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May I see your passport, please? 我可以看你的护照吗?

Your passport and declaration card, please 请出示你的护照和海关申请单

Please have your customs declaration form ready 请准备好海关申请表

May I have your passport, customs declaration form and health certification forms, please? 请出示护照、海关申请表和健康证明表

Here you are 给你

Here is my passport 这是我的护照

Where are you coming from? 你从哪里来的?

Hong Kong 香港

Sorry, your passport has expired 对不起,你的护照已经过期了

You must have a valid visa on your passport 你的护照必须要有有效签证

Is here your destination? 此地是你的目的地吗?

Where will you be staying? 你将在哪里停留呢?

Have you ever been to France before? 你以前来过法国吗?

No, this my first time 没有,这是第一次

What type of visa have you got? 你持的是那种签证?

What is the nature of your trip? 你的旅行属于哪一类?

Traveling visa. We are traveling for pleasure 旅游签证,我们是来旅游的

What is your nationality? 你是哪国人?

What‘s the purpose of your visit? 您来旅行的目的是什么?

What is your reason for staying? 你来的原因是什么?

What brought you here? 您来旅行的目的?

Why are you here? 您为什么来这里?

Traveling 旅行

Sightseeing 观光

I’m here for Sightseeing 我是来这里旅游观光的

We are tourists 我们是观光客

I‘m a member of group tour 我是团体旅游的

I’m vacationing. 我是来度假的

I‘m here on vacation. 我是来度假的

I am here to study A-levels 我来念大学预科

In that case, do you have a letter from your school proving that you are studying here? 你有学校的入学许可,证明你是来学习的吗?

Business 工作

I’m on business 我是来工作的

I‘m here for business 我是来洽谈公务的

I have been invited as a visiting scholar 我作为访问学者受邀来此

I’m a transit passenger going to New Zealand 我是要去新西兰的过境游客

How long will you stay? 你会待多久?

How long do you plan to stay? 你计划逗留多长时间?

How long will you be staying in the United States? 您在美国停留多长时间?

One day. In fact I‘m just passing through. I am leaving for Geneva tomorrow evening 一天,事实上我只是过境而已,我明天将动身前往日内瓦

I plan to stay for a week. 我计划呆一个星期。

I’m going to stay here for a week as a tourist 我将以游客的身份在此逗留一个星期

I plan to stay for about 10 days 预计停留约10天

My tentative plan is to stay there for a month 我初步打算待一个月

Are you on a tourist visa or a business visa? 你持有的是旅游签证还是商务签证? What type of business are you in now? 你的职业是什么?

Where are you staying? 您(打算)住在哪儿?

I‘m staying at the Benson Hotel. 我住在本森饭店。

Do you have a return ticket? 你有返程机票吗?

May I have a look at your return flight ticket? 我可以看一下你的返程机票吗? Is there any other person traveling with you? 有人和你同行吗?

Is there any other country do you going to visit? 你还要去其他国家吗?

Your documents are valid 你的证件符合手续

You’re through with the customs formalities 你的海关手续办完了

That seems to be fine 没有什么问题

Can I leave now? 我可以走了吗?

You can go now 你可以过关了

You can go through 你可以过关了

Okay. Have a nice stay. 好了,祝您愉快!

Okay. Have a nice trip. 好了,祝您愉快!

Enjoy your visit 祝您愉快

Have a good time in Paris 祝你在巴黎玩的开心

Thank you 谢谢


Is all this baggage yours? 这些行李是您的吗?
