regularly?4.Is public transport expensive where you live?5.When is public transport the most crowded?6.How could public transport be improved?78.Radio1.Do you often listen to the radio?2.What kinds of programmes are on the radio?3.Do you prefer to listen to the radio or watch TV(read newspapers)?4.Did you listen to the radio when you were younger?5.In your country, are there any radio stations(programmes)in English?79.Rain1.Does it rain much in your country/where you live?2.At what time of day does it usually rain?3.Which time of the year is the rainiest where you live?4.What do you do on rainy days?5.How do you feel on rainy days?6.How does rain affect people's lives?80.Reading1.What kinds of things do you read?2.Why do you read?3.How much time do you spend reading?4.At what time of day do you prefer to read?5.Where do you like to read?6.How important is reading for you?81.Restaurants1.Do you usually go out to eat or do you eat at home?2.Why do you go to restaurants?3.What kind of food do you like to eat when you eat out?4.What is important for you when you choose a place to eat out?5.What kind of restaurants do young people in your country like?6.Do you think eating out in restaurants will become more popular in future where you live?82.Science1.Are you interested in science?2.Do(Did)you study science at school?3.Did you do any science experiments?。



雅思口语教案第一课授课教案学员姓名:授课教师:熊老师所授科目:雅思口语第一课学员年级:上课时间:年月日时至时Follow my mothers stepIn great demand in the futureEnter business world等.Your hometown:●l a/an industrial/coastal/inland/tourist/capital city ●l metropolis●l international atmosphere●l cultural diversity●l over-crowded●l a huge population●l well-known●l numerous historical sites/tourist attractions●l heavy traffic●l traffic congestion●l delicacy●l snacks●l pace of life●l pleasant climate●l gorgeous landscape●l air pollution●l night life●l cost of living●Your studies●l compulsory/optional subjects/courses●l curriculum●l extra-curricular activities●l associations●l exam-oriented/exam centered●l rote learning●l force-feeding●l exam machine●l memorize/learn…by heart●l heavy pressure from exams●l do a good/bad job in the exam●l fail●l retake/resit a test/exam●l marks/score●l kill our imagination and creativity●l canteen/cafeteria●l dormitory/hall of residence/dorm room●l boarding school●l a day student●l school uniform●l cheat in exams●l thesis/dissertation●l paper qualifications: degree/certificate/diploma ●l practical experience/skills●l theory/theoretic al/academic●l intern/internship●l postgraduate/post graduate school●l science●l arts●l engineering● 3. Your job●l resume/CV●l HR department (human resources)●l find employment●l employer/employee●l be out of work/out of a job●l fire/hire●l wor k overtime●l overtime pay/double pay/triple pay●l pain annual vacation●l sick leave●l maternity leave●l compassionate leave●l related to/have nothing to do with my major●l get on well/badly with my colleagues●l company culture●l office politics●l pays me well/gives me a decent salary/well-paid ●l lots of opportunities for business travel●l good promotion prospect●l fair performance assessment●l perks/benefits●l bonus●l flexible working hours●●l leave work●l change my job●l resign/quit(多出部分见背面或另附纸张)。



IELTS foundational & intensive training handoutBy Karen YaoLesson OneIN THIS CLASS, YOU NEED TO•OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS . Get involved and don’t be selfish!•FIND YOUR LANGUAGE PARTNER!•REMEMBER: ONLY REPEATED PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS!Assessment Criteria•Fluency and Coherence•Lexical Resource•Grammatical Range•Pronunciation第一部分Basic Questions 基本话题Name•What is your full name? How should I address you? What should I call you?•Does your name have any special meaning or significance?•Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?•Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not?•What kind of people like changing their names?•What’s their purpose in changing their names?Studies• 1. Are you working or studying?• 2. Tell me something about the school or university you attend.• 3. Tell me something about your primary school.• 4. What is your major?• 5. Do you like your major and why?• 6. What course/subjects do you study?•7. What is your favorite course/subject?Useful vocabulary•education•MA•MBA•bachelor•university•institute•private school •qualification •compulsory schooling •specialized course •compulsory/required course/subject •kindergarten•primary/elementary school •high school•senior high school •conventional school•credit•distance education•drop-out•study abroad•freshman•junior•undergraduate•university entrance examination •BA•MSc•MPA•master•degree•college•polytechnic•diploma•pre-school•basic course•optional course•major•certificate•secondary school•junior high school •tertiary education •correspondence education •curriculum•institutions of higher education •further one’s study overall development •absenteeism •sophomore•senior。

环球雅思讲义 托福口语第一题 模板例题总结PPT课件

环球雅思讲义 托福口语第一题 模板例题总结PPT课件
❖46题: what are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over the time in your culture? ❖( filial piety, listening to their advice, respect them, obedience) ❖103题 what is the most important characteristic that a person can have to be successful in life? ❖( honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) ❖62题: what do you want most in a friend—someone who is intelligent, someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?
•Supporting details:
•内在人格魅力: •1. Humorous jokes interesting •2. passionate fascinated •3. knowledgeable-skills and strategies •4. kind-hearted help
❖× 表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念 ❖√表示“对的”、“好的”、“积极的” ❖表示“上升”、“发展”、“增加”、“加强”、“上



Part1 Topics1a) Your WorkGeneral Description of Your Job∙What job (or, what work) do you do?∙Why did you choose to do that job (or, that kind of work)?∙What do you do (in a typical day) at work?Finding a Job∙How did you get that job?∙Is it easy (for other people in your country) to find work doing your job?∙Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV?∙Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs?Feelings about the Job∙Do you like (or, enjoy) your job (or, your work)?∙Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like?∙Is your work very easy to do?∙Would you like to change your job?Future Work∙What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)∙Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?1b) Your StudiesGeneral Description of Your Studies∙What subject(s) are you studying?∙Why did you choose to study that subject?∙Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country?∙Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason?School/University∙Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university?Liking/Disliking Your Studies∙Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subject s if a high school student) (Why? /Why not?)∙What do you like about your subject?∙(Similar to above) What parts of your subject do you like the most?∙Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?)2. Your HometownThe PlaceWhere do you come from?Famous∙Is your hometown famous for anything?∙(If you answer no) How could it become famous?The History of Your Hometown∙Do you know much about the history of your hometown?∙Did you learn (or, have you learned) much about the history of your hometown in school?Change∙In what ways has your hometown changed in the past few years?∙What do you think needs to change in your hometown?Transport∙What form of transport do you prefer to use in your hometown?Free Time Activities in Your Hometown∙What do people in your hometown do in their free time?3. Animals∙What's your favorite animal? (Why?)∙Are people in your country fond of animals?∙What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?4. Colors∙What's your favorite color? (Why?)∙Do you usually (or, often) wear clothes in your favorite color?∙Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?∙What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room? (Don't use, "will".)5. Food∙What food did you like to eat when you were a child?∙Do you still like that food now?∙(Similar to above) Would you want your children to eat the same food now?∙If you had children, what foods would you recommend they eat?∙Do you think it's good to (often or sometimes) take children to restaurants?6. Mobile Phones∙How often do you use it?∙When did you get your first mobile phone?∙Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?7. Leisure Time∙How much free time (or time to relax) do you have (per week)?∙What do you do in your spare time (= free time)?∙Would you prefer to relax at home and watch TV or go out with your friends?∙Do you think it's important to (have time to) relax?8. Sport∙Do you like sport? C∙What sports do you like? (Why?)∙Do men and women feel the same about sport?∙What sports did you play when you were a child?∙What are the benefits of playing sport?9. Sounds (Noises)∙Do you prefer a quiet environment or a noisy environment?∙What natural sounds do you like (the most)? (Why?)∙What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)10. Collecting∙Do you collect anything as a hobby now?∙Do people in your country like to collect things?∙Why do you think people like collecting things?11. Languages∙How many languages can you speak?∙How did you learn (to speak) English?∙Do people in your country have many chances to practice oral English?∙If you had the chance, would you be willing to learn another language?12. Weather & Seasons∙What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?∙How do you feel when the weather is cloudy?13. Films∙How often do you watch a film?∙What types of films do you like?∙Do you like to watch films in a cinema? (Why?/Why not?)14. Clothes and Fashion∙Where do you usually buy your clothes?∙What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do you usually wear (or, buy)?∙What types of clothes are in fashion now?∙Do you think fashion trends will be the same when you are old(er)?15. Shopping∙When was the last time you went shopping? (Include what you bought.) ∙What are some differences between men and women concerning shopping?∙Do you enjoy shopping in big shopping malls (big shopping centers)? 16. Flying∙Have you ever traveled by (= flown in a) plane?∙(Similar to above) Do you often travel by airplane?∙Do you like it (like flying)?∙How does flying compare to other forms of transport?∙Do you think you will be using aircraft more in the future?∙If you travel by plane again, where do you think you will go (or, you will be going)?17. Museums∙Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?∙Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?∙Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?18. News∙How do you usually get your news?∙What news topics are you most interested in watching/reading about?∙Do you ever read the news on the internet?∙How important do you think the news is?19. Holidays (= vacations = 假期)∙What do you usually do when you have holidays?∙What did you do in your last holidays?∙Would you like to go to the seaside for a holiday?∙Why do you think people who don't live near the ocean like going to the seaside for a holiday?∙Do you think holidays are important?∙Is there anything you dislike doing during holidays?∙Do you prefer spending holidays alone or with other people?20. Traveling∙Do you like traveling?∙Where do you like to go when you go traveling?∙Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you (ever) been on any long trips?∙How do you feel when you travel?∙Have you ever been to any unusual (or, strange) places?∙Where (which country or place) would you like to travel to (in the future)?21. Cooking∙Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?∙Do you know how to cook?∙Would you like to (learn to) cook in the future? (If you say you don't know how to cook.)∙Do you like cooking?22. Dancing∙Do you like dancing?∙Have you ever learned to dance?∙When was the last time you danced?∙Do you like to watch dance performances?∙Why do you think some (or, many) people like to dance?23. Books∙Do you like reading books?∙What (kinds of) books do you like to read?∙Do (young) children like reading books?∙For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?∙What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?∙Is reading books important for you now?∙Would you like to write a book?∙Do you like receiving a book as a gift?24. The Ocean∙Have you ever been to the seaside?∙How many times have you been to the seaside?∙Do you like the ocean (or, the sea; or, the seaside)?∙What would you enjoy doing if you were at the seaside?∙Would you like to live in a house near the ocean?25. Friendship∙Do you have many friends?∙What do you usually do with your friends?∙Where did you (first) meet your friends?∙Do you often make new friends?∙How do young people meet others in order to make new friends?∙Where do young people go to make new friends?∙What do they do there?∙Where do young children make new friends?∙Do you ever meet any foreigners where you live?∙Where can you (go to) speak to foreigners in your country?26. Daily Routine∙What do you do in your daily life?∙What is the best part of the day for you? (Why?)∙When do you do most of your study?∙How do you think your daily routine could be improved?27. Emails and Letters∙Do you write many letters or emails?∙What are the differences between emails and letters?∙What do you usually write about?∙Is it hard to think of what to write?∙What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write?∙What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel excited?。









其次,雅思口语第一部分的问题都是一些比较宽泛的,但是大家一定要记得,在回答的时候要细节,细节才是重点未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:雅思口语第一部分影响类的话题答题技巧一、影响类题目概述影响类题目是指题目中出现“effect”“affect”等关键词的题目,如:whataretheeffectsofplayingindoorgamesonchildren。







雅思口语topic:单身 SingleWhy do you think some people remain single?Would you like to be single all your life?Do you think that single people like being single?Is it better to be single or married? Why?What are the advantages of being single?Do you think that single people are happier?Do you think it is easier for a man or a woman to be single?Why do you think some people prefer to be single?How do you think single people feel on Valentine's Day?Do you think that there is a soulmate somewhere for everyone?In your country, what do people think about a woman in her 30s who is unmarried? In your country, what do people think about a man in his 30s who is unmarried? In your country do single people of opposite sex ever live together as roommates, not as boyfriend or girlfriend?Do you think it is fair that in some countries married people get tax benefits and single people don't?What are the consequences of being single?What are the advantages of being married?Do you have any single aunts or uncles? Can you describe their lifestyles?Do you know any single parents? How did they become single parents?What does your culture think about single parenting?Does your government support single parents?Do partners in your culture sometimes live in separate houses?Are there any perks of being single?What do you consider to be your biggest Freudian slip(失言,漏嘴)?雅思口语topic:服务业Do you or anyone you know use a landscaping service?Is it common in your country?If you had to send a package overseas right away, which service would you use? Why? How often do you use a dry cleaning service?Do you ever decide not to buy an item of clothing because it requires dry cleaning?Have you ever had someone design a webpage for you?If so, tell us about it.If not, would you ever?For what purpose?Do you ever use a gift wrapping service when you buy a gift from a store?When might you choose to use it?Have you ever planned a special event? A party? An Anniversary? A wedding?Is it common to use a house cleaning service in your country?Does someone clean your house for you?Do you know many people who use a house cleaning service?How often do you use copying and printing services? What do you use them for? Do you feel you get more things done when you have a full schedule, or an almost empty schedule? Why?Would you hire someone to plan your wedding, or would you, your friends or family do the planning?Do you or your family ever hire someone to install home appliances, or do you prefer to do it yourself?If you were building an addition onto your home, how would you go about doing it? What would you do yourself, and what would you hire someone to do?Have you ever used a translation service?If so, for what purpose?If not, would you ever?If your friend?s car broke down in your hometown, where would you recommend they get it repaired?If you had all the money you needed, what three services would you hire to make life easier?If I wanted to open a new restaurant in your hometown, what advice would you give me?What advice would you give a small business who is creating a website? What kind of information is most important to display?雅思口语topic:秘密 SecretsSecrets How many secrets do you have?Have you ever revealed someone's secret when you weren't supposed to?If your friend were doing something dangerous or illegal would you tell their parentsor teacher?If your friend stole something, would you keep it a secret?If a friend was talking about suicide would you keep their secret or tell their parents?If you found your sister's or brother's diary, would you read it or would you respect their privacy?Would you tell your parents if you were pregnant?Do you think your parents have a right to know?When you meet someone new, are there some things that you want to keep secret or private? Why? What?Are you concerned about Internet privacy?What do you do when a web site asks you for information that you consider private or personal?Do you use your real name on the Internet?Do you have your picture on the Internet? Why or why not?What do you think about foreign countries asking you for your fingerprints when you live there?When applying for a job is it okay for the company to ask you your religion, marital status, sexual orientation, or narcotic use?When applying for a job is it okay for the company to ask you for your picture? If you were going to marry someone, but had a family secret they should know before you get married would you tell them?If you won a lot of money, would you tell your family? Friends?If you had a criminal record, would you hide it from your employer?雅思口语topic:科技 Science&TechnologyWhat is technology?What is science?What is the difference between science and technology?What are some of the greatest technological achievements?What are the advantages of technology?What are the disadvantages of technology?In your opinion,what is the greatest technological invention? Why?What do you think are the three most important or interesting inventions since 1850? How about since 1950?Do you think pets should be cloned? Why or why not?Do you think people should be allowed to clone people or organs of people? Why? What do you think about GMO (genetically modified organisms) vegetables?Is it better to use natural food although it might not produce as much or should we use GMO crops?What do you think about GMO farm animals?Would you eat pork from a GMO cow?Are you willing to pay more for food that is really organic?How much more?What do you think robots should be used for?Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why?Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for our physical or mental health? Why?If you could copy your brain for future generations, would you?How do you think face to face communication differs from communication using computers?What social changes have cell phones made?What are good and bad points of using computers?Do you think to stop global warming that the amount of car driving should be limited or changed?What are some local ways you have seen to reduce waste and pollution or conserve energy?In your life time what changes have you seen in your environment for better or worse? Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better spent helping people on earth? Why?What is your opinion about children playing violent video games or computer programs? What do you think should be done to people who spread viruses, start hoaxes or create spam on the Internet?How often do you buy things on the Internet?Do you worry about identity theft or credit card number theft when buying things on the Internet or do you avoid buying things online because of this concern? Have you used a chat site?Have you ever used voice chat?What do you think about it?Have you used the Internet to learn English or read or talk in English?What are the pros and cons (good and bad points) about improving your English by Internet rather than with a teacher?Have you heard of the Large Hadron Collider?If so, what do you know about it?Do you have a smart phone?Can you access the internet on your telephone?If so, how often do you use it?How often do you check email?Are you a Mac or a PC user? What are some of the differences?What do you think open source software means?What do you know about software? What can software be used for?Are you a Facebook, Mixi or Myspace user?If not, are there websites that are similar to these in your country?Facebook often gets in trouble for not having very good privacy settings. Do you think that this really is a big problem?How much private information are you prepared to share about yourself on the internet?Do you feel comfortable with the idea of Artificial Intelligence (that robots can think)?What science fiction movies have you seen?Do you think that what you have seen in these movies is possible?What was your favorite science subject?Biology? Physics? Chemistry? Why?Do you remember any interesting, fun or dangerous lab experiments that you did at school?Do you think the stereotype of the 'mad scientist' is true?Does the potential that science has to change the world scare you?How will science change the world in the next 100 years?What changes would you like to see science make to the world?Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so, do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?How have technological advances affected our life?Do you think technological advances are always good?Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the medical field/ education?How have technological advances affected our life?Do you think technological advances are always good?Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the medical field/ education?Do you think couples should be allowed to choose the sex or other characteristics of their baby like eye color? Why or why not?雅思口语topic:学校 SchoolAre you allowed to eat in the classrooms?Are you allowed to smoke in the classrooms?Did you belong to any clubs in high school?Did you go to a public high school or a private one?What are the advantages of each type of school?Which type of school did you want to go to?Did you have to wear a uniform in high school? How about elementary school?Did you study art in high school?Did your high school have a band?If so, did you play in it?What instrument would you like to play in a high school band? Why? Do most of your teachers take attendance?Do some of your teachers let class out early?What do you think when the teacher lets the class out early?Do you carry a dictionary to your English classes?How about your other classes?Do you have an electronic ditionary?Can you and do you access your cellphone dictionary to find the meaning of a word?Do you enjoy studying English?Math?Science?Art?Biology?Chemistry?Do you ever skip class?Do you have any evening classes?Do you play on any of the school's sports teams?Do you still keep in touch with your best friend in elementary school? Have you ever been absent?Have you ever been late for class?If so, why?When was the last time?Did the teacher get angry?Have you ever failed a class? (Maybe this is not polite to ask.) Have you ever slept in class?How do you usually come here?How do you get to school?How long does it take you to get to school?How many times have you been absent from school this year?How much homework do you do every day?Was your high school strict?Were you on any sports teams in high school?What classes do you not like? Why don't you like them?What did you like best about high school?What do you like best about your school?What do you like the least about your school?What do you think about your English class? Your gym class?What do you think of our cafeteria?What do you think of this campus?What do you want to do after you graduate?What is your best memory from junior high school?How about high school?What's your worst memory?What school did you graduate from? What high school? What junior high school?What time does your first class begin on Tuesday?What was the name of your junior high school?What were some of the rules you had to follow at your high school? Which rules did you think were unfair?Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules?Were you allowed to smoke on campus?Were you allowed to eat food in the classroom?What's your favorite subject?Why do you like it?Who is the teacher?How many times a week does the class meet?Which subjects are you good at? (What are your strong subjects?) Which subjects are you poor at? (Which subjects are difficult for you?) Who is your favorite teacher?What course does he or she teach?Why do you like him or her?What did you find the most surprising thing about the school system in the United States?What are the major characteristics you think a teacher should have?Do you have to wear a uniform to your school? (Did you have to...)Do you like wearing a uniform?Do you think school uniform is a good idea? Why/Why not?Are the clothes you wear to school important?Do you feel pressure to wear expensive, designer clothes to school? How are the customs in the classrooms in the US different from the customs that you have experienced in other places?Who do you like to sit with in your classroom?Do you like to be taught by a male or female teacher?Do you like to be taught by a female or male teacher?Which subjects do you think are not useful or needed anymore?What does the term coeducational mean?Did you go to coeducational schools?Are boys and girls treated differently by teachers in coeducational schools that you have attended? If so, how?Do you think girls work together much better if there are no boys around? Agree or disagree?Do you feel pressure to wear expensive, designer clothes to school? Do you think fashion is important at school?Is fashion also a kind of uniform?What did your school uniform look like in junior high school?雅思口语topic:安全问题 saftyDo you wear seat belts?Do you put your child in a car seat?Do you lock the doors when you get inside your car?Do you check the backseat before getting into the car?Do you park near a lighted area at night?What do you do if someone grabs your purse or backpack?What do you do if someone asks you for money?How will you get out of your house if it starts to burn?What measures do you take when you walk at night?What do you think about keeping a gun in the house?How can you make a house safe for children to live in?What are some safety concerns in the winter when you drive your car? How can you make the outside area around your house safer after it snows?What kind of safety helmets do you use in your life?What are some poisons around the house and how do you store them safely? Do you know the local phone number for Poison Control?Where could you write the Poison Control number so it is in plain viewduring a case of an emergency?How many emergency numbers do you know for the area you live in? How many emergency numbers do you know for your home country?What is the telephone number for the police in your country?雅思口语topic:退休Has your house been What is the age for mandatory retirement in your country?At this stage of your life, are you beginning to make plans for your retirement years? Why?What would be a perfect retirement for you?How would you rate your career in general? (For retired people) Ranging from 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate your career? Why?Where would you like to spend your retirement years? Why?During retirement, where would you like to stay, in the city or in the province?Do you intend to look for another job after you retire? Why?In one word, how would describe your career?Would you like to spend the rest of your life in another country?Is it common in your country to leave for another one after retirement?In your culture, do the children have to support their parents financially after they retire?Would you like to live together with your children even if they are already married? Why?Do you have a pension plan?What are your goals before you retire?Would you consider retiring early if you make it big?Do you consider spending the rest of your career in your present company? Why?Five years from now, what do you think would be the improvements in your career?Do you expect any promotion sometime soon?Are you going to move to another company if you don't get the promotion you are expecting?Do you think you would be able to save enough for your retirement years? What is your major goal before you retire?If you can still work after your mandatory retirement, will you look for another job?Are you planning to open your own business when you retire?What kind of business would it be?What are the three (3) things you would like to accomplish/have beforeand after you retire?How would you spend your daily life after retirement?Five years from now, what do you think would be the improvements in your career? How about 10 to 20 years?Are you planning to open your own business when you retire? What kind of business would it be?What are the three things you would like to accomplish/have before and after you retire?Why do people renovate their house?How much money can you save if you renovate yourself?Have you ever painted a room?Have you ever put in a new floor in a house?Have you ever worked with wallpaper?Have you ever torn down a wall?Have you ever chose new colors for your flat or house?Do you watch home reconstruction programs? Why or why not?How do people pay for fixing up their house?Have you ever taken out a home improvement loan?What is a house mortages?What is a home improvement mortgage?雅思口语topic:翻新房子Has your house been renovated?Why do people renovate their house?How much money can you save if you renovate yourself?Have you ever painted a room?Have you ever put in a new floor in a house?Have you ever worked with wallpaper?Have you ever torn down a wall?Have you ever chose new colors for your flat or house?Do you watch home reconstruction programs? Why or why not?How do people pay for fixing up their house?Have you ever taken out a home improvement loan?What is a house mortages?What is a home improvement mortgage?雅思口语topic:假期 holidaysHow was your holiday?Did you have a good time?How long was your holiday?What did you get up to?What did you do?Where did you go?Did you enjoy yourself?Did you go out much or did you prefer to stay indoors?What was the weather like?Did you go swimming or was it too cold?Did everyone enjoy the holiday?Did you bring back any souvenirs?Tell me everything about it, day to day.How long did it take you to get there?Did you drive or did you take a plane, coach, or train?What made you want to go there?Will you go back?Did you send any postcards?Did you go bushwalking, hiking?Did you visit many shops?Did you sunbake?Did you buy much while you were away?What were the people like there?What was the hotel like?Did you do anything adventurous or was it just a relaxing holiday? Did you stay in a hostel or a hotel?Was it a backpacker style holiday or an expensive hotel style holiday? What was the favourite part of your holiday?Any holiday romances?Was there anything you didn't like about your vacation?Did you travel to lots of places or did you just stay in one place? Did you see any famous tourist places or was it just a quiet break? Did you make any new friends while you were away?Do you think you'll go there again?雅思口语topic:耽搁、延迟Why do people procrastinate?Who do you know that always procrastinates?When is it good to procrastinate?When is it really bad to procrastinate?What kinds of things do you put off doing?How do you feel when other people put off something you want done soon?Who is the most patient person you know?What's the difference between patience and procrastination?Do you usually procrastinate when you have homework?What can procrastinators do to change their lives?What kinds of things do people often forget?Have you ever run out of gas?Do you ever forget to pay your bills on time?How do you fee about the late charges on most bills?What can someone do to have late charges forgiven?What do people often forget to do on time?Have you ever forgotten an important date or event?Do you become impatient when you have to wait in a long line?Have you ever yelled at someone or been really angry because they didn't do something? Are you always on time to class, late, or early?Have you ever known someone who was always early to important things?Do you know someone who is always busy?Do you think people in some cultures are in too much of a rush?Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?雅思口语topic:隐私 PrivacyWhat is privacy?How do you maintain your privacy at home?At school?On the Internet?When using Facebook?When you travel?When talking on the phone?What are some reason why privacy is important for you?To what extent do public officials have a right to privacy?Do you think the government has the right to read your email?What are your privacy setting on Facebook?How can using social networking sites invade your privacy?What do you think about being fingerprinted when you enter a country?How have you invaded someones privacy without realizing it was important the that person?To what extent do public officials have a right to privacy?How can the press balance freedom of expression with respect for privacy?In your opinion, which of the following pose a threat to privacy?Cookies on your PCCCTV in supermarkets, Safety cameras in the streetEmployers monitoring employees' use of the internet and emailHidden cameras in private homes (e.g. to check on babysitters)RFID "spy chips" (= radio frequency identification tags: minuscule microchips, which are used to identify things)Banks keeping tabs on your financial historyMobile phones with tracking systems雅思口语topic:偏见What is prejudice?Why does prejudice exists?Are women highly regarded in your society? Why?Are men highly regarded in the community?Are there gender role biased issues in your country? What are they?Are women workers often promoted at their workplace?If yes, what qualities do they possess over the other gender?If not, what make them not excel at their work?Do gender issues affect the development of a country?Why do you think we need to discuss issues about gender?What are some prejudices you have?What prejudices have you acquired?What, if any, measures has your national government implemented to combat gender-based discrimination or prejudice?。

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第一讲雅思口语Task 1▲Standard Introductory Questions*NameQ: Could you tell me your full name, please?What shall I call you?/What would you like me to call you?Does your name have any special meaning?What kind of people like changing their names?A: My Chinese name is…, … is my surname, … is my given name.Well, you can tell me … / most of my friends often call me…My Chinese name was given by … who wishes me to…My Chinese name means/represents/stands for…Names are just symbols. As long as you have great personality, people will remember you instead of your name.Some people are very superstitious and they believe their life is going to be influenced by their names. They will go to the fortune teller and ask them what new namesshould be*HometownQ: Can you tell me where you’re from?*ID checkQ: Can I see your identification, please? And what’s your ID number?Personal infor./introductionWhat’s your full name? 答题技巧:按中文顺序回答Are you working or studying?When do you usually get up?What’s the best time of a day?▲General Topics*HometownQ: Whereabout is your hometown?Could you tell me sth. about your hometown?What is the climate like in your hometown?What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?What is famous about your hometown?What are the people like in your hometown?How is the traffic condition of your hometown?What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?Would you prefer to live in a city or a village? Why?描述城市的词:big/small/medium-sized cityA flourishing city/ a prosperous cityCostal city 天津,珠海,汕头,大连Port city 宁波,广州,香港,上海Ancient city 南京,苏州,西安Location: be located in … province, which is in central Chinabe located to the north of the Yangtz RiverClimate: be different from season to seasontemperature runs/reaches/goes as high as …as low as minus … degrees(注意)摄氏度表达法:(minus)+number+ degrees Celsius表达天气情况的词:dry, humid, mild, windy, foggy, snowy, chilly, mist, typhoon,tsunami, hurricaneHot spot: the South Mountain,Chongqing Grand Theater,Ciqikou,the Great Hall of People People: friendly, hospitable, kind (be specific), easygoing, straightforward, open-mindedTraffic: getting more and more seriousFood: spicy, hot, , heavy, fresh*EducationQ: Can you tell me sth. about your studying?What’s your major?Why did you choose your major?What do you like most about your studies?Is there anything you don’t like about your study?How was your high school experience?A: 在…读书go to…My major is/ I major in…Graduate from… with a … degree in…上大学go to/enter/enroll inbe accepted by…become a student in…与教育有关词汇:高等教育tertiary education中学junior high (AmE)Secondary school (BrE)小学primary/elementaryB.A—Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of LawBachelor of Medicine Beng (Bachelor of Engineering)BSc (Bachelor of science) Meng (Mastor of Engineering)Undergraduate postgraduate PHD candidate*WorkQ: What is your occupation? 不要说my job is…。

改说I am a…或者I am working as a…What do you do for a living?Where do you work?Please describe your work/job.Do you have any special responsibilities in your job?How long have you been doing this job?How do you feel about your job?A: I work for… (公司)as…(职位)in…(地点)与工作有关词汇:--accountant auditor cashier broker/agentanchor journalist self-employed-- allowance bonus commission welfareLabor Intensity future development value implementation 句型:My major job is…I was appointed as/to be…I am mainly responsible for…My job involves several duties, first…, second…, third…I am in charge of…喜欢:词: interesting, challenging, rewarding, decent, well-paidEnjoyable, excited, fascinated, passion, pleasant句型:My job gives me a lot of opportunities to …My job enables me to keep in touch with…模板:My job is challenging and interesting, and I think that the best thing about it is the satisfaction I get from solving problems.I really like my job. It does have its ups and downs, but really it is quite a goodjob. I enjoy the people I work with too, which really can make or break a job.We work well together and can trust each other to do our fair share.不喜欢:词: boring, tiring, frustrating, routine work, be hard onBe sick of, depressed, terrible, exhausted句:I think the worst part of the job is…, I wish…模板:I think the worst part of my job is the long hours that I’m sometimes required to work. I think it should be designed so that I can be allowed to go home on timeevery night.*Hobby (Movies, TV, the radio and other leisure activities)Q: Do you have a hobby? What is it?What is your favorite pastime?What do you do in your spare time?What is your favorite way to relax yourself?What are your personal interests?A: I have a taste/fancy for…I am partial to…I am really into…I don’t think I’ve seen anything I like better.I’m very keen on outdoor sports.I’ve always like fishing.… is a marvelous way of spending a day off.There’s nothing I enjoy more than…I’m crazy about…I can’t find words to express how much I like it.I have a particular fondness for popsong.Waling is one of my favorite pastimes.词:·Physical activities:mountain climbing bungee jumping skydivingcycling jogging go hikinggo outing/camping go to health club/gymnasium/pub/disco/hitch hikeshadow boxing/Tai Chi Martial art/Kung fu fence-play/swordplayyoga judo taekwondoPROS:Mould a person’s temperament.Make you energetic and vigorous.Train us to have a quick response.Cultivate cooperative spirit.CONS:To result in injuries such as ankle twistedTo be too exhausted, especially when the exercise amount is beyond the limit例句:Sports makes me feel relaxed and in the pink.I find shopping fantastically relaxing and exciting, especially when you have a goodbargain.I am partial to outdoor activities like go hiking.Normally, I have a fancy for shopping, especially window shopping in large downtown shopping malls.·Sedentary activities:Music appreciation admire sunset handicraftDIY play chess/mahjong/cardsSurf the internet sight-seeing souvenir PROS:Relieve myself from the stress or pressure in my jobMake myself relaxedMake myself energetic and activeMould a person’s temperament.CONS:Indulge oneself in…Be addicted to…Tme/money consumption表示讨厌的常用表达:The thing I really dislike is that…I am afraid I just can’t stand…I’m most disguised with…The thing I really abominate/detest is that…I am sick of…I am allergic to…例句:I am allergic to accompanying any significant person to go window shopping because I find it so boring.The thing I really detest is sport because I find it monotonous and exhausting.EX: Talk about the benefits of having a hobby.GAME: Describe and Guess a game.A.Table tennis or badminton①They are popular sports in China②They are inexpensive③They are easier to play at anytime④They are my family’s favorite sports and if we are free from work or study, we will gettogether to play例句:They are played indoor or outdoor courtThey are played by two or four playersThe players need Ping Pang ball or shuttlecock and a pair of rackets or batsThe game is played in a particular period of rounds, such as table tennis is winning 4 out of 7games, while badminton is winning 2 out of 3 games.B.SwimmingFree style, butterfly stroke, back stroke, breast stroke①It is good for nice figure, especially for yong ladies.②It is a popular sport in summer.③It is a good way to cool yourself in summer.C.Soccer or basketball①They’re popular both at home and abroad②There are many popular events for themThe NBA in the United StatesThe World Cup for soccerThe Europe Cup for soccer③Soccer and basketball are full of energy and action③Soccer and basketball are exciting sports, especially for younger people and the officeworkers who have stress from their jobs④Soccer and basketball are played in groups from which it is easier to make friendsThere are two teams in each gameThere are 11 or 5 members in each teamOne team tries their best to kick or throw the ball into another team’s basket or goalSoccer and basketball are non-combat sportsThere are referees during each gameAll the members must obey the referees, otherwise, you will be kicked out of the games▲Other topics in Stage one*Family (Friends/Neighbors and Meeting new people)Q: Tell me a little about your family.A: There are three people in my family.补充词汇:retire pass away be alive filial dutymy father’s parents = grandparents on my father’s sideDINK/nuclear/extended/broken/single parent family家庭代沟话题How is your relationship with your family?Parents—busy with work/pressure from work/no communicationChildren—different ages/different opinions/different educational backgroundHow the solve the problem—more communication/more family activites/more mutualunderstanding(create more common hobbies, such as doing sports;Celebrate birthday parties and other holidays together;Parents should map out more time to go for traveling with their children;Parents should support and encourage their children's opinion and should not blamethem too often;The exchange of roles between the parents and the children occasionally can help themunderstand each other’s difficulties)A serious social problem—youth crime/my opinion on this social problem(youth crime—stealing, robbing, cheating, murdering, fighting)老人孤独话题Are there any elderly people in your family?Old people—no work to do/feel bored and lonely/miss their childern and other relatives Children—busy with work and study/busy with their social activities/busy with their own families Society—no proper activities/living community does not lead or organize more activitiesHow to solve the problem—government’s attention/social attention/children’s attention*Local CustomsWhat is your favorite festival? Why?Three major traditional festivals (when/what/who/how)●Spring Festival:Family reunion/dumpling/fireworks, firecrackers/Spring Festival GalaLucky money●Dragon Boat FestivalWhen— on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendarWhat—“zongzi”, glutinous rice wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves How—dragon boat raceWhy— to commemorate the death of Quyuan, minister of the state of Chu during Warring States period●Moon Festival/Mid-Autumn FestivalWhen—on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar monthWhat—moon cake*Reading & WritingDo you enjoy reading?(books, magazines?) How about writing?*BuildingsQ: What does a traditional Chinese building look like?Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?A: Firstly, the buildings are made of wood or bamboo instead of stone or metal.Secondly, they are very high and always have curved eaves.Thirdly, the traditional buildings have doors and windows that are adorned withpaintings.Q: Where do live? Is it noisy? What can be done to improve your living environment?Q: Can you tell me something about your house?*WeatherWhat is your favorite weather and your least favorite? How about the weather in yourcity?*ShoppingDo you like shopping? How often do you go shopping? How about online shopping?*ClothesWhat is your favorite style of clothes? What does fashion mean to you?*ArtsWhat's your favorite music type? Can you play any musical instrument?Do you like photography? What benefit?Do you like painting or drawing? What fun?*CollectionDo you like collecting things? How about the people around you?*PetsDo you like keeping pets? Your experience?*TravelDo you enjoy traveling? You experience?*FoodWhat kind of food do you eat every day? Do you like eating outside? Favorite Restaurant?Can you cook?*Colors and NumbersWhat's your favorite color? Number?*NatureDo you go to parks or gardens often? Do you like them?Do you like birds?Do you like flowers? Do flowers have special meaning?*PartiesDo you like having parties?。
