生态足迹(英文:Ecological footprint,EF)

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00
人均生态足迹• 从生态赤字的组分构成看, 中国70%的生态赤字省份 是CO2吸收用地赤字,而 生物质是承载力盈余的, 另外30%的生态赤字省份 在CO2吸收用地和生物质 承载力用地两方面都是赤 字。
碳足迹 建设用地 林地 水域
云南 甘肃 西藏 河南 山西 安徽 陕西 江西 贵州 河北 海南 四川 宁夏 广西 湖南 黑龙江 青海 湖北 新疆 山东 吉林 福建 江苏 内蒙古 重庆 辽宁 浙江 广东 天津 上海 北京
碳足迹 建设用地 林地 水域 4.00 3.50 2008 3.00 2.50 草地 耕地 2.00 1.50
通过生态足迹需求与自然生态 系统的承载力(亦称生态足迹供 给) 进行比较即可以定量的判断 某一国家或地区目前可持续发 展的状态,以便对未来人类生 存和社会经济发展做出科学规 划和建议。
• 随着人类社会的飞速发展,人类对与资源的需求与 日俱增。平衡早在上世纪七十年代就被打破,截至 2007年,全球生态足迹就已高出承载力近50% 。
一.概念 二.应用意义
三.现状 四.解决方法
生态足迹(ecological footprint):
“生态足迹”也称“生态占用”,是一种衡量 人类对地球生态系统与自然资源的需求的分析 方法。它显示在现有技术条件下,指定的人口 单位内(一个人、一个城市、一个国家或全人 类)需要多少具备生物生产力的土地 (biological productive land)和水域,来 生产所需资源和吸纳所衍生的废物。

生态足迹概念及其在国外的应用黄宁郭玥锋(奥克兰大学建筑与规划学院, 新西兰奥克兰1004)摘要本文分为两部分,第一部分详细介绍了生态足迹概念的产生、发展和计算方法;第二部分从地域规模(宏观)和具体学科分类(微观)两种情形下介绍了生态足迹在国外的应用。
关键词生态足迹概念国外应用The Conception and Overseas Application of Ecological FootprintHUANG Ning GUO Yue-fengSchool of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland1Auckland City, New Zealand, 1004AbstractThis paper includes two sections. The first section introduces the origination, the development, and the counting method of Ecological Footprint in detail. The second section articulates the comprehensive application of Ecological Footprint overseas according to the group categorized by different geographic levels and the group categorized by various concrete disciplines. The paper aims to transmit some unambiguous information about Ecological Footprint to readers as well as leading them to understand both the conception of Ecological Footprint and its general availability in practice. Moreover, the paper can provide 1黄宁(1971-),男,河南开封人,高级工程师,新西兰奥克兰大学博士研究生;主要研究方向为城市建筑和交通的可持续发展性。
1.7 生态足迹-简版1学时

人均消耗增加 人均可用生物承载力总量在下降 全球各国的生态赤字增加
中国的生态足迹,生物承载力和GDP(1961-2003 年)
通过技术和经济结构的变革,日本的人均生态足迹与20 世纪70 年代早期相比 仅提高了不到20%,尽管此间人均GDP 已经翻一番
日本的生态足迹,生物承载力和GDP(1961-2003 年)
中国的生态赤字区不断扩大, 1980 年,有19 个省处于生态赤字区, 12 个省处于生态盈余区或持平区;2000 年生态赤字区扩大到了26 个省 (CSSD, 2004)。 ED:人均生态赤字(gha cap-1)
中国的生态赤字( 1961-2003年)
作为一个国家,中国的生态足迹和欧盟27 国的生 态足迹相当,是第二大生态足迹国,次于美国
生物承载力总量排名居前的国家(2003 年)
中国占据了全球9% 的生物承载力
按国家划分的人均生态足迹(2003 年) 2003 年,地球生物承 载力为112亿全球公顷, 即人均1.8 全球公顷。
2003 年,全球生态足迹 是140 亿全球公顷,即人 均2.2 全球公顷(1 全球 公顷指生物生产力与全球 生物生产力平均值相等的 公顷面积)。
耕地是最有生产能力的土地类型,提供了人 类所利用的大部分生物量
草场的生产能力比耕地要低得多 由于人类对森林资源的过度开发,全世界除了一些不能接 近的热带丛林外,现有林地的生产能力大多较低 化石能源土地是人类应该留出用于吸收CO2的土地 建筑用地面积的增加意味着生物生产量的损失 ---人类定居在最肥沃的土壤
亚太区每个国家对生物承载力的需求和供应(2003 年) 澳大利亚人均需求7.7 全球公顷, 孟加拉国人均需求只有0.6 全球公顷。 中国人均需求为1.5 全球公顷 中国和印度人均生态足迹远在世界平均水平以下。

自然资本产生自然收入的能力由生态生产力(ecological productivity)衡量。
所谓生态生产性土地(ecologically productive area)是指具有生态生产能力的土地或水体。
根据生产力大小的差异,地球表面的生态生产性土地可分为6大类:(1)化石能源地(fossil energy land)生态足迹分析法强调资源的再生性。
(2)可耕地(arable land)从生态分析来看,可耕地是所有生态生产性土地中生产力最大的一类:它所能集聚的生物量是最多的。

Footprint专业名词1. 背景介绍Footprint(足迹)是一个广泛应用于不同领域的专业名词,它可以指代多个概念和含义。
2. Carbon Footprint(碳足迹)碳足迹是一种衡量个人、组织或国家二氧化碳排放量的指标。
3. Water Footprint(水足迹)水足迹是衡量产品或服务所消耗的水资源量的指标。
4. Ecological Footprint(生态足迹)生态足迹是衡量人类活动对自然环境的压力和影响的指标。
5. Productivity Footprint(生产力足迹)生产力足迹是衡量一个国家或地区经济增长所需资源投入和产出之间关系的指标。
6. Biodiversity Footprint(生物多样性足迹)生物多样性足迹是衡量人类活动对生物多样性的影响和损失程度的指标。

生态 足迹
是支持特定人口或经济体的资源消费和废弃物吸收 所需要的具有一定生态生产力的土地的面积。
生态生产性土地是指具有生态生产能力的陆地或水体。土地的 生态生产力越高,单位面积能够提供的生态资源就越多,其生命支 持能力就越强。
整个地球表面大约71%为海洋,具有生态生产力的土地(Biologically Productive Land)大约只占地球表面积的16%,其余陆地大约占13%,详 细的数据见表。
生态足迹的概念和计算主要基于以下假设: 4 土地的用途是单一的,且在任一给定年份每一全球公顷的土地 的生物生产力是相同的,以全球公顷为单位的不同类型的土地 面积可以相加而得到生态足迹或生态容量的总量指标。
5 以生态足迹表示的人类需求量与自然系统提供的生态容量之间, 当都以全球公顷为度量单位时,可以直接比较。
加拿大人口生态学家雷斯教授及其博士魏克内格,创造了 “生态足迹”(Ecological Footprint)的计算方法,于1996年合著 “我们的生态足迹”(Our Ecological Footprint, 1996),为计算地 球资源综合承载力的大难题做出相当贡献。
(3) 牧草地(Pasture/Grazing land)。 牧草地用于生长牲畜需要的牧草。跟据 FAO数据,2007年全球有33.8×108 hm2牧草地。
(4) 水产地(Marine and inland water areas)。海洋覆盖了地球上约 362×108 hm2的面积,但是可供人类使用的生态生产性水域面积并不大, 海洋渔业捕获量的绝大部分来自沿大陆架的近海域。根据World Resources Institute(WRI)和FAO数据,2007年全球有24×108 hm2大陆架 近海面积和4.33×108 hm2内陆水域。 (5) 建用地(Built-up land)。建用地包括各类人居设施、道路、工业设施 等所占用的土地。根据Global Footprint Network数据,2007年全球的建用地 面积为1.6959×108 hm2。

二报告概要生态足迹(ecological footprint)也称“生态占用”。
是指特定数量人群按照某一种生活方式所消费的,自然生态系统提供的,各种商品和服务功能,以及在这一过程中所产生的废弃物需要环境(生态系统) 吸纳,并以生物生产性土地(或水域) 面积来表示的一种可操作的定量方法。
它的应用意义是:通过生态足迹需求与自然生态系统的承载力(亦称生态足迹供给) 进行比较即可以定量的判断某一国家或地区目前可持续发展的状态,以便对未来人类生存和社会经济发展做出科学规划和建议。
生态足迹【英文】Ecological Footprint

Our industrial life-style has added 2,300 Bts over 200 years each year at increasing rates Output in 2050 will be around 87 Bts The total CO2-e in the atmosphere will then have accumulated to 5,300± Bts, which is over twice today's amount
Humanity's Footprint 1961-2003
How many Earths were needed to meet the resource requirements of humanity for each year? Ratio between resource demand & Biocapacity Demand = population times peity = 1planet
A child born in a wealthy country is likely to consume, waste, and pollute more in her/his lifetime than 50 children born in poorer nations
Rising Sea Levels
Ecological Footprint
Ecological Footprint measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes under prevailing technology That is, it measures the extent to which humanity is using nature's resources faster than they can regenerate

1991年Hardin 从生态系统本身的角度定义了生态承载力的概念,即在不 损害有关生态系统的生产力和功能完整的前提下,可持续利用的最大资源量和 废物产生率。 在此基础上,生态足迹理论将一个地区所能提供给人类的生态功能用地的 总面积定义为该地区的生态承载力,以表征该地区的生态容量。
杨开忠,杨咏,陈洁,生态足迹分析理论与方法[J] . 地球科学进展,Dec. , 2000 ,15(6): 630~636. [Yang Kaizhong, Yang Yong, Chen Jie, Ecological Footprint Analysis: Concept, Method and Cases[J] . Advance in Earth Sciences,2000 ,15(6): 630-636.]
生物承载力(生态足迹供给) 地区生物生产能力的大小,即 所能提供的生态功能用地面积 的大小。
1961-2008 年全球人均生态足迹和生物承载力趋势
生态旅游 现存的旅游资源能否承得 受起如此高涨的旅游热潮? •根据景点历年的旅游统计 资料及发展趋势,估算出 人均旅游生态足迹; •根据旅游资源总量算出其 人均生态承载力,将二者 进行比较,得知该旅游景 点的存在状况。
• 在生态承载力计算时应从生物生产面积中扣除12%的生物多 样性保护面积。
在生态承载力计算时应从生物生产面积中扣除 12%的生物多样性保护面积。 • “生态效率”一般定义为使用单位生态资源能够获得的产出。 区域的生态足迹如果超过了区域所能提供的生态承载力,就出现生态赤字;否 应用生态足迹构建研究对象的生态效率时,生态资源的使用 则为生态盈余。 量即为生态足迹的大小,而产出一般为经济产出(如GDP), “生态效率”一般定义为使用单位生态资源能够获得的产出。应用生态足迹构 生态效率即为单位生态足迹的经济产出值。 建研究对象的生态效率时,生态资源的使用量即为生态足迹的大小,而产出一 般为经济产出(如GDP),生态效率即为单位生态足迹的经济产出值。 生态效率的倒数称为“生态消耗强度”,即单位经济产出所产生的生态足迹大 小。• 生态效率的倒数称为“生态消耗强度”,即单位经济产出所
SD 3 Eco footprint

paper and ink
computers and printers
vehicles, fossil fuels, and bookstores
for instance, we can determine the number of hectares of forest
population (an individual, an organization, a city, a
country, or all of humanity) requires to support
current levels of consumption and waste production,
The ecological footprint is an environmental
accounting tool that is comprehensive, yet as
an indicator relatively sd.
The Ecological Footprint measures how
determining and
communicating how natural
resources are used and
environmental damage is
indicators are important for:
assessment of present
it translates data for the consumption of energy
and material resources into the equivalent area of

2.生态足迹、碳足迹、水足迹的内涵及意义是什么?(1)生态足迹(英文:Ecological footprint,EF)就是能够持续地提供资源或消纳废物的、具有生物生产力的地域空间(biologically productive areas),其含义就是要维持一个人、地区、国家或者全球的生存所需要的或者能够只纳人类所排放的废物的、具有生物生产力的地域面积。

2.各区人口数据 3.各区生物资源、能源生产和消费数据
• 城市生态足迹计算中的均衡因子和产量因子
均衡因子:qi =pi /p (pi 为市域i类土地的平均生产力,p为市域内全部土地的平 均生产力) 产量因子:Yzi =pzi /p(武汉市z区i类土地的平均生产力)
生态足迹(Ecological Footprint)
• 含义:在一定的人口和经济条件下,维持资源消费和吸收废弃物所需 要的生物生产型土地面积。
• 主要 生物生产性土地:化石燃料土地、可耕地、林地、草地、建筑 用地和水域。
• 生态足迹计算公式:EF=N·[ef=rj·∑(aai)=rj ∑(Ci/pi)] • i为交换商品和投入的类型;Pi为i种交换商品的平均生产能力;Ci为i 种商品的人均消费量;aai为i种交易商品折算的生产土地面积;N为 人口数;ef为人均生态足迹;rj为均衡因子;EF为总的生态足迹。

THIS REPORTHAS BEEN PRODUCED IN PARTNERSHIP WITHEcological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China2014Ecological Footprint andSustainable Consumption in ChinaREPORTCHINAEcological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China2China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation CenterEstablished in March 2010, the China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center is adepartment-level institution directly under the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Itsmain functions include: to be responsible for handling environmental cooperation affairswithin the framework of ASEAN; to work out plans and suggestions for environmentalcooperation programs and the implementation; to coordinate and implement related policiesand strategic research on environmental protection cooperation and key international andregional environmental cooperation mechanism; to promote international environmentalprotection industrial cooperation and organize and conduct activities of related technologyexchange and transfer, environmental education and training.China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center1 Yuhui South Road, Chaoyang District, BeijingZip code: 100029World Wild Fund for NatureWWF (World Wild Fund for Nature) is one of the world’s largest and most respectedindependent non-government organizations dedicated to the conservation of nature. WWFboasts a global network active in more than 100 countries with nearly 5.2 million supporters.WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and to builda future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Therefore, WWF is dedicated toconserving the world's biological diversity; ensuring that the use of renewable naturalresources is sustainable; and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.Beijing Representative Office of World Wild Fund for Nature (Switzerland)Room 1609, Wen Hua Gong, East Gate, Working People’s Culture Palace, BeijingZip code: 100006Advisor:Xu Qinghua, Peng Jinxin, Guo Jing,Fang Li, Li Lin, Zhang Shigang, ZhaoPing, Zhang Jianping, Zhou Xuegeng,Xie GaodiHead of the Research:Zhou Guomei, Li Xia, Chen BopingMember of the Research Group:Cao Shuyan, Zhou Shuang, Zhou Ye,Ouyang Wei, Peng Ning, Wu Yanyang,Gao YingCo-authored by:Li Xia, Zhou YeEcological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China TAblE OF CONTENTSPreface 02Executive Summary 04Chapter One: Ecological Footprint under Global Context 06Chapter Two: China's Consumption Ecological Footprint 10Chapter Three: Ecological Footprint Comparison Analysis in China 17Chapter Four: Urbanization and Ecological Footprint 26Chapter Five: Policy Recommendation 30Reference 383Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China2FOREWARDOur planet is our common home, but it is suffering from unprecedented pressure to provide natural resources to support our lifestyles. This increasing demand for natural resources, already far exceeds the Earth’s regeneration capacity.Unsustainable forms of consumption are part of creating this destructive pressure on the ecological system. Current consumption models, and the high and rising levels of individual consumption, ironically even threaten people’s health and quality of life.If our current and increasing consumption trends continue, we may need the equivalent of “two Earths” by 2030 to meet this increasing demand.But we only have one Earth. The only thing we can do is create more sustainable consumption models and lifestyles and, as a result, enable humans and nature to live in harmony.With fast economic development and urbanization, China’s ecological system and natural resources are facing great challenges. Our future use of natural resources, and the nature of our consumption model, will strongly influence the future of China and its people.In order to transform our economy towards more sustainable consumption, government at all levels, enterprises and other stakeholders will need to work together to create long-term commitments and joint solutions.This report looks at current consumption trends in China and provides suggestions for how to create and promote sustainable consumption as part of China’s goal to be an ecological civilization.Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China3Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China4As China’s economy rapidly expands,people’s incomes are improving and theirlevels of consumption rising. China’s largepopulation and current consumption modelis placing huge pressures on availableresources and the wider environment.China’s leadership is promoting ‘ecologicalcivilization’. This study supports this goalby looking at the impacts of China’s currentconsumption model and suggesting waysto promote sustainable consumption aswell as create appropriate and sustainableeconomic policy.In order to analyze the relationshipbetween China’s increasing consumptionand impacts on the environment, we haveused the ‘Ecological Footprint’, an effectivetool to measure people’s demand for, andconsumption of, natural resources. It trackshumanity’s demand on nature by comparingSUMMARY OF FINDINGShuman consumption with the Earth’sregenerative capacity or biocapacity. Wehave also looked at the different EcologicalFootprints across China and comparedthese with consumption drivers and trends.Our overall findings are that:● Although China’s per capita EcologicalFootprint is below the world average, ithas already exceeded a sustainable level.China’s overall Ecological Footprint is 2.5times its own biocapacity.● This report compares the EcologicalFootprint of China’s consumption withthat of the US, UK and South Africa. Thesecountries are chosen because they representtwo developed countries and an emergingeconomy in different geographical regions.● China has relatively inefficient resourceuse compared with the US, UK andSouth Africa. Every 1000 USD of Chineseconsumption generates about four a halftimes more Ecological Footprint than theUS and UK and over twice as much asSouth Africa. China will therefore need totransform to a model of consumption whichis much more resource-efficient.● If we look at the different contributionsof categories of consumption across thesesame four countries, China has relativelyless service consumption and relativelymore infrastructure investment. A shifttowards more services (which are relativelyresource-light), as well as a reduction inresource-intensive infrastructure, will helplower China’s Ecological Footprint.●Ecological Footprints vary considerablyacross China and the highest footprintareas tend not to have high biocapacityor Ecological Function Zones. ProvincesEcological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China5with high economic development and high Ecological Footprints therefore tend to consume not only their own biocapacity but that of others, particularly from those areas with high biocapacity which tend to also have low economic development, such as provinces in West China. It is therefore necessary to either reduce the environmental impact of resource use through, for example, sustainable certification and increasing consumer awareness, or by promoting forms of ecological compensation between areas. ●Urbanization is a major driving force of China’s ecological overshoot. Changing consumer trends for urban populations between 2000 and 2010 show a large increase in car ownership, as well as greater use of computers and the internet. China ranks the highest in the world forcarbon emissions. There seems to be a relative decline of cultural, education and recreational services as a proportion of the economy, indicating their relatively slow development compared to resource-intensive industries. There are also widening differences between the Ecological Footprints of urban and rural populations.There is therefore a need for government policy which creates and supports a sustainable system of consumption and production, promotes more service-based consumption, balances consumption levels between different geographical areas, and ensures urban planning with strongly reduced environmental impact.Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China6The E c o l o g ic al F o o t print me as u re shumanity’s demand on the biosphere bycalculating the geographical area requiredto produce the renewable resources thatpeople consume (whether cropland, fishinggrounds, or grazing land), the area occupiedby infrastructure, and the area of forestrequired to sequester (or store) that part ofCO2 emissions from human activities thatis not absorbed by the oceans (Figure 1).This area is then compared with the Earth’sbiocapacity – the amount of productive areaavailable to generate the resources requiredas well as to absorb wastes.Both the Ecological Footprint and biocapacityare measured in ‘global hectares’ (gha). OneCHAPTER ONE: ECOlOGICAl FOOTPRINT UNDER GlObAl CONTExT1.1 Ecological Footprint And ConsumptionEcological Footprint for imported goods andservices minus that of exports. (See WWF’sChina Ecological Footprint Report 2012 forfurther details of the methodology.)If there is a biocapacity deficit, the extraresource use must therefore come fromtrade, whether within countries or throughimports from other countries, or from over-using current resources which affects theiravailability for future generations.To reduce the gap between local andnational Ecological Footprints and theavailable biocapacity, consumption levelswould need to reduce, and/or the efficiencyof resource-use in the creation of goods andservices dramatically increase.global hectare represents the productivecapacity of one hectare of available land atglobal average biological productivity levels.The ‘biocapacity deficit’ or surplus ofa country or region depends on therelationship between the EcologicalFootprint and the biocapacity of that regionor country. Biocapacity surplus existswhen the available biocapacity exceedsthe Ecological Footprint generated by thepeople living in that area. With a biocapacitydeficit the Ecological Footprint exceeds theavailable biocapacity.At the national level, the EcologicalFootprint is based on ‘net’ consumption,meaning that it takes into account theEcological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China7Figure 1 Components of the Ecological Footprint, Global Footprint Network.Every human activity uses biologically productive land and/or fishing grounds. The components of the Ecological Footprint are: cropland, grazing land, forest land, built-up land, fishing grounds and carbon.Data source: Global Footprint Network, 2011Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China8Since around 1970, the world has been ina state of ecological overshoot (Figure 1.2).Human’s demand on the Earth’s ecosystemshas exceeded its regenerative capacity. In2008, the Earth’s total biocapacity was 12billion gha, or 1.8 gha per person, while theEcological Footprint worldwide was 18.2billion gha, or 2.7 gha per person.This means that it would take 1.5 years forthe Earth to fully regenerate the renewableresources that people use in one year. Inother words, we use the equivalent of 1.5Earths to support our current consumption.Nearly 90 countries have a per capitaEcological Footprint which is greater thanthe available global average biocapacity (1.8gha).Figure 1-2 Trends in global average per capita EcologicalFootprint and biocapacity from1961 to 2008(Data source: Global Footprint Network, 2011)1.2 Global Ecological Footprint:long- Term And Serious Overshoot9Asia's available biocapacity at 2.87 billion gha accounts for 24% of the world’s total. However, Asia's per capita biocapacity, at 0.72 gha, is less than half the world’s average, because of its high population. In fact, relative to other continents, Asia has the world’s lowest per capita biocapacity (Data source: Global Footprint Network).Asia’s large population (about 60% of the global population) creates 40% of the world’s Ecological Footprint. From 1961 to 2007, Asia's total Ecological Footprint increased nearly 340% to about 5.1 billion gha, while per capita Ecological Footprint increased by about 30% at the same time as Asia's total population more than doubled.1.3 The Ecological Footprint In Asia: Fast GrowthHowever, because of different economic development and consumption models, Ecological Footprints vary significantly. For example, the UAE has a per capita ecological footprint of 10.3 gha, the highest in the world, whilst Pakistan’s per capita Ecological Footprint is only 0.75 gha.Currently, Asia's Ecological Footprint is around 2.5 times that of its biocapacity. China has the largest total Ecological Footprint in the world, followed by India.Within Asia, this biocapacity deficit is closely related to the overuse of resources and loss of ecosystem services. The biocapacity deficit also arises from imports which embody resource use, therefore usingup other regions' biocapacity and land area. Countries in Asia tend to have net imports of biocapacity. In other words, they import more biocapacity than that used in exports. The biocapacity imported from other regions accounts for about 12% of Asia’s total Ecological Footprint.While population increase is an important reason for increasing total Ecological Footprint, the increase of per capita Ecological Footprint through consumption has played a significant role. Compared with other regions in the world, Asia has the fastest growing Carbon Footprint, a significant part of total Ecological Footprint.10CHAPTER TWO: CHINA'S CONSUMPTION ECOlOGICAl FOOTPRINT2.1 China’s Per Capita EcologicalFootprint Is 2.5 Times Its biocapacityChina's total biocapacity has remained stable over the last 50 years, although its per capita biocapacity has slightly declined in line with its population increase. At the same time, rapid economic development has caused China's Ecological Footprint, whether total amount or per capita volume, to sharply increase to become the highest in the world at 2.9 billion gha in 2008. Since 1970, the biocapacity deficit has continued to rise. In 2008, China's per capita Ecological Footprint reached 2.1 gha, 2.5 times as much as the available per capita biocapacity in the country of 0.87gha (Figure 2-1).Figure 2-1 China's per capita Ecological Footprint and biocapacity from 1961 to 2008(Data Source: Global Footprint Network, 2011)11In 2008, China's per capita Ecological Footprint was 2.1 gha, nearly 80% that of the global per capita average of 2.7 gha. However, China's per capita household consumption was 879 USD, less than 24% of global per capita expenditure by households. These differences suggest that China's per capita consumption of ecological resources per $ is relatively high, suggesting low resource-use efficiency (Figure 2.2). If these trends persist, its per capita natural resource consumption will very quickly exceed the average global level.2.2 China’s Resource Use Is Relatively Inefficient4. final consumption expenditure,PPP in 2010/1,000USDPer Capita Ecological Footprint in2008/ ghaWorld ChinaKeyFigure 2-2 Comparison of China's and global per capita GDP and Ecological Footprint (2008)(Data Source:Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences &World Bank WDI Database, 2008)12We can further explore China’s relative resource efficiency by looking at the relationship between per capita consumption and Ecological Footprint for China, the USA, UK and South Africa.Across these four countries, the level of Ecological Footprint is roughly proportional to per capita household and government consumption (Figure 2.3).If we look in more detail at the figures, in China, every 1000 USD of consumption produces 0.77 gha of Ecological Footprint. This impact is much higher than that of the US and UK at 0.17 gha and 0.16 gha respectively, and over twice as high as South Africa (0.35 gha) which is at a comparable level of development to China. This analysis supports the previous conclusion that China has a relatively low efficiency of resource use which therefore needs to increase in order to create more sustainable consumption and reduce environmental pressure.2.3 The Relative Resource Efficiency Of Consumption Expenditure Across Four CountriesPer capita consumption, PPP/ USD1,000P e r c a p i t a E c o l o g i c a l F o o t p r i n t /g h aFigure 2-3 Relationship between per capita consumption (PPP ) and per capita Ecological Footprint for China, the USA, UK and South Africa (Data Source: Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences &World Bank WDI Database, 2008) AfricaChinaUKUSA13Figure 2.4 shows that China has relatively l o w l e v e l s o f c u r r e n t c o n s u m p t i o n e xpe nditure compare d with capital investment if we look across China, USA, UK and South Africa.2.4 China Has Relatively lowConsumption Expenditure Relative To Investment In InfrastructureFigure 2-4 GDP components of China, the USA, UK and South Africa(Data Source: World Bank WDI Database,2010)140000.0120000.0100000.080000.060000.040000.020000.00.0-20000.0UKUSASouth AfricaChinaUSD 100 millionConsumption Expenditures Gross Investment Net ExportsKeyWe can also look at consumption-to-GDP levels. In 2010, China's household consumption accounted for 34.4% of GDP, while government consumption (mostly public procurement) accounted for 11.7%. Compared with consumption-to-GDP ratios in the USA and UK (both developedcountries) and in South Africa (emerging market), Figure 2-5 shows that China's household consumption-to-GDP ratio was the lowest among the four countries, and about half that of the USA and UK. According to China’s 12th Five-Year Plan, China's economic growth model will change from being investment and export-led to one driven by domestic demand. As a result, household consumption is likely to become the main driver of future growth in China's Ecological Footprint.19.7%59.8%23.1%64.4%17.5%70.9%11.7%34.4%UKUSA South AfricaFigure 2-5 Comparison of the consumption-to-GDPratios of China, the USA, UK and South Africa(Data Source: World Bank WDI Database, 2010)100.0%80.0%60.0%40.0%20.0%0.0%Government consumptionResident consumption ChinaKey1415T h e c o n s u m p t i o n e l e m e n t s o f t h e Ecological Footprint have been broken down by the Global Footprint Network into the household consumption categories of: clothing, food, housing, transport and services. Food consumption includes consumption inside or outside the home; residential consumption includes housing services, housing energy and water use as well as consumption of appliances and devices which improve comfort and convenience; transport can be direct or indirect (in other words household use or transport involved in moving goods and services); and services include cultural and entertainment services, medical and health care services, as well as use of public services. On these measures, food, housing and transport generate most of the world’s Ecological Footprint.Expenditure on food, transport and2.5 China Has Relatively less Service Consumptionhousing account for nearly 80% of per capita consumption in China, whereas in the USA, UK and South Africa, there is relatively more consumption of culture, entertainment and other services (Figure 2.6). Food consumption alone in China a c c o u n t s f o r 41% o f t h e E c o l o g i c a l Footprint, which is 10% higher than that in South Africa, also an emerging economy.The Ecological Footprint generated b y s e r v i c e c o n s u m p t i o n (i n c l u d i n g entertainment and recreation services) accounts for less than 10% of the total Ecological Footprint in many countries around the world. However, in developed countries, the output value of the service industry can account for nearly 80% of total economic value, indicating that service industries can generate relatively high economic benefits. At the same time, services tend to use fewer resources.In China, the output value of the service industry currently accounts for around 50% of GDP and the Ecological Footprint generates a relatively low economic value. This suggests that China's economic development and domestic consumption could include a greater proportion of services.16Figure 2-6 The impacts of different kinds of household consumption on the Ecological Footprints of China, USA, UK and South Africa. (Data Source: Global Footprint Network, 2011)F o o dH o u s i n gH o u s e D e c o r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c eC u l t u r a l a n d E n t e r t a i n m e n t S e r v i c e sH o t e l a n d R e s t a u r a n t S e r v i c e sT r a n s p o r t a t i o nC o m m u n i c a t i o n sH e a l t h C a r eE d u c a t i o nO t h e r S e r v i c e sC l o t h e s a n d S h o e sW i n e s a n d T o b a c c o45%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%China USA UKSouth AfricaKeyCHAPTER THREE: ECOlOGICAl FOOTPRINT COMPARISON ANAlYSISIN CHINA3.1 Ecological Footprint Is UnevenlyDistributed Across ChinaEcological Footprint is closely related to per capita GDP across China Ecological Footprints and per capita GDP of different provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions show positive correlations (Figure 3-1).In 2009, five provinces Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and Zhejiang -consumed 35% of the Ecological Footprint of China. Of these, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are also in the top five provinces for GDP per capita, while the other three also rank highly: Guandong (7th), Shandong (10th)although Henan is 23rd. Guangdong aloneaccounts for nearly 10% of the nationalEcological Footprint.The Tibet Autonomous Region, Qinghai,Ningxia, Hainan and Gansu togetheraccount for only about 3% of total EcologicalFootprint (Figure 3.2). These areas alsohave relatively low per capita GDP.1718GDP (1,000 yuan/person)E c o l o g i c a lF o o t p r i n t (g h a /p e r s o n )Figure 3-1 Relationship between per capita Ecological Footprint and per capita GDP (2009)(Data Source: Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences) r o p o r t i o n o f E c o l o g i c a l F o o t p r i n t t o n a t i o n a l t o t a lFigure 3-2 Proportion of Ecological Footprint to national total in different provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China (2009)(Data Source: Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences\)G u a n g d o n gS h a n d o n gJ i a n g s uH e n a nZ h e j i a n gS i c h u a nH e b e iH u n a nH u b e iL i a o n i n gA n h u iS h a n g h a iF u j i a nB e i j i n gH e i l o n g j i a n gG u a n g x iJ i a n g x iI n n e r M o n g o l i aT i b e tQ i n g h a iN i n g x i aH a i n a nG a n s uT i a n j i nX i n j i a n gJ i l i nG u i z h o uY u n n a nS h a a n x iC h o n g q i n gS h a a n x i10. Biocapacity surplus / deficit by province (2009)Twenty five provinces in China are in biocapacity deficit (yellow and red). The six provinces highlighted in red are in biocapacity deficit even before carbon footprint is accounted for: Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Six provinces enjoy a biocapacity surplus: Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan and Qinghai.Data source: IGSNRR, 2012O n l y s i x C h i n e s e p r o v i n c e s , municipalities and autonomous regions can satisfy the demand of local people for resources.I n 2009, s i x C h i n e s e p r o v i n c e s , municipalities and autonomous regions had an ecological surplus-Tibet, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Yunnan and Hainan (Figure 3.3) and 25 provinces had a biocapacity deficit.Among the 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions with a biocapacity d e f i c i t, S h a n g h a i , B ei ji n g , Ti a nj i n, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Chongqing and Jiangsu had a per capita biocapacity deficit of more than 1.4 gha, while Anhui, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Henan, Jilin, Guangxi, Gansu and Heilongjiang had a per capita biocapacity deficit of less than 0.7 gha. The per capita biocapacity deficit of other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions was between 0.7-1.2 gha (Figure 3.4).Of the seven provinces and municipalities with a per capita biocapacity deficit21P e r C a p i t a /G h aFigure 3-4 Contrasting levels of per capita Ecological Footprint and per capita biocapacity for different provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China(Data Source: Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009)B e i j i n gS h a n g h a iT i a n j i nI n n e r M o n g o l i aG u a n g d o n gZ h e j i a n gJ i a n g s uL i a o n i n gC h o n g q i n gF u j i a nS h a n d o n gX i n j i a n gN i n g x i aH e i l o n g j i a n gJ i l i nQ i n g h a iH u b e iH u n a nS h a a n x iT i b e tS h a n x iH e b e iH a i n a nS i c h u a nJ i a n g x iA n h u iH e n a nG u a n g x iG a n s uG u i z h o uY u n n a nBiocapacityEcological FootprintKey5. than 1.4 gha, Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the top 5 provinces for per capita GDP nationwide, and Guangdong the seventh. Of the sixprovinces and autonomous regions which have an ecological surplus, Tibet and Yunnan rank among the lowest 4 in per capita GDP.3.2 Provinces with high Ecological Footprints tend to have few or no Ecological Function ZonesIf we look at the Ecological Footprints of different provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions alongside the location of China’s Ecological Function Zones, there is a mismatch (Figure 3.5). For example, Guangdong, with an Ecological Footprint accounting for 10% of the national total, only has a functional zone for biodiversity in its northern mountainous area. Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and Zhejiang have no national Ecological Function Zones, but the Ecological Footprint of these provinces respectively accounts for more than 5% of the national total.On the other hand, although Tibet, Qinghai, Ningxia and Gansu have the most important Ecological Function Zones in China, their Ecological Footprints together only account for less than 3% of the national total. To some extent, these variations reflect thedifferences between the east and westof China in terms of relative economicdevelopment and ecological function of thearea.Overall, this mismatch of EcologicalFunction Zones and regions of highEcological Footprint means that the latternot only use their own biocapacity butalso that of others, suggesting the need forgreater ecological compensation.Consumers often do not realize that theenvironmental impact of their goods andservices affects the natural resourcesand ecosystem services of other regions.China therefore also needs to promotesustainable product certification so thatconsumers can be encouraged to engagein sustainable consumption. Certificationenables consumers to know whether ornot particular goods have been producedsustainably throughout the entire supplychain. One example is that of a clear logo onthose products which have met standardsfor sustainable wood use as developedand promoted by the Forest StewardshipCouncil.22。

◎Micky 什么是生态足迹?你的生态足迹是多少呢?阅读文章后你可以进入https://www./home/en 进行测试。
什么是生态足迹?What Is the Ecological Footprint?Humans need food, shelterand heating (in some locations)to survive. Our planet’s ecologicalresources help fulfill these needs. Buthow many resources do we 1)consume ? This question can be answered using the Ecological Footprint.Just as a bank statement tracks income against 2)expenditures , Ecological Footprint accounting measures a population’s demand for natural ecosystems’ supply of resources and services.On the demand side, the Ecological Footprint measures an individual or a population’s demand for plant-based food and 3)fiber products, livestock and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban infrastructure, and forest to absorb its carbon dioxide emissions from 4)fossil fuels.Spotlight/聚光灯On the supply side, a city,or nation’s biocapacity representsits biologically productive land andsea area, including forest lands, grazinglands, cropland, fishing grounds, and built-up land.The Ecological Footprint can be calculatedfor a single individual, city, country and the entireplanet.The gap between the Ecological Footprint andbiocapacity is determined by several factors. PersonalEcological Footprint is the product of how much we useand how efficiently this is being produced. The biocapacityper person is determined by how many hectares ofproductive area there is, how productive each hectare is, andhow many people (in a city, country, or the world) share thisbiocapacity.Many countries are “in the red”, which means they use more natural resources (Ecological Footprint) than their ecosystemscan regenerate (biocapacity). When a country’s biocapacity isgreater than its population’s Ecological Footprint, on the otherhand, the country boasts an “ecological reserve”.Nations (also cities) can run ecological deficits by liquidating their own resources, such as by overfishing; and emitting morecarbon dioxide into the atmosphere than their own ecosystems canabsorb.What is Earth Overshoot Day?When the entire planet is running an ecological deficit, we callit “overshoot”. At the global level, ecologicaldeficits and overshoot are the same, sincethere is no net import of resources to theplanet.Earth Overshoot Day marks the datewhen humanity’s demand for ecologicalresources and services (Ecological Footprint)in a given year exceeds what Earth canregenerate in that year (biocapacity).Overshoot occurs when:HUMANITY’S ECOLOGICALFOOTPRINT > EARTH’S BIOCAPACITY1) consume v.消耗2) expenditure n.经费;支出额3) fiber n.纤维4) fossil n.化石人类需要食物、住所和供暖(在某些地方)才能生存。

外研版初中生物九年级下册单词默写表单元一:生物圈的多样性- 生物圈(biosphere)- 物种(species)- 多样性(diversity)- 多样性指数(diversity index)- 生态系统(ecosystem)- 森林生态系统(forest ecosystem)- 草原生态系统(grassland ecosystem)- 湿地生态系统(wetland ecosystem)- 水域生态系统(aquatic ecosystem)- 陆地生态系统(terrestrial ecosystem)单元二:物种和进化- 进化(evolution)- 物种形成(speciation)- 自然选择(natural selection)- 繁殖隔离(reproductive isolation)- 适应性辐射(adaptive radiation)- 放射性进化(radiation evolution)- 迁移(migration)- 外来物种(invasive species)- 绝灭(extinction)- 保护物种(conservation species)单元三:人类与环境- 生态足迹(ecological footprint)- 可持续发展(sustainable development)- 环境污染(environmental pollution)- 气候变化(climate change)- 温室效应(greenhouse effect)- 化学污染(chemical pollution)- 生物积累(bioaccumulation)- 能源消耗(energy consumption)- 排放(emission)- 农药(pesticide)单元四:生物科技- 基因工程(genetic engineering)- 克隆(cloning)- 基因组(genome)- DNA序列(DNA sequence)- 转基因(genetically modified)- 生物技术(biotechnology)- 化学药物(chemical drugs)- 植物疫苗(plant vaccines)- 基因组学(genomics)- 生物安全(biosafety)以上是外研版初中生物九年级下册的单词默写表,希望对你学习有所帮助!。

Environmental protection has become a global concern,and it is our collective responsibility to take action to preserve our planet.Here are some steps we can take to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to a healthier environment.1.Reduce,Reuse,Recycle:The three Rs are the foundation of waste management.By reducing the amount of waste we produce,reusing items wherever possible,and recycling materials,we can significantly decrease the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.2.Conserve Water:Water is a precious resource,and conserving it is crucial.Simple actions like turning off the tap while brushing teeth,fixing leaks,and using watersaving appliances can make a big difference.3.Save Energy:Energy conservation is not only good for the environment but also for your e energyefficient appliances,switch off lights when not in use,and consider alternative energy sources like solar or wind power.4.Support Sustainable Products:Choose products that are made from sustainable materials and produced in an environmentally friendly way.Look for certifications like Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance on the products you buy.5.Eat Less Meat:The meat industry is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.Reducing meat consumption or adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet can help lower your carbon footprint.e Public Transportation,Carpool,or Bike:Reducing the use of personal vehicles can significantly decrease air pollution and carbon emissions.Opt for public transportation, carpooling,or biking whenever possible.7.Plant Trees and Support Reforestation:Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Planting trees or supporting organizations that work on reforestation efforts can help combat climate change.cate and Spread Awareness:Knowledge is cate yourself about environmental issues and spread awareness among your friends,family,and community.9.Participate in CleanUp Drives:Join or organize cleanup drives in your local community to keep the environment clean and free from litter.10.Advocate for Environmental Policies:Support and advocate for policies that protect the environment and promote sustainable practices at the local,national,and internationallevels.By taking these actions,we can all play a part in protecting our environment and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.Remember,every small step counts,and collective efforts can lead to significant changes.。

Ecological Footprint-a New Concept for 21st
作者: 马宏佳 刘宏康
作者机构: 南京师范大学课程与教学研究所、化学与环境科学学院,江苏南京210097
出版物刊名: 化学教与学
页码: 2-5页
年卷期: 2010年 第5期
主题词: 生态足迹 生物承载力 可持续发展
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• 从生态赤字的组分构成看, 中国70%的生态赤字省份 是CO2吸收用地赤字,而 生物质是承载力盈余的, 另外30%的生态赤字省份 在CO2吸收用地和生物质 承载力用地两方面都是赤 字。
通过生态足迹需求与自然生态 系统的承载力(亦称生态足迹供 给) 进行比较即可以定量的判断 某一国家或地区目前可持续发 展的状态,以便对未来人类生 存和社会经济发展做出科学规 划和建议。
• 随着人类社会的飞速发展,人类对与资源的需求与 日俱增。平衡早在上世纪七十年代就被打破,截至 2007年,全球生态足迹就已高出承载力近50% 。
• 一.政府引导全社会树立节约资源的观 念.
• 二.减少汽车尾气的排放 . • 三.重视垃圾的回收和处理. • 四.减少塑料污染,提倡绿色购物. • 五.节约资源、保护环境,从我做起。
• 根据WWF最新发布的《地球生命力报告2010》, 2007年,中国人均生态足迹2.2全球公顷,较 全球平均水平低0.5全球公顷,在核算的153个 国家中居第74位。
碳足迹 建设用地 林地 水域 草地 耕地
碳足迹 建设用地 林地 水域 草地 耕地
4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00
生态足迹英文 Ecologicalfootpri
一.概念 二.二.应用意义 三.三.现状 四.四.解决方法
生态足迹(ecological footprint):
“生态足迹”也称“生态占用”,是一种衡量 人类对地球生态系统与自然资源的需求的分析 方法。它显示在现有技术条件下,指定的人口 单位内(一个人、一个城市、一个国家或全人 类)需要多少具备生物生产力的土地 (biological productive land)和水域,来 生产所需资源和吸纳所衍生的废物。