








《我的梦想英语作文》 我的梦想英语作文(一): I have a wonderful dream in my heart。 It's to speak English very well。 Since English is everything for me。 English is my best friend。English is my soul。 English is my power。 Without English, I'm nothing at all。 Nothing。 Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English。 Some people think I'm an Indian。 Some people regard I'm a Pakistan。 And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian。But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。 在我心中有一个美丽的梦想。那就是说一口流利的英语。因为对我来说英语就是我的一切。英语是我最好的朋友。英语是我的灵魂。英语给予我力量。没有英语,我什么都没有。什么都没有。此刻,我能够用英语的方式思考,用英语说话,用英语书写。有些人以为我是印第安人。有些人以为我是巴基斯坦人。有些人甚至认为我是埃及人。但如果我能说英语能像美国人说的那么好,我的未来会很完美。所以我很努力学习。 我的梦想英语作文(二): 我的梦想 My Dream Different people have different dreams。 Some people dream of making a lot of money。 Some people dream of living a happy life。 Some people dream of being famous。 Some people dream of going abroad, and so on。But my dream is different。 Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream。 不一样的人有不一样的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。但我的梦想是和他们不一样的。明白我的梦想后也许你会很惊讶。 我的梦想英语作文(三): 我梦想的职业 My Dreaming Career In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places,including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on。 Therefore,I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places。 Since then,I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions。 Besides, I can meet various people and I think municating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of


与军训的英语作文 导读:In the golden September, we bid farewell to the junior school and go to our dreaming senior school for further study. According to annual practice, new students have to take part in strict but challenging military training, aiming to develop the hard-working style of life and a sense of respecting for teacher and discipline. During this period, the students not only have to study military knowledge, but also develop their own soldier-like willpower. In other words, it’s a real challenge to physical strength as well as to willpower. In addition, the house clean is also included in the training context, which will help students to be independent in school. In short, military training is a challenging task, but it’s helpful as well. 金秋九月,我们告别了初中来到了梦寐以求的高中进一步进行学习。 根据每年的惯例,新生必须参加严厉而具有挑战性的军训,旨在培养吃苦的生活作风和尊师守纪的意识。在这期间,学生不仅要学习军队知识,还要培养他们士兵般的意志。换句话说,这对身体力量和意志都是一项真实的挑战。而且,内务整理也包括在训练内容里,这会帮助学生在校独立。


高一军训感想及收获精选四篇高一军训感想及收获【一】 从开学第二天开始为期两周的新生军训活动在足球场顺利地拉开了帷幕。自此掀开了军训生活的新篇章。 回想那短短两周军训的日子,一种潜藏在心中已久的感受便由然而生。的确,军训是辛苦的,但切辛苦的美丽,辛苦的动人,辛苦的让人难以忘怀。在军训时,我们和训练员在烈日下同甘共苦,他们对每一个动作都要求严格,一发现我们的动作不规范,不到位,便细心的给我们讲解,纠正我们的错误,争取让我们把每一个动作做好。尤其是在站军姿时我们的双肩酸痛,双腿麻木,让我们真正地体会到苦和累。但我们不需抱怨它的苦难,它的辛苦和劳累,是在磨练我们像树一样坚挺向上,不屈不挠的意志,它带给了我们一种尊严,一种力量,一种不向任何权势卑躬的品质。正所谓人生苦短,年轻时吃点苦,受点累算什么。 每天训炼太阳如滚烫的开水一般肆无忌惮地泼向我们,豆大的汗珠如同雨后春笋般地从额头上一颗颗的冒出。汗水肆虐地冲刷着脸庞。有时我的身子已经麻木了,只有脚底才有一种火烧炙热的感觉,但我还是坚着那怕在苦在累坚下去。我们的教官不是严厉但却有一张天使般的面孔也有另一张魔鬼般的面孔。他随时让你放轻松随时让你害怕起来,这样的训炼我们都要十分小心。 就这样我们连续后几天里都在太阳下训炼,于是我们的皮肤由嫩白到炽红转为棕黑的渐变,被灼伤的皮肤,轻轻一碰就如同撕裂了一般疼痛。尽管无数次地想做逃兵,却又不甘心败给懦弱,依旧准时来

到操场上因为心里有着一份顽强执着的信念和一股坚持奋进的精神一直支撑着我们。古人云:“天降将大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身”。所以在军训的期间里又凭着这句话战胜自己````` 俗语说:“不经历风雨,何以见彩虹;没有一份寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香。”它教会了我们怎样去面对今后的挫折。休息时,我们方队的男女同学面对面的坐着,在训练员队长的引领下,我们每一个人的脸上都微笑着,这微笑的力量,感动了周围的一切,细细想想,幸福,快乐时常酿造着并荡漾在我们的心中,只要我们用心去体会,用心去发觉,便能找到瞬间的幸福与快乐。此外,在军训的活动中,还增添可许多丰富多彩的活动,如组织我们看电影,听讲座等等。这些活动,既磨练可我们坚强的意志,吃苦耐劳的精神,培养了我们的团队意识,增进了我们之间的关系,提高了我们学生干部队伍的沟通能力和凝聚力,又改善可我们的精神风貌,提高可我们的综合素质,团队精神,为交院的人才发展奠定可坚定的文化基础和扎实的能力。白驹过隙的,时光像一条潺潺的小河,仿佛一眨眼的工夫,两周的军训生活就到可眼皮底下。回首丰富多彩的军训生活,我更多的是感慨——“几朝夕,数风流人物,还看今朝”。 高一军训感想及收获【二】 每天天蒙蒙亮,当前后楼还一片漆黑时,我们已经有序地整理好床铺,洗漱完毕,开始了一天的军训的生活。一个个整齐的方队按时排列在宿舍楼下,伴着清晨的第一缕阳光,喊着一声声嘹亮的口号,迈出一步步整齐的步伐,映着朝阳,为校园绘出一幅瑰丽的画卷!


小学五年级英语作文范文精选 一、看图,以“Myday”为题,写一篇短文。(至少5句话) Igetupat6:50inthemorning.Idomorningexercisesat7:10.Igotos choolat7:30.IhaveEnglishclassat10:00.Ieatdinnerat6:00intheeve ning.Idomyhomeworkat7:00.Igotobedat9:00.Thisismyday. 译:我早上6:50起床。我在7:10做早操。我七点半去上学。我上午10点上英语课。我在晚上6点吃晚饭。我在7点做作业。我9点上床睡觉。这是我的一天。 二、根据图画提示写几句话,说说你在周末经常或有时做的事情。(至少5句话) Iusually(often)climbmountainsonSaturday.Ivisitmygrandparen tsonSaturday.IgoshoppingwithmymotheronSaturday.IplaysportsonS unday.IplaythepianoathomeonSunday,too.SometimesItakepictures. Ilikemyweekend. 译:我通常在星期六(通常)在爬山。我星期六去看望我的祖父母。星期六我和妈妈一起去购物。我在星期日做运动。我星期日在家里弹钢琴。有时我拍照。我喜欢我的周末。 三、请以“Myfavouriteseason”为题,从季节、天气、服装、事情等几方面写一篇小短文。(至少5句话)

我还可以堆雪人。我可以睡很长时间。 四、写一写,你所在或你熟悉的一个地方的四季情况。(至少5句话) Therearefoursesonsinayear.IliveinXingYiCity.It’swarminspring.Wecanplanttrees.It’shotandsunnyinsummer.Wecanswimintheriver.Infall,it’scoolandwindy.Wecanflykiteandgohikingwithmyfriends.Inwinter,It ’snottoocold.Wecanwearmysweater. 译:一年有四个季节。我住在兴义市。这里春天很温暖,我们可以种树。夏天很热,阳光明媚。我们可以在河里游泳。在秋天,它是凉爽有风的,我们可以放风筝,和我的朋友去远足。在冬天,它是不太冷,我们可以穿我的毛衣。 五、写写你的生日在哪个季节哪一天,并说出季节的特点,你可以做什么活动。(至少5句话) MybirthdayisMarch7th.It’sinspring.It’swarm.Thetreesaregre en.Icanplanttrees.Icanflykites.Icanclimbmountainswithmyfriend s. 译:我的生日是3月7日。它是在春天。它是温暖的。树木是绿色的。我可以植树。我能放风筝。我可以和朋友们一起爬山。 六、请写一些你的生日是在哪个月份哪一天?在那天你经常做些什么事情,吃些什么东西,和谁在一起,心情怎样。(至少5句话)MybirthdayisMarch7th.Ioftengoshoppingwithmymother.Ieatbirth daycakeswithmyparentsintheevening.Iamhappyonmybirthday. 译:我的生日是3月7日。我经常和妈妈一起去购物。晚上,我和我的父母吃生日蛋糕。在我生日那天,我很高兴。 七、假如现在是星期天的中午,根据图片,用英语介绍你的家庭成员正在干什么。(至少5句话) It’sSundaynoon.Mymom(mother)iscookinglunchinthekitchen.Mydad(fat her)iswritingane-mailinthestudy.Mysisterisdrawingpictures.Mybrotherisdoin


My hometown——Dongtou,which is located off Oujiang coast,is a beautiful island as a string of gleaming pearl. Although it is not as beautiful as the Fragrant Hill with red leaves like fire, it has desirable bird islands.; Although it doesn’t have the river which is crystal clear and level as a mirror like Guilin landscape, it has a vast sea; Although it doesn’t have various fruits as Xin jiang, it has rich seafood.; Although it doesn’t have world-famous architectures, it has ancient fishing villages which are impressing oceanic culture characteristics. In a word, it is a charming arcadia. In the early morning before the sunrise,sea level is fully covered with the misty fog. When you reach the sea and take a deep breath of fresh air, like the general in wonderland, you’ll suddenly feel refreshed and extremely happy. At noon, the sunshine with greater lights reflect on the ocean,and the ocean become glittering as a cornucopia of gems. It is so attracted that people want to take it home to Slowly appreciate. At dusk, when the sun goes down, the fishing boats return with a haul. People remove the baskets of fish and lobster alive and kicking. Suddenly, the dock become busy and people come from everywhere to buy or take these fish. Laughter resounds through the dock. The waves also want in on the action, chasing to beat against the reef, making beautiful voices so as to celebrate for the fisherman. Its late at night, every boats are arranged in the harbor, just as every soldier stick to their own posts to wait for command. On the shore, there are some lights brighting in the buildings and falling on the lake, as a result,The sea has become increasingly


描写军训的英语作文150词 新的学期开始了,我们也迎来了军训的生活。下面请看语文迷为大家带来的军训的英语作文范文,希望对你有帮助。 军训的英语作文一 We have just finished our military training.I have to admit that I have so much feelings to express! This has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new school.No doubt it has left a good impression in my mind.I feel very happy to study here.During the training period,I had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers. With time passed by,I gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced.Furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training. I has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates.Now that the training is over, I still have learned a lot . I can't wait any more to start my new life in high school. 军训的英语作文二 Time went past fast and we are in high school now.We are all required to attend the student military training in a formal army https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b7604525.html,itary trainging can benifits us both physically and psychologically.First,by training in the army camps we can develop out body strength and health.The officer will let us run,do push-ups,jump and so on.Boys will build up their muscles,which they will be proud of,and girls will become healthier,so they won't be sick every month that often.Second,staying under strict system and format enforce the students' ability to control themselves.We will be required to stand in the sun without talking for about half an hour.By doing this,out minds are trained and we will be able to persist and not give up on any task we will face in the future.In summary,military trainging is a good way enforce and develop students'

高中军训的英语作文 Military Training

高中军训的英语作文Military Training On the first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen need to join the military training. I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man. But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training. The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song. It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time. All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played. In the evening, we would sing in the playground. Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as an unforgettable memory in my life. 在我上高中的第一天,我被告知将需要参加军训。我觉得很害怕,因为在夏天里,太阳很大,我会被晒成一个黑人。但是对于新生来讲,他们不能拒绝参加军训。训练维持了一周,在开始的两天里,我们站在炎热的太阳下,在操场移动并且唱歌。虽然艰苦,但是在接下来的日子里,我们习惯了,开始享受这自由的时光。所有的学生就像一个团体,我们一起训练,一起流汗和玩耍。在晚上,我们会在操场上唱歌。现在当我回想起这些日子,


My School Day 1.What time do you get up? 2.What time do you have breakfast? 3.How do you go to school? 4.What do you do at school? 5.What time do you go home? I get up at seven o’clock. I have breakfast at half past seven. I go to school by bus . I read books at school. I often play games with my friends,too. I go home at half past five. 二1 What’s your favourite animal? 2 What colour is it ? 3 How old is it ? 4 What can it do? 5 Do you love it? This dog is my favourite animal. It’s black. It’s seven. It can run fast. It can play with me. I love it very much. 三1 . When did you go shopping? 2. Did you go shopping with your mother? 3. What did you buy? 4. What did your mother buy? 5.Were you happy? I went shopping last Sunday. I went shopping with my mother. I bought a pair of shoes. My mother bought lots of food. We were happy. 四1.What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Are you a pupil? 4. What can you do? 5, What do you like doing? My name is Tom. I’m 11. I’m a pupil. I can play football. I like running. 五1. Where did you go at the weekend? 2, Who did you go with you ? 3 How did you go there ? 4 What did you do there? 5 Did you have a good time ? I went to the park at the weekend. I went with my friends. We went there by bus. We took photos of the mountains. We had a good time. 六1 How many people are there in your family? 2 Who are they? 3 What do your parents do? 4 How do they go to work? 5 Do you have a happy family? There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My parents are teachers. They go to work by car.. I have a happy family.


我的英语作文范文 my hobby is reading my hobby is reading,for i think reading can make a person know more about the world and make a person to be a better one to live and learn and work .since i was five years old, my father bought me the first picture book , i am interested in reading . then i read a lot books, including fary tales , world famous novels, history books, biographies, and so on . i like reading so much ,for it mkes my life colorful ,wonderful ,and beautiful ! it makes me a better person and gives me a better life .thanks to reading ! 我的爱好是读书,因为我认为阅读能使人更了解世界,使人成为一个更好的生活、学习和工作。自从我五岁的时候,我父亲给我买的第一本图画书,我的阅读兴趣。然后我读了很多书,包括世界著名的童话故事,小说,历史,传记,等等。我很喜欢读书,因为它属于我的生活丰富多彩,美妙的,美丽的!它使我成为一个更好的人,给我一个更好的生活。感谢阅读!


军训-八年级英语作文带翻译 In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And thetrainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student. 作文翻译: 军训 当我们去上初中的时候,必须参加军训。到部分的学生都害怕军训,因为训练通常是在炎热的夏天实行。夏天,天气炎热难熬。但是,学生必须一整天都呆在外面。另外,训练还很辛苦。学生们必须像士 兵一样。他们必须遵守很多在日常生活中无需遵守的规则。而且,教 官对学生很严厉。他们像老师一样耐心照顾我们。但是,军训也是一 种锻炼学生意志的好方法。它对学生的生活很有协助。所以,军训对 学生是很必要的。


有关军训的英语作文:军训感受 军训感受 We have just finished our military have to admit that I have so much feelings to express! This has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new doubt it has left a good impression in my feel very happy to study the training period,I had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe time passed by,I gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we , there was a lot of fun during the training. I has enjoyed a good relationship with my new that the training is over, I still have learned a lot . I can‘t wait any more to start my new life in high school. 我们刚刚进行完军训。我有太多地感受要表达。这是我第一次与我的新学校接触,无疑在我的心中留下了好印象,我感到很高兴在这里学习。在军训期间,我必须面对炎热的天气和严厉的教官。随着时间的增加,我们所面临的更加艰苦,但是军训中也有许多乐趣。我与我的新同学建立了很好的关系。现在军训结束了,我从中学会了很多。我马上就要开始了我的心学习生活。 在军训的日子里(During the Days of Military Training) 【内容提示】


我的书包 My Backpack I have a backpack、 It is large and it is blue、 It is a birthday gift from my parents、 I love it very much、 I t is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school th ings in it、 It is very heavy、 It is with all the time d uring school days、 It is a good friend of mine、 我的房子(My House) I have a house、 It is big and new、 There are eight room s in it、 They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom, one study and two bathrooms、 I watch TV in the living-ro om、 I do my homework in the study、 I have dinner in the kitchen、 This is my house、 I like it、 I love winter Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same、 I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows、 Snowflakes fall down naughtily、 They fal l on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat f ields、 Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white、 E verything is shining in the sun、 Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, "Winter has come, can spring be far away?'虽然冬天意味着寒冷,但我仍然热爱冬天。我认为冬天就是一个美丽的季节,尤其就是下雪的日子。雪花像玲珑剔透


英语作文军训感言 导语:小编为您整理了英文作文军训。 It is no doubt that the military training is a unforgotten experience just for it is very hard. Although it gave us so many pain, but as a saying goes, no pain no gain. I want to say, I didn't regret to join this training. Just like the most students, I was excited and worried before the beginning, I was worried about I can't do it well so that the military officer punish me and I afraid that I can't eat and sleep well,however, the officer is very friendly, although he always pretend to be very strict to us, and sometimes he punished us with different means, but he never forgot to remind us of dressing more in case of getting ill. In spare time, he will play and talk with us friendly, all of us were very happy to enjoy this times, his warmth smile will remind our heart all the time. We got along well with each other and had our meals together silently, But it make us feel warm! By this training,I learnt a lot, I realized that


Seasons There are four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer, fall and winter. It’s warm and rainy in spring. It’s hot and sunny in summer. It’s windy in fall. It’s cold in winter. I like them. Spring I like spring. It’s warm and rainy. There are many flowers and leaves in spring. Spring is green. I like it very much. Summer I like summer. It’s hot in summer. I can go swimming. Summer is red. I like it very much. Fall Fall is a good season. It’s windy. I can eat apples. Fall is yellow. I like it very much. Winter Winter is cold. It’s snowy. I can make a snowman. I can go ice-skating. Winter is white. I like it very much.

选词填空 1. summer cold seasons fall sunny There are four _________ in a year. They’re spring, _______, fall and winter. It’s warm and rainy in spring. It’s hot and______ in summer. It’s windy in______. It’s _______ in winter. I like them. 2. 1st February Spring date The _______Festival is the Chinese New Year. It’s not on January ____. The ____of the Chinese New Year changes every year. But it’s always in January or _________. 3. May favorite or Chinese Another I have two ________ months. One is _______. _______ is October. The ________ New Year is in January ______ February. It’s a long time to wait. 4. camping April weather month nice My favorite ________ is April. My birthday is in _________. The _________ is cool. I like _________. It’s so ________. 5.


I Hi! Everyone, my name is Liu Xinqing. I am a girl. My smile is so sweet. Then let me tell you something about me. I am a middle school student. I am of medium build and a little bit heavy. I have long straight black hair and a small mouth. I am so active but I hope I can be quiet. Over the weekend in the morning, I usually get up at nine o’clock. Then I sometimes do my homework very carefully. After that, I do what I want to do. My favorite thing is writing compositions. Sometimes I write my pen pal. I think it is relaxing. At twelve I usually eat lots of meat and eggs. But I don’t like vegetables, so I am a little fat. In the afternoon I like to watch football games on TV. Because I am a football fan. At school my favorite subject is Chinese because I am a Chinese. My favorite teacher is our math teacher, Ms.Tan. She is very good. She helps me a lot. I like playing chess with classmates after class. So I join the chess club it’s so funny Oh! Let me introduce my family to you. They are my grandparents, my uncle, aunt, my parents, my cousins and I. Feifei is in my family, too. Feifei is my best friend I sometimes I talk to her This is me and my life .I want to make friends with you. What about you?
