《栀子花开》栀子花开,So beautiful so white这是个季节我们将离开难舍的你害羞的女孩就像一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱阿兰·达瓦卓玛用英文翻唱了《栀子花开》,收录于专辑《遇见阿兰》中,发行时间为2006年7月19日英文版栀子花开歌词Gardenia in blossom,so beautiful so whitewe'll be apart in such sweet seasonDon't be so shy,flowery babyYou're mild fragrance everywhere around meGardenia in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beauty seasonwave to happiness and sadnessDon't be so forgetful wheneverwe were so young.Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom like a sweet dream bless me in my heart. Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom remember the youth and pureness love. Gardenia in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beauty seasonwave to happiness and sadness.Don't be so forgetful wheneverwe were so young.Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom like a sweet dream bless me in my heart. Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom remember the youth and pureness love。
栀子花开中英文歌词栀子花开,So beautiful so whiteGardenia in blossom,so beautiful so white这是个季节我们将离开we'll be apart in such sweet season难舍的你害羞的女孩Don't be so shy, flowery baby就像一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀You're mild fragrance everywhere around me栀子花开如此可爱Gardenia in blossom, so lovely so nice挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈never leave me in such beauty season光阴好像流水飞快wave to happiness and sadness日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉Don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young. 栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海like a sweet dream bless me in my heart.栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱remember the youth and pureness love.栀子花开如此可爱Gardenia in blossom, so lovely so nice挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快never leave me in such beauty season wave to happiness and sadness.日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉Don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young.栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开*Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海like a sweet dream bless me in my heart.栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱remember the youth and pureness love*(重复)。
栀子花开所有主题曲、插曲篇一:栀子花开歌词及寓意何炅《栀子花开》栀子花开,So beautiful so white 这是个季节我们将离开难舍的你害羞的女孩就象一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开象晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱寓意:篇二:好听的歌—推荐歌单一些好听的歌a1《出场音乐》钢琴曲《同一首歌》钢琴曲《纯真年代》爱朵女孩a2《欢乐的牧童》钢琴曲《命运交响曲》Richard Clayderman 《快乐的歌》谢娜a3《欢乐还是忧伤》钢琴曲《蓝色的爱世界名曲》钢琴曲《泪的物语》钢琴曲a4《梦中的婚礼》钢琴曲《亲爱的那不是爱情》张韵涵《爱你一百岁》张可儿a5《亲爱的那不是爱情》钢琴曲《姐姐妹妹站起来》陶晶莹《花仙子》儿童歌曲a6《亲亲猪猪宝贝》群星《看上他》黎明《阿里阿里》李贤贞《歌手》筷子兄弟a7《谁是下一个哥》龙梅子、老猫《爱情专属权》老猫、龙梅子《暖暖》梁静茹a8《红尘情歌》高安、黑鸭子《花仙子之歌》儿童歌曲《校园的早晨》儿童歌曲b1《神武笑春风》韦萱《甩灯歌》本兮《我在春天等着你》徐誉滕b2《玩腻》劲舞团《中意他》中文,梁咏琪《有点甜》汪苏泷《家乡》韩红b3《我们都是小青蛙》少儿歌曲《婚礼进行曲》劲乐团《糊涂的爱》江珊、王志文b4《春天在哪里》群星《花季雨季》蒋小涵《噜啦啦噜啦啦》范晓萱b5《明天会更好》卓依婷原唱《小背篓》宋祖英《走在乡间的小路上》刘文正b6《不要说话》陈奕范玮琪《最初的梦想》校园歌曲《还记得我们的约定》光良b7《爱》小虎队《故事》小虎队《蝴蝶飞呀》小虎队《电话情思》网络歌手b8《红蜻蜓》小虎队《青苹果乐园》小虎队《新年快乐》小虎队《幸运草》小虎队c1《跨世纪的新一代》少儿歌曲《我是山里小歌手》少儿歌曲《加速度》瞿颖c2《大海啊故乡》郑绪岚《中国共青团团歌》《曾经的你》许巍c3《Yesterday Once More》Carpenpters 《江湖啊江湖》小沈阳c4《该死的温柔》劲舞团《不可思议》金莎蔡琴《你的眼神》惠威试音碟c5《To Be Number One》世界杯主题曲《杀破狼》仙剑奇侠传c6《德国装甲师战歌》闪电部《荣光》叶世荣《小薇》黄品源c7《爱的华尔兹》俞灏明、郑爽《光荣》Boboc8《Nobody》Wonder Girl《Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You》方大同d1《Gingle bells》Twins 《Happy Xmax》Sarah Mclachlan《夜的第五章》钢琴曲d2《江南Style》Psy 《qq飞车赛跑dj》《Sevevn Years And Fifty Days》舞动精灵d3《油菜花》成龙《真心英雄》成龙《一眼万年》SHEd4《虫儿飞》童声版《好春光》春光灿烂猪八戒主题曲《恰同学少年》片尾曲d5《相思》西游记后传片尾曲《我欲成仙》西游记后传片歌曲d6《想起》韩雪陈洁丽《猪猪侠》主题曲《绿色的旋律》陈洁丽d7《粉红的回忆》广场舞曲《神的传说》毛阿敏《分手在那个秋天》浩瀚d8《雅尼With An Orchid》钢琴曲《兄弟》高进、小沈阳《秋日私语钢琴曲》e1《童话》光良《嘻唰唰》花儿乐队e2《Walking In The Sun》劲舞团《我还记得我们的约定》光良《狼爱上羊》原版e3《清晨我们踏上小道》黑鸭子合唱组《斗牛士》广场舞曲《你的承诺》海明威e4《上帝是个女孩》劲舞团《我只在乎你》邓丽君《Don’t You See》七龙珠插曲e5《开心就好》春光灿烂猪八戒主题曲《两只蝴蝶》庞龙《风云二》屠洪纲e6《一生有你》水木年华《宽恕》天龙八部片尾曲dj何洁《我的心里只有你没有他》版歌曲e7《踏着夕阳归去》刘文正《笔记》周笔畅e8《你是我的玫瑰花》庞龙《思念的滋味就像这杯苦咖啡》阳一f1《偶像派》青春失乐园插曲《当兵的人》军旅歌曲f2《同一首歌》群星《封神榜》周鹏《英雄》南合文斗f3《你懂得》沈春阳、小沈阳《铃儿响叮当》圣诞歌黄思婷《心愿》校园歌曲f4《美了美了》汤潮、小沈阳《风云彩虹铿锵玫瑰》田震《霸王别姬》屠洪纲f5《精忠报国》屠洪纲《经典兔子舞曲》《路随人茫茫》张国荣f6《霸王别姬》屠洪纲《爱你》邓紫棋《恋爱ing》五月天f7《123木头人》粉红高压电,黑girlf8《我的眼泪为谁飞》小沈阳g1《酸酸甜甜就是我》张含韵《至尊红颜》张克帆《一世情》陈国宁g2《春泥》张芸京《登上舞台》青春失乐园《天使》五月天g3《游戏人间》郑智化《棉花糖》至上励合《朋友》周华健g4《飘摇》春光灿烂猪八戒片尾曲《兄弟干杯》庞龙《英勇勋章》赵传g5《捉泥鳅》卓依婷g6《故乡的原风景》Bandari《月满西楼》安雯g7《今天你要嫁给我》蔡依林《有没有人曾告诉你》陈楚生《太多》陈冠蒲g8《新打工谣》陈星《金色的木鼓敲起来》陈以恩、安娜《男儿当自强》成龙h1《幸福拍手歌》儿歌大全《风的色彩》钢琴曲《说好了不见面》小贱h2《明月几时有》钢琴曲《随风奔跑》羽泉《谢谢你的爱》刘德华h3《我的答铃》拉拉爱,郭美美《素颜》何曼婷、许嵩《愚公移山》江涛h4《只怪自己当初没有抓紧你的手》欢子《敢问路在何方》西游记,蒋大为h5《爱的协奏曲》经典钢琴曲《十年》刘若英《永远是朋友》毛阿明h6《婚礼进行曲》世界著名进行曲《年轻的朋友今天来相会》经典老歌h7《Summer》久石让《就让秋风带走我的思念》《水边的阿蒂丽娜》理查德h8《童年的回忆》理查德《少女的祈祷》理查德《天空之城》理查德克莱德曼i1《神奇的九寨》容中尔甲《我会找个天使替我去爱你》天使的翅膀i2《春天的故事》宋祖英《小背篓》宋祖英《红旗飘飘》孙楠i3《向全世界宣布我爱你》孙子涵《向往神鹰》腾格尔i4《明月几时有》王菲《天上人间》王菲《自由不是理由》王麟i5《通天大道宽又广》西游记片头曲《今天是你的生日》董文华i6《小神仙和小仙女》主题曲《死了都要爱》信乐团《星空》钢琴曲i7《爱的供养》杨幂《山居岁月》萤火虫《我的中国心》张明敏i8《繁星》至上励合《蜗牛与黄鹂鸟》卓依婷《心太软》任齐贤j1《Dreamtable The Dawn》魔兽世界亡灵序曲《只要有你》包青天片尾曲j2《过河》电子琴,Dj《天路》韩红《阿里山的姑娘》邓丽君j3《采蘑菇的小姑娘》儿童歌曲《鲁冰花》儿童歌曲《浏阳河》宋祖英j4《鲁冰花》精选儿童歌曲《在那桃花盛开的地方》龚玥j5《牧羊曲》李玉刚《对面的女孩看过来》任贤齐《泉水叮咚响》李谷一j6《恭喜发财》刘德华《来生缘》刘德华《天意》刘德华j7《茉莉花》江苏民歌《When A Child Is Born 圣婴降临》圣诞歌曲j8《今天是个好日子》宋祖英《辣妹子》宋祖英《窗外》李琛k1《难忘今宵》宋祖英《你好吗》宋祖英《山路十八弯》宋祖英k2《十八弯的水路到我的家》宋祖英《好一朵美茉莉花》周艳泓k3《映山红》宋祖英《走进新时代》宋祖英《让我们荡起双桨》童声合唱k4《精忠报国》屠洪纲《传奇》王菲《小白杨》阎维文《泉水叮咚响》杨钰莹k5《在那桃花盛开的地方》蒋大为《在那桃花盛开的地方》龚玥k6《东南西北风》卓依婷《梅花三弄》卓依婷《迟来的爱》卓依婷《走四方》韩磊k7《懂你》满文军《九九女儿红》陈少华M2m《Petty Boy》劲舞团k8《让我们一起摇啊摇》方芳《知心爱人》付笛生、任静《火花》劲舞团,高耀太l1《被伤过的心还可以爱谁》六哲《Hold不住的爱》龙梅子l2《Hold住爱》龙梅子《花心传说》龙梅子《女大要出嫁》龙梅子l3《宝贝》庞龙《思密达》王麟《老鼠爱大米》香香l4《Daddy》Dj的士高《爱上你我是最幸福的人》《蓝精灵》儿童歌曲l5《小红帽》儿歌童谣《快乐圣诞节》圣诞节歌曲《最右》龙梅子l6《好听的笛子舞曲》幂兮《Pround Of You》冯曦妤《睫毛弯弯》王心凌l7《想起我和你牵手的画面》寂寞的街l8《中国少年先锋队队歌》儿歌大全《快乐你懂的》快乐大本营主题曲m1《感恩》刘媛媛《赞歌要比星星多》群星m2《歌唱祖国》群星《久别的人》刘芳《dj舞曲咚巴拉》外语经典m3《世界杯主题曲gogogo》《向天再借五百年》韩磊,原唱m4《A Little Love》冯曦妤《我心飞翔》孙悦《九百九十九朵玫瑰》邰正宵m5《爱的奉献》韦唯《让世界充满爱》郭峰m6《踏浪》徐怀钰《爱丫爱丫》By2 《爱在汉丰湖》胡微m7《不想长大》she 《好大一颗树》北京天使合唱团《舞娘》蔡依林m8《失恋阵线联盟》草蜢《圣诞节歌曲We Wish You a Merry Christms》n1《外婆的澎湖湾》儿童歌曲布仁巴雅尔《吉祥三宝》汉语版n2《风中有朵云做的雨》孟庭苇《斗地主》慕容晓晓《小宝贝》巧千金n3《相亲相爱》孙楠,容祖儿,王力宏,余翠芝《天籁传奇》凤凰传奇n4《非主流甜美女生音乐》网络歌手《山歌好比春江水》斯琴格日乐n5《坐上火车去拉萨》徐千雅《dj2019最新劲爆dj舞曲》n6《如果有你》伊织《北京欢迎你》群星《天蓝蓝dj何》凤凰传奇n7《月亮之上》凤凰传奇《自由飞翔》凤凰传奇《菊花台》周杰伦n8《同桌的你》老狼《再等一分钟》徐誉滕《深秋的黎明》黎明o1《爱死了昨天》李惠珍《想念是会呼吸的痛》梁静茹《摇太阳》方芳o2《从头再来》刘欢《心想印手牵手》杨钰莹《小酒窝》蔡卓研,林俊杰o3《歌声与微笑》谷建芬《甜蜜蜜》邓丽君《十一年》邱永传o4《大笑江湖》小沈阳《快乐老家》陈明《桃花朵朵开》花儿乐队o5《不怕不怕》郭美美《轻轻的告诉你》杨钰莹《涛声依旧》毛宁o6《溜溜的情歌》凤凰传奇《潇洒走一回》叶倩文《欢乐中国年》孙悦o7《恭喜恭喜》卓依婷《世界唯一仅有的花》Smap《真的好想你》周冰倩o8《莫斯科没有眼泪》Twins见习爱神TRY《不是因为寂寞才想你》p1《在心里从此永远有个你》办公桌二人组《奢香夫人》凤凰传奇p2《永远的兄弟》刀郎《等爱的玫瑰》凤凰传奇《姑娘的温柔》凤凰传奇p3《光芒》凤凰传奇《荷塘月色》凤凰传奇《郎的诱惑》凤凰传奇p4《套马轩》凤凰传奇《天籁传奇》凤凰传奇《我从草原来》凤凰传奇p5《我和草原有个约定》凤凰传奇《当你孤单你会想起谁》网络歌曲p6《星光》凤凰传奇《最炫民族风》凤凰传奇《犯错》顾峰p7《栀子花开》何炅《回心转意》黑龙《那些年》胡夏p8《化蝶飞》劲舞团,花儿乐队降央卓玛《走天涯》《父亲》筷子兄弟q1《伤不起》龙梅子、老猫《痴心绝对》李圣杰《大约在冬季》齐秦q2《十七岁的雨季》林志颖《后来》刘岩英《你把爱情给了谁》龙梅子q3《童年》罗大佑《爱情买卖》慕容晓晓《越长大越孤单》牛奶咖啡q4《漂亮的姑娘就要嫁人啦》《你的烂借口》乔洋《少女时代Oh!》q5《一生有你》水木年华《风雨彩虹铿锵玫瑰》田震《你快回来》孙楠q6《同桌的你》老狼《QQ爱》王麟《不变的音乐》王绎龙q7《该死的温柔》劲舞团《拯救》孙楠《在他乡》水木年华q8《我的眼泪为谁飞》小沈阳《你是我的菜》王麟r1《一万个理由》谢军《七月七日晴》许慧欣《青青河边草》高胜美r2《阳光总在风雨后》许美静《小芳》李春波《挥着翅膀的女孩》容祖儿r3《因为有你》名侦探柯南《友谊地久天长》原声带《蓝莲花》许巍r4《大海》张雨生《水手》郑智化《星星点灯》郑智化《我爱你》王麟r5《让我为你唱一首歌》一起来看流星雨《一千个伤心的理由》张学友r6《七龙珠》结尾歌,动漫原声《七龙珠》开场歌,动漫原声r7《美丽的神话》成龙、金善善《如果爱能做些说出来》山野r8《飞天》含笑《让泪化作相思雨》南合文斗《樱桃小丸子》主题曲,动漫原声s1《屌丝的爱》韩信《心痛2019》欢子《冰雨》刘德华《大声唱》凤凰传奇s2《Everything》Birthney Spears《Ok卡拉永远》谭咏麟《为了谁》祖海s3《心痛2019》欢子《中华民谣》孙浩《美酒加咖啡》韩宝仪s4《留什么给你》孙楠《换掉》李贞贤《独一无二》李贞贤s5《Dj舞曲嘟啊嘟啊》《年轻的战场》励志歌曲,张杰《祝你一路顺风》小虎队s6《萍聚》李茂山、李翊君《有一种爱叫做放手》阿木《幸福山歌》祖海s7《祝你平安》卓依婷《轻轻踩在月光里》祖海《祈求》郎军s8《快乐崇拜》潘玮柏、张韶涵《青花瓷》周杰伦《爱就一个字》张信哲t1《吻别》Micheal Jackson《愚爱》欢子《心雨》毛宁、杨钰莹t2《月光》徐良《走西口》龚玥《心语心愿》张柏芝t3《一万个舍不得》祁隆、庄心妍《天意》刘德华t4《丁香花》康磊《Supper Star》She 《Weihnachtslied》Schnuffel t5《你的眼睛背叛了你的心》郑中基《我们能不能不分手》花儿乐队t6《爱我的人和我爱的人》裘海正《八十块环游世界》劲舞团t7《爱了给了伤了痛了》欢子《韩国忧伤的圣诞节》《好运来》祖海t8《法国香颂没有你的的圣诞节》《哥只是一个传说》陈旭u1《有多少爱可以重来》卓依婷《为爱痴狂》陈升、刘若英《掌语》AKB48u2《永远永远》李翊君《曾经的你》许巍《The Day You Went away》M2m u3《走进新时代》董文华《梅花雪》董文华《只要你过得比我好》高胜美u4《红雪莲》乌兰托娅Kara《Wanna》《我爱你》谢金燕u5《爱我就跟我走》王鹤铮《超级玛丽DJ》《骊歌》小虎队u6《只对你有感觉》飞轮海《情歌天下唱》凤凰传奇《因为有你》王铮u7《献给爱丽丝》钢琴曲《初恋的地方》钢琴曲《风吹草原》乌兰托娅u8《风吹麦浪》李建、孙俪李宇春《纯真年代》《韩国火爆舞曲》李贞贤v1《Summer Dance》李贞贤成龙《壮志在我胸》v2《虐心》孙羽幽、徐良《爱的思念》乌兰托娅《爱拼才会赢国语版》v3《隐形的翅膀》张韶涵《寂寞沙洲冷》周传雄《坚强》马天宇v4《爱琴海》乌兰托娅《草原我的情人》乌兰托娅《大草原》乌兰托娅v5《父亲的草原》乌兰托娅《黑骏马》乌兰托娅《梦高原》乌兰托娅v6《美丽的草原我的家》乌兰托娅《蒙古新娘》乌兰托娅v7《陪你一起看草原》乌兰托娅《梦中的香格里拉》乌兰托娅篇三:歌曲名称歌曲名称1.赵云龙——分手的第七天2.沙拉拉3泪在深处4..stand5.光良————第一次,太天真,拥抱我,勇气,童话,约定6.许哲佩——奇妙精品店7.南拳妈妈——下雨天8人群中遇见你9..洛丽塔10.自然醒11.林.宥嘉——说谎12.阿桑——寂寞在唱歌13.因为爱情14.非你莫属14.林俊杰——记得15.第几个一百天,她说,豆浆油条,跟屁虫,被风吹过的夏天,小酒窝。
30首英文翻唱歌曲的歌词1、栀子花开-英文版Gardenia in blossom,/so beautiful so white./we'll be apart in such sweet season/don't be so shy flowery baby/you're mile fragrances everywhere around me/Gardenia in blossom,/so lovely so nice/ever leave me in such beaut season/wave to happines and sadness/don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/like a sweet dream bless me in my heart/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/remember there youth.and ppureness love/Gardenia in blossom,/so lovely so nice/never leave me in such beaut season/wave to happines sand sadness/don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/like a sweet dream bless me in my heart/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/remember there youth.and ppureness love/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/like a sweet dream bless me in my heart/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/remember there youth.and ppureness love/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/like a sweet dream bless me in my heart/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/remember there youth.and ppureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/like a sweet dream bless me in my heart/Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom/remember there youth.and ppureness love.2、一无所有-英文版(I Walk This Road Alone)Looking at a sleeping town/As the world goes round and round/Sitting here on my own/As a king that lost his throne/We were so in harmonie/But now it is a different key/Wonder if you played your game/For some 15 minutes of fame/Ohhh/I walk thisroad alone/Ohhh/Will I find another home/Pushing everything aside/Jumping onto your ride/Waiting for you at your door/Loving you more and more/I couldn’t tell t he truth from fake/And that was a big mistake/Gave you everything I had/And you treated me so bad/Ohhh/I walk this road alone/Ohhh/Will I find another home3、等你等到我心痛-英文版(Love you with all my heart)when I think of you my love/I remember how it hurt/when you walked out of my life/all my tears I just can't hide/when I think of you my love/I remember how I cried/when you fell for someone else/you left without a word/when I think of you my love/I remember how it hurt/when you walked out of my life/all my tears I just can't hide/when I think of you my love/I remember how I cried/when you fell for someone else/you left without a word/loved you with all my heart/but you tore it apart/I thought you felt the same way for me/tell me why did you have to let it go/loved you with all my heart/but you tore it apart/I thought we'll always be together/tell me how can I go on all alone/when I think of you my love/I remember how it hurt/when you walked out of my life/all my tears I just can't hide/when I think of you my love/I remember how I cried/when you fell for someone else/you left without a word/loved you with all my heart/but you tore it apart/I thought you felt the same way for me/tell me why did you have to let it go/loved you with all my heart/but you tore it apart/I thought we'll always be together/tell me how can I go on all alone/when I think of you my love/I remember how it hurt/when you walked out of my life/all my tears I just can't hide/when I think of you my love/I remember how I cried/when you fell for someone else/you left without a word4、恰似你的温柔-英文版That song for you before I go/Hope you would still remember me/We just want you keep your rights/Your right cold tell what are you cry/That’s what for you before I go/Goodbye your song that I can’t sing/Get some h eads just take for your wise /They of your set mess behind /You know that I will be all right/Before you worry’s behind/Say your love always from me/Don’t wander/Hold you again/I will make you want to stand/Love will be back someday/That song for you before I go/Hope you would still remember me/We just want you keep your rights/Your right cold tell what are you cry/That’s what for you before I go /Goodbye your song that I can’t sing5、新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦-英文版(Can't let go)Only you know how I feel/Only you know what I miss/Can't you see you're just what I need/After all that we've been through/After all I've done for you/You should know my love is for real/Am I asking for too much/Am I waiting for too long/All I need is your tender touch/Don't you know I'm on my knees/Don't you know I'm begging please/Won't you take a look at me now/No matter how hard I try/Can't get you off my mind/I just don't know what to do to have you back here again/I can't let go, can't let you know/I'm trying don't you know/All my love goes to show/I can't go on without you.6、天意-英文版Why do I get the feeling I'm alone/Can it be I'm so lonely without you/Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go/And will I (go on loving) without you/How can I understand love is all never get play/And I won't try/I won't try to make you understand the reasons why/And as I'm trying to cross the bridge/Trying to climb the bridge/Someone is not a friend/I'ii very not nowhere as I try to get there/Someone shoutsmy way/And as I turn to get the answers/Try to be someone you can call upon/Something seems to tell me let it be/Why do I get the feeling I'm alone/Can it be I'm so lonely without you/Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go/And will I (go on loving) without you/How can I understand love is all never get play/And I won't try/I won't try to make you understand the reasons why/And as I'm trying to cross the bridge/Trying to climb the bridge/Someone is not a friend/I'ii every night nowhere as I try to get there/Someone shouts my way/And as I turn to get the answers/Try to be someone you can call upon/Something seems to tell me let it be/And as I'm trying to cross the bridge/Trying to climb the bridge/Someone is not a friend /I'ii every night nowhere as I try to get there/Someone shouts my way/And as I turn to get the answers/Try to be someone you can call upon/Something seems to tell me let it be/Something seems to tell me let it be7、忘情水-英文版many times said goodbye/many times did by fate/how much i so far given/never wanna be apart/sometime when i make you cry/sometime when i tell you lies/you know that did be in sad here/used he to say goodbye/you know i have been in that way/and i know better what i have to say/if he certain you learn to scrip your eyes/he show some much loves for me/ah~~~~~/you can giving all your love/giving all your love away/never say goodbye now/and so high for your love/even though respair to say /you can giving all your love/giving all your love away/never say goodbye now/he so highfor your love/even though respair to say/many times we said goodbye /many times we did by fate /how much i so far given/never wanna be apart/sometime when i make youcry/sometime when i tell you lies/you know that did be in sad here/used he to say goodbye/you know i have been in that way/and i know better what i have to say/if he certain you learn to scrip your eyes/he show some much loves for me/ah~~~~~/you can giving all your love /giving all your love away /never say goodbye now /and so high for your love/even though respair to say /you can giving all your love8、一起走过的日子-英文版(love is only just a dream)Life's not a dream/When emptiness has spilled the scene/When you walked away from me/And told me love is only just a dream/I have tried to say goodbye/But words have gotten in the way/Couldn't hold my feelings/I just broke down and cry/Breaking up is a not a game/Oh my baby can't you see in me/I still love you baby/I just can't let you go/Couldn't live without you baby/I'll rather run my life this way/When you turn and walk away/I knew that love is only just a dream/Life's not a dream/When emptiness has spilled the scene、When you walked away from me/And told me love is only just a dream/I have tried to say goodbye/But words have gotten in the way/Couldn't hold my feelings/I just broke down and cry/Breaking up is a not a game/Oh my baby can't you see in me/I still love you baby/I just can't let you go/Couldn't live without you baby/I'll rather run my life this way/When you turn and walk away/I knew that love is only just a dream/Life's not a dream/When emptiness has spilled the scene/When you walked away from me/And told me love is only just a dream/I have tried to say goodbye/But words have gotten in the way/Couldn't hold my feelings/I just broke down and cry/Breaking up is a not a game/Oh my baby can't you see in me/I still love you baby/I just can't let you go/Couldn't live without you baby/I'll rather run my life this way/When you turnand walk away/I knew that love is only just a dream/When you turn and walk away/I knew that love is only just a dream9、谁的眼泪在飞-英文版Don't wanna be here all along/Don't wanna be here all my own/I want how you're loving tonight my love/Close your eyes my love and hold me tired/Show me how we could be/If you let your feelings go/I know we can be a dream/Cause a heavy holding me here in your eyes/You know what's in my heart/You know a wish will never part/I give you all my love/I'll be yours wherever you go/I remember the days remember your love come with me/I remember the days remember your love come with me/Don't wanna be here without your love/Don't wanna be here all along/I need to be with you how all my love/Close my eyes let me see you now/Show me how we could be/If you let your feelings go/I know we can be a dream/Cause a heavy holding me here in your eyes/You know what's in my heart/You know a wish will never part/I give you all my love/I'll be yours wherever you go/I remember the days remember your love come with me/I remember the days remember your love come with me/You know what's in my heart/You know a wish will never part/I give you all my love/I'll be yours wherever you go/I remember the days remember your love come with me/I remember the days remember your love come with me10、两只蝴蝶-英文版Oh,my love/You hold my hand/make me feel the beauty of their world /shining stars in your eyes /tellme what love is really like/like a bird flies in the sky/nothing is gonna to make me cry/like a fish living every day in happy dream/I really want to be a butterfly/flying with you in my life/every day and night/every word you say/I try to cherish it ,Ohmy love/I really want to be a butterfly/flying through in your life/when you have to go/we\'ll have to say goodbye/I'll keep on dreaming of your smile/Oh,my love/You hold my hand/make me feel the beauty of their world/shining stars in your eyes/tell me what love is really like/like a bird flies in the sky/nothing is gonna to make me cry/like a fish living every day in happy dream/I really want to be a butterfly/flying with you in my life/every day and night/every word you say/I try to cherish it Oh my love/I really want to be a butterfly/flying into in your life/when you have to go you will have to say good bye/I'll keep on dreaming of your smile/I really want to be a butterfly/flying with you in my life/every day and night/every word you say/I try to cherish it Oh my love/I really want to be a butterfly/flying through in your life/when you have to go you will have to say good bye/I'll keep on dreaming of your smile/I'll keep on dreaming of your smile11、萍聚-英文版I don't wanna know/what the future is/All I want is to be here with you/All love means no promises/It is but a feeling we all share/Love is never a lasting thing/But it is in the hearts of us/Your love will be in my memory/I just wish that mine too within yours/I don't wanna know/what the future is/All I want is to be here with you/All love means no promises/It is but a feeling we all share/Love is never a lasting thing/But it is in the hearts of us/Your love will be in my memory/I just wish that mine too within yours.12、大约在冬季-英文版I don't wanna know/what the future is/All I want is to be here with you/All love means no promises/It is but a feeling we all share/Love is never a lasting thing/But it is in the hearts of us/Your love will be in my memory/I just wish that mine toowithin yours/I don't wanna know/what the future is/All I want is to be here with you/All love means no promises /It is but a feeling we all share/Love is never a lasting thing/But it is in the hearts of us/Your love will be in my memory/I just wish that mine too within yours.13、容易受伤的女人-英文版i have been waiting for the time waiting for you to say you're mine/can't hide these feelings inside/let me hold you tonight/i really want you to know all these feelings i have to show/how much i've been loving you/tell me you'll be mine/gonna love you keep on loving you dear/i will love you till the end of time/i will be with you no matter what happens/i will be there by your side/i will hold you hold you here in my arms/i will promise i won't let you go/stay with me/make all love dreams come true/i will give you all i have/cause you mean the whole world to me/i will love you with my heart/and we'll never part (repeat)gonna love you keep on loving you dear/i will love you till the end of time/i will be with you no matter what happens/i will be there by your side/i will hold you hold you here in my arms/i will promise i won't let you go/stay with me/make all love dreams come true/i will give you all i have/cause you mean the whole world to me/i will love you with my heart /and we'll never part14、曾经心痛-英文版(Walk gracefully once )I can tell you miss me too /Why can you just let it show /You can tell a thousand lies /But I learn my lessons all so well /I know you've been missing me /Even you've been hidden so long /Never thought a few this way/Never know I could love you so dear/Looking signt your heart you see/Your love's going stronger everyday /Ever since I met you I'm so in love /No one can make me feel the way you do /I'll never let you down now love will bearound /Let me hold you with my arms /Can't you see that I'm crazy for you /Can't you see I'm saving my love for you/Tell me that you love me/T ell me that you need me/Will be happy as can be15、寂静之声(The sound of silence这个不是翻唱,喜欢而已)Hello darkness, my old friend/ I've come to talk with you again/Because a vision softly creeping/ Left its seeds while I was sleeping/And the vision that was planted in my brain/ Still remains/ Within the sound of silence/In restless dreams I walked alone/Narrow streets of cobble stone/ 'Neath the halo of a street lamp/I turned my collar to the cold and damp/When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light/That split the night/ And touched the sound of silence/And in the naked light I saw/ Ten thousand people, maybe more/ People talking without speaking/ People hearing without listening/People writing songs that voices never share/And no one dare disturb the sound of silence/"Fools" said I, "You do not know/Silence like a cancer grows”/ Hear my words that I might teach you/Take my arms that I might reach you/But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence/ And the people bowed and prayed/to the neon god they made/ And the sign flashed out its warning/And the words that it was forming/And the sign said:/"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls/And whispered in the sound of silence."16、千千阙歌-英文版Sitting on alone/With only memories of the past/Just you and I/In the wildest of our dreams/You held me close/And whispered three words in my ear/How my heart /Just used to beat when you said hi /You give me light ,the look in your eyes /You bring light into my life /You will always remain in my mind/There is only you in my heart /Nothing's gonna change now /There is only you in my heart /Now and forever more /Let love bring us to eternity /Let love live with only memories/Cause it only hurts our feeling/Oh,my love/Waiting for the day/How will we come to reality/Or you'll come soon /I couldn't live without you/Waiting of serene/The moment you say:"I love you" /Take me ,my hand/Walk into the eyes of love17、童年-英文版(Days on my past)I recall when I was young OH,/I will play and always having fun/with the neighbour next to me/And we'll play until the setting sun /try to be The best among the others/in a game call the "Spider battle"/It doesn't matter,/who is the best how/those were the days of my past/few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time/Always day dreaming in the class/till I don't even know the lessons done /Then my teacher always tell me /never ever be lazy again /what can I do now /What can I say now /Those were the days of my past /As the days go on and on /I grew up and had my first love /candle light and sandy beach /finally give away my first kiss /mother said I was too young to fall in loveand /then I will one day regret so love was over /but I do miss her /those were the days of my past /just when I left my high school and /got my first job as a salesmen/working hard all day and night /no one there to lend a helping hand /daddy told me not to worry and /said that I should go on step by step /those were the days of my past/then once day I settled down with the only one I really love /gona small family with two kid that is what I'm always hoping for /But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young /I miss my hometown I miss my old friend /Those were the days of my past /I miss my hometown Imiss my old friend /When will I see them again18、谢谢你的爱-英文版(I'll give you all my love)You are the one no one could ever know me at all./I just can’t stop lovi ng you,dear. /Being with you is all I wanna do. /Don’t you know just how I feel. /Don’t you ever leave me alone./All the things you do telling me to give up your love./You said this could be your goodbye./So please don’t ask for love no more. /Let you through out door. /Hey,can’t you seeing my eyes /Please don’t say goodbye. /I know I can’t leave my life alone without you near me. /I just can’t live without your love. /I need you here with me. /If I could change your mind now,anything at all. /Oh,please.Oh love please not leave me. /I just can’t live without your love /I need you here with me /If I could change your mind now,anything at all. /I know I’ll never love again cause you are in my heart19、用心良苦-英文版Never knew how much I loved you / Never knew how much I need you / Now you're gone / I know how much I care / Deep inside you're all I wanted / All my nights I dream about you / T ell me why/ Why did you leave me now / Whenever you're near / My eyes will be in tears / I just can't hide the pain I've got in me / You and me used to be/ All the things I never wished / Now you're gone / Part of me/ Goes with you and turned to leave / Can't you see / I'm in love / I just wanna be with you / Now you're gone / I'm all alone / You left me with the broken heart20、今夜你会不会来-英文版standing in the mist of a/lonely winter evening/watching all this stuff/makes more than in the night/i wonder why you have/not call to tell me good night/you know i feel lonely in the night/and this call the lonely time/maybe you will call/and iwould be all right/no matter what you think/i need you to come to me now/i can not live without you baby/so come home to me, my love/wish that i can only let you know/just the way i am feeling now/are you willing to come back/to me if i call honey my love./would you please come home tonight/oh my love i need you now/if i call on you tonight/just let me know that you will/would you please come home tonight/oh my love i need you now/oh darling say you'll come tonight/don't let me down my love21、老鼠爱大米-英文版When that day I hear your voice/I have some special feeling/Let me always think I don't wanna forget you/I remember at the day/You are always on my mind/ Eventhough I just can think about you/If the day in the future /This love will becoming true/ I've never change my mind that I will love you forever/I don'tcare how fool it is /I will let my dream come true/I will tell you something I wanna let you know, I let you know /I love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice/Even every day has storm, I will always by your side /I miss you, missing you/I don't care how hard it is/I just want you be happy/ Everything, I do it for you22、心太软-英文版(Let him go)Why don't you let him go?/Let him go? /Because you will go away forever /If you let him go, /Tell me this,my sweetheart. /You finally let him guide you in the door. /Let him go/Why don't you let him go? /Let him go? /You told me a lie your heart is dying. /Now you feel love alone cry on until noon./You close your eyes we found we know. /Recall me on the good time. /And you're smiling on your face /And you won't let him die away. /Deepestin heart now I stay /And deepest inside this is true./You feel so empty and broke the heart./And since you've gone it was only a part./And never night and you will never know if you go inside. /You lonely broken heart /So let him go. /Let's upon going on. /You hardly have a chance to start./'cause it's hardest when you found the whole./Why don't you let him go? Let him go? /Because you will go away forever. /If you let him go, /Tell me this,my sweetheart./You finally let him guide you in the door. /Why don't you let him go? /Let him go? /You told me a lie your heart is dying. /Now you feel love alone cry on until noon. /'cause it's hardest when you found the whole.23、你怎么舍得我难过-英文版(Everytime I think of you)something's going on /why can't you tell me so /why take the chance when you know it can't last/I didn't know you have found someone new /want to tell me I've been dreaming for so long /when did it happen /how could I be so blind /you promise me that you'll always be true/now you are gone /tell me how could i go on /how could you leave me /took my heart and broke it apart /every time i think of you/you don't need breaks my heart in two /i remember how much you loved me /how i love was supposed to be /every time I think of you /you don't need breaks my heart in two /i remember how i loved you /how much I still care for you24、当我想起你-英文版(Only love)2a.m., and the rain is failing. /here we are at the crossroads once again. /you're telling me you're so confussed. /you can't make up your mind. /is this meant to be. /you're asking me? /but only love can say, /try again or walk away./but I believe for you and me, /the sun will shine one day. /so I just play my part, /pray you'll have a change of heart./but I can't make you see itthrough./that's something only love can do. /in your arms, as the dawn is breaking, /face to face and a thousand miles apart. /I've tried my best to make you see, /there's hope beyond the pain. /if we give enough, if we learn to trust. /I know if I could find the words, /to touch you deep inside, /you'll give my dreams just one more chance, /to let this be our last good-bye.25、情网-英文版I know I can hide from myself this time now/ I know I 've got to face it up somehow/ You prayed that I could make it through/cause you know I've been feeling blue/There is no way I could have you backagain/ There's so much I wish I could say to you ,girl/ There's so much I wish I could do for you/But I know you want me know more/ cause you have walked out of my door/I know I'll never get over your love/ I guess our love was just a fantasy/ I guess our love was never meant to be/You said I'm not the one for you/I can't make all your dreams come true26、吻别-英文版(take me to your heart)hiding from the rain and snow /trying to forget but i won't let go/looking at a crowded street/listening to my own heart beat /so many people /all around the world /tell me where do i find /someone like you girl /take me to your heart /take me to your soul /give me your hand before i'm old /show me what love is /- haven't got a clue /show me that wonders can be true /they say nothing lasts forever /we're only here today /love is now or never /bring me far away /take me to your heart /take me to your sou /give me your hand and hold me /show me what love is /- be my guiding star /it's easy take me to your heart /standing on a mountain high /looking at the moon through a clear blue sky /i should go and see some friends /but they don't reallycomprehend /don't need too much talking /without saying anything /all i need is someone /who makes me wanna sing27、一路上有你-英文版I've dreamed of you /Everyday of my life, /But you don’t even know my love. /Just like a friend you treat me like it should be, /Tell me how can I make this well/I think of you everywhere that I go, /But you don’t even know I care,/Oh how I wish, /You are here beside me, /Loving you waste of my heart, /I wish you know /How much I love you,/Its been driving my heart crazy,/If I tell you how /I feel will you be here, /Be here with me /Who am I dreaming,/Or just fantasy, /How can I know/If you let me in your heart, /Who am I dreaming,/Or just reality, /please let me hold you in my arms /Throughout the night28、祝福-英文版(If I could)My love, you’re always in my heart/my love you’re always in my heart/Ah, my love you’re always in my heart/if I could have it all/I would choose to have your love/Don’t you know how my heart stars jumping when I see you smile/No matter where you go/I’ll be there right by your side/holding you in my arms so tightly/Take my hand/and look right into my eyes,dear/You will see that you will meant to be my love/If I could live my life the way I would like to be/I know how I like to spend my whole life just holding you with me/I won’t change any day/I won’t change a single day/My love will always be waiting right here/Take my hand/and look right in to my eyes, dear./You will see that you will meant to be my love/I’ll be there, I’l l be there wh en you need me/I’ll be there, I’ll be there my love you’ll see/Don’t you know, my love for you lasts forever/You will always be there in my heart for me/I’ll be there, I’ll be there when you need meI’ll be there, I’ll be there my love you’ll see/Don’t you know, my love for you lasts forever/You will always be there in my heart for me/Don’t you know, my love for you lasts forever/You will always be there in my heart for me/If I could live my life the way I would like to be/I know how I like to spend my whole life just holding you with me/I won’t change any way, I won’t change a single day/Take my hand,/look in my eyes/you will see that you are only my love29、花心-英文版Oh darling,when I met you /I know you're the one for me /there you are,smiling sweetly /and you swept me off my feet /and I hope, hope that I will /always have you as my girl /so say you'll stay here /and that you'll never /never gonna leave me alone /Time just passes by,/you're still not /here by my side /Is something wrong baby /please tell me now baby /and I'll do the best that I can /Time just passes by /I juist need you here in my life /So come on baby say that you love me /from now on until end of time./Oh darling,when I met you /I know you're the one for me /there you are,smiling sweetly /and you swept me off my feet /and I hope, hope that I will /always have you as my girl /so say you'll stay here /and that you'll never/never gonna leave me alone/Time just passes by, /you're still not /here by my side /Is something wrong baby/please tell me now baby /and I'll do the best that I can /Time just passes by/I juist need you here in my life/So come on baby say that you love me /from now on until end of time./So come on baby say that you love me/from now on until end of time30、选择-英文版lookong in your eyes I see your smile /looking in your eyes I see my dream /notyhing can stop us /we're heart to heart never。
《栀子花开》简谱《栀子花开》歌词栀子花开,So beautiful so white这是个季节我们将离开难舍的你害羞的女孩就像一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的'爱栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱《栀子花开》创作背景六月是栀子花开的时节,何炅也宣布了在2004年推出首张个人专辑唱片的消息。
山西会考英语栀子花全文英文版Chrysanthemum Flower: The Symbol of Shanxi and Its Cultural SignificanceIntroductionShanxi province, located in the northern part of China, is known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unique cultural heritage. Among the many symbols associated with Shanxi, the chrysanthemum flower, or "zhī zi huā" in Chinese, holds a special place. In this article, we will explore the significance of the chrysanthemum flower in Shanxi's culture and its representation in the local dialect, traditional arts, and literature.Chrysanthemum in the Shanxi DialectThe chrysanthemum flower, or "zhī zi huā," is not only the name of a flower but also a popular slang term in the Shanxi dialect. In the local dialect, "zhī zi huā" is often used to describe a person who is elegant, refined, and possesses a sense of integrity. This reflects the cultural values and characteristics that Shanxi people admire and aspire to.Symbol of Elegance and LongevityIn Shanxi, the chrysanthemum flower is seen as a symbol of elegance and longevity. Its graceful and delicate petals, coupled with its ability to bloom even in the chilly autumn, make it highly admired and respected. The flower's ability to withstand the changing seasons is seen as a reflection of the Shanxi people's resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges.Chrysanthemum in Traditional ArtsThe chrysanthemum flower holds a significant place in traditional arts in Shanxi. The flower is a common motif in various art forms, including painting, calligraphy, and embroidery. In painting, chrysanthemums are often depicted in meticulous detail, showcasing the artist's skill and precision. The flower's image is also embroidered on traditional clothing, adding a touch of elegance and cultural richness to the garments.Literary References to ChrysanthemumThe chrysanthemum flower has been a favorite subject for poets and writers throughout history. Many renowned poets in Shanxi have composed poems dedicated to the beauty and symbolism of the chrysanthemum. These poems often evoke a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the fleeting beauty of nature. The chrysanthemum is also associated with autumn, representing the cycle of life and the inevitability of change.Chrysanthemum Festival in ShanxiTo celebrate the cultural significance of the chrysanthemum flower, Shanxi holds an annual Chrysanthemum Festival. During this festival, the province's parks and gardens are adorned with vibrant displays of chrysanthemum flowers in various shapes and colors. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the flowers, participate in cultural performances, and learn more about the history and traditions associated with the chrysanthemum in Shanxi.ConclusionThe chrysanthemum flower, with its elegance, resilience, and cultural significance, holds a special place in Shanxi's culture. From its representation in the local dialect to its prominence in traditional arts and literature, the chrysanthemum embodies the values and spirit of the Shanxi people. Through the annual Chrysanthemum Festival, Shanxi celebrates the beauty and cultural heritage associated with the chrysanthemum, attracting visitors from all over the world. The chrysanthemum flower, in all its splendor, truly represents the essence of Shanxi.。
10.Mad About You 容祖儿-英文版
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07.李玟-didadi-t stop英文版
∙中英翻唱歌曲大荟萃∙∙·月亮代表我的心 Jessica Jay - Love Is Like The Moon∙·翻唱:台湾小胖林育群超强模仿惠特尼·休斯顿 I Will Always Love You∙·陶喆爱很简单英文版:Stewart Mac((I LOVE U))∙·王菲PK Sinéad O’Connor(Thank You For Hearing Me)∙·S.H.E<<天亮了>>英文版中英翻唱∙·翻唱芝华士人生《美人鱼之歌》∙·中英翻唱:Destinys Child-Brown Eyes∙·中英翻唱: China Girl 英文翻唱∙·《飘雪》韩文版《对不起我爱你》主题曲∙·至少还有你(韩语)-Super Junior-M∙·辛晓琪you can’t say 英文版∙·Cool Love 酒醉的探戈 - 索菲娅·格林∙·甜蜜蜜-索菲娅·格林∙·茉莉花- 索菲娅·格林∙·《伤城》日文版滨崎步--Secret∙·Green Flower Porcelain(青花瓷英文版)∙·《you can’t say》韩文版∙·《红豆》韩文版∙·《离歌》韩文版∙·《童话》韩文版∙·《月亮代表我的心》韩文版∙·《原来你也在这里》日文版∙·《最初的梦想》日文版∙·《北国之春》日文版∙·下雪《爱你不是两三天》韩文版∙·伤心太平洋英文版∙·《让世界充满爱》英文版∙·周华健《其实不想走》英文版∙·《寂寞在唱歌》英文版∙·《我的未来不是梦》英文版∙·萍聚》英文版∙·童安格《明天你是否依然爱我》英文版∙·《用心良苦》英文版∙·《月亮代表我的心》俄文版∙·叶倩文《真心真意过一生》英文版∙·《十年》DJ英文版∙·《漫步人生路》日文版∙·《无所谓》英文版Here to stay∙·《其实你不懂我的心》英文版∙·《容易受伤的女人》英文版∙·韩文版的《melody》曹奎灿∙·《黑蝙蝠中队》韩文版∙·光良《童话》日文版∙·王心凌《还是好朋友》韩文版∙·《朋友》韩文版安在旭∙·if i could 张学友《祝福》英文版∙·潘玮珀《我的麦克风》韩文版∙·Love Is The Answer《当你孤单你回想起谁》英文版∙·一路上有你-英文版∙·伤追人英文版∙·说一声感谢韩文版∙·《爱情三十六计》韩文版简美妍∙·周华健《花心》英文版∙·《把悲伤留给自己》英文版∙·《一起走过的日子》英文版∙·张学友-每天爱你多一些(英文版)∙·《美丽心情》日文版∙·《盛夏的果实》日文版∙·李克勤《红日》日文版∙·《容易受伤的女人》日文版∙·《童年》英文版《Days on my past》∙·夜来香-文根英∙·《死了都要爱》韩文版∙·《知道不知道》英文版∙·《半个月亮爬上来》英文版∙·《青春舞曲》英文版∙·中文歌曲《绿光》韩文版∙·《我只在乎你》日文版∙·《我只在乎你》英文版∙·何炅《栀子花开》英文版∙·雪の华(飘雪原版)∙·《爱你在心口难开》英文版∙·《野百合也有春天》英文版∙·《让我欢喜让我忧》英文版∙·《你怎么舍得我难过》英文版∙·《明天会更好》英文版∙·《恰似你的温柔》英文版∙·《一人有一个梦想》英文版∙·张惠妹《排山倒海》英文版∙·辛晓琪《味道》英文版∙·Betrayal《黄昏》英文版∙·《我是不是你最疼爱的人》英文版∙·李玟《月光爱人》英文版∙·《孤单抗体》韩文版∙·《老鼠爱大米》韩文版∙·beyond《海阔天空》日文版∙·《长城》日文版∙·《一天一点爱恋》英文版∙·《伤心太平洋》日文版∙·《千千阕歌》日文版∙·《柠檬树》英文版lemon tree∙·《眉飞色舞》韩文版∙·罗志祥《狐狸精》韩文版∙·《一无所有》英文版I Walk This Road Alone ∙·《看我72变》英文版∙·张韶涵《寓言》英文版∙·《追梦人》韩文版《기일》∙·飞儿乐队《lydia》韩文版(张娜拉)∙·《冬天里的一把火》英文版∙·《选择》英文版You belong to me, I belong to you ∙·东风破英文∙·花田错 04 中_英∙·你到底爱谁-英文版∙·刘若英《后来》日文版∙·爱很简单_英文版∙·SHE《super star》英文版∙·《英雄泪》英文版why did you have to go∙·遇见英文版 By my side∙·两只蝴蝶 Two butterfly 英文版∙·千千阙歌英文版∙·飘雪英文版∙·阿桑《受了点伤》英韩版∙·《那么爱你为什么》韩文版∙·《很爱很爱你》日文版∙·张信哲《从开始到现在》韩文版∙·《爱情大魔咒》英文版∙·《情网》英文版Just A Fantasy∙·《恋人未满》英文版Brown Eyes∙·《壁虎漫步》韩文版∙·《大约在冬季》英文版∙·花儿为什么这样红-英文版∙·花儿乐队-我是你的罗密欧-英文版∙·阿里山的姑娘英文版∙·Lene - Pretty Young Thing 酸酸甜甜就是我∙·whole Life 刘若英-后来(英文版)∙·他还是不懂-英文版∙·在那遥远的地方-英文版∙·快乐崇拜英文版∙·王蓉-爸爸妈妈-英文版∙·蔡依林-love love love-的英文版∙·郭美美-不怕不怕-英文版∙·刘德华-黑蝙蝠中队-英文版∙·2002年的第一场雪英文版∙·爱你一万年英文版∙·《吻别》英文版take me to your heart ∙·proud of you英文版挥着翅膀的女孩∙·Heart Rain心雨英文版∙·英文版大长今主题曲Twilight∙·please tell_me_why不得不爱-英文版∙·The Girl Next Door 对面的女孩看过来∙·宝贝对不起英文版∙·赵薇-好想好想(英文版)∙·零点乐队-你爱不爱我-英文版∙·You don’t live here anymore英文版女人花∙·Why don’t you let him go英文版心太软∙·Cinderella SHE《半糖主义》英文版∙·刘若英-分开旅行-英文版∙·恋爱达人-英文版∙·翻唱:I will always love you-英国童星小康尼Connie talbot ∙·中英翻唱:《心太软》英文翻唱∙·经典中英翻唱歌曲:英文版《寓言》God Rest Ye Merry∙·中英翻唱歌曲:Give Me Your Love:双失情人节(英)∙·经典中英翻唱歌曲:I Can t Let Go《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》英文版∙·经典中英翻唱歌曲:《恋人未满》英文版Brown Eyes∙·中英翻唱:By My Side 《在我身边》英文版遇见∙·中英翻唱:Everytime《每一次》翻唱为《别说对不起》∙·中英翻唱歌曲:明天会更好Tomorrow Will Be Better英文翻唱∙·中英翻唱:《千千阙歌》英文翻唱∙·la isla bonita 演唱者:Alizee∙·Forever At Your Feet《永远相随》演唱者:Oh Susanna∙·Mad World《疯狂的世界》阿桑翻唱《疯了》演唱者:Alex Parks ∙·Every time It Rains 演唱者:张信哲∙·Bring It All Back《回到过去》蔡依林don`t stop原曲演唱者:S CLUB 7∙·That night S.H.E《爱呢》英文版演唱者:sweetbox∙·Rose, Rose, I Love You《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》英文版演唱者:Frankie Laine∙·How Did I Fall In Love With You《如何爱上你》 SHE 翻唱《远方》演唱者:Backstreet Boys∙·La Lsla Bonita《风光秀丽的小岛》法国首席女歌手演唱者:Alizee ∙·Sail The Ocean《扬帆远航》孙燕姿《心愿》的原版演唱者:Darin ∙·never let you go 不舍得你离开不想过没有你的生活 - 卫兰《大哥》英文版∙·Unbreakable我们的爱《坚不可摧》演唱者:westlife∙·More Than Love S.H.E.《我爱你》英文版演唱者:Sweetbox ∙·Don’t Think Twice It’s All Right 曾经爱你只是浪费了我一点宝贵的时间没什么演唱者:jazzamor∙·More Than Words 演唱者:Westlife∙·Le temps des fleurs 花样年华演唱者:Dalida∙·fly me to the moon 演唱者:宇多田光∙·Word Up难得发经典轻快的歌,不听是损失噢演唱者:KoRn ∙·Chocolate Ice(俏皮的巧克力甜蜜味道) 演唱者:Janice 卫兰∙·Tears《去向何方》你知道么,心碎也会重蹈覆辙演唱者:Chyi Yu ∙·I believe 罗志祥和小S<恋爱达人>英文版演唱者:Bro’sis ∙·It Might As Well Be Spring 我象一只无歌可唱的夜莺演唱者:Laura Fygi∙·La La Love on My Mind 演唱者:Ann Winsborn∙·Every Heart 演唱者:BOA(宝儿)∙·Pretty Young Thing《酸酸甜甜就是我》英文版演唱者:Lene Nystrom ∙·Seasons In The Sun 怀念温暖的《阳光季节》演唱者:Westlife ∙·Mouse Loves Rice《老鼠爱大米》英文版演唱者:Xiangxiang ∙·China Girl 我是你的《陶瓷女孩》Superstar 英文版演唱者:sweetbox ∙·Still Here 王菲《我愿意》英文版 - 我需要你的承诺只说你愿意努力就好演唱者:Lene Marlin∙·Read My Mind 只要你留意我的心思就能懂我 - 我也会自私也会小气演唱者:Sweetbox∙·Brown Eyes《褐色的眼睛》SHE恋人未满英文版演唱者:命运之子∙·forever young 送给忧伤的孩子们演唱者:alphaville ∙·Cinderella 半糖主义英文版不作《灰姑娘》!演唱者:Tata Young ∙·Life 刘若英《后来》英文版同样令人感动!演唱者:刘若英∙·part of the game 4:55(爱你一万年英文版) 演唱者:Wynners ∙·Gardenia in blossom 栀子花开(英文版) 演唱者:达瓦卓玛∙·Tears齐豫翻唱同名西班牙文情歌∙·You’ll Never Know 你不知道我有多想你演唱者:小野丽莎∙·Don’t Think I’m Not 演唱者:Kandi∙·la isla bonita来自|Alizee∙·bizarre love triangle 演唱者:deep blue∙·Sometimes When We Touch 柔美女声版演唱者:Oliva Ong ∙·Maria《玛利亚》韩剧美女也烦恼翻唱演唱者:blondie ∙·Betrayal《背叛》(小刚黄昏的英文版) 演唱者:Jus allah ∙·The day you went away《第一次爱的人》英文版演唱者:M2M ∙·Everytime《每一次》布兰妮,S H E翻唱为《别说对不起》演唱者:Britney Spears∙·Doctor Jones 赵薇《爱情大魔咒》英文原版演唱者:Aqua∙·By My Side 醒来时希望《在我身边》英文版遇见演唱者:林一峰∙·Alone陈慧娴〈飘雪〉英文版∙·Blue Ghost蓝色生死恋英文版主题曲演唱者:Angelica∙·Proud Of You 《挥着翅膀的女孩》英文版演唱者:Fiona Fung ∙·sunshine in the rain 酒吧里常听到的英文歌演唱者。
LOVE LOVE LOVE 不想长大王心凌的<<第一次爱的人>> 张学友的<<吻别>> (take me to your heart) 还有很多:: 01.草猛-宝贝对不起英文版02.栀子花开-英文版03.童年-英文合唱版04.英文版-张学友-情网05.谢你的爱-英文英文版06.新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦-英文版07.我很丑可是我很温柔-英文版08.谁的眼泪在飞-英文版09.英文版-你怎么舍得我难过10.365里路-英文版11.潇洒走一回-英文12.陈慧娴-飘雪-英文版13.我是不是你最疼爱的人-英文版14.英文版-容易受伤的女人15.英文版-一天一点爱恋01.青春派对-恋曲1990-英文版02.寂寞在唱歌-英文版03.友谊地久天长-英文版04.用心良苦-英文版05.对面的女孩看过来--英文版06.千千阙歌-英文版07.恼人的秋风-英文版08.小冤家--英文版09.我要的不多-英文版10.选择-英文版11.让我欢喜让我忧-英文版12.爱你在心口难开-英文版13.小风波-英文版14.驿动的心-英文版15.恰似你的温柔-英文版张学友的吻别黎明的今夜你会不会来容易受伤的女人《By my side》--《遇见》的英文版。
经典中文歌曲英文版目录1.宝贝对不起2. 栀子花开3.童年4.张学友-情网5.刘德华—谢谢你的爱6..新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦(Can't let go)7. 我很丑可是我很温柔8.谁的眼泪在飞9.365里路10.潇洒走一回11.飘雪12. 英文版-容易受伤的女人:13. 一天一点爱恋英14.恋曲199015. 寂寞在唱歌-英文版16. Auld Lang syne 《友谊地久天长》17. 用心良苦18.千千阙歌19 .Jambalaya什锦饭20.我要的不多-21. 选择22. 让我欢喜让我忧23. More than I can Say 爱你在心口难开24. 小风波-英文版All Out of Love25.驿动的心26. 恰似你的温柔-:27. 英雄泪why did you have to go28.忘情水29. 我的心上人-英文版30. 李玟-didadi31太傻32. 恋爱百分百- stop! stop! stop!33. 一路上有你34.萍聚35.我只在乎你36.明天会更好37.挥着翅膀的女孩英文版proud of you38跟往事干杯39. 天意-40. 你知道我在等你吗41.童安格---其实你不懂我的心42. SHE《super star》43.明天你是否爱我44.张学友祝福(If I Could)45. 忘了你忘了我(FEEL MY HEART FEEL MY SOUL)46. 心太软-47.一起走过的日子-英文版歌词:48恋人未满49.跟着感觉走-英文版(Follow the feelings)50.只要你过得比我好51. 其实不想走-52.想有一双翅膀-英文版53.我的未来不是梦54拜访春天55. 雪碧广告歌56. 雪碧广告歌57. 是否我真的一无所有58. 我是真的付出我的爱59. Bring It All Back《回到过去》60.张学友-吻别61. 听天使在唱歌-62.月亮之上---英文版歌词All rise:63.大约在冬季64. 柠檬树65夕阳伴我归66. 乘客67. 等你等到我心痛-68..路灯下的小姑娘-69.老鼠爱大米70. 小雨来的正是时候-英文版71红河谷72.半梦半醒之间73.漂亮男孩74. 心雨75. 为何爱情让我痛-76.周华健-花心77.他还是不懂78. 叶倩文-明月心79.只想一生跟你走-80. 一人有一个梦想81. 张惠妹-排山倒海-82. 今夜你会不会来(Could you please come home tonight?)83.两只蝴蝶84. 红尘来去一场梦-85.刘德华-一生一次-英文版You are all that I have86. 情人(LET ME BE YOUR MAN)87.雪绒花88. 多谢失恋88. 爱很简单90. Yesterday once more(Carpenter) 昨日重现(卡朋特)91.一无所有(I Walk This Road Alone)92.让世界充满爱93. Green Flower Porcelain(青花瓷英文版)94.菊花台BEING PART OF YOU95. 发如雪MOON NIGHT96.东风破(NEVER WALK AWAY)97.千里之外THOUSANDS OF MILES APART98. 2002年的第一场雪99. 隐形的翅膀RECESSIVE100. Say you, say me101.日不落英文版—蔡依林102 You don't live here anymore英文版女人花103. 英文版<<月亮代表我的心>>104. 英文版《你爱不爱我》Do You Love Me Or Not 105. 无言的结局Just Between You & I107.秋天不回来(JUST TELL)108. 味道(SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT)109. 感恩的心(MY THANKFUL HEART)110. Sha La La La Love On My Mind《拉拉爱》你是我一生的所爱112. 再回首113. 送别THE SEND OFF114. 上海滩(SHANGHAI MOON)115.南泥湾(RESPECT)116阿里山的姑娘117.在那遥远的地方118.知道不知道119.半个月亮爬上来120.好一朵美丽的茉莉花121..甜蜜蜜122.大长今主题曲Twilight123. 1988年汉城奥运会歌曲《Hand In Hand》《手拉手》124.Forever Friends孙楠和李玟演唱125. 开幕式主题歌《我和你》《you and me》126. Don’t Cry For Me,Argentina经典中文歌曲英文版1.宝贝对不起(1)Oh my baby, oh my darling, tell me what I’ve doneWon’t you tell me, did I hurt you, where did we go wrong?(2)The first time when I saw you, I fell in love with you girlThe way you smile so sweetly,Can’t stop just thinking of you(3)Baby can’t you see, that my love is realWhere did our love go, baby don’t you knowAnd I can’t let go, cause I love you soDon’t you leave me now, cause I need you so.(4)Baby I’m sorry, please don’t leave me, what should I do nowBaby I’m sorry, did I hurt you, give me one more chance(5)The first time when I saw you, I fell in love with you girlThe way you smile so sweetly, can’t stop just thinking of youRepeat (3) (3) (3)(1)(4)2. 栀子花开(1)Garden is in blossom, so beautiful so whiteWe'll be apart in such a sweet seasonDon't be so shy flowery babyYour mile fragrances everywhere around me(2)Garden is in blossom, so lovely so niceNever leave me in such a beautiful seasonWave to happiness and sadnessDon't be so forgetful when we were so young(3)Garden is in blossom garden is in blossomLike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGarden is in blossom, garden is in blossomRemember the youth and pureness loveRepeat (3) (3) (3)3.童年(1)I recall when I was youngOh! I will play and always having funWith the neighbors next to me and we play until the setting sunTry to be the best among the others in a game called spider battleIt doesn't matter who is the best now those were days of my past(2)A few years later when I go to school I was late for lessons all the timeAlways daydreaming in the class till I don't even know the lesson is goneThen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againWhat can I do now what can I say now those were days of my past(3)As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first loveCandle light and sunny beach finally give away my first kissMother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regretSo love was over but I do miss her (him) those were days of my past(4)Just when I left my high school and got my first job of a salesman Working hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping hand Daddy told me not to worry and said that I should go on step by step What can I say now what can I do now those were days of my past(5)Then one day I settle down with the only one I really loveGot a small family with two kids that is what I'm always hoping for But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friends those were days of my past O I miss my hometown I miss my old friends when I will see them again4.张学友-情网:(1)I know I can't hide from myself this time now I know I've got to face it up somehowYou pray that I could make it throughCause you know I've been feeling blueThere's no way I could have you back again(2)There’s so much I wish I could say to you girl There’s so much I wish I could do for youBut I know you want me no moreCause you have walked out of my doorI know I'll never get to know your loveI guess our love was just a fantasy(3)I guess our love was never meant to beYou said I'm not the one for youI can't make all your dreams come trueI have to let you go no matter how*Repeat (2) (3)(3)5.刘德华—谢谢你的爱(1)How can't you seeThat I'm gonna give you all my loveI'll give all my time to youThe things that I'll give you everythingAnd there is much more I can giveOh my heart is so in my mind(2)Please don't cry, my loveJust remember all the things we saidDon't let our feeling so spread.I always need your heart to stay,Never let you goThe moment when I hold you,Oh I won't let you goJust remember that you will be mine till the end of time (3)There's only you and me, my loveI'll give you all my lifeI take you for my wifeI want you to be mineMy love, until the end of time(4)There's only you and me, my loveI'll give you all my lifeI take you for my wifeI want you to be mineJust remember that you will be mine till the end of time Repeat (2) (3) (4)6..新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦(Can't let go)(1)Only you know how I feelOnly you know what I missCan't you see you're just what I need?(2)After all that we've been throughAfter all I've done for youYou should know my love is for real(3)Am I asking for too much?Am I waiting for too long?All I need is your tender(温和的)touch(4)Don't you know I'm on my knees?Don't you know I'm begging please?Won't you take a look at me now?(5)No matter how hard I tryCan't get you off my mindI just don't know what to do to have you back here again I can't let go, can't let you knowI'm trying don't you knowAll my love goes to showI can't go on without youRepeat (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5)7. 我很丑可是我很温柔(1)Moment by momentDay after dayTrying your best to forgetEach and everydayIts part of the pastYou’ve really got no more time for regretsTime to start over with someone newYou’ve really got nothing else to loseBut there is someoneWho still needs your love to survive?(2) Forever, you’d always be the oneLife without youI can’t go onSo do believe,Tomorrow y ou’d change your mind and stay for meTell me who needs a tomorrowWhen we both got tonightRepeat (1) (2) (2)8.孟庭苇---谁的眼泪在飞(1)Don't wanna be here all aloneDon't wanna be here on my ownI want all your loving tonight, my loveClose your eyes my love and hold me tight(2) Show me how it could beIf you let your feelings goI know it can't be a dreamCause now I have you holding meThere in your arms(3) You know what's in my heartYou know I wish we'll never partI’ll give you all my loveI’ll be yours wherever you goI remember the daysRemember your love come what mayI remember the daysRemember your love come what may(4) Don’t wanna be here without your loveDon’t wanna be here all aloneI need to be with you all of my lifeClose my eyes let me see you nowI’ll give you all my loveRepeat (2) (3) (3)9.365里路(1)I have been waiting for so long for the love to come along There is something very special about youI can tell if when I look into your eyes, dearYou are the right one for me(2)All I do is thinking of youWonder what you gonna doThinking I am the only one best man for youTell me what I can do to make you my dearI guess I will be love with you(3)All these years that I have been waitingTo meet someone like youAll these years that I have been searchingFor love that I become of my ownRepeat (2) (3)(4)And you knowAll these years that I have been waitingTo meet someone like you All these years that I have been searchingFor love that I become of my ownRepeat (4) (4)10.潇洒走一回(1)I can tell you miss me tooWhy can you just let it show?(2)You can tell a thousand liesBut I learn my lessons all so wellI know you've been missing meEven you've been hidden so longNever thought a few this wayNever know I could love you so dearLooking sight your heart you seeYour love's going stronger everyday(3)Ever since I met you I'm so in loveNo one can make me feel the way you doI'll never let you down now love will be aroundLet me hold you with my armsCan't you see that I'm crazy for you?Can't you see I'm saving my love for you?Tell me that you love meTell me that you need meWill be happy as can beRepeat (2) (3) (3)11.飘雪(1)You don't care for me, 你不关心我You don't carry where I have been, 不在乎我去何处I've done all I could, 我已竭尽所能So that I could be with you. 只为和你一起Anyway you want, 无论你想什么I do everything you need, 我愿意为你做任何事Maybe now you can see, 或许你现在才明白That our love was went to be. 我们的爱是什么(2)But I was so wrong, 但我错了Always thought I could be strong. 总以为自己能坚强When you left me here, 当你离开我You took my heart away dear. 也带走了我的心I feel so alone, 我感到如此孤单I’ve miss you so long. 已错过你太久I just can’t carry on, 我无法坚持Feeling lost at all alone. 孤独而不知所措(3)You love me with a whole broken heart,你爱着我但你的心已破碎Left me here thinking why we fall apart.留下我面对这无言的结局Repeat (2) (3) (2) (3) (3)12.容易受伤的女人:(1)I've been waiting for the timeWaiting for you to say you're mine?Can’t hide these feelings inside!Let me hold you tonightI really want you to knowAll these feelings I have to showHow much I’ve been loving youTell me you'll be mine(2)Gonna love you keep on loving new dearI will love you till the end of timeI’ll be with you no matter what happensI’ll be there by your sideI will hold you hold you here in my armsI will promise I won't let you goStay with me makes all our dreams come true(3)I will give you all I haveCause you mean the whole world to meI will love you with my heart andWe’ll never apartRepeat (1) (2) (3) (2) (3)13. 一天一点爱恋(1)It was raining then on the day we metIt’s your face I can't just forgetStanding close to me looking in my eyes Somethi ng I’ve not seen beforeSomething in your eyes that smile on your face Making me feel so warm insideMoving close to me I could feel the heat Something I’ve not know before(2)There’s no way I can hideThe way you made me feelWhen I turned around to find youCan’t believe you left without about a word There’s no way I can hideThe way you made me feelHow I wish you're here beside meCause you are the one I feel againRepeat (1) (2) (2)14.恋曲1990(1)Baby, when I feeling blueI keep thinking of youMaybe one day you will seeMy sweet dreams come trueWhen I call you on the phoneI get worried insideTry so hard to tell the wordsI longing to sayWhenever I meet you, girlI don know what to sayI just love the way you smileThat makes me feel fineWhen I get so close to youI can feel your heart beatHow I love to see your eyesLooking so shy(2)Everything is clear to see thatYou are in love with meGiving me a destiny that I can reachBeing with a lady like youI never ask for moreGive me something I can hold onTill the end of timeRepeat (1) (2) (2)15. 寂寞在唱歌- Moonlight Flower(1)Come with me in the silence of darknessI want to show you secrets of lifeI will guide you where dreams couldn’t take you She seldom flew away in the nightYou're the moonlight flowerYou're the voice of the night.When you call I'll follow.We'll leave on the trip of delight.I have been to the heights of my senses. Feeling the touch of your cures,I have seen the magic things under night skies. Until the sunrise ended the spell.(2)You're the moonlight flowerYou're the voice of the night.When you call I'll follow.We'll leave on the trip of delight(Repeat (2) four times) 16. 友谊地久天长---Auld Lang syne(1)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,For the sake of auld lang syne.(2)If you ever change your mind,But I living, living me behind,Oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, Bring it home to me.Bring it home to me. Yeah~ Yeah~(3)Darling you know I laughed when you left,But now I know that I only hurt myself.Please bring it to me, bring your sweet sweet love, Bring it home to me, bring it home to me.(4)If you ever change your mind,But I living, living me behind,Oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, Bring it home to me.(5)For auld lang syne my dear,For auld lang syne,We’ll take a cup of kindness yetFor the sake of auld lang syne17. 用心良苦(1)Never knew how much I loved youNever knew how much I need youNow you're gone I know how much I careDeep inside you're all I wantedAll my nights I dream about youTell me why ( why did you leave me now ) Whenever you are nearMy eyes will be in tearsI just can't hide the pain I’ve got in me(2)You and me used to beAll the things I’ve never wishedNow you're gone part of me goes with you eternally Can’t you see I’m in loveI just wanna be with youNow you're gone left me aloneYou left me with a broken heartRepeat (1) (2) (2) (2)Now you're gone left me aloneYou left me with a broken heart18.千千阙歌(1)Sitting on alone,With only memories of the pastJust you and IIn the wildest of our dreams.You held me closeAnd whispered three words in my earHow my heart,Just used to beat when you say hi.(2)You give me light, the look in your eyesYou bring light into my lifeYou will always remain in my mind.(3)There is only you in my heartNothing’s gonna change now.There is only you in my heartNow and forever more.(4)Let love bring us to eternityLet love live with only memoriesCause it only hurts our feelingOh, my love!(5)Waiting for the dayHow will we come to reality?Or you’ll come soonI couldn’t live without you.Waiting of serene,The moment you say: "I love you"Take me, my handWalk into the eyes of love.Repeat (2) (3) (4)(4)(3)(4)(3)(4)19 .Jambalaya什锦饭Good-bye, Joe, he gotta go, me oh, my oh乔要走,说再见,那个急哦He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou驾木舟,跨小河,驶向下游His Y-vonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh小宝贝,小心肝,叫伊芳哦Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友齐欢唱,好不快活Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzingThibodaux, Fontaineaux,充满欢乐People come to see Y-vonne by the dozen众人来,见伊芳,人好多哟Dressed in style, go hog wild, me oh, my oh穿花衣,跳靓舞,好开心哦Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵For tonight, I'm gonna see my cherami-o今天晚上,我将见她,我的宝贝I pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o弹吉他,吃水果,笑语欢歌Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Settle down far from town,get him a pirogue买小船,远离这,就定居下来And he’ll catch you all the fish in the bayou畔着河,捕鱼虾,过甜美生活Swapped his mom to buy Yvonne what she need-o换些钱,买礼物,给伊芳哦Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumboFor tonight, I'm gonna see my cherami-oI pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-oSon of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou(Repeat four times)20.我要的不多(1)I love you moreI can forgive you used to love meLove you so much moreYou set a touch of a love for meI love you moreMore than more each dayYou are mine, oh you are mine(2)Giving me a chance to find outGiving me a chance to let it hold on(3)You make me feel like you are the only one when I hold youTime time boy you could never give meI give you the best of myYou know we'll be together for ever moreRepeat (1)Giving me a chance to love you moreRepeat (1) (2) (1)Giving me a chance to love you more 21. 选择(1)Looking in your eyes I see your smileLooking in your eyes I see my dreamNothing can stop us.We are heart, to heartNever, to be apart2)I am so glad to find you and I will never lose youI will stay here with you through all good and bad times. We will have each otherNo matter how far we were apart.3)You belong to me.I belong to you. Ooohhh……4)I will love you with my heart forever and neverI will think about you all my days and all nightWe will be together because our love will be forever 5)You belong to me, I belong to youYou will love with me, my love22. 让我欢喜让我忧-英文版歌词:(1)You never know someone is right hereSomeone is waiting just for youHoping someday you will knowWe will be together, our love will growSo many dreams drift it awayBut I love you just as I sayNo one asks could change the wayIf I touch you tonight againSay you come back one the these daysAnd our love will be the sameSo let me look in your eyesPlease don't hide, please don't hideSo baby if we try a little harderAnd get a little closerThat we make through the nightOh,baby if we climb a little higherNothing really mattersThat I had just held on tight(2)You will know if you were here,Saving all my love for youSomeone's waiting all these yearsJust for you my girlRepeat (1)So baby if we try a little harderAnd get a little closerThat we make through the nightOh..baby if we climb a little higherNothing really mattersThat I had just held on tightAh... you will know if you were hereSaving all my love for youSomeone's waiting all theirs yearsJust for you, my girl.23. More than I can Say 爱你在心口难开(1)Woh woh yeah yeahI love you more than I can sayI'll love you twice as much tomorrowWoh love you more than I can say(2)Woh woh yeah yeahI miss you every single dayWhy must my life be filledWith sorrowWoh love you more than I can say(3)Don't you know I need you soTell me please I gotta knowDo you mean to make me cryAm I just another guy(4)Oh oh yea yeaI miss you more than I can sayWhy must my life be filled with sorrowOh love you more than I can say(5)Don’t you know I need you soTell me please I gotta knowDo you mean to make me cryAm I just another guy重复(1)I love you more than I can sayI love you more than I can say重复(1)24. 小风波-英文版All Out of LoveI'm lying alone with my head on the phone Thinking of you till it hurtsI know you hurt too but what else can we do Tormented and torn apartI wish I could carry your smile in my heartFor times when my life feels so lowIt would make me believe what tomorrow could bring When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know I'm all out of love; I'm so lost without youI'm so out of love, what I'm I without youI can't be too late to say that I was so wrongI want you to come back and carry me homeAway from these long lonely nightsI'm reaching for you, are you feeling it tooDoes the feeling seem oh so rightAnd what would you say if I called on you nowAnd said that I can't hold onThere's no easy way, it gets harder each dayPlease love me or I'll be gone, I'll be goneOh, what are you thinking ofWhat are you thinking ofI know you were rightChorus:25.驿动的心(1)Walking along the roadBring that sweet memoriesI can't forget how we used to kissI can't forget your tendernessLoving you more and moreAnd no matter how I tryI just can't get you out of my mindI just can't stop loving you.(2)Oh... stay you with meI need your love nowDon't let me goOh...please don't go awayI love you girlOh... baby can't you seeMy love is trueIf it would forever to be with youRepeat (1) (2) (2)I love you trueIf it would forever to be with you.26. 恰似你的温柔-英文版歌词:That song for you before I goHope you would still remember meWe just want you keep your rightsYour right cold tell why are you cryThat’s what for you before I goGoodbye your song that I can’t singGet some heads just take for your wiseThey of your set mess behindYou know that I will be all rightBefore you worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back someday That song for you before I goHope you would still remember meWe just want you keep your rightsYour right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I goGoodbye your song that I can’t singGet some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behindYou know that I will be all rightBefore your worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back somedayYou know that I will be all rightBefore your worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back someday27. 英雄泪英文版why did you have to go (1)Why did you have to go?Why did you just have to leave?Broke my heart took my soul blow my mind I thought you loved me tooNever knew it wasn't trueNow I know you never did felt the same (2)You are more that just a friendDon’t you know you are all I have?Must you hurt me again?Hurt me one more timeNow that you're with someone newI can see that you're happy nowBut I’m left here aloneWith tears in my eyesIt’s dream........(3)you and meGuess we're never meant to be Memories. you and meJust a dream, just my dreamRepeat (1)(2)(2)28.忘情水Any times said goodbyeMany times did by fateHow much I so far givenNever wanna be apartSometimes when I make you cry Sometimes I when I tell you liesYou know that deep inside thereUsed to his to say goodbyeYou know I've been in that wayAnd know better what I have to say(If he's hurting your life to escape your eyes) He shows some much loves for meAhYou can give up your loveGiving all your love awayNever say goodbye nowHe's someone you knowEven though respire to sayYou can give up your loveGiving all your love awayNever say goodbye nowHe's someone you knowEven though respire to say29. 我的心上人-英文版歌词:There lived a certain man in Russia long agoHe was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glowMost people looked at him with terror and with fearBut to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dearHe could preach the bible like a preacherFull of ecstasy and fireBut he also was the kind of teacherWomen would desireRA RA RA SPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried onHe ruled the Russian land and never mind the CzarBut the kasachok he danced really underbarsIn all affairs of state he was the man to pleaseBut he was real great when he had a girl to squeezeFor the queen he was no wheeler dealerThough she'd heard the things he'd doneShe believed he was a holy healerWho would heal her son?RA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried on(Spoken: But when his drinking and lusting and his hungerfor power became known to more and more people,the demands to do something about this outrageousman became louder and louder."This man's just got to go!" declared his enemiesBut the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charmsThough he was a brute they just fell into his armsThen one night some men of higher standingSet a trap, they're not to blame"Come to visit us" they kept demandingAnd he really cameRA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey put some poison into his wineRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineHe drank it all and he said "I feel fine"RA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey didn't quit, they wanted his headRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineAnd so they shot him till he was dead(Spoken Oh, those Russians...)30. 李玟-didadi-英文版歌词:She's on the dusty road alone travelling,travelling,travelling alone She loves to laugh, she loves to live .And she loves to loveShe left her home and family to find the thing she couldn't see from the window in her house in the countryside This small town girl needs to fly to reach her dream in the sky Ai yai taiAnd so the story goes didadi, ...And so the story goes didadi,...She came to town and wants to stayAnd found a reason there to stayShe saw the row of folks vanishingIn the welfare linesAnd then she made her way back homestrolling,strolling,strolling aloneShe hated some,she needed someAnd she loved some didadi,didadia...31太傻-英文版歌词:It is said to be left her alone,I don't know what to sayIs it pain or it is heartache,That I feel.It has been going for some times,I just can take it any more,May be can you feel the same way,As I’m feeling.I just can not take any on this hurting that I have been feeling Know this won't cause I just can not take it any more,I just can not take any on this momentThat I have been living through nowBaby won't you just won't you let me go.Oh, babe won't you let me know,Oh, babe won't you let me goThere is nothing left to say,Just let it go.It’s been such a long time my love,And all this hurts I feel inside.Will you ever gonna let go,And if you do please let me know.It’s been such a long time my love,And all this pain that I feels insideIf you ever gonna let go,Let it slowly fade awayAh, my love32. 恋爱百分百-英文版stop! stop! stop!(1)Stop stop stopNo I didn't trust him but he rushed me to feelTried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appealTold me everything that I was longing to hearShine and handsome my souvenirAnd then all of sudden I have fallen in loveHe would put me down but I still place him aboveTired of searching for the love that still lives in himGiven my everything like a souvenir(2)Given up my heart in the name of the memoryFallen down like rain he could feel every dropNow I know have have the courage to tell himTell him to stop stop stopRepeat (2)(3)Become invisible I melt away at nightDreams for once so colorful become black and whiteLoving once so wonderful is no longer hereSo I’ll keep this feeling like a souvenirRepeat (2)33. 一路上有你I've dreamed of you 梦着你Everyday of my life,在我生命中的每一天But you don’t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的就只把我当作一个朋友Tell me how can I make this well谁能告诉我如何才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go, 无论到哪我都会想起你。
经典中文歌曲英文版目录1.宝贝对不起2. 栀子花开3.童年4.张学友-情网5.刘德华—谢谢你的爱6..新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦(Can't let go)7. 我很丑可是我很温柔8.谁的眼泪在飞9.365里路10.潇洒走一回11.飘雪12. 英文版-容易受伤的女人:13. 一天一点爱恋英14.恋曲199015. 寂寞在唱歌-英文版16. Auld Lang syne 《友谊地久天长》17. 用心良苦18.千千阙歌19 .Jambalaya什锦饭20.我要的不多-21. 选择22. 让我欢喜让我忧23. More than I can Say 爱你在心口难开24. 小风波-英文版All Out of Love25.驿动的心26. 恰似你的温柔-:27. 英雄泪why did you have to go28.忘情水29. 我的心上人-英文版30. 李玟-didadi31太傻32. 恋爱百分百- stop! stop! stop!33. 一路上有你34.萍聚35.我只在乎你36.明天会更好37.挥着翅膀的女孩英文版proud of you38跟往事干杯39. 天意-40. 你知道我在等你吗41.童安格---其实你不懂我的心42. SHE《super star》43.明天你是否爱我44.张学友祝福(If I Could)45. 忘了你忘了我(FEEL MY HEART FEEL MY SOUL)46. 心太软-47.一起走过的日子-英文版歌词:48恋人未满49.跟着感觉走-英文版(Follow the feelings)50.只要你过得比我好51. 其实不想走-52.想有一双翅膀-英文版53.我的未来不是梦54拜访春天55. 雪碧广告歌56. 雪碧广告歌57. 是否我真的一无所有58. 我是真的付出我的爱59. Bring It All Back《回到过去》60.张学友-吻别61. 听天使在唱歌-62.月亮之上---英文版歌词All rise:63.大约在冬季64. 柠檬树65夕阳伴我归66. 乘客67. 等你等到我心痛-68..路灯下的小姑娘-69.老鼠爱大米70. 小雨来的正是时候-英文版71红河谷72.半梦半醒之间73.漂亮男孩74. 心雨75. 为何爱情让我痛-76.周华健-花心77.他还是不懂78. 叶倩文-明月心79.只想一生跟你走-80. 一人有一个梦想81. 张惠妹-排山倒海-82. 今夜你会不会来(Could you please come home tonight?)83.两只蝴蝶84. 红尘来去一场梦-85.刘德华-一生一次-英文版You are all that I have86. 情人(LET ME BE YOUR MAN)87.雪绒花88. 多谢失恋88. 爱很简单90. Yesterday once more(Carpenter) 昨日重现(卡朋特)91.一无所有(I Walk This Road Alone)92.让世界充满爱93. Green Flower Porcelain(青花瓷英文版)94.菊花台BEING PART OF YOU95. 发如雪MOON NIGHT96.东风破(NEVER WALK AWAY)97.千里之外THOUSANDS OF MILES APART98. 2002年的第一场雪99. 隐形的翅膀RECESSIVE100. Say you, say me101.日不落英文版—蔡依林102 You don't live here anymore英文版女人花103. 英文版<<月亮代表我的心>>104. 英文版《你爱不爱我》Do You Love Me Or Not 105. 无言的结局Just Between You & I107.秋天不回来(JUST TELL)108. 味道(SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT)109. 感恩的心(MY THANKFUL HEART)110. Sha La La La Love On My Mind《拉拉爱》你是我一生的所爱112. 再回首113. 送别THE SEND OFF114. 上海滩(SHANGHAI MOON)115.南泥湾(RESPECT)116阿里山的姑娘117.在那遥远的地方118.知道不知道119.半个月亮爬上来120.好一朵美丽的茉莉花121..甜蜜蜜122.大长今主题曲Twilight123. 1988年汉城奥运会歌曲《Hand In Hand》《手拉手》124.Forever Friends孙楠和李玟演唱125. 开幕式主题歌《我和你》《you and me》126. Don’t Cry For Me,Argentina经典中文歌曲英文版1.宝贝对不起(1)Oh my baby, oh my darling, tell me what I’ve doneWon’t you tell me, did I hurt you, where did we go wrong?(2)The first time when I saw you, I fell in love with you girlThe way you smile so sweetly,Can’t stop just thinking of you(3)Baby can’t you see, that my love is realWhere did our love go, baby don’t you knowAnd I can’t let go, cause I love you soDon’t you leave me now, cause I need you so.(4)Baby I’m sorry, please don’t leave me, what should I do nowBaby I’m sorry, did I hurt you, give me one more chance(5)The first time when I saw you, I fell in love with you girlThe way you smile so sweetly, can’t stop just thinking of youRepeat (3) (3) (3)(1)(4)2. 栀子花开(1)Garden is in blossom, so beautiful so whiteWe'll be apart in such a sweet seasonDon't be so shy flowery babyYour mile fragrances everywhere around me(2)Garden is in blossom, so lovely so niceNever leave me in such a beautiful seasonWave to happiness and sadnessDon't be so forgetful when we were so young(3)Garden is in blossom garden is in blossomLike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGarden is in blossom, garden is in blossomRemember the youth and pureness loveRepeat (3) (3) (3)3.童年(1)I recall when I was youngOh! I will play and always having funWith the neighbors next to me and we play until the setting sunTry to be the best among the others in a game called spider battleIt doesn't matter who is the best now those were days of my past(2)A few years later when I go to school I was late for lessons all the timeAlways daydreaming in the class till I don't even know the lesson is goneThen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againWhat can I do now what can I say now those were days of my past(3)As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first loveCandle light and sunny beach finally give away my first kissMother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regretSo love was over but I do miss her (him) those were days of my past(4)Just when I left my high school and got my first job of a salesman Working hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping hand Daddy told me not to worry and said that I should go on step by step What can I say now what can I do now those were days of my past(5)Then one day I settle down with the only one I really loveGot a small family with two kids that is what I'm always hoping for But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friends those were days of my past O I miss my hometown I miss my old friends when I will see them again4.张学友-情网:(1)I know I can't hide from myself this time now I know I've got to face it up somehowYou pray that I could make it throughCause you know I've been feeling blueThere's no way I could have you back again(2)There’s so much I wish I could say to you girl There’s so much I wish I could do for youBut I know you want me no moreCause you have walked out of my doorI know I'll never get to know your loveI guess our love was just a fantasy(3)I guess our love was never meant to beYou said I'm not the one for youI can't make all your dreams come trueI have to let you go no matter how*Repeat (2) (3)(3)5.刘德华—谢谢你的爱(1)How can't you seeThat I'm gonna give you all my loveI'll give all my time to youThe things that I'll give you everythingAnd there is much more I can giveOh my heart is so in my mind(2)Please don't cry, my loveJust remember all the things we saidDon't let our feeling so spread.I always need your heart to stay,Never let you goThe moment when I hold you,Oh I won't let you goJust remember that you will be mine till the end of time (3)There's only you and me, my loveI'll give you all my lifeI take you for my wifeI want you to be mineMy love, until the end of time(4)There's only you and me, my loveI'll give you all my lifeI take you for my wifeI want you to be mineJust remember that you will be mine till the end of time Repeat (2) (3) (4)6..新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦(Can't let go)(1)Only you know how I feelOnly you know what I missCan't you see you're just what I need?(2)After all that we've been throughAfter all I've done for youYou should know my love is for real(3)Am I asking for too much?Am I waiting for too long?All I need is your tender(温和的)touch(4)Don't you know I'm on my knees?Don't you know I'm begging please?Won't you take a look at me now?(5)No matter how hard I tryCan't get you off my mindI just don't know what to do to have you back here again I can't let go, can't let you knowI'm trying don't you knowAll my love goes to showI can't go on without youRepeat (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5)7. 我很丑可是我很温柔(1)Moment by momentDay after dayTrying your best to forgetEach and everydayIts part of the pastYou’ve really got no more time for regretsTime to start over with someone newYou’ve really got nothing else to loseBut there is someoneWho still needs your love to survive?(2) Forever, you’d always be the oneLife without youI can’t go onSo do believe,Tomorrow y ou’d change your mind and stay for meTell me who needs a tomorrowWhen we both got tonightRepeat (1) (2) (2)8.孟庭苇---谁的眼泪在飞(1)Don't wanna be here all aloneDon't wanna be here on my ownI want all your loving tonight, my loveClose your eyes my love and hold me tight(2) Show me how it could beIf you let your feelings goI know it can't be a dreamCause now I have you holding meThere in your arms(3) You know what's in my heartYou know I wish we'll never partI’ll give you all my loveI’ll be yours wherever you goI remember the daysRemember your love come what mayI remember the daysRemember your love come what may(4) Don’t wanna be here without your loveDon’t wanna be here all aloneI need to be with you all of my lifeClose my eyes let me see you nowI’ll give you all my loveRepeat (2) (3) (3)9.365里路(1)I have been waiting for so long for the love to come along There is something very special about youI can tell if when I look into your eyes, dearYou are the right one for me(2)All I do is thinking of youWonder what you gonna doThinking I am the only one best man for youTell me what I can do to make you my dearI guess I will be love with you(3)All these years that I have been waitingTo meet someone like youAll these years that I have been searchingFor love that I become of my ownRepeat (2) (3)(4)And you knowAll these years that I have been waitingTo meet someone like you All these years that I have been searchingFor love that I become of my ownRepeat (4) (4)10.潇洒走一回(1)I can tell you miss me tooWhy can you just let it show?(2)You can tell a thousand liesBut I learn my lessons all so wellI know you've been missing meEven you've been hidden so longNever thought a few this wayNever know I could love you so dearLooking sight your heart you seeYour love's going stronger everyday(3)Ever since I met you I'm so in loveNo one can make me feel the way you doI'll never let you down now love will be aroundLet me hold you with my armsCan't you see that I'm crazy for you?Can't you see I'm saving my love for you?Tell me that you love meTell me that you need meWill be happy as can beRepeat (2) (3) (3)11.飘雪(1)You don't care for me, 你不关心我You don't carry where I have been, 不在乎我去何处I've done all I could, 我已竭尽所能So that I could be with you. 只为和你一起Anyway you want, 无论你想什么I do everything you need, 我愿意为你做任何事Maybe now you can see, 或许你现在才明白That our love was went to be. 我们的爱是什么(2)But I was so wrong, 但我错了Always thought I could be strong. 总以为自己能坚强When you left me here, 当你离开我You took my heart away dear. 也带走了我的心I feel so alone, 我感到如此孤单I’ve miss you so long. 已错过你太久I just can’t carry on, 我无法坚持Feeling lost at all alone. 孤独而不知所措(3)You love me with a whole broken heart,你爱着我但你的心已破碎Left me here thinking why we fall apart.留下我面对这无言的结局Repeat (2) (3) (2) (3) (3)12.容易受伤的女人:(1)I've been waiting for the timeWaiting for you to say you're mine?Can’t hide these feelings inside!Let me hold you tonightI really want you to knowAll these feelings I have to showHow much I’ve been loving youTell me you'll be mine(2)Gonna love you keep on loving new dearI will love you till the end of timeI’ll be with you no matter what happensI’ll be there by your sideI will hold you hold you here in my armsI will promise I won't let you goStay with me makes all our dreams come true(3)I will give you all I haveCause you mean the whole world to meI will love you with my heart andWe’ll never apartRepeat (1) (2) (3) (2) (3)13. 一天一点爱恋(1)It was raining then on the day we metIt’s your face I can't just forgetStanding close to me looking in my eyes Somethi ng I’ve not seen beforeSomething in your eyes that smile on your face Making me feel so warm insideMoving close to me I could feel the heat Something I’ve not know before(2)There’s no way I can hideThe way you made me feelWhen I turned around to find youCan’t believe you left without about a word There’s no way I can hideThe way you made me feelHow I wish you're here beside meCause you are the one I feel againRepeat (1) (2) (2)14.恋曲1990(1)Baby, when I feeling blueI keep thinking of youMaybe one day you will seeMy sweet dreams come trueWhen I call you on the phoneI get worried insideTry so hard to tell the wordsI longing to sayWhenever I meet you, girlI don know what to sayI just love the way you smileThat makes me feel fineWhen I get so close to youI can feel your heart beatHow I love to see your eyesLooking so shy(2)Everything is clear to see thatYou are in love with meGiving me a destiny that I can reachBeing with a lady like youI never ask for moreGive me something I can hold onTill the end of timeRepeat (1) (2) (2)15. 寂寞在唱歌- Moonlight Flower(1)Come with me in the silence of darknessI want to show you secrets of lifeI will guide you where dreams couldn’t take you She seldom flew away in the nightYou're the moonlight flowerYou're the voice of the night.When you call I'll follow.We'll leave on the trip of delight.I have been to the heights of my senses. Feeling the touch of your cures,I have seen the magic things under night skies. Until the sunrise ended the spell.(2)You're the moonlight flowerYou're the voice of the night.When you call I'll follow.We'll leave on the trip of delight(Repeat (2) four times) 16. 友谊地久天长---Auld Lang syne(1)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,For the sake of auld lang syne.(2)If you ever change your mind,But I living, living me behind,Oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, Bring it home to me.Bring it home to me. Yeah~ Yeah~(3)Darling you know I laughed when you left,But now I know that I only hurt myself.Please bring it to me, bring your sweet sweet love, Bring it home to me, bring it home to me.(4)If you ever change your mind,But I living, living me behind,Oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, Bring it home to me.(5)For auld lang syne my dear,For auld lang syne,We’ll take a cup of kindness yetFor the sake of auld lang syne17. 用心良苦(1)Never knew how much I loved youNever knew how much I need youNow you're gone I know how much I careDeep inside you're all I wantedAll my nights I dream about youTell me why ( why did you leave me now ) Whenever you are nearMy eyes will be in tearsI just can't hide the pain I’ve got in me(2)You and me used to beAll the things I’ve never wishedNow you're gone part of me goes with you eternally Can’t you see I’m in loveI just wanna be with youNow you're gone left me aloneYou left me with a broken heartRepeat (1) (2) (2) (2)Now you're gone left me aloneYou left me with a broken heart18.千千阙歌(1)Sitting on alone,With only memories of the pastJust you and IIn the wildest of our dreams.You held me closeAnd whispered three words in my earHow my heart,Just used to beat when you say hi.(2)You give me light, the look in your eyesYou bring light into my lifeYou will always remain in my mind.(3)There is only you in my heartNothing’s gonna change now.There is only you in my heartNow and forever more.(4)Let love bring us to eternityLet love live with only memoriesCause it only hurts our feelingOh, my love!(5)Waiting for the dayHow will we come to reality?Or you’ll come soonI couldn’t live without you.Waiting of serene,The moment you say: "I love you"Take me, my handWalk into the eyes of love.Repeat (2) (3) (4)(4)(3)(4)(3)(4)19 .Jambalaya什锦饭Good-bye, Joe, he gotta go, me oh, my oh乔要走,说再见,那个急哦He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou驾木舟,跨小河,驶向下游His Y-vonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh小宝贝,小心肝,叫伊芳哦Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友齐欢唱,好不快活Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzingThibodaux, Fontaineaux,充满欢乐People come to see Y-vonne by the dozen众人来,见伊芳,人好多哟Dressed in style, go hog wild, me oh, my oh穿花衣,跳靓舞,好开心哦Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵For tonight, I'm gonna see my cherami-o今天晚上,我将见她,我的宝贝I pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o弹吉他,吃水果,笑语欢歌Son of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Settle down far from town,get him a pirogue买小船,远离这,就定居下来And he’ll catch you all the fish in the bayou畔着河,捕鱼虾,过甜美生活Swapped his mom to buy Yvonne what she need-o换些钱,买礼物,给伊芳哦Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou所有的朋友,齐欢唱,好不快活Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumboFor tonight, I'm gonna see my cherami-oI pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-oSon of the gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou(Repeat four times)20.我要的不多(1)I love you moreI can forgive you used to love meLove you so much moreYou set a touch of a love for meI love you moreMore than more each dayYou are mine, oh you are mine(2)Giving me a chance to find outGiving me a chance to let it hold on(3)You make me feel like you are the only one when I hold youTime time boy you could never give meI give you the best of myYou know we'll be together for ever moreRepeat (1)Giving me a chance to love you moreRepeat (1) (2) (1)Giving me a chance to love you more 21. 选择(1)Looking in your eyes I see your smileLooking in your eyes I see my dreamNothing can stop us.We are heart, to heartNever, to be apart2)I am so glad to find you and I will never lose youI will stay here with you through all good and bad times. We will have each otherNo matter how far we were apart.3)You belong to me.I belong to you. Ooohhh……4)I will love you with my heart forever and neverI will think about you all my days and all nightWe will be together because our love will be forever 5)You belong to me, I belong to youYou will love with me, my love22. 让我欢喜让我忧-英文版歌词:(1)You never know someone is right hereSomeone is waiting just for youHoping someday you will knowWe will be together, our love will growSo many dreams drift it awayBut I love you just as I sayNo one asks could change the wayIf I touch you tonight againSay you come back one the these daysAnd our love will be the sameSo let me look in your eyesPlease don't hide, please don't hideSo baby if we try a little harderAnd get a little closerThat we make through the nightOh,baby if we climb a little higherNothing really mattersThat I had just held on tight(2)You will know if you were here,Saving all my love for youSomeone's waiting all these yearsJust for you my girlRepeat (1)So baby if we try a little harderAnd get a little closerThat we make through the nightOh..baby if we climb a little higherNothing really mattersThat I had just held on tightAh... you will know if you were hereSaving all my love for youSomeone's waiting all theirs yearsJust for you, my girl.23. More than I can Say 爱你在心口难开(1)Woh woh yeah yeahI love you more than I can sayI'll love you twice as much tomorrowWoh love you more than I can say(2)Woh woh yeah yeahI miss you every single dayWhy must my life be filledWith sorrowWoh love you more than I can say(3)Don't you know I need you soTell me please I gotta knowDo you mean to make me cryAm I just another guy(4)Oh oh yea yeaI miss you more than I can sayWhy must my life be filled with sorrowOh love you more than I can say(5)Don’t you know I need you soTell me please I gotta knowDo you mean to make me cryAm I just another guy重复(1)I love you more than I can sayI love you more than I can say重复(1)24. 小风波-英文版All Out of LoveI'm lying alone with my head on the phone Thinking of you till it hurtsI know you hurt too but what else can we do Tormented and torn apartI wish I could carry your smile in my heartFor times when my life feels so lowIt would make me believe what tomorrow could bring When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know I'm all out of love; I'm so lost without youI'm so out of love, what I'm I without youI can't be too late to say that I was so wrongI want you to come back and carry me homeAway from these long lonely nightsI'm reaching for you, are you feeling it tooDoes the feeling seem oh so rightAnd what would you say if I called on you nowAnd said that I can't hold onThere's no easy way, it gets harder each dayPlease love me or I'll be gone, I'll be goneOh, what are you thinking ofWhat are you thinking ofI know you were rightChorus:25.驿动的心(1)Walking along the roadBring that sweet memoriesI can't forget how we used to kissI can't forget your tendernessLoving you more and moreAnd no matter how I tryI just can't get you out of my mindI just can't stop loving you.(2)Oh... stay you with meI need your love nowDon't let me goOh...please don't go awayI love you girlOh... baby can't you seeMy love is trueIf it would forever to be with youRepeat (1) (2) (2)I love you trueIf it would forever to be with you.26. 恰似你的温柔-英文版歌词:That song for you before I goHope you would still remember meWe just want you keep your rightsYour right cold tell why are you cryThat’s what for you before I goGoodbye your song that I can’t singGet some heads just take for your wiseThey of your set mess behindYou know that I will be all rightBefore you worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back someday That song for you before I goHope you would still remember meWe just want you keep your rightsYour right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I goGoodbye your song that I can’t singGet some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behindYou know that I will be all rightBefore your worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back somedayYou know that I will be all rightBefore your worry’s behindSay your love always from meDon’t wanderHold you againI will make you want to standLove will be back someday27. 英雄泪英文版why did you have to go (1)Why did you have to go?Why did you just have to leave?Broke my heart took my soul blow my mind I thought you loved me tooNever knew it wasn't trueNow I know you never did felt the same (2)You are more that just a friendDon’t you know you are all I have?Must you hurt me again?Hurt me one more timeNow that you're with someone newI can see that you're happy nowBut I’m left here aloneWith tears in my eyesIt’s dream........(3)you and meGuess we're never meant to be Memories. you and meJust a dream, just my dreamRepeat (1)(2)(2)28.忘情水Any times said goodbyeMany times did by fateHow much I so far givenNever wanna be apartSometimes when I make you cry Sometimes I when I tell you liesYou know that deep inside thereUsed to his to say goodbyeYou know I've been in that wayAnd know better what I have to say(If he's hurting your life to escape your eyes) He shows some much loves for meAhYou can give up your loveGiving all your love awayNever say goodbye nowHe's someone you knowEven though respire to sayYou can give up your loveGiving all your love awayNever say goodbye nowHe's someone you knowEven though respire to say29. 我的心上人-英文版歌词:There lived a certain man in Russia long agoHe was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glowMost people looked at him with terror and with fearBut to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dearHe could preach the bible like a preacherFull of ecstasy and fireBut he also was the kind of teacherWomen would desireRA RA RA SPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried onHe ruled the Russian land and never mind the CzarBut the kasachok he danced really underbarsIn all affairs of state he was the man to pleaseBut he was real great when he had a girl to squeezeFor the queen he was no wheeler dealerThough she'd heard the things he'd doneShe believed he was a holy healerWho would heal her son?RA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried on(Spoken: But when his drinking and lusting and his hungerfor power became known to more and more people,the demands to do something about this outrageousman became louder and louder."This man's just got to go!" declared his enemiesBut the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charmsThough he was a brute they just fell into his armsThen one night some men of higher standingSet a trap, they're not to blame"Come to visit us" they kept demandingAnd he really cameRA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey put some poison into his wineRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineHe drank it all and he said "I feel fine"RA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey didn't quit, they wanted his headRA RA RASPUTINRussia's greatest love machineAnd so they shot him till he was dead(Spoken Oh, those Russians...)30. 李玟-didadi-英文版歌词:She's on the dusty road alone travelling,travelling,travelling alone She loves to laugh, she loves to live .And she loves to loveShe left her home and family to find the thing she couldn't see from the window in her house in the countryside This small town girl needs to fly to reach her dream in the sky Ai yai taiAnd so the story goes didadi, ...And so the story goes didadi,...She came to town and wants to stayAnd found a reason there to stayShe saw the row of folks vanishingIn the welfare linesAnd then she made her way back homestrolling,strolling,strolling aloneShe hated some,she needed someAnd she loved some didadi,didadia...31太傻-英文版歌词:It is said to be left her alone,I don't know what to sayIs it pain or it is heartache,That I feel.It has been going for some times,I just can take it any more,May be can you feel the same way,As I’m feeling.I just can not take any on this hurting that I have been feeling Know this won't cause I just can not take it any more,I just can not take any on this momentThat I have been living through nowBaby won't you just won't you let me go.Oh, babe won't you let me know,Oh, babe won't you let me goThere is nothing left to say,Just let it go.It’s been such a long time my love,And all this hurts I feel inside.Will you ever gonna let go,And if you do please let me know.It’s been such a long time my love,And all this pain that I feels insideIf you ever gonna let go,Let it slowly fade awayAh, my love32. 恋爱百分百-英文版stop! stop! stop!(1)Stop stop stopNo I didn't trust him but he rushed me to feelTried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appealTold me everything that I was longing to hearShine and handsome my souvenirAnd then all of sudden I have fallen in loveHe would put me down but I still place him aboveTired of searching for the love that still lives in himGiven my everything like a souvenir(2)Given up my heart in the name of the memoryFallen down like rain he could feel every dropNow I know have have the courage to tell himTell him to stop stop stopRepeat (2)(3)Become invisible I melt away at nightDreams for once so colorful become black and whiteLoving once so wonderful is no longer hereSo I’ll keep this feeling like a souvenirRepeat (2)33. 一路上有你I've dreamed of you 梦着你Everyday of my life,在我生命中的每一天But you don’t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的就只把我当作一个朋友Tell me how can I make this well谁能告诉我如何才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go, 无论到哪我都会想起你。
栀子花开-英文版歌词:Garden is in blossom,so beautiful so whitewe'll be apart in such a sweet seasondon't be so shy flowery babyyour mile fragrances everywhere around meGarden is in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such a beautiful seasonwave to happiness and sadnessdon't be so forgetful when we were so younggarden is in blossom garden is in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartgarden is in blossom,garden is in blossomremember there youth and purpenss love童年-英文合唱版歌词i recall when i was young o i will play and always having fun with the neighbours next to me and we play until the setting sun try to be the best among the others in a game called spider battle it doesn't matter who is the best now those were days of my pasta few years later when i go to school i was late for lessons all the timealways daydreaming in the class till i don't even know the lesson is gonethen my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy againwhat can i do now what can i say now those were days of my pa stas the days go on and on i grew up and had my first love candle light and sunny beach finally give away my first kiss mother said i was too young to fall in love and then i will one da y regretso love was over but i do miss her (him) those were days of my past(music)just when i left my high school and got my first job of a salesma nworking hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping ha nddaddy told me not to worry and said that i should go on step by s tepwhat can i say now what can i do now those were days of my pa stthen one day i settle down with the only one i really lovegot a small family with two kids that is what i'm always hoping f orbut i still remember having fun with all my friends when i was y oungi miss my hometown i miss my old friends those were days of m y pasto i miss my hometown i miss my old friends when will i see the m again新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦-英文版歌词:Can't let goOnly you know how I feelOnly you know what I missCan't you see you're just what I needAfter all that we've been throughAfter all I've done for youYou should know my love is for realAm I asking for too muchAm I waiting for too longAll I need is your tender touchDon't you know I'm on my kneesDon't you know I'm begging pleaseWon't you take a look at me nowNo matter how hard I tryCan't get you off my mindI just don't know what to do to have you back here again I can't let go, can't let you knowI'm trying don't you knowAll my love goes to showI can't go on without you陈慧娴-飘雪-英文版歌词:You don’t care for me,You don’t care where I have been,I’ve done all I could,So that I could be with you,Anyway you want,I did everything you need,Maybe now you can see,That our love was meant to be.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong,When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear ,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong.When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.But I was so wrong,Always thought I could be strong.When you left mw here,You took my heart away dear,I feel so alone,I’ve been missing you so long.I just can’t carry on,Feeling lost at al alone.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart.You left me with a broken heart.Left me here thinking why need feel apart. 波斯猫大约在冬季-英文版歌词:Don't you know that you stole my heart, can you see that hurting now?But you let me done,left me without a trace,left me without a tear in your eyes.don't you know that you broke my heart, can you see that hurting now?It is much to need,you have gonna away,I can only see you in my dreams.so sad that day you let me do,I am so lonely and on the blue.wish you could come back to me,I can then to make you of mine.now I know there's no second chance,I can only say goodbye.I'll let you go,I'll set you free,I'll only see you in my dreams.明天会更好-英文版歌词:when u wake up in the morningwhen u haven't started to thinkthere is a whole brand new dayopen wide and waiting for ui know in life's sorrowu'r on the verge of drowningmay your tears flea with yesterdayblow away with the windwhen u wake up in the morningwhen u haven't started to thinkthe world is out there calling openeyes to new beginninga newborn sun is shiningchasing shadows from your mind everything will be aliveunder the sunshine's smilecome our form your corderno doubt in join usu can decide the futuredevote your youthful power to this world come together,hand in hand togetheri know u'll dowe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterno i don't know what your name is but u'r so familiar to mecos we belong to one familyu can hear my heart callinglife can be musicrainbows can be reachedif u face yourself trulykeep striving for your dream。
栀子花开so beautiful so white 这是个季节我们将离开
星路历程Alan,阿兰·达瓦卓玛,四川康定藏族.生日1987年7月25日民族藏族身高160学习经历:1992年-1997年:康定回民小学1997年-2003年:四川音乐学院附中2003年-2007年:解放军艺术学院音乐系● 2004年,加盟现代女子民乐非凡乐队● 2005年8月,推出个人首张音乐专辑《声声醉如兰》,参加第三届北京大学生校园歌手大赛获十佳歌手第二名及最佳形象奖● 2006年,获得第九届上海亚洲音乐节亚洲新人总决赛亚军在校期间,多次随总政等下部队演出,积累了一定的演出经验;随央视心连心艺术团出访埃及等。
还曾在电视剧《太阳女神》中演女二号:卓玛;拍摄了酸奶广告(内蒙乳业)及MV 《香蕉菠萝》● 2006年签约日本艾回唱片总部,于2007年11月21日发行第一张单曲『明日への讃歌』● 阿兰受邀为《源氏物语》一千年纪念演唱的《千年の虹》已收入2007年12月5日发行的『源氏ノスタルジー』Alan 心战●2008年7月心战~RED CLIFF~(电影《赤壁》主题曲)藏族女孩签约日本2006年9月,阿兰参加了第九届亚洲音乐节中国内地新人歌手选拔赛,以总分0.005分之差屈居亚军。
欢迎大家阅读栀子花开英文版歌词选自专辑:《声声醉如兰》Gardenia in blossom,so beautiful so white.we'll be apart in such sweet seasondon't be so shy flowery babyyou're mile fragrances everywhere around meGardenia in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beaut seasonwave to happines sand sadnessdon't be so forgetful whenever we were so youngGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and ppureness loveGardenia in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beaut seasonwave to happines sand sadnessdon't be so forgetful whenever we were so youngGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and ppureness loveGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and ppureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and ppureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heartGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and ppureness love 栀子花开中文版歌词作曲 : 吴娈作词 : 吴娈栀子花开 so beaut so white这是个季节我们将离开难舍的你害羞的女孩就像一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱la la la la la la la la …栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱[栀子花开中英文版歌词]。
仿写栀子花开作文600字英文回答:"Zi Zi Hua Kai" is a famous Chinese idiom that means "the osmanthus blossoms." It is often used to describe a beautiful scene or a joyful event. The osmanthus flower is known for its sweet fragrance and vibrant colors, making it a popular symbol of happiness and good fortune in Chinese culture.When I think of "Zi Zi Hua Kai," I am reminded of a time when I visited my grandparents' house during the autumn season. Their backyard was filled with osmanthus trees, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of the flowers. It was a truly enchanting sight.As I walked through the garden, I couldn't help butfeel a sense of tranquility and joy. The vibrant orange and yellow hues of the osmanthus flowers brought a warm and cozy feeling to the surroundings. The petals were sodelicate and soft, it was as if they were inviting me to touch them.The fragrance of the osmanthus flowers was simply intoxicating. It was a sweet and floral scent that enveloped the entire garden. I could almost taste the fragrance in the air. It was a sensory experience that I will never forget.The osmanthus flowers also attracted many bees and butterflies, adding to the lively atmosphere of the garden. It was a joy to watch them flutter from flower to flower, collecting nectar and spreading pollen. Their presence added a touch of whimsy and beauty to the scene.中文回答:"栀子花开"是一个著名的中国成语,意思是"桂花盛开"。
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Gardenia in blossom
So beautiful so white
We'll be apart in such sweet season
Don't be so shy flowery baby
You're mile fragrances everywhere around me
Gardenia in blossom
So lovely so nice
never leave me in such beaut season
wave to happiness and sadness
Don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young
Gardenia in blossom.Gardenia in blossom
Like a sweet dveam bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
Remeber there youth and pureness love
Gardenia in blossom
So lovely so nice
never leave me in such beaut season
wave to happiness and sadness
英语培训 Don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young
Gardenia in blossom.Gardenia in blossom
Like a sweet dveam bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
Remeber there youth and pureness love
Gardenia in blossom.Gardenia in blossom
Like a sweet dveam bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
Remeber there youth and pureness love
Gardenia in blossom.Gardenia in blossom
Like a sweet dveam bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
Remeber there youth and pureness love
英语培训 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海
英语培训 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱。