Keithley 2400 Source Meter∙电压源、电流源、电压表、电流表四合一新型仪器,适用于快速直流测试∙可选高电压型(1100V)、大电流型(3A) 或大电流脉冲型(10A) 电源/测量∙最大功率:20W (2400和2410),60W (2420),100W (2425/2430 直流模式),1kW (2430 脉冲模式)∙五位半数字电表, 0.012%准确度∙可作六线式奥姆测量∙程控电流/电压,并可设定箝制准位∙最快速度可达1000点/秒(GPIB接口)∙内建快速「通过/失效」比较器,适用于自动化质量管理∙数字I/O可直接与其它仪器沟通∙IEEE-488和RS-232界面∙除量测电压、电流外,并可直接量测电阻、功率、百分率、补偿电阻(Offset Compensated Ω)、变阻器α值(Varistor α)、电压系数,如需做接触检测(Contact Check),可选用2400C 系列Keithley 2400系列 (2400,2410,2420,2430) 多功能电源电表简易操作手册一、功能:二、面板简介:图2-1 2400屏幕显示图屏幕显示:如图2-1所示,屏幕左上方所显示为「量测值」,右上方为「输出开/关」显示,左下方为「电源输出值」,右下方为「箝位值」显示。
图2-2 2400正面图 图2-3 2400背面图Power :电源开关123.456 uA ( 量測值 ) ON (輸出開/關)Vsrc: +00.0000V ( 電源輸出值 ) Cmpl:105.000uA (箝位值)MEAS选择键:选择所欲量测的讯号(1) V量测电压(2) I量测电流(3) Ω量测电阻(4) FCTN量测功率, 补偿电阻,电压系数, 变电阻ALPHA值,百分率(初始设定为功率)SOURCE选择键:选择电源输出型式(1) V输出电压(2) I输出电流(3)▲和▼增加或减少输出值或箝位值(Cmpl)操作键:(1) EDIT选择设定电源输出值或箝位值(2) TOGGLE切换输出值与量测值位置(3) LOCAL取消远程计算机控制,回到仪器面板控制(4) REL开启/取消参考数值比较(5) FILTER开启/取消数字滤波(6) LIMIT开启/取消限制值测试(7) TRIG从面板触发开始量测(8) SWEEP开始输出设定好的扫瞄电压或电流(9) DIGITS改变量测显示数字(10) SPEED改变量测速度及精准度(11) STORE设定记忆数量并开始储存(12) RECALL显示储存的量测数值(13) CONFIG设定(加上其它按键,如CONFIG + SWEEP 可设定扫瞄输出)(14) MENU进入可储存设定值,更改通讯方式(IEEE-488 or RS232),或校正(15) EXIT跳出(16) ENTER确认RANGE:范围选择(1)▲更改为较大的范围(2)▼更改为较小的范围(3)AUTO自动切换至最佳范围OUTPUT:(1) ON/OFF开启/取消电源输出三、操作入门A.输出电压,量测电流1.接线如图3-1。
manual before starting using the instrument. • Save and keep the manual handy to enable quick
(4 ranges) Terminal Voltage:
# CAUTION is reserved for conditions and actions that can cause injury or instrument damage.
# DANGER • Never make measurement on a circuit in which the
# DANGER is reserved for conditions and actions that are likely to cause serious or fatal injury.
# WARNING is reserved for conditions and actions that can cause serious or fatal injury.
The symbol # indicated on the instrument means that the user must refer to related parts in the manual for safe operation of the instrument. Be sure to carefully read the instructions following each symbol in the manual.
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)The Model 2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter combines a compelling price with a comprehensive set of capabilities, superior measurement accuracy, and high speed for a broad range of applications. It features 15 measurement functions and 7 math functions and has dual-line display capability, which allows it to display two different measurements concurrently. The Model 2110 is an unbeatable value for production, R&D, and test engineers, scientists, and students making a wide variety of measurements in portable, bench, and system applications.High Accuracy, Abundant Capabilities, Low CostThe Model 2110 provides precision and a rich set of capabilities at a value price. It has 0.012% one-year basic DC voltage accuracy and 0.020% one-year basic resistance accuracy up to the 100k W range.The Model 2110 provides a wide number of measurement ranges and functions:• DC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 1000V • AC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 750V • DC current: 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 3A, and 10A • AC current: 1A, 3A, and 10A• Two- and four-wire resistance: 100W , 1k W , 10k W , 100k W , 1M W , 10M W , and 100M W • Frequency: From 10Hz to 300kHz• Capacitance measurement: 1nF, 10nF, 100nF, 1µF, 10µF, 100µF• Thermocouple measurement: J-, R-, S-, T-, E-, N-, B-, C-, and K-type thermocouples • Temperature (RTD and NTC Thermistor) measurements• Diode measurement • Continuity test• Programmable A-D converter and filter settings for signal to noise optimization. Additionally, seven mathematical operations can be performed on measurement readings: percentage, average, min/max, NULL, limits, mX+b, dB, and dBm testing.SpeedAt 5½ digits, the Model 2110 delivers up to 200 readings/s via the USB remote interface. At the fast 4½-digit setting, it reads up to 50,000 readings/s and up to 30,000 readings/s into the buffer, making it ideal for production and monitoring applications in which speed is c ritical.5D I G I T A L M U L T I ME T E R S & S Y S T E M S1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SimplicityThe Model 2110 is operational and intuitive to use right out of the box. The functions on the front panel are user friendly and easy to read. Its KI-Tool and KI-Link software allow users to quickly con-trol the instrument over GPIB (if equipped) or USB, record measurements, and display time-series L o w -c o s t 5½-d i g i t D M M f o r s y s t e m , b e n c h , o r p o r t a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n s All accessories, such as start-up software, USB cable, power cable, and safety test leads, are included with the Model 2110.KI-Tool simplifies basic measurement applications through every setup and graphical data representation.1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SpecificationsDC CHARACTERISTICSDC VOLTAGEAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°C Range Resolution InputResistance 100.000 mV 1 µV 10 M W 0.012 + 0.0040.001 + 0.00051.00000 V 10 µV 0.012 + 0.0010.0009 + 0.000510.0000 V 0.1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.0005100.000 V 1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.00051000.00 V10 mV 0.02 + 0.0030.002 + 0.0015DCI (DC CURRENT)Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution ShuntResistance 10.0000 mA 0.1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0200.005 + 0.002100.000 mA 1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0100.005 + 0.0011.00000 A 10 µA 0.1 W 0.150 + 0.0200.008 + 0.0013.0000 A 100 µA 0.1 W 0.200 + 0.0300.008 + 0.00110.0000 A 100 µA 5 m W 0.250 + 0.0500.008 + 0.001RESISTANCE 2Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 100.000 W 1 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0200.003 + 0.0005 1.00000 k W 10 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0030.003 + 0.0005 10.0000 k W 100 m W 100 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.0005 100.000 k W 1 W 10 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.00051.00000 M W 10 W 1 µA 0.030 + 0.0040.005 + 0.000510.0000 M W 100 W 0.1 µA 0.200 + 0.0040.05 + 0.0005100.000 M W 1 k W0.1 µA2.000 + 0.0050.5 + 0.0005DIODE TESTAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1.0000V 10 µV1 mA0.020 + 0.0300.002 + 0.0005CONTINUITYAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1000W 10 m W1 mA0.020 + 0.0200.002 + 0.00051. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Input bias current <30pA at 25°C.c. Measurement rate set to 10 PLC.2. Specifications for 4W ohms mode. For 2W ohms, use zero null or subtract lead resistance from displayed reading.a. Maximum lead resistance 10% of range per lead for 100W and 1k W ranges; add 1k W per lead for all other ranges.MEASUREMENT NOISE REjECTION DC (60Hz/50Hz) at 5.5 DIGITS CMRR: 120dB for 1k W unbalance in LO lead.NMRR: 60dB for line frequency ±0.1%.TEMPERATURE (THERMOCOUPLE) CHARACTERISTICSThermocoupleType Range Accuracy 1 ±°C1 Year, exclusive of lead accuracyB 600 to 1800°C 1.5C 0 to 2300°C 1.5E –250 to 1000°C 1.5J –200 to 1200°C 1.0K –200 to 1350°C 1.0N –200 to 1300°C 1.0R 0 to 1750°C 1.5S 0 to 1750°C 1.5T–250 to 400°C1.51. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up; a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.RTD and NTC Thermistor Measurements: Accuracy ±0.8˚C, 1 year, exclusive of leadaccuracy. PT100, D100, F100, PT385, PT3916, SPRTD (R-Zero, A4, B4, Ax, Bx, Cx, and Dx), NTCT (A, B, and C), and user-definable RTD.CAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICSRange Test Current Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C1.000 nF 10 µA2.0 + 0.801. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Null enabled.2110Model 2110 rear panel.。
Keithley 2000 系列多功能数字电表简易操作手册一、功能:●13 种量测功能:直流电压、交流电压、直流电流、交流电流、两线式电阻、四线式电●阻、温度、频率、周期、dB、dBm、continuity、二极管量测● 6 位半数字(22 位) 量测●速度快,2000 读数/秒(四位半),50 读数/秒(六位半)●低噪声●多通道扫瞄量测,可选择10 或20 通道扫瞄●IEEE-488 和RS-232 接口控制●三年保固●体积小(Half-rack size)二、面板简介:图2-1 2000 正面图1.特殊键Power:电源开关SHIFT : 选择各按键的第二组功能LOCAL:取消远程计算机控制,回到仪器面板控制2.功能及操作键第一行(未按「SHIFT」键):(1) DCV 量测直流电压(2) ACV 量测直流电流(3) DCI 量测交流电压(4) ACI 量测交流电流(5) Ω2 量测两线式奥姆(6) Ω4 量测四线式奥姆(7) FREQ 量测频率(8) TEMP 量测温度第一行(先按「SHIFT」键再按以上各键):(1) MX+B 量测MX+B(2) % 量测百分比(3) dBm 量测dBm(4) dB 量测dB(5) CONT 量测continuity(6) 二极管量测(7) PERIOD 量测周期(8) TCOUPL 温度量测相关设定第二行(未按「SHIFT」键):(1) EX TRIG 选择外部触发源(2) TRIG 面板触发键(3) STORE 设定记忆点数并开始储存(4) RECALL 显示储存的量测数值(5) FILTER 开启/取消滤波器(6) REL 开启/取消漂移准位消除功能(7) 左、右键左、右移动键第二行(先按「SHIFT」键):(1) DELAY 设定触发和量测间的延迟时间(2) HOLD 保持读值(3) LIMITS 设定上、下限准位(4) ON/OFF 开启/取消上、下限功能(LIMITS)(5) TEST 仪器自我测试功能(6) CAL 校正功能第三行(未按「SHIFT」键):(1) OPEN 打开所有通道的开关(2) CLOSE 关闭开关(3) STEP 通道切换键(4) SCAN 信道扫描键(5) DIGITS 设定显示位数(6) RATE 设定量测速(7) EXIT 取消键(8) ENTER 确定键第三行(先按「SHIFT」键):(1) SA VE 储存目前量测组态(2) SETUP 将量测组态回复到初始设定组态(3) CONFIG 设定最大/最小频道数、定时器等参数(4) HALT 取消扫描(5) GPIB GPIB 设定(6) RS232 RS232 设定3.范围选择键(1) ▲更改为较大的范围(2) ▼更改为较小的范围(3) AUTO 开启/取消自动范围4.显示屏幕5.输入面板选择开关:选择量测讯号是由正面或是背面面板输入6.仪器臂7.正面面板输入端图2-2 2000 背面图1.多通道开关扫瞄卡2.背板输入3.Trig Link4.RS2325.GPIB6.电源模块三、操作说明电压量测(请参阅“User Manual 2-18 页”)图3-1 电压量测接线图1.请先确定输入面板选择开关是设定在正面面板输入的位置。
Keithley 2400 Source Meter∙電壓源、電流源、電壓錶、電流錶四合一新型儀器,適用於快速直流測試∙可選高電壓型(1100V)、大電流型(3A) 或大電流脈衝型(10A) 電源/測量∙最大功率:20W (2400和2410),60W (2420),100W (2425/2430 直流模式),1kW (2430 脈衝模式)∙五位半數字電錶, 0.012%準確度∙可作六線式歐姆測量∙程式控制電流/電壓,並可設定箝制準位∙最快速度可達1000點/秒(GPIB介面)∙內建快速「通過/失效」比較器,適用於自動化品質管制∙數位I/O可直接與其他儀器溝通∙IEEE-488和RS-232介面∙除量測電壓、電流外,並可直接量測電阻、功率、百分率、補償電阻(Offset Compensated Ω)、變阻器α值(Varistor α)、電壓係數,如需做接觸檢測(ContactCheck),可選用2400C 系列1美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司Keithley 2400系列(2400,2410,2420,2430)多功能電源電錶簡易操作手冊一、功能:二、面板簡介:123.456 uA( 量測值) ON(輸出開/關)Vsrc: +00.0000V (電源輸出值)Cmpl:105.000uA(箝位值)2美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司圖2-1 2400螢幕顯示圖螢幕顯示:如圖2-1所示,螢幕左上方所顯示為「量測值」,右上方為「輸出開/關」顯示,左下方為「電源輸出值」,右下方為「箝位值」顯示。
圖2-2 2400正面圖圖2-3 2400背面圖Power:電源開關MEAS選擇鍵:選擇所欲量測的訊號(1) V量測電壓(2) I量測電流(3) Ω量測電阻(4) FCTN量測功率, 補償電阻,電壓係數, 變電阻ALPHA值,百分率(初3美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司始設定為功率)SOURCE選擇鍵:選擇電源輸出型式(1) V輸出電壓(2) I輸出電流(3)▲和▼增加或減少輸出值或箝位值(Cmpl)操作鍵:(1) EDIT選擇設定電源輸出值或箝位值(2) TOGGLE切換輸出值與量測值位置(3) LOCAL取消遠端電腦控制,回到儀器面板控制(4) REL開啟/取消參考數值比較(5) FILTER開啟/取消數位濾波(6) LIMIT開啟/取消限制值測試(7) TRIG從面板觸發開始量測(8) SWEEP開始輸出設定好的掃瞄電壓或電流(9) DIGITS改變量測顯示數位(10) SPEED改變量測速度及精準度(11) STORE設定記憶數量並開始儲存(12) RECALL顯示儲存的量測數值(13) CONFIG設定(加上其他按鍵,如CONFIG + SWEEP 可設定掃瞄輸出)(14) MENU進入可儲存設定值,更改通訊方式(IEEE-488 or RS232),或校正(15) EXIT跳出(16) ENTER確認RANGE:範圍選擇4美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司(1)▲更改為較大的範圍(2)▼更改為較小的範圍(3)AUTO自動切換至最佳範圍OUTPUT:(1) ON/OFF開啟/取消電源輸出三、操作入門A.輸出電壓,量測電流1.接線如圖3-1。
KEITHLEY 2600系列中文说明书
2601A 2602A 2611A 2612A 2635A 2636A
单通道数字源表 (3A DC,10A脉冲)
双通道数字源表 (3A DC,10A脉冲)
单通道数字源表 (200V,10A脉冲)
双通道数字源表 (200V,10A脉冲)
单通道数字源表 (1fA,10A脉冲)
2600A系列提供了三款强大的软件工 具使用户编程和使用更加简便。除了TSP Express之外,还有支持通过GPIB总线进行基 本特征分析的LabTracer II,和用于编写自定义 脚本的Test Script Builder。
Test Script Builder是一个免费的软件 工具,随所有2600A系列数字源表一起提供 给用户,可以帮助用户创建、修改、调试和保存 TSP测试脚本。它提供了一个用于保存和组织 测试脚本的项目/文件管理器窗口、一个用于 创建和修改测试TSP代码的文字敏感编程器( 与Visual Basic类似)和一个用于向仪器发送 GPIB命令并接收数据的即时仪器控制窗口。用 户通过这种即时窗口可以查看指定测试脚本的 输出结果,简化调试过程。
TSP-Link总线提供了专用的触发线。这 意味着多台2600A设备和其他TSP仪器之间 (例如3700系列DMM/开关系统)可以通过 TSP-Link总线连接在一起,不需要额外的触发 器连接。
数字万用表 RS-12 使用说明书 中文
功能 直流电压 交流电压 直流电流
电阻 电池
量程 分辨率
200mV 0.1mV
2000mV 1mV
200V 0.1V
600V 1V
200V 0.1V
600V 1V
2000µA 1µA
20mA 10µA
200mA 100µA
200Ω 0.1Ω
2000Ω 1Ω
色表笔插入mA端口。 3. 测量直流10A时,将功能转盘置于10A档位,并将红色表笔(10A)端口。 4. 断开被测电路的电源。在你想测量电流的位置打开电路绝缘层。 5. 将黑色表笔接触被测电路的负极,红色表笔接触被测电路正极。 6. 接通电源。 7. 在显示屏上读取读数。进行mA DC测量时,不断重调功能转盘至低mA DC
警告: 为防触电,在电池后盖安装和固定之前,请勿操作仪表。
更换保险丝 警告:为防触电,在打开保险丝门之前,请把表笔和电源断开。 1. 把表笔与仪表及其它被测物断开。 2. 用螺丝刀拧开保险丝门上的螺母。 3. 轻轻取出废旧的保险丝。 4. 装入新的保险丝。 5. 使用正确型号与数值的保险丝(0.2A/250V) 快速熔断保险丝用于200mA
28/09/2017 Version No. 001
28/09/2017 Version No. 001
1. 将功能转盘置于V DC的位置。 2. 将黑色表笔插入负极COM端口,红色表笔插入正极V端口。 3. 将表笔尖端接触被测物,确保极性正确(红色连正极,黑色连负极)。 4. 显示屏上读取电压值。显示屏显示了精确的小数点,数值。若极性颠倒,
电流任意波形最大输出更新速率:12500次采样/秒 电压任意波形最大输出更新速率:20000次采样/秒
2600A系列仪器中所有的A/D转换器都具 有高速和高精度特性以实现最大的灵活性。
所有2600A系列仪器都具有四项限操作功 能,可以通过串行或并行连接扩展它们的动态 量程。它们能够以高达五位半的分辨率同时测 量电压或电流,并且能够显示电压、电流、电阻 或功率读数。每个通道的两个模-数转换器(一 个用于电流,另一个用于电压)可以同时运行, 能够在不降低测试产能的情况下实现精确的 源-回读功能。这些A/D转换器提供了灵活的可 编程积分速率,使得用户可以分别针对高速测 量(在0.001 NPLC设置下>20000rdgs/s)或高 分辨率(在10 NPLC设置下高达24位)测量进 行优化设计。
• 圆片级可靠性 - NBTI、TDDB、HCI、电迁移
• 太阳能电池 • 电池
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) w w
Scalable, integrated source and measure solutions
并行测试功能使得系统中的每台仪器都 能够执行它自己完整的测试序列。因此,在 2600A系列系统上能够并行执行的测试数量就 等同于系统中的仪器数量。相比之下,大多数传 统的测试系统通常只能在PC的控制下执行单 个测试序列。
这种并行测试功能使得2600A系列系统可 以构成真正的多线程测试环境。同时测试多个 器件意味着测试产能大大提高了,总体测试成 本降低了。
Scalable, integrated source and measure solutions
美国国家标准协会(ANSI)声明,当电压水平大于30VRMS,42.4Vpeak 或60VDC时,就会出现电击。
吉时利2000校准(根据英文手册大致翻译)目录2校准概述 (2)环境条件 (2)校准考虑因素 (2)校准密码 (3)全面校准 (3)前面板校准 (4)SCPI 命令校准 (10)制造校准 (13)B错误信息错误概要 (17)概述使用本节中的程序来校准吉时利2000。
Keithley 2000 Series Multimeter说明书
SPECIFICATIONAccuracy:0.03% rdg.Resolution:10 / 1 µV process Linearization Points:10 pointsTemperature Stability:50 ppm/°C process Display:4-digit, 7-segment LED,57.2 mm (2.25") with red, green and amber programmable colors.Input Types:Analog Voltage and Current Voltage:0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V (+100 mV),0 to 10 VdcInput Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV 1 MΩ for 1 or 10 Vdc Current:0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load)Options: Communication RS-232 / RS-485 orExcitation 5Vdc @40mA, 10Vdc @60mAPower Supply:100-240 Vac ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 22.5 W Operating Temperature:0 to 40°C Storage Temperature:-20 to 60°C Relative Humidity:0 to 85%Protection:NEMA-4x (IP65)Dimensions:289 L x 137 W x 73 D mm(11.75” L x 5.375” W x 2.875” D)Panel Cutout:279.4 L x 116.8 W mm (11.00” L x 4.60” W)Weight:1,360 g (3 lbs)Approvals:per EN61010-1MQS3718/0818iLD24 Big Display Universal Strain & Process Monitor***********************The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 61 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal five (5) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evalua-tion. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, includ-ing but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modifica-tion. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its vari-ous products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibil-ity for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use if its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or writ-ten. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warran-ty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical appli-cations or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANT Y/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RE URNING ANY PRODUC (S) O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUS OB AIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the followinginformation available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.3. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair or calibration,2.3.Model and serial number of the product, and R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2018 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. T his document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Mounting Big Display Through Panel:ing the panel cutout diagram shown above, cut an opening in the panel.2.Remove six screws at the back of Big Display to remove back cover.3.Insert the unit into the opening from the front of the panel,so the gasket seals between the bezel and the front of the panel.4.Align back cover to Big Display and reinstall screws.Mounting Big Display on Bail:1.Mark the location of mounting screws on the flat surface.2.Be sure to leave enough room around the bail to allow for removal and rotation of the display.3.The display can be rotated for the best viewing angle.Disassembly Instruction:1.Remove all wiring connections from the rear of theinstrument, by unscrewing the power and input connectors.2.Remove six screws at the back of the display and back cover.3.Remove the Big Display from the panel.4.To remove the Big Display from the bail, unscrew the two knobs at each end of the mounting brackets.This Quick Start Reference provides information on setting up your instrument for basic operation. The latest complete Communication and Operational Manual as well as free Software and ActiveX Controls are available at or on the CD-ROM enclosed with your shipment .SAFETY CONSIDERATIONaccordance with EN61010-1:2001. Remember that the unit has no power-on switch. Building installation should include a switch or circuit-breaker that must be compliant to IEC 947-1 and 947-3.SAFETY:•Do not exceed voltage rating on the label located on the back of the instrument housing.•Always disconnect power before changing signal and power connections.•Do not use this instrument on a work bench without its case for safety reasons.•Do not operate this instrument in flammable or explosive atmospheres.EMC:•Whenever EMC is an issue, always use shielded cables.•Never run signal and power wires in the same conduit.•Use signal wire connections with twisted-pair cables.•Install Ferrite Bead(s) on signal wire close to the instrument if EMC problems persist.MOUNTING。
仪表采用26mm 字高LCD 显示器、读数清晰;背光显示及过载保护功能,更加方便使用。
整机以双积分A/D 转换为核心,是一台性能优越的工具仪表,是实验室、工厂、无线电爱好者及家庭的理想工具。
二、 安全事项该仪表在设计上符合IEC1010条款(国际电工委员会颁布的安全标准),在使用之前,请先阅读安全注意事项。
⒈ 测量电压时,请勿输入超过直流1000V 或交流750V 有效值的极限电压;⒉ 36V 以下的电压为安全电压,在测高于36V 直流、25V 交流电压时,要检查表笔是否可靠接触,是否正确连接、是否绝缘良好等,以避免电击;⒊ 换功能和量程时,表笔应离开测试点;⒋ 选择正确的功能和量程,谨防误操作,该系列仪表虽然有全量程保护功能,但为了安全起见,仍请您多加注意; ⒌ 测量电流时,请勿输入超过20A 的电流。
⒍ 安全符号说明“”存在危险电压,“”接地,“”双绝缘, “”操作者必须参阅说明书,“”低电压符号 三、操作面牌说明1. 液晶显示器:显示仪表测量的数值及单位;2. POWER 电源开关:开启及关闭电源;3. LC 开关:按下“LC ”开关,进行电容电感测试。
4. LIGHT 背光开关:开启及关闭背光灯;5. 电容(Cx )或电感(Lx)插座;6.hFE 测试插座:用于测量晶体三极管的hFE 数值大小;7.旋钮开关:用于改变测量功能及量程;8.电压、电阻及温度插座、小于2A 电流及温度测试插座、20A 电流测试插座、公共地; 四、 特性 ⒈一般特性1-1 显示方式:液晶显示;1-2 最大显示:1999(3 1/2)位自动极性显示; 1-3 测量方式:双积分式A/D 转换; 1-4 采样速率:约每秒钟3次;1-5 过量程显示:最高位显示“1”或“-1”; 1-6 低电压显示:“”符号出现; 1-7 工作环境:(0~40)℃,相对湿度<80%; 1-8 储存环境:(-10~50)℃,相对湿度<80%; 1-9 电源:一只9V 电池; 1-10 体积(尺寸):190×88.5×27.5mm(长×宽×高); 1-11 重量:约320g (包括9V 电池);1-12 附件:使用说明书一本,合格证一张,防震套、外包装盒各一个,表笔一对,测温探头一付,9V 电池一只。
【源电流】:设置输出电流源的大小,单位为安培(A),输出值从‐1.05A~+1.05A。 【电压阈值】:设置 Voltage Compliance 值(详见 Keithley2400 用户手册),单位 为伏特(V),取值从‐210V~+210V,缺省值为 21V。 【采样点数】:最大可连续采集 99999 个点。 【NPLC】:设置 Keithley2400 的积分速率(详见 Keithley2400 用户手册),取值从 0.01~10,取值越大、采样速率越慢,缺省值为 1。 【采样间隔】:设置各采样点之间的时间间隔,数值从 0~999 秒,0 表示以尽可能 最大的速度进行采样,另外如果 Nplc 值设置较大,采样间隔时间设置较小的话,其实 际采样间隔可能大于设定值。 【图形定义】:定义图形的 XY 轴的数据类型,缺省为 X‐时间,Y‐电流值。
深圳市金博宇科技有限公司 电话:0755-23107120 传真:0755-23107130 手机:13925278646 网址:http://www.jboyu.com/ 地址:深圳市宝安区民治街道梅陇路梅陇公馆B908室
2‐3 扫描电流模式(线性) 见下图
【起始电流】:设置电流扫描的起始值。 【终止电流】:设置电压扫描的起始值。 【采样点数】:设置扫描点数,最大为 2500 个点。 【源延时】:设置每个扫描点的源延时时间,在这里可以大致计算出一次扫描所需 要的时间为源延时 X 扫描点数。 【图形定义】:缺省为 V‐I 曲线。
Keithley2400 测量软件用户手册(Ver2.01)
2‐4 扫描电压模式(线性) 见下图
吉时利 1DAQ6510 数据采集和记录万用表系统说明书
●大型5英寸(12.7 cm)多触点容性触摸屏,支持图形显示●指明了两年指标的全功能可溯源6位半万用表,基本准确度0.0025% DCV (1 V, 10 V 范围)●标配LAN/LXI 和USB-TMC 通信接口●选配接口有GPIB、RS-232和TSP-Link ®技术●12种不同的开关、RF 和控制模块,在一个测试设置可以连接最多80个被测器件●最多80条2极通道热电偶、RTD 或热电阻器温度测量●固态继电器模块,扫描速度高达800通道/秒●前面板插孔,用于独立式DMM 操作●KickStart 免代码仪器控制软件,带数据采集和记录应用●三年保修DAQ6510是一种精密的数据采集和记录系统,它追求极简主义,与许多独立式解决方案中常见的复杂配置和控制相比,把简单推向了极致。
大型5英寸(12.7 cm)多触点显示器可以引导用户完成测试设置、数据查看和分析,不再像许多应用那样必需使用电脑和定制软件。
如果您更愿意使用电脑或要求使用电脑,那么可以使用一套完整的IVI 和Labview 驱动程序和吉时利KickStart 仪器控制软件,帮助您实现任何应用。
许多模块有冷结补偿,有温度基准,使用热电偶在环境测试期间监测器件,支持HALT 和HASS 加速寿命测试。
通过RF 模块,您甚至可以测试来自无线器件的信号,该模块的最大开关频率高达3.5 GHz。
Keithley 2000系列多功能数字电表简易操作手册一、功能:●13种量测功能:直流电压、交流电压、直流电流、交流电流、两线式电阻、四线式电阻、温度、频率、周期、dB、dBm、continuity、二极管量测●6位半数字(22位) 量测●速度快,2000读数/秒(四位半),50读数/秒(六位半)●低噪声●多通道扫瞄量测,可选择10或20通道扫瞄●IEEE-488 和RS-232接口控制●三年保固●体积小(Half-rack size)二、面板简介:图2-1 2000正面图1.特殊键Power:电源开关SHIFT : 选择各按键的第二组功能LOCAL:取消远程计算机控制,回到仪器面板控制2.功能及操作键第一行(未按「SHIFT」键):1美商吉时利仪器股份有限公司台湾分公司(1) DCV量测直流电压(2) ACV量测直流电流(3) DCI量测交流电压(4) ACI量测交流电流(5) Ω2量测两线式奥姆(6) Ω4量测四线式奥姆(7) FREQ量测频率(8) TEMP量测温度第一行(先按「SHIFT」键再按以上各键):(1) MX+B量测MX+B(2) %量测百分比(3) dBm量测dBm(4) dB量测dB(5) CONT量测continuity(6) 二极管量测(7) PERIOD量测周期(8) TCOUPL温度量测相关设定第二行(未按「SHIFT」键):(1) EX TRIG选择外部触发源(2) TRIG面板触发键(3) STORE设定记忆点数并开始储存(4) RECALL显示储存的量测数值(5) FILTER开启/取消滤波器(6) REL开启/取消漂移准位消除功能(7) 左、右键左、右移动键2美商吉时利仪器股份有限公司台湾分公司第二行(先按「SHIFT」键):(1) DELAY设定触发和量测间的延迟时间(2) HOLD 保持读值(3) LIMITS设定上、下限准位(4) ON/OFF开启/取消上、下限功能(LIMITS)(5) TEST仪器自我测试功能(6) CAL校正功能第三行(未按「SHIFT」键):(1) OPEN打开所有通道的开关(2) CLOSE关闭开关(3) STEP通道切换键(4) SCAN信道扫描键(5) DIGITS设定显示位数(6) RATE 设定量测速(7) EXIT 取消键(8) ENTER 确定键第三行(先按「SHIFT」键):(1) SA VE储存目前量测组态(2) SETUP将量测组态回复到初始设定组态(3) CONFIG设定最大/最小频道数、定时器等参数(4) HALT取消扫描(5) GPIB GPIB设定(6) RS232 RS232设定3.范围选择键(1)▲更改为较大的范围3美商吉时利仪器股份有限公司台湾分公司(2)▼更改为较小的范围(3)AUTO开启/取消自动范围4.显示屏幕5.输入面板选择开关:选择量测讯号是由正面或是背面面板输入6.仪器臂7.正面面板输入端图2-2 2000背面图1.多通道开关扫瞄卡2.背板输入3.Trig Link4.RS2325.GPIB6.电源模块4美商吉时利仪器股份有限公司台湾分公司三、操作说明电压量测(请参阅“User Manual 2-18页”)图3-1电压量测接线图1.请先确定输入面板选择开关是设定在正面面板输入的位置。
吉时利2000校准(根据英文手册大致翻译)目录2校准概述 (2)环境条件 (2)校准考虑因素 (2)校准密码 (3)全面校准 (3)前面板校准 (4)SCPI 命令校准 (10)制造校准 (13)B错误信息错误概要 (17)概述使用本节中的程序来校准吉时利2000。
kyoritsu 1009 数字万用表使用说明书
MODEL1009KYORITSU ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS WORKS,LTD., 1. Safety WarningsThis instrument has been designed, manufactured and tested according to the following standards. IEC 61010-1, IEC61010-2-033 Measurement voltage CATⅢ 300V Pollution degree 2 IEC 61010-031 IEC 61326-1This instruction manual contains warnings and safety rules which must be observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument and retain it in safe condition. Therefore, read through these operating instructions before using the instrument. 2. FeaturesThis instrument, 1009, is a Digital Multimeter which designed for making measurement of the low-voltage equipment. (1) Designed to international safety standards. (6) Auto-ranging function IEC 61010-1, IEC61010-2-033 Measurement CAT.Ⅲ 300V Pollution degree 2 (7) Frequency measurement function IEC61010-031 (Requirements for the hand-held probe) (8) DUTY measurement function (2) REL function to check the difference of measured values (Express Pulse width / Pulse period as a percentage) (3) Auto power off function to save battery consumption (9) Current function is protected by fuse (4) Data hold function (10) Instrument is protected from mechanical shock by holster. (5) Diode and Continuity check function 3. Specification● Measuring ranges and accuracy (23±5℃, under the 45%〜75%RH)RangesDCV400mV4V40V400V600V0〜600V (5 Autoranging)Input impedance approx. 10MΩ±0.6%rdg ±4dgt±1.0%rdg ±4dgt±1.6%rdg ±4dgt (50 / 60Hz)±2.0%rdg ±4dgt (〜400Hz)±1.3%rdg ±4dgt (50 / 60Hz)±1.7%rdg ±4dgt (〜400Hz)±1.6%rdg ±4dgt (50 / 60Hz)±2.0%rdg ±4dgt (〜400Hz)±2.0%rdg ±4dgt ±1.0%rdg ±4dgt20〜399.9mVInput impedance approx. 10MΩ0〜600V (4 Autoranging)Input impedance approx. 10MΩ0〜4000uA (2 Autoranging)0〜400mA (2 Autoranging)400mV4V40V400V600V400uA4000uA40mA400mAACVDCAMeasuring rangeAccuracyIEC61010-031IEC61326-1(EMC)●Environmental standard EN50581 Monitoring and control instruments● Mode of operation △∑mode● Indication LCD maximum value 3999 (ACV/A, DCV/A, Ω, F) / maximum value 5119 (Hz) / units, symbols● Over range display "OL" symbol is displayed on the LCD.In case that the value is beyond effective measuring range at the position of Ω function range and manual range.● Auto-ranging Range shifts to upper range when indicated value is more than 3999.Range shifts to lower range when indicated value is less than 360.● Sampling rate approx. 400mS● Operating Environmental −indoor use conditions −altitude up to 2000m ● Temperature & Humidity range (guaranteed accuracy) 23℃±5℃ Relative humidity: less than 75%● Operating Temperature & Humidity range 0℃〜+40℃ Relative humidity: less than 80%● Storage Temperature & Humidity range -20℃〜+60℃ Relative humidity: less than 70%● Insulation Resistance It should be more than 10MΩ/DC1000V between electrical circuit and enclosures.● Withstand Voltage It should be more than AC3470V/ for five seconds between electrical circuit and enclosures.● Overload Protection Voltage function : 400mV range : 250V(RMS.) 10seconds except for 400mV range : 600V(RMS.) 10seconds Resistance function : 250V (RMS.) 10seconds Capacity function : 250V (RMS.) 10seconds Frequency function : 250V (RMS.) 10seconds Current function : uA, mA : Protected by 600V0.5A fuse A : Protected by 600V/10A fuse ● Dimensions / Weight approx. 155(L) x 75(W) x 33(D) mm / approx. 260g(including batteries)● Power source Two R6P(AA)1.5V or equivalent ● Accessories Test lead 1set / R6P (AA) 2p.c.s / Holster 1 /Instruction manual 1● FuseF 600V/500mA(fast acting type), φ6.3 x 32mm / F 600V/10A(fast acting type), φ6.3 x 32mm 4. Instrument Layout①Function Selector Switch ②Display ③RESET Key ④SELECT Key ⑤RANGE Key ⑥REL Key ⑦HOLD Key ⑧Hz/DUTY Key⑨Measuring terminal (V/Ω/Hz) ⑩Measuring terminal (COM)⑪Measuring terminal (mA) ⑫Measuring terminal (A)⑬Test Leads ⑭Holster ⑮Barrier ⑯Cap⑬⑮⑮⑯⑯Barrier: p rovides protection against electrical shock and ensuring the minimum required air andcreepage distances.Cap:Choose and use the test leads and caps that are suitable for the measurement category. When the instrument and the test lead are combined and used together, whichever lower category either of them belongs to will be applied. 5. Preparation 5-1 Checking Battery Voltage Set the Function Selector Switch to other positions except the OFF position. Battery Voltage is enough if indication is clear and symbol is not indicated in this bout. If symbol is indicated or no indication on the display, follow to the Battery Replacement procedures shown in item8 in this document and replace with new batteries. 6. Measurements 6-1 Voltage Measurement (DCV, ACV) (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the VΩHz terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "mV" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) C onnect the black test lead to the negative side of the circuit under the test and the red test lead to the positive side of the circuit, then themeasured value is indicated on the display. If you connect the test leads the other way, "ー" symbol is indicated on the display. 6-1-2 AC Voltage Measurement (ACV) (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "" position.(Then, "AC", "AUTO", and "V" symbols are indicated on the display.) Measured value is indicated on the display.Note) When you make measurement of the voltage less than 20mV at the AC400mV range, the measurement value cannot be indicated correctly. Even if short-circuit the input line at the range of AC4V, 1〜3dgt may remain indicated. In that case, by pressing REL key, "0" will be indicated. 6-2 Current Measurement (DCA/ACA) (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the mA terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to the appropriate "uA" or "mA" position. I n case that the measurement current is 3999uA or less, set the Function Selector Switch to "uA" position, and it is 399.9mA or less, set theFunction Selector Switch to "mA" position.(Then, "AUTO", and "uA"or "mA" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Power off the circuit under test. (4) C onnect the black test lead to the negative side of the circuit under the test and the red test lead to the positive side of the circuit so the instrumentis in the series with the circuit. (5) Power on the circuit under test. (6) Measured value is indicated on the display. If you connect the test leads the other polarity, "ー" symbol is indicated on the display. 6-2-2 DC Current Measurement (up to 10A) (1) Insert the black test lead plug into COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the A terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to the "A" position.(Then, "AUTO", and "A" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Power off the circuit under test. (4) C onnect the black test lead to the negative side of the circuit under the test and the red test lead to the positive side of the circuit so the instrumentis in the series with the circuit. (5) Power on the circuit under test. (6) Measured value is indicated on the display. If you connect the test leads the other polarity, "ー" symbol is indicated on the display. 6-2-3 AC Current Measurement (up to 400mA) (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal the red test lead plug into the mA terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to the appropriate "uA" or "mA" position. I n the case of the measurement current is 3999uA or less, set the Function Selector Switch to "uA" position, and it is 399.9mA or less, set theFunction Selector Switch to "mA" position.(Then, "AUTO", and "uA"(or "mA") symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Set the instrument to AC mode by pressing SELECT Key.(Then, "AC" symbol is indicated on the display.) (4) Power off the circuit under test. (5) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test so the instrument is in the series. (6) Power on the circuit under test. (7) Measured value is indicated on the display. 6-2-4 AC Current Measurement (up to 10A) (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the A terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "A" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "A" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Set the instrument to AC mode by pressing SELECT Key.(Then, "AC" symbol is indicated on the display.) (4) Power off the circuit under test. (5) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test so the instrument is in the series. (6) Power on the circuit under test. (7) Measured value is indicated on the display. 6-3 Resistance Measurement (Ω/ Diode check/ Continuity Check) 6-3-1 Resistance Measurement (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the VΩHz terminal. (2) S et the Function Selector Switch to "Ω" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "MΩ" symbols are indicated on the display.) Make sure that the "O.L" symbol is indicated on the display at this bout, then short the test lead tips and check "0" is indicated on the display. (3) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance under test. Measured value is indicated on the display.Note) Even if short the test lead tips, indicated value may not be "0". But this is because of the resistance of test leads and not a failure. In that case, by pressing REL key, "0" will be indicated. 6-3-2 Diode Check (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal the red test lead plug into the VΩHz terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "Ω" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "MΩ" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Press the SELECT Key one time and set the instrument to Diode Check mode. (Then, "" and "V" symbols are indicated on the display.) Make sure that the ".OL" symbol is indicated on the display at this bout, then short the test lead tips and check "0" is indicated on the display. (4) Connect the black test lead to the cathode side of the Diode and the red test lead to the anode side of the Diode. Forward voltage of Diode is indicated on the display. (5) Connect the black test lead to the anode side of the Diode and the red test lead to the cathode side of the Diode. Normally, ".OL" symbol is indicated on the display. Conclusion : Diode is OK if the instrument complies with above items(3) and (4).Note) Open-circuit voltage between measuring terminals is approx.1.5V.(measuring current approx. 0.4mA) 6-3-3 Continuity Check (1) Insert the red test lead plug into the VΩHz terminal and the black test lead plug into COM terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "Ω" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "MΩ" symbols are indicated on the display.) (Then, "" and "Ω" symbols are indicated on the display.) M ake sure that the "OL." symbol is indicated on the display at this bout, then short the test lead tips and check "0" is indicated on the display and check if the buzzer beeps. (4) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance under test. Measured value is indicated on the display. The buzzer beeps below about 100Ω.Note) E ven if short the test lead tips, indicated value may not be "0". But this is because of the resistance of test leads and not a failure. In that case, by pressing REL key, "0" will be indicated. 6-4 Capacitance Measurement (1) Insert the black test lead plug into the COM terminal and the red test lead plug into the VΩHz terminal. (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "" position.(Then, "AUTO" and "nF" symbols are indicated on the display.) (3) Press the REL key and "0" shall be indicated.(Then, "REL△" symbol is indicated on the display.) (4) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance under test. Measured value is indicated on the display. Measuring unit "nF" / "uF" is automatically chosen and indicated due to the measured value.Note) It may take some time according to the measuring capacitance. Measuring capacitance < 4uF ---------- Measuring time is about 2seconds Measuring capacitance < 40uF ---------- Measuring time is about 7seconds Measuring capacitance < 100uF ---------- Measuring time is about 15seconds 6-5 Frequency Measurement (2) Set the Function Selector Switch to "Hz" position.(Then, "Hz" symbol is indicated on the display.) (3) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test. Measured value is indicated on the display. Frequency can be measured at ACV, DCV, ACA and DCA functions by pressing "Hz/DUTY" Switch. Concerning with the direction for use of "Hz/ DUTY" Switch, please reference to the item7-6 Hz/DUTY in this document.Note) The minimum input can be measured is approx. 1.5V. Readings of frequency may fluctuate or be influenced under noisy environment. 7. How to use Function Switches 7-1 SELECT Key This key is to chose the measuring function at Ω/ Diode Check/ Continuity function and Current function(uA, mA, A). Actions at each function are as below. ● Ω/ Diode Check/ Continuity function W hen setting the instrument to "Ω/ Diode Check/ Continuity" function, "Ω"measuring mode has been selected in the initial condition. By pressing "SELECT" Key, measuring mode changes. "Ω" → "Diode Check" → "Continuity Check" ● Current function (uA, mA, A) When setting the instrument to any function of the "uA", "mA", and "A", DC Current M easuring mode has been selected in the initial condition. By pressing "SELECT" Key, measuring mode changes. "DC" → "AC" 7-2 RESET Key By pressing "RESET" Key, all functions can be reset to their initial conditions. Range setting, Mode setting and Data hold are all released and every function is back to its initial condition. 7-3 RANGE Key A t each "ACV", "DCV", "Ω", "uA", "mA" and "A" function, setting for the measuring ranges can be done manually by pressing "RANGE" Key. ("AUTO"symbol disappears from the display.) Every time when pressing "RANGE" Key, range moves. In order to change from manual mode to Auto-ranging, there are following 3ways. 1) Press "RANGE" Key for 2seconds 2) Change to the other functions. 3) Press "RESET" Key 7-4 REL Key The difference between measured values can be indicated on the display at each "ACV", "DCV", "Ω", "Capacitance", "ACA" and "DCA" function. When pressing "REL" Key, "REL△"symbol lights up and the value under measuring is stored. After that, the difference between stored value and measuring value is indicated on the display. It can be released by pressing the "REL" Key again, changing to the other functions or pressing the "RESET" Key. 7-5 HOLD Key The measured value can be hold at all functions. By pressing "HOLD" Key, "H" symbol indicated on the display and the indicated value can be held. By pressing "HOLD" Key again, "H" symbol disappears from the display and held data is released. 7-6 Hz/DUTY Key Making measurement for frequency of input signal and DUTY(Pulse width / Pulse period). (1) Change from normal measurement to "Frequency Measurement" and "DUTY Measurement". Every time when pressing "Hz/DUTY" Key, it changes in the following sequence from normal measurement. "Frequency" → "DUTY" → "Normal measurement" To measure a frequency, measure the voltage on the electrical circuit in advance. Then press the "Hz/DUTY" Key to enter into frequency measurement. Readings of frequency may fluctuate or be influenced under noisy environment. Caution: Frequency measuring range at ACV, DCV, ACA, DCA Functions by pressing the Hz/DUTY Key is as follows. Measurable frequency range: 1 to 10kHz (2) Change Frequency and DUTY at "Hz/DUTY" function. By pressing "Hz/DUTY" Key, it changes in the sequence : "Frequency" → "DUTY". 8. Auto Power Off Auto power off function operates when about 30minutes passed after power on this instrument. When Auto power off function operates and the instrument powered off, the power-off statue returns to normal by pressing any key. And it is possible to release the Auto power off function. Turn the function switch from OFF position to the function you want with pressing SELECT key, and power on the instrument. 9. Battery & Fuse Replacement (2) Remove the holster from the instrument. (3) Loosen one screw on the bottom of the Instrument and open the battery Cover then replace batteries. 9-2 Fuse replacement (1) Remove test leads from the instrument. (2) Remove the holster from the instrument. (3) Loosen two screws on the bottom of the instrument and open the battery cover, then replace fuses. 10. Maintenance Use a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent for cleaning the instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents.Kyoritsu reserves the rights to change specifications or Designs described in this manual without notice and without obligations. DISTRIBUTOR。
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Keithley 2400 Source Meter•电压源、电流源、电压表、电流表四合一新型仪器,适用于快速直流测试•可选高电压型 (1100V)、大电流型 (3A) 或大电流脉冲型 (10A) 电源/测量•最大功率:20W (2400和2410),60W (2420),100W (2425/2430 直流模式),1kW (2430 脉冲模式)•五位半数字电表, 0.012%准确度•可作六线式奥姆测量•程控电流/电压,并可设定箝制准位•最快速度可达1000点/秒(GPIB接口)•内建快速「通过/失效」比较器,适用于自动化质量管理•数字I/O可直接与其它仪器沟通•IEEE-488和RS-232界面•除量测电压、电流外,并可直接量测电阻、功率、百分率、补偿电阻(Offset Compensated Ω)、变阻器α值(Varistor α)、电压系数,如需做接触检测(Contact Check),可选用 2400C 系列Keithley 2400系列(2400,2410,2420,2430)多功能电源电表简易操作手册一、功能:二、面板简介:123.456 uA( 量測值) ON(輸出開/關)Vsrc: +00.0000V (電源輸出值)Cmpl:105.000uA(箝位值)图2-1 2400屏幕显示图屏幕显示:如图2-1所示,屏幕左上方所显示为「量测值」,右上方为「输出开/关」显示,左下方为「电源输出值」,右下方为「箝位值」显示。
图2-2 2400正面图图2-3 2400背面图Power:电源开关MEAS选择键:选择所欲量测的讯号(1) V量测电压(2) I量测电流(3) Ω量测电阻(4) FCTN量测功率 , 补偿电阻 ,电压系数 , 变电阻ALPHA值 ,百分率 (初始设定为功率)SOURCE选择键:选择电源输出型式(1) V输出电压(2) I输出电流(3)▲和▼增加或减少输出值或箝位值 (Cmpl)操作键:(1) EDIT选择设定电源输出值或箝位值(2) TOGGLE切换输出值与量测值位置(3) LOCAL取消远程计算机控制,回到仪器面板控制(4) REL开启/取消参考数值比较(5) FILTER开启/取消数字滤波(6) LIMIT开启/取消限制值测试(7) TRIG从面板触发开始量测(8) SWEEP开始输出设定好的扫瞄电压或电流(9) DIGITS改变量测显示数字(10) SPEED改变量测速度及精准度(11) STORE设定记忆数量并开始储存(12) RECALL显示储存的量测数值(13) CONFIG设定(加上其它按键,如CONFIG + SWEEP 可设定扫瞄输出)(14) MENU进入可储存设定值,更改通讯方式(IEEE-488 or RS232),或校正(15) EXIT跳出(16) ENTER确认RANGE:范围选择(1)▲更改为较大的范围(2)▼更改为较小的范围(3)AUTO自动切换至最佳范围OUTPUT:(1) ON/OFF开启/取消电源输出三、操作入门A.输出电压,量测电流1.接线如图3-1。
2.按SOURCE V ,设定输出电压(由”EDIT” 左、右键来更改光标位置,并经由”SOURCE”▲ , ▼及各数字键来设定数值)。
3.按MEAS I(量测电流)。
图3-1 二线式接线图B.输出电流,量测电压1. 接线如图3-1。
2.按SOURCE I ,设定输出电流(由”EDIT” 左、右键来更改光标位置,并经由”SOURCE”▲ , ▼及各数字键来设定数值)3.按MEAS V(量测电压)。
4.按MEAS Ω。
5.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
图3-2 四线式接线图D.量测功率1. 接线如图3-1。
2.先按「CONFIG 」,然后按「FCTN 」,选择「POWER 」然后按「ENTER 」。
3.按SOURCE I 或 V 。
4.按MEAS 「FCTN 」。
5.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
E. 补偿电阻(Offset Compensated Ω) 1212I I V V --=Ω補償電阻 1. 接线如图3-1。
2.先按「CONFIG 」,然后按「FCTN 」,选择「OFF-COMP-OHMS 」然后按「ENTER 」。
5按「FCTN 」。
6.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
F.量测变阻器α值(Varistor α) )log()log(1212V V I I =α1.接线如图3-1。
2.先按「CONFIG 」,然后按「FCTN 」,选择「VAR-ALPHA 」然后按「ENTER 」。
3. 设定I 1,I 2。
5.按「FCTN 」。
6.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
G.量测电压系数 %100)(%12212⨯-⨯-=V V R R R 電壓係數 1. 接线如图3-1。
2.先按「CONFIG 」,然后按「FCTN 」,选择「VOLT-COEFF 」然后按「ENTER 」。
3.设定V 1,V 2。
5.按MEAS 「FCTN 」。
6.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
H.量测百分比 100%⨯-=參考值參考值儀器讀值1. 接线如图3-1。
2.先按「CONFIG 」,然后按「FCTN 」,选择「%DEV 」然后按「ENTER 」。
3.设定参考值「REF 」。
4.设定参考高低容许范围「HI TOL 」、「LO TOL 」。
5.按SOURCE I 或 V 。
6.按MEAS 「FCTN 」。
7.按OUTPUT ON/OFF 输出电源。
四、电源扫描(sweep)设定2400共有四种扫描模式:线性阶梯波扫描(linear staircase )、对数阶梯波扫描(logarithmic staircase )、自订波型扫描(custom )、内存扫描(source memory )。
这四种模式简述如下:线性阶梯波扫描(linear staircase )如图4-1所示,必须设定起始准位(START )、结束准位(STOP )、位阶大小(STEP )、延迟时间(DELAY )。
图4-1 线性阶梯波对数阶梯波扫描(logarithmic staircase)如图4-2所示,必须设定起始准位(START)、结束准位(STOP)、扫描点数(NO OF POINTS)、延迟时间(DELAY)。
图4-2 对数阶梯波自订波型扫描(custom)如图4-3所示,必须设定扫描点数(#-POINTS)、各点的准位(ADJUST-POINTS)、延迟时间(DELAY)。
图4-3 对数阶梯波内存扫描(source memory)我们可以把不同的量测组态存在内存中,然后透过记忆扫描来做不同组态的测试,最多可以设定100组不同的量测组态。
操作:A.线性阶梯波扫描(linear staircase)1.选择送电压(按「V」)或送电流(按「I」)。
4.同步骤三,依序设定结束准位(STOP)、位阶大小(STEP)后,回到扫描设定选单(CINFIGURE SWEEPS)。
5.选择「SWEEP COUNT」,选择扫描循环数,「FINITE」可设定有限循环数,「INFINITE」则可无限制进行扫描。
※以上三种电源范围模式详细说明可参考「User’s Manual 」10-10页。
9. 扫描完毕之后,再按一次「ON/OFF」关闭电源,按「RECALL」键可显示内存中储存的各量测值,如图4-4。
123.456uA( 量測值) #0025(記憶體位置)Vsrc: +02.5000V (電源輸出值)@0000014.209s(時間)图4-4 内存数据显示B.对数阶梯波扫描(logarithmic staircase)1.选择送电压(按「V」)或送电流(按「I」)。
3.进入起始准位(START)设定,按EDIT左、右键来改变光标位置,可直接按各键来设定数值(如按「LOCAL」即”0”,「REL」即”1” …),或按▲和▼来循序改变数值,确定之后按「ENTER」。
4.同步骤三,依序设定结束准位(STOP)、扫描点数(NO OF POINTS)后,回到扫描设定选单(CINFIGURE SWEEPS)。
5.选择「SWEEP COUNT」,选择扫描循环数,「FINITE」可设定有限循环数,「INFINITE」则可无限制进行扫描。
※以上三种电源范围模式详细说明可参考「User’s Manual 」10-10页。