B2U1 the kindness of stranger 陌生人的善意


现代大学英语精读1 UNIT8 The Kindness of Strangers 课文翻译

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT8 The Kindness of Strangers 课文翻译

20141018第八单元Translation of Text A陌生人的仁慈1 一个夏天,我正驱车从我的家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍湖市前往新奥尔良。






由于到处隐藏着歹徒、吸毒成瘾者、强奸犯和小偷,“我不想惹麻烦”就成了民族的箴言2 驶过了几个州后,我仍然在想着那个搭便车的旅行者。




3 还会有人再停下来么?我很想知道。



他将发现什么样的美国人呢?谁将会给他食物、提供住处、载他一路?4 这个想法激起我的好奇心。

5 在我步入37岁的那周,我意识到在我的一生中还从未冒过险。





6 1994年9月6日,我早早的起了床,动身前往金门桥。


7 六周的时间,我免费搭车82次,穿越了14个省4223英里。








别人帮助自己陌生人的善意英语作文Kindness of StrangersIn a world where we often feel disconnected and isolated, the kindness of strangers can be a beacon of hope, reminding us of the inherent goodness in humanity. It is these small acts of compassion, often unexpected and unasked for, that can have a profound impact on our lives, leaving a lasting impression and inspiring us to pay it forward.One such instance occurred during a particularly challenging time in my life. I had recently moved to a new city, far from the comfort and familiarity of home, and was struggling to find my footing. The stress of starting a new job, navigating an unfamiliar environment, and building a social network from scratch had left me feeling overwhelmed and alone.One day, as I was hurrying to catch the bus, my bag suddenly split open, spilling the contents onto the sidewalk. I frantically tried to gather my belongings, feeling a sense of panic and embarrassment wash over me. Just as I was about to give in to the overwhelming feelings, a kind stranger approached me.Without a word, the stranger knelt down and began to help me collect my scattered items. Their gentle demeanor and genuine concern immediately put me at ease, and I found myself gratefully accepting their assistance. As we worked together to gather my things, we struck up a conversation, and I learned that this person was also new to the city, having just moved here for a job.In that moment, the kindness of a complete stranger provided me with a much-needed sense of connection and understanding. The simple act of helping a fellow human in need reminded me that I was not alone, that there were people in this new city who were willing to lend a hand, even to a complete stranger.As we parted ways, the stranger wished me well and encouraged me to reach out if I ever needed assistance again. Their words of support and kindness lingered with me long after the encounter, and I found myself feeling more hopeful and resilient in the face of the challenges I was facing.This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the power of compassion and the impact it can have on our lives. It reminded me that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a significant difference, and that we all have the opportunity to be that beacon of hope for someone else.In the months that followed, I made a conscious effort to pay this kindness forward. Whenever I saw someone struggling, whether it was a lost tourist asking for directions or a parent juggling a stroller and grocery bags, I would offer my assistance. Each time, I was met with grateful smiles and expressions of appreciation, and I could feel the ripple effect of this kindness spreading through the community.The kindness of strangers is a testament to the inherent goodness in humanity. It reminds us that we are all connected, that we are not alone in our struggles, and that there are people in this world who are willing to lend a helping hand, even to those they have never met before.As I reflect on this experience, I am reminded of the powerful words of the philosopher Lao Tzu, who said, "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." The kindness of that stranger on the sidewalk that day not only created confidence in me, but it also sparked a profound shift in my perspective, reminding me of the importance of compassion and the transformative power of simple acts of kindness.In a world that can often feel cold and impersonal, the kindness of strangers is a beacon of hope, a reminder that we are all in this together. It is my hope that by sharing this story, others will beinspired to pay it forward, to be that person who offers a helping hand, a kind word, or a listening ear to someone in need. For in doing so, we not only uplift the lives of others, but we also enrich our own, creating a more compassionate and connected world for all.。



陌生人的善良英语作文The Kindness of Strangers.In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to forget the simple yet profound acts of kindness that strangers extend towards us. These random acts of kindness often go unnoticed, yet they have the power to deeply touch our hearts and change our perspectives.One such incident occurred on a rainy afternoon when I was waiting for the bus. The sky was overcast, and the raindrops were falling heavily, making it difficult to see.I had just finished a long day at work and was eager to get home. Suddenly, I realized that I had forgotten my umbrella at home. As I stood there, drenched to the bone, a stranger approached me with an umbrella in his hand. Without a word, he simply handed it to me and smiled.That simple gesture of kindness made a profound impact on me. It was a reminder that in this world, there arestill good people who are willing to help others without expecting anything in return. This stranger's kindness brightened my day and made me believe that there is still hope in humanity.Another incident that left a lasting impression on me was when I was traveling in a foreign country. I had gotten lost in an unfamiliar city and was struggling to find my way to my hotel. As I walked down the street, feeling lost and confused, a local resident approached me and asked if I needed help. He patiently listened to my predicament and then proceeded to guide me to my hotel. Not only did he show me the right direction, but he also took the time to explain the local culture and sights to me.This stranger's act of kindness not only helped me find my way, but it also gave me a new perspective on traveling. It taught me that when we are lost and vulnerable, the kindness of strangers can be a powerful force that helps us overcome our difficulties.The kindness of strangers is not limited to grandgestures. It can be as simple as a smile, a helping hand, or a few words of encouragement. These small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on our lives. They can brighten our days, make us feel less alone, and inspire us to be kinder towards others.In conclusion, the kindness of strangers is a powerful reminder that we are all connected and that we have the ability to make a positive impact on each other's lives. It is these random acts of kindness that give us hope and make the world a better place. Let us all strive to be kinder towards each other and spread the warmth of humanity wherever we go.。



The Kindness of Strangers陌生人的仁慈1.One summer I was driving from my home town of Tahoe City, Calif, to New Orleans. In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb out and hel d a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time in the country when you' d be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need. Now you are a fool for helping. With gangs, drug ad dicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere, "I don't want to get involved" has become a national motto.一个夏天,我正驱车从我的家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍湖市前往新奥尔良。







2.Several states later I was still thinking about the hitchhiker. Leaving him stranded in the desert did not bother me so much. What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. I never even lifted my foot off the accel erator.驶过了几个州后,我仍然在想着那个搭便车的旅行者。



论陌生人的善意英语作文The Kindness of Strangers.In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to forget the simple yet profound acts of kindness that strangers extend towards us. This essay delves into the significance of stranger kindness, its impact onindividuals and communities, and how it shapes our perception of the world.Kindness from strangers often comes in unexpected forms. It could be a smile offered to a passerby, a helping hand extended to someone struggling with their bags, or a simple word of encouragement offered to a fellow commuter. These acts, though seemingly insignificant, can have profound effects on the recipient. A kind word can brightensomeone's day, a helping hand can alleviate their burden, and a smile can break the ice and foster a sense of community.The impact of stranger kindness is not limited to individuals; it also extends to communities. When strangers show kindness to each other, it creates a ripple effectthat spreads throughout the community. People become more trusting, more willing to help, and more connected to each other. This, in turn, fosters a sense of belonging and community spirit that is crucial for the well-being of any society.Moreover, stranger kindness has the power to transform individuals. Receiving kindness from strangers can boost one's self-esteem, make them more optimistic, and encourage them to pay it forward. This virtuous cycle of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals, making them more compassionate and understanding towards others.The world, at times, can seem a daunting and unforgiving place. However, the acts of kindness from strangers serve as beacons of hope and reminders that there is still good in the world. They instill in us a sense of optimism and faith that despite the challenges, there are people who are willing to lend a helping hand.In conclusion, the kindness of strangers is not just a random act of charity; it is an essential part of human interaction and a critical component of societal well-being. It has the power to transform individuals, strengthen communities, and brighten the world. As we move forward in our lives, let us remember to extend kindness to strangers and embrace the opportunities to make a positive impact on their lives. After all, a little kindness can go a long way in making the world a better place.。



陌生人的善意的英语课文总结作文Title: The Kindness of Strangers - A SummaryIn our lives, we often come across strangers who show us unexpected kindness. These acts of goodwill can leave a lasting impact and remind us of the inherent goodness within humanity. In this essay, I will summarize the importance and significance of the kindness shown by strangers.Firstly, the kindness of strangers serves as a reminder that compassion knows no boundaries. Regardless of our differences in background, culture, or beliefs, a simple act of kindness can bridge these gaps and create a sense of unity. When a stranger extends a helping hand or offers a kind word, it not only provides immediate assistance but also restores faith in the inherent goodness of people.Secondly, the kindness of strangers can have far-reaching effects. A small act of generosity can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to follow suit. This domino effect of kindness has the power to transform entire communities and societies. Whether it's helping someone in need, offering support during difficult times, or simply spreading positivity, strangers have the ability to bring about positive change in the world. Furthermore, the kindness of strangers teaches us valuable lifelessons. It instills in us the importance of empathy and reminds us to be open-minded and understanding towards others. By experiencing kindness from strangers, we learn to appreciate the diversity and richness of the human experience. These encounters broaden our perspectives and help us become more compassionate individuals.Lastly, the kindness of strangers serves as a reminder to pay it forward. When we receive kindness from someone we don't know, it motivates us to do the same for others. It reinforces the notion that even a small act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life. By emulating the kindness we have received, we contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and supportive society.In conclusion, the kindness of strangers is a powerful force that transcends barriers and leaves a lasting impact on individuals and communities. It reminds us of our shared humanity, teaches us invaluable life lessons, and inspires us to spread kindness to others. Let us always be open to receiving and offering kindness, for it is in these acts that we can truly make a difference in the world.Word Count: 346 words。



201410‎18第八单元Transl‎a tion of Text A陌生人的仁慈‎1 一个夏天,我正驱车从我‎的家乡加利福‎尼亚州的塔霍‎湖市前往新奥‎尔良。






由于到处隐藏‎着歹徒、吸毒成瘾者、强奸犯和小偷‎,“我不想惹麻烦‎”就成了民族的‎箴言2 驶过了几个州‎后,我仍然在想着‎那个搭便车的‎旅行者。




3 还会有人再停‎下来么?我很想知道。



他将发现什么‎样的美国人呢‎?谁将会给他食‎物、提供住处、载他一路?4 这个想法激起‎我的好奇心。

5 在我步入37‎岁的那周,我意识到在我‎的一生中还从‎未冒过险。





6 1994年9‎月6日,我早早的起了‎床,动身前往金门‎桥。


7 六周的时间,我免费搭车8‎2次,穿越了14个‎省4223英‎里。




陌生人的善良英语作文英文回答:The kindness of a stranger can be a powerful force in our lives. It can make us feel seen, heard, and understood. It can give us hope and inspiration. And it can remind us that we are not alone.I have experienced the kindness of strangers many times in my life. One time, I was lost and confused in a new city.I stopped a stranger on the street and asked for help. She not only gave me directions, but she also walked me to my destination.Another time, I was sick and alone in a foreign country.I went to a hospital, and the staff was incredibly kind and helpful. They took care of me and made me feel like I was home.The kindness of strangers has also come in the form ofsmall gestures. One time, I was having a bad day. I was feeling down and discouraged. I went to a coffee shop and ordered a latte. When I went to pay, the barista told me that my coffee had already been paid for. Someone had left a note that said, "Have a great day!"That small gesture of kindness made a big difference in my day. It reminded me that there are still good people in the world. It gave me hope and inspiration. And it reminded me that I am not alone.The kindness of strangers is a precious gift. It can make our lives better in so many ways. If you see someone who needs help, don't hesitate to offer your assistance. You never know how much of a difference you could make in their life.中文回答:陌生人的善意是我们生命中一股强大的力量。



陌生人的善意的英语作文The Kindness of StrangersIn this fast-paced and often cynical world, it can be easy to lose faith in humanity. We are bombarded with stories of violence, hatred, and cruelty on a daily basis, and it can be easy to forget that there is still goodness and kindness in the world. However, sometimes, when we least expect it, that kindness can appear in the most unexpected of places - from strangers.I experienced this firsthand when I found myself lost in a busy city, far from home and feeling overwhelmed. I had missed my train and had no idea how to get back to where I needed to be. I felt a rising sense of panic as I wandered the streets, my phone battery dead and no one familiar in sight. Just when I had nearly given up hope, a stranger approached me."Are you lost?" the woman asked, with a kind smile on her face. I nodded, feeling a surge of relief at the prospect of help. She took out her own phone and showed me a map, patiently pointing out the route I needed to take to get back to the station. She even offered to walk me there herself, despite it being out of her way.As we walked together, she struck up a conversation, asking me about my day and where I was from. She listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support. By the time we reached the station, I felt as though I had made a friend in this kind stranger. She waved me off with a warm smile, wishing me luck on my journey home.This encounter stayed with me long after I had reached my destination. It reminded me that there is still good in the world, and that kindness can be found in the most unexpected of places. This stranger had taken time out of her day to help someone she didn't know, with no expectation of anything in return. Her simple act of kindness had made a profound impact on me, and I vowed to pay it forward in any way I could.Since that day, I have made an effort to be more open to the kindness of strangers. I have found that, more often than not, people are willing to help if given the chance. Whether it be holding the door open for someone, offering a smile to a passerby, or lending a hand to someone in need, these small acts of kindness can make a world of difference.In a society that often preaches individualism andself-interest, it is easy to forget the power of human connection and compassion. The kindness of strangers serves as a reminderthat we are all in this world together, and that a little bit of kindness can go a long way. The next time you find yourself in need, or see someone else who is, remember the kindness of strangers, and pay it forward in whatever way you can. You never know how much of an impact a simple act of kindness can have on someone's day.。



陌生人的善意的英语作文英文回答:The kindness of strangers is an often overlooked, yet immensely powerful force in our lives. It can manifest in countless ways, from a simple act of courtesy to an act of extraordinary generosity or compassion.One of the most common ways that strangers show kindness is through everyday courtesies. Holding a door open for someone, offering a seat on a crowded bus, or giving directions to a lost tourist are all small gestures that can make a big impact on someone's day. These acts of kindness cost us little, but they can have a profoundeffect on the recipient.In addition to everyday courtesies, strangers can also show kindness through acts of generosity or compassion. This could involve donating money to a charity, volunteering our time to help others, or simply being therefor someone who is going through a difficult time. Acts of kindness like these can make a real difference in the lives of others, and they can also help to make the world abetter place.The kindness of strangers is not always easy to come by, but it is certainly worth seeking out. When we experience the kindness of strangers, it can make us feel more connected to the world around us and more hopeful about the future. It can also inspire us to pay it forward by showing kindness to others, creating a ripple effect of kindnessthat can spread throughout our communities and the world.中文回答:陌生人的善意是我们生活中经常被忽视但又极具力量的因素。



The Kindness of a StrangerIn the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often encounter strangers, faces that blend into the crowd, unnamed and unremembered. However, one such encounter left a profound impression on me, revealing the beauty of human kindness.It was a chilly winter afternoon, and I was rushing to catch the bus home. As I stepped onto the crowded platform, my heart sank. The bus was packed, and there was barely any space to stand, let alone sit. Just as I was resigning myself to a long, uncomfortable journey, a gentle voice spoke up."Here, take my seat," said a stranger, offering his place.Surprised and grateful, I accepted his offer. As I sat down, I noticed that he was an elderly man with a kind face. His act of kindness warmed my heart, and I felt a sense of gratitude towards him.During the journey, we struck up a conversation. He shared stories of his life, his experiences, and his wisdom. I listened attentively, fascinated by his tales. It was as if he had opened a window to another world, filled with warmth and compassion.That brief encounter taught me a valuable lesson about the kindness of strangers. It reminded me that in this vast world, filled with billions of faces, each one has a story, a heart, and the capacity for kindness. We may be strangers to each other, but our actions can bringwarmth and comfort to others.And so, I carry this lesson with me, always ready to offer a helping hand or a kind word to those I meet. Because in the end, we are all connected by the threads of humanity and kindness.陌生人的善意在日复一日的喧嚣中,我们经常会遇到陌生人,他们的面孔融入人群,无名无姓,难以记忆。



关于陌生人的善意的英语大学作文Title: The Kindness of StrangersIn the fast-paced and often impersonal world we live in, it's easy to forget that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on our lives. These acts, often performed by strangers, remind us of the inherent goodness in humanity and the power of compassion.I remember a particularly trying day in college when I encountered a stranger's kindness that changed my perspective. I had missed my bus to campus and was left stranded at the stop, feeling defeated and anxious about missing an important lecture. Just as I was about to give up, a kind stranger stopped and offered me a ride. Not only did he take me to my destination, but he also listened patiently to my worries and offered words of encouragement.This simple gesture of kindness had a profound effect on me. It reminded me that in the midst of our busy lives, there are still people who are willing to extend a helping hand, without expecting anything in return. It was a reminder that kindness is not just a trait; it's an action that can be performed by anyone, regardless of their relationship with the recipient.The kindness of strangers also teaches us the importance of empathy. By experiencing the compassion of others, we are more likely to extend the same kindness to others in need. This cycle of kindness has the potential to create a more compassionate and understanding society.Moreover, the kindness of strangers can serve as a beacon of hope in times of darkness. When we encounter challenges or difficulties, a small act of kindness can be a reminder that there are still people who care and are willing to lend a helping hand. This hope can inspire us to persevere and overcome our obstacles.In conclusion, the kindness of strangers is a powerful reminder of the inherent goodness in humanity. It teaches us the importance of empathy and compassion and serves as a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Let us never forget the impact that a simple act of kindness can have on the lives of others and strive to be more kind and compassionate in our own lives.。



陌生人的善举英语作文初一The Kindness of Strangers.In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we oftenfind ourselves surrounded by strangers. These are people we don't know, people whose stories and backgrounds remain a mystery to us. However, sometimes, these strangers show us acts of kindness that leave us feeling warm and grateful.One such incident happened to me when I was in my seventh grade. It was a rainy afternoon, and I was waiting at the bus stop, huddled under an umbrella, trying to keep myself dry. The rain was coming down in torrents, and the wind was blowing coldly, making me shiver. I was the only one waiting at the stop, and I could see the bus was running late.Suddenly, a car stopped beside the bus stop. The window rolled down, and a kind-looking lady smiled at me. "Are you waiting for the bus?" she asked. I nodded, feeling a littlesurprised. "It's pouring cats and dogs. You'll get wet standing here," she said.Before I could respond, she had handed me a warmblanket from the backseat of her car. "Wrap this around you," she said. "It'll keep you warm until the bus comes."I took the blanket, grateful for her kindness. "Thank youso much," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.She smiled and waved as her car drove off. I wrappedthe blanket around me and felt instantly warmer. The rain continued to pour, but I felt a sense of calm and comfort that came from the kindness of a stranger.That day, I learned a valuable lesson about the powerof kindness. A simple act of kindness can make a world of difference to someone who is feeling alone and helpless. It can bring warmth and comfort to someone who is cold and wet. It can brighten someone's day and make them feel less alone in the world.Since then, I have tried to be more kind to strangers.I smile at them, offer help when I can, and try to maketheir lives a little brighter. I believe that by showing kindness to others, we can create a more compassionate and understanding society.Kindness is a powerful force that can transform lives.It doesn't matter if the kindness comes from a family member, a friend, or even a stranger. What matters is thatit is given and received with an open heart. So, let us all remember to be kind to strangers, because we never know when we might be the ones in need of a helping hand.In conclusion, kindness is a beautiful trait thatshould be practiced every day. It does not matter who the recipient is, as the act of kindness itself is what matters. Whether it is a small gesture or a significant act,kindness has the ability to change lives and make the world a better place. Let us all strive to be kinder to those we encounter, especially to those we do not know, as theymight be the ones who need it the most.。



陌生人的善良英语作文英文回答:Kindness of Strangers.I believe in the kindness of strangers. Throughout my life, I have encountered numerous instances where strangers have shown me unexpected acts of kindness, leaving alasting impact on me. These experiences have taught me that there are still good-hearted people in the world, willingto lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return.One such incident occurred when I was on a trip to a foreign country. I had lost my way and was feeling lost and helpless. Suddenly, a stranger approached me and asked if I needed any assistance. Despite the language barrier, this stranger went out of their way to guide me back to my destination. Their kindness and willingness to help a stranger in need touched my heart.Another memorable encounter happened when I was at a coffee shop. I was waiting in line to order my drink when I realized that I had forgotten my wallet at home. Feeling embarrassed and unsure of what to do, a stranger standing next to me offered to pay for my drink. Their generosity and understanding in that moment made me realize that even in the hustle and bustle of daily life, there are still individuals who are willing to extend a helping hand to others.These instances of kindness from strangers have not only restored my faith in humanity but have also inspired me to pay it forward. I now make an effort to be kind and helpful to strangers whenever I can. Whether it's offering directions to someone who seems lost or simply smiling at a stranger passing by, I have come to understand the power of small acts of kindness.中文回答:陌生人的善良。



The Kindness of StrangersIn the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often overlook the simple yet profound acts of kindness shown by strangers. These unexpected gestures of compassion remind us that humanity still exists in this world. One such incident occurred when I was lost in an unfamiliar city. As I stood on the sidewalk, confused and anxious, a stranger approached and offered to help. Without hesitation, he took me to my destination, ensuring my safe arrival. This small act of kindness not only relieved my stress but also restored my faith in the goodness of humanity.Kindness from strangers is often unexpected, yet it leaves a lasting impression on us. It reminds us that in a world full of strangers, there are still people who care and are willing to lend a helping hand. These strangers become our temporary guardians, protecting us from harm and guiding us towards a better future.The kindness of strangers is not limited to grand gestures. It can be anything from a smile, a word of encouragement, or a simple act of help. These small actionscan brighten someone's day and make a significantdifference in their life.In conclusion, the kindness of strangers is a powerful reminder of the good in humanity. It instills hope, trust, and faith in us, making us believe that there are still people who care and are willing to extend a helping hand. Let us cherish these moments of kindness and strive to be kind to others, creating a more compassionate and loving world.**陌生人的善良**在忙碌的日常生活中,我们常常忽略陌生人所展现的简单却深刻的善良行为。



新世纪大学英语综合教程2 The Kindness of Strangers 翻译The Kindness of Strangers1.Text analysisPlot: The author traveled across the States alone to find out if people were willing to help strangers.Setting: People in the United States seem to have become more and more indifferent to other people’s needs. Protagonists: “I” and the people helping “I”Structure of the text:Part 1 (Para 1-4): The reason why the author decided to start this journeyPart 2 (Para 5-10): The author’s plan for the trip and part of his experiences in this journeyPart 3 (Para 11-13): The most special night in his journeyPart 4 (Para 14-15): The author’s speech and the conclusionTheme of the story:The author tries to tell people that based on his personal experience one can still depend on the kindness of strangers in the United States.2.Background informationThese are states mentioned by the author in the article. Please mark them out in the map in the next page and draw a line to show the author’s route of journey.California ( CA)—San Francisco—the Golden Gate Bridge /p-travelguide-191501932-iowa_vacations-i;_ylt=AuMhAypgEQWX_kOfTek7Kk0nFmoLIowa (IA)Montana (MT) /p-travelguide-191501963-nebraska_vacations-i;_ylt=ApKwtCGseHaRUCVur5KFhSknFmoL Nebraska (NE) /p-travelguide-191501982-north_carolina_vacations-i;_ylt=Aga.ncnHr6V8gvZ9R5L4w4AnFmoLNorth Carolina (NC)—Cape Fear /p-travelguide-191501994-oregon_vacations-i;_ylt=Atp9gYC2h1LBPMsht2zdZw8nFmoLOregon (OR) /p-travelguide-191502009-tennessee_vacations-i;_ylt=Aqko9.oZGZifQMeu7vqxrRInFmoL Tennessee (TN)—Jamestown /p-travelguide-191502037-wyoming_vacations-i;_ylt=AoHMXDguIA VK0kfwu9yErRQnFmoLWyoming (WY)Louisiana (LA)—New Orleansrmation gaining & Oral English practiceSuppose that you were the author. Carol asked you to give a talk to here class and you agreed. Please prepare something for your speech about your trip.Tips: Pay attention to the expressions showing the author’s attitude, feelings and thoughts during the journey. Remember to make your speech informative and attractive enough.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.Sentence patterns & Language points<1>.There was a time in the country when you’d be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<2>.With gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere, “I don’t want to get involved” h asbecome a national motto.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<3>.One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money, relying solely onthe good will of his fellow Americans.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<4>.This woman was telling me she’d r ather risk her life than feel bad about passing a stranger on the side of theroad.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<5>.Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or shared whatever they happened tohave with them.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<6>.But Tim was determined that I have it, and finally I agreed to take it.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<7>.But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as matter of course.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________陌生人的仁慈1 一个夏天,我正驱车从我的家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍湖市前往新奥尔良。



论陌生人的善意英语作文英文回答:The Kindness of Strangers: An Unexpected Gift.Throughout the tapestry of human existence, acts of kindness from strangers can illuminate our lives like beacons of hope and inspiration. These spontaneous gestures, whether grand or seemingly insignificant, have the power to transform our perspectives, restore our faith in humanity, and create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the immediate act itself.One such instance of unexpected kindness occurredduring my travels abroad. As I navigated unfamiliar streets, lost and disoriented, a young woman approached me. Insteadof exploiting my vulnerability, she offered her assistance with genuine concern. With a smile that radiated warmth and compassion, she guided me to my destination and refused any compensation for her time and effort. This simple act ofkindness not only helped me find my way but also reminded me that even in the most unfamiliar of places, there are those who are willing to extend a helping hand.Another unforgettable experience of the kindness of strangers unfolded during a challenging period in my life.I had recently lost my job and was struggling to make ends meet. As I sat in a coffee shop, feeling lost and overwhelmed, a group of strangers noticed my distress. Without hesitation, they approached me and offered words of encouragement and support. They shared their own experiences of adversity and assured me that I was not alone in my struggles. Their empathy and understanding gave me the strength to persevere and seek the resources I needed to rebuild my life.The impact of strangers' kindness can extend beyond the individual recipient. When we witness acts of compassion, our own capacity for empathy and generosity is awakened. It inspires us to pay it forward and create a cycle ofpositive interactions. By acknowledging and appreciating the kindnesses we receive, we create a ripple effect thattouches countless lives.It is important to recognize that the kindness of strangers is not a random occurrence but rather areflection of the inherent interconnectedness of humanity. Each act of compassion, no matter how small, contributes to a tapestry of human bonds that strengthens our communities and makes the world a more welcoming and supportive place. By embracing the kindness of strangers, we not only enrich our own lives but also sow the seeds for a more just and compassionate society.中文回答:陌生人的善意,一份意外的礼物。



陌生的善意作文英文初一Title: The Kindness of Strangers。

In our lives, we often encounter unexpected acts of kindness from strangers that leave a lasting impression. These moments, though fleeting, have the power to touch our hearts and restore our faith in humanity. Here, I share my personal experience of such an encounter.It was a typical weekday afternoon, and I found myself rushing to catch the bus home from school. As I hurried down the crowded streets, juggling my heavy backpack and textbooks, I suddenly stumbled and nearly fell. Before I could regain my balance, a stranger appeared out of nowhere, steadying me with a firm grip."Are you alright?" the stranger asked, concern evidentin their voice.I nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed by my clumsiness.But instead of moving on, the stranger lingered, offeringto help me carry my bag. Surprised by their kindness, I hesitated for a moment before accepting their offer.As we walked together towards the bus stop, thestranger introduced themselves as Alex. They had a warm smile and a friendly demeanor that instantly put me at ease. We chatted about school, hobbies, and life in general, and before I knew it, we had reached our destination.As we parted ways, Alex handed me a small note with a simple message: "Keep shining bright. You never know whose day you'll brighten with your kindness."Those words stayed with me long after our encounter, reminding me of the impact we can have on others through simple acts of kindness. Despite being strangers, Alex had taken the time to help me without expecting anything in return, teaching me a valuable lesson about compassion and generosity.Since that day, I've made a conscious effort to pay itforward, whether it's holding the door for someone,offering a kind word, or lending a helping hand. I've come to realize that kindness knows no boundaries and that even the smallest gestures can make a world of difference to someone in need.In a world often plagued by negativity and division,it's important to remember the power of kindness in bringing people together and spreading positivity. Whether it's a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand, we all have the ability to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.So let's embrace the kindness of strangers and strive to be the light in someone else's day. After all, you never know whose life you'll touch with your simple acts of goodwill.。




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Listen and Respond
Word Bank horrible Task One Task Two
Unit 1
terrible 可怕的,令人恐惧的
having no home 无家可归的
[C; U (to)] the act of accepting or being accepted [常
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 1
The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite objects of human efforts — possessions, outward success, luxury — have always seemed to me contemptible. — Albert Einstein
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Listen and Respond
Word Bank reaction n. Task One Task Two
Unit 1
[C; U (to)] (a case or a way of) reacting; response [常
Interpretation: If you want to perform an act of kindness to help others, just do it now before it is too late.
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Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 1
1. Before graduating from college, the speaker was asked to ___________.
A) make a piece of cake for the class B) write down people’s response to her smile C) observe how people smile at each other
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 1
1. What are the simple acts of kindness presented in the video clip?
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 1
2. Have you ever been touched by simple acts of kindness from strangers? Share your experiences with your group. (Open.)
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 1
Study the following quotes about kindness. Which quote do you like best? Why?
Unit 1
Watching and Discussion
Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following brainstorming questions. 1. You are now living on campus. How do you get along with your classmates? 2. Are you willing to help out a stranger? Why or why not? 3. Do you think it possible to be a true friend to someone whose name you don’t know?
Click Picture来自What gives me the courage to face challenges in life and move on optimistically is the showing and receiving of kindness and the pursuit of the good, the beautiful and the true. Humans tend to seek worldly possessions, fame, success, and luxury in life, but these things don’t interest me at all.
not limited by any conditions 无条件的,无限制的
Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 1
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.
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• a teenager gives his seat to a middle-aged woman burdened with several bags; • a man offers to pay for a young mother with a baby in her arms whose credit card is expired; • a woman offers her lunchbox to a homeless person; • a young man lets an exhausted mother take the parking space he’s been waiting patiently for; • a woman gets a card with heart-warming words on it.
Unit 1 Living in Harmony
Listen and Respond Read and Explore Get Started
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
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a piece of cake
infml sth. very easy to do 〖非正式〗容易(或轻松愉快)的事

trademark of a very famous fast food restaurant 麦
Get Started
Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 1
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. — George Sand
Listen and Respond
Word Bank mentally Task One Task Two
Unit 1
connected with or happening in the mind
上,精神上 retarded★
D) act kindly to someone
Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 1
2. While waiting for her turn to get her breakfast at the local McDonald’s, the speaker _______.
(especially of a child) slower in development or less able than others 〔尤指儿童〕(智力)发育迟缓的,弱智的