DVD 0101 好爸爸,坏爸爸02 数蛤蟆03 一分钱04 王老先生有块地05 小白船06 黑猫警长07 一个师傅三个徒弟08 彩虹妹妹09 猴哥10 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟11 春天在哪里12 种太阳13 娃哈哈14 鲁冰花15 拔萝卜16 我们是共产主义接班人17 小螺号18 我的朋友在哪里19 捉泥鳅20 走在铁路旁21 人人叫我好儿童22 阳光与小雨23 拜访春天24 雨中即景25 长亭外古道边(送别)26 三月里的小雨27 童年28 妈妈的吻29 找朋友30 小手拍拍31 听妈妈讲那过去的事情32 让我们荡起双桨33 我爱北京天安门34 铃儿响叮当35 兰花草36 乡间与小路37 新年好38 踏浪39 少年少年祖国的春天40 明天会更好41 我心爱的小马车01 春天在哪里02 让我们荡起双桨03 幸福拍手歌04 老师你好05 拾稻穗的小姑娘06 只要妈妈露笑脸07 北京有个金太阳08 我爱北京天安门09 唱出一个春天来10 快乐的孩子爱唱歌11 哆来咪12 小号手之歌13 雪绒花14 圣诞铃声15 恭喜恭喜16 快乐的向前走17 小猫咪18 只怕不抵抗19 茉莉花20 长城谣21 歌声与微笑22 世上只有妈妈好23 找朋友24 卖报歌25 每当我走过老师窗前26 少年少年祖国的春天27 春天到28 小小羊儿要回家29 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞30 咱们从小讲礼貌31 卖汤圆32 十二月花33 我的小羊羔34 三轮车跑得快35 火车向着韶山跑36小蜜蜂37 猴子捞月亮38 人人叫我好儿童39 济公40 我们长大了DVD 0301 拔萝卜02 一分钱04 小螺号05 快乐的六一06 数蛤蟆07 哈巴狗08 李小多分果果09 我是好宝宝10 老鹰抓小鸡11 妈妈的吻12 卖花姑娘13 小雨点14 新年好15 世界小小小16 小花猫17 我的家18 大公鸡19 唐老鸭20 妹妹背着洋娃娃21 家族歌22 泼水歌23 开火车24 十个印第安人25 七子之歌26 泥娃娃27 我的好妈妈28 小水牛29 娃娃国30 再试一下31 说哈罗32 稻草里的火鸡33 农家好34 送别35 小松树36 小白船37 小星星38 自已跌倒自己爬39 小毛驴40 小草DVD 0401 少年英雄小哪吒02 猴哥03 西游记04 少年梁祝05 白龙马07 萤火虫08 咪咪流浪记09 叮当10 小龙人11 歌声与微笑12 雷欧之歌13 花仙子之歌14 阿童木之歌15 好爸爸坏爸爸16 小机灵之歌17 三个和尚18 三毛流浪记19 奔奔20 小魔女的魔法书21 采蘑菇的小姑娘22 数鸭子23 布谷24 我愿做个好小孩25 童年26 蜗牛与黄骊鸟27 妈妈您早28 赶海的姑娘29 七色光30 明天会更好31 夏之旅32 歌唱二小放牛郎33 听妈妈讲那过去的事情34 芦笛35 种太阳36 小鸟小鸟37 劳动最光荣38 草原赞歌39 天下的妈妈都是一样的40 跨世纪的新一代DVD0501 小红帽02 我的朋友在哪里03 捉泥鳅04 我心爱的小马车05 剪羊毛06 冰糖葫芦07 虹彩妹妹08 看六戏09 鱼儿水中游10 伦敦铁桥11 种树歌12 春神来了13 母亲您直伟大14 母鸭带小鸭15 毕业歌16 我是一只小小鸟17 只要我长大18 马兰花19 蜗牛20 当我们同在一起21 两只老虎22 鲁冰花23 一只小老鼠24 娃哈哈25 生日快乐26 丢手绢27 小兔子乖乖28 小老鼠上灯台30 问候歌31 好孩子要诚实32 一只哈巴狗33 铃儿响叮当34 闪亮闪亮小星星35 牧童36 雪人不见了37 小小少年38 粉刷匠39 健康歌40 大家来做广播操DVD 0601 哆来咪02 济公03 草原赞歌04 小魔女的魔法书05 稍息立正站好06 123456707 小小少年08 粉刷匠09 三毛流浪记10 小号手之歌11 熊猫咪咪12 雪人不见了13 牧童14 小鸟小鸟15 蓝精灵16 劳动最光荣17 三个和尚18 我心爱的小马车19 跨世纪的新一代20 布谷21 扯大锯22 西游记23 不倒翁24 老鹰抓小鸡25 数蛤蟆26 哈巴狗27 泼水歌28 四与十29 数鸭子30 我的好宝宝31 26个英文字母33 摇篮曲34 大公鸡35 家族歌36 文明用语37 音符歌38 我愿做个好小孩DVD 0701 数鸭子02 小红帽03 小草04 妈妈的吻05 小毛驴06 嘀哩哩07 看大戏08 新年好09 小雨点10 音符歌11 卖花姑娘12 娃哈哈13 读书好14 拾豆豆15 放学歌16 拨浪鼓17 世界小小小18 自己跌倒自己爬19 王老先生有块地20 小螺号21 拔萝卜22 丢手绢23 小白船24 小星星25 小龙人26 一分钱27 日历歌28 小松树29 上学歌30 布谷鸟31 快乐的六一32 找朋友33 两只小考虑34 十二月花35 丰收之歌36 我的小羊羔38 咱们从小讲礼貌DVD 0801 王老先生有块地02 生日快乐03 早安你好04 快睡吧宝贝05 森林里的大熊06 十个小印第安人07 这个老人08 沿路唱回家09 新加坡10 当我们同在一起11 森林的音乐家12 如果你快乐13 大草原之歌14 真善美之歌15 你是我的阳光16 一二三四五17 五只小鸭子18 蜘蛛歌19 耶酥爱我20 一起上伦敦21 我是个好音乐家22 玛丽有一只小羊DVD 0901 你睡了吗02 ABC之歌03 月份歌04 甜蜜的回忆05 拍手歌06 问候歌07 一闪一闪小星星08 音乐盒09 三只小猫10 笑容满面的人11 充满自信的日子12 抓住一颗流星13 叮当钟声14 山谷里的农夫15 种稻子16 伦敦铁桥17 这只小狗卖多少钱19 我在铁路上工作20 大象21 我是一个警员22 春神来了23 公车的轮子DVD1001 舞蹈:红炮仗02 舞蹈:我的草莓果儿03 舞蹈:伞儿红04 五环棒棒仔05 舞蹈:喜庆06 舞蹈:喜娃闹春07 舞蹈:小小女兵08 舞蹈:嗨!好样的09 少儿芭蕾舞:阳光女孩10 京剧《智取威虎山》选段11 舞蹈:欢乐童年12 舞蹈:大中华,我的家13 舞蹈:绿色的梦14 舞蹈:时刻准备着15 舞蹈:玩具畅想16 舞蹈:花喜鹊17 舞蹈:赶街18 舞蹈:祖国你好19 舞蹈:榴花似火20 京剧舞蹈:好儿郎21 独唱:踩雨DVD 1101 舞蹈:红旗白鸽02 舞蹈:上学堂03 独唱:牛背上的孩子04 舞蹈:踢踏花鼓05 舞蹈:杨柳儿扭06 钢琴重奏:进队进行曲07 舞蹈:亲亲茉莉花08 舞蹈:校园迷彩09 京剧清唱:铡美案选段10 舞蹈:快乐在一起11 舞蹈:今年我家喜事多13 歌伴舞:金色的木鼓敲起来14 舞蹈:妈妈亲,老师亲03 舞蹈:神气的小记者04 二胡独奏:三门峡畅想曲05 舞蹈:甜甜祖国大家园06 舞蹈:小指挥的遐想07 小提琴独奏:丰收渔歌08 舞蹈:嘿!小可爱09 舞蹈:我爱祖国我爱家10 舞蹈:欢乐童年DVD1201 舞蹈:聪明宝贝02 舞蹈:五彩缤纷03 舞蹈:板凳乐04 舞蹈:我和小鸟拉钩钩05 舞蹈:Happy 200006 舞蹈:我真棒07 舞蹈:科学小飞侠08 舞蹈:开心假日09 舞蹈:星际小宝贝10 舞蹈:嬉碟11 舞蹈:雨前雨后12 舞蹈:今天我请客13 舞蹈:水清鱼儿乐14 舞蹈:放学了15 舞蹈:飞旋吉祥鼓16 舞蹈:门红17 舞蹈:鲜花多彩哪来18 舞蹈:踢踏十分钟19 舞蹈:圆梦20 舞蹈:青春乐园21 舞蹈:山泉22 舞蹈:十里观灯23 京剧《沙家滨》选段24 电子琴合奏:花裙子飘起来25 独唱:小螺号DVD1301 声母歌02 韵母歌03 整体认读音节歌04 四声歌05 识字歌(上)06 识字歌(下)07 同音字歌(上)08 同音字歌(下)09 偏旁部首歌(上)10 偏旁部首歌(下)11 变字歌(上)12 变字歌(下)13 儿童歌曲:家族歌14 儿童歌曲:小红帽15 儿童歌曲:小螺号16 儿童歌曲:采蘑菇的小姑娘17 量词歌18 近义词19 反义词20 动物歌21 植物歌22 文具歌23 家庭成员歌24 的地得25 标点符号歌26 作文口诀(上)27 作文口诀(下)28 古诗欣赏:江雪29 古诗欣赏:鹿柴30 古诗欣赏:赠汪伦31 古诗欣赏:静夜思32 古诗欣赏:寻隐者不遇33 古诗欣赏:绝句34 儿童歌曲:鲁冰花35 儿童歌曲:娃哈哈36 儿童歌曲:蜗牛与黄鹂鸟37 儿童歌曲:我有一个好爸爸DVD1401 数字歌02 对花歌03 相邻数04 单数和双数05 数字的拆分(上)06 数学的拆分(下)07 加法08 加法算一算09 减法10 减法算一算11 巧算歌(上)12 巧算哥(下)13 儿童歌曲:一分钟14 儿童歌曲:娃哈哈15 儿童歌曲:对数歌16 儿童歌曲:数鸭子17 乘法口诀18 乘法算一算19 除法20 除法算一算21 符号歌22 数字数位和位数23 小数歌24 珠算指法25 珠算加法26 珠算减法27 儿童歌曲:123456728 儿童歌曲:新年好29 儿童歌曲:丢手巾30 儿童歌曲:世上只有妈妈好DVD1501 礼貌问候用语02 家禽家畜名称03 采蘑菇的小姑娘04 英文字母歌05 家庭成员称呼06 儿童歌曲:家族歌07 春夏秋冬四季08 春天在哪里09 数字从一到十10 对数歌11 水果类名称12 拔萝卜13 身体各部位名称14 泥娃娃15 头部五官名称16 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟17 阿童木之歌18 颜色名称19 公园景物名称20 小草21 天文地理名称22 日期名称23 数鸭子24 公园动物名称25 交通工具名称26 文化用品名称27 丢手绢28 123456729 十二个月份30 社会职业名称31 两只老虎32 小司机33 生日快乐34 世上只有妈妈好DVD1601 家庭用品02 鸟类天地03 小燕子04 小红帽05 卡通人物06 猴哥07 食物名称08 餐具名称09 卖汤圆10 叮当11 卫生用品名称12 建筑名称13 扯人锯14 刷牙歌15 形状名称16 动作名称17 不倒翁18 每当我走过老师的窗前19 昆虫世界20 萤火虫21 自然景物名称22 外婆的澎湖湾23 海洋动物名称24 小螺号25 天气用语26 歌声与微笑27 体育用品名称28 健康歌29 家用电器30 哆来咪31 表情用语名称32 只要妈妈露笑脸33 方位名称34 我有一个好爸爸。
又难又短的英文儿歌《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》- 原文:Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.- 翻译:一闪一闪小星星,我多想知道你是什么呀。
- 解释:这是一首描绘星星的儿歌。
“Twinkle”形象地表现星星闪烁的样子,“How I wonder what you are”表达出对星星的好奇。
- 运用情况:夜晚看星星的时候可以唱。
- 例子:小明和爸爸妈妈在乡下的院子里,夜空繁星点点,爸爸就唱起了“Twinkle, twinkle, little star”,小明也跟着哼唱起来,感觉夜晚变得更加美妙了。
《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》- 原文:Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.- 翻译:划呀,划呀,划你的小船,轻轻地顺流而下。
- 解释:“Row”是划船的动作,“gently”描绘出划船的轻柔。
- 运用情况:在公园划船的时候很适合唱。
- 例子:小红和小伙伴们在公园的湖面上划船,大家一边划一边唱“Row, row, row your boat”,欢声笑语回荡在湖面上。
《Baa Baa Black Sheep》- 原文:Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full.- 翻译:咩咩,黑色的羊,你有羊毛吗?是的,先生,是的,先生,满满三袋呢。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------少儿经典英文儿歌少儿经典英文儿歌双语不用教最新版 3DVD 碟片少儿经典英文儿歌双语不用教最新版3DVD 碟片统一价:68元规格:19*3.6*14cm 重量:0.45kg 经典英文儿歌《经典英文儿歌:四季歌》采用国际顶尖教育理念,结合生活中常见事物,采用娱乐、学习一体化的方式,以生动有趣的语言,让孩子一边娱乐一边学习,是专门为中国孩子们全新制作的语言启蒙教材。
DISC 1:01 How Old Are You?你多大了? 02 Old Macdonald Had A Farm1 / 4老麦克唐纳有块地 03 Elephant 大象 04 Tell Me What ls it?告诉我它是什么? 05 Rain, Rain, Go Away 小雨川雨,请走开 06 ABC Song 字母歌 07 Mary And Her Merry Doll 马丽和她的可爱娃娃 08 Apple Tree 苹果树 09 Good Morning To You 对你说早上好 10 Do-Re-Mi 哆莱咪 11 What Is Your Name?你的名字是什么? 12 Hello Hello How Are You?哈罗,你好吗? 13 BrahmsLullaby 布拉姆斯摇篮曲 14 The Song Of Colour 颜色之歌 15 How Do You Do 你好 16 Baa, Baa Black Sheep 咩咩,黑色的绵羊17 Happy Birthday To You 生日快乐 18 Ten Little Indian Boys 十个印第安小男孩 19 Are You Sleeping?你在睡觉吗? 20 We Wish You A Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 21 The Four Seasons 四季歌 22 If You Are Happy 如果你幸福23 It’s A Small World 真是小小世界 24 Row Row Your Boat 划船歌 25 BiBoy 比利男孩 26 Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠听钟声 27 Auld Lane Syne 友谊地久天长 28 bingo 宾果 29 Red River Valley 红河谷 30 The Farmer In The Dell 山谷里住着农夫 31 Once I Caught A Fish A live 我曾经捉过一条活鱼 32 London Bridge ls Falling Down 伦敦铁桥垮下来 33 Boy And Girl 男孩和女孩 34 This Is The Way 就是这样 35 Jingle Bells 铃儿晌叮当 36 The More We Get Together 当我们同在一起 37 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 一闪一闪小星星 38 Head, Shoulder, Knees And Toes 头肩膝和脚趾 39 Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush 围着桑树跳 40 Silent Night 平安夜 DISC 2:---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 01 Ding Dong Bell 叮当铃声响 02 Hush,Little Baby 睡吧,宝贝 03 Froggie Froggte 小蛤蟆04 I’m Going Up To London 我要去伦敦 05 Pussy Cat Pussy Cat 小猫咪,小猫咪 06 Come And Join The Game 来加入这游戏 07 Oh,Where Has My Little Dog Gone?我的小狗在哪里? 08 Solder,Won’t You Marry Me?士兵,你要娶我吗? 09 She’ll Be Come Round The Mountain 她将要到山区来10 Sailor 水手 11 Ring Around The Posy 玫瑰花环12 I’ve Got Sixpence 我有六便士 13 Whatever Will Be WilI Be 将来该怎样就怎样 14 Nurse 护士 15 My Little Aeroplane 我的小飞机 16 The Bear Went Over The Mounta 巾狗熊翻山 17 Little Polly Flinders 小波莉 18 Put Your Fingers In The Air 把你的手指放在空气中 19 He Got The Whole World In His Hand 世界属于他 20 I Love You Dolphin 我爱你海豚 21 How Much ls That Doggie?那只小狗多少钱7 22 My Little Tricycle 我的小三轮 23 Cuckoo Clock 杜鹃钟 24 Humpty Dumpty 矮胖子 25 I Went To SchooI One Morning 清晨我上学 26 Wake Up,Wake Up 醒来,醒来 27 The Doll Of Clay 泥娃娃 28 Three Blind Mice 三只瞎老鼠 29 To The Zoo 去动物园 30 One More Try 再试一次 31 Coleur Song 颜色歌 32 Edelweiss 雪绒花 33 Oh,Susanna 噢,苏珊娜 34 Donkey Donkey 小毛驴 35 Eight Little Baby Ducks 八只小鸭子 36 I Have Two Hands 我有一双手 37 Sing A Song Of Sixpence 唱支六便士的歌 38 Fly Birdie3 / 4Fly 飞吧小鸟 39 The Three Little Kittens 三只小猫 40 FoIIow Me 跟我做益智堂【】儿童早教启蒙教育商城,为孩子们提供安全健康、趣味学习的婴幼儿益智玩具,儿童书籍,积木玩具,音像等幼教产品。
详细参看:《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》01 ABCD字母歌•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》02 Happy Birthday 生日快乐•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》03 Hello 你好•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》04 Table Number•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》05 Tell Me 告诉我•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》06 I'm a boy•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》07 What's Your Name? 你叫什么名字?•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》08 We Wish You a Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》09 Row Your Boat 划小船•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》10 T en Little lndians 十个印第安小男孩•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》11The Farmer in the Dell 山谷里的农夫•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》12 Bingo 宾果•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》13 The Clock 时钟•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》14 Goodbye Litle Fish 再见,小鱼•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》15 Teddy Bear 玩具熊•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》16 Are You Sleeping? 还要睡吗?•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》17 Sally•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》18 I Can Hear the Bell 我能听到钟声•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》19 Come on and join into the Game 来参加游戏吧•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》20 Greeting•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》21 Head,shoulders Kness and Toes 头肩膝和脚趾•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》22 Good morning to you•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》23 January•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》24 rose 玫瑰•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》25 The Muffin Man 松糕老人•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》26 One Two Bukle My Shoe 一二扣上鞋•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》28 Follow me ABC•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》29 Make New Frieds 结交新朋友•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》30 Hush,little baby•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》30 Pussy Cat 小猫咪•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》31 Polly Put the Kettle On 波莉把水壶放在炉子上•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》32 The more we get together •儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》33 For He's a jolly Good Fellow 他是一个快乐的小伙•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》34 Sweetly Sings the Donkey 小驴欢乐地歌唱•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》35 Starliht starbnight 星光灿烂•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》36 Good Night to You All 祝大家晚安•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》37 Follow me 跟我做•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》37 Oh How Lovely the Evening 夜晚多美好•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》38 Rock a-Bey Baby 宝宝的摇蓝•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》39 sleep Baby,sleep 睡吧宝贝睡吧•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》41 Billy boy•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》42 Old MacDonald 老麦克唐纳•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》43 I am a little teapot 我是一只小茶壶•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》44 Twinkle Twinkle little star 闪亮闪亮的小星星•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》45 The Ants go Marching 蚂蚁行军•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》46 One Bottle O'pop 一瓶汽水•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》47 London Bridge 伦敦大桥•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》48 The happy song•儿童英语《洪恩巴迪英文童谣》50 Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当。
儿童英语儿歌大全100首儿童英语儿歌大全如下:1.Tisket a tasket 滴滴答2.The farmer in the dell农夫住在山谷里3.Over in the meadow4.Being kind to each other相亲相爱歌5.Twinkle twinkle little star 小星星6.Apple song 苹果歌7.Baa baa black sheep 黑羊咩咩咩8.The wheels on the bus 公车上的轮子9.Five little pumpkins五个小南瓜10.Ten green bottles十个绿瓶子11.The numbers song数字歌12.Ten in the bed13.Ten little Indians 十个小印第安人14.Hello how do you do 你好吗15.Five little ducks 五只鸭子16.Walking walking 走走走17.Make a circle 围个圈18.Rain rain go away 雨雨走开19.Bingo 宾果20.Five little monkeys jump on the bed21.Once I caught a fish alive有一次我活捉了一只鱼22.This old man 这个老人23.Head shoulders kness and toes 头肩膀膝盖脚趾头24.Finger family 手指家庭之歌25.This is the way we brush our teeth我们是用这样的方式刷牙的26.The bath song洗澡歌27.Jack and jill28.Rain on the green grass 雨落在绿草上29.To market to market 去市场,去市场30.Sally go round the sun萨利绕着太阳转31.One little finger一根小手指32.If you are happy and you know it 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手33.Brush your teeth刷刷你的牙34.Hey Diddle Diddle35.Pat-a-cake 做蛋糕36.Humpty dumpty蛋头先生37.This little piggy这只小猪38.Sing a song of six pence六便士之歌39.I am a little teapot我是个小茶壶40.Baby shark 鲨鱼宝宝41.Who took the cookie from the cookie can谁从饼干盒里拿了饼干42.Teddy bear泰迪熊43.The hokey pokey shake变戏法44.Wag your tail摇尾巴45.Rock scissors paper石头剪刀布46.Did you ever see a lassie 你曾见过的小姑娘47.Old MacDonald had a farm老麦先生有个农场48.Did you ever see a tail 你看到我的尾巴了吗?49.Itsy Bitsy Spider 小小的蜘蛛50.Donkey donkey51.The music room 在音乐教室52.Do re mi53.Sing a ring54.Sing,sing,sing a song唱,唱,唱一首歌55.I can sing a rainbow56.Cows in the kitchen奶牛在厨房奶牛57.The lion and the unicorn狮子与独角兽58.The bear went over the mountain小熊上山59.Froggie froggie 小青蛙,小青蛙60.Goosey goosey gander大鹅大鹅瞧一瞧61.The crawdad song钓鱼歌62.ABC song63.Color song颜色之歌64.The shape song 形状之歌65.Skidamarink叮当爱之曲66.Rudolph the red nosed reindeer67.Santa claus is coming to town圣诞老人进城68.We wish you a merry Christmas祝你圣诞快乐69.Jingle bell铃儿响叮当70.Christmas is magic圣诞节是魔术71.Christmas is coming圣诞节来了72.Days of the week 星期之歌73.In the sea 在海边74. A sailor went to sea一名水手出海啦75.Down by the station在火车站76.Hush,little baby 安静,小宝贝77.Sweet dreams78.Good morning早上好79.Happy new year80.Happy birthday song祝你生日快乐81.The muffin man做麦芬的人82.Are you sleeping你睡着了吗83.Row row row your boat 划、划、划你的船84.It’s a small world这是个小小的世界85.Edelweiss 雪绒花86.You are my sunshine你是我的阳光87.Long long ago多年以前88.Hickory dickory dock时钟滴滴响89.Here we go around the mulberry bush我们绕着桑树丛90.How is the weather天气怎么样91.Up,up,up趣味儿歌92. A hole in the bottom of the sea海底有个洞93.The more we get together当我们同在一起94.Yankee doodle扬基.都达尔95.We all fall down我们都倒下了96.Oh susanna噢,苏珊娜97.The Pinocchio匹诺曹98.Can you tell me what this is你能告诉我这是什么吗99.Walking through the jungle穿过丛林100.My bonnie我的邦妮。
DVD 0101 好爸爸,坏爸爸02 数蛤蟆03 一分钱04 王老先生有块地05 小白船06 黑猫警长07 一个师傅三个徒弟08 彩虹妹妹09 猴哥10 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟11 春天在哪里12 种太阳13 娃哈哈14 鲁冰花15 拔萝卜16 我们是共产主义接班人17 小螺号18 我的朋友在哪里19 捉泥鳅20 走在铁路旁21 人人叫我好儿童22 阳光与小雨23 拜访春天24 雨中即景25 长亭外古道边(送别)26 三月里的小雨27 童年28 妈妈的吻29 找朋友30 小手拍拍31 听妈妈讲那过去的事情32 让我们荡起双桨33 我爱北京天安门34 铃儿响叮当35 兰花草36 乡间与小路37 新年好38 踏浪39 少年少年祖国的春天40 明天会更好41 我心爱的小马车01 春天在哪里02 让我们荡起双桨03 幸福拍手歌04 老师你好05 拾稻穗的小姑娘06 只要妈妈露笑脸07 北京有个金太阳08 我爱北京天安门09 唱出一个春天来10 快乐的孩子爱唱歌11 哆来咪12 小号手之歌13 雪绒花14 圣诞铃声15 恭喜恭喜16 快乐的向前走17 小猫咪18 只怕不抵抗19 茉莉花20 长城谣21 歌声与微笑22 世上只有妈妈好23 找朋友24 卖报歌25 每当我走过老师窗前26 少年少年祖国的春天27 春天到28 小小羊儿要回家29 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞30 咱们从小讲礼貌31 卖汤圆32 十二月花33 我的小羊羔34 三轮车跑得快35 火车向着韶山跑36小蜜蜂37 猴子捞月亮38 人人叫我好儿童39 济公40 我们长大了DVD 0301 拔萝卜02 一分钱04 小螺号05 快乐的六一06 数蛤蟆07 哈巴狗08 李小多分果果09 我是好宝宝10 老鹰抓小鸡11 妈妈的吻12 卖花姑娘13 小雨点14 新年好15 世界小小小16 小花猫17 我的家18 大公鸡19 唐老鸭20 妹妹背着洋娃娃21 家族歌22 泼水歌23 开火车24 十个印第安人25 七子之歌26 泥娃娃27 我的好妈妈28 小水牛29 娃娃国30 再试一下31 说哈罗32 稻草里的火鸡33 农家好34 送别35 小松树36 小白船37 小星星38 自已跌倒自己爬39 小毛驴40 小草DVD 0401 少年英雄小哪吒02 猴哥03 西游记04 少年梁祝05 白龙马07 萤火虫08 咪咪流浪记09 叮当10 小龙人11 歌声与微笑12 雷欧之歌13 花仙子之歌14 阿童木之歌15 好爸爸坏爸爸16 小机灵之歌17 三个和尚18 三毛流浪记19 奔奔20 小魔女的魔法书21 采蘑菇的小姑娘22 数鸭子23 布谷24 我愿做个好小孩25 童年26 蜗牛与黄骊鸟27 妈妈您早28 赶海的姑娘29 七色光30 明天会更好31 夏之旅32 歌唱二小放牛郎33 听妈妈讲那过去的事情34 芦笛35 种太阳36 小鸟小鸟37 劳动最光荣38 草原赞歌39 天下的妈妈都是一样的40 跨世纪的新一代DVD0501 小红帽02 我的朋友在哪里03 捉泥鳅04 我心爱的小马车05 剪羊毛06 冰糖葫芦07 虹彩妹妹08 看六戏09 鱼儿水中游10 伦敦铁桥11 种树歌12 春神来了13 母亲您直伟大14 母鸭带小鸭15 毕业歌16 我是一只小小鸟17 只要我长大18 马兰花19 蜗牛20 当我们同在一起21 两只老虎22 鲁冰花23 一只小老鼠24 娃哈哈25 生日快乐26 丢手绢27 小兔子乖乖28 小老鼠上灯台30 问候歌31 好孩子要诚实32 一只哈巴狗33 铃儿响叮当34 闪亮闪亮小星星35 牧童36 雪人不见了37 小小少年38 粉刷匠39 健康歌40 大家来做广播操DVD 0601 哆来咪02 济公03 草原赞歌04 小魔女的魔法书05 稍息立正站好06 123456707 小小少年08 粉刷匠09 三毛流浪记10 小号手之歌11 熊猫咪咪12 雪人不见了13 牧童14 小鸟小鸟15 蓝精灵16 劳动最光荣17 三个和尚18 我心爱的小马车19 跨世纪的新一代20 布谷21 扯大锯22 西游记23 不倒翁24 老鹰抓小鸡25 数蛤蟆26 哈巴狗27 泼水歌28 四与十29 数鸭子30 我的好宝宝31 26个英文字母33 摇篮曲34 大公鸡35 家族歌36 文明用语37 音符歌38 我愿做个好小孩DVD 0701 数鸭子02 小红帽03 小草04 妈妈的吻05 小毛驴06 嘀哩哩07 看大戏08 新年好09 小雨点10 音符歌11 卖花姑娘12 娃哈哈13 读书好14 拾豆豆15 放学歌16 拨浪鼓17 世界小小小18 自己跌倒自己爬19 王老先生有块地20 小螺号21 拔萝卜22 丢手绢23 小白船24 小星星25 小龙人26 一分钱27 日历歌28 小松树29 上学歌30 布谷鸟31 快乐的六一32 找朋友33 两只小考虑34 十二月花35 丰收之歌36 我的小羊羔38 咱们从小讲礼貌DVD 0801 王老先生有块地02 生日快乐03 早安你好04 快睡吧宝贝05 森林里的大熊06 十个小印第安人07 这个老人08 沿路唱回家09 新加坡10 当我们同在一起11 森林的音乐家12 如果你快乐13 大草原之歌14 真善美之歌15 你是我的阳光16 一二三四五17 五只小鸭子18 蜘蛛歌19 耶酥爱我20 一起上伦敦21 我是个好音乐家22 玛丽有一只小羊DVD 0901 你睡了吗02 ABC之歌03 月份歌04 甜蜜的回忆05 拍手歌06 问候歌07 一闪一闪小星星08 音乐盒09 三只小猫10 笑容满面的人11 充满自信的日子12 抓住一颗流星13 叮当钟声14 山谷里的农夫15 种稻子16 伦敦铁桥17 这只小狗卖多少钱19 我在铁路上工作20 大象21 我是一个警员22 春神来了23 公车的轮子DVD1001 舞蹈:红炮仗02 舞蹈:我的草莓果儿03 舞蹈:伞儿红04 五环棒棒仔05 舞蹈:喜庆06 舞蹈:喜娃闹春07 舞蹈:小小女兵08 舞蹈:嗨!好样的09 少儿芭蕾舞:阳光女孩10 京剧《智取威虎山》选段11 舞蹈:欢乐童年12 舞蹈:大中华,我的家13 舞蹈:绿色的梦14 舞蹈:时刻准备着15 舞蹈:玩具畅想16 舞蹈:花喜鹊17 舞蹈:赶街18 舞蹈:祖国你好19 舞蹈:榴花似火20 京剧舞蹈:好儿郎21 独唱:踩雨DVD 1101 舞蹈:红旗白鸽02 舞蹈:上学堂03 独唱:牛背上的孩子04 舞蹈:踢踏花鼓05 舞蹈:杨柳儿扭06 钢琴重奏:进队进行曲07 舞蹈:亲亲茉莉花08 舞蹈:校园迷彩09 京剧清唱:铡美案选段10 舞蹈:快乐在一起11 舞蹈:今年我家喜事多13 歌伴舞:金色的木鼓敲起来14 舞蹈:妈妈亲,老师亲03 舞蹈:神气的小记者04 二胡独奏:三门峡畅想曲05 舞蹈:甜甜祖国大家园06 舞蹈:小指挥的遐想07 小提琴独奏:丰收渔歌08 舞蹈:嘿!小可爱09 舞蹈:我爱祖国我爱家10 舞蹈:欢乐童年DVD1201 舞蹈:聪明宝贝02 舞蹈:五彩缤纷03 舞蹈:板凳乐04 舞蹈:我和小鸟拉钩钩05 舞蹈:Happy 200006 舞蹈:我真棒07 舞蹈:科学小飞侠08 舞蹈:开心假日09 舞蹈:星际小宝贝10 舞蹈:嬉碟11 舞蹈:雨前雨后12 舞蹈:今天我请客13 舞蹈:水清鱼儿乐14 舞蹈:放学了15 舞蹈:飞旋吉祥鼓16 舞蹈:门红17 舞蹈:鲜花多彩哪来18 舞蹈:踢踏十分钟19 舞蹈:圆梦20 舞蹈:青春乐园21 舞蹈:山泉22 舞蹈:十里观灯23 京剧《沙家滨》选段24 电子琴合奏:花裙子飘起来25 独唱:小螺号DVD1301 声母歌02 韵母歌03 整体认读音节歌04 四声歌05 识字歌(上)06 识字歌(下)07 同音字歌(上)08 同音字歌(下)09 偏旁部首歌(上)10 偏旁部首歌(下)11 变字歌(上)12 变字歌(下)13 儿童歌曲:家族歌14 儿童歌曲:小红帽15 儿童歌曲:小螺号16 儿童歌曲:采蘑菇的小姑娘17 量词歌18 近义词19 反义词20 动物歌21 植物歌22 文具歌23 家庭成员歌24 的地得25 标点符号歌26 作文口诀(上)27 作文口诀(下)28 古诗欣赏:江雪29 古诗欣赏:鹿柴30 古诗欣赏:赠汪伦31 古诗欣赏:静夜思32 古诗欣赏:寻隐者不遇33 古诗欣赏:绝句34 儿童歌曲:鲁冰花35 儿童歌曲:娃哈哈36 儿童歌曲:蜗牛与黄鹂鸟37 儿童歌曲:我有一个好爸爸DVD1401 数字歌02 对花歌03 相邻数04 单数和双数05 数字的拆分(上)06 数学的拆分(下)07 加法08 加法算一算09 减法10 减法算一算11 巧算歌(上)12 巧算哥(下)13 儿童歌曲:一分钟14 儿童歌曲:娃哈哈15 儿童歌曲:对数歌16 儿童歌曲:数鸭子17 乘法口诀18 乘法算一算19 除法20 除法算一算21 符号歌22 数字数位和位数23 小数歌24 珠算指法25 珠算加法26 珠算减法27 儿童歌曲:123456728 儿童歌曲:新年好29 儿童歌曲:丢手巾30 儿童歌曲:世上只有妈妈好DVD1501 礼貌问候用语02 家禽家畜名称03 采蘑菇的小姑娘04 英文字母歌05 家庭成员称呼06 儿童歌曲:家族歌07 春夏秋冬四季08 春天在哪里09 数字从一到十10 对数歌11 水果类名称12 拔萝卜13 身体各部位名称14 泥娃娃15 头部五官名称16 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟17 阿童木之歌18 颜色名称19 公园景物名称20 小草21 天文地理名称22 日期名称23 数鸭子24 公园动物名称25 交通工具名称26 文化用品名称27 丢手绢28 123456729 十二个月份30 社会职业名称31 两只老虎32 小司机33 生日快乐34 世上只有妈妈好DVD1601 家庭用品02 鸟类天地03 小燕子04 小红帽05 卡通人物06 猴哥07 食物名称08 餐具名称09 卖汤圆10 叮当11 卫生用品名称12 建筑名称13 扯人锯14 刷牙歌15 形状名称16 动作名称17 不倒翁18 每当我走过老师的窗前19 昆虫世界20 萤火虫21 自然景物名称22 外婆的澎湖湾23 海洋动物名称24 小螺号25 天气用语26 歌声与微笑27 体育用品名称28 健康歌29 家用电器30 哆来咪31 表情用语名称32 只要妈妈露笑脸33 方位名称34 我有一个好爸爸。
53 首英语儿歌 ——整理自喜马拉雅电台《杨沁老师:英语 儿歌慢速教唱》
1、【The Morning Song】早晨之歌 Good morning,Good morning 早上好,早上好 Nice to see your smiling face 非常高兴看到你的笑脸 Good morning,Good morning 早上好,早上好 To you and to you 对你说,也对你说 Hello Steven,Hello John 你好史蒂芬,你好约翰 Hello Mary,Hello Tom 你好玛丽,你好汤姆 Good morning,Good morning 早上好,早上好 To you and to you 对你说,也对你说 To you and to you 对你说,也对你说
12、【Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes】身体部位歌
Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes 头,肩,膝盖和脚趾
Knees ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnd toes
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New YearGood tidings we bringTo you and your kinWe wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New YearNow bring us some figgy pudding Now bring us some figgy pudding Now bring us some figgy pudding And bring some out hereGood tidings we bringTo you and your kinWe wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New YearFor wu all like figgy puddingFor wu all like figgy puddingFor wu all like figgy puddingSo bring some out hereGood tidings we bringTo you and your kinWe wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year我们祝你们圣诞快乐我们祝你们圣诞快乐我们祝你们圣诞快乐并且新年快乐我们为您与您家人带来了好消息圣诞的好消息新年快乐请递给我们一些无花果布丁请递给我们一些无花果布丁请递给我们一些无花果布丁并摆一些到这里来我们为您与您家人带来了好消息圣诞的好消息新年快乐我们都喜欢无花果布丁我们都喜欢无花果布丁丁所以请放一些在这里我们为您与您家人带来了好消息圣诞的好消息新年快乐。
关于农场的英文儿歌有:1.《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》:这首儿歌描绘了一个老麦克唐纳有一个农场,他养了很多动物,并通过不同的方式来照顾它们。
2.《On the Farm》:这首儿歌以欢快的节奏和简单的旋律描绘了农场中的日常生活,包括喂鸡、挤牛奶和收割农作物等。
3.《The Farmer in the Dell》:这首儿歌以其轻松的旋律和有趣的歌词而著名,描述了一个农夫在农场中工作的情况。
4.《Three Little Pigs》:这首儿歌以三只小猪在农场中建造自己的房子为主题,通过歌曲的情节,孩子们可以学习到勤劳、聪明和安全的重要性。
5.《Baa Baa Black Sheep》:这首儿歌以其简洁的歌词和重复的旋律而著名,描述了一群羊在农场中的生活情况。
6.《The Hokey Pokey》:这首儿歌以其轻松的旋律和有趣的歌词而著名,描述了一个人在农场中工作时不断变换姿势的情况。
7.《In the Meadow》:这首儿歌以柔和的旋律和优美的歌词描绘了农场周围的景色和动物的生活情况。
8.《Down by the Station》:这首儿歌描述了一个孩子和他的祖母一起参观农场的情景,通过歌曲的情节,孩子们可以学习到如何与家人相处以及如何对待动物。
9.《The Itsy Bitsy Spider》:这首儿歌以柔和的旋律和有趣的歌词而著名,描述了一只小蜘蛛在农场中织网的情况。
10.《Johnny Johnny Yes Papa》:这首儿歌以其重复的韵律和简单的旋律而著名,描述了一个孩子在农场中玩耍的情况。
英文儿歌100首Disc 101 Once I Saw A Little Bird 当我看见一只小鸟02 Billy Boy 男孩比利03 Hickory Dickory Dock 怪物希克里04 Ninety Nine Miles Form Home 离家九十九英里05 Join The Game 来加入游戏06 Where Has Mine Little Dog Gone 我的小狗那里去了07 When The Angle Come 当天使进来时08 Ring A Ring Or Roses 玫瑰圈09 Put Your Finger In The 举起你的手10 Little 矮胖子11 Red River Valley 红河小村庄12 One Two Buckle Me Shoe 一二穿上我的草鞋13 My Fly 我的小飞机14 Fly Fly Butterfly 蝴蝶翩翩舞15 Apple Tree 苹果树16 Cuckoo's Clock 杜鹃钟17 Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat 坐下来划船18 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 抓鱼歌19 I Had A Little Nut Tree 我有一颗胡桃树20 He Got The Shole Wold In His Hand 环游世界21 Goes The West 到西部去22 Take Me Out To The Ball Game 带我外出看球赛23 The Hokey Pokey 矫揉造作的监狱24 Did You Ever See A Lassie 你有没看一名少妇25 I've Got No Strings 得到无附带条件26 Abc 字母歌27 A Bicycle Built For Two 一辆自行车28 Old Macdonald Had A Farm 有一个农场29 Little Donkey 小毛驴30 Catch Loaches 捉泥鳅31 Birthday Song 生日歌32 Auld Lang Syne Leo Sayer 友谊地久天长33 Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当34 This Old Man 这个老人Disc 201 Handsiap 拍手歌02 Did You Ever See A Lassie 你有没有看一名少女03 Clemetine 少女门娜04 Goodmorning To You 早上好05 London Bridge Is Falling Down 伦敦桥06 One More Try 继续加油07 Polly Put The Kelite On 波利08 The More We Get Together 当我们在一起09 Twinkel Teinkel Little Star 小星星10 Where Is Thumb Man 大拇指11 Little Sunny Water 太阳雨12 Mr Tumb 拇指先生13 Row Row Row Your Boar 划船歌14 The Bear Went Over The Mountain 小熊登山15 The Good Habit 好习惯16 I'm Popay 我是大力水手17 Go Market 去市场18 Oh How Lovely Is The Evening 夜晚多可爱19 I'm Going Up To London 我要去伦敦20 Make New Freends 找朋友21 Fly Birdie Fly 鸟儿飞22 All Flowers Are In Full Bioom 所有的花都盛开23 I Am A Small Teapot 我是一个小茶壶24 Head Shouiders Knees And Toes 全身运动25 Good Bye Little Fish 鱼跃龙门26 Rain Rain Goes Away 大雨来了27 The Muffin Man 松饼师28 Ten Little Farmer Boys 小农夫29 Boys And Girls Come Out To Play 男孩女孩一起玩30 My Little Tricycle 我的小脚踏车31 Guest's Fruit Game 宾果游戏32 The Little Indian Boys 小印度安男孩33 Strawberry Jam 草莓酱34 Ride A Cock Horse 骑小马Disc 301 Lavender's Blue 蓝色薰衣草02 Little A Tsdker 小姐03 Tisket A Tasket 嘀嘀嘟嘟嘟04 Don At The Station 来到火车站05 I'm A Little Snowman 我是一个小雪人06 Spring Has Arrived 春天来了07 She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain 她从山那边绕过来08 If You Are Happy 如果你快乐09 Two Hands 我有两只手10 Singing On The Home Way 唱着回家11 The Farmer In The Dell 山谷里的农夫12 Reach For The Sky 登山13 Catch A Falling Star 追逐流星14 Diamond 宝石15 Here Comes Train 火车来了16 Rose Rose 玫瑰玫瑰17 Ten Little Lndian 10个印第安人18 Five Little Ducks 5只小鸭子19 Happy Birthday 生日快乐20 Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当21 Long Long Ago 很久以前22 My Bonnie 我的邦尼23 Red River Valley 红河流域24 Skip To My Lou 向我的卢跳跃25 A For Apple B For Boy A是苹果b是男孩26 The Farmer In The Dell 在小谷的农场主27 The Muffin Man 粉饼人28 Patsy 稻草人29 Hecy 荷西30 Bingo 宾果31 Oh,Susanna 健美操32 Mediey Sailing 混合物启航33 Michael Row The Boat Ashore 迈克尔向岸上划运小船34 Old Blue 老蓝色。
2019年英文儿歌范文篇一:100首好听的英文儿歌好听的英文儿歌areyousleepingareyousleeping,areyousleeping?brotherjohn?brotherjohn?morningbellsareringing,morningbellsareringing,dingdingdong,dingdingdong.英文儿歌《Beanbag,Beanbag》歌词:Beanbag,beanbag,Playagameofbeanbag!TossitfirsttoLauraLee,ThentoJenny,thentome.Beanbag,beanbag,Playagameofbeanbag!Beanbag,beanbag,Playagameofbeanbag!TossitfirsttoMaryLou,ThentoBilly,thentoyou. Beanbag,beanbag,Playagameofbeanbag!中文:豆子袋,豆子袋豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!先把它投给劳拉.李,然后给詹妮,然后给我。
豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!英文儿歌《CradleSong》歌词:Gotosleep,now,dearlove,neathrosesabove.Sweetblossomswhiteandredshallbloombythybed.Whenthedawnlightstheskies,openwidethydeareyes.Whenthedawnli ghtstheskies,openwidethydeareyes.Gotosleep,now,dearlove,neathrosesabove.Sweetblossomswhiteandredshallbloombythybed.Whenthedawnlightstheskies,openwidethydeareyes.Whenthedawnli ghtstheskies,openwidethydeareyes.(中文)摇篮曲去睡觉,现在,亲爱的,在上面的玫瑰之下。
英语儿歌 VCD1
VCD1:01. If you Are Happy 在快乐的时候I f you're happy and you know it Clap Your handsIf you're happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf you're happy and you know it Clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf you're happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know it Wink your eyeIf you're happy and you know itNever be afriad to show itIf you're happy and you know it Wink your eye02. Mary Had a Little Lamb 玛莉有只小羔羊Mary had a little lamb, little lamb,little lambMary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snowAnd everywhere that Mary went Mary went ,Mary wentAnd everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to goIt followed her to school one day School one day ,school on dayIt followed her to school one day That was against the rule la la la la ............03. My Bonnie 我的邦妮My Bonnie is over the ocean, My Bonnie is over the sea.My Bonnie is over the ocean. Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me.bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me.bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me.bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me.04. Happy Birthday 生日快乐05. Hello,How Do You Do 嘿!你好吗?06. Long Long Ago 细说从前Tell me the tales That to me were so dear,Long, long ago, Long, long ago; Sing me the songs I delighted to hear,Long, long ago, Long ago.Now you have come, All my grief is removed, Let me forget Just as long as I do,Let me believe That you always be here, Long, long ago, Long ago. Do you remember The path where we met, Long, long ago, Long, long ago?That's when you told me You would not forget, Long, long ago, Long ago.Then, to all others My smile you preferred, Love, when you spoke, Gave a charm to each word, Still my heart treasures The praises I heard, Long, long ago, Long ago.Now you have come, All my grief is removed,Let me forget Just as long as I could,Let me believe That you always be here, Long, long ago, Long ago 07. Jingle Bells 圣诞钟dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleighover the fields we go laughing all the waybells on bob-tail ring making spirits brightwhat fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonightjingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the wayoh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleighjingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh08. The Farmer in the Dell 山谷里的农夫The farmer in the dell *2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The farmer in the dell The farmer takes a wife*2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The farmer takes a wife The wife takes a child *2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The wife takes a child The child takes the dog *2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The child takes the dog The dog takes the cats *2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The dog takes the cats The cat takes the rats *2 Hi-ho, the derry-o The cat takes the rats 09. Ten Little Indian Boys 十个小印第安人One little, two little,Three little Indians.Four little, five little,Six little Indians.Seven little, eight little,Nine little Indians,Ten little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little,Eight little Indians.Seven little, six little,five little Indians.Four little, three little,Two little Indians,One little Indian boy.10. The Muffin Man 松饼人Have you seen the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane.Yes we've seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we've seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post man the post man,the post manHave you seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane.Yes we've seen the post man the post man,the post manYes we've seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane.11. A for Apple B for Boy 字母歌A For AppleB For Boy A,b,c,d,e,f,g Sing a song of a,b,cCome on boys and come on girls Sing a song of a,b,cA for apple,b for boy C for cat and d for dog E for egg and f for fishG for girl and h for hand I for ice-cream,j for Jack K for kab,l for landM for man and n for nose O for orange and p for pen Q for queen and r for rainS for sugar and t for tree U for umbrella and v for van W for wanter and x for expertY for yellow and z for zoo It's simple all can do Come on boys and come on girlsSing a song of a,b,c A,b,c,d,e,f,g Sing a song of a,b,cCome on boys and come on girls Sing a song of a,b,c12. Five Little Ducks 五小鸭子Five little ducks Went out one day Over the hills and far awayMother duck said "Quack, quack, quack, quack." But only four little ducks came back.Four little ducks .....But only three little ducks came back.Three little ducks.....But only two little ducks came back.Two little ducks........But only one little duck came back.One little duck......But none of the five little ducks came back.Mother duck........And all of the five little ducks came back.13. I Went to School One Morning 某天我上学去I went to school one morning, and i walked like this, Walked like this walked like this,I went to school one morning and i walked like this ,all on my way to schoolI saw a little robin,and he hopped like this,Hopped like this ,Hopped like thisI saw a little robin and he hopped like this All on my way to school.I saw a shiny river,and heI splashed like this,splashed like this,splashed like thisI saw a shiny river and I slashed like this,All on my way to school.I saw a little pony,And he galloped like this,galloped like this,galloped like this I saw a little pony, and he galloped like this All on my way to school.i saw a poor old lady,And she hobbled like this,hobbled like this hobbled like thisi saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this All on my way to schoolI saw a tall policeman,And he stood like this,stood like this,stood like this,I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this,All on my way to schoolI heard the schoolbell ringing, And i ran like this, ran like this ran like thisI heard the schoolbell ringing and i ran like this, All on my way to school14. This Old Man 这个老人This old man, he played one, He played knick-knack on my jumbWith a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played two, He played knick-knack on my shoe;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played three, He played knick-knack on my tree;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man camerolling home.This old man, he played four, He played knick-knack on my door;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played five, He played knick-knack on my hive;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played six, He played knick-knack on my sticks;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played seven, He played knick-knack up to Heaven;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.This old man, he played eight, He played knick-knack on my plate;With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.15. Red River Valley 红河谷from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smilefor they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a whilecome and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieubut remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smilefor they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a whilecome and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieubut remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true 16. Skip to My Lou 新生活Lost my partner, What'll I do? *3 Skip to my lou, my darlin'.Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou, *3 Skip to my Lou, my darlin'.I'll get another better one,too. *3 Skip to my Lou, my darlin'Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou, *3 Skip to my Lou, my darlin'.17. The Mulberry Bush 桑树丛Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning.This is the way we brush our teeth, Brush our teeth, brush our teeth.This is the way we brush our teeth, So early Monday morning.This is the way we wash our hands, Wash our hands, wash our hands. This is the way we wash our hands, So early Monday morning.This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair.This is the way we comb our hair, So early Monday morning.This is the way we clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands.This is the way we clap our hands, So early Monday morning.This is the way we jump about, jump about, jump about.This is the way we jump about, So early Monday morning.18. This is The Way 正确的方法This is the way we wash our clothesm, wash our clothes,wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes, so early Monday morning.This is the way we iron our dress, iron our dress ,iron our dress,This is the way we iron our dress, so early Tuesday morning.This is the way we scrub the floor scrub the floor,scrub the floorThis is the way we scrub the floor, so early Wednesday morning.This is the way we mend our socks. mend our socks,mend our socks.This is the way we mend our socks, so early Thursday morning.This is the way we sweep the house. sweep the house,sweet the house. This is the way we sweep the house so early Friday morning.This is the way we make our bread. make our bread,makeour bread.This is the way we make our bread, so early Saturday morning.This is the way we go to church,go to church,go to church.This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning.19. You re My Sunshine 你是我的阳光You are munshine,my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey.You'll never know dear ,how much I love You. Please don't take my sunchine away.The other night dear ,as I loy sleeping, I dreamt I hels you in my arms. When I awoke dear,I was mistken, So I hung my head and cried.20. London Bridge is Falling Down 伦敦桥快要塌下来London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady!。
推荐的这20首儿歌,说是全世界家喻户晓,一点都不为过,极富韵律,唱起来上口又好听,是英语磨耳朵首选,让我们一起在世界儿歌日听起来,唱起来吧!sdfd《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 》一闪一闪亮晶晶这首家喻户晓的英文儿歌,陪伴无数个孩子度过夜晚时光。
sdfd《The Wheels on the Bus 》巴士上的轮子《The wheels on the bus》是一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣。
sdfd《Bingo 》《Bingo》是一首节奏活泼、语言简单、旋律动听的拼字童谣。
这首歌的大意是:有一个农夫有一只小狗小狗的名字叫BingoB-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O(读一遍每个字母)小狗的名字叫Bingo怎么样,很简单吧,快快学起来唱给孩子听吧。
sdfd《Itsy Bitsy Spider 》很忙的小蜘蛛整首歌都在强调“never give up”:通往目的的路上,会有风雨,会有困难,但是我们不会放弃,因为我们拥有阳光。
sdfd《Old McDonald Had a Farm》老麦克唐纳有个农场这首家喻户晓的美国童谣,歌词大意是农民老麦当劳有个农场,那里有好多不同的动物,它们都有各自独特的叫声。
布谷鸟草儿青又青花儿香又香柳树穿上穿上绿色裳布谷鸟布谷鸟布谷布谷叫布谷布谷春天来到了公鸡、母鸡和小鸡大公鸡,喔喔喔,伸长脖子在唱歌,喔喔喔,唱什么,它在唱:天亮喽;老母鸡,咯咯咯,跳出草窝在唱歌,咯咯咯,唱什么,它在唱:生蛋喽;花小鸡,叽叽叽,跑东跑西在唱歌,叽叽叽,唱什么,它在唱:虫子找到了妈妈我要亲亲你妈妈呀我要亲亲您亲亲您的额头默默您的眼亲亲您的鼻子摸摸您的耳朵亲亲您的嘴巴摸摸您的脸mother I want kiss kiss youkiss you forehead touch your eyes kiss your nose touch your ears kiss your lips touch your face我有一个家我有一个家幸福的家爸爸妈妈还有我从来不吵架爸爸去挣钱呀妈妈管着家三人相爱一样深我最最听话我有一个家幸福的家爸爸妈妈还有我从来不吵架爸爸去挣钱呀妈妈管着家三人相爱一样深我最最听话都有一个家快乐的家爸爸妈妈还有我常一起玩耍爸爸的主意大妈妈管着他我们三人一条心什么都不怕摸摸歌身上摸摸头变个大马猴摸摸小鼻梁变个小绵羊摸摸耳朵垂变个小金鱼摸摸小脖根变个小花鸡摸摸肩膀头变个小黄牛摸摸胳肢窝变个小白鸽摸摸胳膊肘变个小黑狗摸摸小手心变个小蜜蜂摸摸肚脐眼变个花蝴蝶摸摸鼻梁沟变个小泥鳅摸摸屁股蛋变个红嘴燕摸摸大腿弯变个小喜鹊摸摸小腿肚变个小白兔摸摸脚底板变个好小孩My little donkeyDonkey, donkey, I beg you ,please don`t say Hiha ,I shall feed you ,I shall feed you ,please don`t be say Hiha ,Hiha Hiha Hiha Hiha ,Why you sing so well ,I shall feed you ,I shall feed you ,Please don`t say Hiha。
简简单幼儿英文儿歌三首超简单的英语儿歌有:《Twinkle, twinkle, little star》、《Bingo》、《Old McDonald Had a Farm》。
1、《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》。
歌词:Twinkle, twinkle, little star .一闪一闪小星星。
How I wonder what you are .我想知道你是什么。
Up above the world so high .在整个世界之上,如此的高。
Like a diamond in the sky.像在天空中的钻石。
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.一闪一闪小星星。
How I wonder what you are.我想知道你是什么。
When the blazing sun is gone.当烈日走了。
When he nothing shines upon.当他没有照耀时。
Then you show your little light.然后你显示你小小的光亮。
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.一闪一闪亮晶晶。
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.一闪一闪小星星。
How I wonder what you are.我想知道你是什么。
歌词:There was a farmer had a dog. 有一个农夫有一只小狗。
And Bingo was his name-o.小狗的名字叫Bingo。
B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O,And Bingo was his name-o. 小狗的名字叫Bingo。
There was a farmer had a dog. 有一个农夫有一只小狗。
Bingo was his name-o.小狗的名字叫Bingo。
I-N-G-O,I-N-G-O,I-N-G-O,And Bingo was his name-o. 小狗的名字叫Bingo。
关于小羊的英文儿歌有很多,其中一首非常著名的儿歌是《Baa, Baa, Black Sheep》(咩咩,黑色的绵羊)。
以下是《Baa, Baa, Black Sheep》的英文歌词和中文翻译:
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full.
The farmer's wife took one,
And the farmer took one,
And the little boy took one,
To pull the wool over the eyes of the little boy.
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full.
一、洪恩巴迪英文童谣 (3)A.洪恩巴迪英文童谣青苹果篇目录 (3)1.A B C D 字母歌 (3)2.Happy Birthday生日快乐 (4)3.Hello你好 (4)4.table number桌子号码 (4)5.Tell me告诉我 (4)6.I am a Boy我是个男孩 (4)7.What’s your name你叫什么名字 (5)8.We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐 (5)9.Row Your Boat划小船 (5)10.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩 (5)B.洪恩巴迪英文童谣金色阳光篇目录 (5)1. The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫 (5)2. Bingo宾果 (5)3. The Clock时钟 (5)4. Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼 (6)5. Teddy Bear玩具熊 (6)6. Are You Sleeping还要睡吗? (6)7. Sally萨丽 (6)8. I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声 (6)9. Come on and Join into the Game来参加游戏吧 (7)10. Greetings问候 (7)C.洪恩巴迪英文童谣紫水晶篇目录 (7)1. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes头、肩、膝和脚趾 (7)2. Good Morning to You早上好 (7)3. January一月 (7)4. Rose玫瑰,玫瑰 (7)5. The Muffin Man松糕老人 (7)6. One Two Buckle My Shoe一、二,扣上鞋 (8)7. Fellow Me跟我做 (8)8. Fellow Me A B C跟我学ABC (8)9. Make New Friends结交新朋友 (8)10. Pussy Cat小猫咪 (8)D.洪恩巴迪英文童谣巧克力篇目录 (9)1. Polly, Put the Kettle On波莉,把水壶放在炉子上 (9)2. The More We Get Together大家在一起 (9)3. For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow一个快乐的好小伙 (9)4. Sweetly Sings the Donkey小驴欢乐地歌唱 (9)5. Starlight Star bright星光,灿烂 (10)6. Good Night to You All祝大家晚安 (10)7. Oh, How lovely Is the Evening夜晚多美好 (10)8. Rock-a-bye Baby宝宝的摇篮 (10)9. Sleep Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 (10)10. Hush, Little Baby.安静,宝贝 (10)E.洪恩巴迪英文童谣蓝色海洋篇目录 (10)1. Billy Boy少年比利 (10)2. Old MacDonald老麦克唐纳 (11)3. I’m a Little T eapot我是小茶壶 (11)4. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star闪亮,闪亮的小星 (11)5. The Ants Go Marching蚂蚁行军 (11)6. One Bottle O’pop一瓶汽水 (12)7. London Bridge伦敦桥 (12)8. The Happy Song幸福歌 (13)9. Mary Had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔 (13)10. Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当 (14)二、洪恩巴迪节拍英语 (14)F.洪恩巴迪节拍英语生活魔方目录 (14)1.Baby Sleep 宝宝睡觉 (14)2.Do Cleaning 打扫 (14)3.Knitting Knitting One Two Three 一二三,织呀织 (15)4.Baby's Love 宝宝的爱 (15)5.Make Friends!交个朋友吧! (15)6.Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上 (15)7.Brush My Teeth 刷刷我的牙 (15)8.Have A Bath 洗澡 (15)10.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 摇啊摇!小宝宝 (16)G.洪恩巴迪节拍英语数字精灵目录 (16)1.One potato一号土豆 (16)2.One Little Flower一朵小花 (16)3.Let's do it让我们行动起来吧 (16)4.Ten Little Fingers十个手指 (16)5.One For Sorrow一代表悲伤 (16)6.One Two Three Play With Me一、二、三,给我玩 (17)7.One Two Pick Up The Stool一、二,搬起小凳子 (17)8.Cinderalla灰姑娘 (17)9.One Two How Do You Do?一、二,你好吗? (17)10.One Two Three Fou Five一、二、三、四、五 (17)H.洪恩巴迪节拍英语神奇世界目录 (17)1.Out Goes The Rat小老鼠出来了 (17)2.Down By The Ocean顺着大洋而下 (18)3.Chip-chop Joe砍柴的小阿周 (18)4.Hickory Dickory Dock小老鼠上钟台 (18)5.Rani Rain Go Away小雨小雨别下了 (18)6.Peas Porridge Hot豌豆粥是热的 (18)7.Georgie Porgie淘气的乔治 (18)8.To Market去市场 (18)9.Pat A Cake做蛋糕 (18)10.Yankee Doodle扬基•督德 (19)I.洪恩巴迪节拍英语动物宝贝目录 (19)1.Fly Fly The Butterfly 蝴蝶飞飞 (19)2.Elephant 大象 (19)3.Swan 天鹅 (19)4.Two Little Funny Birds 两只有趣的小鸟 (19)5.A little Turtle 小海龟 (19)6.Five Little Dogs 五只小狗 (20)7.Old Mother Goose 养鹅的老妈妈 (20)8.This Little Piggy 小猪 (20)9.Bow-wow Says the Dog 小狗汪汪叫 (20)10.Baa Baa black sheep 咩咩小黑羊 (20)J.洪恩巴迪节拍英语游戏童年目录 (20)1.Jack Be Nimble杰克敏捷 (20)2.Red Light What Do You Say红灯你说什么 (21)3.See-Saw Marjorie Daw跷跷板 (21)4.Swing Swing荡秋千 (21)5.Eenie Meenie Minie Moe依尼、咪尼、迈尼、谋 (21)6.Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap两只小手拍一拍 (21)7.Sally Go Around The Sun萨丽绕着太阳转 (21)8.Hop A Little单脚跳一跳 (22)9.Humpty Dumpty鸡蛋男孩 (22)10.You Have One, I Have One你拍一,我拍一 (22)K.洪恩巴迪节拍英语快乐天使目录 (22)1.Round And Round The Garden 围着花园转啊转 (22)2.Roses Are Red 玫瑰是红色的 (22)3.Good Nigh 晚安 (23)4.Hello!Hello! 你好! (23)5.Johnny Johnny 小约翰 (23)6.I'm Only A Baby 我只是个小宝宝 (23)7.Big Head 大头 (23)8.Mabel Set The Table 梅布尔布置餐桌 (23)9.Apple Round 圆圆的苹果 (23)10.Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe 鞋匠补补我的鞋 (24)一、洪恩巴迪英文童谣A.洪恩巴迪英文童谣青苹果篇目录1.A B C D 字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O PQ R S and T U VW X and Y and ZHappy happy we shall beWhen we learn our A B C’s2.Happy Birthday生日快乐Happy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friendHappy birthday to you3.Hello你好hello hello hello hellohello hello how are youhello hello hello hellohello hello how are youhello hello hello hellohello hello how are youthank you thank youI am fine and I hope that you are too4.table number桌子号码We are table number oneNumber one ,number oneWe are table number oneWhere is number twoWe are table number twoNumber two ,number twoWe are table number twoWhere is number threeWe are table number threeNumber three ,number threeWe are table number threeWhere is number four5.Tell me告诉我Tell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a book. It’s a book.It’s a book. Yes, it is a book.Tell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a pen. It’s a pen.It’s a pen. Yes, it is a pen.Tell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a ball. It’s a ball.It’s a ball. Ye s, it is a ball.6.I am a Boy我是个男孩I am a boy and you are a girlI am a boy and you are a girlI am a boy and you are a girlDo you want to be my friendI am a girl and you are a boyI am a girl and you are a boyI am a girl and you are a boyYes I want to be your friend7.What’s your name你叫什么名字what’s your name?My name is Johnwhat’s your name?My name is John8.We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐We wish you a Merry Christmas!We wish you a Merry Christmas!We wish you a Merry Christmas!And a Happy New Year9.Row Your Boat划小船Row row row your boatGently down the streamMerrily merrily merrily merrilyLife is but a dream10.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩One little two little three little IndiansFour little five little six little IndiansSeven little eight little nine little Indians Ten little Indian boysB.洪恩巴迪英文童谣金色阳光篇目录1. The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫The farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dellHeigh-o the derry-oThe farmer in the dell2. Bingo宾果There was a farmer had a dogAnd bingo was his nameAnd bingo was his n ame O’B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-OAnd Bingo was his name O3. The Clock时钟Hark to the sound of the old wooden clockTick Tock Tick TockCuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo CuckooBong Bong Bong BongIt tells the time for each minute and hour Tick Tock Tick TockCuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo CuckooBong Bong Bong Bong4. Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼Little fish goodbye to youGoodbye goodbye goodbye to youMay our lord bless youMay our lord bless youSee you see youSee you again See you again5. Teddy Bear玩具熊Teddy bear Teddy bearTurn aroundTeddy bear Teddy bearTouch the guoundTeddy bear Teddy bearShow your shoesTeddy bear Teddy bearThat will do6. Are You Sleeping还要睡吗?Are you sleeping Are you sleeping Brother John Brother JohnMorning bells are ringingMorning bells are ringingDing dong ding7. Sally萨丽Sally is wearing a white dress white dress White dressSally is wearing a white dress all day long Sally is wearing black shoes black shoes Black shoesSally is wearing black shoes all day long8. I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声I can hear I can hear I can hear the bell Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dongI can hear I can hear I can hear the bell Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dongI can hear the bellI can hear I can hear I can hear the rain Pitter-patta Pitter-pattaPitter-patta the rainI can hear I can hear I can hear the rainPitter-patta Pitter-pattaI can hear the rain9. Come on and Join into the Game来参加游戏吧Let everyone clap hands like meLet everyone clap hands like meCome on and join into the gameYou’ll find that it’s always the same10. Greetings问候Your right hand says good morningGood morning to youYour right hand says good morningGood morning to youYour left hand says good nightGood night to youYour left hand says good nightGood night to youC.洪恩巴迪英文童谣紫水晶篇目录1. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes头、肩、膝和脚趾Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes2. Good Morning to You早上好Good morning to youGood morning to youWe’re all in our placesWith sunshiny facesGood morning to you3. January一月January February Sa la la la la la laMarch and April May and June Sa la la la la la laJuly August September Sa la la la la la laOctober November December Sa la la la la la la4. Rose玫瑰,玫瑰Rose Rose Rose RoseWill I ever see you bloomYes You will see me bloom if you will wait5. The Muffin Man松糕老人Oh do you know the muffin manThe muffin man the muffin manOh do you know the muffin manWho lives on Drury LaneOh yes I know the muffin manThe muffin man the muffin manOh yes I know the muffin manWho lives on Drury Lane6. One Two Buckle My Shoe一、二,扣上鞋One two buckle my shoeThree four shut the doorFive six pick up the sticksSeven eight lay them straightEight seven six five four three two one all done 7. Fellow Me跟我做Fellow me fellow meHands up hands upFellow me fellow meHands down hands downFellow me fellow meWave your armsFellow me fellow meBend your kneesFellow me fellow meTurn right turn rightFellow me fellow meTurn left turn leftFellow me fellow meJump up-and-downFellow me fellow meTurn around8. Fellow Me A B C跟我学ABCFellow me Fellow meA B C A B CFellow me fellow meIt’s easy as you seeEveryday everydayIn this way In this wayJust repeat Just repeatTill the tune’s complete9. Make New Friends结交新朋友Make new friends but keep the oldOne is silver and the other goldMake new friends but keep the oldOne is silver and the other gold10. Pussy Cat小猫咪Pussy cat pussy cat where have you beenI’ve been up to London to look at the queenPussy cat pussy cat why are you thereI’ve frightened the little mouse under her chairD.洪恩巴迪英文童谣巧克力篇目录1. Polly, Put the Kettle On波莉,把水壶放在炉子上Polly put the kettle onPolly put the kettle onPolly put the kettle onWe’ll all have teaSukey take it off againSukey take it off againSukey take it off againThey’ve all gone away2. The More We Get Together大家在一起The more we get togetherTogether togetherThe more we get togetherThe happier we’ll beFor your friends are my friendsAnd my friends are your friendsThe more we get togetherThe happier we’ll be3. For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow一个快乐的好小伙For he’s a jolly good fellowFor he’s a jolly good fellowFor he’s a jolly good fellowWhich nobody can denyWhich nobody can denyWhich nobody can denyFor he’s a jolly good fellowWhich nobody can denyFor she’s a jolly good fellowFor she’s a jolly good fellowFor she’s a jolly good fellowWhich nobody can denyWhich nobody can denyWhich nobody can denyFor she’s a jolly good fellowWhich nobody can deny4. Sweetly Sings the Donkey小驴欢乐地歌唱Sweetly sings the donkeyAt the break of dayIf you do not feed himThis is what he’ll sayHeehaw HeehawHeehaw Heehaw Heehaw5. Starlight Star bright星光,灿烂Starlight star brightFirst star I’ve seen tonightI wish I mayI wish I mightHave the wish I wish tonight6. Good Night to You All祝大家晚安Good night to you all and sweet be your sleepMay angels around you their silent watch keep Good night good nightGood night good night7. Oh, How lovely Is the Evening夜晚多美好Oh how lovely is the eveningIs the eveningWhen the bells are sweetly ringingSweetly ringingDing dong Ding dong Ding dong8. Rock-a-bye Baby宝宝的摇篮Rock-a-bye baby on the tree topWhen the wind blows the cradle will rockWhen the bough breaks the cradle will fallAnd down will come baby cradle and all9. Sleep Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧Sleep baby sleepYour father tends the sheepYour mother shakes theDreamland tree and finds a dream forYou and meSleep baby sleep10. Hush, Little Baby.安静,宝贝Hush little baby don’t you cryMama’s going to sing you a lullabyHush little baby don’t say a wordPapa’s going to buy you a mockingbirdE.洪恩巴迪英文童谣蓝色海洋篇目录1. Billy Boy少年比利Oh Where have you beenBilly boy Billy boyOh Where have you beenCharming BillyI have been to seek a wifeShe’s the joy of my lifeShe’s a young thingAnd cannot leave her motherDid she ask you to come inBilly boy Billy boyDid she ask you to come inCharming BillyYes she asked me to come inThere’s a dimple in her chinShe’s a young thingAnd cannot leave her mother2. Old MacDonald老麦克唐纳Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OAnd on this farm he had some chicksE-I-E-I-OWith a chick chick here and a chick chick thereHere a chick there a chickEverywhere a chick chickOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OAnd on this farm he had some ducksE-I-E-I-OWith a quack quack here and a quack quack there Here a quack there a quackEverywhere a quack quackOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O3. I’m a Little Teapot我是小茶壶I’m a little teapot short and stoutHere is my handle here is my spoutWhen the water’s boiling hear me shoutTip me over pour me outI’m a little snowman short and fatHere is my broomstick here is my hatWhen the jolly sunshine comes to stayThen I slowly melt away4. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star闪亮,闪亮的小星Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you are5. The Ants Go Marching蚂蚁行军The ants go marching one by oneHurrah hurrahThe ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching one by one The little one stops to eat a crumb And they all go marching downTo the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom BoomThe ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching two by two The little one stops to tie his shoe And they all go marching downTo the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom Boom6. One Bottle O’pop一瓶汽水One bottle O’popTwo bottles O’popThree bottles O’popFour bottles O’popFive bottles O’popSix bottles O’popSeven bottles O’pop POPDon’t eat too many picklesWith hamburger sandwiches Don’t eat too many picklesOr else you will POPHamburgers and apple pieApple pie apple pieHamburgers and apple pieApple pie and POP7. London Bridge伦敦桥London Bridge is falling down Falling down falling downLondon Bridge is falling downMy fair ladyBuild it up with iron barsIron bars iron barsBuild it up with iron barsMy fair ladyIron bars will bend and break Bend and break bend and breakIron bars will bend and breakMy fair ladyLondon Bridge is falling downFalling down falling downLondon Bridge is falling downMy fair lady8. The Happy Song幸福歌If you’re happy and you know itClap your handsIf you’re happy and you know itClap your handsIf you’re happy and you know itAnd you really want to show itIf you’re happy and you know itClap your handsIf you’r e happy and you know itSlap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know itSlap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know itAnd you really want to show itIf you’re happy and you know itSlap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know itStamp your footIf you’re happy and you know itStamp your footIf you’re happy and you know itAnd you really want to show itIf you’re happy and you know itStamp your footIf you’re happy and you know itSnap your fingersIf you’re happy and you know itSnap your fingersIf you’re happy and you know itAnd you really want to show itIf you’re happy and you know itSnap your fingers9. Mary Had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔Mary had a little lambLittle lamb little lambMary had a little lambIts fleece was white as snowAnd everywhere that Mary wentMary went Mary wentAnd everywhere that Mary wentThe lamb was sure to goIt followed her to school one daySchool one day school one dayIt followed her to school one dayWhich was against the rulesIt made the children laugh and playLaugh and play laugh and playIt made the children laugh and playTo see the lamb at school10. Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当Dashing through the snowIn a one-horse open sleighO’er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bobtail ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonightJingle bells Jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleighJingle bells Jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh二、洪恩巴迪节拍英语F.洪恩巴迪节拍英语生活魔方目录1.Baby Sleep 宝宝睡觉Good night, Mom! Good night, Dad!I am a big boyI can sleepHave a good dream, Mom!Have a good dream, Dad!Ah, I’ll have a good dream, too!2.Do Cleaning 打扫Clean the windowClean the tableSweep the floorAnd tidy up my toys3.Knitting Knitting One Two Three 一二三,织呀织Knitting, knitting, 1,2,3.I knit the scarves for you and meI love honey and I love teaKnitting,knitting,1,2,3.4.Baby's Love 宝宝的爱Mummy and Daddy care for me.Mummy and Daddy love me.And I care for Mummy and Daddy.As much as they care for me.And I love my Mummy and Daddy.As much as they love me!5.Make Friends!交个朋友吧!Hello! Hello! How do yo do?What’s your name? What’s your name?My name’s Mark. My name’s Mark.And what’s your name?My nam e’s Buddy. My name’s Buddy.Let’s make friends.Let’s go to play.6.Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上Rain on the green grassAnd rain on the treeRain on the house-topBut not on me7.Brush My Teeth 刷刷我的牙Teeth,teeth,teeth I brush my teethAfter getting up I brush my teethAfter eating a meal I brush my teethBefore going to bed I brush my teethTeeth,teeth,teeth I always brush my teeth! 8.Have A Bath 洗澡Here’s some waterFor you to wet your face!Here’s some soapFor you to clean your body!Here’s a towelFor you to dry yourself!Wash wash here!Wash wash there!Make sure that you wash everywhere!9.Shoe On The Foot 鞋儿穿在脚上The shoe goes on the footThe foot goes in the shoeWe tie the laces in a bowAnd then we’re ready to go,go,go!10.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 摇啊摇!小宝宝Diddle diddle dumplingMy son, John!Went to bed with trousers onOne shoe off and one shoe on!Diddle diddle dumplingMy son, John!G.洪恩巴迪节拍英语数字精灵目录1.One potato一号土豆One potato, two potatoThree potato, fourFive potato, six potatoSeven potato, more2.One Little Flower一朵小花One little flowerOne little beeOne little blue birdHigh in the treeOne little brown deerSmiling at meOne is the number I likeYou see!3.Let's do it让我们行动起来吧One, two, tell me!Three, four, you say!Five, six, that’s ok!Seven, eight, let’s do it today!4.Ten Little Fingers十个手指Ten little fingers and ten little toesTwo little arms and one little noseOne little mouth and two little earsTwo little eyes for smiles and tears5.One For Sorrow一代表悲伤One for sorrow Two for joyThree for a girl Four for a boyFive for silver Six for goldSeven for a secret Not to be told6.One Two Three Play With Me一、二、三,给我玩One,two,three,play with meFour,five,six,pick up sticksSeven,eight,nine,walk on a lineTen,eleven,twelve,help yourself7.One Two Pick Up The Stool一、二,搬起小凳子One, twoPick up the stoolOne, two, threeStand around the treeOne, two, three, fourStand up and go to the doorOne, two, three, four, fivePut down the bookAnd bring back the knife8.Cinderalla灰姑娘Cinderella dressed in yellowWent downstairs to kiss her fellowHow many kisses did she give?One, two, three, four, five…9.One Two How Do You Do?一、二,你好吗?One, two, How do you do?Three, four Open the doorFive, six Pick up sticksSeven, eight Sit up straightNine, ten Say it again10.One Two Three Fou Five一、二、三、四、五One,two,three,four,fiveI caught a fish aliveSix,seven,eight,nine,tenI let him go againWhy did I let him goBecause he bit my finger soH.洪恩巴迪节拍英语神奇世界目录1.Out Goes The Rat小老鼠出来了Out goes the ratOut goes the catOut goes the ladyWith the big green hat2.Down By The Ocean顺着大洋而下Down by the oceanDown by the seaJohnny broke a bottleAnd blamed it on me3.Chip-chop Joe砍柴的小阿周Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe One big blow, Touch my toe!Chip-chop Joe, cuts wood just so4.Hickory Dickory Dock小老鼠上钟台Hickory dickory dockThe mouse ran up the clockThe clock struck oneAnd down he ranHickory dickory dock5.Rani Rain Go Away小雨小雨别下了Rain, rain, go awayCome back again another dayLittle baby wants to playRain, rain, go away6.Peas Porridge Hot豌豆粥是热的Peas Porridge hot,peas porridge cold Peas Porridge in the pot nine days old Some like it hot,some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days old7.Georgie Porgie淘气的乔治Georgie porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry When the boys came out to play Georgie porgie ran away8.To Market去市场To market, to market,to buy a fat pig Home again, home again. Jiggely jig To market, to market,to buy a fat hog Home again, home again. Jiggely jog 9.Pat A Cake做蛋糕Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s manBake me a cake as fast as you canPat it and Prick itAnd mark it with a ‘B’Put it in the oven for baby and me10.Yankee Doodle扬基•督德Yankee Doodle went to townRiding on a ponyHe stuck a feather in his hatAnd called it MacaroniI.洪恩巴迪节拍英语动物宝贝目录1.Fly Fly The Butterfly 蝴蝶飞飞Fly, fly, the butterflyIn the meadow is flying highIn the garden is flying lowFly, fly, the butterfly2.Elephant 大象Elephant, elephant.Why is your nose very very long?Because Mom’s nose is very very long Elephant,elephantWho do you like? Who do you hate?Let me see.I think I like Mom.I think I hate rat.3.Swan 天鹅Swan, swan, over the seaSwim, swan, swimSwan, swan, back againWell swum, swan!4.Two Little Funny Birds 两只有趣的小鸟Two little funny birds sitting on a wallOne named Peter,the other named PaulFly away, Peter! fly away, paul!Come back, Peter! come back, paul!Two little funny birds sitting on a wallOne named Peter,the other named Paul5.A little Turtle 小海龟There was a little turtleWho lived in a boxHe swam in the puddlesAnd climbed on the rocks6.Five Little Dogs 五只小狗Old mother gooseWhen she wanted to wanderWould ride through the airOn a very fine gander7.Old Mother Goose 养鹅的老妈妈This little piggy went to marketThis little piggy stayed at homeThis little piggy had roast beefThis little piggy had noneAnd this little piggy criedWee-wee-wee-wee-wee,all the way home8.This Little Piggy 小猪Bow-wow says the dog.Meow,meow, says the cat.Grunt,grunt, goes the hog.And squeak goes the rat.Tu-whoo says the owl.Caw,caw, says the crow.Quack,quack, says the duck.And what the cuckoos say. you know?9.Bow-wow Says the Dog 小狗汪汪叫Baa,baa, black sheepHave you any wool?Yes,sir.Yes sir.Three bags full.One for my master.And one for his dame.And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.10.Baa Baa black sheep 咩咩小黑羊Five little dogs,all in a rowEach one wondering where to go?Five little horses, ,all in a rowEach one wondering where to go?Five little monkeys, ,all in a rowEach one wondering where to go?J.洪恩巴迪节拍英语游戏童年目录1.Jack Be Nimble杰克敏捷Jack be nimbleJack be quickJack jump over the candlestick!2.Red Light What Do You Say红灯你说什么Red light, red light!What do you say?I say stop, stop, stop!Yellow light,yellow lightWhat do you say?I say wait, wait, wait!Green light, green lightWhat do you say?I say go, go, go!3.See-Saw Marjorie Daw跷跷板See-saw, Marjorie DawSold her bedAnd lay upon straw4.Swing Swing荡秋千Low, highHere I flyLike a bird through the skyFree, freeOver the leaOver the mountainOver the sea5.Eenie Meenie Minie Moe依尼、咪尼、迈尼、谋Eenie meenie minie moeCatch a tiger by his toeIf he hollers,let him goEenie meeie minie moe6.Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap两只小手拍一拍Two little hands go clap, clap, clapTwo little feet go tap, tap, tapTwo little eyes are open wideOne little head goes from side to side7.Sally Go Around The Sun萨丽绕着太阳转Sally! Go around the sunSally! Go around the moonSally! Go around the chimney potsOn a Saturday afternoonKitty! Go around the sunKitty! Go around the moonKitty! Go around the chimney potsOn a Saturday afternoon8.Hop A Little单脚跳一跳Hop a littleJump a littleOne, two, threeRun a littleSkip a littleTap one kneeBend a littleStretch a littleNod your headYawn a littleSleep a littleIn your bed9.Humpty Dumpty鸡蛋男孩Humpty Dumpty sat on a wallHumpty Dumpty had a great fallAll the king’s horsesAnd all the king’s menCouldn’t put humptyTogether again10.You Have One, I Have One你拍一,我拍一You have one I have oneTwo little children see a big manYou have two I have twoFour little children go to schoolYou have three I have threeSix little children plant a treeYou have four I have fourEight little children stand at the doorK.洪恩巴迪节拍英语快乐天使目录1.Round And Round The Garden 围着花园转啊转Round And Round ,The Garden Round and round the garden,Like a teddy bear ,One step, two step ,Tickle you under there2.Roses Are Red 玫瑰是红色的Roses are redViolets are blueSugar is sweetAnd so are you3.Good Nigh 晚安Good night, sleep tightWake up brightIn the morning lightTo do what’s rightWith all your might4.Hello!Hello! 你好!Hello! Hello! How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine, thank you!Hello! Hello! How do you do ?I’m glad to meet you too!5.Johnny Johnny 小约翰Johnny, Johnny Yes, PapaEating sugar? No, PapaTelling lies? No, PapaOpen your mouth! Oh, Ha! Ha! Ha!6.I'm Only A Baby 我只是个小宝宝I’m only a babyAs you can seeI can laugh! Ha-ha-haI can cry! Hoo-hoo-HooI know so did youWhen you were a baby too!7.Big Head 大头Big head, big headNo worry on a rainy dayWhen others need an umbrellaMy head will block the way8.Mabel Set The Table 梅布尔布置餐桌Mabel, Mabel, set the tableJust as fast as your are ableDon’t forget the salt!Don’t forget the sugar!Don’t forget the vinegar!Don’t forget the mustard!Or red-hot pepper!9.Apple Round 圆圆的苹果Apple round ,apple redApple juicy,apple sweetApple ,apple I love youApple sweet I love to eat10.Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe 鞋匠补补我的鞋Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoeGet it done by half past twoStitch it up and stitch it downAnd I’ll give you half a crown。
这篇关于《幽默英⽂⼉歌:⼭⾕⾥有个农夫》,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助!The farmer in the dell⼭⾕⾥有个农夫The farmer in the dell⼭⾕⾥有个农夫Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The farmer in the dell⼭⾕⾥有个农夫The farmer takes a wife农夫娶了个⽼婆The farmer takes a wife农夫娶了个⽼婆Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The farmer takes a wife农夫娶了个⽼婆The wife takes the child⽼婆⽣了个孩⼦The wife takes the child⽼婆⽣了个孩⼦Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The wife takes the child⽼婆⽣了个孩⼦The child takes the nurse给孩⼦找个了保姆The child takes the nurse给孩⼦找个了保姆Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The child takes the nurse给孩⼦找个了保姆The nurse takes the dog保姆带来⼀条狗The nurse takes the dog保姆带来⼀条狗Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The nurse takes the dog保姆带来⼀条狗The dog takes the cat狗带来⼀只猫The dog takes the cat狗带来⼀只猫Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The dog takes the cat狗带来⼀只猫The cat takes the rat猫带来⼀只⽼⿏The cat takes the rat猫带来⼀只⽼⿏Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The cat takes the rat猫带来⼀只⽼⿏The rat takes the cheese⽼⿏带来⼀块奶酪The rat takes the cheese⽼⿏带来⼀块奶酪Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The rat takes the cheese ⽼⿏带来⼀块奶酪The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带Hi-ho the derry-o嗨嗬,唱⽀歌The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带。
英语儿歌:格兰德老约克伯爵Oh, the grand old Duke of York,噢,格兰德老约克伯爵,He had ten thousand men,他拥有一万人马,He marched them up to the top of the hill他把他们训练上山,And he marched them down again.又把他们训练下山。
And when they were up they were up,(命令)他们上山他们便上山,And when they were down they were down,(命令)他们下山他们便下山,And when they were only half way up而(命令)他们到半山腰They were neither up nor down.他们便不再往上也不再往下。
They all marched up to the top of the hill,他们集训到了山顶,With a hup, two, three, four, drilling their drill.一,二,三,四,边喊口号边训练。
Oh, the grand old Duke of York,噢,格兰德老约克伯爵,He had ten thousand men,他拥有一万人马,He marched them up to the top of the hill他把他们训练上山,And he marched them down again.又把他们训练下山。
And when they were up they were up,(命令)他们上山他们便上山,And when they were down they were down, (命令)他们下山他们便下山,And when they were only half way up而(命令)他们到半山腰They were neither up nor down.他们便不再往上也不再往下。
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The farmer takes a wife
The farmer takes a wife
Hi-ho the derry-o
The farmer takes a wife
The wife takes the child
The wife takes the child
Hi-ho the derry-o
The wife takes the child
The child takes the nurse
The child takes the nurse 给孩子找个了保姆
Hi-ho the derry-o
The child takes the nurse 给孩子找个了保姆
The nurse takes the dog 保姆带来一条狗
The nurse takes the dog 保姆带来一条狗
Hi-ho the derry-o
The nurse takes the dog 保姆带来一条狗
The dog takes the cat
The dog takes the cat
Hi-ho the derry-o
The dog takes the cat
The cat takes the rat
The cat takes the rat
Hi-ho the derry-o
The cat takes the rat
The rat takes the cheese 老鼠带来一块奶酪
The rat takes the cheese 老鼠带来一块奶酪
Hi-ho the derry-o
The rat takes the cheese 老鼠带来一块奶酪
The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带
The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带
Hi-ho the derry-o
The cheese stands alone 奶酪什么也没带。