




阿美特克传感器板80485SE美国AMETEK阿美特克分析仪欢迎咨询详细内容AMETEK阿美特克发生器305010901SAMETEK氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK过滤器71849SEAMETEK镜头CH13-0007-tAMETEK电路板13-0307AMETEK铂电阻13-0236氧化锆锆管AMETEK71785SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK比值分析仪测量池880324901AMETEK比值分析仪检测电路板880020901AMETEK阿美特克比值分析仪配件200880001AMETEK269323011AMETEK阿美特克温度控制器269323011AMETEK烟尘仪4200AMETEK阿美特克74422SEAMETEK射频导纳液位计UP010620B1AMETEK镉灯300-2070AMETEK 氧化锆头71063SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤组件100-1848AMETEK阿美特克滤芯300-6217AMETEK 阿美特克氧化锆WDG1210/Insitu 72"AMETEK阿美特克露点仪3050AMETEK阿美特克气体分析仪Thermox-CMFA-P2000AMETEK阿美特克500124901AMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源电源880107902S阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源触发器880118901AMETEK阿美特克线性传感器P-10A-10KA238阿美特克传感器板80485SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克压力模块APM002CAMETEK阿美特克过滤器74422seAMETEK阿美特克储存箱880060901SAMETEK H2S分析仪H2S分析仪933-光源镉灯-300-2070H2S分析仪933-空心阴极铜线灯-300-8707AMETEK阿美特克马达119153-54阿美特克传感器板80485SE。

4200 MPAES WPC 2014 Agilent function翻译版

4200 MPAES WPC 2014 Agilent function翻译版

– OneNeb 雾化器
• 强力 PFA 及 PEEK 结构设计 - 惰性 – 耐受强酸,如:HF - 不易破损 - 模制塑料设计,提高雾化器的重现性 • 雾化器喷头恒定尺寸孔径设计 - 高盐/微粒性样品的理想应用 - 增强耐盐能力,适用于高TDS 样品 • 窄气溶胶粒径分布,提高雾化器精度 • 宽范围应用流速0.1 到 2 ml/min. - 低流速状态下不损失灵敏度
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 14
为确保最佳的分析结果,应采用适宜的样品引入系统 • 橙色/绿色样品泵管 • 惰性的 OneNeb 雾化器 • 双路旋流雾室 • 新型设计的 4200 炬管
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 15
1.2 1.1 Normalized Conc 1
0.6 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Time (h:mm) Fe 259.940 nm Cu 327.395 nm Ni 305.081 nm Mg 285.213 nm Ag 328.068 nm Al 396.152 nm Pb 283.305 nm 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00
1.4 normalised concentration 1.2 Cu MP Ag MP
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 mins
Agilent Confidential March 11, 2015 20







4、传感器装入烟道30分钟后,进行手动空气校准,先将浮子流量计接入传感器流量调节阀空气入口,将电路板上SW1开关拨向MAN 侧,CAL绿色发光二极管点亮,传感器电磁阀打开,调节流量调节阀旋纽,使流量达到0.2至0.6L/min范围内,稳定5分钟后,SW1开关拨回AUTO侧,发光二极管熄灭,电磁阀关断,氧气浓度显示20.6%,然后逐步下降到烟道氧气水平上。




page 02
page 03
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
上海阿美泰克公司引进了AMETECH的先进设计、制造生产工艺,以用户使用的 可靠性与最佳运行性能为核心,最大限度提高换热效率,降低能耗损失。
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
等截面板式换热器型号及意义 A M 20–MPM /6000 - 100
换热量(kw)- 换热面积(m2)
PL:1.0 MPa PM:1.6MPa PG:1.6~2.5MPa
M:深波纹 B:浅波纹

Atlas Copco IAT全系列产品201312

Atlas Copco IAT全系列产品201312

3.3 G1-1/2 G1-1/4 1.8 2.8 84
5.5 2 2 4 5 157.5
7.5 2 2 4 .5 167.5
GV系列喷油螺杆式真空泵 型号 抽气速度(m3/h)
最大连续运行压力(mbar) 极限真空度(mbar)
GV630 557
– SF 1, SF 2, SF 4
– SF 6, SF 8 – SF 11, SF 15, SF 17, SF 22
– SF 11, SF 15, SF 22
22 22
全系列有ID/IMD机型 ZT15-22最大压力为10bar ZR/ZT30-45/37-55VSD最大压力为8.6bar
使用高性能GA+ 现场型压缩机承 担基本载荷是非 常理想
GA: 经济紧凑的压缩机
生产压缩空气的能耗成本不大 开开停停,有长时间停机状态,希望将压缩机安装在生产区域以外
100 90 80 70 60 Power 50 40 30 20 10 0 空气需求量 Time GA
变流量控制技术,精确匹配用气需求 在大学,医院,科研院所和实验室有很强的竞争力 最低噪音只有53db(A); 占地面积小
SF 机型
1 - 22 kW Skid
– SF 1, SF 2, SF 4
– SF 6, SF 8

Bcl-2 PCR Primers Set 产品说明书

Bcl-2 PCR Primers Set 产品说明书

bcl-2 PCR Primers Set Product No. B9179 Store at –20 ºCProduct DescriptionIn recent years, several genes have been linked to apoptosis. The bcl-2 family of genes regulates PCD either positively or negatively. Bcl-2 and members of its family have been found to block apoptotic cell death. Bcl-2 protein heterodimerizes with Bax (Bcl-2 Associated X protein), which is a potent mediator of programmed cell death. The Bcl-2/Bax ratio appears to determine whether some cells live or die.1-4The bcl-2 PCR Pr imers Set contains both sense and antisense primers for the amplification of the bcl-2αgene. It is designed for PCR† detection of human, rat and mouse cDNA levels (representing mRNA expression) of the bcl-2α apoptotic gene. No ampli-fication of the genomic DNA has been observed.The size of the amplified product resulting from the use of the bcl-2 PCR Primers Set is 127 bp.Component• bcl-2 PCR Primers Set, Product No. B9179 1 vial Equipment and Reagents Required but Not Provided (Sigma product numbers have been given where appropriate)• Thermal cycler• Taq DNA polymerase, Product No. D4545 or equivalent• Deoxynucleotide mix, 10 mM, Product No. D7295 or equivalent• Agarose• Ethidium bromide, 500 µg/ml, Product No. E1385 • PCR 100 bp low ladder, Product No. P1473• Gel loading solutions, Product No. G2526 or G7654• PCR grade water, Product No. W1754• Mineral oil, Product No. M8662• PCR microtubes, Product No. Z37,487-3 or Z37,496-2StorageStore the vial at −20 °C.Preparation InstructionsThe bcl-2 PCR Primers Set contains 1 nmoles of each primer (sense and antisense). Centrifuge the tube briefly in order to collect the tube contents. For the following procedure, resuspend the primers set in100 µl deionized water to a final concentration of10 pmole/µl. Mix until the solution is homogenous. Once suspended, store the solution at –20 °C. To avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, aliquot the primer solution for long-term storage.ProcedureNote: Use aseptic techniques and use aerosol barrier tips while performing PCR experiments.1. Thaw the bcl-2 PCR Primers Set on ice, beingsure that the solution is homogenous.2. Add the following reagents to a PCRmicrocentrifuge tube in the following order:Amount for50 µl singlePCRreactionFinalconcentrationin the PCRreaction Water To 50 µl ----10X PCR Buffer 5 µl 1X2 mM dNTP solution 5 µl 0.2 mM ofeach dNTP25 mM MgCl2*solution3 µl 1.5 mMbcl-2 PCR PrimersSet, 10 pmole/µl2 µl 0.4 µM cDNA** 2 µl ~30 ngTaq DNAPolymerase,5 units/µl1 µl 0.1 units/µl Total volume50 µl -* When using the bcl-2 PCR Primers Set for thefirst time, you may set two additional reactiontubes with a higher and a lower MgCl2concentrations (see Note at the end of thissection).** Optimize this parameter with your own cDNA.3. Mix gently by finger tapping and centrifuge briefly to collect the mixture in the bottom of the tube. Overlay the reaction mixture with 2 drops (~30 µl) of mineral oil to cover the surface of the reaction mixture if not using a thermal cycler with a heated lid. Place the tube in the thermal cycler when the thermal cycler reaches 95 oC, and run the following PCR program. 95 oC for 2 min 94 oC for 45 sec 53 oC for 45 sec x 30 cycles 72 oC for 1.5 min 72 oC for 7 min The amplified DNA can be evaluated by agarose gel electrophoresis.Note: Using different thermal cyclers:For a better detection of the amplified product you may increase the number of amplification cycles. In case you do not see differences in the amount of the amplified DNA fragments, decrease the number of cycles to verify your results.In rare cases, some of the parameters should beoptimized for the specific thermal cycler or cDNA samples. The most frequently adjusted factors are MgCl 2 concentration and annealing temperature. You may prepare three different reactions using MgCl 2 at a concentration of 0.5-3 mM (e.g., 0.5-0.8 mM, 1.5 mM and 3 mM). Optimize the MgCl 2 and/or the annealing temperature on your instrument using the positive control cDNA provided before using your own cDNA.Troubleshooting GuideProblem Cause Solution A PCR component may be missing or degraded. Try to isolate the problematic reagent by replacing it with a fresh one. A checklist is also recommended when assembling reactions.No PCR products cDNA or MgCl 2concentration is not optimal .Optimize the cDNA and MgCl 2 concentrations.Highbackground, smearing or nonspecific bandsIncrease the annealing temperature or decrease the MgCl 2concentration. Another solution for avoiding high background is to decrease the amount of cDNA template used for amplification.Contamination with other DNAUse sterile techniques while performing PCR experiments. cDNA quality is not sufficientUse a different cDNA preparation.Amplifiedproducts are not the correct sizeNon-optimal PCR conditions Optimize PCR conditions especially cDNA and MgCl 2 concentrations and annealing temperature. Poor resolution of products in agarose gelUse 2% agarose gel and increase run time.References1. Oltavi, Z.N., et al ., Cell, 74, 609 (1993)2. Korsmeyer, S.J., Cancer Research (Suppl), 59,1693s (1999)3. Agarwal, N. and Metha, K., Biochem. Biophys.Res. Commun., 230, 251 (1997)4. Aggarwal, S. and Gupta, S., J. Immunol., 160,1627 (1998)†The PCR process is covered by patents owned by Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. Purchase of this product does not convey a license under these patents.ya 6/00Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma -Aldrich, Inc.Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. warrants that its products conform to the information contained in this and other Sigma -Aldrich publications. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply.Please see reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.。



SIMONA®PP-H AlphaPlus® Added value in chemical tank and equipment engineering2SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® –Added value in chemical tank and equipment engineeringPP-H, non-nucleatedPP-H, β-nucleatedPP-H, mildly α-nucleatedSIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® is a homopolymeric polypropylene (PP-H) featuring a specially modified formula that makes it the perfect choice for applications within the area of industrial tank and plant engineering.Compared to standard PP-H, SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® offers the following benefits:Finer and more stable alpha c rystalline structure Superior notched impact strength and enhanced rigidity Improved processing properties and welding properties Longer service life (FNCT)Improved chemical resistance and superior stress crackresistanceAdditional safety reserves even for critical applications Excellent value and highly cost-effectiveFiner and more stable alphacrystalline structureUsing an adapted processing method and introducing a special nucleating agent, we have created a PP-H with an α-crystalline modification that offers a number of genuine advantages even in challenging fields of application.In SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® we have developed a superb solution tailored to the requirements of industrial tank and plant engineering.Photographs of PP-H types taken under an optical microscope100 µmSIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®3Standard PP-HStandard PP-HSuperior notched impact strength and enhanced rigiditySIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®offers users considerably improved rigidity, in addition to increased toughness. In fact, the level of rigidity measured at 100 °C is twice as high as that of β-nucle-ated PP-H.Modulus of elasticity in various types of PP (single measurement on pressed sheets)Notched impact strength according to Charpy method20 °C40 °C60 °C80 °C 100 °C23 °C10 °C0 °C– 10 °CSIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®SIMONA PP-H AlphaPlus ®β-nucleated PP-HAt low temperatures, in particular, SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® displays higher impact resistance than standard PP-H, thus combining greater functionality with improved safety.β-nucleated PP-H4SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® –Outstanding material propertiesSIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® in bend test according to DVS 2203-5Excellent welding propertiesThe various welding methods applied within the area of plastics processing can often result in changes to the mor-phology of a specific material. This has a significant impact on the properties of welded joints and thus also on the overall quality of plastic parts and assemblies, particularly in the case of polypropylene. A prime example is heated element butt welding, which generally produces welding beads in the joint zone. In this case, a notch is formed in the area of the weld seam, potentially causing stress concentration underincreasing mechanical loads. In turn, stress concentration in the notch root of a weld seam can induce stress cracks under tensile loading or when exposed to chemicals. The ultra-fine structure of SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® is thermodynamically stable and remains intact during welding; this feature applies to a range of different welding methods. The thus resulting toughness significantly reduces the level of stress concentra-tion in the notch root. Technological bend tests have shown a considerable increase in the bend angle achievable with this material.SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®5Longer service lifeThe superior safety properties of SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®are reflected in its higher resistance to slow crack growth – as demonstrated by means of FNCT (Full Notched Creep Test). Compared to a mildly α-nucleated standard PP-H with a useful life of between 700 and 800 hours, SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® is capable of achieving a service life of more than 1500 hours. In contrast, β-nucleated PP-H is usually associated with a maximum life of 700 hours.The superior properties associated with this material have also been confirmed by Hessel Engineering as part of tensilecreep tests on sheets made of SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® and joined by means of heated element butt welding. The required minimum service life of a welded joint, as defined in the certification guidelines of the DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Berlin) for polypropylene compounds were met by SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® – with a substantial safety margin.Improved chemical resistance and superior stress crack resistanceThe fine morphology and increased toughness of SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ® also have a positive effect on its chemical resistance. Alongside improved welding properties, surface is much less susceptible to chemical attack. This results in a longer service life and greater operational reliability. Again, one of the key factors is the fine and highly stable crystalline structure associated with SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®, which helps to reduce material-related stress. Within this context, resistance to stress-crack-inducing chemicals is high in critical regions such as weld seams or anchor points, which are subjected to internal stress or stress from external sources.Service life of various types of PP in FNCT (Full Notched Creep Test) at 80 °C and 4.0 MPaStandard PP-HSIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®β-nucleatedPP-H6SIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus®Processing versatilitySIMONA ®PP-H AlphaPlus ®can be processed using various methods.Deep-drawing Gluing DrillingDie-cutting Bolting Warm bendingRiveting MillingSawing Laser cutting Welding Turning Water-jet cuttingCold formingCold curvingCuttingOur Technical Service Center team looks forward to assisting you:Phone +49 (0) 67 52 14 - 587 Fax +49 (0) 67 52 14 - 302*************SIMONA®PP-H AlphaPlus®SIMONA®PP-H AlphaPlus®-SK (polyester-backed)The dimensions specified are standard dimensions. Other sizes, thicknesses, lengths, diameters and colours as well as glass-fibre-backed SIMONA®PP-H AlphaPlus®-GK Sheets available on request.Please contact our sales department for further details concerning availability: ***************.Pressed sheets made of SIMONA®PP-H grey are available in thicknesses from 80 to 150 mm.: round, triangular TA 90, triangular TA 80, three-core, two-core, special profile ovalSIMONA®PP-H AlphaPlus®7SIMONA AMERICA INC.101 Power Boulevard Archbald, PA 18403USABoltaron Inc.A SIMONA Company1 General Street Newcomerstown, OH 43832 USASALES OFFICESSIMONA S.A.S. FRANCE 43, avenue de l’Europe 95330 DomontFrancePhone +33(0)1 39354949 Fax +33(0)1 39910558 ******************SIMONA UK LIMITED Telford DriveBrookmead Industrial Park Stafford ST16 3STGreat BritainPhone +44(0)1785 222444 Fax +44(0)1785 222080 ****************** SIMONA AG SWITZERLAND IndustriezoneBäumlimattstrasse 164313 MöhlinSwitzerlandPhone +41(0)61 8559070 Fax +41(0)61 8559075 ****************** SIMONA S.r.l. SOCIETÀUNIPERSONALEVia Volontari del Sangue 54a20093 Cologno Monzese (MI)ItalyPhone +39 02 250851Fax +39 02 2508520*************************SIMONA IBERICASEMIELABORADOS S.L.Doctor Josep Castells, 26–30Polígono Industrial Fonollar08830 Sant Boi de LlobregatSpainPhone +34 936354103Fax +34 936308890******************SIMONA Plast-Technik s.r.o.Paříkova 910/11a19000 Praha 9 – VysočanyCzech RepublicPhone +420 236 160 701Fax +420 476 767 313******************SIMONA POLSKA Sp.z o.o.ul. Wrocławska 36Wojkowice k / Wrocławia55-020 ŻórawinaPolandPhone +48(0)71 3528020Fax +48(0)71 3528140******************OOO “SIMONA RUS”Projektiruemy proezd No. 4062,d. 6, str. 16BC PORTPLAZA115432 MoscowRussian FederationPhone +7 (499) 683 00 41Fax +7 (499) 683 00 42******************SIMONA FAR EAST LIMITEDRoom 501, 5/FCCT Telecom Building11 Wo Shing StreetFo Tan, Hong KongChinaPhone +852 ********Fax +852 ***************************SIMONA ENGINEERING PLASTICSTRADING (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.Room 5, 19/F, Block BHongqiao Nanfeng TownNo. 100 Zunyi RoadChangning DistrictShanghaiChina 200051Phone +86 21 6267 0881Fax +86 21 6267 0885**********************SIMONA INDIA PRIVATE LIMITEDStar Hub, Unit No. 204,2nd Floor, Building No. 1,Sahar Road, Andheri East,Mumbai 400099IndiaPhone +91(0)2266197 100Fax +91(0)2266197 105*******************SIMONA AGTeichweg 1655606 KirnGermanyPhone +49(0)6752 14-0Fax +49(0)6752 14-211**************www.simona.dePRODUCTION SITESPlant ITeichweg 1655606 KirnGermanyPlant IISulzbacher Straße 7755606 KirnGermanyPlant IIIGewerbestraße 1–277975 RingsheimGermanySIMONA Plast-Technik s.r.o.U Autodílen č.p. 2343603 Litvínov-Chudeřín Czech RepublicSIMONA ENGINEERING PLASTICS (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.No. 368 Jinou RoadHigh & New Technology Industrial Development Zone Jiangmen, GuangdongChina 529000SIMONA AMERICA INC. 101 Power Boulevard Archbald, PA 18403USAPhone +1 866 501 2992 Fax +1 800 522 4857 *********************** Boltaron Inc.A SIMONA Company1 General Street Newcomerstown, OH 43832 USAPhone +1 800 342 7444 Fax +1 740 498 5448 ***************** Upon publication of a new edition all previous editions shall become void. The authoritative version of this publication can be found on our website at www.simona.de. All information furnished in this publication reflects our current scope of knowledge on the date of publication and is designed to provide details of our products and potential fields of application (errors and omissions excepted, including typographical mistakes).P r i n t e d o n H e l l o F a t m a t t b y D e u t s c h e P a p i e r. 0 1 / 2 0 1 7 -0 1 / 1 7 -G B -5 0 0 -W BAll specifications are deemed to be approximate values in respect of the specific material and may vary depending on the processing methods used. In general, data specified applies to average values measured on extruded sheets with a thickness of 4 mm. In the case of sheets manufactured by means of pressing, testing is gen e rally performed on sheets with a thickness of 20 mm. Deviations from the values specified are possible if the sheets in this thickness are not available. In the case of backed sheets, all technical specifications relate to the non-backed base sheets. Information presented herein is not necessarily applicable to other products (e.g. pipes, solid rods) of the same material or products that have undergone downstream processing. Suitability of materials for a specific field of application must be assessed by the party responsible for processing or the end-user. All technical specifications presented herein are designed merely to provide assistance in terms of project planning. Theydonotconstituteaguaranteeofspecificpropertiesorqualities.Forfurtherinformation,*****************************************************.。




400 ℃
色母巨人公司添黑系列,添黑牌黑色母2014A选用进口美国色素高浓度黑色素碳黑和全新料聚乙稀PE/EVA树脂,及进口颜料助剂, 经高能量密炼水冷, 风冷切粒而成. 碳黑含量50%
适应范围: 适用于大部分热性树脂. 注塑, 抽粒, 压板等工艺. 适宜高要求高质量ABS,PC,PC/ABS,PA,PET,PBT,HIPS,POM,PMMA等工程料与再生料.属环保高浓度,高光度专用注塑级黑色母粒. 此产品通过欧盟SGS环保重金属八大项检测认证合格. 及美国食物局ROHS认证合格. 优点: 环保, 无毒, 无味, 无烟, 产品表面光滑亮泽和实色颜色稳定, 不会出现色点和色纹等现象, 既降低成本, 节约添加剂. 减少厂房场地污染.
用法: 与原料揽拌均匀即可生产用量: 建议用量0.5%-3%(视产
技术参数: 堆积比重33”C 1150kg/m3
包装:25kg/袋, 聚乙稀奶白印刷袋或纸塑复合袋(可按客户需求予以订做)储存: 存放于阴凉干燥处. 忌爆晒, 雨淋
备注: 以上数据不被用作特定技术规格,其基本实验数据,只作为本产品性能参考.色母巨人欢迎你,来人来电洽谈.。

Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Agilent Technologies355C, D, E, FVHF AttenuatorsOperating and ServiceManualAgilent Part Number: 00355-90051Printed in USAApril 2002Supersedes: November 2001NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.Agilent Technologies assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by Agilent Technologies. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without prior written consent of Agilent Technologies.Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies. Serial Number PrefixThe specifications in this manual apply to the instruments with the following serial numbers or greater:Model Serial Numbers (min.)355C2524A44630355D2522A46649355E1205A38159355F1203A03244© Copyright 1997, 2001, 2002Agilent Technologies, Incii VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualWhat You’ll Find in This Manual…This operating and service manual contains the following:•Instrument Description and Specifications•Replaceable Parts and Accessories•Installation Instructions•Operating Instructions•Schematics and DiagramsWarrantyCustom systems are warranted by contractual agreement between AgilentTechnologies and the Customer.Certification Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time ofshipment from the factory.Documentation Warranty THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN FUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AGILENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AGILENT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD AGILENT AND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY TERMS IN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual iiiAssistance Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreementsare available for Agilent Technologies products.For assistance,call your local Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office(refer to“Support and Service”).Support and ServiceAny adjustment, maintenance, or repair of this product must be performedby qualified personnel. contact your local Agilent Technologies sales andservice office.Online assistance:/find/assistUnited States (tel)180****4844Latin America(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Canada(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 282-6495New Zealand (tel) 0 800 738 378 (fax) (+64) 4 495 8950Japan(tel) (+81) 426 56 7832(fax) (+81) 426 56 7840Australia(tel) 1 800 629 485(fax) (+61) 3 9210 5947Malaysia(tel) 1 800 828 848 (fax) 1 800 801 664Philippines(tel) (632) 8426802(tel) (PLDT subscriber only):1 800 16510170(fax) (632) 8426809(fax) (PLDT subscriber only):1 800 16510288Thailand(tel) outside Bangkok:(088) 226 008(tel) within Bangkok:(662) 661 3999(fax) (66) 1 661 3714Taiwan(tel) 0800-047-866 (fax) (886) 2 25456723People’s Republic of China(tel) (preferred): 800-810-0189(tel) (alternate):10800-650-0021(fax) 10800-650-0121India(tel) 1-600-11-2929(fax) 000-800-650-1101iv VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualVHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual vSafety and Regulatory InformationReview this product and related documentation to familiarize yourself withsafety markings and instructions before you operate the instrument Thisproduct has been designed and tested in accordance with international standards.WARNING The WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure,practice,or the like,that,if not correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.CAUTION The CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operatingprocedure,practice,or the like,which,if not correctly performed or adheredto, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.Instrument MarkingsWhen you see this symbol on your instrument, you should refer to the instrument’s instruction manual for important information.This symbol indicates hazardous voltages.The laser radiation symbol is marked on products that have a laser output.This symbol indicates that the instrument requires alternating current (ac) input.The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community. If it isaccompanied by a year, it indicates the year the design was proven.The CSA mark is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Association.1SM1-A This text indicates that the instruments an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1Class A product (CISPER 11, Clause 4).This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.Cet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB du Canada.This symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.This symbol indicates that the power line switch is OFF or in STANDBY position.!Safety Earth Ground This is a Safety Class I product (provided with a protective earthing terminal).An uninterruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the main power source to the product input wiring terminals, power cord, or supplied power cord set. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, the product must be made inoperative and secured against any unintended operation.Before Applying Power Verify that the product is configured to match the available main powersource as described in the input power configuration instructions in thismanual. If this product is to be powered by autotransformer, make sure thecommon terminal is connected to the neutral(grounded)side of the ac powersupply.vi VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualTypeface ConventionsItalics•Used to emphasize important information:Use this software only with the xxxxxX system.•Used for the title of a publication:Refer to the xxxxxX System-Level User’s Guide.•Used to indicate a variable:Type LOAD BIN filename.Instrument Display•Used to show on-screen prompts and messages that you will see on thedisplay of an instrument:The xxxxxX will display the message CAL1 SAVED.[Keycap]•Used for labeled keys on the front panel of an instrument or on acomputer keyboard:Press[Return].{Softkey}•Used for simulated keys that appear on an instrument display:Press{Prior Menu}.User Entry•Used to indicate text that you will enter using the computer keyboard;text shown in this typeface must be typed exactly as printed:Type LOAD PARMFILE•Used for examples of programming code:#endif // ifndef NO_CLASSPath Name•Used for a subdirectory name or file path:Edit the file usr/local/bin/sample.txtComputer Display•Used to show messages, prompts, and window labels that appear on acomputer monitor:The Edit Parameters window will appear on the screen.•Used for menus, lists, dialog boxes, and button boxes on a computermonitor from which you make selections using the mouse or keyboard:Double-click EXIT to quit the program.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual viiTypeface Conventionsviii VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualGeneral InformationGeneral InformationThis manual contains operating instructions for 355C, 355D, 355E, and355F VHF Attenuators. Included in the manual is the information requiredto install and test these attenuators.Description The Agilent Technologies Model 355C, 355D, 355E, and 355F attenuatorsare50-ohm,coaxial step attenuators usable from dc to1GHz.Models355Cand 355E provide 0 to 12 dB of attenuation in 1 dB steps.Models 355D and 355F provide 0 to 120 dB of attenuation in 10 dB steps.The 355C and 355D are manual attenuators. The 355E and 355F areprogrammable. The schematic for the Model 355C/D is shown in Figure1,and that of the Model 355E/F in Figure2.The attenuator sections consist of resistor pi networks which are switched inor bypassed by microswitches. In the 355C and 355D, the microswitchesare actuated by cams (see Figure1). In the 355E and 355F, themicroswitches are actuated by solenoids (see Figure2). The standard RFconnectors are BNC type.In the355E and355F,power must be continuously applied to the solenoid toactuate the microswitch(i.e.,to insert an attenuator section).Each solenoiddraws approximately at 15 Vdc.Dimensions for the individual instruments are provided in Table1,“Dimensions,” on page2.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual1General InformationNOTE Dimensions are for general information only. If accurate dimensions arerequired for building special enclosures, contact your nearest AgilentTechnologies office.Table 1Dimensions355C, D355E, FLength152 mm (5.98 in)137 mm (5.39 in)Height69 mm (2.72 in)72 mm (2.83 in)Width (without RF connectors)45 mm (1.77 in)45 mm (1.77 in)Width (with connectors):Standard (BNC) Option 001 (Type-N) Option 005 (TNC)73 mm (2.88 in)94 mm (3.70 in)69 mm (2.72 in)73 mm (2.88 in)121 mm (4.76 in)24 mm (0.94 in)Protrusion of connectors:BNC Type-N TNC 14.06 mm (0.55 in)24.5 mm (1.00 in)12 mm (0.47 in)14.06 mm (0.55 in)24.5 mm (1.00 in)12 mm (0.47 in)General InformationFigure 1355C and 355D Schematic DiagramGeneral InformationFigure 2355E and 355F Schematic DiagramGeneral Information Specifications Instrument specifications are listed in Table2. These specifications are theperformance standards or limits against which the instruments may betested.Table 2SpecificationsMODELS 355C and 355EAttenuation Range0 to 12 dBAttenuation Steps 1 dBOverall Accuracy:at 1000 Hzdc to 500 MHz dc to 1000 MHz 0.1 dB 0.25 dB 0.35 dBMODELS 355D and 355FAttenuation Range0 to 120 dB Attenuation Steps10 dB Overall Accuracy:at 1000 Hz below 1000 MHz 0 to 120 dB 0.3 dB 0 to 90 dB 1.5 dB 90 to 120 dB 3 dBMODELS 355E and 355FSwitching Speed65 msRequired Solenoid Power+15 to +18 Vdc, 1/8 A MODELS 355C/E and 355D/FFrequency Range dc to 1000 MHz Impedance50 ohms (nominal) Maximum SWR (input and output):below 250 MHz below 500 MHz below 1000 MHz 1.2 1.3 1.5Maximum residual attenuation(insertion loss at 0 dB)0.20 dB + 2.30 dB/GHz Maximum power dissipation0.5W (average) Maximum pulse voltage350 Vpk 200sec ConnectorsStandard Option 001 Option 005BNC (female) Type-N (female) TNC (female)11. Available on the 355C only.General InformationPower RatingCAUTION Do not exceed the RF power rating of0.5W average,or2450W peak with amaximum pulse width of 200 s. Do not connect an attenuator RF input oroutput connector to greater than 5 Vdc. If the attenuator must be connectedto a device with a potential greater than 5 Vdc, use a blocking capacitor. Accessories Supplied The 355E and 355F programmable attenuators are supplied with a 7-pin,male connector (1251-1037) for the solenoid drive input.Attenuator Options Figure3on page7shows solenoid and connector wiring diagrams availableunder Option 007 for 355E and 355F.General Information Attenuator OptionsFigure 3355E and 355F Solenoid and Connector Wiring DiagramsInstallationInstallationInitial Inspection Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container orcushioning material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of theshipment have been checked mechanically and electrically.A procedure forchecking electrical performance is given under“Operator’s Check” onpage9 (also see“Performance Tests” on page12). If the contents of theshipment are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if theinstrument does not pass the electrical performance test, notify the nearestAgilent Technologies office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier'sinspection.Mating Connectors Mating RF input and output connectors used with the attenuators should be:•Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type BNC•Option 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type-N•Option 005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type TNCFor the 355E and 355F, the solenoid drive connector plug is 7-pin maleconnector (1251-1037).Operating Environment The operating environment of the instrument should be within the following limitations:•Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0˚ to +55 ˚C •Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<95% relative •Altitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<4,570 m (15,000 ft)Storage and Shipment EnvironmentThe instrument should be stored in a clean,dry environment.The followingenvironmental limitations apply to both storage and shipment:•Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .−40˚ C to +75 ˚C•Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .< 95% relative•Altitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .< 7,620 m (25,000 ft)Original PackagingContainers and materials identical to original packaging are available fromAgilent Technologies. If the instrument is being returned to AgilentTechnologies, attach a tag indicating the type of service required, returnaddress, model number, and serial number. Also, mark the containerFRAGILE to assure careful handling. In any correspondence, refer to theinstrument by model number and full serial number.Operating InstructionsOperating InstructionsCAUTION Do not apply RF power greater than 0.5W average, or 2450W peak with amaximum pulse width of 200 s. If these limits are e xceeded, the attenuatormay be damaged.Either RF connector may be used as the input or output connector,except inthe case of the355D/F driven from a low impedance source.This is becausethe leaf switch (Figures 1 and 2) may be closed before the microswitchopens when the dial is switched from 50 dB to 60 dB. Should this occur, amomentary short is placed across the connector, inviting damage to eitherthe microswitch or the signal source. Therefore, if the signal source issubject to damage by a short,use the rear most connector for the input.(Thedial or solenoid connector is at the front of the attenuator.) This pads themomentary short with 50 dB of isolation. For the 355E and 355F, wire thesolenoid drive plug supplied using Figure 3 as a wiring guide. Anun-energized attenuator solenoid section is 0 dB. Apply +1 5 to +18 Vdc(with respect to pin H) to energize an attenuator solenoid. A programmingtable is also given in Figure 3.Operator’s Check This section describes the procedures for the operator to make a quick checkof the attenuator prior to use or if a failure is suspected.NOTE Troubleshooting consists of performing the following Operator's Check. Ifthe instrument does not perform within limits, return the instrument to thenearest Agilent Technologies office.DescriptionThe attenuator is driven from a 50-ohm signal source at 1 kHz. The outputlevel from the attenuator is detected by a narrow-bandwidth voltmeter (thatis,the SWR meter).The attenuator and detector range switches are steppedtogether and the variations in level noted. This verifies that each attenuatorsection is being properly switched and checks the low frequency accuracy ofthe attenuator.NOTE The SWR Meter used in this check is calibrated for a square-law detectorand therefore the range changes and errors (read in dB) are twice thatindicated by the meter.Operating InstructionsQuick-Check Procedures1.Connect equipment as shown in Figure4,with the Attenuator set to0dBattenuation.2.Set Test Oscillator to 0.3 Vrms at 1 kHz.3.Set the SWR Meter input to XTAL IMPED LOW and the range to 2 dB(expanded) for 355D or 355F or to 10 dB (with 0 dB expand) for 355C or 355E. Adjust its bandwidth to the center of the adjustment range.Fine tune oscillator frequency to obtain the maximum meter indication.4.Set attenuator and SWR meter range switch as listed in Figure 3, andverify that the SWR meter indicates within the limits shown.Figure 4 Operator’s Check SchematicOperating Instructions Table 3Operator’s ChecksOperating InstructionsPerformance Tests The attenuator can be tested to the accuracy of the specifications in Table1with an Automatic Network Analyzer or equivalent equipment of suitableaccuracy.If an Automatic Network Analyzer is available,test the attenuatorusing the procedures in the analyzer's operating manual. The 355E and355F attenuators must be programmed by a suitable circuit to provide thevarious values of attenuation (see Figure 3).AdjustmentsThe attenuators have no internal adjustments and should not be opened. Ifdefective, the attenuator should be returned to the nearest AgilentTechnologies office for repair.CAUTION The solenoids in the 355E and 355F have been precisely adjusted at thefactory. No attempt should be made to replace them except by factoryapproved service representatives. The operation of the attenuators will beunreliable if plungers are not kept with their proper solenoids. Do notinterchange or "swap" them.12VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualReplaceable PartsReplaceable PartsTable4 lists the replaceable parts which are the only parts that can bereplaced without access to the interior of the attenuator. For any partsneeding replacement that are not listed in Table4, return the instrument toAgilent Technologies.CAUTION Due to special fixtures necessary for assembly, do NOT attempt to replaceany parts not listed in Table4. If the instrument is opened, the warranty isvoid.Table 4Replaceable PartsDescription Part Number Quantity355CGlide (feet)0403-00264Dial Assembly0370-30701Dial Assembly (Option 003)00355-000011355DGlide (feet)0403-00264Dial Assembly0370-30711Dial Assembly (Option 003)00355-000021355E and FGlide (feet)0403-00264Connector (7-pin, male)1251-10371VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual13。

阿美特克 JOFRA ATC系列干体式校准仪 说明书

阿美特克 JOFRA ATC系列干体式校准仪 说明书

ATC 系列干体式校准仪可以对各种型号和类型的温度 探头进行精密校准.这得益于它所采用的创新的双区加 热技术.所有的 JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪(ATC-155 除外) 都具有双区加热功能. 每个加热区都可以单独控制进行 精确的温度测量. 在加热块底部的温度一致性非常接近 于实验室液体槽的指标.下面的加热区域保证整个加热 块合适的热量消耗,上面的加热区域补偿加热体上部和 被测传感器的热量损失 .这种设计无需隔热被测探头 ,可 以校准充液式或其他机械式的探头.
调整前测试/调整后测试(只有 B 型)
JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪可以自动进行调整前测试和调整 后测试, 并可以将所有结果存储起来.第一次进行的校 准就是调整前测试,最后一次进行的校准就是调整后测 试,在这两次测试之间可能有多次校准或调整的过程.
ATC 加热和制冷模块
ATC-155,156,157 的加热和制冷模块皮泰尔元件采用多 段技术.这种技术大大提高了效率,并延长了元件寿命 . JOFRA ATC-157 最低可以达到环境温度下 71℃.
1834 年法国物理学家 JEAN PELTIER 发现把电路连接到 热电偶上可以观察到”反热电偶 ”效应:热电偶一端吸收 热量而另一端则释放热量.这就是皮泰尔效应 .实际的 皮泰尔元件( 电子加热泵) 包括很多连接在电路中的并 行排列的半导体材料.这些热电元件和他们的电器连接 被固定在两个陶瓷板之间.陶瓷板用来固定整个的结构 并使各元件之间绝缘.
Ø 改进的温度一致性 独特的双区设计确保了加热或制冷的校准区域的

pierce EMSA 试剂盒说明书

pierce EMSA 试剂盒说明书

INSTRUCTIONSNumberDescription20148 LightShift Chemiluminescent EMSA Kit , contains components for 100 binding reactions and sufficient detection reagents for approximately 1000cm 2 of membrane Kit Contents:10X Binding Buffer , 1mL, 100mM Tris, 500mM KCl, 10mM DTT; pH 7.5, store at -20°C Biotin–EBNA Control DNA , 50μL , 10fmol/μL in 10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA; pH 7.5, store at -20°CThe 60 bp biotin end-labeled duplex contains the following binding site:5' BIOTIN-...TAGCATATGCTA (3)3'-…ATCGTATACGAT…-BIOTIN 5'Unlabeled EBNA DNA , 50μL , 2pmol/μL in 10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA; pH 7.5, store at -20°CThe ~25 bp duplex contains the following binding site:5'-...TAGCATATGCTA (3)3'-...ATCGTATACGAT (5)Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen (EBNA) Extract , 125μL , store at -20°C Poly (dI•dC), 125μL , 1µg/μL in 10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA; pH 7.5, store at -20°C 50% Glycerol , 500μL , store at -20°C 1% NP-40, 500μL , store at -20°C 1 M KCl , 1mL, store at -20°C 100mM MgCl 2, 500μL , store at -20°C 200mM EDTA pH 8.0, 500μL , store at -20°C5X Loading Buffer , 1mL, store at -20°CStabilized Streptavidin-Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugate , 1.5mL, store at 4°C Chemiluminescent Substrate, stable for 6 months at room temperature or 1 year at 4°C Luminol/Enhancer Solution , 80mLStable Peroxide Solution , 80mLBlocking Buffer , 500mL, store at 4°C 4X Wash Buffer , 500mL, store at 4°CSubstrate Equilibration Buffer , 500mL, store at room temperature or 4°CStorage : Upon receipt store individual components as indicated above. Box 20148X is shipped with dry ice. Box 89880 is shipped with an ice pack.LightShift ®Chemiluminescent EMSA KitTable of ContentsIntroduction (2)Procedure for Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) (3)A. Plan Binding Reactions (3)B. Prepare and Pre-Run Gel (4)C. Prepare and Perform Binding Reactions (5)D. Electrophorese Binding Reactions (5)E. Electrophoretic Transfer of Binding Reactions to Nylon Membrane (5)F. Crosslink Transferred DNA to Membrane (5)G. Detect Biotin-labeled DNA by Chemiluminescence (6)Additional Information Available from the Pierce Web Site (6)Troubleshooting (7)Related Thermo Scientific Products (7)References (8)IntroductionThe electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) has been used extensively for studying DNA-protein interactions.1-3 This technique is based on the fact that DNA-protein complexes migrate slower than non-bound DNA in a native polyacrylamide or agarose gel, resulting in a “shift” in migration of the labeled DNA band.The Thermo Scientific LightShift Chemiluminescent EMSA Kit uses a nonisotopic method to detect DNA-protein interactions. Biotin end-labeled DNA containing the binding site of interest is incubated with a nuclear extract or purified factor. This reaction is then subjected to gel electrophoresis on a native polyacrylamide gel and transferred to a nylon membrane. The biotin end-labeled DNA is detected using the Streptavidin-Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugate and the Chemiluminescent Substrate.Additional Materials Required•Biotin 3' or 5' end-labeled DNA target. Use existing end-biotinylated DNA targets or prepare them using a biotin end-labeling kit (see Related Thermo Scientific Products). Do not use probes with internal biotin labels (i.e., targetsbiotinylated at sites other than the 3' or 5' end, such results from random prime labeling methods) because the internal labels may inhibit binding of the DNA binding protein.•Positively charged nylon membrane (see Related Thermo Scientific Products)•5X TBE (450mM Tris, 450mM boric acid, 10mM EDTA, pH 8.3)•X-ray film (see Related Thermo Scientific Products) or CCD camera•UV lamp or crosslinking device equipped with 254nm bulbs or 312nm transilluminator•Electrophoresis apparatus•Electroblotter or capillary transfer apparatus•High-quality blotting paper•Circulating water bath•Plastic forceps•Polyacrylamide gel in 0.5X TBEProcedure for Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)This kit has been optimized for use with polyacrylamide mini (8 × 8 × 0.1cm) gels. For larger gels, adjust electrophoresis conditions and detection reagent volumes accordingly.A.Plan Binding Reactions•Understanding the Control EBNA SystemInclude a complete set of three reactions each time an EMSA is performed. These reactions and expected results for the Control Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen(EBNA) System, which is included with the kit, are described in Table 1.The Control EBNA System results reported in Table 1 were generated using binding reactions prepared according to Table 2. Each 20μL binding reaction contains 20 fmol of Biotin-EBNA Control DNA. Reactions were electrophoresed, transferred and detected according to the steps in Sections B-G of this protocol. If the kit is being used for the first time, perform the Control EBNA System reactions to verify that the kit components and overall procedure are working properly.Table 2. Binding reactions for Control EBNA System.Component Final AmountControl Reactions#1 #2 #3Ultrapure Water ---- 12μL11μL9μL 10X Binding Buffer (20148A) 1X 2μL2μL2μL 50% Glycerol (20148F) 2.5% 1μL1μL1μL 100mM MgCl2 (20148I) 5mM 1μL1μL1μL 1µg/μL Poly (dI•dC) (20148E)50 ng/µL 1μL1μL1μL 1% NP-40 (20148G) 0.05% 1μL1μL1μL Unlabeled EBNA DNA (20148C) 4 pmol ----- ----- 2μL EBNA Extract (20148D) 1 Unit ----- 1μL1μL Biotin–EBNA Control DNA (20148B) 20 fmol 2μL2μL2μL Total Volume ---- 20μL20μL20μL•Planning and optimizing the Test SystemAs with the Control EBNA System, a complete set of three reactions should be performed with the Test System. Use Table 3 as a guide for planning the Test System binding reactions. If specific binding conditions are not already known, use only minimal reaction components; e.g., 10X binding buffer and Poly (dΙ•dC), together with the biotin-labeled target DNA, protein extract and unlabeled DNA of the Test System.Nuclear protein extracts prepared using the Thermo Scientific NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagents (see Related Thermo Scientific Products) are an excellent source of target protein. Use 2-3μL of NE-PER®Nuclear Extract per 20μL binding reaction. If a greater volume of NE-PER Extract is required, remove excess salts in the extract by dialyzing into a buffer containing 200mM salt (use a Slide-A-Lyzer®MINI Dialysis Unit; see Related Thermo Scientific Products) before use in the LightShift EMSA Kit.Optimization of the Test System can be achieved by adding other components supplied in the kit such as KCl,4, 5 glycerol, MgCl24, 6 and detergent 7, 8and determining their effects on the shift. Bovine serum albumin and basic peptides have also been shown to enhance some DNA-protein interactions.8-10 Too much glycerol in the binding reactions may cause vertical streaks along the edges of the lanes.Poly (dI•dC), which is included in the kit, is the no nspecific competitor DNA of choice for most systems. However if the Test System target DNA sequence is GC-rich, try Poly (dA•dT), sonicated calf thymus, salmon sperm or Escherichia coli DNA. The order of addition of the nuclear extract and biotin-labeled target DNA may affect the specificity of the DNA-protein complexes. Always add the binding reaction components in the order listed in Table 3. To overcome strong nonspecific interactions, a short pre-incubation may be required before adding the biotin-labeled target DNA.Table 3. Binding reactions for the Test System.B.Prepare and Pre-Run Gel1.Prepare a native polyacrylamide gel in 0.5X TBE or use a pre-cast DNA retardation gel. The appropriate polyacrylamidepercent depends on the size of the target DNA and the binding protein. Most systems use a 4 -6% polyacrylamide gel in0.5X TBE.2.Place the gel in the electrophoresis unit, and clamp it to obtain a seal. Fill the inner chamber with 0.5X TBE to a heightseveral millimeters above the top of the wells. Fill the outside of the tank with 0.5X TBE to just above the bottom of the wells, which reduces heat during electrophoresis. Flush wells and pre-electrophorese the gel for 30-60 minutes. Apply 100V for an 8 × 8 × 0.1cm gel.3.Proceed to Section C while gel is pre-electophoresing.C.Prepare and Perform Binding ReactionsNotes:•Include controls in the assay to ensure the system is working properly (see Procedure, Section A).•Do not vortex the Control DNA or the EBNA extract.1.Thaw all binding reaction components, EBNA Control System components and Test System samples, and place them onice. Do not thaw the EBNA Extract until immediately before use. Thaw the EBNA Extract at room temperature. DO NOT heat the EBNA Extract, which includes thawing in your hand.2.Prepare complete sets of 20 binding reactions for the Control EBNA System and/or the Test System according toProcedure Section A, Tables 2 and 3; add the reagents in the order listed in the tables. Do not vortex tubes at any time during this procedure.3.Incubate binding reactions at room temperature for 20 minutes.4.Add 5µL of 5X Loading Buffer to each 20µL binding reaction, pipetting up and down several times to mix. DO NOTvortex or mix vigorously.D.Electrophorese Binding Reactions1.Switch off current to the electrophoresis gel.2.Flush the wells and then load 20μL of each sample onto the polyacrylamide gel.3.Switch on current (set to 100V for 8 × 8 × 0.1cm gel) and electrophorese samples until the bromophenol blue dye hasmigrated approximately 2/3 to 3/4 down the length of the gel. The free biotin-EBNA Control DNA duplex migrates just behind the bromophenol blue in a 6% polyacrylamide gel.E.Electrophoretic Transfer of Binding Reactions to Nylon Membrane1.Soak nylon membrane in 0.5X TBE for at least 10 minutes.2.Sandwich the gel, nylon membrane and blotting paper in a clean electrophoretic transfer unit according themanufacturer’s instructions. Use 0.5X TBE cooled to ~10ºC with a circulating water bath. Use very clean forceps and powder-free gloves, and handle the membrane only at the corners.Note: Use clean transfer sponges. Avoid using sponges that have been used in Western blots.3.Transfer at 380mA (~100V) for 30 minutes. Typical transfer times are 30-60 minutes at 380mA using a standard tanktransfer apparatus for mini gels (8 × 8 × 0.1cm).4.When the transfer is complete, place the membrane with the bromophenol blue side up on a dry paper towel. (Thereshould be no dye remaining in the gel.) Allow buffer on the membrane surface to absorb into the membrane. This will only take a minute. Do not let the membrane dry. Immediately proceed to Section F.F.Crosslink Transferred DNA to MembraneThree options are available for crosslinking:•Option 1: Crosslink at 120mJ/cm2using a commercial UV-light crosslinking instrument equipped with 254nm bulbs (45-60 second exposure using the auto crosslink function).•Option 2: Crosslink at a distance of approximately 0.5 cm from the membrane for 5-10 minutes with a hand-held UV lamp equipped with 254nm bulbs.•Option 3: Crosslink for 10-15 minutes with the membrane face down on a transilluminator equipped with 312nm bulbs. After the membrane is crosslinked, proceed directly to Section G. Alternatively, the membrane may be stored dry at room temperature for several days. Do not allow the membrane to get wet again until ready to proceed with Section G.G.Detect Biotin-labeled DNA by ChemiluminescenceThe recommended volumes are for an 8 × 10cm membrane. If larger gels are used, adjust volumes in Section G accordingly. Perform all blocking and detection incubations in clean trays or in plastic weigh boats on an orbital shaker.1.Gently warm the Blocking Buffer and the 4X Wash Buffer to 37-50°C in a water bath until all particulate is dissolved.These buffers may be used between room temperature and 50°C as long as all particulate remains in solution. The Substrate Equilibration Buffer may be used between 4°C and room temperature.2.To block the membrane add 20mL of Blocking Buffer and incubate for 15 minutes with gentle shaking.3.Prepare conjugate/blocking buffer solution by adding 66.7μL Stabilized Streptavidin-Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugateto 20mL Blocking Buffer (1:300 dilution).Note: This conjugate/blocking buffer solution has been optimized for the Nucleic Acid Detection Module and should not be modified.4.Decant blocking buffer from the membrane and replace it with the conjugate/blocking solution. Incubate membrane inthe conjugate/blocking buffer solution for 15 minutes with gentle shaking.5.Prepare 1X wash solution by adding 40mL of 4X Wash Buffer to 120mL of ultrapure water.6.Transfer membrane to a new container and rinse it briefly with 20mL of 1X wash solution.7.Wash membrane four times for 5 minutes each in 20mL of 1X wash solution with gentle shaking.8.Transfer membrane to a new container and add 30mL of Substrate Equilibration Buffer. Incubate membrane for5 minutes with gentle shaking.9.Prepare Substrate Working Solution by adding 6mL Luminol/Enhancer Solution to 6mL Stable Peroxide Solution.Note: Exposure to the sun or any intense light can harm the Working Solution. Keep the Working Solution in an amber bottle and avoid prolonged exposure to intense light. Short-term exposure to typical laboratory lighting will not harm the Working Solution.10.Remove membrane from the Substrate Equilibration Buffer, carefully blotting an edge of the membrane on a paper towelto remove excess buffer. Place membrane in a clean container or onto a clean sheet of plastic wrap placed on a flat surface.11.Pour the Substrate Working Solution onto the membrane so that it completely covers the surface. Alternatively, themembrane may be placed DNA side down onto a puddle of the Working Solution. Incubate membrane in the substrate solution for 5 minutes without shaking.12.Remove membrane from the Working Solution and blot an edge of the membrane on a paper towel for 2-5 seconds toremove excess buffer. Do not allow the membrane to become dry.13.Wrap the moist membrane in plastic wrap, avoiding bubbles and wrinkles.14.Expose membrane to an appropriately equipped CCD camera, or place the membrane in a film cassette and expose toX-ray film for 2-5 minutes. Develop the film according to manufacturer’s instructions. Exposure time may be adjusted to obtain the desired signal.Additional Information Available from our Website•Tech Tip: Anneal complementary pairs of oligonucleotides•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the LightShift Chemiluminescent EMSA KitRelated Thermo Scientific Products89818 Biotin 3' End DNA Labeling Kit, components for 20 labeling reactions78833 NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagents77016 Biodyne B Nylon Membrane, 8cm × 12cm, 0.4µm pore size, 25 sheets per package 34090 CL-Xposure™ Film (5” × 7” sheets), 100 sheets per package21065 Pierce® Background Eliminator Kit, for eliminating background from X-ray film 69550 Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Unit, 10-100µL capacity, 3.5K MWCO, 50 per package 89880 Chemiluminescent Nucleic Acid Detection Module20158 LightShift Chemiluminescent RNA EMSA (REMSA) KitCited References1.Fried, M. and Crothers, D.M. (1981). Equilibria and kinetics of lac repressor-operator interactions by polyacylamide gel electrophoresis. Nucl. AcidsRes. 9:6505-25.2.Revzin, A. (1989). Gel electrophoresis assays for DNA-protein interactions. BioTechniques 7:346-54.3.Hendrickson, W. (1985). Protein-DNA interactions studied by the gel electrophoresis-DNA binding assay. BioTechniques 3:198-207.4.Winston, R.L., et al. (1999). Characterization of the DNA binding properties of the bHLH domain of deadpan to single and tandem sites. Biochemistry38:5138-46.5.Triplett, B. (1992). Salt-dependent formation of DNA-protein complexes in vitr o, as viewed by the gel mobility shift assay. BioTechniques 13:354-5.6.Szczelkun, M.D. and Connolly, B.A. (1995). Sequence-specific binding of DNA by the EcoRV restriction and modification enzymes with nucleic acidand cofactor analogues. Biochemistry 34:10724-33.7.Hodgson, J. and Enrietto, P.J. (1995). Constitutive and inducible kappa B binding activities in the cytosol of v-Rel-transformed lymphoid cells. J.Virol. 69:1971-9.8.Zhang, X.Y., et al. (1992). Increasing the activity of affinity-purified DNA binding proteins by adding high concentrations of nonspecific proteins.Anal. Biochem. 201:366-74.9.Kozmik, Z., et al. (1990). Albumin improves formation and detection of some specific protein-DNA complexes in the mobility shift assay. Nucl. AcidsRe s. 18:2198.10.Bannister, A. and Kouzarides, T. (1992). Basic peptides enhance protein-DNA interaction in vitro. Nucl. Acids Re s. 20:3523.11.Sambrook, J., et al. (1989). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.12.Kironmai, K.M., et al. (1998). DNA-binding activities of Hop1 protein, a synaptonemal complex component from Saccharomyces cerevisia e. Mol.Cell Biol. 18:1424-35.Product ReferencesCornelussen, R.N.M., et al. (2001). Regulation of prostaglandin A1-induced heat shock protein expression in isolated cardiomyocytes. J. Mol. Cell Cardiol.33:1447-54.Ishida, A., et al. (2002). Transforming growth factor-β induces expression of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand in vascular endothelial cells derived from bone. J. Biol. Chem. 277(29):26217-24.MacLachlan, T.K. and El-Deiry, W.S. (2002). Apoptotic threshold is lowered by p53 transactivation of caspase-6. PNAS. 99(14):9492-7.Matata, B.M. and Galinanes, M. (2002). Peroxynitrite is an essential component of cytokines production mechanism in human monocytes through modulation of nuclear factor-κB DNA binding activity. J. Biol. Chem. 277(3):2330-5.Sauzeau, V., et al. (2003). RhoA expression is controlled by nitric oxide through cGMP-dependent protein kinase activation. J. Biol. Chem. 278(11):9472-80.Tarumi, T., et al. (2002). Cloning and characterization of the human factor XI gene promoter. J. Biol. Chem. 277(21):18510-16.Biodyne® is a registered trademark of Pall BioSupport Corporation.This product (“Product”) is warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”) and to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing, Products are supplied for research use only. No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in the Documentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product (“Buyer”).No other warranties, express or implied, are granted, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non infringement. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for non-conforming Products during the warranty period is limited to replacement of or refund for the non-conforming Product(s).There is no obligation to replace Products as the result of (i) accident, disaster or event of force majeure, (ii) misuse, fault or negligence of or by Buyer, (iii) use of the Products in a manner for which they were not designed, or (iv) improper storage and handling of the Products.Current product instructions are available at /pierce. For a faxed copy, call 800-874-3723 or contact your local distributor.© 2011 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.。



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OTECO PIPE WIPER, SPLIT DUAL, RAP-A-ROUND 上密封接头/适配器C01006441Autronica BWA-100s BWA-10034B00800(010085)雾刀UDOR高压柱塞泵MKC20/24S-L979485-15黑马HIMA H413559000175979962-253894520-1cnDESMI GP66EFM-1U2B2 3314-035HA2MC美国AC TECH 变频器M12150B 11KW 200V/240V 50/60HZEUROGOMMA 筛网:TH48-30*0.1MTBENSHAW Benshaw Remote RTD Module Part # SPR-100P葆德BALDOR低压电机VL3510葆德BALDOR高压电机35K362S301G1EUROGOMMA 筛网TH48-30x.15MTEUROGOMMA 筛网TH48-30x.18MTKTI马达CME-5A-141-SECUTLER-HAMMER RENEWAL SET OF CONTACTS KIT 65MM CONTACTORS 6-65-2空调压缩机马达保护器,BOCK COMPRESSOR MANAGEMENT,BCKTI马达CME-5A-23Guiberson Swab Cup "TUF" 2-7/8"RIDGID测压泵50072 Ridgid 1450 Pressure Test Pump 50 BarStarrett 型号:260ZHASKEL泵 ASFD-60雾刀UDOR高压柱塞泵MKC20/24S-LTF-TRADING点火模块Ignition Box FCA 30V Product ID: S-50077硅脂油配件号:12700418\配件生产厂家:KLEIN Associates,INC\设备名称:klein3000地貌仪\设备型号:KLEIN SERIES 300\设备序列号:344\设备排列号:14103048 150G\支HASKEL泵O型圈 27272硅脂油\12700418\KLEIN Associates,INC硅脂油\12700418\KLEIN Associates,INCDefaulDamcos Control Block CB 2-PCV-R-T-H-E 160G2257PTF-TRADING S-50077 S-50540PELLERIN MILNOP CORPORATION 接线端子组件 18PINGRI 泵 14520-229沃玛O型圈 280.0016 v密封 280.0006威马Versa-Matic E4CA5F5S0马祖奇 N1100070 ALP2A-D-25-FCORAL REHYDRATION SALTS,50 Sachets / Box. MFG:DRUG HOUSES OF AUSTRALIA (ASIA ) PTE. LTDStarrett 型号:260Z 测量范围:0-1" 分辨率:0.001"阀座密封C01008389OFM-600柱塞泵配件DNH 扬声器 HS-8EEXMNT西门子SIEMENS\7ML12011EK00德鲁克气压检验仪 PV211-104-P-2-10G英格索兰气动马达M002RHR044BR3BOSE A20航空耳机单插头转换成双插头的转换接头SM60(联轴器PM130 RUBBER BLOCK COUPLING with +3mm LEF配套用)/成品O型圈C01006439阀密封C01008388阀弹簧C01008387杜邦品牌TY127s 防护服 L 2XL TY127S-L TY127S-2XLCompAir Reavell LimitedPRESSURE GAUGE阀座带密封环C01008388Akron 4712 电机P56SX001压缩环垫片C01006442柱塞C10006963C01006440垫圈C01006443接头/适配器C010064444NN-K4-N4-C1A防护眼镜,品牌:AO,型号:AO-GN58G.WS.TC4NN-K45-N4-B1ATyco 泰科 MCP200 Tyco泰科MCP230 Tyco泰科601P-M Tyco泰科611H-F氧电池GAS:oxygen SN:XGE10475 PN:370-399100-000 PRICE; USD 700/EACH防护眼镜,品牌:AO,型号:AO-GN58S.BA.TCMARATHON ELECTRIC MFG COHYDRAULIC PUMP\HASKEL\MHP-71\ WELLHEAD CONTROL PANELWykeham Farrance 27-WF1730/2NIppon Hakuyo Electrinics LTD壁挂直通声力电话机 ODA1310-111305200 MOTOR, ELEC, H0RIZ,, HSH 56T17G53160R14P, 190-380 V, 50HZ, 1455 RPM, 1/2 HP, 0.37 KW, 3 PH, 56C-68, DUTY: CONT 40C AMB,INSUL CLASS: 83, 9NN-K45-N1-F1A-X371VICONICS型号 R820-3215NN-K5-N4-F1ACARLOCK的轴封MEC03-10044EF8210G022 8317G35道依茨发电机01182153 KIT2871 意大利欧美尔OMAL阀EL1220 美卓EN33A05DM Z4VH 336-11Z-ST挪威JOTRON TR-7750 118.188.024V 西德福(STAUFF)液位计SNK254V-C-T1-12-0-60 DZ6DP2-53/315XYM R900535880E+H差压变送器PMD235-XB4D2EB1C[GL3T2] 0-10KPA N86KTE 1756-IF8H FEMA菲玛压力变送器SN4-280Z4K236-11Z-M20 A10VS0140 DFR1/31R-PPB12N00 RGBF03D12-2514-M 离合器PMC-10A3 DC24V 13.5WEFB210B030 24VDC EF8342C020 1/4 220V AC 50HZ EFHT8316G64 EF8551G401Mo SCG551A001MS 24VDC6DR5020-0NG00-0AA0 LPH6MB-PTC3-XXX SCR-1010H RC-1010 EF8210G008EF8210G004 EFG551H401MOTR-20430 M100-H114 DB-3004A RGBF03D12-2514-M GSBF03D08-552-M BIERI比利径向柱塞泵SRK11-6.33-350V-Ab00SGDV-5R5A01A002000 世伟洛克 SS1RS6这个针形阀 BMS-074-NHB-G-DVBMS-154-NHBN-DV TR-20520 M300-H114速度检测器 DS2005 T2000-TFC-02 DNFT 000518 西门子触摸屏 MP377,15 WVN70LM-12BT-A1WR-38D气动调节阀L12A150AA-B1CU6-ND9103HX L12A250AA-B1CU11-ND9103HXT6ES7313-5BG04-0AB0 6ES7331-7PF01-0AB0ST400IC03L94 3PD08—1.231—N11—EDH—BBBH—CCH—LS RGBF03D12-2514-M GSBF03D08-552-M RO15176ES7331-7KB01-0AB0 6ES7321-1BL00-0AA0 5402650053 CGG-4232-NB1-HC-A240 DNH 扬声器 HS-8EEXMNT010207 130096 G1216C3A300N00 ICOM短波电台IC-7100 TR-20430 M100-H114 万福乐电磁阀 MKY45/18*60-G24/L156DR5020-0NG00-0AA0 VERSA ESM-2201-100-D024两通电磁阀马祖奇GHP1A-D-11-FG 阿卡定位器/827A.E2-000-M10-GSST-2400H-50 DYNALCO转速表:SPD-100 627H4-16-Z23 625T4-07-Z23-Z250 625T4-16-Z23 625T4-16-Z23GP20140R95B20N PSD-5TSJTT RITAG止回阀2BX9162-5K FDHAA0420) FDHAXA029 沃尔沃气动启动马达ST400C03R291xPT100/4-L CL.A K1W 6ES7 331-7PF01-0AB0 2447222126 振动筛JB3030/frenomat-2 检出器\TS5840N 200振动筛JB3060/freuostat 振动筛MJ850/6 振动筛MJ1399/6 西门子 6ES7331-7PF01-0AB0 M037-A2-1S-020-31-B1-TBB-000美国MTS RPS0190MD631P102 627H4-16-Z23 625T4-07-Z23-Z250 625T4-16-Z23 ZRM20-ES/B 400 VS-2EXRRU-STEEL弹性联轴器A-8 002008-6 C184T14FB7C G131614.00 TDI马达T510-60090-012E 491AM3FBBNSNN 7602-147030VZO 25 RC 130/16-RV 176-110-800 506-510K SPM TRX-18 KD724 8570/12-306 16A 220VAC G36-SI-40-ADOSEURO 添加泵 D-100N-105/C-13 德国罗姆希特油缸 1824-872 FDL511B-65-J 35V-38A-1C-22R 油压调节阀 98H-54P+F RVI84N-10CK2A2NN-00025 99261109 dvc6010 dvc2000 调节阀95H-31 油压调节阀 Y600A-123 MXHM203EF012 0.75HP 1750RPM 布赫 QX62-080/51-080R257 30157221 76443 76442-1A00970-F169-5847 1813451618134102 H2200101002C3 Solo a3-001. ASCO WSNF8327A606 24VDC 10WH2200101002C3 沃玛1002P26FC71B4 B5,0.37KW,1370rpm 电磁脉冲阀DMF-Y-76 A2FE107/61W-VZL181-KA2FE125/61W-VZL171-S铅酸蓄电池\115-2421\12V/卡特彼勒 CR21890 杜布林旋转接头1101-235-343 REMA150AJJST+B1CU11+ND9103HN十字头梢160.0181 QX62-080/51-080R257 挪威Simtronics三频红外火焰探测器COMET TW5570 9964 MFH-3-1/4 220VCGG-4232-NB1-HC-A240 G4020-SR4-CW-MG24 AUTRONICA感烟探头BJH-33TOE/NPY2251.0094 YL160M-20B3051CD3A22A1AB4M5K5S2 英格索兰 666053-311 776-A-H-1024-R-HV-I-X-A-Y-N CME-5A-230CME-5A-229 道依茨启动马达01183039 V61.1LB1K-02ZC-A050C152 WS32-2/600 德国ENCHNER传感器RPS3131PR175M2A67 24vdc MACNAUGHT P3 FLOMEC流量计型号为OM008S001-221R2 ICOM短波电台IC-7100 FCS-G1/2A4P-VRX泰科探头3000-9010 3000-9009 BFU900 X SOLO461 517.001.2546R10G0SHE452 A2Vk28MAOR1GOPE2-SO2MultiFlame DM-TV6 GR55-SMT16B-380L-PF2 GR70-SMT16B-600L-RF2CSG-3321-316-XNW-D024 FMC 5263468/8691阀杆200.0021 泵体100.1883 曲轴120.0077× 沃玛1002P26配件轴瓦010.1630连杆100.0352 活塞010.03108579/12-406 63A 380VA 图尔克示流器FCS-G1/2A4P-VRX 康士廉Salwico SWM-1L 康士廉 Salwico JD-1YSAL793161A P YSAL793161B P YSAL793161C55.34.8.230. 英格索然空压机滤芯85565596 英格索然空压机滤芯 8556558P550401(P551424 P554403 P551429 P181054 P119373 P181046P552040 P119374 P181034 P550388 C045001 LCB4111C-TD2 2L 100V/50/60HZ R 9,8-9,8-9,8-9,8 F 160-76DEUBLIN旋转接头1101-235-343 德国ENCHNER传感器RPS3131PR175M PWO WATER OIL COOLER B25TH*70/1P-SC-S冷却器废液阀(捏阀)COD41-00 美国威肯SG-0722-G0O 6SL3040-OMA00-0AA1 PGM-1860 RP-984F/DN400 1-PERC-AD-01-2Alkon美国空压阀 375-02-087-82-5 RU-STEEL A-8 staffa HMB200/S3/S0470 4台 HMB150/S3/S04/70W2S130-AA03-01 D/MS3016A32-7S RRH-1001 TOP-2MY400-210HBM SCG551A002MS 230VAC T1MA-40-BK-420E-MC4-SGA10VS071DFLR/31R-VPA12N00 PFE-31016/1DU 01ZBG11C130S 33 46 05DVC6010F-100/SCFD/D60T/FM T6EC0620123R06B1EBS-10HB-10B-13 EBS-10HB-07S-13 奥克电缆SIGNAL CABLE\561-10-3412\OKONITE MID-WEST 400-230-230-9-L-SINDUSTRONIC 16键台式话站16DT003 EMCO 连接器 J451-051 SNS-10B-10B-13 HBL-10HB-10B-13 BSE-10HB-07S-13TDT432F-1/2-5C-32/46-S137-A 防爆感烟探测器MR501EX 爱德华的真空泵 RV3 ZR48KCE-TFD-250 ZP616A10RB00X02GR40 SMT16B 125L V RF3 GR40-SMT16B-150L-V&#38 GR70SMT16B800LRP AUTRONICA -45 O 80/80 C 160/EA1-E 4-G 24GAUGE, PRESSURE, 0 - 5000 PSI,1/4'' MNPT,LOWER MNT.VALVE, CHECK, PO, 15 GPM, 30 PSI力士乐油泵A10VSO100 DR/31R- PPA12NOO GAUGE, LIQ FILLED, 0-7500 PSI, 2.5'' OD X 1/4'' MNPT, LMFITTING, #6 MORB x #6 MJIC 90's Druck DPI610PCNIP, MALE PIPE, HEX, 3/4 NPTCD STREET ELBOW STEELTEE, MALE BRANCH 1/4 NPT, MALE 1/4 NPTFITTING, FEMALE PIPE ADAPTER STEEL 3/8 FJIC X 1/4 F NPTADAPTER, MALE 3/8 JIC, MALE 1/4 NPTADAPTER, MALE 1/4 JIC, FEM 1/4 NPTADAPTER, MALE 3/8 JIC, MALE 1/2 ORBADAPTER, MALE 1/4 JIC, MALE 3/8 ORBIN STOCKADAPTER, MALE 3/8 JIC, MALE 3/8 ORBPart NumberQuantity Item Description Alt Part # Price /U nit E xtended Price#4MJ TO #8MORB STRAIGHT CONNADAPTER, MALE 3/4JIC, MALE 5/8 ORBCAP,JIC 1/4''IN STOCKCAP, JIC 3/8''SEAL, ROTARY SEAL ASSY, 11.022'' OD X .154'' WIDEPOLYPAK, 11.00'' X 11.50''VALVE CONTROL, 1/4 NPT C/W REV FLOW WITH FREE CHECKQTY 3 IN STOCKFITTING, HYD, #6 MJIC X #6 FJIC 45 DEGGREASE FITTING, 1/8-27 NPT, STRAIGHTIN STOCKGREASE FITTING, 1/8 NPT X 1 1/4 LONGWASHPIPE, 500/650 T, HCI/ECIPACKING, HI-PERFORMANCE, F/LB 500TFILISTER HEADED FASTENER (CAP SCREW) FOR HEXADRON,1/2''-13UNCX1 LENGTH, GR8PN 1045GRABBER DIE, 1/2 X 1-1/4 X 5-7/8SEAL KIT FOR ACTUATOR IBOPPN HK-4186-RSPart NumberQuantity Item Description Alt Part # Price /U nit E xtended Price UPPER SEAL OF HUB IBOPNOTE: THIS ITEM IS OBSOLETE AND REPLACED BY LINE 38.OWER PACKING OF HUB IBOPPN HK-4186-LOW-RSNOTE: THIS ITEM IS OBSOLETE AND REPLACED BY LINE 38PRESS OILER 1/8NPT, FTG 45-80PN 323 06042 MISC 15 $17.92/EA $268.80PRESS OILER 1/8NPT,FTG 80/140PN 338 382RH PUMP, 130CC ( SUNSTRAND )DELIVERY: 3-4 WEEKSCHARGE PUMP-PERMCO P75PN 2747SHAFT SEAL= SUNDSTRAND PUMPPN 1947SEAL KIT, P30VALVE, PILOT RELIEFVALVE, PRESSURE RELIEF, V.,NG6,0811104117VALVE,RELIEF,0811104119COOLANT LEVEL SENSORPRESSURE SENSORTEMPERATURE SENSORPart NumberQuantity Item Description Alt Part # Price /U nit E xtended Price RELAY TIMER 24 VDC-OFF-DELAY 16 V 92PN 8067NO QUOTEAIR CLEANER AND FILTER, ECO IIONE PIECE W/ PLEATED ELEMENTFUEL FILTER SECONDARYPN 8949INVALID PART NUMBER.SECONDARY FUEL FILTERFUEL FILTER PRIMARYPN 2498NO QUOTE. THESE ARE NO LONGER USED BY TESCO.OIL FILTERPN 23530642FILTER, RAYCOR, D6POIL SEALPN 0639SEAL,LIP,34868 C/R 3-1/2 X 4.376 X .438 CRWHA1, NITRILE ACTUATOR SERVICE KITCYLINDER ROD ENDSRING, RETAINING, EXTERNAL, 5100-334德国HP1润滑油泵P1BAN2008BL10B02N 4100-5045 HCP 11420085122 P1 BAN 2008 BL 10 B02N西门子GSV电源6SC7008-2AA00(D-600000114876 230V 西博思SIPOS2SA5011-5CE00-4BB3-ZITEM #2 battery;P/N 44A747665-001R03;3VDC/3000mAh;LITHIUM BATTERY 0807达纳帕编码器 HS20102463340 MOOG 泵 D954-2003-10531*309SPCAJG1德国BAUTZ电机E586MGD 西德福(STAUFF) 针阀NDV-10-S万国转向灯1661761C93达纳帕HS20102463340 VRAFB1500460000000 SPECK斯贝克泵MLY-04.0001 Autronica可寻址热探头:BDII-500科隆 OCTLEAUS4300FDN150巴士德BARKSDALE UDS3V3/0423-140UPA2/0431-844 力士乐马达 A4FM125/30WVPB02 Elmagco-6032UDS7SWITCH/0428-231 VRAFB0300461402000SCG531C001MS G1/4 克诺尔MEDDC DB3D048N2BNN 福禄克Fluke 754 0501100041 Trombetta 974-1235-211-120501100041100 FUSE-3A, 600V, 13/16" X 21/4" 本特利前置放大器330180-A51-B050501100040 帕斯菲达LB64SB-PTCI-XXX0501100040100MISSION AUTRONICA BF-502Mechnical Seal # 648414308 丹尼斯科熔体压力传感器MDT422F-1/2-3.5C-15/46-ADYNALCO 传感器M205转速表MTH=103H amcos(丹柯斯)TANK LEVEL TRANSDUCER WITH AMPLIFIER BEI ZNA302-AATYPE:MAS2600-G20-03-V/2P 曼牌c24820TANK LEVEL TRANSDUCER WITH AMPLIFIERTYPE:MAS2600-G40-20-1/2P 美国rapid air送料器C3 Serial:67397 PAT No.:3038645TYPE:MAS2600-G20-03-V/2P 3R滤油机OSCA-AL100-7RModule, Power, MRT-6320P-R PS68.RXEGD2BDMAX 3500/42M-01-00 BALDWIN滤芯 BF7587多林格滤芯 49-153K5 SN62.XXAGHKMXX 0.4-8m Module, Power, MRT-6320P-R,Zippy Tech P/N:950001C1ITEM #3 PUFFERBATTERIE BACK-UP BATTERY 3.6V 厂家:SIEMENS S/N:6ES7971-0BA00DANFOSS 马达 OMP200 151-0605 PLICSC0M,XB HW1.10.0 SW1.10.0 POWER-SONIC 型号:PS-121000U 12VOLT/100AMP丹佛斯 OMS315 151F0506 SEALWELD Model: G-SGUN-C D-FW-K6 CHARGEMASTER船用充电器MASS24/75-C MASS24/50-2烟感探头\FENWAL\PSD-7157 DEIF 同步继电器FAS-115DG AC110V-AC110V 50HZParker派克取力器880XDAKX-M6XSParker派克滤芯 T800-344-3286德科瑞美启动马达19011403帕斯菲达 LB64SB-PTCI-XXX滤芯滤芯P173789Mogensen摩根森筛网Trombetta 974-1235-211-12STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS LTD型号:BOLT,STUD,FULL THD,(STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS LTD,545048 台达DELTA可编程控制器 DVP20EX00R2弗列加滤芯FS19519CLUB CAR零件102266601102266701105116301103359401101908701101187702VICKERS威格士叶片泵?35V-35A-1C-22RREGO力高安全阀AA,3126L312K85-20德国VTI Ventil Technik GmbH古尔兹 3SVB2J5J0 消防稳压泵赛福乐 8095-991-890DB-3005A-1万国转向灯1661761C93JABSCO 电动水泵加热器 50840-0124STAHL德国防爆保险 AC35A/ DC80A /8560/51-4222HOHNER的编码器,HAS10 810-635862卡特润滑脂 2S-3230BENDIX干燥器AD-9电机Y112M-4 4KWAR柱塞泵\XM15.15 配电机Y112M-4 4KWAR柱塞泵\XM15.15的联轴器数量:各一XM15.15N机滤 JX0818Danfoss OMT 500 151B2055派克先导式溢流阀 R25R25S1SN10AB 电池1756-BAI美卓1"5H36HBRT迪创X3301S4N13Y2, 008296-001 PIRECLA1A1Y1 007168-101油水分离器 PL420X机滤 JX0818柴滤 WK940/20滤芯P550463SICK编码器ARS60-A4B08192卡特 275-2604潜水泵,FLYGT 2008.212-0003INDUSTRONIC 6DX003德鲁克传感器PTX5072-tC-A1-HO-PA美国deublin杜布林旋转接头250-094-284罗斯蒙特-3~3KPa 2051CD1A22A1Ab4M5Chargemaster24/80-3Chargemaster24/60-3Mass 24/50-2Mastervolt马斯特沃特CHARGEMASTER船用充电器 Mass 24/75MOOG 阀 D662-4348KBifold阀 SVP8108\DC24V\316SS\3\1/4"\25MPaLOWARA 泵SHE50-200/110奥玛电动门电机 型号:SD0050-4/60 NO:Z024.479PVM-130-A2UV-RSFY-P-1NNSNPVWJ-130-A1UV-LSAY-P-INNNN派克滤芯T800-344-3286JABSCO捷斯克泵 50840-0024Nordstrom 555通用型气动泵阀门注入密封脂56290009FISHER 定位器DVC 6200SICK UE10-4XT3D2 UE48-3OS3D2DYNISCO压力传感器MDT462F-M18-5C-15/46-A力士乐油泵A10VSO71DRS/32R-VPV22U99-S2184派克1/4"电磁阀与线圈的型号是 U133V55951D力士乐油泵A10VSO71DRS/32R-VPV22U99-S2184Topworx开关 DXP-AS1GNEB1A2DOMINICK滤芯 AA030EBFX 030AATopworx开关DXP-AS1GNEB1A2 DXP-AS1GNEB1A2格兰富泵MTR3-7/7 0.55KWPHILIPS灯泡 C100S54/ALTOSPAGGIARI 减速机sw/063t丹佛斯 OMS315 151F0506风动扳手 LMS68 GIR25 ATLAS阿特拉斯的气动扳手,风动扳手 LMS48 HR20 ATLAS福鸟 DU56N2075+MX1 DU56N2075+100Lewis刘易斯1/2" - 1" Lewis Snake, WLL: 2500 LBS - for wire rope 手持式测速仪\STALKER P2O2FALK 蛇形弹簧联轴器1090T10LAMP, HIGH, PRESSURE, SODIUM,70 M 50 Each德国BAUTZ电机E586MGDDOMINICK滤芯 AA030EBFX 030AA。


A6-8 连接到g1230高温探头 16-17 A6-9 连接到自动校准控制装置(选项) 18 A6-10 连接插头的装配 19 A6-11 插头的装配顺序 20 A6-12 连接插头的组装 21
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Ametek的质量管理系统是经BS EN ISO 9001认证的。用于燃烧;环境监测及非接触温度测量仪 器的设计和制造。相关软件的设计和开发符合TickIT.
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Caution, risk of electric shock.
Caution, attention to possibility of risk of damage to the product, process or surroundings. Refer to instruction manual.



AMETEK石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克传感器电路板80471SE、AMETEK阿美特克流量开关72684SE(询~**~价:15 8 0 5 0 6 12 13 李-*-*工)AMETEK阿美特克阻火器v70487SE、AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070、AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707、AMETEK阿美特克冷静式水露点分析仪13-1200-C-N-2、AMETEK阿美特克碤玻漓窗2008887001 、AMETEK阿美特克密封垫880042001 、AMETEK阿美特克o型圈202813026、阿美特克氧化锆头71785SE、AMETEK阿美特克零点干燥器305617901S、AMETEK阿美特克干燥器305400901S\AMETEK阿美特克湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662AMETEK阿美特克氧化头78715SEAMETEK阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)1A,300-9244AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)6.3A,300-6291AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291AMETEK阿美特克O型圈(H2S在线分析仪)300-2375AMETEK阿美特克过滤器芯(H2S在线分析仪)300-6217AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱(H2S在线分析仪)100-1857AMETEK阿美特克第一级过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克第二级过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK阿美特克1 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头CH13-0007-t AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪电路板(PCB COATED)13-0307 AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪铂电阻(RTD Assembly) 13-0236 AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217AMETEK阿美特克880020901检测电路板AMETEK阿美特克石英窗200 887 001AMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫圈880042001AMETEK阿美特克P/S触发组件 880 118 901AMETEK阿美特克除雾器金属垫 880063001 更新型号880063901 AMETEK阿美特克继电器PC组件 80436SEAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器垫880063001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器衬芯880136901AMETEK阿美特克固态继电器265972001AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439024AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223011AMETEK阿美特克除雾器880019902AMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041001AMETEK阿美特克880041002AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克880061001AMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克880107901AMETEK阿美特克回样阀200896001AMETEK阿美特克压力计251744000AMETEK阿美特克200892001AMETEK阿美特克进料阀200884001AMETEK阿美特克校验镜片200095002SAMETEK阿美特克电缆72391SEAMETEK阿美特克72392SEAMETEK阿美特克气体比重计388-11032AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克露点仪13-1200-C-N-2三脚架CHP-0535气缸CHP-0536过滤器CH13-0054滤芯替换CHC0843520立方英尺虹吸管瓶CH13-2277AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆加热丝TEMPCO G12 01HDC16281 72931KE 75 120V 型号73052TEAMETEK阿美特克流量计组件305449901SAMETEK阿美特克比例电磁阀305648901AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆74422SEAMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040901AMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040904AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆锆头71785SEAMETEK键盘模块90253VEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆71063SEAMETEK阿美特克热电偶71697KEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克过滤器300-6217Ametek 产品询价:BACKPLANE ASSEMBLY;PN:80439SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克处理器电路板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041002AMETEK阿美特克控制器后基板880112901SAMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克280465001 停产替代280465003AMETEK阿美特克传感器板80467SE TM2000AMETEK阿美特克手摇仪表校验泵JOFRA 65-P016AMETEK阿美特克HPC41-10KPSI-NAMETEK阿美特克65-R975过滤器组件 AMETEK 880033901AMETEK阿美特克氙气闪光灯200880001AMETEK阿美特克NSL灯 880118901AMETEK阿美特克扩展PC组件 80449SEAMETEK阿美特克CPU显示模块 880115901SAMETEK阿美特克光源灯前过滤镜片 880103001AMETEK阿美特克过滤镜片O型圏880271001AMETEK阿美特克CAL3200温度控制器269323011AMETEK阿美特克石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克氧含量分析仪显示模块90219VE AMETEK阿美特克电源板 880114901SAMETEK阿美特克锆管导线95385WEAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀300-9242AMETEK阿美特克K型热电偶71697KEVDO 表 331 810 012 007ADI采样泵 M121-BT-WB2西门子手持编程器 7ML58302AHSED 电磁阀 600.刹车总泵 4613150770斯堪韦尔 MP-T-P-7.0-RCOMROD 发射天线:AT92MSAILOR天线耦合单元HA4555天马接头 5010天马接头 5020SUNFAB SCM034WN-I42-K30-K3-G-100优格玛筛网 TH48-30*0.60SSSUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666胜凡活塞环 20035MCDANIEL 压力表 KQP-GFMCDANIEL 压力表 EPP-GFMCDANIEL E30KP-GFMcDaniel KFP-GFVIATRAN传感器 3475BFGBYDWLR(替代3405)CR油封 47697泰科感烟探头 811PHEXN泰科感温探头 851PHDET-TRONICS 气体检测变送器 505A3A2A1W斯贝克柱塞泵 D-82538/P11/13-100/3.9KW.斯贝克柱塞泵 D-82538/P11/13-100/3.9KW.SMC电磁阀 VQZ2220BR -5Y01-C6-X507VALEO法雷奥启动马达 D9E51HYDRO-LEDUC高压柱塞泵 P/N:XP50-0517625 MEDC手动火灾报警按钮 PBEB4B645DSN7RBRAUN D421.52U2FASCO MOD:71731714 U73B1NOP摆线泵 TOP-212HWM小巨人泵 TE-6-MD-HC派克马达 F11-005-MB-CV-K-209-000-0 MCDANIEL压力油表 K9NL-GFSCP-047R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666华高电缆接头114869-PL-BLK华高电缆接头114869-PL-WHT华高电缆接头114869-PL-RED天马接头 IF3820天马接头 IF3810SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666SCP-047R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000SC056RSC064RSPECK 调压阀 UL180/100HEBMPAPST 轴流电机 R4D-400-AL17-05EBMPAPST 轴流风机 R4D400-AB04-05 400V-50HZ 1.2A SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666UFM流量开关SN-ASB2GM-4-700V.9-A2WL-.75DSPECK调节阀 UL221 100英特泵调压阀 HM英特泵调压阀 HM英特泵调压阀 HMSUNFAB油泵 SCP-084R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000NOV 液氮泵车压盖螺母 840K(2NB570029 )SPM 4寸凡尔体 P1057414.5寸凡尔体NF-5-V1机油滤清器 1R1808空滤 81084050021 (C27 1250/1)空滤 81084050017 (CF1640)油水分离器芯811250300853 3/4盘根P101755HP4寸凡尔体NF-4-V1(P520232) 3寸140MPA 翻板式单流阀修理包SPM 4寸凡尔座P1057513寸带芯旋塞阀修理包(3265500) 105MPA\-J奔驰空滤 A0040943504SPM 4寸凡尔座P105751NOV 丢手HR660 1-11/16”寸(件号C167-112-08)NOV 丢手修理包 HR660 1-11/16”寸(件号C167-112-08/KS )NOV 丢手HR660 1-3/4”寸(件号C167-113-08)NOV 丢手修理包 HR660 1-3/4”寸(件号C167-112-08/KS) NOV 芯轴 HR660 连续油管(件号CC420032)SPM 4寸凡尔体 P105741飞力潜水泵20082120003SUNFAB 泵 SCP084RH-L4-ZTF S10NUFLO 流量计9A-100009371NUFLO流量计9A-50179024NUFLO传感器9A-100002077ADC 接触器 400-NX73ADC 加热丝120013英格索兰 666120-344-C4.5寸凡尔胶皮2P110363SPM 盘根 P100343SPM 4寸橡胶盘根P100342HP NOVATECH 4寸凡尔胶皮 NF-4-1 NOVATECH 4.5寸凡尔胶皮 NF-5-1德国福鸟液位开关 WS33-2/150/500 FINDER继电器博世雨刮臂 3398100478博世雨刮片 3397018140博世雨刮器电机 0390507503锁芯配套AL70PDSAT626VDO表 340.807.001/001ZF 滤芯 0750131053PLASSER 雨刮板 130700GIFAS-ELECTRIC 灯具Art-Nr: 86333 GIFAS-ELECTRIC 灯管052509博士电机 9580234005博士电机 9580234005VDO 表 350040017VDO 310040015卡特传感器 2399957MD TOTCO表 GA60A-160曼牌空气滤芯C23610阿特拉斯空气滤芯 2914931100阿特拉斯空气滤芯 1617704201/PDP280 REICH 联轴器 AC-T5 SN F2 11.5 3535 卡特滤芯1R-18081R-0749沃尔沃机滤 38212369N-3367沃尔沃分离器 20549350沃尔沃滤芯477556VOLVO 空滤 21010256沃尔沃滤芯8193841沃尔沃滤芯478736VOLVO 分离器 8159975康明斯柴油滤清器 FF5052康明斯柴油滤清器 FS1280康明斯柴油滤清器 LF3349五十铃机滤 8-94360427-1油水分离器芯 326-1643曼滤芯 C301537皮带 17*1600LA皮带 20*1350LA皮带 20*1540LA底特律滤芯 23530573皮带 17*1890LA机滤 JX0818海德瑞克 BSR00039海迪瑞克 HR680注入头1.50卡瓦CD310335 五十铃机滤 600P五十铃柴滤 600P五十铃空滤 600P久保田空滤 15741-11083久保田机滤 16271-32092柴滤 1A001-43160英格索兰空滤 89295976OXYGEN 传感器 370-399100-000北奔机滤 4209200德龙干燥器 F3000派克马达 F12-040-MF-CV-C-000-00丹纳赫 SSEPBM25PDSC064R马克密封圈 1.7894-648马克密封圈 1.7084-637KBB 增压器转速传感器 9110KBB 增压器垫子修理包 9910KBB增压器轴承 4000KBB 修理包 9920KBB 修理包 9930BERGEN 活塞环 L492/49-2BERGEN 活塞环 L492/49-3BERGEN活塞环 L492/49-4BERGEN 刮油环L492/49-5BERGEN 连杆大端瓦 L492/49-12BERGEN主轴承上瓦 L420/51-1BERGEN 主轴承上瓦 L420/51-3BERGEN 高压油泵柱塞偶件 L420/44-9 BERGEN 缸头修理包 424063BERGEN 气阀弹簧(内)L394/42-16 BERGEN 气阀弹簧(外)L394/42-17 BERGEN 出油阀 L420/44-24BERGEN 高压油泵顶杆弹簧 L420/42-9 BERGEN 凸轮轴轴瓦 L492/29-6BERGEN 安全阀总成 756/19BERGEN 喷油器总成 L313/30 BERGEN 连杆螺栓 L492/49-10 BERGEN 高压油管 L394/42-78 BERGEN 420/46-39BERGEN 420/46-39BERGEN 顶帽L394/42-21BERGEN 双头过桥 L394/42-7 BERGEN 安全阀 L756/19-3 BERGEN 安全阀壳体 L756/19-1 BERGEN 主轴承座侧螺栓 L455/50-1 KBB 增压器转速传感器 9110 KUMERA 滤芯 N100909SPERRE滤芯 8451SPERRE靠背轮缓冲胶圈4515低压阀组 3036高压阀组 3037SPERRE低压阀板上垫片4096 SPERRE 高压阀密封圈 3918 SPERRE 高压阀密封圈 3919滚针轴承 3877SPERRE连杆大端瓦3878SPERRE 透气阀 3700SPERRE连杆1424SPERRE 低压级活塞 3354SPERRE 低压级气缸 1135SPERRE 螺栓 4401SPERRE(整机垫片)修理包 4120低压阀组 3036SPERRE低压阀板上垫片4096 SPERRE低压阀板下垫片4095 SPERRE滤芯 8451高压阀组 3037SPERRE连杆1424SPERRE低压散热空气管 3659 SPERRE高压散热空气管 3660 SPERRE低压缸活塞 3356SPERRE压缩环(低压端)3489 SPERRE油环(低压端)3531 SPERRE 低压活塞销 3453SPERRE油封3857派克接头H2-62 H2-63派克接头H3-62 H3-63REICH 联轴器 AC-T6.NN.F2.14.4040 力士乐气控阀5711100200胜凡柱塞泵 scp-064r-v-d14-135-sos-000。



FPD-2010 仅为毛细管分析而设计。对其 池结构 改进后,FPD-2014不仅适用于毛细管分析也适用 于填充柱分析。 为了优化填充和毛细管的分析条件,必须安装合 适的喷嘴,调节检测器的气体流量。

ホ ロ ポHolophotal FPD出 器 ータル炎光光度検
Linear Velocity (cm/s)
Column Oven Temp.
双填充柱进样单元 (DINJ-2014) 单填充柱进样单元 (SINJ-2014) 分流/不分流进样单元 (SPL-2014) 直接进样单元 (WBI-2014)

不能配置柱上进样单元 (OCI) 或程序升温汽化室 (PTV) 。
• 装配有 AFC.
• 注入的所有样品均被引入宽口径毛细管柱

GC-2014 装备由GC-2010 继承的先进流量控制 (AFC)技术。该数字载气控制器对毛细柱和填充 柱均为标配。 柱流速可通过键盘输入并在液晶屏上监控,分析 之前无须拆掉色谱柱测量载气流量。

从GC-2010继承的技术 --- 高性能
m i n
Analytical Conditions Column : ββ’-ODPN 25% on Chrormosorb W 60/80mesh 3.2mmφ×3.1m , Glass COL.Temp. : 70℃ INJ.,DET.Temp. : 150℃ Carrier gas : N2 , 30mL/min Detector : FPD S-mode



AMETEK氧化锆过滤器74422SE (询:15 8 05 06 12 13-李工)AMETEK镜头CH13-0007-tAMETEK电路板13-0307AMETEK铂电阻13-0236AMETEK氙灯880-NSL分析仪配套200880001AMETEK检测电路板880020901AMETEK比值分析仪200886002AMETEK过滤器300-6217AMETEK燃气分析仪CMFA-P2000AMETEK超声波液位计US-21AMETEK干燥器305400901SAMETEK氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK过滤器71862SEAMETEK绝缘管Tube71782KEAMETEK变送器显示面板80472SEAMETEK光源电源880107902SAMETEK光源触发器880118901AMETEK冷镜式水露点分析仪13-1200-L-N-2AMETEK阴极灯(铜灯)300-8707AMETEK镉灯300-207*⑴AMETEK存储器880060901S880-NSLAMETEK多功能校准仪GOFRAASC300AMETEK过滤器74422seAMETEK电源模块500124901517.001.184 S100-200 detector bracket泰科3000-90133000-90143000-9015Tyco 泰科1.MCP2002.MCP2303.601P-M4.611H-FTYCO泰科继电器KU93-90081 , COIL: 24 V AC (1/10 HP, 120 V AC;1 HP, 5 A, 240 V AC ) TYCO泰科探测器:811H、811PH、801H、801PH、51-05 CP830TYCO泰科防爆感烟探测器MR501EX1. PN: 516.031.002Model: MR501EX OPTICAL DETECTOR2. PN: 517.035.002Model: M500Ex MOUNTING BASE泰科tyco T1216火警烟雾报警系统主板T1216 508.023.00416ZONE PANEL C/W VREC 110/230VTYCO泰科CP820 CP830 MCP220EXRAPID 送料器B4WE振动机 BL/60-105/6 6200W 品牌INVICAT VIBRATORS WICHITA 刹车器 MODEVO 350 C40089-600dynapower stratopowerP/N:880339 S/N:888012 30Speck泵 NP10/10-140CWHITE 怀特500300A3123AAAAANTC9221-J2000 380/220vac 50hz mh气体放电灯阿美泰克氧化锆上用的陶瓷过滤器 74422seHAWE(哈威)高压油泵R11.8-11.8-11.8-11.8高压油泵R3.3-1.7-1.7-1.7Werma报警喇叭140.920.55本迪克斯打气泵 229990KIDDE87-120006-001WHDR-400M Cylinder/Valve Assembly, 12 Flow, 4 Gallon Medium阿美特克碤玻漓窗2008887001阿美特克密封垫880042001阿美特克o型圈202813026CONTELEC传感器 VERT-X2831-710-621-102VERT-X2831-710-621-102MICHELL 湿度变送器 WM291-A-O-K7-N030-P070KOOMEY UNIT TYPE 80REPAIR KIT FOR HYD .4 WAY VALVE, 3 POSITION 1", 3000 PSI 1330-4199 7EA品牌:STAHL型号:三线圆插头\220V 16A 8570/12-306防爆报警蜂鸣器品牌:EDWARDS,型号:878EX-N5,规格:120V AC1、Master lock 1C8819 6mm锁钩,锁钩净高38mm,44mm高, 红色XENOY工程塑料安全锁 200个 1C8819 实际货号410MCNRED 红色威创压力传感器5ZB-2500H 5093BQS/20000PSI5093BQS 15000PSI5093BQS 20000PSISALA索拿 6116540PRESSURE SWITCH,DPDT TYPE,2AMP 24VDC,SET@7000kPa,MODEL:RGR4AGUJHDF20,MANUFACTURER:DELTA,DRW. NO:CJ06-4-0168-DWG-03-191A,ITEM NO:M,TAG NO.:191WHPA-WCP-1001-MS/WCMWILKSModel:InfraCal,model:CH ;P/N:405-0002MASTERVOLT400 20 250A31G09324V 25AOTECO3" RRV 1500-5000PSI W/3" LPT INLET & OUTLET,STANDARDP/N:130350卡特320D的喷油嘴brandt振动筛压块件号26EZ美国GIANT泵 P217KNORR气泵 K007546Bonfiglioli reducerType: 310R4517FPP132B2品牌:Cross液压缸型号:312DHRACINE 液压油泵 PSV-PNCF-20HRM-66Automatic Power 带红色LED U型灯FA-165EX ZONE 1 RED LED SUBSIDIARY “U”LIGHTBrand : WILKSInfraCal,model:CH ;P/N:405-0002执行器 woodwardType: B8251-772KOOMEY UNIT TYPE 80REPAIR KIT FOR HYD .4 WAY VALVE, 3 POSITION 1", 3000 PSI 1330-4199加顿丹佛250HP耗材分油器 2002EAU6013 (302EAU035)分油器 89837609DRUCK风压检测仪DPI705 2MPA马祖奇油泵ALP2A-D-50-FC福鸟ZM1002-S2+140罗蒙斯特唐纳森内滤芯 P829333RONNINGEN PETTER垫片 D01219PCM德拉斯哥 RBEI电气安全隔离栅 92460004-003SMC电磁阀 VQD1121-5G-X47DSC108R斯贝克泵 NP25/70/120泰科探头 811H泰科感温探测器601P-M泰科按钮MCP250M泰科按钮MCP260M泰科感温探测器601H-F-M泰科探头631H-F泰科探头811PHPMR话筒 PS12(Art.No.6401-049-000-40)SPM冲击脉冲传感器 40000SPM插头和测量电缆 90005同轴BTI试剂盒 THPSFLOJET泵 2100-883Druck压力变送器 PMP50A3-TC-A1-CA-H0-PA 0-12MPa G Druck压力变送器 PMP50A3-TC-A1-CA-H0-PA 0-10MPa G Druck压力变送器 PMP50A3-TC-A1-CA-H0-PK 0-4MPa G Druck 压力变送器 PMP50A3-TC-A1-CA-H0-PK 0-1MPa G 德瑞克振动马达 SGX-44-15-380/400-5-001 DATCON KFT传感器 02025-00DATCON KFT油位 10911-SPECIALCOFFIN WORLD WATER SYSTEMS阀 VSAB0451-4PLAST O MATIC VALVES INC压力表 GGTS100-PV-R-C力士乐油泵 A2FM63/61W-VBB040 9408551BOSCH继电器 333006006SUNFAB 泵 SCP047RH-L4-ZTF S10赛福乐水泵 8000-151-296SPM 传感器 42000美卓限位开关 EN33A05DM 8-125VDC,24-125VAC力十乐换向阀 4WE6E62/EW230N9K4FAFNIR轴承 3MM9308WICRDUMSUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666奥盖尔泵 PVWJ-098-AIUV-LSAY-P-1NNNN奥盖尔泵 PVWJ-098-A1UV-RSAY-P-1NNNN奥盖尔密封修理包 K50826-200SC047R奥盖尔柱塞泵 PVM-130-A2UV-RSFY-P-1NNSN威创航空插头 10MSPT1106 标配泰科探头MD601EX泰科探头611HF泰科探头631HF泰科感温探测器601P-M泰科感烟探头 601H-R-M泰科按钮MCP250M泰科按钮MCP260M泰科DHM-5BTYCO探头 5B曼空滤细CF1810/WG9725190103-1曼空滤粗C271050/WG9725190102-1THORN按钮519.001.008万国转向灯1661761C93威创航空插头 10MSPT1106 标配AUTRONICA释放开关BF-502ORGA 34b00800 P/N.010085GOODYEAR软管53908511205098GE灯LU70/ECODNH喇叭BK-560TSUNFAB 泵 SCP047RH-L4-ZTF S10PCM德拉斯哥 RDanfoss液压泵SNP1NN/2,2RN01BAP1F3F3NNNN/NNNNN哈威油封60950303-00/6095 0301-00SC047R配件 20032KSR液位计ASC4RV1 5-VS-L 260/2-V44AKSR液位计ASC4RPP1 5-PPS-L245/12-PP44A杜博林旋转接头902-120-188Delco-Remy起动马达10479645FMC上水阀3229886FMC蝶阀3227496FMC蝶阀3232417FMC蝶阀3245819SPM由壬3P10228Wandfluh电磁阀AEXd4z60a/l15费希尔减压阀627538P+F传感器NJ15-30GM50-A2-V1HACKMAN METS OY AB板3292778万国胶套503359C1Billy Pugh WVO-100BEI编码器HS35F-1-14L-RZ-SS-500-AB-3904-TB-5V-EX-SC0N 斯贝克泵 NP25/70/120卡特启动电池 9X-9720Hydro Leduc泵P/N:PAC800511705 S/N: 00012270英特单向阀KIT169WABCO刹车总泵 4613150770Desoutter平衡器50572哈希废液阀(捏阀)YY0000005哈希标准液阀YY0000290哈希白色多通道模块YY0000156哈希消解管YY00001226哈希活塞YY0000068哈希年维护组件YY0000090GAMAK电机 GM2E160M泰科底座 5B 5”泰科感温探测器601P-M摩菲显示表 PV101-C-M02摩菲线束 PVW-PW-30菲尼克斯防雷器 PT 2x2-24DC-ST菲尼克斯底座 PT 2X2-BE摩菲显示表 PV101-C-M02摩菲线束 PVW-PW-30摩菲显示表 PV101-C-M02摩菲线束 PVW-PW-30菲尼克斯防雷器 PT 2x2-24DC-ST菲尼克斯底座 PT 2X2-BEKAG电机M42*20/1Trafag 8472.78.5717ARAG控制阀SERIAL NO.D374341 Club Car电脑板 101909901Club Car电脑板 101909902福鸟传感器 WS32-2/600丹弗斯 EV220B 25BUE压力开关 J120-484CANRIG顶驱M19-3006-010STAHL 插头8570/12-406STAHL 插头 8570/11-406桦特可空硅调功器 W5TZ4V100-24C ORGA 导航障碍灯 HSL18EX-R-24-AB 艾里尔一级活塞杆 C-1137艾里尔阀门 B-3635-T卡特启动机马达 237-1962ORGA灯泡 34S02420E+E 传感器 EE21-FT3B53/T24 AUTRONICA 探头 X-33AF马丁戴克仪表油 W15-1VARCO Z6001MAXIMATOR 阀 VP14.10.03 SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666天马接头3810TEMA接头 3820滤芯滤芯 p551551派克高速马达 F11-005-MB-CN-K-000 CAT 泵配件030223CAT 泵配件 030300CAT 泵配件 030226CAT 泵配件 030687CAT 泵配件 030449CAT 泵配件 015770K60N-108RDNOILTECH 冷却器 B25TH*40/1P-SC-SBAILEY 安全阀 746-1122P卡特彼勒蓄电池9X9730三阳刹车装置 DB-3010A-4-01SICK 光电眼 KT6W-2N5116VDO 表 331 810 012 007ADI采样泵 M121-BT-WB2西门子手持编程器 7ML58302AHSED 电磁阀 600.刹车总泵 4613150770斯堪韦尔 MP-T-P-7.0-RCOMROD 发射天线:AT92MSAILOR天线耦合单元HA4555天马接头 5010天马接头 5020SUNFAB SCM034WN-I42-K30-K3-G-100优格玛筛网 TH48-30*0.60SSSUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666胜凡活塞环 20035MCDANIEL 压力表 KQP-GFMCDANIEL 压力表 EPP-GFMCDANIEL E30KP-GFMcDaniel KFP-GFVIATRAN传感器 3475BFGBYDWLR(替代3405)CR油封 47697泰科感烟探头 811PHEXN泰科感温探头 851PHDET-TRONICS 气体检测变送器 505A3A2A1W斯贝克柱塞泵 D-82538/P11/13-100/3.9KW. 斯贝克柱塞泵 D-82538/P11/13-100/3.9KW. SMC电磁阀 VQZ2220BR -5Y01-C6-X507 VALEO法雷奥启动马达 D9E51HYDRO-LEDUC高压柱塞泵 P/N:XP50-0517625 MEDC手动火灾报警按钮 PBEB4B645DSN7R BRAUN D421.52U2FASCO MOD:71731714 U73B1NOP摆线泵 TOP-212HWM小巨人泵 TE-6-MD-HC派克马达 F11-005-MB-CV-K-209-000-0MCDANIEL压力油表 K9NL-GFSCP-047R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666华高电缆接头114869-PL-BLK华高电缆接头114869-PL-WHT华高电缆接头114869-PL-RED天马接头 IF3820天马接头 IF3810SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666SCP-047R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000SC056RSC064RSPECK 调压阀 UL180/100HEBMPAPST 轴流电机 R4D-400-AL17-05EBMPAPST 轴流风机 R4D400-AB04-05 400V-50HZ 1.2A SUNFAB 轴油封修理包 50666UFM流量开关SN-ASB2GM-4-700V.9-A2WL-.75D SPECK调节阀 UL221 100。


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阿美特克AMETEK 保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291

阿美特克AMETEK 保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291

石英窗 备件号200 887 001 AMETEK
石英窗垫圈 备件号880 042 001 AMETEK
石英窗密封圈 备件号202 813 026 AMETEK
P/S触发组件 备件号880 118 901 比值分析仪880-NSL AMETEK
除雾器金属垫 备件号880 063 001 比值分析仪880-NSL AMETEK
阿美特克AMETEK 第一级过滤膜300-5862
阿美特克AMETEK 第二级过滤膜300-8594
阿美特克AMETEK 色谱柱加热器300-9039
AMETEK 阿美特克 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头(Mirror assembly, regular chiller) CH13-0007-t
阿美特克P/N:3051229035 阿美特克P/N:305648901 阿美特克P/N:3054S0901S 阿美特克P/N:305644901 阿美特克P/N:3054319015
阿美特克P/N:100.1662 阿美特克P/N:100.1771 阿美特克P/N:100.1578 阿美特克P/N:301.1078 阿美特克P/N:100.1848
阿美特克P/N:200887001 阿美特克P/N:880042001 阿美特克P/N:202813026 阿美特克P/N:880033901 阿美特克P/N:200880001
阿美特克P/N:88006901 阿美特克P/N:880136901 阿美特克P/N:265972001 阿美特克P/N:269439024 阿美特克P/N:269439019
AMETEK 干燥器 305400901S\3050-OLV
AMETEK 氧化锆头 71063SE



阿美特克湿气发生器305010901S 联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 285151 9548阿美特克氧化头71785se阿美特克13-1210-C-N-2阿美特克氧化头78715SE阿美特克71862SE阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050阿美特克氧分析仪WDG-210阿美特克湿气发生器305010901S阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SE阿美特克风机150402-50阿美特克80378SE阿美特克露点仪3050-OLV阿美特克氧化锆传感器71785SE阿美特克天然气露点仪13-100-C-N-025阿美特克仪器WDG-III WDG-IV阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SE阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662阿美特克73052TE阿美特克气体传感器WDG210INSITU-36阿美特克烃露点仪chandler chanscope II阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪阿美特克便携式烟气分析仪cmfa-p2000AMETEK阿美特克氧量分析仪毫伏导线95384WE阿美特克WDG-1210阿美特克零点干燥器PN305617901S阿美特克湿气发生器305010901S-J阿美特克电机150372-50阿美特克CHANDLER 13-100-C-N-02阿美特克氧化分析仪WDG-INSITU阿美特克露点仪3050-OLV阿美特克70949KE氧化锆分析仪阿美特克硫化氢933分析仪阿美特克PROLINE-FC阿美特克冷镜式水露点分析仪13-1200-L-N-2阿美特克氧分析仪wdg-210/insitu阿美特克(AMETEK)氧化锆氧量计WDG1210insitu-36 阿美特克AD8-6B8A-031FLEX阿美特克外置线性传感器955LC-C4-0400AMETEK阿美特克天然露点仪13-100AMETEK压力校验仪HPC600AMETEK氧化锆头WDG-1NSTU/210AMETEK氧化锆头WDG-1NSTU/210分析仪(带传感器成套)55W406 ametek外置线性传感器955LC-C4-0400AMETEK湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK干燥器305400901AMETEK阿美特克SC4326AMETEK分析仪器辅助装置90219VEametek氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK分析仪器辅助装置、显示模块、90219VEAMETEK过滤器型号为71849SEAMETEK压力计90I0181AMETEK压力计90I0001AMETEK压力计90I0213AMETEK在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK传感器WDG-1210/INSITU 71785se氧化锆分析仪用过滤器71849seAMETEK化锆分析仪过滤器70144seAMETEK传感器WDG-1210/INSITU 70185sAMETEK耐腐蚀液位计DE508-45-931/L165/DN150PN16AMETEK耐腐蚀液位计DE508-45-931/L210/DN150PN16AMETEK吸尘器电机122044-00AMETEK阿美特克仪器WDG-III WDG-IV AMETEK溶氧量分析仪WDG1210AMETEK加热器及温控组件73052teAMETEK氧化锆氧量计WDG-INSITUX/210 AMETEK直插式氧量表WDG-1210AMETEK阿美特克150372-50威创电缆连接器10MSPT1106威创510BPST25A威创Viatran压力变送器509/709/809威创Viatran压力变送器(低压)544威创Viatran压力变送器(表压和绝压)548/748/848 威创Viatran压力变送器(表压和绝压)570/770/870 威创Viatran压力变送器571(表压和绝压)威创Viatran压力变送器572(带2 级保护)威创Viatran压力变送器574(压差),威创Viatran压力变送器584(表压和绝压),威创Viatran压力变送器584(表压和绝压威创Viatran压力变送器LP770(低功耗威创Viatran压力传感器948(表压和绝压)威创Viatran压力传感器970( 表压和绝压),威创Viatran压力变送器550/551(用于浆状物或纸浆),威创Viatran差压变送器IDP10威创Viatran航空插头10MSPT1106。



AMETEK干燥器305400901S AMETEK干燥器305400901S(询价:15 8 05 06 12 13-李工)AMETEK氧化锆室70597SEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK取样过滤器71072SE厂家AMETEK天然气露点仪13-100-C-N-025AMETEK湿气发生器305010901S阿美特克露点仪13-1210-C-N-2AMETEK氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK过滤器71849SEAMETEK镜头CH13-0007-tAMETEK电路板13-0307AMETEK热电偶SC4326-NR-FCAMETEK 铂电阻13-0236 AMETEK电源/键盘模块90253VEAMETEK 70049SE氧氣分析儀用取樣探棒AMETEK 90219VE可燃性氣體分析儀用顯示模組AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SE 数量2AMETEK氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克80472SEAMETEK光源电源880107902sAMETEK光源触发器880118901AMETEK硫化氢在线分析仪阴极灯(铜灯) PN:300-8707AMETEK硫化氢在线分析仪镉灯933 300-207AMETEK阿美特克119153-54,THERMALLY PRO TECTED LFUSE PRO TECTEDAMETEK阿美泰克存储器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源电源880107902SAMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源触发器880118901AMETEK阿美特克电源模块500124901AMETEK电路板80498SEAMETEK烃露点分析仪过滤组件100-1848AMETEK 300-2070的镉灯AMETEK阿美特克AMETEK氧化锆加热棒73052TEAMETEK氧化锆高温导线95384WEAMETEK温度控制器269323011AMETEK比值分析仪氙灯200880001AMETEK比值分析仪检测电路板880020901AMETEK比值分析仪测量池880324901氧化锆头ametek 71063SEAMETEK K型非接地式热电偶71697KEAMETEK取樣PROBE 75064SEAMETEK氧化锆高温导线95384WEAMETEK源触发器880118901AMETEK氧化锆73052TESAILOR N421SAILOR SP3520SAILOR HT4520特力得泵s-216-j35卡特发电机卡特彼勒169-3345滤芯滤芯2FS1000 P551000滤芯滤芯2LF9009 P553000滤芯滤芯2WF2075 P554075滤芯滤芯2P777868滤芯滤芯2P777869滤芯滤芯2FS1212 P558000滤芯滤芯2LF9009 P553000滤芯滤芯2WF2075 P554075滤芯滤芯2AF872 P181056滤芯滤芯2FF5052 P550440滤芯滤芯2FS1280 P551329滤芯滤芯2LF3349 P558615滤芯滤芯2WF2075 P554075滤芯滤芯2K2140EF01-ARO-14V-PNP/1德国司登利 STEINEL热风枪HG-2310 GE镇流器GE248HO-MV-NCAT泵 351意大利SAMIA.S.R.L-LESMO-MILANO P/N:P.85G3R滤芯TR20520SPM密封胶圈P108291BOCK活塞式制冷压缩机HGX8/2830-4SBOCK活塞式制冷压缩机HGX88e/2735-4SSB330-50A1/112A9-330AC'Treat滤芯P2544C'Treat滤芯B2523美国GM探测器IR2100美国GM探测器FL4000HC'Treat滤芯F0205C'Treat滤芯T0127C'Treat滤芯G0017SB330-10A1/112A9-330AAQUAMETRO流量计 vzo4-RE 0.00125DERRICK FLC-503配件,总成件号:14623-00E2S灯泡B300FLF230B/Y英格索兰气动悬挂葫芦手柄组件80148539JUMO 405052/000英格索兰启动马达SS815GB03R3贺德克滤芯 0160D005BN3HcVGG-4322-316-HCC-H2-XISC-D024E5SM-3201-22-HCC-H2-XISC-D024英格索兰修理包SS800-TK2HYDAC过滤器RF4-1-EPTO-AAE-0-4-16-1/KMS50英格索兰气动马达150BMPE88R54CARMANAH 型号M650H英格索兰修理包150BMPD-TK1CONTOIL Oil meter VZO 25 RC 130/16-RV1FHF Funke + Huster Fernsig电笛 HPWII212.251.07 230VGE镇流器GE-125-120-NVOXTEL 探测器RIP1-JNFROBUSCHI RBS 145/F BARESHAFTMoxa E3210VOXTEL 探测器RIP1-JNFDEIF PPU/2/95(PPU/2/GS), 100-690 VAC, current -1A or -/5A supply 12/24VDC OPTION B1/F1MS-HTB-4TMS-HTB-4SKF轴承504264AUXITROL CT801-SI-RFCEAG防爆荧光灯 EXPLOSION-PROOF FLUORESCENT LIGHTING,厂家规格:CEAG Crouse-hinds ellk 92036/36 ,Exd IIC T4 IP66, 2*36W,220V,Order code:1 2266 875 109KEWILL 浮球式液位开关LV30-750S2FAUXITROL CT801-SI-RFOBSERVATOR OMC-406Mesto气动O型阀7150313600XT2-VPVL300DABD-SR2WB5HDMesto气动O型阀7150313600XTZ2-VPVL300DABD-SR2WB5HDNORGA VF500,103903,J1508-01,24Vdc德国威图RITTAL THERMOSTAT/超温开关 SK 3110.000OBSERVATOR 手柄OMC-422FHF Funke + Huster Fernsig电笛 HPWII212.251.07 230VMS-HTB-6TMS-HTB-8MS-TDT-24MS-TC-308万福乐AS321006电磁控制阀阿特拉斯压力传感器1089057565ITRANS,MFR硫化氢传感器\工业,科学\7702-3828 ITRANS硫化氢传感器,P/ N:7702-3828阿特拉斯压力传感器1089057578万福乐AEDRVN6-S775/200电磁阀哈威PSL 31/D250-2-A 2 LW 40/25 A 250 B 250FPH 1/EA/3-A 2 H 40/40 A 250 B 250/EA/3-A 2 H 40/40 A 200/EA/3-A 2 H 40/40 A 200/EA/3-A 1 L 40/40/EA/3-A 1 L 40/40/E0A8/3-A 1 L 40/40/E0A8/3-A 1 L 40/40/E0A8/3-A 1 L 40/40/E0A8/3-A 1 L 40/40/E0A8/3-E 4-G 24液压泵(高压) ENERPAC P392手动液压泵 MAX10000PSI/700BARControlli 电动二通阀2FGB25派克马达F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-000-0PSL轴承912-304A派克马达 3799999Consilium康士廉手动火警报警按钮NS-CP-IP55,电压24VDCConsilium康士廉手动火警报警按钮5200014-01A MCP-C IP55Controlli 电动二通阀2FGB40Controlli 电动二通阀2FGB50COMET抛绳器1104威伯科WABCO 9253231300威格士 VMQ135S158哈威G49-22-G 24哈威RB1哈威R 8,3-8,3-8,3-8,3-BABSL-Z 15电磁阀 UNIWO SOLENOID VALVE 2-9bar -40-110℃ Model:HV-515N哈威PMVR4-44/G 24哈威EV1M2-12/24哈威R2.7ITALVIBRAS振动电机M3/4-S02盖瑞特增压器TV7301/8924252/466176-0001/46西门子触摸屏smart700 6AV66176-5001丹佛斯电磁阀线圈018F6176哈威R8.3-8.3-8.3-8.3/Z15BABSLB-406T B-560TTAIYO流量计DFS3-1200-DC24V树脂叶轮空调压缩机\ZR81KC TFD 522 380V滤芯空气过滤器B160049JUMO DELOS SI 压力变送器405052/000OBL意大利固化剂隔膜泵MC261OBL意大利固化剂隔膜泵MC201HAWE 柱塞泵R8.3-8.3-8.3-8斯贝克泵NPE25/30-200派克电磁阀RCS2406-02-200Lscanwill增压阀P7.0RHEINZMANN 电位器海茵茨曼序列号9710024012-Z电动电位计SW07-1-M-ES-120S 斯贝克泵NP25/30-200斯贝克高压泵NPE25/70_100威格士泵 PVB10/RSY/31/CMC/11GUIBERSON斯贝克高压泵NP25/70-120MONITRAN振动传感器MTN/1185CQ-20帕斯菲达X100-XB-AAAA365ATLAS 控制面板,序列号:91121044003 备件号:1900071292JOTRON MF-11122VCPLUS球阀通用备品 SEALWELD 阀门清洗液S-VCP-SGC力士乐A10VSO71DRS/32R-VPB22U99BOSCH DFJ020012BOSCH DFJ010006Brand液压流量控制阀FC51-1/2英国michell露点仪S4000 -60℃—+40℃英国michell露点仪S4000 -85℃—+20℃英国michell露点仪S4000 -100℃—+20℃绝压0-10BAR_德鲁克PTX5072-TA-A1-CA-H0-PA绝压0-350mbar_德鲁克PTX5072-TA-A1-CA-H0-PAMission 648408706ORGA 雾笛导航系统PCB64 PCB CODER MK2 SUITABLE FOR FOGHORN CODE,ITEM NO: 15S50040ORGA 雾笛导航系统PCB71 PCB 35POSC 860Hz INVERTER,ITEM NO: 15S70860 德国沃马防咬剂 530.0358Mission 661009010AMission 646490557Mission 648402295Mission 648408201SMission 072200017限位开关 D-C73AS2201F-01-10S新款AS2201F-01-10SA摆动气缸执行机构 MGPM32-50新款MGPM32-50ZGRA1BS50-180C是否CRA1BS50-180C新款CRA1BS50-180CZ气缸 MDBT40-75新款MDBT40-75ZL-MDBT32-50气缸 MDBB50-125新款MDBB50-125Z气缸 MDBB32-100新款MDBB32-100ZMBT80-350新款MBT80-350ZMBB50-60新款MBB50-60Z气缸 MBB50-55Y-05M气缸 MBB50-250新款MBB50-250ZL-CM2E32-50电磁换向阀 VQ4151-5H-03电磁换向阀 VQ4151-5H电磁换向阀VG342R-5DZ-06A应是 VG342R-5DZ-06电磁换向阀VFS5110-5DZB-06电磁换向阀VCA41-5DLB-5-03-F电磁换向阀SMC SY7120-5DZ-02-F2 DC2电磁换向阀VQ5251-5H-04电磁换向阀VQ5151-5H-04气缸 MDBT50-75新款MDBT50-75ZAS3201F-03-10S新款AS3201F-03-10SA气缸 MBB63-35新款MBB63-35Z气缸 MBD50-100新款MBD50-100ZAS4201F-04-12S新款AS4201F-04-12SATU1065BU-100AS2201F-02-10S新款AS2201F-02-10SA气缸 CRB1BY80-90D气缸 MGGMF40-300电磁换向阀 VQ4151-5H-03滤片SPL25 202罗茨同步马达FDRA010422WVR280罗茨同步马达FDRA020112WVR280COMROD VHF天线AV7电磁换向阀 VQ4151-5HFLUKE过程校检仪754SICK光电眼 KT6W-2N5116PROTEGO管端呼吸阀VD\SV-250\CS摩托罗拉防爆对讲机/GP338横河EJA110A-EHS5A-97DACOMROD航空对讲机天线AV19MARZOCCHI马祖奇齿轮泵GHP3-S-30-FQ英格索兰气动马达GS08P16-055FSOLO感温探头测试装置461奔驰A2710503347*10奔驰A2710503447*10英格索兰空压机UP5-11CTAS-8-2722-3/8英寸到8-5/8英寸产品系列号H540202-3/8英寸到15英寸产品系列号H54023横河EJA530A-ECS7N-07NN/KF2GOIZPER 5725OWD手动截止阀 TYCO 型号PN37MPaDN50T283'CCAT发电机电池_9X9730woodward电磁阀SA-3527-TOILTECH冷却器 B25TH*100/1P-SC-SODA-1110-1N防爆电话NIPPON HAKUYU感烟探头FD-8311NIPPON HAKUYU接线盒OFZ-9002电磁阀SJ06E532NC009224VDC万福乐电磁换向阀 AExd4Z60a-G24/L15万福乐防爆比例减压阀 MQBPM22-150/L15-Z382万福乐液控换向阀AP4Z60aDTLTA 热金属检测器&Z3.JC.S N`85581 220V&马丁戴克仪表油 w15-4日本横河变送器 EJA110A-EHS5A-97DA日本横河变送器 EJA530A-ECS7N-07NN/KF2/QR德鲁克校验仪DPI880MKS 153D-4-100-2罗斯蒙特压力变送器 2088G-3-S-22-A-2-S5-B4-ED-M5-Q4 Mission 641103296FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION 27XST-024YFEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION CMXC-SBNORGREN 减压阀B74G-4GK-A01-RMN底特律S40发动机配件1817677C91 燃油滤芯底特律S40发动机配件1817677C91 燃油滤芯底特律S40发动机配件2G110119 空气滤清器底特律S40发动机配件TFX-400*80底特律S40发动机配件TFX-400*80 液压油箱吸油滤芯(DDC-S-40 底特律S40发动机配件G110119FRABA编码器0CD-DPB1B-1212-C10S-H3PDNH扬声器DSP-25EExmNTPARKER电磁阀341N35 220Vbei NPEXA-CA2D11P Pt100 0-300℃OTECO钻井大绳排缆器G-102-S 431122watlow型号:AF-JAOTA094UJ100西博斯西博斯2SA5511-2CE00-4BBS-Z西博斯西博斯2SA5511-2CE00-4BB3-Z力士乐A10VSO71DR/31R-PPA12NOOLIEBHERR CLYBEARING PIVOT PTECE ADD 918509414Audco 731-C丹麦ROTAN HD51EFMT-1U2B2美卓定量阀RAW100AW-NC4L100-ND4KS22美卓定量阀RAW100AW-NC41L100-ND4KS22NOV国民油井华高螺杆泵定子RRE0822207E+E 温湿度变送器 EE31-PFTD3025D05/BG6-T26OTECO钻井大绳排缆器滚子431121马丁戴克机械压力表38021601,X00-04-264,0~16000Psi OTECO钻井大绳排缆器修理袋431112SCHMERSAL BN20-11RZ-M16能美感烟探测器FDK512-JCAUTION P3403892-0351MKS蝶阀153D-4-100-2OTECO配件280105OTECO配件280106美国WATLOW瓦特隆探头AF-JAOTA094UJ100OTECO配件280102OTECO配件280107阿波罗探头ob-ht-41014-marARROW Electric Driven Chemical Injection泵BR4300Brand液压流量控制阀FC51-1/2MONARCH泵AOT-6MONARCH泵FAOT-6MN-DSF40GM-16F-1050V.9-A2WL-STZ20-24D美国谷轮的压缩机谷轮ZR190KC-TFD-522LG接触器 GMC-180线圈 AC380V 180A康士廉探头SWM-1/KL 57°普兰索力泵 VF 14T1503N75T-S35CLIMAX润滑脂\规格:SIXE B 3/8"kidde FENWAL 感烟探头CPD7051意大利ITALVIBRAS MVSI 10/10000-S02 7.6KW 380V 50hz 3phLewis皮带BC Aqua-terraLewis灵活的钢尾线TR-14DYNAPAR BRAND A103-004意大利bont阀FIG.6051 4500 616.34ENDURO RX4CH-24GRACO 214980(附帶2KG壓力指示配套φ6氣管接頭,φ6油管接頭,帶50mm加長桿kidde FENWAL 感烟探头CPD7054GOODALL00008软管瑞士Contelec电位器PD210 1KO/J 4BMGRACO (固瑞克)高压黄油泵工作压力:580公斤,50:1 PN:239877,序列号:K7973康士廉探头5200047-00AMJ441-11Y IEC60947-5-1DRVCK德鲁克PTX7517-4426三阳DB-3002A-2费斯托电磁阀 537640W2002滤芯空气滤芯p777579瑞士CONTELEC PD210-1KΩ/J 4BM霍尼韦尔压差开关DPS200DRVCK德鲁克PT*2072-AT-A1-CB-HO-PRDRVCK德鲁克PT*5072-AB-A2-CB-HO-PR摩菲油位保持器-LR857DRVCK德鲁克PT*5072-TB-A2-CB-HO-PRDRVCK德鲁克PTX5072-TA-A1-CB-H0-PR油力MB-4/1S-4/28L/G-4/M3油力MB-4/3S-4/28L/18L/18L/G-4/M3DRVCK德鲁克PTX5072-TA-A2-CB-H0-PRDRVCK德鲁克PTX5072-TA-A2-CB-H0-PRPH计310P-01A奥利龙ABB AT636S18三阳DB-3010AF-01DET-TRONICS 可燃气体报警器PIRECLA1A1W1AMDET-TRONICS 可燃气体报警器PIRECLA1A1W1UNITOR超声波清洗机S-700/HM,230VDNH扬声器HS-15EExmNTDET-TRONICS 可燃气体报警器PIRECLA1A1Y1电缆HQ30D53151000奥莱尔胶囊全套 50LD (50M25)意大利SETTIMA海林柯螺杆泵GR55SNT380LSNRF2安全阀/PSV-7181A/外输橇流量计95130111BEUPEC晶闸管T1503N75T-S35KEYSTONE光杆蝶阀,FAR1/T064/DN150KEYSTONE气动蝶阀,FAR1/T064/DN150+F79U-012DAKEYSTONE阀座DN150 FAR1 NBR海沃齿轮油泵14571231C美国科尔摩根Kollmorgen伺服电机AKD-B01206-NBAN-0000 美国科尔摩根Kollmorgen伺服电机AKM63L-ANCNR-00PSL 5H1/210-3canrig H101238canrig H100015canrig H100020哈里伯顿HQ-2000-凡尔胶皮-2030021哈里伯顿HQ-2000-风扇液压马达-哈里伯顿HQ-2000-启动液压马达-CMD-3A-111哈里伯顿HQ-2000-空气滤芯-7695500K哈里伯顿HQ-2000-胶联剂泵总成-CA T1531哈里伯顿HQ-2000-柱塞机油气动泵-9911-1哈里伯顿HQ-2000-2英寸CAMPBEL呼吸阀-FOOT V ALVE哈里伯顿HQ-2000-蝶阀NORRISEAL-R1011-13AA-1A哈里伯顿HQ-2000-液压齿轮泵-CASAPPA-P/GD-N-EL-P-FS哈里伯顿HQ-2000-变矩器液压油滤-67636652哈里伯顿HQ-2000-工作缸皮碗-1318-5075哈里伯顿HQ-2000-油水分离器滤子总成-A000 477 13 02哈里伯顿HQ-2000-1-1/2英寸旋塞阀-15000psi 1502哈里伯顿HQ-2000-1-1/2英寸旋塞阀修理-15000psi 1502哈里伯顿HQ-2000-3英寸活动弯头-50型MXF15000psi 1502哈里伯顿HQ-2000-3英寸活动弯头-10MXM 15000psi 1502哈里伯顿HQ-2000-3"旋塞阀-SF105-3*3,105MPA哈里伯顿HQ-2000-2"旋塞阀-SF105-2*2,105MPA哈里伯顿HQ-2000-3"活动弯头-100M-M(双公) WT10.3L 105MPA哈里伯顿HQ-2000-压轮轴承-HK440B CA310017哈里伯顿HQ-2000-4"低压管线-4*长4.5M,受压1MPA哈里伯顿HQ-2000-高压管线-受压40MPA,长5M,1502扣F-M哈里伯顿HQ-2000-后桥油封-A-1205-P-2590哈里伯顿HQ-2000-中桥油封-A-1205-P-2592哈里伯顿HQ-2000-风扇皮带-D1102-4897哈里伯顿HQ-2000-雨刷器气泵-J339-56-1/K339-56-2哈里伯顿HQ-2000-后刹车分配阀T-294859D哈里伯顿HQ-2000-分配器电磁阀-K295-386哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵螺栓-50.8*10哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵螺栓-19*88哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵销子-19*88哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵销子-19*51哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵齿盘-364*25.4哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵拉杆-133*290哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵螺栓-50.8*95哈里伯顿HQ-2000 大泵连接盘销钉哈里伯顿HQ-2000HQ-大泵连接盘螺丝哈里伯顿HQ-2000-大泵连接盘拉杆哈里伯顿HQ-2000-灌注泵-101209391哈里伯顿HQ-2000-风扇液压马达修理包CAT PUMP是抽取无磨料(无颗粒)液体、中等PH液体介质的最理想液体泵,其抽取的液体介质包含城市供水、过滤后的废水、油料、清洁溶液、杀虫剂、化学品溶液、海水、去离子水等,在制药和食品制造上也在使用。

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本手册内所有资料和图片版权均归阿美泰克所有,禁止仿冒。 未经上海阿美泰克工业设备有限公司书面许可,本手册内容不得被复制或抄袭。 商标及图形标志为注册商标。
阿美泰克公司保留更改产品设计、规格、参数的权利,恕不另行通知,以产品随机资料为准。本手册内 所有资料和图片仅供参考,以实物为准。如有任何印刷错漏,本公司不承担因此产生的后果,公司保留 对资料内有关内容的最终解释权。
Add: No.26 faxiang road,Jiangqiao town, Jiading district,Shanghai
P.C: 201803 Tel: +86 21 59145555 Fax: +86 21 59141111 Http: Email: ametech@
由于粘贴垫片的粘合剂对介质及胶垫本身有污染与侵蚀,同时在检修时不易拆 装。我们采取了卡扣式挂垫方式,既方便使用维护,又防止粘合剂对人员及环境的 危害。
对换热器与其它设备连接,通常使用螺栓连接,可以避免焊接对换热器的损 害;根据客户需要,也可以采用焊接连接,我们通过采用加长接口的方法,防范焊 接损害。
相邻板片的波纹波峰相互接触,形成网状支撑,大大提高板片的结构强度,可以 承受较大压力,保证换热器的安全性、延长设备的使用寿命。
美国 ASME 日本 JIS 标准 美国 3A 卫生标准
德国 TUV 标准 中国 NB/T47004 ISO9001/14001/18000

和专业的客户服务。 阿美泰克建立和完善了销售服务网络,在各省、市设有 350 多个分支机构,拥有专业

的销售服务队伍,3 个技术培训和产品中心,产品提供全国或全球联保服务,能就近为广 大客户提供专业、快速、高效的技术支持与优良的营销服务。
☆ 多角度流道结合——根据流速与换热量不同。 ☆ 宽窄结合——根据介质特性不同与工况不同。 ☆ 深浅结合——根据介质特性不同与工况不同。 ☆ 软硬结合——采用软硬板组合技术,既提高换热效率,又保证换热器强度。 ☆ 长短结合——每种接入口径的换热器,均有3种以上的高度尺寸, 利于客户设
备布置。 ☆ 非对称结合——针对一次介媒与二次介媒的温差、流量不同,实行非对称流
水及水溶液;脂肪;植物油;矿物油;乙醇;乙二醇, 含烷基苯的制冷剂;含环烷基乙二醇的压缩机润滑油
三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM) -35~150
硅橡胶(Silicone rubber) -50~180
水、氟里昂等一般弱酸、弱碱腐蚀的场合 高温热水和蒸汽;各种化学品;NaOH等碱类;弱酸 高浓度无机酸;热水和蒸汽;高温矿物油 适用于一般的高温介质;对一些腐蚀性介质也有一定的耐蚀性
板片采取反对称结构,即旋转180度,成为对应相邻板片。所有板片间均有锁紧 机构,采用活动轴承就可以将换热器夹紧到合适尺寸。为了方便拆卸换热器,采用性 能独特而优越的专用夹紧螺栓,具有良好的夹紧自锁功能,防止设备在长期使用过程 中螺栓松动,导致密封失效。操作简单通用性高,现场只需一个人采用常规、通用工 具即可对设备进行装、卸等维护工作。
采用0.5-0.8m m厚度的不锈钢板片。在客户无特别要求时,我们采用S S304材 质,根据工况与介质特性我们会选用与其工质相匹配的合金材质与厚度。0.5m m厚度 时承压25Bar,0.8mm厚度时承压40Bar;板间安全承压能力最大25Bar。良好的机械强 度,避免板片在高压下的错位现象的发生;流体中坚硬颗粒与板片发生摩擦时,能有效提 高板片的抗击穿能力。
阿美泰克引进A M E T E C H及拥有2500吨、3000吨、6000吨及12000吨级等多 台先进液压机设备,针对不同的板片采用相应的压机压制,保证了板片成型准确又 确保了板材强度不受损害。板片压制采用预覆液压膜工艺,保证了板片在加工过程 中不受损害。无油压制,保证了板片的洁净。
M T 板换系列 TS L N
☆ 字母A代表是公司名称,为阿美泰克公司的板式换热器产品。 ☆ 字母M/T/TS/L/N/F/E/T分别表示板式换热器的系列号,其中M为标准系列,为公
司产品的标准推荐系列;T/TS系列分别为为M系列的撤块产品,适合温差变化小 的场合;L/N系列为M系列加高或加宽延伸产品,针对特殊的工况使用。 ☆ 符号“/”后数字表示换热量(单位kw), 符号“-”后数字表示换热器面积(单位m2)。 ☆ 对于根据工况参数选型的换热器只标明换热量,对于参数不全按照换热面积定义 的型号此处标注换热面积。
阿美泰克拥有压力容器(特种设备)制造资质,有完善强大的质保体系,设 计、生产及检验标准严格按压力容器标准要求执行,确保良好的产品质量。
我们引进了A M E T E C H公司的6B选型软件与3A数据库,保证选型设计的合理 与适应性。
page 04
page 05
版权所有 翻版必究 ◎阿美泰克 All rights reserved.Pirate is forbidden.
2014年 第一版 第一次印刷 Second printing and second edition in 2014
印刷日期:2014.03.18 Date of printing:2014.03.18

隔膜式气压罐………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31 不锈钢反应釜………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32
随着企业多年的稳健发展,今天,阿美泰克在中国投资建立了 3 个生产基地(上海、
济南、江苏),总注册资金:1.316 亿元。公司主要生产板式换热器、换热机组、管壳式
上海阿美泰克工业设备有限公司 致力于能源的有效利用及解决方案
SHANGHAI AMETECH INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. The effective utilization of energy and solutions
Contents Profile
精炼的品质,源于对专业的深刻理解 完美的服务,始于对品牌的无限追求
Shanghai Ametech Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd.
地址:上海市嘉定区江桥镇发祥路26号 邮编:201803 电话:021-59145555 传真:021-59141111 网址: 邮箱:ametech@
净水、河川水、食用油、矿物油、酸碱介质和 腐蚀较严重的场合(不适宜有氯离子的场合) 河水、盐水、海水和有氯离子腐蚀场合 浓硫酸、盐酸、磷酸、及强氧化性介质等场合 高温、高浓度苛性钠和有氯离子腐蚀场合 有机溶剂和有晶间腐蚀、氯离子腐蚀场合 海水、低温冷冻场合
page 02
page 03
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
上海阿美泰克公司引进了AMETECH的先进设计、制造生产工艺,以用户使用的 可靠性与最佳运行性能为核心,最大限度提高换热效率,降低能耗损失。
通过了 ISO9001 国际质量管理体系认证;ISO14001 环境管理体系认证;ISO18001 职