

Fitbit Versa 4手冊说明书

Fitbit Versa 4手冊说明书

使用手冊1.4 版目錄開始 (7)包裝盒內物品 (7)為手錶充電 (8)設定 Versa 4 (8)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (9)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (10)佩戴 Versa 4 (11)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (11)緊固錶帶 (12)慣用手 (13)佩戴與保養技巧 (14)更換錶帶 (14)移除錶帶 (14)安裝錶帶 (15)基本資訊 (16)導覽 Versa 4 (16)基本導覽 (16)按鈕快捷鍵 (17)快速設定 (19)動態磚 (20)調整設定 (20)顯示幕 (20)振動和音訊 (20)通知 (20)目標提醒 (20)靜音模式 (21)快速鍵 (21)語音助理 (21)關於 Versa 4 (21)查看電池電量 (22)設定裝置鎖定 (22)2關閉螢幕 (24)錶面、動態磚與應用程式 (25)變更錶面 (25)重新排列動態磚 (26)管理應用程式 (26)開啟應用程式 (26)移除應用程式 (26)重新安裝應用程式 (27)更新應用程式 (27)調整應用程式設定和權限 (27)語音助理 (28)設定內建 Amazon Alexa (28)與語音助理互動 (28)檢查您的 Alexa 鬧鐘、提醒與計時器 (29)日常生活 (30)天氣 (30)尋找手機 (31)Google 地圖 (31)手機通知 (32)設定通知 (32)查看傳入通知 (32)管理通知 (33)關閉通知 (33)接聽或拒接來電 (34)在腕上接聽手機通話 (35)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (36)計時 (37)設定鬧鐘 (37)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (37)使用計時器和碼錶 (38)使用碼錶計時 (38)使用倒數計時器追蹤經過的時間 (38)3查看統計資料 (39)追蹤每日活動目標 (40)選擇目標 (40)追蹤每小時的活動 (40)追蹤您的睡眠 (41)設定睡眠目標 (41)深入瞭解長期睡眠行為 (41)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (41)追蹤您的經期 (41)練習引導式呼吸 (42)查看壓力管理分數 (42)進階的健康指標 (43)運動和心臟健康 (44)自動追蹤您的運動 (44)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (45)自訂運動設定 (46)查看您的運動摘要 (46)查看您的心率 (47)自訂心率區間 (48)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (48)接收心率過高通知 (48)檢視您的日常準備分數 (49)檢視心肺健康分數 (50)分享您的活動 (50)感應式付款 (51)使用信用卡和轉帳卡 (51)設定感應式付款 (51)購物 (52)變更預設卡片 (53)支付交通費用 (53)更新、重新啟動和清除 (54)更新 Versa 4 (54)重啟 Versa 4 (54)4清除 Versa 4 (55)疑難排解 (56)找不到心率訊號 (56)沒有 GPS 訊號 (56)其他問題 (57)一般資訊和規格 (58)感應器與元件 (58)材質 (58)無線技術 (58)觸覺反饋 (58)電池 (58)記憶體 (59)顯示幕 (59)錶帶大小 (59)環境條件 (59)瞭解詳情 (60)退貨政策和保固 (60)Regulatory and Safety Notices (61)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (61)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement (62)European Union (EU) (63)Argentina (65)Australia and New Zealand (65)Ghana (65)Indonesia (65)Israel (65)Japan (66)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (66)Malaysia (66)Mexico (66)Morocco (67)Nigeria (67)Oman (67)Paraguay (67)Philippines (68)5Serbia (68)Singapore (68)South Korea (68)Taiwan (68)Thailand (72)United Arab Emirates (72)United Kingdom (73)Vietnam (73)About the Battery (74)IP Rating (74)Safety Statement (74)Regulatory Markings (74)67開始使用 Google 旗下的 Fitbit Versa 4,保持健康狀態並透過例行運動取得更好成果。



[谷歌地图高清卫星地图]卫星地图:卫星地图[谷歌地图高清卫星地图]卫星地图:卫星地图篇一 : 卫星地图:卫星地图-作用,卫星地图-样图卫星地图,简称卫星图,确切的说法是卫星遥感图像,也叫卫星影像。






图行天下电子地图_卫星地图 -作用卫星地图卫星地图是卫星拍摄的真实的地理面貌,所以卫星地图可用来检测地面的信息,你可以了解到地理位置,地形等。



图行天下电子地图_卫星地图 -样图卫星地图样图卫星地图图行天下电子地图_卫星地图 -影像分辨可以通俗地理解为这是卫星在太空中拍摄地球得到的照片,,如在Google Earth 中,全球的影像98%都是卫图。


卫星地图而我们日常在Google Earth中所说的高清卫星地图,就是特指由DigitalGlobe、GEOEYES、SPOT等公司为Google Earth提供的高分辨率卫图,如0.6米分辨率、1米分辨率、2.5米分辨率、4米分辨率的影像、10米分辨率的影像。




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地理信息系统 (GMAP)
数据采集与监控系统 (SCADA)
Copyright © SP PowerGrid Limited. All rights reserved.
地理信息系统显示电网设备的地理位置和设 备连接信息. 同时也可以调用网络管理和客户服务系统以 显示网络资产的详细资料.
Copyright © SP PowerGrid Limited. All rights reserved.
追踪宏茂桥五道(AMK AVE 5)和宏茂桥八道(AMK AVE 8)
十字路口的 22KV 和 6.6KV 地下电缆
1 2
Copyright © SP PowerGrid Limited. All rights reserved.
建设部门 项目管理
电缆敷设 承包商施
工 程 完 工, 注 册 测 量 师 二 星期 内 呈 交 测 量 资
电 缆信 电 缆 信 息 软 件 息 硬 件(1) 息 硬 件(2) 电 缆信
数据与信 管理部门
5 a1
数据与信 管理部门
5 b5



VIAVI SolutionsData Sheet VIAVIThird Generation Multiple Application Platform (MAP-300)The VIAVI Solutions Multiple Application Platform (MAP-300) is an optical test and measurement platform optimized for compact cost-effective development and manufacturing of optical communications technology.Key Featuresy Available in rackmount, reverse-rackmount and benchtop mainframe configurationsy HTML-based graphical user interface gives consistent user experience both locally and remotelyy Field-replaceable controller includes an integrated 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen for network and system status y Support for USB 3.0 port, 15.6-inch external monitor, and ethernety Optional GPIB, additional ethernet ports and additional USB and trigger modulesy SCPI logical interface for automation programming, with remote programming supported via TCP/IP (LXI) over ethernet, GPIB and direct socket y Multi-user capabilityy Backward compatible with MAP2xx series cassettes and remote-control support y Hot swappable modulesy Supports the MAP-Series asset management tool MAPccApplicationsy General purpose fiber-optic lab use y Manufacturing test automation y DWDM/WSS test y Connectivity IL/RLy Polarization scrambling and OSNRCompliancey MAP Series cassettes include amplifier and sourcecassettes classified as either Class 3B or Class 1M Laser products. While operating in a MAP Series mainframe, cassettes meet the requirements of the IEC 60825-1 standard and comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice 50, dated June 24, 2007.From the original Multiple Application Platform (MAP) system released in 2001 as part of JDSU to the new third generation MAP-300 Series, the MAP system is the heart of the VIAVI optical test solutions for labs and manufacturing. With unmatched scalability , users can be assured that our solutions will meet their current and future needs. MAP-300 provides the foundation to our entire portfolio, enabling scalability and efficiency for manufacturing optical network elements, modules and components.Customer Focused InnovationThe new MAP-300 builds upon the proven strengths of the MAP System while adding innovation where it matters most for our customers. Backwards compatible support for the installed automation base, combined with several new features, including an HTML-based GUI for multi-user environments, gives our customers the capabilities they need to achieve their goals. We can’t wait to see what you will accomplish with the new MAP-300!MAP-300 ConfigurationsThe MAP-300 mainframe, like its predecessor, is offered in both benchtop and rackmount versions as either threeor eight slot mainframe configurations. The eight-slot can also provided in a reverse rack-mount configuration. MAP-380 Eight-Slot MainframesEach MAP-380 mainframe consists of a 3U chassis that can house up to eight cassettes, plus a field-replaceable controller. The MAP-380 mainframe is available in rackmount, reverse-rackmount, and benchtopconfigurations.Figure 2 - MAP-380 rackmount and benchtop mainframes, rear viewFigure 1 - MAP-380 rackmount and benchtop mainframes front viewFigure 3 - MAP-380 reverse rackmount mainframes, front and rear viewMAP-330 Three-Slot MainframesEach MAP-330 mainframe consists of a 3U chassis that can house up to three cassettes, plus a field-replaceable controller. The rackmount versions are half 19” rack wide, so two units can be mounted side-by-side. An optional touch screen can be docked on the mainframe of a benchtop three-slot chassis for an easy portable, self-contained system.Figure 4 - MAP-330 benchtop mainframe, front and rear viewFigure 5 - MAP-330 benchtop mainframe with 15.6-inch touchscreen docked, front viewFigure 6 - MAP-330 3U half 19-inch rackmount mainframe, front viewSimple, Intuitive Graphical ControllerThe MAP-300 chassis includes a 3.5-inch touch screen that supports intuitive swipes for easy navigation. This local touchscreen provides access to connection and configuration settings.Users can access the MAP-300 GUI from a mainframe locally or remotely via Ethernet. The MAP-300 GUI allows multi-user access via a supported web browser by entering the IP address acquired from the controller in the location field of the web browser. The slot configuration of a mainframe is represented by widgets (one per slot) on the MAP-300 dashboard. When a slot is populated, the widget representing that slot identifies the cassette and provides quick access to the main device settings. The user can change the size of the widget to see more detail on specific cassettes. A detailed view of a cassette is available, whilst still having a complete view of all other slots.The settings panel gives you access to network and system settings, as well as remote chassis and license settings if available. The MAP-300 can be rebooted or placed in standby mode using through the GUI or local touchscreen.Figure 7 - MAP-300 local touchscreenFigure 8 - MAP-380 Dashboard GUI example.Control InterfacesAs a full-fledged member of the MAP family , all remote interfaces can interoperate with the three-slot and eight-slot versions. It includes optimized Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (IVI) drivers for ease of use with popular application-development environments, such as LabVIEW, Visual C++, Visual Basic, and LabWindows™, to provide full control of the modules and drop-in instrument programming capabilities. These capabilities let test programmers focus on test-level functions and sequences rather than the details required to communicate with the specific modules in the MAP system. The IVI drivers also include a simulation mode that lets developers capture system configurations so they can perform most of their development offline, freeing hardware for other purposes. These features make test automation development and debugging fast and easy. All MAP series module and platform commands conform to the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) command language.Extensive Input/Output InterfacesAll mainframe configurations include: y Ethernet port for remote communication.y 4 USB host ports for installing peripheral devices, including USB drives, a mouse, and a keyboard. y One USB host port for the optional touchscreen.y Integrated 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen for network and system status information.y All mainframes can support up to two field-installable additional accessory modules for control and triggering. Available modules include (1) IEEE-488 (GPIB), (2) dual trigger LXI-compliant LDVS driver ports, and (3) three USB 3.0 ports and one Ethernet interface.Users who are comfortable with the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB)remote interface can order the field-installable option at any time.Automation Remote Use 1(Optional)Automation Remote Use 2(Optional)Automation Remote Use 3(Optional)MAP Control Center (MAPcc)VIAVI now offers the MAP Control Center (MAPcc), an asset management tool for MAP mainframes and cassettes. The MAPcc simplifies network management via a single screen that lists a full inventory of all your assets, enabling you to explore internal and external mainframes as well as the cassettes present in those mainframes. From the list of available mainframes, you can retrieve IP addresses, firmware versions and serial numbers, and you can search for a specific type of cassette, fiber or connector. The MAPcc lets you upgrade multiple mainframes at the same time using the upgrade center, as well as retrieve log files.MAP Chassis Selection GuideVIAVI offers a variation of chassis, the table below summaries their key attributes of each chassis and why it would be ideal for you.SpecificationsMainframe SpecificationsThe table below provides specifications for MAP-300 mainframes. For MAP Series cassettes, refer to the user guide for each cassette.Mainframe ChassisCapacity (Single-width cassettes) 3 cassettes8 cassettes Rackmount Kit OptionalBenchtop Kit OptionalController (MAP-300CLD-B)Operating System LinuxLocal T ouchscreen 3.5-in touchscreen for network/system status controls, 320 x 240 resolution Power Supply100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, Auto-switchingPower Consumption450 VA MAX450 VA MAXField Replaceable Y esBays for Plug-in Modules2Native Ports/InterfacesUSB 3.0 Host 1 frontUSB 3.0 (Mouse, Keyboard, etc.) 4 rearEthernet 10/100/1000BASE-T 1 rearMonitor port 1 rearOptical Plug-in Modules GPIB, USB/LAN Expansion, TriggerAutomationDriver Type IVI compliantStandard/Protocol LXI, VXI-11, SCPIDriver Compatibility LabView TM, LabWindows TM, Microsoft® Visual C++,Microsoft® Visual Basic®Accessibility Multiuser sharing supportWeb GUI Compatibility Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft EdgeLaser Interlock (See the MAP Series Safety and Compliance Reference Guide, 22112369-325, for more information.) Local Interlock Software controlledRemote Interlock2-pin terminal block at rear controllerMechanicalDimensions of rackmount (W x H x D)24.61 x 13.26 x 38.63 cm(9.6 x 5.2 x 15.2 in)48.26 x 13.26 x 38.63 cm(19 x 5.2 x 15.2 in)Dimensions of benchmount (W x H x D) 26.43 x 15.49 x 44.27 cm(10.4 x 6.1 x 17.5 in)46.94 x 15.49 x 44.27 cm(18.5 x 6.1 x 17.5 in)WeightBenchtop Mainframe10 kg (22 lb)12.6 kg (27.7 lb) Rackmount Mainframe7.4 kg (16.3 lb) 10.8 kg (23.8 lb) EnvironmentOperating T emperature0 to 50°CStorage T emperature-30 to 60°CRelative Humidity5% to 85% non-condensingOptional 15.6-inch Touchscreen (MAP-300AKD) SpecificationsDock to Benchtop MainframeMAP-330SupportedMAP-380Not SupportedPower/Interface to MainframeMAP-330USB cable or docking connectorMAP-380USB cableWeight 2.7 kg (5.95 lb)Ordering InformationFor more information on this or other products and their availability, please contact your local VIAVI account manager or VIAVI directly at 1-844-GO-VIAVI (1-844-468-4284) or to reach the VIAVI office nearest you, visit /contacts.MAP-300 MainframesMAP-300 Accessories and Replacement Parts11 Third Generation Multiple Application Platform (MAP-300)LightDirect and LightTest Modular Families for the MAP SystemMAP mainframes are the foundation to our entire portfolio of functional modules, enabling scalability and efficiency for manufacturing optical network elements and modules. The MAP-300 series replaces the highly successful MAP-200. It is compatible with all our current cassettes and legacy cassette (all -C1, -C2 and -B1 modules). The cassette modules fall into two different families, the LightT est turn-key solutions and LightDirect configurable solutions to meet each customer’s exact needs.The LightDirect family includes a wide range of foundational optical test modules that are used in simple bench test applications, or combined in larger, multi-modules customer driven automated test systems. They are easy-to-control, single-functionality modules.© 2020 VIAVI Solutions Inc.Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice.map300-ds-lab-nse-ae 30190857 904 0920Contact Us +1 844 GO VIAVI (+1 844 468 4284)To reach the VIAVI office nearest you, visit /contacts.VIAVI SolutionsThe LightT est family are application specific, integrated test solutions that leverage the power of the MAP Series Super-Application or PC based software. Built with specialized MAP modules or assemblies of LightDirect modules, LightT est solutions are typically used in bench test applications but can also be combined in larger, multi-modules customer driven automated test systems.Passive Connector Test SolutionsThe VIAVI Solutions passive component/connector test solution (PCT) consists of a powerful family of modules, software, and peripherals for testing IL, RL, physical length, and polarity of optical connectivity products. Leveraging the modularity and connectivity of the VIAVI MAP platforms.Single Fiber Insertion Loss and Return Loss Test SystemThe PCT-rm is a MAP-220 based Single mode Insertion Loss (IL) and Return Loss (RL) test meter for single fiber connector applications. Part of the MAP Series PCT solution family , it features fully EF-compliant multimode Insertion Loss test meters with connector adapters that can be configured for all connectivity applications to ensure maximized productivity.Swept Wavelength SystemmSWS-C1 are swept wavelength test solutions for manufacturing and new device development of passive DWDM devices, ROADMs & Circuit Packs. Provides full characterization of wavelength.Optical Component Environmental Test SystemsAt the core of OCETS Plus is a pair of custom-grade programmable switches (1xN configuration). OCETS switches are specified to higher levels of IL repeatability and background RL than analogue-grade switches.。


“智慧保护区”解决方案 重庆英卡电子有限公司
设计原则 ................................................................ 4 建设目标、规模与内容 .................................................... 4 建设目标 ................................................................ 4 建设规模及内容 .......................................................... 5 应用系统设计 ............................................................ 6 “一张网”智慧自然保护区立体监测物联网 .................................. 6
据需求结合“智慧保护区”项目的实际需求,以“智慧保护区”结构配置的 合理性、科学性和经济型为原则,同时严格掌握以下原则进行设计:
(1) 先进性原则 无论是软件配置,还是硬件配置,力求做到技术先进,安全可靠防范严密。 (2) 兼容性原则 即系统设计合理,无论是硬件的匹配,还是系统与特定环境的适应性,都要 求很好的兼容性。 (3) 安全保密原则 系统的设计和配置必须保证信息的安全,有较好的数据安全措施,有较强的 数据备份和系统恢复供能。 (4) 可扩充性原则 系统充分考虑未来技术发展带来的系统扩充的需求,预留足够的接口空间, 可满足以后的软件升级及设备扩充。
(1) 侦查 指点飞行,迅速到达任务地点; 高清监控级云台相机,火情实时传输,便于救援方案制定。 (2) 自动巡航功能 可设置巡航路线,无人机沿路线进行定位自主巡航,实时传送拍摄影像。 (3) 智能测量 无 人 机 可 以 预 设 航 线 ,在 作 业 区 域 上 空 自 动 作 业 采 集 数 据 ,采 集 完 数 据 后 可 导 入 相 应的软件系统,生成点云及三维模型数据,并据此进行空间距离、体积的测量,或者进 行斜面等不规则堆体面积的模拟测量,为 XXXX 自然保护区提供精确数值。

eCognition (易康)1软件介绍

eCognition (易康)1软件介绍

u 基于知识的分类方法 u 多条件类定义分类 u 隶属度函数(模糊)分类 u 分类器分类方法(5种主流方法) u 模板匹配分类方法 u 深度学习分类方法(卷积神经网络)
u 前后期影像变化分析 u 前后期矢量变化分析 u 前期矢量&后期影像变化
− 目标/挑战
− 自动提取建筑轮廓并绘制植被图斑 − 支持城市规划 − 对地图快速更新 − 降低成本缩短工作周期 − 高精准度
基于数字高程模型的LIDAR影像支持的建筑 物及植被提取
使用高分辨率偏振SAR数据进行 农作物种植类别分类
E-SAR 分辨率2-3m 波段和极化方式:X-HH, X-VV, CVH, C-VV, L-HH, L-VV, L-HV 右图为RGB组合L-HH, C-W, L-W
地理空间作业流程 ---从影像、点云到GIS的过程
• 影像数据 • 点云数据
• 几何校正 • 正射校正 • 图像融合 • 高程模型
• HTML 用户界面 • 管理控制台 • 软件开发工具包
波段运算 分割 分类 变化检测 成果优化 点云数据处理 手动编辑 标准化分析流程制作 并行运算 矢量数据分析 …

【Seeyou世友】SVC 世友网络摄像机客户端软件操作说明 4.7

【Seeyou世友】SVC 世友网络摄像机客户端软件操作说明 4.7












目录第1章功能介绍.................................................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1、主要功能特点...................................................................................................................................... - 1 -第2章运行环境要求.......................................................................................................................................... - 3 -2.1、硬件环境.............................................................................................................................................. - 3 -2.2、软件环境.............................................................................................................................................. - 3 -第3章安装与卸载.............................................................................................................................................. - 4 -3.1、安装步骤.............................................................................................................................................. - 4 -3.2、卸载步骤.............................................................................................................................................. - 6 -第4章配置管理.................................................................................................................................................. - 8 -4.1、主界面介绍.......................................................................................................................................... - 9 -4.2、设备管理............................................................................................................................................ - 11 -4.2.1 设备组配置 ............................................................................................................................ - 11 -4.2.2 设备配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 12 -4.3 用户管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 14 -4.3.1 角色信息管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 14 -4.3.2 用户组管理 ............................................................................................................................ - 15 -4.3.3 用户信息管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 15 -4.3.4 滚动字幕管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 15 -4.4 录像管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 16 -4.4.1 录像策略 ................................................................................................................................ - 16 -4.4.2 策略配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 16 -4.5 远程管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 18 -4.5.1 设备的选择 ............................................................................................................................ - 18 -4.5.2 远程配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 18 -4.6 远程维护.............................................................................................................................................. - 19 -4.6.1 设备信息列表 ........................................................................................................................ - 19 -4.6.2 系统升级 ................................................................................................................................ - 19 -4.6.3 配置文件上传和下载............................................................................................................. - 20 -4.6.4 重启、恢复出厂设置和同步系统时间................................................................................. - 20 -4.6.5 前端存储设备管理................................................................................................................. - 20 -第5章视频浏览................................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1、实时监控............................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.2、实时监控操作方法............................................................................................................................ - 23 -5.3、电子放大............................................................................................................................................ - 23 -5.4、双码流监控........................................................................................................................................ - 24 -5.5、视频抓图............................................................................................................................................ - 24 -5.6、语音对讲............................................................................................................................................ - 25 -5.7、声音 ................................................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.8、广播 ................................................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.9、设备片段录像.................................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.10、轮巡 ................................................................................................................................................. - 26 -5.11、告警联动.......................................................................................................................................... - 26 -5.12、满屏和标准模式显示...................................................................................................................... - 27 -5.16、画面分割控制.................................................................................................................................. - 28 -5.17、设备列表.......................................................................................................................................... - 28 -5.18、云台控制.......................................................................................................................................... - 29 -5.19、实时报警.......................................................................................................................................... - 32 -第6章录像查询................................................................................................................................................ - 33 -6.1、录像查询............................................................................................................................................ - 34 -6.1.1、按文件回放 .......................................................................................................................... - 34 -6.1.2 按时间回放 ............................................................................................................................ - 34 -6.2录像回放............................................................................................................................................... - 34 -6.2.1 本地录像回放 ........................................................................................................................ - 34 -6.2.2 前端录像回放 ........................................................................................................................ - 35 -6.3录像下载............................................................................................................................................... - 35 -第7章告警信息................................................................................................................................................ - 36 -第8章电视墙 ................................................................................................................................................... - 37 -8.1 电视墙的布局...................................................................................................................................... - 37 -8.2 监视器的布局...................................................................................................................................... - 37 -8.3 解码器和监视器的绑定...................................................................................................................... - 38 -8.4 电视墙轮巡设置.................................................................................................................................. - 39 -第9章电子地图................................................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.1 电子地图布局...................................................................................................................................... - 41 -9.1.1 添加地图 ................................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.1.2 添加子地图 ............................................................................................................................ - 42 -9.1.3 添加设备 ................................................................................................................................ - 42 -9.2 播放设备视频...................................................................................................................................... - 43 -9.2.1 实时监控 ................................................................................................................................ - 43 -9.2.2 全屏/退出全屏播放............................................................................................................... - 43 -9.2.3 设备视频改变 ........................................................................................................................ - 43 -9.2.4 停止视频播放 ........................................................................................................................ - 43 -9.3 地图和设备的删除.............................................................................................................................. - 44 -9.3.1 删除地图 ................................................................................................................................ - 44 -9.3.2 删除设备 ................................................................................................................................ - 44 -9.4 地图和设备属性.................................................................................................................................. - 44 -9.4.1 地图属性 ................................................................................................................................ - 44 -9.4.2 设备属性 ................................................................................................................................ - 44 -9.5 地图之间的跳转.................................................................................................................................. - 44 -第10章转发管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 45 -10.1 转发服务设置.................................................................................................................................... - 45 -10.2 远程客户端接收转发配置................................................................................................................ - 45 -10.3转发设备录像查询、回放、下载功能............................................................................................. - 46 -第11章多屏显示控制...................................................................................................................................... - 47 -11.1 多屏显示............................................................................................................................................ - 47 -第12章设置 ..................................................................................................................................................... - 48 -12.1 自动登录............................................................................................................................................ - 48 -12.5画面设置............................................................................................................................................. - 50 -12.6 广播设置............................................................................................................................................ - 51 -12.7 告警声音设置.................................................................................................................................... - 52 -12.8 关于 ................................................................................................................................................... - 53 -12.9 帮助 ................................................................................................................................................... - 53 -第1章功能介绍1.1、主要功能特点支持电子放大与电子云台功能;支持根据不同的用户权限显示不同的操作界面;支持前端设备列表的显示功能;支持前端设备在线与离线分组功能;支持对前端设备的在线状态进行维护和管理功能;支持视频窗口的多画面以及全屏显示控制功能;支持实时视频流的监看功能;支持右键弹出菜单按设备组名称自动播放视频流功能;支持播放窗口视频轮巡功能;支持选中设备片段录像功能;支持播放窗口视频流交互位置功能;支持锁屏功能;支持视频播放窗口显示各种播放状态;支持电视墙功能;支持电视墙轮巡功能;支持解码窗口显示解码器与编码器功能;支持电子地图功能;支持多屏显示功能,最多支持4个屏;支持云台控制功能;支持语音对讲功能;支持语音广播功能;支持远端设备转发功能;支持添加自定义云台协议的功能;支持视频窗口转换时子码流切换主码流的功能;支持抓图功能;支持本地录像功能;支持本地录像四画面同时回放功能;支持设备(本地设备、远端设备)录像(包括本地、前端)的查询回放以及前端录像下载功能;支持设备实时告警信息的显示;支持产生告警时就播放告警声音的功能;支持查询前端像直接回放功能;支持对历史设备的历史告警信息;支持视频监控窗口的实时声音开关控制以及对应状态的显示和维护;支持各视频窗口中录像状态的显示和维护;支持恢复上一次监控状态的控制管理功能;支持YUV格式加速显示(如果显卡不支持YUV才用RGB显示)。

ICP DAS GPS-721 快速使用指南说明书

ICP DAS GPS-721 快速使用指南说明书

GPS-721Quick Start GuideDate: Oct. 2010Introduction:This manual introduces the user to the methods used to implement the GPS-721 module into their applications in a quick and easy way, and will only provide basic instructions. For more detailed information, please refer to the GPS-721 user manual located on the ICP DAS CD-ROM, or download it from the ICP DAS web site: /products/GSM_GPRS/wireless/gps-721.htmPackage ChecklistItem QuantityGPS-721 1External GPS antenna (ANT-115-03,1Length: 5m)RS-232 Cable (CA-0910) 1Product CD 1Quick Start Guide 1AppearanceNumber of satellites LEDINIT/Normal SwitchBlock Diagram & Pin AssignmentsLED IndicatorsLED Status DescriptionON The module is operating / functioning correctly. Sys.OFF There is an error with the module. The module has encountered an error. ON Digital Output is active. DO1OFF Digital Output is off.ON The number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 5.S1OFF Module can’t receive any GPS signals. ONThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is 5 ~ 8 or above.S2OFF The number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 5.ONThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is more than 8.S3OFFThe number of signals received from GPS satellites is less than 8. ON The PPS is on. 1 PPSOFFThe PPS is off.WiringDO wiringPPS wiringPPS outputThe PPS would output the pulse when receiving effective GPS signals. That would output 100 ms pulse per second. The figure is as follows.1 second 100 msM ountingDIN rail Mounting Piggyback MountingF rame GroundElectronic circuits are constantlyvulnerable to Electro-StaticDischarge (ESD), which becomesworse in a continental climatearea. The GPS-721 features a newdesign for the frame ground,which provides a path forbypassing ESD, allowingenhanced static protection (ESD)capabilities and ensures that themodule is more reliable. Either ofthe not described her options willprovide a better protection for themodule.Default address and communication parameters:Protocol: DCONModule address: 01 (INIT mode: 00)Communication Baud Rate: 9600 bpsChecksum: DisabledHow to Start1. Refer to the pin assignments for details of how to install the power andantenna.2. Connect the module to the RS-485 network using the DATA+ and DATA-terminals. If the host is only equipped with an RS-232 interface, then an RS-232 to RS-485 converter will be required. The GPS-721 supports RS-232 connections.By setting GPS-721 to INIT mode, the default settings can be used to connect to the GPS-721.3. Configure the module by sending the %AANNTTCCFF command. SeeSection 2.1 of the User Manual for details.ICP DAS provides two free tools, the DCON Utility and Send232.exe, witch can be downloaded from /pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/4. You can implement the functions of the modules using the following DCONcommands.5. If the host is a PC with a Windows operating system installed, the DCONUtility can be used to allow easy configuration and reading of data. The DCON Utility can be downloaded from the ICP DAS website (). The documentation for the DCON Utility can be found in the ”Getting Started For I-7000 Series Modules” manual.Note:If the GPS-721 is unable to receive GPS signals, check the position of the antenna or install the GPS antenna in an open environment.DCON Command TableGeneral Command SetsCommand Response Description Section%AANNTTCCFF !AA Sets the Module Configuration 2.1#** No Response Synchronized Sampling 2.2#AA !AA(Data) Reads UTC Time, latitude, longitude, and the number ofGPS satellite signals2.3#AAN !AA(Data) Reads UTC Time, latitude, longitude, date and the numberof GPS satellite signalsindividually2.4#AA00(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.5 #AA0A(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.6 #AA1c(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.7 #AAAc(Data) > Sets the Digital Output 2.8 $AA2 !AANNTTCCFF Reads the Module Configuration 2.9 $AA4 !S(Data) Reads the Synchronized Data 2.10 $AA5 !AAS Reads the Reset Status 2.11 $AA6 !AA(Data) Reads the Digital Output Status 2.12 $AAC !AA Clears the Latched DO Status 2.13$AAD !AA Save the current datetemporarily2.14$AAF !AA(Data) Reads the Firmware Version 2.15 $AAM !AA(Data) Reads the Module Name 2.16 $AALS !AA(Data) Reads the Latched DO Status 2.17@AA >(Data) Reads the Digital I/O Status 2.18 @AA(Data) > Sets the Digital Output Channels 2.19 ~AAO(Name) !AA Sets the Module Name 2.20 ~AAD !AAF Reads the DI/O active status. 2.21 ~AADVV !AA Sets the DI/O active status. 2.22 ~AAI !AA Sets the soft INIT 2.23~AAM !AASC Reads with the RS-232communication mode of themodule is NMEA 0183 or DCON2.24~AAMN !AA Sets the RS-232 communicationmode of the module to eitherNMEA 0183 or DCON2.25~AATnn !AA Sets the soft INIT timeout value 2.26Host Watch Dog Command SetsCommand Response Description Section~** No Response Host OK (The address in this command is zero and canclear the watch dog counter.)2.27~AA0 !AASS Reads the Status 2.28 ~AA1 !AA Resets the Status 2.29 ~AA2 !AAVV Reads the Timeout Settings 2.30 ~AA3EVV !AA Sets the Timeout Settings 2.31~AA4V !AA(Data) Reads the Power On/SafeValue2.32~AA5V !AA Sets the Power On/Safe Value 2.33If you encounter any problems while using you I-87211W module, and are unable to find the help in this manual or on our website, please contact ICP DAS Product Support.Email:******************Website: /sevices/support.htm。


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总期建待筑定面)积:一期约 185,000 平米,二期约 37,000平米,三期 41,505平米(后
分期:一期 2004完工,二期 2006完工,三期 2009年完工 目标客户:科学家、研究者、技术工作者、管理者、生物医药研发企业
) 30 (占比 15%
信息通信、传媒产业的 办公设施及商业配套, 同时服务于科学、技术 和研究局下的公共研究 机构
多功能开 发空间

16 (占比 8%
) 40 (占比 20% 低密度居住社区
由 11 栋排屋(老建筑翻新)构成的开放式商业街,包括中西主题餐厅、酒吧、
楼板承重(KN/平米) 10(1楼),7.5 (2~12楼)千,5.0(地下室)

EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台用户手册

EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台用户手册

EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台――用户手册北京国遥新天地信息技术有限公司二零零二零零九九年四月文档名称 用户手册 文档版本 2.0 软件版本 文档编号文档状态 [ ] 草稿 [ √ ] 正在修改 [ ] 正式发布 项目名称 EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台撰 写 仇月霞日 期 2009.04.22审 批日 期EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台 之 用户手册修订历史记录日期版本撰写说明2008.11.12 1.0 李凯2008.04.02 2.0 仇月霞EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台 之 用户手册目录第一章系统综述 (1)1.1.系统简介 (1)1.2.系统结构 (1)1.2.1.工具栏 (1)1.2.2.控制面板 (3)1.2.3.地球窗口 (8)第二章基础信息管理 (10)2.1.系统插件 (10)2.1.1.表层 (10)2.1.2.天空 (10)2.1.3.三维星空 (11)2.1.4.大气 (11)2.2.系统图层 (12)2.2.1.影像 (12)2.2.2.矢量 (14)地标管理理 (18)第三章KML地标管3.1.关于KML和KMZ (18)3.1.1.关于KML (18)3.1.2.关于KMZ (18)3.2.自定义地理标注 (18)3.2.1.添加文件夹 (18)3.2.2.添加地标 (20)3.2.3.添加线标注 (22)3.2.4.添加面标注 (23)3.2.5.添加模型 (25)3.2.6.添加覆盖层 (27)3.2.7.添加照片 (28)3.2.8.添加网络连接 (29)第四章三维浏览 (32)4.1.导航器 (32)4.2.飞行浏览 (32)4.2.1.新建飞行路线 (33)4.2.2.添加路线节点 (34)4.2.3.飞行控制 (35)4.3.对比浏览 (35)第五章特效 (37)EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台 之 用户手册5.1.粒子系统 (37)5.1.1.新建粒子效果 (38)5.1.2.保存粒子效果 (40)5.1.3.加载已有粒子效果 (41)5.2.下雨 (42)5.3.下雪 (44)第六章查询分析 (45)6.1.地名查询 (45)6.2.地图服务器 (46)5.1.4.点选查询 (47)5.1.5.框选查询 (47)5.1.6.圆选查询 (48)5.1.7.最优路径分析 (49)5.1.8.缓冲区分析 (49)5.1.9.清除高亮 (50)5.1.10.地图查询控制面板 (50)6.3.空间分析 (51)6.3.1.采点 (51)6.3.2.距离测量 (52)6.3.3.面积测量 (53)6.3.4.线段剖面 (54)6.3.5.折线剖面 (55)6.3.6.挖填方 (56)6.3.7.地形分析 (58)6.3.8.区域淹没 (59)6.3.9.通视分析 (60)第七章系统设置 (63)7.1.系统硬件环境 (63)7.1.1.最低硬件配置 (63)7.1.2.推荐硬件配置 (63)7.2.系统参数设置 (63)7.2.1.服务器设置 (64)7.2.2.地形参数设置 (64)7.2.3.场景初始化参数设置 (65)7.3.系统视图管理 (66)7.3.1.全屏显示 (66)7.3.2.系统界面 (67)7.3.3.地球窗口 (67)EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台 之 用户手册第一章第一章系统综述 1.1. 系统简介系统简介EV-Globe Pro 信息服务平台(以下简称EV-Globe )是一款由北京国遥新天地信息技术有限公司开发的新一代大型三维空间信息服务平台。

厚德Fitbit Versa 3手錶使用手冊说明书

厚德Fitbit Versa 3手錶使用手冊说明书

a使用手冊版本 1.3目錄開始 (7)包裝盒內物品 (7)為手錶充電 (8)設定 Versa 3 (9)連線到 Wi-Fi (9)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (10)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (11)佩戴 Versa 3 (12)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (12)緊固錶帶 (13)慣用手 (14)佩戴與保養技巧 (15)更換錶帶 (15)移除錶帶 (15)安裝錶帶 (16)基本資訊 (17)導覽 Versa 3 (17)基本導覽 (17)按鈕快捷鍵 (18)快速設定 (19)認識狀態指示燈 (21)小工具 (21)調整設定 (23)顯示幕 (23)振動和音訊 (23)目標提醒 (23)靜音模式 (24)快速鍵 (24)裝置資訊 (24)查看電池電量 (25)設定裝置鎖定 (26)2關閉螢幕 (27)錶面和應用程式 (28)變更錶面 (28)開啟應用程式 (29)排序應用程式 (29)下載其他應用程式 (29)移除應用程式 (29)更新應用程式 (29)調整應用程式設定和權限 (30)語音助理 (31)設定內建 Amazon Alexa (31)設定 Google 助理 (31)與語音助理互動 (32)檢查您的 Alexa 鬧鐘、提醒與計時器 (33)日常生活 (34)星巴克 (34)待辦事項 (34)天氣 (34)尋找手機 (35)手機通知 (36)設定通知 (36)查看傳入通知 (36)管理通知 (37)關閉通知 (37)接聽或拒接來電 (38)在腕上接聽手機通話 (39)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (40)計時 (41)設定鬧鐘 (41)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (41)使用計時器和碼錶 (42)活動與健康 (43)3追蹤每日活動目標 (44)選擇目標 (44)追蹤每小時的活動 (44)追蹤您的睡眠 (45)設定睡眠目標 (45)在睡眠期間偵測打鼾和噪音程度 (45)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (45)練習引導式呼吸 (46)查看壓力管理分數 (46)進階的健康指標 (47)運動和心臟健康 (48)自動追蹤您的運動 (48)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (49)自訂運動設定 (50)查看您的運動摘要 (50)查看您的心率 (51)自訂心率區間 (52)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (52)接收心率過高通知 (52)檢視您的日常準備分數 (53)檢視心肺健康分數 (54)分享您的活動 (54)音樂 (55)連線藍牙耳機或喇叭 (55)使用 Versa 3 控制音樂 (56)透過 Spotify - Connect & Control 應用程式控制音樂 (56)感應式付款 (57)使用信用卡和轉帳卡 (57)設定感應式付款 (57)購物 (58)變更預設卡片 (59)支付交通費用 (59)更新、重新啟動和清除 (60)4重新啟動 Versa 3 (60)關閉 Versa 3 (60)清除 Versa 3 (61)疑難排解 (62)找不到心率訊號 (62)沒有 GPS 訊號 (62)無法連線至 Wi-Fi (63)手機中斷連線 (64)其他問題 (64)一般資訊和規格 (65)感應器與元件 (65)材質 (65)無線技術 (65)觸覺反饋 (65)電池 (65)記憶體 (66)顯示幕 (66)錶帶大小 (66)環境條件 (66)瞭解詳情 (67)退貨政策和保固 (67)Regulatory and Safety Notices (68)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (68)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement (69)European Union (EU) (70)IP Rating (71)Argentina (71)Australia and New Zealand (72)Belarus (72)Botswana (72)China (72)Customs Union (74)Indonesia (74)Israel (74)5Japan (74)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (75)Mexico (75)Moldova (75)Morocco (75)Nigeria (76)Oman (76)Pakistan (76)Paraguay (76)Philippines (76)Serbia (77)Singapore (77)South Korea (77)Taiwan (78)United Arab Emirates (81)United Kingdom (81)Vietnam (82)Zambia (82)Safety Statement (82)67開始全新 Fitbit Versa 3 健康運動智慧手錶內建 GPS ,搭載活動區間分鐘數、20 種以上運動模式和音樂體驗功能,讓您不斷向前。



智能交通系统在城市交通管理中的应用与挑战目录一、内容概要 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (2)1.2 智能交通系统的定义与重要性 (4)二、智能交通系统在城市交通管理中的应用 (5)2.1 交通流量监测与调控 (7)2.1.1 实时交通流量监测 (8)2.1.2 交通流量预测与调控策略 (10)2.2 交通信号控制与优化 (12)2.2.1 自适应交通信号控制 (14)2.2.2 多时段交通信号协调控制 (15)2.3 公共交通优先系统 (16)2.3.1 公交车辆优先通行 (17)2.3.2 公共交通实时信息服务 (19)2.4 事故检测与应急响应 (20)2.4.1 交通事故自动检测 (21)2.4.2 应急调度与指挥 (22)三、智能交通系统在城市交通管理中面临的挑战 (24)3.1 数据收集与处理难度 (25)3.2 系统集成与互操作性问题 (26)3.3 技术标准与规范不统一 (27)3.4 安全性与隐私保护问题 (28)3.5 投资成本与政策支持不足 (29)四、案例分析 (31)4.1 新加坡智能交通系统 (32)4.2 上海智能交通系统发展与应用 (33)4.3 伦敦智能交通系统案例分析 (35)五、未来展望 (37)5.1 技术发展趋势 (38)5.2 政策建议与发展路径 (39)5.3 社会各界的参与与合作 (41)六、结论 (42)6.1 智能交通系统在城市交通管理中的重要作用 (43)6.2 面临挑战的应对策略与措施 (45)一、内容概要本文档主要探讨了智能交通系统在城市交通管理中的应用与挑战。






1 SXEarth 卫图下载1.1 卫图下载介绍晟兴地球支持卫星影像、高程和地图下载,可以下载的数据源有谷歌地球影像、谷歌地球高程、天地图影像、天地图标签、高德地图、高德影像、ReadyMap 高程等二十多种。




3)TMS:是tile map service的缩写,是一种瓦片地图服务标准,以多层级的小图片(比如大小为256*256)方式存储,每个相邻层级以四叉树结构切分,用tms.xml组织,该xml文件定义了瓦片图片的大小、坐标系及每个层级数据的精度等信息。




1.2 谷歌地球影像和高程下载谷歌地球影像具有无水印,无位移,精度高的优点,谷歌地球高程带有海底地形,数据质量较高。


4)进入卫图下载菜单,点框选下载范围,在地球窗口拖拽一个下载区域,以红色虚线表示;5)卫图下载菜单,点击下载按钮,弹出下载配置对话框,如下:图 1-1下载配置6)下载配置项a)输出目录:设置下载的路径;b)输出格式,这里选择拼接tif;c)输出范围:框选的红色虚线范围,这里可以自定义下载范围;d)输出层级:定义最小到最大下载层级。

穆图Android GIS 开发平台 EasyMap产品手册

穆图Android GIS 开发平台 EasyMap产品手册

EasyMap类库详解…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 5.1 工作空间 ................................................................................................................. 28
EasyMap 产品手册
北京穆图科技有限公司 2012 年 6 月·北京
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1 开发环境要求 ....................................................................................................................... 7 2 运行环境要求 ....................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 3 4 开发运行配置 ......................................................................................................... 8



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ICP DAS GPS-721-MRTU GPS接收器快速入门指南说明书

ICP DAS GPS-721-MRTU GPS接收器快速入门指南说明书

GPS-721-MRTUGPS Receiver and 1 DO, 1 PPS OutputModuleQuick Start GuideThis manual introduces the user to the methods used to implement the GPS-721-MRTU module into their applications in a quick and easy way, and will only provide basic instructions. For more detailed information, please refer to the GPS-721-MRTU user manual located on the ICP DAS CD-ROM, or download it from the ICP DAS web site:https:///gps_721_mrtu.html1. Pin Assignments and LED IndicatorsPin AssignmentsLED Indicators2. Operation ModesThe back panel of the GPS-721-MRTU contains the frame groundand the INIT/Normal Switch. Themodule has two operation modes(INIT and Normal modes), whichcan be determined via the switchmechanism on the chassis. Thedescription and figure are asfollows.3. Wiring Digital Output WiringPPS WiringMountingThe GPS-721-MRTU can be mounted on either a DIN-Rail or a wall, or it can be piggybacked to other modules using the bottom of the chassis.DIN-Rail MountingThe GPS-721-MRTU includes simple rail clips that allow for for reliable mounting on a standard 35 mm DIN rail.Three new DIN-Rail models are available, and each is made of stainless steel, which is stronger than those made of aluminum. There is a screw at one end, and a ring terminal is included so that it can be easilyconnected to the earth ground.Note: It is recommended that a 16 – 14 AWG wire is used to connect the DIN rail to the earth ground.Piggyback MountingThe GPS-721-MRTU has two holes on either side of the module to enable piggyback mounting. Refer to the figure below for an illustration of how to piggyback the modules.4. Using the ModuleThis section describes the installation of the GPS-721-MRTU, and provides details of how to begin using the module.1. Refer to Section 1 for details of the pin assignments.2. Connect the module to the RS-485 network using the DATA+ and DATA-pins. See Section 1 for details of the pin assignments. If the Host is only equipped with an RS-232 interface, then an RS-232 to RS-485 converter will be required. The GPS-721-MRTU supports RS-232 connections.Refer to the “I-7000 Bus Converter User Manual” for more information.Configure the module by sending the %AANNTTCCFF command. See Section 2.1 of the “GPS-721-MRTU User Manual” for details.ICP DAS provides two free tools that allow the GPS-721-MRTU to beeasily configured, the DCON Utility and the Send232 application, both of which can be downloaded from/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/dcon_utility/3. All module functions can be implemented using the DCON commandsdescribed in Section 2.4. If the Host is a PC with a Windows operating system installed, the DCONUtility can be used to allow easy configuration and reading of data. The DCON Utility can be downloaded from the ICP DAS website(), and documentation for the DCON Utility can be found in the ”Getting Started For I-7000 Series Modules” manual.Note 1: The DCON Utility is provided to enable commands to be sent to the GPS-721-MRTU. The graphic settings of the GPS-721-MRTU arenot supported by the DCON Utility.Note 2: If GPS-721-MRTU is unable to receive a GPS signal, check the position of the antenna and if the problem persists, try relocating theGPS antenna outside.。

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