Tiger Hill虎丘英语导游词




苏州虎丘英语介绍Among the various places of historical interest in Suzhou Tiger Hill is the most famous .It is also a tourist site of great natural beauty. For more than 2000 years the hill has been regarded as the landmark of thecity .Because it is closely related to the origin of the city.在苏州众多的名胜古迹中,虎丘是最具盛名的.2千多年来,虎丘一直是苏州的标志.因为虎丘与苏州这座城市有着不解的渊源。

In the Spring and Autumn Period this area was ruled by the king of the state of WU. As the state grew in power, it moved its capital to the present site of Suzhou in560 BC known as the city of Wu. When prince HeLu succeeded to the thorn and became king of Wu, he ordered his Prime Minister WuZiXu to build an influential city for him to serve as his capital.早在春秋战国时代.这个地区属于吴国,在吴国国王的统治下.随着吴国逐渐强盛起来,在公元前560年,吴国迁都到苏州,把苏州作为吴国的首都.在王子阖闾继任皇位,成为吴国的新君主后,他要求他的君臣伍子婿为其修建一座有影响的城池作为他的首都。



虎丘英语作文English:Tiger Hill, located in Suzhou, China, is a place of great historical and cultural significance. This iconic landmark holds deep-rooted historical associations, dating back over 2,500 years. Its name originates from a legend that claims a white tiger once resided in the hill. One of the most prominent features of Tiger Hill is the Yunyan Pagoda, also known as the leaning tower of China. This pagoda, built during the Song Dynasty, leans at a distinct angle due to structural issues and natural subsidence over the centuries. Beyond its architectural marvels, Tiger Hill is also famed for its lush gardens, tranquil ponds, and serene pathways, making it a haven for nature lovers and historians alike. Moreover, it is home to various ancient structures, such as the Sword-Testing Stone and the Wanjing Villa, each with its own tale to tell. With its blend of history, legend, and natural beauty, Tiger Hill stands as a testament to Suzhou's rich heritage and timeless allure.中文翻译:虎丘位于中国苏州,是一个具有重要历史和文化意义的地方。



虎丘景点用英文写篇作文英文回答:Tiger Hill is a scenic spot located in the city of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. It is well-known for its beautiful scenery, historical significance, and cultural heritage. The hill is home to a number of ancient temples, pagodas, and other historical sites, including the famous Tiger Hill Pagoda.The name "Tiger Hill" comes from a legend that saysthat a white tiger appeared on the hill during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220). The tiger was said to be a manifestation of the bodhisattva Manjusri, who came to the hill to spread Buddhism. In order to commemorate this event, a temple was built on the hill and named Tiger Hill Temple.Over the centuries, Tiger Hill has been a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists alike. The hilloffers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, andits many temples and pagodas are a testament to the rich history of Chinese architecture.Here are some of the most popular attractions on Tiger Hill:Tiger Hill Pagoda: This is the most famous landmark on Tiger Hill. The pagoda was built in the Song Dynasty (960–1279) and is one of the tallest pagodas in China. It is octagonal in shape and has nine stories. The pagoda is a popular tourist destination, and visitors can climb to the top for stunning views of the surrounding area.Tiger Hill Temple: This is the oldest temple on Tiger Hill. It was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220) and is dedicated to the bodhisattva Manjusri. The temple is home to a number of important Buddhist relics, including a statue of Manjusri that is said to have been carved from a single piece of sandalwood.Sword Pool: This is a pool of water that is said to have been used by the ancient Chinese general Sun Wu totest his soldiers. The pool is located at the foot of Tiger Hill and is a popular spot for tourists to take photos.Cloud Rock: This is a large rock formation that is located on the side of Tiger Hill. The rock is said to resemble a cloud, and it is a popular spot for tourists to climb and take photos.Tiger Hill is a beautiful and historic place that is well worth a visit. The hill offers stunning scenery, a variety of historical and cultural attractions, and a glimpse into the rich history of China.中文回答:虎丘,位于江苏省苏州市,是著名的风景名胜,以其秀丽的景色、厚重的历史和丰富的文化底蕴而闻名。



虎丘的景点介绍作文英文回答:Tiger Hill, also known as Huqiu, is a famous scenicspot located in Suzhou, China. It is a place with rich history, stunning natural beauty, and cultural significance. Let me tell you more about this amazing place.First of all, Tiger Hill is renowned for its beautiful landscapes. It is home to various gardens, pagodas, and ponds that create a picturesque setting. One of the most famous attractions in Tiger Hill is the Yunyan Pagoda, also known as the Leaning Tower of China. This seven-story pagoda leans to one side, similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and it has become an iconic symbol of Tiger Hill.Moreover, Tiger Hill is deeply rooted in Chinesehistory and culture. It is believed to have beenestablished over 2,500 years ago during the Spring and Autumn Period. The hill is associated with many legends andstories, such as the burial site of the King of Wu, Helü. The Sword Pool, located at the foot of the hill, is said to be the place where the legendary sword of the King was thrown after his burial.Furthermore, Tiger Hill is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. It offers a tranquil and serene atmosphere, perfect for relaxation and contemplation. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the gardens, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and even have a picnic on the hill. There are also various cultural activities and performances held at Tiger Hill, such as traditional Chinese music concerts and calligraphy exhibitions.中文回答:虎丘,又称为胡丘,是中国苏州市一个著名的风景名胜区。

























虎丘英文导游词篇一:苏州园林虎丘的英语导游词TheTigerHillissaidtobethemostattractivespotofhistoricalinterestinSuzhou. Longtimeago,itwasavastseainthisarea.Thishillusedtobeoneofthesmallislan ter,duetothemovementoftheearth,theseaturnedintothemulberryfields. ThentheYangtzeRiverdeltacameintobeing,Thisislandbecamethehillonthepl ain.SoitwascalledthehillofEmergencefromtheSea,with34metersaboveseale vel,andsome20hectaresinarea.in514Bc,HeLu,kingofStatewu,foundedthecityofSuzhouandmadeithiscapit al.Thishillwashissummerresort.in496BcthekingtookthetrooptotheStateYue,thebattlehappenedinJiaxingare a.Thekingwasseriouslyinjuredinthebattleanddiedonhiswaybackhome.Then hissonnamedFuchaiordered100,000laborstobuildtombforhisfather.Threed aysaftertheking’sburial,atigerwassaidtoappearonthetopofthehilltoguardhistomb.Sothehill’snamewaschangedintotheTigerHill. Thenthelocalpeoplesaidtheshapeofthehilllookslikeacrouchingtiger.Thebuil dingaheadisitshead.Thegateisregardedasitsmouth,tworoundwindowsasitse yesandflyingeavesasitsears.Thehillpathisitsback,thepagodaatopisitstail. inthehill,wecanseemanyinterestingrocks,behindthem,arestoriesandlegendsoftheking.Themostfamoushighlightisthepagoda,itisknownastheleaningpag odaofPisainchina. ThefamouspoetSudongpointheSongdynastyonceremarked,“TovisitSuzhou withoutseeingtheTi gerHillwouldbeathingforregret.”HereistheBridgeofEmergencefromtheSea.in1956,whenthehillmoatwasdre dgedthebridgewasbuilt,anditwasbuiltofgranite.wecansee12lovelystonecar vedlionsontherailingsofthebridge,theyarevividandlifelike.Thelionsculptur eisasymbolofauspiciousinchina. ThesecondentrancehallisalsocalledtheBrokenBeamHall.inthehillthereareo nlytwothingswhichareoriginal,oneisthishall,andtheotheristhepagoda.Thish allwasbuiltintheYuandynasty(1279-1368)some700yearsago.Sincethemain beamismadeoftwologslookinglikeabrokenbeam,sothat’swhywecallittheBrokenBeamHall. Undertheroofaroundthebuildingarethebracketsets,theybeartheweightofther oofandscattertheweightontothegroundthroughthosecolumns,sowesaidthew allsofthebuildingdon’tbearweight,ifyoumovethemaway,thebuildingwillnotfalldown.allthejoints ofthewoodenstructurewereconnectedwiththetraditionaltenonsandmortises, withoutasinglenail.That’swhythebuildinghasbeenkeptsolong.itisregardedasamasterpieceofclassical architecture. Thewoodentabletfacingthesouthhaswithfourbigchinesecharactersonit,whichmeans“Thewell-knownplaceofinterestinSuzhou”.Thefourcharactersont heotheronefacingthenorthmean“containingtherealandhidingtheancient.”T hatis,therealhill,realwater,realpersonsandrealdeeds,andtheancientpagoda,a ncienttemple,ancientspring,andancienttombinthehill. ThefamousSword-TestingRockisabigovalrock.itiscleftinthemiddleasthoug hbyasword.Legendhasitthatacouple,Ganjiangandmoye,wereskillfulsword-smiths.Theywereforcedbythekingtoforgethesharpswordsforhim.Thecoupl ehadquietafewexperimentsand finallysucceededinforgingtwoswords.afterthekinggotoneofthem,hecamehe retotestwhetheritwassharp.downcamethesword.Therocksplitintwo,sothat’swhycalledSwordTestingRockinthelaterdynasties,alotofliteratisandmenofliteraturecametovisittheTigerHi ll,theysighedandpraisedabouttheswordwhentheysawtherock. SoonthestonewecanstillseeapoemwrittenbyGuYingintheY uandynasty,whi chgoes“whiletheswordwastested,therockwascleft,thecleffellandblockedth ebrook.why,hundredsofyearslater,wasitnotusedtodecapitatethesinistereunu chzhaoGao?”ThelegendoftheswordissimilartoExcalibur,Kingarthur’ssword. alittlefurtherontheleftisthePillowStone,whichwassaidtohavebeenusedforth atpurposebythemonkmr.ShengGong.ShenGongwasafamoushighrankingm onkintheEastJindynasty.HehadhisnewBuddhisttheorythatthosewhohaveth esenseofBuddhismwouldallbecomeBuddhist.Forhistheorywasagainstbyothermonks,hewasdrivenoutofthecapitalofthecountry,andthenhetraveledtoev erywhere.onedayhecametotheTigerHillforpreaching.Herestedonthisstonea sapillowwhenhewastired.Hencethename.HereistheThousand-manRock,afterkingwasburied,hissonFuchai,thenewki ng,orderedtokillallthetomb-buildersheretokeepthetomb’ssecret.Theirbloodstainedtherock,evennow,afterraining,therockstillappear sreddish.inchinese,Thousanddoesn’tmeanonethousand,whichmeansalot. ThePlatformformr.ShengGong,intheJindynasty,thefamoushighrankingmo nkmr.ShenGongoncepreachedhere.alotofbelievers(worshipers)gotheretoli stentohispreaching.whathepreachedwassoexcellentthatallthelistenerskeptn oddingtheirheadstoexpresstheirapproval.Eventhehardrockinthepondwasm ovedbyhispreachingandnodded.SotodaywecanstillseethenoddedRockinthe Pond.Twoimmortal’sPavilion,itisassociatedwithtwoTaoistimmortals,LuchunyangandchenTua n,theyonceplayedchinesechesshere.Thepavilionismadeofstone,itsroofwas nicelycarvedfromonesinglepieceofstoneintheearlyQingdynasty.insidethere aretwostonetabletsshowingtheirportraits. Thefourbigcharactersinredis“TigerHill’sSwordPond”,thisgreathandwritingwasoriginallywrittenbyYanzhenqin,an otedcalligrapherintheTangdynasty(618-907).afterthetimewentby,twocharacters“TigerHill”felldown,andthenwasrewrittenbyzhangzhongyuinQingdy nasty.Sohereisasayingthat:realSwordPond,pseudoTigerHill. SituatedeastofthewhiteLotusPondare53steps,whichareaneatflightofgranite stonestepsleadinguptothemainhallofcloud-RockTemple.Thesestepscanbef oundintheB uddhistsaying:”climb53stepstopaytributetoBuddha.”according toBuddhism,theBoyofTreasuresworshipped53bodhisattvasashisteacher.So 53stepscanbeseensometimesnearBuddhisttemplesinhillyarea. nowwearrivedatthecloud-RockTemple.duringtheculturerevolution,thetem plewasdamaged,allstatuesinsideweredestroyed,thepresentthreestatuesrestoredlate r.inthemiddleisastatueofSakyamuni.Hewasaprinceofasmallkingdombeside nepal.whenhesawthecitizenssufferingfrombirthanddeath,sicknessandaging ,,hegaveuphisluxuriouslifeandwenttoforesttothinkdeeply.after6yearsmedit ation,hewassuddenlyenlightened,,andthenbecame theBuddhaandthePatriarch. onthebothsidesinfrontofstatuearetwodisciples.Theyoungeronenamedanaw ashiscousin.HehadfollowedSakyamuniforover20yearsandhehadgoodmem ories.HehadkeptalltheteachingsandallinstructionsfromSakyamuniinhismin d,recitedthemandcopiedthemonthebodhileavesafterSakyamunipassedaway ,whicharetheBuddhistsutraswecanseetoday.TheelderonewasJiashe,oncepr esidedoveragatheringinLinjiumountain,attendedby500indianmonksafterS akyamunidied.。



虎丘的景点介绍英语作文English Answer:Tiger Hill, also known as Yuantouzhu, is a scenic spot located in the northwest of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Suzhou, and is known for its beautiful scenery and historical significance.The hill is 36 meters high and covers an area of about 15 hectares. It is divided into two parts, the east andwest peaks. The east peak is higher than the west peak, and is home to the famous Tiger Hill Pagoda. The west peak is home to the Yunyan Temple and the Huqiu Tower.The Tiger Hill Pagoda is the most famous landmark on Tiger Hill. It is a seven-story octagonal pagoda, which was built in the Song Dynasty. The pagoda is 47 meters high and has a diameter of 10 meters. It is made of brick and wood, and is decorated with exquisite carvings.The Yunyan Temple is a Buddhist temple which was built in the Tang Dynasty. The temple is home to a large number of Buddhist statues, and is a popular place of pilgrimage for Buddhists.The Huqiu Tower is a nine-story wooden tower which was built in the Ming Dynasty. The tower is 45 meters high and has a diameter of 12 meters. It is made of wood and is decorated with exquisite carvings.In addition to its historical significance, Tiger Hill is also known for its beautiful scenery. The hill is surrounded by trees and flowers, and offers stunning views of the surrounding area. The hill is also a popular spotfor birdwatching, and is home to a variety of bird species.Tiger Hill is a popular tourist destination, and is a must-see for any visitor to Suzhou. The hill is easily accessible by public transportation, and there is a variety of shops and restaurants in the area.中文回答:虎丘,又名元头渚,位于江苏省苏州市西北部,是中国著名的旅游胜地之一,以景色秀美,历史悠久而闻名。



虎丘英文作文小学Tiger Hill is a famous tourist attraction in Suzhou, China. It's a beautiful place with a lot of history and culture.I went to Tiger Hill with my family last summer. We hada great time exploring the gardens and the ancient pagoda. The views from the top of the hill were amazing, and wetook a lot of photos.The history of Tiger Hill is really interesting. There are a lot of old stories and legends about the hill, andit's fun to learn about them while you're there. Theleaning pagoda is especially cool to see.The gardens at Tiger Hill are so peaceful and beautiful. There are a lot of different plants and flowers, and it's a great place to relax and enjoy nature. We spent a lot of time just walking around and taking in the scenery.The food at Tiger Hill is also really good. We tried some local snacks and dishes, and everything was delicious. It's a great way to experience the local cuisine whileyou're visiting.Overall, Tiger Hill is a must-see if you're ever in Suzhou. It's a beautiful and historic place that has something for everyone to enjoy. I'm so glad we got tovisit and experience it for ourselves.。



英文版虎丘导游词(精选3篇)英文版虎丘篇1Tourists friends, welcome you to visit wu first mountain - it drives. Huqiu, located in the northwest of suzhou's ancient city about five kilometers. This is a sudden in the hills of the plains, height of 30 meters, covers an area of about 300 mu. According to legend, in ancient times, there was a bay on the east coast, and tiger is produced by volcanic eruptions and searing lava island, formed from the accumulation of the submerged by water at high tide, flowed from the sea at low tide, what was then known as master mountain peak or swell. Over time, sea and land change, peak ground swell is evolved into a land of a hill. Why swell peak is known as the tiger? It also from the spring and autumn period of wu yue battle. Week of more than 3000 years ago, so the eldest son of Cyrus king of male Dan father taber, the second son zhongyong of wu for the throne, leave the shaanxi zones, came to taihu lake, established GouWu tribe, after more than ten generations of development and accumulation, has established the kingdom of wu.Taber twenty I prince he lu sun for supremacy cause, reuse of sun wu and wu zixu, "Fielding, real storage, hyogo cure", was built in 514 BC he lu city, has become one of the metropolis, southeast of wu has reached the peak. In 496 BC, the prince he lu by the death of king done often, personally rate soldiers attacked yue. Lightly, because he lu pride's king goujian ambush, injured in 槜lee region, li in jiaxing, died on the way to bury ground swell. This period of history, Mr Liu Guangwei written in the tang dynasty recorded in the journal of wu to remember is this: "master mountain in the northwest of wuxian nine two hundred steps, helu was buried in the mountain. Five counties of grave, copper Guo triple, mercury filling body, gold and silver for pit. Shiji cloud: 'he lu tomb in wuxian Chang outside, with hundreds of man grave, was buried the removal of the lake. After three days, white rests on it, so the name huqiu hill. Cloud: in" wu yue chun qiu "' he lu buried huqiu. Hundreds of man was buried, after three days, the elaboration of gold for the white tiger squatted on it, due to the tiger.Since then, the tiger became a tourist attraction in suzhou. For one thousand years, countless heroes, scholars with tiger to the stage, show a lot of terrible magnificent historical drama, leaving the countless precious relics, added a rich legend. Suzhou huqiu is, as it were, an encyclopedia of 250000 years of history. Prince fu to avenge, his army against yue, and in the army suffered a crushing defeat in taihu lake, pepper mountain, arrested goujian couples to huqiu, make its keep before he lu tomb grave a horse.Qin shihuang east tour to huqiu, mountain climbing, and sent a mining he lu tomb, seek the prince sword, and will have nothing. The qin dynasty, xiang yu group army, jiangdong eight thousand at huqiu JieGan uprising, fought north and south, defeated in the battle of the stag qin, fundamentally shaken the basis of the qin dynasty, become a one-time place of bullies. Eastern han dynasty last years, sun quan in suzhou as equal base development business, to consolidate and develop, sun wu regime had sent he lu tomb, looking for buried treasure, also turned up nothing.President of suzhou treasure between calendar year, bai juyi secretariat of more than a year (in May 825 to September 826), launched from Chang door to huqiu shan river, along the riverbuilt in long beach, one of the seven on the kind of plum, water plant LianHe and adds a lot of thorn in suzhou. Song dynasty su dongpo repeatedly visit huqiu, wrote many poems, he thought: "suzhou huqiu, not swim is shame". Tong pak fu Ming dynasty once found the sword pond dried up after exposed YongDaoKou he lu's grave, almost almost solved the riddle. At the end of Ming dynasty, headed by Zhang Pu after club once at huqiu one thousand stone party, have complex social members from the national total of thousands of people attended the event. Kangxi and qianlong in the qing dynasty had repeatedly patrol suzhou, the tiger left many calligraphy, folk spread in suzhou for the story. At the end of qing dynasty, LiuYaZi, Chen to disease and others in suzhou modern organized the first revolutionary literary group - south club. On November 13, 1909, the south club at huqiu gathering for the first time, was formally established. The group propaganda of bourgeois revolution, against the qing dynasty autocratic rule, the influence is very big.Chen to illness, died in 1933, was buried in the tiger mountain foothill. Tiger is one of the famous buddhist holy land of the jiangnan. When it comes to huqiu buddhist culture historical origin, the earliest can be traced back to the jin dynasty. Eastern jin SiTuWangXun and customary wang brothers, build library as a villa in huqiu. Salty and two years (327) for two temple, bounded with sword pool, after the two temples. Due to avoid taboo tang MAO, in the tang dynasty to huqiu Wu Qiu, temple called Wu Qiu temple. When the northern song dynasty renamed YunYan temple. Five generations Zhou Xiande six years (959 years), huqiu YunYan temple was built pagoda, built in northern song dynasty long completed two years (961). Temples and waste several times, in the reconstruction of the qing emperor kangxiyears, changed its name to "tiger mound temple". Although the temple architectural remains here now is no longer the religious activity places, but also from the scale we can identify the pomp of the buddhist temple.英文版虎丘导游词篇2Hailed as "the first places of wuzhong" tiger, also known as master mountain, peak ground swell, tiger mound, located in the northwest of suzhou's old city, 3.5 kilometers away from Chang door outside. Huqiu elevation 34.3 meters, covers an area of 20 hectares, the mountain for the 150 million - year - old Mesozoic Jurassic age of the magma eruption condenses rhyolite. Huqiu of cultural history can be traced back to two thousand five hundred years ago, has a long history and the ancient city of suzhou. In ancient times, tiger was in the gulf with a tidal island scenery, through the changes of the passage, poured out from the sea, eventually became isolated hill on the ground, people call it mountain swell. "What year master come? Bang ley, crack through the deep, towering embedded empty pale wall." Sung people Zheng Sixiao verse the origin of the image representation of the tiger. Now huqiu is far from the sea, people still can feel the sight of the sea, the sea of information."Tiger", a history has been nearly 2500 years, 496 BC prince he lu tetanus death, buried in the mountains, into the hole on the white tiger crouching faces grave after three days, so named tiger mountain. There are many places of historic interest in the park. YunYan temple tower (also called huqiu tower) at the national level cultural relics, broken Liang Dian for provincial cultural relic, the center of the beam into two beams and disconnect pick up, can see the broken seam. Song dynasty big literary giant su dongpo had more than one thousand years ago said that "to thesuzhou and not swim huqiu is shame". Relying on since one thousand, the hu qiu hill with beautiful scenery, long history of cultural landscape, enjoy the reputation of the first places of human "..In one thousand stone cliff due north, inscribed with four Chinese characters: "hu qiu jian pool", it is said that the famous calligrapher c write four words. Another legend, now has a YanShi original huqiu four words of the book, it's a book on it, later so in the local have "the true sword pool, false tiger". A narrow under the so-called pool is a sword to the sword sinks. Prince he lu tomb might be built here, legend has it had to lift fire sword and other sword 3000 to 13 in human, therefore the sword pool. The mountains have a ishii, dug by liu yu in the tang dynasty, known as "Liu Yujing". The tea is China's first tea book "saint" of the author. In history, according to the suzhou government record Liu Yuceng long-term huqiu, while the tea, to write "the saint". He found the tiger mountain spring is sweet and tasty, named "world WuQuan".英文版虎丘导游词篇3Song dynasty poet su dongpo said, "don't swim to suzhou huqiu is pity. The poet's praise became huqiu advertisement today.To huqiu, over the past two paths, road is the car we go today, while in a carriage is worth in the past; Another is waterway, from Chang under a ship, after the excavation of the secretariat of the tang dynasty bai juyi bai causeway seven shan, before huqiu "sea flow fai" water wharf to dock.General temple are hidden in the mountains, while the tiger mountain in the temple. Have a doggerel image location out huqiu chu tomb at baoshan temple temple features: "first removethe old monk had feared mountain, sunset teach temple door lock".Now we came to the gate of the tiger "master chao hui". This four word points out the history of the tiger. Huqiu, formerly known as master mountain ancient here is a piece of waste, a few green island hidden when trapped during the changing of the tides, then called master mountain huqiu most short, but beautiful, such as the vast blue waves of the shining pearl stream hui today. "Sea flow fai" doors in water is a kind of zhaobi, suzhou humble administrator's garden, the old gate still holds high the water doors of of primitive simplicity, embodies the people of the region of appearance and face.We know that the prince he lu he lu built in suzhou city in 514 BC. At that time, China is the spring and autumn period, the fight between the small. As most parts of our country is still in the Bronze Age, wu is known as cast iron, cast jian, appeared the child cure, lieutenant, m-sword famous blacksmith. Wu in 496 BC, the Vietnam war, the prince he lu injured died on his way home. In order to build the prince he lu tomb, wu used hundreds of workers, structures and the sword of three thousand in the tomb. In order to keep secret of the prince's tomb, rumours that prince buried after three days, a white tiger crouching hai-yong yu mountain, he said to prince domineering condensation. Since then, there is a tiger of appellation, has been two thousand five hundred years.By 961, huqiu built seven layers on the top of the eight sides 2-foot-tall tower one. Huqiu tower is now heavily skewed, off center 2. 34 meters, huqiu tower is famous, and because of it and the prince's tomb of complicated relationship between scientists and tourists accused of dense interest. In principle, the prince'stomb was built in 496 BC, huqiu tower was built in 961 AD, difference before and after one thousand five hundred, should not have what to do. But now the two sites are below. A link between them, to the hu qiu hill after I'll make a detailed introduction.。



介绍虎丘的作文英语Tiger Hill, also known as Huqiu, is a renowned scenic spot located in Suzhou, China. With a history dating back over 2,500 years, it is not only a symbol of Suzhou's rich cultural heritage but also a testament to the city's natural beauty. Let's delve into the enchanting allure of Tiger Hill.First and foremost, Tiger Hill is famous for its historical significance. Legend has it that King Helü of the state of Wu was buried here around 496 BC, making it one of the oldest cultural sites in Suzhou. The hill is adorned with ancient relics and structures, including the Yunyan Pagoda, also known as the Leaning Tower of China. This seven-story pagoda, leaning at a distinctive angle, has become an iconic symbol of Tiger Hill and a testament to ancient Chinese architecture.Moreover, Tiger Hill is steeped in folklore and mythology, adding an aura of mystery to its alreadycaptivating ambiance. One of the most famous legends associated with Tiger Hill is the tale of the White Tiger guarding the burial sit e of King Helü. According to folklore, whoever dares to disturb the king's tomb willface the wrath of the White Tiger. This legend hasintrigued visitors for centuries, adding to the allure of Tiger Hill as a site of both historical significance and mythical intrigue.Beyond its historical and cultural significance, Tiger Hill also boasts breathtaking natural scenery. Lush greenery, tranquil ponds, and winding pathways create a serene atmosphere conducive to relaxation and contemplation. The hill's elevated vantage point offers panoramic views of Suzhou's picturesque landscape, making it a favorite spotfor photographers and nature enthusiasts alike.In addition to its natural beauty, Tiger Hill is hometo a diverse array of flora and fauna, further enhancingits appeal as a destination for eco-tourism. Rare speciesof plants and flowers flourish in the hill's fertile soil, while birds and small mammals find sanctuary amidst itsdense foliage. Exploring Tiger Hill is not just a journey through history, but also a journey through the wonders of the natural world.Furthermore, Tiger Hill is a hub of cultural activities and events, attracting visitors from all walks of life. Throughout the year, various festivals and celebrations take place on the hill, showcasing Suzhou's vibrantcultural heritage. From traditional music and dance performances to art exhibitions and craft markets, there is always something happening at Tiger Hill to engage and delight visitors.In conclusion, Tiger Hill is a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, Tiger Hill offers something for everyone. As one of Suzhou's most beloved landmarks, it continues to captivate and inspire visitors from near and far, ensuring its place as a timeless symbol of the city's enduring charm and allure.。



虎丘景点用英文写篇作文英文回答:Tiger Hill is a famous tourist attraction located in Suzhou, China. It is known for its beautiful scenery, historical sites, and cultural significance. As you enter the hill, you will be greeted by the majestic Tiger Hill Pagoda, also known as the Yunyan Pagoda. This seven-story pagoda is one of the oldest in China and has a leaning angle similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is a symbol of Suzhou and attracts many visitors who are fascinated by its unique architecture and history.As you continue exploring Tiger Hill, you will come across various other attractions such as the Sword Pond, the Sword Testing Stone, and the Thousand People Rock. The Sword Pond is a tranquil lake with clear water, where legend has it that a sword was once thrown in and never sank. The Sword Testing Stone is a massive stone slab with sword marks left by ancient warriors testing their weapons.The Thousand People Rock is a large rock formation that resembles a group of people standing together, hence its name.Another highlight of Tiger Hill is the Yunyan Temple, which is located at the foot of the hill. This ancient Buddhist temple has a history of over 1,000 years and is a place of worship for many Buddhists. Inside the temple, you can find various statues and relics, as well as a peaceful atmosphere for meditation and reflection.Apart from its historical and cultural significance, Tiger Hill also offers stunning natural scenery. The hill is covered with lush greenery, beautiful flowers, and ancient trees. As you walk along the pathways, you can enjoy the fresh air and the sounds of birds chirping. There are also several pavilions and gardens where you can sit and relax while taking in the picturesque surroundings.中文回答:虎丘是中国苏州的一处著名旅游景点。



虎丘概况介绍英文作文英文:Tiger Hill, located in Suzhou, China, is a populartourist attraction known for its beautiful gardens,historical sites, and stunning views. As a native Suzhou resident, I have visited Tiger Hill many times and it never fails to impress me.One of the main attractions at Tiger Hill is the Yunyan Pagoda, also known as the "Leaning Tower of China". This seven-story pagoda leans at an angle of 3.59 degrees, which is even more than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. Legend has it that the pagoda was built in memory of King Helu, who was buried at the hill. Another popular site at Tiger Hill is the Sword Pond, which is said to be the final resting place of King Helu's sword.In addition to the historical sites, Tiger Hill is also famous for its beautiful gardens. The Garden of Cultivationis a must-see, with its winding paths, pavilions, and ponds. The garden is designed to be a miniature version ofSuzhou's famous classical gardens, with a perfect balanceof water, rocks, and plants.Overall, Tiger Hill is a great place to visit for anyone interested in history, culture, and nature. The combination of historical sites and beautiful gardens makeit a unique and memorable experience.中文:虎丘位于中国苏州,是一个以美丽的花园、历史遗迹和壮丽的景色而闻名的旅游胜地。





篇一:英文版虎丘导游词Hailed as "the first places of wuzhong" tiger, also known as master mountain, peak ground swell, tiger mound, located in the northwest of suzhou's old city, 3.5 kilometers away from Chang door outside. Huqiu elevation 34.3 meters, covers an area of 20 hectares, the mountain for the 150 million - year - old Mesozoic Jurassic age of the magma eruption condenses rhyolite. Huqiu of cultural history can be traced back to two thousand five hundred years ago, has a long history and the ancient city of suzhou. In ancient times, tiger was in the gulf with a tidal island scenery, through the changes of the passage, poured out from the sea, eventually became isolated hill on the ground, people call it mountain swell. "What year master come? Bang ley, crack through the deep, towering embedded empty pale wall." Sung people Zheng Sixiao verse the origin of the image representation of the tiger. Now huqiu is far from the sea, people still can feel the sight of the sea, the sea of information."Tiger", a history has been nearly 2500 years, 496 BC prince he lu tetanus death, buried in the mountains, into the hole on the white tiger crouching faces grave after three days, so named tiger mountain. There are many places of historic interest in the park. YunYan temple tower (also called huqiu tower) at the national level cultural relics, broken Liang Dian for provincial cultural relic, the center of the beam into two beams and disconnect pick up, can see the broken seam. Song dynasty big literary giant sudongpo had more than one thousand years ago said that "to the suzhou and not swim huqiu is shame". Relying on since one thousand, the hu qiu hill with beautiful scenery, long history of cultural landscape, enjoy the reputation of the first places of human "..In one thousand stone cliff due north, inscribed with four Chinese characters: "hu qiu jian pool", it is said that the famous calligrapher c write four words. Another legend, now has a YanShi original huqiu four words of the book, it's a book on it, later so in the local have "the true sword pool, false tiger". A narrow under the so-called pool is a sword to the sword sinks. Prince he lu tomb might be built here, legend has it had to lift fire sword and other sword 3000 to 13 in human, therefore the sword pool. The mountains have a ishii, dug by liu yu in the tang dynasty, known as "Liu Yujing". The tea is China's first tea book "saint" of the author. In history, according to the suzhou government record Liu Yuceng long-term huqiu, while the tea, to write "the saint". He found the tiger mountain spring is sweet and tasty, named "world WuQuan".篇二:英文版虎丘导游词Song dynasty poet su dongpo said, "don't swim to suzhou huqiu is pity. The poet's praise became huqiu advertisement today.To huqiu, over the past two paths, road is the car we go today, while in a carriage is worth in the past; Another is waterway, from Chang under a ship, after the excavation of the secretariat of the tang dynasty bai juyi bai causeway seven shan, before huqiu "sea flow fai" water wharf to dock.General temple are hidden in the mountains, while the tiger mountain in the temple. Have a doggerel image location outhuqiu chu tomb at baoshan temple temple features: "first remove the old monk had feared mountain, sunset teach temple door lock".Now we came to the gate of the tiger "master chao hui". This four word points out the history of the tiger. Huqiu, formerly known as master mountain ancient here is a piece of waste, a few green island hidden when trapped during the changing of the tides, then called master mountain huqiu most short, but beautiful, such as the vast blue waves of the shining pearl stream hui today. "Sea flow fai" doors in water is a kind of zhaobi, suzhou humble administrator's garden, the old gate still holds high the water doors of of primitive simplicity, embodies the people of the region of appearance and face.We know that the prince he lu he lu built in suzhou city in 514 BC. At that time, China is the spring and autumn period, the fight between the small. As most parts of our country is still in the Bronze Age, wu is known as cast iron, cast jian, appeared the child cure, lieutenant, m-sword famous blacksmith. Wu in 496 BC, the Vietnam war, the prince he lu injured died on his way home. In order to build the prince he lu tomb, wu used hundreds of workers, structures and the sword of three thousand in the tomb. In order to keep secret of the prince's tomb, rumours that prince buried after three days, a white tiger crouching hai-yong yu mountain, he said to prince domineering condensation. Since then, there is a tiger of appellation, has been two thousand five hundred years.By 961, huqiu built seven layers on the top of the eight sides 2-foot-tall tower one. Huqiu tower is now heavily skewed, off center 2. 34 meters, huqiu tower is famous, and because of it and the prince's tomb of complicated relationship between scientistsand tourists accused of dense interest. In principle, the prince's tomb was built in 496 BC, huqiu tower was built in 961 AD, difference before and after one thousand five hundred, should not have what to do. But now the two sites are below. A link between them, to the hu qiu hill after I'll make a detailed introduction.篇三:英文版虎丘导游词Tourists friends, welcome you to visit wu first mountain - it drives. Huqiu, located in the northwest of suzhou's ancient city about five kilometers. This is a sudden in the hills of the plains, height of 30 meters, covers an area of about 300 mu. According to legend, in ancient times, there was a bay on the east coast, and tiger is produced by volcanic eruptions and searing lava island, formed from the accumulation of the submerged by water at high tide, flowed from the sea at low tide, what was then known as master mountain peak or swell. Over time, sea and land change, peak ground swell is evolved into a land of a hill. Why swell peak is known as the tiger? It also from the spring and autumn period of wu yue battle. Week of more than 3000 years ago, so the eldest son of Cyrus king of male Dan father taber, the second son zhongyong of wu for the throne, leave the shaanxi zones, came to taihu lake, established GouWu tribe, after more than ten generations of development and accumulation, has established the kingdom of wu.Taber twenty I prince he lu sun for supremacy cause, reuse of sun wu and wu zixu, "Fielding, real storage, hyogo cure", was built in 514 BC he lu city, has become one of the metropolis, southeast of wu has reached the peak. In 496 BC, the prince he lu by the death of king done often, personally rate soldiers attacked yue. Lightly, because he lu pride's king goujian ambush, injured in 槜lee region, li in jiaxing, died on the way to bury ground swell. This period of history, Mr Liu Guangwei written in the tang dynasty recorded in the journal of wu to remember is this: "master mountain in the northwest of wuxian nine two hundred steps, he lu was buried in the mountain. Five counties of grave, copper Guo triple, mercury filling body, gold and silver for pit. Shiji cloud: 'he lu tomb in wuxian Chang outside, with hundreds of man grave, was buried the removal of the lake. After three days, white rests on it, so the name huqiu hill. Cloud: in" wu yue chun qiu "' he lu buried huqiu. Hundreds of man was buried, after three days, the elaboration of gold for the white tiger squatted on it, due to the tiger.Since then, the tiger became a tourist attraction in suzhou. For one thousand years, countless heroes, scholars with tiger to the stage, show a lot of terrible magnificent historical drama, leaving the countless precious relics, added a rich legend. Suzhou huqiu is, as it were, an encyclopedia of 250000 years of history. Prince fu to avenge, his army against yue, and in the army suffered a crushing defeat in taihu lake, pepper mountain, arrested goujian couples to huqiu, make its keep before he lu tomb grave a horse.Qin shihuang east tour to huqiu, mountain climbing, and sent a mining he lu tomb, seek the prince sword, and will have nothing. The qin dynasty, xiang yu group army, jiangdong eight thousand at huqiu JieGan uprising, fought north and south, defeated in the battle of the stag qin, fundamentally shaken the basis of the qin dynasty, become a one-time place of bullies. Eastern han dynasty last years, sun quan in suzhou as equal base development business, to consolidate and develop, sun wu regime had sent he lu tomb, looking for buried treasure, alsoturned up nothing.President of suzhou treasure between calendar year, bai juyi secretariat of more than a year (in May 825 to September 826), launched from Chang door to huqiu shan river, along the river built in long beach, one of the seven on the kind of plum, water plant LianHe and adds a lot of thorn in suzhou. Song dynasty su dongpo repeatedly visit huqiu, wrote many poems, he thought: "suzhou huqiu, not swim is shame". Tong pak fu Ming dynasty once found the sword pond dried up after exposed YongDaoKou he lu's grave, almost almost solved the riddle. At the end of Ming dynasty, headed by Zhang Pu after club once at huqiu one thousand stone party, have complex social members from the national total of thousands of people attended the event. Kangxi and qianlong in the qing dynasty had repeatedly patrol suzhou, the tiger left many calligraphy, folk spread in suzhou for the story. At the end of qing dynasty, LiuYaZi, Chen to disease and others in suzhou modern organized the first revolutionary literary group - south club. On November 13, 1909, the south club at huqiu gathering for the first time, was formally established. The group propaganda of bourgeois revolution, against the qing dynasty autocratic rule, the influence is very big.Chen to illness, died in 1933, was buried in the tiger mountain foothill. Tiger is one of the famous buddhist holy land of the jiangnan. When it comes to huqiu buddhist culture historical origin, the earliest can be traced back to the jin dynasty. Eastern jin SiTuWangXun and customary wang brothers, build library as a villa in huqiu. Salty and two years (327) for two temple, bounded with sword pool, after the two temples. Due to avoid taboo tang MAO, in the tang dynasty to huqiu Wu Qiu, temple called Wu Qiu temple. When the northern song dynasty renamedYunYan temple. Five generations Zhou Xiande six years (959 years), huqiu YunYan temple was built pagoda, built in northern song dynasty long completed two years (961). Temples and waste several times, in the reconstruction of the qing emperor kangxi years, changed its name to "tiger mound temple". Although the temple architectural remains here now is no longer the religious activity places, but also from the scale we can identify the pomp of the buddhist temple.英文版虎丘导游词3篇将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。

Tiger Hill

Tiger Hill

Tiger Hill 虎丘概况Good moring friends!We now come to a place that isKnown as " first spot of Wu," the TigerHill。

TigerHill more than 30 meters above the sea level。

It's formerly called Emergence From The Sea。

Because in ancient times, is a small bay of east 。

Submarine volcanic eruptions is to produce a red-hot magma accumulation into a small island。

The island flooded at high tideand the island emerged out when low tide。

So we called Emergence From The Sea。

Future generations built a bridge where they enter the mountains,Bridge of Emergence From The Sea。

A bridge built by granite stone。

Is a Stone arch [ɑ:tʃ] bridge。

The twelve stone lions above the bridge,very different and local characteristics 。

[ˌkærikt əˈristik]。







介绍姑苏景点英文作文英文:As a resident of Suzhou, I am proud to introduce some of the famous scenic spots in my hometown. Suzhou, also known as the "Venice of the East", is a beautiful city with a long history and rich cultural heritage. Here are some of the most popular attractions:1. The Humble Administrator's Garden (拙政园)。

The Humble Administrator's Garden is one of the most famous classical gardens in China and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a large garden with beautiful pavilions, bridges, and ponds, and is a great place to relax and enjoy the scenery.2. Tiger Hill (虎丘)。

Tiger Hill is a famous hill in Suzhou with a richhistory and many legends. It is home to the Yunyan Pagoda, which is over 1,000 years old and leans at an angle of 3.59 degrees, even more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa.3. Suzhou Museum (苏州博物馆)。




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虎丘概况介绍英文作文高中Tiger Hill, also known as Surging Sea Hill, is a famous scenic spot located in Suzhou, a city in eastern China. It is believed to be one of the most beautiful hills in the region, and is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.The hill is named after its shape, which resembles a crouching tiger. It is about 36 meters high and covers an area of about 14,100 square meters. The hill is surrounded by a beautiful garden, which is full of ancient trees, bamboo groves, and colorful flowers. There are also several pavilions, bridges, and stone sculptures scattered throughout the garden.One of the most famous attractions in Tiger Hill is the Yunyan Pagoda, which is also known as the Leaning Tower of China. The pagoda was built during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and is about 48 meters high. It is famous for its unique architecture, which includes seven stories, eightsides, and a slight lean to one side. Visitors can climb to the top of the pagoda for a panoramic view of the surrounding area.Another popular attraction in Tiger Hill is the Sword Pool, which is a small pond located at the foot of the hill. Legend has it that a famous swordsman named Wu Song threwhis sword into the pond after killing a tiger on the hill. The sword is said to have sunk to the bottom of the pond, and the water turned red with blood. Visitors can see a statue of Wu Song and the sword in the nearby pavilion.Tiger Hill is also famous for its beautiful scenery, especially during the spring and autumn seasons. The hillis surrounded by a moat, which is filled with lotus flowers in the summer. Visitors can take a boat ride on the moat to enjoy the scenery.In addition to its natural beauty and historical attractions, Tiger Hill is also known for its cultural significance. It has been mentioned in many famous poems, paintings, and other works of art throughout Chinesehistory. It is also considered to be a symbol of Suzhou's rich cultural heritage.Overall, Tiger Hill is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Suzhou. Its unique natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural importance make it a truly special place.。



虎丘英文导游词篇一:苏州园林虎丘的英语导游词TheTigerHillissaidtobethemostattractivespotofhistoricalinterestinSuzhou. Longtimeago,itwasavastseainthisarea.Thishillusedtobeoneofthesmallislan ter,duetothemovementoftheearth,theseaturnedintothemulberryfields. ThentheYangtzeRiverdeltacameintobeing,Thisislandbecamethehillonthepl ain.SoitwascalledthehillofEmergencefromtheSea,with34metersaboveseale vel,andsome20hectaresinarea.in514Bc,HeLu,kingofStatewu,foundedthecityofSuzhouandmadeithiscapit al.Thishillwashissummerresort.in496BcthekingtookthetrooptotheStateYue,thebattlehappenedinJiaxingare a.Thekingwasseriouslyinjuredinthebattleanddiedonhiswaybackhome.Then hissonnamedFuchaiordered100,000laborstobuildtombforhisfather.Threed aysaftertheking’sburial,atigerwassaidtoappearonthetopofthehilltoguardhistomb.Sothehill’snamewaschangedintotheTigerHill. Thenthelocalpeoplesaidtheshapeofthehilllookslikeacrouchingtiger.Thebuil dingaheadisitshead.Thegateisregardedasitsmouth,tworoundwindowsasitse yesandflyingeavesasitsears.Thehillpathisitsback,thepagodaatopisitstail. inthehill,wecanseemanyinterestingrocks,behindthem,arestoriesandlegendsoftheking.Themostfamoushighlightisthepagoda,itisknownastheleaningpag odaofPisainchina. ThefamouspoetSudongpointheSongdynastyonceremarked,“TovisitSuzhou withoutseeingtheTi gerHillwouldbeathingforregret.”HereistheBridgeofEmergencefromtheSea.in1956,whenthehillmoatwasdre dgedthebridgewasbuilt,anditwasbuiltofgranite.wecansee12lovelystonecar vedlionsontherailingsofthebridge,theyarevividandlifelike.Thelionsculptur eisasymbolofauspiciousinchina. ThesecondentrancehallisalsocalledtheBrokenBeamHall.inthehillthereareo nlytwothingswhichareoriginal,oneisthishall,andtheotheristhepagoda.Thish allwasbuiltintheYuandynasty(1279-1368)some700yearsago.Sincethemain beamismadeoftwologslookinglikeabrokenbeam,sothat’swhywecallittheBrokenBeamHall. Undertheroofaroundthebuildingarethebracketsets,theybeartheweightofther oofandscattertheweightontothegroundthroughthosecolumns,sowesaidthew allsofthebuildingdon’tbearweight,ifyoumovethemaway,thebuildingwillnotfalldown.allthejoints ofthewoodenstructurewereconnectedwiththetraditionaltenonsandmortises, withoutasinglenail.That’swhythebuildinghasbeenkeptsolong.itisregardedasamasterpieceofclassical architecture. Thewoodentabletfacingthesouthhaswithfourbigchinesecharactersonit,whichmeans“Thewell-knownplaceofinterestinSuzhou”.Thefourcharactersont heotheronefacingthenorthmean“containingtherealandhidingtheancient.”T hatis,therealhill,realwater,realpersonsandrealdeeds,andtheancientpagoda,a ncienttemple,ancientspring,andancienttombinthehill. ThefamousSword-TestingRockisabigovalrock.itiscleftinthemiddleasthoug hbyasword.Legendhasitthatacouple,Ganjiangandmoye,wereskillfulsword-smiths.Theywereforcedbythekingtoforgethesharpswordsforhim.Thecoupl ehadquietafewexperimentsand finallysucceededinforgingtwoswords.afterthekinggotoneofthem,hecamehe retotestwhetheritwassharp.downcamethesword.Therocksplitintwo,sothat’swhycalledSwordTestingRockinthelaterdynasties,alotofliteratisandmenofliteraturecametovisittheTigerHi ll,theysighedandpraisedabouttheswordwhentheysawtherock. SoonthestonewecanstillseeapoemwrittenbyGuYingintheY uandynasty,whi chgoes“whiletheswordwastested,therockwascleft,thecleffellandblockedth ebrook.why,hundredsofyearslater,wasitnotusedtodecapitatethesinistereunu chzhaoGao?”ThelegendoftheswordissimilartoExcalibur,Kingarthur’ssword. alittlefurtherontheleftisthePillowStone,whichwassaidtohavebeenusedforth atpurposebythemonkmr.ShengGong.ShenGongwasafamoushighrankingm onkintheEastJindynasty.HehadhisnewBuddhisttheorythatthosewhohaveth esenseofBuddhismwouldallbecomeBuddhist.Forhistheorywasagainstbyothermonks,hewasdrivenoutofthecapitalofthecountry,andthenhetraveledtoev erywhere.onedayhecametotheTigerHillforpreaching.Herestedonthisstonea sapillowwhenhewastired.Hencethename.HereistheThousand-manRock,afterkingwasburied,hissonFuchai,thenewki ng,orderedtokillallthetomb-buildersheretokeepthetomb’ssecret.Theirbloodstainedtherock,evennow,afterraining,therockstillappear sreddish.inchinese,Thousanddoesn’tmeanonethousand,whichmeansalot. ThePlatformformr.ShengGong,intheJindynasty,thefamoushighrankingmo nkmr.ShenGongoncepreachedhere.alotofbelievers(worshipers)gotheretoli stentohispreaching.whathepreachedwassoexcellentthatallthelistenerskeptn oddingtheirheadstoexpresstheirapproval.Eventhehardrockinthepondwasm ovedbyhispreachingandnodded.SotodaywecanstillseethenoddedRockinthe Pond.Twoimmortal’sPavilion,itisassociatedwithtwoTaoistimmortals,LuchunyangandchenTua n,theyonceplayedchinesechesshere.Thepavilionismadeofstone,itsroofwas nicelycarvedfromonesinglepieceofstoneintheearlyQingdynasty.insidethere aretwostonetabletsshowingtheirportraits. Thefourbigcharactersinredis“TigerHill’sSwordPond”,thisgreathandwritingwasoriginallywrittenbyYanzhenqin,an otedcalligrapherintheTangdynasty(618-907).afterthetimewentby,twocharacters“TigerHill”felldown,andthenwasrewrittenbyzhangzhongyuinQingdy nasty.Sohereisasayingthat:realSwordPond,pseudoTigerHill. SituatedeastofthewhiteLotusPondare53steps,whichareaneatflightofgranite stonestepsleadinguptothemainhallofcloud-RockTemple.Thesestepscanbef oundintheB uddhistsaying:”climb53stepstopaytributetoBuddha.”according toBuddhism,theBoyofTreasuresworshipped53bodhisattvasashisteacher.So 53stepscanbeseensometimesnearBuddhisttemplesinhillyarea. nowwearrivedatthecloud-RockTemple.duringtheculturerevolution,thetem plewasdamaged,allstatuesinsideweredestroyed,thepresentthreestatuesrestoredlate r.inthemiddleisastatueofSakyamuni.Hewasaprinceofasmallkingdombeside nepal.whenhesawthecitizenssufferingfrombirthanddeath,sicknessandaging ,,hegaveuphisluxuriouslifeandwenttoforesttothinkdeeply.after6yearsmedit ation,hewassuddenlyenlightened,,andthenbecame theBuddhaandthePatriarch. onthebothsidesinfrontofstatuearetwodisciples.Theyoungeronenamedanaw ashiscousin.HehadfollowedSakyamuniforover20yearsandhehadgoodmem ories.HehadkeptalltheteachingsandallinstructionsfromSakyamuniinhismin d,recitedthemandcopiedthemonthebodhileavesafterSakyamunipassedaway ,whicharetheBuddhistsutraswecanseetoday.TheelderonewasJiashe,oncepr esidedoveragatheringinLinjiumountain,attendedby500indianmonksafterS akyamunidied.Thereare18portraitsof18arhatshangonwall. Theshapeofthepondbelowlookslikeasword,sonamedTheSwordPond.accor dingtothehistoricalrecord,theKingHeLulikedtocollectthesharpswordsvery much.itissaid,whenhewasburied,3000sharpswordswereburiedtogetherwith histomb.Sincethen,manypeopleinthedifferentperiodofhistorycametothishil l,triedtofindhistombtogetthesevaluables.in220Bc,whenQingshihuang,theF irstEmperoroftheQingdynasty,unifiedchina,hesentalotofsoldiersheretodigi nthetomb,butfailed.Becausewatergushedoutfromunderground.in1956,whenthepagodawasgettingrepaired,ourlocalgovernmenttriedtoope ntoseethistomb.afterdredginganddigging,theyfoundtheentrancetothetomba tthetipofthepond.Entered10meters,onehadtoturntotheleft,theretheworkersf ound4hugepiecestoneplates.onewaslyingundergroundasitsbase,theotherthr eepiledup,likeachinesecharacterPin.Thatanewentrancetothetomb,buttheyh appendtobeunderthepagoda.Theycouldn’tbemovedaway,iftheyaremovedaway,thefoundationofthepagodawillbeaffe cted.Fortheprotectionofthepagoda,theexcavationcouldn’tbecontinued.Thetombnowistillamystery. TheTigerHillpagodaoctagonalwith7floors,itis47.7metersinheight,builtofbr icks,notasinglepieceofwood.Becauseofitsfoundation,thepagodastatedtolea rnontothenorthsideintheYuandynasty.Thetipofthepagodais2.34metersaway fromitscentralline,formingalearningangleof2.48degree.duringrepairingin1 956,manyvaluableobjectswerefoundbehindawallonitsthirdfloor.TheyareaBuddhistscripturebox,bronzeBuddhas,bronzemirrors,etc.aninscriptionwith thedateofconstructionofthepagodawasfoundfromthebottomofthescriptureb oxandsuppliedtheanswertotheexactdateofthecompletionofthepagoda.itwas builtin961withoutcontroversy.inthe1980s,exactlyfrom1982to1986,thepag odawasreinforcedbecausetherewerealotofcracksappearedinthefoundationo fpagoda.nowthepagodastopleaning.篇二:TigerHill虎丘英语导游词TigerHill概述——海涌桥——断梁殿——试剑石——枕石Thirty-fourmetersabovesealevel,andsome20hectaresarea,itusedtobecalledt heHillofEmergencefromtheSea.itistheburialplaceofHeLv,kingofStatewu,w hofoundedthecityofSuzhouin514Bcandmadeithiscapital.Historicalrecords saidthat496Bc,whenthekingofY uepassedaway.KingHeLvwantedtoseizethe chanceandintendedtoattackStateY ue.ThearmyoftwostatesengagedatzuiLio fJiaXingcity.BecauseKingHeLv’sunderestimate,hewasinjuredthendiedinthewayback.HissonFuchaiconscri ptedmorethan100thousandlaborstobuildthetombintheTigerHill.Threedays afterhisburial,itissaidatigerappearedonthetopofthehilltoguardthetomb,henc eitnamedtigerhill.Thelocalpeoplesaidthehillisintheshapeofacrouchingtiger ,theBrokenBeamHallisitshead,(thegateisitsmouth,tworoundwindowsitseye s,)hillpathitsback,thepagodaonthetopofthehillisitstail.inthehillaresome interestingstonessuchasSwordTestingRock,PillowRock,ThousandmanRock,noddingRockandsoon.Eachofthemhasstoriesandlegends.Thenthemostfa moushighlightisthepagodaonthetop.itisknownastheleaningtowerof“Pisa”i nchinese.Tigerhillisknownastheno.1famoushillinwuaera.nowondertheprominentpoetSudongpoinSongdynastyr emarked,“T ovisitSuzhouwithoutseeingthetigerhillwouldbeathingforregret.”ancientchinahereisasea,andthishillusedtobeoneofthesmallislands,butwitht hetimepassing,herebecomesplainandonlythisislandleftthatisnowadaysTige rHill.Thebridgeismadeofthegranite,producedofSuzhou.ontherailingsofbot hsidesare12lions-the6malestheirpawsareembroideredballswhichsymbolize thepower,other6femaleswithbabylionsundertheirpaws,whichmeanstheendl essoffspringonegenerationafteranother.thehallismadeof2logsnotjoinedinth emiddle.Undertheeavesarebracketsets.Bracketsetsbeartheweightoftheroof, andscanttheweightthroughthepostinthewalls,wallsofthe buildingbearnoweight,ifthewallsareremoved,thebuildwillnotfalldown.allth ejointsofthewoodenstructurearefastenedwiththetraditionaltenonsandmortis eswithoutasinglemetalnail.Sothebuildingcankeptsolongyears.Undertheroo fofthehalltherearetwowoodentablets,onwhicharewrittenfourbigcharacterse ach.Thosefacingsouthmean“thehistoricalsitefamousinKingdomwu”andtho sefacingnorthmean“containingtherealandhidingtheancient.”sword.Legend hasitthatthisistheplacewhereKingHeLvtriedouthisprecioussword.Thestory goesthatHeLv,KingofStatewuemployedhundredsoffoundrymentocastsever althousandsharpswordsforhisarmy.Hearingthatthecouple,Ganjiangandmoye,wereskillfulsword-smiths,heorderedthemtocastapairofswordsforhisperso naluse.Thehusbandandwifeforgedapairofswordswhichweremadeofalloyth atsteel.onewascalledGanjiang,theotherwasnamedmoye.Ganjiangpresented moyesowrdtoKingwu,andhidanotheronehimself.onedaytheKingcametothi shillandtestedtheswordonthisrock.downcamethesword.Therocksplitintwoa sifitweremud.Thisrockissaidtobetoday’sSword-TestingRockontheTigerHill.BythesideoftheSword-TestingRockth ereisanancientpoemengravedonacliff,whichmeans:”whiletheswordwastest ed,therockwascleft,theclifffellandthebrookwasblocked.why,hundredsofye ars later,wasitnotusedtodecapitatethesinistereunuchzhaoGao?”themonkShe ngGong.ShenggongwasalearnedBuddhistmonkintheJindynastyaroundthe3 rdand4thcenturies.Heputnewtheory“thosewhohavethesenseofBuddhistcan allbecomebuddhas.Histheorywasopposedbythoseoldschool.andthenhistravelledinchi na,finallyhesettleddowninthetempleonSanTangstreet,hecametothehilltopre ach.manybelieversgatheredthehilltolistentothepreaching.whathesaidwassoexcellentthatallthe listenerskeptnoddingtoexpresstheirapproval,evenhardrockinthetombwasm ovedtonod.whentiredofpreaching,hewouldcometothisstoneandliedownfor arestwiththestoneashispillow.千人石——生公讲台(点头石)——二仙亭——“虎丘剑池”石刻——剑池HereistheThousand-manRock,ahugerockresemblingaterrace.itissaidthatFuchaimadelaborsbuildhisfatherHelv’sgrave,afterthecompletion.Heorderedtokillallthetombbuildersheretokeepth etombsecret,thebloodofthesebuildersstainedthishugerock.Todaythebloodst ainscanstillbeseenontherock,whichlooksreddishespeciallyafterrain. However,anotherstoryhasitthatthemonkShenggonglecturedheresome1600 yearsago.ShenggongwasalearnedBuddhistmonkintheJindynastyaroundthe 3rdand4thcenturies.Heputnewtheory“thos ewhohavethesenseofBuddhistca nallbecomebuddhas.Histheorywasopposedbythoseoldschool.andthenhistra velledinchina,finallyhesettleddowninthetempleonSanTangstreet,hecameto thehilltopreach.nolessthanathousandlistenersitheretolistentothepreaching. SotheRockalsocalledtheShengGong’sRostrum. onthenortheastsideoftheRockliesapond,knownasthewhiteLotusPond.Locat edinthemiddleofthepondisthenoddingStone.itacquiredthisnamebecausemo nkShengGong,whohaslecturedpersuasivelyenoughtomaketherocksnodina greement.ThisrockinPondissupposedtobeoneofthosenoddingstones. HereistheitisassociatedwithtwoTaoistimmortals,LvchunyangandchenTuan .itsroofwasnicelycarvedfromonesinglepieceofgranite.inside,thereare2ston etabletsshowingtheirportraits. Touristslikeverymuchtohavephototakeninfrontofthefourbigcharactersinred meaningTigerHill’sSwordPond.ThismarveloushandwritingwaswrittenbyYanzhenqinthecallig rapherinTangdynasty.withtheyeargoesby,thecharacters“HuQiu”meansTigerHill,wereruined.inmingdynasty,thelocalcalligraphermr.“zhangzhongyu”r ewritedthecharacters“HuQiu”.Popularsayingislikethat:”realswordpond,ps eudotigerhill”.Gothroughthecirculargatecalled“anotherwonderland”,hereistheSwordPon d.Thepondisintheshapeofaswordwithouthandle.ontheleftcliffaretwocharac terssaidtobehandwritingbywangXizhi.The4charactersnowfacing usmean“windyravineandcloudsspring”writtenbymiFu.accordingtohistory,KingHeL vlikedcollectingswords.whenhewasburied,3000swordswereburied,too.inth efollowingdynasty,peoplecamehereandtriedtofindhistombto getthetreasure.in221BcwhenthefirstEmperor“QinShihuang”uni fiedthechi na.Heorderedalotofsoldierstodigthetombhere.Buttheyfailedbecausethewat ergushedoutfromspringunderground.in1955whenthepagodawasrepaired,th elocalgovernmenthadSwordPonddredged.afterdigging,theworkersfoundatriangularentranceatthebottomofth epool,enter10metres,onehavetoturntotheleft,theretheworkerssaw4hugerect angularstoneslabs,onelayonthegroundasthebase,theother3werepiledupinat riangle.itissaiditwastherealentrancetothetomb.Butthisplacehappenedtobeu nderthepagoda.inordertoavoidaffectingthefoundationofthepagoda,excavati onofthetombhadtobestopped.nowthetombisstillamystery.五十三参——云岩禅寺大殿——云岩寺塔Buddhistsaying:”climb53stepstopaytributetoBuddha.”accordingtoBuddhi sm,theBoyofTreasures,whoistheattendantfortheBodhisattvaofcompassion,worshipped53Bodhisattvasashisteachers.Sosometimesyoucansee53stepsn eartheBuddhisttemplesinhillyareas.attheendofthe53stepsisthemahavirahall.inthehall,theSakyamuniisfacetous, andtheKasyapaandanandastandeachsidebyhim.ThepictureofEighteenarhat sarehungonthewallaroundthehall.leaningpagodawith7storiesandanoctagon albase.Thepagodais47.7metreshigh.Becauseitsfoundationploblem,itbegant oleantowardnortheastinY uandynasty.in1956,whenitwasrepaired,workersfo undalotofculturerelics.amongthemisastonecasket.inthecasketisascriptureb ox,contain7volumeBuddhistsutra.atthebottomofthebox,theysawdatesofthe construction,begantobuildfrom959adandcompletedin961ad.in1982,lotsofc racksappearedonthewallofpagoda,thesituationisverydangerous.Thefamousarchi tectsarecalledtodiscussthewayofmaintenance.Finallytheydecidedtotake4st epstorepairit.Firstofall,44cementposts1.1metresindiametereachweremader oundthepagodabase,andaconcreteringwasconstructedtolinkall44posts.Secondly,pouredincimentpastetofillintheg apsunderandroundthepagoda.and161holesweredugaroundpagodainorderto fillthepaste.Thirdly,aspecialtechniquewasusedtomakeahugecementplateba setosupportthepagoda’sbottom.Fourthly,toreplacethoseerodedbricksofthepagoda.nowthepagodas topsitsleaning.Thecentralaxisnowis2.34metersawayfromitsoriginalcentral axis,formaleanangleoftwodegrees48minutes.now,beingthesymbolofSuzhou,TigerHillpagodaisatreas urenotonlyinSuzhoubutalsothroughoutchina.Thepagodahasbeenshownona stampofnewchina.篇三:虎丘导游词虎丘各位游客,欢迎来到吴中第一山虎丘参观游览。

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Tiger Hill概述——海涌桥——断梁殿——试剑石——枕石The Tiger Hill is accepted as the most attractive place of historical interest in Suzhou.Thirty-four meters above sea level, and some 20 hectares area, it used to be called the Hill of Emergence from the Sea .It is the burial place of He Lv, kIng of State Wu, Who founded the city of Suzhou in 514 BC and made it his capital. Historical records said that 496BC, When the king of Yue passed away. King He Lv wanted to seize the chance and intended to attack State Yue. The army of two states engaged at Zui Li of Jia Xing city. Because King He Lv’s underestimate, he was injured then died in the way back. His son Fu Chai conscripted more than 100 thousand labors to build the tomb in the Tiger Hill. Three days after his burial, it is said a tiger appeared on the top of the hill to guard the tomb, hence it named tiger hill. The local people said the hill is in the shape of a crouching tiger, the Broken Beam Hall is its head,( the gate is its mouth, two round windows its eyes,) hill path its back, the pagoda on the top of the hill is its tail. In the hill are some interesting stones such as Sword Testing Rock, Pillow Rock, Thousand Man Rock, Nodding Rock and so on. Each of them has stories and legends. Then the most famous highlight is the pagoda on the top. It is known as the leanin g tower of “Pisa” in Chinese. Tiger hill is known as the No.1 famous hill in Wu aera. No wonder the prominent poet Su Dongpo in Song dynasty remarked, “To visit Suzhou without seeing the tiger hill would be a thing for regret.”Here is the Bridge of Emergence from the Sea. The bridge got its name because it is said that it ancient china here is a sea, and this hill used to be one of the small islands, but with the time passing, here becomes plain and only this island left that is nowadays Tiger Hill. The bridge is made of the granite, produced of Suzhou. On the railings of both sides are 12 lions- the 6 males their paws are embroidered balls which symbolize the power, other 6 females with baby lions under their paws, which means the endless offspring one generation after another.This entrance hall is named the Broken Beam Hall. It gets its name because the main beam of the hall is made of 2 logs not joined in the middle. Under the eaves are bracket sets. Bracket sets bear the weight of the roof, and scant the weight through the post in the walls, walls of thebuilding bear no weight, if the walls are removed, the build will not fall down. All the joints of the wooden structure are fastened with the traditional tenons and mortises without a single metal nail. So the building can kept so long years. Under the roof of the hall there are two wooden tablets, on which are written four big characters each. Those facing south mean “the historical site famous in Kingdom Wu” and those facing north mean “containing the real and hiding the ancient.”The famous Sword-Testing Rock is a big oval rock. It is cleft in the middle as though by a sword. Legend has it that this is the place where King He Lv tried out his precious sword. The story goes that He Lv, King of State Wu employed hundreds of foundry men to cast several thousand sharp swords for his army. Hearing that the couple, Ganjiang and Moye, were skillful sword-smiths, he ordered them to cast a pair of swords for his personal use. The husband and wife forged a pair of swords which were made of alloy that steel. One was called Ganjiang, the other was named Moye. Ganjiang presented Moye sowrd to King Wu, and hid another one himself. One day the King came to this hill and tested the sword on this rock. Down came the sword. The rock split in two as if it were mud. This rock is said to be today’s Sword-Testing Rock on the Tiger Hill. By the side of the Sword-Testing Rock there is an ancient poem engraved on a cliff, which means:”While the sword was tested, the rock was cleft, the cliff fell and the brook was blocked. Why, hundreds of years later, was it not used to decapitate the sinister eunuch Zhao Gao?”A little further on the left is the Pillow Stone, which was said to have been used as the pillow by the monk Sheng Gong. Shenggong was a learned Buddhist monk in the Jin Dynasty around the 3rd and 4th centuries. He put new theory “those who have the sense of Buddhist can all become buddhas. His theory was opposed by those old school. And then his travelled in China, finally he settled down in the temple on SanTang street, he came to the hill to preach. Many believers gathered the hill to listen to the preaching. What he said was so excellent that all the listeners kept nodding to express their approval, even hard rock in the tomb was moved to nod. When tired of preaching, he would come to this stone and lie down for a rest with the stone as his pillow.千人石——生公讲台(点头石)——二仙亭——“虎丘剑池”石刻——剑池Here is the Thousand-Man Rock, a huge rock resembling a terrace. It is said that Fu Chai made labors build his father Helv’s grave, after the completion. He ordered to kill all the tomb builders here to keep the tomb secret, the blood of these builders stained this huge rock. Today the blood stains can still be seen on the rock, which looks reddish especially after rain.However, another story has it that the monk Shenggong lectured here some 1600 years ago. Shenggong was a learned Buddhist monk in the Jin Dynasty around the 3rd and 4th centuries. He put new theory “those who have the sense of Bud dhist can all become buddhas. His theory was opposed by those old school. And then his travelled in China, finally he settled down in the temple on SanTang street, he came to the hill to preach. No less than a thousand listener sit here to listen to the pr eaching. So the Rock also called the Sheng Gong’s Rostrum.On the northeast side of the Rock lies a pond, known as the White Lotus Pond. Located in the middle of the pond is the Nodding Stone. It acquired this name because Monk Sheng Gong, who has lectured persuasively enough to make the rocks nod in agreement. This rock in Pond is supposed to be one of those nodding stones.Here is the Two Immortals’ Pavilion. It is associated with two Taoist immortals, Lv Chunyang and Chen Tuan. Its roof was nicely carved from one single piece of granite. Inside, there are 2 stone tablets showing their portraits.Tourists like very much to have photo taken in front of the four big characters in red meaning Tiger Hill’s Sword Pond. This marvelous handwriting was written by Yan Zhenqin the calligrapher in Tang Dynasty. With the year goes by, the characters “Hu Qiu” means TigerHill,were ruined. In Ming Dynasty, the local calligrapher Mr. “Zhang Zhongyu” rewrited the characters “Hu Qiu”. Popular saying is like that:”real sword pond, pseudo tiger hill”.Go through the circular gate called “Another Wonderland”, here is the Sword Pond. The pond is in the shape of a sword without handle. On the left cliff are two Characters said to be handwriting by Wang Xizhi. The 4 characters now facing us mean “Windy ravine and clouds spring” written by Mi Fu. According to history, King He Lv liked collecting swords. When he was buried, 3000 swords were buried, too. In the following dynasty, people came here and tried to find his tomb toget the treasure. In 221 BC when the first Emperor “Qin Shihuang” unified the China. He ordered a lot of soldiers to dig the tomb here. But they failed because the water gushed out from spring underground. In 1955 when the pagoda was repaired, the local government had Sword Pond dredged. After digging, the workers found a triangular entrance at the bottom of the pool, enter 10 metres, one have to turn to the left, there the workers saw 4 huge rectangular stone slabs, one lay on the ground as the base, the other 3 were piled up in a triangle. It is said it was the real entrance to the tomb. But this place happened to be under the pagoda. In order to avoid affecting the foundation of the pagoda, excavation of the tomb had to be stopped. Now the tomb is still a mystery.五十三参——云岩禅寺大殿——云岩寺塔To the east of the White Lotus Pond are 53 steps, which are a neat flight of granite stone steps leading up to the mahavira hall of Cloud Rock Temple. Their significance can be found in the Buddhist saying:” Climb 53 steps to pay tribute to Buddha.” According to Buddhism, the Boy of Treasures, who is the attendant for the Bodhisattva of Compassion, worshipped 53 Bodhisattvas as his teachers. So sometimes you can see 53 steps near the Buddhist temples in hilly areas.At the end of the 53 steps is the mahavira hall. In the hall, the Sakyamuni is face to us, and the Kasyapa and Ananda stand each side by him. The picture of Eighteen Arhats are hung on the wall around the hall.Popularly known as Tiger Hill Pagoda, the Cloud Rock Temple Pagoda on top of the Hill is a leaning pagoda with 7 stories and an octagonal base. The pagoda is 47.7 metres high. Because its foundation ploblem, it began to lean toward Northeast in Yuan Dynasty. In 1956,when it was repaired, workers found a lot of Culture relics. Among them is a stone casket. In the casket is a scripture box, contain 7 volume Buddhist sutra. At the bottom of the box, they saw dates of the construction, began to build from 959 AD and completed in 961AD. In 1982, lots of cracks appeared on the wall of pagoda, the situation is very dangerous. The famous architects are called to discuss the way of maintenance. Finally they decided to take 4 steps to repair it. First of all, 44 cement posts 1.1 metres in diameter each were made round the pagoda base, and a concrete ringwas constructed to link all 44 posts. Secondly, poured in ciment paste to fill in the gaps under and round the pagoda. And 161 holes were dug around pagoda in order to fill the paste. Thirdly, A special technique was used to ma ke a huge cement plate base to support the pagoda’s bottom. Fourthly, to replace those eroded bricks of the pagoda. Now the pagoda stops its leaning. The central axis now is 2.34 meters away from its original central axis, form a lean angle of two degrees 48 minutes. Now, being the symbol of Suzhou, Tiger Hill pagoda is a treasure not only in Suzhou but also throughout China. The pagoda has been shown on a stamp of New China.。
