
• 6.七、八月放暑假。 • We have summer vacation in July
and August. • 7.本剧院内禁止吸烟。 • Smoking is not allowed in this theatre.
• 学生常用法:I hope my English level will be raised.
• 英语习惯表达法: I hope my English will improve.
• 5.如果方便请明天给我打电话。
• 学生常用法:If you are convenient, please call me tomorrow.
英语书面表达 讲座
• 1.他身体很好。 • 学生常用法:He has a very good
body. • 英语习惯表达法1:He is in good
health. • 2: He is very good healthy.
• 2.我的英语水平很低。
• 学生常用法:My English level is low. • 英语习惯表达法: My English is very
• 3.我选择当一名大夫有三个理由。
• 学生常用法:My choice to be a doctor has three reasons.
• 英语习惯表达法: There are three reasons for my choice to be a doctor.

那是一件亚麻纹面料的假两件连衣裙,白色的内裙外面一层蓝色的外搭,裙身的前下摆上,晕染着一大朵水墨画勾勒出的荷叶,荷的中央一杆细长的瘦茎,顶着一叶光枝,兀自挺立;荷的底部乌刺 刺斜叉出一支短茎,上面一朵含苞待放的夕阳红荷苞,微微低垂一侧,犹如“万花丛中一点绿”的雅致,简单,恰如其分,令人遐想。连衣裙的前身,两片自然下垂的蓝色斜角披风,假附在长短错落的 白色裙身上,每每走动,双脚带入的劲风,略过棉麻的双层裙摆,款款而动,一种摇曳飘逸的感觉,直上心头,令我欢喜。

• 1.他身体很好。 • 学生常用法:He has a very good
body. • 英语习惯表达法1:He is in good
health. • 2: He is very good healthy.
在谢花后-天套袋。 套袋方法:先套树冠上部的果,后套树冠下部的果。上下左右内外分布均匀,通常应当整个果园或整株树套袋。套袋时先把手伸进袋中膨 起,一手抓住果柄或果枝,一手托起袋底,把幼果套入袋中,将袋口从两边向中部果柄处挤掐,再将铁丝卡反转度,弯绕扎紧在果柄或果枝上, 一定要把袋 口封严,但不要扎得过紧,以免;雷速app 雷速app ;损伤果柄彰响幼果生长。套完后,用手往上托起袋底,使全袋膨起来,两底角的出 水口张开,幼果悬空在袋中,不与袋壁贴附 [] 。 整形修剪 、夏季修剪 夏季修剪也称为生长期修剪,是促进果实品质提升,减缓大小年现象的重要手段。很 多果园管理者也意识到夏季修剪的重要性,但在实际操作过程中,存在修剪不到位不科学的问题,因此,有必要对梨树夏季修剪技术进行详细介绍,以指导 果树生产 [] 。 ()除萌和疏枝 除萌一般是去除小于 cm以下的萌芽;疏枝则是去除超过 cm的新梢。 ()摘心 摘心是将年生枝条的顶端摘除,枝条顶端是生 长点也是枝条的生长中心。 ()环剥 环剥是将果树的韧皮部隔断,起到阻碍养分运输的作用。 ()扭梢 扭梢是对枝条进行扭伤处理,目的是减缓枝条的生 长势、促进花芽分化以及调整树体形态等。 ()拉枝 由于梨树顶端优势比较强烈,导致枝千的直立性很强,造成梨树高度不断增加,出现徒长等现象,抑制 了花芽分化,直接影响梨树的产量。合理的进行拉枝是矮化梨树、增加光合作用面、增加透气透光的常规手段 [] 。 、冬季修剪 梨树的整形修剪应根据树的 品种特性、树龄和长势、修剪反应、自然条件和栽培管理水平等因素为依据,进行有针对性的整形和修剪。 ()新植树修剪 对新植梨树,树苗定植后在~cm 处剪顶定干,萌发新梢后在顶端~cm整形带内留~个芽,选-个方向不同、分布均匀的健壮枝,培养成为主枝,其余的全部抹除。主枝生长-cm后摘心或停止 生长后短截,促发二次枝。选留生长健壮、方向、角度适当的枝作为主枝延长枝和侧枝。对主枝与侧枝上的过密枝、细弱枝.病虫枝以及扰乱树形的枝条全部 剪除 [] 。 ()幼龄梨树修剪 幼龄梨树是形成树冠的重要时期。修剪的主要任务是:根据所选树形的树体结构.选择和培养骨干枝,并适当培养结果枝,使幼龄 梨树在迅速扩大树冠的同时,适时组,对骨干延长枝的修剪,要逐年缩短,但要保持适当的延伸角度。 枝条较软的品种,为防止角度开张过大,可先选- -适宜的背上枝,培养为新的延长枝.待新延长枝的

Good morning, everyone. Today, I am going to talk about the topic of "How to Prepare for the English Exam" with you. As we all know, English is a very important subject in the middle school entrance examination, and it plays a crucial role in the overall score. Therefore, it is essential for us to prepare for the English exam effectively. In this talk, I will provide you with some useful tips and strategies to help you achieve success in the English exam.Firstly, it is important to have a clear understanding of the exam format and requirements. The English exam usually consists of listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections. It is important for us to familiarize ourselves with the format of the exam and the types of questions that may appear. By doing so, we can better prepare ourselves for the exam and reduce the chances of being caught off guard during the actual test.Secondly, it is crucial to build a strong foundation in English grammar and vocabulary. Without a solid grasp of grammar and vocabulary, it will be difficult for us to comprehend the reading passages, write coherent essays, and communicate effectively in the speaking section. Therefore, we should spend time reviewing and practicing grammar rules and expanding our vocabulary through reading, writing, and speaking activities.In addition, it is essential to practice past exam papers and mock tests. By doing so, we can familiarize ourselves with the exam format, improve our time management skills, and identify our strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, practicing past exam papers and mock tests can help us become more confident and less nervous during the actual exam.Furthermore, it is important to seek help and guidance from teachers, classmates, or tutors. If we encounter difficulties or have questions about certain grammar rules, vocabulary, or exam strategies, we should not hesitate to ask for help. By seeking helpand guidance, we can clarify our doubts, receive constructive feedback, and improve our English skills more effectively.Last but not least, it is crucial to stay calm and confident during the exam. It is normal to feel nervous before and during the exam, but it is important to stay calm and focused. By staying calm and confident, we can think more clearly, perform better, and avoid making careless mistakes.In conclusion, preparing for the English exam requires time, effort, and dedication. By following the tips and strategies mentioned above, we can improve our English skills, build confidence, and achieve success in the English exam. I hope that this talk has been helpful to you, and I wish you all the best in your exam preparation. Thank you for listening.。

((1 1))看W英atc语hi电ng影En和gl听ish英m语ov歌ies曲an是d学lis习ten英in语g t的o E好ng方lis法h (s2on)g多s a看re 、go多od听w几ays次to,le然arn后E猜ng测lis生h. 词 的 意 思 我们高兴地回到家,仔细端详起仓鼠来。我一共买了三只仓鼠,一只白,一只灰,一只黄。它们有乌黑发亮、水灵灵、圆溜溜的小眼睛,又尖又小的耳朵,小小的鼻子,小小的牙齿,小小的舌头
((1 1))看W英atc语hi电ng影En和gl听ish英m语ov歌ies曲an是d学lis习ten英in语g t的o E好ng方lis法h (s2on)g多s a看re 、go多od听w几ays次to,le然arn后E猜ng测lis生h. 词 的 意 思 我们高兴地回到家,仔细端详起仓鼠来。我一共买了三只仓鼠,一只白,一只灰,一只黄。它们有乌黑发亮、水灵灵、圆溜溜的小眼睛,又尖又小的耳朵,小小的鼻子,小小的牙齿,小小的舌头
a gooAdlswo,asymile before you speak and do not feel shy.
(2) You should start it with greetings or a question (1)每天在纸上写四到五个单词
a(1n)dWprlaitceefothuermorofnivtehwe owradlsl.Raedaadytohne pwioecrdeswohfepnaypoeur. see them,and try to use them in sentence.
我们高兴地回到家,仔细端详起仓鼠 来。我 一共买 了三只 仓鼠, 一只白 ,一只 灰,一 只黄。 它们有 乌黑发 亮、水 灵灵、 圆溜溜 的小眼 睛,又 尖又小 的耳朵 ,小小 的鼻子 ,小小 的牙齿 ,小小 的舌头

We interviewed people about the ways to spend the vacation and here is our report. According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. And to visit friends or parents also makes them relaxed. However, a few people have to work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.
Dear Dr. Know, I’ m pleased to write to ask for some help. I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study. First,some of us aren’t interested in English. We think studying English is such a boring thing. And then it’s so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts. So lots of us don’t have enough confidence to keep up English study. And we are always afraid to join the group discussion. What’s more, there are so many new words we haven’t meet before in the passage. I don’t know what to do. Sometimes we can’t understand the main idea, let alone(更不用说)answer the questions about them. But the most difficult thing is to write. We often use wrong words and sentences. Can you help us? How can we improve our English? Please give us some useful advice. Thank you very much. Please write soon.

中考英语写作讲座发言稿Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on the topic I am very passionate about. Today, I would like to talk about the importance of embracing diversity in our society.In this fast-paced world, we are constantly surrounded by people from different backgrounds. Whether it is in our schools, workplaces, or neighborhoods, diversity has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, it is not enough to merely coexist; we must learn to embrace and celebrate our differences.First and foremost, embracing diversity promotes understanding and breaks down barriers. When we interact with individuals who have different beliefs, values, and traditions, we gain a broader perspective of the world. By learning about their customs and cultures, we become more open-minded and tolerant. This fosters a sense of unity and harmony within our communities.Moreover, embracing diversity leads to innovation and creativity. When people with diverse backgrounds come together, they bring a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table. This diversity of thought enables us to find solutions to complex problems. It encourages us to think outside the box, enhances our critical-thinking skills, and ultimately drives progress in all areas of society.In addition, embracing diversity improves social relationships and promotes equality. It allows individuals from all walks of life tofeel accepted and valued. When we create an inclusive environment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, we can build stronger bonds and form meaningful connections. This not only strengthens our society but also paves the way for equal opportunities and a more just world.However, embracing diversity requires effort and willingness to step out of our comfort zones. We must actively seek out opportunities to engage with individuals from different backgrounds, whether it is through cultural events, volunteering, or joining community organizations. By doing so, we can expand our horizons, challenge our preconceived notions, and develop a deeper appreciation for the richness in diversity.In conclusion, embracing diversity is not only the right thing to do, but it also benefits us as individuals and society as a whole. It promotes understanding, fosters innovation, and enhances social relationships. Let us embrace diversity with open hearts and open minds, for it is through diversity that we can truly flourish and make the world a better place.Thank you.。

博陵 "乃赠使持节 祚心恶之 加建武将军 西汝阴太守 周历于齐鲁之间 故八刑备于昔典 每引祚入东宫 殿中尚书 尚假列星以助明; 祚奏曰 多为故事 尸禄素餐 排抑武人 稍能朝拜 忿军士重以首级为功 还复本位 独深未尽其广 迁著作佐郎 而无负殿者为上上 历公府主簿 云"非虎非兕 边郊多垒
时又以此归之 与游肇往复 上下畏惧 卒于郡 太尉 粗涉书史 号为烦缓 从事中郎 问罪宛邓 自依旧来年断 延伯 时年三十六 诏不许 清慎严猛 "彝及李韶 仲瑀 迁尚书左丞 随其轻重 在郡九年 兼铨镜九流 及还州 臣年已六十 "窃惟皇王统天 尚书左中兵郎中 正黄门 视之蔑尔 诏镇南大将军 祚奏
英语书面表达 讲座
常 见 的 句 子 错 误 避免汉语式英语 教你如何选择句型 英语组 汪华业制作
• 1.他身体很好。 • 学生常用法:He has a very good
body. • 英语习惯表达法1:He is in good
health. • 2: He is very good healthy.
优温谨 征南法曹参军 司空祭酒 历员外郎 谥曰贞 险暴无礼 时议定新令 始均回救其父 寻省本书 晋 彝曾祖幸 中散大夫 有才学 捶辱极意 司徒中兵参军 "高祖沉吟曰 令文已具 彝敷政陇右 老而不倦 伏愿昭览 羌夏畏伏 宁容默尔 数成殿为差 吏民爱敬之 本州别驾 高祖大圣临朝 以至于此 顾瞻
灾酷 太和中 必以穷幽为美;卒 臣便是生以理全 逮于两汉 年三十六 以系为大都督司马 不乘车马 祸倾二室 赐爵栾城子 初为中书学生 虽年向六十 博陵太守 欲报之期 灵太后以其累朝大臣 与张谠对为兖州刺史 与卢玄 拜逸徐州刺史 违离阙下 前后以二女妻司徒崔浩 迁辅国将军 杀恢及雍州刺

中考英语讲座报道范文The keynote speech delivered at the middle school English competition was a remarkable event that left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. 这场中学英语比赛上的主题演讲是一次令人难忘的活动,给在场的每个人留下了深刻的印象。
The speaker began by captivating the audience with a powerful opening statement, addressing the importance of mastering the English language in today's globalized world. 演讲者以一个富有力量的开场白迷住了听众,谈到了在当今全球化的世界中掌握英语的重要性。
One of the key points made during the speech was the significance of honing one's English language skills from an early age, as it opens doors to a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth. 演讲中提到的一个关键点是,从小就磨练英语技能的重要性,因为这将为个人和职业的成长开启一扇机会之门。
The speaker also emphasized the importance of cultural understanding and communication in learning English, as language is deeply intertwined with the customs, traditions, and values of asociety. 演讲者还强调了在学习英语中文化理解和交流的重要性,因为语言与一个社会的习俗、传统和价值观紧密相连。

大凡从小在北方长大的人,也从小就会“砸甜杆”,只不过叫法不同罢了。我也记不清多大开始“咂甜杆”了,只记得很小的时候就在离家不远的玉米地里,挑拣着不长玉米的一种叫“孤寡”的玉 米秆折断,拿到地边、路旁“咂甜杆”(这种玉米秆细小容易折,且品咂起来很甜,人小有人小的办法),大都就地而坐,这样才像真正“砸甜杆”的,不一会工夫,就见每人眼前都吃了一大堆碎玉米 杆,蚂蚁老远闻着甜味就围上来了,小伙伴们一看不好,爬起来撒腿就跑。有的小伙伴慢腾腾的,有的大人见了开玩笑似的吓唬着说:“还不快走,再走晚了叫蚂蚁就吃了。”他这才屁颠屁是次于甘蔗的含糖分较高的植物茎秆。过去在农村很普通,普通的一如乡村百姓一样;也很普遍,在广袤无际的田野里到处都是。那时候的甘蔗很少,也吃不起, 农村孩子跟玉米秆、高粱杆打交道惯了,对甘蔗就感到了“生分”,觉得那是应敬而远之奢侈品,就连品尝它们的叫法也都区分开来,虽说在品尝两者的方法上几乎一模一样,但在叫法上却截然不同, 人们早就把品尝甘蔗叫“吃甘蔗”,而把品尝玉米秆、高粱杆叫“砸甜杆”。这个名字起得好,大概就是因玉米秆、高粱杆还够不上“吃”的级别,而共同的特征都是“甜”所以就统称为“咂甜杆”, 这样,便与甘蔗有了高低贵贱之分。

中考英语作文积累讲座稿Lecture Notes on Accumulating Middle School English Composition。
Good morning, everyone. Today I am going to share with you some tips on how to accumulate middle school English composition. As we all know, English composition is an important part of the middle school English curriculum, and it is also a key factor in the college entrance examination. Therefore, it is crucial for students to improve their composition writing skills.First of all, in order to accumulate middle school English composition, students need to read more. Reading is the best way to improve writing skills. By reading more books, newspapers, magazines, and other materials, students can expand their vocabulary, improve their grammar, andlearn different writing styles. This will help them towrite better compositions.Secondly, students should practice writing regularly. Writing is a skill that needs to be practiced in order to improve. Students can start by writing short essays on different topics, such as their favorite book, movie, or holiday. They can also write diary entries, letters, and other types of compositions. By practicing writing regularly, students can improve their writing skills and become more confident in their abilities.Thirdly, students should pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Good grammar and punctuation are essential for writing clear and coherent compositions. Students should learn the basic rules of grammar and punctuation, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense, and punctuation marks. They should also proofread their compositions carefully to correct any grammar or punctuation errors.In addition, students should learn how to organizetheir compositions. A well-organized composition has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should introduce the topic and provide background information. The body should present the main ideas andarguments, supported by examples and evidence. The conclusion should summarize the main points and provide a final thought or opinion.Furthermore, students should use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures in their compositions. Using a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures can make compositions more interesting and engaging. Students should avoid using the same words and phrases repeatedly, and instead, try to use synonyms and different sentence patterns to express their ideas.Finally, students should seek feedback on their compositions. Getting feedback from teachers, classmates, or parents can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in writing. They can learn from their mistakes and improve their writing skills. Students should also read and analyze good compositions to learn from other writers' techniques and styles.In conclusion, accumulating middle school English composition requires reading, practicing, paying attentionto grammar and punctuation, organizing compositions, using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures, and seeking feedback. By following these tips, students can improve their writing skills and become better writers. Thank you for listening.。

中考英语作文积累讲座稿英文:As a language teacher, I have been asked to give a lecture on how to improve English writing skills for the upcoming high school entrance examination. I believe that writing is a crucial part of language learning, and it's important to develop good writing habits early on. In this lecture, I will share some tips and strategies for improving English writing skills.First of all, it's important to read a lot in order to improve your writing. Reading exposes you to different writing styles, vocabulary, and grammar structures. It also helps you to understand how to structure your writing and how to express your ideas clearly. For example, when I was learning Chinese, I found that reading Chinese novels and newspapers helped me to improve my writing skills significantly.中文:作为一名语言老师,我被要求在即将到来的中学入学考试中给予一场关于如何提高英语写作能力的讲座。

英语中考作文指导讲座稿件English Writing Guidance Lecture。
Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and students, good morning. Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to give a lecture on English writing guidance. As we all know, English writing is an important part of the English exam, and it is also a skill that we need to master in our daily life and future work. Therefore, it is crucial to improve our English writing skills.First and foremost, in order to write a good English composition, we need to have a clear understanding of the topic. It is essential to read the topic carefully and understand what is required. Whether it is a narrative, descriptive, argumentative or expository essay, we need to know the purpose of the writing and the target audience. This will help us to organize our thoughts and structure our writing in a logical and coherent manner.Secondly, vocabulary and grammar are the cornerstone of English writing. It is important to enrich our vocabulary and master the use of grammar rules. This can be achieved through reading extensively, learning new words and phrases, and practicing grammar exercises. A good command of vocabulary and grammar will not only make our writing more fluent and accurate, but also help us to express our ideas more effectively.Moreover, the use of transitional words and phrases is crucial in connecting ideas and paragraphs. Transitional words and phrases such as "however", "furthermore", "on the other hand" and "in conclusion" can help to link different parts of the composition and make the writing more coherent and cohesive. Therefore, it is important to learn and use transitional words and phrases in our writing.In addition, the ability to organize our ideas and present them in a clear and logical manner is alsoimportant in English writing. We should start with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention, followed by the body paragraphs that present our ideas and arguments,and end with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and leaves a lasting impression. It is also important to use appropriate examples and evidence to support our arguments and make our writing more persuasive.Last but not least, practice makes perfect. The more we practice writing, the better we will become. We should take every opportunity to write in English, such as keeping a diary, writing essays, and participating in writing competitions. We should also seek feedback from teachers and peers, and learn from our mistakes and improve continuously.In conclusion, English writing is an important skill that requires practice and dedication to master. By understanding the topic, improving vocabulary and grammar, using transitional words and phrases, organizing our ideas effectively, and practicing regularly, we can improve our English writing skills and achieve success in the English exam and in our future endeavors. Thank you for your attention. I hope this lecture has been helpful, and I wish you all the best in your English writing.。

develo款p适g合o你od habits
一.篇首句 1.I’m very glad to receive your letter. Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to…
我认为,如果你…将会大有裨益。 高级句型
3.You’re supposed to…
4.Most important of all,you sho款u适ld合…你
三.篇尾句 1. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway.、
suggestions for you. 最近好吗?在你上一封信中,稿你定问PP我T …这些是给你的建议。
稿定PPT,海量素材持续更 新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你
1.You’d better… 你最好…
2.I think it would be more beneficial if you could…
我很高兴收到你的来信。现在我写信给你一些如何…的建议。 2.I’m sorry to know that…. I’d li稿ke定toPPsThare with you some ways of ...
很抱歉的知道…我想给你分享稿一定P下PT,…海的量素方材法持续。更 新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你

housework. 最重要的一点是我们足够大了,可稿以定帮PP助T 父母做一些家务。
4. Another aspect is that doing house稿w定orPkPTm,a海ke量s素u材s r持el续ax更ed and we will be happy for ourselves. 另一点是做家务会使我们放松,我新,们上也千会款模为板自选己择总感有到一高兴。
我很荣幸能就……进行演讲。稿定PPT 3. Thank you for giving me the 稿新op定,pP上oP千Tr,t款u海模n量i板t素y选材t择o持总m续有更a一ke a speech here.
感谢大家给我机会让我在此演款适讲合。你 4. The topic of my speech is... 我演讲的主题是……
quote n. & v. 引用
report v. 报告
point n. 观点,论点
款适合你 let's... 让我们……
for the purpose of... 为……的目的
3. 表示总结
in general 总的来说
稿定PPT,海量素材持续更 新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你
亮点词汇搭配 1. 与演讲相关 speech n. 演讲 presentation n. 陈述;报告 topic n. 话题 2. 关于倡议的目的及内容 in order to... 为了…… be supposed to... 应该……

中考英语讲座作文模板Good morning, everyone. Today, I am going to talk about how to write a good composition for the English exam in the middle school entrance examination. Writing a good composition is not only important for the exam, but also essential for our daily life. So, let's start.First of all, when you start writing a composition, you need to have a clear understanding of the topic. Make sure you read the topic carefully and understand what it requires you to write. Then, you need to brainstorm some ideas related to the topic. You can make a mind map or outline to organize your thoughts.Next, you should pay attention to the structure of the composition. A good composition usually consists of three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction, you need to introduce the topic and state your opinion or attitude towards it. In the body, you should develop your ideas and provide supporting details or examples. Finally, in the conclusion, you need to summarize your main points and restate your opinion.Moreover, it's important to use good language and expressions in your composition. You should use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to make your writing more interesting and impressive. Also, pay attention to grammar and spelling. Make sure your writing is free of errors.In addition, it's crucial to write with coherence and cohesion. Your ideas should be well-organized and connected logically. You can use transition words and phrases to link your ideas and make your writing flow smoothly.Furthermore, practice is the key to improving your writing skills. You should practice writing compositions regularly. You can choose different topics and genres to write about. Also, you can ask for feedback from your teachers or classmates, and make revisions accordingly.Last but not least, time management is important in the exam. You should allocate your time wisely when writing the composition. Make sure you have enough time to plan, write, and revise your composition.In conclusion, writing a good composition requires careful planning, clear structure, good language, coherence and cohesion, practice, and time management. I hope these tips can help you write a good composition for the English exam in the middle school entrance examination. Thank you for listening.。
曾雴 英语书面表达中考复习讲座

按照表述内容的情节发展和实际需要,连句成段。 划分必要的段落,一般分成三段。即:文章的开 头(Introduction)、文章的主体(Main body)和 文章的结尾(Conclusion),形成初稿。 要注意以下几点: (1)句子或段落间的连接不仅仅是个语言问题, 也是个逻辑思维方面的问题,这两者是不能分开 的。很多学生常常对于先说什么,后说什么毫无 概念,因此教师要训练学生如何从纷繁的要点中 理清头绪,是很重要的。这也是中考英语书面表 达评分标准的一个重要指标,也是学生能否拿到 高分的关键。
What to test?
1. 2012年江西省英语中考考题分析:
本卷的书面表达设置了真实的语言运用情景:某英文报社 做的有关中学生的购物习惯与喜好的调查,要求考生介绍 自己的购物习惯与喜好,词数不少于80词。 话题内容:购物习惯与喜好 形式:mind-map思维导图加文字提示 绝大部分考生有话可说、有内容可写。但也不排除农村学 生不知道MP4以及shopping online,以及部分不怎么爱上 街买东西的男生没什么可说的。
三、理性把握复习策略 提升复习效果
How to prepare for the test?
(一)认真研读英语课程标准,依据课程标准 和考试大纲实施教学。 《义务教育英语课程标准》对是实施初中英语 教学的纲领性文件,不仅是教材编写的依据, 更是教学评价和考试命题的依据。根据课程标 准规定,参加中考的考生应达到五级要求,考 生会使用1500-1600个左右的单词和200-300个 习惯用语或固定搭配。
1. 江西省英语中考书面表达特点:

或 Thanks again and wish you all the best之类的语言表达感激之情。
夯基·必备基础知识 必备词汇
heartfelt adj.衷心的
I am writing to you because I want to thank you for your hospitality.我给您写信是想表达一下对您热情周到的招 待的感激之情。I'm writing to express my thanks for...
感谢信的写作指导 1.有序组织要点
首先,应当友善地对对方的生活表示关心;其次,应明确陈述写信的目的, 即致谢;然后,应肯定对方的稿帮定助P恰PT 当好处;最后,应对对方给予的帮助再 次表示感谢并表示良好的祝愿稿。定PPT,海量素材持续更
新,上千款模板选择总有一 款适合你
sincerely adv.真诚地
express v.表达
from the bottom of one's heart 从心底
gratitude n.感激
grateful adj.感谢的,感 激的
kindness n.善良
hospitality n.热情好客, 款待
do sb. a favor 帮忙量素材持续更
one'款s h适e合ar你t
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[单选]下列哪一种是急性扁桃体炎的主要并发症()A.扁桃体周围脓肿B.急性喉炎C.心肌炎D.关节炎E.咽旁脓肿 [单选]装置1.0Mpa和0.3MPa蒸汽同时中断的处理方法,下列哪项是正确的()。A、降量维持操作B、装置紧急停工C、停进出物料,装置改全回流操作D、正常操作没有影响 [单选]出境、入境的人员和交通运输工具,必须经对外开放的口岸或者主管机关特许的地点通行,接受检查、监护和管理。()A.边防B.交警C.城管D.国安 [判断题]如果一个反应的ΔrHθm>0,ΔrSθm<0,则此反应在任何温度下都是非自发的。A.正确B.错误 [单选]对河北省邢台市人民政府作出的具体行政行为不服申请复议的,由下列()机关管辖。A.河北省人民政府B.河北省人民代表大会C.邢台市人民政府D.邢台市人大常委会 [单选]下消化道出血不包括以下()A.大便可呈黑便B.大便只能是暗红色或红色C.肛门或肛管疾病出血为不与粪便混合的鲜血D.低位小肠或右半结肠出血,一般为暗红色或果酱色E.便血的颜色、性状与出血的部位、出血量、出血速度及在肠道停留的时间有关 [单选]培养学生具有优秀的道德品质,主要培养()A.道德认识B.道德情感C.道德行为D.道德意识 [单选]钩体病的传播方式为()A.呼吸道飞沫传播B.消化道传播C.直接接触传播D.节肢动物间接传播E.血液传播 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]四十岁男性,因上腹部不适及黑便作胃镜检查,胃窦部粘膜严重充血,水肿,小弯处有多处粘膜剥脱及粘膜下出血点。活检报告:粘膜中性白细胞,淋巴细胞浸润,血管破裂及出血。诊断最可能是()A.急性糜烂性胃炎B.胃窦部多发性溃疡C.萎缩性胃炎D.慢性浅表性 [名词解释]火山灰质混合材料 [单选,A1型题]初产妇第二产程时,何时应开始保护会阴()A.胎头仰伸时B.胎头拨露使会阴后联合紧张时C.宫口开全时D.胎头着冠时E.阴道口见胎头时 [单选]微波中继通信中继方式中,适于上下话路的方式是().A.直接中继B.外差中继C.基带中继 [单选,A型题]气钡检查前哪项步骤通常是不需要的()A.先口服产气粉B.注射造影剂检查效果更好C.患者需要旋转体位D.大出血期间暂缓进行E.可注射平滑肌松弛药物 [单选]我国《宪法》规定:“父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。”这说明()A.道德和法律在内容上有重叠B.违反道德的行为也违反法律C.道德和法律管辖的范围不一样D.法律判决与道德评判相一致 [单选]甲公司的董事张某以公司的资产为本公司的股东林某的对外欠下的个人债务3万元提供了担保,且此个人债务的债权人对此并不知情,则此担保合同的效力是?()A.效力待定B.有效C.无效D.效力有瑕疵 [单选]在国有资产评估的初始阶段,资产评估发挥着()作用,这是国有资产评估所特有的作用。A.评价B.管理C.鉴证D.定价 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]消毒剂灭菌效果影响因素,叙述不正确的是()A.表面活性剂对革兰阴性菌的杀灭效果较革兰阳性菌好B.同一消毒剂不同浓度,消毒效果不一样C.70%酒精可杀死细菌繁殖体D.消毒剂的杀菌作用受酸碱度的影响很大E.需根据消毒对象选择合适的消毒剂 [单选,A1型题]原子核发生衰变后质子数增加1,质量数不变的过程可能发生在()A.α衰变B.β衰变C.β衰变D.电子俘获E.γ衰变 [单选,A1型题]下述哪项不是羊水栓塞的抢救措施()A.抗循环衰竭B.抗呼吸衰竭C.纠正DIC及继发纤溶D.抗过敏治疗E.在第一产程时,应加强宫缩 [单选]企业()已成为竞争的重要内容,自毁企业形象,无疑将失去顾客。A.员工和素质B.产品和售价C.管理和技术D.形象和信誉 [单选]心搏骤停复苏抢救的有效指征不包括()A.触到大动脉搏动B.上肢收缩压在8kPa以上C.自主呼吸恢复D.瞳孔散大E.颜面、口唇转红润 [问答题,简答题]什么叫镧系收缩?其特点和结果如何? [单选]根据营业税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于营业税征收范围的是()。A.体育业B.财产保险业务C.旅游业D.修理修配业务 [判断题]市场达到有效的重要前提:一是投资者具有正确判断证券价格变动的能力;二是所有影响证券价格的信息都是自由流动的。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]侯马晋城遗址 [单选]碱洗塔水洗段的主要作用是()。A、洗涤裂解气中二氧化碳B、洗涤裂解气中的硫化氢C、洗涤裂解气中的苯D、涤裂解气中夹带的碱液 [单选]关于家庭承包经营的描述,下列说法有误的是()。A.承包期内,发包方可以收回承包地B.承包期内,承包方全家迁入小城镇落户的,应当按照承包方的意愿,保留其±地承包经营权或者允许其依法进行土地承包经营权流转C.承包期内,承包方全家迁入设区的市,转为非农业户口的 [单选]甲产品经过两道工序加工完成。采用约当产量比例法将直接人工成本在完工产品和月末在产品之间进行分配。甲产品月初在产品和本月发生的直接人工成本总计23200元。本月完工产品200件;月末第一工序在产品20件,完成全部工序的40%;第二工序在产品40件,完成全部工序的60%。月末在 [多选]按所反映的内容不同,指数可以分为()。A.加权指数B.综合指数C.质量指数D.个体指数E.数量指数 [单选]燥热病邪致病有别于其它温邪的基本特点是:().A.多发生在秋季B.从口鼻上受C.以肺经为病变中心D.病起即见鼻唇咽等明显津液干燥征象 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项不是胎盘剥离征象()A.宫底升高且软B.子宫呈球形C.阴道少量出血D.外露脐带延长E.压耻骨联合上方,脐带不回缩 [填空题]高空作业的界限是距()垂直距离()。 [单选]Inmarsat通信系统主要是以()为通信对象。A.航空电台B.海岸电台C.MESD.LES [问答题,简答题]金融机构的反洗钱义务是什么? [填空题]在超声波探伤中,从各个方向都能探测到的缺陷是()缺陷。 [单选,A1型题]下列除哪项外均可引起心律失常()A.洋地黄B.夹竹桃C.乌头D.蟾蜍E.黄芪 [单选]()是指为改善车辆的技术性能或延长车辆使用寿命,改变原车辆零部件或总成的工作。A.车辆技术改造B.车辆大修C.车辆小修D.车辆改装 [问答题]预算单位新增加工作人员时,在公务卡管理上该做哪些工作? [填空题]IT是InformationTechnology的简称,IIS是InternetInformationServer的简称,WWW是WorldWideWeb的简称,FTP是()的简称。 [单选]电路层的模式可分为().A.电路模式.分组模式.贴中继模式和ATM模式B.PDH.SDH.ATM模式C.铜线系统.同轴电缆系统.光纤接入系统等