Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法Loctite 乐泰胶乐泰工业胶黏剂螺纹锁固乐泰螺纹锁固剂是螺纹锁固及密封的一次革命,从精巧的电子零件到重型的结构设备,乐泰液态螺纹锁固胶和乐泰厌氧密封胶的用途十分广泛。
Loctite 220 螺纹锁固剂中强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。
Loctite 221 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。
Loctite 222 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。
用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。
Loctite 225 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。
用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。
应用于紧固件直径为 1/4quot(6mm)或更小比较理想,具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷。
Loctite 241 螺纹锁固剂中强度特别适合于应用程序不太活跃基体如不锈钢,镀面,其中手工工具拆卸,需要进行维修。
符合军标 Mil-S-46163A。
Loctite 242 螺纹锁固剂中强度通用型,触变性粘度。
用于M6-M20 螺纹的锁固于密封。
具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷Loctite 243 螺纹锁固剂耐机油/中强度快速固化,可用于惰性表面,容油性好。
汉高乐泰反应型热熔胶LOCTITE 3580资料

摘抄如下:Loctite3580Loctite®3580™is a toughened,one component polyurethane reactivehot melt adhesive designed with low halogen content for structural bonding of hand held electronic devices like mobile phones,tablets,& laptops.It is well suited for metal,ink coated glass and engineered plastics bonding applications where shock and impact resistance is required.This novel technology is warm applied like traditional PUR hot melts and it has a light curing preactivation.This preactivation allows for extremly fast strength generation,reducing cycle time and work in process when compared to traditional PUR hot melts.This product is only available for sale in China.PUR Hotmelt Structural AdhesivesPUR Hotmelt adhesives are pressure sensitive and give high initial strength instantly after joining the parts.Cure at room temperature with moisture reaction.Bond variety of materials such as plastics,metals and glass.Typical applications are structural bonding of mobile devices window to frame and other decorative trims.∙Benefits&features∙Product Selector Guide∙Loctite®Adhesives Compared to PSA TapeLoctite®3541Loctite®3542Loctite®3572Loctite®3573Loctite®3580Loctite®3570Bond strengt h PlastictoplasticVeryhighHigh High High HighVeryhigh PlastictometalHighVeryhighHigh High HighVeryhighPlasticto glassModerateVeryhighVeryhighVeryhighHigh HighMetalto glassModerateVeryhighVeryhighVeryhighHigh HighGap fill Medium Medium High High High High Speed ofdispense/flow rate Fast Fast Fast FastMediumMediumFixture time*1to2minutes1to2minutes----Open time*1to2minutes2to4minutes>4minutes>4minutesUVControl>4minutesBead size Thin*Fixture time and Open time:Vary upon the operating environment conditions,high temperatures will lengthen open times,while lower temperatures will shorten open time,and low humidity condition may extend fix times.扫描我的名片。

乐泰北京瑞德佑业经贸有限责任公司为3M,乐泰,ITW,LORD品牌华北地区总代理,本公司专业销售各类工业辅料,产品包括导电胶,导磁胶,灌封胶,灌注胶,瞬干胶, 热熔胶,无影胶,导热材料,导热硅脂,三防漆,终止漆,标记漆,阻焊胶,皮带胶,电缆胶,模具胶,厌氧胶,螺纹胶,浸透胶,地毯胶,滴胶,水胶,结构胶,芯片胶,底填胶,软胶,双面胶带,单面胶带,电工胶带,泡棉胶带,挂钩胶带,警示胶带,地标胶带,保护膜,自融合胶带,防水胶带,UV胶,硅胶,密封胶,清洗剂,工业擦拭纸,绝缘材料,润滑油脂,职业防护,劳保口罩,耳塞,眼镜,手套,衣服,鞋,PC膜,PET 膜,聚酰亚胺膜,PP膜,NOMAX绝缘纸等. 联系电话:I8OOII3O8I3 王雅蓉胶水系列:高温胶,无机胶,高强度结构胶,塑料胶,电缆胶,堵漏胶,修补剂,修补胶,模具胶,注塑胶,浇注胶,灌注料,导电胶,导热胶,螺纹胶,轴承胶,耐磨胶,磁铁胶,磁芯胶,硅胶,密封胶,瞬干胶,快干胶,502胶,万能胶,芯片胶,热熔胶,溶剂胶,水基胶,氯丁胶,黄胶,黑胶,沥青胶,环氧胶,厌氧胶,AB胶,水溶胶,导轨胶,防腐胶,EV A热熔胶,PP热熔胶,PET热熔胶,地板胶,植绒胶,植筋胶,凝胶,硬胶,软胶乐泰产品:222,242,262,272,271,270,243,277,268,290,246,266,425,2432,2440,2760结构胶:324,326,330,332,392,325,H3000,H4100,H4800,H3300,H3300,H3151,H3030,瞬干胶:401,403,380,404,382,495,498,406,460,480,404,408,409,410,411,414,415,416,420,422,420,430,444,454,496,499,4501,4502,4503,4851,4861,4471,4500,4212,4211,4210。


选择外涂层主要是基于涂层所处的环境。可以运用以下 指导方法。外涂层按照相对功能次序排列。
潮气/盐雾-厚浆环氧树脂涂层、煤焦油环氧树 脂、催化尿烷、乙烯基、氯化橡胶涂层 耐溶剂性-催化尿烷、厚浆环氧树脂涂层、煤焦 油环氧树脂、乙烯基涂层 耐酸性-催化尿烷、乙烯基、煤焦油环氧树脂、 厚浆环氧树脂涂层 耐碱性-催化尿烷、煤焦油环氧树脂、厚浆环氧 树脂涂层、氯化橡胶涂层 抗氧化剂-乙烯基、催化尿烷涂层 抗磨损-环氧树脂、尿烷、醇酸树脂涂层
应用设备及操作方法 乐泰®Extend®锈处理产品可以使用刷涂、滚筒涂施或者 喷雾作业。对于小范围区域作业,可以使用使用刷涂或 者滚筒涂施。每次涂施面积保持在一平方码,涂施时保 持湿润以避免出现下陷或者起皱现象。用滚筒作业时, 从在已涂施过的区域开始拉出滚筒进行涂施,然后再反 向拉回。不要将已从容器中取出的产品放回容器,或 者将刷子浸入原来的容器。禁止向乐泰®Extend®锈处 理产品中添加任何溶剂。
汉高乐泰美国 +860.571.5100
汉高乐泰欧洲 +49.89.9268.0
汉高乐泰亚太 +852.2233.0000
应用作业条件 乐泰®Extend®锈处理产品的作业温度范围是,表面及空 气温度为 50。F-90。F。在温度较低的条件下,反应速度 较慢。如果温度过高,则涂膜会干燥起泡。高湿度环境 对作业有益。高湿度虽然会延缓干燥时间,但有助于铁 锈转换。不应当在冷凝湿度的条件下(雾、露)、结冰、 下雨的天气以及海浪(重盐)飞溅的环境中使用乐泰 ®Extend®锈处理产品。钢制表面可以有一点潮湿,但不 能湿度过大(即持继可见的水膜)。不要在阳光直射表面 的情况下,进行乐泰®Extend®锈处理产品的涂施作 业。

乐泰胶水2432™threadlo cker中等强度threadlocker为有效和无效的金属乐泰胶水243™threadlocker一般用途,中等强度,耐油threadlocker。

1.3m9888t 技术的概述
2.3m9888t 技术的参数详细说明
3.3m9888t 技术的应用领域
4.3m9888t 技术的优势与未来发展
一、3m9888t 技术的概述
3m9888t 技术,全称为 3M 公司 9888 系列胶粘剂技术,是一种高性能的胶粘剂技术。
这一技术由美国 3M 公司研发,广泛应用于各种领域,如汽车制造、电子产品制造、建筑行业等。
二、3m9888t 技术的参数详细说明
3m9888t 技术参数主要包括以下几个方面:
1.粘接强度:3m9888t 技术的粘接强度高,可以有效保证粘接件的稳定性和耐用性。
2.耐热性:3m9888t 技术具有优良的耐热性,可以在高温环境下保持粘接性能。
3.耐候性:3m9888t 技术具有良好的耐候性,可以在各种气候条件下使用,抗紫外线、抗老化性能强。
4.硬度:3m9888t 技术的硬度适中,既有良好的柔韧性,又有足够的硬度,可以满足各种粘接需求。
三、3m9888t 技术的应用领域
3m9888t 技术广泛应用于以下几个领域:
四、3m9888t 技术的优势与未来发展
3m9888t 技术具有粘接强度高、耐热性好、耐候性好、硬度适中等优势,是当前高性能胶粘剂的代表。

常数 损耗
6.48 0.10 5.86 0.04 5.22 0.03
1.3×1012 5.1×1013
技 术 参 数
OutputTM 384
1999 年 3 月
介电强度,ASTM D 149, V/mil
在钢制搭剪试样上的一个面上涂上 Output 活化剂
7387, 固化 24 小时, 无间隙。
剪切强度, ASTM D 1002
钢/钢, N/mm2
Hale Waihona Puke 最小 5.2(psi)
(最小 750)
在钢制搭剪试样上的一个面涂上 Output 活化剂, 固
化 72 小时,在给定条件下老化,在 22°C 下测试.
固化后材料典型性能 物理性能
热膨胀系数 ppm/ °C 导热系数 W/mK 断裂拉伸强度, N/mm2 (psi) 断裂延伸率, % 杨氏模量,N/mm2 (psi)
典型值 69.0 0.757 12.7 (1850) 0.9 2,760 (400,000)
初始,室温 介电常数和损耗, ASTM D150
产品简介 乐泰®产品 OutputTM384 是一种单组分,可维修型 导热胶粘剂,室温下可以用活化剂固化,用于将 电子元件粘接到散热器上。该胶较好的导热性能 强度使它适合于现场使用和维修使用。在高电压 的应用环境中,本产品最大使用电压为 500 伏 特。
典型用途 用于将变压器,晶体管和其它发热元件粘接到印 刷电路板或散热器上。

广粘638 产品设计应用于圆柱型装配零件的粘接作业,尤其适用于粘接间隙要达到0.25mm以及需要在室温条件下达到最大强度的应用作业,该产品在隔绝氧气的金属密封面间固化,可以防止由于震动或冲击而引起的松动或泄漏.典型用途包括填充紧密配合和压配合件,键沟和花键之间的空隙;装配轴承和衬套,并使压配合键固持强度更高。
基本参数产品种类:固持胶技术:丙烯酸化学类型:氨基甲酸乙酯甲基丙烯酸酯外观(未固化):绿色液体荧光性:具有荧光性组成:单组分-不需混合粘度:高固化方式:厌氧胶二次固化:促进剂应用:固持胶强度:高强度颜色:绿色;最大填充径向间隙(mm):0.381 粘度(mPa.s):2000~3000;剪切强度钢/钢(psi)(#):3625 固化速度(初固/完固):5分钟/24小时;推荐促进剂:7471/7649 比重:1.09。

可靠性 回流焊测试 热循环测试
不需要 JEDEC level 3 o 30 C 70%RH/192 小时 JEDEC level 2 o 85 C 70%RH/168 小时 JEDEC level 1 o 85 C85%RH/168 小时 不需要 -40/100 C -55/125 C
粒 子 尺 寸
受 焊 球 间 距 之 影 响 … 7 微 米可 以 满 足 大 部 分 需 求 !!
COG 实 例 (1) ACF 厚 度
焊 球 高 度 (A): 受 压 后 之 粒 子 直 径 (B): 焊 垫 高 度 (C): 18 微 米 5微米 0微米
A + B + C = 18 + 5 + 0 = 23 微 米 => 22微 米 ACF 宽 度
手 工 芯 片 焊 接 机
固 化 温 度 = 160°C
低 于 一 般 锡 铅 熔 点
粘 接 压 力
24.5 克 /焊 球 1.75 公 斤 /芯 片
固 化 曲 线
温 度 (º C)
120 95 70 45 0 100 200 时 间 (秒 ) 快 速 固 化 环 氧 树 脂 300
7.64 3.4
9.92 2.8
16.1 4.3
100 一 定 长 度 粒 子 链 所 含 粒 子 数 百 分 比
20 0 1 2 3 4 5 >6
粒 子 链 中 的 粒 子 数
‘有 序 排 列 ’ ACF 之 特 性
玻 璃 转 化 温 度 (°C) 弯 曲 模 量 (GPa) 151 1.0

什么是深隆导电胶北京瑞德佑业OIO-6253897ISLONT 深隆导电胶是一种具有导电功能的特种胶黏剂。
首先,SLONT 深隆导电胶比锡铅焊条更加环保。
从20 世纪80 年代末至今,发达国家纷纷颁布了法律来限定和禁止铅锡焊条的使用。
其次,SLONT 深隆导电胶的工艺温度低。
锡铅焊条需要的焊接温度是200℃,锡铅连接工艺中温度高于230 ℃, 产生的热应力会损伤器件和基板。
而SLONT 深隆导电胶只需要80~150℃就可以固化,这样就方便了那些对于高温敏感的元器件的装配,也能选择那些不耐高温的基板来进行装配,大大降低了生产的成本] 。
自20 世纪90 年代以来,集成电路上不断变高的I/O密度要求连接材料具有很高的线分辨率。
锡铅焊料只能满足在0.65 mm 以下节距的连接,已经跟不上集成电路发展的需要了。
1 SLONT 深隆导电胶的组成及功能SLONT 深隆导电胶主要由导电填料、聚合物黏料和助剂组成。
2 国内外研究状况及前景目前, 国外生产导电胶的企业有日本的日立公司、Three- Bond 公司,美国Epoxy 的公司、3M公司、乐泰公司等,国内生产深隆导电胶的单位主要是上海合成树脂研究所。
已商品化的SLONT 深隆导电胶品种主要有SLONT 深隆导电胶浆、深隆导电胶膏、导电涂料、SLONT 深隆导电胶带等,组分有单、双组分。
现在我们国内用的SLONT 深隆导电胶主要依赖进口,在SLONT 深隆导电胶应用最广的三个领域:石英晶体谐振器,LED和IC 领域中,国外的SLONT 深隆导电胶占有了大部分的市场份额。

30077NOT FOR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS.THE TECHNICAL DATA CONTAINED HEREIN ARE INTENDED AS REFERENCE ONLY.PLEASE CONTACT LOCTITE CORPORATION QUALITY DEPARTMENT FOR ASSISTANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PRODUCT.ROCKY HILL, CT FAX: +1 (860)-571-5473 DUBLIN, IRELAND FAX: +353-(1)-451 - 9959PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLOCTITE ® Product 3880 is a silver filled, one-component,epoxy adhesive that can be cured by heat. It combines high tensile strength with good electrical and thermal conductivity.The product has particularly good syringe dispensing characteristics and can also be applied by stencil/screen printing.TYPICAL APPLICATIONSBonding of metals, ceramics and plastics as used in electronic parts, where good adhesion combined with electrical and thermal conductivity is required. Typical examples are bonding of surface mount devices to flexible or rigid substrates; bonding of semiconductor elements; joining EMI parts; bonding electrodes, lead wires or other connectors that require conductivity.PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALTypical ValueChemical Type Epoxy Appearance Smooth, Silver Paste Specific Gravity @ 25°C 2.12Viscosity @ 25°C, mPa.s (cP)125,000VOC (g/l)177Flash Point (TCC), °C 107Flow CurveThe following graph shows a typical flow curve (ascending) as measured using a Haake rotoviscometer PK100, M10/PK12°Cone system at 23°C.TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCECure times at temperature as determined by DSC:@125ºC 10 min.@150ºC 6 min.@175ºC3 min.The above times give an indication of the time/temperature relation needed to cure the adhesive. Actual times needed will be longer since various part and board configurations heat at different rates depending on mass and types of ovens used.The adhesive itself needs to reach the indicated temperature for the indicated time to achieve full cure.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIAL Physical PropertiesTypical Value Coefficient of thermal expansion, ASTM D696, K -1 (-20 to 40ºC)110 x 10-6 (80 to 120ºC)188 x 10-6Glass Transition Temperature, Tg, ºC64Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, W/mºC 1.5Modulus, MPa (psi)1,275(185,000)Tensile Strength @ peak, MPa (psi)25(3,700)Elongation @ peak, %3.4Weight Loss, 30 minute @ 200ºC, % 3.50Chloride content, ppm 20Sodium content, ppm 1Potassium content, ppm<1Electrical PropertiesVolume Resistivity, Mil 883D, ohm-cm< 0.0005PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIAL (cured for 15 minutes @ 130ºC)Lap Shear StrengthCopper, MPa (psi) 4.8(690)Epoxy (G-10), MPa (psi)3.4(490)Glass, MPa(psi) 3.1(450)Aluminum, MPa (psi)2.8(400)TDS 3880, October 1998Loctite is a Registered Trademark of Loctite Corporation, Hartford, CT 06106GENERAL INFORMATIONThis product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheets, (MSDS).Directions for useAllow material to reach room temperature before use. Product supplied in containers should be gently stirred before use.Clean parts are essential for proper adhesion. It is important to drive off all volatiles before applying adhesive. Fine pitch footprints down to 0.5mm (20 mil) are possible.Recommendations for Screen Printing:Thickness (wet) :0.10 - 0.13mm (0.004“ - 0.005“)Screen :Polyester (40-60 mesh)Stainless Steel (60-80 mesh)Emulsion Thickness:0.05mm (0.002“) solvent resistant Squeegee Hardness:60 (for polyester)70 (for Stainless steel)Recommendations for Syringe Dispensing:For air pressure/time systems a good dot profile for SMD attachment can be achieved by using a 0.4mm ID nozzle with 3bar pressure at 25°C and times ranging from 30 to 100msec depending on chip size (0603 to 1206 format). For smaller components such as 0402, a smaller 0.3mm nozzle is recommended. Beads can be formed in a similar way.For volumetric syringe systems special care is necessary and appropriate materials and valve design must be used. Supply pressure must be very low (1-3bar ) to accurately control dispense quantity.After dispensing, place the device on top of the wet adhesive and apply just enough pressure to allow the adhesive to wick onto the leads, but not to displace the adhesive onto adjacent conductive tracks. IR curing or optimised air flow will increase cure speed. Rework can be done by localised heating of the joint above its relatively low Tg.StorageProduct shall be ideally stored in refrigerated, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between -20°C to 0°C,(4°F to 32°F), and preferably at the lower end of the range,unless otherwise labelled. Refrigerated packages shall be allowed to return to room temperature prior to use. To prevent contamination of unused product, do not return any material to its original container. For further specific shelf life information,contact your local Technical Service Centre.Data RangesThe data contained herein may be reported as a typical value and/or range. Values are based on actual test data and are verified on a periodic basis.NoteThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied,including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Loctite Corporation’s products. Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Loctite Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.30077。


HenkelElectronics Assembly SolutionsIrvine,CaliforniaRancho Dominguez, CaliforniaSan Diego,CaliforniaOntario,CaliforniaHemel Hempstead, UKLinton, UKTainan, TaiwanSeoul, Korea Lianyungang,ChinaShanghai, ChinaIpoh, MalaysiaKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaEcatepec de Morelos,MexicoDublin, IrelandYantai,ChinaIsogo, JapanHokkaido,JapanKakogawa, JapanAtsugi, Japan Port Huron, MichiganOlean, New YorkBillerica,MassachusettsWesterlo,BelgiumScheemda,NetherlandsCanton, MassachusettsSalisbury, North CarolinaSao Paulo, BrazilCity of Industry, CaliforniaManaus, BrazilElEctronics Group of HEnkElPlease see LT-5013 for SemiconductorToday’s electronics assembly market can be complex.Your materials supplier partnership shouldn’t be. That’s why Henkel has researched, analyzed,designed and formulated the most comprehensive range of advanced assembly materials available. We deliver unprecedented choice, convenience and, above all, a low-risk proposition to your business so that complexity is eliminated and performance is elevated. Any application that requires joining, bonding, adhering or protecting an electronicassembly will benefit from the value-added solutions within Henkel’s unmatched technology toolbox.Our leading-edge materials are uniquely strengthened by the exceptional expertise of our people. Bringing together the industry’s best and brightest chemists, applications experts, sales professionals, technical support specialists, scientists and researchers all under the guidance of aknowledgeable and dedicated management team, Henkel provides the depth ofexperience and breadth of capability you need to get the job done. Our worldwide service, manufacturing, sales and product development network delivers the global footprint that enables your company’s competitiveness – regardless of your requirements or your locale.Henkel’s successful history is only superseded by our promising future. Even as we havecommercialized ground-breaking formulations for modern electronics manufacture, we are diligently researching and developing materials technology that will make tomorrow’s products possible.Potting CompoundsConformal CoatingsPhotonic Componentand Assembly Materialssurface Mount Adhesivessemiconductor Molding Compoundsthermal Management MaterialsFlip Chip-on-BoardUnderfillsLiquid encapsulantsDam and FilloptoelectronicsDie Attach Adhesivessolder MaterialsLow Pressure MoldingsLiquid encapsulantsGlob top silicone encapsulantsGasketing Compounds CsP/BGA UnderfillsFlip Chip in Package Underfillselectronic MoldingCompoundsCoating PowdersautoMotive electronicSAddressing the needs of today’s advancedautomotive industry, Henkel has developed a broad range of conductive paste and film adhesives, glob top and underfill encapsulants, conformal coatings, sealants, potting encapsulants and solder products, technical and analytical test support, and customized formulations to meet increasingly demanding requirements. Our solutions are used in a wide range of vehicle electronic and sensor components for common rail fuel systems, safety electronics, engine and powertrain management, infotainment, and lighting applications.conSuMer & induStrialelectronicSConsumer and industrial applications requirematerials solutions that can meet the ever-changing demands for high reliability andimproved performance. With decades of materialsdevelopment expertise, Henkel offers a widerange of assembly and protection materials forchallenging industrial and consumer electronicsenvironments. We also offer advanced conformalcoatings to be used in protecting electronics circuitsfrom moisture, chemicals and other contaminants.But, we haven’t stopped there, with an unyieldingcommitment to sustainability, Henkel has developedmaterials that not only deliver the high reliabilityrequired, but also address the needs of ourenvironment. Halogen-free, lead-free, solvent-freeand low-VOC materials are all part of our portfolioand our ongoing promise to be environmentallyresponsible. All these innovative solutions willenable manufacturers to introduce products fasterto market and improve production efficiency.defenSe & aeroSPaceelectronicSHenkel has more than 35 yearsof experience in supplying thedefense and aerospace industrywith Emerson & Cuming™,Ablestik™, Loctite®, Hysol® andMulticore® product solutions.We are qualified and specified byall major defense and aerospaceOEMs and contractors, andsupport our products througha worldwide sales, applicationengineering, research anddevelopment, and manufacturingnetwork.certification to major defenseand aerospace specifications,and technical expertise ensurethat products built with Henkelelectronic assembly materialswill be both the highest inperformance and in reliability.We are committed to meetingand exceeding your requirementswith:• M IL-STD 883, Method 5011approved products• N ASA outgassing ASTM E595-77/84/90 approved products• P roven film and pastetechnology in Defense andAerospace applications• C ustom film pre-formmanufacturing capability• Low-risk supply chainHandHeld coMMunicationS& coMPutingHenkel designs and sells materials that improve the quality, robustness, use life and cost of laptops, mobile phones, MP3 players, game consoles, digital cameras, memory cards, and a range of other handheld devices and associated products. Our broad portfolio of encapsulants, adhesives, solder pastes, inks and coatings are used by designers and manufacturers during circuit assembly.We offer innovative products optimized to provide theprocessibility needed for intricate handheld applications. The materials Snap Cure at low temperatures to keep pace with fast production cycle times and are highly stable, offering convenient storage, staging and use conditions. We custom formulate and optimize current technology platforms to integrate with customers’ unique processes and needs, and continue to develop future technology platforms that offer greater value to customers by combining new benefits with lower overall cost of use.Henkel offers a wide range of underfills that improve themechanical robustness of CSP, BGA, LGA and WLSP components in mobile phones and other handheld devices, as well as underfills that dramatically improve the thermal cycle reliability of FlipChip assemblies. We also offer a large selection of solder paste and conductive adhesives used to interconnect components and circuitry. Our line of thermal interface materials are used for a variety of thermal management challenges in laptops and handhelds. Henkel has developed halogen-free conductive inks used in membranes for keyboards to provide optimal ERperformance. Our coatings provide excellent moisture and environmental protection for delicatecircuitry in handheld devices.led ligHtingHenkel manufactures numerous assemblyand protection materials for the demanding requirements of photovoltaic electronics. Whether your solar cells and modules are based on silicon, thin film, concentrator, dye sensitized or organic technology, Henkel materials enable a robust assembly, providing the performance and reliabilityrequired. Our portfolio consists of thermallyconductive materials, electrically conductiveadhesives and inks, as well as fluxes, solders,encapsulation materials, dielectric adhesives andsealants for assembly of photovoltaic modules.Lighting advancements are one of the mostpromising areas of electronics market growth.In fact, by some estimates, the LED market isprojected to grow at CAGR rates in the doubledigits over the next few years. Driven by the needfor high brightness (HB) LEDs and the requirementto manufacture these even more efficiently,opportunities in the lighting market abound.Success, however, depends on partnering with theright material supplier who can deliver both LEDassembly and protection solutions.With unmatched expertise in this market andnow empowered by the integration of the well-respected Ablestik™, Emerson & Cuming™, Hysol®and Loctite® brands, Henkel offers a broad rangeof products to meet the increasingly demandingrequirements of LED-based lighting assembly andprotection. Our extended product line covers LEDencapsulant, die attach, PCB protection and thermalmanagement materials. High performance inksare also available for applications that dictate aprintable solution.Medical electronicSAccurate diagnosis, improved alternative treatments, patientmonitoring: electronic technology and related assembly materials are having an ever-increasing impact on healthcare. They improve access to healthcare, enabling more accurate collection of patient data for more precise treatment. They enable doctors to treat more patients with less, reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness of total healthcare and expanding the capability to treat chronic medical conditions. Implanting medical devices, as well as improving ease of use, requires a form factor that is achieved through advanced electronic components, materials and assembly methods. Henkel combines local technical support and applies materials developed for the most advanced electronic assembly processes to provide solutions for applications ranging from printing simple biological sensors to advanced implantable micro-electronic assemblies.Used for everything from toll booths to department store inventory control to pet identification, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are devices capable of uniquely identifying an object via a pre-programmed response when queried by an external radio frequency wave.Today’s RFID tags consist of a graphic overlay and an inlay, with the inlay being the functional part of the tag and containing the die (used to carry the coded information) and the antenna (used to both transmit and receive RF signals). Critical to the assembly of the tags and their robust in-field performance is the selection of adhesives used to construct these devices.Adhesive materials are used to attach diesonto antenna to build the inlays, which can be constructed in one of two ways:1. A n interconnect adhesive is used to attach a small bare die directly to an antenna.2. An interconnect adhesive is first used to build a much larger packaged die (interposer or die strap), which is then adhered onto an antenna.Both methods of assembly have been successfully employed to make active and passive RFID tags.Henkel’s line of RFID adhesives are advancing this critical technology by addressing the dichotomy of high-performance and lower-cost assembly that defines the RFID market. By formulating materials that offer increased throughput, exceptionalprocessability, simplified manufacturing techniques and outstanding in-field reliability, Henkel isfacilitating higher yield, lower cost manufacturingfor modern RFID assembly.Die Strap AttachDirect Die AttachAdhesive Antenna Inkradio freQuencyidentification (rfid)WireleSS datacoMinfraStructureHenkel supplies high-performance assembly materials for electronics in wirelesstelecommunications infrastructure equipment. With our unique RF grounding adhesives, available in both film and paste formats, we have earned a leading position in the assembly of base station electronics, as well as point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radiolink devices, satellite electronics, wireless home/office equipment and fiber optics.Henkel products are used in the assembly of power amplifiers, transmitters, receivers, couplers, and filters, as well as RF modules such as system-in-packages, power transistors, oscillators, optical fiber and more.Our unique product line meets emerging market demands for improved RF performance in next-generation wireless telecommunicationsequipment, as well as increased thermal dissipation requirements for achieving longer distance communication capabilities. Henkel’s solutions for these market challenges include RF groundingadhesives in film and paste formats, thermal interface materials for heat dissipation of highpower components, electrically conductive adhesives as lead-free solder alternatives for active and passive component attach, lid seal adhesives, and underfills for component reinforcement.adHeSiveS to address today’s most demanding applications.From electrically conductive and non-conductivepaste adhesives through to thermally conductivedielectric materials, Henkel’s product line affordsmaximum performance and cost-efficiency.Our electrically conductive and non-conductive pasteadhesives are ideal for withstanding the thermal andphysical stresses of Defense, Automotive, Medicaland Consumer Electronic assembly applications,while our spot cure technologies enable high-speedassembly for RFID tags and other printed electronicdevices. Non-conductive paste systems in the Henkelportfolio include a series of one- and two-part roomtemperature, thermal and UV cure adhesives for theultimate in flexibility and performance.For manufacturers that require both adhesive andthermal dissipation functionality, Henkel’s lineProviding outstanding adhesion and thermalperformance, Henkel offers both shimmed and non-shimmed formulations. For assembly specialiststhat require the utmost in accuracy, our shimmedadhesives contain engineered spacers for moreprecise bondline control.adHeSiveSadHeSiveSadHeSiveSadHeSiveSdiSPlay MaterialSWith materials solutions for many facets of flat panel display (FPD) production, Henkel deliversa variety of Loctite®, Hysol®, P3®, Eccoseal™ and Electrodag™ branded products that enable highly efficient manufacturing and excellent reliability.For color filter production, the P3® line of cleaners, developers and strippers ensures that the essential FPD color filters are prepared properly and are very stable for the subsequent module assembly process. With both off-the-shelf and customer-developed materials, Henkel’s FPD line of materials enable highly efficient, advanced product manufacture.Module and panel assembly materials are also part of Henkel’s core competency. The Loctite® brandof UV curable temporary bonding and endseal materials are used to deliver a robust, complete panel assembly. In addition, Henkel has developed pin terminal bonding, overcoat and flexible printed circuit (FPC) materials to help reinforce and facilitate exceptional and reliable product-to-host connection. The Hysol® QMI brand of through-hole bonding materials delivers a reliable panel assembly withits flexibility and low temperature curability. The newly joined Eccoseal™ brand provides UV cureand low temperature, fast cure perimeter sealants for displays requiring extreme protection against moisture, such as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays and electronic paper displays (EPD). The Electrodag™ brand provides thick polymer film ink for many applications including ITO-coated film. For display applications, a thermoplastic resin-based conductive ink is used to deliver a reliable printed busbar for touch screens with its low temperature process profile, wide range of flexibility and stable electric conductivity.diSPlay MaterialSinkS & coatingS For decades, Henkel’s product range of conductive,dielectric and other functional polymer thick filminks have been used to apply selective coatings ona variety of flexible and rigid substrates, via screen,flexographic and rotogravure printing methods.They can be effectively dried or cured through heator UV radiation. Henkel’s conductive (silver, silver/silverchloride, carbon-based), dielectric andother functional (e.g., electroluminescingpigments–based) inks are used for theproduction of:• F lexible circuits for membrane touch switchesand keyboards for desktop and notebook PCs• Heating elements• Automotive sensors• Biosensors and EKG/ECG electrodes• A ntennas for contactless smartcards andRFID labels• Touch screens• EL lamps• P rinted circuit boards andpotentiometersMicro-encaPSulantS (cSP underfillS)Henkel offers innovative capillary flow underfill encapsulants for Flip Chip, CSP and BGA devices. These are highly flowable, high purity, one-component encapsulants. They form a uniform and void-free underfill layer to improve the reliability performance by redistributing stress away fromthe solder interconnects as well as enhancing mechanical performance. We have formulations that quickly fill very small gap/pitch parts that offer fast cure capabilities, have a long pot and shelf life, and are reworkable. Reworkability allows for cost savings by allowing the removal of the underfill to enable re-use of a board.Flip Chip applications require assistance with redistributing stress away from the solder joints to extend thermal aging and cycle life. A CSP or BGA application requires an underfill to improve the mechanical integrity of the assembly during a bend, vibration or drop test. Henkel’s Flip Chip underfills are formulated with a high loading of specialty fillers to achieve low CTEs yet maintain the ability to flow fast in small gaps, possessing high glass transition temperatures and high modulus. Our CSP underfills are designed with little to no filler loading, a choice of glass transition temperatures, and modulus to match the intended application. For certain applications, Loctite® Cornerbond™ and Edgebond™ technologies allow for a cost-effective underfill solutions. The Cornerbond™ technology is applied at all four corners of the package and then can be cured during the normal solder reflow cycle, allowing for a more efficient process. The material’s self-centering characteristic ensures high assembly reliability and outstanding yield rates.Micro-encaPSulantS (cob encaPSulantS)Encapsulants are used to provide environmental protection and add mechanical strength towire bonded devices. Two different application technologies are employed for the protective encapsulation of wire bonded die:• G lob top technology requires an encapsulant with a fine-tuned rheology, as the flow capabilities must allow the wires to be covered without the encapsulant flowing beyond the chip.• D am and fill technology, where the dam is usedto limit the flow of the low viscosity fill material, allowing its use with fine pitch wire leads. Henkel’s Hysol® and Eccobond™ encapsulantsare available as either thermal or ultraviolet cure materials and are designed for the highest reliability in that they offer low coefficient of thermal expansion, high glass transition temperature, and low ionic content. These encapsulants have been engineered to provide protection to wire bonds, leads, aluminium and silicon dies from harsh environments, mechanical damage and corrosion. Formulated from epoxy, polyurethane, acrylate (UV curable) and silicone chemistries, these systems have proven reliability for electronic insulation. Henkel encapsulants offer excellent elevated temperature stability and thermal shock resistance, outstanding electrical insulation at both room and elevated temperatures, minimal shrinkage and low stress during cure, as well as excellent chemical resistance. Our encapsulants have been designed to offer high throughput and low-cost assembly processes.While Henkel is providing the leading materials used inside advanced packages and on sophisticated assemblies, we also deliver next-generation Loctite® and Eccocoat™ brand conformal coating materials to ensure superior product protection. Many applications expose printed circuit boards (PCBs)to harsh environments and Henkel is committedto delivering materials that provide extraordinary environmental and thermal cycling protection.Our advanced conformal coating materials protect PCBs from thermal shock, moisture corrosive materials, and a variety of other adverse conditions to ensure long product life cycles in harsh marine, automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics applications. We also keep the environment top of mind with every formulation, which is why Henkel has migrated to solvent-free, low-VOC materials and processes. Loctite® and Eccocoat™ conformal coatings areavailable in solvent-free and fast curematerials, enablingprocess efficiencyand environmentalresponsibility.Pcb ProtectionPcb ProtectionEnsuring that electronics products function as they are designed to is just one piece of the materials solution Henkel delivers. Protecting printed circuit boards and electronic assemblies from thermalcycling and adverse environmental conditions is the other critical component for product durability and reliability. Under the leading Hysol® and Stycast™ brands, Henkel offers several PCB protectionproducts to minimize external product stress and maximize performance. Our portfolio of conformal coatings keeps moisture, humidity and other adverse conditions from deteriorating printed circuit boardsused in harsh marine, automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics applications. Henkel also strives to keep environmental consciousness at the forefront of all our product development efforts, which is why we have moved toward solvent-free, low-VOC materials and processes.Henkel’s potting and encapsulation compounds protect PCBs and electrical devices by enhancing mechanical strength, offering electrical insulation, and protecting against vibration and shock.Pcb ProtectionPcb ProtectionLoctite® silicone gasketing materials offer precise, reliable sealing for electronic enclosures, ensuring that housing modules are tightly secured and componentry is protected. Loctite® siliconeencapsulants are specially formulated to isolate sensitive fine-pitch leads from potentially damaging thermal cycling conditions. Like all Henkelproducts, these materials have been designed for ease-of-use and are conveniently packaged for dispense operations.Pcb ProtectionHenkel’s renowned Macromelt® low-pressuremolding solution is delivering superior sealing adhesion and excellent temperature and solvent resistance. The simplicity of these materials is their advantage: because the entire Macromelt® operation takes place at low pressure, cycle time is short and fine or fragile circuitry is not damaged, delivering measurable improvements over that of traditional potting or encapsulating processes. PCB and circuitry protection is essential in modern, challenging applications; and Henkel delivers manufacturers proven, reliable solutions and peace-of-mind.Advantages:• Complete watertight encapsulation • Fast cycle time (15 to 45 seconds)• Low capital equipment costs• Safe, one component, UL 94V-0 approved • L ow pressure and high speed molding for electronics encapsulation Applications:• Automotive sensors • Strain relief • Hall effect sensors• Switches• Circuit board protection• Battery sealingSolder MaterialS performance liquid flux technology is compatiblewith dual-wave and lead-free processes, deliveringoutstanding results. From no-clean to low-residueto VOC-free, Multicore® brand fluxes deliver uniqueproperties for individualized manufacturing needs.Henkel’s flux formulation teams are unmatchedof modern, lead-free and environmentallyresponsible processes. Through careful processanalysis and a complete understanding of chemicalinteractions and manufacturing requirements,Henkel has developed a broad range of Multicore®brand liquid fluxes to suit a variety of applications.Solder MaterialSAs the world’s leading developer of advanced solder paste materials, Henkel delivers decadesof technology and expertise for optimizedprocess performance. With groundbreaking new formulations to provide an easy transition tolead-free as well as proven, traditional tin-lead formulations, Multicore® brand solder materials are enabling the production of some of today’s most advanced products. Our portfolio of solder paste materials addresses a variety of manufacturing requirements and offers performance characteristics unmatched by any other materials supplier. Low-voiding lead-free solder pastes, no-clean pastes, water-wash pastes and crossover pastes for mixed-metal manufacturing are all part of our vast offering. Supporting ultra-fine pitch printing athigh speed, delivering long open and abandon times and pin-testability across all types of assembliesand surface finishes, Multicore® pastes deliver the flexibility modern electronics firms require to stay competitive. Our materials also offer outstanding resistance to high temperature and high humidity, providing multinational firms with the confidence they need to deploy Multicore® materials on a global level with consistent performance. Plus, all of our products are supported locally with outstanding technical expertise and are backed by Henkel’s global infrastructure and inimitable resource base.Solder MaterialSThe Multicore® portfolio of cored solder wirefeatures the award-winning multiple flux core technology that ensures the even and consistent distribution of flux throughout the solder wire. This mainstay in Henkel’s line of solder products delivers ease of use and outstanding performance for today’s delicate hand soldering assembly and rework operations.Formulated with a variety of different alloy selections, Multicore® cored wires supporttraditional tin-lead manufacturing operations as well as modern lead-free processes. Our fast-wetting materials deliver excellent solder joint integrity and outstanding long-term performance.As the first commercially available adhesive toaddress the emerging surface-mount market inthe 1980s, Loctite® Chipbonder™ and Eccobond™products today are the industry standard for mixed-technology and double-sided SMT applications.Henkel offers a wide range of Chipbonder™ andEccobond™ products to meet the diversity andchallenges of today’s manufacturing requirements.Developed using in-process analysis ensures thatHenkel’s surface mount adhesives can address high-speed assembly processes while delivering lead-freecompatibility with no loss in productivity. Theportfolio includes formulations for low-temperaturescreen printing and dispensing.Surface Mount adHeSiveS(cHiPbonder™)Henkel’s thermal materials scientists have developed some unique and user-friendly products to address the requirements of today’s thermal transfer priorities. The Loctite® line of Phase Change Thermal Interface Materials (PCTIM) offers exceptionallylow thermal impedance between heat dissipating devices and the surface to which the componentis mounted. The premiere product in this line-up, Loctite® Powerstrate™ Xtreme™ adheres to heat sinks or components without heating, delivering amazing ease-of-use without compromising thermal performance. Henkel offers a wide range of thermally conductivefilm adhesives that are ideal for bonding largeareas or complex shapes. With customizedpreforms, adhesive can be placed precisely whereneeded, whether around through-holes or on anyarea requiring a specialized pattern, deliveringexceptional accuracy and enhanced performance.Offering the perfect blend of high thermalconductivity with varying degrees of flexibilityand adhesion, Henkel’s thermally enhanced filmproducts have been specially formulated for heatsink or thermal dissipation applications.tHerMal ManageMentMaterialS。

【摘要】@@ 乐泰5188是汉高密封剂产品系列中的最新产品,其总体性能表现详见表1.与先前的其它产品不同,乐泰5188能够涂覆形成较薄的薄膜,同时仍具有较强的柔韧性,从而能够在密封件之间形成一个既有良好密封性而又坚固的连接,并且满足多种工业部门飞速变化的技术要求,目前这一产品正引入亚太区市场.


LOCTITE 380 具有下列性能
外观(未固化) 黑色液体LMS
主要粘接基材金属, 塑料和橡胶
LOCTITE 380 是橡胶增强型瞬干胶,提高了柔韧性和剥离强度,增加了抗振动的性能.
比重@ 25 C 1,1
粘度,Brookfield - RVT, 25 C, mPas (cP):
转子3, 转速50 rpm 100-800LMS
闪点- 见MSDS

2.技术参数-厚度:0.13毫米-粘结剂:高黏度丙烯酸-背离力:100克/吋-线性收缩率:0.003%-断裂伸长率:100%-耐温范围:-40℃至150℃-阻燃等级:U L-94V-03.主要特点3M9888T具有以下特点:3.1超强粘性由于其采用了高黏度丙烯酸作为粘结剂,3M9888T在各种材质的表面上都能够实现极佳的粘附,确保持久的粘结效果。

LOCTITE 577管螺纹密封剂粗螺纹触变性,高粘度,快速固化,高强度。
允许用于饮用水系统.loctite416 乐泰胶416,用于间隙填充,适用于塑料粘接,高粘度,适合于在塑料,弹性体和金属间隙填充应用。
Loctite® 444—中粘度瞬干胶中粘度,用于电器元件跳线固定。
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北京 OIO-8OI4O278
In some semi-conductor applications the small
amount of electromagnetic interference (EMI) emitted by step motors disrupted precision instruments. To eliminate the EMI, the stators needed to be grounded to the housings.
Conductive tape, soldering a wire to the stator and electrically conductive adhesives were
evaluated as potential solutions. The conductive tape was difficult to apply and often fell off during assembly leaving a high potential for assembly errors. Soldering a wire to the stator and the
housing was time consuming and did not prove to be effective at eliminating the interference.
After extensive testing, Lin Engineering found that Loctite ® 3888™, a two-part electrically conductive epoxy adhesive, was selected as the optimum solution. To apply the adhesive, the epoxy is mixed in a pre-packaged twin pack. The mixed adhesive is then applied to the interior of the housing with an applicator stick (See Figure 1). Finally, the stator is inserted in the housing and allowed to cure at ambient conditions.
Loctite ® 3888™ completely eliminated the EMI with the added benefit that it also structurally reinforced the motor. This has allowed Lin
Engineering step motors to be used in sensitive semi-conductor applications.
Loctite ® 3888™ Electrically Conductive Adhesive Eliminates EMI in Lin Engineering Step Motors
Allows step motors to be used in sensitive semi-conductor applications
Henkel Corporation
1001 Trout Brook Crossing Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 Tel: 860.571.5100 Fax: 860.571.5475
Henkel Canada Corporation 2225 Meadowpine Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario L5N 7P2 800.263.5043 (within Canada) Tel: 905.814.6511 Fax: 905.814.5391 MEXICO
Henkel Capital, S.A. de C.V. Calz. De la Viga s/n, Fracc. Los Laureles
55090, Ecatepec, Edo de México Tel: 52.55.5836.1338 Fax: 52.55.5787.9004
Unassembled Housing and Stator Applying Loctite ®
3888 to Housing Inserting Stator Into Housing
北京 OIO-8OI4O278导电胶,导电胶粘剂,导电胶水,导电膏,导电银胶。