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Chemical Propellants & Polymeric Materials


· 68 ·

Study on preparation and performance of polyurethane

sealing materials for shield component

Cheng Guohua 1, Zhang Jun 1, Fang Song 1, Liu Weibin 2, Zhang Songqi 3, Jiang Zhiguo 1

(1. College of Materials Science and Engineering , Beijing University of Chemical Technology , Beijing 100029, China ;

2. Railway Engineering Reserch Institute , China Academy of Rails Science , Beijing 100081, China ;

3. Beijing Railway Sciences and Shougang Track Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 102206, China )

Abstract: The water-swelling polyurethane elastomers were synthesized by using polyethylene glycol (PEG), polypropylene glycol (PPG), diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) as main raw materials and 1,4-butanediol (BDO) as chain extender. The influence of PEG with different relative molecular mass, polyol ratio, w (NCO) content in prepoly-mer and isocyanate index (R value) on performance of polyurethane elastomer was investigated. The results show that the prepared expandable polyurethane sealing materials possess the best comprehensive performance when relative molecular mass of PEG is 1000, m (PPG1000):m (PEG1000)=20:80, w (NCO) in prepolymer is adjusted to 8%~9%, and R value is 1.06.

Key words: shield component; polyurethane; water-swelling; sealing material


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巴斯夫Elastopave ®聚氨酯支持天津建设海绵城市


为支持天津建设海绵城市,巴斯夫可以提供高效的过滤系统,包括用于人行道的Elastopave ®聚氨酯。该产品将聚氨酯与沙石结合,用于代替混凝土或沥青铺设人行道。大大小小的石块形成了众多相互连接的空腔,可避免路面被完全密封,使雨水通过孔状表面渗透到地下;这样一来,每平方米路面每小时可吸收约4000L 水,从而防止出现积水或结冰。此外,在夏季Elastopave ®


在水处理领域,巴斯夫提供了基于纳米级薄膜的超滤技术。得益于极小的孔径(直径仅为20nm),滢格® Multibore ®薄膜可去除水中的所有悬浮固体物质、细菌甚至病毒。即使原水质量随季节而变化,超滤技术也能以环保方式提供质量稳定的饮用水。该产品被广泛用于中国各地的饮用水厂、机场、写字楼、餐厅和购物中心,并已经开始进入家庭应用领域。

此外,巴斯夫和天津生态城还将合作探索建筑和清洁空气等领域的解决方案,包括建筑保温隔热、地坪、防水、机动车尾气处理及暖通空调系统的CO 2吸附等。

Baalbaki 在阿联酋开设多元醇和预聚物工厂

Baalbaki 化学工业于2015年11月底在阿联酋开设了多元醇和预聚物工厂。

由于海湾合作委员会里欧洲标准制造商的缺乏,市场越来越受性能和质量一致性的影响,因此,在这种情况下,公司开设了这座产能为4万t/a 的工厂。


