



2024年统编版小学英语第六单元真题(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)B卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The _____ (ocean/lake) is calm.2. 填空题:I found a ________ near the water.3. 填空题:The ______ (水果) of the apple tree is sweet.4. 填空题:A ____(reservation) is land set aside for indigenous peoples.5. 填空题:The ______ (树叶) fall off in winter for some trees.6. 听力题:The birds are ______ in the trees. (chirping)7. 听力填空题:I am fascinated by science. Experiments show how things work in our world. One experiment I enjoyed was __________ because it taught me __________.8. 选择题:What do you call the time when the sun sets?A. DuskB. DawnC. NoonD. Midnight答案:A9. 填空题:Did you ever watch a _______ (小蜻蜓) hover?The ________ is an important area for wildlife conservation.11. 选择题:How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 7C. 6D. 812. 听力题:My dad works as a ______ (mechanic).13. 填空题:I want to _______ (了解) different animals.14. 选择题:Which of these is a classic children's book?A. Moby DickB. The Great GatsbyC. Charlotte's WebD. War and Peace答案:C15. 填空题:We have a ______ (特别的) event coming up.16. 听力题:The bear's ability to adapt to different environments highlights its strength and ____.17. 选择题:Which animal can fly?A. DogB. FishC. BirdD. Cat答案: C18. 选择题:What is the temperature of ice?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 32 degrees FahrenheitC. Both A and BD. 100 degrees Celsius答案:CWhat is 3 × 4?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 16答案:B20. 听力题:The capital of Japan is __________.21. 选择题:What is 15 ÷ 3?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 622. 听力题:I have ________ toys at home.23. 填空题:I like to collect ________ (模型) of cars.24. 填空题:I have a toy _______ that can fly with a remote.25. 选择题:What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. AngryC. JoyfulD. Excited答案: A26. 听力题:Some animals can change color to blend in with their __________.27. 填空题:I saw a _______ (蜗牛) moving slowly on the ground.28. 听力题:A __________ is a mixture where the components can be easily separated.29. 听力题:__________ are substances that increase the rate of a reaction.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A. IceB. MilkC. FruitD. Sugar答案:C31. 填空题:My favorite game to play is ________.32. 听力题:The atomic theory explains the nature of ______.33. 填空题:The _____ (气候条件) affect how plants thrive.34. 填空题:In winter, many plants go __________ (休眠).35. 填空题:Brazil is famous for its _____ during Carnival.36. 选择题:What is the color of an orange?A. BlueB. GreenC. OrangeD. Yellow答案:C37. 填空题:The _____ (海豹) is often seen on rocky shores.38. 填空题:He is a _____ (政治家) advocating for change.39. 选择题:What do you call the festival celebrated in October?A. ChristmasB. HalloweenC. EasterD. Thanksgiving40. 选择题:What is the capital of Kazakhstan?B. Nur-SultanC. ShymkentD. Karaganda41. 听力填空题:I think that creativity can solve many __________.42. 选择题:What do we need to do before crossing the street?A. RunB. LookC. JumpD. Close eyes43. 填空题:Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the __________ (埃及) dynasty.44. 填空题:A lizard can change its ______ (颜色) depending on its mood.45. 填空题:I saw a rabbit hopping in the ______.46. 填空题:I enjoy reading ______ at the library.47. 听力题:A process involving a change in temperature is called ______.48. 听力题:An ant is an example of a __________ insect.49. 选择题:What is a young dog called?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. Foal50. 填空题:I want to _____ (create) a flower garden.51. 选择题:Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing?A. GuitarC. PianoD. Drums52. 填空题:I have a _____ (小提琴) that I practice playing every day. 我有一把小提琴,每天练习演奏。



一、选择题1.命题“x ∀∈R ,212x x >-”的否定是( )A.x ∀∈R ,212x x <-B.x ∀∈R ,212x x ≤-C.x ∃∈R ,212x x ≤-D.x ∃∈R ,212x x <-答案:C解析:由全称命题的否定知原命题的否定为x ∃∈R ,212x x ≤-.故选C.2.函数12()(2xf x -=的定义域为( ) A.[)1,2-+∞ B.(1,2)-∞- C.()1,02- D.()1,2-+∞ 答案:D解析:()f x =,202x ->,1222x ->,12x >-,故选D.A.B.C.D.答案:B解析:因为函数的定义域为R ,又22()||||()()2222x x x x x x x x f x f x ---+-+-===++, 所以函数()f x 是偶函数,排除AD ,令()0f x =,得0x =,且只有一个解,排除C ,故选B.4.点(cos 2023,tan8)A ︒在平面直角坐标系中位于( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限答案:C解析:因为20233605223︒=⨯︒︒+,180223270<︒︒<︒,故2023︒为第三象限角,故cos20230︒<,因为8与82 1.72π-≈终边相同,故8是第二象限角,故tan80<, 则A 点在第三象限.故选C.5.已知32log a =0.010.3b =,2c =,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( )A.a b c <<B.b a c <<C.c a b <<D.a c b <<答案:B解析:因为33log 8log 92a =<=,3log 31a >=,0.0100.31b <=<,22c ===,所以b a c <<.故选B.6.已知22,0,()4,0.x x f x x +⎧≥=⎨<⎩则关于a 的不等式2(2)(3)f a f a >-的解集为() A.(0,3)B.()1,3-C.()3,1-D.(0,1)答案:A解析:2132303,020a a a a a a ⎧-<<>-⎧⇒⇒<<⎨⎨>>⎩⎩故选A.7.已知a ,b 为正实数,以下不等式成立的有( ) ①11b b a a +>+;②22ab ab+>;③22244a b ab b +>-;④|1|||1a a -+≥. A.②④B.②③C.②③④D.①④答案:C解析:1(1)(1)1(1)(1)b b b a a b b a a a a a a a ++-+--==+++,只有b a >时①成立; 2ab ab+≥(当且仅当ab =时等号成立),②恒成立; 2222244(2)0a b ab b a b b +-+-+≥=,当且仅当0a =,0b =时等号成立.故22244a b ab b +>-在a ,b 均为正实数时恒成立,③恒成立,由图象可知④恒成立. 故选C.8.牛顿冷却定律描述物体在常温环境下的温度变化:如果物体的初始温度为0T ,则经过一定时间t 分钟后的温度Th 称为半衰期,其中a T 是环境温度.若25C a T =︒,现有一杯80C ︒的热水降至75C ︒大约用时1分钟,那么水温从75C ︒降至45C ︒,大约需要( )(参考数据:lg 20.30≈,lg11 1.04≈) A.9分钟B.10分钟C.11分钟D.12分钟答案:B解析:由题意,25C a T =︒,由一杯80C ︒的热水降至75C ︒大约用时1分钟, 可得117525()(8025)2h -=-,所以11501025511()h ==,又水温从75C ︒降至45C ︒, 所以14525()(7525)2t h -=-,即12022505()t h ==,所以15(11102[]()221)1()t t t h h ===,75C ︒降至45C ︒, 大约需要10分钟.故选B.二、多选题9.当(0,1)x ∈时,幂函数ay x =的图象在直线y x =的上方,则a 的值可能为( ) A.13B.2-D.3答案:A 、B解析:由题意,转化为当01x <<时,a x x >恒成立,可得1a <,故选AB.10.下列各式中,值为1的是( ) A.122sin 45-︒B.4222sin sin cos cos αααα++C.9tan 4π D.lg 2lg5⨯答案:A 、B 、C解析:11221221sin 4522-===︒,故A 正确; 42222222sin sin cos cos sin (sin cos )cos 1αααααααα++=++=,故B 正确;9tan tan(2)tan 1444ππππ=+==,故C 正确;D 显然不正确.故选ABC. 11.下列命题为真命题的是( )A.设a ,b ∈R ,则“0a ≠”是“0ab ≠”的既不充分也不必要条件B.“0ac <”是“二次方程20ax bx c ++=有一正根和一负根”的充要条件C.当0ac b >>时,x ∀∈R ,20ax bx c ++>成立D.x ∃,y ∈R ,使224250x y x y +-++=成立答案:B 、D解析:由0ab ≠得0a ≠且0b ≠,故00a ab ≠≠,但00ab a ≠⇒≠,则“0a ≠”是“0ab ≠”的必要不充分条件,故A 错误;若二次方程20ax bx c ++=有一正根一负根,则满足20,40,ac b ac <⎧⎨∆=->⎩解得0ac <, 所以“0ac <”是“二次方程20ax bx c ++=有一正根一负根”的充要条件,故B 正确; 方程20ax bx c ++=的24b ac ∆=-的正负无法确定,故C 错误;因为2222425(2)(1)x y x y x y +-++=-++,所以当2x =,1y =-时,等式成立, 故D 正确;故选BD.12.已知函数())1f x x x =++.则下列说法正确的是( ) A.1(lg3)(lg )23f f +=B.函数()f x 的图象关于点(0,1)对称C.函数()f x 在定义域上单调递减D.若实数a ,b 满足2()()f f a b +>,则0a b +>答案:A 、B 、D解析:对于A 选项,对任意的x ∈R ||0x x x >+≥,所以函数())1f x x x =++的定义域为R ,()())()1])1f x f x x x x x -+=+-++++22)ln(122x x =+-+=,所以1(lg3)(lg )(lg3)(lg3)23f f f f +=+-=,A 正确; 对于B 选项,因为函数()f x 满足2()()f f x x +-=,故函数()f x 的图象关于点(0,1)对称,B 正确;对于C 选项,对于函数())h x x =,该函数的定义域为R ,22()()))ln(1)0h x h x x x x x -+=+=+-=,即()()h x x h --=,所以函数()h x 为奇函数,当0x ≥时,内层函数u x 为增函数,外层函数ln y u =为增函数,所以函数()h x 在[0,)+∞上为增函数,故函数()h x 在(,0]-∞上也为增函数,因为函数()h x 在R 上连续,故函数()h x 在R 上为增函数,又因为函数1y x =+在R 上为增函数,故函数()f x 在R 上为增函数,C 不正确;对于D 选项,因为实数a ,b 满足2()()f f a b +>,则)()()2(f f a f b b >-=-, 可得a b >-,即0a b +>,D 正确.故选ABD.三、填空题13.若扇形的圆心角为150︒,半径为3,则该扇形的面积为 .答案:154π 解析:圆心角为150︒,即56π,所以扇形的面积为215153264S ππ=⨯⨯=. 14.已知()lg 5x f e x =,则(1)()f f e += .答案:lg 5解析:(1)()0lg5lg5f f e +=+=.15.已知2:8150p x x -+<,:(2)(5)0q x m x m --<,其中0m >.若q 是p 的必要不充分条件,则实数m 的取值范围是 .答案:312m ≤≤解析: 2:8150(3)(5)035p x x x x x -+<⇒--<⇒<<,所以不等式的解集为{|35}x x <<,:(2)(5)0q x m x m --<,其中0m >, 解得25m x m <<,所以不等式的解集为{|25}x m x m <<.由q 是p 的必要不充分条件,则p q ⇒且q p ,所以{|35}{|25}x x x m x m <<<<,则23,55,m m ≤⎧⎨≥⎩且等号不同时成立,解得312m ≤≤. 16.已知函数||42,4,()|1441|, 4.x e x f x x x x -⎧≤=⎨-+>⎩若方程()0()f x m m -=∈R 恰有四个不同的实根,则m 的取值范围是 .答案:4(0,)(1,8)e -解析:当4x >时,22()|1441||(7)8|f x x x x =-+=--,如图所示,得4(0,)(1,8)m e -∈.四、解答题17.已知全集U =R ,集合{|5321}A x x =∈-≤-≤R ,集合2{|log (2)1}B x x =∈-≤R .(1)求A B ,A B ;(2)求()R A B .答案:见解析解析:(1)由题意得,{|11}A x x =-≤≤,不等式2log (2)102202x x x -≤<-⇔≤⇔≤<,可得{|02}B x x =≤<,∴{|01}x A B x =≤≤,{|12}A x B x =≤-<;(2)由(1)知,{|0R B x x =<或2}x ≥,∴2(){|R A B x x =≥或1}x ≤.18.已知tan 3α=,求下列各式的值.(1)3sin cos 2sin 5cos αααα+-; (2)2sin 2sin cos ααα+⋅.答案:见解析解析:(1)原式3tan 191102tan 565αα++===--; (2)原式22222sin 2sin cos tan 2tan 963sin cos tan 1912αααααααα+++====+++. 19.设()log (2)log (4)a a f x x x =++-(0a >,且1a ≠).(1)若(23)f =,求实数a 的值及函数()f x 的定义域;(2)求函数()f x 的值域.答案:见解析解析:(1)因为()log (2)log (4)a a f x x x =++-(0a >,1a ≠),且(23)f =, 所以(2)log 4log 23log 23a a a f =+==,解得2a =,所以22()log (2)log (4)f x x x =++-的定义域需满足20,40,x x +>⎧⎨->⎩解得24x -<<, 即函数()f x 的定义域为()2,4-;(2)22()log (2)log (4)log ]28log (1)9()[a a a a f x x x x x x =++-=-++=--+,由24x -<<,可得20(1)99x <--+≤,①当1a >时,函数()f x 的值域为,2log 3](a -∞,②当01a <<时,函数()f x 的值域为)[2log 3,a +∞.20.已知()g x 是定义在()2,2-上的奇函数,且2()()f g x x =+.(1)若()4f a =,求()f a -的值;(2)对任意的1x ,2(2,2)x ∈-,12x x ≠,恒有1212[()()]()0f x f x x x -->,解关于x 的不等式(24()1)f x f x -+>.答案:见解析解析:(1)因为()g x 是奇函数,所以()0()g a g a +-=,则(()2()24())a a f f a g g a +-=++-+=,因为()4f a =,所以()0f a -=;(2)不妨设1222x x -<<<,则120x x -<,又因为1212[()()]()0f x f x x x -->, 所以12()()0f x f x -<,则()f x 在()2,2-上单调递增,同理可证:2()()g f x x =-在()2,2-上单调递增;因为(24()1)f x f x -+>, 所以2()(21)20f x f x --+->,所以(20()1)g x g x -+>,又因为()g x 为奇函数,所以)(21)(g x x g ->-,又因为()g x 在()2,2-则不等式(24()1)f x f x -+>的解集为(13,32).21.已知22m n +=,且1m >-,0n >.(1)求121m n++的最小值; (2)求224221m n n m +++的最小值. 答案:解析:(1)因为123m n ++=,(1)213m n ++=, 所以14()[(1)2]1214121123m n m nm n m n +++++=+=++24(1)14512333n m m n ++++++=≥=(当且仅当24(1)12n m m n +=+时等号成立,即0m =,1n =),则121m n ++的最小值为3; (2)2222224(22)(2)2(1)(2)22122111m n n m n m n m n m n m ----+=+=+++++++ 222(1)8(1)8(1)6(1)911n n m m n m +-+++-++=+++ 89989162(1)816991111122n m n m m n m n =++-+++-=+-=+-++++++, 因为1225m n +++=,所以(1)(22)1m n +++=,2549499555+≥-=-= (当且仅当9(22)16(1)122n m m n ++=++时等号成立,即87m =,37n =). 则224221m n n m +++的最小值为45. 22.设a ∈R ,已知函数2()2x x a f x a+=-为奇函数. (1)求实数a 的值;(2)若0a <,判断并证明函数()f x 的单调性;(3)在(2)的条件下,函数()f x 在区间[](),m n m n <上的值域是[2,2]()m n k k k ⋅⋅∈R ,求k 的取值范围.见解析解析:(1)由函数()f x 为奇函数,有0()()f f x x +-=, 有1220122x x x xa a a a +++=--,有11(2)()(2)()022x x x x a a a a -+++-=, 有22(12)(12)022x x x x a a a a a a -+⋅-+--⋅+=,有21a =,得1a =±. ①当1a =时,21()21x x f x +=-,定义域为(,0)(0,)-∞+∞, 11122()()11212x x x x f x f x ++-===---,符合题意; ②当1a =-时,21()21xx f x -=+,定义域为R ,11122()()11212x x x x f x f x ---===-++,符合题意.由上知1a =-或1;(2)当0a <时,有1a =-,即()f x 定义域为R ,结论为:()f x 在R 上单调递增. 设R 上任意两个实数1x ,2x ,且12x x <.12122112121212122121(21)(21)(21)(21)2(22)()()2121(21)(21)(21)(21)x x x x x x x x x x x x x x f x f x ---+--+--=-==++++++, 而21220x x ->,1210x +>,2210x +>, ∴1212220((21)(21))x x x x -<++,即12()()f x f x <得证,则()f x 在R 上单调递增; (3)由m n <知22m n <,由[2,2]()m nk k k ⋅⋅∈R 知22m n k k ⋅<⋅,所以0k >, 由(2)知()f x 在R 上单调递增,结合题意有,()2()2,m n f m k f n k ⎧=⋅⎨=⋅⎩得212,21212,21m m m n n m k k ⎧-=⋅⎪⎪+⎨-⎪=⋅⎪⎩+即m ,n 是21221x x x k -=⋅+的两个不同实根, 令20x t =>,则2(1)10kt k t +-+=在(0,)+∞上有两个不同实根, 有212120,(1)40,10,10,k k k k t t k t t k >⎧⎪∆=-->⎪⎪-⎨+=>⎪⎪=>⎪⎩,可得03k <<-k的取值范围为(0,3-.。



三亚2024年11版小学英语第2单元综合卷[有答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:They are ___ a song. (singing)2、What do we call the person who studies animals?A. ZoologistB. BiologistC. VeterinarianD. Ecologist3、 (94) is an important body of water in Asia. 填空题:The ____4、What is the name of the toy that can spin on a string?A. Yo-yoB. KiteC. FrisbeeD. Doll答案:A5、Which part of a plant absorbs sunlight?A. RootsB. StemC. LeavesD. Flowers答案:C6、听力题:A chemical compound can be ionic or ______.7、填空题:The owl has excellent ________________ (视力) in the dark.8、听力题:A reaction that produces water is called a ______ reaction.9、填空题:The __________ is where most of the world's volcanoes are located. (火环)10、听力题:My favorite color is ______. (blue)11、填空题:A ____(waste diversion) strategy promotes recycling and composting.12、What is the capital city of Lesotho?A. MaseruB. TeyateyanengC. Mohale's HoekD. Qacha's Nek13、Which animal is known for its intelligence and problem-solving skills?A. DogB. CatC. ParrotD. Elephant答案: D14、填空题:A ______ (蛙) can be found near ponds.15、听力题:A __________ is a mixture that can be easily separated.16、What is the name of the famous tower in Pisa, Italy?A. Leaning Tower of PisaB. Eiffel TowerC. Big BenD. CN Tower答案:A17、听力题:The capital of Turkey is _______.18、What is the name of the largest desert in the world?A. SaharaB. GobiC. ArcticD. Antarctic答案:A19、What is the largest land carnivore?A. LionB. TigerC. Polar bearD. Grizzly bear20、听力题:The car is parked _____ (in front/behind) the house.21、填空题:I enjoy _______ (骑自行车) in the evening.22、填空题:The rabbit can hop quickly to escape ______ (捕食者).23、填空题:I can ______ (清晰地沟通) my ideas.24、填空题:My pet ______ (狗) barks at strangers.25、What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sherlock HolmesC. Miss MarpleD. Sam Spade26、听力题:The stars are ______ (bright) in the night sky.27、填空题:The __________ (历���的启示) guides our journey.28、填空题:My favorite animal is the _________ (兔子).29、听力题:We can ___ a dance party. (have)30、听力题:The bear is ______ (strong) and big.A hawk is a _______ (猛禽).32、填空题:The smell of certain flowers can evoke strong ______.(某些花的香气可以引发强烈的情感。


26. 填空题: I can ______ (提高) my understanding of concepts.
27. 填空题: Did you see the _____ (小猫) stretching out?
28. 填空题: The bear hibernates during the _________. (冬天)
47. 填空题: The _______ (Korean War) began in 1950 between North and South Korea.
48. 选择题: Which planet is closest to the sun? A. Earth B. Mars C. Mercury
40. 选择题: What do you call it when water falls from the sky? A. Rain B. Snow C. Hail D. Sleet 答案:A
41. 填空题: The horse drinks water from the ______ (水槽). It looks very ______ (口渴).
67. 选择题: What do you usePencil B. Chalk C. Marker D. Crayon 答案: B
68. 填空题: The spider spins its web to catch ______ (昆虫).
2. 听力题: A dolphin is known for its high __________.
3. 选择题: What do you call the process of drying food for preservation? A. Dehydration B. Fermentation C. Canning D. Freezing 答案:A



西安2024年02版小学六年级英语下册试卷(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:I love to cuddle with my ________ (玩具名称).2、Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. PotatoC. TomatoD. Lettuce答案:C3、听力题:Oxygen is necessary for _______.4、听力题:The main gas used in the production of ammonia is ______.5、填空题:The __________ (历史的工具) enable better analysis.6、听力题:The Earth’s inner core is believed to be solid due to the immense ______.7、填空题:I love to watch _____ (小动物) at the animal shelter.8、Which of these is a form of transportation?A. TreeB. CarC. TableD. HouseWhat do you call a person who teaches?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef10、What is the capital of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. AkureyriC. HafnarfjordurD. Kopavogur答案:A11、填空题:My friend calls me her _______ because we share secrets.12、What is the primary purpose of a ruler?A. To drawB. To measureC. To cutD. To erase答案:B13、听力题:A solid has a _______ shape, while a liquid takes the shape of its container.14、听力题:Metals can be found on the ______ side of the periodic table.15、填空题:My grandma is a great __________ (故事讲述者).16、What is the capital city of Burkina Faso?A. OuagadougouB. Bobo DioulassoC. BanforaD. Koudougou17、填空题:My father likes to _______ (活动) on weekends. He is very _______ (形容词) about it.18、填空题:The ________ (气候变化影响) is studied globally.The sun is ___ in the afternoon. (setting)20、What is the closest planet to the Sun?A. VenusB. EarthC. MarsD. Mercury21、听力题:The ____ has a thick coat to keep warm in winter.22、听力题:My mom is cooking ________ for dinner.23、填空题:I like to _______ (参观) museums.24、选择题:What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. TallinnC. OsloD. Stockholm25、听力题:The teacher gives us _____ (homework/tests).26、填空题:I enjoy _______ (reading/writing) stories.27、听力题:I have a _____ (新) friend.28、填空题:The fox is known for being ______ (狡猾).29、听力题:The fastest land animal is the ______.30、听力题:The dog is ___ in the yard. (playing)31、填空题:The ______ (生态平衡) is maintained by plant diversity.The _____ (carrot) grows underground.33、What do we call the materials used to build a structure?A. SuppliesB. ResourcesC. Building MaterialsD. Components答案:C34、听力题:__________ are used in the textile industry for dyeing.35、听力题:I like to eat ________ for breakfast.36、听力题:The Earth's crust is continually shaped by ______ forces.37、听力题:The capital of Vietnam is __________.38、选择题:What do you call a circular object that rolls?A. SphereB. CubeC. CylinderD. Wheel39、听力题:The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and _______.40、选择题:What do you call a group of rabbits?A. WarrenB. HerdC. PackD. School41、What is an insect that makes honey?A. AntB. BeeC. FlyD. Butterfly答案: B42、What is the name of the famous artist known for his surrealistic works?A. Salvador DalíB. Pablo PicassoC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet答案: A43、听力题:The girl loves to ________.44、填空题:The owl is a symbol of _______ (智慧).45、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium dichromate is _____.46、填空题:The ancient Greeks contributed greatly to the field of ________.47、听力题:The ______ is a great storyteller.48、infrastructure) includes roads, bridges, and buildings. 填空题:The ____49、听力题:The __________ of an atom is determined by its protons.50、填空题:The __________ is a major river that flows through Europe. (多瑙河)51、What is the currency used in the USA?A. EuroB. DollarC. PoundD. Yen答案: B52、What is 10 - 4?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:B53、填空题:The dragonfly has beautiful ______ (翅膀).54、填空题:I have fun playing board games with my ____.55、听力题:A __________ is a reaction that produces solid precipitates.56、填空题:The _______ (The American Revolution) established the US as an independent nation.57、填空题:The __________ (世界地图) shows all the countries.58、听力题:Light can be ______ (absorbed) by dark surfaces.59、填空题:I have a toy _______ that can roll fast.60、n War started in _______. (1950年) 填空题:The Loui61、What is the color of an orange?A. GreenB. BlueC. OrangeD. Purple答案: C62、听力题:The Great Wall is located in __________.63、What is the largest type of bear?A. Polar BearB. Grizzly BearC. Black BearD. Kodiak Bear答案:A64、What is the name of the popular game played on a board with pieces?A. ChessB. ScrabbleC. Monopoly答案: A65、What do we call a baby goose?A. GoslingB. DucklingC. ChickD. Puppy66、填空题:A crab scuttles sideways along the _______ searching for food.67、填空题:A ferret's natural curiosity leads it to explore its ________________ (环境).68、听力题:Density is often expressed in grams per ______.69、What do you call a group of lions?A. PackB. FlockC. PrideD. Herd答案: C70、填空题:My grandmother, ______ (我的祖母), bakes cookies for us.71、填空题:My favorite ______ is . (我最喜欢的______是。



“部编”2024年小学下册语文全练全测(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)A卷一、综合题(共计100题)1. 宇宙中有多少种元素?A. 100B. 118C. 200D. 数千2. 小熊在森林里____(zǒu),寻找美味的____(shí)物。

答案:走食3. 每当考试结束,大家都感到_______,可以放松一下了。

(答案:轻松)4. 彗星的尾巴总是指向哪个方向?A. 太阳B. 地球C. 随机方向D. 行星5. 小朋友们在草地上____。

答案:追逐6. 这本书的_______让我思考了很多问题。

(答案:内容)7. 拼音填字:小熊在山里(______)(zhǎo) 蜂蜜,结果遇到了大(______)(lè) 狼。

8. 地球的公转周期是多长时间?A. 30天B. 365天C. 24小时D. 12个月9. 听力填字:小朋友们一起_______,快乐无比。

10. 填空题:我最喜欢的动物是_______,它们很可爱。

11. 我们要保持良好的____习惯。

答案:学习12. 月亮的相位分为几种类型?A. 两种B. 四种C. 八种D. 十二种13. 我们应该爱护____。

答案:植物14. 小朋友们在____(yún)朵下玩耍,享受着阳光和____(yīn)凉。

答案:云阴15. 造句:她的房间里有__________书,__________玩具都整齐地摆放着。

16. 我想去____(xíng)远足,探索大自然的奥秘。

答案:行17. 斜阳外,_______白云归。

答案:田园18. 诗词填字:春蚕到死丝方尽,_______蜡炬成灰泪始干。

19. 下列哪个是主要的温带植物?A. 热带植物B. 寒带植物C. 温带落叶树D. 沙漠植物20. 春江潮水连海平,_______潮生潮落更无情。

答案:潮21. 哪个国家的国土面积最大?A. 俄罗斯B. 中国C. 加拿大D. 美国22. 填空题:书法是一门优雅的_______艺术。



广州“人教”2024年小学六年级上册语文基本全练全测(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1. 老师常说:“知识就是_______,要不断追求。

”(答案:力量)2. 阅读理解填空题:一天,小兔子在森林里散步,突然听到了一阵_______。



”小兔子安慰它:“别担心,我会帮你的!”3. 什么是太空望远镜?A. 一个普通的望远镜B. 用于观测宇宙的设备C. 一种宇航员工具D. 地球上的照相机4. 请填写反义词:漂亮 — (_________)5. 填空题:我喜欢吃_______,因为它们味道鲜美。

6. 天文学家使用什么设备来观察遥远的星体?A. 显微镜B. 望远镜C. 计算机D. 摄像机7. 填空题:今天的天气真好,适合去_______。

8. 宇宙飞船一般由什么材料制成?A. 塑料B. 钢铁C. 复合材料D. 木材9. 我爱阅读,书本就像____(yǔ)我说话的____(péng)友。

答案:与朋友10. 拼音填字:我们班有很多同学,他们都(______)(hǎo)相处,团结友爱。

11. 春天来了,树木____发芽了。

答案:开始12. 造句:这个地方有很多美食,__________小吃,__________甜点都值得尝试。

13. 大漠孤烟直,_______长河落日圆。

答案:白14. 我们要做一个____的人。

答案:诚实15. 火星的表面主要由什么组成?A. 液态水B. 沙漠和岩石C. 森林D. 冰雪16. 无边落木_______,萧萧下秋风。

答案:萧17. 月球的引力是地球的多少倍?A. 1/6B. 1/3C. 2倍D. 相等18. 放学后,我和朋友们一起去____(kē)田里捉知了。



部编版2024小学下册语文第六单元真题(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)B卷一、综合题(共计100题)1. 哪个国家被称为“千湖之国”?A. 瑞士B. 芬兰C. 挪威D. 加拿大2. 这个周末,我和朋友们一起去____(kàn)电影,期待看到好看的____(piàn)。

答案:看片3. 我们要保持良好的____。

答案:习惯4. 阅读理解填空题:小熊在山里寻找食物,它发现了一个_______,里面满是美味的_______。

5. 小朋友们在草地上____。

答案:追逐6. 填空题:春天是_______的季节,万物复苏。

7. 月亮的自转与公转有什么特点?A. 互不相关B. 完全同步C. 速度相同D. 不同步8. 我们要珍惜每一个____。

答案:机会9. 妈妈给我买了一个____的玩具。

答案:新10. 下列哪个星球是“土星”的卫星?A. 泰坦B. 火星C. 冥王星D. 木星11. 诗词填字:无边落木萧萧下,_______不尽长江滚滚来。

12. 我们要保护____,让地球更美丽。

答案:环境13. 请填写反义词:勇敢—(_________)14. 通过这次比赛,我的_______增强了许多。

(答案:自信心)15. 图书馆里有许多____(shū),我可以在这里____(xué)习。

答案:书学16. 造句:这道题有点难,__________数字,__________公式我都想了很久。

17. 地球的自转使得我们每天经历什么现象?A. 昼夜交替B. 四季变化C. 气候变化D. 天气变化18. 阅读理解填空题:小女孩在公园里捡到了一只_______,它非常可爱。



19. 宇宙中最强大的爆炸现象是什么?A. 超新星B. 黑洞C. 大爆炸D. 恒星形成20. 月亮绕地球一周所需的时间是多少?A. 7天B. 14天C. 28天D. 30天21. 妈妈给我讲了一个____故事。



福州2024年02版小学英语第6单元综合卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The _______ of sound can vary in different spaces and environments.2. 选择题:What is the name of the famous theme park located in California?A. DisneylandB. Universal StudiosC. SeaWorldD. Legoland答案:A3. 听力题:The ______ has beautiful markings.4. 填空题:A kitten has tiny ______ (爪子).5. 听力题:The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is __________.6. 填空题:The ________ grows tall and green.7. 听力题:A _______ is a reaction that produces fire.8. 选择题:What is the opposite of 'fast'?A. QuickB. SlowC. RapidD. Swift答案:B9. 听力题:The main gas produced during respiration is __________.10. 选择题:What is 2 + 2?a. 3b. 4c. 5d. 6答案:B11. 选择题:What do you call the tool used to write or draw?A. EraserB. PencilC. PaperD. Ruler答案: B12. 选择题:What is 20 ÷ 4?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 613. n Tea Party happened in _____ (1773). 填空题:The Bost14. 听力题:The chemical symbol for tantalum is _____.15. 选择题:What is the name of the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh?A. The Starry NightB. The ScreamC. Girl with a Pearl EarringD. The Persistence of Memory答案:A16. 选择题:What do you call the main character in a novel?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. Narrator答案:A17. 选择题:What do we call the time between night and day?A. DawnB. DuskC. EveningD. Noon18. 填空题:We will _______ (玩) soccer tomorrow.19. 填空题:I have a pet _______ (狗), and it loves to _______ (跑步).20. 填空题:He is a _____ (律师) who defends people's rights.21. 听力题:Bases feel slippery and taste _______.22. 填空题:The chipmunk stores food in its _________ (脸颊).23. 选择题:What do we call the act of engaging in self-reflection?A. IntrospectionB. ContemplationC. MeditationD. All of the Above答案:D24. 选择题:What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. RomeC. IstanbulD. Cairo25. 听力填空题:I look forward to the future with excitement. There are so many possibilities ahead. I hope to __________ and make a meaningful contribution to society.The chemical formula for ammonium nitrate is _____.27. 听力题:I have a new _____ (玩具).28. 填空题:A hamster stores food in its ________________ (脸颊).29. 听力题:My dad loves to play ____ (cricket) with friends.30. 听力题:The _____ (护照) is ready for travel.31. 选择题:What is the capital of North Macedonia?A. SkopjeB. PristinaC. TiranaD. Sofia答案: A32. 填空题:The ________ was a famous explorer known for his voyages.33. 听力题:The phone is ___ (ringing).34. 听力题:The chemical formula for copper sulfate is __________.35. 选择题:What do we call the path that a planet takes around the Sun?A. OrbitB. RotationC. RevolutionD. Cycle36. 选择题:What do we call a large mass of ice that moves slowly?A. GlacierB. IcebergC. SnowbankD. Frost答案:AThe atomic nucleus contains protons and ______.38. 填空题:The cat is sleeping ________ (在沙发上).39. 填空题:The ______ (小鱼) swims in schools to protect itself from ______ (捕食者).40. 听力题:The chemical formula for ammonium chloride is ______.41. 听力题:The soup is ________ hot.42. 听力题:The chemical formula for potassium iodide is ______.43. 填空题:My dad used to play with _________ (火车模型) when he was a kid.44. 填空题:My friend is very __________ (友好的) and open-minded.45. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American musician known for "Blinding Lights"?A. The WeekndB. DrakeC. Post MaloneD. Justin Bieber答案:A46. 选择题:What is the capital of Angola?A. LuandaB. BenguelaC. HuamboD. Lubango答案:A47. 填空题:The __________ (文化差异) can enrich social interactions.48. 填空题:My brother always helps me ____.49. 选择题:What do you call a person who operates a machine?A. OperatorB. TechnicianC. EngineerD. Mechanic50. 填空题:My little brother always wants to _______ (动词) with me. 我觉得他很 _______ (形容词).51. 听力题:I can _____ to the top of the slide. (climb)52. 听力题:The ____ has big, floppy ears and enjoys nibbling on carrots.53. 填空题:There are many __________ (河流) in our country.54. 选择题:What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. Italian55. ts are used for __________ (装饰目的). 填空题:Some pla56. 填空题:A ______ (蟒蛇) can be very long and thick.57. 选择题:Which season comes after winter?A. FallB. SummerC. SpringD. Rainy58. 听力题:The capital of France is __________.59. 听力题:Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and ________.The frog jumped into the ________.61. 填空题:I can ______ (保持) a positive attitude.62. 听力题:She is _______ (playing) video games.63. 听力题:The _______ of liquid can change its shape.64. 听力题:The sunflowers are ___ (tall).65. 听力题:The _______ of a substance is its ability to change into another substance.66. 听力题:The spider spins a ______ (web).67. 选择题:Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. FoxC. RabbitD. Deer68. 听力题:The _______ of a material affects how it conducts heat.69. affordable housing) addresses housing shortages. 填空题:The ____70. 听力题:The age of the universe is estimated to be about ______ billion years.71. 填空题:I saw a ________ flying high above.72. 填空题:In art class, we use crayons, markers, and ________ (水彩) to create beautiful pictures. I love expressing my ________ (创造力).73. 填空题:We can play with a ________ car.The ________ is a special friend that I cherish.75. 填空题:The country known for its beautiful coastline is ________ (希腊).76. 填空题:My sister likes to watch ____.77. 填空题:The spider has eight ______.78. 听力题:The capital of the Netherlands is __________.79. 选择题:What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sherlock HolmesC. Miss MarpleD. Sam Spade80. sh Armada was defeated by the ________ (英国海军). 填空题:The Span81. 选择题:How do you say "thank you" in English?A. SorryB. PleaseC. Thank youD. Hello答案:C82. 填空题:The _____ (小猫) chases a ball of yarn.83. 听力题:The __________ helps to regulate body temperature.84. 听力题:The _____ (橙子) is juicy.85. 填空题:One thing I love about my friend is their ______. They always know how to make me ______, even on tough days. We enjoy doing many activities together, such as ______ and ______.A ____ is a gentle pet that loves being petted.87. 选择题:What is the name of the famous bridge in London?A. Brooklyn BridgeB. Tower BridgeC. Golden Gate BridgeD. London Bridge答案:B88. 填空题:The narwhal has a long ______ (牙).89. 填空题:The _____ (企鹅) waddles on the ice. It is very funny to watch! 企鹅在冰上摇摇晃晃。



未来教育试题及答案大全一、单项选择题1. 教育的本质是什么?A. 知识的传授B. 技能的培养C. 价值观的塑造D. 个性的发展答案:C2. 未来教育中最重要的技术是什么?A. 人工智能B. 大数据C. 云计算D. 虚拟现实答案:A3. 下列哪项不是未来教育的特点?A. 个性化学习B. 终身学习C. 应试教育D. 跨学科融合答案:C二、多项选择题1. 未来教育可能包含哪些元素?A. 人工智能辅助教学B. 在线学习平台C. 传统课堂授课D. 虚拟现实实验室答案:ABD2. 以下哪些是未来教育面临的挑战?A. 教育资源分配不均B. 技术更新速度过快C. 学生学习动力不足D. 教师专业发展滞后答案:ABCD三、判断题1. 未来教育将完全取代传统教育。

答案:错误2. 未来教育强调学生的自主学习能力。

答案:正确3. 未来教育将不再需要教师。

答案:错误四、简答题1. 简述未来教育与传统教育的区别。



2. 未来教育中,教师的角色将如何转变?答案:未来教育中,教师的角色将从知识的传授者转变为学习的引导者和促进者,更多地关注学生个性化发展和创新能力的培养。

五、论述题1. 论述未来教育对学生全面发展的重要性。





未来教育试题及答案英语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 未来教育中,以下哪项技术将对教育方式产生重大影响?A. 虚拟现实(VR)B. 传统黑板C. 纸质书籍D. 录音机2. 在未来教育中,个性化学习计划的制定依据是什么?A. 学生的年龄B. 学生的兴趣和能力C. 学校的课程安排D. 家长的意愿3. 下列哪项不是未来教育的特点?A. 灵活性B. 互动性C. 标准化D. 技术整合4. 未来教育中,教师的角色将发生怎样的变化?A. 教师将完全被机器人取代B. 教师将更多地成为学习引导者和设计者C. 教师将不再需要专业知识D. 教师的角色将完全消失5. 以下哪项不是未来教育中对学生评估的方式?A. 标准化测试B. 项目式学习成果C. 学生自评D. 同伴评价6. 未来教育中,学生将如何获取信息?A. 通过图书馆借阅B. 通过互联网搜索C. 通过教师讲授D. 通过购买书籍7. 未来教育中,以下哪项不是促进学生创新能力发展的方法?A. 鼓励学生提问B. 限制学生思维C. 提供多样化的学习资源D. 鼓励学生进行实践操作8. 未来教育中,以下哪项不是利用技术进行教学的优势?A. 提高教学效率B. 降低学习成本C. 扩大学习范围D. 减少学生与教师的互动9. 未来教育中,学生如何参与到课程内容的制定中?A. 学生不能参与课程内容的制定B. 学生可以根据自己的兴趣选择课程C. 学生可以完全决定课程内容D. 学生可以在教师的指导下参与课程内容的讨论10. 下列哪项不是未来教育对教师的要求?A. 持续的专业发展B. 掌握最新的教育技术C. 保持传统的教学方法D. 理解学生个性化的学习需求二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 未来教育强调_________,即根据每个学生的特点和需求来设计教学计划。

12. 未来教育中,_________是提高学生学习效率和兴趣的关键因素之一。

13. 未来教育倡导_________,鼓励学生通过实践来获得知识和技能。



统编版2024小学上册语文能力测评(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)B卷一、综合题(共计100题)1. 阅读理解填空题:在学校的科技展上,小朋友们展示了自己做的_______,赢得了大家的赞赏。

2. 床前明月_______,疑是地上霜。

答案:光3. 今天的课堂气氛很____。

答案:活跃4. 这个游戏_______,让我和朋友们度过了愉快的时光。

(答案:有趣)5. 桃花潭水_______,浩渺天涯间。

答案:深6. 我希望未来能成为一名_______,为社会贡献自己的力量。

(答案:科学家)7. 小猫在阳光下____。

答案:打盹8. 什么是流星?A. 一种星星B. 隕石进入大气层烧毁现象C. 太空中的气体D. 人造卫星9. 我们的班级有____个同学。

答案:三十10. 小鸟在树上____。

答案:歌唱11. 地球上的昼夜变化是由于什么造成的?A. 地球的公转B. 地球的自转C. 太阳的运动D. 月亮的引力12. 晚上,我喜欢在窗前看____(yǔ)星星,数着它们的数量。

答案:与13. 请填写反义词:前面—(_________)14. 下列哪个是世界上最重要的贸易水道?A. 巴拿马运河B. 苏伊士运河C. 英吉利海峡D. 以上都是15. 在家里,我负责_______,帮助妈妈分担家务。

(答案:打扫)16. 春江潮水连海平,_______潮生潮落更无情。

答案:潮17. 造句:他的兴趣广泛,__________科学,__________艺术都感兴趣。

18. 请填写反义词:直接—(_________)19. 诗词填字:临行密密缝,_______孤舟蓑笠翁。

20. 小猫在阳光下____。

答案:打盹21. 我喜欢在阳光明媚的日子里去____(pā)游,感受阳光的温暖。

答案:爬22. 我希望能去不同的地方____(lǚ)游,见识更广阔的世界。

答案:旅游23. 地球的气候带分为几个主要类别?A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 724. 我喜欢春天,花儿____(zhèng)开得____(měi)丽,小草也冒出了嫩芽。































宜昌2024年02版小学6年级下册英语全练全测(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:A snail leaves a ______ (黏糊糊的) trail behind.2、听力题:A ____ can glide through the air and has bright colors.3、填空题:The ______ (植物的医用特性) are explored in research.4、填空题:The capital of Cape Verde is ________ (普拉亚).5、听力题:A __________ is a place where nature is preserved.6、填空题:I have a ________ (模型车) that I play with on my desk.7、填空题:I enjoy studying different cultures and their ________ (传统).8、听力题:My cousin is a great ____ (singer).9、听力题:The main gas released during respiration is ______.10、What is the value of Pi (π. approximately?A. 2.14B. 3.14C. 4.14D. 5.14答案:B11、听力题:The chemical formula for boron trifluoride is _____.12、What do you call a young horse?A. FoalB. CalfC. KidD. Pup答案:A13、填空题:I keep all my _________ (玩具) in a big _________ (箱子).14、What do you call the person who studies stars and planets?A. BiologistB. PhysicistC. AstronomerD. Geologist答案:C15、填空题:I like to watch ________ (儿童节目) on Saturday mornings.16、What do we call the main character in a mystery novel?A. DetectiveB. CriminalC. SuspectD. Witness答案: A. Detective17、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium nitrite is _____.18、填空题:The _____ (小鸟) builds a nest in the tree.19、听力题:I like to play ___ (video games).20、填空题:The __________ is a famous landmark in India. (泰姬陵)21、填空题:The _____ (气候) affects plant growth.22、填空题:I can build a _________ (玩具车库) for my toy vehicles.23、Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. BirdD. Fish答案:B24、填空题:The __________ (区域差异) highlight diverse lifestyles.25、填空题:A rabbit has long _______ that help it hear the world around it.26、填空题:My favorite toy helps me feel ________ (形容词) when I'm lonely.27、听力题:The _______ of sound waves can be used to create music.28、填空题:I can ______ (组织) my thoughts before speaking.29、What is the name of the famous American landmark located in South Dakota?A. Mount RushmoreB. Statue of LibertyC. Golden Gate BridgeD. Grand Canyon答案:A30、What do we call the act of practicing a skill repeatedly?A. RehearsingB. TrainingC. DrillingD. All of the Above答案:D31、Where does the President of the United States live?A. The CapitolB. The White HouseC. The PentagonD. The Senate答案:B. The White House32、听力题:The cat is ______ with a string. (playing)33、What is the name of the fairy tale character who leaves a glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. RapunzelD. Sleeping Beauty答案:B34、填空题:The first civilization emerged in _____.35、What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. AntarcticaD. Australia答案:D36、填空题:The stars are ________ (闪烁) at night.37、What sound does a cow make?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Quack答案: C38、听力题:The chemical symbol for terbium is _____.39、What do we call the natural satellite that orbits the Earth?A. StarB. PlanetC. MoonD. Comet答案:C40、听力题:A ______ is a special type of ant.41、听力题:The dog is barking ________.42、听力题:I help my mom with _____ (清理) the house.43、What do we call the act of displaying something for others to see?A. ExhibitionB. ShowcasingC. PresentingD. All of the Above答案:D44、听力题:She is wearing a bright ___. (scarf)45、听力题:The _____ (park/garden) is close by.46、听力题:I have a ___ (lovely) friend.47、听力题:In a chemical reaction, energy can be absorbed or _____.48、听力题:The chemical symbol for gallium is ______.49、选择题:What do you call the female version of a lion?A. CubB. LionessC. TigressD. Doe50、What do we call a baby elephant?A. CalfB. CubC. FoalD. Kid答案:A51、听力填空题:I always try to help others because __________.52、What do you call the device used to call someone?A. TelevisionB. PhoneC. RadioD. Computer53、填空题:The __________ tells us it will be sunny next week. (天气预报)54、填空题:The hedgehog has spines for _______ (保护).55、听力题:The stars are _____ (bright/dim) in the sky.56、填空题:We celebrate _______ (生日) with cake.57、How many strings does a standard guitar have?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven58、听力题:A _______ can grow in small spaces.59、填空题:I enjoy planting _____ in my flower pots.60、填空题:The tortoise's slow pace allows it to conserve ________________ (能量).61、填空题:We have a picnic every summer at the _______ (地方). It is so much _______ (形容词) to eat outside.62、填空题:The __________ (历史的创造力) fuels innovation.63、What do we call the art of designing clothing?A. Fashion designB. Textile designC. Costume designD. Interior design答案: A. Fashion design64、What is the name of the famous physicist who discovered the law of gravity?A. Albert EinsteinB. Isaac NewtonC. Galileo GalileiD. Nikola Tesla答案: B65、Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BananaC. LettuceD. Potato答案:B66、What is a supernova?A. A type of starB. An exploding starC. A planetD. A comet67、What do you call the traditional Japanese art of folding paper?A. CalligraphyB. OrigamiC. IkebanaD. Sumi-e68、听力题:The chemical process that occurs in our bodies to maintain life is called ______.69、听力题:My friend is a ______. He loves to play football.70、选择题:What do we call the time when the sun sets?A. SunriseB. SunsetC. NoonD. Midnight71、填空题:The _______ (蛇) is slithering.72、填空题:Does your __________ (玩具名) have __________ (功能)?73、What do we call the primary color that mixes with blue to create violet?A. RedB. YellowC. GreenD. Orange答案:A74、填空题:In _____ (意大利), you can explore ancient ruins.75、填空题:The signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas divided the _____ territories.76、听力题:The __________ can help us understand the dynamics of natural systems.77、填空题:My brother is my adventurous _______ who loves to explore nature.78、What is the name of the holiday celebrated on February 14?A. New YearB. Valentine's DayC. ThanksgivingD. Christmas79、填空题:I have a special place for my toy ____. (玩具名称)80、填空题:I have a red _____ (风筝) that flies high in the sky.我有一个红色的风筝,在天空中高高飞起。

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步骤2:切换到Word.docx文件中,单击【开始】选项卡下【粘贴】组中的“选择性粘贴”按钮,弹出“选择性粘贴”对话框,选择“粘贴链接”,在“形式”下选择“Microsoft Excel 工作表对象”。






为了节省时间并保证记账的准确性,小李使用请根据该公司九月份的"银行流水账表格.docx",并按照下述要求,在Exc el中建立银行存款日记账:第2/6页1. 按照表中所示依次输入原始数据,其中:在"月"列中以填充的方式输入"九",将表格中的数值的格式设为数值,保留两位小数。

2. 输入并填充公式:在"余额"列输入计算公式,余额=上期余额+本期借方-本期贷方,以自动填充方式生成其他公式。

3. "方向列中"IF函数输入"方向"列内容,判断条件如下所列:余额大于0 等于0 小于0方向借平贷4. 设置格式:将第一行中的各个标题居中显示;为数据列表自动套用格式后将其转换为区域。

5. 通过分类汇总,按日计算借方、贷方发生额总计并将汇总行放于明细数据下方。

6. 以文件名"银行存款日记账.xlsx"进行保存。










2.【解题步骤】步骤1:根据题意,在H3单元格中输入余额的计算公式“=H2+E3-F 3”,按“Enter”键确认即可得出本期余额的计算结果。




















6.【解题步骤】步骤:单击功能区中的【文件】按钮,在打开的后台视图中单击“另存为”按钮,在随后弹出的“另存为”对话框中以文件名“银行存款日记账. xlsx”进行保存。

四、PPT操作题根据提供的"沙尘暴简介.docx"文件,制作名为"沙尘暴"的演示文稿,具体要求如下:1. 幻灯片不少于6页,选择恰当的版式并且版式要有一定的变化,6页至少要有3种版式。

2. 有演示主题,有标题页,在第一页上要有艺术字形式的"爱护环境"字样。


3. 对第二页使用SmartArt图形。

4. 要有2个以上的超链接进行幻灯片之间的跳转。

5. 采用在展台浏览的方式放映演示文稿,动画效果要贴切、丰富,幻灯片切换效果要恰当。

6. 在演示的时候要全程配有背景音乐自动播放。

7. 将制作完成的演示文稿以"沙尘暴简介.pptx"为文件名进行保存。


首先打开Microsoft Po werPoint 2010,新建一个空白文档。

















