2018年爱普生墨水序列号-word范文 (1页)
EPSON爱普生打印机墨盒型号对照表打印机型号黑色墨盒彩色墨盒STYLUS Color C20 T013052 T014051STYLUS Color C40 T013052 T014051STYLUS Color C41 T038150 T039050STYLUS Color C43 T038150 T039050STYLUS Color C60 T028051 T029051STYLUS Color C63 T046150 T047250 蓝T047350 红T047450 黄STYLUS Color C80 T032150 T032250 蓝T032350 红T032450 黄STYLUS Color C82 T032150 T042250 蓝T042350 红T042450 黄STYLUS Color C83 T046150 T047250 蓝T047350 红T047450 黄STYLUS 200 S020047 S020097STYLUS Color 200 S020047 S020097STYLUS 300 S020031 NA300 STYLUS Color 300 NA S020138310 STYLUS R310 T049150 T049250 蓝T049350 红T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝T049650 淡红400 STYLUS 400 S020039 NA400 STYLUS Color 400 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050)440 STYLUS Color 440 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)460 STYLUS Color 460 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)480 STYLUS Color 480 T013052 T014051500 STYLUS Color 500 原S020093现为(T050150) S020097510 STYLUS R510 T049150 T049250 蓝T049350 红T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝T049650 淡红580 STYLUS Color 580 T013052 T014051600 STYLUS Color 600 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050)640 STYLUS Color 640 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)660 STYLUS Color 660 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)670 STYLUS Color 670 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)680 STYLUS Color 680 T017051 T018051700 STYLUS Photo 700 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050710 STYLUS Photo 710 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050720 STYLUS Photo 720 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050740 STYLUS Color 740 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050)750 STYLUS Photo 750 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050790 STYLUS Photo 790 T007051 T008051800 STYLUS 800 S020039 NA800 STYLUS 800 + S020039 NA800 STYLUS Color 800 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050810 STYLUS Photo 810 T026051 T027051820 STYLUS 820 S020047 S020049810 STYLUS Photo 830 T026051 T027051850 STYLUS Color 850 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 860 STYLUS Color 860 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 870 STYLUS Photo 870 T007051 T008051875 STYLUS Photo 875 T007051 T008051880 STYLUS Color 880 T019051 T020051890 STYLUS Photo 890 T007051 T008051895 STYLUS Photo 895 T007051 T008051900 STYLUS Color 900 T003052 T005051950 STYLUS Color 950 T033150T033250 蓝T033350 红T033450 黄T033550 淡蓝T033650 淡红980 STYLUS Color 980 T003052 T0050511000 STYLUS 1000 S020039 NA1000 STYLUS 1000C S020039 NA1160 STYLUS Color 1160 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 1200 STYLUS Photo 1200 原S020187现为(T050150) T0010511270 STYLUS Photo 1270 T007051 T0090511290 STYLUS Photo 1290 T007051 T0090511500 STYLUS 1500 / 1500C S020062 S0200491520 STYLUS Color 1520 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 2000 STYLUS Color 2000 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 2100 STYLUS P2100 T034150T034250 黄T034350 红T034450 蓝T034550 淡红T034650 淡蓝T034750 淡黑T034850 消黑2500 STYLUS Color 2500 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 3000 STYLUS Color 3000 S020118S020122 黄S020126 红S020130 蓝5000 STYLUS Pro 5000 S020118S020122 黄S020126 红S020130 蓝S020143 淡红S020147 淡蓝5100 STYLUS CX5100 T032150T042250 蓝T042350 红T042450 黄STYLUS Photo 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050EX STYLUS Photo EX 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050 EX2 STYLUS Photo EX2 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050 EX3 STYLUS Photo EX3 原S020187现T050150 原S020193现T053050XL STYLUS PRO / PRO XL S020034 S020036XL STYLUS PRO XL+ S020034 S020066II STYLUS Color II / IIS S020047 S020049EPSON爱普生打印机硒鼓/碳粉型号对照表EPL-2020 成像盒(S051090)EPL-N2500/N2500N 成像盒(S051090)大容量纸盒C802002双面打印单元C813982 Ethernet 10/100 Base Tx C823914EPL-6200 碳粉盒C13S050167 C13S050166 成像单元(C13S051099)EPL-6200L 碳粉盒(C13S050167) 成像单元(C13S051099)Aculaser-C900碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色)S050099成像盒S051083 废碳粉收集器S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculaser-C1900 碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色)S050099成像盒S051083 废碳粉收集器S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculaser-C4000 碳粉盒(黑色)C13S050091 碳粉盒(黄色)C13S050088碳粉盒(洋红色)C13S050089 碳粉盒(青色)C13S050090成像单元C13S051081 传送带单元S053006 加热组件S053007Aculaser-C4100 碳粉盒(黄色) C13S050148 碳粉盒(洋红色) C13S050147碳粉盒(青色) C13S050146 碳粉盒(黑色) C13S050149 成像单元C13S051093 加热组件C13S053012 传送带单元C13S053006Aculaser-C7000 粉盒(黄)S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红)S050040/S050080 粉盒(青)S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑)S050038/S050082 成像盒S051082 废粉收集器S050020Aculaser-C8600粉盒(黄) S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红) S050040/S050080粉盒(青) S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑) S050038/S050082成像盒S051082 废粉收集器S050020EPL-5700展业星碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5700L展业星(超值型) 碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5800展业星(超强型) 碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5800L 碳粉盒S050010 成像盒S051055EPL-5900 碳粉盒S050087 成像盒S051055EPL-5900L 碳粉盒S050087 成像盒S051055EPL-C8000创先机粉盒(黄) S050016粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑) S050019成像盒S051061 定影器油辊S052002 废粉收集器S050020EPL-C8200创先机(第二代) 粉盒(黄)S050016 粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑)S050019 成像盒S051061EPL-N1610天网通成像盒6,000页2 S051069EPL-N2000K 碳粉盒S051035EPL-N2010智网通成像盒S051069EPL-N4000+商捷通成像盒S051060EPL-N1210 成像盒S051069Aculaser-C1000 碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035 碳粉盒(青色) S050036成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072Aculaser-C2000碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034 碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035碳粉盒(青色) S050036 成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072加热组件(220V) S053003 定影器油辊S052003废粉收集器S050037 传送带单元S053001Aculaser-C8500粉盒(黄) S050039 粉盒(青) S050081(新)/S050041(旧)粉盒(洋红) S050080(新)/S050040(旧)粉盒(黑) S050038成像盒S051073 废粉收集器S050020EPL-1220 S051079EPL-N2120 S051077EPL-6100 碳粉盒S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055EPL-6100L碳粉盒S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055超能复印打印机EPSON STYLUS CX5100 黑色墨盒T0321 彩色墨盒T0422/T0423/T0424EPSON STYLUS CX3100 黑色墨盒T028 彩色墨盒T029Stylus Photo RX510 黑色墨盒T0491 彩色墨盒T0492 / T0493 / T0494 / T0495 / T0496 StylusScan2500 黑色墨盒S020189 彩色墨盒S020191HP 耗材型号对照表一、HP 黑白激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1000 HP C7115AHP 1012 HP Q2612AHP 1100 HP C4092AHP 1150 HP Q2624A 、HP Q2624XHP 1200 HP C7115AHP 1300 HP Q2613AHP 2100 HP C4096AHP 2200 HP C4096AHP 2300 HP Q2610AHP 4 Plus/m Plus HP 92298X、HP 92298A HP 4/4m HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 4000 HP C4127A 、HP C4127XHP 4050 HP C4127A 、HP C4127XHP 4100 HP C8061A、HP C8061XHP 4200 HP Q1338AHP 4300 HP Q1339AHP 4L/mL HP 92274AHP 4p/mp HP 92274AHP 4si HP 92291A、HP 92291XHP 4v/mv HP C3900AHP 5/m/n HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 5000 HP C4129XHP 5100 HP C4129XHP 5L HP C3906AHP 5p/mp HP C3903AHP 5si HP C3909A、HP C3909XHP 6L HP C3906AHP 6p/mp HP C3903AHP 8000 HP C3909A、HP C3909XHP 8150 HP C4182XHP 9000 HP C8543XHP IId HP 92295AHP III HP 92295AHP IIId、IIIp HP 92295AHP IIIsi HP 92291AXHP IIp Plus HP 92275AHP IIp、Series II HP 92275A二、HP 彩色激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1500 /2500 黑(C9700A) 青(C9701A) 成像鼓(C9704A) 品红(C9703A) 黄(C9702A)HP 3500 青(Q2671A) 品红(Q2673A) 黄(Q2672A) 黑(Q2670A)HP 3700 黑(Q2670A) 青(Q2681A) 品红(Q2683A) 黄(Q2682A)HP 4500/4550 黑(C4191A) 青(C4192A) Drum Kit (C4195A) Fuser Kit/110-volt (C4197A)Fuser Kit/220-volt (C4198A) 品红(C4193A) 传输单元(C4196A) 黄Toner Cart (C4194A)HP 4600 黑(C9720A) 青(C9721A) 成像传输单元(C9724A) 品红(C9723A) 黄(C9722A)HP 5/5m 青(C3102A) 品红(C3104A) 黄(C3103A) Color LJet (C3968A)HP 5500 黑(C9730A) 青(C9731A) 成像Fuser Kit/110-volt (C9735A)成像传输单元(C9734A) 品红(C9733A) 黄(C9732A)HP 8500/8550 黑(C4149A) 青(C4150A) Drum Kit (C4153A)品红(C4151A) 传输单元(C4154A) 黄(C4152A)HP 9500 黑(C8560A) 青(C8561A) 青(C8551A) 传输单元(C8555A)品红(C8553A) 黄(C8562A)三、HP 彩色喷墨打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 2000c 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 2500c Pro 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 1100 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2200/2250 黑墨(C4844A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2230/2280 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2300/2600 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 3000 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4804A) 红墨(C4805A) 黄墨(C4806A)HP 彩色Inkjet cp1160 黑色打印头(C4920A) 青头(C4921A) 红头(C4922A) 黄头(C4923A)HP 彩色Inkjet cp1700 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP Dj1000c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1100c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1120c 三色墨盒(C1823D) 三色墨盒2 pack (C1823T) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1200c 黑墨(51640A) 青墨(51640C) 红墨(51640M) 黄墨(51640Y)HP Dj1220c 黑墨(C4844A) 黑墨(51645A) 三色墨盒(C6578DN) 三色墨盒/大(C6578AN)HP Dj1600c 青墨(51640C) 红墨(51640M) 黄墨(51640Y) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj310 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 595页黑墨(51633M)HP Dj320 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3300 黑墨(C8727AN) 220 页HP Dj340 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3400 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN)HP Dj3520 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN)HP Dj3550 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj3600 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj3820 黑墨(C6615DN) 三色墨盒(C6578DN) 三色墨盒/大(C6578AN)HP Dj400 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj420 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj500 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj510 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj5100 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 黑墨(C6656AN) 三色墨盒(C6657AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj520 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj540 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)CANON佳能对照表打印机型号对应耗材型CANON KT 佳能EP-KCANON LBP-460/LBP-660/LBP-465/LBP-210/LBP-310 EP-A 硒鼓鼓粉一体CANON FAX L770 佳能FX-1CANON FAX L500/L600/L630 佳能FX-2CANON FAX L250/L280/L380/L388/L350/L200/L350J 佳能FX-3CANON L800/L900 佳能FX-4CANON FC250/FC310/FC330/FC380 佳能E-16CANON FC200/FC210/FC220/FC230/FC240 佳能E-16CANON BX 佳能EP-BIICANON LBP—1760 佳能EP-52硒鼓,每盒打印10000页CANON BJC-8200 BCI-5BK 黑色墨盒BCI-5C兰色墨盒BCI-5M红色墨盒BCI-5Y黄色墨盒BCI-5PC照片兰色BCI-5PM照片红色CANON BJC-600,BJC-600E,BJC-610,BJC-620 BJI-201BK黑BJI-201C兰BJI-201M红BJI-201Y黄CANON BJ-300,BJ-330 BJI-642 黑色墨盒CANON FAX-B210,FAX-B180 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANON BJC-7000,BJC-7100,BJC-8000 BC-60墨盒黑色,900页BC-61E三色墨盒,带喷头BC-62E六色墨盒,带喷头CANON BJC-3000,BJC-6000/6100/6200,BJC-6500 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BCI-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄色墨盒BCI-3ePBK 照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄色BC-30e黑BC-31e彩BC-32e照片墨盒BC-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANON BJC-5000 四色墨盒BC-21e,四色Photo 墨盒BC-22e 和黑色墨盒BC-23CANON BJC-4650,BJC-5500,MPC70 BC-20黑,带喷头BC-21E彩BC-22E彩,带喷头CANON BJC-4200,BJC-4310SP,BJC-4550 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANON BJC-400,BJC-4000,BJC-4100 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANON BJC-2000SP,BJC-2100SP BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANON BJC-240,BJC-250,BJC-255sp,BJC-1000sp BC-03黑BC-05彩BC-06照片CANON BJC-200,BJC-210S,BJC-210SP BC-03 黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒Canon BJ-5 BC-01 黑色墨盒BC-05 彩色墨盒CANON LBP-2000 EP-65 硒鼓CANON LBP-1210 EP-25 硒鼓CANON LBP-800,LBP-810,LBP-1120 EP-22 硒鼓Canon i865 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄CANON i560 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄色CANON S400,S400SP,S450,S4500,S600 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BCI-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄BCI-3ePBK 照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄BC-30e黑色墨盒BC-31e彩BC-32e 照片BC-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANON i70,i80 BCI-15BK黑色墨盒BCI-15CL彩色墨盒CANON S300,XNUI320,MPC190,S330,MPC200,i475D BCI-24B黑BCI-24C彩CANON i470D,MP360,S200SPX,MP390,i450 BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANON i255,i355,i455,MPC190s BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANON i990/i9950 BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红BCI-6PC照片青BCI-6R橙墨盒BCI-6G绿墨盒CANON S800/S900/S820D/S830D BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC照片青色墨盒CANON i950/i950D/i9100 BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC 照片青色墨盒CANON BJC-80,BJC-85,BJC-85W BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK黑BCI-11BK 黑BCI-11C彩CANON BJ-30,BJC-50,BJC-55 BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK黑色墨盒BCI-11BK黑色墨盒BCI-11C彩色墨盒CANON BJC-1000SP BC-03黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒BC-06照片墨盒CANON BJC-5500 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩CANON S100SP/BJC-4650 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩CANON BJC-2100SP BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩SAMSUNG三星打印机耗材对照表打印机型号对应墨盒/硒鼓SCX-5112/5312F/5115/5315FSF-830,ML-912 硒鼓SCX-5312D6或SCX-5315R2ML-1650/1651N 硒鼓ML-1650D8SF-555P 硒鼓SF-550D3ML-5200A 硒鼓ML-5200D6ML-2150/2151N/2152W 硒鼓ML-2150D8ML-1440,1450,1451N 硒鼓ML-1450D6SF-5800 硒鼓SF-5800D5ML-808; SF-5100/5100P; SF-530/550 硒鼓ML-5100D3ML-4500 硒鼓ML-4500D3 3,000页SCX-4016/4116/4216F 硒鼓ML-1710D3ML-1510/1710/1750 硒鼓ML-1710D3ML-1210,1220M,1430,1250 硒鼓ML-1210D3SCX-1300/1350F,MJC-6000 黑色墨盒M90 彩色墨盒C90 照片墨盒P90MJC-4000/5000/6000/ SCX-1220 黑色墨盒M85 220页彩色墨盒C85SF-350 黑色墨盒M55(大容量)SF3100/SF3200系列,SF-430 黑墨M50 彩C50 或黑墨利盟1970 彩墨利盟15M0020传真机SF-330/331P/335T 黑色墨盒M40 彩色墨盒C40SF3000/3100/3100P/4000/4100/4200 黑色墨盒12A1145 彩色墨盒12A1140。
部分油墨编号调配参考资料部分油墨调配1、2、油墨编号252 (JT1948U、JT1949U遮光蓝另加VZ4-P慢干膏)TC-G 07 白色TC-G 45 蓝色TC-G00 光油3、4、油墨编号023 (JT1353F、JT1354F黄银等)778:8031(4:1)银色35g 50.7%778:8024(4:1)青口金30g 43.8%9100透明柠檬黄4g 5.5%5、6、油墨编号291 (JT2432F底灰)6000-076000-08白色90059006金赤90029003黄色90929093黑色9045 蓝色7、8、油墨编号186 (JT2626AU)9007 白色9028 桔红9092 黑色9100 光油5、油墨编号187 (JT2626AU)9007 白色50%9100 光油50%6、油墨编号188* (JT2626AU)9092 黑色 3.5%9100 光油96.5%7、油墨编号097 (JT2632CD、JT2696CD、JT2676CD字银)2月6日改9100:606A(4:1)银色200g 81.63%9092 黑色38g 15.51%9028 桔红6g 2.45%9025 紫色1g 0.41%8、油墨编号098 (JT2632CD、JT2696CD)2月5日改9100:606R(4:1)银色300g 62.5%NO.3 镜面180g 37.5%9、油墨编号099 (JT2632CD、JT2696CD)9100 光油477g 82.6%NO.3 镜面80g 13.8%606R 银粉15g 2.6%606A 银粉6g 1%10、油墨编号403 (共4个颜色)(JT1991AE、JT2462AE调白底)9007 白色600g 99.734%9028 桔红0.7g 0.116%9008 赤色0.6g 0.099%9002 黄色0.3g 0.050%11、油墨编号269 (JT1948U、JT1949U、JT2121U刻度蓝)TC-G 07 白色500g 63.29%TC-G 45 深蓝280g 35.44%TC-G 25 紫色10g 1.27%12、油墨编号166 (JT2649K、JT2650K)6000-07 白色750g 98.2%9045 深蓝12g 1.57%9025 紫色2g 0.23%13、油墨编号499 (JT2170G、JT2231G、JT2232G深灰底等)9005 金赤1000g 81.97%9002 黄色50g 4.1%9045 深蓝100g 8.2%9092 黑色70g 5.73%14、油墨编号224 (JT2426U、JT2427U底绿)9075 绿色650g 54.2%9002 黄色350g 29.2%6000-00 光油200g 16.6%15、油墨编号378 (JT2070U底绿等系列)9075 绿色1000g 60%9003 柠檬黄170g 10%6000-00 光油500g 30g16、油墨编号612 (JT2668AE调白底)9007 白色1200g 99.88%9008 赤 1.4-1.45g 0.12%17、油墨编号637 (JT2640BR磨砂油)UPC-L TR-6DB 磨砂油150g 42.9%UPC HFT 消光200g 57.1%18、油墨编号639 (JT2640BR信号蓝)TC-G 45 深蓝710g 79.3%TC-G 25 紫色185g 20.7%19、油墨编号278 (JT2640BR底浅蓝)9045 深蓝9046 蓝色9002 黄色SS-102 白色SS-110 光油20、油墨编号156比278更白更透(JT2640BR遮光白)SS-102 白色SS-110 光油90459046深蓝9046 蓝色9002 黄色21、油墨编号708 (G红色系列订单)9005 金赤300g 75%9008 赤色100g 25%22、油墨编号597 (JT2632CD、JT2696CD字蓝)9100PET 透明蓝100g 16.6%9100 光油500g 83.4%23、油墨编号064 (JT072F、JT076F半透明白等)6000PET HFT 消光500g 96.71%6000-07 白色16g 3.09%9092 黑色1g 0.2%24、油墨编号217 (JT1650AE银底)9100:8031 (4:1)银粉600g 97%9045 深蓝5g 0.8%9003 柠檬黄10g 1.6%9092 黑色4g 0.6%25、油墨编号230 (JT1838BZ底蓝)9035 天蓝1000g 87.1%9046 蓝色95g 8.28%9092 黑色40g 3.48%9025 紫色13g 1.14%26、油墨编号469 (JT2330U刻度蓝等)9035 天蓝300g 42.4%9046 蓝色200g 28.2%9092 黑色8g 1.13%SS7-000 光油200g 28.2%27、油墨编号410 (JT2173U、JT2174U底蓝等)9046 蓝色150g 62.5%6000-00 光油90g 37.5%28、油墨编号849 (JT1573AE、JT1571AE底蓝)SS8-500 银色80g 9.1%SS-110 光油740g 84.4%SPV-403 原蓝33g 3.77%SPV-401 紫色12g 1.37%SPV-209 中黄9g 1.02%SPV-406 浅蓝2g 0.34%29、油墨编号363 (JT2683CD字银、色号A-S168-5)2月5日改9100 光油400g 76.03%8014 红银粉36.4g 6.919%606A 细银粉38.8g 7.375%606R 粗银粉47.8g 9.086%9028 桔红1g 0.19%9092 黑色 2.1g 0.399%30、油墨编号361(7种颜色)(JT2683CD红银底、色号A-T71-1)2月5日改9100 光油652g 74.21%8014 红银粉78.5g 8.93%606R 粗银粉71g 8.08%606A 细银粉32g 3.64%90089009赤色31g 3.53%90029003黄色7.7g 0.88%9045 深蓝 3.4g 0.387%9092 黑色3g 0.34%31、油墨编号325 (JT2114AE银蓝框)778:8031(4:1)350g+65g 57.85%SPV-403 原蓝135g +17g+8 22.31%SPV-401 紫色115g 19%SPV-302 大红5g 0.84%32、油墨编号585 (AE系列深蓝底)SPV-403 原蓝800g 75.25%SPV-401 紫色200g 18.81%SPV-102 白色60g 5.64%SPV-501 黑色3g 0.3%33、油墨编号225 (JT2426U、JT2427U刻度红JT2337CX等底红)SS7-141 红色350g 43.75%SS7-000 光油450g 56.25%34、油墨编号512 (JT2323CU、JT2324CU底黄等)SS7-061 白色1000g 88.89%SS7-231 黄色85g 7.56%SS7-021 黄色40g 3.55%35、油墨编号457 (JT2133F浅灰底)6000-07 白色710g 97.27%9092 黑色 1.4g 0.19%9045 深蓝 2.6g 0.36%9028 桔红16g 2.06%9002 黄色0.7g 0.1%9025 紫色0.3g 0.03%36、油墨编号011(582参照)(JT2134AE浅蓝底)6000-07 白色430g 81.3%9092 黑色13g 2.46%9045 蓝色45g 8.5%9025 紫色41g 7.74%37、油墨编号846 (JT1575AE银底)SS8-500 银色500g 92.93% SPV-501 黑色20g 2.79%SPV-209 中黄25g 3.53%SPV-401 紫色4g 0.75%38、油墨编号280 (U、CU信号红等系列)TC-G 08 赤色200g 80%TC-G 05 金赤50g 20%39、油墨编号501 (JT2160CD、JT2161CD)CA V 800 光油800g 56.8%606R 粗银100g 7.1%606A 细银100g 7.1%CA V 710 黑色408g 29%40、油墨编号462 (JT2453CL银底)CA V 800 光油800g 66.7%606R 粗银100g 8.3%606A 细银100g 8.3% NO.3 镜面200g 16.7% 41、油墨编号472 (JT2269CL、JT2271CL银底)CA V 800 光油576g 67.3% 606R 粗银76g 8.88%606A 细银68g 7.9%NO.3 镜面136g 15.89% 42、油墨编号341 (U刻度红系列)SS7-516 桔红250g 75.8%SS7-011 红色80g 24.2%43、油墨编号755 (U透明黑系列)TC-G 00 光油300g 66.7%TC-G 90 黑色150g 33.3%44、油墨编号588 (AE系列红心)SPV-304 朱红430g 71.43%SPV-102 白色155g 25.75% SPV-209 中黄15g 2.5%SPV-501 黑色2g 0.3%45、油墨编号529 (JT2337CX、JT2338CX底灰)SS7-061 白色500g 73.3%SS7-091 黑色90g 13.2%SS7-038 蓝色92g 13.5%46、油墨编号126 (JT2654AE调白底)6000-07 白色400g 99.875% 9002 黄色0.5g 0.085% 9005 金赤0.2g 0.035% 47、油墨编号368 (JT2684X底红暂定)SPV-300 玫瑰红270g 29.03% SPV-302 大红130g 13.98% SPV-3038 桃红35g 3.76%SPV-209 中黄260g 27.96% SPV-102 白色205g 22.04% SPV-501 黑色30g 3.23%48、油墨编号367 (JT2684X 闪银暂定)SS-110 光油100g 98%1100或Z-123AB 闪银2g 2%49、油墨编号415 (5种颜色调配)(CT系列订单字色)SPV-102 白色500g 85.47%SPV-501 黑色25g 4.27%SPV-209 中黄35g 5.98%SPV-302 大红20g 3.42%SPV-403 蓝色5g 0.86%50、油墨编号848 (JT1571AE、JT1573AE窗口银色块)SS8-500 银色500g 87.72%SPV-209 中黄75g 12.28%51、油墨编号598 (JT2701U刻度蓝)9045 深蓝300g 57.69%9025 紫色20g 3.85%9007 白色200g 38.46%52、油墨编号419 (JT925U、JT2070U等U系列透明黑)TC-G 00 光油300g 50%TC-G 90 黑色300g 50%53、油墨编号535 (JT1144U、JT2242U等U系列信号蓝)TC-G 00 光油400g 44.9%TC-G 45 蓝色400g 44.9%TC-G 25 紫色90g 10.2%54、油墨编号301 (JT2016BR信号绿)9075 绿色65g 28.14%9002 黄色30g 12.99%6000-00 光油140g 58.87%55、油墨编号760 (F系列闪银)6000-00 光油1000g 98.32%1100 闪银粉18g 1.68%56、油墨编号102 (同760) (F系列闪银)6000-00 光油1000g 98.32%1100 闪银粉18g 1.68%57、油墨编号633 (JT2500U浅灰)SS7-061 白色650g 98.86%SSYB-091 黑色 1.2g 0.18%SS7-038 蓝色 1.5g 0.23%SS7-231 黄色 3.0g 0.45%SS7-083 紫色 1.8g 0.28%58、油墨编号353 (JT2518U等系列绿色)TC-G 74 绿色200g 95.69%TC-G 02 黄色9g 4.31%59、油墨编号464 (JT2263CU等系列蓝色)TC-G 45 蓝色500g 74%TC-G 25 紫色175g 26%60、油墨编号190 (JT2673CD、JT2681CD等半透明白)CA V120 白色500g 71.43%CA V800 光油200g 28.57%61、油墨编号623 (5种颜色)(JT2114AE、JT491AE等底灰)SS-102(含10%慢干膏)白色780g 98.86%SS-501 黑色2g 0.18%SS-303 蓝色 6.5g 0.28%SS-209 黄色16g 0.45%SS-403 金红 3.5g 0.23%62、油墨编号492 (JT2060F、JT1996F等调白底)9007 白色1000g 99.95%9003 柠檬黄0.5g 0.05%63、油墨编号054 (需加慢干膏)(JT2673CD、JT2681CD、JT2594CD等字灰)9007 白色390g 87.15%9092 黑色26g 5.81%9045 深蓝5g 1.11%9002 黄色6g 1.34%9008 红色20.5g 4.59%64、油墨编号750 (6种颜色)(JT1332U蓝灰)SS7-061 白色140g 40%SSYB-091 黑色100g 28.57%SS7-038 蓝色78g 22.28%SS7-231 黄色4g 1.14%SS7-141 红色10g 2.86%SS7-083 紫色18g 5.15%65、油墨编号729 (JT925U、JT2070U等刻度绿)TC-G 03 浅黄色160g 32.79% TC-G 74 绿色115g 23.56% TC-G 07 白色130g 26.64% TC-G 90 黑色3g 0.61% TC-G 00 光油80g 16.4% 66、油墨编号100 (JT066F、JT269F等银底)778:8031(4:1)银色500g 98.04% SPV-501 黑色10g 1.96% 67、油墨编号200 (JT2060F、JT1995F、JT1996F等底灰)NPT-107 白色1330g 94.13% NPT-501 黑色2g 0.14% NPT-403 深蓝3g 0.21% NPT-203 黄色62g 4.39% NPT-305 桔红16g 1.13% 68、油墨编号657 (JT2654AE字灰)9007 白色710g 74.34% 9092 黑色116g 12.15% 9045 深蓝26g 2.72% 9002 黄色74g 7.75% 9008 红色29g 3.04% 69、油墨编号208 (共5个颜色)(JT1496AE、JT1480AE等底灰)9007 白色1500g 95.6% 9092 黑色11g 0.7%9045 深蓝1g 0.06% 9002 黄色7g 0.45% 9028 桔红50g 3.19%70、油墨编号317 (JT2016BR刻度红)TC-G 05 浅黄色150g 54.54% TC-G 08 绿色100g 36.36% TC-G 遮蔽膏消光25g 9.1% 71、油墨编号587 (共6个颜色)(JT701AE、JT1205AE等字深灰)SPV-102 白色500g 44.52% SPV-501 黑色175g 15.58% SPV-209 中黄180g 16.03% SPV-403 深蓝173g 15.40% SPV-302 大红85g 7.57% SPV-300 玫红10g 0.89% 72、油墨编号607 (JT2658DE、JT2662DE等底灰)SS-102 白色820g 95.5% SS-501 黑色12g 1.398% SS-403 深蓝10.6g 1.234% SS-209 中黄9g 1.05% SS-302 红色7g 0.818%73、油墨编号020 (JT1573AE、JT491AE等底灰)SS-102 (含10%慢干膏)白色815g 96.45% SS-501 黑色5g 0.59% SS-403 深蓝 5.5g 0.59% SS-209 中黄12g 1.42% SS-302 红色8g 0.95% 74、油墨编号122 (JT076F、JT072F等浅灰)6000-07 白色820g 99.587% 9092 黑色0.2g 0.024% 9045 深蓝0.6g 0.07% 9002 黄色 1.2g 0.145% 9008 赤色 1.4g 0.174% 75、油墨编号076 (JT1531AE银底)778:606Z(4:1)银色1000g 99.6% SPV-501 黑色4g 0.4% 76、油墨编号081 (JT2286U等遮光白)6000-00 光油200g 60.6% 6000-07 白色130g 39.4% 77、油墨编号381 (JT2268CL、JT2270CL等字灰)SPV-102 白色390g 85.71% SPV-501 黑色27g 5.93% SPV-403 深蓝5g 1.10%SPV-209 中黄17g 3.74% SPV-302 大红16g 3.52% 78、油墨编号385 (JT2145AE、JT1902AE等底灰)SS-102(含10%慢干膏)白色1170g 94.43% SS-501 黑色1g 0.08% SS-403 深蓝10.5g 0.84% SS-209 中黄41.5g 3.35% SS-302大红16g 1.3% 79、油墨编号446 (JT2564DH半透明白)6000-HFT 消光200g 95.24% 6000-07 白色10g 4.76% 80、油墨编号562 (JT1144U黄色)TC-G 03 浅黄300g 75% TC-G 02 黄色100g 25% 81、油墨编号220 (JT1849AE、JT1858AE等黄银底)778:606A:606R (9:1:0.5) 银色600g 76.92% SS-209 中黄90g 11.54% SS-203 原黄90g 11.54% 82、油墨编号103 (JT100F、JT101F等浅灰底)SS-102(含10%慢干膏)白色750g 97.28% SS-501 黑色0.8g 0.1% SS-403 深蓝 1.2g 0.15%SS-203 原黄16.5g 2.14% SS-303 金红 2.5g 0.33% 83、油墨编号539 (JT2541X、JT2536X等字灰)SPV-102 白色490g 95.33% SPV-501 黑色10g 1.95% SPV-403 深蓝4g 0.78% SPV-209 中黄4g 0.78% SPV-302 大红6g 1.16% 84、油墨编号700 (6种颜色)(JT2121U蓝灰)SS7-061 白色190g 24.36% SSYB-091 黑色160g 20.51% SS7-038 蓝色140g 17.95% SS7-037 群青180g 23.07% SS7-011 红色50g 6.41% SS7-083 紫色60g 7.7% 85、油墨编号288 (3种颜色)(JT2016BR信号黄)TC-G 02 黄色160g 25%TC-G 05 金赤10g 1.56% TC-G 00 光油470g 73.44% 86、油墨编号571暂定2010\2\4 (共4个颜色) (JT2627U底浅绿)TC-G 03 浅黄75g 16.48% TC-G 02 黄色155g 34.07%TC-G 74 绿色21g +15g 3.29%TC-G 07 白色210g 46.15% 87、油墨编号048 (3种颜色)(JT2676CD、JT2683CD深透明白)2月5日6000-HFT 消光200g 90.50% 6000-07 白色20g 9.05% 9092 黑色1g 0.45% 88、油墨编号165 (JT2060F、JT1995F半透明白等)6000PET HFT 消光500g 95.97%6000-07 白色20g 3.83%9092 黑色1g 0.2%89、油墨编号057 (J系列透明黑窗口)CA V 765 透明黑150g 83.33%CA V 538 透明红8g 4.44%CA V 800 光油22g 12.23%。
Printing Ink LUS35-W-BA SDS No. 037-U132094说明书
![Printing Ink LUS35-W-BA SDS No. 037-U132094说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a1817125cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b11e.png)
按照 GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519 编制印刷油墨 (Printing Ink) LUS35-W-BA产品名LUS-350 WhiteInk Ver.2企业标识Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd2182-3 Shigeno-otsu, Tomi-shi, Nagano 389-0512 Japan电话: +81-268-64-2413進口商/分銷商上海御牧貿易有限公司上海市桂平路555号45幢1楼电话: +86-21-3367-6651紧急电话号码+86-0532-********产品用途喷墨油墨使用限制不明。
GHS危险性类别急毒性 - 口服 -类别4 (38%未知 )急性毒性 - 经皮肤 -类别4 (85%未知 )皮肤腐蚀/刺激 -类别2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 -类别2A皮肤致敏 -类别1生殖毒性 -类别2特异性靶器官系统毒性—反复接触 -类别1 ( 肝 , 呼吸系统 )对水生环境有害 - 急性危害 -类别1 对水生环境有害 - 慢性危害 -类别1 标签要素 象形图信号词 危险 危险性说明 吞咽有害。
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受沾染的工作服不得带出工作 场地。
事故响应如果接触或有疑虑: 请寻求医嘱/就医。
HP Color LaserJet Q6472A-AC 黄色打印墨物说明书
![HP Color LaserJet Q6472A-AC 黄色打印墨物说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9daf5156974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f2960.png)
SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifier HP Color LaserJet Q6472A-AC Yellow Print CartridgeOther means of identification Not available.Recommended use This product is a yellow toner preparation that is used in HP Color LaserJet 3600 series printers. Recommended restrictions None known.Company identification HP1501 Page Mill RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304-1112United StatesTelephone 650-857-5020HP health effects line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-457-4209(Direct) 1-760-710-0048HP Customer Care Line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-474-6836(Direct) 1-208-323-25512. Hazard(s) identificationNot classified.Physical hazardsNot classified.Health hazardsNot classified.Environmental hazardsNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsNone.Hazard symbolSignal word None.Hazard statement Not available.Precautionary statementPrevention Not available.Response Not available.Storage Not available.Disposal Not available.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)None of the other ingredients in this preparation are classified as carcinogens according to ACGIH, EU, IARC, MAK, NTP or OSHA.Supplemental information This product is not classified as hazardous according to OSHA CFR 1910.1200 (HazCom 2012).3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number% Chemical name Common name and synonymsTrade Secret Styrene acrylate copolymer<85Wax Trade Secret Wax<15Pigment Trade Secret Pigment<5Amorphous silica7631-86-9 Amorphous silica<24. First-aid measuresInhalation Move person to fresh air immediately. If irritation persists, consult a physician.Skin contact Wash affected areas thoroughly with mild soap and water. Get medical attention if irritationdevelops or persists.Eye contact Do not rub eyes. Immediately flush with large amounts of clean, warm water (low pressure) for atleast 15 minutes or until particles are removed. If irritation persists, consult a physician.Ingestion Rinse mouth out with water. Drink one to two glasses of water. If symptoms occur, consult aphysician.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute anddelayedNot available.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media CO2, water, or dry chemicalUnsuitable extinguishingmediaNone known.Specific hazards arising fromthe chemicalNot applicable.Special protective equipmentand precautions forfirefightersNot available.Fire-fightingequipment/instructionsIf fire occurs in the printer, treat as an electrical fire.Specific methods None established.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions,protective equipment andemergency proceduresMinimize dust generation and accumulation.Methods and materials forcontainment and cleaning upNot available.Environmental precautions Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. See also section 13 Disposalconsiderations.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin and eyes. Use withadequate ventilation. Keep away from excessive heat, sparks, and open flames.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Keep out of the reach of children. Keep tightly closed and dry. Store at room temperature. Store away from strong oxidizers.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValueComponents TypeTWA 6 mg/m3Amorphous silica (CAS7631-86-9)Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Exposure guidelines USA OSHA (TWA/PEL): 15 mg/m3 (Total Dust), 5 mg/m3 (Respirable Fraction)ACGIH (TWA/TLV): 10 mg/m3 (Inhalable Particulate), 3 mg/m3 (Respirable Particulate)Amorphous silica: USA OSHA (TWA/PEL): 20 mppcf 80 (mg/m3)/%SiO2, ACGIH (TWA/TLV): 10mg/m3TRGS 900 (Luftgrenzwert) - 10 mg/m3 (Einatembare partikel), 3 mg/m3 (Alveolengängige fraktion)UK WEL: 10 mg/m3 (Respirable Dust), 5 mg/m3 (Inhalable Dust)Appropriate engineeringcontrolsUse in a well ventilated area.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Not available.Skin protectionHand protection Not available.Other Not available.Respiratory protection Not available.Thermal hazards Not available.9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Fine powderPhysical state Solid.Color YellowOdor Slight plastic odorOdor threshold Not available.pH Not applicableMelting point/freezing point Not available.Not applicableInitial boiling point andboiling rangeFlash point Not applicableEvaporation rate Not applicableFlammability (solid, gas)Not available.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsNot flammableFlammability limit - lower(%)Flammability limit -Not available.upper (%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower(%)Explosive limit - upperNot available.(%)Vapor pressure Not applicableSolubility(ies)Solubility (water)Negligible in water. Partially soluble in toluene and xylene.Not available.Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water)Auto-ignition temperature Not applicableDecomposition temperature> 392 °F (> 200 °C)Viscosity Not applicableOther informationPercent volatile0 % estimatedSoftening point212 - 302 °F (100 - 150 °C)Specific gravity 1 - 1.210. Stability and reactivityReactivity Not available.Chemical stability Stable under normal storage conditions.Will not occur.Possibility of hazardousreactionsConditions to avoid Imaging Drum: Exposure to lightIncompatible materials Strong oxidizersCarbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.Hazardous decompositionproductsSymptoms related to the physical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Not available.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin corrosion/irritation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Serious eye damage/eye irritationBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Germ cell mutagenicity Negative, does not indicate mutagenic potential (Ames Test: Salmonella typhimurium)Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Carcinogenicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Reproductive toxicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Aspiration hazard Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Further information Complete toxicity data are not available for this specific formulationRefer to Section 2 for potential health effects and Section 4 for first aid measures.Test ResultsComponentsSpeciesAmorphous silica (CAS 7631-86-9)LD50Mouse OralAcute> 15000 mg/kg Rat> 22500 mg/kg12. Ecological informationEcotoxicityProductTest ResultsSpeciesQ6472A-ACAquatic LL50Fish> 1000 mg/l, 96 HoursRainbow TroutPersistence and degradability Not available.Bioaccumulative potential Not available.Mobility in soil Not available.Other adverse effectsNot available.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructionsDo not shred toner cartridge, unless dust-explosion prevention measures are taken. Finelydispersed particles may form explosive mixtures in air. Dispose of in compliance with federal, state,and local regulations.HP's Planet Partners (trademark) supplies recycling program enables simple, convenient recycling of HP original inkjet and LaserJet supplies. For more information and to determine if this service is available in your location, please visit /recycle.14. Transport informationFurther informationNot a dangerous good under DOT, IATA, ADR, IMDG, or RID.US federal regulations US EPA TSCA Inventory: All chemical substances in this product comply with all rules or ordersunder TSCA.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - NoDelayed Hazard - NoFire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - NoReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.NoSARA 311/312Hazardous chemicalOther federal regulationsNot regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListNot regulated.US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActNot listed.US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawNot listed.US. Rhode Island RTKNot regulated.US. California Proposition 65Not Listed.Regulatory information All chemical substances in this HP product have been notified or are exempt from notification underchemical substances notification laws in the following countries: US (TSCA), EU (EINECS/ELINCS),Switzerland, Canada (DSL/NDSL), Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, andChina.16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date22-Apr-2015Revision date24-Sep-2015Version #03Disclaimer This Safety Data Sheet document is provided without charge to customers of HP. Data is the mostcurrent known to HP at the time of preparation of this document and is believed to be accurate. Itshould not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products as described orsuitability for a particular application. This document was prepared to the requirements of thejurisdiction specified in Section 1 above and may not meet regulatory requirements in othercountries.Revision Information Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: DisclaimerManufacturer information HP11311 Chinden BoulevardBoise, ID 83714 USA(Direct) 1-503-494-7199(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-457-4209Explanation of abbreviationsACGIH CAS DOT EPCRA CERCLA CFR COC IARC NIOSH NTP OSHA PEL RCRA REC REL SARA STEL TCLP TLV TSCA VOCAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Chemical Abstracts ServiceComprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Code of Federal Regulations Cleveland Open CupDepartment of TransportationEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (aka SARA)International Agency for Research on Cancer National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Toxicology ProgramOccupational Safety and Health Administration Permissible Exposure LimitResource Conservation and Recovery Act RecommendedRecommended Exposure LimitSuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986Short-Term Exposure LimitToxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure Threshold Limit Value Toxic Substances Control Act Volatile Organic Compounds。
EPSON 4800、7800、9800 错误代码!EPSON 4800、7800、9800 错误代码! - zp - zp00010000=打印机状态00010001=墨水存量(%)00010002=切纸器寿命(%)00010003=介质对切纸器的寿命有很大的影响。
00010100=零、配件寿命信息00010103=开始Media Counter Settings00010104=正在捕获状态...00010105=无法与所选择的打印机进行通信。
00010006=墨量低00010007=维护箱几乎已满00010008=维护箱请求00010009=纸张存量低00010010=重大错误00010011=打印其他I/F 数据00010012=前盖开启00010013=解除打印纸调节杆00010014=卡纸00010015=缺墨00010016=缺纸00010017=设定面板00010018=打印纸通道发生错误00010019=单页纸尺寸错误00010020=单页纸出纸错误00010021=维护箱已满00010022=纸张剪切错误00010024=清洁错误(厚纸)00010025=纸张错误00010026=纸张歪斜错误00010027=抬起墨舱杠杆锁00010028=没有维护箱00010029=命令错误00010030=后盖开启00010031=多传感器捕获错误00010032=自动调整错误00010033=清洁错误00010034=通信错误00010035=墨盒错误00010036=不正确的墨盒00010051=维护箱(%) 00010052=卷纸(m) 00010053=卷纸(ft) 00010054=单页纸(页) 00010059=单页纸00010060=顶盖开启00010061=完成打印00010062=打印就绪00010063=关闭记数00010064=正在打印00010065=未准备好打印00010066=墨水干燥00010067=检查打印头00010068=调整纸张位置00020000=零、配件寿命00020001=字车电机寿命(%) 00020002=走纸电机寿命(%) 00020003=清洁部件寿命(%)00020004=电机寿命(%) 00020100=关闭00020102=维护箱信息00050000=设定栏00050100=<<新增00050101=删除>> 00050102=上移00050103=下移00050104=确定00050105=取消00050001=作业名称00050002=用户名称00050003=主机名称00050004=已使用I/F 00050005=作业状态00050006=介质ID 00050007=使用的墨水(MK) 00050008=使用的墨水(C) 00050009=使用的墨水(M)00050010=使用的墨水(Y) 00050011=使用的墨水(LK) 00050012=使用的墨水(LC) 00050013=使用的墨水(LM) 00050014=使用的墨水(LLK) 00050015=使用的墨水(MK2) 00050016=使用的墨水(C2) 00050017=使用的墨水(M2) 00050018=使用的墨水(Y2) 00050019=使用的墨水(PK/MK) 00050020=使用的纸张00050021=打印开始时间00050022=打印完成时间00050023=打印时间00050025=墨盒信息00050026=打印头运动次数00050027=页00050028=介质消耗区域00050029=标准转换尺寸00050030=双面打印00050031=显示项目00050032=隐藏项目00050033=已使用的墨水00040000=作业信息00040200=文件00040201=保存为CSV文件格式00040202=删除日志文件00040203=升级作业信息00040205=浏览00040206=部件00040207=米00040208=英尺00040209=设定栏...00040730=并行00040731=USB00040732=选项I/F 1 00040733=选项I/F 2 00040734=IEEE139400040737=未决的00040738=完成00040740=中止00040741=送纸器00040742=手动送纸00040743=卷纸00040744=超B0 00040745=B0 00040746=B1 00040747=B2 00040748=B3 00040749=B4 00040750=B5 00040751=超A0 00040752=A0 00040753=超A1 00040754=A1 00040755=A200040757=A300040758=A400040759=信函纸00040760=US B00040761=US C00040762=US D00040763=US E00040764=无数据00040765=未知00040766=8 色- 照片黑00040767=8 色- 粗面黑00040768=4 色00040769=开启00040770=关闭00040771=毫米00040772=英寸00040774=无标题的00060000=Printer Watcher 安装向导00060001=您想要在启动计算机时就启动此应用程序吗?00060002=监控设定00060100=启动计算机时就启动此应用程序00060101=启动计算机时不启动此应用程序00060103=下一步00070001=选择您想要的功能。
爱普生SureColor P8580D大幅面彩色喷墨打印机说明书
![爱普生SureColor P8580D大幅面彩色喷墨打印机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/15ac88291fb91a37f111f18583d049649a660e65.png)
1848mm499mm 975mmB0+PORT960GB SSD6COLOREpson SureColor P8580D 是爱普生公司全新推出的44 英寸B0+ 幅面6色喷墨打印机,耳目一新的外观设计、高速提升客户输出效率、专业级品质改善客户使用体验。
同时本机搭载爱普生新一代PrecisionCore Micro ® TFP 微压电打印头及6色颜料墨水,并标配双纸轴,适应多种打印介质,都可以满足客户打印需求,还原清晰的细节和明艳的色彩。
Epson SureColor P8580D 大幅面彩色喷墨打印机高速决定效率专业引领未来品质实现价值设计成就非凡多场景应用客户可实时监控印量数据,及时了解打印机运行状态。
SC-P8580D 标配 960GB 自加密固态硬盘 (SSD),相较前代产品的机械硬盘 (HDD) 容量大幅提升,性能升级。
通过硬盘打印大容量文件,可以迅速释放电脑CPU ,防止电脑死机影响工作效率。
PS 配备4核1.6GHz 图像处理器,4GB 内存和64GB 闪存芯片。
通过Adobe PS3组件嵌入式打印引擎提升PDF 的再现性和更快的RIP 处理。
支持打印EPS, PDF, PS, TIFF, JPEG 和Cals-G4格式的文件。
专业打印云解决方案SSD 固态硬盘爱普生“活的色彩PRO”颜料墨水Adobe PostScript 3语言组件SC-P8580D 宽度相较于SC-P8080缩小近25%,薄而平的机器背部设计可以满足狭窄空间客户完全靠墙的需求。
SC-P8580D 新平台专为大量打印作业的用户配置双纸轴,同时满足不同纸张类型、不同纸张尺寸、量大的客户输出需求。
爱普生 零件编号 T10W400 安全数据表
![爱普生 零件编号 T10W400 安全数据表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/818a7378fbd6195f312b3169a45177232f60e4b1.png)
Safety Data Sheet1.IDENTIFICATIONProduct identifierMixture identification:Trade name: Ink, T10W400Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on useRecommended use:Ink for inkjet printingDetails of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:Epson America, Inc.3131 Katella Ave.Los Alamitos, CA 90720United StatesTelephone : 562.276.1369Emergency phone numberTelephone : 562.276.13692.HAZARD(S) IDENTIFICATIONClassification of the chemicalThe product is not classified as dangerous according to OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard (29 CFR 1910.1200).Label elementsThe product is not classified as dangerous according to OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard (29 CFR 1910.1200).Hazard pictograms:NoneHazard statements:NonePrecautionary statements:NoneSpecial Provisions:NoneHazards not otherwise classified identified during the classification process:NoneAdditional classification informationNFPA rating:HMIS rating:POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstancesNoMixturesHazardous components within the meaning of 29 CFR 1910.1200 and related classification:Qty Name Ident. Number Classification65% ~ 80% Water CAS: 7732-18-5EC: 231-791-2The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).10% ~ 12.5 % Glycerol CAS: 56-81-5EC: 200-289-5The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).1% ~ 3% 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycolmonobutyl etherIndexnumber:603-183-00-0CAS: 143-22-6EC: 205-592-6REACH No.: 01-2119475107-38A.3/1 Eye Dam. 1 H318Specific Concentration Limits:20% <= C < 30%: Eye Irrit. 2A H319C >= 30%: Eye Dam. 1 H3181% ~ 3% Triethanolamine CAS: 102-71-6EC: 203-049-8The product is not classified asdangerous according to OSHAHazard Communication Standard(29 CFR 1910.1200).4. FIRST-AID MEASURESDescription of necessary measuresIn case of skin contact:Wash with plenty of water and soap.In case of eyes contact:In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.In case of Ingestion:Do not under any circumstances induce vomiting. OBTAIN A MEDICAL EXAMINATIONIMMEDIATELY.In case of Inhalation:Remove casualty to fresh air and keep warm and at rest.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayedNoneIndication of immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreatment:None5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media:Water.Carbon dioxide (CO2).Unsuitable extinguishing media:None in particular.Specific hazards arising from the chemicalDo not inhale explosion and combustion gases.Burning produces heavy smoke.Hazardous combustion products:NoneExplosive properties: No data availableOxidizing properties: No data availableSpecial protective equipment and precautions for fire-fightersUse suitable breathing apparatus .Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. This must not be discharged intodrains.Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done safely.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresWear personal protection equipment.Remove persons to safety.See protective measures under point 7 and 8.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upWash with plenty of water.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingAvoid contact with skin and eyes, inhalation of vapours and mists.Do not use on extensive surface areas in premises where there are occupants.Do not eat or drink while working.See also section 8 for recommended protective equipment.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep away from food, drink and feed.Incompatible materials:None in particular.Instructions as regards storage premises:Adequately ventilated premises.Storage temperature:Store at ambient temperature.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl parametersGlycerol - CAS: 56-81-5- OEL Type: OSHA - TWA: 5 mg/m3 - Notes: Respirable dust- OEL Type: OSHA - TWA: 15 mg/m3 - Notes: Total dustTriethanolamine - CAS: 102-71-6- OEL Type: ACGIH - TWA(8h): 5 mg/m3DNEL Exposure Limit ValuesNo data availablePNEC Exposure Limit Values2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether - CAS:143-22-6Target: Fresh Water - Value: 1.5 mg/lTarget: Freshwater sediments - Value: 5.77 mg/kgTarget: Marine water - Value: 0.15 mg/lTarget: Marine water sediments - Value: 0.13 mg/kgTarget: Microorganisms in sewage treatments - Value: 200 mg/lAppropriate engineering controls:NoneIndividual protection measuresEye protection:Use personal protective equipment as required.Protection for skin:Use personal protective equipment as required.Protection for hands:Use personal protective equipment as required.Respiratory protection:Use personal protective equipment as required.Thermal Hazards:None9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance and colour: Yellow LiquidOdour: SlightlyOdour threshold: No data availablepH: 9.1 ~ 10.1 at 20 °CMelting point / freezing point: No data availableInitial boiling point and boiling range: No data availableFlash point: Does not flash.Evaporation rate: No data availableSolid/gas flammability: No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits: No data availableVapour pressure: No data availableVapour density: No data availableRelative density: No data availableSolubility in oil: No data availablePartition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No data availableAuto-ignition temperature: No data availableDecomposition temperature: No data availableViscosity: < 5 mPa·s at 20 °CMiscibility: No data availableFat Solubility: No data availableConductivity: No data available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivityStable under normal conditionsChemical stabilityStable under normal conditionsPossibility of hazardous reactionsNoneConditions to avoidStable under normal conditions.Incompatible materialsNone in particular.Hazardous decomposition productsNone.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicological information of the product:f) carcinogenicity:Does not contain carcinogens (Ref. 1)g) reproductive toxicity:Does not contain reproductive toxicity and developmental toxic substances (Ref. 2) Toxicological information of the main substances found in the product:Glycerol - CAS: 56-81-5a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Guinea pig = 7750 mg/kg - Source: Journal ofIndustrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Vol. 23, Pg. 259, 1941Test: LDLo - Route: Oral - Species: Human = 1428 mg/kg - Source: "Toxicology ofDrugs and Chemicals," Deichmann, W.B., New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1969Vol. -,Pg. 288, 1969.2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether - CAS:143-22-6a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Dermal - Species: Rabbit = 3.54 ml/kg - Source: AmericanIndustrial Hygiene Association Journal. Vol. 23, Pg. 95, 1962.Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Rat = 5300 mg/kg - Source: Office of ToxicSubstances Report. Vol. OTS,Triethanolamine - CAS: 102-71-6a) acute toxicity:Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Guinea pig = 2200 mg/kg - Source: "ToxicometricParameters of Industrial Toxic Chemicals Under Single Exposure," Izmerov, N.F., et al.,Moscow, Centre of International Projects, GKNT, 1982Vol. -, Pg. 114, 1982.Test: LD50 - Route: Oral - Species: Mouse = 5846 mg/kg - Source: Science Reports ofthe Research Institutes, Tohoku University, Series C: Medicine. Vol. 36(1-4), Pg. 10,1989.Substance(s) listed on the NTP report on Carcinogens:None.Substance(s) listed on the IARC Monographs:Triethanolamine - Group 3.Substance(s) listed as OSHA Carcinogen(s):None.Substance(s) listed as NIOSH Carcinogen(s):None.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicityAdopt good working practices, so that the product is not released into the environment.Toxicological information of the product:No data availableToxicological information of the main substances found in the product:No data availablePersistence and degradabilityNo data availableBioaccumulative potentialNo data availableMobility in soilNo data availableOther adverse effectsNone13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste treatment and disposal methodsRecover if possible. In so doing, comply with the local and national regulations currently inforce.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN numberNot classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations.UN proper shipping nameNo data availableTransport hazard class(es)No data availablePacking groupNo data availableEnvironmental hazardsNo data availableTransport in bulk (according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code)No data availableSpecial precautionsNo data available15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONUSA - Federal regulationsTSCA - Toxic Substances Control ActTSCA inventory: all the components are listed on the TSCA inventory.TSCA listed substances:None.SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ActSection 302 – Extremely Hazardous Substances: no substances listed.Section 304 – Hazardous substances: no substances listed.Section 313 – Toxic chemical list: 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ActSubstance(s) listed under CERCLA: 2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE;triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.CAA - Clean Air ActCAA listed substances:Glycerol is listed in CAA Section 1112-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether islisted in CAA Section 112, Section 112(b) - HON.CWA - Clean Water ActCWA listed substances:None.USA - State specific regulationsCalifornia Proposition 65Substance(s) listed under California Proposition 65:None.Massachusetts Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under Massachusetts Right to know:No substances listed.New Jersey Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under New Jersey Right to know:2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether.Pennsylvania Right to knowSubstance(s) listed under Pennsylvania Right to know:2-[2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethanol; TEGBE; triethylene glycol monobutyl ether. 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFull text of phrases referred to in Section 3:H318 Causes serious eye damage.H319 Causes serious eye irritation.Safety Data Sheet dated March 29, 2022, Revision: 1.0Main bibliographic sources:Ref. 1 ·Journal of Occupational Health (JOH) (Japan Society of Occupational Health (JSOH)) ·TLVs and BEIs (ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)·IRIS Carcinogenic Assessment (IRIS: Integrated Risk Information System of US EPA)·Annex VI of REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling andpackaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EECand 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006·MAK und BAT Werte Liste (DFG: German Research Foundation)·TRGS 905, Verzeichnis krebserzeugender, keimzell mutagener oderreproduktionstoxischer Stoffe (AGS: Committee on Hazardous Substances, Germany) Ref. 2 ·Annex VI of REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling andpackaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EECand 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006·TRGS 905, Verzeichnis krebserzeugender, keimzell mutagener oderreproduktionstoxischer Stoffe (AGS: Committee on Hazardous Substances, Germany) Disclaimer:The information contained herein is based on our state of knowledge at the above-specified date. It refers solely to the product indicated and constitutes no guarantee of particular quality. The information relates only to the specific material and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other material or in any process.This Safety Data Sheet cancels and replaces any preceding release.ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage ofDangerous Goods by Road.CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American ChemicalSociety).CLP: Classification, Labeling, Packaging.DNEL: Derived No Effect Level.EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling ofChemicals.HMIS: Hazardous Materials Identification SystemIARC: International Agency for Research on CancerIATA: International Air Transport Association.IATA-DGR: Dangerous Goods Regulation by the "International Air TransportAssociation" (IATA).ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization.ICAO-TI: Technical Instructions by the "International Civil Aviation Organization"(ICAO).IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods.INCI: International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.KSt: Explosion coefficient.LC50: Lethal concentration, for 50 percent of test population.LD50: Lethal dose, for 50 percent of test population.LTE: Long-term exposure.NFPA: National Fire Protection AssociationNIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNTP: National Toxicology ProgramOSHA: Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationPNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration.RID: Regulation Concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goodsby Rail.STE: Short-term exposure.STEL: Short Term Exposure limit.STOT: Specific Target Organ Toxicity.TLV: Threshold Limiting Value.TWATLV: Threshold Limit Value for the Time Weighted Average 8 hour day.(ACGIH Standard).。
S020126洋红色EPSON Stylus color 3000/5000/mj800c
S020130黄色EPSON Stylus color 3000/5000/mj800c
S020138彩色EPSON Stylus color 300
S020062黑色EPSON Stylus mj1500/1500k/sq870/1170/1500k+/2570
S020089彩色EPSON Stylus color400/600/800/850/850n/850ne/1520/1520c/1520k/600q
S020093黑色EPSON Stylus color400/500/600 stylus photo/ex/ex2/700/710 ip-100 pm-700 mj-500
T009彩色EPSON Stylus photo1270/1280ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ1290/1290s
T013黑色EPSON Stylus c20/c20sx/c40/c40s/c40ux/480/480sx/480sxu/580
型 号颜 色适 用 机 型
S020034黑色EPSON Stylus pro/pro xl/xl+/mj-700v2c/900c/910c/5000c/5100c
S020108黑色EPSON Stylus color 740/800/800c/850/850c/850n/850ne/1520/1520c/1520k
爱普生 EPSON L800 L801 L805 喷墨打印机中文服务手册 维修手册
![爱普生 EPSON L800 L801 L805 喷墨打印机中文服务手册 维修手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f94599970722192e4436f606.png)
六、数字序号前后一般不再用其他项目符号;七、数字序号的级别顺序为:“一”“二”“三”——“㈠”“㈡”“㈢”——“1”“2”“ 3”——“⑴”“⑵”“⑶”——“①”“②”“③”等。
如“5.3.2 测量的方法”,表示第五章第三节第二条的标题是“测量的方法”。
EPSON爱普生打印机墨盒型号对照表编号打印机型号黑色墨盒彩色墨盒20 STYLUS ColorC20 T013052 T01405140 STYLUS ColorC40 T013052 T01405141 STYLUS ColorC41 T038150 T03905043 STYLUS ColorC43 T038150 T03905060 STYLUS ColorC60 T028051 T02905163 STYLUS ColorC63 T046150 T047250 蓝 T047350 红 T047450 黄80 STYLUS ColorC80 T032150 T032250 蓝 T032350 红 T032450 黄82 STYLUS ColorC82 T032150 T042250 蓝 T042350 红 T042450 黄83 STYLUS ColorC83 T046150 T047250 蓝 T047350 红 T047450 黄200 STYLUS 200 S020047 S020097200 STYLUS Color200 S020047 S020097300 STYLUS 300 S020031 NA300 STYLUS Color300 NA S020138310 STYLUS R310 T049150 T049250 蓝 T049350 红 T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝 T049650 淡红400 STYLUS 400 S020039 NA400 STYLUS Color400 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050) 440 STYLUS Color440 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050) 460 STYLUS Color460 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050) 480 STYLUS Color480 T013052 T014051500 STYLUS Color500 原S020093现为(T050150) S020097510 STYLUS R510 T049150 T049250 蓝 T049350 红 T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝 T049650 淡红580 STYLUS Color580 T013052 T014051600 STYLUS Color600 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050) 640 STYLUS Color640 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050) 660 STYLUS Color660 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)670 STYLUS Color670 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050) 680 STYLUS Color680 T017051 T018051700 STYLUS Photo700 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050 710 STYLUS Photo710 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050 720 STYLUS Photo720 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050 740 STYLUS Color740 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 750 STYLUS Photo750 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050 790 STYLUS Photo790 T007051 T008051800 STYLUS 800 S020039 NA800 STYLUS 800 + S020039 NA800 STYLUS Color800 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 810 STYLUS Photo810 T026051 T027051820 STYLUS 820 S020047 S020049810 STYLUS Photo830 T026051 T027051850 STYLUS Color850 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 860 STYLUS Color860 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 870 STYLUS Photo870 T007051 T008051875 STYLUS Photo875 T007051 T008051880 STYLUS Color880 T019051 T020051890 STYLUS Photo890 T007051 T008051895 STYLUS Photo895 T007051 T008051900 STYLUS Color900 T003052 T005051950 STYLUS Color950 T033150T033250 蓝 T033350 红 T033450 黄 T033550 淡蓝 T033650 淡红980 STYLUS Color980 T003052 T0050511000 STYLUS 1000 S020039 NA1000 STYLUS 1000CS020039 NA1160 STYLUS Color1160 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 1200 STYLUS Photo1200 原S020187现为(T050150) T0010511270 STYLUS Photo1270 T007051 T0090511290 STYLUS Photo1290 T007051 T0090511500 STYLUS 1500 / 1500CS020062 S0200491520 STYLUS Color1520 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 2000 STYLUS Color2000 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 2100 STYLUS P2100T034150T034250 黄 T034350 红 T034450 蓝 T034550 淡红T034650 淡蓝 T034750 淡黑 T034850 消黑2500 STYLUS Color2500 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 3000 STYLUS Color3000 S020118S020122 黄 S020126 红 S020130 蓝5000 STYLUS Pro 5000 S020118S020122 黄 S020126 红 S020130 蓝 S020143 淡红 S020147 淡蓝5100 STYLUS CX5100 T032150T042250 蓝 T042350 红 T042450 黄STYLUS Photo原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050EX STYLUS PhotoEX 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050EX2 STYLUS PhotoEX2 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050 EX3 STYLUS PhotoEX3 原S020187现T050150原S020193现T053050XL STYLUS PRO / PRO XL S020034 S020036XL STYLUS PRO XL+ S020034 S020066II STYLUS ColorII / IIS S020047 S020049EPSON爱普生打印机硒鼓/碳粉型号对照表EPL-2020 成像盒 (S051090)EPL-N2500/N2500N成像盒 (S051090)大容量纸盒C802002双面打印单元 C813982 Ethern et 10/100 Base Tx C823914EPL-6200 碳粉盒 C13S050167C13S050166成像单元 (C13S051099)EPL-6200L碳粉盒 (C13S050167)成像单元 (C13S051099)Aculas er-C900碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色)S050099成像盒 S051083 废碳粉收集器 S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculas er-C1900碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色) S050099成像盒 S051083 废碳粉收集器 S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculas er-C4000碳粉盒(黑色)C13S050091碳粉盒(黄色)C13S050088碳粉盒(洋红色)C13S050089碳粉盒(青色)C13S050090成像单元 C13S051081传送带单元S053006 加热组件 S053007Aculas er-C4100碳粉盒(黄色) C13S050148碳粉盒(洋红色) C13S050147碳粉盒(青色) C13S050146碳粉盒(黑色) C13S050149成像单元C13S051093加热组件 C13S053012传送带单元C13S053006Aculas er-C7000粉盒(黄)S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红)S050040/S050080粉盒(青)S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑) S050038/S050082 成像盒 S051082废粉收集器S050020Aculas er-C8600粉盒(黄) S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红) S050040/S050080粉盒(青) S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑) S050038/S050082成像盒 S051082 废粉收集器S050020EPL-5700展业星碳粉盒SO50010成像盒S051055EPL-5700L展业星(超值型) 碳粉盒SO50010成像盒S051055EPL-5800展业星(超强型) 碳粉盒SO50010成像盒S051055EPL-5800L碳粉盒S050010成像盒 S051055EPL-5900 碳粉盒 S050087 成像盒S051055EPL-5900L碳粉盒S050087成像盒S051055EPL-C8000创先机粉盒(黄) S050016粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑) S050019成像盒S051061定影器油辊S052002 废粉收集器S050020EPL-C8200创先机(第二代) 粉盒(黄)S050016 粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑)S050019 成像盒S051061EPL-N1610天网通成像盒6,000页2S051069EPL-N2000K碳粉盒 S051035EPL-N2010智网通成像盒 S051069EPL-N4000+商捷通成像盒 S051060EPL-N1210成像盒 S051069Aculas er-C1000碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035 碳粉盒(青色) S050036成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072Aculas er-C2000碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034 碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035碳粉盒(青色) S050036 成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072加热组件(220V) S053003 定影器油辊S052003废粉收集器S050037 传送带单元S053001Aculas er-C8500粉盒(黄) S050039 粉盒(青) S050081(新)/S050041(旧)粉盒(洋红) S050080(新)/S050040(旧)粉盒(黑) S050038成像盒 S051073 废粉收集器S050020EPL-1220 S051079EPL-N2120S051077EPL-6100 碳粉盒 S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055EPL-6100L碳粉盒 S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055超能复印打印机EPSONSTYLUS CX5100黑色墨盒 T0321彩色墨盒 T0422/T0423/T0424EPSONSTYLUS CX3100黑色墨盒T028 彩色墨盒T029Stylus PhotoRX510黑色墨盒T0491 彩色墨盒T0492 / T0493/ T0494/ T0495/ T0496Stylus Scan2500 黑色墨盒 S020189 彩色墨盒 S020191HP 耗材型号对照表一、HP 黑白激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1000 HP C7115AHP 1012 HP Q2612AHP 1100 HP C4092AHP 1150 HP Q2624A、HP Q2624XHP 1200 HP C7115AHP 1300 HP Q2613AHP 2100 HP C4096AHP 2200 HP C4096AHP 2300 HP Q2610AHP 4 Plus/m Plus HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 4/4m HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 4000 HP C4127A、HP C4127XHP 4050 HP C4127A、HP C4127XHP 4100 HP C8061A、 HP C8061XHP 4200 HP Q1338AHP 4300 HP Q1339AHP 4L/mL HP 92274AHP 4p/mp HP 92274AHP 4si HP 92291A、HP 92291XHP 4v/mv HP C3900AHP 5/m/n HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 5000 HP C4129XHP 5100 HP C4129XHP 5L HP C3906AHP 5p/mp HP C3903AHP 5si HP C3909A、 HP C3909XHP 6L HP C3906AHP 6p/mp HP C3903AHP 8000 HP C3909A、 HP C3909XHP 8150 HP C4182XHP 9000 HP C8543XHP IId HP 92295AHP III HP 92295AHP IIId、IIIp HP 92295AHP IIIsiHP 92291A XHP IIp Plus HP 92275AHP IIp、Series II HP 92275A二、HP 彩色激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1500 /2500 黑(C9700A) 青(C9701A) 成像鼓(C9704A) 品红(C9703A) 黄(C9702A) HP 3500 青 (Q2671A) 品红(Q2673A) 黄(Q2672A) 黑(Q2670A)HP 3700 黑 (Q2670A) 青 (Q2681A) 品红 (Q2683A) 黄 (Q2682A)HP 4500/4550 黑(C4191A) 青(C4192A) Drum Kit (C4195A) FuserKit/110-volt (C4197A) FuserKit/220-volt (C4198A) 品红(C4193A) 传输单元 (C4196A) 黄 TonerCart (C4194A) HP 4600 黑 (C9720A) 青 (C9721A) 成像传输单元(C9724A) 品红 (C9723A) 黄 (C9722A) HP 5/5m 青 (C3102A) 品红 (C3104A) 黄 (C3103A) ColorLJet (C3968A)HP 5500 黑(C9730A) 青 (C9731A) 成像 FuserKit/110-volt (C9735A)成像传输单元 (C9734A) 品红 (C9733A) 黄 (C9732A)HP 8500/8550 黑(C4149A) 青(C4150A) Drum Kit (C4153A)品红(C4151A) 传输单元 (C4154A) 黄 (C4152A)HP 9500 黑 (C8560A) 青 (C8561A) 青 (C8551A) 传输单元 (C8555A)品红(C8553A) 黄(C8562A)三、HP 彩色喷墨打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 2000c黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 2500cPro 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 1100 青墨(C4836A N) 红墨(C4837A N) 黄墨(C4838A N)HP 2200/2250 黑墨(C4844A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A) 青墨(C4836A N) 红墨(C4837A N) 黄墨(C4838A N)HP 2230/2280 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836A N) 红墨(C4837A N) 黄墨(C4838A N)HP 2300/2600 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836A N) 红墨(C4837A N) 黄墨(C4838A N)HP 3000 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4804A) 红墨(C4805A) 黄墨(C4806A)HP 彩色Inkj et cp1160黑色打印头(C4920A) 青头 (C4921A) 红头 (C4922A) 黄头 (C4923A)HP 彩色Inkj et cp1700黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836A N) 红墨(C4837A N) 黄墨(C4838A N)HP Dj1000c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1100c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1120c 三色墨盒(C1823D) 三色墨盒2pack (C1823T) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1200c 黑墨(51640A) 青墨(51640C) 红墨(51640M) 黄墨(51640Y)HP Dj1220c 黑墨(C4844A) 黑墨(51645A) 三色墨盒(C6578D N) 三色墨盒/大 (C6578A N)HP Dj1600c 青墨 (51640C) 红墨 (51640M) 黄墨 (51640Y) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj310三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 595页黑墨(51633M)HP Dj320三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3300黑墨(C8727A N) 220 页HP Dj340三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3400黑墨(C8727A N) 三色墨盒(C8728A N)HP Dj3520黑墨(C8727A N) 三色墨盒(C8728A N)HP Dj3550黑墨(C8727A N) 三色墨盒(C8728A N) 照片墨盒(C6658A N)HP Dj3600黑墨(C8727A N) 三色墨盒(C8728A N) 照片墨盒(C6658A N)HP Dj3820黑墨(C6615D N) 三色墨盒(C6578D N) 三色墨盒/大 (C6578A N)HP Dj400三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj420三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj500三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj510黑墨(51626A)HP Dj5100黑墨(C8727A N) 三色墨盒(C8728A N) 黑墨(C6656A N) 三色墨盒(C6657A N) 照片墨盒(C6658A N)HP Dj520黑墨(51626A)HP Dj540三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)CANON佳能对照表打印机型号对应耗材型CANONKT 佳能EP-KCANONLBP-460/LBP-660/LBP-465/LBP-210/LBP-310 EP-A硒鼓鼓粉一体CANONFAX L770 佳能FX-1CANONFAX L500/L600/L630 佳能FX-2CANONFAX L250/L280/L380/L388/L350/L200/L350J佳能FX-3CANONL800/L900 佳能FX-4CANONFC250/FC310/FC330/FC380佳能E-16CANONFC200/FC210/FC220/FC230/FC240佳能E-16CANONBX 佳能EP-BIICANONLBP—1760 佳能EP-52硒鼓,每盒打印10000页CANONBJC-8200 BCI-5BK 黑色墨盒BCI-5C兰色墨盒BCI-5M红色墨盒BCI-5Y黄色墨盒BCI-5PC 照片兰色BCI-5PM照片红色CANONBJC-600,BJC-600E,BJC-610,BJC-620 BJI-201BK黑BJI-201C兰B JI-201M红BJI-201Y黄CANONBJ-300,BJ-330 BJI-642 黑色墨盒CANONFAX-B210,FAX-B180 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANONBJC-7000,BJC-7100,BJC-8000 BC-60墨盒黑色,900页BC-61E三色墨盒,带喷头BC-62E 六色墨盒,带喷头CANONBJC-3000,BJC-6000/6100/6200,BJC-6500 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BC I-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄色墨盒BCI-3ePBK照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄色BC-30e黑BC-31e彩BC-32e照片墨盒BC-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANONBJC-5000 四色墨盒BC-21e,四色Phot o 墨盒BC-22e 和黑色墨盒B C-23CANONBJC-4650,BJC-5500,MPC70BC-20黑,带喷头BC-21E彩BC-22E彩,带喷头CANONBJC-4200,BJC-4310SP,BJC-4550 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANONBJC-400,BJC-4000,BJC-4100 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANONBJC-2000SP,BJC-2100SP BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANONBJC-240,BJC-250,BJC-255sp,BJC-1000sp BC-03黑BC-05彩BC-06照片CANONBJC-200,BJC-210S,BJC-210SPBC-03 黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒CanonBJ-5 BC-01 黑色墨盒BC-05 彩色墨盒CANONLBP-2000 EP-65 硒鼓CANONLBP-1210 EP-25 硒鼓CANONLBP-800,LBP-810,LBP-1120 EP-22 硒鼓Canoni865 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄CANONi560 BCI-3eBK黑B CI-6C青BCI-6M品红BC I-6Y黄色CANONS400,S400SP,S450,S4500,S600 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BCI-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄BC I-3ePBK照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄BC-30e黑色墨盒BC-31e彩BC-32e照片B C-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANONi70,i80 BCI-15BK黑色墨盒BCI-15CL彩色墨盒CANONS300,XNUI320,MPC190,S330,MPC200,i475DBCI-24B黑BC I-24C彩CANONi470D,MP360,S200SP X,MP390,i450 BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANONi255,i355,i455,MPC190s BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANONi990/i9950BCI-6BK黑BC I-6C青BCI-6M品红BC I-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红BCI-6PC照片青BCI-6R橙墨盒BCI-6G绿墨盒CANONS800/S900/S820D/S830DBCI-6BK黑BC I-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC照片青色墨盒CANONi950/i950D/i9100BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BC I-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC照片青色墨盒CANONBJC-80,BJC-85,BJC-85W BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK 黑B CI-11BK黑B CI-11C彩CANONBJ-30,BJC-50,BJC-55 BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK黑色墨盒BCI-11BK黑色墨盒BCI-11C彩色墨盒CANONBJC-1000SP BC-03黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒BC-06照片墨盒CANONBJC-5500 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩CANONS100SP/BJC-4650 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片B CI-21B黑BC I-21C彩CANONBJC-2100SP BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩SAMSUN G三星打印机耗材对照表打印机型号对应墨盒/硒鼓SCX-5112/5312F/5115/5315FS F-830,ML-912 硒鼓 SCX-5312D6或 SCX-5315R2ML-1650/1651N硒鼓 ML-1650D8SF-555P 硒鼓 SF-550D3ML-5200A硒鼓 ML-5200D6ML-2150/2151N/2152W硒鼓 ML-2150D8ML-1440,1450,1451N硒鼓ML-1450D6SF-5800 硒鼓 SF-5800D5ML-808; SF-5100/5100P; SF-530/550 硒鼓 ML-5100D3ML-4500 硒鼓 ML-4500D3 3,000页SCX-4016/4116/4216F硒鼓 ML-1710D3ML-1510/1710/1750 硒鼓 ML-1710D3ML-1210,1220M,1430,1250 硒鼓ML-1210D3SCX-1300/1350F,MJC-6000 黑色墨盒M90 彩色墨盒C90 照片墨盒P90MJC-4000/5000/6000/ SCX-1220 黑色墨盒M85 220页彩色墨盒C85SF-350 黑色墨盒M55(大容量)SF3100/SF3200系列,SF-430 黑墨M50彩C50 或黑墨利盟1970 彩墨利盟15M0020传真机SF-330/331P/335T 黑色墨盒M40 彩色墨盒C40SF3000/3100/3100P/4000/4100/4200 黑色墨盒12A1145彩色墨盒12A1140。
爱普生EPSON 墨盒型号对照表
![爱普生EPSON 墨盒型号对照表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65d200c39ec3d5bbfd0a74d8.png)
爱普生EPSON 墨盒型号对照表产品名称对应型号EPSON S020010 黑Stylus COLOR SQ-870/1170/2570EPSON S020025 黑Stylus COLOR 400/800/800+/1000 MJ-400/500V2/1000V2EPSON S020034 黑Stylus COLOR/PRO/PRO XL/PHOTO EX3EPSON S020036 彩Stylus COLOR/PRO/PRO XLEPSON S020039 黑Stylus 820/800+/1000EPSON S020047 黑Stylus 820/COLOR II/COLOR IIs/ MJ-510EPSON S020049 彩Stylus 821/COLOR II/COLOR IIs/MJ-1500K/1500K+EPSON S020062 黑Stylus MJ-1500K/1500K+EPSON S020066 彩Stylus COLOR/PRO/PRO XL+EPSON S020089 彩Stylus COLOR 400/600/800/850/COLOR 1520KEPSON S020093黑Stylus COLOR 400/500/600/Photo700/710/Phto EX/EX2 IP-100/PM-680/700C/750C/2000C/MJ-810C/830CEPSON S020097 彩Stylus COLOR 200/500EPSON S020108 黑Stylus COLOR 800/850/1520/MJ-930C/6000CEPSON S020110 彩Stylus Photo/700/710/EX/EX2/IP-100/PM-600C/700C PM-750C/760C/2000C/PT-100 EPSON S020118 黑Stylus COLOR 3000/5000EPSON S020122 黄Stylus COLOR 3000/5000EPSON S020126 洋红Stylus COLOR 3000EPSON S020130 青Stylus COLOR 3000EPSON S020138 彩Stylus COLOR 300EPSON S020143 红Stylus COLOR 5000EPSON S020147 青Stylus COLOR 5000EPSON S020187 黑Stylus COLOR 440/460/640/660/670/SP 720/750 /Photo 1200EPSON S020189 黑Stylus COLOR 740/760/860/1160/SSC 2000/2500EPSON S020191 彩Stylus COLOR 440/460/640/660/670/740/760/860/2000/2500EPSON S020193 彩Stylus Photo 720/750/EX3/PM-770CEPSON T407011 黑Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T408011 黄Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T409011 红Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T410011 青Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T411011 红Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T412011 青Stylus PRO 9000/PM-9000EPSON T001011 彩Stylus Photo 1200EPSON T003011 黑Stylus COLOR 900/900N/980EPSON T005011 彩Stylus COLOR 900/900N/980EPSON T007 黑SP 780/785/790/870/890/895/900/915/1270/1280/1290PM-800EPSON T008 彩Stylus Photo 780/785/790/870/875DC/890/895/915/PM-800CEPSON T009 彩Stylus Photo 900/1270/1280/1290/PM-3300CEPSON T013 黑Stylus COLOR 480/580/C20/C40EPSON T014 彩Stylus COLOR 480/580/C20/C40EPSON T015 黑Stylus Photo 2000PEPSON T016 彩Stylus Photo 2000PEPSON T017 黑Stylus COLOR 680/685/777/777iEPSON T018 彩Stylus COLOR 680/685/777/777iEPSON T019 黑Stylus Photo 880/880iEPSON T020 彩Stylus Photo 880/880iEPSON T026 黑Stylus Photo 810/820/830/830U/925EPSON T027 彩Stylus Photo 810/820/830/830U/925EPSON T028 黑Stylus COLOR C50/C60/C61/CX3100EPSON T029 彩Stylus COLOR C50/C60/C61/CX3100EPSON T0321 黑Stylus C80EPSON T0322 青Stylus C80EPSON T0323 洋红Stylus C80EPSON T0324 黄Stylus C80EPSON T0331 黑PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0332 青PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0333 洋红PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0334 黄PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0335 淡青PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0336 淡洋红PHOTO 950/960EPSON T0341照片黑PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0342 青PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0343 淡红PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0344 黄PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0345 淡青PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0346淡洋红PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0347 淡黑PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T0348 黑PHOTO 2100/2200EPSON T038 黑Stylus COLOR C41SX/C41UX/C43SX/C43UXEPSON T039 彩Stylus COLOR C41SX/C41UX/C43SX/C43UXEPSON T0422 青Stylus C82/C82N/C82WN/CX5100/CX5200EPSON T0423 洋红Stylus C82/C82N/C82WN/CX5100/CX5200EPSON T0424 黄Stylus C82/C82N/C82WN/CX5100/CX5200EPSON T0461 黑Stylus C63EPSON T0472 青Stylus C63EPSON T0473 洋红Stylus C63EPSON T0474 黄Stylus C63EPSON T0501 黑Color 400/440/640660/670/Photo EX/EX2/700/710/720/750/1200/Photo IP-100 EPSON T0511 黑Color 800/850/1520K/Scan 2500EPSON T0520 彩Color 400/440/460/660/670/680/800/850/1520KEPSON T0530 彩Photo EX/EX2/EX3/700/710/720/750/IP-100EPSON T0540 亮光黑Photo R800EPSON T0541 照片黑Photo R800EPSON T0542 青Photo R800EPSON T0543 洋红Photo R800EPSON T0544 黄Photo R800EPSON T0547 红Photo R800EPSON T0548 黑Photo R800EPSON T0549 蓝Photo R800EPSON T0491 黑Photo R210/R310/RX510EPSON T0492 青Photo R210/R310/RX510EPSON T0493 洋红Photo R210/R310/RX510EPSON T0494 黄Photo R210/R310/RX510EPSON T0495 淡青Photo R210/R310/RX510EPSON T0496 淡洋红Photo R210/R310/RX510爱普生EPSON 硒鼓通用一览表产品名称产品描述EPSON S051035(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-2000 EPSON S051069(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-1610 EPSON S051011(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-5200 EPSON S050005(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-5500粉EPSON S051029(硒鼓)适用于EPL-5500鼓EPSON S050010(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-5700粉EPSON S051055(硒鼓)适用于EPL-5700/5900鼓EPSON S050087(墨粉)适用于EPL-5900粉EPSON S051079(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-1220 EPSON S051022(鼓粉一体)适用于EPL-9000。
美TA格式设计-EPSON SureColor T653900维修 操作指南说明书
![美TA格式设计-EPSON SureColor T653900维修 操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fefa80ef690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d266d2.png) statements:statements:P102P302+P352P332+P313P501Proprietary organic materials -15 - 20none Water 7732-18-565 - 70none 102-71-6 1 - 2none Carbon black1333-86-40.5 - 1noneSubstance/Mixture : Mixture (ink composition) Glycerols56-81-515 - 20none Triethanol amine United States Ink CompositionPrecautionary facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product Section 3 : Composition/information on ingredientsIF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and waterIf skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.% By WeightRemarkCAS No.GHS classification :Telephone :FAX :Emergency telephone number :characteristics at time of disposal.None Keep out of reach of childrenDispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal EPSON INK CARTRIDGE T653900Ink for Epson PrintersSafety Data SheetLong Beach, CA 90806Section 1 : Identification of substance and company undertaking Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way Product identifier:Relevant substance use:Supplier detailsDistributor :Address :Section 2 : Hazard identification 562.276.1369Symbols :Signal word :Not hazardousNone None Label elements562.997.57994. 5 : Fire-fighting measures Firefighters :Other information :Do not dispose of waste to sewer.Reference to other sections : Please refer to Section 13 for disposal.both acute and delayed:Non-emergency Eye and skin protection required during clean-up. Use proper ventilation.Water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or alcohol resistant foam.Spill containment :Use sponges to wipe-up ink.Most importantsymptoms and effects,Ingestion :Seek medical advice, and attention if stomach continues to be upset.Suitable media :Emergency responders: NoneExtinguishing mediaSection 6 : Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresDescription of measuresEyes :medical attention.Use PPE, avoid a leeward position.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed : Not necessarySection 4 : First aid measures Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration right away. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate Inhalation :Skin :Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure, clean water.Seek medical attention if irritation continues.IF ON SKIN : Wash with soap and water. Take off contaminated If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention.Methods and material for containment and clean-upWash hands with soap and water.Unsuitable media :None Special hazards frommixture :Spill clean-up :Rinse area with damp cloth. Place waste in closed container for disposal.personnel :Environmental precautions : Do not release to sewer, surface, or ground water.Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling, or redness.None7.1Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink. protection :Exposure controlsEngineering controls :Environmental exposure controls :Flash point :In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water.ACGIH TLV-TWA 8-hour Exposure Limit is 10 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 5 mg/m 3as glycerin mist, respirable fraction.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 15 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist, total dust.Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents or explosives.Make sure cartridges are dry before insertion into printer housing.Personal protective equipment is not required under suitable use.Proper ventilationNot established Greater than 120°C (closed cup, ASTM D3278)Section 9 : Physical and chemical properties Odor :NoneOdor threshold :No data available Safe storage :Do not store cartridges in high or freezing temperatures.Thermal hazards are not known under suitable use.If there is a possibility of ink exposure, wear protective gloves, clothing, eye,and face protection.Respiratory protection is not required under suitable use.Evaporation rate :Specific end uses:Not specifiedSection 8 : Exposure controls / personnel protection Glycerols (CAS No. 56-81-5)Section 7 : Handling and storage Precautions for safe handlingRecommendations :Do not dismantle cartridge.Occupation hygiene :Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.Control parameters :Keep cartridges out of direct sunlight.Not applicable (liquid)Upper/lower Physical and chemical propertiespH :9.0 - 10.0Melting point :Less than 0°C Freezing point :Less than 0°CInitial boiling point :Greater than 100°C Boiling range :Greater than 100°CAppearance :Light Black liquid No data available Flammability(solid/gas):flammability:No data available10.110.210.310.410.510.611.1Carcinogenicity :With excessive exposure, carbon black has been listed as a possible human carcinogen. However, as engineered within this ink cartridge, emissions to air of carbon black during normal printing use have not been found. IARC,the International Agency for research on Cancer, has found printing inks to be not classifiable as human carcinogens as group 3.Upper/lower explosive limits :No data available Vapor pressure :No data availableVapor density :Greater than 1 (air = 1)Relative density : 1.05 at 20°C Solubility(ies) :Soluble in waterPartition coefficient :N-octanol/water, no data available Auto ignition temp :No data available Decomposition temp :No data availableViscosity :Less than 5 mPa-s at 20°C Explosive properties :None Oxidizing properties :NoneChemical stability :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Section 10 : Stability and reactivity Hazard reactions :NoneReactivity :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Section 11 : Toxicological information Toxicological effectsConditions to avoid :High and freezing temperaturesIncompatible materials :Oxidizers and explosives Hazard decomposition :No data availableSensitization :>5000 mg/kg (rats)>2000 mg/kg (rats)No data available No data available No data available No data availableIrritation Skin :Corrosivity :Acute toxicity Oral LD 50 :Acute toxicity Dermal LD 50 :Irritation Eye :Mutagenicity :No data available Reproduction toxicity :No data available12.112.212.312.412.512.613. 12 : Ecological information methods :requirements.Section 14 : Transportation information UN number :Not applicable Waste treatmentDisposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local Section 13 : Disposal considerations Proper shipping name :Not applicable Transport hazard class :Not applicable Packing group :Not applicable Environmental hazards :Not applicableSpecial precautions :Not applicableTSCA Sec. 4(a) FinalTest Rules : Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 5 SNUR :Not Regulated Bulk transport Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and IBC Code :Not applicableSection 15 : Regulation information (safety, health, and environmental)U.S. InformationClean Air Act Sec. 112 HAP :Not Regulated EPCRA Sec. 313 (SARATitle III) :Not RegulatedTSCA Sec.8(a) PAIR :Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 12(b) 1-time Export :Not Regulated Health(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), Other(0)WHMIS Controlled Product :Not applicable (manufactured article)HMIS Hazard Rating :Health(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), PPE (D)California Proposition 65 :Diethanol amine (CAS# 111-42-2) <0.02% of Triethanol amineToxicity :Persistence and degradability :No data available No data available Bio accumulative potential :No data available Mobility in soil :No data available PBT and vPvB assessment :No data available Other adverse effects :No data availableOSHA Inhalation Hazard :Not Regulated (29 CFR 1910.1000(d)(1)(i))NFPA Hazard Rating :Canada Information :Chemical safetyassessment :Chemical safety assessment on ink has not been conductedSection 16 : Other informationThis SDS adheres to U.S. regulatory requirements and standards and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other locations.This is a revised Safety Data Sheet which replaces all prior U.S. SDS for this substance.This "Safety Data Sheet" contains health, safety, and environmental information. It does not replace any precautionary language or uses and disposal information which may accompany the substance.The information contained herein is believed to be accurate at the time of preparation, but should only be used as a guide. Epson does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. It is subject to revision from time to time.YOU’VE GOT TO SEE IT IN EPSON C O L O R ™。
爱普生L101喷墨打印机墨水ID填写及废墨清零方法呉師傅一、爱普生EPSON L101如何正确更换墨水并填写墨水ID码爱普生EPSON L101喷墨打印机墨水用尽后更换墨水后很多用户都会把墨水瓶子顺手扔掉了,殊不知墨水瓶身上有墨水的ID码,必须要添加ID码后机器才能正确识别墨水并正常工作,那么问题来了没有ID我们如何去解决这个问题呢?很多人都束手无策,下面我就来帮助大家来解决这个小问题并以图解的形式来讲解每一步的操作方法。
爱普生EPSON L101喷墨打印机更换墨水后如何添加墨水ID图解如下(以WIN7为例):1、我们先打开控制面板然后找到设备和打印机。
二、爱普生EPSON L101废墨清零方法首先在打开软件之前先把打印机准备好:(确保打印机的驱动已经装好,确保打印机已经连接好,必须只连接你需要清零的那台打印机)1、双击“AdjProg.exe”进入程序后,点“Accept”(同意);点右上面的“Select”设定你的Epson L101 打印机的USB 端口,选择好以后点击“Perticular adjustment mode”(维护功能)。
爱普生 EPSON L800 L801 L805 喷墨打印机中文服务手册 维修手册
![爱普生 EPSON L800 L801 L805 喷墨打印机中文服务手册 维修手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f94599970722192e4436f606.png)
水侵害。 如果有任何墨水进入眼睛,请用清水冲洗眼睛并立即就医。 2. 使用压缩空气产品时; 例如空气除尘器,在维修和保养期间进
严格遵守以下注意事项。 不遵守规定可能导致人身伤害或产品损坏。
1. 爱普生产品的维修只能由爱普生认证的维修技师进行。 2. 不熟悉电工所需的基本安全知识的人员不得对本产品进行任何工
提供以下附加信息以供参考: 上电顺序 标准操作维修产品的时间 故障排除
本手册中使用了各种符号,以提供有关特定主题的其他信息,或警告过程 或操作过程中可能存在的危险。 使用时请注意所有符号,并始终仔细阅 读说明并按照说明进行操作。
第1章拆卸/重பைடு நூலகம்组装
1.1 概观.................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.1 工具......................................................................................................... 10 1.1.2 拆卸前的检查和注意事项 ..................................................................... 10 1.1.3 保护运输................................................................................................. 14 1.1.4 为持有人联系制作特殊工具 ................................................................. 15 1.1.5 定位定义................................................................................................. 16 1.1.6 如何解锁马车 ......................................................................................... 16
爱普生 零件编号 T252XL420 安全数据表
![爱普生 零件编号 T252XL420 安全数据表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c03e880bb94ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9605dedc.png) statements:statements:P102P302+P352P332+P313P501Section 2 : Hazard identification 562.276.1369Symbols :Signal word :Not hazardousNone None Label elements562.997.5799EPSON INK CARTRIDGE T252XL420Ink for Epson Safety Data SheetLong Beach, CA 90806Section 1 : Identification of substance and company undertaking PrintersEpson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way Product identifier:Relevant substance use:Supplier detailsDistributor :Address :United States Ink CompositionPrecautionary facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product Section 3 : Composition/information on ingredientsIF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and waterIf skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.% By WeightRemarkCAS No.GHS classification :Telephone :FAX :Emergency telephone number :characteristics at time of disposal.None Keep out of reach of childrenDispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal Substance/Mixture : Mixture (ink composition) TEGBE143-22-61 - 5none Proprietary dyes and pigments-1 - 5noneWater Glycerols56-81-510 - 15none 7732-18-565 - 70none Proprietary organic materials -10 - 15none4. contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling, or redness.NoneSuitable media :Emergency responders: NoneEnvironmental precautions : Do not release to sewer, surface, or ground water.Methods and material for containment and clean-upWash hands with soap and water.Unsuitable media :None Special hazards frommixture :Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed : Not necessaryboth acute and delayed:Most importantsymptoms and effects,Ingestion :Seek medical advice, and attention if stomach continues to be upset.medical attention.Section 4 : First aid measures Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration right away. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate Inhalation :Skin :Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure, clean water.Seek medical attention if irritation continues.IF ON SKIN : Wash with soap and water. Take off contaminated If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention.Spill containment :Use sponges to wipe-up ink.Spill clean-up :Rinse area with damp cloth. Place waste in closed container for disposal.Description of measuresEyes :Other information :Do not dispose of waste to sewer.Reference to other sections : Please refer to Section 13 for disposal.Section 5 : Fire-fighting measures Firefighters :Use PPE, avoid a leeward position.Section 6 : Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresNon-emergency Eye and skin protection required during clean-up. Use proper ventilation.Water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or alcohol resistant foam.personnel :Extinguishing media7.1Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink. data availableNot applicable (liquid)Upper/lower Physical and chemical propertiespH :9.0 - 10.0Melting point :Less than 0°C Freezing point :Less than 0°CInitial boiling point :Greater than 100°C Boiling range :Greater than 100°CAppearance :Yellow liquid Occupation hygiene :Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.Control parameters :Section 9 : Physical and chemical properties Odor :SlightOdor threshold :No data available If there is a possibility of ink exposure, wear protective gloves, clothing, eye,and face protection.Respiratory protection is not required under suitable use.Section 7 : Handling and storage Precautions for safe handlingRecommendations :Do not dismantle cartridge.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 15 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist, total dust.In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water.Safe storage :Do not store cartridges in high or freezing temperatures.Keep cartridges out of direct sunlight.Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents or explosives.Make sure cartridges are dry before insertion into printer housing.Specific end uses:Not specifiedSection 8 : Exposure controls / personnel protection Glycerols (CAS No. 56-81-5)ACGIH TLV-TWA 8-hour Exposure Limit is 10 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 5 mg/m 3as glycerin mist, respirable fraction.Personal protection :Personal protective equipment is not required under suitable use.Exposure controlsEngineering controls :Proper ventilationThermal hazards are not known under suitable use.Environmental exposure controls :Not established Flash point :Greater than 120°C (closed cup, ASTM D3278)Evaporation rate :No data available Flammability(solid/gas): :Mutagenicity :No data available Reproduction toxicity :No data availableSensitization :>5000 mg/kg (rats)>2000 mg/kg (rats)No data available No data available No data available No data available Irritation Skin :Corrosivity :Acute toxicity Oral LD 50 :Acute toxicity Dermal LD 50 :Irritation Eye :Section 11 : Toxicological information Toxicological effectsConditions to avoid :High and freezing temperaturesIncompatible materials :Oxidizers and explosives Hazard decomposition :No data availableChemical stability :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Section 10 : Stability and reactivity Hazard reactions :NoneReactivity :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Viscosity :Less than 5 mPa-s at 20°C Explosive properties :None Oxidizing properties :NoneRelative density : 1.07 at 20°C Solubility(ies) :Soluble in waterPartition coefficient :N-octanol/water, no data available Auto ignition temp :No data available Decomposition temp :No data availableUpper/lower explosive limits :No data available Vapor pressure :No data availableVapor density :Greater than 1 (air = 1)No data available12.112.212.312.412.512.613. Information :Chemical safetyassessment :Chemical safety assessment on ink has not been conductedToxicity :Persistence and degradability :No data available No data available Bio accumulative potential :No data available Mobility in soil :No data available PBT and vPvB assessment :No data available Other adverse effects :No data availableOSHA Inhalation Hazard :Not Regulated (29 CFR 1910.1000(d)(1)(i))NFPA Hazard Rating :Health(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), Other(0)WHMIS Controlled Product :Not applicable (manufactured article)HMIS Hazard Rating :Health(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), PPE (D)California Proposition 65 :Not RegulatedClean Air Act Sec. 112 HAP :TEGBE (CAS# 143-22-6)EPCRA Sec. 313 (SARATitle III) :Not RegulatedTSCA Sec.8(a) PAIR :Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 12(b) 1-time Export :Not RegulatedTSCA Sec. 4(a) FinalTest Rules : Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 5 SNUR :Not Regulated Bulk transport Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and IBC Code :Not applicableSection 15 : Regulation information (safety, health, and environmental)U.S. InformationProper shipping name :Not applicable Transport hazard class :Not applicable Packing group :Not applicable Environmental hazards :Not applicableSpecial precautions :Not applicableSection 14 : Transportation information UN number :Not applicable Waste treatmentDisposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local Section 13 : Disposal considerations methods :requirements.Section 12 : Ecological informationSection 16 : Other informationThis SDS adheres to U.S. regulatory requirements and standards and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other locations.This is a revised Safety Data Sheet which replaces all prior U.S. SDS for this substance.This "Safety Data Sheet" contains health, safety, and environmental information. It does not replace any precautionary language or uses and disposal information which may accompany the substance.The information contained herein is believed to be accurate at the time of preparation, but should only be used as a guide. Epson does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. It is subject to revision from time to time.YOU’VE GOT TO SEE IT IN EPSON C O L O R ™。
IMPORTANT: Before using this product, make sure you readthese instructions and the safety instructions in the online User’s Guide .Important Safety Instructions: When using telephone equipment, you should always follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury, including the following:• Do not use the Epson ® product near water.• Always keep this guide handy.• A void using a telephone during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.• D o not use a telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.Caution: To reduce the risk of fire, use only a No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord.The illustrations show the L15160, but the steps are the same forboth models, unless otherwise specified.Note: Do not open the ink bottles until you are ready to fill the ink tanks. The ink bottles are vacuum packed to maintain reliability.1 Remove all protective materials from the product.Start HereL15150/L151602 I nsert the product CD (Windows only) or download andrun your product’s software package. For the latestsoftware, visit:L15150.jm/support/L15150L15160.jm/support/L151603 F ollow the instructions on the computer screen to run thesetup program.4 W hen you see the Select Your Connection screen, selectone of the following:• Wireless connectionIn most cases, the software installer automatically attempts to set up your wireless connection. If setup is unsuccessful, you may need to enter your network name (SSID) and password.• Direct USB connectionM ake sure you have the USB cable ready.• Wired network connectionMake sure you have an Ethernet cable (not included).Mobile printingConnect wirelessly from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Print documents and photos from across the room or around the world:• Print directly from your smartphone or tablet using iOS or Android™ with Epson iPrint™. Simply connect your printer and device to the same network and tap the action icon to select the print option.• Print directly from your Android™ (v4.4 or later) device*.Simply connect your printer and device to the same network and tap the menu icon to select the print option.• Print from wherever you are, next to your printer or remotely with Epson Connect™. Learn more at .jm/connect .* M ay require the Epson Print Enabler or Mopria Print Service app fromGoogle Play™.Any problems?Network setup was unsuccessful.• Make sure you select the right network name (SSID).• Restart your router (turn it off and then on), then try to connect to it again.• If you see a firewall alert message, click Unblock or Allow to let setup continue.• The printer can only connect to a network that supports 2.4 GHz connections. If your router offers both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz connections, make sure the 2.4 GHz is enabled.• If your network has security enabled, make sure you enter your network password (WEP key or WPA passphrase) correctly. Be sure to enter your password in the correct case.3 I nsert paper with the glossy or printable side facedown.Note: Make sure the paper is loaded against the front edge guide and not sticking out from the end of the cassette.4 Stightly.Note:5 Kthe way.6 S elect the paper settings on the product’s control panel.C onnect the fax line1 C onnect a phone cord to a telephone wall jack and to theLINE port on your product. See the online User’s Guidefor more information.2 S elect Proceed on the LCD screen to set up the fax, orselect Close to set it up later.Note: If you are using a Mac or your computer does not have aCD/DVD drive, an Internet connection is required to obtain the product software.1 M ake sure the product is NOT CONNECTED to yourcomputer.Windows ®: If you see a Found New Hardware screen, click Canceland disconnect the USB cable.EPSON is a registered trademark, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark, and Epson Connect and Epson iPrint are trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. Designed for Excellence is a trademark of Epson America, Inc.Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.This information is subject to change without notice. © 2020 Epson America, Inc., 2/20CPD-57854•Print a network connection report to identify network problems and solutions. See your online User’s Guide for instructions.There are lines or incorrect colors in my printouts.Run a nozzle check to see if there are any gaps in the printout. Then clean the print head, if necessary. See the online User’s Guide for more information.The product’s screen is dark.Make sure your product is turned on and touch the LCD screen to wake it from sleep mode.Setup is unable to find my product after connecting it with the USB cable.Make sure your product is on and securely connected.Any questions?User’s GuideWindows: Click the icon on your desktop or Apps screen to access the online User’s Guide .Mac: Click the icon in Applications/Epson Software/Guide to access the online User’s Guide.If you don’t have a User’s Guide icon, go to the Epson website, as described below.Technical supportTo download drivers, view manuals, get FAQs, or contact Epson.You can also speak to a service technician by calling one of these numbers:Argentina(54 11) 5167-0300 Guatemala * 1-800-835-03580800-288-37766Mexico01-800-087-1080Bolivia * 800-100-116 Mexico City (52 55) 1323-2052Chile (56 2) 2484-3400Nicaragua * 00-1-800-226-0368Colombia 018000-915235Panama * 00-800-052-1376Bogota (57 1) 592-2200Paraguay 009-800-521-0019Costa Rica 800-377-6627Peru0800-10-126DominicanLima (51 1) 418-0210Republic * 1-888-760-0068Uruguay00040-5210067Ecuador * 1-800-000-044Venezuela (58 212) 240-1111El Salvador * 800-6570 * C ontact your local phone company to call this toll-free number from a mobilephone.If your country does not appear on the list, contact your nearest Epson sales office. Toll or long distance chargesmay apply.Need paper and ink?Ensure brilliant results with Epson specialty and plain papers, engineered specifically for Epson printers. You can purchase them from an Epson authorized reseller. To find the nearest one, visit .jm or contact Epson as described in “Any questions?” on this sheet.L15150/L15160 replacement inks。
HP Color LaserJet CE312A 黄色打印墨水说明书
![HP Color LaserJet CE312A 黄色打印墨水说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b36328c4128915f804d2b160b4e767f5acf800a.png)
SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifier HP Color LaserJet CE312A Yellow Print CartridgeOther means of identification Not available.Recommended use This product is a yellow toner preparation that is used in HP Color LaserJet Pro CP1025 and HPLaserJet Pro 100 Color MFP, HP LaserJet Pro 200 Color MFP series printers.Recommended restrictions None known.Company identification HP1501 Page Mill RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304-1112United StatesTelephone 650-857-5020HP health effects line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-457-4209(Direct) 1-760-710-0048HP Customer Care Line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-474-6836(Direct) 1-208-323-25512. Hazard(s) identificationPhysical hazardsNot classified.Not classified.Health hazardsEnvironmental hazardsNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsNot classified.Label elementsNone.Hazard symbolSignal word None.Hazard statement Not available.Precautionary statementPrevention Not available.Response Not available.Storage Not available.Disposal Not available.Hazard(s) not otherwiseNone known.classified (HNOC)Supplemental information This product is not classified as hazardous according to OSHA CFR 1910.1200 (HazCom 2012).3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesChemical name Common name and synonymsCAS number% Styrene acrylate copolymer<85Trade Secret Wax<10Wax Trade Secret Pigment<5Pigment Trade SecretAmorphous silica7631-86-9Amorphous silica<3Titanium dioxide<113463-67-74. First-aid measuresInhalation Move person to fresh air immediately. If irritation persists, consult a physician.Skin contact Wash affected areas thoroughly with mild soap and water. Get medical attention if irritationdevelops or persists.Eye contact Do not rub eyes. Immediately flush with large amounts of clean, warm water (low pressure) for atleast 15 minutes or until particles are removed. If irritation persists, consult a physician.Ingestion Rinse mouth out with water. Drink one to two glasses of water. If symptoms occur, consult aphysician.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute anddelayedNot available.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media CO2, water, or dry chemicalUnsuitable extinguishingmediaNone known.Specific hazards arising fromthe chemicalNot applicable.Special protective equipmentand precautions forfirefightersNot available.Fire-fightingequipment/instructionsIf fire occurs in the printer, treat as an electrical fire.Specific methods None established.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions,protective equipment andemergency proceduresMinimize dust generation and accumulation.Methods and materials forcontainment and cleaning upNot available.Environmental precautions Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. See also section 13 Disposalconsiderations.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin and eyes. Use withadequate ventilation. Keep away from excessive heat, sparks, and open flames.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Keep out of the reach of children. Keep tightly closed and dry. Store at room temperature. Store away from strong oxidizers.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Value Components FormTypePEL15 mg/m3Total dust.Titanium dioxide (CAS13463-67-7)US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesValue Components TypeTWA10 mg/m3 Titanium dioxide (CAS13463-67-7)US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValue Components TypeTWA 6 mg/m3 Amorphous silica (CAS7631-86-9)Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Exposure guidelines USA OSHA (TWA/PEL): 15 mg/m3 (Total Dust), 5 mg/m3 (Respirable Fraction)ACGIH (TWA/TLV): 10 mg/m3 (Inhalable Particulate), 3 mg/m3 (Respirable Particulate)Amorphous silica: USA OSHA (TWA/PEL): 20 mppcf 80 (mg/m3)/%SiO2, ACGIH (TWA/TLV): 10mg/m3TRGS 900 (Luftgrenzwert) - 10 mg/m3 (Einatembare partikel), 3 mg/m3 (Alveolengängige fraktion)UK WEL: 10 mg/m3 (Respirable Dust), 5 mg/m3 (Inhalable Dust)Use in a well ventilated area.Appropriate engineeringcontrolsIndividual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Not available.Skin protectionHand protection Not available.Other Not available.Respiratory protection Not available.Thermal hazards Not available.9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Fine powderPhysical state Solid.Color YellowOdor Slight plastic odorOdor threshold Not available.pH Not applicableMelting point/freezing point Not available.Initial boiling point andNot applicableboiling rangeFlash point Not applicableEvaporation rate Not applicableFlammability (solid, gas)Not available.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsNot flammableFlammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit -upper (%)Explosive limit - lowerNot available.(%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper(%)Vapor pressure Not applicableSolubility(ies)Solubility (water)Negligible in water. Partially soluble in toluene and xylene.Partition coefficientNot available.(n-octanol/water)Auto-ignition temperature Not applicableDecomposition temperature Not available.Viscosity Not applicableOther informationPercent volatile0 % estimatedSoftening point176 - 266 °F (80 - 130 °C)Specific gravity 1 - 1.210. Stability and reactivityReactivity Not available.Chemical stability Stable under normal storage conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactionsWill not occur.Conditions to avoid Imaging Drum: Exposure to light Incompatible materials Strong oxidizersHazardous decomposition productsCarbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.11. Toxicological informationSymptoms related to the physical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Not available.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin corrosion/irritation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Serious eye damage/eye irritationBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Germ cell mutagenicity Negative, does not indicate mutagenic potential (Ames Test: Salmonella typhimurium)Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.CarcinogenicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of CarcinogenicityAmorphous silica (CAS 7631-86-9) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans.Titanium dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7)2B Possibly carcinogenic to humans.Reproductive toxicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Aspiration hazard Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Further information Complete toxicity data are not available for this specific formulationRefer to Section 2 for potential health effects and Section 4 for first aid measures.Test ResultsComponentsSpeciesAmorphous silica (CAS 7631-86-9)LD50Mouse OralAcute> 15000 mg/kg Rat> 22500 mg/kg12. Ecological informationEcotoxicityProductTest ResultsSpeciesCE312AAquatic LC50Fish> 100 mg/l, 96 HoursFishSpeciesComponents Test ResultsTitanium dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7)AquaticCrustacea> 1000 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnia magna)EC50Fish> 1000 mg/l, 96 hoursMummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)LC50Persistence and degradability Not available.Bioaccumulative potential Not available.Mobility in soil Not available.Other adverse effects Not available.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructions Do not shred toner cartridge, unless dust-explosion prevention measures are taken. Finelydispersed particles may form explosive mixtures in air. Dispose of in compliance with federal, state,and local regulations.HP's Planet Partners (trademark) supplies recycling program enables simple, convenient recycling ofHP original inkjet and LaserJet supplies. For more information and to determine if this service isavailable in your location, please visit /recycle.14. Transport informationFurther information Not a dangerous good under DOT, IATA, ADR, IMDG, or RID.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulations US EPA TSCA Inventory: All chemical substances in this product comply with all rules or ordersunder TSCA.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - NoDelayed Hazard - NoFire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - NoReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.SARA 311/312NoHazardous chemicalOther federal regulationsNot regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListAmorphous silica (CAS 7631-86-9)Titanium dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActTitanium dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7)US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law Amorphous silica (CAS 7631-86-9)Titanium dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7)US. Rhode Island RTKNot regulated.US. California Proposition 65US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substanceTITANIUM DIOXIDE (AIRBORNE, UNBOUND PARTICLES OF RESPIRABLE SIZE) (CAS 13463-67-7)Listed: September 2, 2011Regulatory informationAll chemical substances in this HP product have been notified or are exempt from notification under chemical substances notification laws in the following countries: US (TSCA), EU (EINECS/ELINCS),Switzerland, Canada (DSL/NDSL), Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, and China.16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date 16-Apr-2015Revision date 17-Aug-2015Version #03DisclaimerThis Safety Data Sheet document is provided without charge to customers of HP. Data is the most current known to HP at the time of preparation of this document and is believed to be accurate. It should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products as described or suitability for a particular application. This document was prepared to the requirements of the jurisdiction specified in Section 1 above and may not meet regulatory requirements in other countries.Revision Information Other information, including date of preparation or last revision: Disclaimer Manufacturer informationHP11311 Chinden Boulevard Boise, ID 83714 USA (Direct) 1-503-494-7199(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-457-4209Explanation of abbreviationsACGIH CAS DOT EPCRA CERCLA CFR COC IARC NIOSH NTP OSHA PEL RCRA REC REL SARA STEL TCLP TLV TSCA VOCAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Chemical Abstracts ServiceComprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Code of Federal Regulations Cleveland Open CupDepartment of TransportationEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (aka SARA)International Agency for Research on Cancer National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Toxicology ProgramOccupational Safety and Health Administration Permissible Exposure LimitResource Conservation and Recovery Act RecommendedRecommended Exposure LimitSuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986Short-Term Exposure LimitToxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure Threshold Limit Value Toxic Substances Control Act Volatile Organic Compounds。
EPSON 墨胶墨盒 T099420 产品说明书
![EPSON 墨胶墨盒 T099420 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e84f5aa29f3143323968011ca300a6c30c22f1c3.png)
Product Information Sheet1. Article and Corporate IdentificationProduct: Epson Ink Cartridge T099420for use with Epson Artisan 700, 710, 725, 730, 800, 810, 835, and 837 Printer Distributor: Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport WayLong Beach, CA 90806United StatesTEL: 562-276-1369FAX: 562-997-5799The EPSON T099420 Ink Cartridge2. Composition InformationThis is an aqueous ink formulationInk Composition CAS No. % By WeightProprietary dyes and pigments -<6%Proprietary organic materials -15 -20%Glycerols - 5 –10%Water 7732-18-5 balance3. Hazard Identification3.1 Emergency Overview: Ink component is a light yellow liquid that may cause irritation. Avoid contact with eyes orclothing. In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. Keep out of reach ofchildren.3.2 Potential Health Effects:Eyes: Ink contact with eye may be mildly irritating. See Section 11 for Toxicology.Skin: Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling, or redness. It is not expected to cause an allergic skin reaction. See Section 11 for Toxicology.Inhalation: Intentional exposure to ink vapors may cause respiratory irritation. See Section 11 for Toxicology.Ingestion: May cause upset stomach. See Section 11 for Toxicology.4. First Aid Measures4.1 Eyes: Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure, clean water for at least 15 minutes. Seekmedical attention if eye irritation continues.4.2 Skin: Wash surface areas with soap and water. Wash soiled clothing before rewearing. Seek medicalattention if irritation continues.4.3 Inhalation: Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. Consult physician if necessary.4.4 Ingestion: Seek medical attention if stomach continues to be upset.5. Fire Fighting Measures5.1 Flammability: Flash point is greater than 248 deg. F / 120 deg. C (closed cup in accordance withASTM D3278)5.2 Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical or carbon dioxide5.3 Fire Fighting Instructions: No special fire fighting procedures are required other than breathing apparatus. Nospecial explosion hazards are known.6. Accidental Release MeasuresIf a spill occurs, use sponges to wipe-up ink, then rinse area with damp cloth. Place waste in closed container for disposal. Use proper ventilation. Do not dispose of waste to the sewer. No eye or skin protection required during clean-up. Wash hands with soap and water.7. Precautions for Safe Handling and UseKeep out of reach of children and do not drink ink. Do not store the cartridge in high or freezing temperatures. Keep cartridge out of direct sunlight. Do not dismantle cartridge. Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents orexplosives. Make sure cartridge is dry before insertion into printer housing.8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection8.1 Engineering Controls: None required8.2 Exposure Controls: None required8.3 Personal Protection: None required when cartridges are used as intended9. Physical and Chemical Properties of Ink FormulationAppearance: Yellow LiquidOdor: NonepH: 8.0 – 9.0Boiling point: Approximately 212 deg. F / 100 deg. CFreezing point: Less than 32 deg. F / 0 deg. CMelting point: Less than 32 deg. F / 0 deg. CFlash point: Greater than 230 deg. F / 110 deg. C (closed cup, ASTM D3278)Autoflammability: NoneExplosive properties: NoneOxidizing properties: NoneVapor density: Greater than 1 (air = 1)Relative density: 1.06 at 68 deg. F / 20 deg. CSolubility in water: CompleteSolubility in fat: No data availablePartition coefficient: No data availableViscosity: Less than 5 mPa-s10. Stability and ReactivityStability: StableHazardous polymerization: Will not occurHazardous decomposition products: NoneIncompatible materials: Oxidizers and explosives11. Toxicology and Health HazardsRoutes Of Overexposure: Eye, skin, inhalation, and oralAcute Health Hazards:•Overexposure of eye surface to ink may be mildly irritating•Overexposure of skin to ink contact may cause irritation and in some people swelling and redness•Intentional inhalation overexposure to ink vapors may result in respiratory tract irritation•Intentional or accidental oral ingestion may cause an upset stomachChronic Health Hazards: None knownCarcinogenicity: None knownToxicity Data: Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalant LC50 OSHA Regulated?> 5000mg/kg(Rats) >2000mg/kg(Rats) Not Applicable Not Established 12. Ecological InformationNo data available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment13. Disposal ConsiderationsUsed and unused cartridges are not a federal RCRA hazardous waste. Disposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements.14. Transportation InformationNot regulated as a Hazardous Material by DOT, IMO, or IATA15. Regulatory ConsiderationsU.S. DOT Hazard Class Regulated? NOU.S. OSHA Inhalation Hazard? NOIn U.S., NFPA/HMIS Hazard Rating: Health (1), Flammability (1), Instability/Reactivity (0), Other (0)16. Other InformationThis PIS adheres to U.S. regulatory requirements and standards and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other locations.This is a revised Product Information Sheet which replaces all prior U.S. PIS for this product.This “Product Information Sheet” contains health, safety, and environmental information. It does not replace any precautionary language or use and disposal information which accompanies the product. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate at the time of preparation, but should only be used as a guide. EPSON does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. It is subject to revision from time to time.YOU’VE GOT TO SEE IT IN EPSON C O L O R™。
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