
n.废除, 革除abstractadj.抽象的;深奥的academica.学院的;学术的accumulatevt.积.vi.堆积accuracyn.准确(性);准确度acknowledgment n.认可,认可书,感谢acquisitionn.(有价值的)获得adaptvt.使适应;改编adaptationn.适应adequatea.足够的;可以胜任的adherevi.粘附;追随;坚持n.形容.a.形容词的adjustmentn.调节admirern.钦佩者,仰慕者,求爱者adon.忙乱, 骚扰adultn.成年.a.成年的advisern.顾问,指导专家,劝告者ailmentn.(不严重的)疾病alerta.警惕的;活跃的allayvt.使镇静,使缓和allotvt.分派,分摊指定allurementn.诱惑物n.同盟国;同盟者almanacn.年鉴,历书alongside prep.在…旁边alphabetn.字母表alpinea.高山的,极高的ambushn./v.埋伏, 伏击analysisn.分析, 分解, 解析ancestrala.祖先的angelica.天使的,似天使的annalsn.纪年表,年鉴,年报anthemn.圣歌, 赞美歌n.雄蕊的花粉囊,花药antitoxinn.抗毒素anxietyn.焦急, 忧虑;渴望apacead.快速地,急速地aperturen.孔隙, 窄的缺口appendixn.附录, 附属物;阑尾appreciationn.欣赏;鉴别;感激appropriationn.拨款, 挪用公款arbitrarya.随心所欲的;专断的archbishopn.大教主archern.(运动或战争中的)弓箭手, 射手adj.热心的, 热烈的aristocratn.贵族aromaticadj.芳香的arrogancen.傲慢, 自大arrogant adj.傲慢的, 自大的artfula.巧妙的,狡滑的articulatev.清楚说话, 接合ascentn.上升攀登Asiaticadj.亚洲的.亚洲人的asparagusn.芦笋(可作蔬菜) asphaltn.沥青n.渴望, 热望assertionn.断言,主张assimilatev.同化, 吸取assumptionn.假设astoundvt.使惊骇,使大吃一惊astrayadj.迷路的, 误入歧途的astronautn.宇宙航行员astronomern.天文学家atomn.原子attachmentn.连接物, 附件;爱慕audacityn.大胆, 鲁莽a.听得见的austereadj.朴素的, (人)正经的availablea.可运用的;通用的avertv.避免,避开backgroundn.背景, 后景, 经历bailn.保释,把手,栅栏,桶箍balen.大包裹, 灾祸, 不幸balloonn.气球ballotn.投票,投票用纸,抽签bandagen.绷带, 包带bankrupta.破产.vt.使破产n.施洗者约翰,施洗者,浸信会教友baptizevt.施洗礼,提炼,命名bawlv.大叫, 大喊bearingn.支承;忍受;方位beastlya.如兽的,残忍的,令人不快乐的beautifyvt.美化,变美,修饰beavern.海狸bedtimen.就寝时间befitvt.适合,适宜,合适befriendvt.待人如友,帮助believern.信徒a.有利的, 有益的betimesad.早,及时,及早biern.棺材binn.箱柜bituminousa.(含)沥青的blandadj.(人)情绪平稳的, (食物)无味的blasphemevt.vi.亵渎blinkvi.眨眼睛blundervi.犯大.n.大错boomn.兴旺boutn.一回合,一阵bragn.吹牛brandishvt.挥,挥动brandyn.白兰地酒brittlea.脆的;易损坏的brothn.肉汤budgetn.预算,预算案bullyv.欺负,威协buoyn.浮标,救生圈,v.支持,鼓励buoyantadj.易浮的,快乐的. burghern.公民,市民burglarn.夜盗,窃贼n.灯头,煤气头burnishv.擦亮,磨光butlern.仆役长cacklen.咯咯声,高笑声,饶舌,闲谈calciumn.钙calicon.印花棉布,白洋布cameran.照相机Canadiann.加拿大人canaryn.金丝雀,女歌星cancelvt.取消,撤消;删去cankern.溃疡,弊害n.州,行政区capillaryn.毛细管carbonn.碳carcassn.尸体carcasen.尸体,架子carelessnessn.粗心,大意carrotn.胡罗卜casketn.首饰盒,小箱,匣子,棺材catastrophen.大劫难,大祸cerealn.谷类,五谷,禾谷certaintyn.必然;肯定n.炭;木炭chasmn.深渊,大差别,代沟chastisev.严厉处罚,遣责chauffeurn.司机chemicaladj.化学的chemisen.紧身衣一种,衬裙chemistn.化学家;药剂师chillya.寒冷的choleran.霍乱churchgoern.经常去做礼拜的人circulatevt.使循.vi.循环circumferencen.圆周,周长,圆周线clamorousadj.吵闹的,喧哗的cleanern.清洁工人,清洁剂clergyn.(总称)教牧人员;神职人员climaxn.(爱好的)顶点clumsyadj.笨拙的;不灵活的coaxv.哄诱,巧言诱哄cobwebn.蜘蛛网,蛛丝,混乱coden.准则;法典;代码coinagen.造币collapsevi.倒坍;崩溃,崩溃colleaguen.同事,同僚comelinessn.清秀,美丽,合宜commendation n.赞赏,嘉奖,推荐companionship n.交谊,友谊,陪同compassionate adj.有同情心的compensationn.补偿,补偿,补偿费competevi.比赛;竞争;对抗competitorn.竞争者,敌手complicatevt.使复杂;使陷入composuren.镇静,沉着,自若comprehensivea.广泛的;理解的compressvt.压紧,压缩compulsorya.逼迫的,义务的computevt.&vi.计算concentration n.集中;专注;浓缩condemnation n.谴责,定罪confiscatev.没收,充公conformvt.使遵.vi.一致conformityn.一致congregatev.聚集,集合conjunctionn.接合,连接;连接词conserven.蜜饯,果酱considerablyad.十分地;相本地consistenta.前后一致的,连贯的consolen.悬臂,肘托;控制台consonantn.辅音constancyn.坚定不移,恒久不变constellationn. 星座,星群constitutionala.宪法的;章程的consummateadj.完全的,完美的,v.完毕contagiousadj.传染的,有感染力的contaminatevt.弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污contentmentn.满足continentala.大陆的,大陆性的continuationn.继续,续集,延长contractionn.收缩contradictvt.辩驳,否认contradictionn.矛盾,不一致;否认contrivancen.发明,发明的才干,想出的办法, conversionn.转变,转化;改变convexadj.凸出的coolnessn.冷,凉爽,冷静co-operationn.合作copsen.小灌木材,杂树林coronationn.加冕,加冕礼correspondentn.通信者;通讯员counsellorn.顾问,辅导员,律师counselorn.顾问,参事,法律顾问counteractv.消除,抵消covetousadj.贪婪的,贪心的cowslipn.西洋樱草,猿猴草的一种craftyadj.狡诈的crampn.铁箍,夹子crankn.曲.vi.转动曲柄credulousadj.轻信的,易信的creedn.信条,教义crevicen.缺口,裂缝crisisn.危机;存亡之际criticala.决定性的;批评的criticizevt.&vi.批评;责备crusaden.为维护抱负,原则而进行的运动或斗争cucumbern.黄瓜cullvt.采,摘,拣cultivatorn.耕者,栽培者,耕田机cymbaln.铙钹,高音音栓之一Danen.丹麦人Danishn.丹麦文v.使胆怯,使畏缩dauntlessadj.勇敢的,无畏的daybreakn.黎明,拂晓dazevt.使茫然,发昏,使眼花缭乱dearthn.缺少,粮食局限性,饥谨decidedlyad.明确地,坚决地decisivea.决定性的;果断的decomposevt.&vi.腐败;分解degradationn.降级;退化;衰变deliberationn.熟虑,熟思,协议deliverern.救助者,引渡人,交付者n.欺骗,幻想democratica.民主的,民主政体的dentistn.牙科医生dependencen.依赖,依存,信赖depictvt.描写deportment n.(尤指少女的)风度,举止deridev.嘲弄,愚弄designatevt.指出,指示;指定despotn.专制君主,暴君detachmentn.分离、超然、公平devilishadj.如恶魔的devisevt.设计,发明dexterityn.纯熟、机灵diademn.王冠,带状头饰,王权diagramn.图解,图表,简图diametern.直径diaryn.日记,日记簿digestivea.消化的,助消化的diminutiveadj.小巧可爱的dirgen.哀歌、凄凉之曲调disapprovaln.不赞成;不满意disciplen.信徒、弟子disfigurevt.毁损…的外观,使…变丑.破坏…的displacevt.移置;取代;置换dissolutionn.分解,溶解,解散,结束distrustn.不信任diversea.不同样的,相异的doen.母鹿,雌兔等doggeda.顽固的,顽强的dolen.施舍品,失业救济金,悲哀dolefuladj.哀愁的,消沉的dolphinn.海豚domainn.领土,领域downfalln.衰败,大雨drainagen.排水;下水道dramatica.引人注目的,戏剧的drapevi.呈褶状垂下drenchvt.使湿透,使充满droughtn.旱灾,干旱druggistn.药商,药材商,药剂师dueln.决斗dumpvt.倾卸,倾倒;倾销duplicaten.复制.vt.复制eagernessn.热心earthena.土制的,陶制的earthwormn.蚯蚓ebonyn.黑檀树,乌木eccentricadj.古怪的,反常的economicala.节约的;经济学的economistn.经济学者,经济家ediblea.可以吃的edifyv.陶冶,启发editorn.编辑,编者,校订者editorial n.社论,期刊的社论educationala.教育的,教育性的effeminateadj.柔弱的,缺少勇气的efficacyn.功效,效力efficienta.效率高的,有能力的elapsevi.(时间)过去,消逝electorn.有选举权的人,选举人electronica.电子的embern.灰烬,余烬eminencen.卓越、杰出emphasizevt.强调,着重empowervt.授予权力,允许,使可以emulationn.竞争,仿效encirclevt.围绕encouragementn.鼓励,激励,奖励encyclopaedian.百科全书encyclopedian.百科全书endearvt.使受爱慕endurancen.耐久力,持久力energetica.积极的;精力旺盛的entreatyn.恳求,恳求entrustv.委托,付托intrustvt.信赖,信托,交托enumeratev.列举枚举epidemicadj.传染性的,流行性的n.(长而重要的)书信equationn.方程(式);等式eran.时代,年代;纪元erroneousa.错误的,不对的的espyv.(从远处等)忽然看到estimationn.判断,值计,尊重evaporatevt.使脱水vi.发散蒸气evaporationn.蒸发eventuala.最后的,终于的,也许的excommunicate vt.逐出教会executorn.遗嘱执行人vt.发挥(威力),施加exertionn.努力,用力exhalev.呼出(气) exhortationn.劝告,规劝exitn.出口;退.vi.退出expectantn.预期者,期待者expendv.花费,用光expendituren.(时间等)支出,消费explodevt.使爆.vi.爆炸explosionn.爆炸,爆发,炸裂explosiven.炸.a.爆炸的expositionn.说明,解释;陈列exposuren.暴露;揭露;曝光geographicala.地理的;地区(性)的geraniumn.天竺葵gign.旋转物,轻便双轮马车,赛艇, giltn.镀金,表面的装饰,小母猪gipsyvi.流浪gypsyn.吉布赛人,吉布赛语, glossn.光泽,注解glossyadj.光泽的,光滑的gold-smithn.金匠golfn.高尔夫球grabvt.&vi.急抓;抢graftv.嫁接,移植,n.贪污grandeurn.壮丽,伟大grotesqueadj.怪诞的,古怪的grubn.幼虫,穷文人gruntvi.作呼噜声;咕哝guisen.外观,伪装habituala.习惯性的,惯常的haggardadj.憔悴的,消瘦的hairyadj.毛发的,多毛的hammockn.吊床,小丘handicapvt.妨碍,使不利harassv.烦扰hardnessn.坚硬,困难,严厉,勇气hawthornn.山楂hearingn.听;听力heedlessa.不注意的,不留心的,不谨慎的heightenvt.加高,提高;增长hemlockn.铁杉;常青树herdsmann.牧人hereditarya.世袭的,遗传的n.异端邪说hereticn.异教徒herringn.青鱼,鲱hitchv.搭便车,套住honeysuckle n.忍冬,金银花hostessn.女主人;空姐hostilityn.敌对状态,敌意hulln.外壳,豆荚;薄膜hundredtha.第一百的Hungarian adj.匈牙利的huntsmann.猎人,管猎犬者n.飓风,十二级风hybridn.杂种,混血人hygienen.卫生学,卫生的identifyvt.认出,辨认,鉴定idolatryn.偶像崇敬,邪神崇敬,盲目的崇敬沪江英语 > 英语考试 > 专四专八2023专八: 高频词汇(10)作者: 花生|来源: 互联网|2023年10月14日10:00天天坚持背单词, 考试的时候会更加沉着冷静。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的英语专八考试高频词汇总结,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!1.say后接某人说的话,可用直接引语或间接引语2.act on sth. 对…有影响3.concerned with sth. 与…关系密切的4.with ease不费力地prise包含…,由…组成,其为及物动词6.in the wake of随着…而来,作为…的结果7.means 为单数可数名词,“方法,手段”,而mean作名词时,是“平均值”8.heating“加热的,供热的”,heated“激昂的,激烈的”9.emergency突发情况. Urgency紧急事件,紧迫性10.travel 是不及物动词,其后需加上介词to才能接宾语11.carry out 实现,完成,执行Carry on (with sth.) 继续从事12.under conditions of在…的情况下13.serve 为及物动词14.solutions to sth. ......的解决方案,to后需接宾语。
15.as of 直至,到…时候为止16.speak to sb.17. In part部分地,在某种程度上18.to date 目前为止19.not是副词,其后接名词时,与名词之间一般要有表示数量的a,any,much等词。
20.be devoted to sb./sth. 对…挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的21.virtually几乎22.so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。
23. 给某人提供某物:offer sth. to sb.或offer sb. sth.provide sb. with sth. 或provide sth. for sb.24.a variety of多种…25.contributor to促成某事形成得因素26.respective 各自的,分别的。

它常见的搭配有“accommodate oneself to”,意思是“使自己适应于……”,例如:“You should accommodate yourself to the new environment as soon as possible”(你应该尽快适应新环境。
)还有“accommodate with”,表示“向……提供住宿/供应”,如:“The hotel can accommodate you with comfortable rooms”(这家酒店能为你提供舒适的房间。
)再来说说“accord”,“in accord with”表示“与……一致;符合”,比如:“His actions are in accord with his words”(他言行一致。
)“of one's own accord”则意为“自愿地;主动地”,“He came here of his own accord”(他自愿来到这里。
“account for”有“解释;说明;占……比例”的意思,“Can you account for your absence yesterday?”(你能解释一下昨天的缺席吗?)“on account of”表示“因为;由于”,“He was late on account of t he traffic jam”(由于交通堵塞,他迟到了。
)接着是“acknowledge”,“acknowledge as”意思是“承认……为……”,“We acknowledge him as a genius”(我们承认他是个天才。

to a large extent 在很大程度上take for granted sth.(该宾语太长故后置) = take sth. for grantedat the turn of 在……之交/初始at the turn of the 19th centuryat one’s disposal 由某人做主,受某人管理,由某人支配let alone 更不用说,更别提= not to mention = needless to say = much/still less culminate in 到达顶点outer space 太空social contact 社交be involved in 涉及bring to light 发现,揭露come to light 为人所知= be brought to lighta range of/around ……的范围be worthy of (doing) sth. 值得put down 放下,拒绝,镇压,羞辱,削减put out 熄火punctuate with 用……打断,交织have an eye for fashion 对……有眼光,有鉴赏能力regret doing 后悔做过regret to do 遗憾去做at a/an … pace 以……速度characteristics of … 具有……的特点maintain relationships 维持关系give sb. a turn 轮到某人tune in 开始了解,收听tune off 中途断绝be amazed at 对……感到惊奇with reference to 关于,指at once 立即,同时for once 只有一次,仅仅一次make sb. acquainted with sth. 使某人熟悉/了解某事be through… 顺利通过……correspond to 和……保持一致go out of favor with… 不受……的欢迎search for+搜寻对象search through+搜寻范围be vulnerable to (doing)up to scratch 达到标准make eye contact with sb.look sb. in the eye 直视某人keep in minddeter… to… 听从于,服从于attend sth. 上(学等)attend to 注意,照顾,致力于the key to (doing) sth.be rooted in 根源于,植根于in preparation for 为……做准备two-track system 双轨制a supplement to 对……的补充resort in 诉诸于,常去provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. = offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth. reward sb. for doing sth.in turn 反过来,转而in return 作为回报in return for 作为……的回报racial discrimination 种族歧视bring … over 带来bring … up 抚养,养育,教养with ease 毫不费力地in the hands of 由……处理/掌握many other… 很多其他的……in the wake of sth. 紧随某事而来,作为某事的结果in a sea of… 在……的海洋中carry out 实行,执行carry on 从事,继续进行under conditions of 在……的情况下in condition 健康,状况良好a variety of 各种各样的serve sth. 为……服务serve the peoplesolution to sth. ……的解决方案as of 自……起to date 目前为止be skillful at doing sth. 擅长做某事It is worthwhile to do sth.The same goes for … 对……也是同样的refer to sth. as… 把某物称作……be referred to as 被称为reflect on 仔细思考,考虑sb. aim at (doing) sth. sth. is aimed atrelative to 关于,涉及,与……相比较,与……相应的in some sense 在某种程度上in no sense = by no means 决不in a sense 从某种意义上来说in the sense that/in the sense ofreact to 对……作出反应react with 以……作出反应in the long run 从长远看integrate with 与……结合be made from 原料加工后完全变了样be made of 原料加工后仍可辨认be equipped to do sth. 准备(装备)好做某事in response to (doing) sth.pursue sth. 追逐,追求pursue after 追赶the likes of sb./sth. 诸如此类的人或事of prime importance = very importantbalk at 畏缩,回避take issue with… 对……持异议,不同意in fall 在秋季turn in 上交in all 总共after all 毕竟in advance 预先,提前in the main 大体上,基本上human-rights record人权记录shape up 改进,顺利发展fit with 与……相吻合deter sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事in place 在适合的或通常的位置上make money off/from… 从……中赚钱,通过……来赚钱in view 计划好的,已提出的be apprised of 被告知,获悉spare no pains 不遗余力enter upon 着手,开始meet needs 满足需求be essential to doinghealth care health club health risk 健康危险there is every reason to … 有充分的理由……at variation with 与……有分歧,有冲突get out of hand 失控life experiences 生活经历in a few cases 在少数情况下in conformity with 与……相一致commit to doing 致力于……one another 互相,彼此score…against… 根据……打分/评判derive…from… 起源于……have never been + 比较级再……不过了constructive suggestion 建设性的建议appeal for 恳求,呼吁appeal to 向……上诉on the grounds 以……为由be at home 在家,感到随便be home 回家,扎根speak highly of 赞扬speak ill of 诋毁restrained 有节制的,克制的unrestrainedmoney down 现款支付in the absence of 缺少……,缺乏……in terms of 以……的方式mostly 多半的,主要的other than 除了,不同于no other than 除……以外没有,正是sad to say 遗憾的是in the world 到底,究竟plug…into 插入at random 随机的,任意的put down roots in 扎根于as to 关于,就……而论for the purpose of 为了……的目的by region 按地区as it were 可以说,某种程度上a vast territory 幅员辽阔alternation 交替,轮流,间隔alternative 可供选择的事物leave sb. doing sth. 留下某人做某事,让某人一直处于某种状态in search of = search foraccount for 对……负有责任,说明……的原因gloom and doom 前景黯淡无望life expectancy 平均寿命take on 承担,呈现carry/go on 继续take on responsibility 担负起责任take off 起飞take up 占据,开始从事,接受,对……感兴趣take up with 开始与……来往,开始产生兴趣take to 喜欢,习惯于take…as 把……当作,认为at…height 在……高度can’t help oneself 控制不住自己go for 喜欢in any case 无论如何apply to 适用于apply for 请求,申请work of art 艺术品subject… to… 使……承受……vary with 随着……的改变而变化bring out 使显露/显现bring up 养育,抚养,提出be suited for… 合适,适宜,适当without notice 没人注意cater for/ to 迎合a glimmer of hope 一线希望be cluttered with 充斥,聚集put it in one concise word 用一个简短的词来表示to one’s advantage 有利于……hang out 消磨空闲时间hang in 坚持不懈in court 在法庭上,出庭wage war against 向……开战to the detriment of the world’s climate 对世界气候造成危害put a price on 给……定价a functional disability 残疾get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事wide media attention 广泛的媒体关注arrive at 获得(结果),达成(协议)questionable可疑的delve into 探索,深究open up sb. to… 使某人受到……act on 立案调查make one’s living 谋生go public 公开化,把(秘密)公之于众in the least 根本,丝毫obsess with 痴迷于……(obsession也是和with搭配)be familiar with doing sth. 熟悉、习惯做某事be known as 作为……而出名be known for 因……而出名set sth. aflame 燃烧某物come to power 掌权at the expense of 以……为代价passage of time 时间的流逝punctuate with 用……不时打断billions upon billions 数十亿计的thousands upon thousands 数千计的millions upon millions 数百万计的have been doing 一直这样做,还在继续a range of 一系列的run for president 竞选总统drop out of 退出,被淘汰出局barricade oneself against 对……设置障碍take a dive 急剧下降in style 很成功地in blissful ignorance 在幸福的无知中rail at/against 怒斥,抱怨a/the dozen or so 大约十几个line up 排队probe into 探索,探究computational linguistics 计算机语言学be patterned on 以……为模式apprenticeship system 学徒制度physical activity 体育锻炼linguistic structure 语言结构be independent of 不依赖……,不受……支配,独立于……Protestant Christians 信奉新教的基督教徒industrial revolution 工业革命literary genre 文学体裁crime fiction 犯罪小说Lindy Hop 林迪舞square dance 广场舞loads of 大量,许多elaborate on sth. 详细说明,详述a multitude of 大批的,众多的theoretical science 理论科学intervene in 干预,插手,调停commercial interests 商业利益draw the line 划清界限in opposition to 反对reactor explosion 核反应堆爆炸merge with 与……结合/合并time bomb 定时炸弹economic woes 经济困境on an ad hoc basis 权宜之计be overflowing with 充溢着……be brimming with 充满……be immersed in 沉浸于,专心于be skillful at 擅长干……filter out 过滤掉become adapted to 适应……be keen on 喜爱,金额王,热衷于……give way to 屈服于,让步be chocked with 被……阻塞,被……填满export surplus 出超,外贸盈余a sequence of 一系列的,一连串的be enabled to 使能够……emerging economies 新兴经济体signaling system 信令系统be authorized to… 被允许……,被授权……wholesale price 批发价be tempted to do sth, 受诱惑做某事aside from 除了,除……以外in combination with 与……结合/联合in response to 响应,回答,对……有反应technical terms 属于,专门名词with a vengeance 猛烈地,过度地be flooded with 被……所淹没,充斥visual tracking 视觉追踪reach for 伸手去拿convert into 使转变,把……转化成insight into 对……深刻理解,洞察……in the hands of 由……掌握excel in 在……方面很擅长shake off 摆脱,甩掉extricate oneself from 摆脱,脱离characterize sth. as… 把……描述成a three-pronged approach 三管齐下的方法go on strike 举行罢工make a difference 产生影响,起作用make no difference to 对……没有影响negatively charged ion 负离子make up a large proportion of 在……中占很大比例be replete with 充满flatter oneself 自以为,自信supportive relationship 支持关系chronic disease 慢性疾病at variance with 与……有分歧,有冲突knock-on effects 连锁效应a flood of 一大批……,大量的……in accord with 与……相符/一致compete for 角逐,竞争in an overt fashion 以公开的方式a body of 大量的a host of 许多,大量organizational culture 组织文化be bound up with 与……密切相关reason with 与……讲道理traffic offense 交通违规chump change 少量的钱fit into 融入,与……融为一体structured interview 结构化面试job specification 工作规范,工作要求economic incentive 经济刺激,经济诱因social capital 社会资本do justice to 公平对待,使……的价值充分发挥merge into 并入have sb. by the throat 抓住某人的要害make a fortune 发财,赚大钱drift apart 逐渐疏远sort out 解决,处理viral infection 病毒性感染immune system 免疫系统closed circuit television 闭路电视监控系统be liable to 易于……的,有……倾向的a haul of 大量捕获的……intended purpose 想要达到的目标at birth 在出生时abundance of 丰富的,充裕的order processing 订单处理focal point 焦点,中心in line with 符合,与……一致concurring opinion 并存意见,协同意见strike down 废除,取缔pass muster 符合要求,合格side with 支持,站在……一边wake up to 认识到,意识到be poised to 随时准备着medical personnel 医疗人员news coverage 新闻报道forcible removal 强行清除death sentence 死刑,死刑判决stem from 起源于a whole raft of 一系列rallying point 号召力,聚集点only to 不料,结果却be on one’s feet = get to one’s feet 站起来care for/about 在乎,照顾with…feeling 怀着……感情at the turn of the century 在世纪之交时at one’s disposal 供某人使用/支配give discounts to sb. 给某人折扣be conscious/unconscious of 有/无意识的on a(n)…occasion 在……时候stick to = hold on to 坚持on the grounds of 以……理由irrespective of 不管,不顾as opposed to 而非such…as 像……这样的……boiling point 沸点be suited for 适合……attend to 注意,专心be confronted/faced with = confront/face 面临,遭遇be doomed to 注定take effort 费力physical fitness 身体健康leave behind 丢弃check in 登记,报到a couple of 几个extra-curricular activity 课外活动be available for 对……有效as far as I am aware = as far as I know 据我所知evolve from 由……进化satellite television 卫星电视best seller 畅销书go amiss 不称心,不顺当take an interest in 对……感兴趣feel obligated to 有义务做……from scratch 从零开始discussion board 讨论板cling to 依附scare away 吓跑day by day 日复一日keep pace with 并驾齐驱lag behind 落后from the cradle to the grave 一生Scholastic Assessment Test = SAT 学术能力评估测试Grade Point Average = GPA 平均成绩点数off and on 断断续续地at a loss 困惑,不知所措sign up 签约雇用reason out 推论出Santa Claus 圣诞老人conspire to 共谋,企图make up for 弥补shy away from (doing)(因恐惧、害羞等)避免或逃避(做某事)in lieu of 代替in theory 理论上belt buckle 皮带扣be prone to 有……的倾向test tube 试管back down 放弃对某事物的要求,屈服back up 支持credit check 信用卡状况检查thick and thin 艰难险阻white collar 白领nuclear family 核心家庭pepper spray 胡椒喷雾in a tough spot 处于困境中flat-screen/panel television 平板电视real estate 不动产indulge in 沉溺于skin deep 肤浅的at any rate 无论如何mental illness 精神病follow advice 听从意见common ground 共同点dedicate to 投身于at hand 在手边,即将到来dry up 耗尽Internet access 网络接入no-fault law 不追究过失责任法in the presence of 在……的面前clinical trial 临床试验at best 至多,充其量seek out 挑出live on one’s own 独自生活have little to do with 与……关系不大have nothing to do with 与……无关customer relationship 客户关系buy off 收买be obsessed with 着迷debt crisis 债务危机head for 前往be headed for 朝……方向去product life cycle 产品生命周期consumer loyalty 顾客忠诚度be synonymous with 与……同义cable TV 有线电视rule out 把……排除在外rule on 对……做出裁决stand firm 保持坚定立场home care aide 家庭护理助手at issue 在争论中be entitle to (doing) 有……的资格Supreme Court 最高法庭stay on 继续停留prove to be 证明是be of great help = be greatly helpfularrive at one’s conclusion 得出某人的结论all in one 合为一体bring forth 提出come forth 出现,被公布Emancipation Proclamation 解放宣言Civil Rights Act 公民权利法案be stuck in 困住home grown 土生土长的bear the brunt 首当其冲ecological 生态的urbanization 城市化weave 编入mitigation 缓解,减轻socio-economic 社会经济(学)的industrialization 工业化fabric 组织,结构adverse 不利的binge 大吃大喝predictor 起预报作用的事物psychologist 心理学者spring break 春假carbon emission 二氧化碳排放in accordance with 与……一致lay stress on 把重点放在……as a whole 作为整体miss out 遗漏sweeten life 增加人生趣味live…off 靠……生活in effect 实际上keep track of 记录peer into 窥视executive director 常务董事raise concerns 引起担忧meet one’s full potential 充分发挥某人潜能go with the flow 随波逐流at the helm 掌权set out 开始fault tolerance 故障包容bring up 养育gain weight 体重增加tip into 把……倒入容器on the road to 在去……的途中at risk of 在……危险中give birth to 生产brain power 脑力take advantage of 利用web browser 网络浏览器family/domestic violence 家庭暴力magnetic resonance 磁共振social service 社会公益服务lead author 第一作者economic crisis 经济危机public services 公共服务beyond one’s control 不受某人控制let down 使失望,辜负the general public 普通大众follow a formula 遵守惯例buy one’s round 某人请客address sb. by 用……称呼某人be alien to 与……不同be identical to 与……相同rock and roll 摇滚乐a patch of 一片,一块make sense of 弄清楚ever since 从那时起best minds 最优秀的人才a man of means 富人have sth. in mind 记住某事question sb. about/on sth. 向……询问……enter into 卷入,开始从事或成为……的一部分be concerned with 涉及,与……有关系be concerned about 关心,担忧face up to 勇敢面对wait in the wings 时刻准备着might do well 最好做,不妨做dead last 最末,垫底be deprived of 被剥夺data on… 关于……的数据preserve sth. for sb. 把……留给……open sb. to sth. 让某人对某物大开眼界do more than 做得比……多,效用远比……大engage with 与……交战,搭合engage in 参加engage to 与……订婚engage sb. 使某人参与/从事某事be engaged in 参与,从事于,忙于classify sth. as sth. 把……划分为……at the heart of 关键,核心assist at 到场,出席assist in 帮助,协助interview with 与……进行访问establish…for… 为……建立……be perfect at 在……方面是完美的on the basis of… = on a…basishave an opportunity to do = have an opportunity for doing seek refuge from 躲避a leap of faith 飞跃的信心cure for disease/infection ……疾病/传染病的治疗方法be saturated with 充斥着pioneering conference 先驱性的会议brim with sth. (使)充满describe/paint…as 描述成……to and fro 来来回回。

本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦01 (主动)责骂某人 to call sb down02 以某人为榜样学习 to take after one’s example03 视某事为最重要的事 to place sth ahead of anything else04 视某事为最重要的事 to put sth first05 开夜车 to burn the midnight oil06 贫困生 financially-strapped students07 经济中心 economic hub08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场 to stand my ground09 坚持自己的立场 to stick to my guns10 非常关心 give all my concern to sth11 沉溺于酗酒 be enslaved to drinking12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp13 狼吞虎咽 to gulp down sth14 厌倦 to sicken of sth/doing sth15 智勇双全 to combine wisdom with courage16 土崩瓦解 to fall to pieces17 土崩瓦解 to go to pieces18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)19 知识来自于实践 knowledge starts with practice20 汲取知识 to come by knowledge21 泄露秘密 to leak out secrets22 未经允许 without permission23 (事情)发生 come about24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb25 以……为代价 at the expense of sth26 以……为代价 at the cost of sth27 以……为代价 at the price of sth28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家 be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children30 花钱/时间在某人身上 to expend time/money on sb31 松了口气 to exhale in relief32 松了口气 to breathe a sigh of relief33 排放废气 to give off exhaust34 废气 exhaust fumes35 给某人带来伤害 to cause much damage to sb/sth36使某人遭到不幸 bring sb to grief37 (主动)遭到不幸 come to grief38 被责骂 be taken to task39 在……的背景下 against the backdrop of sth40 在……的背景下 sth is set exactly against this background41 炸毁某物 to blow up sth42 故意破坏的行为 an act of sabotage43 吸引人们 to enthrall the minds of people44 卷入 get entangled in sth45 陷入 get embroiled in sth46 接着……发生 to ensue from sth47 下一年 the ensuing year48 沉溺于坏习惯 be enslaved to a bad habit49非常关心某事 sth is of great concern to me50 抚养孩子长大 to bring up children51 在蜜罐中长大 be brought up in a honey jar52(艰辛地)找工作 to pick up a job53 到处,四处 here and there54 把重点放在 to place weight on sth55 精神支柱 spiritual pillar56 昂扬的斗志 high-spirited57 顽强的毅力 firmly-determined58 为祖国争得荣誉 to win honors for our country59 站起来 to raise to one's feet60(费劲地)站起来 to struggle to one's feet61 交叉双臂 to fold one's arms62 双手抚脸 to put one's palms on one's cheek63 摸下巴 to rub one's chin64 耸肩 to shrug one's shoulders65 电影特写 movie close-up66 电影卖座 This movie is a big draw at the box office67 故事片 feature film68 电影首映 movie premiere69 电影发烧友 movie zealot70 戒烟 to quit smoking71 戒烟 to abstain from cigarettes72 戒烟 to lay off smoking73 戒毒 to quit drugs74 戒毒 to quit taking drugs75 戒毒 to get off drugs76 接触其他文化 get into touch with other cultures77 掠夺他国资源 to plunder a country of its resources78 一流的设施 state-of-the-art facilities79 勉强及格 to scrape through an exam80 侦探小说 whodunit = detective novels/stories81 和……相冲 be offensive to……82 把……考虑进来 to take sth into consideration83把……考虑进来 to take sth into full account84 进一步思索、考虑 on second thought85 是恰当的示例 be a good case in point86 明显特征 a striking feature87 毫不夸张 without exaggeration88 开拓眼界 to expand one’s mind89 开拓视野 to broaden one’s mind90 微笑是一个人最好的名片 one’s smile is the best name card of sb91 传承精神 to carry forward the spirit of sth92 侵害名誉 to jeopardize one’s reputation93 服用兴奋剂 to take stimulants94 性骚扰 sexual harassment95 时尚圈 vogue/fashion world96 一时时尚 a passing vogue97 一时热潮 a passing fad98 进行严厉处罚 to impose serious penalties99 值得称赞 to deserve commendation100 广泛认同 be widely endorsed101 不足之处 defect = drawback102 经济平稳发展 sound economic growth103 假药 shoddy medicine104 假药 bogus medicine105 假证件 forged document106 声名狼藉 to have ill fame107 声名狼藉 be of ill-repute108 黄金时段节目 prime-time TV program109 大腕 top notch110 谐星 comic star111 快速瞥了一眼 to catch a brief glimpse of sth112 偷瞄 to cast covert glances at sth113 受欢迎 be well-received114 受欢迎 to receive a warm welcome115 受到热情招待 to receive a hearty reception116 矢志不渝 undying loyalty117 早恋 to have premature love affairs118 以自我为中心的 be self-centered119 误入歧途(主动)to go astray120 把某人引向歧途 to lead sb astray121 没有养成自觉性 not to attain initiative122 渐渐摧毁孩子的一生 to ruin the child for life123 流露自卑情绪 to show a sense of inferiority124 有自卑情结 have an inferiority complex125 十分忧虑(某物,如考试)to show great concern over sth 126 倾心交谈 to have heart-to-heart chats with sb127 性侵犯 sexual assault128 对某人期望过高 to expect too much of sb129 明智的父母 judicious parents130 对……沮丧 be despondent about sth131 为了某事向某人表示感谢 to express my gratitude to sb for sth 132 不理睬 to shrug off sth133 牢牢抓住机会 to snatch at a chance134 抓住机会 to jump at a chance135 一怒之下 in a fit of rage136过严的家教 too rigid parental cultivation137 对……一视同仁 to treat sth alike138 对……漠不关心 be neglectful of sth139 对……漠不关心 be indifferent to sth140 控制不住 to have no control over sth141 把……控制住 to bring sth under control142 管不住 be beyond one’s control143 大饱眼福 to feast one’s eyes on sth144 促成逆反行为 to foster rebellion acts145 改正坏习惯 to cure sb of a bad habit146 花钱大手大脚 to spend money like water147 花钱无度 be spendthrift148 供上大学 to send children to college149 节省开支 to skimp on expenditures150 帮助某人摆脱(困境)to help sb out of sth151 财务困境 financial predicament152 楷模 role model153 树立良好榜样 to present a good role model for sb 154 树立良好榜样 to set a good example to sb155 老年人(总称)the elders156 向某人指教 to turn to sb for guidance157 展现良好品质 to practice a good virtue of sth 158 孝顺父母 be filial to parents159 一丝希望 a gleam of hope160 一线希望 a glimmer of hope161 微小的希望(几乎不可能)a slender hope161 工作前景 job prospects162 使……居于次要地位 to subordinate A to B163 自吹自擂 to blow one’s own horn164 自夸 to blow one’s own trumpet165 摆架子 to put on airs166 逃学 to play truant167 白手起家 to make money starting from scratch 168 怀疑 be skeptical about sth169 争权 to scramble for power170 如期举行 be held as scheduled171 非常喜欢 be partial to sth172 偏袒,有倾向 be partial towards sth173 跟上步伐 to keep pace with sth174 跟上步伐 to keep abreast of sth175 对……持乐观态度 be optimistic about sth176 妨碍司法公正 to obstruct justice177 妨碍司法公正 to pervert the course of justice178 鉴于 in the light of sth179 自由 at liberty180 解放,释放(如压力,痛苦等)to liberate sb from sth181 解放 to emancipate sb from sth182 空暇时间 at one’s leasure183 普遍持有的观点 a widely-held perspective on sth184 间隔长(两者间)at long intervals185 间隔短,经常,时常 at short intervals186 推动,激励 to give an impulse to sth187 虚度光阴 to idle away time188 虚度光阴 to dawdle away time189 无所事事 to loiter away time190 热闹,繁华 hustle and bustle191 让位(本意)to take a back seat to sth192 让位(引申)to give way to sth193 缓解焦虑 to ease anxiety about sth194 永久和平 durable peace195 沉闷 as dull as ditchwater196 被怀疑中 sth is in doubt197 无疑 be beyond doubt198 国外产品 foreign-made products199 本土品牌 domestic brands200 与某人狼狈为奸 to work hand in glove with sb201 指点某人 to enlighten sb on sth202 当今社会 present-day society203 持有积极的角度看问题 look at sth from a positive perspective/angle 204 生活水平 living standards of people205 设计自己的人生轨道 to chart our course of our lives206 收获成果 to come to fruition207 把辛勤的劳动换成了累累硕果 to bring sth to fruition 208 每况愈下 be on the ebb209 每况愈下 be on the decline210 每况愈下 be on the wane211 派上用场 to come in handy212 无法逾越的困难 an insuperable difficult213 咬紧牙关 to grit one’s teeth214 心痛欲绝 to grieve over sth215 伤心做某事 to grieve to do sth216 掌握本质要点 to grasp one’s essentials217 生某人气 be furious with sb at sth218 向……皱眉头 to frown at sb219 对……不满意 to frown on sth220 丝毫不考虑 without giving any thought for sth221 根除贫困 to eradicate poverty from the world222 在视线中消失 to vanish from sight223 消失 to vanish like a bubble224 消失 to vanish into the void225 天生就有(某种才华)be endowed with sth226 被崇高的精神鼓舞 be animated by a lofty spirit227 使努力白费 to make efforts go down the drain228 容易接受 be receptive to sb229 偏离 to diverge from sth230 书本中汲取的知识 knowledge distilled from books 231 存在 come into existence232 分歧 to dissent from sth233 使……陷入混乱 to throw sth into disorder234 在……之后发生 in the wake of sth235 对……失望 be disillusioned with sth236 对……不抱期望 be disenchanted with sth237 优点和缺点 upside and downside238 补上落下的课业 to make up the lost study239 一把双刃剑 a double-edged sword240 记忆的片段 memory extracts241 来回挪步 to pace back and forth242 没有片刻停歇 without minutes’ pause243 没有停顿 without a pause244 溜走了(如机会)to slip away245 悲伤和高兴的交融 a mixture of sadness and happiness 246 迷茫 be in a daze247 挖掘价值 to dig out value248 战胜困难 to surmount difficulties249 孩子成长的阶段 during child’s formative years250 生命内在的真谛 the hidden truth of life251 瘫痪(如交通)a complete standstill252 与……相结合 be aligned with sth253 面对 in the face of sth254 收获 to reap benefits255 中心 in the center of sth256 仔细琢磨 to brood on sth257 细想 to ponder on sth258 仔细考虑 to chew on/over sth259 大批的人 the great bulk of people260 瘫痪(动词)(如交通)to come to a standstill261 现代生活 modern living262 学习的各方面 every facet of study263 快消失殆尽,渐渐消失 be a dying breed264 老年人的圈子 the domain of the older generation265 大规模 in a big way266 多才多艺 versatile people267 快速增长的人口 the burgeoning human population 268 迫切的需求 crying demands/needs for sth269 野生动物栖息地 wildlife habitat area270 濒临灭绝的物种 endangered species271 更好地理解 to gain a better understanding of sth272 瞻性的决策 proactive decisions273 使用法律手段 to implement legislation274 安排轻重缓急 to sort out priorities275 心理健康 mental health276 尽最大努力 to go to great lengths to do sth277 竭尽全力 to go all out to do sth278 尽某人最大努力 to go out of one’s way to do sth279 嫉妒 be jealous of sth280 钦慕(更带有羡慕感,而不是嫉妒)be envious of sth281 丰富的工作经验 a wealth of experience282 按各自的职业轨道发展 to proceed along one’s own career path283 开明的态度 an open-minded attitude284 分配任务 to allocate tasks to sb285 明确的目标 a defined goal286 明确的职责 well-defined responsibilities287 共同努力 a coordinated effort288 共同努力 a joint effort289 与某人相处融洽 to get along with sb290 提出不同的观点 to think out of the box291 总体而言 as a whole292 总体上 on the whole293 因……而筋疲力尽 be exhausted with sth294 融入(如朋友圈子,工作环境)to fit into sth295融入 to fit in with sth296 工作体系 work regime297 实战的工作经验(强调不是纸上谈兵) hands-on working experience 298 无经验的学生 unskilled and inexperienced students299 不断更新的信息 up-to-date information300 不断更新 be kept up to date301 从一开始 at the start302 筋疲力尽 to exhaust all one’s energy303 加分 to chalk up marks304 将有的进步 prospective progress305 ……的本质 at the heart of sth306 一去不复返 be gone once and for all307 用……的语调 in…terms308 控制 to place restrictions on sth309 被局限于某地 be confined to sp310 受限做某事 be restricted to doing sth311 映入眼帘 to come into sight312 引起注意 to come into notice313 大相径庭 a drastic departure from sth314 尽全力 to go all out to do sth315 义不容辞 be incumbent upon sb to do sth316 洒满阳光 be flooded with sunshine317 很大程度 a great deal318 清醒 to sober up319 接连不断 to do sth at a stretch320 欣喜若狂 to go into raptures321 撤离 be evacuated from sp322 反对(某人)to turn against sb323 反抗(某人)to react against sb324 置身事外 to remain aloof from sth325 写下、记下 be set down326 注入新生命 to breathe new life into sth327 注入新活力 to inject new vigor into sth328 打基础 to pave the way for sth329 随着时间的流逝 with the passage of time330 一时幸运 a stroke of fortune331 使某人思考 sth sets sb thinking that…332 按原计划 to go as planned333 摆脱瓶颈 to break through a bottleneck334 升职中与工作能力无关的困难、障碍 the glass ceiling 335 古往今来 down through the ages336 旨在 be aimed at sth337 以……为目标 be targeted at sth338 以……为方向 be oriented towards sth339 怂恿某人做某事 to entice sb into doing sth340 诱使某人不做某事 to entice sb away from sth341 有争议的话题 a controversial subject342 有争议的话题 a contentious subject343 把……放在首位 to put sth in the forefront of sth344 体育场馆 sporting venue345 大气污染 atmospheric pollution346 副作用 side effects347 逆境 adverse circumstances348 模仿某人行为、动作 to emulate actions of sb349 毫不相关 be completely divorced from sth350 肆无忌惮的攻击 unscrupulous attachs351 歪曲的事实 distorted facts352 设定限制 to set a limit to sth353 没有限制 there be no limits to sth354 等同于 amount to355 跳槽 job-hopping356 底层 at the bottom357 底层 on the ground floor358 学会窍门 to learn the ropes359 大公司里的小职员 a small fish in a big pond 360 假文凭 fake diplomas361 有利可图的行业 a lucrative business362 回忆过去 to review the past363 妨碍 to get in the way of sth364 养成习惯 to get in the habit of sth365 培养习惯 to cultivate the habit of sth366 闷闷不乐 to have a blue moment367 做出牺牲 to make sacrifices368 完全不一致 be radically different from sth 369 被赐予 sb is blessed with sth370 退位 to step down371 退位 to step aside372 某人无法控制 be beyond one’s grasp373 被某物玷污 be stained with sth374 蚀刻 be etched with sth375 战胜困难 to triumph over difficulties376 崭新开始 to make a brand-new start377 声名远扬 to have a solid reputation378 一片混乱 to get messy379 逐步 on a minute-by-minute basis380 残疾和不幸 disabilities and adversities381 适当的 be apposite to sth382 仔细琢磨 to reflect on sth383 是……的反映 a reflection of sth384 心里总想着 to brood over sth385 热切渴望 to have a feverish desire to do sth386 对音乐有很高的鉴赏能力 to have an exquisite ear for music 387 鬼鬼祟祟 on the sly388 成天做某事 be glued to sth389 适应于 be geared to sth390 与国际接轨 to gear sth to the international conventions391 丰富 be rich in sth392 丰富 be abundant in sth393 痛苦的回忆 traumatic memories394 听得入迷 be held spellbound by sth395 石油储量 oil reserves396 学术造诣 academic prowess397 专心从事 to immerse oneself in sth398(声音)回荡 to resonate through sp399 扑灭大火 to put out the big fire400 盛情款待 a rapturous reception401 对某物惊叹 to marvel at sth402 口才 great oratory403 鼓起勇气 to take courage404 冒险 to take risks405 不屈不挠 to have indomitable courage406 巡查 to make rounds407 支持某人 to prop sb up408 接受 to come to accept sth409 一扫而去 be swept away410 务实 be down to earth411 务实 with a pragmatic attitude412 看见 to set one’s eyes on sth413 贫困地区 poverty-stricken areas414 残酷的现实 the harsh reality415 合拍 be in tune with sth416 难以形容的美丽 indescribable beauty417 很难形容 to defy simple description418 下苦功夫 painstaking efforts419 出风头 in the limelight420 出风头、耀眼 to sparkle in the spotlight421 启发式的教育 heuristic education422 应试教育 exam-oriented education423 首屈一指 be second to none424 使某人筋疲力尽 to wear sb out425 使某人筋疲力尽 to tire sb out426 经常 as often as not427 市场 more often than not428 挡道 to block the way429 踏脚石 a stepping stone430 冲击波 to send a shock wave through sp 431 相反 to the contrary432 被消除 be removed from sth433 以……扬名 be renowned for sth434 消除念头 to get sth out of your head435 在某人身边打转 to hover round sb436 接手任务 to take over duties437 使某人精神振奋 to buck sb up438 通往成功的路 on the road to success 439 洋溢着兴奋 to sparkle with happiness 440 时尚 be in vogue441 时尚 be in fashion442 开始时尚 to come into fashion443 开始时尚 to come into vogue444 不流行 to go out of style445 不流行 to go out of vogue446 不流行 to go out of fashion447 限制做某事 be confined to doing sth 448 回想 to throw my mind back to sth449 平淡的生活 pedestrian life450 非常 be nothing but 加形容词451 日常工作 daily routine452 为自己说话 to speak up for oneself453 畏缩不敢做某事 to shrink from doing sth 454 受挫 to set backs455 使某人受挫 to set sb back456 用尽耐心 to exhaust one’s patience457 与其说A,还不如说B be not so much B as A458 日新月异 ever-changing459 盛情邀请 gracious invitation460 亮点 a high point461 赋予信念 be armed with faith462 合资企业 joint venture463 举世闻名 world-renowned464 结出累累硕果 to yield more fruits465 敬意 to have a regard for sth466 知识基础经济 knowledge-based economy467 源远流长 can be traced back to the ancient times468 瑰宝 a gem of sth469 双重任务 dual tasks470 全方位 multi-directional471 宽领域 wide-ranging472 宽领域 in a wide range of areas473 研究型教育 research-interrelated education474 一批 a flow of sb475 不受约束的思想 uninhibited minds476 探索前沿 on the frontier of discovery477 多层次知识结构 multi-level knowledge formation478 对外开放 opening-up479 自改革开放以来 since China’s policies of reform and opening-up480 在改革开放政策下under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world481 不谋而合 to coincide with sth482 第一位 be given top priority483 最忙碌的时候 at the busiest time484 着迷 to captivate one’s eyes485 被广为流传 to enjoy popularity on everybody’s lips486 尽力自己的一份力 to do one’s bit for sth487 光荣榜 on the honor list488 年轻时 in youth489 年老时 in old age490 应尽的义务 bounden duty491 简单来说 to put in simple terms492 简短来说 to put it bluntly493 简单来说 in simple words494 鼓起勇气 to pluck up courage495 岁月如梭 to flash past496 光阴流逝 to go like a flash497 靠自己立足 to stand on one’s own two feet498 就……进行磋商 to exchange notes on sth499 交换看法 to exchange views on sth500 自暴自弃 self-defeating501 就国际范围来说 on an international scale502 引起共鸣 to strike a responsive chord with sb 503 内心深处 in the heart of me504 普及性的教育活动 massive educational campaign 505 满足欲望 to gratify one’s thirst for sth506 满足欲望 to quench one’s thirst for sth507 吐露心声 to give voice to sth508 多余的要求 superfluous requirements509 绊脚石 a stumbling block to sth510 社会动荡 social upheavals511 使……结束 to put an end to sth512 结束 to come to an end513 结束 to come to a close514 结束 to draw to a close515 承担工作 to take on work516 心甘情愿 with a good grace517 不情愿 with a bad grace518 未达到标准 be below standard519 缺乏 be devoid of sth520 吹毛求疵 be scrupulous about sth521 马马虎虎 be slipshod in sth522 职业观念 professional sense523 酿成悲剧 to breed a tragedy524 弘扬民族文化 to propagate national culture525 感情用事 to give way to feelings526 逃避责任 to evade duties527 和平共处 to coexist in peace528 扫除障碍 to sweep away obstacles529 随着……的到来 with the advent of sth530 顺应时代潮流 to go with the current of the times531 邻国 neighboring countries532 伸出援手 to rally round533 领域 on the realm of sth534 弄清楚 to shed light on sth535 逐步自信起来 to come out of one’s shell536 带领某人逐步成长、自信 to bring sb out of one’s shell 537 转移注意力 to shift attention to sth538 集中注意力于 to fix attention on sth539 打草稿 to sketch out sth540 具体的 detailed (形容词)541 抽空 to take the time off one’s schedule542 运道而来 to come here all the way from sp543 庆祝 in celebration of sth544 总经理 General Manager545 尽情地 to one’s heart’s content546 在……之际 on the occasion of sth547 在……之际 on the point of sth548 对……精通 proficiency in sth549 阐述 to amplify on sth550 阐述 to elaborate on sth551 改过自新 to mend one’s ways552 饱和 be saturated with sth553 内疚 to have a guilty conscience554 心无愧疚 to have a clear conscience555 消除隔阂 to bridge the gap between A and B556 消除隔阂 to narrow the gap between A and B557 扩大隔阂 to widen the gap between A and B558 严重缺乏 to have an acute shortage of sth559 智穷计尽 at one’s wits’ end560 花心思 to sharpen up one’s wits561 背后捅刀 to give sb a stab in the back562 悬而未决 be up in the air563 产生效益 to pay dividends564 就……而论 in the matter of sth565就……而论 in the case of sth566 千方百计 by fair means of foul567 不择手段 by hook or crook568 受疾病折磨 be afflicted with diseases569 脱口而出 to blurt out sth570 泪水使双眼模糊 eyes were blurred with tears 571 引起共鸣 to find an echo in one’s heart572 国有企业 state-owned enterprises573 在节日的前一晚 on the eve of sth574 毫无例外 without exception575 对……施加影响 to exert an influence on sb576 全校师生 the students and faculty577 致命打击 a fatal blow to sb578 致命打击 a mortal blow to sb579 提供反馈 to give feedback on sth580 想象力丰富 a fertile mind581 发财 make a fortune582 由政府资助的 government-funded583 禁止某人做某事 to prohibit sb from doing sth 584 禁止 to lay a ban on sth585 从这个意义上来说 in this regard586 推动发展 to push forward development587 社会各界 from various circles588 表示热烈欢迎 to extend warm welcome to sth 589 极慢地 be at a snail’s pace590 脱离困境 to let sb off the hook591 把某人列为 to rank sb as …592 解除某人忧虑 to take a load off one’s mind593 解除某人忧虑 to take a weight off one’s mind 594 一辈子、人的一生 from the cradle to the grave 595 优待 to discriminate in favor of sb596 恶劣对待 to discriminate against sb597 职业 by profession 如:be a doctor by profession 598 在青春年华时 in the prime of one’s age599 验证 to put sth to the proof600 因……而高度赞扬 to sing high praise for sth601 豪侠英雄 chivalrous heroes602 不言而喻 it goes without saying that …603 被进一步加剧 be further aggravated by sth604 留下深刻印象 be engraved on one’s memory605 避而不谈 to draw a veil over sth606 同理 by the same token607 在职期间 in the saddle608 唤起某人 to awaken sb to sth609 听其自然 to let things slide610 继续存留 to linger on sth611 性情温和的 even-tempered612 为了……进行鼓动 to agitate for sth613 为反对……进行鼓吹 to agitate against sth614 开夜车 to stay up late615 令人毛骨悚然的 spine-chilling (a.)616令人毛骨悚然的 hair-raising (a.)617 一时冲动 on the spur of the moment618一时冲动 on impulse619 取得很大的进步 to make great strides in doing sth 620 是对……的补充 be a supplement to sth621 对A加以补充B to supplement A with B622 非常重要 be of supreme importance623 满腔自豪 be swollen with pride624 削减预算 to trim the budget625 减轻负担 to lessen the burdens on sb626 绞尽脑汁 to rack one’s brains627 一大清早 at the crack of dawn628 共同商量 to take counsel with sb629 一言不发 to button one’s lips630 负担落在了某人身上 the burden of sth rests with sb 631 崭新的 brand-new (a.)632 某人自己独特的幽默感 one’s own brand of humor 633 满心欢喜 Joy filled one’s breast.634 突飞猛进地 by leaps and bounds635 三思而后行 Look before you leap.636 鼓舞士气 to boost one’s spirits637 多面手 an all-round man638 多面手 all-rounder639 自夸 to boast of/about sth640 自夸 to brag about sth641 亚太地区 in the Asia-Pacific Region642 古老灿烂的文明 a long tradition of brilliant civilization 643 促进学术交流 to facilitate academic exchanges644 从而 in turn645 提出更高要求 to place higher expectations on sb646 由政府承担 be undertaken by government647 承担更大的责任 to shoulder greater responsibilities 648 积累经验 to accumulate experience649 值得借鉴 to merit reference650 在此领域 in this regard651 双赢态势 win-win scenario652 上台发言 to take the floor653 一致通过 unanimous approval654 全面的 all-dimensional655 全面的 well-rounded656 凸显的问题 salient problems657 重视 to attach great importance to sth658 保存完好 well-preserved659 出土文物 unearthed cultural relics660 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites661 最低价 floor price662 最低价 rock-bottom price663 自然景观 natural settings and tourist sites664 旅游景点 tourist spots665 事后看来 in retrospect666 发泄 to give vent to sth667 向某人发泄怒气 to vent one’s anger on sb668 重视 to set store by sth669 免于 be immune from sth670 保持联系 to keep track of sth671 失去联系 to lose track of sth672 展望未来 to look into the future673 宣布开幕 to declare the commencement of sth 674 宣布闭幕 to declare the conclusion of sth 675 回顾过去 to look back on the past676 消愁 to chase one’s gloom away677 使某人情绪低落 to cast a gloom over sb678 使某人意志消沉 to cast a cloud over sb679 病愈 to get over one’s illness680 高发病率 a high incidence of illness681 与……相融洽 be compatible with sth682 激励某人 be an inspiration to sb683 获得灵感 to draw an inspiration from sth 684 如上所述 as mentioned above685 对……吹毛求疵 to find fault with sth686 为……做准备 to make provision for sth687 容忍 to put up with sth688 寻求 in pursuit of sth689寻求 in search of sth690寻求 in quest of sth691 乘火车 by rail692 抢劫 to rob sb of sth693 打击 to crack down on sth694 公费旅游 to go traveling at public expense 695 旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism696 高度自治权 a high degree of autonomy697 引起关注 to arouse attention698 艺术团 an art ensemble699 反之亦然 and vice versa700 全社会 all sectors of society701 值得 be worthy of sth702 值得 be worth doing sth (含被动)703 渴望 to yearn for sth704 满载货物的 fully-loaded (a.)705 枯萎 to wither away706 希望落空 All her hopes withered away.707 目击 be an witness to sth708 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 The early bird catches the worm. 709 适应 to adjust oneself to sth710 小声说着 be speaking in a whisper711 消除贫穷 to wipe out poverty712 还清债务 to pay off all one’s debts713 减肥 to lose weight714 增肥 to put on weight715 警告某人做某事 to warn sb of sth716 警告某人做某事 to caution sb to do sth717 引起回忆 to trigger memories718 自愿 be of one’s own volition719 自愿 be of one’s own accord720 易受……的伤害 be vulnerable to sth721 容易让某人受到伤害 to put sb in a vulnerable position 722 由于 by virtue of sth723 由于……的作用 through the agency of sth724 加强政治联系 to strengthen political ties725 注入新生命 to breathe new life into sth726 不入虎穴焉得虎子 Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 727 看不起 to look down on sth728 敬仰 to look up to sth729 腾出空位 to vacate one’s seats730 双边关系 bilateral relations731 迫使某人离开某地 to uproot sb from sp732 激励某人 to urge sb on733 激励某人努力学习 to spur sb up to one’s study734 徒劳 to no avail735 徒劳 be of no effort736 统一支离破碎的国家 to unify fractured country737 揭开秘密 to unlock secret738 幻想破灭 to have no illusions about sth739 使幻想破灭 to smash illusions740 误以为 be under the illusion that …741 误以为 be under the delusion that …742 丢掉幻想 to cast aside illusions743 设定最终目标 to set oneself an ultimate goal of sth 744 北京残奥会 Beijing Paralympics745 弯弯曲曲 twists and turns746 降低 to lower down sth747 弯曲真相 to twist the truth748 干扰思想 to cloud one’s mind749 使尽浑身解数 to try every trick in the book750 哄骗 to trick sb into doing sth751 随便对待某人 to trifle with sb752 琐事 trifle matters753 吵架 to argue with sb about sth754 药物治疗 to treat sb with drugs755 不友好的眼神 icy stare756 热烈欢迎 to welcome sb with open arms757 故意忽视 to give sb the cold shoulder758 拒绝提供帮助 to turn one’s back on sb759 拒绝帮助 to turn one’s nose up at sb760 影响 to impinge on sth761 引人入胜的故事 an intriguing story762 热烈的掌声 tumultuous applause763 老掉牙的歌曲 banal songs764 陈腐的思想 stale ideas765 使某物呈现于脑海 to conjure up sth766(声音)回荡于某地 to reverberate across (the valley) 767(地方)回荡着某种声音 to resonate with sth768(地方)回荡着某种声音 to reverberate with sth769 与某人争吵 to tangle with sb770 逐渐削减 to taper off771 揍某人 to tan one’s hide772 将信息泄露给某人 to betray information to sb773 助学金 financial aids774 拿助学金的学生 a grant-aided student775 怀疑 be suspicious of sth776 维持生命 to sustain life777 蜂拥而来的信件 a swarm of letters778 蜂拥而来 to swarm with sb/sth779 改变思维方式 to sway one’s way of thinking780 性传播疾病 sexually-transmitted disease781 将……传播给…… be transmitted to sth782 提高意识 to raise awareness of sth783 改变生活方式 to transform one’s lives784 拐弯抹角的解释 tortuous explanation785 阻挠计划 to thwart plans786(汽车)全速前进 at full tilt787 为……祝酒 to propose a toast with sb to sth788 对……怀恨在心 to bear a grudge against sb/sth 789 冰释前嫌 with a thaw in one’s old grudges790 胚胎干细胞 embryonic stem cell791(比赛中)遭到重创 be thrashed (in a game)792 对……造成威胁 to pose a threat to sth793 学期考试 a terminal exam794 取笑 to tease about sth795 充满 be teeming with sth796 心情好 be in a good temper797 心情差 be in a bad temper798 忍住脾气 to keep one’s temper799 发怒 to get into a temper800 发怒 to lose one’s temper801 资金投入 a cash injection802 西部地区 in the west803 大片温带雨林 a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 804 早已预料到的事 a foregone conclusion805 确凿的证据 tangible proof806 确凿的证据 conclusive evidence807 大片温带雨林 a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 808 越来越多的支持 a growing swell of support809 听任摆布 to surrender to sth810 迅速回应 swift reaction811 化为乌有 to dwindle away to nothing812 从A转换至B to switch from A to B。

完形填空词组及固定搭配常考汇总1 a host of大量2 a test for 目的3 a test on⋯⋯行4 a test with 手段5above all 最重要的 ;6according to 根据7achieve equilibrium取得平衡8achieve one ’s purpose 达到目的9achieve success得成功10achieve victory 得利11act on 遵照┄行,作用于;12act on ⋯有影响13add up to,合14add⋯ to 把⋯加到⋯.15adhere to 持,奉行;16after all 竟,均不合意;17agree on ⋯⋯ 取得一致意18agree to 同意19agree with sb. 同意某人的20along with 和┄一道 ,和┄一起 ;21 alternate(with) 交替;22amount to 合 ,共 ;23an equal to 与⋯⋯相当的人 /物,(地位 )相同的人24and yet 然而25 anything but一点也不;26anything like 像⋯⋯那的西27anywhere near 接近于28apart form 除⋯⋯之外尚有29apply to 向⋯⋯申,适用于30appreciation of ⋯⋯ 的欣 /31argue against反32as a result of 作⋯⋯的果,由于33as a result (作果,因此)表果,用不用逗号隔开看情况而定;34as a whole 作一个整体,整个看来35as far as ⋯/are concerned 就⋯⋯而言36as for 至于,就⋯方面37as if 好像,仿佛38as soon as 一~就 ~39as though 好像,仿佛40as to 至于,关于;41as well 也,一42as yet 迄今,到目前止43aside from 除┄之外 ;44associate ⋯ with ⋯由⋯⋯想到⋯⋯,把⋯⋯ 系起来45association with与⋯⋯的交往46at a disadvantage于不利地位47at a loss 不知所措48at a time 每次,一次49at all 毫 ,根本 ;50at any moment 即使,随。

1. be absent from … . 缺席,不在2. absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉3. be abundant in / (be rich in) 富于,富有4. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解5. by accident(=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外.6. in accord with 与…一致7. take … into account(=consider) 把...考虑进去8. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.9. accuse …of … ( =charge …with; blame sb. for sth. blame sth. onsb. complai n about) 指控,控告10. be accustomed to / be used to 习惯于.11. be acquainted with 了解; 熟悉12. act as 扮演13. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于14. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之15. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than) 除…外16. adhereto(=abideby, conformto, comply with, clingto, insiston, persistin, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循17. adjust..(to) (=change slightly) 调节; 适应;18. 18. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.19. have an advantage over 胜过.20. take advantage of (=make the bestof, make use of, profitfrom) 利用.21. ahead of 在…之前, 超过… . ahead of time 提前.22. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.23. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;24. above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说25. take into consideration / take into account 考虑到, 估计到.26. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.27. answer for (be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.28. be anxious about 为…焦急不安29. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉30. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁 . appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力31. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 apply for 申请; apply to 适用.32. apply to 与…有关;适用33. approve of (be infavor of, favor,) 赞成, approve vt. 批准34. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);35. be ashamed of 以…为羞耻36. assure sb. of sth. 向…保证, 使…确信.37. attribute …to …把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果38. (be) aware of (=be conscious of) 意识到,知道.39. turn one’s back on sb. 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃40. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)41. be based on / upon 基于42.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上43. on behalf of 以…名义44. believe in(=have faith or trust in) 相信,依赖,信仰.45. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处 .46. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)47. give birth to 出生48. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. onsb. 把…推在某人身上49. out of breath 喘不过气来50. in brief(=in as few words as possible) 简言之51. on business 出差办事.52. be busy with sth. 于某事。

完形填空词组及固定搭配常考汇总1 a host of 大量2 a test for检测目的3 a test on对……进行测试4 a test with检测手段5above all 最重要的;6according to根据7achieve equilibrium取得平衡8achieve one’s purpose达到目的9achieve success 获得成功10achieve victory获得胜利11act on 遵照┄行动,作用于;12act on对…有影响13add up to 总计,合计14add… to 把…加到….15adhere to 坚持,奉行;16after all 毕竟,均不合题意;17agree on对……取得一致意见18agree to同意19agree with sb.同意某人的话20along with 和┄一道,和┄一起; 21alternate (with)交替;22amount to 合计,共计;23an equal to与……相当的人/物,(地位)相同的人24and yet然而25anything but 一点也不;26anything like像……那样的东西27anywhere near接近于28apart form除……之外尚有29apply to 向……申请,适用于30appreciation of对……的欣赏/赞赏31argue against 反对32as a result of作为……的结果,由于33as a result(作为结果,因此)表结果,用不用逗号隔开看情况而定;34as a whole 作为一个整体,整个看来35as far as …/are concerned就……而言36as for至于,就…方面说37as if好像,仿佛38as soon as一~就~39as though好像,仿佛40as to 至于,关于;41as well也,一样42as yet迄今,到目前为止43aside from 除┄之外;44associate … with…由……联想到……,把……联系起来45association with与……的交往46at a disadvantage处于不利地位47at a loss不知所措48at a time每次,一次49at all 丝毫,根本;50at any moment即使,随时。

(1)break the stalemate打破僵局(2)be bound up with与....联系在一起(3)be analogous to 与.....相似(4)on as daily basis每天(5)be validated by被..验证(6)it stands to reason that .....理所当然(7)be at peace with与.....和睦相处(8)on the sly偷偷地(9)in accordance with根据.....(10)to the purpose中肯地(11)of no avail不起作用(12)boast of吹嘘(13)be confronted with面临......( 14)to sb's credit使某人感到光荣(15)to the effect that大意是....主要内容是....(16)around the clock昼夜不停地(17)at one's wit's end无法可想,智穷计尽(18) in the twinkling of an eye一眨眼,转眼间(19)live from hand to mouth 勉强度日(20)none other that不是...正是...(21)in the vicinity of大约....(22)have a bearing on与...有关(23)on the impulse of凭....的冲动(24)equal stress on integrity and ability德才兼备(25)give incentive to鼓励....(26)bring vigor into输入活力(27)give sb the edge使某人如虎添翼(28)plunge into sth一头扎在... (29)get burned out筋疲力尽(30)hold true for适用于..(31)race against the clock争分夺秒(32)stand one's ground坚持立场(33)climber the career ladder为事业奋斗(34)reach a consensus达成一致(35)fall out of use 逐渐不使用(36)see eye to eye with sb与....看法一致(37)a spoiled brat宠坏的孩子(38)a black sheep败家子,惹祸精(39)lose sight of忽略,忘记(40)hold water合理,说得通(41)a case in point恰当的例子(42)bosomfriends心腹之交,知己(43)for better or worse不论好坏子(44)screen sb/sth out筛选出,淘汰(45)from all walks of life来自各行各业(46)put sth above sth重视....甚于....(47)a code of ethics道德准则(48)conjure up images of sth...使人想到.....(49)keep pace with sth 与....并驾齐驱(50)shake sth off摆脱...(51)fulfill one's potential实现某人的价值 (52)a rosy picture of sth对....美好的印象(53)build up expertise获得专业技术(54)sense of satisfaction成就感(55)a small price to pay微不足道的代价(56)put sb at a disadvantage使....处于劣势(57)a wide selection of sth各种各样地,广泛大量的的..(58)on the verge of sth在...的边缘(59)stumbling block绊脚石(60)tough nails坚强的人(61)inflict pain on..使....痛苦(62)socialize with sb与...交往(63)bend the rules改变原则,通融(64)weigh up the pros and cons权衡利弊(65)win-win situation双赢 (66)frown upon sth不赞成...(67)in a nutshell总而言之(68)a thorn in one's side眼中钉,肉中刺(69)dos and don'ts行为准则,须知(70)count oneself lucky自认幸运(71)shut sb out from...将....排除在外(72)take priority over比....优先(73)have the edge on.在...方面有优势(74)give oneself the edge 给予自己优势(75)save for a rainy day未雨绸缪(76)bridge the gap缩小差距(77)take the blame for为...承担责任(78)be a good bet 好法子(79)give it a shot尝试....(80)join the ranks of ...加入....的行列(81)be racked with ..备受...的折磨(82)a castle in the air海市蜃楼(83)bring ....into full play充分发挥...的作用(84)make clear an idea that弄清楚的是(85)alienate sb from...使某人疏远..(86)grin and bear it逆来顺受(87)cast light on有助于看清. (88)pluck up courage鼓起勇气(89)ally oneself with与....联合(90)back sb up支持某人 (91)talk sense言之有物(92)cost sb an arm and a leg非常昂贵(93)fair and square正大光明的(94)relieve sb of sth 使某人摆脱....(94)be under illusion that 误以为...(95)pin one's hope on 把希望寄托在....(96)add spice to sth为....增加趣味(97)have fantasy about sth对....抱有幻想(98)have a nodding acquaintance with 对....略知一二(99)keep on top of everything控制全局(100)eradicate defect根除缺陷(101)in all probalility十有八九(102)in defiance of 违抗...(103)on the threshold of在....的开始(104)in a manner of speaking在某种意义上说(105)be quite feasible in sth/doing sth在...方面行得通(106)become indulgent with sb纵容某人 (107)a chronic state of长期的(108)be hooked on对..着迷(109)come out of one's shell不再羞怯(110)ponder over深思.....(111)a vicious cycle恶性循环(112)not all doom and gloom并非一片黯淡break the shackle of convention打破传统的束缚(113)differentiate with区别于...(114)stand a betterchance of doing更有机会做.(115)translate into...转化为..(116)run with the crowd随波逐流(117)uncivilized barbarians未开化的野蛮人(118)be increasingly entangled in 越来越融入 (119)be inseparable to不可或缺的(120)on the increase正在增加,不断增长(121)procure ideal jobs得到理想的工作(121)be unfavourable to对...不利(122)be deprived of 被剥夺.. (123)be characterized by以...为特征(124)in the corporate world在商业界(125)get accustomed to习惯于,适用于 (126)temporary remedy暂时的补救办法(127)lay emphasis on 强调....(128)learn mountains of theories学习大量理论知识(129)to the detriment of 对...造成伤害 (130)the pyramid of higher learning will crumble高等教育的金字塔将轰然倒塌(131)give them an upper hand 使他们具有优势(132)in the vicissitudes of lives世事变迁 (133)reach saturation达到饱和状态(134)draw scant attention不受重视(135)get command of掌握(136)be vulnerable to 易于受到伤害的(137)get into the habit of frugality养成节俭的习惯(138)err in the same manner犯同样的错误(139)get away with the punishments逃脱惩罚(140)take into one's confidence向....吐露心声(141)avail every means to do sth利用一切手段做某事(142)in line with符合,跟...一致(143)rank top in their priorities处于优先处理的位置(144)transcend over temporal limitations 超越时代的界限(145)make complimentsto称赞(146)have an encyclopedic knowledge有丰富的知识(147)cultivate talents for our society为社会培养人才 (148)the underlying reason根本原因(149)find its expression in在....有所体现(150)tuition fees and living expenditure学费和生活费(151)mortage loans抵押贷款(152)impoverished college students贫困大学生(153)more often than not往往,多半(154)get hand in hand 密切合作 (155)a prevailing practice一个普遍的现象 (156)give up eating for choking因噎忘食(157)give due weight to 充分重视(158)endow sb sth使某人具有(好资质,能力等)(159)wage earners工薪阶层(160)in private私下(161)play a crucial role起关键作用(162)the domestic bliss天伦之乐(163)be conductive to导致,有助于..(164)lucrative opportunities赚钱的机会(165)the general public公众(166)domestic violence家庭暴力(167)fiscal and monetary policy财政和货币政策(168)intangible cultural heritage无形文化遗产(169)ward off避开,挡开(170)staunch defender忠实的守卫者(171)give sb a dose of their own medicine给某人应有的惩罚(172)gain celebrity overnight一夜成名(173)producer's myopia生产者的短视行为(174)reap immediate profits立刻获得利润(175)lay stress on experience强调工作经验(176)employee attrition rate人才流动率(177)in times of ups and downs在起伏波动的时候(178)wrapped by an aura of trustabletitles被各类头衔所包围(179)accumulate a system ofexpertise积累了系统的知识(180)fake specialists冒牌专家(181)give a fair shake给予公平待遇(182)under authorization of在....地授权之下(183)have intentions of evading taxes有意逃税(184)tax deductible可免税的(185)it is advisable to do....使明智的(186)from the perspective of 从...方面来看(187)arts and crafts 工艺(188)a time-honored brand一个历史悠久的品牌(189)extend the market share扩大市场份额(190)take the shine off黯然失色(191)pay one's way勉强维持(192)non-material cultural heritage非物质文化遗产(193)the intangible assets无形资产(194)on the move of an unprecedented speed 以前所未有的速度在前进(195)painstaking efforts辛苦的努力(196)by unscrupulous means不择手段(197)stand the test of time经受得住时间的考验(198)binary opposition二元对立(199)unshirkable responsiblity不可推卸的责任(200)rectify and regulate整顿和规范(201)down-to-earth务实的(202)act of omission不作为(203)teem with充满(204)surrender oneself to屈服于,投降于(205)succumble to屈服于(206)weigh sb down使某人疲惫不堪(207)medical practitioners医师(208)in the course of history在历史的长河中(209)casual relationship因果关系(210)earn meager salaries 赚取微薄的工资(211)speculate in 在...方面投机(212)fend for oneself照顾自己(213)per capita income 人均收入(214)cross cultural communication跨文化交流(215)a double-edged sword一把双刃剑(216)bustle and hustle熙熙攘攘(217)boost confidence and stimulate spending提升信心,刺激消费(218)pose threat to给...带来危险(219)get acquainted with 与....熟识(220)drive forward the economy拉动经济(221)last but not least最后但不是最不重要(222)market-oriented economy市场经济(223)get out of the shadow of 走出...的阴影(224)get stuck to依附...黏住(225)idle away time虚度光阴(226)bo of opinion认为(227)fish for fame and scrab money沽名钓誉(228)marked indication显著标志(229)thriving in prosperity兴旺发达(230)laws and regulations法律法规(231)big shot 有名的人物(232)interfere in打扰,影响..(233)an all-round reward全方位的收获(234)shape one's inclination塑造某人的爱好(235)self-fulfillment自我实现(236)interpersonal relationship人际关系(237)run contrary to与...相矛盾(238)anxiety-laden 忧心忡忡的(239)mental-handicapped弱智的(240)might-have-been outcome可能的后果(241)be driven to despair限于绝望(242)requisite preparation必要准备(243)give a careful consideration仔细考虑(244)stick to one's position坚守自己的岗位(245)develop one's potential to the full充分发挥某人的潜力(246)full of vimand vigor 充满活力(247)fall into one's concern引起关注(248)corrupted bureauerats 腐败的官僚(249)prone to易于...的(250)marvel at惊叹于..折服于...(251)pooling ideas from various channels集思广益(252)put ...at stake把...置于危险境地(253)ever-accelerating不断增加的 (254)give rise to引起,导致(255)deliiberate layout精心布局(256)not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 不以物喜,不以己悲(257)to foster the students' ability to study on their own培养学生自学能力(258)to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness 发挥学生的主动性和创造性(259)graduation dissertation毕业论文(260)annexed or forced out of business 被兼并或被挤掉(261)extramarital affairs婚外情(262)to be saddled with使负担(262)to unshackle/liberate/release the productive force 解放生产力(263)socialism redevelopment社会主义改造(264)strenuous exercise剧烈运动(265)domestic household chores家务(266)business recession经济衰退(267)stock exchange证券交易所(268)invigorate enterprises搞活企业(269)ruuning expenses 日常费用(270)cosmetic surgery整容手术(271)sanitary environment卫生环境(272)occupational disease职业病 (273)cellular radiation手机辐射(274)fitness/bodybuilding exercise健美操(275)extracurriculum activity 课外活动(276)optimize the teaching stuff优化教师队伍(277)have poor command of对..掌握ahead 不好(278)strike a balance between在...和...之间取得平衡(279)ahead of schedule 提前(280)spring up like mushroom如雨后春笋般涌现(281)launch a new reform 推行一项新的改革(282)enormous amount of controversy很大的争议(283)poverty-stricken families贫困家庭(284)beyond the boundaries of超出...的范围(285)become indulgent with纵容某人(286)go against the aim of 违背...的目的(287)hold a hostile attitude towards对...怀有敌意(288)with the advent of.随着...的到来(289)a case in point 一个恰当的例子(290)with theb acceleration of 随着...的加速(291)industrious and economical勤俭节约(292)brag...as ...自夸,吹嘘(293)swarm into涌入(294)its benefits overweigh the demerits优点大于缺点(295)far-reaching social significance深远的社会意义(296)be in a dilemma左右为难(297)vice versa反之亦然(298)with one's heartfelt sincerity非常诚挚地(299)go so far as to 竟然(300)in the neighborhood of在..附近,大约..。

(1)break the stalemate 打破僵局(2)be bound up with 与....联系在一起(3)be analogous to 与.....相似(4)on as daily basis 每天(5)be validated by 被..验证(6)it stands to reason that .....理所当然(7)be at peace with 与.....和睦相处(8)on the sly 偷偷地(9)in accordance with 根据.....(10)to the purpose 中肯地(11)of no avail 不起作用(12)boast of 吹嘘(13)be confronted with 面临......( 14) to sb's credit 使某人感到光荣(15)to the effect that 大意是....主要内容是. (16)around the clock 昼夜不停地(17)at one's wit's end 无法可想,智穷计尽 (18) in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间(19)live from hand to mouth 勉强度日(20)none other that 不是...正是...(21)in the vicinity of 大约....(22)have a bearing on 与...有关(23)on the impulse of 凭....的冲动(24)equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备(25)give incentive to 鼓励....(26)bring vigor into 输入活力(27)give sb the edge 使某人如虎添翼(28)plunge into sth 一头扎在... (29)get burned out 筋疲力尽(30)hold true for 适用于..(31)race against the clock 争分夺秒(32)stand one's ground 坚持立场(33)climber the career ladder 为事业奋斗(34)reach a consensus 达成一致(35)fall out of use 逐渐不使用(36)see eye to eye with sb 与....看法一致(37)a spoiled brat 宠坏的孩子(38)a black sheep 败家子,惹祸精(39)lose sight of 忽略,忘记(40)hold water 合理,说得通 (41)a case in point 恰当的例子 (42) bosom friends 心腹之交,知己(43)for better or worse 不论好坏子(44)screen sb/sth out 筛选出,淘汰 (45)from all walks of life 来自各行各业(46)put sth above sth 重视....甚于....(47) a code of ethics 道德准则(48)conjure up images of sth...使人想到.....(49)keep pace with sth 与....并驾齐驱(50)shake sth off 摆脱...(51)fulfill one's potential 实现某人的价值(52)a rosy picture of sth 对....美好的印象 (53)build up expertise 获得专业技术(54)sense of satisfaction 成就感(55)a small price to pay 微不足道的代价(56)put sb at a disadvantage 使....处于劣势(57)a wide selection of sth 各种各样地,广泛大量的的..(58)on the verge of sth 在...的边缘 (59) stumbling block 绊脚石(60)tough nails 坚强的人 (61)inflict pain on..使....痛苦(62)socialize with sb 与...交往(63)bend the rules 改变原则,通融(64)weigh up the pros and cons权衡利弊(65)win-win situation 双赢(66)frown upon sth 不赞成...(67)in a nutshell 总而言之(68)a thorn in one's side 眼中钉,肉中刺(69)dos and don'ts 行为准则,须知(70)count oneself lucky 自认幸运(71)shut sb out from...将....排除在外(72)take priority over 比....优先(73)have the edge on.在...方面有优势(74)give oneself the edge 给予自己优势(75)save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪(76)bridge the gap 缩小差距(77)take the blame for 为...承担责任(78)be a good bet 好法子(79)give it a shot 尝试....(80)join the ranks of ...加入....的行列(81)be racked with ..备受...的折磨(82)a castle in the air 海市蜃楼(83)bring ....into full play 充分发挥...的作用(84)make clear an idea that 弄清楚的是 (85)alienate sb from...使某人疏远 ..(86)grin and bear it 逆来顺受 (87) cast light on 有助于看清....(88)pluck up courage 鼓起勇气 (89)ally oneself with 与....联合 (90)back sb up 支持某人(91)talk sense言之有物 (92)cost sb an arm and a leg 非常昂贵(93)fair and square 正大光明的(94)relieve sb of sth 使某人摆脱....(94)be under illusion that 误以为...(95)pin one's hope on 把希望寄托在....(96)add spice to sth 为....增加趣味(97)have fantasy about sth 对....抱有幻想 (98)have a nodding acquaintance with 对....略知一二(99)keep on top of everything 控制全局(100)eradicate defect根除缺陷 (101)in all probalility 十有八九(102)in defiance of 违抗...(103)on the threshold of 在....的开始(104)in a manner of speaking 在某种意义上说 (105)be quite feasible in sth/doing sth 在...方面行得通(106)become indulgent with sb 纵容某人(107)a chronic state of 长期的(108)be hooked on 对..着迷(109)come out of one's shell 不再羞怯 (110)ponder over 深思.....(111)a vicious cycle 恶性循环(112)not all doom and gloom并非一片黯淡 break the shackle of convention 打破传统的束缚(113)differentiate with 区别于...(114)stand a better chance of doing 更有机会做.(115)translate into...转化为..(116)run with the crowd 随波逐流(117)uncivilized barbarians 未开化的野蛮人(118)be increasingly entangled in 越来越融入...(119)be inseparable to 不可或缺的 (120)on the increase 正在增加,不断增长(121)procure ideal jobs 得到理想的工作(121)be unfavourable to 对...不利(122)be deprived of 被剥夺.....(123)be characterized by 以...为特征(124)in the corporate world 在商业界(125)get accustomed to 习惯于,适用于(126)temporary remedy 暂时的补救办法 (127)lay emphasis on 强调....(128)learn mountains of theories 学习大量理论知识(129)to the detriment of 对...造成伤害(130)the pyramid of higher learning will crumble 高等教育的金字塔将轰然倒塌 (131)give them an upper hand 使他们具有优势(132)in the vicissitudes of lives 世事变迁(133)reach saturation 达到饱和状态(134)draw scant attention 不受重视(135)get command of 掌握(136)be vulnerable to 易于受到伤害的(137)get into the habit of frugality 养成节俭的习惯(138)err in the same manner犯同样的错误(139)get away with the punishments逃脱惩罚(140)take into one's confidence 向....吐露心声(141)avail every means to do sth 利用一切手段做某事(142)in line with 符合,跟...一致 (143)rank top in their priorities 处于优先处理的位置(144)transcend over temporal limitations 超越时代的界限(145)make compliments to 称赞(146)have an encyclopedic knowledge 有丰富的知识(147)cultivate talents for our society 为社会培养人才(148)the underlying reason 根本原因(149)find its expression in 在....有所体现 (150)tuition fees and living expenditure 学费和生活费(151)mortage loans 抵押贷款(152)impoverished college students 贫困大学生(153)more often than not 往往,多半(154)get hand in hand 密切合作(155)a prevailing practice 一个普遍的现象(156)give up eating for choking 因噎忘食(157)give due weight to 充分重视(158)endow sb sth 使某人具有(好资质,能力等)(159)wage earners 工薪阶层(160)in private 私下(161)play a crucial role 起关键作用(162)the domestic bliss 天伦之乐(163)be conductive to 导致,有助于..(164)lucrative opportunities 赚钱的机会(165)the general public 公众(166)domestic violence 家庭暴力 (167)fiscal and monetary policy 财政和货币政策(168)intangible cultural heritage 无形文化遗产(169)ward off 避开,挡开(170)staunch defender 忠实的守卫者(171)give sb a dose of their own medicine 给某人应有的惩罚(172)gain celebrity overnight 一夜成名(173)producer's myopia 生产者的短视行为(174)reap immediate profits 立刻获得利润(175)lay stress on experience 强调工作经验(176)employee attrition rate 人才流动率(177)in times of ups and downs 在起伏波动的时候(178)wrapped by an aura of trustable titles 被各类头衔所包围(179)accumulate a system of expertise 积累了系统的知识(180)fakespecialists 冒牌专家(181)give a fair shake 给予公平待遇(182)under authorization of 在....地授权之下(183)have intentions of evading taxes 有意逃税(184)tax deductible 可免税的(185)it is advisable to do....使明智的(186)from the perspective of 从...方面来看(187)arts and crafts 工艺(188)a time-honored brand 一个历史悠久的品牌(189)extend the market share 扩大市场份额(190)take the shine off 黯然失色(191)pay one's way 勉强维持(192)non-material cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产(193)the intangible assets 无形资产(194)on the move of an unprecedented speed 以前所未有的速度在前进(195)painstaking efforts 辛苦的努力(196)by unscrupulous means 不择手段 (197)stand the test of time 经受得住时间的考验(198)binary opposition 二元对立(199)unshirkable responsiblity 不可推卸的责任(200)rectify and regulate 整顿和规范(201)down-to-earth 务实的(202)act of omission 不作为(203)teem with 充满(204)surrender oneself to 屈服于,投降于(205)succumble to 屈服于(206)weigh sb down 使某人疲惫不堪(207)medical practitioners 医师(208)in the course of history 在历史的长河中(209)casual relationship 因果关系(210)earn meager salaries 赚取微薄的工资(211)speculate in 在...方面投机(212)fend for oneself 照顾自己(213)per capita income 人均收入 (214)cross cultural communication 跨文化交流(215)a double-edged sword 一把双刃剑(216)bustle and hustle 熙熙攘攘 (217)boost confidence and stimulate spending 提升信心,刺激消费(218)pose threat to 给...带来危险(219)get acquainted with 与....熟识(220)drive forward the economy 拉动经济(221)last but not least 最后但不是最不重要 (222)market-oriented economy 市场经济(223)get out of the shadow of 走出...的阴影(224)get stuck to 依附...黏住(225)idle away time 虚度光阴(226)bo of opinion 认为(227)fish for fame and scrab money 沽名钓誉(228)marked indication 显著标志(229)thriving in prosperity 兴旺发达(230)laws and regulations 法律法规(231)big shot 有名的人物(232)interfere in 打扰,影响..(233)an all-round reward 全方位的收获(234)shape one's inclination 塑造某人的爱好(235)self-fulfillment 自我实现(236)interpersonal relationship 人际关系(237)run contrary to 与...相矛盾(238)anxiety-laden 忧心忡忡的(239)mental-handicapped 弱智的(240)might-have-been outcome 可能的后果(241)be driven to despair限于绝望(242)requisite preparation 必要准备(243)give a careful consideration 仔细考虑(244)stick to one's position 坚守自己的岗位(245)develop one's potential to the full充分发挥某人的潜力(246)full of vim and vigor 充满活力(247)fall into one's concern 引起关注(248)corrupted bureauerats 腐败的官僚(249)prone to 易于...的(250)marvel at 惊叹于..折服于 (251)pooling ideas from various channels 集思广益(252)put ...at stake 把...置于危险境地(253)ever-accelerating 不断增加的(254)give rise to 引起,导致(255)deliiberate layout 精心布局(256)not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 不以物喜,不以己悲 (257)to foster the students'ability to study on their own 培养学生自学能力(258)to give scope to the students'initiative and creativeness 发挥学生的主动性和创造性(259)graduation dissertation 毕业论文(260)annexed or forced out of business 被兼并或被挤掉(261)extramarital affairs 婚外情(262)to be saddled with 使负担(262)to unshackle/liberate/release the productive force 解放生产力(263)socialism redevelopment 社会主义改造(264)strenuous exercise 剧烈运动 (265)domestic household chores 家务(266)business recession 经济衰退(267)stock exchange 证券交易所(268)invigorate enterprises 搞活企业(269)ruuning expenses 日常费用(270)cosmetic surgery 整容手术(271)sanitary environment 卫生环境(272)occupational disease 职业病(273)cellular radiation 手机辐射(274)fitness/bodybuilding exercise 健美操(275)extracurriculum activity 课外活动(276)optimize the teaching stuff 优化教师队伍(277)have poor command of 对..掌握ahead 不好(278)strike a balance between 在...和...之间取得平衡(279)ahead of schedule 提前(280)spring up like mushroom 如雨后春笋般涌现(281)launch a new reform 推行一项新的改革(282)enormous amount of controversy 很大的争议(283)poverty-stricken families 贫困家庭(284)beyond the boundaries of 超出...的范围(285)become indulgent with 纵容某人(286)go against the aim of 违背...的目的(287)hold a hostile attitude towards 对...怀有敌意(288)with the advent of .随着...的到来(289)a case in point 一个恰当的例子(290)with theb acceleration of 随着...的加速(291)industrious and economical 勤俭节约(292)brag...as ...自夸,吹嘘(293)swarm into 涌入(294)its benefits overweigh the demerits 优点大于缺点(295)far-reaching social significance 深远的社会意义(296)be in a dilemma 左右为难(297)vice versa 反之亦然(298)with one's heartfelt sincerity 非常诚挚地(299)go so far as to 竟然(300)in the neighborhood of 在..附近,大约..。

阅读,改错和翻译中出现的超高频词组,非背不可1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey) 忠于;遵守。
2. be abse nt from •缺席,不在3. abse nee or min d(=be ing abse nt-min ded) 心不在焉4. absorb(=take up the attention of) 吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; befocused on ; be cen tered on5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6. access(to)( 不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7. by accident(=by chanee, accidentally) 偶然地,意夕卜.Without accident(=safely)安全地,8. of one ' s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one ' s accord with同….不一致10. with one accord (=with everybody agree ing) —致地11. in accordanee with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12. on one ' s own account1) 为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2) (=at one ' s own risk)自行负责3) (=by on eself) 依靠自己on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account 不论什么原因也不;of…account 有…..重要性.13. take …into account(=consider) 把...考虑进去14. give sb. an account of 说明,解释(理由)15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释,说明.16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason) 绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18. accuse …of …(=charge …with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb.;complain about) 指控,控告19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of,20. be acqua in ted with(=to have kno wledge of) 熟悉21. act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;22. adapt on eself to(=adjust on eself to)23. adapt …(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 要)24. in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之be used to) 习惯于.了解;(=to have met socially)act for代理使自己适应于改编,改写(以适应新的需除…外25. in additi on to(=as well as, besides, other tha n)26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cli ng to, in sist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附;坚持, 遵循27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的,临近的28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly) 调节; 适应 ;29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有 …的余地.30. in advance (before in time) 预告 , 事先 . 31. to advantage 有利的 ,使优点更加突出地 .32. have an advantage over胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb. 知道某人所不知道的事33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness) 利用 . 34. agree with 赞同 (某人意见 ) agree to 同意 35. in agreement (with) 同意 , 一致36. ahead of在…之前 , 超过… ; …………….ahead of time 提前.37. in the air 1) 不肯定 , 不具体 . 2) 在谣传中 . 38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是 , 最重要的 .39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共 , 总计40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不 ;all at once(=suddenly) 突然 ; once and for all 只此一次 ; above all 最重要的 ; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说 ; be all in 累极了 ; all but 几乎 .41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到 , 估计到 .42. amount to (=to be equal to)总计 , 等于 .43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.适合 ,符合. 为…焦急不安 ; 或 anxious for为…向…道歉 为某事向某人呼吁 . appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力为…向…申请 ; apply for 申请; apply to 适用.49. apply to 与…有关;适用50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成 , approve vt. 批准51. arise from(=be caused by) 52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 53. arrive on 到达 ; arrive at 方);54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of 羞耻55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 信. 56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join)缚, 系 ,结57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…58. attend to (=give one ' s attention, care and thought) 注意,照顾;attendon(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候 ,照料59. attitude to/ toward 对……的态度 .看法60. attribute… to … (=to believe sth. to be the result of44. answer to (=conform to) 45. be anxious about 46. apologize to sb. for sth. 47. appeal to sb. for sth. 48. apply to sb. for sth.由…引起 .安排…做…到达某地 (小地方 );得出 ,作出;arrive in 到达某地 (大地sth. done) 以…为向…保证, 使…确把..归因于..,…认为..是..的结果61. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness) 意识 到,知道. 63. at the back of (=behi nd)在…后面64. in the back of 在…后部(里面);on the back of 在…后部(外面);be on one ' sback(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起 .65. at one ' s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one ' s back有… 支持, 有…作后台66. turn one ' s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬 ( 某人),背弃 ,抛弃67. behind one ' s ba 背着某人(说坏话) 68. be based on / upon 基于69. on the basis of 根据 … , 在…基础上 70. beat … at 在… 运动项目上打赢71. begin with 以…开始 . to begin with (=first of all)72. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以… 名义 73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信 ,依赖,信仰.受益 ,得到好处 . 为了 … 的利益 ( 好处 ) 好转 77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败 , 胜过.78. by birth 在出生上 ,论出身 ,按血统 at birth 在出生时 ; give birth to 出生79. blame sb. for sth. 因 …责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把… 推在某人身上80. in blossom 开花 ( 指树木 ) be in blossom 开花 ( 强调状态 ) come into blossom 开花 ( 强调动作 ) 81. on board 到船上 , 在船上 , 上火车或飞机 82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘83. out of breath 喘不过气来84. in brief(=in as few words as possible) 简言之85. in bulk 成批地 , 不散装的 86. take the floor 起立发言 87. on business 出差办事 .88. be busy with sth. 于某事。

English英语专八学习复习资料英语专八高频词组地道搭配1800个01 (主动)责骂某人to call sb down02 以某人为榜样学习to take after one’s example03 视某事为最重要的事to place sth ahead of anything else04 视某事为最重要的事to put sth first05 开夜车to burn the midnight oil06 贫困生financially-strapped students07 经济中心economic hub08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场to stand my ground09 坚持自己的立场to stick to my guns10 非常关心give all my concern to sth11 沉溺于酗酒be enslaved to drinking12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp13 狼吞虎咽to gulp down sth14 厌倦to sicken of sth/doing sth15 智勇双全to combine wisdom with courage16 土崩瓦解to fall to pieces17 土崩瓦解to go to pieces18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)19 知识来自于实践knowledge starts with practice20 汲取知识to come by knowledge21 泄露秘密to leak out secrets22 未经允许without permission23 (事情)发生come about24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb25 以……为代价at the expense of sth26 以……为代价at the cost of sth27 以……为代价at the price of sth28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children30 花钱/时间在某人身上to expend time/money on sb31 松了口气to exhale in relief32 松了口气to breathe a sigh of relief33 排放废气to give off exhaust34 废气exhaust fumes35 给某人带来伤害to cause much damage to sb/sth36使某人遭到不幸bring sb to grief37 (主动)遭到不幸come to grief38 被责骂be taken to task39 在……的背景下against the backdrop of sth40 在……的背景下sth is set exactly against this background41 炸毁某物to blow up sth42 故意破坏的行为an act of sabotage43 吸引人们to enthrall the minds of people 44 卷入get entangled in sth45 陷入get embroiled in sth46 接着……发生to ensue from sth47 下一年the ensuing year48 沉溺于坏习惯be enslaved to a bad habit49非常关心某事sth is of great concern to me50 抚养孩子长大to bring up children51 在蜜罐中长大be brought up in a honey jar52(艰辛地)找工作to pick up a job53 到处,四处here and there54 把重点放在to place weight on sth55 精神支柱spiritual pillar56 昂扬的斗志high-spirited57 顽强的毅力firmly-determined58 为祖国争得荣誉to win honors for our country59 站起来to raise to one's feet60(费劲地)站起来to struggle to one's feet61 交叉双臂to fold one's arms62 双手抚脸to put one's palms on one's cheek63 摸下巴to rub one's chin64 耸肩to shrug one's shoulders65 电影特写movie close-up66 电影卖座This movie is a big draw at the box office67 故事片feature film68 电影首映movie premiere69 电影发烧友movie zealot70 戒烟to quit smoking71 戒烟to abstain from cigarettes72 戒烟to lay off smoking73 戒毒to quit drugs74 戒毒to quit taking drugs75 戒毒to get off drugs76 接触其他文化get into touch with other cultures77 掠夺他国资源to plunder a country of its resources78 一流的设施state-of-the-art facilities79 勉强及格to scrape through an exam80 侦探小说whodunit = detective novels/stories81 和……相冲be offensive to……82 把……考虑进来to take sth into consideration83把……考虑进来to take sth into full account84 进一步思索、考虑on second thought85 是恰当的示例be a good case in point86 明显特征a striking feature87 毫不夸张without exaggeration88 开拓眼界to expand one’s mind89 开拓视野to broaden one’s mind90 微笑是一个人最好的名片one’s smile is the best name card of sb91 传承精神to carry forward the spirit of sth92 侵害名誉to jeopardize one’s reputation93 服用兴奋剂to take stimulants94 性骚扰sexual harassment95 时尚圈vogue/fashion world96 一时时尚a passing vogue97 一时热潮a passing fad98 进行严厉处罚to impose serious penalties99 值得称赞to deserve commendation100 广泛认同be widely endorsed101 不足之处defect = drawback102 经济平稳发展sound economic growth103 假药shoddy medicine104 假药bogus medicine105 假证件forged document106 声名狼藉to have ill fame107 声名狼藉be of ill-repute108 黄金时段节目prime-time TV program109 大腕top notch110 谐星comic star111 快速瞥了一眼to catch a brief glimpse of sth112 偷瞄to cast covert glances at sth113 受欢迎be well-received114 受欢迎to receive a warm welcome115 受到热情招待to receive a hearty reception116 矢志不渝undying loyalty117 早恋to have premature love affairs118 以自我为中心的be self-centered119 误入歧途(主动)to go astray120 把某人引向歧途to lead sb astray121 没有养成自觉性not to attain initiative122 渐渐摧毁孩子的一生to ruin the child for life123 流露自卑情绪to show a sense of inferiority124 有自卑情结have an inferiority complex125 十分忧虑(某物,如考试)to show great concern over sth126 倾心交谈to have heart-to-heart chats with sb127 性侵犯sexual assault128 对某人期望过高to expect too much of sb129 明智的父母judicious parents130 对……沮丧be despondent about sth131 为了某事向某人表示感谢to express my gratitude to sb for sth132 不理睬to shrug off sth133 牢牢抓住机会to snatch at a chance134 抓住机会to jump at a chance135 一怒之下in a fit of rage136过严的家教too rigid parental cultivation137 对……一视同仁to treat sth alike138 对……漠不关心be neglectful of sth 139 对……漠不关心be indifferent to sth140 控制不住to have no control over sth141 把……控制住to bring sth under control142 管不住be beyond one’s control143 大饱眼福to feast one’s eyes on sth144 促成逆反行为to foster rebellion acts145 改正坏习惯to cure sb of a bad habit146 花钱大手大脚to spend money like water147 花钱无度be spendthrift148 供上大学to send children to college149 节省开支to skimp on expenditures150 帮助某人摆脱(困境)to help sb out of sth151 财务困境financial predicament152 楷模role model153 树立良好榜样to present a good role model for sb 154 树立良好榜样to set a good example to sb155 老年人(总称)the elders156 向某人指教to turn to sb for guidance157 展现良好品质to practice a good virtue of sth158 孝顺父母be filial to parents159 一丝希望a gleam of hope160 一线希望a glimmer of hope161 微小的希望(几乎不可能)a slender hope161 工作前景job prospects162 使……居于次要地位to subordinate A to B163 自吹自擂to blow on e’s own horn164 自夸to blow one’s own trumpet165 摆架子to put on airs166 逃学to play truant167 白手起家to make money starting from scratch168 怀疑be skeptical about sth169 争权to scramble for power170 如期举行be held as scheduled171 非常喜欢be partial to sth172 偏袒,有倾向be partial towards sth173 跟上步伐to keep pace with sth174 跟上步伐to keep abreast of sth175 对……持乐观态度be optimistic about sth176 妨碍司法公正to obstruct justice177 妨碍司法公正to pervert the course of justice178 鉴于in the light of sth179 自由at liberty180 解放,释放(如压力,痛苦等)to liberate sb from sth 181 解放to emancipate sb from sth182 空暇时间at one’s leasure183 普遍持有的观点a widely-held perspective on sth 184 间隔长(两者间)at long intervals185 间隔短,经常,时常at short intervals186 推动,激励to give an impulse to sth187 虚度光阴to idle away time188 虚度光阴to dawdle away time189 无所事事to loiter away time190 热闹,繁华hustle and bustle191 让位(本意)to take a back seat to sth192 让位(引申)to give way to sth193 缓解焦虑to ease anxiety about sth194 永久和平durable peace195 沉闷as dull as ditchwater196 被怀疑中sth is in doubt197 无疑be beyond doubt198 国外产品foreign-made products199 本土品牌domestic brands200 与某人狼狈为奸to work hand in glove with sb201 指点某人to enlighten sb on sth202 当今社会present-day society203 持有积极的角度看问题look at sth from a positive perspective/angle204 生活水平living standards of people205 设计自己的人生轨道to chart our course of our lives 206 收获成果to come to fruition207 把辛勤的劳动换成了累累硕果to bring sth to fruition208 每况愈下be on the ebb209 每况愈下be on the decline210 每况愈下be on the wane211 派上用场to come in handy212 无法逾越的困难an insuperable difficult213 咬紧牙关to grit one’s teeth214 心痛欲绝to grieve over sth215 伤心做某事to grieve to do sth216 掌握本质要点to grasp one’s essentials217 生某人气be furious with sb at sth218 向……皱眉头to frown at sb219 对……不满意to frown on sth220 丝毫不考虑without giving any thought for sth221 根除贫困to eradicate poverty from the world222 在视线中消失to vanish from sight223 消失to vanish like a bubble224 消失to vanish into the void225 天生就有(某种才华)be endowed with sth226 被崇高的精神鼓舞be animated by a lofty spirit227 使努力白费to make efforts go down the drain228 容易接受be receptive to sb229 偏离to diverge from sth230 书本中汲取的知识knowledge distilled from books 231 存在come into existence232 分歧to dissent from sth233 使……陷入混乱to throw sth into disorder 234 在……之后发生in the wake of sth235 对……失望be disillusioned with sth236 对……不抱期望be disenchanted with sth237 优点和缺点upside and downside238 补上落下的课业to make up the lost study239 一把双刃剑a double-edged sword240 记忆的片段memory extracts241 来回挪步to pace back and forth242 没有片刻停歇without minute s’ pause243 没有停顿without a pause244 溜走了(如机会)to slip away245 悲伤和高兴的交融 a mixture of sadness and happiness246 迷茫be in a daze247 挖掘价值to dig out value248 战胜困难to surmount difficulties249 孩子成长的阶段during child’s formative years250 生命内在的真谛the hidden truth of life251 瘫痪(如交通)a complete standstill252 与……相结合be aligned with sth253 面对in the face of sth254 收获to reap benefits255 中心in the center of sth256 仔细琢磨to brood on sth257 细想to ponder on sth258 仔细考虑to chew on/over sth259 大批的人the great bulk of people260 瘫痪(动词)(如交通)to come to a standstill261 现代生活modern living262 学习的各方面every facet of study263 快消失殆尽,渐渐消失be a dying breed264 老年人的圈子the domain of the older generation 265 大规模in a big way266 多才多艺versatile people267 快速增长的人口the burgeoning human population 268 迫切的需求crying demands/needs for sth269 野生动物栖息地wildlife habitat area270 濒临灭绝的物种endangered species271 更好地理解to gain a better understanding of sth 272 瞻性的决策proactive decisions273 使用法律手段to implement legislation274 安排轻重缓急to sort out priorities275 心理健康mental health276 尽最大努力to go to great lengths to do sth277 竭尽全力to go all out to do sth278 尽某人最大努力to go out of one’s way to do sth 279 嫉妒be jealous of sth280 钦慕(更带有羡慕感,而不是嫉妒)be envious of sth 281 丰富的工作经验a wealth of experience282 按各自的职业轨道发展to proceed along one’s own career path283 开明的态度an open-minded attitude284 分配任务to allocate tasks to sb285 明确的目标a defined goal286 明确的职责well-defined responsibilities287 共同努力a coordinated effort288 共同努力a joint effort289 与某人相处融洽to get along with sb290 提出不同的观点to think out of the box291 总体而言as a whole292 总体上on the whole293 因……而筋疲力尽be exhausted with sth294 融入(如朋友圈子,工作环境)to fit into sth295融入to fit in with sth296 工作体系work regime297 实战的工作经验(强调不是纸上谈兵)hands-on working experience298 无经验的学生unskilled and inexperienced students 299 不断更新的信息up-to-date information300 不断更新be kept up to date301 从一开始at the start302 筋疲力尽to exhaust all one’s energy303 加分to chalk up marks304 将有的进步prospective progress305 ……的本质at the heart of sth306 一去不复返be gone once and for all307 用……的语调in…terms308 控制to place restrictions on sth309 被局限于某地be confined to sp310 受限做某事be restricted to doing sth311 映入眼帘to come into sight312 引起注意to come into notice313 大相径庭a drastic departure from sth314 尽全力to go all out to do sth315 义不容辞be incumbent upon sb to do sth316 洒满阳光be flooded with sunshine317 很大程度a great deal318 清醒to sober up319 接连不断to do sth at a stretch320 欣喜若狂to go into raptures321 撤离be evacuated from sp322 反对(某人)to turn against sb323 反抗(某人)to react against sb324 置身事外to remain aloof from sth325 写下、记下be set down326 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth327 注入新活力to inject new vigor into sth328 打基础to pave the way for sth 329 随着时间的流逝with the passage of time330 一时幸运a stroke of fortune331 使某人思考sth sets sb thinking that…332 按原计划to go as planned333 摆脱瓶颈to break through a bottleneck334 升职中与工作能力无关的困难、障碍the glass ceiling335 古往今来down through the ages336 旨在be aimed at sth337 以……为目标be targeted at sth338 以……为方向be oriented towards sth339 怂恿某人做某事to entice sb into doing sth340 诱使某人不做某事to entice sb away from sth341 有争议的话题a controversial subject342 有争议的话题a contentious subject343 把……放在首位to put sth in the forefront of sth 344 体育场馆sporting venue345 大气污染atmospheric pollution346 副作用side effects347 逆境adverse circumstances348 模仿某人行为、动作to emulate actions of sb349 毫不相关be completely divorced from sth350 肆无忌惮的攻击unscrupulous attachs351 歪曲的事实distorted facts352 设定限制to set a limit to sth353 没有限制there be no limits to sth354 等同于amount to355 跳槽job-hopping356 底层at the bottom357 底层on the ground floor358 学会窍门to learn the ropes359 大公司里的小职员a small fish in a big pond360 假文凭fake diplomas361 有利可图的行业a lucrative business362 回忆过去to review the past363 妨碍to get in the way of sth364 养成习惯to get in the habit of sth365 培养习惯to cultivate the habit of sth366 闷闷不乐to have a blue moment367 做出牺牲to make sacrifices368 完全不一致be radically different from sth369 被赐予sb is blessed with sth370 退位to step down371 退位to step aside372 某人无法控制be beyond one’s grasp373 被某物玷污be stained with sth374 蚀刻be etched with sth375 战胜困难to triumph over difficulties376 崭新开始to make a brand-new start377 声名远扬to have a solid reputation378 一片混乱to get messy379 逐步on a minute-by-minute basis380 残疾和不幸disabilities and adversities381 适当的be apposite to sth382 仔细琢磨to reflect on sth383 是……的反映a reflection of sth384 心里总想着to brood over sth385 热切渴望to have a feverish desire to do sth386 对音乐有很高的鉴赏能力to have an exquisite ear for music387 鬼鬼祟祟on the sly388 成天做某事be glued to sth389 适应于be geared to sth390 与国际接轨to gear sth to the international conventions391 丰富be rich in sth392 丰富be abundant in sth393 痛苦的回忆traumatic memories394 听得入迷be held spellbound by sth395 石油储量oil reserves396 学术造诣academic prowess397 专心从事to immerse oneself in sth398(声音)回荡to resonate through sp399 扑灭大火to put out the big fire400 盛情款待a rapturous reception401 对某物惊叹to marvel at sth402 口才great oratory403 鼓起勇气to take courage404 冒险to take risks405 不屈不挠to have indomitable courage406 巡查to make rounds407 支持某人to prop sb up408 接受to come to accept sth409 一扫而去be swept away410 务实be down to earth411 务实with a pragmatic attitude412 看见to set one’s eyes on sth413 贫困地区poverty-stricken areas414 残酷的现实the harsh reality415 合拍be in tune with sth416 难以形容的美丽indescribable beauty417 很难形容to defy simple description418 下苦功夫painstaking efforts419 出风头in the limelight420 出风头、耀眼to sparkle in the spotlight421 启发式的教育heuristic education422 应试教育exam-oriented education423 首屈一指be second to none 424 使某人筋疲力尽to wear sb out425 使某人筋疲力尽to tire sb out426 经常as often as not427 市场more often than not428 挡道to block the way429 踏脚石a stepping stone430 冲击波to send a shock wave through sp431 相反to the contrary432 被消除be removed from sth433 以……扬名be renowned for sth434 消除念头to get sth out of your head435 在某人身边打转to hover round sb436 接手任务to take over duties437 使某人精神振奋to buck sb up438 通往成功的路on the road to success439 洋溢着兴奋to sparkle with happiness440 时尚be in vogue441 时尚be in fashion442 开始时尚to come into fashion443 开始时尚to come into vogue444 不流行to go out of style445 不流行to go out of vogue446 不流行to go out of fashion447 限制做某事be confined to doing sth448 回想to throw my mind back to sth449 平淡的生活pedestrian life450 非常be nothing but 加形容词451 日常工作daily routine452 为自己说话to speak up for oneself453 畏缩不敢做某事to shrink from doing sth454 受挫to set backs455 使某人受挫to set sb back456 用尽耐心to exhaust one’s patience457 与其说A,还不如说B be not so much B as A 458 日新月异ever-changing459 盛情邀请gracious invitation460 亮点a high point461 赋予信念be armed with faith462 合资企业joint venture463 举世闻名world-renowned464 结出累累硕果to yield more fruits465 敬意to have a regard for sth466 知识基础经济knowledge-based economy467 源远流长can be traced back to the ancient times 468 瑰宝a gem of sth469 双重任务dual tasks470 全方位multi-directional471 宽领域wide-ranging472 宽领域in a wide range of areas473 研究型教育research-interrelated education474 一批a flow of sb475 不受约束的思想uninhibited minds476 探索前沿on the frontier of discovery477 多层次知识结构multi-level knowledge formation 478 对外开放opening-up479 自改革开放以来since China’s policies of reform and opening-up480 在改革开放政策下under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world481 不谋而合to coincide with sth482 第一位be given top priority483 最忙碌的时候at the busiest time484 着迷to captivate one’s eyes485 被广为流传to enjoy popularity on everybody’s lips 486 尽力自己的一份力to do one’s bit for sth487 光荣榜on the honor list488 年轻时in youth489 年老时in old age490 应尽的义务bounden duty491 简单来说to put in simple terms492 简短来说to put it bluntly493 简单来说in simple words494 鼓起勇气to pluck up courage495 岁月如梭to flash past496 光阴流逝to go like a flash497 靠自己立足to stand on one’s own two feet498 就……进行磋商to exchange notes on sth499 交换看法to exchange views on sth500 自暴自弃self-defeating501 就国际范围来说on an international scale502 引起共鸣to strike a responsive chord with sb503 内心深处in the heart of me504 普及性的教育活动massive educational campaign 505 满足欲望to gratify one’s thirst for sth506 满足欲望to quench one’s thirst for sth507 吐露心声to give voice to sth508 多余的要求superfluous requirements509 绊脚石a stumbling block to sth510 社会动荡social upheavals511 使……结束to put an end to sth512 结束to come to an end513 结束to come to a close514 结束to draw to a close515 承担工作to take on work516 心甘情愿with a good grace517 不情愿with a bad grace518 未达到标准be below standard519 缺乏be devoid of sth 520 吹毛求疵be scrupulous about sth521 马马虎虎be slipshod in sth522 职业观念professional sense523 酿成悲剧to breed a tragedy524 弘扬民族文化to propagate national culture525 感情用事to give way to feelings526 逃避责任to evade duties527 和平共处to coexist in peace528 扫除障碍to sweep away obstacles529 随着……的到来with the advent of sth530 顺应时代潮流to go with the current of the times 531 邻国neighboring countries532 伸出援手to rally round533 领域on the realm of sth534 弄清楚to shed light on sth535 逐步自信起来to come out of one’s shell536 带领某人逐步成长、自信to bring sb out of one’s shell537 转移注意力to shift attention to sth538 集中注意力于to fix attention on sth539 打草稿to sketch out sth540 具体的detailed (形容词)541 抽空to take the time off one’s schedule542 运道而来to come here all the way from sp543 庆祝in celebration of sth544 总经理General Manager545 尽情地to one’s heart’s content546 在……之际on the occasion of sth547 在……之际on the point of sth548 对……精通proficiency in sth549 阐述to amplify on sth550 阐述to elaborate on sth551 改过自新to mend one’s ways552 饱和be saturated with sth553 内疚to have a guilty conscience554 心无愧疚to have a clear conscience555 消除隔阂to bridge the gap between A and B556 消除隔阂to narrow the gap between A and B557 扩大隔阂to widen the gap between A and B558 严重缺乏to have an acute shortage of sth559 智穷计尽at one’s wits’ end560 花心思to sharpen up one’s wits561 背后捅刀to give sb a stab in the back562 悬而未决be up in the air563 产生效益to pay dividends564 就……而论in the matter of sth565就……而论in the case of sth566 千方百计by fair means of foul567 不择手段by hook or crook568 受疾病折磨be afflicted with diseases569 脱口而出to blurt out sth570 泪水使双眼模糊eyes were blurred with tears 571 引起共鸣to find an echo in one’s heart572 国有企业state-owned enterprises573 在节日的前一晚on the eve of sth574 毫无例外without exception575 对……施加影响to exert an influence on sb576 全校师生the students and faculty577 致命打击a fatal blow to sb578 致命打击a mortal blow to sb579 提供反馈to give feedback on sth580 想象力丰富a fertile mind581 发财make a fortune582 由政府资助的government-funded583 禁止某人做某事to prohibit sb from doing sth 584 禁止to lay a ban on sth585 从这个意义上来说in this regard586 推动发展to push forward development587 社会各界from various circles588 表示热烈欢迎to extend warm welcome to sth 589 极慢地be at a snail’s pace590 脱离困境to let sb off the hook591 把某人列为to rank sb as …592 解除某人忧虑to take a load off one’s mind593 解除某人忧虑to take a weight off one’s mind 594 一辈子、人的一生from the cradle to the grave 595 优待to discriminate in favor of sb596 恶劣对待to discriminate against sb597 职业by profession 如:be a doctor by profession 598 在青春年华时in the prime of one’s age599 验证to put sth to the proof600 因……而高度赞扬to sing high praise for sth 601 豪侠英雄chivalrous heroes602 不言而喻it goes without saying that …603 被进一步加剧be further aggravated by sth604 留下深刻印象be engraved on one’s memory 605 避而不谈to draw a veil over sth606 同理by the same token607 在职期间in the saddle608 唤起某人to awaken sb to sth609 听其自然to let things slide610 继续存留to linger on sth611 性情温和的even-tempered612 为了……进行鼓动to agitate for sth613 为反对……进行鼓吹to agitate against sth614 开夜车to stay up late615 令人毛骨悚然的spine-chilling (a.)616令人毛骨悚然的hair-raising (a.) 617 一时冲动on the spur of the moment618一时冲动on impulse619 取得很大的进步to make great strides in doing sth 620 是对……的补充be a supplement to sth621 对A加以补充B to supplement A with B622 非常重要be of supreme importance623 满腔自豪be swollen with pride624 削减预算to trim the budget625 减轻负担to lessen the burdens on sb626 绞尽脑汁to rack one’s brains627 一大清早at the crack of dawn628 共同商量to take counsel with sb629 一言不发to button one’s lips630 负担落在了某人身上the burden of sth rests with sb 631 崭新的brand-new (a.)632 某人自己独特的幽默感one’s own brand of humor 633 满心欢喜Joy filled one’s breast.634 突飞猛进地by leaps and bounds635 三思而后行Look before you leap.636 鼓舞士气to boost one’s spirits637 多面手an all-round man638 多面手all-rounder639 自夸to boast of/about sth640 自夸to brag about sth641 亚太地区in the Asia-Pacific Region642 古老灿烂的文明 a long tradition of brilliant civilization643 促进学术交流to facilitate academic exchanges644 从而in turn645 提出更高要求to place higher expectations on sb 646 由政府承担be undertaken by government647 承担更大的责任to shoulder greater responsibilities 648 积累经验to accumulate experience649 值得借鉴to merit reference650 在此领域in this regard651 双赢态势win-win scenario652 上台发言to take the floor653 一致通过unanimous approval654 全面的all-dimensional655 全面的well-rounded656 凸显的问题salient problems657 重视to attach great importance to sth658 保存完好well-preserved659 出土文物unearthed cultural relics660 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites661 最低价floor price662 最低价rock-bottom price663 自然景观natural settings and tourist sites664 旅游景点tourist spots665 事后看来in retrospect666 发泄to give vent to sth667 向某人发泄怒气to vent one’s anger on sb668 重视to set store by sth669 免于be immune from sth670 保持联系to keep track of sth671 失去联系to lose track of sth672 展望未来to look into the future673 宣布开幕to declare the commencement of sth674 宣布闭幕to declare the conclusion of sth675 回顾过去to look back on the past676 消愁to chase one’s gloom away677 使某人情绪低落to cast a gloom over sb678 使某人意志消沉to cast a cloud over sb679 病愈to get over one’s illness680 高发病率a high incidence of illness681 与……相融洽be compatible with sth682 激励某人be an inspiration to sb683 获得灵感to draw an inspiration from sth684 如上所述as mentioned above685 对……吹毛求疵to find fault with sth686 为……做准备to make provision for sth687 容忍to put up with sth688 寻求in pursuit of sth689寻求in search of sth690寻求in quest of sth691 乘火车by rail692 抢劫to rob sb of sth693 打击to crack down on sth694 公费旅游to go traveling at public expense695 旅游黄金周golden week for tourism696 高度自治权a high degree of autonomy697 引起关注to arouse attention698 艺术团an art ensemble699 反之亦然and vice versa700 全社会all sectors of society701 值得be worthy of sth702 值得be worth doing sth (含被动)703 渴望to yearn for sth704 满载货物的fully-loaded (a.)705 枯萎to wither away706 希望落空All her hopes withered away.707 目击be an witness to sth708 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm. 709 适应to adjust oneself to sth710 小声说着be speaking in a whisper711 消除贫穷to wipe out poverty712 还清债务to pay off all one’s debts713 减肥to lose weight 714 增肥to put on weight715 警告某人做某事to warn sb of sth716 警告某人做某事to caution sb to do sth717 引起回忆to trigger memories718 自愿be of one’s own volition719 自愿be of one’s own accord720 易受……的伤害be vulnerable to sth721 容易让某人受到伤害to put sb in a vulnerable position722 由于by virtue of sth723 由于……的作用through the agency of sth724 加强政治联系to strengthen political ties725 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth726 不入虎穴焉得虎子Nothing ventured, nothing gained.727 看不起to look down on sth728 敬仰to look up to sth729 腾出空位to vacate one’s seats730 双边关系bilateral relations731 迫使某人离开某地to uproot sb from sp732 激励某人to urge sb on733 激励某人努力学习to spur sb up to one’s study734 徒劳to no avail735 徒劳be of no effort736 统一支离破碎的国家to unify fractured country 737 揭开秘密to unlock secret738 幻想破灭to have no illusions about sth739 使幻想破灭to smash illusions740 误以为be under the illusion that …741 误以为be under the delusion that …742 丢掉幻想to cast aside illusions743 设定最终目标to set oneself an ultimate goal of sth 744 北京残奥会Beijing Paralympics745 弯弯曲曲twists and turns746 降低to lower down sth747 弯曲真相to twist the truth748 干扰思想to cloud one’s mind749 使尽浑身解数to try every trick in the book750 哄骗to trick sb into doing sth751 随便对待某人to trifle with sb752 琐事trifle matters753 吵架to argue with sb about sth754 药物治疗to treat sb with drugs755 不友好的眼神icy stare756 热烈欢迎to welcome sb with open arms757 故意忽视to give sb the cold shoulder758 拒绝提供帮助to turn one’s back on sb759 拒绝帮助to turn one’s nose up at sb760 影响to impinge on sth761 引人入胜的故事an intriguing story762 热烈的掌声tumultuous applause763 老掉牙的歌曲banal songs764 陈腐的思想stale ideas765 使某物呈现于脑海to conjure up sth766(声音)回荡于某地to reverberate across (the valley) 767(地方)回荡着某种声音to resonate with sth768(地方)回荡着某种声音to reverberate with sth 769 与某人争吵to tangle with sb770 逐渐削减to taper off771 揍某人to tan one’s hide772 将信息泄露给某人to betray information to sb773 助学金financial aids774 拿助学金的学生a grant-aided student775 怀疑be suspicious of sth776 维持生命to sustain life777 蜂拥而来的信件a swarm of letters778 蜂拥而来to swarm with sb/sth779 改变思维方式to sway one’s way of thinking780 性传播疾病sexually-transmitted disease781 将……传播给…… be transmitted to sth782 提高意识to raise awareness of sth783 改变生活方式to transform one’s lives784 拐弯抹角的解释tortuous explanation785 阻挠计划to thwart plans786(汽车)全速前进at full tilt787 为……祝酒to propose a toast with sb to sth788 对……怀恨在心to bear a grudge against sb/sth789 冰释前嫌with a thaw in one’s old grudges790 胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cell791(比赛中)遭到重创be thrashed (in a game)792 对……造成威胁to pose a threat to sth793 学期考试a terminal exam794 取笑to tease about sth795 充满be teeming with sth796 心情好be in a good temper797 心情差be in a bad temper798 忍住脾气to keep one’s temper799 发怒to get into a temper800 发怒to lose one’s temper801 资金投入a cash injection802 西部地区in the west803 大片温带雨林a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 804 早已预料到的事a foregone conclusion805 确凿的证据tangible proof806 确凿的证据conclusive evidence807 大片温带雨林a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 808 越来越多的支持a growing swell of support809 听任摆布to surrender to sth 810 迅速回应swift reaction811 化为乌有to dwindle away to nothing812 从A转换至B to switch from A to B813 陷于绝望to surrender oneself to despair 814 极大让步a major surrender815 取之不尽be inexhaustible in supply816 换句话说in other words817 反应不一mixed reactions818 被普遍认为是be reputed to be sth819 生效to bring sth into force820 在……的帮助下with the aid of sb821 在紧急关头in case of emergency822 连续两年two years in succession823 继承(职位、王位)be in succession to sth 824 控告to sue sb for sth825 住房补贴housing subsidies826 取代to substitute A (需要的) for B (不要) 827 扣除to deduct A from B828 减去to subtract A from B829 可溶于水的water-soluble (a.)830 用激进的方式in a radical way831 企图in an attempt to do sth832 讥笑to sneer at sth833 讥笑be a sneer at sth834 窃笑to snigger at sth835 有权做某事be eligible for sth/ to do sth 836 溜出某地to slide out of sp837 卑劣行径despicable acts838 笔误a slip of the pen839 口误a slip of the tongue840 提高知名度to enhance one’s popularity 841 打破记录to smash the record842 打破记录to set a new record843 浏览to skim over sth844 略读to run through sth845 性别歧视gender-biased (a.)846 一看到at the sight of sth847 一股强烈的感觉to have a surge of sth 848 食物碎屑food scraps849 一想到at the thought of sth850 兵临城下be under siege851 束手待毙helplessly wait for death852 间谍集团a spy ring853 贩毒集团a drugs ring854 珊瑚礁coral reef855 向……屈服to submit to sth856 使某人遭受某事to subject sb to sth857 活动四肢to stretch arms and legs858 没人照顾be left unattended。

English英语专八学习内部权威辅导材料英语专八最高频词组1000个01 (主动)责骂某人to call sb down02 以某人为榜样学习to take after one’s example03 视某事为最重要的事to place sth ahead of anything else04 视某事为最重要的事to put sth first05 开夜车to burn the midnight oil06 贫困生financially-strapped students07 经济中心economic hub08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场to stand my ground09 坚持自己的立场to stick to my guns10 非常关心give all my concern to sth11 沉溺于酗酒be enslaved to drinking12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp13 狼吞虎咽to gulp down sth14 厌倦to sicken of sth/doing sth15 智勇双全to combine wisdom with courage16 土崩瓦解to fall to pieces17 土崩瓦解to go to pieces18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)19 知识来自于实践knowledge starts with practice20 汲取知识to come by knowledge21 泄露秘密to leak out secrets22 未经允许without permission23 (事情)发生come about24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb25 以……为代价at the expense of sth26 以……为代价at the cost of sth27 以……为代价at the price of sth28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children30 花钱/时间在某人身上to expend time/money on sb31 松了口气to exhail in relief32 松了口气to breathe a sigh of relief33 排放废气to give off exhaust34 废气exhaust fumes35 给某人带来伤害to cause much damage to sb/sth36使某人遭到不幸bring sb to grief37 (主动)遭到不幸come to grief38 被责骂be taken to task39 在……的背景下against the backdrop of sth40 在……的背景下sth is set exactly against this background41 炸毁某物to blow up sth42 故意破坏的行为an act of sabotage43 吸引人们to enthrall the minds of people44 卷入get entangled in sth45 陷入get embroiled in sth46 接着……发生to ensue from sth47 下一年the ensuing year48 沉溺于坏习惯be enslaved to a bad habit49非常关心某事sth is of great concern to me50 抚养孩子长大to bring up children51 在蜜罐中长大be brought up in a honey jar52(艰辛地)找工作to pick up a job53 到处,四处here and there54 把重点放在to place weight on sth55 精神支柱spiritual pillar56 昂扬的斗志high-spirited57 顽强的毅力firmly-determined58 为祖国争得荣誉to win honors for our country59 站起来to raise to one's feet60(费劲地)站起来to struggle to one's feet61 交叉双臂to fold one's arms62 双手抚脸to put one's palms on one's cheek63 摸下巴to rub one's chin64 耸肩to shrug one's shoulders65 电影特写movie close-up66 电影卖座This movie is a big draw at the box office67 故事片feature film68 电影首映movie premiere69 电影发烧友movie zealot70 戒烟to quit smoking71 戒烟to abstain from cigarettes72 戒烟to lay off smoking73 戒毒to quit drugs74 戒毒to quit taking drugs75 戒毒to get off drugs76 接触其他文化get into touch with other cultures77 掠夺他国资源to plunder a country of its resources78 一流的设施state-of-the-art facilities79 勉强及格to scrape through an exam80 侦探小说whodunit = detective novels/stories81 和……相冲be offensive to……82 把……考虑进来to take sth into consideration83把……考虑进来to take sth into full account84 进一步思索、考虑on second thought85 是恰当的示例be a good case in point86 明显特征 a striking feature87 毫不夸张without exaggeration88 开拓眼界to expand one’s mind89 开拓视野to broaden one’s mind90 微笑是一个人最好的名片one’s smile is the best name card of sb91 传承精神to carry forward the spirit of sth92 侵害名誉to jeopardize one’s reputation93 服用兴奋剂to take stimulants94 性骚扰sexual harassment95 时尚圈vogue/fashion world96 一时时尚 a passing vogue97 一时热潮 a passing fad98 进行严厉处罚to impose serious penalties99 值得称赞to deserve commendation100 广泛认同be widely endorsed101 不足之处defect = drawback102 经济平稳发展sound economic growth103 假药shoddy medicine104 假药bogus medicine105 假证件forged document106 声名狼藉to have ill fame107 声名狼藉be of ill-repute108 黄金时段节目prime-time TV program109 大腕top notch110 谐星comic star111 快速瞥了一眼to catch a brief glimpse of sth112 偷瞄to cast covert glances at sth113 受欢迎be well-received114 受欢迎to receive a warm welcome115 受到热情招待to receive a hearty reception116 矢志不渝undying loyalty117 早恋to have premature love affairs118 以自我为中心的be self-centered119 误入歧途(主动)to go astray120 把某人引向歧途to lead sb astray121 没有养成自觉性not to attain initiative122 渐渐摧毁孩子的一生to ruin the child for life123 流露自卑情绪to show a sense of inferiority124 有自卑情结have an inferiority complex125 十分忧虑(某物,如考试)to show great concern over sth126 倾心交谈to have heart-to-heart chats with sb 127 性侵犯sexual assault128 对某人期望过高to expect too much of sb129 明智的父母judicious parents130 对……沮丧be despondent about sth131 为了某事向某人表示感谢to express my gratitude to sb for sth 132 不理睬to shrug off sth133 牢牢抓住机会to snatch at a chance134 抓住机会to jump at a chance135 一怒之下in a fit of rage136过严的家教too rigid parental cultivation137 对……一视同仁to treat sth alike138 对……漠不关心be neglectful of sth139 对……漠不关心be indifferent to sth140 控制不住to have no control over sth141 把……控制住to bring sth under control142 管不住be beyond one’s control143 大饱眼福to fea st one’s eyes on sth144 促成逆反行为to foster rebellion acts145 改正坏习惯to cure sb of a bad habit146 花钱大手大脚to spend money like water147 花钱无度be spendthrift148 供上大学to send children to college149 节省开支to skimp on expenditures150 帮助某人摆脱(困境)to help sb out of sth151 财务困境financial predicament152 楷模role model153 树立良好榜样to present a good role model for sb 154 树立良好榜样to set a good example to sb155 老年人(总称)the elders156 向某人指教to turn to sb for guidance157 展现良好品质to practice a good virtue of sth158 孝顺父母be filial to parents159 一丝希望 a gleam of hope160 一线希望 a glimmer of hope161 微小的希望(几乎不可能) a slender hope161 工作前景job prospects162 使……居于次要地位to subordinate A to B163 自吹自擂to blow one’s own horn164 自夸to blow one’s own tr umpet165 摆架子to put on airs166 逃学to play truant167 白手起家to make money starting from scratch 168 怀疑be skeptical about sth169 争权to scramble for power170 如期举行be held as scheduled171 非常喜欢be partial to sth172 偏袒,有倾向be partial towards sth173 跟上步伐to keep pace with sth174 跟上步伐to keep abreast of sth175 对……持乐观态度be optimistic about sth176 妨碍司法公正to obstruct justice177 妨碍司法公正to pervert the course of justice 178 鉴于in the light of sth179 自由at liberty180 解放,释放(如压力,痛苦等)to liberate sb from sth181 解放to emancipate sb from sth182 空暇时间at one’s leasure183 普遍持有的观点 a widely-held perspective on sth 184 间隔长(两者间)at long intervals185 间隔短,经常,时常at short intervals186 推动,激励to give an impulse to sth187 虚度光阴to idle away time188 虚度光阴to dawdle away time189 无所事事to loiter away time190 热闹,繁华hustle and bustle191 让位(本意)take a back seat to sth192 让位(引申)to give way to sth193 缓解焦虑to ease anxiety about sth194 永久和平durable peace195 沉闷as dull as ditchwater196 被怀疑中sth is in doubt197 无疑be beyond doubt198 国外产品foreign-made products199 本土品牌domestic brands200 与某人狼狈为奸to work hand in glove with sb 201 指点某人to enlighten sb on sth202 当今社会present-day society204 生活水平living standards of people205 设计自己的人生轨道to chart our course of our lives 206 收获成果to come to fruition207 把辛勤的劳动换成了累累硕果to bring sth to fruition208 每况愈下be on the ebb209 每况愈下be on the decline210 每况愈下be on the wane211 派上用场to come in handy212 无法逾越的困难an insuperable difficult213 咬紧牙关to grit one’s teeth214 心痛欲绝to grieve over sth215 伤心做某事to grieve to do sth216 掌握本质要点to g rasp one’s essentials217 生某人气be furious with sb at sth218 向……皱眉头to frown at sb219 对……不满意to frown on sth220 丝毫不考虑without giving any thought for sth 221 根除贫困to eradicate poverty from the world 222 在视线中消失to vanish from sight223 消失to vanish like a bubble224 消失to vanish into the void225 天生就有(某种才华)be endowed with sth226 被崇高的精神鼓舞be animated by a lofty spirit227 使努力白费to make efforts go down the drain 228 容易接受be receptive to sb229 偏离to diverge from sth230 书本中汲取的知识knowledge distilled from books 231 存在come into existence232 分歧to dissent from sth233 使……陷入混乱to throw sth into disorder234 在……之后发生in the wake of sth235 对……失望be disillusioned with sth236 对……不抱期望be disenchanted with sth237 优点和缺点upside and downside238 补上落下的课业to make up the lost study239 一把双刃剑 a double-edged sword240 记忆的片段memory extracts241 来回挪步to pace back and forth242 没有片刻停歇without minutes’ pause243 没有停顿without a pause244 溜走了(如机会)to slip away245 悲伤和高兴的交融 a mixture of sadness and happiness 246 迷茫be in a daze247 挖掘价值to dig out value248 战胜困难to surmount difficulties249 孩子成长的阶段during child’s formative years250 生命内在的真谛the hidden truth of life251 瘫痪(如交通) a complete standstill252 与……相结合be aligned with sth253 面对in the face of sth254 收获to reap benefits255 中心in the center of sth256 仔细琢磨to brood on sth257 细想to ponder on sth258 仔细考虑to chew on/over sth259 大批的人the great bulk of people260 瘫痪(动词)(如交通)to come to a standstill261 现代生活modern living262 学习的各方面every facet of study263 快消失殆尽,渐渐消失be a dying breed264 老年人的圈子the domain of the older generation 265 大规模in a big way266 多才多艺versatile people267 快速增长的人口the burgeoning human population268 迫切的需求crying demands/needs for sth269 野生动物栖息地wildlife habitat area270 濒临灭绝的物种endangered species271 更好地理解to gain a better understanding of sth 272 瞻性的决策proactive decisions273 使用法律手段to implement legislation274 安排轻重缓急to sort out priorities275 心理健康mental health276 尽最大努力to go to great lengths to do sth277 竭尽全力to go all out to do sth278 尽某人最大努力to go out of one’s way to do sth279 嫉妒be jealous of sth280 钦慕(更带有羡慕感,而不是嫉妒)be envious of sth281 丰富的工作经验 a wealth of experience282 按各自的职业轨道发展to proce ed along one’s own career path 283 开明的态度an open-minded attitude284 分配任务to allocate tasks to sb285 明确的目标 a defined goal286 明确的职责well-defined responsibilities287 共同努力 a coordinated effort288 共同努力 a joint effort289 与某人相处融洽to get along with sb290 提出不同的观点to think out of the box291 总体而言as a whole292 总体上on the whole293 因……而筋疲力尽be exhausted with sth294 融入(如朋友圈子,工作环境)to fit into sth295融入to fit in with sth296 工作体系work regime297 实战的工作经验(强调不是纸上谈兵hands-on working experience298 无经验的学生unskilled and inexperienced students 299 不断更新的信息up-to-date information300 不断更新be kept up to date301 从一开始at the start302 筋疲力尽to exhaust all one’s energy303 加分to chalk up marks304 将有的进步prospective progress305 ……的本质at the heart of sth306 一去不复返be gone once and for all307 用……的语调in…terms308 控制to place restrictions on sth 309 被局限于某地be confined to sp310 受限做某事be restricted to doing sth311 映入眼帘to come into sight312 引起注意to come into notice313 大相径庭 a drastic departure from sth 314 尽全力to go all out to do sth315 义不容辞be incumbent upon sb to do sth 316 洒满阳光be flooded with sunshine317 很大程度 a great deal318 清醒to sober up319 接连不断to do sth at a stretch320 欣喜若狂to go into raptures321 撤离be evacuated from sp322 反对(某人)to turn against sb323 反抗(某人)to react against sb324 置身事外to remain aloof from sth325 写下、记下be set down326 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth 327 注入新活力to inject new vigor into sth 328 打基础to pave the way for sth329 随着时间的流逝with the passage of time330 一时幸运 a stroke of fortune331 使某人思考sth sets sb thinking that…332 按原计划to go as planned333 摆脱瓶颈to break through a bottleneck 334 升职中与工作能力无关的困难、障碍the glass ceiling335 古往今来down through the ages336 旨在be aimed at sth337 以……为目标be targeted at sth338 以……为方向be oriented towards sth339 怂恿某人做某事to entice sb into doing sth340 诱使某人不做某事to entice sb away from sth341 有争议的话题 a controversial subject342 有争议的话题 a contentious subject343 把……放在首位to put sth in the forefront of sth 344 体育场馆sporting venue345 大气污染atmospheric pollution346 副作用side effects347 逆境adverse circumstances348 模仿某人行为、动作to emulate actions of sb349 毫不相关be completely divorced from sth350 肆无忌惮的攻击unscrupulous attachs351 歪曲的事实distorted facts352 设定限制to set a limit to sth353 没有限制there be no limits to sth354 等同于amount to355 跳槽job-hopping356 底层at the bottom357 底层on the ground floor358 学会窍门to learn the ropes359 大公司里的小职员 a small fish in a big pond360 假文凭fake diplomas361 有利可图的行业 a lucrative business362 回忆过去to review the past363 妨碍to get in the way of sth364 养成习惯to get in the habit of sth365 培养习惯to cultivate the habit of sth366 闷闷不乐to have a blue moment367 做出牺牲to make sacrifices368 完全不一致be radically different from sth369 被赐予sb is blessed with sth370 退位to step down371 退位to step aside372 某人无法控制be beyond one’s grasp373 被某物玷污be stained with sth374 蚀刻be etched with sth375 战胜困难to triumph over difficulties376 崭新开始to make a brand-new start377 声名远扬to have a solid reputation378 一片混乱to get messy379 逐步on a minute-by-minute basis380 残疾和不幸disabilities and adversities381 适当的be apposite to sth382 仔细琢磨to reflect on sth383 是……的反映 a reflection of sth384 心里总想着to brood over sth385 热切渴望to have a feverish desire to do sth386 对音乐有很高的鉴赏能力to have an exquisite ear for music387 鬼鬼祟祟on the sly388 成天做某事be glued to sth389 适应于be geared to sth390 与国际接轨to gear sth to the international conventions 391 丰富be rich in sth392 丰富be abundant in sth393 痛苦的回忆traumatic memories394 听得入迷be held spellbound by sth395 石油储量oil reserves396 学术造诣academic prowess397 专心从事to immerse oneself in sth398(声音)回荡to resonate through sp399 扑灭大火to put out the big fire400 盛情款待 a rapturous reception401 对某物惊叹to marvel at sth402 口才great oratory403 鼓起勇气to take courage404 冒险to take risks405 不屈不挠to have indomitable courage 406 巡查to make rounds407 支持某人to prop sb up408 接受to come to accept sth409 一扫而去be swept away410 务实be down to earth411 务实with a pragmatic attitude412 看见to set one’s eyes on sth413 贫困地区poverty-stricken areas414 残酷的现实the harsh reality415 合拍be in tune with sth416 难以形容的美丽indescribable beauty417 很难形容to defy simple description418 下苦功夫painstaking efforts419 出风头in the limelight420 出风头、耀眼to sparkle in the spotlight421 启发式的教育heuristic education422 应试教育exam-oriented education423 首屈一指be second to none424 使某人筋疲力尽to wear sb out425 使某人筋疲力尽to tire sb out426 经常as often as not427 市场more often than not428 挡道to block the way429 踏脚石 a stepping stone430 冲击波to send a shock wave through sp 431 相反to the contrary432 被消除be removed from sth433 以……扬名be renowned for sth434 消除念头to get sth out of your head435 在某人身边打转to hover round sb436 接手任务to take over duties437 使某人精神振奋to buck sb up438 通往成功的路on the road to success439 洋溢着兴奋to sparkle with happiness440 时尚be in vogue441 时尚be in fashion442 开始时尚to come into fashion443 开始时尚to come into vogue444 不流行to go out of style445 不流行to go out of vogue446 不流行to go out of fashion447 限制做某事be confined to doing sth448 回想to throw my mind back to sth449 平淡的生活pedestrian life450 非常be nothing but 加形容词451 日常工作daily routine452 为自己说话to speak up for oneself453 畏缩不敢做某事to shrink from doing sth454 受挫to set backs455 使某人受挫to set sb back456 用尽耐心to exhaust one’s patience457 与其说A,还不如说B be not so much B as A458 日新月异ever-changing459 盛情邀请gracious invitation460 亮点 a high point461 赋予信念be armed with faith462 合资企业joint venture463 举世闻名world-renowned464 结出累累硕果to yield more fruits465 敬意to have a regard for sth466 知识基础经济knowledge-based economy467 源远流长can be traced back to the ancient times 468 瑰宝 a gem of sth469 双重任务dual tasks470 全方位multi-directional471 宽领域wide-ranging472 宽领域in a wide range of areas473 研究型教育research-interrelated education474 一批 a flow of sb475 不受约束的思想uninhibited minds476 探索前沿on the frontier of discovery477 多层次知识结构multi-level knowledge formation478 对外开放opening-up481 不谋而合to coincide with sth482 第一位be given top priority483 最忙碌的时候at the busiest time484 着迷to captivate one’s eyes485 被广为流传to en joy popularity on everybody’s lips 486 尽力自己的一份力to do one’s bit for sth487 光荣榜on the honor list488 年轻时in youth489 年老时in old age490 应尽的义务bounden duty491 简单来说to put in simple terms492 简短来说to put it bluntly493 简单来说in simple words494 鼓起勇气to pluck up courage495 岁月如梭to flash past496 光阴流逝to go like a flash497 靠自己立足to stand on one’s own two feet498 就……进行磋商to exchange notes on sth499 交换看法to exchange views on sth500 自爆自己self-defeating501 就国际范围来说on an international scale502 引起共鸣to strike a responsive chord with sb 503 内心深处in the heart of me504 普及性的教育活动massive educational campaign505 满足欲望to gratify one’s thirst for sth506 满足欲望to quench one’s thirst for sth507 吐露心声to give voice to sth508 多余的要求superfluous requirements509 绊脚石 a stumbling block to sth510 社会动荡social upheavals511 使……结束to put an end to sth512 结束to come to an end513 结束to come to a close514 结束to draw to a close515 承担工作to take on work516 心甘情愿with a good grace517 不情愿with a bad grace518 未达到标准be below standard519 缺乏be devoid of sth520 吹毛求疵be scrupulous about sth521 马马虎虎be slipshod in sth522 职业观念professional sense523 酿成悲剧to breed a tragedy524 弘扬民族文化to propagate national culture525 感情用事to give way to feelings526 逃避责任to evade duties527 和平共处to coexist in peace528 扫除障碍to sweep away obstacles529 随着……的到来with the advent of sth530 顺应时代潮流to go with the current of the times 531 邻国neighboring countries532 伸出援手to rally round533 领域on the realm of sth534 弄清楚to shed light on sth535 逐步自信起来to come out of one’s shell536 带领某人逐步成长、自信to bring sb out of one’s shell537 转移注意力to shift attention to sth538 集中注意力于to fix attention on sth539 打草稿to sketch out sth540 具体的detailed (形容词)541 抽空to take the time off one’s schedule 542 运道而来to come here all the way from sp 543 庆祝in celebration of sth544 总经理General Manager545 尽情地to one’s heart’s content546 在……之际on the occasion of sth547 在……之际on the point of sth548 对……精通proficiency in sth549 阐述to amplify on sth550 阐述to elaborate on sth551 改过自新to mend one’s ways552 饱和be saturated with sth553 内疚to have a guilty conscience554 心无愧疚to have a clear conscience555 消除隔阂to bridge the gap between A and B 556 消除隔阂to narrow the gap between A and B 557 扩大隔阂to widen the gap between A and B 558 严重缺乏to have an acute shortage of sth 559 智穷计尽at one’s wits’ end560 花心思to sharpen up one’s wits561 背后捅刀to give sb a stab in the back562 悬而未决be up in the air563 产生效益to pay dividends564 就……而论in the matter of sth565就……而论in the case of sth566 千方百计by fair means of foul567 不择手段by hook or crook568 受疾病折磨be afflicted with diseases569 脱口而出to blurt out sth570 泪水使双眼模糊eyes were blurred with tears571 引起共鸣to find an echo in one’s heart572 国有企业state-owned enterprises573 在节日的前一晚on the eve of sth574 毫无例外without exception575 对……施加影响to exert an influence on sb576 全校师生the students and faculty577 致命打击 a fatal blow to sb578 致命打击 a mortal blow to sb579 提供反馈to give feedback on sth580 想象力丰富 a fertile mind581 发财make a fortune582 由政府资助的government-funded583 禁止某人做某事to prohibit sb from doing sth584 禁止to lay a ban on sth585 从这个意义上来说in this regard586 推动发展to push forward development587 社会各界from various circles588 表示热烈欢迎to extend warm welcome to sth589 极慢地be at a snail’s pace590 脱离困境to let sb off the hook591 把某人列为to rank sb as …592 解除某人忧虑to take a load off one’s mind593 解除某人忧虑to take a weight off one’s mind594 一辈子、人的一生from the cradle to the grave595 优待to discriminate in favor of sb596 恶劣对待to discriminate against sb597 职业by profession 如:be a doctor by profession 598 在青春年华时in the prime of one’s age599 验证to put sth to the proof600 因……而高度赞扬to sing high praise for sth601 豪侠英雄chivalrous heroes602 不言而喻it goes without saying that …603 被进一步加剧be further aggravated by sth604 留下深刻印象be engraved on one’s memory605 避而不谈to draw a veil over sth606 同理by the same token607 在职期间in the saddle608 唤起某人to awaken sb to sth609 听其自然to let things slide610 继续存留to linger on sth611 性情温和的even-tempered612 为了……进行鼓动to agitate for sth613 为反对……进行鼓吹to agitate against sth614 开夜车to stay up late615 令人毛骨悚然的spine-chilling (a.)616令人毛骨悚然的hair-raising (a.)617 一时冲动on the spur of the moment618一时冲动on impulse619 取得很大的进步to make great strides in doing sth 620 是对……的补充be a supplement to sth621 对A加以补充B to supplement A with B622 非常重要be of supreme importance623 满腔自豪be swollen with pride624 削减预算to trim the budget625 减轻负担to lessen the burdens on sb626 绞尽脑汁to rack one’s brains627 一大清早at the crack of dawn628 共同商量to take counsel with sb629 一言不发to button one’s lips630 负担落在了某人身上the burden of sth rests with sb631 崭新的brand-new (a.)632 某人自己独特的幽默感one’s own brand of humor633 满心欢喜Joy filled one’s breast.634 突飞猛进地by leaps and bounds635 三思而后行Look before you leap.636 鼓舞士气to boost one’s spirits637 多面手an all-round man638 多面手all-rounder639 自夸to boast of/about sth640 自夸to brag about sth641 亚太地区in the Asia-Pacific Region642 古老灿烂的文明 a long tradition of brilliant civilization 643 促进学术交流to facilitate academic exchanges644 从而in turn645 提出更高要求to place higher expectations on sb 646 由政府承担be undertaken by government647 承担更大的责任to shoulder greater responsibilities 648 积累经验to accumulate experience649 值得借鉴to merit reference650 在此领域in this regard651 双赢态势win-win scenario652 上台发言to take the floor653 一致通过unanimous approval654 全面的all-dimensional655 全面的well-rounded656 凸显的问题salient problems657 重视to attach great importance to sth 658 保存完好well-preserved659 出土文物unearthed cultural relics660 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 661 最低价floor price662 最低价rock-bottom price663 自然景观natural settings and tourist sites 664 旅游景点tourist spots665 事后看来in retrospect666 发泄to give vent to sth667 向某人发泄怒气to vent one’s anger on sb668 重视to set store by sth669 免于be immune from sth670 保持联系to keep track of sth671 失去联系to lose track of sth672 展望未来to look into the future673 宣布开幕to declare the commencement of sth 674 宣布闭幕to declare the conclusion of sth 675 回顾过去to look back on the past676 消愁to chase one’s gloom away677 使某人情绪低落to cast a gloom over sb678 使某人意志消沉to cast a cloud over sb679 病愈to get over one’s illness680 高发病率 a high incidence of illness681 与……相融洽be compatible with sth682 激励某人be an inspiration to sb683 获得灵感to draw an inspiration from sth 684 如上所述as mentioned above685 对……吹毛求疵to find fault with sth686 为……做准备to make provision for sth687 容忍to put up with sth688 寻求in pursuit of sth689寻求in search of sth690寻求in quest of sth691 乘火车by rail692 抢劫to rob sb of sth693 打击to crack down on sth694 公费旅游to go traveling at public expense 695 旅游黄金周golden week for tourism696 高度自治权 a high degree of autonomy697 引起关注to arouse attention698 艺术团an art ensemble699 反之亦然and vice versa700 全社会all sectors of society701 值得be worthy of sth702 值得be worth doing sth (含被动)703 渴望to yearn for sth704 满载货物的fully-loaded (a.)705 枯萎to wither away706 希望落空All her hopes withered away. 707 目击be an witness to sth708 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm. 709 适应to adjust oneself to sth710 小声说着be speaking in a whisper711 消除贫穷to wipe out poverty712 还清债务to pay off all one’s debts713 减肥to lose weight714 增肥to put on weight715 警告某人做某事to warn sb of sth716 警告某人做某事to caution sb to do sth717 引起回忆to trigger memories718 自愿be of one’s own volition719 自愿be of one’s own accord720 易受……的伤害be vulnerable to sth721 容易让某人受到伤害to put sb in a vulnerable position 722 由于by virtue of sth723 由于……的作用through the agency of sth724 加强政治联系to strengthen political ties725 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth726 不入虎穴焉得虎子Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 727 看不起to look down on sth728 敬仰to look up to sth729 腾出空位to vacate one’s seats730 双边关系bilateral relations731 迫使某人离开某地to uproot sb from sp732 激励某人to urge sb on733 激励某人努力学习to spur sb up to one’s study734 徒劳to no avail735 徒劳be of no effort736 统一支离破碎的国家to unify fractured country737 揭开秘密to unlock secret738 幻想破灭to have no illusions about sth 739 使幻想破灭to smash illusions740 误以为be under the illusion that …741 误以为be under the delusion that …742 丢掉幻想to cast aside illusions743 设定最终目标to set oneself an ultimate goal of sth 744 北京残奥会Beijing Paralympics745 弯弯曲曲twists and turns746 降低to lower down sth747 弯曲真相to twist the truth748 干扰思想to cloud one’s mind749 使尽浑身解数to try every trick in the book750 哄骗to trick sb into doing sth751 随便对待某人to trifle with sb752 琐事trifle matters753 吵架to argue with sb about sth754 药物治疗to treat sb with drugs755 不友好的眼神icy stare756 热烈欢迎to welcome sb with open arms757 故意忽视to give sb the cold shoulder758 拒绝提供帮助to turn one’s back on sb759 拒绝帮助to turn one’s nose up at sb760 影响to impinge on sth761 引人入胜的故事an intriguing story762 热烈的掌声tumultuous applause763 老掉牙的歌曲banal songs764 陈腐的思想stale ideas765 使某物呈现于脑海to conjure up sth766(声音)回荡于某地to reverberate across (the valley) 767(地方)回荡着某种声音to resonate with sth768(地方)回荡着某种声音to reverberate with sth769 与某人争吵to tangle with sb770 逐渐削减to taper off771 揍某人to tan one’s hide772 将信息泄露给某人to betray information to sb773 助学金financial aids774 拿助学金的学生 a grant-aided student775 怀疑be suspicious of sth776 维持生命to sustain life777 蜂拥而来的信件 a swarm of letters778 蜂拥而来to swarm with sb/sth779 改变思维方式to sway one’s way of thinking780 性传播疾病sexually-transmitted disease781 将……传播给……be transmitted to sth782 提高意识to raise awareness of sth783 改变生活方式to transform one’s lives784 拐弯抹角的解释tortuous explanation785 阻挠计划to thwart plans786(汽车)全速前进at full tilt787 为……祝酒to propose a toast with sb to sth 788 对……怀恨在心to bear a grudge against sb/sth789 冰释前嫌with a thaw in one’s old grudges 790 胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cell791(比赛中)遭到重创be thrashed (in a game)792 对……造成威胁to pose a threat to sth793 学期考试 a terminal exam794 取笑to tease about sth795 充满be teeming with sth796 心情好be in a good temper797 心情差be in a bad temper798 忍住脾气to keep one’s temper799 发怒to get into a temper800 发怒to lose one’s temper801 资金投入 a cash injection802 西部地区in the west803 大片温带雨林 a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 804 早已预料到的事 a foregone conclusion805 确凿的证据tangible proof806 确凿的证据conclusive evidence807 大片温带雨林 a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 808 越来越多的支持 a growing swell of support809 听任摆布to surrender to sth810 迅速回应swift reaction811 化为乌有to dwindle away to nothing812 从A转换至B to switch from A to B813 陷于绝望to surrender oneself to despair814 极大让步 a major surrender815 取之不尽be inexhaustible in supply816 换句话说in other words817 反应不一mixed reactions818 被普遍认为是be reputed to be sth819 生效to bring sth into force820 在……的帮助下with the aid of sb821 在紧急关头in case of emergency822 连续两年two years in succession823 继承(职位、王位)be in succession to sth824 控告to sue sb for sth825 住房补贴housing subsidies826 取代to substitute A (需要的) for B (不要) 827 扣除to deduct A from B828 减去to subtract A from B829 可溶于水的water-soluble (a.)830 用激进的方式in a radical way831 企图in an attempt to do sth832 讥笑to sneer at sth833 讥笑be a sneer at sth834 窃笑to snigger at sth835 有权做某事be eligible for sth/ to do sth836 溜出某地to slide out of sp837 卑劣行径despicable acts838 笔误 a slip of the pen839 口误 a slip of the tongue840 提高知名度to enhance one’s popularity841 打破记录to smash the record842 打破记录to set a new record843 浏览to skim over sth844 略读to run through sth845 性别歧视gender-biased (a.)846 一看到at the sight of sth847 一股强烈的感觉to have a surge of sth848 食物碎屑food scraps849 一想到at the thought of sth850 兵临城下be under siege851 束手待毙helplessly wait for death852 间谍集团 a spy ring853 贩毒集团 a drugs ring854 珊瑚礁coral reef855 向……屈服to submit to sth856 使某人遭受某事to subject sb to sth857 活动四肢to stretch arms and legs858 没人照顾be left unattended859 一片水域 a stretch of water860 驾轻就熟to get into one’s stride861 连环画comic strip862 一张纸条 a strip of paper863 一张纸片 a slip of paper864 抑制无法言表的伤痛to strangle the unspeakable agony 865 流浪狗 a stray dog866 源自to stem from sth867 容光焕发的脸庞beaming faces868 激发情感to stir up feelings869 引起轰动to cause a sensation870 引起轰动to cause a huge stir871 科幻小说science fiction872 婚姻状况marital status873 错开时间to stagger time。

第1组考点搭配:abjure the realm誓不回国考点搭配:Jural Society 法制协会考点搭配:an injured adventurer 受伤的冒险者考点搭配:judicial bureau 司法局短语搭配:justifiable pride 无可非议的自豪感短语搭配:①the adjustment on a micrometer 测微计上的调节器;②the adjustment of conflicts 冲突的调解第2组考点搭配:inhuman treatment 非人道的待遇考点搭配:humane design 人性化设计短语搭配:the humiliation of having to surrender 被迫投降之耻辱考点搭配:make a mock of 使成为笑柄考点搭配:①mimic one’s way of speaking 模仿某人说话的方式;②a mimic cry 假哭短语搭配:① manual labor 体力劳动;② manual crafts 手工艺考点搭配:table manners 餐桌礼节,饭桌礼仪考点搭配:① manifest evidence 明确的证据;② manifest one’s disapproval 明确表示反对考点搭配:practice maneuvers 进行机动演习考点搭配:① permanent peace 永久的和平;② a permanent job 固定的职业考点搭配:the remainder of one’s life 余生考点搭配:remnants of the feudal times 封建时代的遗物短语搭配:① a man of virtue 一个有品德的人;② by/in virtue of 凭…;由于…短语搭配:a virtuoso on the guitar 吉他演奏的名手第3组短语搭配:① attain power 获得权力;②attain one’s goal 达到目的短语搭配:content oneself with 使自己满足于…短语搭配:entertain… to/at dinner 招待…吃饭(通常在家中)短语搭配:give an entertainment to sb.招待某人短语搭配:① sustain the weight of sth.承受某物的重量;② sustain life 维持生命短语搭配:① retain one’s balance 保持平衡;② retain an appearance of youth 保有年轻的外貌短语搭配:tame a tiger训虎固定搭配:meek and mild [,mi:kənd'maild] 逆来顺受的第4组考点搭配:an inclined sidewalk 有坡度的人行道考点搭配:recline against the wall 倚靠在墙上考点搭配:① the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔;② a lean horse 一匹瘦而结实的马短语搭配:make oblique accusations 指桑骂槐短语搭配:loll around in the sun 在阳光下懒散地闲荡考点搭配:come to the climax 达到高潮考点搭配:a lawyer with many clients 客户众多的律师第5组考点搭配:① an acid comment 刻薄的批评;② have an acid taste 有酸味短语搭配:① have an acute sense of hearing 听觉敏锐;② an acute remark 尖刻的评论;③ acute criticism 尖锐的批评;④ acute pain 剧痛短语搭配:① astute judgment 敏锐判断力;② astute salesmen 精明的推销员短语搭配:at haphazard 偶然地短语搭配:a window ledge 窗台短语搭配:a triangular relationship between Mary and the two men玛丽与两个男人间的三角恋爱关系考点搭配:winter garment 冬用衣服短语搭配:the architecture of ancient Greece古希腊的建筑风格固定搭配:① the Arctic 北极、② the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋固定搭配:the Antarctic 南极短语搭配:social hierachy 社会阶层第6组考点搭配:requite evil with good 以德报怨短语搭配:① acquiesce in 默认…;② acquiesce in a plan 勉强同意一项计划考点搭配:a tranquil pond 平静的池塘考点搭配:the initial stage 初期考点搭配:within/outside the American orbit 在美国的势力范围之内/之外考点搭配:an impatient disposition 急躁的性情考点搭配:with impatience 焦急地考点搭配:a propitious sign 吉兆考点搭配:① have a good/poor appetite 胃口好(不好),食欲佳(不振);② a great appetite for knowledge 渴求知识考点搭配:give (an) impetus to…给予…刺激;促进…考点搭配:① perpetual motion 永恒运动;② perpetual snows 万年积雪考点搭配:the repetition of the same mistake 重复犯相同的错误考点搭配:a passive way of thinking 消极的想法考点搭配:an impassive expression 毫无表情考点搭配:feel antipathy toward sb. 对某人反感第7组短语搭配:muddle through a task 胡乱做完一件事考点搭配:a hazy thinking 模糊的想法第8组短语搭配:emotional emptiness 精神空虚考点搭配:goods exempt from tax 免税品短语搭配:① ample evidence 充分的证据,充足的证据;② ample size 足够大的尺寸;③ ample Space 宽大的空间短语搭配:① for example举例,例如;② make an example of 惩罚…以警戒他人短语搭配:tempt the appetite 引起食欲短语搭配:avoid temptation 避免受诱惑考点搭配:attempt to show…试图展示…短语搭配:① contemptuous of all authority蔑视一切权威;② contemptuous of public opinion 藐视舆论短语搭配:tentative suggestion 试探性的建议考点搭配:① capture one’s attention 引起某人的注意;② capture sb.’s heart 赢得某人的好感/爱意短语搭配:take/hold captive 俘虏,活捉短语搭配:① capable of 有…能力(或技能)的;能…的,有…可能的;② a capable man 能干的人短语搭配:except for 除…之外短语搭配:① with the exception of 除…之外;② without exception 毫无例外地短语搭配: exceptional weather 异常、罕见的天气短语搭配:form a conception of 对…抱有一种想法短语搭配:deceive oneself 自欺短语搭配:① anticipate (meeting)troubles 预料会有麻烦;② anticipate the opponent’s next move先发制人,制敌机先;③ anticipate one’s income预支收入考点搭配participate in…参加、参与…(某活动)短语搭配:① cop hold 抓住;② cop out [贬]逃避短语搭配:an occupying army 占领军短语搭配:assume responsibility承担责任短语搭配:consume one’s fortune 耗尽财产短语搭配:resume one’s spirit 重新振作起来短语搭配:cap in hand 谦卑地,谦恭地短语搭配:the free enterprise capitalist system 资本主义自由企业制考点搭配:① pluck out a gray hair 拔白发;② pluck up weeds 拔杂草考点搭配:① plunge sb.into despair 使某人陷入绝望中;② plunge a room into darkness 房间陷入一片漆黑;③ plunge into studying 埋头用功读书第9组短语搭配:an adventurous voyage惊险的航程考点搭配:① the Democratic Party Convention 民主党大会;② the Geneva Conventions 日内瓦公约短语搭配:① conventional opinions传统观念,守旧观念;② conventional greetings 惯用的问候语短语搭配:① an eventful year 多事之年;② an eventful conversation 一次重要的谈话短语搭配:① invent a new machine发明一种新机器;② invent a story编造一个故事短语搭配:① inventive powers 发明创造的能力;② an inventive person有发明创造才能的人考点搭配:the prevention of fire 预防火灾短语搭配:① the Fifth Avenue(纽约)第五大道(以时装闻名);② Madison Avenue(纽约)麦迪逊大街(美国广告中心);③ avenue to success 成功之道短语搭配:① for the sake of convenience为了方便起见;② for sb.’s convenience 为了某人的方便;③ at one’s convenience在方便的时候;④ convenience food 方便食品短语搭配:① advertising revenue广告收入;② revenue duty税收;③ financial revenue 财政收入短语搭配:in advance提前,预先短语搭配:advanced technology先进的技术短语搭配:to advantage有利地,使优点突出地短语搭配:from a common ancestor同源,同宗短语搭配:① anticipate (meeting)troubles 预料会有麻烦;② anticipate the opponent’s next move先发制人,制敌机先;③ anticipate one’s income预支收入第10组考点搭配:①keep a journal 记日记;② a ship’s journal 航海日志;③ a monthly/weekly journal 月刊/周刊考点搭配:① a long train journey 长途火车旅行;② make/take/undertake a journey 旅行考点搭配:juvenile court 少年法庭第11组考点搭配:① alter clothes 修改衣服使之更为合身;② alter one’s will 修改遗嘱短语搭配:① alternate with/between A and B 在甲乙两人之间交替,轮换;② Night and day alternate.日夜交替。

专四专八必备1000 个词组1. a battery of question 一连串的质问2. a battery of sth. 一连串的3. a beam of light 一束光线4. a bundle of 一捆,一包,一束5. a chunk of cake 一大块蛋糕6. a cluster of spectators 一群观众7. a considerable number/amount of 大量8. a fraction of 一小部分9. a gallon of petrol 一加仑汽油10. a glass of champagne 一杯香槟酒11. a load of sth.大量,很多12. a myriad of 大量的,无数的13. a piece/ slice of toast 一片烤面包14. a power of attorney 委托权15. a riot of color 五彩斑斓16. a seething cauldron of emotion 群情沸腾17. a sense of curiosity 好奇心18. a very clingy child 依赖性过强的孩子19. abandon sb./sth. to sth. 使...全然陷入...20. abandon sth. for sth. 放弃/ 停止....而从事/ 进行...21. above a/the rank 高于...军衔22. absolute advantage 绝对优势23. absolute monarchy 君主专制政体24. academic studies 学术研究25. accessibility of target 目标可达性26. accommodate to 改变...以适应27. accompany sb. on a walk 陪同某人散步28. accompany sb. on the piano 用钢琴为某人伴奏29. according to all indications 根据种种迹象30. according to practice 按照惯例31. accordingly as 依照32. acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人熟知某事33. address/answer correspondence 写(回)信34. address/raise a protest 提出抗议35. adept in/at 熟练于36. adhere to 坚持37. administrative area 行政区38. administrative assistant 行政助理39. administrative intervention 行政干预40. admission to a school 准许入学41. adolescent behaviour 孩子气的举动42. adversely affect 有害影响43. advocate for/of 提倡....,...的拥护者44. advocate of peace 提倡和平的人45. affiliate...with... 使参加46. against nature 违背天性47. agitated depression 焦虑性抑郁症48. ahead of schedule 提前49. air corridor 空中走廊50. akin to 类似51. alarm siren 警报器52. album of views 风景画集53. alienate from 使疏远,使不和54. alienation from the world 与世界脱节55. all in a sweat 全身是汗56. all serene 没问题,无恙57. allocate sth. to sb.分配某物给某人58. ally with 与...结盟59. alternative to sb ’可以s p代l a替n 某人计划的方案60. alumni association 校友会61. amass evidence 收集证据62. amass information 收集情报63. anticipatory interest 预期利息64. appeal for 呼吁,要求65. applaud sb. for his courage 称赞某人有勇气66. applaud sb. for sth.因某事而赞扬某人67. application letter 求职信68. appositive clause 同位语从句69. approach sb. about sth.找某人谈...70. appropriate for sth. 适合...71. archaeological site 考古遗址72. archive file 归档文件73. archive site 存档网点74. argue about 为...争论75. army lorry 军用卡车76. articulate unmistakably 准确无误地表达77. artificial flowers 假花78. artificial respiration 人工呼吸79. as a matter of accommodation 为图便利80. as a reward for 作为对...的酬谢81. ascertain accurately 准确地查明82. ascribe sth. to sb./ sth. 将某事归因于某人/ 某事83. ashamed of oneself 自感惭愧84. assign sth. to sb.转让,让与85. assist at 参加...,出席...86. assist sb. with /in sth. 协助,帮助87. associate with all sorts of people 和各种各样的人交往88. assure sb. of sth.使某人确信某事89. at a glimpse 一瞥90. at intervals 时而91. at sb ’s whis听tle某人的使唤92. at that instant 在那一瞬间93. at the discretion of 听凭处置94. at the funeral 出席葬礼95. at the heels of 紧跟着,尾随96. at the point of the sword 在暴力威胁下97. attach to sth.使贴(系,粘)在...98. attain one ’s达go到a l某人的目的99. attending doctor 主治医师100. austerity budget 紧缩财政,紧缩预算101. automated teller machine 自动取款机102. available to 使...可以享受某物,使...买得起某物103. average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向104. avoid doing sth.避免做某事105. awake from sleep 从睡梦中醒来106. award sb. sth.奖励某人某物107. barbecue mix 烤肉时涂抹用调味料108. barely enough to 勉强够109. basic components 基本的组成110. basic fabric 基本结构111. be a confusion of 一片混乱的112. be a tittle wanting 稍微差一点,稍微少一点113. be accessible to..能.接近的,可进入的114. be adept in 擅长115. be amazed at 对...感到惊讶116. be ambitious for sth. 对...有野心的,渴望得到某物117. be ashamed of oneself 自感惭愧118. be ashamed of sth 为...感到羞愧119. be at a standstill 处于停顿状态120. be attuned to 适应,习惯于121. be awake to sth=be aware of sth 对某事保持清醒122. be aware of 意识到...123. be beneficial for 对...有利的124. be bewitched by 被迷住125. be blanked in/with sth. 被...覆盖126. be cautious about/of 谨防,留意127. be comfortable with 对...感到愉快128. be conducive to 有助于(增进)129. be confronted with 遭遇,面临130. be conscious of 意识到,知道131. be considerate about 体谅132. be continuous with 与...相连,是...的延续部分133. be crammed with people 挤满了人134. be crammed with 塞满135. be cursed with 受...折磨136. be delighted with 因...而十分高兴137. be desirous of 渴望138. be determined to do 决定做139. be disillusioned with 对...幻想破灭140. be dissatisfied with 对...感到不满141. be divorced from 与...离婚142. be doomed to 注定要...143. be effective against 有抗...效力的144. be eligible for 适合的。

英语专业八级考试高频词汇100个1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。
2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,8. of one’s own accord(=without being a sked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one’s accord with 同….不一致10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12. on one’s own account1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益2) (=at o ne’s own risk) 自行负责3) (=by oneself)依靠自己on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由)15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地.30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.32. have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;…………….ahead of time 提前.37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.45. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力48. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to 适用.49. apply to 与…有关;适用50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系,结57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…58. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料59. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法60. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果61. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.63. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面64. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起.65. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台66. turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃67. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)68. be based on / upon 基于69. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上70. beat…at在…运动项目上打赢71. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)72. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.74. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处.75. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)76. for the better 好转77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.78. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生79. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘83. out of breath 喘不过气来84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的86. take the floor 起立发言87. on business 出差办事.88. be busy with sth.于某事。

1.lexis:n. 词汇2.liaison:n. (团体或个体间的)联系3.lieu:n. 代替in lieu of 代替4.ligament:n. 韧带5.lilac:n. 1.紫丁香;2.淡紫色6.limelight:n. 众人注意的焦点to be in the limelight 成为公众注目的中心7.lineage:n. 家系,血统8.liquidate:v. 1.消灭,杀戮;2.清盘(破产公司)The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.政府试图清肃反叛运动,结果失败了。
)9.litigation:n. (非刑事的)诉讼10.livid:a. 1.青灰色的2.极生气的a livid bruise(青淤)1.habitue:n. 常客2.hack:v. 1.砍;2.私自存取(计算机化存储系统)例如:He hacked at the branch until it fell off.他朝着树枝砍, 直到砍下来为止。
3.hacked:a. 生气的,恼火的4.hackle:n. 脾气,怒气例如:make sb’s hackles rise (使某人勃然大怒)5.hackneyed:a. 陈腐的,老生常谈的6.hacksaw:n. 钢锯7.hag:n. 母夜叉8.haggard:a. 憔悴的9.haggle:v. 争论,讨价还价例如:In many countries you have to haggle before you buy anything.在许多国家里买东西之前都得讨价还价。
10.hairdo:n. 发型,发式1.contraception:n. 避孕(法)2.contrive:v. 发明,设计,设法做到He contrived to make matters worse.他弄巧成拙。
3.convene:v. 召集Does the UN convene every year?联合国每年都召开大会吗?4.convulse:v. 1. 使振动,使震撼;2. 使抽筋5.corollary:n. 必然结果,推论6.corpulent:a. 肥胖的,臃肿的He was fifty or there abouts and was corpulent and tall in person.他大约50岁,身体肥胖高大。

形容词短语:Rich in sth. 丰富Intent on sth. 专注Indifferent to sth. 漠视Adjacent to 毗邻A verse to 嫌恶Deaf to 不愿意听Loyal to 忠于Preferable to 较合人意Similar to 类似,相同Superior to 优于,胜于Sensitive to 敏感Be (un)conscious of (没有)意识到Be accustomed to 惯于Be abbreviated to 缩写为Be reduced to 沦落为减少为Be resigned to 听任Be reconciled to 甘心于顺从Be devoted to 致力于Be given to 喜欢癖好Be used to 习惯于John is alive to the feeling of shame. (敏感)The cat is alive with lice. (充满)The man is blind of an eye. (瞎) Jack was blind to his own fault. (不察觉)名词短语A solution to sth. (解决解答)(have)faith in sth. (信任有信心) A glance at sth/sb (扫视一瞥) Need for sth. (需要)Obstacle to (障碍)Limit to (限度)Aid to ( 辅助)Objection to (反对)Indifference to (不关心)Key to (解答关键)Answer to (回答答复)Hindrance to (妨碍阻碍)On sb’s guard (警惕提防)At sb’s request (应某人要求请求) In all probability (十有八九多半) To sb’s delight (使人高兴的是) To…extent 到…程度On…occasion(s) 在…场合In such a way 以那样的一种方式At risk/ in dangerAt sb’s disposal 可供某人使用On ground(s) 基于…原因By means of 用…方法借助于By no means 绝不一点都不By all means 当然可以By this/that means动词短语Blow up 爆炸Blow out 爆发Bring up 教养提出Build up 增长Call off 取消Come to 苏醒过来Come out 出版Carry on 继续Carry out 贯彻Come up 发生Crop out 冒出Figure out 想出理解Flare up 发脾气Lay off 临时解雇Make up 和好弥补Make out 理解Pay off 赢利Pass away 去世Put on 装模作样Take apart 拆开Take on 雇佣Take over 接管Make a study of/ make studies of 研究Carry on with sth 继续做某事Add to 增加Adhere to 坚持Admit to 承认供认Allude to 暗示Amount to 总计等于Attend to 注意照顾Attest to 证明Bow to 向…低头顺从Cling to 坚守Correspond to 相当于等于Confess to 承认供认Consent to 同意答应应允Contribute to 有助于促成Object to 反对不赞成Get to 开始做某事React to 反应Pertain to 属于Revert to 恢复旧习惯Refer to 提及Relate to 与…有关系Submit to 顺从屈服Succeed to 继承Stick to 坚持继续Witness to 出庭作证Yield to 让步屈服Prevail to 说服Appeal to 上诉Apply to 申请Concentrate to 集中精力Touch upon 涉及Account to 解释Come into 继承Come across 碰到Get after 追捕Go about 做Go for 争取Look into 调查Resort to 诉诸See about 料理See to 料理Take to 爱上Care about 在乎关心Care for 为…操心喜欢Care of .由…什么转交Make fun of 取笑Make a mess of 把..弄脏弄糟Make the most of 充分利用Take care of 照顾照料Take advantage of 利用Take pity on 怜悯Change hands 易手过户Take effects 生效Take root 扎根Take place 发生Perform/do an actCarry over to 持续到Catch on to 理解Come down with 染上Come out with 说出Fill in for 顶替Ger around to/at 够得到Get round to 找到时间做某事Get down to 开始认真做某事Get near to 几乎接近于Get away with 得逞Get on at 责怪Get on to 想出理解Go in for 喜欢Go through with 把…进行到底Face up with 勇敢地面对Feel up to 有条件、合适做某事Keep up with 跟上Put up with 忍受Look forward to 盼望Look up to 尊重Look down on 看不起Make up for 弥补Own up to 承认Talk down to 对…大言不惭地说话Break in on 打断Come up against 碰到Hold out on 对…保密Put…down to 把…归因于Take…out on 拿…泄恨Put…over on 捉弄Irrespective of 不顾Ahead of 在…之前Next to 贴近Along with 与…在一起Out of 从里面出来由于Apart from 除…以外Owing to 由于Apropos of 关于Previously to 在…之前As for 至于Prior to 在…之前As to 至于Regardless of 不顾不惜Save for 除了But for 要不是Thanks toTogether with 与…一起Due to 由于Up to 一直到忙于Except for 除了Instead ofat variance with 与…不符by force of 凭借by means ofby reasons of 由于by way of 经由作为for fear of 以免for lack of 因缺少in addition to 除…以外in/on behalf of 代表in case of 如果发生in comparison with 与…相比in connection with 与…有关in contrast with/to 与…不同in consequence of 由于in danger ofin defiance of 无视…in excess of 超过in line with 与…一致in place of 代替in point of 就…而言in return of 对…的回报in search of 寻求in spite ofin terms of 从…方面in view of 鉴于on account of 由于on/under pain of 违者则处于on top of 在…上面除…之外对…控制紧接着under cover of 在…掩护下under/on (the) pretence of 以…为借口with/without reference to 关于、不管with/without regard to 关于不顾with respect to 关于without prejudice to 无损于at the expense of 以…的代价at the mercy of 受…的摆布at the rate of 按…的比率for the benefit of 为…的利益for the purpose of 为…目的for the sake of 为了in the care of 由…照管in the event of 如果发生in the interests of 为…的利益in the pay of 受雇于in the teeth of 不顾逆着in the wake of 跟在…背后in the way of 按…常规in the process of 在…进程中on/at the brink of 濒于on the eve of 在….前夕on the ground of 根据on the part of 在…方面on the point of 正要….之际on the score of 因为on the strength of 根据on the watch for 提防on the verge of 濒于to the exclusion of 把…排除在外to/in the prejudice of 有损于under the auspices of 在…的支持下under the guise of 在…的幌子下with a view to 指望with an eye to 试图with the exception of 除…之外1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在3. absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one’s accord with 同….不一致10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12. on one’s own acc ount1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责3) (=by oneself)依靠自己on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由)15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complainabout) 指控,控告19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persistin, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地.30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.32. have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from,harness)利用.34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……………. ahead of time 提前.37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责.44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.45. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力48. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to 适用.49. apply to 与…有关;适用50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good,right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系,结57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…58. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attendon(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料59. attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法60. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果61. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.63. at the back of (=behind) 在…后面64. in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be illin bed) 卧病不起.65. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back有…支持, 有…作后台66. turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃67. behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)68. be based on / upon 基于69. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上70. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢71. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)72. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.74. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处.75. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)76. for the better 好转77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.78. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生79. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人. blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘83. out of breath 喘不过气来84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的86. take the floor 起立发言87. on business 出差办事.88. be busy with sth.于某事。
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本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦01 (主动)责骂某人to call sb down02 以某人为榜样学习to take after one’s example03 视某事为最重要的事to place sth ahead of anything else04 视某事为最重要的事to put sth first05 开夜车to burn the midnight oil06 贫困生financially-strapped students07 经济中心economic hub08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场to stand my ground09 坚持自己的立场to stick to my guns10 非常关心give all my concern to sth11 沉溺于酗酒be enslaved to drinking12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp13 狼吞虎咽to gulp down sth14 厌倦to sicken of sth/doing sth15 智勇双全to combine wisdom with courage16 土崩瓦解to fall to pieces17 土崩瓦解to go to pieces18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)19 知识来自于实践knowledge starts with practice20 汲取知识to come by knowledge21 泄露秘密to leak out secrets22 未经允许without permission23 (事情)发生come about24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb25 以……为代价at the expense of sth26 以……为代价at the cost of sth27 以……为代价at the price of sth28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children30 花钱/时间在某人身上to expend time/money on sb31 松了口气to exhale in relief32 松了口气to breathe a sigh of relief33 排放废气to give off exhaust34 废气exhaust fumes35 给某人带来伤害to cause much damage to sb/sth36使某人遭到不幸bring sb to grief37 (主动)遭到不幸come to grief38 被责骂be taken to task39 在……的背景下against the backdrop of sth40 在……的背景下sth is set exactly against this background41 炸毁某物to blow up sth42 故意破坏的行为an act of sabotage43 吸引人们to enthrall the minds of people44 卷入get entangled in sth45 陷入get embroiled in sth46 接着……发生to ensue from sth47 下一年the ensuing year48 沉溺于坏习惯be enslaved to a bad habit49非常关心某事sth is of great concern to me50 抚养孩子长大to bring up children51 在蜜罐中长大be brought up in a honey jar52(艰辛地)找工作to pick up a job53 到处,四处here and there54 把重点放在to place weight on sth55 精神支柱spiritual pillar56 昂扬的斗志high-spirited57 顽强的毅力firmly-determined58 为祖国争得荣誉to win honors for our country59 站起来to raise to one's feet60(费劲地)站起来to struggle to one's feet61 交叉双臂to fold one's arms62 双手抚脸to put one's palms on one's cheek63 摸下巴to rub one's chin64 耸肩to shrug one's shoulders65 电影特写movie close-up66 电影卖座This movie is a big draw at the box office67 故事片feature film68 电影首映movie premiere69 电影发烧友movie zealot70 戒烟to quit smoking71 戒烟to abstain from cigarettes72 戒烟to lay off smoking73 戒毒to quit drugs74 戒毒to quit taking drugs75 戒毒to get off drugs76 接触其他文化get into touch with other cultures77 掠夺他国资源to plunder a country of its resources78 一流的设施state-of-the-art facilities79 勉强及格to scrape through an exam80 侦探小说whodunit = detective novels/stories81 和……相冲be offensive to……82 把……考虑进来to take sth into consideration83把……考虑进来to take sth into full account84 进一步思索、考虑on second thought85 是恰当的示例be a good case in point86 明显特征a striking feature87 毫不夸张without exaggeration88 开拓眼界to expand one’s mind89 开拓视野to broaden one’s mind90 微笑是一个人最好的名片one’s smile is the best name card of sb91 传承精神to carry forward the spirit of sth92 侵害名誉to jeopardize one’s reputation93 服用兴奋剂to take stimulants94 性骚扰sexual harassment95 时尚圈vogue/fashion world96 一时时尚a passing vogue97 一时热潮a passing fad98 进行严厉处罚to impose serious penalties99 值得称赞to deserve commendation100 广泛认同be widely endorsed101 不足之处defect = drawback102 经济平稳发展sound economic growth103 假药shoddy medicine104 假药bogus medicine105 假证件forged document106 声名狼藉to have ill fame107 声名狼藉be of ill-repute108 黄金时段节目prime-time TV program109 大腕top notch110 谐星comic star111 快速瞥了一眼to catch a brief glimpse of sth112 偷瞄to cast covert glances at sth113 受欢迎be well-received114 受欢迎to receive a warm welcome115 受到热情招待to receive a hearty reception116 矢志不渝undying loyalty117 早恋to have premature love affairs118 以自我为中心的be self-centered119 误入歧途(主动)to go astray120 把某人引向歧途to lead sb astray121 没有养成自觉性not to attain initiative122 渐渐摧毁孩子的一生to ruin the child for life123 流露自卑情绪to show a sense of inferiority124 有自卑情结have an inferiority complex125 十分忧虑(某物,如考试)to show great concern over sth126 倾心交谈to have heart-to-heart chats with sb127 性侵犯sexual assault128 对某人期望过高to expect too much of sb129 明智的父母judicious parents130 对……沮丧be despondent about sth131 为了某事向某人表示感谢to express my gratitude to sb for sth 132 不理睬to shrug off sth133 牢牢抓住机会to snatch at a chance134 抓住机会to jump at a chance135 一怒之下in a fit of rage136过严的家教too rigid parental cultivation137 对……一视同仁to treat sth alike138 对……漠不关心be neglectful of sth139 对……漠不关心be indifferent to sth140 控制不住to have no control over sth141 把……控制住to bring sth under control142 管不住be beyond one’s control143 大饱眼福to feast one’s eyes on sth144 促成逆反行为to foster rebellion acts145 改正坏习惯to cure sb of a bad habit146 花钱大手大脚to spend money like water147 花钱无度be spendthrift148 供上大学to send children to college149 节省开支to skimp on expenditures150 帮助某人摆脱(困境)to help sb out of sth151 财务困境financial predicament152 楷模role model153 树立良好榜样to present a good role model for sb 154 树立良好榜样to set a good example to sb155 老年人(总称)the elders156 向某人指教to turn to sb for guidance157 展现良好品质to practice a good virtue of sth 158 孝顺父母be filial to parents159 一丝希望a gleam of hope160 一线希望a glimmer of hope161 微小的希望(几乎不可能)a slender hope161 工作前景job prospects162 使……居于次要地位to subordinate A to B163 自吹自擂to blow on e’s own horn164 自夸to blow one’s own trumpet165 摆架子to put on airs166 逃学to play truant167 白手起家to make money starting from scratch 168 怀疑be skeptical about sth169 争权to scramble for power170 如期举行be held as scheduled171 非常喜欢be partial to sth172 偏袒,有倾向be partial towards sth173 跟上步伐to keep pace with sth174 跟上步伐to keep abreast of sth175 对……持乐观态度be optimistic about sth176 妨碍司法公正to obstruct justice177 妨碍司法公正to pervert the course of justice178 鉴于in the light of sth179 自由at liberty180 解放,释放(如压力,痛苦等)to liberate sb from sth 181 解放to emancipate sb from sth182 空暇时间at one’s leasure183 普遍持有的观点a widely-held perspective on sth184 间隔长(两者间)at long intervals185 间隔短,经常,时常at short intervals186 推动,激励to give an impulse to sth187 虚度光阴to idle away time188 虚度光阴to dawdle away time189 无所事事to loiter away time190 热闹,繁华hustle and bustle191 让位(本意)to take a back seat to sth192 让位(引申)to give way to sth193 缓解焦虑to ease anxiety about sth194 永久和平durable peace195 沉闷as dull as ditchwater196 被怀疑中sth is in doubt197 无疑be beyond doubt198 国外产品foreign-made products199 本土品牌domestic brands200 与某人狼狈为奸to work hand in glove with sb201 指点某人to enlighten sb on sth202 当今社会present-day society203 持有积极的角度看问题look at sth from a positive perspective/angle204 生活水平living standards of people205 设计自己的人生轨道to chart our course of our lives206 收获成果to come to fruition207 把辛勤的劳动换成了累累硕果to bring sth to fruition208 每况愈下be on the ebb209 每况愈下be on the decline210 每况愈下be on the wane211 派上用场to come in handy212 无法逾越的困难an insuperable difficult213 咬紧牙关to grit one’s teeth214 心痛欲绝to grieve over sth215 伤心做某事to grieve to do sth216 掌握本质要点to grasp one’s essentials217 生某人气be furious with sb at sth218 向……皱眉头to frown at sb219 对……不满意to frown on sth220 丝毫不考虑without giving any thought for sth 221 根除贫困to eradicate poverty from the world222 在视线中消失to vanish from sight223 消失to vanish like a bubble224 消失to vanish into the void225 天生就有(某种才华)be endowed with sth226 被崇高的精神鼓舞be animated by a lofty spirit 227 使努力白费to make efforts go down the drain228 容易接受be receptive to sb229 偏离to diverge from sth230 书本中汲取的知识knowledge distilled from books 231 存在come into existence232 分歧to dissent from sth233 使……陷入混乱to throw sth into disorder234 在……之后发生in the wake of sth235 对……失望be disillusioned with sth236 对……不抱期望be disenchanted with sth237 优点和缺点upside and downside238 补上落下的课业to make up the lost study239 一把双刃剑a double-edged sword240 记忆的片段memory extracts241 来回挪步to pace back and forth242 没有片刻停歇without minute s’ pause243 没有停顿without a pause244 溜走了(如机会)to slip away245 悲伤和高兴的交融a mixture of sadness and happiness 246 迷茫be in a daze247 挖掘价值to dig out value248 战胜困难to surmount difficulties249 孩子成长的阶段during child’s formative years250 生命内在的真谛the hidden truth of life251 瘫痪(如交通)a complete standstill252 与……相结合be aligned with sth253 面对in the face of sth254 收获to reap benefits255 中心in the center of sth256 仔细琢磨to brood on sth257 细想to ponder on sth258 仔细考虑to chew on/over sth259 大批的人the great bulk of people260 瘫痪(动词)(如交通)to come to a standstill 261 现代生活modern living262 学习的各方面every facet of study263 快消失殆尽,渐渐消失be a dying breed264 老年人的圈子the domain of the older generation 265 大规模in a big way266 多才多艺versatile people267 快速增长的人口the burgeoning human population 268 迫切的需求crying demands/needs for sth269 野生动物栖息地wildlife habitat area270 濒临灭绝的物种endangered species271 更好地理解to gain a better understanding of sth 272 瞻性的决策proactive decisions273 使用法律手段to implement legislation274 安排轻重缓急to sort out priorities275 心理健康mental health276 尽最大努力to go to great lengths to do sth277 竭尽全力to go all out to do sth278 尽某人最大努力to go out of one’s way to do sth279 嫉妒be jealous of sth280 钦慕(更带有羡慕感,而不是嫉妒)be envious of sth281 丰富的工作经验a wealth of experience282 按各自的职业轨道发展to proceed along one’s own career path 283 开明的态度an open-minded attitude284 分配任务to allocate tasks to sb285 明确的目标a defined goal286 明确的职责well-defined responsibilities287 共同努力a coordinated effort288 共同努力a joint effort289 与某人相处融洽to get along with sb290 提出不同的观点to think out of the box291 总体而言as a whole292 总体上on the whole293 因……而筋疲力尽be exhausted with sth294 融入(如朋友圈子,工作环境)to fit into sth295融入to fit in with sth296 工作体系work regime297 实战的工作经验(强调不是纸上谈兵)hands-on working experience298 无经验的学生unskilled and inexperienced students 299 不断更新的信息up-to-date information300 不断更新be kept up to date301 从一开始at the start302 筋疲力尽to exhaust all one’s energy303 加分to chalk up marks304 将有的进步prospective progress305 ……的本质at the heart of sth306 一去不复返be gone once and for all307 用……的语调in…terms308 控制to place restrictions on sth309 被局限于某地be confined to sp310 受限做某事be restricted to doing sth311 映入眼帘to come into sight312 引起注意to come into notice313 大相径庭a drastic departure from sth314 尽全力to go all out to do sth315 义不容辞be incumbent upon sb to do sth316 洒满阳光be flooded with sunshine317 很大程度a great deal318 清醒to sober up319 接连不断to do sth at a stretch320 欣喜若狂to go into raptures321 撤离be evacuated from sp322 反对(某人)to turn against sb323 反抗(某人)to react against sb324 置身事外to remain aloof from sth325 写下、记下be set down326 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth327 注入新活力to inject new vigor into sth328 打基础to pave the way for sth329 随着时间的流逝with the passage of time330 一时幸运a stroke of fortune331 使某人思考sth sets sb thinking that…332 按原计划to go as planned333 摆脱瓶颈to break through a bottleneck334 升职中与工作能力无关的困难、障碍the glass ceiling 335 古往今来down through the ages336 旨在be aimed at sth337 以……为目标be targeted at sth338 以……为方向be oriented towards sth339 怂恿某人做某事to entice sb into doing sth340 诱使某人不做某事to entice sb away from sth341 有争议的话题a controversial subject342 有争议的话题a contentious subject343 把……放在首位to put sth in the forefront of sth 344 体育场馆sporting venue345 大气污染atmospheric pollution346 副作用side effects347 逆境adverse circumstances348 模仿某人行为、动作to emulate actions of sb 349 毫不相关be completely divorced from sth350 肆无忌惮的攻击unscrupulous attachs351 歪曲的事实distorted facts352 设定限制to set a limit to sth353 没有限制there be no limits to sth354 等同于amount to355 跳槽job-hopping356 底层at the bottom357 底层on the ground floor358 学会窍门to learn the ropes359 大公司里的小职员a small fish in a big pond 360 假文凭fake diplomas361 有利可图的行业a lucrative business362 回忆过去to review the past363 妨碍to get in the way of sth364 养成习惯to get in the habit of sth365 培养习惯to cultivate the habit of sth366 闷闷不乐to have a blue moment367 做出牺牲to make sacrifices368 完全不一致be radically different from sth 369 被赐予sb is blessed with sth370 退位to step down371 退位to step aside372 某人无法控制be beyond one’s grasp 373 被某物玷污be stained with sth374 蚀刻be etched with sth375 战胜困难to triumph over difficulties376 崭新开始to make a brand-new start377 声名远扬to have a solid reputation378 一片混乱to get messy379 逐步on a minute-by-minute basis380 残疾和不幸disabilities and adversities 381 适当的be apposite to sth382 仔细琢磨to reflect on sth383 是……的反映a reflection of sth384 心里总想着to brood over sth385 热切渴望to have a feverish desire to do sth386 对音乐有很高的鉴赏能力to have an exquisite ear for music 387 鬼鬼祟祟on the sly388 成天做某事be glued to sth389 适应于be geared to sth390 与国际接轨to gear sth to the international conventions391 丰富be rich in sth392 丰富be abundant in sth393 痛苦的回忆traumatic memories394 听得入迷be held spellbound by sth395 石油储量oil reserves396 学术造诣academic prowess397 专心从事to immerse oneself in sth398(声音)回荡to resonate through sp399 扑灭大火to put out the big fire400 盛情款待a rapturous reception401 对某物惊叹to marvel at sth402 口才great oratory403 鼓起勇气to take courage404 冒险to take risks405 不屈不挠to have indomitable courage406 巡查to make rounds407 支持某人to prop sb up408 接受to come to accept sth409 一扫而去be swept away410 务实be down to earth411 务实with a pragmatic attitude412 看见to set one’s eyes on sth413 贫困地区poverty-stricken areas414 残酷的现实the harsh reality415 合拍be in tune with sth416 难以形容的美丽indescribable beauty 417 很难形容to defy simple description 418 下苦功夫painstaking efforts419 出风头in the limelight420 出风头、耀眼to sparkle in the spotlight 421 启发式的教育heuristic education422 应试教育exam-oriented education423 首屈一指be second to none424 使某人筋疲力尽to wear sb out425 使某人筋疲力尽to tire sb out426 经常as often as not427 市场more often than not428 挡道to block the way429 踏脚石a stepping stone430 冲击波to send a shock wave through sp 431 相反to the contrary432 被消除be removed from sth433 以……扬名be renowned for sth434 消除念头to get sth out of your head 435 在某人身边打转to hover round sb 436 接手任务to take over duties437 使某人精神振奋to buck sb up438 通往成功的路on the road to success 439 洋溢着兴奋to sparkle with happiness 440 时尚be in vogue441 时尚be in fashion442 开始时尚to come into fashion443 开始时尚to come into vogue444 不流行to go out of style445 不流行to go out of vogue446 不流行to go out of fashion447 限制做某事be confined to doing sth 448 回想to throw my mind back to sth449 平淡的生活pedestrian life450 非常be nothing but 加形容词451 日常工作daily routine452 为自己说话to speak up for oneself453 畏缩不敢做某事to shrink from doing sth454 受挫to set backs455 使某人受挫to set sb back456 用尽耐心to exhaust one’s patience457 与其说A,还不如说B be not so much B as A 458 日新月异ever-changing459 盛情邀请gracious invitation460 亮点a high point461 赋予信念be armed with faith462 合资企业joint venture463 举世闻名world-renowned464 结出累累硕果to yield more fruits465 敬意to have a regard for sth466 知识基础经济knowledge-based economy467 源远流长can be traced back to the ancient times 468 瑰宝a gem of sth469 双重任务dual tasks470 全方位multi-directional471 宽领域wide-ranging472 宽领域in a wide range of areas473 研究型教育research-interrelated education474 一批a flow of sb475 不受约束的思想uninhibited minds476 探索前沿on the frontier of discovery477 多层次知识结构multi-level knowledge formation478 对外开放opening-up479 自改革开放以来since China’s policies of reform and opening-up 480 在改革开放政策下under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world481 不谋而合to coincide with sth482 第一位be given top priority483 最忙碌的时候at the busiest time484 着迷to captivate one’s eyes485 被广为流传to enjoy popularity on everybody’s lips486 尽力自己的一份力to do one’s bit for sth487 光荣榜on the honor list488 年轻时in youth489 年老时in old age490 应尽的义务bounden duty491 简单来说to put in simple terms492 简短来说to put it bluntly493 简单来说in simple words494 鼓起勇气to pluck up courage495 岁月如梭to flash past496 光阴流逝to go like a flash497 靠自己立足to stand on one’s own two feet498 就……进行磋商to exchange notes on sth499 交换看法to exchange views on sth500 自暴自弃self-defeating501 就国际范围来说on an international scale502 引起共鸣to strike a responsive chord with sb 503 内心深处in the heart of me504 普及性的教育活动massive educational campaign 505 满足欲望to gratify one’s thirst for sth506 满足欲望to quench one’s thirst for sth507 吐露心声to give voice to sth508 多余的要求superfluous requirements509 绊脚石a stumbling block to sth510 社会动荡social upheavals511 使……结束to put an end to sth512 结束to come to an end513 结束to come to a close514 结束to draw to a close515 承担工作to take on work516 心甘情愿with a good grace517 不情愿with a bad grace518 未达到标准be below standard519 缺乏be devoid of sth520 吹毛求疵be scrupulous about sth521 马马虎虎be slipshod in sth522 职业观念professional sense523 酿成悲剧to breed a tragedy524 弘扬民族文化to propagate national culture 525 感情用事to give way to feelings526 逃避责任to evade duties527 和平共处to coexist in peace528 扫除障碍to sweep away obstacles529 随着……的到来with the advent of sth530 顺应时代潮流to go with the current of the times 531 邻国neighboring countries532 伸出援手to rally round533 领域on the realm of sth534 弄清楚to shed light on sth535 逐步自信起来to come out of one’s shell536 带领某人逐步成长、自信to bring sb out of one’s shell 537 转移注意力to shift attention to sth538 集中注意力于to fix attention on sth539 打草稿to sketch out sth540 具体的detailed (形容词)541 抽空to take the time off one’s schedule542 运道而来to come here all the way from sp543 庆祝in celebration of sth544 总经理General Manager545 尽情地to one’s heart’s content546 在……之际on the occasion of sth547 在……之际on the point of sth548 对……精通proficiency in sth549 阐述to amplify on sth550 阐述to elaborate on sth551 改过自新to mend one’s ways552 饱和be saturated with sth553 内疚to have a guilty conscience554 心无愧疚to have a clear conscience555 消除隔阂to bridge the gap between A and B556 消除隔阂to narrow the gap between A and B557 扩大隔阂to widen the gap between A and B558 严重缺乏to have an acute shortage of sth 559 智穷计尽at one’s wits’ end560 花心思to sharpen up one’s wits561 背后捅刀to give sb a stab in the back562 悬而未决be up in the air563 产生效益to pay dividends564 就……而论in the matter of sth565就……而论in the case of sth566 千方百计by fair means of foul567 不择手段by hook or crook568 受疾病折磨be afflicted with diseases569 脱口而出to blurt out sth570 泪水使双眼模糊eyes were blurred with tears 571 引起共鸣to find an echo in one’s heart572 国有企业state-owned enterprises573 在节日的前一晚on the eve of sth574 毫无例外without exception575 对……施加影响to exert an influence on sb 576 全校师生the students and faculty577 致命打击a fatal blow to sb578 致命打击a mortal blow to sb579 提供反馈to give feedback on sth580 想象力丰富a fertile mind581 发财make a fortune582 由政府资助的government-funded583 禁止某人做某事to prohibit sb from doing sth 584 禁止to lay a ban on sth585 从这个意义上来说in this regard586 推动发展to push forward development587 社会各界from various circles588 表示热烈欢迎to extend warm welcome to sth 589 极慢地be at a snail’s pace590 脱离困境to let sb off the hook591 把某人列为to rank sb as …592 解除某人忧虑to take a load off one’s mind593 解除某人忧虑to take a weight off one’s mind 594 一辈子、人的一生from the cradle to the grave 595 优待to discriminate in favor of sb596 恶劣对待to discriminate against sb597 职业by profession 如:be a doctor by profession 598 在青春年华时in the prime of one’s age599 验证to put sth to the proof600 因……而高度赞扬to sing high praise for sth601 豪侠英雄chivalrous heroes602 不言而喻it goes without saying that …603 被进一步加剧be further aggravated by sth604 留下深刻印象be engraved on one’s memory605 避而不谈to draw a veil over sth606 同理by the same token607 在职期间in the saddle608 唤起某人to awaken sb to sth609 听其自然to let things slide610 继续存留to linger on sth611 性情温和的even-tempered612 为了……进行鼓动to agitate for sth613 为反对……进行鼓吹to agitate against sth614 开夜车to stay up late615 令人毛骨悚然的spine-chilling (a.)616令人毛骨悚然的hair-raising (a.)617 一时冲动on the spur of the moment618一时冲动on impulse619 取得很大的进步to make great strides in doing sth 620 是对……的补充be a supplement to sth621 对A加以补充B to supplement A with B622 非常重要be of supreme importance623 满腔自豪be swollen with pride624 削减预算to trim the budget625 减轻负担to lessen the burdens on sb626 绞尽脑汁to rack one’s brains627 一大清早at the crack of dawn628 共同商量to take counsel with sb629 一言不发to button one’s lips630 负担落在了某人身上the burden of sth rests with sb 631 崭新的brand-new (a.)632 某人自己独特的幽默感one’s own brand of humor 633 满心欢喜Joy filled one’s breast.634 突飞猛进地by leaps and bounds635 三思而后行Look before you leap.636 鼓舞士气to boost one’s spirits637 多面手an all-round man638 多面手all-rounder639 自夸to boast of/about sth640 自夸to brag about sth641 亚太地区in the Asia-Pacific Region642 古老灿烂的文明a long tradition of brilliant civilization 643 促进学术交流to facilitate academic exchanges644 从而in turn645 提出更高要求to place higher expectations on sb 646 由政府承担be undertaken by government647 承担更大的责任to shoulder greater responsibilities 648 积累经验to accumulate experience649 值得借鉴to merit reference650 在此领域in this regard651 双赢态势win-win scenario652 上台发言to take the floor653 一致通过unanimous approval654 全面的all-dimensional655 全面的well-rounded656 凸显的问题salient problems657 重视to attach great importance to sth658 保存完好well-preserved659 出土文物unearthed cultural relics660 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites661 最低价floor price662 最低价rock-bottom price663 自然景观natural settings and tourist sites664 旅游景点tourist spots665 事后看来in retrospect666 发泄to give vent to sth667 向某人发泄怒气to vent one’s anger on sb 668 重视to set store by sth669 免于be immune from sth670 保持联系to keep track of sth671 失去联系to lose track of sth672 展望未来to look into the future673 宣布开幕to declare the commencement of sth 674 宣布闭幕to declare the conclusion of sth 675 回顾过去to look back on the past676 消愁to chase one’s gloom away677 使某人情绪低落to cast a gloom over sb678 使某人意志消沉to cast a cloud over sb679 病愈to get over one’s illness680 高发病率a high incidence of illness681 与……相融洽be compatible with sth682 激励某人be an inspiration to sb683 获得灵感to draw an inspiration from sth 684 如上所述as mentioned above685 对……吹毛求疵to find fault with sth686 为……做准备to make provision for sth687 容忍to put up with sth688 寻求in pursuit of sth689寻求in search of sth690寻求in quest of sth691 乘火车by rail692 抢劫to rob sb of sth693 打击to crack down on sth694 公费旅游to go traveling at public expense695 旅游黄金周golden week for tourism696 高度自治权a high degree of autonomy697 引起关注to arouse attention698 艺术团an art ensemble699 反之亦然and vice versa700 全社会all sectors of society701 值得be worthy of sth702 值得be worth doing sth (含被动)703 渴望to yearn for sth704 满载货物的fully-loaded (a.)705 枯萎to wither away706 希望落空All her hopes withered away.707 目击be an witness to sth708 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm. 709 适应to adjust oneself to sth710 小声说着be speaking in a whisper711 消除贫穷to wipe out poverty712 还清债务to pay off all one’s debts713 减肥to lose weight714 增肥to put on weight715 警告某人做某事to warn sb of sth716 警告某人做某事to caution sb to do sth717 引起回忆to trigger memories718 自愿be of one’s own volition719 自愿be of one’s own accord720 易受……的伤害be vulnerable to sth721 容易让某人受到伤害to put sb in a vulnerable position 722 由于by virtue of sth723 由于……的作用through the agency of sth724 加强政治联系to strengthen political ties725 注入新生命to breathe new life into sth726 不入虎穴焉得虎子Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 727 看不起to look down on sth728 敬仰to look up to sth729 腾出空位to vacate one’s seats730 双边关系bilateral relations731 迫使某人离开某地to uproot sb from sp732 激励某人to urge sb on733 激励某人努力学习to spur sb up to one’s study 734 徒劳to no avail735 徒劳be of no effort736 统一支离破碎的国家to unify fractured country 737 揭开秘密to unlock secret738 幻想破灭to have no illusions about sth739 使幻想破灭to smash illusions740 误以为be under the illusion that …741 误以为be under the delusion that …742 丢掉幻想to cast aside illusions743 设定最终目标to set oneself an ultimate goal of sth 744 北京残奥会Beijing Paralympics745 弯弯曲曲twists and turns746 降低to lower down sth747 弯曲真相to twist the truth748 干扰思想to cloud one’s mind749 使尽浑身解数to try every trick in the book750 哄骗to trick sb into doing sth751 随便对待某人to trifle with sb752 琐事trifle matters753 吵架to argue with sb about sth754 药物治疗to treat sb with drugs755 不友好的眼神icy stare756 热烈欢迎to welcome sb with open arms757 故意忽视to give sb the cold shoulder758 拒绝提供帮助to turn one’s back on sb759 拒绝帮助to turn one’s nose up at sb760 影响to impinge on sth761 引人入胜的故事an intriguing story762 热烈的掌声tumultuous applause763 老掉牙的歌曲banal songs764 陈腐的思想stale ideas765 使某物呈现于脑海to conjure up sth766(声音)回荡于某地to reverberate across (the valley) 767(地方)回荡着某种声音to resonate with sth768(地方)回荡着某种声音to reverberate with sth769 与某人争吵to tangle with sb770 逐渐削减to taper off771 揍某人to tan one’s hide772 将信息泄露给某人to betray information to sb773 助学金financial aids774 拿助学金的学生a grant-aided student775 怀疑be suspicious of sth776 维持生命to sustain life777 蜂拥而来的信件a swarm of letters778 蜂拥而来to swarm with sb/sth779 改变思维方式to sway one’s way of thinking 780 性传播疾病sexually-transmitted disease781 将……传播给……be transmitted to sth782 提高意识to raise awareness of sth783 改变生活方式to transform one’s lives784 拐弯抹角的解释tortuous explanation785 阻挠计划to thwart plans786(汽车)全速前进at full tilt787 为……祝酒to propose a toast with sb to sth 788 对……怀恨在心to bear a grudge against sb/sth 789 冰释前嫌with a thaw in one’s old grudges790 胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cell791(比赛中)遭到重创be thrashed (in a game) 792 对……造成威胁to pose a threat to sth793 学期考试a terminal exam794 取笑to tease about sth795 充满be teeming with sth796 心情好be in a good temper797 心情差be in a bad temper798 忍住脾气to keep one’s temper799 发怒to get into a temper800 发怒to lose one’s temper801 资金投入a cash injection802 西部地区in the west803 大片温带雨林a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 804 早已预料到的事a foregone conclusion805 确凿的证据tangible proof806 确凿的证据conclusive evidence807 大片温带雨林a vast stretch of temperate rainforest 808 越来越多的支持a growing swell of support809 听任摆布to surrender to sth810 迅速回应swift reaction811 化为乌有to dwindle away to nothing812 从A转换至B to switch from A to B813 陷于绝望to surrender oneself to despair814 极大让步a major surrender815 取之不尽be inexhaustible in supply816 换句话说in other words817 反应不一mixed reactions818 被普遍认为是be reputed to be sth819 生效to bring sth into force820 在……的帮助下with the aid of sb821 在紧急关头in case of emergency822 连续两年two years in succession823 继承(职位、王位)be in succession to sth 824 控告to sue sb for sth825 住房补贴housing subsidies826 取代to substitute A (需要的) for B (不要) 827 扣除to deduct A from B828 减去to subtract A from B829 可溶于水的water-soluble (a.)830 用激进的方式in a radical way831 企图in an attempt to do sth832 讥笑to sneer at sth833 讥笑be a sneer at sth834 窃笑to snigger at sth835 有权做某事be eligible for sth/ to do sth 836 溜出某地to slide out of sp837 卑劣行径despicable acts838 笔误a slip of the pen839 口误a slip of the tongue840 提高知名度to enhance one’s popularity。