
1. ( ) A. apple B. banana C. orange2. ( ) A. cat B. dog C. bird3. ( ) A. book B. pen C. ruler4. ( ) A. teacher B. student C. doctor5. ( ) A. run B. jump C. swim二、词汇选择(15分)从每小题的三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的单词。
1. This is my new house. A. old B. big C. small2. Can you lend me your pencil? A. give B. show C. borrow3. We need to finish our homework. A. start B. complete C. begin4. The weather is very hot today. A. cold B. warm C. cool5. Tom likes playing football. A. watching B. reading C. doing三、选择填空(20分)从每小题的三个选项中选出正确的答案。
1. - __________ is your father? - He is a doctor.A. WhoB. WhatC. How2. I have ________ apples and ________ oranges.A. some, anyB. any, someC. many, some3. Sarah ________ a beautiful dress at the party yesterday.A. wearB. woreC. wearied4. My sister is ________ than me.A. tallB. tallerC. tallest5. - ________ do you go swimming? - Once a week.A. How muchB. How oftenC. How long四、完形填空(20分)阅读短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出正确的答案。

三年级英语词汇趣味记忆技巧练习题30题(答案解析)1.I have a pet. It has four legs and a long tail. It can run very fast. What is it?A.a birdB.a catC.a fish答案解析:B。
选项A 鸟有两条腿和翅膀,没有长尾巴;选项C 鱼生活在水里,没有四条腿和长尾巴;选项B 猫有四条腿和长尾巴,而且能跑得很快。
2.It is very big. It has a long nose. What is it?A.a dogB.an elephantC.a rabbit答案解析:B。
选项A 狗没有长鼻子;选项C 兔子也没有长鼻子;选项B 大象很大,有长鼻子。
3.It can swim. It has fins. What is it?A.a duckB.a monkeyC.a goldfish答案解析:C。
选项A 鸭子虽然会游泳但没有fins(鱼鳍);选项B 猴子不会游泳也没有鱼鳍;选项C 金鱼会游泳且有鱼鳍。
4.It has wings. It can fly. What is it?A.a pigB.a butterflyC.a mouse答案解析:B。
选项A 猪不会飞也没有翅膀;选项C 老鼠不会飞且没有翅膀;选项B 蝴蝶有翅膀能飞。
5.It is small. It has a long tail. It can climb trees. What is it?A.a squirrelB.a cowC.a sheep答案解析:A。
选项B 牛体型大且不会爬树;选项C 羊也不会爬树;选项A 松鼠小,有长尾巴且能爬树。

1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10. Xmas (翻译成英语)11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。
16 B g i (写出正确的单词)17 d g o (写出正确的单词)18 l i n o (写出正确的单词)19 alppe (写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词)21 r d e (写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)24 p a e r (写出正确的单词)25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e (写出正确的单词)28 c t a (写出正确的单词)29 b a e r (写出正确的单词)30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。
31 crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获35 Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45As you sow, so shall you reap.A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA.善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53 white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54 black sheepA.黑羊 B.害群之马55 white elephantA.昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA.黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文)60 National Day (请翻译成中文)61 Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文)62 New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文)63 Mother’s Day (请翻译成中文)64 Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文)65 Christmas Day (请翻译成中文)66 Children’s Day (请翻译成中文)67 Father’s Day (请翻译成中文)68 New Year's Day (请翻译成中文)69 Spring Festival (请翻译成中文)四、字母题。

1. What three letters turn a girl into a women?(D)A.sunB.dabC.eyeD.age2. What’s the Chinese for “talk big ”?(A)A.吹牛B.说谎话C.骂人D.很大3. Which letter can we see with?答案( I 因为跟 eye 同音)4. What belongs to you but is used more by others than yourself?答案:your name5.Why does a dog afraid of sunshine?答案:hot dog6.He’s a yes-man,I don ’t like him(A)答案:A 唯唯诺诺的人 B 总有理的人 C 坚强的人 D 说一不二的人7.What does everybody do at the same time?答案:(Grow old)8.Who can stop a car with one hand only?答案:(police)9.What table has no legs?答案:(Vegetable) 10 .I am a fruit .The outside is yellow .The inside is white .Guess my name?答案:(pear)11.Why is the letter E so important?答案:Because it ’s the beginning of everything!12.What letter is an animal ?答案:It’s the letter B!13.What letter is a question?答案:It’s the letter Y!14. What letter is a body of water?答案:C15.We don ’t want it. It’s“a white elephant. ”What is it?(A)答案:A. 一件无用而累的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱16.What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other? ”(C)A. 六分之一B. 人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见一面分一半17.下面是一道经典的英语填空题 ,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词 : 答案:Nothing _________ is greater than God .The poor have ____________ .The rich need _____________ .18. I have cities, but there are not any houses in them .I have forests , but not any trees in them .I have rivers , but there is not any water in them .What am I ? __map__19.What has two legs but can not walk.答案:compass20.There are three men on a train. Mr A speaks English and Chinese. Mr B speaks FrenchandE nglish.Mr C canonly talk withMr A.Whatlanguagedoes Mr Cspeak?答案:Chinese21.A candle burns out in sixty minutes , how many minutes will it take five candles burning together ?(D)A. 300 minutesB. 200 minuteC. 100 minutesD. 60 minutes22.Mr white has two sons,And each of then has a sister,How many children does he have?(C)A.FourB.TwoC.Three23.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It ’s in two twos.(D)A 一分为二B 一文不名C 三心二意D 一举两得24.What do tigers have that no other animals have?答案: .Its name25.Do you know what letter is a kind of drink ?答案:( T=tea )26..Where can you always find happiness?答案: In dictionary27.I aminwater,butI amnot a worker,nor a swimmer.What amI doing?答案:waiter28.Do you know how Lin Meimei died?答案:She dropped to her death! (因为天上掉下个林妹妹)29.I have many leaves.ButI amnot a bloomand not a tree.Y oucansee me every day. What am I?(D)A.Flower.B.Bird.C.Grass.D.Book.30.If your uncle ’s sister ’s daughter is not your cousin, she must be your _______. (答案为 sister)。

小学生英语趣味谜语大全及答案小学生英语趣味谜语及答案 1谜面:Which letter of the alphabet separates Europe from Africa?Why is a river rich?I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees; rivers but without water;what am I?A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wrong with him.Do you know why?Why did John say he didnt know where the sun was?Where does a person stay for the longest time in his life?What is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday?What has many teeth but never uses them for eating?The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck?When is it correct to say "I is"?If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?How can you leave the room with two legs and return with six legs?How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt?I unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it in my coffee. The sugar didnt get wet.Why?If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg, how long does it take to boil four eggs?If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them,how many will be left?When is your uncles sister not your aunt?Mrs.Smith has nine children,half of them are girls. How can this be true?Where can you never tell the truth?What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cupboard all night?What walks around all day and lies under the bed at night withits tongue hanging out?How many cheese sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach?When will a net hold water?Why is a room full of married couples empty?What table has no leg?What tables grow in the fields?Which American man has had the largest family?A hungry donkey was tied to a rope eight feet long. About thirty feet away The donkey can eat those carrots easily.What can you hold in your left hand,but not in your right hand?I have seven letters. The first two stand for a boy. The first three stand for a girl. The first four stand for a brave boy.Why does a mans hair become grey before his moustaches?Why are people close to their mothers instead of their fathers? Where can you easily put your right hand,but can never put your left hand?What question can never get answer "YES."?What is the beginning of everything,also the end of life?Mary had a big dog,and I had a smaller one.One day,the two dogs raced to see which ran faster.The dogs were soon tired out.Finally,my dog won the 10 -mile race. Now which dog had more sweat onits body?What part of a clock is always old?which letter makes her hear?谜底:The letter "C".Because it has two banks.A map.Because the plane is on the ground.Because it was at night.In bed.Today.A comb.A hole.A bottle.When we say “I is a pron”.It remains a white stone.One sweet.Because a second sweet cant be put into an empty pocket.Fetch a chairThe ladder might be lying on the ground instead of against a wall.You have not had water yet.Three and a half minutes.One - the dead one.When she is my mother.The others are also girls.When you are lying anywhere.Our clothes.Our shoesOnly one.When the water is frozen.Because there is not a single man in the room.A timetable or vegetable.Vegetables.George Washington.He was Father of AmericaBecause the other end of the rope was not tied to anything.You can hold your right hand in your left hand, but you can not hold your right hand in your right hand..Because a mans moustaches come up after his hair.Because their father is always farther(father).You can easily put your right hand on your left elbow, but you never put your left hand there.Are you asleep?The letter "E".Neither dog had sweat on its body.Dogs never sweat.second-hand (秒针,二手货)a小学生英语趣味谜语及答案 2On which side does a bird have the most feathers? ——谜底: The outside.猫咪去世 (打一英字) ——谜底: mouth题目:What book has the most stirring chapters? ——谜底: A cook book踹死(打一英语单词) ——谜底: trys比裤子(打一英文单词) ——谜底: becauseWhat two words have thousands of letters in them? ——谜底: Post office媳妇(打一英文单词) ——谜底: thief(小偷、盗贼)叶漏(打一英文单词) ——谜底: yellowWhen is it correct to say "I is"? ——谜底: When we say "I is a pron."弟媳妇(打一英文单词) ——谜底: deceive死呆(打一英文单词) ——谜底: style上你(打一英文单词) ——谜底: sunny毛病(打一英文单词) ——谜底: morbid病态靠累知(打一英文单词) ——谜底: college太泼(打一英文单词) ——谜底: temper脾气What kind of dog never bite? ——谜底: A hot dogWhen do you go as fast as a racing car? ——谜底: When you arein it.What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?——谜底: A promise.Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?(贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) ——谜底: A poor friend,蚁齿(打一英文单词) ——谜底: itch痒,发痒;渴望,极想。

有趣的小学英语脑筋急转弯趣味英语脑筋急转弯1. When can you get water with a net?什么时候可以用网兜装水?答:When water is turned into ice.当水结成冰时。
2 . Why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃?答:Hes making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。
3 . Whats the longest word in the world?世界上最长的单词是什么?答:Smiles. Because theres a mile between the letter s.微笑。
4 . What question is that to which you must always answer yes?什么问题你只能回答yes?答:What does y-e-s spell?当别人问你yes怎么拼。
5 . Where were you when the power was cut off?当停电的时候你在哪?答:In the darkness.在黑暗中。
6. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)No,they wont。
They lie still after they die。
Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。
)7. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)Your age。
(你的年龄)8.Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)It has the most stories。
Story 故事,楼层)9. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)The bridge of a nose。

1.哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2.哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3.世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5.哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6.哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7.哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8.十个 apples,里面的 S 走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10.Xmas (翻译成英语 )11.西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12.西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。
16 B g i(写出正确的单词)17 d g o(写出正确的单词)18 l i n o(写出正确的单词)19 alppe(写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n(写出正确的单词)21 r d e(写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a(写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k(写出正确的单词)24p a e r(写出正确的单词)25r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e(写出正确的单词)28 c t a(写出正确的单词)29 b a e r(写出正确的单词)30y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。
31crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A .爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A .不劳而获 B.不劳无获35Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A .到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A .用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A .患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A .下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A .失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A .哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A .三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45 As you sow, so shall you reap.A .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA .善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54black sheepA .黑羊 B.害群之马55white elephantA .昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA .黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A 离开水的鱼B 不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文 )60National Day (请翻译成中文 )61Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文 )62New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文 )63Mother ’ s Day(请翻译成中文 )64Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文 )65Christmas Day (请翻译成中文 )66Children ’ s Day(请翻译成中文 )67Father ’ s Day (请翻译成中文 )68New Year's Day (请翻译成中文 )69Spring Festival (请翻译成中文 )四、字母题。
趣味英语 字母

• 9. 哪个字母可以停车?
• 答案: P可以停车。因为大写字母P是停车场的标志,是Parking停车场
的缩写。 • 10. 哪个字母最懒惰? • 答案:Z。在美语中,ZZZ...是睡觉的意思。Get some Z’s. 就是打一会 儿盹的意思。所以Z最懒惰。 • • 11. 哪个字母问题多? 答案:Y问题最多。因为Y发/wa 都在问为什么,所以Y问题最多。 /,与单词why(为什么)同音,永远
12. 哪个字母只许成功,不许失败?
• 13. 哪个字母是两个你? • 答案:W是两个你。因为W[’d 双倍”的意思 blju:],[’d ble] double是“两个、
14. 哪两个字母人人都喜欢听? 答案:CD。CD 是Compact Disc
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
1.英语有多少个字母? 答:7个(En g l i s h)。 2.哪个字母可以当饮料喝? 答案: T可以喝。因为T发/ti:/,与tea(茶)同音,当然可以喝了。 3.哪个字母是一种蔬菜? 答案:P是蔬菜。因为P发/pi:/,与pea(豌豆)同音
4.哪个字母是蓝色的? 答案:C 因为C发si:/,与sea大海)同音。大海是蓝色的,所以C就是蓝色的。
• 5.哪个字母最勤劳? • 答案:B • 最勤劳。因为B发/bi:/,与bee(蜜蜂)同音。蜜 蜂可是勤劳的象征哟。 • 6.哪个字母像条蛇? • 答案:S • • • • • 7.哪个字母是身体器官? 答案:I. 因为I 发/a /,与eye(眼睛)同音。 8.哪个字母最惊讶? 答案:O 最惊讶。因为O发/ /,谐音Oh,是一个惊叹词。

英语趣味题集锦1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C 1.Because it makes fat fact2.Why is the letter E so important 2.Because it’s the beginning of everything3.Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other3.Because there is love between them4.What letter is an animal 4. It’s the letter B5.What letter is a question 5. It’s the letter Y6.Why is U the jolliest letter 6. Because it’s in the midst of fun7.How do you feel today 7. With my hands ,of course8.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it8. Take a longer rope and compare with it9.Why do people wish for something they haven’t got9. What else is there to wish for You cease to wish for it once you get it10.What can you tell from Pete r’s record card with extremely poor grades 10. He didn’t cheat11.What does everybody do at the same time 11. Grow old12.What resembles half a pie 12. The other half13.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired 13. Santa Claus 圣诞老人14.When do people have two mouth 14. When there’s two of them 有两个人时15.Why do lions eat raw meat 15. They don’t know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪16.How many sides does a circle have 16. Two. The inside and the outside17.What animal can jump as high as a tree 17. All animals,for trees can’t jump18.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest 18. Sleep at night19.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed 19. At the bottom20.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become 20. Wet1. What letter is a body of water2. What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia3. Why is a river rich4. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman5. Which runs faster, heat or cold Why6.下面是一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词:____ is greater than God.____ is more evil than the Devil.The poor need ____.The rich have ____.If you eat ____, you will die.7. What number should replace代替the question markAVIATOR=6FIXTURE=9WIZARD=1DIVERSE=8. What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other ”A. 六分之一B. 人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见一面分一半9. What three letters turn a girl into a woman A.SUN B. DAB C. EYE D.AGE10. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is itA. 一件无用而累的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱11.What’s too much for two and just right for one A. TimeB. A secretC. friendD. A room12. What’s the Chinese for “talk big” A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大13. I know that from A to Z. A.从A到I B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远14. You can’t do it. You can sue to Ann for help. A. ask B. thinkC. findD. give15.What’s that That’s a lily I like it very much. A. girl’s nameB. flowerC. pictureD. cup1、It's a simple简单的sum算术题.Can you work out which 哪一个number is represented代表by the letter O and which is represented by the K KK+ K_________________O K2、What belongs to 仅属于you but is used more by others than yourself 但是别人用得比较多3、1 联合国的英文缩写:2 中华人民共和国的英文缩写:3 英国的英文缩写:4 美国的英文缩写:答案:1UN 2PRC 3UK 4U.S.A.31.How can you make 6 out of three 7's32.How can you make 6 out of three 5's33.how can you make 1000 out of eight 8's34.Can you name the captital of every state in the U.S. in ten secondsKEY:1. Csea2. R is in the center of America and Australia3. Cause it has a lot of banks4. Ieye5. because we can “catch cold”,so the answer is heat6. Goldmoney7. 18. C9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13.B 14. A 15. B1. K:5 O:13.1UN 2PRC 3UK 4U.S.A.31.easy . 7- 7/7=632. easy. 5+5/5=6 33. easy.8+8+8+8+88+888=1000 34.Washinton,D.C.小学英语趣味试题/答案C 1.Which letter comes next A C F J .A .HB .MC .O D.QC2.From what number can you take half and leave nothingA. 1B. 9C.8D. 5B3. What dog never barksA big dogB hot dogC small dogD red dogC4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he haveA. oneB.twoC.three d.fourB5.What three letters make a man of a boyA.oldB.ageC.boyD.mumA6 in what mouth do woman talk the leastA.FebruaryB.SeptemberC.januaryD.june7. I meet three men on a bus.A speaks English .C only talks whit B.b can spedak Chinese and English.what dose C speak ChineseC 8. The words he gives on the computer is above my head .A 一目了然B 终于醒悟C 无法理解D 头脑发昏A 9. I don't like going after the dog.A 在人背后B 无事生非C滔滔不绝D 当着她面C 10.he is going after the dogA . 拦截B . 玩C . 追逐D. 戏弄D 11.You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class. .A.他与你不是同班B他是个生手C他棒极了D他不是你的对手C 12.He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books..A学识渊博B博览群书C刻苦学习D意志坚强B 13. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群C需要水的鱼D水中鱼B 14The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.A浑身发热B筋疲力尽C鼻青脸肿D精神焕发A 15.Ten to ten the train will be late.A很可能B十分之一C十二点五十D十比一b 16.I don’t like Mr Chan. He is an old woman.A老太婆B喜欢啰嗦的人C没妻子的老头D女人气的男人D17.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It’s in two twos. A一分为二B一文不名C三心二意D一举两得找出水果名18 would you show me the map ,please Apple19 I arrived home long before you. Melon20 A thief stole money and a computer last night. Lemon小学英语趣味智力题What has two legs but cann't walk compass 圆规1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing2.what two word have thousands of letters in them3.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away4.what kind of dog never bite5.where does afternoon always come before morning6what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals7.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down1,82,dictionary3,sixth4,hotdog5,nowhere6,eye7,6____ is greater than God.____ is more evil than the Devil.The poor have ____.The rich need ____.If you eat ____, you will die.Yes, the key is " nothing" .Nothing is greater than God.Nothing is more evil than the Devil.The poor have nothing.The rich need nothing.If you eat nothing, you will die.1.You can't do it.You can turn to Ann for help.ask2.There are a hundred and one books in this small room.a lot of3.He has a family of three.There are three people in his family4.----All right. Let me do it.-----That's the boyGood boy5.Oh,the two young men my boys. They look the same.1、In Albert's class,the ratio比率of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3.If there are 35 students in the class,how many prefer soccer2、What day is two days before the day immediately following the day three days before the day two days after the day immediately before Friday3、Look at the sequence顺序of the three words.Write the fourth word to complete the set.Example MAIM ARK AIM MARKPLEASE LIGHT LEASE4、What number should replace代替the question markAVIATOR=6FIXTURE=9WIZARD=1DIVERSE=5、Arsenal,Manchester,Liverpool and Tottenham are four football teams.Each team is playing against one of others on the next three Saturdays-a different one each time.On Saturday the 12th,Arsenal are playing against Manchester.Manchester are playing against Tottenham on the 19th.Who is playing against who on the 26th1、It's a simple简单的sum算术题.Can you work out which 哪一个number is represented代表by the letter O and which is represented by the KKK+ K_________________O K2、What belongs to 仅属于you but is used more by others than yourself 但是别人用得比较多1.K:5 O:1。

1欢迎下载 小学英语趣味试题 ( C ) 1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?A.1B.9C.8D.5( B ) 2.What dog never barks(吠叫)?A big dogB hot dogC small dogD red dog( C ) 3.Mr.White has two sons,and each of them has a sister.How many children does he have?A.oneB.twoC.three d.four( B ) 4.What three letters make a man to be a boy?A.oldB.ageC.boyD.mum( A )5. In what mouth do woman talk the leastA.FebruaryB.SeptemberC.JanuaryD.June ( D ) 6.You can play with Bill.He is not in the same class.A.他与你不是同班 B 他是个生手 C 他棒极了 D 他不是你的对手 ( C ) 7.He ’ll succeed because he ’s always at his books..A 学识渊博B 博览群书C 刻苦学习D 意志坚强( B ) 8.He is the out fish of water.A 离开水的鱼B 不和群C 需要水的鱼D 水中鱼( B ) 9.The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.A 浑身发热B 筋疲力尽C 鼻青脸肿D 精神焕发( B ) 10.I don ’t like Mr Chan.He is an old woman.A 老太婆B 喜欢啰嗦的人C 没妻子的老头D 女人气的男人( D )11.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It ’s in two twos. A 一分为二 B 一文不名 C 三心二意 D 一举两得12. What word has thousands of letters in it?______________13. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?_________14. What is pronounced(发音) like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals?________15. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down(把它倒过来)?____16. What belongs to (仅属于)you but is used more by others than yourself( 但是别人用得比较多)?_____________17. 联合国的英文缩写:18. 中华人民共和国的英文缩写:19. 英国的英文缩写:20. 美国的英文缩写:12,dictionary 13,sixth 14,eye 15,6 17.UN United Nations18.PRC People's Republic of China United Kingdom20.U.S.A. United States/the United States of America。

小学趣味英语题及答案1.哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)答案:T(tea)2.哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)答案:E(every)3.世界的尽头(打一英语字母)答案:Y(why)5.哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)答案:Q(n)6.哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)答案:P(park)7.哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)答案:Z(zzz)8.十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?答案:9个(ten)9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)答案:D、N、A(DNA)10.Xmas (翻译成英语)答案:Christmas11.西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)答案:712.西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)答案:1316B g i(写出正确的单词)答案:Begin17d g o(写出正确的单词)答案:Dog18l i n o(写出正确的单词)答案:XXX19alppe(写出正确的单词)答案:Apple20 a b n a a n(写出正确的单词)答案:XXX21r d e(写出正确的单词)答案:Red22 s m l l a(写出正确的单词)答案:Small23 m n o e y k(写出正确的单词)答案:Monkey24p a e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Pear25r b b i t a(写出正确的单词)答案:Rabbit26T g i e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Tiger27b u l e(写出正确的单词)答案:Blue28c t a(写出正确的单词)答案:Cat29b a e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Bear30y o e l l w(写出正确的单词)答案:Yellow31 XXX.A.鳄鱼眼泪B.假慈悲答案:B32 Love me。
love my dog. A.爱我也爱我的狗 B.爱屋及乌答案:A33 XXX.A.眼见为实B.耳闻为实答案:A34 No pain。

新民镇中心小学英语知识竞赛低年级组试题姓名:班级:总分:一、选择正确的一项填入括号中(56分)1 I got a letter yesterday from Steve. It was certainly short and sweet. ()A又短又甜 B简短明确 C 精彩2 She is blue because she failed the exam.()A 看起来是蓝色的 B看上去心情很好 C 看上去不高兴3 Mr White’s speeches bring down the house every time.()A 博得全场喝彩 B带来房屋 C 倾倒房屋4 Tom had dinner at Jack’s house. Then he wrote a bread and butter letter. ()A 面包和牛奶 B装有面包和牛奶的信 C 感谢信5 Tom and his wife lead a cat and dog life。
()A 过着有一只猫和一只狗的生活B 吵架的生活C 美满的生活6 He is really a strange fish. ()A一条奇怪的鱼 B一个奇怪的女人 C一个奇才7 This is a green winter. ()A 一个温暖的冬天B 一个绿色的冬天C 一个寒冷的冬天8 He doesn’t listen to home truths. ()A恭维的话 B 花言巧语 C 逆耳忠言9 Mr Black is a famous banker. He is at the top of the tree.()A 在树的顶端B 在树的低端C 在本行业居最高地位10 Mr Black is a sandwich man.()A 一个三明治人 B一个记者 C 一个身体前后都挂着广告牌的人11 In which country would you find a kangaroo?()A.AmericaB. Australia12 A man has two eyes. Sometimes says he has four eyes.Do you know the reason?()A. He has a pair of glasses.B. He is a blind man.C. He is a deaf man.13 Dragonfly belongs to the class of ____.A manB plantC birdD insect14 A=14 B=56 C=18 D=36 E=20 What is the answer to this sum written as a letter? B A C D E=________ [字母间的空儿为除乘减加]A.14B.56C.18D.3615 stay up 的意思是______ A留在家里 B 熬夜 C 外出不归16下列城市中既是山城,又是雾都的是___A LondonB QingdaoC Chongqing17 在句子 He has no money. He is as poor as a church mouse.A和老鼠长得一样 B一贫如洗 C他很穷 D老鼠很穷18 Lily is Mr Black’s girl Friday. She gives him a lot of help.()A 女仆人B 得力的女助手C 女儿D 女上司19 Did he run out of money?( )A跑出去 B 取出 C 跑去取 D 用完20 Tom is a lucky dog.( )A 幸运儿B 倒霉蛋C 可怜的人D 倒霉狗21 It’s once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that.( )A 轻而易举B 去逛月球C 守株待兔D 千载难逢22 She dolls up like a girl of eighteen.( )A像洋娃娃 B打扮得花枝招展 C美丽 D可爱23 I cant’t finish this pizza. I’m afraid my eyes were bigger than my stomach as usual.( )A眼睛太大 B 我的胃很小 C 没有胃口 D 眼馋肚饱24 It is not in a house. It is not outside a house. It is part of a house. What is it?A CeilingB WindowC RoofD bed25 I know that from A to Z. ( )A 从A到Z B从头到尾 C 字母表 D距离很远26 We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.”( )A一件无用的东西 B 一头白象 C 白给的东西 D白色陷阱27 He is a yes-man.A 唯唯诺诺的人B总有理的人 C 坚强的人 D 说一不二的人28 The man always talks big. We don’t like him. ( )A吹牛 B说谎话 C骂人 D很大二、读一读,回答问题(22分)29 Mary is twelve years old. Her father is four times as old as her. Her grandfather is twice (两倍)as old as her father. How old is her grandfather?30 There is a woman named Rose Green. She married a man named Jack Black. What’s the woman’s name after she married?31 It’s flying through the flowers . It is one of the busiest insects. It can make honey. What is it?32 Why is the letter E so important?__________________33 What letter is an animal?__________________________34 What letter is a question? _______________________35 Do you know what letter is a kind of drink? _________36 What’s in the middle in “China”?37 Mike is standing in Group One. There are fifteen students in front of him and thirteen students behind him. How many students are there in Group One?38 What’s black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty? It is a ___.39 At a birthday party, half the guests drink cola, a quarter have lemonade, a sixth have orange juice, and the remaining three have water. There are __(how many)guests at the party.三、翻译下列各句(20分)40 Never offer to teach fish to swim.41 He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.42You can’t have your cake and eat it ,too.42An apple a day keeps the doctor away.43 Love me,love my dog.44 All roads lead to Rome.46 No parking!47 No smoking!48 It made me look like a duck in water.49 She is under the weather.50 He is a black sheep.。

趣味英语试题大全及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is the correct way to spell "颜色" in English?A. ColorB. ColourC. KolourD. Kulor答案:A2. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: "I will meet you ______ the library."A. atB. inC. onD. to答案:A3. Choose the word that is different from the others: apple, banana, cat, orange.A. appleB. bananaC. catD. orange答案:C二、填空题4. The opposite of "hot" is ______.答案:cold5. If you have five apples and you give three to your friend, how many apples do you have left?答案:two6. Complete the sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the ______ dog."答案:lazy三、改错题7. I have went to the park yesterday.答案:I went to the park yesterday.8. She don't like broccoli.答案:She doesn't like broccoli.9. They are running fastly.答案:They are running fast.四、完形填空10. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess wholived in a ______ castle.A. bigB. smallC. roundD. tall答案:A11. Every day, she would walk in the ______ garden and talk to the animals.A. royalB. magicalC. quietD. peaceful答案:B12. One day, a dragon came and ______ the princess in its cave.A. tookB. broughtC. movedD. carried答案:A五、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

让我们开始吧!一、单词接龙(每个单词必须以前一个单词的最后一个字母开始)1. Cat2. Tree3. Elephant4. Happy5. Orange二、完形填空(选择正确的单词填入空白处)In the morning, I wake up and brush my __1__.A. teethB. hairC. shoesI have breakfast with my __2__.A. friendsB. familyC. teacher三、情景对话选择(根据情景选择最合适的回答)- What's your favorite fruit?A. I like apples best.B. I don't like fruits.C. What's a fruit?四、翻译挑战(将下列中文句子翻译成英文)1. 我每天上学。
2. 我喜欢阅读和画画。
3. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?五、英语小故事(阅读下面的小故事,回答文末的问题)Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit who loved to jump. One sunny day, the rabbit decided to explore the forest. He jumped over the logs and through the bushes. At the end ofthe day, he found a beautiful flower and brought it home.Question: What did the little rabbit find at the end of the day?A. A logB. A flowerC. A bush六、猜谜语(根据谜语猜出答案)I am light as a feather, yet the strongest man cannot hold me for much longer than a minute. What am I?A. A featherB. A minuteC. Breath七、英语歌曲填词(根据提示填入正确的单词)"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, __1__ you're high up in the sky. Like a diamond __2__, so __3__ in the night."A. howB. soC. bright八、英语谚语翻译(将下列谚语翻译成中文)1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A stitch in time saves nine.九、英语绕口令(尝试快速而清晰地念出下面的绕口令)She sells seashells by the seashore.十、总结(用英语写一小段总结,表达你对这次英语趣味竞赛的感受)I hope you all enjoyed the competition and learned something new. Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing English, and you'll get better and better. Good luck to everyone!祝所有参赛的同学都能取得好成绩,也希望你们在这次竞赛中有所收获。

1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10. Xmas (翻译成英语)11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。
16 B g i (写出正确的单词)17 d g o (写出正确的单词)18 l i n o (写出正确的单词)19 alppe (写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词)21 r d e (写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)24 p a e r (写出正确的单词)25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e (写出正确的单词)28 c t a (写出正确的单词)29 b a e r (写出正确的单词)30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。
31 crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获35 Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45As you sow, so shall you reap.A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA.善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53 white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54 black sheepA.黑羊 B.害群之马55 white elephantA.昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA.黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文)60 National Day (请翻译成中文)61 Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文)62 New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文)63 Mother’s Day (请翻译成中文)64 Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文)65 Christmas Day (请翻译成中文)66 Children’s Day (请翻译成中文)67 Father’s Day (请翻译成中文)68 New Year's Day (请翻译成中文)69 Spring Festival (请翻译成中文)四、字母题。

1. 哪个字母可以喝?答案:T可以喝。
2. 哪个字母是蓝色的?答案:C是蓝色的。
3. 哪个字母最勤劳?答案:B最勤劳。
4. 哪个字母可以看得见?答案:I是可以看得见的。
5. 哪个字母最惊讶?答案:O最惊讶。
6. 哪个字母可以停车?答案:P可以停车。
7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?答案:Z可以睡觉。
Get some Z’s.就是打会儿盹的意思。
8. 哪个字母问题最多?答案:Y问题最多。
9. 哪个字母是两个你?答案:W是两个你。
10.请问英语有多少个字母?yingyu (英语),总共是六个字母呗要是English,就是七个字母了英语字母,26个字母11.那两个字母人人都喜欢听?答案是:CD12.小偷最怕哪三个字母?答案:i c u哈哈,猜出来没有啊?意思就是I See you!身为小偷,听到这几个字母,还不就翘翘啦!13.十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?答案:1个14.小汽车飞了起来,一种饮料?咖啡(car飞)15. 哪个字母是问题儿童?答:“y”(why)16.世界的尽头(打一字母)答:“d”(world最后是d)可以帮助我们活跃课堂气氛。
India ink是“墨汁”,来自中国,而不是“印度”。
Koala bear“考拉熊”,不是一种“熊”,而是一种有袋动物。
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1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)
2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)
3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母)
5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)
6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)
7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)
8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?
10. Xmas (翻译成英语)
11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)
12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)
16 B g i (写出正确的单词)
17 d g o (写出正确的单词)
18 l i n o (写出正确的单词)
19 alppe (写出正确的单词)
20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词)
21 r d e (写出正确的单词)
22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词)
23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)
24 p a e r (写出正确的单词)
25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)
26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词)
27 b u l e (写出正确的单词)
28 c t a (写出正确的单词)
29 b a e r (写出正确的单词)
30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)
31 crocodile tears.
A. 鳄鱼眼泪
B. 假慈悲
32 Love me, love my dog.
A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌
33 Seeing is believing.
A. 眼见为实
B. 耳闻为实
34 No pain, no gain.
A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获
35 Practice makes perfect.
A. 熟能生巧
B. 勤能补拙
36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗
37 Kill two birds with one stone.
A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友
39 All roads lead to Rome.
A. 条条大道通罗马
40 A snow year, a rich year.
A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年
41 Failure is the mother of success.
A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母
42 Where there is a will , there is a way!
A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.
A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看
44 Like father, like son.
A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子
B. 有其父必有其子
45As you sow, so shall you reap.
A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失
46 It rains cats and dogs
A. 天上落下猫和狗
B. 下瓢泼大雨
47 You are a clever dog.
A. 你是一只聪明的狗
B. 你是聪明人
48 green-eyed
A. 绿眼
49 brown sugar
A. 棕糖
B. 红糖
50 a yellow dog
A. 黄色的狗
B. 可鄙的人
51 a white lie
A.善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言
52 the white coffee
A. 白色的咖啡
53 white man
A. 白人
B. 善良的人,有教养的人
54 black sheep
A.黑羊 B.害群之马
55 white elephant
A.昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象
56 black tea
A.黑茶 B. 红茶
57. What dog never barks?
A big dog
B hot dog
58. He is the out fish of water.
59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文)
60 National Day (请翻译成中文)
61 Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文)
62 New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文)
63 Mother’s Day (请翻译成中文)
64 Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文)
65 Christmas Day (请翻译成中文)
66 Children’s Day (请翻译成中文)
67 Father’s Day (请翻译成中文)
68 New Year's Day (请翻译成中文)
69 Spring Festival (请翻译成中文)
68 WTO (请翻译这个缩写)
69 VIP (请翻译这个缩写)
70 US (请翻译这个缩写)
71 A.M. (请翻译这个缩写)
72 UK (请翻译这个缩写)
73 UN (请翻译这个缩写)
74 CEO (请翻译这个缩写)
75 NBA (请翻译这个缩写)
76 SOS (请翻译这个缩写)
77 WC (请翻译这个缩写)
78 TV (请翻译这个缩写)
79 Mr. (请翻译这个缩写)
80 Ms. (请翻译这个缩写)
例如:舒肤佳soap 香皂
82 强生(请写出英文品牌名)
84 百事(请写出英文品牌名)
85 纳爱斯(请写出英文品牌名)
86 家乐福(请写出英文品牌名)
87 佳能(请写出英文品牌名)
88 耐克(请写出英文品牌名)
89 雀巢(请写出英文品牌名)
90 汰渍(请写出英文品牌名)
91 海飞丝(请写出英文品牌名)
92 How do you do?你该怎么回答?
A Nice to meet you.
B How do you do?
93 Thank you! 你该怎么回答?
A:No No. B You are welcome.
94 Where is the hospital?
A Excuse me
B Good
A. How are you?
B. Fine, thank you.
A. How are you?
B. Nice to meet you.
97 晚安
A Goodnight
B Good evening
98 Goodbye 的用一种说法
A See you
B hello
99 你想让别人帮你做决定,你应该说:
A.It’s up to you. B. It’s so kind of you.
100 别人对你说“I’m sorry”, 你可以怎样回答?
A.Thank you. B. That’s OK.
Big ______ short ______ long white ______ fat______
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