
【篇⼀】礼貌结束尬聊的实⽤英语⼝语 01. “尴尬”是awkward还是embarrassing? 在⾯对⾯的交谈中,我们时常会遇到这样⼀种情形:⾃⼰有事要离开,⽽对⽅还在滔滔不绝地讲话,这时候如何尴尬⽽不失礼貌地结束这段对话就成了⼀个棘⼿的问题。
Awkward和embarrassing都可以表⽰“尴尬”,那⼆者有什么区别呢? Awkward有uncomfortable的意思,⽽embarrassing可以形容让你脸红的事情(when your face goes red)。
再⽐如,如果男⼠不⼩⼼⾛进ladies’ room(⼥洗⼿间),那就可以说embarrassing。
很多⼈都害怕空⽓突然安静,你可以说: 还有⼀些awkward topic,⽐如⼩孩从哪⾥来的问题。
02. Actions to end a conversation 有时⽆声胜有声,你可以⽤⼀些⾏为来结束对话。
你可以表现得很忙碌,⽐如look at your watch,move your body away或者look at your feet。
很多⽅式都可以暗⽰对⽅你想要离开: 结束对话的时机也要选择好,你可以wait for a lull。
03. Phrases to end a conversation 如果对⽅注意不到你的肢体语⾔的话,你就要⽤语⾔来表达你的⼼思了。
⾸先,你可以讲⼀些关于future plans的话: 切记,如果对⽅跟你说了这些带有someday, sometime的话,你千万不要问:“when?”因为对⽅只是想结束这次谈话⽽不是要跟你约时间。

课堂上我让大家互相介绍一下对方,结果有个小姑娘愣是卡壳了,鼓起勇气的第一句话竟然是“My name is…呃…em…Lily,I’m like…”然后就停住了,看着我一脸茫然。
我当时就心想,这可咋整,难道要让她直接说“我是个像……一样的人”吗?为了避免尴尬,我就顺着她的话茬说“Like a…flower?”小姑娘一下子就反应过来了,开心地说“Yes,I’m like a flower, beautiful and strong!” 哎哟,这可真是让我刮目相看,原来她脑袋里还藏着这么“诗意”的表达呢!从这件事我发现,说英语,要真想不尴尬,就得从生活入手,从孩子们感兴趣的事情出发,才能让他们真正地打开嘴,说出来。
我总结了几点经验,分享给大家,希望可以帮到那些正在“挣扎”的老师和学生们:1. 选孩子们喜欢的话题,比如游戏、明星、漫画等等。
现在的孩子都爱玩手游,我们就玩着游戏一起聊游戏,比如《英雄联盟》,我们可以聊“Who is your favorite character?” “Which champion do you like most?” 等等。
2. 用有趣的游戏来练习,比如角色扮演。

在遇到自己犯错时,会说:I goofed it. 我做错了。
在遇到自己笨手笨脚做不好一件事时,也会说:Gracious,I seem to be having a hard time. 嗳!我似乎困难重重!
假如上司带着埋怨的口气说:You did not finish the work when you were supposed to.你该做完的工作而没有做完。
下属也会冷静地说:Yes,I forgot. I need to make sure I remember it next time.是的,我忘了,下次我会记住。
遇到别人做错事,他们往往也会宽慰地说:Don‘t worry,this happens sometimes.不要紧,这种事情时有发生。
当学生上课迟到,老师质问时,他会说:You are right. I need to allow myself more time next time.是啊,我下次需要充分的时间。
学生在上课时说话,老师要他先举手,他会说:I will remember next time when I have something to say. 我下次说话时会记得。

谈话如何避免尴尬的英语作文80字Having a conversation in English can sometimes be awkward, especially if you feel nervous or unsure of what to say. To avoid these uncomfortable situations, there are a few keytips to keep in mind.Firstly, it's important to be confident in yourself and your abilities. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, andit's okay to not be perfect in English. Just keep a positive attitude and don't be afraid to speak up.Secondly, try to prepare some topics or questions in advance. This can help keep the conversation flowing smoothly and prevent any awkward silences. You can ask about the other person's interests, hobbies, or opinions on different topics.It's also helpful to listen actively and show genuine interest in what the other person is saying. This can makethe conversation more engaging and show that you care about their thoughts and ideas.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you don't understand something. It's better to ask for help thanto pretend like you understand and risk causing confusion.By following these tips, you can have more confident and enjoyable conversations in English, and avoid the awkwardness that can come with language barriers. Practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if you have some stumbles along the way. Keep practicing and you'll improve over time.。

在英语中,话题终结者也被叫作topic killer,直译这个短语为“杀死话题的人”,可以说是很形象了。
He's a well-known topic killer. It's embarrassing to chat with him.他是众所周知的话题终结者,和他聊天好尴尬。
How to save a topic killer?如何拯救一个话题终结者呢?那我们应该怎样用英语结束尬聊,不做一个“topic killer”?英语不太好的我们,往往都只会用“Goodbye! ”“Bye! ”来结束话题。
这时候究竟该怎么说啊?Say goodbye is too abrupt直接说goodbye太突兀一种常见的方式是,告诉别人你还有别的事要做,然后顺理成章又礼貌地就可以结束对话啦~Well,nice to meet you here, but I really have to go. I'll see you soon.和你聊天很开心,但我真得走了,回聊!Alright,I have an appointment this afternoon. I'll see you around sometime.好了,我下午约了人,我们下次见啦。
要注意两句例句中“再见”的不同表达方式哦!不要只会说一个goodbye啦!See you next time下次见、有空约我们都知道,有时候“下次见、有空约”大概率就是再也不见,再也不约。

谈话如何避免尴尬的英语作文初一How to Avoid Awkward Conversations in English.As a beginner in learning English, having awkward conversations is a common occurrence. However, with some simple strategies and practice, you can avoid these embarrassing situations and improve your communication skills. Here are some tips to help you navigate English conversations more smoothly:1. Prepare Ahead: Before engaging in a conversation,try to anticipate the possible topics and questions. Think about common scenarios like introducing yourself, askingfor directions, or making small talk. Prepare some basic responses and practice them in advance.2. Listen Actively: Good communication starts with active listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying, and respond appropriately. Avoid interrupting or talking over them. Show interest by nodding or makingrelevant comments.3. Use Simple Language: When starting out, it's better to stick to simple language and avoid complex vocabulary or grammar structures. This will help you convey your message clearly and avoid misunderstandings.4. Ask Questions: If you're not sure about something or don't understand a word or phrase, don't hesitate to ask.It's okay to admit your ignorance, and asking questions is a great way to learn.5. Practice Makes Perfect: The more you practice, the more confident you'll become in your English-speaking abilities. Join English clubs, participate in speaking events, or simply speak to yourself in English to improve your fluency.6. Body Language and Tone: Remember that conversation is not just about words. Your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice all contribute to theoverall message. Be mindful of how you present yourself andaim to convey a positive, engaged attitude.7. Be Patient with Yourself: Learning a new language isa challenging but rewarding experience. Be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged if you make mistakes. Keep practicing and you'll soon see improvement.8. Accept Feedback: When someone corrects your English, don't take it personally. Use the feedback to improve and thank them for their help.9. Stick to Familiar Topics: If you're feeling nervous or unsure about a conversation, stick to topics you're familiar with. This could be about your interests, school, or daily life. You'll feel more comfortable and confident discussing these topics.10. Avoid Sensitive Topics: Certain topics, such as religion, politics, or personal disputes, can be controversial and lead to awkward situations. It's best to steer clear of these topics until you're more confident in your English-speaking abilities.Remember, everyone makes mistakes when learning a new language. The key is to learn from them, keep practicing, and don't be afraid to take risks. With time and effort, you'll become more fluent in English and avoid awkward conversations with ease. Good luck!。

I just thought you should know that you have a really nice smile. I bet you hear that a lot, huh?
Are you seeing anybody lately? 这7句是带有“感情色彩”的,所以在询问之前要 先考虑看看是否合适。但如果是想撩妹/撩汉,那 就大胆地上吧!
中级技能:夸人美 和普通朋友聊天,建议大家随时随地 夸人美! I like your nail color. It matches with your lips. You look radiant. 你看起来很精神。 You're in the pink! 你气色真好! You look better than ever. You're keeping well. 你最近看起来很好哦! 夸奖别人,一般都不会出错。所以,请大家从今
首先来学习一下最基本的几个 套路 话题
基础版 Excuse me, is this seat taken? Can I ask your opinion about something? Can you help me find this book? I lost my number, can I have yours? Are we in the same class by any chance? Professor Smith right? Could you tell me where the nearest subway is? Don’t you find this place cool? Hi, do you mind taking a picture for me? Hi, man. I ordered a sandwich. It's quite a lot. You wanna share?

1、Hi, XXX—经常喊对方的名字(1) 喊对方名字想想你与同事怎么打招呼?多数人见面时,都说,「早!」、「再见!」、「先离开了!」很少喊对方的名字。
办公室里的老外看到你打招呼,一定会喊出你的名字,”Hi, Lily.” “Hi, Jason.”。
(2) 说自己的名字。
Nice to meet you, Jeremy Lin.(你好,我是Jeremy Lin)。
就算不想采纳,通常也会客气地说:It's a good idea, BUT not a full solution.(你的主意很好,但不见得能完全解决问题。
Thank you for asking, BUT I already have plans tonight.(谢谢邀请,但我今晚有事。
)有时也把Let me think about it. 作为缓冲或推辞的借口。
例如:老板带着责备的口气说:You miss the deadline.(你没有按时交差。
)属下也会冷静以对:Yes. I'll make sure I meet the deadline next time.(是的,我下次一定准时。

Conversation Skills: How to Avoid AwkwardSituations in EnglishAs young learners of English, we often find ourselvesin situations where we have to communicate with others, whether it's with classmates, teachers, or even strangers. In these conversations, awkward moments can arise, making us feel nervous or embarrassed. However, with the right skills and strategies, we can avoid these awkwardsituations and confidently engage in meaningful conversations.**1. Start with a Greeting**A simple greeting can break the ice and make the other person feel comfortable. For example, you can say, "Hello!" or "Hi!" followed by a smile. This establishes a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for the conversation.**2. Listen Actively**Listening is an essential skill in any conversation. When someone is speaking, make sure to pay attention and nod or make other appropriate responses to show that you'reengaged. This not only avoids awkward silences but also encourages the other person to speak more freely.**3. Ask Questions**Questions are a great way to keep a conversation going. By asking open-ended questions, you encourage the other person to elaborate and share their thoughts and experiences. This not only avoids awkward pauses but also helps you learn more about the other person.**4. Use Fillers Wisely**Fillers like "um," "like," and "you know" can become problematic if used excessively. They can make your speech sound disjointed and unsure. Try to limit their use and replace them with more confident language.**5. Avoid Sensitive Topics**Certain topics, such as religion, politics, or personal issues, can be sensitive and controversial. Unless you're sure the other person is comfortable discussing them, it's best to avoid these topics to prevent awkwardness or conflict.**6. End on a Positive Note**Always try to end the conversation on a positive note. Thank the other person for their time and share anypositive feedback or comments you have about the conversation. This leaves a good impression and encourages future interactions.Remember, conversation is a two-way street. It takes practice and patience to become a confident communicator. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to avoiding awkward situations and enjoying meaningful conversations in English.**如何避免英语谈话中的尴尬情境**作为英语初学者,我们常常发现自己需要与他人交流,无论是与同学、老师还是陌生人。

英语小知识:跟老外寒暄、妙句生活在国外,你是不是常常不知道怎么和别人寒暄?除了How are you,你还会别的吗?别人在跟你打招呼之后,除了Fine, thank you, and you,你还会别的吗?下面给大家详细列举了几乎所有常见的打招呼的方式,跟老外聊天不再尴尬!寒暄方式1:How are you?如何回应:Very well, thanks.(这才是最正确的回答,如果别人用how。
不过大家渐渐不太重视这个问题,就延伸出许多其他的回答.还可以说一句And you?)Fine.(如果你只想简单回应,不想继续聊天)Not bad.(比Fine更友好一点的回应,如果想同样问候别人,可以加一句How about yourself?)Fine, thanks.(比较正式的回应,一般是对不太熟悉的人说的)Pretty good。
(这就是随便的一种回答)Great! How are you doing?(这就是很明显的想要将谈话继续下去的一种回答方式.)I’m hanging in there.(意思是说你今天过得很不好,或者你还可以说A tough day!)I've been better.(一个负面的回答常常表示你想继续话题,并告诉别人你的sad story。
)寒暄方式2…How's it going?如何回应:你也可以用How are you的那些回答来回应这个问题。
另外一些回答方式:It's going well. (友好、有礼貌的回复)寒暄方式3 …What's up?/ What's happening?(Informal)如何回应:这个问题其实就是在问”What's going on?/What’s happening in your life?" 如果你不想跟对方深入聊下去,可以简单回复.What's up(What's up其实是不用回答的,有时候人们就同样一句what's up来回应)Nothing.(一种比较没礼貌的说法,但可以在你生气的时候使用)Not a lot。

欢迎阅读学习!How To Keep A Conversation Going In English英语中如何维持对谈It is often difficult to keep a conversation going in any language. During most of our daily interactions with people, we engage in small talk. Small talk is a short, polite conversation about casual topics such as how your family is, the weather, or current sports news. As language learners, these are the first type of conversations we learn because the questions are easy to form, and we can learn a little about another person.对于任何语⾔来说要维持对谈并不容易。
A great way to begin a longer conversation is to ask questions about the person you are talking to. Everybody likes talking about their own experiences, opinions, and thoughts, so asking questions can allow a longer conversation. Maintaining a conversation in a new language is not easy, but with these tools you can gain confidence in knowing how to express yourself thoroughly.要想开启⼀次⽐较长的对谈,是对对⽅进⾏提问。

【篇一】怎样用英语口语聊天避免尴尬〔01〕How do you know...?你怎么知道…的?How do you know后面可加人名。
比如说,How do you know Charlie?那么对方就会开始和你的下一段对话,就是表示他怎么认识他的,话题就从中来啦。
〔02〕What wheels you drive?你喜欢开什么车?这个对话的开始非常常见于两个男性之间的谈话,他们也对车都有着爱好。
〔03〕You look familiar.你看起来很面熟。
〔04〕Where do you come from?你是从哪里来的?这一句话真的是最为推荐的一个开场白。
比如说,对方回答:”I am from Sichuan.”你就会想到四川的火锅,延伸的回答便是:“ Sichuan hot pot is very delicious!I like it very much.”〔05〕What a small world!世界真小啊!当你再一次见到这个人的时候,你就可以用这句话来开头。
〔06〕What are you into?你喜欢什么?What … are you into?…可以加一些类别相关的词语。
〔07〕Jingdong or Taobao?京东还是淘宝买的?当你对对方的衣服或者某个饰品感兴趣,你想问TA在哪儿买的,就可以这么问啦。
〔08〕Looks like a great thing.看起来不错。
〔09〕What are your thoughts on?你怎么看?你可以选择最近的热点事件,来问对方你怎么看待这个事情。

1、You've put on weight.你貌似胖了。
但也要切记用疑问句“Have you just put on weight?”。
另外,千万千万别说“You're getting fat.”,这是难以置信的侮辱。
2、Oh you're pregnant! 你怀孕了!可能跟国内情况相反,外国两类人最讨厌被让座,即老人和胖子。
3、Is this your daughter? 这是你闺女吗?万一她是他的女朋友怎么办?万一他们是兄妹、姐妹怎么办?这也涉及到交际中的一大禁忌:避免揣测关系,只能等人家来介绍或是自我介绍一下自己。
4、Your sister is so much prettier than you.你姐妹比你漂亮好多又一个讨打的说法。
5、That color doesn't suit you.你不适合那个颜色。

就拿我最近去趟Costco来说吧,想买点新鲜的草莓,结果结账的时候,那个小哥突然问我:"How are you today?" 我当时脑袋里就一片空白,只会傻傻地回答:"Good...good",然后就感觉自己就像个哑巴了,尴尬得简直能挖个地缝钻进去!你说,这英语口语怎么练才能不那么尬呢?其实,我发现啊,想要练好口语,说白了就是要多说,多用。
所以,我给自己制定了几个小目标:1. "跟自己对话",就是自言自语。
2. “英语电影、剧集”,学好几遍,然后模仿着说。
3. "小步伐,勤练习”,找到一个一起练习的小伙伴。

如何避免尬聊话题英语作文标题,Avoiding Awkward Conversation Topics。
In our social interactions, conversations are the glue that holds relationships together. However, sometimes wefind ourselves in situations where the conversation becomes awkward due to inappropriate or uncomfortable topics. Inthis essay, we will explore strategies to avoid such awkwardness and maintain smooth conversations.First and foremost, one effective strategy is to steer clear of controversial or sensitive topics such as politics, religion, and personal finances. These topics often lead to heated debates and can easily offend someone's beliefs or values. Instead, focus on neutral subjects that everyonecan comfortably engage in, such as hobbies, travel experiences, or favorite books and movies.Another approach is to pay attention to the cues and body language of the person you are conversing with. If younotice signs of discomfort or disinterest when a certain topic is brought up, gracefully transition to a different subject. Being attentive to the other person's reactions shows respect and helps maintain a positive atmosphere.Moreover, asking open-ended questions is a great way to keep the conversation flowing naturally without delvinginto awkward territory. Instead of asking yes or no questions that can lead to dead ends, inquire about the other person's thoughts, opinions, or experiences. This encourages them to elaborate and keeps the dialogue engaging.Furthermore, sharing personal anecdotes or experiences can help break the ice and create a sense of connection between participants. However, it's important to gauge the appropriateness of the story and ensure it's relevant to the conversation. Avoid oversharing or divulging intimate details that may make others uncomfortable.Additionally, utilizing humor can diffuse tension and lighten the mood in awkward situations. However, it'scrucial to be mindful of the type of humor being used and avoid anything that could be interpreted as offensive or insensitive. Gentle, lighthearted jokes are usually safe bets for keeping conversations enjoyable for everyone involved.In conclusion, navigating conversations without stumbling into awkward territory requires awareness, sensitivity, and tact. By steering clear of contentious topics, paying attention to cues, asking open-ended questions, sharing relevant anecdotes, and using appropriate humor, we can ensure that our interactions remain pleasant and enjoyable for all parties involved. Remember, the goal of conversation is not to impress others or prove a point, but to connect and foster meaningful relationships.。

例如:“Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I really have to go. I’ll see you soon.”和你聊天很开心,但我真得走了,回聊!“so, great talking to you, but I have to go back to the office. Take care!”很高兴和你聊天,但我得回办公室了,保重!所以,我们可以是用话语标记,例如well, anyway, alright, so 等词来说明借口,表示离开。
你可以说:Alright, I’m going to get another drink. I’ll see you around sometime.好了,我再去找一杯饮料,我们下次见啦。
Anyway, I should go to say hi to Liz, I’ll see you later.我想我应该跟利兹大声招呼,一会见。
2、呼唤对方名字但在交谈中,对方说得完全停不下来,咋办?在聚会时,总有非常chatty 健谈的人。
这种情况下,不能直接打断他们,说:“Sorry, I have to go.”然后走开。

如何用英语解决“尬聊”问题编者按:尬聊掀起了一阵微博舆论,尬聊就是聊天过程中出现了尴尬的情况,大家都在讨论尬聊这个话题,尬聊四句话什么呢?尬聊这个词用英语怎么解释?能解决尬聊这个话题吗?In Chinese, these moments are known as 尬聊(gàliáo), literally “embarrassing chat”, with 尬(gà) from 尴尬(gāngà, embarrassment) and 聊(liáo) meaning“chat.”One famous offender is Chen Luyu(陈鲁豫), one of several TV hosts dubbed by some as “China’s Oprah” due to her popular talk show "A Date With Luyu", but who might as well be well-known for her regular 尬聊(gàliáo/embarrassing chat) moments. Once, when her guest Zhang Chaoyang, CEO of Sohu, described being “on a plane, watching the moon in the night sky, full of emotions…” Chen interrupted to ask, “How could you see the moon in the plane?” “Because the plane has windows,” Zhang politely explained, after a meaningful if brief pause. Viewers remarked:主持人又在尬聊了。
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【篇一】如何用英语口语避免尬聊一、Introductions 自我介绍一般遇到新认识的人,先自我介绍下。
以下这些经典句式可以帮到你--1. Good morning! We always have coffee at the same time but we’ve never spoken before. My name is [Your Name].早上好!我们在同一时间喝过咖啡,但我们当时没有讲话。
我的名字是……2. Hi Angela. You might not remember me but we met at Tom’s Christmas party last year. I’m [Your Name].Hi Angela, 你可能不记得了,但我们在去年Tom组织的圣诞聚会上见过面,我是……二、Universal Topics 普遍话题一群人聊天的时候,建议聊一些安全话题。
比如--1. Did you watch the Oscars last week? I can’t believe Leonardo DiCaprio finally won one!”你们看了上周的奥斯卡颁奖典礼吗?真想不到小李子居然拿到了小金人。
2. This weather is crazy! It was cold yesterday and today I came in with an open jacket. I hope it stays warm, don’t you?这天气真是太疯狂了。
3.That basketball game yesterday had me glued to my seat. Wasn’t thata great save at the very end?昨天的篮球比赛太精彩了,让我坐在凳子上,一动不敢动。
三、The Day 问近况、问心情职场上,一大早和同事打招呼,或者去拜见客户或生意伙伴,一般都需要寒暄下。
1. How was your day? / How has your day been so far?/What have you been doing today?今天怎样啊?2. Has anything exciting happened today?今天有什么乐呵的事吗?3. What are you planning for after work?下班后打算去哪儿?或者别人心情不太好,你也可以试着用下面句子安慰别人--4. Hey there. You look like you’re having a rough day. I hope it gets better for you.嗨,你今天看起来有点累啊,希望你慢慢好起来。
或者你想问别人一些比较隐私的话题,可以说--5. Do you mind me asking…?我能问问你……当然了,除了上述比较复杂的句式,还可以直接简简单单来一句:6. Hi, …! What’s up?你最近过得怎样?回答这种问题,也不一定都是 fine,thank you, and you?你也可以来点新意,下面这些回答就更简洁、地道:-- Can’t complain. 挺好的,没啥可抱怨的-- Same as ever. 还是好样子-- Couldn't be better. 非常好四、In the meetings 会议场合商务会议从始至终,常常也贯穿一些寒暄词,让会议气氛热络起来,双方不至于冷场。
这时候,主持会议的人,就需要做一些ice breaker,宣布会议开始。
一般可以这么说:1. Well, I suppose we should make a start. 好了,现在我们开会吧。
2. So, shall we get down to business? 来,让我们来谈谈正事吧。
3. Right, let’s make a start, shall we? 我们现在可以开始了吗?开会,当然是有始有终。
一般来说,商务场合中如果对方要开始发名片,或向你要名品,就意味着会议差不多结束了,比如:4. Anyway, let me give you my card. 好吧,这是我的名片。
5. Listen, do you have a card? 嗯,你有名片吗?或者,会议相关话题都讨论完了,你要撤了,可以用下面这些再见“套路”:Say you have to leave because of another commitment (说你还有其他事)6. Sorry, I really have to go now. My boss is waiting for me outside.抱歉,我真的要走了,我老板正在外面等我。
7. I should really get going. I have another appointment in a couple of minutes.我真要走了,几分钟后我还有约。
8. Listen, I’ve just seen Chris over there. Excuse me a moment, I really need to catch him.我刚刚在那儿见过Chris,抱歉了,我得要追上他。
而英语国家的人,往往会用‘so’, ‘right then’ 或者‘OK’ 来暗示会议要结束了。
或者:It was nice talking to you.和你聊得真开心这也是别人暗示和你聊得差不多,要撤了的暗示语。
五、Observations and compliment 观察、赞美再比如啦:女职员在卫生间相遇,在茶水间碰到,往往都蛮尴尬的。
1. I love your shoes today, they really pull your outfit together.你真喜欢你今天这双鞋,跟你这一身太搭了。
注:pull together 是同心协力,团结一致的意思,在这里指的是“整体很搭,气质很统一”。
2. Did you see? They finally fixed the light in the break room. It’s been broken for almost a month!你看到了吗?他们终于修好了休息室的灯。
3. Hey Pam, your cookies last night were delicious! Thank you for making them for the party.Pam,你昨天做的饼干真好真。
六、Networking 商务聚会人在职场,有时候还要去参加一些酒会啦,party啦,去networking,拉关系。
1. What business are you in?你在哪个行业呢?2. Are you with an accounting firm, or do you work for a business ina different industry?你是在律所工作吗?你想换个行业常常吗?3. What do you like about your job?你最喜欢工作哪个部分?4. How did you get started in this kind of work?你是如何进入这行的?5. What advice would you give someone just starting out in your industry?对于这行的新人,你对他们有什么建议呢?【篇二】与外国人交流怎么避免尬聊1、别问一些太简单的问题如果你提的问题过于简单,人家回答也只需要一两个词的时候,那就要慎用了,如:Where do you live?(你住在哪?)外国人直接回答Los Angeles,然后就没有然后了,那这样还能不能愉快地聊天了?或者看到别人穿的衬衣比较漂亮,然后问How much is your shirt?人家除了回答价格多少钱多少钱,还会想着回答什么呢?可以试着问一些引导性的复杂的问题,如:What do you think of your neighborhood?(你对你的邻居印象怎样?)What do you think of the new store in the mall?(你觉得商场新开的商店怎么样?)2、试着寻找一些共同的兴趣点俗话说,话不投机半句多,寻找兴趣点真的很有用。
在交流的时候,通过对于穿着打扮、说话方式、说话的内容细致观察,再大致判断他的兴趣点,或者单刀直入,直接问What's your hobby/ What are your interests?等等,这样可能保证你们之间的交流在很长的时间不会停止。
3、多讲一些感受和看法就比如,对于一趟旅行来说,你除了问Where did you go?以外,还可以说像这样的:talk about how anxious youfelt when you almost missed your connection.(谈谈当你失联的时候,你紧张到了什么程度)尽量让别人能够有着倾诉的机会,而不是简简单单的陈述一些基本的事实。
自己在讲的时候,尽量是一些比较正能量的话题,如果别人偏向于负能量的话,那就多加鼓励他们,说一些Don’t worry/Come on/Cheer up等类似鼓励人的话语,让他们感觉到你是在认真听他们的话而且很想让他们振作起来。