



The Eight-Point Proposal(put forward on January 30 1995 by Chinese President Jiang Zemin on developing cross-straits relations and promoting the peaceful reunification)
bowling alleys 保龄球馆
blind alleys 死胡同 moisturizing face cream/mousse 保湿面霜/摩丝
At present, the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone, Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone and Zhangjiang High-tech Park have all embarked on the stage of functional development.
bounder/parvenu/overnight millionaire/vulgarian 暴发户 make something public/expose/reveal
Give public exposure to graft and corruption.
对渎职和腐败等行为给予公开暴光 Yield an unexpected result/produce an unexpected/a long-shot winner 爆冷门 上周的英超足球赛中米德尔斯堡爆冷打败了曼联。 Middlesbrough yielded an unexpected result by defeating Manchester United in last week’s Premiership football match in England. force somebody into a draw/tie 逼和、逼平



1.plain prose2.seckill 秒杀3.chinadonisia 中国、印度、印度尼西亚4.broken society 道德沦丧的社会5. PIIGS 欧猪五国(欧洲主权债务危机最严重的葡萄牙,意大利,爱尔兰,希腊,西班牙五个国家的首字母合成词。

Portugal,Italy,Ireland,Greece,Spain)6.game theory 博弈论(博弈论又被称为对策论(Games Theory),是研究具有斗争或竞争性质现象的理论和方法,它既是现代数学的一个新分支,也是运筹学的一个重要学科。


)7.ghost estate 三无房产、废弃房产(无人居住,无人修缮,或尚未完工的废弃房产)8.defriend:解除好友关系9.cultural pluralism10.Obama-mess:奥巴马乱/困境11. Localization本土化12. 敲门砖:a stepping stone (to)13. 蜗居: humble abode14.富二代:affluent second generation15.房奴:home mortgage slave16汉化英语:Chinglish17. 典故:allusion/ literary quotation18. 典籍英译:old scripture19. 模拟国际会议口译:stimulated international conference interpreting20. 陪同口译: escort interpreting21.翻译专业硕士:Master of translating and interpreting22. 建设中国特色社会主义: build socialism with Chinese characteristics23. 偏方: folk prescription26.隐婚族: concealing-marriage clan27.翻译标准: translation criteria28.增强政治和文化建设: strengthen the construction of political culture29.农家乐: rural/farm tourism30.Escorticism:31.orientalize:东方化32.copycatting:山寨,模仿的产品33.功能对等:functional equivalence34.学术翻译: academic translation31.NASA:national aeronaustics and space administration航空航天医学:aerospace medicine水利枢纽工程:water conservancy project储蓄银行:savings bankAIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndromes),affirmative action:反歧视行动实施科教兴国战略: implement the strategy of vitalizing the country through science and educationGATT: General Agreement on T arrifs and Trade关税暨贸易总协定UNESCO联合国教科文组织CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议hard currency硬通货,强势货币favorable balance of trade:贸易顺差,贸易出超天人合一:unity of man and nature实事求是:seek truth from facts公诚勤朴:严谨求实团结创新:妄自菲薄:belittle/ look down upon/underestimate oneselfYogi瑜伽修行者IMF:International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织SPCA:Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals英国动物保护协会speak in tongue:讲方言,讲不为人知的语言物流logistics家电下乡:home appliances going to the countryside畅通重庆:traffic-smooth Chongqing面子工程:image/vanity project二线城市:second-tier city医患纠纷:doctor-patient dispute酒驾:driving under the influence叙利亚危机:the crisis in SyriaTOEFL :Test of English as a Foreign Language托福考试NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织smog雾霾4、intellectual property知识产权5、 5、first-aid treatment急救6、6、the voice of people is the voice of god人民的声音就是神的声音7、7、diplomatic ettiquet 外交礼仪8、拜年 a New Year’s visit9、同学会 :homecoming/alumni association10、民意调查:opinion poll11、自助者天助 :God help those who help themselves.12、经济一体化 :economic integrationad hoc: 临时的,特定的,特别地NASA:美国国家航空和航天管理局national aeronaustics and space administration Socrates:苏格拉底~argument苏格拉底论证rule of law:法治worst-case scenario :最恶劣情形(in the worst-case scenario)Midas :迈达斯,传说中的弗里吉亚国王Ponzi scheme:庞氏骗局庞氏骗局”是金字塔传销的模板之一,是一种非法集资。


Safety island; pedestrian island
Do something secretly 暗箱操作
British authorities in Hongkong (bቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱfore July 1, 1997) Portuguese authorities in Macao (before December20, 1999) 港英当局、葡澳当局
housing mortgage /loan 住房按揭贷款
Banks will provide a 60 percent up to 10 years mortgage for you to buy this house Distribution according to work/need; distribution on the basis of work/need 按劳/需分配
jobber boy/girl 打工仔、打工妹 In every evening, there are lots of temporary stalls set up by jobber boys or girls around the university.
Eliminate pornography and illegal publications 扫黄打非
euthanasia; mercy killing; painless death
安乐死 Some participants at the meeting hold that euthanasia can be resorted to in case a patient refuses treatment and is inevitably dying.



旧词新义(Changes in Meaning)
• noodle 面条
• He know nothing about computer , so he noodled at the keys. • Kmart 供应廉词新义(Changes in Meaning)
• 词的理据(motivation)指事物和现象获得名 称的依据,说明词义与事物或现象的命名之 间的关系。 • 语义理据( semantic motivation) 是一种心 理联想,指词义的引申、比喻和类比。
• 1 引申法 • a)从特指到泛指的引申:新词语义主要是由 表示具体概念的原有词汇添加新义,或和其 他词汇构成的合成词组
money laundering
bar code Bluetooth soft landing bachelor mother
蓝牙 软着陆 单身母亲
dragon lady dry goods red eye
“龙女人”? “干货”? “红眼”?
女强人 纺织品 廉价威士忌
♠ 原有的词语在新的文化环境下添加了新的 涵义通常也被称为新词。

1· 英语新词的构成 1
• (1)派生型 (2)拼缀型 (3)复合型
• (4)缩略型 (5)添义型 (6)译借型 • (7)杜撰型 ( 8)类比型 (9)逆缩型
1· 英语新词的构成 1
• 1.译介型 (loanwords) • 英语从其他外来语借入的词如法语﹑拉丁 语、意大利语、希腊语、西班牙语、汉语、 日语、印地语等 • 这些外来词大都具有这些国家的民族特色, 简单明了



B:傍名牌(bang4 ming2 pai2)imitated brandsSome businesses name their products or retail outlets similarly to well-known brands to attract customers, misleading them in thinking the copycat is selling the real thing. It is also a phenomenon of the shanzhai culture.波鞋 (bo1 xie2)sneakersThe expression literally means ball shoes, as 波 is Cantonese slang for ball. The expression is very popular in Hong Kong and has come into use on the Chinese mainland.白菜价 (bai2 cai4 jia4)dirt cheapIn China, if someone says that a product is being sold at the "cabbage price", he means it is as cheap as dirt. Cabbage is usually regarded as one of the cheapest vegetables in the market.白领炮灰团(bai2 ling3 pao4 hui1 tuan2)white-collar cannon fodderThe term refers to office workers who struggle for a better life by sacrificing their free time and jeopardizing health through often working overtime to keep their jobs.败犬女(bai4 quan3 nv3)loser dogDerived from the Japanese word "make inu", this phrase means literallya "loser dog" and is used to describe women who have passed the age of30 and remain unmarried.崩溃 (beng1 kui4)breakdownA colloquial expression that is used by young people frequently these days to mean you can not hold on to emotional stress or heavy work any more.玻璃屋 (bo1 li wu1)glass roomIt refers to transparency in corporate governance, especially with regard to executive compensation.败家女(bai4 jia1 nǚ)shopaholic womanA woman who is so addicted to shopping that she is living on the brink of bankruptcy. The phrase is coined from a Chinese term which means a prodigal son or daughter.百搭简历 (bai3 da1 jian3 li4)all-fitting resumeIt is a kind of resume that job seekers prepare in such an ambiguous way that it apparently meets the requirements of many kinds of job.爆场 (bao4 chang3)Raise the roofMore often than not, promotions that offer deep discounts forwell-established brands will attract a huge crowd that raises the roof.不折腾 (bu4 zhe1 ten2)don't stir up turmoilThe term is colloquial and widely used to discourage someone from getting restless due to illness, worry or from just messing around. But when it was quoted by Chinese President Hu Jintao in his recent report, it referred to acts that would disturb society's normal life. So, "don't stir up (political or social) turmoil" reflects people's desire for peace and harmony.保质期 (bao3zhi4qi1)shelf life or best-before dateShanghai health authorities have employed a team of volunteer food inspectors to check whether food or medicines are sold after the expiry dates or for other quality problems as part of nationwide efforts to ensure safe food and drugs.80后 (ba1shi2hou4)80's generationThe word refers to those who were born in 1980s. They are considered to be a self-centered generation who care more about themselves compared with older generations. They are also more willing to try new things, heavily influenced by the Internet and more open to foreign cultures.保鲜膜 (bao3xian1mo2)cling filmChina's health authority recently conducted a spot check on cling film wrapping after receiving reports that a chemical linked to cancer is in the widely used product.保持共产党员先进性 (bao3chi2 gong4chan3dang3yuan2 xian1jin4xing4) keep the Party in the vanguardThe Chinese Communist Party has launched an educational program to ensure its members retain good Party traditions and keep pace with the times in order to lead the nation to successfully build a well-off society.版主(斑竹) (ban1zhu2)BBS moderatorThis term is frequently used among netizens. The Chinese term in the brackets is actually a rib tickler applied here mainly because it shares a similar pronunciation to the official term. Originally, it is the name of the Mottled Bamboo.包机 (bao1ji1)charter flightThe flights are specially arranged for travelers. Both sides across the Taiwan Strait have designed six carriers to make 36 roundtrip charter flights for the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on January 29.八卦 (ba1gua4)gossip, gossipyOriginally the name of an eight-side diagram derived from the famous Chinese classic "1 Ching"(Book of Changes), it is now often used to describe gossip or gossipy people. Some believe this term first came into use in Hong Kong where the "ying-yang" diagram was frequently used to cover the crucial points of nude models on gossip or porn magazine covers.八角茴香 (ba1jiao3 hui2xiang1)star aniseStar anise is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine or flavoring, which is also known as eight-cornered fennel. Recently there is a buying spree for star anise in some parts of China as media reported that it is an important ingredient of Roche's Tamiflu, a medicine believed to be able to prevent bird flu.爆料 (bao4liao4)tip off, blow the whistleMany news media nowadays rely heavily on tip-offs from their stringers or street tipsters to scoop some exclusive news. They usually offer the tipsters a handsome reward in cash. Seeing this trend, some laid-off workers and migrants have turned tipping into a business to eke out a living.蹦迪 (beng4di2)disco dancingDancing discos in nightclubs or bars is a popular entertainment among young people who want to get some exercise and find a way of catharsis. But many nightclubs are often involved in complaints by nearby residents for the noise created by them, such as loud music and blaring car horns.本命年 (ben3ming4nian2)year of fateIn ancient China, people believed that a person's fate was a determined at birth, so the zodiac year of one's birth would be one's "year of fate." To fend off the default "bad luck" in such a year, people tend to wear red underwear, read waistbands and red bracelets. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, this year is the "year of fate" for people who were born in the Year of the Dog.不感冒 (bu4gan3mao4)uninterested, peevedHaving no flu (bu ganmao)? That's good. But don't take the Chinese term verbatim. In colloquial conservations, this term means that one is uninterested in or even peeved by something others said or did. So don't talk about Tamiflu when there's no flu threat in sight.播客 (bo1ke4)podcasterThe word, a hybrid of "Ipod" and "broadcast," refers to those who combine a group of technologies to distribute audio and video files over the Internet. Readers may receive podcasts of this buzzword column online or download them to an MP3 player from .暴利税 (bao4li4shui4)windfall profit taxChina has started levying tax on outrageous profits oil businesses reap in the hope that it can make up for the losses these monopolies cause to disadvantaged groups and public welfare services.爆棚 (bao4peng2)packed; a box-office hitThe word is believed to have made its way into Mandarin from Hong Kong via the Guangdong dialect. Bao literally means burst and peng, a shed or shack.背包游 (bei1bao1you2)backpacker tourAboout 3.9 million tourists are expected to flock to Shanghai during the Labor Day holiday this year. The backpacker trend is also on the rise.白骨精(bai2gu3jing1)office eliteThis is the name of a siren in the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West." But, today it is also used as a new title for white-collar office workers who excel in their career. Instead of the"White-Bone Demon," the three Chinese characters in this term refers to white-collar, backbone and elite, respectively, in its new usage.布波族(bu4bo1zu2)/波波族(bo1bo1zu2)bo-bosThe word is a shorthand for Bourgeois-Bohemians, which refers to the young who have the hybrid characteristics of the 1960s hippies and 1980s yuppies. They are well-educated and barely bound by tradition, prefer fashionableclothes and modern appliances, but are always moving their home between cities and the countryside to avoid a stereotyped life.败家子(bai4jia1zi3)black sheepThe Chinese term has a narrower meaning than the English one. The Chinese term only refers to a member of a family who is undesirable.飙车 (biao1che1)drag racingLiving a better life than before, some Chinese youngsters are infatuated with drag racing. Recently the Chinese media reported that some people drove their Coach Builder Cars at a dangerous speed racing around Beijing's ring roads. The police have arrested two youngsters in their 20s this year for driving at nearly 150kilometers an hour in downtown streets.八荣八耻 (ba1rong2ba1chi3)Eight Do's and Don't'sChinese President Hu Jintao recently called on the whole nation and particularly young people to adopt the "socialist concept of honor and disgrace," also known as "Eight Do's and Don't's." The list reads: "Love, do not harm the motherland; Serve, don't disserve the people; Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened; Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work; Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others; Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values; Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of unruly and lawless; Respect plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures."避风头(bi4feng1tou2)dodge the brunt, lie lowThe Chinese term translates literally "to dodge the brunt of the wind." One way to stay out of the trouble and avoid being caught is to avoid the hot track and lie low.帮帮忙(bang1bang1mang2)come on, give me a breakThe colloquial expression serves as a mild request for help in Mandarin,but in Shanghai dialect, it is an admonition before arguing against a remark someone has made.别苗头 (bie2miao2tou2)vie, compete for favorThe phrase comes from Shanghai dialect and is translated into mandarin phonetically. It's an informal way of saying competition and usually indicates some sly moves on both sides.编外 (bian1wai3)outside the staff establishmentUnder the planned economy, the government assigned to every work unit in China an authorized staff establishment or manning scale. Some still do. But often such work units or government departments need to hire people outside the fixed establishment and such employees usually are denied some privileges or perks for their counterparts who are within the staff establishment.边缘人 (bian1yuan2ren2)marginal manIt refers a person who lives in the marginal area of a social sector or a profession. It can also be used for a person who straddles two cultures in society.霸王条款(ba4wang2tiao2kuan3)big-brother term, despot termThe terms in a commercial contract brainworked to ensure one party's absolute advantage over the other party, usually the client, in transaction are called "bawang tiaokuan" or "terms of the overlord."百搭(bai3da1)all-matching, joker, Jack of all tradesIf a piece of clothing or accessory goes easily with other clothing of any color or style or an electronics part or device is compatible with all other parts or devices needed for a complete set it is an all-matching case. The phrase also means "joker" in a card game that can be used to trump or substitute any other cards.奔奔族(ben1ben1zu2)rushing clanIt refers to those people between 20-30 years old born into a common family who are highly dependent on the Internet for social life but highly independent in thinking, highly pressed by financial burdens but highly likely to become a "card slave" or "house slave".摆噱头(bai3xue4tou2)sales stunt, publicity stuntThis term is frequently used by people to describe the publicity tricks that a business uses to promote a product that more often than not will turn out to be expensive trash.变脸 (bianlian)face-lift, change the lookThe term means cosmetic surgery. It also refers to the complete renovation of certain places or buildings. Shanghai's Wujiang Road, which is famous for its snack vendors, will receive a face-lift and become a fashion street in the near future.不灵光(bulingguang)no goodThe frequently used expression has a wide range of meanings from a gadget being at fault, a plan bearing no fruit, to a fad losing popularity.白眼狼(baiyanlang)ungrateful soulThe phrase literally translates as a "whiteeyed wolf," but it actually means an ungrateful person. Chinese tend to deem both "white eye" (eyes with too much white) and "wolf" as derogatory terms.抱抱团(bao4bao4tuan2)free huggersSome people offer free hugs for strangers in streets of big Chinese cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. They hold signs saying "Care from strangers" and "No to cold shoulders" in Chinese and the words of "Free hugs" in English. The huggers say "free hugs will bring people closer."百搭药 (bai3da1yao4)panaceaMany people take antibiotics whenever they get a fever, cough, or slight headache, as if antibiotics cure all. The state has recently banned doctors from indiscriminately prescribing antibiotics for their patients.搏票 (bo2piao4)ticket struggleTrain tickets are becoming harder to get these days, as millions of college students and migrant workers head home for the Spring Festival next month. So, obtaining a train ticket has been turned into a tough struggle. People have to brave the chilly wind and line up outside ticket offices all night long, which still won't guarantee them a home-bound ticket.帮倒忙 (bang1dao4mang2)disservice, a bad turnThe Chinese term, which can be translated literally as "a reverse of help," actually means an act intended to help that turns out badly.保送生 (bao3song4sheng1)direct admission studentAccording to a direct admission program in China, a small number of high school graduates can be enrolled by colleges and universities without having to sit the entrance examinations. Such students are usually selected for their high grades and good conduct.玻璃悬崖 (bo1li2 xuan2ya2)glass cliffChinese are now quick to introduce new English terms. This glass cliff is one example. It means a senior job or important project, particularly one given to a woman, with a high risk of failure.标题党 (biao1ti2dang3)sensational headline writersSensational headline writers always produce headings that can hardly be substantiated by the following text. As the headlines usually attract readers' attention before they read the stories, now headline writers are even being hired by some malicious programmers to seduce netizens to click on files containing viruses.摆乌龙 (bai3wu1long2)go wrong, botch upThis term usually refers to an own goal in a soccer game, but it is now used frequently to mean something goes wrong or someone botches up a seemingly good plan.榜单 (bang3dan1)top listIt is a list of top players in terms of their fame, popularity, income, authority or skills.毕婚族 (bi4hun1zu2)marry-upon-graduationThe new expression refers to those young people who marry immediately after graduating from college. However, they need more time and experience to get weaned off the pampering of their parents.博出位 (bo2chu1wei4)steal the spotlight, draw attentionIt refers to sometimes a despicable way of seeking attention from others or the public.本草纲木 (ben3cao3 gang1mu4)dumb and annoyingIt is an expression popular with youngsters when they call a person stupid, noisy, and dull. The expression, borrowed from the title of an ancient Chinese medicine encyclopedia, Compendium of Materia Medica, plays on the four Chinese characters 笨 (stupid), 吵 (noisy), 戆 (simple-minded), and 木 (unresponsive), which sound similar to the title.崩盘 (beng1pan2)market crash, business collapseThis term is often used to mean the stock market crash. But it may also be used to mean any kind of business collapse or even the breakup of a relationship.爆发 (bao4fa1)sudden metamorphosis, sudden eruption in formThe Chinese term translates literally "burst," "outburst" or "eruption." But it is often used to describe a sudden improvement in a person or team's performance.傍大款(bang4da4kuan3)live off a moneybagsIt is used frequently in daily talk in a derogative way to describe the phenomenon of a woman trying her best to marry or live off a rich man.棒杀(bang4sha1)crucify, ruthlessly repudiateThe Chinese term means literally to bludgeon someone to death. In everyday conservation, it is often used to mean criticizing someone harshly.博客圈(bo2ke4quan1)blogosphereBlogosphere refers to a special community culture resulting from the close interconnecting between weblogs and frequent interacting and communication among bloggers.半糖夫妻(ban4tang2fu1qi1)weekend coupleThis term translates literally "half-sugar husband and wife." It refers to couples who live separately five work days of a week and only spend the weekend together to keep their relationship fresh and exciting.白纸男 (bai2zhi3nan2)virgin manThis term, which translates literally as "white-paper man," refers to those men who have never dated a girlfriend or never had any love experience before. Chinese tend to use the term "white paper" to mean anything that has never been tapped or violated.贝多芬 (bei4duo1fen1)back-baring ladyThis phrase is quite popular among college students who use it to referto those young women who wear fashionable clothes that bare as much of their back as possible. This Chinese term is actually a translation of the name of Ludwig van Beethoven, but the first character of the term sounds like "back," the second means "more" and the last "fragrance."不粘锅(bu4zhan1guo1)diner-outThe Chinese phrase, which literally means Teflon cooking utensils, is now often used to describe those young people who always eat out and stay away from their kitchens. It's because either they are too busy with their job or don't bother to do the cooking.半唐蕃(ban4tang2fan1)half-ChineseThis a Cantonese term that refers to people, behavior, manners, language and culture that are half-Chinese and half-foreign.便当 (bian4dang1)bentouThe term is a translation of the Japanese word for the takeaway boxed lunch. On the Chinese mainland, people usually call it "hefan," meaning "boxed meal" or lunch box, while in Taiwan, a growing number of people now use the term "bentou."病房 (bing4fang2)defective houseThe Chinese term means literally wards in a hospital. Now, the "sickroom" is also used to refer to a house or an apartment with quality defects.巴嫂 (ba1sao3)re-employed woman bus conductorAuthorities in Guangdong Province have initiated a re-employment program to recruit women in their 50s who were earlier laid off by their employers to work as bus conductors. The Chinese word 巴 (ba) means bus while 嫂(sao) is a term of endearment for a married woman.搏上位 (bo2shang4wei4)strive for bigger successIt refers to an attempt to gain a higher position, bigger fame or success by resorting sometimes to unconventional or indecent means.抱抱衫 (bao4bao4shan1)hug shirtA high-tech garment that can simulate the experience of being hugged by a loved one. Featuring a comfortable mix of smart textiles, cotton and micro-fiber, the shirt was named one of the best inventions by Time Magazine last year.拜金妆(bai4jin1zhuang1)golden-tone make-upIt refers to one of the make-up styles that features golden colors. The expression plays on the Chinese words 拜金, which originally was used in a derogative sense to mean "gold worshipping."博客话剧(bo2ke4hua4ju4)blog dramaTaking its script and cast members from blog communities, this byproduct of the Internet era is performed on stage with video clips shown on blogs.白奴 (bai2nu2)white-collar slaveMore white-collar workers in big cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and New York have become slaves to the house, car, luxuries or even ambitions far beyond their station. They live under great pressures and work as hard as "white slaves," as the Chinese term is literally translated.傍名牌 (bang4ming2pai2)imitation brand nameThis term refers to a type of unfair competition in the market where small companies name their products with names close to famous brand names to mislead the customers. Governments are cracking down on this free riding on established brands.白开水女生 (bai2kai1shui3nu3sheng1)plain water girlThis term refers to young women who are shy and introverted, particularlyin front of strangers. People think them as boring and uninteresting just like plain water.白食党 (bai2shi2dang3)freebie hunterThis group of people are usually freebie hunters in supermarkets where they can try different foods or dishes but never really intend to buy the product.拔草 (ba2cao3)satisfy the desireWhen one has an itch for something, Chinese tend to say he or she has grass growing in their heart. So, once the grass is removed or uprooted from the heart, one's desire, particularly for the purchase of something, is satisfied. This Chinese term means literally to weed or remove grass.BMWbig-mouthed womenThis term refers to female office workers who are always gossiping about colleagues' private lives, such as dress tastes, and always making waves in the office.彼得潘症候群 (bi3de2pan4zheng1hou2qun2)Peter Pan SyndromeDescribes people who are just like Peter Pan, the character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie (18601937). They are adults who refuse to grow up. Similar to kidults.八点女王(ba1dian3nu3wang2)prime-hour soap starAn actress who helps ensure high ratings for prime hour TV soap operas.不雅照(bu4ya3zhao4)indecent photoAny picture that is sexually explicit or involves a wardrobe malfunction. It is used as an understatement for steamy pictures after the sex picture scandal in Hong Kong.不过电(bu2guo4dian4)dumbheadedThe expression is often used these days to refer to a person who is slow in responding to a hint dropped by others.百元周 (bai3 yuan2 zhou1)100-yuan weekSome white-collar workers in Shanghai have started to change their bourgeoisie lifestyle for a more thrifty one in face of the ongoing financial crisis. Some put online posters among popular BBS communities to call on people to control their expenditure within 100 yuan from Monday to Friday, including costs on food, traffic, entertainment, shopping and sport activities.膀爷 (bang3 ye2)topless manThe word literally means "shoulder grandpa"in Chinese. It refers to men who like to walk on the street topless during summer. Having long been criticized in the media and by the public, the phenomenon almost disappeared from Beijing streets during the Olympics but has not gone completely.博客圈 (bo2 ke4 quan1)blogosphereIt refers to the communities or social networks that comprise all blogs and their interconnection.百恼汇 (bai3 nao3 hui4)middle-age crisisThe term has a similar pronunciation to "Buynow," the name of a computer market, in Chinese. Meaning "a host of worries" it is now used to describe the lifestyle crisis facing many middle-aged people.博斗 (bo2 dou4)blog bickeringThe term is a homonym of the Chinese word "fight," but it conjoins two Chinese characters that can mean "blog" and "fight," respectively. So, the phrase refers to Netizens tilting at each other on their blogs.白托 (bai2 tuo1)daytime care serviceThe term refers to a government project aiming to improve community care for senior citizens. The community center will serve the elderly lunches and dinners and organize some recreational activities for them during the day.白色污染 (bai2se4wu1ran3)white pollutionThis term refers to pollution caused by litter of used plastic bags, polystyrene cups, food containers and paper.便利贴女孩 (bian4li4tie1 nu3hai2)post-it girlIt refers to those kind-hearted, usually plain-looking young women at a workplace who are always ready to help others and then almost immediately forgotten after the help. They are like the post-it notes people use and then throw away.Bo播报 (Bo bo1bao4)multimedia newspaperThe term refers to a new form of electronic "newspaper," which combines text, photos, graphics, audio and video. One can also search background data and cross reference with this news platform.白客 (bai2ke4)online security guardThe phrase, which literally means "white clan" in Chinese, is the opposite of "black clan" or hacker. It refers to professionals who fight hackers in order to protect people's information security in the online world. It's not unusual that some of the online security guards are former hackers.便当男 (bian4 dang1 nan2)bento box manSince the global economic recession, some Japanese young men have weaned themselves off money-making dreams and adopted a thrifty lifestyle, cooking their own meals and bringing lunch boxes to the office to cut downon living costs. This type of men has become hugely popular with women seeking their Mr Right these days.被时代 (bei4 shi2 dai4)"by" eraIt refers to the current era in which people find many official statistics are watered down and do not reflect the truth. For one example, some universities' graduation employment rates are manipulated to look higher than reality. In another, many people find their income growth lagging far behind some official figures. In this sense, some graduates would say they are the victims of fake statistics and some workers would claim their income has been "increased" by bloated figures.必剩客(bi4 sheng4 ke4)doomed singleThe expression which has a similar pronunciation with "Pizza Hut" in Chinese, is used to describe those who are above the normal marriage age but still single and need to keep struggling to find their other half. This group more often than not put so much time into work that they have little chance to meet potential partners. So they are considered to be people who are doomed to be single.白菜价 (bai2 cai4 jia4)low priceThe Chinese term literally means "cabbage price." Cabbage is one of the cheapest vegetables in China so "cabbage price" means a very low price.薄食代 (bao2 shi2 dai4)eat-less eraThe Chinese term literally means an era in which people eat less and stay fit. It refers to the current trend where people increasingly distance themselves from oily food.杯具 (bei1 ju4)tragedyThe word, literally meaning cups in Chinese, is a homophone of the word "tragedy" in Chinese and is widely spreading among Netizens as an exaggerated and humorous expression. The word 餐具, literally meaning tableware, is another choice.病毒营销 (bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1)viral marketingViral marketing and viral advertising refer to using social networks such as the Internet to increase brand awareness or product sales through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of computer viruses.被当爸 (bei2 dang1 ba4)forced to be someone's fatherThe term became popular when an obscure model said she had a child with actor Jude Law, confirmed by a DNA test. Law was then "forced to be someone's father" because the model deliberately did not use contraceptives.比婚女 (bi3 hun1 nu3)marriage comparison womanThe term refers to women who appear zealous in comparing the size of their diamond rings, how luxurious their wedding was, as well as their houses and vehicles after they get married.驳样 (bo2 yang4)copyThe term, "copy" in its literal meaning, usually refers to grassroots tailors' mimicking of certain designer clothes or shoes. Such behavior offers an alternative for fashion-goers to stay trendy without burning a hole in their pockets buying genuine brands.比基尼考 (bi3 ji2 ni2 kao3)bikini test takersThe term literally means taking a test in a bikini. Yet it actually means taking a test after only briefly reviewing the course - the knowledge memorized is like a bikini that can only cover a small part of the mass. The term is in contrast to "nuke test takers" who go into tests completely unprepared.被高速 (bei4 gao1 su4)involuntary high-speed train passengerThe Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway has recently been put into operation and several slower trains along the route have been cancelled. Passengers who are forced to take the costlier new trains describe themselves as "being forced to ride highspeed trains."不胜韩魔咒 (bu4 sheng4 han2 mo2 zhou4)no-win jinx against South KoreaAfter a 32-year losing streak against South Korea's men's soccer team,。





比如,人们正大谈"厄尔尼诺"(EI Nino)之际,"拉尼娜"(L a Nina)已经产生;刚出现"智商"(IQ)却又进出个"情商"(EQ);才在谈"第三产业"(third/t ertiary industry, service sector, third sequence of enterprises),"第四产业"(quat ernary/information industry)已悄然而至;"军嫂"(military spouse)的事迹还在传诵"空嫂、呼嫂、礁嫂、纱嫂、报嫂、红嫂、接送嫂、抗洪大嫂"业已闪亮登场……凡此等等,不一而足,简直让人应接不暇。






例如,峰会(香港译"极峰会议"):s ummit(conference);克隆:clone;冰毒:iee;摇头丸:dancing outreach;传销:multi- level marketing;(计算机)2000 年问题:Y2K problem (y for year, k for kilo or th ousand);等等。



• 经济安全 Economic security 扩大国内需求 The expansion of domestic demand 拉动经济增长 Fuel economic growth 粮食仓库 Grain depot 粮食收储企业 Grain Collection and storage enterprise 粮食销售市场 Grain sales market 劣质工程 Shoddy engineering
• 不良贷款 Non—performing loan 层层转包和违法分保 Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 城乡信用社 Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas 出口信贷 Export credit 贷款质量 Loan quality 防范和化解金融风险 Take precautions against and reduce financial risks 防洪工程 Flood-prevention project
• 内耗 In-fighting 练摊 To be a vendor (do business) 隐形就业 Unregistered employment; veiled reemployment 经济法制化 To manage economic affairs according to 1aw;to put economic operation on a legal basis ; 社会治安情况 1aw-and-order situation 保险业 The insurance industry 保证重点支出 Ensure funding for priority areas






一、网络用语1. 斜杠青年(斜杠青年,指拥有多重身份、多元职业的年轻人。


2. 网红(网红,指在网络上拥有大量粉丝、关注度极高的人。


3. 吃瓜群众(吃瓜群众,指对他人事物评头论足、议论纷纷的人。


二、生活用语1. 高大上(高大上,指事物品质高、地位高、形象好。


2. 爆炸性新闻(爆炸性新闻,指具有极大影响力、引起广泛关注的事件。


3. 好嗨哦(好嗨哦,表示非常高兴、兴奋。


三、经济用语1. 资本运作(资本运作,指运用资本进行投资、融资等活动。


2. 红利(红利,指企业或个人因投资、经营等获得的收益。


3. 创业创新(创业创新,指创立新企业、提出新理念、进行技术创新。


四、教育用语1. 补课班(补课班,指为帮助学生提高成绩而开设的辅导班。


2. 逆袭(逆袭,指在逆境中崛起、实现人生转折。


3. 学霸(学霸,指学习成绩优秀、学习能力强的学生。


五、文化用语1. 跨界(跨界,指不同领域、行业之间的交流、融合。


2. 时尚达人(时尚达人,指在时尚领域有独特见解、影响力的人。


3. 潮流(潮流,指社会上流行的风气、趋势。








安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents信息化 information-based; informationization智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工 laid-off workers分流 reposition of redundant personnel三角债 chain debts素质教育 education for all-round development豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects社会治安情况 law-and-order situation民族国家 nation state“台独” "independence of Taiwan"台湾当局 Taiwan authorities台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots西部大开发 Development of the West Regions可持续性发展 sustainable development风险投资 risk investment通货紧缩 deflation扩大内需 to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )网络空间 cyberspace虚拟现实 virtual reality网民 netizen ( net citizen )电脑犯罪 computer crime电子商务 the e-business网上购物 shopping online应试教育 exam-oriented education学生减负 to reduce study load。















上网゗ンタネットに接続する、ゕクセスする吉祥物マスコット二恶英ダ゗オキシン按揭ローン伟哥バ゗ゕグラ电子商务 Eコマース、電子商ひきと引取り一国两制一国二制度比萨饼ピザ部优政府の認定した優秀商品超市スーパー(マーケット)炒股株式投資する炒鱿鱼くびにする、解雇する成人商店大人のおもちゃ商店酬宾謝恩セール、バーゲンセール传媒メデゖゕ大款金持ち、お大尽大腕儿人気タレント、売れっ子、トップスター度假村リゾートセンター、リゾートホテル二奶二号さん、お妾さん发烧友マニゕ(パソコンマニゕ、ゲームマニゕ)反馈フゖードバック个体户個人経営者公关PR(PR嬢)管道煤气都市ガス好处费コミッション、手数料回扣パックマージン、コミッション、リベートIC电话卡テレホンカードIP电话/网络电话 IP電話、゗ンターネット電話奸商悪徳商人减肥ダ゗エット健美操エゕロビクス健美赛ボデゖビル.コンテスト奖券宝くじKTV包厢カラオケ.ボックス空调车エゕコン付きパス、エゕコン付き列車快餐フゔーストフード连锁店チェーン店猫眼ドゕゕ゗媒体メデゖゕ多媒体マルチメデゖゕ模糊(技术)フゔジー模特儿モデル(フゔッションモデル)排行榜ベスト.チャート、順位表拍卖競売にかける疲软軟調瓶颈ボトルネック、ネック千年虫 2000年問題、Y2K情人节バレンタ゗ンデー热线ホットラ゗ン入世 WTOに加盟する骚扰电话いたずら電話商品房分譲住宅社区コミュニテゖ收银机キャッシュレジスター、レジ首席执行官最高経営責任者、CEO套餐セットメニュー、定食条形码バーコード跳槽転職する同性恋同性愛投币(式)コ゗ン式外企外資系企業网吧゗ンターネット.パー、゗ンターネット.カフェー下岗レ゗オフされる、一時帰休する、内部失業乡镇企业町村経営企業小品コント效益工资付加給新村ニュータウン信用卡クレジットカード性骚扰セクハラ、性的な嫌がらせ性用品大人のおもちゃ、強壮剤休闲レジャー虚拟バーチャルな选美ミス.コンテスト穴头プロモーター液化气プロパンガス、LPガス易拉罐プルトップ式の缶义演チャリテゖショー隐私プラ゗バシー有奖贺年卡年玉つき年賀状宇航员宇宙飛行士知识产权知的所有権钟点工パート、時給勤務者主持人キャスター、司会者自动取款机現金自動引出機、ATM自助餐パ゗キング租赁リースする做爱セックスする毒品麻薬、ドラッグ打假偽物.劣悪商品の取り締り黑社会マフゖゕ、暴力団举报通報する皮条客ポンび引き扫黄ポルノを取り締まる重组リストラ、再編创汇外貨獲得反弹反発する、上昇に転じる股民株投資家股市株式市場宏观调控マクロコントロール微观调控ミクロコントロール经纪人ブローカー跨国公司多国籍企業内向型国内志向型欧元ユーロ泡沫经济バブル経済桥梁银行ブリッジバンク倾销ダンピング软着陆ソフトランデゖング通货紧缩デフレ通货膨胀゗ンフレ网上恐怖活动サゖバ-テロ资深シニゕ顾问コンサルタント黑客ハッカ-。

网络新词 英文翻译

网络新词 英文翻译

热词翻译:秒杀second kill 潮流单品trendy items 哈伦裤Harem trousers T台catwalk连体裤jumpsuits 拜金女material girls钟摆族pendulum clan 伪娘cross-dressing male 预约券reservation ticket 下午茶high tea铁公鸡,小气鬼cheapskate 宿醉hangover 微博Microblog裸婚naked wedding 亚健康sub-health 平角裤boxers 愤青young cynic网络钓鱼phishing 跑腿run errands 恩爱夫妻 Darby and Joan第二把手play the second fiddle 恶搞spoof 相亲blind date灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 精神出轨soul infidelity人肉搜索flesh search 公司政治company politics 剩女3S lady(single,seventies, stuck)/left girls 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationship性感妈妈yummy mummy 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon上相的,上镜头的photogenic 学术界academic circle 哈证族certificate maniac 偶像派idol type 个税起征点individual income tax threshold 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club美洲豹)伪球迷fake fans 团购group buying 婚前性行为premarital sex 开博to open a blog家庭暴力family/domestic violence 问题家具problem furniture炫富flaunt wealth 决堤breaching of the dike 上市list share 桑拿天sauna weather 自杀Dutch act 假发票fake invoice 落后产能outdated capacity 二房东middleman landlord 生态补偿ecological compensation 笑料laughing stock 泰国香米Thai fragrant rice 学历造假fabricate academic credentials 泄洪release flood waters 防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy 暗淡前景bleak prospect 房奴车奴mortgage slave上课开小差zone out 万事通know-it-all 散伙饭farewell dinner 毕业旅行after-graduation trip节能高效的fuel-efficient 具有时效性的time-efficient死记硬背cramming 很想赢 be hungry for success 面子工程face job 指甲油nail varnish 囧embarrassed 学历门槛academic threshold女学究blue stocking 王牌主播mainstay TV host 招牌菜signature dishes 非正常死亡excess death 影视翻拍plays reshooting 四大文学名著the four masterpieces of literature 城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect逃学play hooky, 装病不上班play hooky from work 一线城市first-tier cities高考the National College Entrance Examines 录取分数线admission scores小型警车 panda car 一决高下 Duke it out 差别电价 differential power prices囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering 灰色市场Grey market 反倾销anti-dumping 吃白食的人freeloader橙色预警orange signal warning公关public relation 不幸的日子,不吉利的日子black-letter day人肉搜索flesh search 廉租房low rent housing限价房 capped-price housing 经适房affordable housing替罪羔羊whipping boy 对口支援partner assistance 资本货物capital goods 初级产品primary goods 商业服务commercial service最终消费品final consumption goods 原材料raw material 制成品manufactured goods 重工业heavy industry 贸易顺差trade surplus 外汇储备foreign exchange reserve 潮人:trendsetter 发烧友fancier 骨感美女boney beauty 卡奴:card slave 蹦迪:disco dancing 电脑游戏迷gamer 家庭主男house-husband小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man 二奶:kept woman 麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)新新人类:new-new generation 另类offbeat 驴友tour pal 好朋友娘娘腔sissy 负翁spend-more-than-earn全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom 80后:80's generation百搭:all-match 肚皮舞:belly dance 、情侣装:couples dress 电子书:e-book 电子杂志:e-zine 限时抢购:flash sale 合租:flat-share期房:forward delivery housing 团购:group purchas 八卦,丑闻:kiss and tell 低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans 裸妆:nude look 烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods 热裤:tight pants舌钉:tongue pin 纳米技术:nanotechnology 文凭热degree craze 反腐败anti-corruption 联合军演joint military drill财政赤字budget deficit 拜倒在某人的石榴裙下 throw oneself at sb's feet打破记录break a record 创造新纪录create a new record终生学习 lifelong learning 天气保险weather insurance正妹hotty 对某人念念不忘get the hots for 希望把好运带来给自己 touch wood婚外恋extramarital love; extramarital affair 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse赞助费sponsorship fee 抚恤金 financial compensation,compensation payment草莓族Strawberry generation 草根总统grassroots president 笨手笨脚have two leftfeet 演艺圈Showbiz 核遏制力nuclear deterrence 试点,试运行on a trial basis 精疲力竭be dead on one's feet 软禁be under house arrest 拼车car-pooling 公用物解除好友关系unfriend v. 母校almamater 非难a kick in the pants 黑马black horse挥金如土spend money like water 意外怀孕unplanned pregnancy人流artificial abortion operation 海外代购overseas purchasing 试镜screen test 访谈节目chat show 智力竞赛节目quiz show 武侠片martial arts film 封面报道cover story 闪婚flash marriage闪电约会speed dating 闪电恋爱whirlwind romance 刻健身bodybuilding 遮阳伞parasol 头等舱first-class cabin 世界遗产名录the world heritage list乐活族LOHAS (Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)私生子an illegitimate child; a love child 潜水lurk 即时通讯(聊天)软件: Instant Messenger (IM)博客圈:blogsphere。



英语新词的由来及翻译一、新词的产生原因1. 政治的变化。


如:(冷战)cold war,(军备竞赛) arm race, (静坐示威) sit-in, (女权运动)feminism等。

2. 经济的发展。


比如:(世界贸易组织)World Trade Organization, (石油输出国)Organization of Petrol Exporting Countries, 以及与我们位生活息息相关的(自动取款机)Automatic Teller Machine等。

3 .科技的发展。

尤其近几十年来,科技迅猛发展,各种高科技产品不断问世,大量科技词汇不断涌现并频见于媒体为大众所熟知,如:(因特网)Internet, (电子邮件)E-mail, (万维网)WWW, (克隆)clone 等等。

4. 文化影响。


比如:(广播、函授教育)distance education,(电视大学)Open University,(热线)hot line, (脱口秀) talk show 等等二、新词的发展途径新词产生的主要途径有创造新词,语义新词,外来词借入等。






前缀构词如:“微”micro →microwave 微波;“反”anti→antiparticle 反粒子;“超”super →superstar 超级明星。

后缀构词有: -phonic“声音的”periphonic多声道的, 一cide“杀”ecocide生态杀灭等等。
























流行全球的《哈利· 波特》给英语带来了魔法运动 比赛Quidditch“魁地奇”,现在中国的许多电子游戏 玩家也趋之若鹜,但这两个词(尤其是后者)在中英文 中的寿命到底有多长则让人怀疑。Quidditch是 《哈利波特》的作者罗琳女士发明的一种游戏。 音译为魁地奇。是巫师在飞天扫帚上进行的球类 运动。 因此,英语新词的使用.应当依据其语体色彩恰 当地使用,不能不分场合求新求异。
Quiz kid
Nest egg
Dog food
即对原有的词进行剪裁,取舍其中的首部或尾部而形成的 复合词。 Kidult workfare Comsat chinglish Transistor Newscast Sitcom (kid + adult) 老顽童 (work +welfare ) 劳动福利 (communication + satellite)通讯卫星 ( chinese + english )中国式英语 (transfer + resistor ) 半导体 (news + broadcast) 新闻广播 (situation+ comedy)情景喜剧
IT (Information Technology)
政治经济新词 中国特色下的新词
网络英语新词的四种类型: 1. 赋予已有词汇新的意义 如:SURF(上网浏览)、VISIT(访问网页) 、LINK(链接) 2. 给已有词汇加上与网络有关的前后缀 如:E、INTER 和CYBER 是人们运用最为广泛的三个 词缀 例如: EMAIL(电子邮件)、E - LIFE(电子生活)、 CYBERCULTURE(网络文化)等 3.组合已有词汇 例如:ONLINE(上网)、NETWORM(网虫)等 4. 缩略与简化 例如:MIS(信息管理系统)、u(you),yr(year)、oic(Oh,I see)等



第20卷第3期2007年5月宁波大学学报(人文科学版)JOURNAL OF N I N G BO UN I V ERSI TY (L I B ERAL ARTS E D I TI O N ) Vol .20No .3May . 2007英语新词的汉译理据与语用分析李昌标(宁波大学外语学院,浙江宁波315211)摘要:英语新词是指为适应社会发展的需要而产生的新词语,以及原有词语在新的文化环境下增添新义后形成的词语。



关键词:英语新词;构成特点;汉译理据;语用功能中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5124(2007)03-0043-05 收稿日期:2007-01-15 作者简介:李昌标(1966-),男,湖北荆州人,宁波大学外语学院英语系讲师,硕士。

一、引言B l oomfield 认为,一切语言都是发展的,而不是一成不变的。







目前,社会上出现的不少新词汉译翻译不准确、不得体,如un wedding cere mony 译成了“不结婚仪式”,其实是divorce cere mony (好说好散的离婚宴会仪式);furkid 译成了“毛孩”,令人匪夷所思,应该是a pet treated as if it were one ’s child (被当作孩子般对待的宠物)。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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发布时间:2008-10-29 08:33 浏览次数:2652



交谊舞ballroom dancing

喇叭裤bell-bottomed pants; flare trousers



大哥大GSM mobile telephone


BP机(寻呼机)Beep Pager



万元户ten- thousand-yuan household




五好家庭Five Virtues Family (outstanding in such five aspects as law-abiding, diligent study, family planning, domestic harmony, and industrious and thrifty management of the household)


呼拉圈hula hoop



彩电colored television set

倒爷profiteer; wheeler-dealer





下海go into business




下岗get laid off



下岗再就业re-employment of laid-off workers
黄金周golden week


农民工migrant worker

房奴mortgage slave (Mortgage slave is adopted to describe those people whose mortgage payment is more than half of their monthly salary.)


钉子户“dingzihu”; nail house (a person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project)

黄牛党ticket scalper


传销pyramid selling

走后门pull the string

潜规则hidden rule
“超女”super girl (Super Girl Contest)




“fan”是“运动、电影等的爱好者” 的意思。

所以,“film fan ”是“影迷”的意思。







双休日two-day weekend


炒鱿鱼get fired







炒股to speculate in the stock market

