人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1课件(共39张PPT)

is likely meant to persuade.
persuade vt. to make someone decide to do sth, by giving them reasons why they should do it 劝说;说服
to make someone believe sth. 使相信,使信服 persuade sb. out of doing sth./ not to do sth. 说服某人不做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. / into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. that … 使某人相信 persuade sb. of sth. 让某人相信某事
【语境应用】翻译下面句子。 1) Tom最终说服了他的父母买下那辆车。
Tom finally persuaded his parents to buy / into buying that car.
2) 我们使Henry相信是他错了。 We persuaded Henry that he was wrong.
【语境应用】翻译句子。 1) At last they were able to feel secure about the future.
他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。 2) John was clearly disappointed by his failure to secure the
top job with the bank. 约翰没有得到银行的高层工作,显然很失望。 3) This new law will secure the basic rights of the disabled. 这项新法律将保护残疾人的基本权利。

1.听前阅读题干,画关键词,有目的地听. 2.听时简要记下有关信息(如数字,人名,地名,关键词). 3.针对错题,要反复对应听力材料重听,直至完全听懂为止. 4.不断积累整理话题词汇、常见习语/地道表达. 5.不要因某个小题未听懂而着急,造成一步跟不上,步步失分结果.
How to continue learning English efficiently?
1.在脑海中构建整体的语法框架,从宏观的角度认识理解高中 的语法内容。
3.通过背诵经典高考例句,巩固强化已经学过的语法内容,并在此基础上学会 仿写拓展,例如Unit 1 中的非限制性定语从句在高考中的应用。
1)预计下周将举行以中国传统文化为主题的班会,稍后他将在英文网站上展示。 Next week, a class meeting is scheduled to be held with the theme of traditional Chinese culture, which will be displayed on the English website later. 2)在我看来,我最尊敬的人是我的父亲,他总是在我遇到困难的时候鼓励我继续前进。 The person that I respect most is my father, who always inspires me to keep going when I was in trouble.
Tu Youyou went to Hainan, (where malaria was more common), (to study
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册教学课件UNIT1 Learning About (课件PPT)

Hundreds of thousands of lives are thought to be saved by Artem isinin, which
A nonrestrictive clause describes a noun or a sentence in a nonessential way,giving extra information, an explanation, or a comment on a noun or a sentence.
● 6. I was asked to explain the project with the help of a flow chart. It was a big challenge for me.
● _I_w__as__a_sk_e_d_t_o_e_x_p_l_ai_n_t_h_e_p_r_o_je_c_t_w_i_th__th_e_h_e_l_p_o_f_a__fl_o_w_c_h_a_rt_,__w_h_i_c_h_w_a_s_a__b_ig___________ _c_h_a_lle_n_ge for me.
Nobel Prize
Give extra information about Hainan
malaria patients
Give extra information about

2023-2024学年高二英语上学期开学第一课课件(共41张PPT)(共41张PPT)Long time no seemy class.Welcome back, let’sEncounter the beautiful,Learn the new,Challenge ourselves,Overcome the difficulty,Make our dream come true andEnjoy the journey of learning together.ReadaloudWhat do you think of your summer holidayWhat did you do during your summer holidaymountain ______, honest, dishonest把握知识间的规律,学习更加得心应手。
ClueRemember themcare, ere, bear, air, fare, glare,dareextraordinary,charming, fascinating, beautiful,gorgeous, decent,attractivesweet, salty, bitter, sour, umamiRemember themair, sweet,beautiful, extraordinary, care, umami, dare, salty,charming, ere, glare, sour ,attractive, bear, gorgeous ,fare, decent,fascinating, bitterRemember themair, bear, care, dare, ere, fare, glareattractive, beautiful, charming, decent, extraordinary, fascinating, gorgeoussweet, salty, bitter, sour, umamiclues终极挑战:人见人爱花见花开车间爆胎这个单词要自己在黑板上写出来才够惊艳!Tips for remembering words1.拼读法atmosphere enthusiastic2.构词法biweekly, five-pointed star, correction, courage, enrich3.音义联想mircrophone, salon, ballet4.最好的办法,语境记忆, 词不离句,句不离篇。

拓展阅读后或试卷讲评后,重读难度较大或错 误率最高的一篇阅读,整理相关词汇与表达
Advice on Reading ——Tip2
• 阅读一些有趣英文小说的原 版或改写版, 按情景和描写 主题进行整理归类,为提高 读后续写输出做好准备
Advice on Speaking
早读:大声朗读,早读默写 课上:1.新单词/课文跟读
2.积极参与课堂口语交流活动 课后:课文片段/重点句子在组长/老师处打卡背诵 假期:学唱自己喜欢的英文歌/利用配音app模仿语音语调/使用
Advice on Reading——Tip1
Did you stay up late all night in summer vacation?
What is the most impressive
Dthidingytohuatshtaupdpyenheadrdto iynou sduumrinmg ethrehsoulmidmaeyr?vacation
Set goals that are fine-grained and within a reasonable range
Differences in learning English in new term
记忆单词更多通过情境下的阅读输入和使用 重点关注核心动词的使用方法、一词多义和熟词生义的积累 完成阅读理解时注意结合篇章结构(宏观)和衔接手段(微观)层面 阅读中遇到更多长难句,要学会主动分析句子主干成分,化简为繁 扩大英语阅读面,从读自己感兴趣的延伸至时事、考试所涉及的话题 关注读后续写不同话题和描写角度的素材积累

遵守校纪校规, 参与班级管理, 养成规则意识, 了解法律法规, 不做违法之事。
红灯停绿灯行, 防溺水不玩火, 会自护懂求救, 远离毒品,珍惜 生命。
养成卫生习惯, 不吸烟不喝酒, 控制上网时间, 抵制不良信息, 坚持锻炼身体, 保持阳光心态。
节粮节水节电, 践行垃圾分类, 爱护花草树木, 低碳环保生活, 保护生态环境。
2. To improve grammar
1). 语音--“单词拼读”规则
2). 9大“词性”
3). 8大“句子成分”
4). 5大 ”基本句型”
3. To improve oral English
Vocabulary Imitation(模仿) Open your mouth Never be afraid of making mistakes
01 回顾学生守则 02 日常行为规范 03 校内外安全教育 04 班级纪律公约 05 讲文明懂礼仪
尊敬国旗国徽, 奏唱国歌肃立, 升降国旗行礼, 了解国情历史。
勤思好问,乐于 探究,上课专心 听讲,勇于发表 见解,按时完成 作业,养成阅读 习惯。
01 铃响则静,入室则静,做好下一节课的预备再离开教室。
02 上课铃响时,上课迟到如无极特殊情况必须进入教室。
03 上课认真听讲,听从老师的安排,严禁交头接耳,影响课堂

有效期:本学期 发放人:Miss White
有效期:本学期 发放人:Miss White
有效期:本学期 发放人:Miss White
有效期:本学期 发放人:Miss White
1. 本券仅限本人使用,不得转让; 2. 兑换前若惹怒老师,此券作废处理; 3. 自发券日起,本人承诺继续努力学习; 4. 最终解释权归老师所有,可随时附加条件。
使用方法:仅一次,需回收。 有效期:发券日至本学期结束。 所有权:Miss White.
为 以什及么物说理高的二压还轴是题提电升磁期感和应突都破是期出呢现?在原高因二很的简课单本,上我,想压大轴家题也的考知处道理力,,,高直学考接的关习数系力学到要压高轴考求题的更圆成高锥败曲,。线对高或于者成导绩数中, 等偏上的同学,高二学科知识难度深度加大,对学生的恩考力,二学习一力年要的求更学高习。绝高二对一是年提的学升习自绝对是提
它是在经过自己思考、理解的基 础上接受。另一方面通过自学主
Look at me!
动获取知识。能否顺利实现转变 是成绩能否突破的关键。
Open your book. 打开你的书本。
高二年级是高一和高三之间过 渡的一年,高一年级还是新生,对 学校的各方面学习和工作都还很新 鲜,可能并不会觉得烦躁。高二年 级学业加重,自己的梦想逐渐清晰, 正是为高三紧张忙碌的复习工作打 下基础的最佳时段。高考的必备知 识都是在高二打下基础。高二的学 业即使比高一加重,但与高三比起 来,依然属于比较轻松的一年,在 这一年中高考必备知识以及能力都 是学生们所要学习的。高三的主要 任务是复习,所有的新课在高二的 时候基本上已经结束,因此高二的 学习质量直接影响到高三的复习质 量,也就直接影响到高考的成绩, 其中的重要性不言而喻。
高二英语人教版选择性必修第一册课件:Unit 1

1 Why is the discovery of artemisinin important? 2 What was the key to getting a good extract from the wormwood、 3 What numbers are mentioned in the text? What do they suggest? 4 Why is TuYouyou considered a great person?
I met Professor Xu, who told me the result of the election. 我遇到了许教授,他告诉了我选举的结果。
Mr. White, whom you met yesterday, is one of my old friends.
你昨天遇到的怀特先生是我的一个老朋友。 (非限 制性定语从句,whom在从句中作宾语,不能省略)
五、特殊结构“名词/代词+of + which/whom” There are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new. 大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。
两位中国籍人: 1、屠呦呦,1930年12月30日生于浙江宁波。2015年10月,屠呦呦获得诺贝 尔生理学或医学奖,理由是她发现了青蒿素,这种药品可以有效降低疟疾患 者的死亡率。她成为首获科学类诺贝尔奖的中国人。 2、莫言,1955年2月17日出生于山东高密。2012年获得诺贝尔文学奖,亦是 第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家,获奖理由是:通过幻觉现实主义将 民间故事、历史与当代社会融合在一起。
She and her family bicycle to work, which helps them keep fit. 她和家人都骑车去上班,这有助于他们保持健康。 可通过以下两个例句对比理解两者的区别:
高中英语 人教版选择性必修一高二英语开学第一课课件(共35张PPT)

•Confident •Strict •Active
My favorite motto Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.
or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟)
In fact, learning English is interesting.
• Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
心之所愿,无所不成。 3
English Study
---- some advice for every student
Learn to take notes.
• Learn to take notes. • for collecting the key points in class
or out of class while reading English magazines or newspapers. • for keeping a diary in English every day. • For collecting your mistakes
• READ • READ, read some more, • READ things you yourself enjoy. • READ, and talk about it. • READ very carefully some things • READ on the run, most things, • Don’t think about READING, but …. • READ
notes、a red pen、 and two workbooks. One is used for dictations, the other is for finishing your written work.
• Did I finish the homework today(今天我 完成作业了吗?)
• Did I go over the lesson today (今天我复 习功课了吗?)
• Did I prepare for tomorrow’s lesson today (今天我预习功课了吗?)
Draw a conclusion of last term
Life is like an echo(回声) , You will get what you give And receive what you send
How did you spend your summer holiday(暑假)
• 2.If you have any good excuse to tell me about your delay, I won't believe ,please copy the whole exercises.
• You can owe my money, but you can’t owe my exercises (this is most of my students thoughts)
高中英语人教版(2023)选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement

高中英语人教版(2023)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and Thinking 课件(共18张PPT)(共18张PPT)People of AchievementUnit 1Reading and ThinkingTry to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.——Albert Einstein努力不是为了功成名就,而是为了成为有价值的人。
She is the winner of the Nobel Prize.What do you know about Tu YouyouShe discovered artemisinin to treat malaria.Learning objectives1. know the process of how Tu Youyou and her team discover artemisinin.2. know waht kind of person Tu Youyou is.C. Tu Youyou’s attitude to honourB. The news about Tu winning the Nobel Prize and the significance of her discoveryA. The process of discovering artemisininParagraph 1(news)Paragraphs 2 and 3(story)Paragraph 4.(news)1. Where would you most likely find this passageA In a blogB In a bookC In a letterD In a newspaper2. Passages like this are most often written in_____ and _____.A the active voice / offer many opinionsB the first person / talk about feelingsC both active and passive voices / mostly contain factsTo be more objective and more convincing.3. Which two pieces of information were not included in the passageA. A quote from Tu YouyouB. The details of how artmisinin was discovered.C. Tu Youyou’s important contributions other than the discovery of artmisinin.D. Tu Youyou’s personal life.E. Tu Youyou’s road to discovering artmisninin.F. What Tu Youyou was awarded.G. Why artmisinin is an important discovery.1. Why is the discovery of artemisinin important2. What was the key to getting a good extract from the wormwood3. What numbers are mentioned in the text What do they suggest4. Why is Tu Youyou considered a great person1. Why is the discovery of artemisinin importantArtemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives and has improved the health for millions of people.2. What was the key to getting a good extract from the wormwood Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract.3. What numbers are mentioned in the text What do they suggest Para 1:over 200 million; 600,000; 100,000;Para 2:over 2,000; 280,000; 380;These numbers suggest three things:① Malaria is deadly and killed many people,② Tu Youyou spent much time in looking for a possible treatment for malaria,③ Tu Youyou and her team were patient and persistent to find out the treatment .Para 3:more than 190 timesThe discovery of artemisin is very difficult, so how did Tu and her team extract ittried ____________________________________________________________but_____________________________examined ____________________________, and evaluated _____ ________________________________over 2,000 old280,000medical textsplants for their medical properties.found a medical text suggesting ________________________________using the extract from sweet wormwoodtested ___________________________________________________a collection of dried wormwoodleaves but found no effectand using the liquid obtained from itthis didn’t work either.boiling fresh wormwoodused a ___________________________ the sweet wormwood extract.lower temperatureto draw outtested the medicine _____________ to see if safe.on themselvestested the medicine on_____________.malaria patientsThe medicine became __________________ for malaria.a standard treatmetWhy do you think Tu Youyou is a great person and what kind of person she isThinking and discussingWhich is more important for making a great discovery,talent or effort Which is more importanttalent or effortefforttalentWe need talent to learn quickly and to think sharply.We should spare no effort to experiment through trial and error. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.a news reportTitle: Tu Youyou awarded the Nobel Prize Introduction(Para. 1)Body(Para 2-3)Conclusion(Para 4)who, when, what, whyHow to find the artemisininTu Youyou’s attitude to honour SummaryTHANKS。
新人教版高中英语选择性必修1:Unit 1 课件 (共19张PPT)

Unit 1 People of achievement
Period 2 Listening and Speaking
Listening and Speaking --Explore the meaning of
Lead in
Tu Youyou
We know Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize in 2015 because of her discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria.
She made great achievements in medicine.
Do you know them ?
Jack Ma
Elon Musk (埃隆·马斯克)
Bill Gates
Do you know them?
Z h o n添g加N标a题n s h a n
Florence Nightingale
Alexander Fleming
What are their achievements ?
While-Listening---Task 1
1. Match the people with their achievements.
1 Elon Musk 2 Bill Gates
A founder of modern nursing B founded high tech and futuristic companies
3 Jack Ma(Ma Yun) 4 Alexander Fleming
高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Reading and Thinking课件

Where would you most likely find this passage?
The title
The date
The lead 导语
News story
In a newapaper
The passage
The illustrations
Let’s read for the main idea and structure
Skills: try to find out who, when, why, where and what.
Some basic information you need know before reading
Sweet w【orremaswoono】dmosquito
Main Body Paragraph _2_-_3_
How artemisinin was discovered by Tu Youyou’s team
Conclusion Paragraph _4__
Tu Youyou's attitude towards the honor
3. Which two pieces of information were not included in the passage? Para. 1 • The event and the significance of the discovery of
Read for details
Para. 2-3 the story
What is your impression of Tu Youyou?

not have it.
2. Every step towards your dream today is a
step away from your regret tomorrow. 今日为梦想所付出的每一份努力都会减少明日的一份后
3.Pursue excellence and success will follow. 追求卓越,成功自然来。
further study
English a tool/ bridge
customs travelling trade and transportation
the most important thing of learning English
Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)。
猜测能力)。 4.学会总结规律和方法。 5.养成朗读、背诵的习惯。
Writing: 1.书写规范、字迹工整、卷17 面整洁 2.背诵重要句子和段落并能仿写 3.多朗读、多背诵,培养语感和写作能力 4.锻炼组词造句能力,从简单句到复杂句 过渡
1.If you do not think about your future, you can
5、良好的书写习惯---让漂亮规范的书写让 阅卷老师高抬贵手!
三、学12 法指导 每日口诀大法 1.制定计划,明确目标。 2.专心听讲,当堂巩固。 3.及时复习,防止遗忘。 4.错误归类,解决疑难。 5.勤奋多练,广泛阅读。 6.系统总结,掌握规律。
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册开学 第一课(共47张ppt)

Science and technology
Trade/ transportation
Further study
well-paid job
1. 听力。把握住每次练习听力的机会,耐心地听,坚持一个月听力水平就能进步一个台阶。
元 音
[iә ]
[eә ]
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册教学课件UNIT1 Reading and (课件PPT)

Became the head of the project in Beijing and decided to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease.
Reading and Thinking
Look & discuss
1. Who is the woman in the photo? 2. What is happening in this photo? 3. What more can you find from this photo?
2. Para 2: her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts and evaluated 280,000plants for ..,they discovered and tested 880 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments...
How was artemisinin discovered?
Tu's team examined _o_v_e_r_2_0_0_0_,
They found a medical text
_o_ld__m_e_d_i_c_a_l_te_x_t_s_and evaluated _8_,_0_0_0_p__la_n_t_s_f_o_r_p_r_o_p_e_r_t_ie_s_.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧) Attitude is everything
Try your best Just do it
You can learn English well Believe in yourself
Classroom dos and don’ts
– 1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time!
• 多和老师交流 • PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT • 勤于练习
• Learn to use resources
or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟)
In fact, learning English is interesting.
• Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
---- some advice for every student
• DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE. • 态度决定一切。 • STUDY EVERY DAY! • 英语学习是一个长期的积累的过程。 • DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME • 学习要有主次轻重;要有目标,各个击破。 • ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS • 积极参与课堂活动
• Some electronic dictionaries may appear handier, but they may not be as reliable as those printed dictionaries by established press houses.
Learn to take notes.
•Confident •Strict •Active
My favorite motto Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, whe something is, we must work until we succeed.
sleeping small talk eating food making noise changing seats MP3 and cell phone miss or forget
thinking writing Speaking English concentration active involvement taking notes Listen to others
• Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) • Review what you’ve learned in time.(复习) • Read more and read different materials.(多读) • Write as often as possible.(多写) • Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) • Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问) • Cooperate more(多合作)
• Learn to take notes. • for collecting the key points in class
or out of class while reading English magazines or newspapers. • for keeping a diary in English every day. • For collecting your mistakes
• Finding out how useful English is in your life. English is every where. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually surrounded by rich learning resources.
• Reference books
• Dictionary Learn to use dictionaries.
• Internet
• Learn to use dictionaries.
• You must have at least one dictionary, with both Chinese and English explanations such as Oxford, Longman, student's practical essentials of NMET.
The rules to obey in class
Share experiences in Summer Holiday
pleasant, enjoyable, boring, busy, relaxing, unforgettable…
About English
• Do you like English? • Do you think it difficult? why? • Learning English is a big challenge