Atmel Studio 6 微控制器开发环境介绍说明书
Atmel® Studio 6 is the integrated development environment (IDE) for developing and debugging embedded applications based on Atmel AVR® and ARM® Cortex™-M microcontrollers (MCUs) in C/C++ and assembly code. The IDE makes editing and debugging source code easier by seamlessly bringing together an intelligent editor with assisted code writing, a wizard for quickly creating new projects, the Atmel Software Framework with free source code library, a GNU C/C++ Compiler, a powerful simulator, and the front-end for all Atmel programmers and in-circuit debuggers.Atmel Studio 6 is free of charge and available for download at /atmelstudio.What’s New in Atmel Studio 6• Support for Atmel ARM Cortex-M based MCUs• Fully integrated Atmel QTouch® Composer• Full support for C++Your Avenue to Atmel AVR and ARM Cortex-M Based MCU DesignDesigners using AVR MCUs are already familiar with our IDE, previously known as AVR Studio® 5. Now, the communityof ARM Cortex-M design engineers can take advantage of the same easy-to-use, professional and highly integrated development platform.Integrated QTouch ComposerFully integrated into Atmel Studio 6, Atmel QTouch Composermakes it easy to build touch functionality into your design.QTouch Composer is the front-end software used to displayand evaluate the data reported from your touch design,making it easy for you to inspect how well your touchimplementation performs. With this integration, you can easilyand seamlessly develop capacitive touch functionality into yourapplication. You won’t need to toggle between different toolsto edit the code in Atmel Studio 6 and fine-tune your touchdesign in QTouch Composer.Atmel Software FrameworkThe Atmel Software Framework contains drivers for all peripherals,communication stacks, graphics, digital signal processing (DSP) and audiolibraries, and nearly 1,000 complete example designs. Using free source codefrom the Atmel Software Framework will accelerate the development of newapplications, while lowering your overall costs.Debugging Made EasyAtmel Studio 6 connects directly to Atmel debuggers and programmers. One of thebiggest advantages of modern MCUs is their ability to send debug data to your PC, givingyou a perfect view of what goes on inside. With a debugger connected, Atmel Studio 6can present the status of all processors, memories, communication interfaces and analoginterfaces in nicely formatted views, giving you access to critical system parameters. Theresimply is no faster way to identify bugs and optimize a design—in the lab or in the field.To learn more or download Atmel Studio 6 free of charge, visit /atmelstudio .© 2012 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. / Rev.: 8487B-Studio6-E-A4-09/12Atmel ®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. ARM ®, ARMPowered ® logo and others are the registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Atmel logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441-0311 F: (+1)(408) 487-2600 | 。
Eclipse IDE开发环境使用教程说明书
iAbout the T utorialEclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java and other programming languages like C, C++, PHP, and Ruby etc. Development environment provided by Eclipse includes the Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) for Java, Eclipse CDT for C/C++, and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among others.This tutorial will teach you how to use Eclipse in your day-2-day life while developing any software project using Eclipse IDE. We will give special emphasis on Java project. AudienceThis tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand basic functionality of Eclipse tool. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in using Eclipse IDE from where you can take yourself to next levels. PrerequisitesWe assume you are going to use Eclipse IDE to handle all levels of Java projects development. So it will be good if you have knowledge of software development using any programming language specially Java programming.Copyright & Disclaimer© Copyright 2015 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book can retain a copy for future reference but commercial use of this data is not allowed. Distribution or republishing any content or a part of the content of this e-book in any manner is also not allowed without written consent of the publisher. We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************iT able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i 1.OVERVIEW (1)What is Eclipse? (1)Licensing (1)Eclipse Releases (1)2.INSTALLATION (3)Downloading Eclipse (3)Installing Eclipse (3)Launching Eclipse (4)3.EXPLORE WINDOWS (5)Parts of an Eclipse Window (5)Using Multiple Windows (6)4.EXPLORE MENUS (7)Typical Eclipse Menus (7)Brief Description of Menus (8)Customizing Menus (8)5.EXPLORE VIEWS (9)About Views (9)Organizing Views (9)Moving Views (9)Creating View Folders (10)Opening a view (10)6.PERSPECTIVES (13)What is a Perspective? (13)Opening a Perspective (13)Switching between Perspectives (13)Closing a Perspective (14)Customizing a Perspective (14)7.WORKSPACES (16)About Eclipse Workspace (16)UI Elements for Managing the Workspace (16)8.CREATE JAVA PROJECT (18)Opening the New Java Project wizard (18)Using the New Java Project wizard (18)Viewing the Newly Created Project (20)9.CREATE JAVA PACKAGE (21)Opening the New Java Package wizard (21)Using the New Java Package Wizard (21)Viewing the Newly Created Package (22)10.CREATE JAVA CLASS (23)Opening the New Java Class Wizard (23)Using the New Java Class Wizard (23)Viewing the Newly Created Java class (24)11.CREATE JAVA INTERFACE (25)Opening the New Java Interface Wizard (25)Using the New Java Interface Wizard (25)Viewing the Newly Created Java Interface (26)12.CREATE XML FILE (27)Opening the New XML File wizard (27)Using the New XML File wizard (28)Viewing the Newly Created XML File (29)13.JAVA BUILD PATH (30)Setting the Java Build Path (30)14.RUN CONFIGURATION (31)Creating and Using a Run Configuration (31)15.RUNNING A PROGRAM (33)Running a Java Program (33)16.CREATE JAR FILES (35)Opening the Jar File wizard (35)Using the Jar File wizard (35)17.CLOSE PROJECT (37)Why Close a Project? (37)How to Close a Project? (37)Closed Project in Package Explorer (38)18.REOPEN PROJECT (39)Reopening a Closed Project (39)19.BUILD PROJECT (40)Building a Java Project (40)20.DEBUG CONFIGURATION (42)Creating and Using a Debug Configuration (42)21.DEBUGGING A PROGRAM (44)Debugging a Java Program (44)22.PREFERENCES (48)Setting Preferences (48)23.CONTENT ASSIST (50)Using Content Assist (50)24.QUICK FIX (52)Using Quix Fix (52)25.HOVER HELP (54)Using Hover Help (54)26.SEARCH MENU (56)Searching the Workspace (56)27.NAVIGATION (58)Navigating the Eclipse Workspace (58)Open Type (58)Open Type in Hierarchy (60)Open Resource (61)28.REFACTORING (63)Refactoring using Eclipse (63)29.ADD BOOKMARKS (64)About Bookmarks (64)Adding a Bookmark (64)Opening the Bookmarks View (64)Using the Bookmarks View (65)30.TASK MANAGEMENT (66)Managing Tasks (66)Opening the Tasks View (67)Using the Tasks View (67)31.INSTALL PLUGINS (69)Locating and Installing Plug-ins (69)32.CODE TEMPLATES (73)Using Code Templates (73)Modifying/Adding code templates (74)33.SHORTCUTS (75)About Shortcuts (75)34.RESTART OPTION (78)Restarting Eclipse (78)35.TIPS & TRICKS (79)36.WEB BROWSERS (81)Internal Web Browser (81)Eclipse 7What is Eclipse?In the context of computing, Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing applications using the Java programming language and other programming languages such as C/C++, Python, PERL, Ruby etc.The Eclipse platform which provides the foundation for the Eclipse IDE is composed of plug-ins and is designed to be extensible using additional plug-ins. Developed using Java, the Eclipse platform can be used to develop rich client applications, integrated development environments, and other tools. Eclipse can be used as an IDE for any programming language for which a plug-in is available.The Java Development Tools (JDT) project provides a plug-in that allows Eclipse to be used as a Java IDE, PyDev is a plugin that allows Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE, C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) is a plug-in that allows Eclipse to be used for developing application using C/C++, the Eclipse Scala plug-in allows Eclipse to be used an IDE to develop Scala applications and PHPeclipse is a plug-in to eclipse that provides complete development tool for PHP.LicensingEclipse platform and other plug-ins from the Eclipse foundation is released under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). EPL ensures that Eclipse is free to download and install. It also allows Eclipse to be modified and distributed.Eclipse ReleasesEvery year, since 2006, the Eclipse foundation releases the Eclipse Platform and a number of other plug-ins in June.1.Eclipse8Eclipse 9Downloading EclipseYou can download eclipse from /downloads/. The download page lists a number of flavors of eclipse.The capabilities of each packaging of eclipse are different. Java developers typically use Eclipse Classic or Eclipse IDE for developing Java applications.The drop down box in the right corner of the download page allows you to set the operating system on which eclipse is to be installed. You can choose between Windows, Linux and Mac. Eclipse is packaged as a zip file.Installing EclipseTo install on windows, you need a tool that can extract the contents of a zip file. For example you can use:∙7-zip ∙PeaZip ∙ IZArcUsing any one of these tools, extract the contents of the eclipse zip file to any folder of your choice.2.Launching EclipseOn the windows platform, if you extracted the contents of the zip file to c:\, then you can start eclipse by using c:\eclipse\eclipse.exeWhen eclipse starts up for the first time it prompts you for the location of the workspace folder. All your data will be stored in the workspace folder. You can accept the default or choose a new location.1011If you select "Use this as the default and do not ask again", this dialog box will not come up again. You can change this preference using the Workspaces Preference Page. See the Preference tutorialpage for more details.Eclipse 12Parts of an Eclipse WindowThe major visible parts of an eclipse window are:∙Views ∙Editors (all appear in one editor area) ∙Menu Bar ∙ ToolbarAn eclipse perspective is the name given to an initial collection and arrangement of views and an editor area. The default perspective is called java. An eclipse window can have multiple perspectives open in it but only one perspective can be active at any point of time. A user can switch between open perspectives or open a new perspective. A perspective controls what appears in some menus and tool bars.3.EclipseA perspective has only one editor area in which multiple editors can be open. The editor area is usually surrounded by multiple views. In general, editors are used to edit the project data and views are used to view the project metadata. For example, the package explorer shows the java files in the project and the java editor is used to edit a java file.The eclipse window can contain multiple editors and views but only one of them is active at any given point of time. The title bar of the active editor or view looks different from all the others.The UI elements on the menu bar and tool bar represent commands that can be triggered by an end user.Using Multiple WindowsMultiple Eclipse Windows can be open at the same time. To open a new window, click on the Windows menu and select the New Window menu item.Each window can have a different perspective open in them. For example you could open two Eclipse windows one in the Java perspective and the other in the Debug perspective. The window showing the Java perspective can be used for editing the java code and the window showing the debug perspective can be used for debugging the application being developed.13Eclipse 14T ypical Eclipse MenusThe typical menus available on the menu bar of an Eclipse window are:∙File menu ∙Edit menu ∙Navigate menu ∙Search menu ∙Project menu ∙Run menu ∙Window menu ∙ Help menu4.Plug-ins can add new menus and menu items. For example when the java editor is open, you will see the Source menu and when the XML editor is open, you will see the Design menu. Brief Description of Menus15Customizing MenusThe visible menu items on a menu depend on the installed plug-ins and customization done using the Customize Perspective dialog box.16Eclipse 17About ViewsEclipse views allow users to see a graphical representation of project metadata. For example the project navigator view presents a graphical representation of the folders and files associated with a project and properties view presents a graphical representation of an element selected in another view or editor.An eclipse perspective can show any number of views and editors. All editor instances appear in a single editor area, whereas views are placed inside view folders. A workbench window can display any number of view folders. Each view folder can display one or more views. Organizing ViewsThe following picture shows four views arranged in a view folder.The picture given below shows the same four views arranged in two view folders.5.Moving ViewsTo move a view from one view folder to another, just click on the view title and drag to the title bar area of another view folder. The green line shown below is a result of dragging the title bar of the Properties view from one view folder to the title bar area of another view folder. The Properties view can be moved to where the green line is by releasing the mouse button and sending out a drop event.Creating View FoldersView folders can be dynamically created by dragging the title bar of a view to anywhere outside the editor area and title bar of another view folder. As you drag the title bar around, green lines will indicate where exactly the new view folder will be created.Moving the drag icon to the bottom of a window allows you to create a view folder that spans the entire width of the window. Moving the drag icon to the left or right edge of window allows you to create a view folder that spans the entire height of the window.18Opening a viewTo open a view, click on the Window menu and select the Show View menu item.19Clicking on the Other menu item brings up the Show View dialog box that allows you to locate and activate a view.20The views are organized by category. To quickly locate a view, just type the name of a view into the filter text box. To open a view, select it and click on the OK button. The subsequent pages of this tutorial introduce you to a number of useful views.21End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://22。
目录1.概述 (3)2.软件开发 (3)2.1工具选项 (3)2.2获取驱动库及样例代码 (4)2.3使用IAR Workbench打开工程样例 (6)2.4使用Keil uVision IDE打开样例工程 (8)2.5使用模板建立自己的工程 (10)2.6常见问题 (12)3.版本信息& 联系方式 (14)1.概述本应用笔记将说明如何在Keil MDK 和IAR Workbench 环境下使用华大半导体提供的样例工程进行软件开发。
2.软件开发2.1工具选项华大半导体MCU均基于Cortex-M0+/M4 内核设计,可以在多种第三方开发环境下进行软件开发。
官方提供的驱动库以及样例工程主要基于以下两种开发工具:➢IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM➢Keil ARM RealView® Microcontroller Development System评估版本及详细的使用信息可以登录其官方网站进行下载。
用户可在华大半导体官方网站下载所需要的代码,以HC32L110C6PA-TSSOP20为例:1.进入华大半导体官网:https:///mcu2.点击“产品系列”中“超低功耗MCU”3.点击进入“HC32L110C6PA-TSSOP20”4.选择“开发工具”一栏,下载驱动库及样例、IDE支持包2.3使用IAR Workbench打开工程样例以下步骤将介绍在IAR Workbench环境下如何打开、编译、运行及调试样例代码。
需求说明书目录1. 引言 ........................................................................................................................................... ...................... 4 1.1 编写的目的 ...........................................................................................................................................4 1.2 背景 ........................................................................................................................................... ............ 4 1.3 项目专用术语 (4)1.4 参考资料 ........................................................................................................................................... . (4)2. 任务概述 ........................................................................................................................................... .............. 5 2.1 目标 ........................................................................................................................................... ............ 5 2.2 运行环境 ........................................................................................................................................... .... 5 2.3 条件与限制 (5)2.4 工作流程 ........................................................................................................................................... . (5)3. 数据描述 ........................................................................................................................................... .............. 6 3.1 数据库结构 ...........................................................................................................................................6 3.2 代码字典 ........................................................................................................................................... . (8)3.3 数据采集 ........................................................................................................................................... . (8)4. 功能需求 ........................................................................................................................................... .............. 8 4.1 总体需求 ........................................................................................................................................... .... 8 4.1.1 用户界面 . (8)4.1.2 表格编辑打印 .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.3 图型编辑打印 .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.4 数据编辑 . (10)4.1.5 系统兼容性 . (10)4.1.6 输入输出接口 .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 系统功能模块及需求(一 . .................................................................................................................. 11 4.2.1 模块结构 . .................................................................................................................................11 4.2.2 功能描述 . (11)4.2.3 工作流图 . (12)4.2.4 数据流图 . (12)4.2.5 UML图 . (12)5. 性能需求 ........................................................................................................................................... ............ 21 5.1 对性能的规定 (21)5.1.1 精度 . .........................................................................................................................................21 5.1.2 时间特性要求 .......................................................................................................................... 21 5.1.3 灵活性 . .....................................................................................................................................21 5.2 输入输出要求 (21)5.3 数据管理能力要求(针对软件系统 ............................................................................................. 22 5.4 故障处理要求 (22)5.5 其他专门要求 (22)6. 运行环境规定 ........................................................................................................................................... .... 22 6.1 设备 ........................................................................................................................................... .......... 22 6.2 支持软件 ........................................................................................................................................... .. 226.3 接口 ........................................................................................................................................... . (22)7. 其它需要说明的问题: (23)8. 签字 ........................................................................................................................................... .. (23)需求说明书1. 引言1.1编写的目的本手册作为用户与该系统软件开发维护人员共同遵守的软件需求规范说明。
十六进制转化公用程序(Hex Conversion Utility)
TMS320调试接口(C/Assembly source debugger)
Tina Linux 系统软件 开发指南说明书
Tina Linux系统软件开发指南版本号:1.5发布日期:2021.04.17版本号日期制/修订人内容描述0.12019.02.20AWA1225创建1.02019.02.27AWA1225正式发布1.12019.06.16AWA1046补充软件包安装,烧录工具及分区说明1.22019.06.19AWA1046更新文档说明和目录结构说明,补充细节1.32020.12.31AWA1610增加arisc代码编译描述1.42021.02.06AWA1610arisc代码编译策略变更1.52021.04.17AWA0985完善部分章节描述1概述11.1编写目的 (1)1.2适用范围 (1)1.3相关人员 (1)2Tina系统资料22.1概述 (2)2.2文档列表 (2)3Tina系统概述33.1概述 (3)3.2系统框图 (3)3.3开发流程 (4)4Tina开发环境64.1概述 (6)4.2编译环境搭建 (6)4.2.1开发主机配置 (6)4.2.2软件包配置 (6)5Tina系统获取85.1概述 (8)5.2SDK获取 (8)5.3SDK结构 (8)5.3.1build目录 (8)5.3.2config目录 (9)5.3.3devices目录 (9)5.3.4docs目录 (10)5.3.5lichee目录 (10)5.3.6package目录 (10)5.3.7prebuilt目录 (11)5.3.8scripts目录 (11)5.3.9target目录 (11)5.3.10toolchain目录 (12)5.3.11tools目录 (12)5.3.12out目录 (12)5.4SDK更新 (13)5.5问题反馈 (13)6Tina编译打包156.1概述 (15)6.2编译系统 (15)6.3编译boot (15)6.4编译内核 (15)6.5编译arisc (16)6.6重编应用 (17)6.6.1方法一 (17)6.6.2方法二 (17)6.7其他命令 (18)7Tina系统烧写197.1概述 (19)7.2烧录工具 (19)7.3进入烧录模式 (19)8Tina uboot定制开发218.1概述 (21)8.2代码路径 (21)8.3uboot功能 (21)8.4uboot配置 (22)8.4.1defconfig方式 (22)配置步骤 (22)配置宏介绍 (22)8.4.2menuconfig方式 (23)8.5uboot编译 (24)8.5.1方法一 (24)8.5.2方法二 (25)8.6uboot的配置 (25)8.6.1sys_config配置 (25)结构介绍 (25)配置实例 (25)解析流程 (26)8.6.2环境变量配置 (26)环境变量作用 (27)环境变量配置示例介绍 (27)8.6.3sys_partition.fex分区配置 (28)分区配置介绍 (28)9Tina kernel定制开发299.1概述 (29)9.2代码路径 (29)9.3模块开发文档 (29)9.4内核配置 (29)10Tina系统定制开发3110.1应用移植 (31)10.1.1Makefile范例 (31)10.1.2自启动设置 (33)调用自启动脚本 (33)格式脚本 (33)格式脚本 (34)10.2应用调试 (35)10.3应用编译 (36)10.4应用安装 (36)10.5分区与挂载 (37)3-1Tina Linux系统框图 (3)3-2Tina Linux系统开发流程 (4)8-1defconfig配置图 (22)8-2defconfig基本宏定义介绍图 (23)8-3menuconfig配置菜单图 (24)8-4sysconfig.fex基本结构图 (25)8-5platform配置图 (26)8-6target配置图 (26)8-7uart_para配置图 (26)8-8uboot启动调用环境变量方式图 (27)8-9kernel cmdline图 (28)9-1TinaLinux内核配置菜单 (30)10-1应用配置主界面 (35)10-2软件包所在界面 (36)1.1编写目的本文档作为Allwinner Tina Linux系统平台开发指南,旨在帮助软件开发工程师、技术支持工程师快速上手,熟悉Tina Linux系统的开发及调试流程。
MPC5744 开发环境搭建说明书
【MPC5744】MPC5744 开发环境搭建1. 目的本文主要说明如何安装MPC5744 的开发环境。
2. S32 Design Studio IDE 的安装2.1 安装包下载首先要先下载安装包,如下所示,即可下载到安装包。
(使用了谷歌浏览器,所以会翻译成中文)①如图1 所示,首先进入官网https:///。
图1 搜索NXP 官网②进入官网之后,如图2 ,在右上角点击,登录账号,如果没有,需先注册,再登陆。
图2 NXP 官网首页③在NXP 官网找到S32 Design Studio 。
登陆NXP 官网账号后,按照以下路径寻找:设计→软件→开发软件→ S32 Design Studio IDE → S32DS (注意:MPC5744 是Power 架构) →资料下载,如图3 ~ 图7 。
图3 开始进入软件界面图4 在软件界面进入开发软件界面图5 开发软件界面图6 选择正确的软件图7 资料下载图8 资料下载界面④下载IDE 。
如图8 ,在资料下载界面,下载IDE 。
然后另外一个红框的更新与补丁,这里可以下载最新的更新内容,比如SDK 。
点击下载IDE ,如图9 ,阅读协议内容,下拉到底,点击“我同意”。
图9 协议同意界面⑤如图10,先下载文件,注意是Windows 还是Linux,点击下载后,点击许可证密钥,如图11,将许可证记录下来。
图10 下载界面图11 许可证界面2.2开发环境安装①找到下载好的软件安装包,双击之后,如图12 ,直接点击Next 。
图12 安装欢迎界面②如图13,欢迎界面之后可以选择是否增加功能,如果不用增加,就只点Next,跳到图15 界面,如果需要,则按照图13 和图14 操作。
图13 选择界面1图14 选择界面2图15 许可证同意界面③如图16,如果要选择另外的地方安装,点击choose,选择目录。
图17 也是一样,可以选择另外的目录。
图16 安装目录选择图17 快捷文件夹界面④图18 点击安装后,在安装过程会出现图19 界面,将刚才记录的许可证填上去即可。
华中数控梯形图开发环境使用说明书一、概述1.1 寄存器简介1.1.1 PLC和CNC之间的地址---F寄存器和G寄存器F寄存器---CNC(数控系统)输出到PLC的开关信号地址为F0到F255G寄存器---PLC输出到CNC(数控系统)的开关信号地址为G0到G2551.1.2 PLC和机床之间的地址---X寄存器和Y寄存器X寄存器---机床输出到PLC的开关信号地址为X000到X127Y寄存器---PLC输出到机床的开关信号地址为Y000到Y1271.1.3中间地址---R寄存器R000到R199 ---用户自定义R200到R767 ---系统内部调用1.1.4断电地址------B寄存器B000到B255 ---断电保存地址1.1.5 PLC参数地址------P寄存器P000到P099---与PLC关联的参数地址,用户可在系统里修改1.2 安装过程点击安装文件中的Setup.exe文件,选择“下一步(N)>”,继续安装,选择“是(Y)”,继续安装,输入用户名、公司名称和序列号,序列号为1,选择“下一步(N)>”,继续安装,选择安装路径,然后点击“下一步(N)>”,继续安装,安装程序全部完成。
1.3 流程使用梯形图的流程如下:1.4过程介绍 1.4.1编辑在编辑框中,首先画出梯形图,然后点击工具栏中的按键。
编辑仿真生成com 文件串口传输1.4.2调试仿真当梯形图编辑成功后,点击工具栏中的按键,将会出现调试仿真窗口。
1.4.3 生成COM文件当调试仿真后,选择菜单中的文件->输出COM文件,就可以在plc文件夹下生成COM文件。
1.4.4 串口传输当COM文件生成以后,可以用串口传输软件将COM文件传输到数控系统中。
1.4.5 打印点击菜单中的文件->打印,可以将梯形图打印出来,其中包括页面信息,报警信息,符号表和梯形图。
Orion6.0 快速使用手册说明书
集成开发环境Orion6.0 快速使用手册(Ver:1.1)珠海欧比特宇航科技股份有限公司地址: 广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园邮编: 519080 电话*************传真*************网址: 目 录1. 工程管理 (1)1.1选择工作区 (1)1.2新建工程 (1)1.3导入工程 (5)1.4向工程导入文件 (7)1.5B ARE C工程编译选项配置 (8)1.6工程编译 (12)2. 调试环境配置 (13)2.1SMON调试模式 (13)2.1.1设置硬件调试器SMON (13)2.1.2设置调试环境 (14)2.1.3启动调试 (18)3. ROM 映像文件的生成和烧写 (21)3.1FLASH参数配置 (21)3.2FLASH文件生成及烧写 (24)1.工程管理1.1 选择工作区双击Orion快捷键,打开Orion软件。
选择工作区;图1-1 选择工作区工作区是工程的集合; Orion6.0 启动时首先要求选择工作区,输入工作区路径后点按钮进入主界面;此时可以新建工程,打开、关闭已有的工程。
工作区与工作区之间是相互独立的,进入主界面后可以通过菜单 File->Switch Workspace来切换不同的工作区。
注意: 工作区的路径名中不允许包含汉字以及空格等特殊字符,否则调试下载时将产生错误。
1.2 新建工程1.进入主界面后点击主菜单 File->New->Project,弹出工程创建对话框,在 Wizards 列表中选中 Orion C 中的 Bare C Project(Bcc),单击 next 按钮。
图1-2 新建工程说明:Bare C Project(Bcc)生成的工程,使用BCC 工具链不带操作系统的标准C 工程。
2.在工程名输入框中输入工程名(例图中为test),单击next 按钮。
图1-3 指定工程名称3.在Project Type 中系统已经根据工程类型选择好对应工具链,单击next 按钮。
RealEvo-IDE 使用手册说明书
RealEvo-IDE使用手册Product Manual产品使用手册 Copyright (c) 2015-2021 ACOINFO Inc. All rights reserved.i修订历史产品使用手册 Copyright (c) 2015-2021 ACOINFO Inc. All rights reserved.ii目 录第1章 概述 (1)1.1RealEvo-IDE 和SylixOS ......................................................................... 1 1.2 RealEvo-IDE 安装 ................................................................................. 1 1.3 RealEvo-IDE 主界面 .............................................................................. 3 第2章 创建工程 . (6)2.1 创建SylixOS Base 工程 .......................................................................... 7 2.2 部署SylixOS Base ................................................................................ 16 2.3 创建SylixOS BSP 工程 .......................................................................... 22 2.4 部署SylixOS BSP ................................................................................ 25 2.5 创建SylixOS App 工程 .......................................................................... 29 2.6 部署和运行SylixOS App ........................................................................ 30 2.7 创建SylixOS Shared Lib 工程 .................................................................. 33 2.8 部署SylixOS Shared Lib ........................................................................ 36 2.9 创建SylixOS Kernel Module 工程 ............................................................. 37 2.10 部署SylixOS Kernel Module ................................................................... 39 2.11 创建SylixOS Kernel Static Lib 工程 .......................................................... 41 2.12 创建SylixOS Unit Test 工程 .................................................................... 42 2.13 创建Google Test 工程 ........................................................................... 45 2.14 创建Bare Metal Library 工程 ................................................................... 47 2.15 创建Bare Metal Executable 工程 .............................................................. 48 第3章 导入工程 .. (51)3.1 工程导入............................................................................................ 51 3.2 工程删除............................................................................................ 54 第4章 修改工程 .. (56)4.1 修改工程通用设置 ............................................................................... 56 4.2 添加源文件 ........................................................................................ 57 4.3 添加头文件路径 .................................................................................. 58 4.4 添加动态库 ........................................................................................ 60 4.5 添加Target ......................................................................................... 63 4.6 专家模式............................................................................................ 65 4.7 设置编译选项 ..................................................................................... 67 第5章 RealEvo-IDE 调试 (69)5.1 一键推送调试 ····················································································· 69 5.2 手动启动调式 ····················································································· 73 5.3 通过串口调试 ····················································································· 77 5.4 动态库调试 ························································································ 79 5.5 Attach 到进程 ······················································································ 83 5.6 一键Attach 调试 ·················································································· 89 5.7 Non-stop 模式 ······················································································ 89 5.8 Crash Trap 调试 ··················································································· 90 5.9查看内存内容 (91)第6章 设备管理 (93)产品使用手册 Copyright (c) 2015-2021 ACOINFO Inc. All rights reserved.iii6.1 设备实时监控 ..................................................................................... 93 6.2 SylixOS 远程Shell ................................................................................ 94 6.3 设备文件系统访问 ............................................................................... 96 6.4 串口访问设备 ..................................................................................... 97 6.5 TFTP 服务器 ....................................................................................... 97 6.6 Syslog 服务器 ...................................................................................... 99 第7章 代码分析 . (101)7.1 静态代码分析 ................................................................................... 101 7.2 程序代码覆盖率分析 .......................................................................... 102 7.3 Google Test 结果分析 .......................................................................... 107 第8章 安装SylixOS .. (110)8.1 工具启动.......................................................................................... 110 8.2 界面信息.......................................................................................... 110 8.3 运行过程信息输出 ............................................................................. 112 8.4 硬盘安装SylixOS............................................................................... 113 8.5 一键制作安装盘 ................................................................................ 116 第9章 SylixOS Lite 工程 .. (124)9.1 创建SylixOS Lite Base 工程.................................................................. 124 9.2 创建SylixOS Lite BSP 工程 .................................................................. 130 9.3 创建SylixOS Lite Extension 工程 ........................................................... 133 附录A (137)A.1TpsFs Explorer 工具的使用。
重视工具与实践 测试驱动的程序设计和开发 介绍自动单元测试。 并展示自动单元测试如何促使完善程序的设计软件 的架构。 Xunit测试模式
高级设计语言的基础上,为了提高软件开发 的质量和效率,从规则,分析,设计,测试, 成文和管理等方面对软件开发者提供各种不 同程度的帮助的一类新型软件开发软件,定 义为软件开发工具
很多功能是通用软件不具有的。例如:语法错 误 只能表现表面形式,而不能反映内部逻辑结构。 例如:ER图。 不能保持一致性。
软件开发工具表达能力 一致性保证能力 软件开发工具的易用性 软件开发工具的可靠程度 软件开发工具的环境要求不应该超出应用软件的 环境
本课程包含以下几方面的内容: 实用的软件开发经验与技巧 面向对象的程序设计及UML建模 敏捷的软件开发理论 软件开发工具的原理及使用 软件测试的实用理论
优秀的对象设计思想,软件开发实用的建 议。 体现为原则和模式 了解和运用面向对象思想(即使使用非面 向对象的语言)的关键是设计模式,支持 软件架构的架构就是设计模式。 深入了解对象模型,其来龙去脉,又是 深刻理解设计模式的基础。因此,本课程 将围绕对象模型,和设计模式展开。探讨 这个层次上的软件构架和设计。
软件开发的发生发展的阶段-程序设计语言的四 个阶段
机器语言 汇编语言 高级语言(过程化的语言) 非过程化的语言
高级设计语言出现之后,软件技术发展的产物。 是在软件开发的全过程提供不同程度的帮助。整 个软件生命周期中,都是必不可少的支持
OpenCPU 开发环境搭建说明说明书
文件修订历史版本修订日期修订日志1.0 2019-05-06 新建文档适用模块型号序号模块型号模块简介1NB86-G全频段版本,20×16×2.2(mm)2NB86-G宽压型全频段版本,20×16×2.2(mm)安全须知用户有责任遵循其他国家关于无线通信模块及设备的相关规定和具体的使用环境法规。
Synopsys ARC 处理器系列 AI 开发环境指南说明书
Highly efficient programing environment for handling AI workloadsTom Michiels, System ArchitectSynopsys ARC®Processor Summit 2022Agenda•The AI Programming Challenge •Optimizations For Programming AI-Enabled SoCs •Quantifying The BenefitsThe AI Programing ChallengeCNNRNN/LSTMTransformersRecommendersVision, Lidar, Audio, SpeechSpeech, Audio, Action RecognitionNLP , Speech,VisionCommerce, RecommendationsPopular & Emerging Neural Networks Are Still EvolvingRecurrent Neural Networks process sequential data like audio or speech streamsConvolutional Neural Networks process uncompressed imagesUses parallelism and focused attention onrelevant portions of imageA woman throwing a frisbee in the parkRecommender system predicts future preference of a set of items for a userMust “future -proof” your software to handle new ML graphsCPU, GPU, DSPs, NPUs, AI Accelerators…AI Software Runs On a Spectrum Of Hardware TypesHardware PerformanceAreaEfficiencyPowerEfficiencyFlexibilityTypical ProgrammingModelCPU C/C++ code GPU OpenCL or CUDA FPGA Vendor Specific DSP C/C++ or OpenCL C NPU Vendor Specific Accelerator Hardwired or Special SDK Ideally, your NN’s will take advantage of any AI-enabled hardwareWide Variety Of Performance For AI Edge Devices•Driver monitoring system•Surveillance•Facial recognition •Digital still cameras •High End Gaming •Augmented reality •Mid-end smartphones•Facial recognition1 to 10 TOPS•ADAS Front Cameras •ADAS LiDAR/Radar •High end surveillance •High-end smartphones •DTV •HPC•Microservers (inference)•Data center (inference)10 to 1000+ TOPS•Robotics / Drones•Automotive Powertrain •Games/toys•Audio / Voice control •Facial detection100 GOPS to 1 TOPS•AIoT•Human activity recognition<100 GOPS Same programming environment to serve multiple domainsDeep Learning Performance Outpacing Memory•Moore’s Law: CPUperformance outpacingmemory access speed•GPUs initiated DeepLearning in 2012, wideningthe gap•Deep Learning acceleratorsoutpacing GPUs•Goal: reduce data movement–Innovative heterogeneousmemory architecturesrequired–From on-chip memorycompilers to high bandwidthHBM2 Limited memory bandwidth requires optimized data movementsCompeting Machine Learning FrameworksLack of Programming Model Standardization for AI AlgorithmsProgramming model should support all popular frameworks1.Quantization2.Multi-level Layer Fusion and Multi-level Tiling3.Feature Map Compression/Decompression4.Structured Sparsity5.Featuremap partitioning111131111111111111111151111111170111111001111111671415fraction (7 bit)exponent (8 bit)sign 1111111111011100fraction (10 bit)exp (5 bit)sign09141510011111100111111122233031fraction (23 bit)exponent (8 bit)sign111~~NN Applications Use Wide Range Of Data RepresentationsFP16BF16INT16INT8INT4FP3211011100fraction (2 bit)exp (5 bit)sign 01672FP8•FP8 has more traction for training than inference •FP16 & BF16 are NOT needed for accuracy overINT8/16 –they make the transition from GPU easier, avoids having to retrain models•INT8standard for neural network object detection •INT16provides accuracy ‘insurance’ for radar and super resolution (at reduced performance)•FP32 typical format used in GPUs for NN model training•INT4can save bandwidth; not very popular yetMixed Precision Quantization Enables Optimized Accuracy with Minimum Bandwidth ImpactLayer 18bit/8bit Optimize Accuracy with Minimum BandwidthLayer 28bit/8bitLayer 38bit/8bit Layer 48bit/8bitLayer 18bit/8bit Layer 216b/8bitLayer 38bit/8bit Layer 48bit/8bitAccuracy ReportInitial 8bit Quantized ModelMixed-Precision Quantized Model•Multi-level Layer Fusion–Merging multiple folded layers into single primitives reduces feature map bandwidth –Merged layers can be fused into layers groups and tiled, taking advantage of L1 and L2 memories•Coefficient Pruning and Compression–Coefficients with a zero value are skipped/counted, a compressed coefficient bitstream is created offline –Compression ratio can be increased through pruning and retraining•Feature Map Compression–Lossless runtime compression and decompression of feature maps to external memory –Approx. 40% feature-map bandwidth reduction, exploiting sparsity•Layer, Frame based and Feature Map Partitioning with DMA Broadcasting–Broadcast of common data across slices to minimize bandwidth of coefficients and feature-maps loadingTechniques for Minimizes Bandwidth Requirements1x1 conv 3x3 DW conv 1x1 conv+64BW = 11x1 conv 3x3 DW conv 1x1 conv+Fused Layers64BW = 0.161x1 conv 3x3 DW conv 1x1 conv Fused Layers+64BW = 0.33256256646464Multi-level Layer Fusion MobileNet v1/v2Feature Map Partitioning / DMA BroadcastingNPX6…NN Accelerator Slice 11K/4K MAC ActivationControlNN Accelerator Slice 21K/4K MAC Activatio n ControlNN Accelerator Slice N 1K/4K MACActivationControlL2 Control Core L2DMAAdvanced Data Bandwidth Reduction TechniquesMulti-level Layer Fusion and Multi-level TilingNN AcceleratorNN Core1L1NN Core2L1NN Core NL1On-chip Shared Mem (L2)DDR (L3)…C o n 3x 3d wB N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L U+C o n 3x 3d wB N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L U+C o n 3x 3d wB N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L UC o n v 1x 1B N /R e L U+•Convolutions, Pooling and Activations: merged layers•Merged layers can be fused into layer groups•Intermediate feature maps within a layer group are tiled to fit in the L1 Closely Coupled Memories of the DNN cores •Layer groups can be fused into segments•Intermediate feature maps within a segment are tiled to fit in the L2 On-chip Shared Memory•The output of a segment may be too large (>10MB) to fit in L2 On-chip Shared Memory and is spilled to L3 DDR•Coefficient Pruning–Coefficients with a zero value are skipped/counted–Decompression done between local VM memory and NN datapath registers–Offline coefficient pruning (with retraining) can increase proportion of zero coefficients–Support of structured and unstructured sparsity•Feature map compression/decompression–Runtime compression and decompression –NN core DMA supports HW compression mode –Bandwidth reduction of 40~45% measured typicallyData Compression/DecompressionNN Accelerator CoreMACsVM: L1 Local SRAMFeature-map Coefficients Storage StorageDMAExternal AXI Bus InterfaceAXI I/F per CoreRegisters decompressF-map Compression and DecompressionCoefficient decompressionFeature-map de/compress•Sparsity takes advantage of a matrix of numbers that includes many zeros or values that will not significantly impact a calculation •Can exploits sparsity in coefficients–Flexible use of sparsity in coefficient vectors in channel dimension–Effective speedup of 1.4X~1.8X with almost no accuracy loss•Doubles the effective MACs on applicable layers •Requires pruning and retraining–No accuracy loss for key model families:e.g. ResNet, ResNext, Densenet, Bert, GNMT –Other models may have accuracy vs. performance tradeoffsStructured Sparsity Can Improve Performance 2XCombination of 2 sparse 2:4groups= Zero value = Non-zero valueNPU…NN Accelerator Core 11K/4K MAC L1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Accelerator Core 21K/4K MAC L1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Accelerator Core N 1K/4K MAC L1 MemDMAActivationControlLatency Reduction via Feature-map partitioningSplit each layer over multiple cores•Higher throughput –up to N X•Lower latency –up to N X –due to parallel processing of a layer C o n v 3x 3L2 Control Core L2 SharedDMANPUSpatial partitioning: Reuse weights across cores through a broadcast DMA…Weights / CoefficientsBroadcast to DMAsInput features…NN Core 11K/4K MACL1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Core 21K/4K MACL1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Core N1K/4K MACL1 MemActivationControlL2Control Core L2 SharedDMA DMANPUChannel partitioning: Reuse features across cores through a broadcast DMABroadcast to DMAs……Weights / CoefficientsInput features…NN Core 11K/4K MACL1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Core 21K/4K MACL1 MemDMAActivationControlNN Core N1K/4K MACL1 MemActivationControlDMAL2Control Core L2 SharedDMAQuantifying the Benefits•Scalable NPX6 architecture–1 to 24 core NPU up to 96K MACS (440 TOPS*)–Multi-NPU support (up to eight for 3500 TOPS*)•Trusted software tools scale with the architecture•Convolution accelerator –MAC utilizationimprovements with emphasis on modern network structures•Generic Tensor accelerator –Flexible Activation & support of Tensor Operator Set Architecture (TOSA)•Memory Hierarchy –high bandwidth L1 and L2 memories•DMA broadcast lowers external memorybandwidth requirements and improves latencySynopsys Introduces ARC NPX6 NPU and MetaWare MXMetaWare MX Development ToolkitRuntimes & LibrariesCompilers & Debugger NN SDKSimulatorsVirtualPlatforms SDKSynopsys ARC NPX6 NPU IP4K MAC to 96K MAC ConfigurationsL2 Shared MemoryHigh-bandwidth, low latency interconnect with DMA BroadcastStreaming Transfer UnitsL2 Controller with MMU Debug Trace… C o r e 24C o r e 2C o r e 1DMAConvolution Accelerator 4K MAC L1 MemoryTensor AcceleratorL1 Controller with MMU T e n s o r F P U•Integrated toolkit providesoptimizing compilers, debugger, libraries and a simulator fordevelopment on ARC processors •Includes Vector DSP and Linear Algebra Libraries (BLAS/LAPACK) and MATLAB Plug-In for Model-Based Design Environment •MetaWare Neural Network SDK for enabling and optimizing Machine Learning and inference applications•Includes simulation platforms for early software development and architectural exploration with MetaWare Virtual Platforms SDK •Development of Computer Vision for pre-& post-processing eased Modular Toolkit Supports Control, DSP , Vision and ML Software DevelopmentCompiler toolchain, Debugger & IDEDSP and Linear Algebra Libraries nSIM NCAM Simulator Neural Network SDK MetaWare MXSPEED RuntimeMATLAB Plug-In Virtual Platforms SDKVision SDKDesignWare® ARC® MetaWare MX Development ToolkitBenchmark Performance vs. L2 CSM size and DDR BandwidthResult for selected NPX6-32K config –without structured sparsity10020030040050060070080050100150200250300F P SDDR BW (GB/s)scaled_yolo5(960x544) on NPU32K(384 KB)16 MB CSM 8 MB CSM 4 MB CSM 2 MB CSM no CSM•NPX6 configuration: 8 NN cores * 4096 MACs per core •NN core internal memory (L1): 384 KB per NN core •Cluster Shared Memory (L2): 0 to 16 MB•Ext. DRAM bandwidth (L3): 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 GB/s •8 bit data02040608010012014016018050100150200250300A v g . u s e d D R A MB W (G B /s )DDR BW (GB/s)scaled_yolo5(960x544) on NPU32K(384 KB)16 MB CSM 8 MB CSM 4 MB CSM 2 MB CSM no CSMPerformance Gains Obtained with Structured SparsityNPX6-4K NPX6-16K NPX6-64KGraph% FPS improvementWith Structured Sparsity% FPS improvementWith Structured Sparsity% FPS improvementWith Structured SparsityInception v3151%142%124% Inception v3 FHD148%148%148% ResNet-50 v1.5146%147%128% ResNet-50 v1.5 FHD142%147%147% MobileNet v2124%133%114% MobileNet v2 FHD120%121%117% Yolo v3152%171%165% Yolo v3 FHD165%164%168% SSD-ResNet34167%171%171% SSD-MobileNet151%138%115% DeepLab v3127%129%128% EDSR200%191%190% SRGAN176%173%171% BERT_large128%135%147% BERT_large (batch=4)128%163%166% Vit_B_16144%128%154% Vit_L_16132%145%149% Vit_H_16129%145%144% swin_tiny148%148%134% swin_small156%158%136% swin_base153%163%143%•Helps solve the challenge of hardwaredependency related to AImodels•Open format to representboth deep learning andtraditional models•Defines a common set ofoperators and file format•AI developers can usemodels with a variety offrameworks, tools,runtimes, and compilers•Enables deploying sameAI models to multipleHW-accelerated targetsSource: Microsoftto the RescueIndustry Standard Runtimes•MetaWare NN Compiler integrates with standard frameworks•Automatic mapping to NPX6 and VPX5 vector DSP with no manual optimization required–User-driven optimization options: e.g. Latency, throughput, bandwidth•Generated code can run on multiple development platforms–Fast Performance Models (FPM)–Zebu H/W Emulator–HAPS FPGA boardSupport for Different Programming FrameworksMetaWare NN Compiler Execution IR MetaWare NN RuntimeFutureML frameworksNPX6NPUVPX5xN DSPARC Processor IPState-Of-The-Art System Level Modeling And AnalysisBenchmarking & ProfilingPower profilingSoftware DevelopmentArchitecture DesignNP core NP l a t f o r m A r c h i t e c t M o d e lNP core 1-Fast, functional, execution -Cycle-based NN accel. timing -Cycle-based DMA timingN N A c c e l e r a t o rC o n t r o l C o r e-Fast, functional execution-Cycle-based DMA modelF a s t T i m e d I n t e r f a c eNPX6 Fast Performance Model•Fast Performance Model–Fast cycle-based Performance Model of NPX6 (and VPX5 cores)–Integrated Platform Architect simulation environments•Virtualizer Virtual Prototyping–VDK (Virtualizer development Kit for early Software Development Platform)•ZeBu Emulation–Accurate performance and power modeling•HAPS Prototyping–NPX6 mapped to HAPS board provides cycle accurate performance for benchmarking and software developmentNPX6ZeBuH/W EmulatorHAPS-100®FPGA BoardSummary•AI Programming is a challenge amid evolving Neural Networks, absence of a standard programing model and the wide spectrum of HW types. A key challenges is the limited memory bandwidth•Synopsys advanced optimizations for AI includes Mixed Precision Quantization to increase accuracy, Data Bandwidth Reduction techniques like multi-level tiling, Feature Map Partitioning to minimize bandwidth requirements, and Structured Sparsity utilization•Synopsys MetaWare MX Development Toolkit supports different programming frameworks, different HW targets, is extensible, and includes state-of-the-art system level modelingThank You。
TG7100C 开发板用户手册说明书
《xxx芯片数据手册》文档版本发布日期TG7100C开发板用户手册版本:1.0版权@2020Contents1环境配置 (3)2代码编译 (5)3下载运行 (6)3.1芯片选择 (6)3.2配置程序下载方式 (7)3.3配置下载参数 (8)3.4下载程序 (9)1环境配置aos-cube是AliOS Things基于命令行的开发管理工具,主要功能包括:工程配置与编译、Image下载调试、组件生成、组件安装管理、设备管理、代码审查、OTA工具等功能。
Linux 下AliOS-Things开发环境的搭建主要分为两部分:python和pip安装、基于pip安装aos-cube及相关的依赖包。
1.安装python、pip和git:$sudo apt-get install-y python python-pip git#完成python和pip安装后,再安装依赖库和aos-cube,步骤如下:$python-m pip install setuptools wheel aos-cube注解:如果在安装过程中遇到网络问题可以使用国内镜像。
###安装/升级pip$python-m pip install–trusted-host=-i https:///pypi/simple/–upgrade pip###基于pip依次安装第三方包和aos-cube$pip install–trusted-host=-i https:///pypi/simple/setuptools$pip install–trusted-host=-i https:///pypi/simple/wheel$pip install–trusted-host=-i https:///pypi/simple/aos-cube###如需要使用doubanio作备用源$pip install–trusted-host -i /simple/aos-cube###如需指定版本,可改成如aos-cube==0.2.50因涉及多种开发环境和具体版本的依赖,针对开发者的实际情况,还给出一种简单方便且不影响当前系统环境的方法—-基于虚拟环境virtualenv的方法,作为备用。
龙芯 1x 嵌入式集成开发环境 1.0 使用说明书
龙芯1x嵌入式集成开发环境 1.0使用说明书苏州市天晟软件科技有限公司2021年4月目 录1、简介 (5)1.1 主要特点 (6)1.2 目录结构 (6)1.3 文档约定 (7)1.3.1 文件扩展名 (7)1.3.2 指定文件名 (7)1.3.3 头文件 (7)1.4 项目开发过程 (7)2、初次使用 (8)2.1 语言设置 (8)2.2 工作区目录 (9)2.3 GNU 工具链 (9)3、用户界面 (12)3.1 菜单栏 (12)3.2 工具栏 (14)3.3 编辑面板 (14)3.3.1项目视图 (15)3.3.2 代码解析 (17)3.3.3 文本编辑器 (18)3.3.4 消息窗口 (19)3.4 调试面板 (20)3.4.1 断点列表 (21)3.4.2 CPU 寄存器 (21)3.4.3 观察值 (22)3.4.4 汇编代码 (22)3.4.5 函数调用回溯 (22)3.4.6 GDB 交互命令 (22)3.5 状态栏 (23)4、项目管理 (24)4.1 新建项目向导 (24)4.1.1 第一步项目基本信息 (24)4.1.2 第二步设置Mcu、工具链和操作系统 (25)4.1.3 第三步实时操作系统选项 (26)4.1.4 第四步确认并完成向导 (29)4.1.5 新建项目示例 (30)4.2 基本操作 (30)4.2.1 打开项目 (30)4.2.2 保存项目 (31)4.2.3 关闭项目 (31)4.2.4 项目另存为 (31)4.2.5 成批添加文件 (32)4.2.6 成批移除文件 (33)4.3 项目属性 (34)5、文档管理 (37)5.1 文件操作 (37)5.1.1 新建源代码文件 (37)5.1.2 新建头文件 (37)5.1.3 文件重命名 (38)5.1.4 文件移动 (38)5.1.5 文件删除 (39)5.2 文件夹操作 (39)5.2.1 新建文件夹 (39)5.2.2 重命名文件夹 (39)5.2.3 移动文件夹 (40)5.2.4 删除文件夹 (40)5.3 Drag & Drop (40)6、文本编辑器 (41)6.1 编辑器选项 (41)6.1.1 常用 (41)6.1.2 字体 (42)6.1.3 颜色 (42)6.1.4 代码解析 (43)6.1.5 符号补全 (43)6.1.6 自动保存 (44)6.2 基本操作 (44)6.2.1 编辑 (44)6.2.2 查找 (44)6.2.3 替换 (45)6.2.4 在文件中查找 (46)6.3 其它操作 (47)6.3.1 打开头文件/文件夹 (47)6.3.2 定位语句定义原型 (47)6.3.3 代码解析项跳转 (48)6.4 插入代码向导 (49)6.4.1 插入RTOS 任务代码 (49)6.4.2 插入SPI/I2C驱动代码 (50)6.5 信息提示 (52)7、项目编译 (53)7.1 编译选项 (53)7.1.1 MIPS & BSP Options (54)7.1.2 GNU C Compiler - C 编译器 (54)7.1.3 GNU Assembler - 汇编语言编译器 (58)7.1.4 GNU C++ Compiler - C++ 编译器 (58)7.1.5 GNU C Linker - C 链接器 (58)7.1.6 软浮点算术库 (60)7.2 开始编译 (61)7.2.1 编译成功 (61)7.2.2 编译失败 (62)7.3 项目清理 (62)8、项目调试 (63)8.1 调试选项 (63)8.1.1 主要项 (63)8.1.2 调试器 (64)8.1.3 启动项 (65)8.1.4 源代码 (66)8.2 调试断点 (66)8.2.1 在编辑器中设置断点 (66)8.2.2 断点列表 (67)8.3 开始调试 (67)8.3.1 代码下载 (67)8.3.2 单步运行 (68)8.3.3 连续运行 (69)8.3.4 停止调试 (69)8.3.5 观察值 (69)8.3.6 函数调用回溯 (70)9、实用工具 (71)9.1 NOR Flash 编程 (71)9.2 NAND Flash 编程 (72)9.3 硬件设计助手 (73)9.3.1 龙芯 1B 芯片 (74)9.3.2 龙芯 1C 芯片 (75)10、系统安装 (76)10.1 运行环境 (76)10.1.1 安装MSYS 1.0 (76)10.1.2 安装MSYS2 (76)10.2 安装LoongIDE (76)10.2.1 运行安装向导 (77)10.2.2 LxLink驱动 (77)10.3 GNU 工具链 (78)10.3.1 SDE Lite for MIPS工具链 (78)10.3.2 RTEMS GCC for MIPS工具链 (78)10.4 注意事项 (78)1、简介缩写LS1x DTK:Embedded DTK for LS1x 龙芯1x嵌入式开发工具LoongIDE: Embedded IDE for LS1x 龙芯1x嵌入式集成开发环境LS1x DTK用于龙芯1x芯片的嵌入式开发解决方案,包括创建、构建以及调试用户应用项目,完美支持龙芯1x芯片的工业级应用的开发。
欧比特 Orion3.0 集成开发环境用户手册说明书
集成开发环境Orion 3.0用户手册2007 User’s Manual集成开发环境Orion 3.0用户手册版本号:Rev.1.52007.01珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司前言本手册是 Orion 3.0 用户手册。
该用户手册是Orion 3.0 集成开发环境附带文档之一,是软件开发人员的必读手册。
该用户手册就使用Orion 3.0 进行嵌入式应用开发的流程进行了详尽描述,每个步骤都给出图例和解释,以方便用户尽快地掌握和熟悉Orion 3.0 集成开发环境。
Orion 3.0集成开发环境包含Orbita EOS, Orion IDE, 以及调试工具软件如DSUMON,Debug monitor等。
Orion 3.0对这些工具进行了集成,使用户在统一的图形界面里进行开发。
Orion 3.0 集成开发环境界面友好,操作简捷,是开发基于SPARC V7/V8系列处理器的嵌入式软件的理想工具。
Orion3.0运行的主机环境为Redhat Linux 7.3/9.0,支持的开发语言包括标准C,C++和汇编语言。
该手册的读者应当具备 C/C++ 编程基础,并且了解嵌入式软件开发过程中的编译、链接、调试等概念。
目录1引言 (1)1.1编写目的 (1)1.2背景 (1)1.3定义 (1)1.4参考资料 (2)2用途 (3)2.1功能 (3)3运行环境 (4)3.1硬件设备 (4)3.2支持软件 (4)4安装与初始化 (5)4.1O RION3.0安装 (5)4.2D EBUG MONITOR 安装 (5)5基本界面概述 (7)5.1启动画面 (7)5.2主界面 (8)5.3菜单 (8)5.4工具栏 (11)6 用ORION 3.0做嵌入式开发 (12)6.1工程向导 (12)6.2编译,连接,运行 (18)6.3配置实时系统 (20)6.4编写代码 (23)6.5调试 (31)6.6生成ROM映像文件 (35)7技术服务 (38)图目录图 5-1 启动画面 (7)图 5-2 主界面 (8)图 5-3 工具栏 (11)图 6-1 工程向导1 (13)图 6-2 工程向导2 (14)图 6-3 工程向导3 (15)图 6-4 工程向导4 (16)图 6-5 工程向导5 (17)图 6-6 新工程开始 (18)图 6-7 编译 (19)图 6-8 连接 (19)图 6-9 运行 (20)图 6-10 Orion通用的选项 (21)图 6-11 动态帮助 (21)图 6-12 Orion API 的选项 (22)图6-13 Orion Linker 选项 (23)图 6-14 建立新类 (24)图 6-15 新类命名 (24)图 6-16 新类加入 (25)图 6-17 添加类的方法/成员 (26)图 6-18 类成员命名 (27)图 6-19 类方法命名 (28)图 6-20 类视图 (29)图 6-21 类的实例 (29)图 6-22 类视图 (30)图 6-23 运行 (31)图6-24 Debug Monitor调试模式示意图 (32)图 6-25 DSU 调试模式示意图 (32)图 6-26 模拟器调试模式提示 (33)图 6-27 调试界面 (34)图 6-28 浮动调试工具栏 (34)图 6-29 观察窗口 (35)图 6-30 ROM 映像文件内存使用示意图 (36)图 6-31 Rom Image 页 (36)图 6-32 ROM映像文件运行例子 (37)1引言1.1编写目的这份手册向读者介绍 Orion 3.0 集成开发环境的基本概念和基本操作,指导读者使用Orion 3.0 开发基于SPARC V7/V8系列处理器的嵌入式软件。
中科蓝讯AB32VG1开发实践指南文档更新日志2021-8-19 1.0.1版本更新1.更新UART文档2.更新RTC文档3.新增WIFI模块配置文档近日,国内领先的自主物联网操作系统(RT-Thread)厂商睿赛德科技联合其高级会员国内领先RISC-V物联网芯片公司中科蓝讯正式发布基于AB32VG1 RISC-V评估板,AB32VG1评估板原生搭载RT-Thread物联网操作系统,基于RT-Thread Studio提供SDK,并配备了数百页开发实践指南,践行为开发者提供易获取、易用的RISC-V开发平台的初心。
蓝讯骄龙AB32VG1是中科蓝讯在2020 RT-Thread 开发者大会上首度面向通用市场发布的其自主RISC-V内核32位MCU芯片,AB32VG1主频120M ,片上集成RAM 192K, Flash 4Mbit,ADC,PWM,USB,UART,IIC 等资源。
在软件开发上,AB32VG1的软件SDK内置RT-Thread Studio IDE中,可以让开发者毫无障碍的进行应用开发,搭配RT-Thread丰富的软件包可进一步降低开发门槛,助力开发者快速搭建自己的应用。
在正式发布前已有数位开发者进行了内测尝鲜,并提供了宝贵的意见和建议,其中数位开发者提交了代码贡献如mysterywolf、JiangYangJie 、iysheng 、yaoyufan 、leton-tian,多位小伙伴参与撰写和校对了实践指南,再次向他们表示感谢。
A B32VG1硬件相关的资料:h t t p s://g i t e e.c o m/b l u e t r u m/A B32VG1_D O C以上信息如有错误,请联系官方人员微信改正:rtthread2020零、实践指南说明硬件介绍AB32VG1 开发板是以中科蓝讯(Bluetrum) 公司推出的基于RISC-V 架构的高配置芯片AB32VG1 为核心所组成的。
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1. 编辑器:Sublime Text、Notepad++、Atom等
2. 集成开发环境:Eclipse、Visual Studio、NetBeans等
3. 版本控制工具:Git、SVN等
开发环境可以在多种操作系统上搭建,如Windows、Linux、Mac OS 等。
常见的开发数据库有MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等。
在开发环境中,需要安装相应的数据库管理工具,如Navicat、MySQL Workbench等。
1. JDK:Java开发所需的Java Development Kit
2. Web浏览器:Chrome、Firefox、IE等
3. 虚拟化软件:VMware、VirtualBox等