全志 A10 A20 A31 A13固件配置,打包,烧写指南

SPR 用户手册
Vers ion V1.00 2011-8-10 Jerry.W 初稿 Data Author Change Description
SPR 用户手册
目录 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 引言.....................................................................................................................................1 什么是 SRP.....................................................................................................................1 编写目的.........................................................................................................................1 目录结构.........................................................................................................................1 参考手册.........................................................................................................................2 启动设置.............................................................................................................................1 系统引导.........................................................................................................................1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2 启动脚本.............................................................................................................1 系统目录.............................................................................................................2 系统脚本.............................................................................................................2 参数传递.............................................................................................................4 单系统引导示例(Linux).................................................................................... 5


Linux操作系统基础教程Linux操作系统基础教程1.简介:1.1 什么是Linux操作系统1.2 Linux的历史1.3 Linux操作系统的优势2.安装Linux操作系统:2.1 准备安装环境2.2 Linux发行版2.3 制作启动盘2.4 安装Linux操作系统2.5 安装后的配置3.Linux基本命令:3.1 文件和目录操作:3.1.1 ls - 列出文件和目录3.1.2 cd - 切换目录3.1.3 mkdir - 创建目录3.1.4 cp - 复制文件和目录3.1.5 rm - 删除文件和目录3.1.6 mv - 移动文件和目录3.1.7 pwd - 显示当前目录3.2 文件内容查看和编辑:3.2.1 cat - 查看文件内容3.2.2 less - 分页查看文件内容3.2.3 vim - 文本编辑器的使用3.3 系统操作和管理:3.3.1 shutdown - 关机3.3.2 reboot - 重启3.3.3 ps - 查看进程信息3.3.4 top - 动态监控运行中的进程 3.3.5 su - 切换用户3.4 网络相关命令:3.4.1 ping - 测试网络连接3.4.2 ifconfig - 配置和显示网络接口信息3.4.3 netstat - 显示网络连接、路由表和接口统计4.Linux文件系统:4.1 文件系统简介4.2 Linux文件系统结构4.3 常见的文件系统类型4.4 文件权限和所有权4.5 文件系统相关命令5.Linux用户和权限管理:5.1 用户和组5.2 创建和管理用户5.3 用户组管理5.4 文件权限管理5.5 特殊权限和文件属性6.Shell脚本编程:6.1 Shell脚本语言简介6.2 运行Shell脚本6.3 Shell脚本的基本语法6.4 Shell脚本编程示例7.系统安全和日志管理:7.1 用户账户安全7.2 防火墙配置7.3 SELinux安全策略7.4 安全更新和漏洞修复7.5 日志管理8.常用服务器搭建:8.1 HTTP服务器搭建8.2 FTP服务器搭建8.3 SSH服务器搭建8.4 DNS服务器搭建8.5 邮件服务器搭建9.常见的故障处理:9.1 硬件故障处理9.2 网络故障处理9.3 系统崩溃和故障排查9.4 应用程序故障排查10.附件:附件1:Linux常用命令表附件2:Linux文件系统类型列表附件3:Shell脚本编程示例法律名词及注释:- GPL(General Public License):通用公共许可协议,是自由软件基金会(FSF)发布的一种自由软件协议。

Linux操作系统是一种非常流行的操作系统,包括基于Linux内核的Ubuntu、 Fedora和CentOS等操作系统。
下面就介绍一下Linux 操作系统安装和简单配置方法。

第1章Linux简介与安装1991年荷兰赫尔辛基大学一名大二学生林纳斯·托瓦兹(Linus B. Torvalds)编写了Linux系统,并将其放在互联网上。
❑介绍VMware Workstation软件和虚拟化在企业中的应用。
1.1 Linux系统简介通常所说的Linux操作系统,是对使用Linux内核的一类操作系统的统称,这些操作系统的主要结构包括:Linux内核、人机交互程序、应用程序等。
本节将简单介绍Linux 的用途和优势。
小知识:Linux隶属于GNU(GNU’s Not UNIX)计划,该计划的目标是建立一个自由的操作系统,即自由地使用、复制、修改、发布操作系统及其中的软件。
GNU计划还包括许多软件,例如文本编辑器GNU Emacs、GCC等。
1.1.1 Linux能做什么Linux究竟能为我们做些什么呢?这是每个用户都关心的问题。

一、安装Chrony1. 在Linux系统中,可以使用包管理工具安装Chrony。
以Debian/Ubuntu系统为例,执行以下命令安装Chrony:sudo apt-get install chrony2. 安装完成后,Chrony服务将自动启动并开始同步时间。
二、配置Chrony1. 配置文件路径Chrony的配置文件位于/etc/chrony/chrony.conf。
2. 服务器设置在配置文件中,您可以定义时间服务器来同步时间。
添加以下行到配置文件中:server time_server1server time_server2将time_server1和time_server2替换为您选择的时间服务器地址或主机名。
3. 允许本地网络访问如果您希望本地网络的其他计算机可以访问Chrony服务,请添加以下行到配置文件中:allow <local_network_ip>将<local_network_ip>替换为您的本地网络IP地址段。
4. 其他配置选项Chrony还提供了其他配置选项,您可以根据需要进行配置。
三、使用Chrony1. 启动Chrony安装完成后,Chrony服务会自动启动。
您可以使用以下命令手动启动Chrony:sudo service chrony start2. 检查时间同步状态您可以使用以下命令检查Chrony当前的时间同步状态:chronyc tracking输出结果中的"Last offset"字段显示了最近一次时间同步的偏差。
3. 强制时间同步如果您需要立即同步时间,可以使用以下命令强制Chrony进行时间同步:sudo chronyd -q 'server time_server1 iburst'将time_server1替换为您选择的时间服务器地址或主机名。

Linux操作系统发行版实际就是Linux内核加上外围实用程序 组成的一个大软件包。相对于Linux操作系统的内核版本,发行版 的版本号随发布者的不同而不同,与Linux操作系统内核的版本号 是相对独立的。因此把SUSE、RedHat、Ubuntu、Slackware等直 接称为Linux是不确切的,它们是Linux操作系统的发行版。更确 切地说,应该将它们称为“以Linux为核心的操作系统软件包”。
Shell是Linux操作系统的一种用户界面,它作为操作系统 的“外壳”,为用户提供使用操作系统的接口。Shell主要有以 下两大功能特点。
(1)Shell是一个命令解释器,它拥有自己内建的Shell命令集。 (2)Shell的另一个重要特性是它自身就是一种解释型的程序设 计语言。
当用户成功登录Linux系统后,系统将执行一个Shell程序。 正是Shell进程提供了命令提示符。作为默认值,Shell对普通用 户用“$”作提示符,对超级用户(root)用“#”作提示符。
1.4.4 联机手册
联机手册命令man可向用户提供系统中各种命令、系统调用、 库函数和重要系统文件的详细说明,包括名字、使用语法、功能 描述、应用实例和相关参考文件等。其格式如下:
$ man [拥有哪个级别的帮助。 -k:查看和命令相关的所有帮助。
查看who命令的详细说明示例如下。 $ man who
Linux操作系统 应用编程
本章主要介绍Linux文件系统,包括文件系统的结构、文 件的定义与分类、目录与文件操作命令、文件的权限管理等, 让读者对Linux文件系统有一定的认识和理解,为后文的学习 打下基础。
2.1.1 组织结构
Linux操作系统中所有文件存储在文件系统中,文件被组织 到一棵“目录树”中,其文件系统层次结构(树状目录结构)如 图2.1所示。树根在该层次结构的顶部,树根的下方衍生出子目 录分支。

Linux是基于Copyleft〔无版权〕的软件模式进行发布的, Copyleft是与Copylright〔版权所有〕相对立的新名称,它是GNU
工程制定的通用公共许可证GPL〔General Public License〕。 GNU工程是由Richard Stallman于1984年提出 ,他建立了自由软件基金会
工程问题4 - G的RUSB hell。
按a键可以对高亮菜单项中的命令追加内核启动参数。 X Server:控制实际的显示与输入设备。
如完何本进 钱入工X程W需i要nKd解oow决sr的Sny问sSt题em:h执e行l根l:本配是置 对Bourne Shell的开展,在大局部情况下与 Bourne Shell兼容。 其后可以跟options选项将在内核载入时传给内核
1. 工程课题引入
2. Linux的根本知识 3. Linux的安装与根本配置
4. 现场安装演示案例 5. X Windows System 6. GRUB的安装与配置
7. 现场演示
课题引入-工程背景 1、网络操作系统在网络中的作用和地位是怎样的?
为网络中的用户提供了哪些效劳? 2、当前流行的网络操作系统有哪些?
Bourne Shell:是贝尔实验室开发的版本。
R启e动d 引Ha导t E器n是te计rpBr算isAe机LS启in动Hux过简:程介中是运G行的N第U一的个真B正o的软u件rn,e通常A计g算a机in启动S时h在e通ll过,BIO是S自G检N后读U取操并运作行硬系盘统主引上导扇默区〔认MBR〕中的
Linux入门学习大全超详细 ppt课件

1994年,Linux的第一个产品版Linux 1.0问世,如 今Linux家族已经有了近140个不同的版本,所有这些 版本都基于最初的免费的源代码。不同的公司可以推 出不同的Linux产品,但是它们都必须承诺对初始源代 码的任何改动皆公布于众。
1.1.2 Linux的优点 Linux之所以受到广大计算机爱好者的喜爱,主要原
(2) 可以节省大量的资金。Linux是目前惟一可免费 获得的、为PC机平台上的多个用户提供多任务、多进 程功能的操作系统,这是人们喜欢使用它的主要原因。 就PC机平台而言,Linux提供了比其他任何操作系统都 要强大的功能,Linux还可以使用户远离各种商品化软 件提供者促销广告的诱惑,再也不用承受每过一段时 间就花钱去升级之苦,因此可以节省大量用于购买或 升级应用程序的资金。
(5) 提供功能强大而稳定的网络服务。Linux最优秀 的功能莫过于其网络功能。首先,它可以支持众多的 网 络 协 议 , 比 如 TCP/IP 协 议 、 SPX/IPX 协 议 、 NETBEUI协议、X.25协议等;其次,Linux可以提供非 常广泛的网络服务,比如WWW、FTP、E-mail、Telnet、 NFS、DHCP、Samba、防火墙以及企业的群组服务等, 这些功能为Linux提供了无与伦比的网络亲和性。
4. 实用工具 标准的Linux系统都有一套叫做实用工具的程序,它 们是专门的程序,例如编辑器、执行标准的计算操作 等。另外,用户也可以产生自己的工具。
一般来讲,实用工具可分为以下三类。 (1) 编辑器:用于编辑文件。Linux的编辑器主要 有vi、emacs、pico等。 (2) 过滤器:用于接收并过滤数据。Linux的过滤 器(Filter)读取从用户文件或其他地方输入的数据,经 检查和处理后输出结果。从这个意义上说,它们过滤 了经过它们的数据。Linux有不同类型的过滤器,一些 过滤器用行编辑命令输出一个被编辑的文件;另外一 些过滤器是按模式寻找文件并以这种模式输出部分数 据;

③ 让防火墙放行http服务,重启httpd服务。
[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# firewall-cmd --list-all
图13-4 Apache服务器运行正常
任务2 认识Apache服务器的配置文件
HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议)可以算得上是目前国际互联网基础上的一个重要组成部分。而Apache、IIS服务器是HTTP协议的服务器软件,微软的Internet Explorer和Mozilla的Firefox则是HTTP协议的客户端实现。
(2)更改当前的SELinux值,后面可以跟Enforcing、Permissive或者1、0。[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# setenforce 0[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# getenforcePermissive
13.2.3 子任务3 测试httpd服务是否安装成功
启动Apache服务器,并设置开机自动加载Apache服务。[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# systemctl start httpd[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# systemctl enable httpd[root@RHEL7-1 ~]# firefox如果看到图13-4所示的提示信息,则表示Apache服务器已安装成功。也可以在Applications菜单中直接启动firefox,然后输入在地址栏输入http://,测试是否成功安装。

第 1 章Linux 概况一、选择题1、下列哪个选项不是Linux 支持的?A. 多用户B. 超进程C. 可移植D. 多进程2、Linux 是所谓的“Free Software”,这个“Free”的含义是什么?A. Linux 不需要付费B. Linux 发行商不能向用户收费C. Linux 可自由修改和发布D.只有Linux 的作者才能向用户收费3、以下关于Linux 内核版本的说法,错误的是?A. 依次表示为主版本号.次版本号.修正次数的形式B. 1.2.2 表示稳定的发行版C. 2.2.6 表示对内核2.2 的第6 次修正D. 1.3.2 表示稳定的发行版4、以下哪个软件不是Linux 发行版本?A. 红旗 Server 4B. Solaris 10C. RedHat 9D. Fedora 85、与Windows 相比Linux 在哪个方面相对应用得较少?A. 桌面B. 嵌入式系统C. 服务器D. 集群A6、Linux 系统各组成部分中哪一项是基础?A.内核 B. X Window C. Shell D. GnomeB7、Linux 内核管理不包括的子系统是哪个?A. 进程管理系统B. 内存管理系统C. 文件管理系统D. 硬件管理系统A8、下面关于Shell 的说法,不正确的是哪个?A. 操作系统的外壳B. 用户与Linux 内核之间的接口C. 一种和C 类似的高级程序设计语言D. 一个命令语言解释器B9、以下哪种Shell 类型在Linux 环境下不能使用?A.B ShellB.K ShelC.R ShellD.Bash10、在Linux 中把声卡当作何种设备?A. 字符设备B. 输出设备C. 块设备D. 网络设备二、填空题1、Linux 采用 LRU 算法(最近最少使用)算法,淘汰最近没有访问的物理页,从而空出内存空间以调入必须的程序段或数据。
2、之所以Linux 能支持多种文件系统的原因是,Linux 采用虚拟文件系统技术。
red hat linux系统安装过程

光驱安装或U盘充作光驱安装安装准备:①购买red hat 的安装光盘或或者下载镜像文件(后缀是.iso)②硬盘中至少留2个分区给安装系统用挂载点所用分区4G以上交换分区swap,250M左右比较合适③记录电脑中下列设备型号:鼠标、键盘、显卡、网卡、显示器网络设置用到的IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关、DNS名称服务器地址信息等安装过程:(1)启动服务器,按F2,进入bios设置:选择boot选项,boot:Boot option #1:如果是光驱安装,则设置光驱启动;如果是U盘安装,则设置USB启动(类似USB 2.0 USB Flash Drive 0.00)—>选择save选项,保存并退出;或者,如果光驱支持自启动,将直接出现下面的(2)Boot:linux text console=ttyS0,115200n1,回车(3)提示:是否测试安装CD的内容的完整性,选“Ok”开始测试安装CD,选“Skip”不测试安装CD(第一次安装当然要测试安装CD,选“Ok”后回车)安装过程中,可以对安装介质做检测,因检测时间慢,为提高效率,建议选择“Skip”来跳过(4)进入欢迎的界面:“Ok”(5)进入选择安装语言的界面:选择安装向导所用语(不是安装系统所用语),一般是English(6)安装方式:通过什么安装的或用来安装的那个linux在什么地方?Local CDROM本地光盘——如果是光盘的话,应该选第一个,光驱安装Hard drive 本地硬盘NFS Image 网上邻居映像文件FTP FTP服务器Http http服务器“Ok”(7)进入安装序列号界面:选择(*)Skip entering installation Number,“Ok”(8)进入授权认证界面:“Skip”(9)进入分区类型界面:注释:安装程序需要对您的硬盘进行分区.大多数用户使用默认的分区布局对就可以了。

使用 Cron 命令可以设置和管 理定时任务,自动执行脚本和 命令。
Top 命令可以帮助用户查看和 管理系统进程,对系统性能进 行监控。
Linux 系统监控和调优
C PU 管理
Linux CPU 管理技巧包括进程管理、
CPU 亲和力设置、数据缓存优化等。
Linux 内存管理是系统性能调优的关 键,可以通过调整内存大小提升系统 速度。
Linux 常见问题解决
检查 BIOS 设置和硬件故障等因素,解决无 法启动进入系统的问题。
检查硬件设备的驱动和系统的兼容性,解决 硬件设备无法正常工作的问题。
使用 top 命令查看进程性能和资源使用情况, 解决应用程序卡顿和占用系统资源过多的问 题。
使用网络工具 ping 和 traceroute 等调试网 络连接问题。
ping、traceroute、nslookup 等命令能够帮助用户分析网络 状况。
Linux 网络配置
IP 地址和网关
掌握 IP 地址和网关配置方法,能够简单高效地连接网络。
DNS 服务器
了解 DNS 服务器的作用和配置方法,可以帮助用户解析 URL 地址和进行网络 通信。
熟悉 Linux 支持的 TCP/IP 网络协议,可以识别和纠正网络问题。
Moxa AirWorks AWK-3131A系列快速安装指南说明书

P/N: 1802031311019*1802031311019*AWK-3131A Series Quick Installation GuideMoxa AirWorksVersion 8.1, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.Table of ContentsOverview ............................................................................... - 3 -Hardware Setup .................................................................... - 3 -Package Checklist ............................................................... - 3 -Panel Layout of the AWK-3131A ........................................... - 4 -Mounting Dimensions .......................................................... - 5 -DIN-Rail Mounting .............................................................. - 5 -Wall Mounting (Optional) ..................................................... - 6 -Wiring Requirements ........................................................... - 7 -Read and Follow These Guidelines: ....................................... - 7 -Grounding the AWK-3131A .................................................. - 8 -Installations with Cable Extended Antennas for OutdoorApplications ................................................................. - 8 -Wiring the Redundant Power Inputs ...................................... - 9 -Wiring the Relay Contact ..................................................... - 9 -Wiring the Digital Inputs ..................................................... - 10 -Cable Holder Installation .................................................... - 10 -Communication Connections ............................................... - 10 -10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet Port Connection ...................... - 10 -1000BaseT Ethernet Port Connection .............................. - 11 -RS-232 Connection ...................................................... - 11 -LED Indicators .................................................................. - 12 -Specifications .................................................................... - 13 -Software Setup ................................................................... - 15 -How to Access the AWK ...................................................... - 15 -First-Time Quick Configuration ............................................ - 16 -Point-to-Multipoint Scenario (AP/Client Mode) ................. - 16 -Point-to-Point Scenario (Master/slave mode) ................... - 18 -OverviewThe AWK-3131A 3-in-1 industrial wireless access point meets the growing need for faster data transmission speeds and wider coverage by supporting IEEE 802.11n technology with a net data rate of up to 300 Mbps. The AWK-3131A combines two adjacent 20 MHz channels into a single 40 MHz channel to deliver a potent combination of greater reliability and more bandwidth. The two redundant DC power inputs increase the reliability of the power supply, and the AWK-3131A can be powered via PoE to make deployment easier. The AWK-3131A can operate on either the 2.4 or the 5 GHz band and is backwards-compatible with existing 802.11a/b/g deployments.Hardware SetupThis section covers the hardware setup for the AWK-3131A. Package ChecklistMoxa’s AWK-3131A is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.• 1 AWK-3131A wireless AP/client• 2 2.4/5 GHz antennas: ANT-WDB-ARM-0202•DIN-rail kit• 2 plastic RJ45 protective caps•Cable holder with one screw•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardPanel Layout of the AWK-3131A1.Grounding screw (M5)2.Terminal block for PWR1,PWR2,relay, DI1, and DI23.Reset button4.System LEDs: PWR1, PWR2, PoE,FAULT, and STATE LEDs5.LEDs for signal strength6.WLAN LED7.Ethernet LED8.RS-232 console portN: 10/100/1000 BaseT(X) RJ45Port10.Antenna A11.Antenna B12.Model name13.Screw holes for wall-mounting kit14.DIN-rail mounting kitMounting DimensionsUnit = mmDIN-Rail MountingWhen shipped, the metal DIN-rail mounting kit is fixed to the back panel of the AWK-3131A. Mount the AWK-3131A on to a corrosion-free mounting rail that adheres to the EN 60715 standard.STEP 1: Insert the upper lip of the DIN-rail kit into the mounting rail. STEP 2:Press the AWK-3131A towards the mounting rail until it snaps intoplace.To remove the AWK-3131A from the DIN rail, do the following:STEP 1:Pull down the latch on theDIN-rail kit with a screwdriver.STEP 2 & 3:Slightly pull the AWK-3131Aforward and lift it up to remove itfrom the mounting rail.Wall Mounting (Optional)For some applications, it may be more convenient to mount theAWK-3131A to a wall, as illustrated below.STEP 1:Remove the aluminumDIN-rail attachment platefrom the AWK-3131A, andthen attach thewall-mounting plates withM3 screws, as shown in theadjacent diagrams.STEP 2:Mounting the AWK-3131A to a wall requires 3 screws.Use the AWK-3131A device, with wall-mounting platesattached, as a guide to mark the correct locations of the3 screws. The heads of the screws should be less than 6.0mm in diameter, and the shafts should be less than 3.5mm in diameter, as shown in the figure on the right.Do not drive the screws in all the way—leave a space of about 2 mm to allow room for sliding the wall-mounting panel between the wall and the screws.NOTE Test the screw head and shank size by inserting the screws into one of the keyhole shaped apertures of the wall-mounting platesbefore they are fixed to the wall.STEP 3:Once the screws are fixed into the wall,insert the four screw heads throughthe large opening of thekeyhole-shaped apertures, and thenslide the AWK-3131A downwards, asindicated to the right. Tighten thethree screws for added stability.WARNING• This equipment is intended to be used in a Restricted Access Location, such as a dedicated computer room where only authorized service personnel or users can gain access. Such personnel must be instructed about the fact that the metal chassis of the equipment is extremely hot and may cause burns. •Service personnel or users have to pay special attention and take special precautions before handling this equipment. •Only authorized, well-trained professionals should be allowed to access the restricted access location. Access should be controlled by the authority responsible for the location with lock and key or a security identity system. • External metal parts are hot!! Pay special attention or usespecial protection before handling the equipment.Wiring RequirementsRead and Follow These Guidelines:• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If powerwiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the crossing point.NOTE Do not run signal or communications wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire todetermine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.• Keep input wiring and output wiring separated.•For future reference, you should label the wiring used for all of your devices.Grounding the AWK-3131AGrounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.Installations with Cable Extended Antennas for Outdoor ApplicationsIf an AWK device or its antenna is installed in an outdoor location, proper lightning protection is required to prevent direct lightning strikes to the AWK device. In order to prevent the effects of coupling currents from nearby lightning strikes, a lightning arrester should be installed as part of your antenna system. Ground the device, antenna, as well as the arrester properly to provide maximum outdoor protection for the device.Arrester Accessories•SA-NMNF-01: Surge arrester, N-type (male) to N-type (female) •SA-NFNF-01: Surge arrester, N-type (female) to N-type (female) Wiring the Redundant Power InputsThe top two pairs of contacts of the 10-contact terminal block connector on the AWK-3131A’s top panel are used for the AWK-3131A’s two DC inputs. Top and front views of the terminal block connector are shown below.STEP 1: Insert the negative/positive DC wires Array into the V-/V+ terminals.STEP 2: To keep the DC wires from pulling loose,use a small flat-blade screwdriver to tighten thewire-clamp screws on the front of the terminalblock connector.STEP 3: Insert the plastic terminal blockconnector prongs into the terminal blockreceptor, which is located on the AWK-3131A’stop panel.NOTE Input Terminal Block (CN1) is suitable for wire size range of 12-28 AWG (3.31-0.0804 mm²) and a torque value of 4.5 lb-in(0.51 Nm).Wiring the Relay ContactThe AWK-3131A has one relay output, which consists of the two contacts of the terminal block on the AWK-3131A’s top panel. Refer to the previous section for detailed instructions on how to connect the wires to the terminal block connector, and how to attach the terminal block connector to the terminal block receptor. These relay contacts are used to indicate user-configured events. The two wires attached to the Relay contacts form an open circuit when a user-configured event is triggered. If a user-configured event does not occur, the Relay circuit will be closed.Wiring the Digital InputsThe AWK-3131A has two sets of digital inputs—DI1 and DI2. Each DI comprises two contacts of the 10-pin terminal block connector on the AWK-3131A’s top panel. Refer to the “Wiring the Redundant Power Inputs” section for detailed instructions on how to connect the wires to theterminal block connector, and how to attach the terminal block connector to the terminal block receptor.Cable Holder InstallationAttach the cable holder to the bottom of the AWK-3131A to keep cabling neat and avoid accidents that result from untidy cables.STEP 1: Screw the cable holder onto the bottomof the AWK-3131A.STEP 2: After mounting the AWK-3131A and plugging in the LAN cable, tighten the cable along the device and wall.Communication Connections 10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet Port ConnectionThe 10/100BaseT(X) ports located on the AWK-3131A’s front panel are used to connect to Ethernet-enabled devices.Below we show pinouts for both MDI (NIC-type) ports and MDI-X (HUB/switch-type) ports. MDI Port Pinouts MDI-X Port Pinouts 8-pin RJ45PinSignal1 Tx+2 Tx-3 Rx+6 Rx- Pin Signal 1 Rx+ 2 Rx- 3 Tx+ 6 Tx-1000BaseT Ethernet Port Connection1000BaseT data is transmitted on differential TRD+/- signal pairs over copper wires.MDI/MDI-X Port Pinouts Pin Signal 1TRD(0)+ 2TRD(0)- 3TRD(1)+ 4TRD(2)+ 5TRD(2)- 6TRD(1)- 7TRD(3)+ 8 TRD(3)-RS-232 ConnectionThe AWK-3131A has one RS-232 (8-pin RJ45) console port located on the front panel. Use either an RJ45-to-DB9 or RJ45-to-DB25 cable to connect the AWK-3131A’s console port to your PC’s COM port. You may then use a console terminal program to access the AWK-3131A for console configuration.Console Pinouts for 10-pin or 8-pin RJ45 Ports 10-PinDescription 8-Pin 1– 2DSR1 3RTS 2 4GND 3 5TxD 4 6RxD 5 7DCD 6 8CTS 7 9DTR 8 10 –NOTE 1. The pin numbers for DB9 and DB25 male connectors, andhole numbers for DB9 and DB25 female connectors arelabeled on the connector strip. However, the numbers aretypically quite small, so you may need to use a magnifyingglass to see the numbers clearly.2. The pin numbers for both the 8-pin and 10-pin RJ45connectors (and ports) are typically not labeled on theconnector (or port). Refer to the pinout diagram above fordetails.LED IndicatorsThe front panel of the AWK-3131A contains several LED indicators. The function of each LED is described in the table below:LED Color State DescriptionPWR1 Green On Power is on (power input 1) Off Power is not being supplied.PWR2 Green On Power is on (power input 2) Off Power is not being supplied.PoE Amber On Power is being supplied via the PoE. Off Power is not being supplied via PoE.FAULT RedOnSystem is booting up, or a systemconfiguration error or relay event hasoccurred.Blinking(fast at0.5-secondintervals)Cannot get an IP address from theDHCP server.Blinking(slow at1-secondintervals)IP address conflictOff Error condition does not exist.STATE GreenOnSystem startup is complete and thesystem is in operation.Blinking(fast at0.5-secondintervals)AeroLink Protection is enabled and iscurrently in “Backup” state.Blinking(slow at1-secondintervals)Device has been located by WirelessSearch UtilityRed On System is booting upSIGNAL(5 LEDs) Green On Wi-Fi Signal Level (for client/slave/ client-router modes only)OffWLAN GreenOnWLAN function is in client/slave/client-router mode and has establisheda link with an AP.BlinkingWLAN data transmission is inclient/slave/client-router mode.OffWLAN is not in client/slave/client-router mode or has notestablished a link with an AP.AmberOn WLAN is in AP/master mode.BlinkingWLAN data transmission is in AP/mastermode.OffWLAN is not in use or not workingproperlyLED ColorState Description LANGreenOn LAN port’s 1000 Mbps link is active . Blinking Data is being transmitted at 1000 Mbps. Off LAN port’s 1000 Mbps link is inactive . Amber On LAN port’s 10/100 Mbps link is active. BlinkingData is being transmitted at 10/100 Mbps. Off LAN port’s 10/100 Mbps link is inactive.SpecificationsInput Current0.6 A @ 12 VDC; 0.15 A @ 48 VDC Input Voltage 12 to 48 VDC, redundant dual DC power inputsor 48 VDC Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3afcompliant)Power Consumption 7.2 WOperating Temperature Standard Models: -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to167°F)Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)NOTE For installation flexibility, either the A antenna (on the front panel) or the B antenna (on the top panel) may be selected foruse. Make sure the antenna connection matches the antennasconfigured in the AWK-3131A web interface.To protect the connectors and RF module, all radio ports shouldbe terminated by either an antenna or a terminator. We stronglyrecommend using resistive terminators for terminating theunused antenna ports.Software SetupThis section covers the software setup for the AWK-3131A.How to Access the AWKBefore installing the AWK device (AWK), make sure that all items in the package checklist are provided in the product box. You will also need access to a notebook computer or PC equipped with an Ethernet port. •Step 1: Select a suitable power source and plug in the AWK.The AWK can be powered by DC power ranging from 12 VDC to 48 VDC or by a PoE PSE via an Ethernet connection.•Step 2: Connect the AWK to the notebook or PC via the AWK’s LAN port.The LED indicator on the AWK’s LAN port will light up when aconnection is established.NOTE If you are using an Ethernet-to-USB adapter, follow the instructions in the user’s manual provided with the adapter.•Step 3: Set up the computer’s IP addressChoose an IP address for the computer that is on the same subnet as the AWK. Since the AWK’s default IP address is, and the subnet mask is, set the IP address to192.168.127.xxx, where xxx is a value between 1 and 252.•Step 4: Access the homepage of the AWK.Open your computer’s web browser and typehttp:// in the address field to access the AWK’s homepage. Log in using the following default username andpassword:Default Username: adminDefault Password: moxaClick the Login button to access the homepage of the AWK device.First-Time Quick ConfigurationAfter successfully accessing the AWK, refer to the appropriate subsection below to quickly set up a wireless network.NOTE Ensure that there are no IP address conflicts when you configure more than one AWK on the same subnet.Point-to-Multipoint Scenario (AP/Client Mode)Configuring the AWK as an AP•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to AP mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode and select AP.NOTE The default operation mode for the AWK is AP.•Step 2: Set up your own SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Edit to set the SSID.NOTE The default SSID is MOXA.•Step 3: Set the RF type and Channel for the AWK.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup.We recommend that you choose the RF type 5 GHz for a relative clean medium with minimum interference.For the Channel setting, we recommend that you choose a channel other than the default channel to avoid interference.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in AP mode to complete the configuration process.Configuring the AWK as a Client•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Client mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Client, and then click Submit to apply the change.•Step 2: Link to an existing SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Site Survey to select an existing SSID, or directly enter anexisting SSID in the text field.•Step 3: Set the RF type and Channel settings for the AWK.On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page, edit the RF type and Channel settings.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in client mode to complete the configuration process.Point-to-Point Scenario (Master/slave mode)Configuring the AWK as a Master•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Master mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Master, and then click Submit to apply the change. •Step 2: Set up your own SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Edit to set the SSID.•Step 3: On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page edit the RF type and Channel settings.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in master mode to complete the configuration process.Configuring the AWK as a Slave•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Slave mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Slave, and then click Submit to apply the change.•Step 2: Link to an existing SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Site Survey to select an existing SSID, or directly enter anexisting SSID in the text field.•Step 3: Set the RF type for the AWK.On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page edit the RF type setting.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in slavemode to complete the configuration process.。

爱数所提倡的一体化容灾是指数据备份和应用容灾,包括本地数据备份、异地数据容灾、 本 地应用容灾和异地应用容灾,全面保证数据不丢失和应用不间断。
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① RHEL(RedHat Enterprise Linux,RedHat的企业版) ② Fedora ③ CentOS(Community ENTerprise Operating System,社区企业版) CentOS是RHEL的社区克隆版,国内外许多企业或网络公司选择CentOS作为服务器。 ④ OEL(Oracle Enterprise Linux),OEL基于RHEL并与之完全兼容。 ⑤ SL(Scientific Linux),是重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,由费米国家加速器实验室、 欧洲核研究组织以及世界各地的大学和实验室共同开发。
SUSE是德国最著名的Linux发行版,在全世界范围中也享有较高的声誉。SUSE自主开发的软件包管 理系统YaST也大受好评。SUSE于2003年年末被Novell收购。
Ubuntu(乌班图)由开源厂商Canonical公司开发和维护。Ubuntu严格来说不能算一个独立的发行版 本,Ubuntu是基于Debian的unstable版本加强而来,拥有Debian所有的优点。
Linux包含了Unix的全部功能和特性。简单的说,Linux具有以下主要特性:遵循GNU/GPL、开放性 、多用户、多任务、良好的用户界面、设备独立性、提供了丰富的网络功能、可靠的系统安全、良好 的可移植性。
1.Linux的内核版本 通常由3个数字组成:x.y.z。 x:目前发布的内核主版本。 y:偶数表示是稳定的版本,如2.6.39;奇数表示是开发中的版本,有一些新的东西加入,是不稳定 的测试版本,如2.5.6。 z:错误修补的次数。 注意:2.x规则在3.x已经不适用了。比如3.1内核是稳定版本。 2.Linux的发行版本 Linux的发行版本大体可以分为两类,一类是商业公司维护的发行版本,一类是社区组织维护的发 行版本,前者以著名的RedHat Linux为代表,后者以Debian为代表。
第四阶段 systemd
在内核加载完毕、进行完硬件检测与驱动程序加载后,此时主机硬件已经准备就绪了,这时候内核会启 动一号进程(/usr/lib/systemd/systemd)。
开机管理程序grub相关数据目录 虚拟文件系统文件,是Linux系统启动时模块供应的主要来源 模块符号信息 系统kernel中的变量对应表,也可以理解为索引文件 用于启动的压缩内核镜像文件,是/arch/<arch>/boot中的压缩镜 像
BIOS(Basic Input Output System)初始化
第二阶段 GRUB2启动引导
第三阶段 内核引导(vmlinuz、initramfs)
文件 config-3.10.0-121.el7.x86_64
grub2 initramfs-3.10.0-121.el7.x86_64.img symvers-3.10.0-121.el7.x86_64.gz System.map-3.10.0-121.el7.x86_64 vmlinuz-3.10.0-121.el7.x86_64
Linux是一种诞生于网络、成长于网络并且成熟于网络的操作系统,是一套免费使用和自由传播的类 Unix操作系统。
Linux最早由一位名叫Linus Torvalds的计算机爱好者开发,当时它是芬兰赫尔辛基大学计算机科学系 的学生。
Linux可在GNU(GNU’s Not Unix)公共许可权限下免费获得,是一个符合POSIX标准的操作系统