






本文将介绍一些常用的Matlab中的并行计算方法,包括如何使用Parallel Computing Toolbox中的函数、Parallel Computing Toolbox中的工具以及Parallel Computing Toolbox结合其他工具一起使用的方法。

一、Parallel Computing Toolbox函数的使用Parallel Computing Toolbox是Matlab中用于进行并行计算的工具箱,它提供了一系列方便易用的函数来实现并行计算。


1. parfor函数parfor函数是Matlab中用于实现循环并行计算的函数。


使用parfor函数的方法如下所示:```matlabparfor i = 1:N% 子任务的计算过程end```在这个例子中,N表示循环的迭代次数。

使用parfor函数的时候,需要注意以下几点:- 子任务之间的计算不能相互依赖,也就是说每个子任务之间不存在数据的读取和写入操作。

- 子任务的计算过程尽量保持相对独立,避免不必要的数据交互。

2. parpool函数parpool函数用于创建一个并行计算的池子,其中包含多个工作进程。


使用parpool函数的方法如下所示:```matlabparpool('local', N)```在这个例子中,N表示要创建的工作进程的数量。

使用parpool函数的时候,需要注意以下几点:- 工作进程的数量应根据实际情况进行调整,以保证计算效率和资源的合理利用。









例如,原本的循环代码:```for i = 1:n% 重复操作...end```可以改写为并行循环:```parfor i = 1:n% 重复操作...end```使用parfor可以充分利用计算机的多核处理器,加速循环迭代的计算过程。






通过循环迭代的方式可以实现:```sum = 0;for i = 1:length(vector)sum = sum + vector(i)^2;end```但这样的操作效率比较低下。

如果我们使用向量化操作,则可以简化代码,提高计算速度:```sum = sum(vector.^2);在并行计算中,向量化操作同样适用。














在MATLAB中,我们可以利用Parallel Computing Toolbox工具箱来实现并行计算。

二、并行计算的基本原理和方式1. 并行计算基本原理并行计算基于任务划分和数据分发的思想,将一个大任务划分为多个小任务,每个小任务在不同处理器上或不同计算节点上并行执行,最后将各个小任务的计算结果合并得到最终结果。

2. 并行计算的方式(1)任务并行:将一个大任务划分为多个独立的小任务,每个小任务分配给不同的处理器或计算节点并行执行,最后将各个小任务的结果合并。



1. 任务并行示例```matlabmatlabpool open 4 % 打开一个拥有4个工作进程的并行计算池spmd% 在每个工作进程上执行的任务a = [1 2 3 4];b = labindex; % 获取当前工作进程编号c = a + b;disp(c);endmatlabpool close % 关闭并行计算池```上述代码中,我们使用`matlabpool`命令打开一个具有4个工作进程的并行计算池。







一、并行计算的概念和原理1.1 并行计算的概念并行计算是指将任务分解成多个子任务,同时进行处理以提高计算速度和效率的一种计算方式。



1.2 并行计算的原理在并行计算中,任务的分解和协调至关重要。







二、MATLAB中的并行计算工具2.1 隐式并行计算MATLAB提供了一些内置函数和语句,可以隐式地进行并行计算。





MATLAB并⾏计算主要函数:parfor并⾏ for 循环说明:parfor LoopVar = InitVal:EndVal; Statements; end在⽣成的 MEX 函数中或在共享内存多核平台上并⾏运⾏的 C/C++ 代码中创建⼀个循环。

parfor 循环对 InitVal 和 Endval 之间的 LoopVar 值执⾏ Statements。

LoopVar 指定由整数值组成的向量,这些值按 1 递增。

parfor (LoopVar = InitVal:EndVal, NumThreads); Statements; end在创建并⾏ for 循环时,最多使⽤ NumThreads 个线程。

写法案例:parfor rowIndex=1:regionRowpoint=cell(regionCol,4);for colIndex=1:regionColdisp(['rowIndex =',num2str(rowIndex),'colIndex =',num2str(colIndex)]);mdl = stepwiselm(full,pointLpmay{rowIndex,1}{colIndex,1},'quadratic','Verbose',0);point{colIndex,1}=mdl.Formula.Terms; % ⽅程的项与结构point{colIndex,2}=mdl.Coefficients.Estimate; % ⽅程项的系数point{colIndex,3}=mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary; % 判定系数point{colIndex,4}=mdl.Rsquared.Adjusted; % 调整判定系数endpointLpmaA{rowIndex,1}=point;end注意:此种⽅法开启并⾏默认使⽤最⼤线程数,⽽MATLAB默认允许的最⼤线程数为12,若计算机的真核数量超过12,可以⽤以下⽅式进⾏扩展:%%% 设置MATLAB可以联通24个线程(否则默认最⼤线程为12) %%%c = parcluster('local');c.NumWorkers = 24;parpool(c, c.NumWorkers);已经开启并⾏⼯具箱之后,若要重新开启,需要先关闭之前的并⾏,再开新的,关闭⽅法如下:delete(gcp('nocreate'))参考资料:。






先简单试试:>> matlabpool local 2Submitted parallel job to the scheduler, waiting for it to start.Connected to a matlabpool session with 2 labs.显示正在进行多核配置,然后,提示连接到2个“实验室”(labs)。

我这也理解的:本地虚拟出2台可以运行matlab的工作站,这样用分布式计算工具箱可以进行并行计算(matlabpool 这个命令好像是在并行计算工具箱里的)。

>> testParallelElapsed time is 7.750534 seconds.这里运行testParallel函数,已经开辟了2个labs,为了进行多核并行运算,testParallel中,要用parfor代替原来的for循环。

在运行这个时,观察windows任务管理器,可以发现一共有3个MA TLAB.exe进程。

其中一个占内存较多的,应该是主控的,他基本不干活,只负责分配,进行计算时他的cpu占用率只有1~2%,剩下两个进程专门用来计算的,跑起来各占cpu 49%左右。



>> matlabpool closeSending a stop signal to all the labs...Waiting for parallel job to finish...Performing parallel job cleanup...Done.当要关闭开辟的2个labs时,使用matlabpool close关闭即可。



MATLAB中的并⾏计算1. 在图像处理任务中经常会对很多图⽚进⾏特征提取,每幅图⽚的特征提取的过程都是可以并⾏的。

ExamplesPerform three large eigenvalue computations using three computers or cores:matlabpool(3)parfor i=1:3, c(:,i) = eig(rand(1000)); end1. 关于Sliced variables:A sliced variable is one whose value can be broken up into segments, or slices, which are then operated on separately by workers and by the MATLAB client. Each iteration of the loop works on a different slice of the array. Using sliced variables is important because this type of variable can reduce communication between the client and workers. Only those slices needed by a worker are sent to it, and only when it starts working on a particular range of indices.In the next example, a slice of A consists of a single element of that array:parfor i = 1:length(A)B(i) = f(A(i));endCharacteristics of a Sliced Variable. A variable in a parfor-loop is sliced if it has all of the following characteristics. A description of each characteristic follows the list:Type of First-Level Indexing — The first level of indexing is either parentheses, (), or braces, {}.Fixed Index Listing — Within the first-level parenthesis or braces, the list of indices is the same for all occurrences of a given variable.Form of Indexing — Within the list of indices for the variable, exactly one index involves the loop variable.Shape of Array — In assigning to a sliced variable, the right-hand side of the assignment is not [] or '' (these operators indicate deletion of elements).Type of First-Level Indexing. For a sliced variable, the first level of indexing is enclosed in either parentheses, (), or braces, {}.This table lists the forms for the first level of indexing for arrays sliced and not sliced.Reference for Variable Not Sliced Reference for Sliced VariableA.x A(...)A.(...)A{...}1. When any of the following are true, MATLAB does not execute the loop in parallel:There are no workers in a MATLAB poolYou set M to zeroYou do not have Parallel Computing ToolboxIf you have Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can read more about parfor and matlabpool by typingdoc distcomp/parfordoc distcomp/matlabpool。



















下面一段代码初始化Matlab并行计算环境:%Initialize Matlab Parallel Computing Enviornment by Xaero | CoreNum=2; %设定机器CPU核心数量,我的机器是双核,所以CoreNum=2 if matlabpool('size')<=0 %判断并行计算环境是否已然启动matlabpool('open','local',CoreNum); %若尚未启动,则启动并行环境elsedisp('Already initialized'); %说明并行环境已经启动。



matlab多核并行计算使用方法概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本文将详细介绍如何在MATLAB中使用多核并行计算。



1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分:引言、多核并行计算介绍、MATLAB多核并行计算方法、实例应用与案例分析、结论与展望。





1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者深入理解MATLAB中的多核并行计算使用方法,并能够灵活应用于实际问题的解决中。



2. 多核并行计算介绍:2.1 并行计算概念:在传统的串行计算中,任务按照线性顺序执行,每个任务依赖于前一个任务的完成。



2.2 多核处理器技术:多核处理器是一种芯片设计模式,其中集成了多个CPU核心。



2.3 MATLAB中的多核并行计算支持:MATLAB作为一种强大的科学计算工具,在最新版本中提供了对多核并行计算的全面支持。














二、Matlab并行计算工具箱Matlab提供了Parallel Computing Toolbox作为支持并行计算的工具箱。



1. parfor循环parfor循环是Parallel Computing Toolbox中的一个重要函数,它可以将for循环的迭代过程并行化。



2. spmd块spmd块是Parallel Computing Toolbox中的另一个重要函数,它可以将一段程序代码分布并行执行。











具体而言,Matlab提供了以下几种并行计算的方式:1. 向量化和矩阵运算:对于一些可以利用矩阵运算来完成的计算任务,我们可以使用Matlab的并行运算库,如MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox,来加速计算过程。


2. 多线程并行计算:当某些计算任务无法通过向量化和矩阵运算来加速时,我们可以使用Matlab的并行计算库来实现多线程并行计算。


3. 分布式计算:当计算任务的规模较大,单个计算机无法完成时,我们可以使用Matlab的分布式计算工具箱来将任务分发给多个计算机或集群系统来并行计算。




1. 矩阵运算函数:Matlab提供了一系列矩阵运算函数,如矩阵相加(`+`)、矩阵乘法(`*`)、矩阵转置(`'`)、矩阵求逆(`inv`)等。






1. 并行计算的基础知识在MATLAB中实现并行计算需要了解一些基础知识。


在MATLAB中,可以通过使用Parallel Computing Toolbox来实现并行计算。


2. 并行计算的方式在MATLAB中,可以通过以下几种方式来进行并行计算:2.1 使用parfor循环MATLAB中的parfor循环是一种并行循环结构,可以将循环中的迭代操作分配到多个处理器上同时执行。



2.2 使用parfeval函数parfeval函数是一种异步并行计算方式,可以在后台执行计算任务,同时继续执行其他代码。



2.3 使用spmd块spmd(Single Program, Multiple Data)块是一种将代码分发到多个处理器上并行运行的方式。


spmd 块提供了一些特殊变量和函数,用于控制并行计算的行为。









一、Matlab中的并行计算1. 并行计算概述并行计算是一种将任务划分为多个子任务,同时在多个处理单元上执行这些子任务的计算方法。



2. 并行计算工具箱Matlab提供了Parallel Computing Toolbox,专门用于支持并行计算。



3. 并行循环和向量化在Matlab中,利用循环进行计算是一种非常常见的方法。





4. 并行任务的划分和合并在进行并行计算时,任务的划分和合并是非常重要的步骤。




5. 并行计算中的注意事项在进行并行计算时,我们需要注意一些问题,以确保并行计算的稳定性和可靠性。






一、并行计算方法1. MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox在Matlab中,Parallel Computing Toolbox(简称PCT)是使用并行计算的关键工具之一。



2. Matlab并行循环Matlab提供了parallel for循环的功能,可以将串行循环转化为并行执行的循环。



3. GPU并行计算除了利用CPU进行并行计算外,Matlab还支持利用图形处理器(GPU)进行加速计算。

通过使用Parallel Computing Toolbox中的GPU功能,用户可以将部分计算任务在GPU上并行执行,利用GPU的高并行计算能力,加速计算过程。


二、分布式处理方法1. MATLAB Distributed Computing Server与并行计算类似,Matlab也提供了分布式处理的功能,即利用多台计算机进行计算任务的分配与协同。

用户可以通过使用MATLAB Distributed Computing Server (简称MDCS)搭建分布式计算环境。









二、Matlab的并行计算模式Matlab提供了以下几种常用的并行计算模式:1. 负载均衡并行计算模式负载均衡是指将计算任务合理地分配到多个计算核心上,使得每个核心的计算负载尽可能均匀。


例如,Matlab的Parallel Computing Toolbox可以自动将任务分配到可用的计算核心上,以避免计算资源的浪费。

2. 数据并行计算模式数据并行是指将输入数据划分成多个子集,然后将每个子集分配给不同的计算核心进行计算。


Matlab的Parallel Computing Toolbox提供了一些函数和工具,可以帮助用户实现数据并行的计算。


3. 任务并行计算模式任务并行是指将计算任务划分成多个子任务,然后将每个子任务分配给不同的计算核心进行计算。


Matlab的Parallel Computing Toolbox提供了一些函数和工具,可以帮助用户实现任务并行的计算。










在MATLAB中,我们可以利用并行计算工具箱(Parallel Computing Toolbox)来实现并行计算。









以下是一些常用的方法:1. 使用parfor循环:parfor循环是MATLAB中的一个特殊的循环语句,用于并行执行循环体内的代码。



2. 使用spmd语句:spmd语句是MATLAB中的一个特殊的语句,用于并行执行任务。



Matlab并行计算工具箱(一)Matlab分布式和并行编程Distributed and Parallel Programming11/29/2008 10:31:15 AMToday's engineers and scientists, faced with the demand to model increasingly complex systems in less time, are pursuing distributed and parallel solutions in high-performance computing (HPC) distributed environments made out of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multiprocessor, multicore computers.工程师和科学家们面临着用更少的时间建立复杂系统模型的需求,他们使用分布式和并行计算来解决高性能计算的问题。











matlab并行计算大全Getting Started with Parallel Computing usingMATLAB: Interactive and Scheduled ApplicationsCreated by S. Zaranek, E. Johnson and A. Chakravarti1.ObjectivesThis user guide provides an end user with instructions on how to get started running parallel MATLAB applications using a desktop computer or a cluster.2.AssumptionsUser has access to MATLAB and Parallel Computing T oolbox on the desktopcomputer or head node of the cluster.If running on a cluster:MATLAB Distributed Computing Server has been installed by an administrator on the cluster.The desktop MATLAB client has been configured to connect to the cluster. If this hasnot been done, you should contact the cluster administrator.3. Getting the Example FilesUnzip the file that was provided along with this guide. You can add the files to the MATLAB path by running the addpath command in MATLAB.>> addpath4. Examples Running LocallyIn this section, you will be running and submitting jobs usingthe localconfiguration.If your workflow will ultimately involve submitting jobs to a cluster, you canfollow this section by switching the default configuration from local to that ofyour cluster and running these jobs again. This is described in Section 5.You can set the configuration to local, either at the command-line>> defaultParallelConfig('local')or by using the user interface found in the parallel menu. See screen snapshot below.For more information on configurations and programming with user configurations, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/f5-16141.html#f5-165401. Using an Interactive MATLAB poolTo interactively run your parallel code, you first need to open a MATLAB pool. This reserves a collection of MATLAB worker sessions to run your code. The MATLAB pool can consist of MATLAB sessions running on your local machine or on a remote cluster. In this case, we are initially running on your local machine. You can use matlabpool open to start an interactive worker pool.If the number of workers is not defined, the default number defined in your configuration will be used. A good rule of thumb is to not open more workers then cores available. If the Configuration argument is not provided, matlabpool will use the default configuration as setup in the beginning of this section. When you are finished running with your MATLAB pool, you can close it using matlabpool close. Two of the main parallel constructs that can be run on a MATLAB pool are parfor loops (parallel for-loops) and spmd blocks (single program - multiple data blocks). Both constructs allow for a straight-forward mixture of serial and parallel code.parfor loops are used for task-parallel (i.e. embarrassingly parallel) applications. parfor is used to speed up your code. Below is a simple for loop converted into a parfor to run in parallel, with different iterations of the loop running ondifferent workers. The code outside the parfor loop executes as traditional MATLAB code (serially, in your client MATLAB session).Note: The example below is located in the m-file, ‘parforExample1.m’.matlabpool open2% can adjust according to your resources N = 100;M = 200;a = zeros(N,1);tic; % serial (regular) for-loopfor i = 1:Na(i) = a(i) + max(eig(rand(M)));endtoc;tic; % parallel for-loopparfor i = 1:Na(i) = a(i) + max(eig(rand(M)));endtoc;matlabpool closespmd blocks are a single program multiple data (SPMD) language construct. The "single program" aspect of spmd means that the identical code runs on multiple labs. The code within the spmd body executes simultaneously on the MATLAB workers. The "multiple data" aspect means that even though the spmd statement runs identical code on all workers, each worker can have different, unique data for that code.spmd blocks are useful when dealing with large data that cannot fit on a single machine. Unlike parfor, spmd blocks support inter-worker communication. They allow:Arrays (and operations on them) to be distributed across multiple workersMessages to be explicitly passed amongst workers.The example below creates a distributed array (different parts of the array arelocated on different workers) and computes the svd of this distributed array. The spmd block returns the data in the form of a composite object (behaves similarly to cells in serial MATLAB. For specifics, see the documentation link below).Note: The example below is located in the m-file, ‘spmdExample1.m’.matlabpool open2% can adjust according to your resourcesM = 200;spmdN = rand(M,M,codistributor); % 200x100 chunk per workerA = svd(N);endA = max(A{1}); % Indexing into the composite objectdisp(A)clear Nmatlabpool closeFor information on matlabpool, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/matlabpool.html For information about getting started using parfor loops, see: /access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brb2x2l-1.html For information about getting started using spmd blocks, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brukbno-2.html For information regarding composite objects:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brukctb-1.html For information regarding distributed arrays:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/bqi9fln-1.html2a. Using Batch to Submit Serial Code (Best for Scripts)batch sends your serial scriptto run on one worker in yourcluster. All of the variables inyour client workspace (e.g. theMATLAB process you aresubmitting from) are sent to the worker by default. You can alternatively pass a subset of these variables by defining the Workspace argument and passing the desired variables in a structure.After your job has finished, you can use the load command to retrieve the results from the worker-workspace back into your client-workspace. In this and all examples following, we use a wait to ensure the job is done before we load back in worker-workspace. This is optional, but you can not load the data from a task or job until that task or job is finished. So, we use wait to block the MATLAB command line until that occurs.If the Configuration argument is not provided, batch will use the default configuration that was set up above.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testBatch.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob2a.m’.%% This script submits a serial script using batchjob2a = batch('testBatch');wait(job2a); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2a); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2a, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2a) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:For more information on batch, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/batch.htmland here:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brjw1e5-1.html#brjw1fx-32b. Using Batch to Submit Scripts that Run Using a MATLAB poolbatch with the 'matlabpool'option sends scripts containingparfor or spmd to run on workers via a MATLAB pool. In this process, one worker behaves like a MATLAB client process that facilitates the distribution of the job amongst the workers in the pool and runs the serial portion of the script. Therefore, specifying a 'matlabpool' of size N actually will result in N+1 workers being used.Just like in step 2a, all variables are automatically sent from your client workspace (i.e. the workspace of the MATLAB you are submitting from) to the worker’s workspace on the cluster. load then brings the results from your worker’s workspace back into your client’s workspace. If a configuration is not specified, batch uses the default configuration as defined in the beginning of this section.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testParforBatch.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, submitJob2b.m.%% This script submits a parfor script using batchjob2b = batch('testParforBatch','matlabpool',2);wait(job2b); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2b); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2b, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:The above code submitted a script containing a parfor. You can submit a script containing a spmd block in the same fashion by changing the name of the submission script in the batch command.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testSpmdBatch.m’ on the machine tha t you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, submitJob2b_spmd.m.%% This script submits a spmd script using batchjob2b = batch('testSpmdBatch','matlabpool',2);wait(job2b); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2b); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2b, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:3. Run Task-Parallel Example with Jobs and TasksIn this example, we are sending a task parallel job with multiple tasks. Each task evaluates the built-in MATLAB function. The createTask function in the below example is passed the job, the function to be run in the form of a function handle (@sum), the number of output arguments of the function (1), and the input argument to the sum function in the form of a cell array ({[1 1]});If not given a configuration, findResource uses the scheduler found in the default configuration defined in the beginning of this section.Note: This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob3a.m’.%% This script submits a job with 3 taskssched = findResource();job3a = createJob(sched);createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[1 1]});createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[2 2]});createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[3 3]});submit(job3a)waitForState(job3a, 'finished') %optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job3a);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')destroy(job3a) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:You can also call a user-created function in the same way as shown above. In that case, you will need to make sure that any scripts, files, or functions that the task function uses are accessible to the cluster. You can do this by sending those files to the cluster via the FileDependencies property or by directing the worker to a shared directory containing those files via the PathDependencies property. An example of usingFileDependencies is shown below:Note: you will need to have a ‘testTask.m’ file on the machine you are submitting from for this example to work. This example is located in the m-file,‘submitJob3b.m’.% This script submits a job with 3 taskssched = findResource();job3b = createJob(sched,'FileDependencies',{'testTask.m'});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {1,1});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {2,2});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {3,3});submit(job3b)waitForState(job3b, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job3b);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')destroy(job3b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:For more information on File and Path Dependencies, see the below documentation.File Dependencies:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/filedependencies.html Path Dependencies:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/pathdependencies.html More general overview about sharing code between client and workers:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/bqur7ev-2.html#bqur7ev-94. Run Task-Parallel Example with a MATLAB pool job (best for parfor or spmd in functions)In this example, we are sending a MATLAB pool job with a single task. This is nearly equivalent to sending a batch job (see step 2b) with a parfor or a spmd block, except this method is best used when sending functions and not scripts. It behaves just like jobs/tasks explained in step 3. The function referenced in the task contains a parfor.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testParforJob.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob4.m’.% This script submits a function that contains parforsched = findResource();job4 = createMatlabPoolJob(sched,'FileDependencies',...{'testParforJob.m'});createTask(job4, @testParforJob, 1, {});set(job4, 'MaximumNumberOfWorkers', 3);set(job4, 'MinimumNumberOfWorkers', 3);submit(job4)waitForState(job4, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job4);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')sprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results{1} should contain a [50x1 double].For more information on creating and submitting MATLAB pool jobs, see /access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distc omp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/ ml5. Run Data-Parallel ExampleIn this step, we are sending a data parallel job with a single task. The format is similar to that of jobs/tasks (see step 3). For parallel jobs, you only have one task. That task refers to a function that uses distributed arrays,labindex, or some mpi functionality. In this case, we are running a simple built in function (labindex) which takes no inputs and returns a single output.labindex returns the ID value for each of worker processes that ran the it . The value of labindex spans from 1 to n, where n is the number of labs running the current jobNote: This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob5.m’.%% Script submits a data parallel job, with one tasksched = findResource();job5 = createParallelJob(sched);createTask(job5, @labindex, 1, {});set(job5, 'MaximumNumberOfWorkers', 3);set(job5, 'MinimumNumberOfWorkers', 3);submit(job5)waitForState(job5, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job5);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')sprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:For more information on creating and submitting data parallel jobs, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/createparalleljob.html For more information on, labindex, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/labindex.html5 Submitting Jobs to Your ClusterRerun the above section (Section 4) with your configurationchanged from local to the configuration name corresponding to your cluster.6. Summary Chart for Scheduling Options7. Next StepsRefer to the documentation for the Parallel Computing Toolbox to learn about more functionality for solving your MATLAB problems in parallel. A good place to start is here: /access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/ distcomp/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/f3-6010.html You can also consider taking a training course through The MathWorks to learnmore in focused, hands-on environment./services/training/index.html。

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Getting Started with Parallel Computing usingMATLAB: Interactive and Scheduled ApplicationsCreated by S. Zaranek, E. Johnson and A. Chakravarti1.ObjectivesThis user guide provides an end user with instructions on how to get started running parallel MATLAB applications using a desktop computer or a cluster.2.AssumptionsUser has access to MATLAB and Parallel Computing Toolbox on the desktopcomputer or head node of the cluster.If running on a cluster:MATLAB Distributed Computing Server has been installed by an administrator on the cluster.The desktop MATLAB client has been configured to connect to the cluster. If this hasnot been done, you should contact the cluster administrator.3. Getting the Example FilesUnzip the file that was provided along with this guide. You can add the files to the MATLAB path by running the addpath command in MATLAB.>> addpath <location of files>4. Examples Running LocallyIn this section, you will be running and submitting jobs using the localconfiguration.If your workflow will ultimately involve submitting jobs to a cluster, you canfollow this section by switching the default configuration from local to that ofyour cluster and running these jobs again. This is described in Section 5.You can set the configuration to local, either at the command-line>> defaultParallelConfig('local')or by using the user interface found in the parallel menu. See screen snapshot below.For more information on configurations and programming with user configurations, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/f5-16141.html#f5-165401. Using an Interactive MATLAB poolTo interactively run your parallel code, you first need to open a MATLAB pool. This reserves a collection of MATLAB worker sessions to run your code. The MATLAB pool can consist of MATLAB sessions running on your local machine or on a remote cluster. In this case, we are initially running on your local machine. You can use matlabpool open to start an interactive worker pool. If the number of workers is not defined, the default number defined in your configuration will be used. A good rule of thumb is to not open more workers then cores available. If the Configuration argument is not provided, matlabpool will use the default configuration as setup in the beginning of this section. When you are finished running with your MATLAB pool, you can close it using matlabpool close. Two of the main parallel constructs that can be run on a MATLAB pool are parfor loops (parallel for-loops) and spmd blocks (single program - multiple data blocks). Both constructs allow for a straight-forward mixture of serial and parallel code.parfor loops are used for task-parallel (i.e. embarrassingly parallel) applications. parfor is used to speed up your code. Below is a simple for loop converted into a parfor to run in parallel, with different iterations of the loop running ondifferent workers. The code outside the parfor loop executes as traditional MATLAB code (serially, in your client MATLAB session).Note: The example below is located in the m-file, ‘parforExample1.m’.matlabpool open2% can adjust according to your resourcesN = 100;M = 200;a = zeros(N,1);tic; % serial (regular) for-loopfor i = 1:Na(i) = a(i) + max(eig(rand(M)));endtoc;tic; % parallel for-loopparfor i = 1:Na(i) = a(i) + max(eig(rand(M)));endtoc;matlabpool closespmd blocks are a single program multiple data (SPMD) language construct. The "single program" aspect of spmd means that the identical code runs on multiple labs. The code within the spmd body executes simultaneously on the MATLAB workers. The "multiple data" aspect means that even though the spmd statement runs identical code on all workers, each worker can have different, unique data for that code.spmd blocks are useful when dealing with large data that cannot fit on a single machine. Unlike parfor, spmd blocks support inter-worker communication. They allow:Arrays (and operations on them) to be distributed across multiple workersMessages to be explicitly passed amongst workers.The example below creates a distributed array (different parts of the array arelocated on different workers) and computes the svd of this distributed array. The spmd block returns the data in the form of a composite object (behaves similarly to cells in serial MATLAB. For specifics, see the documentation link below).Note: The example below is located in the m-file, ‘spmdExample1.m’.matlabpool open2% can adjust according to your resourcesM = 200;spmdN = rand(M,M,codistributor); % 200x100 chunk per workerA = svd(N);endA = max(A{1}); % Indexing into the composite objectdisp(A)clear Nmatlabpool closeFor information on matlabpool, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/matlabpool.htmlFor information about getting started using parfor loops, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brb2x2l-1.htmlFor information about getting started using spmd blocks, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brukbno-2.htmlFor information regarding composite objects:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brukctb-1.htmlFor information regarding distributed arrays:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/bqi9fln-1.html2a. Using Batch to Submit Serial Code (Best for Scripts)batch sends your serial scriptto run on one worker in yourcluster. All of the variables inyour client workspace (e.g. theMATLAB process you aresubmitting from) are sent to the worker by default. You can alternatively pass a subset of these variables by defining the Workspace argument and passing the desired variables in a structure.After your job has finished, you can use the load command to retrieve the results from the worker-workspace back into your client-workspace. In this and all examples following, we use a wait to ensure the job is done before we load back in worker-workspace. This is optional, but you can not load the data from a task or job until that task or job is finished. So, we use wait to block the MATLAB command line until that occurs.If the Configuration argument is not provided, batch will use the default configuration that was set up above.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testBatch.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob2a.m’.%% This script submits a serial script using batchjob2a = batch('testBatch');wait(job2a); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2a); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2a, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2a) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:For more information on batch, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/batch.htmland here:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/brjw1e5-1.html#brjw1fx-32b. Using Batch to Submit Scripts that Run Using a MATLAB poolbatch with the 'matlabpool'option sends scripts containing parfor or spmd to run on workers via a MATLAB pool. In this process, one worker behaves like a MATLAB client process that facilitates the distribution of the job amongst the workers in the pool and runs the serial portion of the script. Therefore, specifying a 'matlabpool' of size N actually will result in N+1 workers being used.Just like in step 2a, all variables are automatically sent from your client workspace (i.e. the workspace of the MATLAB you are submitting from) to the worker’s workspace on the cluster. load then brings the results from your worker’s workspace back into your client’s workspace. If a configuration is not specified, batch uses the default configuration as defined in the beginning of this section.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testParforBatch.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, submitJob2b.m.%% This script submits a parfor script using batchjob2b = batch('testParforBatch','matlabpool',2);wait(job2b); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2b); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2b, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:The above code submitted a script containing a parfor. You can submit a script containing a spmd block in the same fashion by changing the name of the submission script in the batch command.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testSpmdBatch.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example below is located in the m-file, submitJob2b_spmd.m.%% This script submits a spmd script using batchjob2b = batch('testSpmdBatch','matlabpool',2);wait(job2b); % only can load when job is finishedsprintf('Finished Running Job')load(job2b); % loads all variables backsprintf('Loaded Variables into Workspace')% load(job2b, 'A'); % only loads variable Adestroy(job2b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:3. Run Task-Parallel Example with Jobs and TasksIn this example, we are sending a task parallel job with multiple tasks. Each task evaluates the built-in MATLAB function. The createTask function in the below example is passed the job, the function to be run in the form of a function handle (@sum), the number of output arguments of the function (1), and the input argument to the sum function in the form of a cell array ({[1 1]});If not given a configuration, findResource uses the scheduler found in the default configuration defined in the beginning of this section.Note: This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob3a.m’.%% This script submits a job with 3 taskssched = findResource();job3a = createJob(sched);createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[1 1]});createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[2 2]});createTask(job3a, @sum, 1, {[3 3]});submit(job3a)waitForState(job3a, 'finished') %optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job3a);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')destroy(job3a) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:You can also call a user-created function in the same way as shown above. In that case, you will need to make sure that any scripts, files, or functions that the task function uses are accessible to the cluster. You can do this by sending those files to the cluster via the FileDependencies property or by directing the worker to a shared directory containing those files via the PathDependencies property. An example of using FileDependencies is shown below:Note: you will need to have a ‘testTask.m’ file on the machine you are submitting from for this example to work. This example is located in the m-file,‘submitJob3b.m’.% This script submits a job with 3 taskssched = findResource();job3b = createJob(sched,'FileDependencies',{'testTask.m'});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {1,1});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {2,2});createTask(job3b, @testTask, 1, {3,3});submit(job3b)waitForState(job3b, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job3b);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')destroy(job3b) % permanently removes job datasprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:For more information on File and Path Dependencies, see the below documentation.File Dependencies:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/filedependencies.htmlPath Dependencies:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/pathdependencies.htmlMore general overview about sharing code between client and workers:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/bqur7ev-2.html#bqur7ev-94. Run Task-Parallel Example with a MATLAB pool job (best for parfor or spmd in functions)In this example, we are sending a MATLAB pool job with a single task. This is nearly equivalent to sending a batch job (see step 2b) with a parfor or a spmd block, except this method is best used when sending functions and not scripts. It behaves just like jobs/tasks explained in step 3. The function referenced in the task contains a parfor.Note: For this example to work, you will need ‘testParforJob.m’ on the machine that you are submitting from (i.e. the client machine). This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob4.m’.% This script submits a function that contains parforsched = findResource();job4 = createMatlabPoolJob(sched,'FileDependencies',...{'testParforJob.m'});createTask(job4, @testParforJob, 1, {});set(job4, 'MaximumNumberOfWorkers', 3);set(job4, 'MinimumNumberOfWorkers', 3);submit(job4)waitForState(job4, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job4);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')sprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results{1} should contain a [50x1 double].For more information on creating and submitting MATLAB pool jobs, see /access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/creatematlabpooljob.html5. Run Data-Parallel ExampleIn this step, we are sending a data parallel job with a single task. The format is similar to that of jobs/tasks (see step 3). For parallel jobs, you only have one task. That task refers to a function that uses distributed arrays,labindex, or some mpi functionality. In this case, we are running a simple built in function (labindex) which takes no inputs and returns a single output.labindex returns the ID value for each of worker processes that ran the it . The value of labindex spans from 1 to n, where n is the number of labs running the current jobNote: This example is located in the m-file, ‘submitJob5.m’.%% Script submits a data parallel job, with one tasksched = findResource();job5 = createParallelJob(sched);createTask(job5, @labindex, 1, {});set(job5, 'MaximumNumberOfWorkers', 3);set(job5, 'MinimumNumberOfWorkers', 3);submit(job5)waitForState(job5, 'finished') % optionalsprintf('Finished Running Job')results = getAllOutputArguments(job5);sprintf('Got Output Arguments')sprintf('Test Completed')If you have submitted successfully, you should see the following variables appear in your client workspace:results should contain the following:For more information on creating and submitting data parallel jobs, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/createparalleljob.htmlFor more information on, labindex, see:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/labindex.html5 Submitting Jobs to Your ClusterRerun the above section (Section 4) with your configuration changed from local to the configuration name corresponding to your cluster.6. Summary Chart for Scheduling Options✓7. Next StepsRefer to the documentation for the Parallel Computing Toolbox to learn about more functionality for solving your MATLAB problems in parallel. A good place to start is here:/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/index.html?/a ccess/helpdesk/help/toolbox/distcomp/f3-6010.htmlYou can also consider taking a training course through The MathWorks to learnmore in focused, hands-on environment./services/training/index.html。
