






1. C17200铬铜合金C17200合金是一种高强度的高铜合金,含有铜铬镍和其他合金元素。



2. C17500锰铝青铜C17500合金是一种富锰铝青铜合金,含有铜、锰、铝和其他少量合金元素。



3. C18000镍铝青铜C18000合金是一种富镍铝青铜合金,含有铜、镍、铝和其他合金元素。



4. C18200锌镍铝青铜C18200合金是一种富锌镍铝青铜合金,含有铜、锌、镍、铝和其他合金元素。










1.铝合金幕墙板的种类,特点及应用 [J], 张国成
2.660 MW机组发电机转子阻尼铜条更换及r阻尼槽铝合金槽楔升级改造 [J], 徐斌
3.快速凝固-粉末冶金工艺制备高强阻尼铝合金的阻尼性能 [J], 李国丛; 马岳; 何晓磊; 李伟; 李沛勇
4.660MW机组发电机转子阻尼铜条更换及阻尼槽铝合金槽楔升级改造 [J], 徐斌
5.高强高阻尼Mg-Zr系合金的研究(Ⅰ)——Ca/Y变质处理Mg-0.6Zr合金阻尼行为的研究 [J], 纪仁峰;刘楚明



σM + ( AH + B), (σ > σ M ) σ
比减振能力SDC与表面应力σ成双曲线关系。所以,当试 样表面应力超过临界应力后,减振能力迅速提高,而继续提 高应力则阻尼递增率变小 事实上,随表面应力增大材料的阻尼利用率提高不仅在单悬 臂试样上,在扭摆试样上也是如此。不同材料具有不同 的临界应力,即使在相同应力下测试,材料的阻尼利用率 也不同。所以,测试这类材料的阻尼,应固定表面应力与 临界应力之比。这样才能保 证被测材料具有相同的阻尼利用率,测得的减振能力才真实 反映材料本身的阻尼性能。
经800℃固溶处理。然后对A、B两组试样分别在350℃、400℃、450℃保温2小 时时效处,以及400℃下不同时间的时效处理。
阻尼测试 采用比减振能力SDC,表征阻尼。用单悬臂弯曲自由 振动的方法测定。以法码定量加载.
2 2 An -An+1 SDC = ×100% 2 An
Ms点与阻尼性能 Mn-Cu系合金高阻尼特性的产生,其组织基础是马氏体相变。 实际上,图的临界应力σm即是诱发马氏体相变的最低应力.合金的马氏休相变温度 Ms的高低必然影响应力--应变特性,进而影响阻尼性能。 合金的Ms点不同,其常温组织就不同,应力一一应变曲线也不同。若Ms点低于室 温,其组织为母相状态,诱发马氏体相变所要的应力较大,如图a所示。当Ms点接近 室温时,合金处于相变临界状态或为母相加少量马氏休,在较小应力下即可诱发出马 氏 体,应力一一应变曲缘包围一个较大的面积如图,b,所以具有较高的阻尼。如果 Ms点过高,室温下合金组织中绝大部分都是马氏体,应力诱发产生的马氏体很少,则 缩短了合金的超弹性区,图c。这也使阻尼降低。因此,在工作应力不太大的倩况 下,母相加少量马氏休的合金容易获得高阻尼,应使合金的Ms点接近室温。















) ,导 电 、导热性 能好 ,因此在实 际应用方 面 ,
c u基合 金有 望 在较 多领 域 逐 步取 代 那 些成 本 过 高的阻 尼合金 。
人 们对 高 阻尼 材料 产 生兴 趣 却 是 在 7 0年 代 。当
时 由于工 业 的发展 ,关于 振动和 噪声 的问题越 来
目前 国 内外 对 阻 尼 合 金 的 研究 开 发 成 果 显 著。 日本 已 研 制 出 商 品 化 了 的 G n l y . F etl F2( e ao
5 4
第 2卷 9
第 3期
上 海 金 属
V . 9. N . 0 2 】 o3
May, 2 0 0 7 r
2007 年 5 月
铜 阻尼合 金的研 究 和发展 现状
/fu n e F co n le e a tr
1 概 述
用 的 高 阻 尼 合 金 ( M .u合 金 、T. i 金 、 如 nC i 合 N c.l uA 系合金 、F 基 合金 等 )的 比阻 尼本 领都 在 e 1 0至 10之间 。 目前得 到广泛应用 的高 阻尼合 0 金主要 是以 M . u系合 金和 T. i 金 为代 表 的 nC i 合 N 形状记 忆 合 金H ,这 类 合 金 具 有 很 高 的 阻 尼 本 领 ,但它们 加 工 工 艺 较 复 杂 ,T. i 金 又 较 昂 i 合 N 贵。 而铜 基合 金与之 相 比 ,主要优点 是容易制 造
系) 磁 型 减 振 合 金 ;由 英 国 S n aaaee 强 t e M ngns o Ma n 公 司开 发 、美 国海军 和加 拿大 海军进 一 步 i re



eutectic structure cast composite directional eutectic composite noncrystalline alloy alloying element tramp element alloy heredity as-cast structure iron-carbon phase diagram carbide cementite carbide forming element separated test bar of casting test lug test specimen from casting itself superheating supercooling, undercooling constitutional supercooling degree of undercooling Ac transformation temperature Ar transformation temperature crystallization nucleation homogeneous nucleation heterogeneous nucleation dynamic nucleation big bang nucleation nucleant nucleation rate endogenous growth
flake graphite cast iron, gray cast iron ductile iron,nodular graphite iron,spheroidal graphite cast iron high ductility nodular graphite iron medium manganese ductile iron medium silicon nodular graphite iron malleable cast iron white heart malleable cast black heart malleable cast iron partially graphitized malleable cast iron ferritic malleable cast iron pearlitic malleable cast spheroidal graphite malleable cast iron vermicular graphite cast iron, compacted graphite white cast iron mottled cast iron austenitic cast iron bainitic cast iron bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron austempered ductile iron ,ADI bainitic white cast iron acicular cast iron martensitic cast iron ferritic cast iron pearlitic cast iron sorbitic cast iron alloy cast iron

























damping material阻尼材料



M2052高阻尼合金在结构件减振中的应用研究王乃亮;冀璞光;殷福星;祁丹丹;郄彦辉【摘要】利用动态热机械分析仪(DMA)、有限元分析软件Patran&Nastran和振动测试设备(DH5981),研究了M2052合金的阻尼性能及应用在支撑底座中的减振性能.振动测试结果与有限元分析结果比较吻合.结果表明:在频率响应分析中,M2052的应用能够有效降低振动,明显减小振动源产生的振动经支撑底座的传递;在瞬态响应分析中,通过振动衰减曲线对比看出,阻尼合金应用到工字型支座能更快的耗散振动能量,在一定范围内阻尼合金的应变越大,阻尼性能越好,所以S型支座能提供更大的减振性能;同时,通过力锤敲击实验验证了M2052合金在结构件中的应用能有效降低机械振动,且应变越大支座的减振效果越好.%Dynamic thermal mechanical analyzer (DMA),finite element analysis softwarePatran&Nastran and vibration testing equipment (DH5981) were used to study the damping properties of M2052 alloy and the vibration damping performance applied in the support pedestals.The vibration test result was consistent with that of finite element analysis.The frequency response analysis showed that the application of M2052 can effectively reduce the vibration of the support pedestals,and the transmission of vibration produced by the vibration source was significantly reduced by the support pedestals.In transient response analysis,by comparing the vibration attenuation curve,it can support faster vibration energy dissipation when damping alloy is applied to the I-shaped support pedestal.Within a certain range,the strain is larger,the performance of damping is better,thus S-shaped support pedestals can provide greater vibration reductionperformance.At the same time,the force hammer percussion experiments has verified that the application of M2052 alloy in the structures can effectively reduce the mechanical vibration,and the strain is larger,the vibration damping effect of support pedestals is greater.【期刊名称】《河北工业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(046)003【总页数】6页(P88-93)【关键词】DMA;M2052;有限元分析;支撑底座;减振性能【作者】王乃亮;冀璞光;殷福星;祁丹丹;郄彦辉【作者单位】河北工业大学材料科学与工程学院,天津300130;河北工业大学能源装备材料技术研究院,天津300130;天津市材料层状复合与界面控制技术重点实验室,天津300130;河北工业大学能源装备材料技术研究院,天津300130;天津市材料层状复合与界面控制技术重点实验室,天津300130;河北工业大学材料科学与工程学院,天津300130;河北工业大学能源装备材料技术研究院,天津300130;天津市材料层状复合与界面控制技术重点实验室,天津300130;河北工业大学材料科学与工程学院,天津300130;河北工业大学能源装备材料技术研究院,天津300130;天津市材料层状复合与界面控制技术重点实验室,天津300130;河北工业大学机械工程学院,天津300130【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG1451948年,Zener[1]发现Mn-12Cu合金经925℃时效后水冷,在室温附近有很高的阻尼性能,并指出该内耗是由于{110}孪晶面的应力感生运动引起的.自此开启了对Mn-Cu合金阻尼机理的研究及高阻尼Mn-Cu合金的开发.方正春[2]等开发了2310合金(Mn-39Cu-4Al-3Fe-2Ni-2Zn),该合金具有强度高、焊接性能好的特点,阻尼性能满足船舶螺旋桨用的要求,能有效降低螺旋桨的振动和噪声,尤其能消除螺旋桨的唱音.随后,王丽萍、郭二军[3]等研发了ZMnD-1J合金(Mn-43Cu-5Zn-2Al),该合金具有良好的阻尼性能和力学性能.殷福星[4]等研发的实用M2052合金(Mn-20Cu-5Ni-2Fe)在不降低阻尼性能的基础上,实现了合金强度的进一步提升,并对于Mn-Cu合金的微观组织变化、合金成分设计以及热处理工艺方面的研究取得了很多研究成果[5-6].目前在对各种阻尼合金的研究中,对Mn-Cu合金的阻尼机制研究较多,但对其工程应用研究较少[7].随着现代工业的发展,振动和噪声问题越来越突出,研究阻尼合金的工程应用成为必然要求.张庆庆等[8]对于空间相机支撑组件的振动特性研究表明,使用阻尼合金作为支撑组件的部分零件,可使空间相机的振动幅值降低15%以上.本文选用了工程中典型的振动源支撑底座作为研究对象.因为诸如电机、发动机等的振动都是经由支撑底座将振动传递到连接结构从而产生整体振动和噪声的.鉴于此,结合有限元分析和振动测试手段,研究了M2052合金应用于支撑底座的减振效果.并为阻尼合金在结构件减振中的应用研究提供借鉴.实验用M2052合金以电解锰(99.90%)、电解铜(99.93%)、工业纯铁、电解镍(N2镍板)为原料在VIM-100NIM真空熔炼炉内熔炼,名义组分为Mn-20Cu-5Ni-2Fe(原子分数,%).浇铸锭模采用金属型,顶部加保温冒口.铸锭切除冒口,车掉表面氧化皮,经开坯,热轧成板材和线材.切取DMA试样(60 mm×10 mm×1 mm片材),金相试样及显微硬度试样(10 mm×10 mm×10 mm),拉伸试样尺寸为φ5.试样热处理工艺为在820℃保温1 h固溶处理,然后进行450℃保温10 h的时效处理.合金的阻尼性能的测试在TA Q800动态热机械分析仪上进行,测试频率分别为0.1 Hz、1 Hz、10 Hz,应变振幅为2.5×10-4.金相试样经电解抛光制得,电解液成分为磷酸、甘油、乙醇,体积比为1∶1∶2,微观组织采用MR2000型倒置金相显微镜观察,并进行显微硬度测试.拉伸试验在岛津AGS-X-50 KN拉伸试验机上进行拉伸试验.1.1 M2052合金的显微组织图1为M2052合金的金相图.经均匀化和热轧处理,铸造组织破碎并发生回复和再结晶,形成细小等轴晶粒.合金经450℃时效处理,单一的γ相发生调幅分解,形成结构相同而成分不同的纳米级富锰区和富铜区,使合金的马氏体相变点Ms提高,在随后的降温过程,发生马氏体相变,形成马氏体孪晶.由图可见,合金经固溶+时效处理,晶粒内形成大量孪晶结构,在交变应力的作用下,通过孪晶界面的移动和再取向来消耗振动能量,从而形成M2052合金的高阻尼性能[9].1.2 M2052合金的阻尼性能图2为轧制态M2052在热处理前后阻尼性能tanδ和储能模量对比曲线.由图可知,固溶+时效处理后,室温附近合金的阻尼性能明显提高,tanδ达到0.032.已有研究表明,马氏体相变伴随着模量的软化,模量极小值对应的温度就是马氏体相变开始温度[10-11],由图2可以看出,热处理后,相转变点Ms由20℃提高到80℃,合金降温后获得更多的马氏体孪晶.高温的马氏体相变峰和低温的孪晶弛豫峰耦合,在室温附近形成宽化的阻尼峰.所以,通过热处理能显著提高M2052合金的阻尼性能,达到工程应用的要求.1.3 M2052合金的力学性能表1对比了阻尼合金M2052和结构钢Q235的力学性能,阻尼合金经过固溶+时效的热处理工艺,阻尼性能得到明显提高的同时,力学性能也有所增强,抗拉强度达到638 MPa,屈服强度达到337 MPa,断后延伸率达到34%,具有良好的综合力学性能,很好的满足工程应用的要求.2.1 支撑底座及对比结构的设计如图3所示,孪晶型阻尼合金的阻尼性能随着应变振幅的增加而得到不断提高,达到一定的应变值后,对数衰减率不再随应变的增加而改变而达到一个稳定值,这是由Mn-Cu基阻尼合金的阻尼机制所决定的.工字型支撑底座为常见支座结构,有限元模型如图4所示.基于Mn-Cu基阻尼合金阻尼性能在一定范围内随着应变振幅的增加而增大的特性,本实验借鉴于阻尼减振器的结构设计了S型结构的支撑底座,来研究通过结构变化能否提高阻尼合金的阻尼性能,S型结构设计如图5所示.在S型支座模态分析中可得S型支座可在局部凹面结构处提高结构的应变振幅,理论上可以提高阻尼合金的阻尼性能,从而提高支座的减振性能.通过研究2种结构局部采用M2052材料对支撑底座的减振效果的影响,探讨如何在结构件减振中应用尼合金能发挥阻尼合金最大的性能,得到最优的减振效果.2种结构模型原材料为Q235,中间部位改进为高阻尼M2052合金,有限元分析所需数据均由上述实验所得.2.2 支撑底座的频率响应分析频率响应分析用于计算结构在周期载荷作用下对每1个计算频率的动响应,其计算结果中实部代表响应的幅度,虚部代表响应的相角[13].根据模型使用方式,给有限元模型施加边界条件为:支座底部施加固定约束,顶面中心处施加载荷F=100 N,方向为竖直向下.求解如图4,图5所示A位置处节点对载荷的加速度响应.图6为应用阻尼合金前后支座底部A点的加速度响应.由图可知,应用阻尼合金后,分别使得2种结构的加速度响应的共振峰向低频侧移动,分析认为,由于M2052合金的弹性模量较Q235低,使结构件的各阶模态频率相应降低,从而使激振共振频率降低,在频率响应曲线上表现为峰值向低频侧移动[8].同时注意到,替换材料前后,工字形支座A点响应加速度由11.5 m/s2降低为1.2 m/s2.S型支座A 点的响应加速度由10.5 m/s2降低为1.1 m/s2.2种结构的加速度响应峰值均有大幅度的降低,这是因为M2052合金具有高阻尼特性,通过材料孪晶界面的弛豫运动消耗振动能量,达到快速衰减振动能的目的,从而使得支撑底座A点处加速度响应峰值明显降低.2.3 支撑底座的瞬态响应分析瞬态响应分析又称时间历程分析,在时域内计算结构在随时间变化的载荷作用下的动力响应[14].给有限元模型施加边界条件为:支座底部施加固定约束,顶面中心处施加2个周期的大小为100 N的正弦激励载荷,方向为竖直向下.求解如图4,图5所示A位置处节点的位移衰减曲线.工字形支座应用M2052合金前后A点的衰减曲线对比如图7所示.工字形支座替换部分阻尼合金后,A点的加速度衰减明显快于未应用阻尼合金的情况.将工字形结构支座中间改进为S形,能提高合金的阻尼性能,如图8所示,S形支座替换阻尼合金后比工字形支座具有更快的衰减性能.为了验证有限元分析的结果,通过力锤敲击实验得到如图9所示的自由衰减曲线.应用M2052合金的支座阻尼比明显大于Q235材质的支座,说明应用阻尼合金的支座能有效的衰减发动机、电机等振源部件产生的振动,并降低了振动经由支座的传递.由图9b)和c)对比可得,通过改变阻尼合金的结构,能提高阻尼合金的应变振幅,从而提高阻尼合金的减振效果,三支座A点阻尼比如表2所示.本文选取常见的振源支座作为研究对象,探究应用阻尼合金后能否提高支座的减振性能.并用Patran建立有限元分析模型,通过Nastran计算支座频率响应分析,在计算分析的基础上,加工了3个实验支座,通过对比实验验证了应用阻尼合金的支座具有较大的阻尼比,具有良好的阻尼性能.通过实验,本文得到如下结论:1)该Mn-Cu基阻尼合金经固溶和时效处理,能获得较高的阻尼性能,同时具有良好的综合力学性能,抗拉强度达到638 MPa,屈服强度达到337 MPa,可以用于工程结构件中使用,实现功能材料的结构化,从振源入手,降低工程中的振动传递.2)通过有限元分析和实验验证可得,在支撑底座中应用高阻尼M2052合金,能够有效降低支座的振动响应,并减小振动的传递,有很好的减振效果.结合结构优化,适度提高阻尼合金的应变振幅,能够更好的发挥阻尼合金的减振效果.3)在结构件中应用M2052阻尼合金时,不仅要考虑其tanδ的提高对减振的作用,也要考虑刚度降低带来的结构件模态频率的变化,进而可利用这个特性,巧妙设计结构,既可避开共振频率,又可降低共振峰值,从而实现功能材料结构化,而从根本上有效的抑制结构件的振动和辐射的噪声.【相关文献】[1]Zener C.Elasticity and anelasticity in 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弹 性 应 变 能 和 扩 散 所 需 的 能 量 等 造 成 的 一 种 热 滞 后 现
于具 有小 的 相 变 滞 后 和 宽 的使 用 温 区 而 受 到 普 遍 关
注l ]其 中 Ti0 2 C 2 3, 5 Ni5 u 5合金 的阻 尼性 能尤 为 突 出。 T H 合 金是 T 5 Ni5 u 5合金 基 础 上 添加 了 NC i0 2 C 2 微 量 的 Y 来替 代 Ni 的高阻 尼合 金 , 名 义成 分 为 T 其 i 。 Ni Cu , 。 Y 它具 有 较 高 的 强 度 、 良好 的 耐磨 性 、 耐
B1 B2 9 ]

合 金 的正相 变起 始 温度 M 8 . 结 为 7 9C,
束温 度 M 为 7 。 。 5 0C和 逆 相 变 点 起 始 温 度 A 为
6. ℃ 、 4 4 结束 温 度 A 7 . ℃, 温过 程 中相 变 的发 为 74 降 生 主要分 为 3个 阶段 : 温 马 氏体 状态 ( 5C以下 ) 两 胝 7 , 相共 存状 态 ( 5 0 7 9C) 母 相状 态 ( 7 9 7 . ~8 . 。 , 8 . ℃以上 ) 。
罗媛 媛 等 : 阻 尼 TN H 合 金 的相 变 与 阻 尼 性 能 研 究 高 C
高 阻尼 TNCH 合 金 的 相 变 与 阻 尼性 能 研 究
罗媛 媛 , 永 庆 , 智敏 , 赵 侯 李 倩 , 吴 欢
( 北有 色金 属研 究 院 , 西 西安 7 0 1 ) 西 陕 1 0 6
பைடு நூலகம்
料将 机 械动 能转 化为 热能 而耗 散于 材料 和 环 境 中 的现
象 1 。传 统 的 阻 尼 合 金 分 为 复 相 型 ( Z — ) 铁 磁 ] ] 如 nA1、

铸造术语 中英文对照

铸造术语  中英文对照

一、基本术语1.铸造: casting , founding , foundry2.砂型铸造: Sand casting process3.特种铸造: Special casting process4.铸件: casting5.毛坯铸件: Rough casting6.砂型铸件: Sand casting7.试制铸件: Pilot casting8.铸态铸件: as-cast casting9.铸型[型]: mold10.铸造工艺: Casting process, foundry technology11.铸造用材料: Foundry materials12.铸造工艺材料: Consumable materials13.铸造设备: Foundry equipment, foundry facilities14.铸工: Caster, founder, foundry worker15.铸造工作者: foundryman16.铸造车间: Foundry shop17.铸造厂: Foundry18.铸造分厂: Attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry19.铸造三废: Foundry affluent20.一批: A batch21.一炉: A cast, a heat, a melt22.铸焊: Cast welding, flow welding23.铸锭: ingot二、铸造合金及熔炼、浇注2.1铸造合金基础术语1.铸造合金: Cast alloy2.共晶合金系: Eutectic alloy system3.共晶合金: Eutectic alloy4.亚共晶合金: Hypoeutectic alloy5.过共晶合金: Hypereutectic alloy6.共晶团: Eutectic cell7.共晶温度: Eutectic temperature8.共晶转变:Eutectic reaction, eutectic transformation9.共晶组织: Eutectic structure10.铸造复合材料: Cast composite11.定向共晶复合材料: Directional eutectic composite12.非晶态合金: noncrystalline alloy13.合金元素: Alloying element14.杂质合金: Tramp element15.合金遗传性: Alloy heredity16.铸态组织: As-cast structure17.铁碳相图: iron-carbon phase diagram18.碳化物: Carbide19.渗碳物: cementite20.碳化物形成元素: Carbide forming element21.单铸试块: Separated test bar of casting22.附铸试块: test lug23.本体试样: Test specimen from casting itself24.过热: Superheating25.过冷: supercooling, undercooling26.成分过冷: constitutional supercooling27.过冷度: degree of undercooling28.加热相变点[Ac相变点]: Ac transformation temperature29.冷却相变点[Ar相变点]: Ar transformation temperature30.结晶: Crystallization31.形核[成核]: Nucleation32.均质形核[自发形核]: Homogeneous nucleation33.非均质形核[非自发形核]: Heterogeneous nucleation34.动力形核: Dynamic nucleation35.大冲击形核: Big bang nucleation36.形核剂: nucleant37.形核率: Nucleation rate38.成长: Growth39.内生生长: Endogenous growth40.外生生长: Exogenous growth41.共生生长: Coupled growth42.小平面型生长: Faceted growth43.非小平面生长: nonfaceted growth44.晶体生长界面[界面]: Growth interface of crystal, interface45.吸气(金属): Gas absorption (metal)2.2铸钢1.铸钢: Cast steel2.铸造碳钢: Carbon cast steel3.铸造合金钢: Alloy cast steel4.低合金铸钢: Low alloy cast steel5.微量合金化铸钢: Micro-alloying cast steel, trace alloying cast steel6.铁素体铸钢: ferritic cast steel7.奥氏体铸钢: Austenitic cast steel8.不锈钢: Stainless steel9.无磁性铸钢: Non-magnetic cast steel10.高锰钢: Austenitic manganese steel, high manganese steel11.高强度铸钢: High strength cast steel12.超高强度铸钢: Ultra high strength cast steel13.耐磨铸钢: Wear resisting cast steel14.耐热铸钢: Heat resisting cast steel15.耐蚀铸钢: Corrosion resisting cast steel16.石墨钢: Graphitic steel17.铸钢锚链钢: Cast steel for chain cables2.3铸铁1.铸铁: Cast iron2.合成铸铁: Synthetic cast iron3.共晶铸铁: Eutectic cast iron4.亚共晶铸铁: Hypoeutectic cast iron5.过共晶铸铁: Hypereutectic cast iron6.灰铸铁[片墨铸铁]: Flake graphite cast iron, gray cast iron7.球墨铸铁[球铁]: ductile iron, nodular graphite iron,spheroidal graphite cast iron8.高韧性球墨铸铁: High ductility nodular graphite iron9.中锰球墨铸铁: Medium manganese ductile iron10.中硅球墨铸铁: Medium silicon nodular iron11.可锻铸铁[马铁]: Malleable cast iron12.白心可锻铸铁: White heart malleable cast iron13.黑心可锻铸铁: Black heart malleable cast iron14.花心可锻铸铁: partially graphitized makkeable cast iron15.铁素体可锻铸铁: ferritic malleable cast iron16.珠光体可锻铸铁: pearlitic malleable cast iron17.球墨可锻铸铁: spheroidal graphite malleable cast iron18.蠕墨铸铁[蠕铁,紧密石墨铁]: Vermicular graphite cast iron, compactedgraphite cast iron19.白口铸铁: White cast iron20.麻口铸铁: Mottled cast iron21.奥氏体铸铁: Austenitic cast iron22.贝氏体铸铁: bainitic cast iron23.贝氏体球墨铸铁: bainitic ductile cast iron, austferriticductile cast iron24.等温热处理球墨铸铁: austempered ductile iron, ADI25.贝氏体白口铸铁: bainitic white cast iron26.针状铸铁: Acicular cast iron27.马氏体铸铁: martensitic cast iron28.铁素体铸铁: ferritic cast iron29.珠光体铸铁: pearlitic cast iron30.索氏体铸铁: sorbitic cast iron31.合金铸铁: Alloy cast iron32.低合金铸铁: Low alloy cast iron33.铬铸铁: Chromium cast iron34.高铬铸铁: High chromium cast iron35.高硅铸铁: High silicon cast iron36.中硅铸铁: Medium silicon cast iron37.高磷铸铁: High phosphorus cast iron38.铝铸铁: Aluminum cast iron39.高铝铸铁: High aluminum cast iron40.镍铸铁: Nickel cast iron41.硼铸铁: Boron cast iron42.高级铸铁: High grade cast iron43.高强度铸铁: High duty cast iron, high strength castiron44.工程铸铁: Engineering cast iron45.特种铸铁: Special cast iron46.抗磨铸铁: Abrasion resistant cast iron47.冷硬铸铁[激冷铸铁]: Chilled cast iron48.耐磨铸铁: Wear resisting cast iron49.耐热铸铁: Heat resisting cast iron50.耐蚀铸铁: Corrosion resistant cast iron51.耐酸铸铁: Acid resisting cast iron52.密烘铸铁: Meehanite cast iron53.孕育铸铁: Inoculated cast iron54.总碳量: Total carbon55.碳当量: Carbon equivalent56.碳当量仪: eutectometer57.共晶度: Carbon saturation degree58.硅碳比: Silicon-carbon ratio59.锰硫比: manganese-sulphur ratio60.铸铁石墨形态: Graphite morphology of cast iron61.片状石墨[片墨]: Flake graphite62.球状石墨[球墨]: Nodular graphite, spheroidal carbon63.絮团状石墨[退火t]: Temper graphite, annealing carbon64.团絮石墨: quasi-spheroidal temper graphite65.蠕虫状石墨[蠕墨、紧密石墨]: Compacted graphite, vermicular graphite66.开花状石墨: Exploded graphite67.初生石墨: Primary graphite68.过冷石墨: undercooled graphite69.共晶石墨: Eutectic graphite70.共晶碳化物: Eutectic carbide71.游离碳: Free carbon72.石墨化: graphitizing73.石墨退火化: graphitizing annealing74.石墨化度: graphitizing grade75.石墨化因子: graphitizing factor76.石墨面积率: Percentage of graphite area77.阻碍石墨化元素: hindered graphitizing element78.墨化剂: graphitizer79.石墨球化处理[球化处理]: nodularizing treatment of graphite80.球化率: percent of spheroidization81.石墨球数[球墨数]: number of nodular graphites82.球化剂: nodulizer, nodulizing alloy, spheroidalagent, spheroidizer83.镁焦: magcoke, impregnated coke84.型内球化: in-mold nodularization85.密容加镁包: sealed spheroidizing treatment ladle86.干扰元素: Interference element87.石墨蠕化处理[蠕化处理]: vermiculation of graphite88.蠕化剂: vermicular agent89.蠕化率: percent of vermiculation90.铸铁净化: Purification of cast iron91.三角试块: Wedge test-piece2.4铸造有色合金1.铸造有色合金[铸造非铁合金]: Nonferrous cast alloy2.铸造铝合金: Cast aluminum alloy3.高强度铸造铝合金: High strength cast aluminum alloy4.铝硅合金: Aluminum-silicon alloy5.共晶铝硅合金: Eutectic aluminum-silicon alloy6.亚共晶铝硅合金: Hypoeutectic aluminum-silicon alloy7.过共晶铝硅合金: Hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy8.初生硅: Primary silicon phase9.共晶硅: Eutectic silicon phase10.铝镁合金: Aluminum-magnesium alloy11.铝铜合金: Aluminum-copper alloy12.铝锌合金: Aluminum-zinc alloy13.铝锂合金: Aluminum-lithium alloy14.铸造铜合金: Cast copper alloy15.铸造黄铜: Cast brass16.硅黄铜: Silicon brass17.高强度黄铜: High strength brass18.青铜: Bronze19.锡青铜: Tin bronze20.铝青铜: Aluminum bronze21.铅青铜: Lead bronze22.硅青铜: Silicon bronze23.铸造铜铬合金[铬青铜]: Cast copper-chromium alloy24.高阻尼铜合金: High damping copper alloy25.螺旋桨用铸造铜合金: Cast copper alloy for propeller26.铸造镁合金: Cast magnesium alloy27.铸造锌合金: Cast zinc alloy28.低熔点合金: Fusible alloys29.轴承合金[减摩合金]: antifrictional alloys, bearing alloys30.巴氏合金: Babbitt metal, white metal31.钛合金: Titanium alloy32.铸造高温合金: cast superalloy33.镍基铸造高温合金: nickel-base cast superalloy34.蒙乃尔合金: monel metal35.钴基铸造高温合金: cobalt-base cast superalloy36.铁基铸造高温合金: iron-base cast superalloy37.压铸合金: diecast alloy38.压铸铝合金: aluminium alloy39.铸压镁合金: magnesium diecast alloy40.压铸铜合金: copper diecast alloy41.压铸锌合金: zinc diecast alloy42.锌当量: Zinc equivalent2.5熔炼基本术语1.熔炼: Smelting2.熔化率: Melting rate3.熔炼损耗[熔损、烧损]: Total melting loss4.挥发损耗: Volatilizing loss5.元素烧损: Melting of alloying element6.元素增加: Gain of element7.熔池: Bath8.溶剂: Flux9.除气剂: Degassing flux10.覆盖剂: Covering flux11.炉料: Charge12.金属炉料: Metallic charge13.中间合金[母合金]: Master alloy14.回炉料: Foundry returns15.废金属料: Scrap16.炉料计算[配料]: Charge calculation17.熔渣[炉渣]: Slag18.沉渣: Sludge19.浮渣: Cinder, dross, scum20.碱性渣: Basic slag21.酸性渣: Acid slag22.造渣: Slag forming23.出渣: deslagging24.出渣口: Slag hole, slag notch25.炉衬: Furnace lining26.碱性炉衬: Basic lining27.酸性炉衬: Acid lining28.耐火粘土: Fireclay29.碱度[碱性指数]: index of basicity30.补炉: Patching31.炉龄[炉衬寿命]: Furnace campaign32.开炉: Blowing in, power on33.炉内气氛: Furnace atmosphere34.炉气分析: Flue gas analysis35.控制气氛: Controlled atmosphere36.炉前分析: On-the-spot sample analysis37.出炉口: Tap hole38.出炉温度: Tapping temperature39.重熔: remelting40.真空自耗电弧重熔: Consumable electrode vacuum arcrefining41.喷射冶金: Injection metallurgy42.区域熔炼: Zone melting43.悬浮熔炼: Levitation melting, suspension melting44.真空熔炼: Vacuum melting45.坩埚炉: Crucible furnace46.坩埚: Crucible, pot47.保温炉: Holding furnace48.反射炉: reverberatory furnace49.感应电炉: Electric induction furnace50.凝壳炉: Skull furnace51.增碳: recarburizing2.6铸钢熔炼1.铸钢熔炼: Smelting of steel2.不氧化熔炼法: Dead melting3.氧化熔炼法: Oxidizing melting4.氧化期[沸腾期]: Oxidizing stage, boil stage5.氧化气氛: Oxidizing atmosphere6.氧化渣: Oxidizing slag7.还原期: Blocking stage, deoxidizing stag8.还原气氛: Reducing atmosphere9.还原渣: Reducing slag10.白渣: White slag11.电弧炉: Electric arc furnace, direct electricarc furnace12碱性电弧炉: Basic electric arc furnace13.酸性电弧炉: Acid electric arc furnace14.电渣熔炼: Electro-slag melting15.电渣炉: Electro-slag furnace16.氩氧脱碳法[AOD法]:AOD process, Argon-OxygenDecarburization process17.脱碳: decarburization18.脱氧: deoxidation19.脱氧剂: deoxidizer20.脱磷: dephosphorization21.脱硫 desulphurization22.脱硫剂 desulphurizer2.7铸铁熔炼1.铸铁熔炼: smelting of cast iron2.双联熔炼: duplexing smelting3.冲天炉: cupola4.大间距双排风口冲天炉: spacious twin-tuyeres cupola,Twin-wind blast system cupola5.多排小风口冲天炉: multiple row small tuyeres cupola6.卡腰冲天炉: Waist shaped cupola7.热风冲天炉: hot blast cupola8.水冷冲天炉: water-cooled cupola9.水冷热风无炉衬冲天炉: hot blast liningless cupola with watercooling10.无焦冲天炉: cokeless cupola11.碱性冲天炉: basic cupola12.酸性冲天炉: acid cupola13.生铁: pig iron14.铸造生铁: foundry pig iron15.焦炭: coke16.铸造焦炭[铸造焦]: foundry coke17.固定碳: fixed carbon18.铁焦比[焦比]: iron coke ratio19.底焦: coke bed20.层焦: coke split21.隔焦: extra split22.接力焦: buffer coke charge23.铁合金: ferro-alloy24.有效高度: effective height25.炉缸: cupola well26.前炉: forehearth27密筋炉胆: ribbed preheating jacket28.出铁槽: cupola spout29.熔化带: melting zone30.风带: air belt, air box, wind box31.风口: tuyere32.风口比: tuyere ratio33.炉壁效应: cupola wall effect34.冲天炉特性曲线: cupola operation chart35.冲天炉炉前控制: front control of molten iron ofcupola,inspection in front of cupola36.冲天炉检控仪: tester and controller for cupolamelting37.熔化密度: melting intensity38.风量: blast volume39.送风速度: blast intensity40.送风压力: blast pressure41.富氧送风: oxygen enriched blast42.脱湿送风: dehumidification blast43.预热送风: hot blast44.送风预热器: blast preheater45.火花捕集器: spark arrestor46.冲天炉加料机: cupola charging machine47.爬式加料机: skip hoist48.冲天炉自动加料机: automatic cupola charging equipment49.电磁盘: electromagnetic chuck50.电磁配铁秤: electromagnetic weighing balancer51.吸碳: carbon pick-up52.棚料[搭棚]: bridging53.封炉: banking the cupola54.打炉: cupola drop55.碎铁机: breaker2.8金属液处理1.精炼: refining2.真空精炼: vacuum refining3.炉外精炼: ladle refining4.精炼溶剂[精炼剂]: refining flux5.除气[起气]: degassing6.真空除气: vacuum degassing7.吹气净化: blow purifying8.多孔塞法: porous plug process9.变质: modification10.变质剂: modification agent, modificator11.磷变质: phosphorus modification12.钠变质: sodium modification13.长效变质剂: permanent modificator14.型内变质: in-mold modification15.孕育: inoculation16.瞬时孕育[后孕育]: instantaneous inoculation,late stage inoculation, post inculation17.随流孕育: metal-stream inoculation18.型内孕育: in-mold inoculation19.浇口盆孕育: pouring basin inoculation20.孕育剂: inoculant, inoculating agent21.孕育期: inoculation period22.孕育衰退: inoculation fading23.孕育不良:abnormal inoculation, under-inoculation24.合金化处理: alloying treatment25.喂线法[喂丝法]: CQ process, wire feeding process,wire injection process26.摇包: shaking ladle27.电磁搅拌: electromagnetic agitation28.静置: holding, stewing29.扒渣: slagging-off30.型内过滤: in-mold filtering31.型内合金化: in-mold alloying32.晶粒细化: grain refinement33.晶粒细化剂: grain refiner2.9浇注1.浇注: pouring2.保护气氛浇注: pouring under controlled atmosphere3.真空浇注: vacuum pouring4.自动浇注装置: automatic pouring device5.自动浇注机: automatic pouring machine6.电磁浇注机: electromagnetic pouring machine7.捣冒口: churning, pumping8.点冒口[补注]: hot topping up, teeming9.浇包: ladle10.底浇包: bottom pouring ladle11.转运包: transfer ladle12.金属残液: heel13.冷金属: cold metal14.压铁: weight三、造型材料3.1基本术语1.造型材料: molding material2.铸造用砂[砂]: foundry sand, sand3.原砂[新砂]: base sand, new sand, raw sand4.旧砂: used sand5.回用砂: reconditioned sand6.再生砂: reclaimed sand]7.枯砂[焦砂]: burned sand]8.热砂: hot sand9.废砂: waste sand3.2原砂1.标准砂: standard sand2.硅砂[石英砂]: silica sand3.刚玉砂: alumina sand4.镁砂: magnesite sand5.锆砂: zircon sand6.镁橄榄石砂[橄榄石砂]: fosterite sand, olivine sand7.铬铁矿砂: chromite sand8.煤矸石砂: coal gangue sand9.熟料砂: chamotte sand10.炭粒砂: carbon sand11.石灰石砂: limestone sand12.天然砂: natural sand13.人工砂[人造砂]: artificial sand14.水洗砂: washed-out sand15.擦洗砂: scrubbed sand16.浮选砂[精选砂]: floated sand17.松散密度[砂型]: aerated density, riddled sand18.原砂细度[AFS平均细度]: AFS fineness number,fineness number,grain fineness number19.原砂细度[原砂颗粒尺寸]: particle size of base sand20.原砂颗粒分布: grain size distribution of base sand21.原砂角形因数[原砂角形系数,原砂粒形系数]:angularity of base sand22.原砂颗粒形状: grain shape of base sand3.3粘结剂1.粘结剂: binder2.无机粘结剂: inorganic binder3.粘土: clay4.高岭土: kaolin5.膨润土: bentonite6.钠基膨润土: sodium bentonite7.钙基膨润土: calcium bentonite8.活化膨润土: activated bentonite9.有机膨润土: organic bentonite10.有效粘土: effective clay11.活粘土: active clay12.枯粘土(死粘土): burned clay13.白泥: white clay14.水玻璃粘结剂: sodium silicate binder, water glass binder15.水玻璃波美浓度: Be’concentration of water glass16.水玻璃模数: sodium silicate modulus17.有机粘结剂: organic binder18.纸浆废液[纸浆残液,亚硫酸盐纸浆废液]: lignin liquor19.油类粘结剂: oil based binder20.干性油: drying oil21.合脂粘结剂: synthetic fat binder22.渣油粘结剂: residual oil binder23.自硬粘结剂[冷硬粘结剂]: cold setting binder, no bake binderself-hardening binder24.树脂粘结剂: resin binder25.热固性树脂粘结剂: thermosetting resin binder26.热塑性树脂粘结剂: thermoplastic resin binder27.铸造用树脂: foundry resin28.自硬树脂系[非烘树脂系]: no-bake resin system,self-hardening resin system29.气硬树脂系: gas cured resin system30.热硬树脂系: hot hardening resin system31.呋喃树脂: furan resin32.酚醛树脂: phenol-formaldehyde(PF)resin33.碱性酚醛树脂: alkaline phenolic resin34.糖醇: furfuryl-alcohol35.游离甲醛含量: free formaldehyde content36.游离苯醛含量: free phenol content37.粘结效率: bonding efficiency3.4辅助材料1.型砂附加物: sand addlitives2.煤粉: seacoal3.煤粉代用品: seacoal substitutes4.铸型涂料: dressing mold coating, paint5.砂型涂料: sand coating6.模样涂料: pattern paint7.水基涂料: water-base mold coating8.非水基涂料: non-aqueous coating, non-aqueous paint9.自于涂料: self-drying dressing10.摊开系数[铺展系数]: spreading coefficient11.触变性: thixotropy12.悬浮剂: suspending agent13.分型剂: parting agent14.脱模剂: stripping agent15.固化剂[硬化剂]: hardener16.有机酯: organic ester17.溃散剂: break-down accelerator, break-down agent18.发热剂: exothermic mixture19.冒口覆盖剂: riser cover20.补芯膏: core mud4.5型砂和芯砂1.型砂[造型混合料]: molding mixture, molding sand2.芯砂: core sand3.合成砂: synthetic sand4.粘土砂: clay-bonded sand5.天然型砂[天然粘土砂]: natural molding sand,naturally clay-bonded sand6.红砂: red sand7.面砂: facing sand8.背砂[填充砂]: backing sand9.单一砂: unit sand10.调匀砂: temper sand11.湿型砂: green molding sand, green sand12.煤粉: black sand13.烂泥砂[嘛泥]: loam14.油砂: oil-bonded sand15.合脂砂: synthetic fatty acid bonded sand16.石墨型砂: graphite mold sand17.化学硬化砂: chemical hardening sand18.自硬砂: self-hardening sand, no-bake sand19.水泥砂: cement sand20.水玻璃砂: sodium silicate-bonded sand21.酯硬水玻璃砂: ester cured sodium silicate sand, sodium silicate-ester no-bake sand 22.树脂自硬砂: no-bake resin sand,self-hardening resin sand23.呋喃树脂自硬砂: no-bake furan resin sand24.酚醛尿烷树脂自硬砂: pep-set no-bake sand,phenolic resin no-bake sand 25.酯固化碱性酚醛树脂自硬砂: ester cured alkaline phenolicresin no-bake sand26.磷酸盐自硬砂: phosphate no-bake sand27.流态砂: castable sand, fluid sand28.气硬砂[冷芯盒砂]: cold box sand, gas hardening sand29.热硬树脂砂: hot hardening resin sand30.覆膜砂: precoated sand, resin coated sand31.壳型(芯)树脂砂: shell mold (core) resin sand32.热芯盒砂: hot box sand33.结球(型砂): agglomeration (molding sand)3.6型砂性能及试验1.型砂试验: sand testing2.原砂试验: base sand testing3.型砂试样: sand specimen4.型砂膨胀试验: sand expansion testing5.型砂高温试验: elevated temperature testing of sands6.差热分析: differential thermal analysis7.型砂试验仪: sand tester8.铸造用标准筛: standard sieves for foundry9.筛析: screen analysis10.沉降分选: decantation, elutriation11.型砂强度: sand strength12.湿强度: green strength13.干强度: dry strength14.热强度: hot strength15.热湿拉强度: hot wet tensile strength16.风干强度: air dried strength17.型砂韧度: toughness18.破碎指数: shatter index19.起模性: liftability20.表面安定性: surface stability index(SSI)21.残留强度: retained strength22.溃散性: collapsibility23.落砂性: knockout capability24.砂型(芯)硬度: mold hardness25.紧实度: degree of ramming26.紧实率: compactability27.舂实性: rammability28.流动性(砂): flowability(sand)29.成型性: moldability30.孔隙率: porosity31.透气孔: permeability32.发气量[发气性]: gas evolution33.发气率[发气速度]: gas evolution rate34.退让性[容让性]: deformability rate35.热变形[型砂]: hot deformation (mold sand)36.吸湿性: moisture absorption37.粘模性: stickiness38.保存性(型砂): preservability(mold sand)39.可使用时间: bench life, working time40.型砂耐火度: refractoriness of molding sand41.微粉含量: micro-grains content42.含泥量: clay content43.含水量[水分]: moisture content44.型砂酸碱度值[型砂pH值]: pH value of sand45.酸耗值: acid demand value46.灼烧减量[灼减]: loss on ignition47.型砂缺陷倾向: defect tendency of molding sand48.胶质价: colloid index49.膨润值: swelling value50.膨胀指数: swelling index51.吸蓝量试验: methylene blue value test52.有效膨润土量: effective bentonite content53.耐用性[复用性]: durability54.涂刷性: brushability55.覆膜砂熔点: melting point of precoated sand四、铸造工艺设计及工艺装备4.1基本术语1.铸造性能: castability2.流动性(金属): fluidity(metal)3.充型能力: mold-folling capacity4.充型流速[浇注]: delivery rate, pouring rate5.充型时间: filling time6.浇注温度: pouring temperature7.比浇注速度: specific pouring rate8.浇注时间: pouring time9.平衡分配系数: equilibrium distribution,equilibrium partition ratio10.凝固: solidification11.凝固温度范围: solidification range12.凝固时间: solidification time13.均衡凝固: proportional solidification14.同时凝固: simultaneous solidification15.顺序凝固[方向凝固]: directional solidification16.无溶质再分配凝固[无偏析凝固]: partitionless solidification, segregationless solidification17.收缩: contraction18.液态收缩: liquid contraction19.凝固收缩: solidification contraction20.固态收缩: solid contraction21.液-固收缩: liquid-solid contraction22.自由收缩: free contraction23.受阻收缩: hindered contraction24.收缩余量: shrinkage allowance25.缩前膨胀[共晶石墨化膨胀]:eutectic graphitizing expansion26.收缩应力: contraction stress27.热应力: thermal stress28.相变应力: phase change stress,transformation stress29.铸造应力: casting stress30.残留应力[残余应力]: residual stress31.合金线收缩率[自由线收缩率]: alloy linear contraction,free linear contraction coefficient32.铸件线收缩率: casting linear contraction coefficient,casting linear shirinkage coefficient33.热裂倾向性: tendency to hot tearing4.2铸件工艺设计1.铸造工艺设计: casting process design2.铸造工艺计算机辅助设计[铸造工艺CAD]: computer-aided design of thecastingprocess, casting process CAD 3.实体造型: constructive soild geometry,solid modeling4.充型分析: mold filling analysis5.铸造工艺装备设计: foundry tools design6.铸造工艺图: foundry molding drawing7.铸造工艺卡: foundry process card8.铸型装配图: mold assembly drawing9.铸件图[毛坯图]: mold assembly rough casting10.铸造工艺设备: preparation for casting technique11.铸件设计: casting design12.铸件基准面: reference face for machining of casting13.铸合结构: cast fabricated constructure14.分型面: mold joint, mold parting, parting face15.不平分型面: irregular joint, irregular parting,match parting16.阶梯分型面: stepped joint, stepped parting17.过渡角: transition angle18.分型负数: joint allowance, parting allowance19.浇注位置: pouring position20.工艺补正量: design modification, moldingallowance21.吃砂量: mold thickness22.补贴: pad23.交接壁: intersection24.十字交接[Ⅹ形交接]: x-junction25.内圆角[圆角]: fillet26.热节: hot spot27.铸筋[铸肋]: ribs28.加强筋[加强肋]: stiffening ribs29.冷铁: densener, chill30.外冷铁: surface densener31.内冷铁: internal densener32.暗冷铁: coated chill, indirect chill33.强制冷却: forced cooling34.起模斜度: pattern draft35.上型[上箱]: cope, top part36.下型[下箱]: bottom part, drag37.型冷时间: mold cooling time38.型腔: mold cavity39.造型余量: molding allowance40.砂芯设计: sand core design41.芯头: core print42.芯头间隙: core print clearance43.芯头斜度: core taper44.芯座: core seat45.定位芯头: locating print46.加大芯头: enlarged core print,strengthened core print47.工艺孔: technological hole48.铸件凝固数值模拟: numerical simulation of casting solidification49.前处理: pre-processing50.潜热处理: latent heat treatment51.网格剖分: enmeshment, mesh generation4.3浇冒口系统1.浇注系统: gating system, running system2.浇注系统设计: design of gating system3.浇道比: gating ratio4.封闭式浇注系统: choked running system, pressurized gatingsystem5.半封闭式浇注系统: enlarged runner system6.开放式浇注系统: non-pressurized gating system,unchoked running system7.阶梯式浇注系统: step gating system8.缝隙式浇注系统: slot gate system9.离心集渣浇注系统: whirl gate dirt trap system10.阻流浇注系统: choked runner system11.冒口浇注系统: feeder head gating, riser gating12.顶注式浇注系统: top gating system13.雨淋式浇注系统: shower gate system14.底注式浇注系统: bottom gating system15.中注式浇注系统: parting-line gating system16.垂直浇注系统: vertical gate system17.等流量浇注系统: equal-volume pressurized system,flow-rate equalized gating18.阻流截面: choked area19.大孔出流: large orifice discharge20.浇口盆[外浇口]: pouring basin21.浇口塞: blanking-off plug22.浇口杯: pouring cup23.直浇道: sprue24.直浇道窝: sprue base25.横浇道: runner26.集渣横浇道: skim runner27.集渣装置(浇注系统): dirt traps ( in gating system )28.反应室(浇注系统): reaction chamber ( in gating system )29.内浇道: ingate30.压边浇口: lip runner, kiss runner31.牛角浇口: horn gate32.挡渣片: baffle core33.过滤片[过滤网]: filter screen, strainer core34.冒口: riser, feeder head35.明冒口: open riser36.暗冒口: blind riser37.侧冒口: side riser38.热冒口: hot riser, hot top39.保温冒口: insulating riser40.发热冒口: exothermic riser41.电热冒口: electric arc feed42.压力冒口: pressure riser43.发气压力冒口: gas-delivered pressure riser44.大气压力冒口: atmospheric riser45.易割冒口: knock-off head46.离心集渣冒口: whirl-gate riser47.冷冒口: cold riser48.出气冒口[出气口]: flow off, pop, riser vent, whistler49.冒口设计: riser design50.内接圆法: inscribed circle method51.模数计算法(冒口): moduli calculation method52.周界商: perimetrischen quotient53.冒口效率: riser efficiency54.补缩: feeding55.有效补缩距离: effective feeding distance,feeding zone56.补缩通道: feeding channel57.反补缩: inverse feeding58.冒口根: riser pad59.冒口颈: riser neck60.冒口圈: feeder bush, riser bush61.冒口套: heat insulating feeder sleeve62.冒口窝: riser base63.冒口高度: riser height64.易割片: knockoff core, washburn core4.4铸造工艺设备1.铸造工艺设备: foundry tools equipment2.模板: pattern plate3.组合模板: composite pattern plate4.双面模板: match plate5.单面模板: single face pattern plate6.模板图: pattern plate drawing7.模板设计: pattern plate design8.缩尺[模样工放尺]: pattern-maker's rule ,shrinkage rule9.放样[伸图]: hot dimensional drawing, layout10.模底板: pattern mounting plate11.模样[铸模、模]: pattern12.祖模: grand master pattern13.母模: master pattern14.金属模: metal pattern15.木模: wooden pattern16.石膏模: plaster pattern17.塑料模: plastic pattern18.骨架模: skeleton pattern19.单位模: loose pattern20.整体模: one-piece pattern, solid pattern21.分块模[分开模]: loose pattern, split pattern22.分模面: parting line23.模样分级: pattern classification24.活块: loose piece25.砂箱: flask, molding box26.组合砂箱: built up molding box27.砂箱设计: flask design28.套箱: mold jacket29.套销: hollow pin, stub pin30.箱带[箱挡]: cross bar, flask bar31.芯盒: core box32.芯盒设计: core box design33.芯盒图: core box drawing34.对开芯盒: half core box35.脱落式芯盒: troughed core box36.分盒面: parting of core box五、砂型铸造5.1砂处理1.型砂制备[砂处理]: sand preparation2.型砂质量控制: sand quality control3.型砂水分控制设备: automatic moisture controller of sand4.旧砂处理: sand reconditioning5.旧砂再生: sand reclamation6.旧砂热法再生: thermal reclamation of used sand7.旧砂湿法再生: wet reclamation of used sand8.旧砂干法再生: dry reclamation of used sand9.旧砂回用率: reusable rate of used sand10.砂冷却: sand cooling11.热砂冷却装置: hot sand cooler12.砂温调节器: sand temperature modulator13.冷却提升机: coolelevator, cooling elevator14.热气流烘砂装置: hot pneumatic tube drier15.沸腾床: fluidized bed16.滚筒筛: rotary screen, drum screen17.磁力滚筒: magnetic separator18.滚筒破碎筛: drum breaking screen19.筛砂机: riddle20.原砂擦洗机: sand scrubber21.轮碾机: roller22.配砂: formulation of sand mixture23.预混: premixing24.混砂: sand mixing, sand mulling25.混砂机: sand mixer, sand muller26.连续混砂机: continuous sand mixer27.碗形混砂机: cup-type sand mixer28.树脂自硬砂混砂机: no-bake resin sand mixer29.松砂: aeration, sand-cutting30.松砂机: aerator, sand cutter31.回性[调匀](型砂): homogenization of sand,temper of molding sand32.除尘器: dust catcher, dust collector5.2造型1.造型: molding2.有箱造型: flask molding3.无箱造型: flaskless molding4.手工造型: hand molding5.机器造型: machine molding6.地坑造型: pit molding7.地面造型: floor molding8.叠箱造型: stack molding9.多箱造型: multiple-part molding10.两箱造型: two-part molding11.假箱造型: oddside molding12.劈箱造型: split box molding13.脱箱造型: removable flask molding14.刮板造型: sweep molding15.抛砂造型: impeller ramming,sand slinging molding16.漏模造型: stripping plate molding17.模板造型: pattern plate molding18.实物造型: machine part reproduced molding19.组芯造型: core assembly molding20.微振压实造型: vibratory squeezing molding21.高压造型: high pressure molding22.射压造型: injection and squeeze molding23.负压造型[真空密封造型,V法造型]: vacuum molding24.气冲造型: air impact molding25.静压造型: air-flow press molding,static pressure molding26.切削造型法: molding with molding27.自硬砂造型: self-curing sand molding,self-hardening sand molding28.流态砂造型: fluid sand molding29.造型机: molding machine30.造型线: molding line31.高压造型机: high pressure molding machine32.多触头高压造型机: equalizing piston squeezer33.震实造型机: jolt molding machine34.震压造型机: jolt-squeeze machine35.微振压实造型机: shockless jolt squeeze molding machine,vibratory squeezer36.压实造型机: squeezing molding machine37.射压造型机: shooting and squeezing molding。







Some Problems Appeared in Fatigue and Fracture Test of Materials ( 1 ) ZHANG Yajun
( Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Luoyang 471023 ,China)
图2 Fig. 2
试样表面缺口两端锐化角度示意图 Sketch of edged angles at two ends of the surface notch of the specimen
1. 3
试样缺口尖锐度对断裂韧性试验结果的影响 试样缺口尖锐度不仅对动态力作用下的疲
劳裂纹萌生与扩展产生影响, 也会对准静态力作 用下的断裂韧性试验结果产生重要影响。 文献
2017 年 2 月

· 1·
1545 ( 2017 ) 01-0001-05 文章编号: 1003-

Abstract: Accuracy and validity of results from fatigue and fracture test of materials are affected by many factors. Specimen machining ( including notch machining style and specimen processing quality) and test control parameters were discussed combined with the previous test data, so as to provide exact and effective references for performing fatigue and fracture test and engineering design. Keywords: fatigue and fracture; test result; influencing factor



铸造术语1 范围2 基本术语2.1 铸造casting, founding, foundry2.2 砂型铸造sand casting process2.3 特种铸造special casting process2.4 铸件casting2.5 毛坯铸件rough casting2.6 砂型铸件sand casting2.7 试制铸件pilot casting2.8 铸态铸件as-cast casting2.9 铸型[型] mold2.10 铸造工艺casting process, foundry technology2.11 铸造用材料foundry materials2.12 铸造工艺材料consumable materials2.13 铸造设备foundry equipment ,foundry facilities2.14 铸工caster, founder, foundry worker2.15 铸造工作者foundryman2.16 铸造车间foundry shop2.17 铸造厂foundry2.18 铸造分厂attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry 2.19 铸造三废foundry effluent2.20 一批 a batch2.21 一炉 a cast, a heat, a melt2.22 铸焊cast welding, flow welding2.23 铸锭ingot3 铸造合金及熔炼、浇注3.1 铸造合金基本术语3.1.1 铸造合金cast alloy3.1.2 共晶合金系eutectic alloy system3.1.3 共晶合金eutectic alloy3.1.4 亚共晶合金hypoeutectic alloy3.1.5 过共晶合金hypereutectic alloy3.1.6 共晶团eutectic cell3.1.7 共晶温度eutectic temperature3.1.8 共晶转变eutectic reaction, eutectic transformation3.1.9 共晶组织eutectic structure3.1.10 铸造复合材料cast composite3.1.11 定向共晶复合材料directional eutectic composite3.1.12 非晶态合金noncrystalline alloy3.1.13 合金元素alloying element3.1.14 杂质元素tramp element3.1.15 合金遗传性alloy heredity3.1.16 铸态组织as-cast structure3.1.17 铁碳相图iron-carbon phase diagram3.1.18 碳化物carbide3.1.19 渗碳体cementite3.1.20 碳化物形成元素carbide forming element3.1.21 单铸试块separated test bar of casting3.1.22 附铸试块test lug3.1.23 本体试样test specimen from casting itself3.1.24 过热superheating3.1.25 过冷supercooling, undercooling3.1.26 成分过冷constitutional supercooling3.1.27 过冷度degree of undercooling3.1.28 加热相变点[Ac 相变点] Ac transformation temperature3.1.29 冷却相变点[Ar 相变点] Ar transformation temperature3.1.30 结晶crystallization3.1.31 形核[成核] nucleation3.1.32 均质形核[自发形核] homogeneous nucleation3.1.33 非均质形核[非自发形核] heterogeneous nucleation3.1.34 动力形核dynamic nucleation3.1.35 大冲击形核big bang nucleation3.1.36 形核剂nucleant3.1.37 形核率nucleation rate3.1.39 内生生长endogenous growth3.1.40 外生生长exogenous growth3.1.41 共生生长coupled growth3.1.42 小平面型生长faceted growth3.1.43 非小平面型生长nonfaceted growth3.1.44 晶体生长界面[界面] growth interface of crystal, interface3.1.45 吸气(金属) gas absorption (metal)3.2 铸钢3.2.1 铸钢cast steel3.2.2 铸造碳钢carbon cast steel3.2.3 铸造合金钢alloy cast steel3.2.4 低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel3.2.5 微量合金化铸钢micro-alloying cast steel, trace alloying cast steel 3.2.6 铁素体铸钢ferritic cast steel3.2.7 奥氏体铸钢austenitic cast steel3.2.8 不锈钢stainless steel3.2.9 无磁性铸钢non-magnetic cast steel3.2.10 高锰钢austenitic manganese steel, high manganese steel 3.2.11 高强度铸钢high strength cast steel3.2.12 超高强度铸钢ultra high strength cast steel3.2.13 耐磨铸钢wear resisting cast steel3.2.14 耐热铸钢heat resisting cast steel3.2.15 耐蚀铸钢corrosion resisting cast steel3.2.16 石墨钢graphitic steel3.2.17 铸造锚链钢cast steel for chain cables3.3 铸铁3.3.1 铸铁cast iron3.3.2 合成铸铁synthetic cast iron3.3.3 共晶铸铁eutectic cast iron3.3.4 亚共晶铸铁hypoeutectic cast iron3.3.5 过共晶铸铁hypereutectic cast iron3.3.6 灰铸铁[片墨铸铁] flake graphite cast iron, gray cast iron3.3.7 球墨铸铁[球铁] ductile iron, nodular graphite iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron 3.3.8 高韧性球墨铸铁high ductility nodular graphite iron3.3.9 中锰球墨铸铁medium manganese ductile iron3.3.10 中硅球墨铸铁medium silicon nodular graphite iron3.3.11 可锻铸铁[马铁] malleable cast iron3.3.12 白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron3.3.13 黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron3.3.14 花心可锻铸铁partially graphitized malleable cast iron3.3.15 铁素体可锻铸铁ferritic malleable cast iron3.3.16 珠光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron3.3.17 球墨可锻铸铁spheroidal graphite malleable cast iron3.3.18 蠕墨铸铁[蠕铁,紧密石墨铸铁] vermicular graphite cast iron, compacted graphite cast iron 3.3.19 白口铸铁white cast iron3.3.20 麻口铸铁mottled cast iron3.3.21 奥氏体铸铁austenitic cast iron3.3.22 贝氏体铸铁bainitic cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron, austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.24 等温热处理球墨铸铁austempered ductile iron , ADI3.3.25 贝氏体白口铸铁bainitic white cast iron3.3.26 针状铸铁acicular cast iron3.3.27 马氏体铸铁martensitic cast iron3.3.28 铁素体铸铁ferritic cast iron3.3.29 珠光体铸铁pearlitic cast iron3.3.30 索氏体铸铁sorbitic cast iron3.3.31 合金铸铁alloy cast iron3.3.32 低合金铸铁low alloy cast iron3.3.33 铬铸铁chromium cast iron3.3.34 高铬铸铁high chromium cast iron3.3.35 高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.3.36 中硅铸铁3.3.37 高磷铸铁3.3.38 铝铸铁3.3.39 高铝铸铁3.3.40 镍铸铁3.3.41 硼铸铁3.3.42 高级铸铁3.3.43 高强度铸铁3.3.44 工程铸铁3.3.45 特种铸铁3.3.46 抗磨铸铁3.3.47 冷硬铸铁[激冷铸铁]3.3.48 耐磨铸铁3.3.49 耐热铸铁3.3.50 耐蚀铸铁3.3.51 耐酸铸铁3.3.52 密烘铸铁3.3.53 孕育铸铁3.3.54 总碳量3.3.55 碳当量3.3.56 碳当量仪3.3.57 共晶度3.3.58 硅碳比3.3.59 锰硫比3.3.60 铸铁石墨形态3.3.61 片状石墨[片墨]3.3.62 球状石墨[球墨]3.3.63 絮团状石墨[退火碳]3.3.64 团絮石墨3.3.65 蠕虫状石墨[蠕墨,紧密石墨] 3.3.66 开花状石墨3.3.67 初生石墨3.3.68 过冷石墨3.3.69 共晶石墨3.3.70 共晶碳化物3.3.71 游离碳3.3.72 石墨化3.3.73 石墨化退火3.3.74 石墨化度3.3.75 石墨化因子3.3.76 石墨面积率3.3.77 阻碍石墨化元素3.3.78 墨化剂3.3.79 石墨球化处理[球化处理] medium silicon cast ironhigh phosphorus cast ironaluminum cast ironhigh aluminum cast ironnickel cast ironboron cast ironhigh grade cast ironhigh duty cast iron, high strength cast iron engineering cast ironspecial cast ironabrasion resistant cast ironchilled cast ironwear resisting cast ironheat resisting cast ironcorrosion resistant cast ironacid resisting cast ironMeehanite cast ironinoculated cast irontotal carboncarbon equivalenteutectometercarbon saturation degreesilicon-carbon ratiomanganese-sulphur ratiographite morphology of cast ironflake graphitenodular graphite, spheroidal graphite temper graphite , annealing carbon quasi-spheroidal temper graphite compacted graphite, vermicular graphite exploded graphiteprimary graphiteundercooled graphiteeutectic graphiteeutectic carbidefree carbongraphitizationgraphitizing annealinggraphitizing gradegraphitizing factorpercentage of graphite areahindered graphitizing element graphitizernodularizing treatment of graphite3.3.80 球化率percent of spheroidization3.3.81 石墨球数[球墨数] number of nodular graphites3.3.82 球化剂nodulizer, nodulizing alloy, spheroidal agent, spheroidizer 3.3.83 镁焦magcoke,impregnated coke3.3.84 型内球化in-mold nodularization3.3.85 密容加镁包sealed spheroidizing treatment ladle3.3.86 干扰元素interference element3.3.87 石墨蠕化处理[蠕化处理] vermiculation of graphite3.3.88 蠕化剂vermicular agent3.3.89 蠕化率percent of vermiculation3.3.90 铸铁净化purification of cast iron3.3.91 三角试块wedge test-piece3.4 铸造有色合金3.4.1 铸造有色合金〔铸造非铁合金〕nonferrous cast alloy3.4.2 铸造铝合金cast aluminum alloy3.4.3 高强度铸造铝合金high strength cast aluminum alloy3.4.4 铝硅合金aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.5 共晶铝硅合金eutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.6 亚共晶铝硅合金hypoeutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.7 过共晶铝硅合金hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.8 初生硅primary silicon phase3.4.9 共晶硅eutectic silicon phase3.4.10 铝镁合金aluminum-magnesium alloy3.4.11 铝铜合金aluminum-copper alloy3.4.12 铝锌合金aluminum-zinc alloy3.4.13 铝锂合金aluminum-lithium alloy3.4.14 铸造铜合金cast copper alloy3.4.15 铸造黄铜cast brass3.4.16 硅黄铜silicon brass3.4.17 高强度黄铜high strength brass3.4.18 青铜bronze3.4.19 锡青铜tin bronze3.4.20 铝青铜aluminum bronze3.4.21 铅青铜lead bronze3.4.22 硅青铜silicon bronze3.4.23 铸造铜铬合金[铬青铜] cast copper-chromium alloy3.4.24 高阻尼铜合金high damping copper alloy3.4.25 螺旋桨用铸造铜合金cast copper alloy for propeller3.4.26 铸造镁合金cast magnesium alloy3.4.27 铸造锌合金cast zinc alloy3.4.28 低熔点合金fusible alloys3.4.29 轴承合金[减摩合金] antifrictional alloys, bearing alloys3.4.30 巴氏合金babbitt metal ,white metal3.4.31 钛合金titanium alloy3.4.32 铸造高温合金3.4.33 镍基铸造高温合金3.4.34 蒙乃尔合金3.4.35 钴基铸造高温合金3.4.36 铁基铸造高温合金3.4.36 铁基铸造高温合金3.4.37 压铸合金3.4.38 压铸铝合金3.4.39 压铸镁合金3.4.40 压铸铜合金3.4.41 压铸锌合金3.4.42 锌当量3.5 熔炼基本术语3.5.1 熔炼3.5.2 熔化率3.5.3 熔炼损耗[熔损,烧损] 3.5.4 挥发损耗3.5.5 元素烧损3.5.6 元素增加3.5.7 熔池3.5.8 熔剂3.5.9 除气剂3.5.10 覆盖剂3.5.11 炉料3.5.12 金属炉料3.5.13 中间合金[母合金] 3.5.14 回炉料3.5.15 废金属料3.5.16 炉料计算[配料]3.5.17 熔渣[炉渣]3.5.18 沉渣3.5.19 浮渣3.5.20 碱性渣3.5.21 酸性渣3.5.22 造渣3.5.23 出渣3.5.24 出渣口3.5.25 炉衬3.5.26 碱性炉衬3.5.27 酸性炉衬3.5.28 耐火粘土3.5.29 碱度[碱性指数]3.5.30 补炉3.5.31 炉龄[炉衬寿命] cast superalloynickel-base cast superalloy Monel metalcobalt-base cast superalloy iron-base cast superalloyiron-base cast superalloy diecast alloyaluminium diecast alloy magnesium diecast alloy copper diecast alloyzinc diecast alloyzinc equivalentsmeltingmelting ratetotal melting loss volatilizing lossmelting loss of alloying element gain of elementbathfluxdegassing fluxcovering fluxchargemetallic chargemaster alloyfoundry returnsscrapcharge calculationslagsludgecinder, dross, scumbasic slagacid slagslag formingdeslaggingslag hole, slag notch furnace liningbasic liningacid liningfireclayindex of basicitypatchingfurnace campaign3.5.32 开炉blowing in, power on3.5.33 炉内气氛furnace atmosphere3.5.34 炉气分析flue gas analysis3.5.35 控制气氛controlled atmosphere3.5.36 炉前分析on-the-spot sample analysis3.5.37 出炉口tap hole3.5.38 出炉温度tapping temperature3.5.39 重熔remelting3.5.40 真空自耗电弧重熔consumable electrode vacuum arc refining3.5.41 喷射冶金injection metallurgy3.5.42 区域熔炼zone melting3.5.43 悬浮熔炼levitation melting, suspension melting3.5.44 真空熔炼vacuum melting3.5.45 坩埚炉crucible furnace3.5.46 坩埚crucible, pot3.5.47 保温炉holding furnace3.5.48 反射炉reverberatory furnace3.5.49 感应电炉electric induction furnace3.5.50 凝壳炉skull furnace3.5.51 增碳recarburizing3.5.52 增碳剂carburetant, carburetting agent, carburizer3.6 铸钢熔炼3.6.1 铸钢熔炼smelting of cast steel3.6.2 不氧化熔炼法dead melting3.6.3 氧化熔炼法oxidizing melting3.6.4 氧化期[沸腾期] oxidizing stage, boil stage3.6.5 氧化气氛oxidizing atmosphere3.6.6 氧化渣oxidizing slag3.6.7 还原期blocking stage, deoxidizing stage3.6.8 还原气氛reducing atmosphere3.6.9 还原渣reducing slag3.6.10 白渣white slag3.6.11 电弧炉electric arc furnace, direct electric arc furnace3.6.12 碱性电弧炉basic electric arc furnace3.6.13 酸性电弧炉acid electric arc furnace3.6.14 电渣熔炼electro-slag melting3.6.15 电渣炉electro-slag furnace3.6.16 氩氧脱碳法[AOD 法] AOD process, Argon-Oxygen Decarburization process 3.6.17 脱碳decarburization3.6.18 脱氧deoxidation3.6.19 脱氧剂deoxidizer3.6.20 脱磷dephosphorization3.6.21 脱硫desulphurization3.6.22 脱硫剂desulphurizer3.7 铸铁熔炼3.7.1 铸铁熔炼3.7.2 双联熔炼3.7.3 冲天炉3.7.4 大间距双排风口冲天炉smelting of cast ironduplexing smeltingcupolaspacious twin-tuyeres cupola, twin-wind blast system cupola3.7.5 多排小风口冲天炉multiple row small tuyeres cupola3.7.6 卡腰冲天炉waist shaped cupola3.7.7 热风冲天炉hot blast cupola3.7.8 水冷冲天炉water-cooled cupola3.7.9 水冷热风无炉衬冲天炉hot blast liningless cupola with water cooling3.7.10 无焦冲天炉cokeless cupola3.7.11 碱性冲天炉basic cupola3.7.12 酸性冲天炉acid cupola3.7.13 生铁pig iron3.7.14 铸造生铁foundry pig iron3.7.15 焦炭coke3.7.16 铸造焦炭[铸造焦] foundry coke3.7.17 固定碳fixed carbon3.7.18 铁焦比[焦比] iron coke ratio3.7.19 底焦coke bed3.7.20 层焦coke split3.7.21 隔焦extra coke3.7.22 接力焦buffer coke charge3.7.23 铁合金ferro-alloy3.7.24 有效高度effective height3.7.25 炉缸cupola well3.7.26 前炉forehearth3.7.27 密筋炉胆ribbed preheating jacket3.7.28 出铁槽cupola spout3.7.29 熔化带melting zone3.7.30 风带air belt, air box, wind box3.7.31 风口tuyere3.7.32 风口比tuyere ratio3.7.33 炉壁效应cupola wall effect3.7.34 冲天炉特性曲线cupola operation chart3.7.35 冲天炉炉前控制front control of molten iron of cupola, inspection in front of cupola 3.7.36 冲天炉检控仪tester and controller for cupola melting3.7.37 熔化强度melting intensity3.7.38 风量blast volume3.7.39 送风强度blast intensity3.7.40 送风压力blast pressure3.7.41 富氧送风oxygen enriched blast3.7.42 脱湿送风dehumidification blast3.7.43 预热送风hot blast3.7.44送风预热器blast preheater3.7.45火花捕集器spark arrestor3.7.46冲天炉加料机cupola charging machine3.7.47爬式加料机skip hoist3.7.48冲天炉自动加料机automatic cupola charging equipment3.7.49电磁盘electromagnetic chuck3.7.50电磁配铁秤electromagnetic weighing balancer3.7.51吸碳carbon pick-up3.7.52棚料[搭棚] bridging3.7.53封炉banking the cupola3.7.54打炉cupola drop3.7.55碎铁机breaker3.8金属液处理3.8.1精炼refining3.8.2真空精炼vacuum refining3.8.3炉外精炼ladle refining3.8.4精炼熔剂[精炼剂] refining flux3.8.5除气[去气] degassing3.8.6真空除气vacuum degassing3.8.7吹气净化blow purifying3.8.8多孔塞法porous plug process3.8.9变质modification3.8.10变质剂modification agent, modificator3.8.11磷变质phosphorus modification3.8.12钠变质sodium modification3.8.13长效变质剂permanent modificator3.8.14型内变质in-mold modification3.8.15孕育inoculation3.8.16瞬时孕育[后孕育] instantaneous inoculation, late stage inoculation, post inoculation 3.8.17随流孕育metal-stream inoculation3.8.18型内孕育in-mold inoculation3.8.19浇口盆孕育pouring basin inoculation3.8.20孕育剂inoculant, inoculating agent3.8.21孕育期inoculation period3.8.22孕育衰退inoculation fading3.8.23孕育不良abnormal inoculation, under-inoculation3.8.24合金化处理alloying treatment3.8.25喂线法[喂丝法] CQ process, wire feeding process, wire injection process3.8.26摇包shaking ladle3.8.27电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation3.8.28静置holding, stewing3.8.29扒渣slagging-off3.8.30型内过滤in-mold filtering3.8.31型内合金化in-mold alloying3.8.32晶粒细化grain refinement3.8.33晶粒细化剂grain refiner3.9浇注3.9.1浇注pouring3.9.2保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere 3.9.3真空浇注vacuum pouring3.9.4自动浇注装置automatic pouring device3.9.5自动浇注机automatic pouring machine3.9.6电磁浇注机electromagnetic pouring machine 3.9.7捣冒口churning,pumping3.9.8点冒口[补注] hot topping up,teeming3.9.9浇包ladle3.9.10底注包bottom pouring ladle3.9.11转运包transfer ladle3.9.12金属残液heel3.9.13冷金属cold metal3.9.14压铁weight4造型材料4.1基本术语4.1.1造型材料molding material4.1.2铸造用砂[砂] foundry sand,sand4.1.3原砂[新砂] base sand,new sand,raw sand 4.1.4旧砂used sand4.1.5回用砂reconditioned sand4.1.6再生砂reclaimed sand4.1.7枯砂[焦砂] burned sand4.1.8热砂hot sand4.1.9废砂waste sand4.2原砂4.2.1标准砂standard sand4.2.2硅砂[石英砂] silica sand4.2.3刚玉砂alumina sand4.2.3刚玉砂alumina sand4.2.4镁砂magnesite sand4.2.5锆砂zircon sand4.2.6镁橄榄石砂[橄榄石砂] fosterite sand,olivine sand4.2.7铬铁矿砂chromite sand4.2.8煤矸石砂coal gangue sand4.2.9熟料砂chamotte sand4.2.10炭粒砂carbon sand4.2.11石灰石砂limestone sand4.2.12天然砂natural sand4.2.13人工砂[人造砂] artificial sand4.2.14水洗砂washed-out sand4.2.15 擦洗砂scrubbed sand4.2.16 浮选砂[精选砂] floated sand4.2.17 松散密度(型砂) aerated density,riddled density4.2.18 原砂细度[AFS 平均细度] AFS fineness number,fineness number,grain fineness number 4.2.19 原砂粒度[原砂颗粒尺寸] particle size of base sand4.2.20 原砂颗粒分布grain size distribution of base sand4.2.21 原砂角形因数[原砂角形系数,原砂粒形系数] angularity of base sand4.2.22 原砂颗粒形状grain shape of base sand4.3 粘结剂4.3.1 粘结剂binder4.3.2 无机粘结剂inorganic binder4.3.3 粘土clay4.3.4 高岭土kaolin4.3.5 膨润土bentonite4.3.6 钠基膨润土sodium bentonite4.3.7 钙基膨润土calcium bentonite4.3.8 活化膨润土activated bentonite4.3.9 有机膨润土organic bentonite4.3.10 有效粘土effective clay4.3.11 活粘土active clay4.3.12 枯粘土[死粘土] burned clay4.3.13 白泥white clay4.3.14 水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder,water glass binder4.3.15 水玻璃波美浓度Be concentration of water glass4.3.16 水玻璃模数sodium silicate modulus4.3.17 有机粘结剂organic binder4.3.18 纸浆废液[纸浆残液,亚硫酸盐纸浆废液] lignin liquor4.3.19 油类粘结剂oil based binder4.3.20 干性油drying oil4.3.21 合脂粘结剂synthetic fat binder4.3.22 渣油粘结剂residual oil binder4.3.23 自硬粘结剂[冷硬粘结剂] cold setting binder,no bake binder,self-hardening binder 4.3.24 树脂粘结剂resin binder4.3.25 热固性树脂粘结剂thermosetting resin binder4.3.26 热塑性树脂粘结剂thermoplastic resin binder4.3.27 铸造用树脂foundry resin4.3.28 自硬树脂系[非烘树脂系] no-bake resin system,self-hardening resin system4.3.29 气硬树脂系gas cured resin system4.3.30 热硬树脂系hot hardening resin system4.3.31 呋喃树脂furan resin4.3.32 酚醛树脂phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin4.3.33 碱性酚醛树脂alkaline phenolic resin4.3.34 糠醇furfuryl-alcohol4.3.35 游离甲醛含量free formaldehyde content4.3.36 游离苯酚含量free phenol content4.3.37 粘结效率bonding efficiency4.4 辅助材料4.4.1 型砂附加物sand addlitives4.4.2 煤粉seacoal4.4.3 煤粉代用品seacoal substitutes4.4.4 铸型涂料dressing,mold coating,paint4.4.5 砂型涂料sand coating4.4.6 模样涂料pattern paint4.4.7 水基涂料water-base mold coating4.4.8 非水基涂料non-aqueous coating,non-aqueous paint4.4.9 自干涂料self-drying dressing4.4.10 摊开系数[铺展系数] spreading coefficient4.4.11 触变性thixotropy4.4.12 悬浮剂suspending agent4.4.13 分型剂parting agent4.4.14 脱模剂stripping agent4.4.15 固化剂[硬化剂] hardener4.4.16 有机酯organic ester4.4.17 溃散剂break-down accelerator,break-down agent4.4.18 发热剂exothermic mixture4.4.19 冒口覆盖剂riser cover4.4.20 补芯膏core mud4.5 型砂和芯砂4.5.1 型砂[造型混合料] molding mixture,molding sand4.5.2 芯砂core sand4.5.3 合成砂synthetic sand4.5.4 粘土砂clay-bonded sand4.5.5 天然型砂[天然粘土砂] natural molding sand,naturally clay-bonded sand 4.5.6 红砂red sand4.5.7 面砂facing sand4.5.8 背砂[填充砂] backing sand4.5.9 单一砂unit sand4.5.10 调匀砂temper sand4.5.11 湿型砂green molding sand,green sand4.5.12 煤粉砂black sand4.5.13 烂泥砂[麻泥] loam4.5.14 油砂oil-bonded sand4.5.15 合脂砂synthetic fatty acid bonded sand4.5.16 石墨型砂graphite mold sand4.5.17 化学硬化砂chemical hardening sand4.5.18 自硬砂self-hardening sand,no-bake sand4.5.19 水泥砂cement sand4.5.20 水玻璃砂sodium silicate-bonded sand4.5.21 酯硬水玻璃砂ester cured sodium silicate sand,sodium silicate-ester no-bake sand 4.5.22 树脂自硬砂no-bake resin sand,self-hardening resin sand4.5.23 呋喃树脂自硬砂no-bake furan resin sand4.5.24 酚醛尿烷树脂自硬砂pep-set no-bake sand,phenolic urethane no-bake sand4.5.25 酯固化碱性酚醛树脂自硬砂ester cured alkaline phenolic resin no-bake sand4.5.26 磷酸盐自硬砂phosphate no-bake sand4.5.27 流态砂castable sand,fluid sand4.5.28 气硬砂[冷芯盒砂] cold box sand,gas hardening sand4.5.29 热硬树脂砂hot hardening resin sand4.5.30 覆膜砂precoated sand,resin coated sand4.5.31 壳型(芯)树脂砂shell mold (core) resin sand4.5.32 热芯盒砂hot box sand4.5.33 结球(型砂) agglomeration (molding sand)4.6 型砂性能及试验4.6.1 型砂试验sand testing4.6.2 原砂试验base sand testing4.6.3 型砂试样sand specimen4.6.4 型砂膨胀试验sand expansion testing4.6.5 型砂高温试验elevated temperature testing of sands4.6.6 差热分析differential thermal analysis4.6.7 型砂试验仪sand tester4.6.8 铸造用标准筛standard sieves for foundry4.6.9 筛析screen analysis4.6.10 沉降分选decantation,elutriation4.6.11 型砂强度sand strength4.6.12 湿强度green strength4.6.13 干强度dry strength4.6.14 热强度hot strength4.6.15 热湿拉强度hot wet tensile strength4.6.16 风干强度air dried strength4.6.17 型砂韧性toughness4.6.18 破碎指数shatter index4.6.19 起模性liftability4.6.20 表面安定性surface stability index(SSI)4.6.21 残留强度retained strength4.6.22 溃散性collapsibility4.6.23 落砂性knockout capability4.6.24 砂型(芯)硬度mold hardness4.6.25 紧实度degree of ramming4.6.26 紧实率compactability4.6.27 舂实性rammability4.6.28 流动性(砂) flowability (sand)4.6.29 成型性moldability4.6.30 孔隙率porosity4.6.31 透气性permeability4.6.32 发气量[发气性] gas evolution4.6.33 发气率[发气速度] gas evolution rate4.6.34 退让性[容让性] deformability,yieldability4.6.35 热变形(型砂) hot deformation (mold sand)4.6.36 吸湿性moisture absorption4.6.37 粘模性stickiness4.6.38 保存性(型砂) preservability (mold sand)4.6.39 可使用时间bench life,working time4.6.40 型砂耐火度refractoriness of molding sand4.6.41 微粉含量micro-grains content4.6.42 含泥量clay content4.6.43 含水量[水分] moisture content4.6.44 型砂酸碱度值[型砂pH 值] pH value of sand4.6.45 酸耗值acid demand value4.6.47 型砂缺陷倾向defect tendency of molding sand4.6.48 胶质价colloid index4.6.49 膨润值swelling value4.6.50 膨胀指数swelling index4.6.51 吸蓝量试验methylene blue value test4.6.52 有效膨润土量effective bentonite content4.6.53 耐用性[复用性] durability4.6.54 涂刷性brushability4.6.55 覆膜砂熔点melting point of precoated sand5 铸造工艺设计及工艺装备5.1 基本术语5.1.1 铸造性能castability5.1.2 流动性(金属) fluidity (metal)5.1.3 充型能力mold-filling capacity5.1.4 充型流速[浇注速度] delivery rate,pouring rate5.1.5 充型时间filling time5.1.6 浇注温度pouring temperature5.1.7 比浇注速度specific pouring rate5.1.8 浇注时间pouring time5.1.9 平衡分配系数equilibrium distribution,equilibrium partition ratio5.1.10 凝固solidification5.1.11 凝固温度范围solidification range5.1.12 凝固时间solidification time5.1.13 均衡凝固proportional solidification5.1.14 同时凝固simultaneous solidification5.1.15 顺序凝固[方向凝固] directional solidification5.1.16 无溶质再分配凝固[无偏析凝固] partitionless solidification,segregationless solidification 5.1.17 收缩contraction5.1.18 液态收缩liquid contraction5.1.19 凝固收缩solidification contraction5.1.20 固态收缩solid contraction5.1.21 液- 固收缩liquid-solid contraction5.1.22 自由收缩free contraction5.1.23 受阻收缩hindered contraction5.1.24 收缩余量shrinkage allowance5.1.25 缩前膨胀[共晶石墨化膨胀] eutectic graphitizing expansion5.1.26 收缩应力contraction stress5.1.27 热应力thermal stress5.1.28 相变应力phase change stress,transformation stress5.1.29 铸造应力casting stress5.1.30 残留应力[残余应力] residual stress5.1.31 合金线收缩率[自由线收缩率] alloy linear contraction coefficient,free linear contraction5.1.32 铸件线收缩率casting linear contraction coefficient,casting linear shirinkage coeffic-5.1.33 热裂倾向性tendency to hot tearing5.2 铸造工艺设计5.2.1 铸造工艺设计casting process design5.2.2 铸造工艺计算机辅助设计[铸造工艺CAD] computer-aided design of the casting process, casting 5.2.3 实体造型constructive solid geometry,solid modeling5.2.4 充型分析mold filling analysis5.2.5 铸造工艺装备设计foundry tools design5.2.6 铸造工艺图foundry molding drawing5.2.7 铸造工艺卡foundry process card5.2.8 铸型装配图mold assembly drawing5.2.9 铸件图[毛坯图] drawing of rough casting5.2.10 铸造工艺准备preparation for casting technique5.2.11 铸件设计casting design5.2.12 铸件基准面reference face for machining of casting5.2.13 铸合结构cast fabricated constructure5.2.14 分型面mold joint,mold parting,parting face5.2.15 不平分型面irregular joint,irregular parting,match parting5.2.16 阶梯分型面stepped joint,stepped parting5.2.17 过渡角transition angle5.2.18 分型负数joint allowance,parting allowance5.2.19 浇注位置pouring position5.2.20 工艺补正量design modification,molding allowance5.2.21 吃砂量mold thickness5.2.22 补贴pad5.2.23 交接壁intersection5.2.24 十字交接[X 形交接] X-junction5.2.25 内圆角[圆角] fillet5.2.26 热节hot spot5.2.27 铸筋[铸肋] ribs5.2.28 加强筋[加强肋] stiffening ribs5.2.29 5.2.30 5.2.31 5.2.32 5.2.33 5.2.34 5.2.35 5.2.36 5.2.37 5.2.38 5.2.39 5.2.40 5.2.41 5.2.42 5.2.43 5.2.44 5.2.45 5.2.46 5.2.47 5.2.48 5.2.49 5.2.50 5.2.51 5.2.51 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.3.11 5.3.12 5.3.13 5.3.14 5.3.15 5.3.16 5.3.17 5.3.18 5.3.19冷铁外冷铁内冷铁暗冷铁强制冷却起模斜度上型[上箱]下型[下箱]型冷时间型腔造型余量砂芯设计芯头芯头间隙芯头斜度芯座定位芯头加大芯头工艺孔铸件凝固数值模拟前处理潜热处理网格剖分网格剖分浇冒口系统浇注系统浇注系统设计浇道比封闭式浇注系统半封闭式浇注系统开放式浇注系统阶梯式浇注系统缝隙式浇注系统离心集渣浇注系统阻流浇注系统冒口浇注系统顶注式浇注系统雨淋式浇注系统底注式浇注系统中注式浇注系统垂直浇注系统等流量浇注系统阻流截面大孔出流densener, chillsurface densenerinternal densenercoated chill, indirect chillforced coolingpattern draftcope, top partbottom part, dragmold cooling timemold cavitymolding allowancesand core designcore printcore print clearancecore tapercore seatlocating printenlarged core print, strengthened core printtechnological holenumerical simulation of casting solidificationpre-processinglatent heat treatmentenmeshment, mesh generationenmeshment, mesh generationgating system, running systemdesign of gating systemgating ratiochoked running system, pressurized gating systemenlarged runner systemnon-pressurized gating system, unchoked running systemstep gating systemslot gate systemwhirl gate dirt trap systemchocked runner systemfeeder head gating, riser gatingtop gating systemshower gate systembottom gating systemparting-line gating systemvertical gate systemequal-volume pressurized gating system, flow-rate equalized gatingchoked arealarge orifice discharge5.3.20 浇口盆[外浇口] pouring basin5.3.21 浇口塞blanking-off plug5.3.22 浇口杯pouring cup5.3.23 直浇道sprue5.3.24 直浇道窝sprue base5.3.25 横浇道runner5.3.26 集渣横浇道skim runner5.3.27 集渣装置(浇注系统) dirt traps (in gating system)5.3.28 反应室(浇注系统) reaction chamber (in gating system) 5.3.29 内浇道ingate5.3.30 压边浇口lip runner, kiss runner5.3.31 牛角浇口horn gate5.3.32 挡渣片baffle core5.3.33 过滤片[过滤网] filter screen, strainer core5.3.34 冒口riser, feeder head5.3.35 明冒口open riser5.3.36 暗冒口blind riser5.3.37 侧冒口side riser5.3.38 热冒口hot riser, hot top5.3.39 保温冒口insulating riser5.3.40 发热冒口exothermic riser5.3.41 电热冒口electric arc feed5.3.42 压力冒口pressure riser5.3.43 发气压力冒口gas-delivered pressure riser5.3.44 大气压力冒口atmospheric riser5.3.45 易割冒口knock-off head5.3.46 离心集渣冒口whirl-gate riser5.3.47 冷冒口cold riser5.3.48 出气冒口[出气口] flow off, pop off, riser vent, whistler 5.3.49 冒口设计riser design5.3.50 内接圆法inscribed circle method5.3.51 模数计算法(冒口) moduli calculation method5.3.52 周界商perimetrischen quotient5.3.53 冒口效率riser efficiency5.3.54 补缩feeding5.3.55 有效补缩距离effective feeding distance, feeding zone 5.3.56 补缩通道feeding channel5.3.57 反补缩inverse feeding5.3.58 冒口根riser pad5.3.59 冒口颈riser neck5.3.60 冒口圈feeder bush, riser bush5.3.61 冒口套heat insulating feeder sleeve5.3.62 冒口窝riser base5.3.63 冒口高度riser height5.3.64易割片knockoff core, washburn core5.4铸造工艺装备5.4.1铸造工艺装备foundry tools equipment5.4.2模板pattern plate5.4.3组合模板composite pattern plate5.4.4双面模板match plate5.4.5单面模板single face pattern plate5.4.6模板图pattern plate drawing5.4.7模板设计pattern plate design5.4.8缩尺[模样工放尺] pattern-maker rule, shrinkage rule 5.4.9放样[伸图] hot dimensional drawing, layout 5.4.10模底板pattern mounting plate5.4.11模样[铸模、模] pattern5.4.12祖模grand master pattern5.4.13母模master pattern5.4.14金属模metal pattern5.4.15木模wooden pattern5.4.16石膏模plaster pattern5.4.17塑料模plastic pattern5.4.18骨架模skeleton pattern5.4.19单体模loose pattern5.4.20整体模one-piece pattern, solid pattern 5.4.21分块模[分开模] loose pattern, split pattern5.4.22分模面parting line5.4.23模样分级pattern classification5.4.24活块loose piece5.4.25砂箱flask, molding box5.4.26组合砂箱built up molding box5.4.27砂箱设计flask design5.4.28套箱mold jacket5.4.29套销hollow pin, stub pin5.4.30箱带[箱挡] cross bar, flask bar5.4.31芯盒core box5.4.32芯盒设计core box design5.4.33芯盒图core box drawing5.4.33芯盒图core box drawing5.4.34对开芯盒half core box5.4.35脱落式芯盒troughed core box5.4.36分盒面parting of core box6砂型铸造6.1砂处理6.1.1型砂制备[砂处理] sand preparation6.1.2型砂质量控制sand quality control6.1.3型砂水分控制装置automatic moisture controller of sand6.1.4旧砂处理sand reconditioning6.1.5旧砂再生sand reclamation6.1.6旧砂热法再生thermal reclamation of used sand6.1.7旧砂湿法再生wet reclamation of used sand6.1.8旧砂干法再生dry reclamation of used sand6.1.9旧砂回用率reusable rate of used sand6.1.10砂冷却sand cooling6.1.11热砂冷却装置hot sand cooler6.1.12砂温调节器sand temperature modulator6.1.13冷却提升机coolelevator, cooling elevator6.1.14热气流烘砂装置hot pneumatic tube drier6.1.15沸腾床fluidized bed6.1.16滚筒筛rotary screen,drum screen6.1.17磁力滚筒magnetic separator6.1.18滚筒破碎筛drum breaking screen6.1.19筛砂机riddle6.1.20原砂擦洗机sand scrubber6.1.21轮碾机roller6.1.22配砂formulation of sand mixture6.1.23预混premixing6.1.24混砂sand mixing, sand mulling6.1.25混砂机sand mixer, sand muller6.1.26连续混砂机continuous sand mixer6.1.27碗形混砂机cup-type sand mixer6.1.28树脂自硬砂混砂机no-bake resin sand mixer6.1.29松砂aeration, sand-cutting6.1.30松砂机aerator, sand cutter6.1.31回性[调匀] (型砂) homogenization of sand, temper of molding sand 6.1.32除尘器dust catcher, dust collector6.2造型6.2.1造型molding6.2.2有箱造型flask molding6.2.3无箱造型flaskless molding6.2.4手工造型hand molding6.2.5机器造型machine molding6.2.6地坑造型pit molding6.2.7地面造型floor molding6.2.8叠箱造型stack molding6.2.9多箱造型multiple-part molding6.2.10两箱造型two -part molding6.2.11假箱造型oddside molding6.2.12劈箱造型split box molding6.2.13脱箱造型removable flask molding6.2.14刮板造型sweep molding。


18.碳化物: Carbide
19.渗碳物: cementite
20.碳化物形成元素: Carbide forming element
21.单铸试块: Separated test bar of casting
33.非均质形核[非自发形核]: Heterogeneous nucleation
34.动力形核: Dynamic nucleation
35.大冲击形核: Big bang nucleation
36.形核剂: nucleant
1.铸造: casting , founding , foundry
2.砂型铸造: Sand casting process
3.特种铸造: Special casting process
7.球墨铸铁[球铁]: ductile iron, nodular graphite iron, spheroidal
graphite cast iron
8.高韧性球墨铸铁: High ductility nodular graphite iron
29.冷却相变点[Ar相变点]: Ar transformation temperature
30.结晶: Crystallization
31.形核[成核]: Nucleation
32.均质形核[自发形核]: Homogeneous nucleation
4.低合金铸钢: Low alloy cast steel
5.微量合金化铸钢: Micro-alloying cast steel, trace alloying cast steel
6.铁素体铸钢: ferritic cast steel
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高阻尼铜合金(high damping copper alloy)



式中S•D•C为英文specIfic damping capacity (比阻尼)的缩写,Wn和Wn+1为相邻两个振动的振幅。











