
国际工程分包英文合同Article 1: arties InvolvedThe contract shall e etween [Main Contractor's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Main Contractor") and [Sucontractor's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Sucontractor"). oth arties must rovide their full legal names, registered addresses, and contact information.Article 2: Scoe of WorkThe Sucontractor agrees to erform the following scoe of work: [Detailed descrition of the secific tasks, services, or construction elements that the Sucontractor is resonsile for]. The work shall e carried out in accordance with the secifications, drawings, and schedules rovided y the Main Contractor.Article 3: Contract Sum and ayment TermsThe total contract sum for the sucontracted work is [Amount in words and figures]. ayment shall e made according to the following schedule: [Detail the ayment milestones, ercentages, or secific comletion stages]. Advance ayments, retention money, and any other financial rovisions should e clearly stated.Article 4: Comliance with Laws and RegulationsThe Sucontractor shall comly with all alicale laws, regulations, and standards relevant to the erformance of the sucontracted work. This includes local, national, and international requirements, as well as industry-secific standards.Article 5: Quality Assurance and Safety StandardsThe Sucontractor must adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety. They are resonsile for imlementing and maintaining a quality assurance system and ensuring that all work comlies with the required health and safety regulations.Article 6: Timely Comletion and DelaysThe Sucontractor must ensure timely comletion of the work in accordance with the agreed-uon schedule. In the event of delays, the Sucontractor must notify the Main Contractor immediately and rovide a revised comletion date. enalties or liquidated damages may aly for any delay eyond the stiulated eriod.Article 7: Change OrdersAny changes to the original scoe of work shall e documented in a change order, which will detail the additional or reduced tasks, along with any imact on the contract sum and comletion date. oth arties must agree in writing efore any change can e imlemented. Article 8: Warranty and Defects LiailityThe Sucontractor shall rovide a warranty against defects in technology, materials, and workmanshi for [secified duration]. Resonsiilities for defect corrections and liailities in case of errors or omissions should e clearly defined.Article 9: Termination and SusensionThe contract may e terminated under secific circumstances, such as material reach, insolvency, or force majeure events. Grounds for termination, notice eriods, and settlement rocedures should e outlined.Article 10: Disute ResolutionAny disutes arising from or related to the contract shall first e addressed through negotiation etween the arties. If unresolved, the disute may e referred to[mediation/aritration/litigation], as er the agreed-uon disute resolution clause.Article 11: Governing Law and JurisdictionThe contract shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [the country where the roject is located]. The jurisdiction for any legal roceedings shall e [the designated court or authority].Article 12: Final rovisionsThe contract includes general rovisions such as force majeure, assignment, confidentiality, entire agreement, and notices. These rovisions ensure that all contingencies are covered and that the contract is comrehensive.Conclusion。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX机电工程项目施工分包合同(2024年)版本合同目录一览1. 合同主体及定义1.1 承包商信息1.2 分包商信息1.3 项目概况2. 工作范围和内容2.1 分包工程范围2.2 分包工程量清单2.3 分包工程质量标准3. 合同价格3.1 合同总价3.2 价格调整机制3.3 支付方式及进度4. 工期及进度4.1 施工期限4.2 关键节点及进度要求4.3 工期延误及延期5. 质量控制与验收5.1 质量管理体系5.2 施工过程质量控制5.3 竣工验收及保修6. 安全生产与环保6.1 安全生产责任6.2 安全生产措施6.3 环保要求及措施7. 变更与解除7.1 合同变更条件7.2 合同变更程序7.3 合同解除条件7.4 合同解除程序8. 违约责任8.1 承包商违约8.2 分包商违约8.3 违约责任处理9. 争议解决9.1 争议解决方式9.2 仲裁地点及机构9.3 仲裁费用承担10. 合同的生效、变更和终止10.1 合同生效条件10.2 合同变更程序10.3 合同终止条件11. 保密条款11.1 保密信息范围11.2 保密期限11.3 保密义务及违约责任12. 知识产权保护12.1 知识产权归属12.2 知识产权保护措施12.3 侵权责任处理13. 合同的附件13.1 附件清单13.2 附件的有效性14. 其他条款14.1 法律法规适用14.2 不可抗力14.3 合同解释权14.4 联系方式14.5 合同修订历史第一部分:合同如下:第一条合同主体及定义1.1 承包商信息(1)承包商全称:机电工程集团有限公司(2)地址:市区路号(3)法定代表人:(4)联系方式:电话:,邮箱:1.2 分包商信息(1)分包商全称:机电安装工程有限公司(2)地址:市区路号(3)法定代表人:(4)联系方式:电话:,邮箱:1.3 项目概况(1)项目名称:工厂机电工程项目(2)项目地点:市区路号(3)项目规模:(4)项目概述:第二条工作范围和内容2.1 分包工程范围(1)分包工程包括:(2)分包工程详细范围:2.2 分包工程量清单(1)分包工程量清单详细内容:2.3 分包工程质量标准(1)分包工程质量标准:第三条合同价格3.1 合同总价(1)合同总价:元(大写:元整)3.2 价格调整机制(1)价格调整条件:(2)价格调整程序:3.3 支付方式及进度(1)支付方式:(2)支付进度及时间:第四条工期及进度4.1 施工期限(1)施工期限:4.2 关键节点及进度要求(1)关键节点:(2)进度要求:4.3 工期延误及延期(1)工期延误:(2)延期程序:第五条质量控制与验收5.1 质量管理体系(1)质量管理体系要求:5.2 施工过程质量控制(1)施工过程质量控制要求:5.3 竣工验收及保修(1)竣工验收要求:(2)保修期限:第六条安全生产与环保6.1 安全生产责任(1)安全生产责任:6.2 安全生产措施(1)安全生产措施:6.3 环保要求及措施(1)环保要求:(2)环保措施:第七条变更与解除7.1 合同变更条件(1)合同变更条件:7.2 合同变更程序(1)合同变更程序:7.3 合同解除条件(1)合同解除条件:7.4 合同解除程序(1)合同解除程序:第八条违约责任8.1 承包商违约(1)承包商违约行为:(2)违约责任:8.2 分包商违约(1)分包商违约行为:(2)违约责任:8.3 违约责任处理(1)违约责任处理方式:(2)违约责任处理程序:第九条争议解决9.1 争议解决方式(1)争议解决方式:9.2 仲裁地点及机构(1)仲裁地点:(2)仲裁机构:9.3 仲裁费用承担(1)仲裁费用承担:第十条合同的生效、变更和终止10.1 合同生效条件(1)合同生效条件:10.2 合同变更程序(1)合同变更程序:10.3 合同终止条件(1)合同终止条件:第十一条保密条款11.1 保密信息范围(1)保密信息范围:11.2 保密期限(1)保密期限:11.3 保密义务及违约责任(1)保密义务及违约责任:第十二条知识产权保护12.1 知识产权归属(1)知识产权归属:12.2 知识产权保护措施(1)知识产权保护措施:12.3 侵权责任处理(1)侵权责任处理:第十三条合同的附件13.1 附件清单(1)附件清单:13.2 附件的有效性(1)附件的有效性:第十四条其他条款14.1 法律法规适用(1)法律法规适用:14.2 不可抗力(1)不可抗力:14.3 合同解释权(1)合同解释权:14.4 联系方式(1)联系方式:14.5 合同修订历史(1)合同修订历史:第二部分:其他补充性说明和解释说明一:附件列表:附件一:机电工程项目施工分包合同协议书附件二:分包工程量清单附件三:分包工程设计图纸附件四:分包工程施工方案附件五:分包工程质量标准和要求附件六:施工安全防护措施方案附件七:环境保护措施方案附件八:合同价款支付证明附件九:工期进度计划附件十:工程验收标准和方法附件十一:保密协议附件十二:知识产权保护协议附件十三:争议解决协议附件十四:合同变更和终止协议附件的详细要求和说明:附件一:机电工程项目施工分包合同协议书本附件详细列出了合同双方的权利、义务和责任,以及合同的履行条件、期限和方式。

机电国际招标合同范本一、合同参与方本合同由以下双方共同签署:甲方:(以下简称“甲方”)单位名称:______________________ 法定代表人:____________________ 地址:____________________________ 联系电话:______________________乙方:(以下简称“乙方”)单位名称:______________________ 法定代表人:____________________ 地址:____________________________ 联系电话:______________________二、合同背景为了规范合作,保障双方权益,在平等、自愿、公正的原则下,甲方决定以招标方式选取合适的机电供应商,乙方经过评审并最终中标。

国际工程项目施工分包合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF SUBPROJECT EXECUTION 本合同系中译英翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.签署日期:Date of Signature :总包商:General Contractor分包商:Subcontractor电气机械承包公司(以下简称总包商),和工程施工公司(以下简称分包商),于__订立本分包合同。
鉴于总包商已同利比亚国大型电气项目管理局(以下简称业主),就电气机械承包工程项目的设计,运输和施工签订了合同;鉴于分包商愿按该合同实施土建和安装工程而报了价;鉴于总包商已接受分包商的报价,并依据分包商所附的报价表,现双方达成协议如下:This contract is made and entered into on , between Electrical Machine Contracting Company (hereinafter referred to as general contractor) and Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as subcontractor). WHEREAS general contractor has concluded contract, with Libyan National Authority of Large Electrical Project (hereinafter referred to as employer ), of the design, transportation and execution of the contracted project of electrical machine installation;WHEREAS subcontractor is willing to execute the project of civil engineering and installation and made quotation thereon;WHEREAS general contractor has accepted subcontractor’s quotation;NOW THEREFORE parties hereto, as per subcontractor’s quotation, hereby covenant and agree as follows:(一)下列文件应是本分包协议的组成部分:Following documents is the integral parts of this subcontracting contract.1.电气、机械及技术操作的合同通用条款(1980年第一版);General Provisions on Electrical / Machine and Technical Operation ( First version 1980);2.合同的特殊条款;Particular Provisions of Contract;3.电气机械工程项目的技术规范;Technical Norms of Project of Electrical / Machine;4.工作范围和技术要求;Contents and Technical Requirements for Project;5.土建和安装工程分包合同的报价表。

工程分包合同中英文中文版:工程分包合同甲方(总承包商):___________乙方(分包商):___________鉴于甲方为_________工程项目的总承包商,现因工程需要,甲乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就甲方将该工程的部分工作分包给乙方达成如下协议:一、分包工程内容:1. 分包工程名称:___________2. 分包工程范围:___________3. 分包工程标准及要求:___________二、工期:1. 开工日期:___________2. 竣工日期:___________3. 工期调整:如遇不可抗力或双方认可的特殊情况,工期可经双方协商一致后调整。
五、合同价款:1. 合同总价:___________2. 付款方式:___________3. 结算方式:___________六、违约责任:如一方违反合同约定,需承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。
甲方(签字):___________ 日期:____年____月____日乙方(签字):___________ 日期:____年____月____日英文版:Sucontract Agreementarty A (Main Contractor): ___________arty (Sucontractor): ___________Whereas arty A is the main contractor for the roject of _________, and due to the needs of the roject, oth arties, adhering to the rinciles of equality, voluntariness, and good faith, have reached the following agreement regarding the sucontracting of certain work y arty A to arty :1. Sucontract Work Content:a. Name of Sucontract Work: ___________. Scoe of Sucontract Work: ___________c. Standards and Requirements of Sucontract Work: ___________2. Duration:a. Commencement Date: ___________. Comletion Date: ___________c. Adjustment of Duration: In case of force majeure or other secial circumstances recognized y oth arties, the duration may e adjusted uon mutual consultation and agreement.3. Quality Requirements:arty must strictly follow national standards and technical secifications rovided y arty A to ensure the quality of work meets contractual requirements.4. Safety and Environmental rotection:arty shall comly with national laws and regulations on roduction safety, take effective measures to ensure construction safety, and revent environmental ollution.5. Contract rice:a. Total Contract rice: ___________. ayment Method: ___________c. Settlement Method: ___________6. Liaility for reach:Should one arty reach the contract, they shall ear liaility for the reach and comensate the other arty for any resulting losses.7. Disute Resolution:Any disute arising from the erformance of this contract shall firstly e resolved through amicale negotiation etween oth arties; if negotiation fails, the disute may e sumitted to the eole's court at arty A's location for resolution.8. Other Terms:_____________(Further rovisions may e added here according to secific conditions)9. This contract is made in dulicate, with each arty holding one coy, oth having equal legal effect. The contract shall ecome effective uon signature and seal y oth arties.arty A (Signature): ___________ Date: ___ Year __ Month __ Dayarty (Signature): ___________ Date: ___ Year __ Month __ Day。

机电分包合同范本甲方(发包方):单位名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:乙方(分包方):单位名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:鉴于甲方拟对[项目名称]中的机电工程进行分包,乙方具备相应的资质和能力,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:一、分包工程概况1. 工程名称:2. 工程地点:3. 工程范围:详细描述机电工程的具体工作内容。
二、分包合同价款及支付方式1. 合同价款:[具体金额](大写:)。
2. 支付方式:明确付款的阶段、比例和时间等。
三、工期及质量要求1. 工期:自[开工日期]起至[竣工日期]止。
2. 质量要求:达到[具体质量标准]。
四、双方的权利和义务(一)甲方权利义务1. 提供必要的施工条件和协调工作。
2. 按合同约定支付工程款。
3. 对工程进度、质量等进行监督检查。
(二)乙方权利义务1. 按合同要求完成机电工程施工任务。
2. 遵守施工现场的各项管理规定。
3. 确保施工质量和安全。
五、工程变更1. 任何工程变更需经双方书面确认。
2. 变更后的费用和工期调整应协商确定。
六、违约责任1. 若甲方未按合同约定支付工程款,应承担违约责任。
2. 若乙方未按合同要求施工,应承担相应违约责任。

国际工程分包英文合同范本INTERNATIONAL SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENTTHIS SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __________ day of __________, 20__, by and between:[Subcontractor Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country of Incorporation], with its registered office at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontractor"), and[General Contractor Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country of Incorporation], with its registeredoffice at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "General Contractor").WHEREAS, the General Contractor is engaged in the construction of the [Project Name] (the "Project"), andWHEREAS, the Subcontractor is a qualified and experienced entity capable of performing certain works related to the Project,NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work: The Subcontractor shall perform the workdescribed in the attached Schedule A (the "Work"), which isan integral part of this Agreement.2. Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the__________ day of __________, 20__, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, subject to earlier termination in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Payment: The General Contractor shall pay theSubcontractor for the Work in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Schedule B attached hereto.4. Performance Standards: The Subcontractor shall perform the Work in a professional and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the highest industry standards and in compliance withall applicable laws and regulations.5. Warranty: The Subcontractor warrants that the Work will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a periodof __________ years from the date of substantial completionof the Work.6. Indemnification: The Subcontractor shall indemnify andhold harmless the General Contractor, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of or in connection with the Work, except to the extent caused by the General Contractor's negligence.7. Insurance: The Subcontractor shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, and provide theGeneral Contractor with certificates of insurance evidencing, commercial general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and any other insurance as required by the General Contractor.8. Change Orders: Any changes to the Work shall be documented in writing and executed by both parties, and shall be subject to additional compensation as agreed upon.9. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreementupon __________ days' written notice for the other party's material breach of any provision hereof, provided that the breaching party has not cured the breach within the notice period.10. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved byarbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution], and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.11. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [Governing Jurisdiction].12. Entire Agreement: This Agreement, including the attached Schedules, constitutes the entire agreement between theparties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the parties, whether written or oral.13. Amendments: This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by both parties.14. Assignment: The Subcontractor shall not assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the General Contractor.15. Notices: All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by overnight courier service, or three (3) days after being sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the respective addresses set forth above, or to such other address as either party may designate in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Subcontractor Name] [General Contractor Name]By: __________ By: __________Authorized Signatory Authorized SignatorySchedule A: Description of Work[Detailed description of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor]Schedule B: Payment Schedule[Payment terms, including amounts, milestones, and conditions for payment][This page intentionally left blank]。

GREEMENT OF SUB-CONSTRUCTING工程施工分包合同This agreement is made on the day of ______本协议签订于:Party A: (As the party of General Contractor of the Work, hereinafter referred to as party A)甲方: (工程总承包方,下称:甲方,作为合同一方)Party B: : (As the party of Sub-Contractor, hereinafter referred to as party B)乙方:(工程分包商,下称:乙方)WHEREAS PART A is constructing and desirous to sub-contract out some of his works, PART B has agreed to carry out the said works of sub-contractor with terms and conditions set out hereunder.甲方愿将工程项目的施工对外分包一部分,乙方同意按照以下的条款来承担这部分分包工程的施工。
NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITHNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:双方约定条款如下:1. PART B agrees to provide all necessary labors and management therewith for completing the said works.乙方同意为完成工作提供所有必要的人力及管理。
2. PART B has to finish the works in quality, quantity and time required by PART A.乙方将按照甲方规定的时间、数量、质量来完成工作。

国际工程分包英文合同范本国际工程分包合同合同编号: ____________项目名称: ____________业主名称: ____________总承包商名称: ____________分包商名称: ____________签订日期: ____________签订地点: ____________第一部分一般条款1. 定义和解释"主合同" 指总承包商与业主之间就本项目签订的合同。
"工程" 指本分包合同项下分包商应完成的工作和提供的服务。
"工作范围" 指在本合同附件中详细描述的工程范围。
2. 合同文件的优先顺序本合同文件的组成及优先顺序如下:(1)本合同协议书;(2)中标通知书(如有);(3)本合同专用条款;(4)本合同通用条款;(5)技术规范和要求;(6)图纸;(7)报价文件及双方确认的其他文件。
3. 语言和法律3.1 本合同使用的语言为英语。
3.2 本合同受[具体法律适用地]法律的管辖和解释。
4. 通知和通讯总承包商地址: ____________分包商地址: ____________5. 保密双方应对在履行本合同过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和机密信息予以保密。
6. 不可抗力6.1 不可抗力事件的定义和范围应按照适用法律的规定。
6.2 受不可抗力影响的一方应及时通知对方,并在合理期限内提供证明。
7. 争议解决7.1 双方应通过友好协商解决争议。
7.2 如协商不成,任何一方均有权向[具体仲裁机构或法院]提起仲裁或诉讼。
第二部分工作范围和价格8. 工作范围分包商应按照本合同附件中规定的工作范围完成工程。
9. 价格和支付9.1 本工程的总价款为: ____________ (大写: ____________ )第三部分工期和进度10. 开工和竣工日期工程的开工日期为: ____________ ,竣工日期为: ____________ 。
11. 进度计划分包商应在合同签订后的[具体时间]内提交详细的进度计划,经总承包商批准后执行。

机电国际招标合同范本这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!机电国际招标合同甲方(招标方):名称:______________________法定代表人:________________地址:____________________联系方式:________________乙方(中标方):名称:______________________法定代表人:________________地址:____________________联系方式:________________一、项目名称、规格、数量及价格1. 项目名称:[具体机电项目名称]2. 规格:[详细规格说明]3. 数量:[具体数量]4. 总价:[具体金额,注明货币单位]二、质量标准与技术要求乙方所提供的机电产品应符合国际通行的质量标准以及甲方在招标文件中提出的技术要求。
三、交货时间、地点及方式1. 交货时间:[具体日期]2. 交货地点:[详细交货地点]3. 交货方式:[运输方式等]四、包装与标识乙方应按照国际惯例和甲方要求对货物进行妥善包装,并在包装上标明货物的名称、规格、数量、产地等信息。
五、检验与验收1. 甲方有权在货物到达指定地点后进行检验。
2. 如货物不符合合同约定,乙方应负责更换或修复,并承担相关费用。
六、付款方式1. 预付款:合同总价的[X]%,在合同签订后[具体时间]内支付。
2. 到货款:货物到达指定地点并验收合格后,支付合同总价的[X]%。
3. 质保金:合同总价的[X]%,在质保期届满后无质量问题时支付。
八、违约责任1. 若甲方未按合同约定支付款项,应按照每日[X]%的比例向乙方支付违约金。
2. 若乙方未按合同约定的时间、地点、数量、质量交付货物,应承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于支付违约金、赔偿甲方的损失等。

机电国际招标合同范本甲方(招标人):名称:______________________地址:______________________联系电话:______________________法定代表人:______________________乙方(投标人):名称:______________________地址:______________________联系电话:______________________法定代表人:______________________1. 项目名称及范围1.1 甲方将对[项目名称]进行机电国际招标,乙方愿意参加投标。
1.2 招标范围包括但不限于[具体招标范围]。
2. 合同价款及支付方式2.1 合同总价为人民币[大写金额]元(小写:¥[具体金额])。
2.2 支付方式:[具体支付方式]。
3. 交货地点及时间3.1 交货地点:[具体交货地点]。
3.2 交货时间:[具体交货时间]。
4. 质量标准及验收4.1 乙方应按照国家及行业标准以及合同约定的质量标准进行供货。
4.2 货物验收合格后,双方应签署验收报告。
5. 知识产权5.1 乙方应保证其提供的货物不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
5.2 如因乙方侵犯第三方知识产权而引起的任何纠纷,由乙方负责解决并承担全部责任。
6. 违约责任6.1 若一方违反本合同约定,应向对方支付违约金,并承担由此给对方造成的损失。
6.2 如因不可抗力等不可预见、不可避免的原因导致无法履行合同,双方应协商解决。
7. 争议解决7.1 本合同的解释和执行均适用[法律适用地]法律。
7.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
8. 其他条款8.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
8.2 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
甲方(招标人):______________________ 乙方(投标人):______________________ 法定代表人(或授权代表):______________________ 法定代表人(或授权代表):______________________签订日期:______________________ 签订日期:______________________。

一、项目概述1.1 本合同项目名称为:_______。
1.2 项目地点:_______。
1.3 项目内容:乙方根据甲方的要求,负责机电工程的设计、采购、施工、安装、调试、培训及售后服务等。
二、合同金额2.1 本合同的合同金额为:_______元(大写:_________________________元整)。
2.2 合同金额的支付方式及支付进度按照双方约定的付款条款执行。
三、合同期限3.1 合同工期自_______年_______月_______日起至_______年_______月_______日止。
3.2 乙方应按照合同约定的工期完成项目。
四、乙方的义务和责任4.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供符合合同约定的设计、采购、施工、安装、调试、培训及售后服务。
4.2 乙方应保证所提供的设备、材料及技术的质量,确保项目的安全、环保、节能等符合相关法律法规的要求。
4.3 乙方应按照合同约定的时间节点向甲方提交项目进度报告,并接受甲方的检查和监督。
4.4 乙方应按照合同约定,完成项目的培训工作,确保甲方相关人员能够熟练操作和维护项目设备。
4.5 乙方应在本合同项目完成后,提供一定期限的售后服务,确保项目的正常运行。
五、甲方的义务和责任5.1 甲方应按照合同约定的时间和方式向乙方支付合同价款。
5.2 甲方应提供乙方进行项目所需的现场条件,包括但不限于场地、水源、电源、交通等。
5.3 甲方应协助乙方办理项目所需的各种手续和审批,包括但不限于环保、安全、消防等。
5.4 甲方应对乙方在项目过程中提供的技术资料和商业秘密予以保密。

本着平等互利,协商一致的原则,双方就有关事项达成以下协议:第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:海外机电安装工程1.2 工程地点:海外项目现场1.3 工程开工日期:____年__月__日1.4 工程竣工日期:____年__月__日第二条合同承包范围2.1 乙方负责本工程的机电设备安装,包括但不仅限于以下内容:(1)设备基础施工;(2)设备安装、调试及验收;(3)设备线路铺设;(4)设备防腐、防锈、保养;(5)提供相关技术培训和指导。
第三条承包方式3.1 本工程采用单价合同,按实际完成的工程量进行结算。
第四条合同价款4.1 本工程合同价款为:____元(大写:__________________________)。
第五条驻工地代表5.1 甲方派驻工地代表姓名:_______,职责:按照合同约定,及时向乙方提供所需指令、批准、图纸并履行其他合同约定的义务。
5.2 乙方派驻工地代表姓名:_______,联系电话:_______,职责:按甲方代表批准的作业计划、工期控制计划、质量目标和甲方代表依据合同发出的指令,要求组织施工,履行合同中约定的其他权利义务。
第六条甲方责任6.1 工程开始施工前,甲方负责组织图纸技术交底,审查乙方的分项工程施工方案,确定修改范围。
6.2 按合同规定支付乙方工程款项。
第七条乙方责任7.1 按合同约定及甲方要求的时间准时进场。
7.2 负责本工程承包范围内的施工、质量、安全及工程保修责任。
7.3 乙方所供应材料,应保证材料符合设计质量要求。
7.4 明确工地负责人,并向甲方提供施工人员名单及主要工种上岗证。
7.5 分包方须负责提供施工所需设备和工具,并保证设备正常运行。
第八条工程变更8.1 工程变更需经甲方批准,乙方按照甲方的变更通知进行施工。

1.1 甲方应按照乙方的要求和国家相关法律法规的规定,提供符合质量要求的机电设备工程分包服务。
1.2 甲方提供的服务的具体内容、标准、进度等,由双方另行约定。
3.1 本合同总价为人民币____元整(¥__________)。
3.2 甲方应按以下方式向乙方支付款项:________。
4.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至完成乙方所定的机电设备工程分包服务并经乙方验收合格之日止。
5.1 甲方保证其具有提供本合同所述服务的能力,并无任何影响本合同履行的行为。
5.2 如因甲方原因导致本合同无法履行,甲方应承担违约责任,赔偿乙方因此所造成的损失。
6.1 若甲方未按约定的时间、质量完成服务,或提供的服务不符合本合同规定的技术标准和质量要求,乙方可要求甲方改正,并有权解除本合同。
6.2 若乙方未按约定的时间支付款项,甲方可要求乙方支付逾期利息。

机电工程项目分包合同一、合同双方信息甲方(业主):[公司名称]地址:[具体地址]联系人:[联系人姓名]联系电话:[电话号码]乙方(分包商):[公司名称]地址:[具体地址]联系人:[联系人姓名]联系电话:[电话号码]二、工程概况1. 工程名称:[项目名称]2. 工程地点:[具体地点]3. 工程内容:包括但不限于电气安装、给排水、通风与空调、消防系统等机电工程的施工。
4. 工期要求:工程预计开工日期为[日期],竣工日期为[日期]。
三、合同价格1. 合同总价:根据工程量清单和技术规范,双方协定合同总价为[金额]元。
2. 付款方式:甲方应按以下方式向乙方支付工程款——预付款:合同签订后,甲方支付合同总价的[百分比]%作为预付款;进度款:根据实际完成的工程量按月支付;竣工款:工程竣工验收合格后,支付剩余款项。
四、工程质量1. 乙方必须严格按照国家及行业标准进行施工,确保工程质量达到甲方要求的标准。
2. 工程竣工后,由甲方组织相关部门进行验收,验收合格后方可进行结算。
五、工程变更和索赔1. 如遇设计变更或现场条件变化,乙方应及时书面通知甲方,双方协商确定变更后的工程量和价格。
2. 因甲方原因导致工程延期或增加成本,乙方有权提出索赔。
六、违约责任1. 任何一方未履行合同义务,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
2. 若乙方未能按期完成工程或工程质量不符合约定标准,应按照合同约定支付违约金。
八、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。

机电分包合同范本甲方(委托方):____________________乙方(受托方):____________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方委托乙方进行机电分包的相关事宜,达成如下协议:第一条项目概况1.1 工程名称:____________________1.2 工程地点:____________________1.3 工程内容:包括但不限于机电设备的供应、安装、调试及售后服务等。
第二条乙方资质2.1 乙方必须具备合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等相关资质证书。
2.2 乙方必须具备完成本合同项下工程所需的相应资质等级。
第三条合同价款3.1 本合同价款为人民币(大写):_______元整(小写):_______元。
3.2 上述合同价款包括乙方为完成本合同项下工程所需的全部费用。
第五条工程进度5.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求和工程进度安排,合理组织施工,确保工程质量和进度。
5.2 乙方应定期向甲方报告工程进度情况,并及时解决施工过程中出现的问题。
第六条工程质量6.1 乙方应严格按照国家、行业及甲方的要求进行施工,确保工程质量符合相关标准和规定。
6.2 乙方应提供完整的施工记录、检验报告等质量证明文件,并接受甲方的质量检查。
第七条工期7.1 本合同工程的总工期为______天,自合同签订之日起计算。
7.2 乙方应按照约定的工期完成工程,如因乙方原因导致工期延误,乙方应承担相应的违约责任。

全面版工程分包协议书英文版Dear Sir/Madam,I am pleased to present to you the Comprehensive Engineering Subcontract Agreement. This agreement serves as a legal document outlining the terms and conditions for subcontracting services in the field of engineering.The purpose of this agreement is to establish a clear understanding between the main contractor and the subcontractor regarding the scope of work, payment terms, project timeline, and other important details. By signing this agreement, both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein.This agreement covers various aspects of the subcontracting relationship, including the responsibilities of both parties, the scope of work to be performed, the payment terms, insurance requirements, and dispute resolution mechanisms. It is designed to protect the interests ofboth parties and ensure a smooth and successful collaboration on the project.It is important to carefully review and understand the terms of this agreement before signing. If there are any questions or concerns, it is recommended to seek legal advice to ensure full understanding of the implications of entering into this agreement.Thank you for considering the Comprehensive Engineering Subcontract Agreement. We look forward to a successful partnership and the completion of the project in a timely and efficient manner.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name]。


机电工程外包分包合同合同双方公司名称联系地质联系人联系方式公司名称联系地质联系人联系方式项目概述1. 甲方委托乙方进行机电工程外包分包服务。
2. 项目名称3. 项目地点4. 项目开始日期5. 项目结束日期合同条款1. 服务范围服务1服务2服务32. 服务费用2.1 甲方将根据实际工作量支付乙方服务费用。
2.3 服务费用支付方式及时间甲方应于每月15日向乙方支付上一个月的服务费用。
3. 材料和设备3.1 乙方将根据项目需求,提供所需的材料和设备。
3.2 材料和设备的采购、送货、安装、维修等工作由乙方负责。
3.3 甲方有权对材料和设备的品质进行把关,如发现问题,有权要求乙方进行调整和更换。
4. 服务期限4.1 本合同的服务期限为项目开始日期至项目结束日期。
4.2 如因不可抗力因素导致服务期限,双方应通过协商进行调整。
5. 保密条款5.1 双方在合作过程中可能会接触到涉及商业秘密的信息,双方保证对这些信息予以保密,并承诺不将其泄露给任何第三方。
6. 违约责任6.1 乙方如未按时、按质、按量提供服务,甲方有权要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。
6.2 甲方如未按时支付服务费用,乙方有权要求甲方承担相应的违约责任。
7. 解决争议7.1 双方如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。
8. 合同变更和终止8.1 本合同经双方协商一致,可进行合同变更或终止。
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CONTRACT OF SUBPROJECT EXECUTION签署日期:Date of Signature :总包商:General Contractor分包商:Subcontractor电气机械承包公司(以下简称总包商),和工程施工公司(以下简称分包商),于__订立本分包合同。
鉴于总包商已同利比亚国大型电气项目管理局(以下简称业主),就电气机械承包工程项目的设计,运输和施工签订了合同;鉴于分包商愿按该合同实施土建和安装工程而报了价;鉴于总包商已接受分包商的报价,并依据分包商所附的报价表,现双方达成协议如下:This contract is made and entered into on , between Electrical Machine Contracting Company (hereinafter referred to as general contractor) and Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as subcontractor).WHEREAS general contractor has concluded contract, with Libyan National Authority of Large Electrical Project (hereinafter referred to as employer ), of the design, transportation and execution of the contracted project of electrical machine installation;WHEREAS subcontractor is willing to execute the project of civil engineering and installation and made quotation thereon;WHEREAS general contractor has accepted subcontractor’s quotation;NOW THEREFORE parties hereto, as per subcontractor’s quotation, hereby covenant and agree as follows:(一)下列文件应是本分包协议的组成部分:Following documents is the integral parts of this subcontracting contract.1.电气、机械及技术操作的合同通用条款(1980年第一版);General Provisions on Electrical / Machine and Technical Operation ( First version 1980);2.合同的特殊条款; Particular Provisions of Contract;3.电气机械工程项目的技术规范;Technical Norms of Project of Electrical / Machine;4.工作范围和技术要求;Contents and Technical Requirements for Project;5.土建和安装工程分包合同的报价表。
Quotation for Subcontract of Civil Engineering and Installation.(二)工作范围 Project Contents本建设电气机械工程项目位于利比亚共和国境内,业主的技术规定如图所示。
分包商的工作范围包括如下内容:The project of Electrical Machine which technical requirements as shown in drawings, is located in the territory of Republic of Libya. The Working contents of subcontractor include the following:1.提供所有工程的监督人员,熟练和非熟练工人,提供运输、测绘工具及设备,挖掘及钻孔机械,吊车,以承担塔架安装和导线挂垂和拉直等工作。
Dispatching the personnel, for all projects, of supervision, skilled and unskilled workers, providing transportation, mapping tools / equipment, machines of digging & drilling and crane, which for the purpose of the executions of tower installation, electrical line’s hanging / straightening, and so on.2.提供混凝土材料、水泥、砂、石子、灰浆材料、钢筋,并运送到工地。
Provision of and transportation of concrete materials, cement, sand, gravel, mortar materials and steel bar.3.为所有工人及管理人员提供住宿、膳食、供水、卫生设备、交通费用和社会保险。
Provision of, for all workers and administrators, accommodation, meals, water, sanitation, transport costs and social insurance.4.运送由总包商提供的库房中的塔架、导线、绝缘材料、五金构件、接地材料,包括从总包商库房到施工现场的运输,并负责卸车和保管。
Transportation, from warehouse, provided by general contractor, of tower, electrical line, hardware components, grounding materials, which including the responsibilities of transportation from general contractor’s warehouse to Work site in addition to unloading and storage thereof.5.分包商应按总包商提供的纵断面图和测绘图确定塔架的位置。
Subcontractor should, as per the profile view and mapping diagram, provided by general contractor, determine the location of tower on which, general contractor has terminated, subcontractor should make measure and inspection so as to ensure tower’s location and orientation conform the technical requirements hereof, and should, be subject to approval of general contractor, process corresponding alteration or amendment thereof.(三)符合技术规范要求 Conformity With Requirements of Technical Norms分包商应熟悉技术规范,应按照业主的要求和合同规定,承担属于分包工程范围内的与分包商有关的全部责任。
Subcontractor should, be familiar with the technical norms and as per employer’s requirements and contract’s stipulation, assume all responsibilities which within subcontract’s works and relevant to subcontractor.(四)劳工 Labor分包商应:Subcontractor should1.提供足够数量的工人,以满足总包商工程师在工程进度方面的要求。
Send a sufficient of number of workers to meet the necessity of project progress schedule by engineer of general contractor.2.支付雇员工资并自费为其雇员提供保险,为其雇员提供住宿及膳食。
Make payment, at its own expenses, of wages / salary and insurance for its employers, and provide employers with accommodation and meals.(五)遵守法律 Comply with Laws分包商应对下列事项承担法律责任:Subcontractor should assume legal liability for following items1.遵守利比亚国关于所得税的规定。
Comply with the provisions of income tax in Libya laws, if any employer fail to pay such tax against the payment of remuneration which paid by employer, subcontractor shall bear responsibility therewith.2.分包商应服从所有适用于本分包工程范围内的利比亚国的法律、地方法及规定。
Subcontractor should obey all laws, local regulations and rules, which apply to this sub-project, of Libya.(六)与业主的关系 Relationship with Employer除总包商的工程师授权外,分包商任何时候均不能与业主接触或谈判。