










HTRI Exchanger 使用手册一、换热器的基础设计知识1.1 换热器的分类1.按作用原理和实现传热的方式分类(1)混合式换热器;(2)蓄热式换热器;(3)间壁式换热器其中间壁式换热器按传热面的形状和结构分类:(1)管壳式:固定管板式、浮头式、填料函式、U型管式(2)板式:板翅式、平板式、螺旋板式(3)管式:空冷器、套管式、喷淋管式、箱管式(4)液膜式:升降膜式、括板薄膜式、离心薄膜式(5)其他型式:板壳式、热管2.按换热器服务类型分类:(1)交换器(Exchanger): 在两侧流体间传递热量。


制冷剂有氨(Ammonia)、乙烯、丙烯、冷却水(Chilled water)或盐水(brine)。






(8)蒸汽发生器(Steam generator)(废热锅炉(waste heat boiler)):用产生的蒸汽带走热流体中的热量。




1.2换热器类型管壳式换热器(Shell and Tube Exchanger):主要应用的有浮头式和固定管板式两种。




L型后封头:和A型前封头相同 M型后封头:和B型前封头相同 N型后封头:和N型前封头相同 U型:U型管束,管束可移动,壳侧容易清洗;热膨胀处理优秀,经济无法兰; 缺点是管侧无法清洗,更换管束困难,弯头部位容易冲刷损伤, P型封头和W型封头已经被淘汰,不在使用, S型封头:其尺寸特点是其后封头要比壳体的直径大,优点是可以解决换热 器设计过程中的两个问题,一是可以消除换热器的热应力,二是换热器的管
1、管壳侧是否需要清洗; 2、是否需要移动管束; 3、是否需要考虑热膨胀; 前封头类型:A、B、C、D、N 后封头类型:L、M、N、P、S、T、W 后封头又分为固定式、浮头式以及U型管,相对于固定式,浮头式造价更高、 需要更大的壳径、低的换热效果由于泄漏流C的存在,优点则是一端具有自 由度可以处理好热膨胀问题,
对于一定的工艺条件,首先应确定设备的形式, 例如选择固定管板形式还是浮头形式等,参
在管子类型中,螺纹管属于管外扩展表面的类型,在普通换热管外壁轧制成 螺纹状的低翅片,用以增加外侧的传热面积,螺纹管表面积比光管可扩展 1.6-2.7倍,与光管相比,当管外流速一样时,壳程传热热阻可以缩小相应的倍 数,而管内流体因管径的减小,则压力降会略有增大,螺纹管比较适宜于壳
X型壳体:冷热流体属于错流流动,其优点是压降非常小,当采用其他壳体 发生振动,且通过调整换热器参数无法消除该振动时可以使用此壳体形式,
在化工工艺手册中,I型壳体类型可EDR软件中的不是同一种壳体,其形式见 I1,它的使用方式仅有一种搭配,就是BIU,U型管换热器,









3、元件应存放在干燥处,若长期存放,绝缘电阻低于1M Ω时,应在120~200℃左右的干燥箱烘烤(或通低电压)数小时,使绝缘电阻恢复正常方可使用。

序号设备名称及代号 型 号 规 格 主要参数及电气性能 数 量 主 要 材 料 电热元件数量(支) 防 护 等 级 备 注 单台额定 功率 (Kw ) 额定电压 (V ) 外形尺寸(㎜) 性能指标 L (宽) H (高)绝缘电阻 耐电压 1 反应釜用电加热器 FYFG-01 26 380 350 2750 ≥50M Ω 1760V 1 耐腐型奥氏体不锈钢 4 IP552 FYFG-02 48 380 350 2750 ≥50M Ω 1760V 1 6 IP55。



F Series 温湿度变送器 说明书

F Series 温湿度变送器 说明书

F SeriesHUMIDITYAND HUMIDITY-TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS INSTRUCTION MANUALCONTENTS DESCRIPTION (3)OPERATION (4)Power Supply (4)Output Range (4)Temperature Operating Range and Temperature Limits (4)Humidity Limits (4)Temperature Compensation (4)Sensor Protection (5)Output Signals (5)Wiring Diagrams (6)Grounding (7)INSTALLATION (8)General Recommendations (8)Installation of the Base Plate (9)Installation of the Electronics Module (10)MAINTENANCE (11)Cleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model) (11)Periodic Calibration Check (11)SPECIFICATIONS (13)PLEASE, READ THIS FIRST• Check the product for any physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. We carefully pack and routinely insure all shipments. If any damage has occurred, it is your responsibility to filea claim with the carrier, prior to returning the damaged product. Please note that our warranty doesnot cover damage during shipment.• See the label on the shipping box for information about the model number of the transmitter, the supply voltage as well as the type and range of the output signals. An identical label is also located under the printed circuit board.• Prior to installation, get fully familiarized with the operating limits of the product and with the installation instructions provided in this manual.• Do not unnecessarily remove the sensor protection (dust filter or slotted cap) from the probe. Both sensors (humidity and temperature) can be mechanically damaged by careless removal of the protection. The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor looks like a small white paper tag. Do not remove from the probe!Each ROTRONIC instrument is carefully calibrated before shipment. No further adjustments should be required before installation. If you have any question or problem, please call our service department at 631/427-3898 and press 5 (or ask for extension 21).Transmitters of the F series are used to measure humidity or a combination of humidity and temperature in commercial HVAC installations, clean rooms, research laboratories and light (clean) manufacturing areas. The electronic circuitry is either of the 2-wire loop powered type or of the 3-wire type. Linearized output signals (DC current or voltage) are provided for transmission over a length of cable to a remote display, recorder, controller or data processing unit.The F series features the ROTRONIC HYGROMER capacitive humidity sensor. This well proven sensor offers exceptional durability and stability in all kinds of environments. This fact is reflected in the 3-year full warranty that covers the transmitters of the F series. Reliability is further enhanced by the easy-to-perform field calibration. Measurement accuracy and fast response are provided over the entire range of humidity conditions, even when the sensor is exposed to extremely high or low humidity over long periods of time. An electronic compensation circuit maintains the accuracy of humidity measurement at all temperatures.Models that measure both humidity and temperature, use an RTD Pt100 as the temperature sensor.F series transmitters include a base plate and a module (sensor and electronics) which plugs into the base plate. The base plate can be installed and wired without the module at the same time as general electrical work is being done. During that period of time, the electronics module can safely be stored away.The F series is available in the following configurations:Model Measurement Circuit Type InstallationF2C-W Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)FT2C-W Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)F2C-D Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT2C-D Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall)F3V-W Humidity 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)FT3V-W Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)F3V-D Humidity 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT3V-D Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall)Power SupplyTransmitters of the F series require the following supply voltage:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 10..35 VDC - depending on the load connected to the output(s) The minimum supply voltage can be determined as follows: V min = 10 V + [0.02 x Load (ohm)]. For the maximum load of 500Ω, the minimum supply voltage is 10 + [0.02 x 500] = 20 VDC. The maximum current consumption is 20 mA per output circuit.• 3-Wire transmitters: 10..35 VDC or 24 VACModels with a current output require a minimum of 15 VDC when the load connected to the output(s) is 500Ω. 3-Wire transmitters have a typical current consumption of 16 mA (Humidity only) or 32 mA (combined humidity and temperature).Output RangeThe range of the relative humidity output is 0 to 100%RH. The temperature output depends on the range specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board). Temperature Operating Range and Temperature LimitsThe F series can operate within 23 to 122°F (-5 to 50°C) at the electronics.The temperature operating range of space mount models (surface) is the same as the temperature limits of the electronics. For through wall (duct) installation models, the temperature limits at the sensor(s) are -22..158°F (-30..70°C).Operating the transmitter and/or its probe outside of the temperature limits can result in permanent damage.Humidity LimitsAs far as possible, avoid sudden condensation at the sensors. When measuring at high humidity, condensation may occur on the humidity sensor due to a sudden difference in temperature with the environment. This does not damage the sensor. However, this will produce an overflow reading (an output signal of more than 100 %RH) for as long as condensation is present on the humidity sensor. Temperature CompensationPractically every make of relative humidity sensor requires a compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity output signal in order to measure accurately over a wide range of temperature conditions. In the specific case of an instrument using a capacitive sensor, compensation is required because the dielectric characteristics of both the water molecule and the hygroscopic polymer used in the sensor vary with temperature.The electronic circuit of the F series uses an NTC located next to the humidity sensor to provide automatic compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity sensor. The temperature compensation uses normal room temperature as a reference. Because of this, calibration of the unit is done at normal room temperature rather than at the temperature of operation at the sensor.Sensor ProtectionTransmitters of the F series for through wall (duct) installation are supplied as a standard with a dust filter to protect the sensors. Space mount transmitters do not have a dust filter since the sensor(s) relies on natural ventilation through the slots of the enclosure.When using a transmitter for through wall installation in a clean environment with rapidly changing conditions, it is recommended to use a slotted cap with screen (available from ROTRONIC) as opposed to using a dust filter.Never use the transmitter without protecting the sensors with either a filter or a slotted cap.Output SignalsThe F series is available with the following output signals:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 4-20 mAThe transmitter behaves as a variable load and adjusts the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.• 3-Wire transmitters: 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-1 V or 0-5 V. The output signal depends on the type specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).The output signals are linear and are consistent with the requirements of most data/signal processing instrumentation (panel meter, controller, computer card, etc.).Units with current outputs behave as a variable source of current and adjust the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.Units with voltage outputs behave as a variable voltage source and adjust the voltage across the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signals may be read with any voltage sensing device having a minimum impedance of 1000 ohms. When several devices are connected in parallel with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not be less than 1000 ohms.Wiring DiagramsThe wiring diagram for transmitters that measure humidity only is as follows:3-Wire Transmitter with voltage output2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA output)Terminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current output12Terminal number on base platenot used not usedThe wiring diagram for transmitters that combine humidity and temperature measurement is as follows:GroundingOperation of the F series does not require that the unit be electrically grounded. However, we recommend grounding the instrument, especially if the electronic circuits are subjected to a low humidity environment (less than 35 %RH).3-Wire Transmitter with voltage outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs) using two independent power suppliesTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs)using a single power supplyINSTALLATION• Do not remove the dust filter or slotted cap from the probe. The sensor can easily be damaged when not protected.• The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor has the appearance of a small white paper tag.Do not remove!General RecommendationsRelative humidity is extremely dependent on temperature. Proper measurement of relative humidity requires that the probe and its sensors be at exactly the temperature of the environment to be measured. Because of this, the location where you choose to install the probe can have a significant effect on the performance of the instrument. The following guidelines should guarantee good instrument performance:• Select a representative location: install the probe where humidity, temperature and pressure conditions are representative of the environment to be measured.• Provide good air movement at the probe: air velocity of at least 200 ft/ minute (1 meter/second) facilitates adaptation of the probe to changing temperature.• Avoid the following:(1)Close proximity of the probe to a heating element, a cooling coil, a cold or hot wall, direct exposure to sun rays, etc. (2) Close proximity of the probe to a steam injector, humidifier, direct exposure to precipitation, etc. (3) Unstable pressure conditions resulting from excessive air turbulence.• Immerse as much of the probe as possible in the environment to be measured.• Prevent the accumulation of condensation water at the sensor leads. Install the probe so that the probe tip is looking downward. If this is not possible, install the probe horizontally.Installation of the Base PlateThe base plate should be installed first, using screws with an approximate diameter of 5/32".Through Wall Space MountIMPORTANT (Through wall installation only)In order to be able to use a calibrator for future calibration checks, an orifice should be provided at a distance of about 6” from the center of the base plate. Calibrators available from ROTRONIC require an orifice with a diameter of 13/16” (21 mm). We recommend that this orifice be equipped with a QMA-15 probe holder and a rubber stopper. The orifice will be used to insert the probe of the calibrator and to verify the readings of the transmitter.The base plate of the through wall model is supplied with one sealing cable grip. This cable grip provides effective sealing only with cables having the proper outside diameter. Preferably, use a cable with an outside diameter of 0.236 to 0.275 inch (6 to 7 mm) and with 18 AWG wires. Depending on the installation, you may have to use a cable with twisted pairs or a shielded cable to avoid interference.In order to determine the maximum length of cable that can be used to connect the transmitter to other devices, the first step is to find out what is the resistance per unit of length of the cable that you plan on using.. Current outputs: the maximum permissible cable length, connecting the unit to other devices, is determined by the total resistance resulting from the addition of the cable resistance and that of the devices connected in series with the unit. This resistance should not exceed 500 ohms.. Voltage outputs: the maximum cable length can be determined under consideration of the voltage drop caused by the current flowing to the devices connected to the unit. The voltage drop in the cable depends both on cable resistance and on the equivalent resistance of the devices connected in parallel to the unit. The total resistance connected to each unit output must at least be equal to 100 kohms. Cable resistance should not be more than 1/1000 of the load resistance.Avoid running the cables connecting the unit in the same conduit as 110 VAC power cables. If this cannot be avoided, a shielded cable or a cable with twisted wires may be required to prevent interference due to electromagnetic induction caused by switching.We generally recommend grounding, especially if the electronics will be subjected to a low humidity environment (35 %RH or less).Transmitter TypeTerminals Description (see base plate) 2-Wire, humidity only 1: not used2: not used3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity only 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: not used4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)2x2-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: 4-20 mA (temperature) 3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: (+) Temperature (current or voltage) 4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)See also Wiring DiagramsInstallation of the Electronics ModuleOnce the base plate has been installed and wired, the plug-in module (sensor(s) and electronics can be inserted and secured with the screws provided. The transmitter is ready to operate.Example:Through wall installation.MAINTENANCECleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model)The dust filter should be cleaned from time to time, depending on the conditions of measurement. Cleaning should be done without removing the filter from the probe. Gently wipe the filter with a solution of water and mild detergent. If this does not remove most of the stains, the filter should be replaced. To do this, unscrew the filter from the probe.Before putting on a new dust filter, check the alignment of both sensors with the probe. The wires that connect the sensors to the probe are very thin and bend easily. If this happens, correct the alignment by holding the sensor very gently with a pair of small flat nosed pliers.Periodic Calibration CheckLong term stability of the humidity sensor is typically better than 1 %RH per year. For maximum accuracy, calibration of the unit should be verified every 6 to 12 months.Transmitters of the F series are equipped with a 5-pin keyed test connector that permits reading the signal(s) without interrupting the operation of the transmitter.ConnectorPop out ROTRONIC Labelto access Connector andCalibration Pot(s)SquareSingle-turn Pot = Temp.RectangularMulti-turn Pot = RH Space Mount Through WallTest Connector Pin # Wire Color Signal(+)1 Green Humidity(-)2 Yellow Humidityused3 Brown not4 White Temperature (+)(-)5 Gray TemperatureThe ROTRONIC A2C calibrator can be used to directly read the signal(s) provided by the test connector. The A2C comes with test cable AK3029-B used to connect the A2C with the transmitter.The humidity-temperature probe connected to the A2C provides the reference readings necessaryto check the accuracy of the F transmitter. As an alternative, any suitable reference instrument maybe used and the signal(s) from the test connector can be read with a multimeter (use test cableAK3029-4P to connect the DVM to the transmitter).The signals from the test connector are as follows:• 2-Wire and 2x2-Wire Transmitters: 40..200 mV.• 3-Wire Transmitters: 0..1 VFor humidity, this corresponds to 0..100%RH. For temperature, this corresponds to the range specified when ordering the transmitter (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).A one-point calibration check can be done by comparison between a reference instrument and thesignal(s) provided by the test connector. If an offset adjustment of the transmitter is required, use the potentiometer(s) located next to the test connector.Note: during a 1-point adjustment against a referenceprobe, make sure that both the reference probe andtransmitter are ventilated and provide enough time forboth to equilibrate.SPECIFICATIONSHumidity Sensor ROTRONIC HYGROMER C94Temperature Sensor (FT Models) Pt100 RTDOperating Temperature at Electronics 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Humidity Measuring Range 10..100 %RHHumidity Output Range 0..100%RHStandard Temperature Output Range (FT Models) 0..100°F or 0..100°CTemperature Limits at Sensors Space Mount Models: 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Duct Mount Models: -22..158°F (-30..70°C) Output Signals (linear) F2C/FT2C: 4-20 mA (max. load 500Ω)F3V/FT3V: 0-5 V (min. load 1000 Ω)Accuracy at 68..77°F (20..25°C) ± 2%RH from 10 to 100%RH± 0.5°F (±0.3°C)Repeatability ± 0.3%RH and ±0.2°F (±0.1°C)Humidity Sensor Stability better than 1%RH over a yearResponse Time (without filter) 10 seconds (%RH and temperature) Calibration Potentiometers 2 for Humidity, 2 for TemperatureSupply Voltage F2C/FT2C: 10..35VDC; min. 10V + [0.02 x Load]F3V/FT3V: 15..35VDC/24VAC - 16/32 mA (F/FT) Sensor Protection Duct Mount Models: PPS Dust FilterWeight Space Mount Models: 0.3 lbs (120g)Duct Mount Models: 0.7 lbs (300 g)Case Material ABSCase Protection Duct Mount Models: DIN IP 54Duct MountSpace Mount。

HY-F 系列热风炉说明书

HY-F 系列热风炉说明书

HY-F系列热风炉使用说明书操作前请仔细阅读使用说明书前言HY-F 热风炉是保定市恒宇机械电器制造有限公司开发研制,主要用于棉花等物料烘干的专用供热设备。





















F 系列产品说明书

F 系列产品说明书



目录第一章产品介绍 (5)1.1 产品概述 (5)1.2 产品主要功能 (5)第二章开箱检查和线缆连接 (7)2.1 开箱检查 (7)2.2 硬盘安装 (7)2.3 在机架中安装 (8)2.4 前面板 (8)2.5 后面板 (10)2.6 安装连接示意图 (10)2.7 音视频输入输出连接 (11)2.7.1 视频输入的连接 (11)2.7.2 视频输出设备的选择和连接 (11)2.7.3 音频信号的输入 (11)2.7.4 音频输出 (12)2.8 报警输入输出连接 (12)2.8.1 报警输入端口说明 (13)2.8.2 报警输出端口说明 (14)2.8.3 报警输出端继电器参数 (14)2.9 球机连接 (14)第三章基本操作 (16)3.1 开机 (16)3.2 关机 (16)3.3 登录 (16)3.4 预览 (17)3.5 桌面快捷菜单 (17)3.5.1 主菜单 (18)3.5.2 录像控制 (18)3.5.3 录像回放 (19)3.5.4 云台控制 (21)3.5.5 报警输出 (25)3.5.6 图像颜色 (26)3.5.7 输出调节 (26)3.5.8 关闭系统 (27)3.5.9 页面切换 (27)第四章主菜单 (28)4.1 主菜单导航 (28)4.2 录像功能 (29)4.2.1 录像设置 (29)4.2.2录像回放 (31)4.2.3 图片存储 (31)4.2.4 录像备份 (32)4.3 报警功能 (33)4.3.1 移动侦测 (33)4.3.2 视频遮挡 (35)4.3.3 视频丢失 (36)4.3.4 报警输入 (36)4.3.5 报警输出 (37)4.3.6 异常处理 (37)4.4 系统设置 (37)4.4.1 普通设置 (38)4.4.2 编码设置 (39)4.4.3 网络设置 (40)4.4.4 网络服务 (41)4.4.5 输出模式 (49)4.4.6 云台设置 (50)4.4.7 串口设置 (50)4.4.8 轮巡设置 (51)4.5 管理工具 (51)4.5.1 硬盘管理 (51)4.5.2 用户管理 (52)4.5.3 在线用户 (55)4.5.4 输出调节 (55)4.5.5 自动维护 (55)4.5.6 恢复默认 (56)4.5.7 系统升级 (56)4.5.8 设备信息 (57)4.6 系统信息 (57)4.6.1 硬盘信息 (57)4.6.2 码流统计 (58)4.6.3 日志信息 (59)4.6.4 版本信息 (59)4.7 关闭系统 (60)第五章常见问题解答及使用维护 (61)5.1 常见问题解答 (61)5.2 使用维护 (66)附录1.遥控器操作 (67)附录2.鼠标操作 (68)附录3.硬盘的容量计算 (69)附录4.技术参数 (70)第一章产品介绍1.1 产品概述本设备是专为安防领域设计的一款优秀的数字监控产品。




二.主要技术参数1﹑使用条件□运行电压: AC220V±10%□运行环境温度: -20~+55℃□储存温度: -35~+85℃□湿度要求: 0~95%RH2﹑温度控制精度: 1℃3﹑控制器符合□ GB4706.1-1988《家用和类似用途电器的安全第一部分:通用要求》□ GB4706.32-1996《家用和类似用途电器的安全热泵﹑空调器和除湿机的特殊要求》□GB18430.1-2001《蒸汽压缩机循环冷水(热泵)机组工商业用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组》□GB18430.2-2001《蒸汽压缩机循环冷水(热泵)机组户用和类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组》□抗干扰度符合GB4343.2-1999□印刷电路板符合GB4588.1和GB4588.2的规定三.控制器功能1、制冷运行2、制热运行3、可显示回水温度及设置温度,具有查询功能4、掉电自动记忆各种参数5、压缩机均衡运行及分时启动6、三相缺相,逆相保护7、具有完善的保护功能及显示8、具有风盘联动接口9、选用摩托罗拉高性能芯片,抗干扰性能达到最好10、具有定时开关机功能11、具有催款功能四.面板操作室内线控器面板如图一1﹑开关机□按“运转/停止”键,机组开机,指示灯亮;□再按“运转/停止”键,机组关闭,指示灯灭。



Flagro F-400T 双燃料建筑暖气器说明书

Flagro F-400T 双燃料建筑暖气器说明书

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL(Please retain for future reference)ForF-400T DUAL FUEL CONSTRUCTION HEATERCERTIFIED FOR USE IN CANADA AND U.S.A.As per Standard ANSI Z83.7 2000/CSA 2.14 2000 Gas Fired Construction Heaters Unvented /Unattended Type.14501 Judicial Road, Suite 40Burnsville, MN 553061-866-266-2484GENERAL HAZARD WARNING:FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS HEATER, CAN RESULT IN DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE FROM HAZARDS OF FIRE, EXPLOSION, BURN, ASPHYXIATION, CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING, AND/OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK.ONLY PERSONS WHO CAN UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD USE OR SERVICE THIS HEATER.IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE OR HEATER INFORMATION SUCH AS AN INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL, LABELS, ETC. CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER.WARNING:FIRE, BURN, INHALATION, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD. KEEP SOLID COMBUSTIBLES, SUCH AS BUILDING MATERIALS, PAPER OR CARDBOARD, A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE HEATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INSTRUCTIONS. NEVER USE THE HEATER IN SPACES WHICH DO OR MAY CONTAIN VOLATILE OR AIRBORNE COMBUSTIBLES, OR PRODUCTS SUCH AS GASOLINE, SOLVENTS, PAINT THINNER, DUST PARTICLES OR UNKNOWN CHEMICALS.WARNING:NOT FOR HOME OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE USE.WARNING:INTENDED USE IS PRIMARILY THE TEMPORARY HEATING OF BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR EMERGENCIES ONLY.ALWAYS PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. 1 SQ. IN. OF FRESH AIR MUST BE SUPPLIED FOR EVERY 1000 BTUH OF HEAT.THIS HEATER SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT IT IS NOT DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO WATER SPRAY, RAIN AND/OR DRIPPING WATER.This heater is designed and approved for use as aconstruction heater under ANSI Z83.7 2000 andCSA 2.14 2000 Gas Fired Construction HeatersWe cannot anticipate every use which may be madeof our heaters. CHECK WITH YOU LOCAL FIRESAFETY AUTHORITY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONSABOUT APPLICATIONS.Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heatproducing products in specific applications. Your localauthority can advise you about these.SPECIFICATIONSModel ……………………………………………………. F-400TInput ……………………………………………………... 400,000 btuhFuel ……………………………………………………….. Natural Gas or Propane Inlet Pressure …………………………………………….. Natural Gas: 3.5”W.C.……………………………………………………...Propane: 11” W.C. Ignition …………………………………………………….. Direct Spark Ignition.…………………………………………...….. Thermostat Control Air Circulation …………………………………………….. 2000 cfmFuel Consumption ……………………………………...... 18.5 lbs/hr……………………………………………... 380 cfhApproved ………………………………………………...... cULus listedINSTALLATION:The installation of this heater for use with natural gas shall conform with local codes or, in the absence of codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1.The installation of this heater for use with propane tank or cylinder shall conform with Local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.This heater must be located at least 10ft (3m) from any propane gas cylinder. This heater shall not be directed toward any propane gas container within 20ft (6m). CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES:F-400T TOP – 5 ft FRONT – 8 ft SIDES – 2 ft REAR – 1 ftCONNECTING THE CYLINDER:If cylinders are used to supply the heater, no cylinders smaller than 100lb capacity shall be used. These cylinders must supply a vapor withdrawal only.1. All cylinder connections must be made using a wrench to tighten the POL fitting.2. Be sure that the cylinder valve is in the closed position when connectionor disconnecting the cylinder.3. A soap and water solution must be applied to all connections in order to leakcheck the system.The gas must be turned off at the propane supply cylinder(s) when the heater is not in use. When the heater is to be stored indoors, the connection between the propane supply cylinder(s) and the heater must be disconnected and the cylinders removed from the heater and stored in accordance with Standard for the Storage and Handling or Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58 and CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.PIPING:This heater must be installed by a qualified gas technician following local codes published by the authority having jurisdiction. Sizing ofsupply piping must be determined using the length of pipe run aswell as total btuh rating of the appliance(s). Appropriate pipingtables must be used to determine size of supply piping dependanton the length of run from source.PRESSURES: MAXIMUMPRESSURES: LP: 14.0 IN. WC.INLETWC.IN.14.0NG:MINIMUM INLET PRESSURES: LP: 11.0 IN. WC.WC.IN.NG:3.5This heater must be supplied by pressures indicated on theapproval label. Over pressure may cause controls to fail.NOT supply this unit with more than ½ psig (14.0 in. W.C.)DONote: A second stage regulator must be installed if the supplypressure exceeds ½ psig.FUEL:This heater will operate on propane or natural gas. The manifoldpressures are listed on the approval label. Ensure that the properpressure settings are achieved depending on the fuel being used.A fuel selector valve is located on the manifold of the heater.Ensure that this valve is in the proper position depending on thefuel being used. DO NOT operate the heater with the valve in theincorrect position.HOSES:All hoses used to connect this heater of fuel supply must be Type 1 approved propane / natural gas hose assemblies.ELECTRICAL:WARNINGInstructionsGroundingElectricalThis appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding) plug foryour protection against shock hazard and should be pluggeddirectly into a properly grounded three-prong receptacle.120v supply must be available. Please note that the motor on thisunit requires 20 amps. Ensure appropriate gauge extension cord isused.MAINTENANCE:1. Every construction heater should be inspected before each use, and at leastannually by a qualified service person.2. The hose assembly shall be visually inspected prior to each use of the heater. If it isevident there is excessive abrasion or wear, or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the heater being put into operation. The replacement hose assembly shall be that specified by the manufacturer.3. The appliance must be kept clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline andother flammable vapors and liquids.4. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. Be sure to checkthe fan assembly and ensure that the motor and blade are operating properly.5. Compressed air should be used to keep components free of dust and dirt build up.Note: Do not use the compressed air inside any piping or regulator components.START UP INSTRUCTIONS:1.Set fuel selector valve according to gas supply to beused.2. Connect construction heater to gas supply withapproved hose assembly. 3. Plug the electrical cord into a grounded electricsupply. 4. Open all gas supply valves.5. Depress the main switch to the “START” position.The fan motor will start and the burner should ignite. Release switch to “RUN” position.6. Set the Thermostat to the desired temperature.7. If heater fails to ignite after 3 attempts call your supplier for service.TO SHUT DOWN: 1. Close main gas supply valve while heater isoperating.2. Move main switch to the “OFF” position.3. Disconnect heater from gas supply.。



目录一、换热器的基础设计知识 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3 -1.1 换热器的分类 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 3 -1.2换热器类型 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 4 -1.3换热器壳型及封头选取小结------------------------------------------------------------------- - 5 -二、IST HTRI的应用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 7 -2.1 方法类型(Method mode) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 7 -2.2设计要求: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 8 -2.3测量单位设置 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 8 -2.4流体分配-Fluid Allocation ------------------------------------------------------------------- - 9 -2. 5 HTRI主功能按钮------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 11 -2. 5. 1 Input-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 11 -2.5.2 Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 29 -2.5.3 Graphs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 30 -2.5.4 Drawings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 30 -2.5.5 Shells-in-Series--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 30 -三、输出结论---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 30 -3.1一般结论 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 30 -3.1.1 总传热系数(裕量)不足的调节措施 ------------------------------------------------- - 30 -3.1.2 壳程流速过高的调节措施 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 31 -四、其他类型的换热器---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 34 -4.1再沸器(Reboiler) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 34 -五、换热器的系统设计---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 35 -5.1换热器的温度测量和控制方案--------------------------------------------------------------- - 35 - 5.2换热器系统设计要求--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 37 - 5.3 蒸发器系统设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 38 - 5.4 再沸器系统设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 41 - 5.5 冷凝器系统设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 45 - 5. 6 空冷系统设计 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 48 -HTRI Exchanger 使用手册一、换热器的基础设计知识1.1 换热器的分类1.按作用原理和实现传热的方式分类(1)混合式换热器;(2)蓄热式换热器;(3)间壁式换热器其中间壁式换热器按传热面的形状和结构分类:(1)管壳式:固定管板式、浮头式、填料函式、U型管式(2)板式:板翅式、平板式、螺旋板式(3)管式:空冷器、套管式、喷淋管式、箱管式(4)液膜式:升降膜式、括板薄膜式、离心薄膜式(5)其他型式:板壳式、热管2.按换热器服务类型分类:(1)交换器(Exchanger): 在两侧流体间传递热量。



HTRI Exchanger 使用手册一、换热器的基础设计知识1.1 换热器的分类1.按作用原理和实现传热的方式分类(1)混合式换热器;(2)蓄热式换热器;(3)间壁式换热器其中间壁式换热器按传热面的形状和结构分类:(1)管壳式:固定管板式、浮头式、填料函式、U型管式(2)板式:板翅式、平板式、螺旋板式(3)管式:空冷器、套管式、喷淋管式、箱管式(4)液膜式:升降膜式、括板薄膜式、离心薄膜式(5)其他型式:板壳式、热管2.按换热器服务类型分类:(1)交换器(Exchanger): 在两侧流体间传递热量。


制冷剂有氨(Ammonia)、乙烯、丙烯、冷却水(Chilled water)或盐水(brine)。






(8)蒸汽发生器(Steam generator)(废热锅炉(waste heat boiler)):用产生的蒸汽带走热流体中的热量。




1.2换热器类型管壳式换热器(Shell and Tube Exchanger):主要应用的有浮头式和固定管板式两种。



能满足,可考虑 H 型;
(4)X 型壳体压降最小,适用于气体加热、冷却和真空冷凝。 -封头选择(前封头的类型对压降和热传递没有影响,但后封头的型式会对压降和热传递产生影响): (1) 通常选择选择“B”型作为前封头;
HTRI Xchanger Suite 5.0
(2) 对于水冷却器,当管侧需要定期清洗,且管侧设计压力小于 10bar(g)时,前封头可选择“A”型;
z 空冷器(Air cooler):程序中未加入风扇的相关性能,如功率、风量等。
G 分裂流,折流板在中间,把流体分为两股;
H→Double split Flow 双分裂流 J→Divided flow 分流,一进二出,无折流板,应用于冷凝过程中用来降低压降,压降值是 E 型的 1/8; K→Kettle Reboiler 再沸器,一般是热虹吸,常用于蒸发壳侧中所填充的液体,一般汽化率大于 50~100%。通常
a) 壳体和管子的温度差超过 30 度,或者冷流体进口和热流体进口温度差超过 110 度; b) 容易使管子腐蚀或者在壳程中容易结垢的介质。 -命名是以 TEMA 的原则命名; -壳侧类型(对压降和热传递产生重要影响): E→程数为 1,最常用; F→程数为 2,需用纵向挡板分流壳侧流体。为避免折流板太厚,壳侧设计压力低于 10psi,最好小于等于 5psi(0.35Kg/cm2G),设计温度小于 180℃;压降较大,为 E 壳程的 8 倍。
(2)G 型及 H 型多适用有相变流体,多用于卧式热虹吸再沸器或冷凝器;并建议设置纵向隔板,有利于防止轻组分飞溅、
(3)G 型(分流)壳体较 F 型壳体更受欢迎,因为 G 型温度校正因子与 F 型相当,但壳程压降比 F 型小很多;若压降还不

API Heat Transfer水冷PF型筋纹钢板式热交换器说明说明书

API Heat Transfer水冷PF型筋纹钢板式热交换器说明说明书

STAINLESS STEEL PLATES CARBON STEEL FRAMEPerformance Notes▪Gasketed plate style heat exchanger ▪Oil to water applications ▪High performance▪Can be disassembled for internal cleaning ▪Plates can be added /removed to accommodate change in performance ▪Medium to very high flows▪PED / ASME / CRN codings available ▪Special plate material options: titanium, hastelloy, SMO-254, nickel, 904L ▪Special gasket material options: high temp NBR (150˚C), EPDM, FPM, PTFE (Teflon ®) ▪Plate profile options: a deep gap, lower pressure drop plates for high viscosity fluids (Type S). Select models also offer a shallower gap, higher pressure drop & performance plates (Type X).Fluid Cooling Industrial PF SeriesMaterialsInternalPlates Stainless steel Gaskets NBR-clipExternal Frame Connections C arbon steel, stainless steel Frame Plate Carbon steel Pressure Plate Carbon steel Tie Rods Zinc plated steelCarry Bar Zinc coated steel, stainless steel Guide Bar Zinc coated steel, stainless steel Column (if applicable) Carbon steel, aluminum Mounting Feet Carbon steel Fasteners Zinc plated steelOther materials are available. Consult factory for details.RatingsDesign Pressure 150 psi (10.5 BAR)Test Pressure 195 psi (13.4 BAR)Design Temperature 230°F (110°C)Minimum Working Temperature 32°F (0°C)How to OrderFrame Size*Number of Plates*––Model SeriesPFPFPlate Size*–Hot Fluid (In)Connection ( C )Hot Fluid (Out)Connection ( D )Cold Fluid (In)Connection ( A )Cold Fluid (Out)Connection ( B )––––*See following pages for available cooler optionsMaximum Flow RatesGPM listed is for maximum critical port velocity of 25 ft/sGuide bar0916NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOTE: We reserve the right to make reasonable design changes without notice.NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOTE: We reserve the right to make reasonable design changes without notice.Frame Max No. NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOTE: We reserve the right to make reasonable design changes without notice.NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOP = Number of Plates. All dimensions are inches (millimeters).NOTE: We reserve the right to make reasonable design changes without notice.。

Ruffneck FX6系列爆炸防护电气空气加热器产品说明书

Ruffneck FX6系列爆炸防护电气空气加热器产品说明书

Arctic Duty MotorSpare fuse locatedin convenient holderJunctionboxFigure 16Ruffneck™Notes* Exceeds the 48 amp circuit limit of NEC 424-22. DS not available for these units.**480 V: 1-phase units are certified for Class I, Div. 1, Group D and Class II, Div.1 Groups F & G1. Minimum conductor size for 86˚F (30˚C) ambient. Derate conductor forambient temperature. Use minimum 194˚F (90˚C) insulation.2. Heater is functioning normally if at rated voltage the amp draw iswithin 10% of the value in this table.3. Operation at lower voltages will result in reduced heat output and ampdraw.4. Add “T” to model number when adding a built-in thermostat.5. Add “D” to model number when adding a built-in disconnect switch.6. Add “P” to model number when adding a built-in pilot light.7. Add “U” to model number for units with continuous fan option.8. Add “A” to model number for units with stainless steel cabinet.9. Add “L” for large junction box.10. Add "C" to model number for units with Heresite coating.For installation and model coding, see page C10.Consult Terms & Conditions of Sale or FX6 Owner’s Manual for warranty information.7Ruffneck™8Ruffneck™E x p l o s i o n -P r o o f E l e c t r i c A i r H e a t e r s –F X 6 S e r i e sInstallation Conditions࢞The FX6 Series Electric Air Heaters are for dry indoor use only. Donot immerse in water. Do not store or use in areas exposed to rain or snow.࢞The FX6 heaters are to be used only in atmospheres having anignition temperature higher than 329°F (165°C).࢞Altitude restrictions apply, see General Specifications, page 11࢞Heaters should be connected to a fixed power supply and mustbe permanently mounted in a level, upright position during operation.࢞Read and be aware of the terms of our Warranty located in theowner’s manual.࢞For more information please refer to owner's manual.* Exceeds the 48 amp circuit limit of NEC 424-22. DS not available for these units.**480 V: 1-phase units are certified for Class I, Div. 1, Group D and Class II, Div. 1 Groups F & G 1. Minimum conductor size for 86˚F (30˚C) ambient. Derate conductor for ambient temperature. Use minimum 194˚F (90˚C) insulation.2. Heater is functioning normally if at rated voltage the amp draw is within 10% of the value in this table.3.Operation at lower voltages will result in reduced heat output and amp draw.4. Add “T” to model number when adding a built-in thermostat.5. Add “D” to model number when adding a built-in disconnect switch.6. Add “P” to model number when adding a built-in pilot light.7. Add “U” to model number for units with continuous fan option.8. Add “A” to model number for units with stainless steel cabinet.9.Add “L” for large junction box.10. Add "C" to model number for units with Heresite coating.ote: N*For specifications common to all FX6 models, see General Specifications, page 11. Weights are an approximate maximum. Manufacturer reserves the right to replace motors with suitable alternates.9 Ruffneck™elEfoorP-noisolpxE10Ruffneck™11Ruffneck™ FX6 Series – Explosion-Proof Electric Air HeatersGeneral Specifications1. Hazardous Location RatingClass I, Divisions 1 and 2; Groups C and D; Class II, Groups E, F and G;Class II Division 2, Groups F & G; Class I Zones 1 & 2, Groups IIA & IIBTemperature Code T3B [329°F (165°C)]*2. Enclosures NEMA Type 7 & 9. For dry, indoor use only. Do not immerse in water. Do not store or use in areas exposed to rain or snow3. Motor Type Explosion-proof. Thermally protected. Permanently lubricated ball bearings.4. Fan Aluminum blade. Steel spider and hub with 5/8" (15.875 mm) bore5. Fan Guard Split design with close wire spacing. 1/4" (6.3 mm) diameter probe will not enter 6. Mounting Holes Two 9/16". (14.3 mm) diameter holes at top7. Heating Elements Three long-life, low watt-density, high grade metal sheathed elements 8. Temperature High-Limit Automatic reset type, snap-action bimetal, open on temperature rise. Rated 100,000 cycles at 10 amps, handles 0.128 amps 9. Control Circuit 120 V, 0.128 amps, 15 VA. (Grounded)10. Safety Protection Circuit Snap action bimetal switch, rated for 100,000 cycles at 10 amps. Part of secondary thermal protection circuit with dedicated contactor. Independent of main control circuit.11. Slim Junction Box 10.25" (230 mm) x 8.00" (180 mm) x 6.75" (172 mm) 12. Optional Built-in Thermostat Explosion-proof. 36°F to 82°F (2°C to 28°C)13. Optional Built-in Disconnect Switch DS for use only on heaters with total current not exceeding 48 amps. Lockout handle accepts 1/4" diameter padlock shackle 14. Optional Pilot Light Indicates heat-on cycle15. Control TransformerMulti-tap primary, 120 V secondary, 50 VA16. Contactors75 amps. Rated for 1,000,000 mechanical operations. 120 V, 15 VA coil (separately fuse-protected)17. Heat Transfer Fluid Proprietary heat transfer fluid18. Cabinet Material 12 ga. (0.104") (2.60 mm) steel. Epoxy coated with five-stage pretreatment, including iron phosphate. Optional stainless steel.19. CoreSteel with integral aluminum fins, vacuum charged and hermetically sealed 20. C onduit Material Heavy walled, 0.122" (3.1 mm) steel21. Overpressure Protection Preset 100 psig (690 kPa) pressure relief valve, no field serviceable parts. Preset 300 PSIG (2070 KPa) rupture disk, no field servicable parts.22. O perational Temperature Limitations -58ºF to 104ºF (-50ºC to 40ºC)23. S torage Limitations-58°F to 176°F (-50°C to 80°C). Do not immerse in water. Do not expose to rain or snow.THS2053-0922。



DF2FS-FLXW风冷冷热水机组厂家使用说明书在安装使用控制器之前,请详细阅读该使用说明书!湖州德福电子目录一、概述.................................................................................................................................. 4二、主要技术参数.................................................................................................................. 41、室外主板规格说明......................................................................................................................... 42、室内线控器规格说明..................................................................................................................... 4三、控制器特点及功能.......................................................................................................... 51、主要特点:..................................................................................................................................... 52、支持功能......................................................................................................................................... 5四、面板操作.......................................................................................................................... 61、界面概述......................................................................................................................................... 62、名词图标......................................................................................................................................... 73、界面分解......................................................................................................................................... 74、开关机............................................................................................................................................. 85、模式转换......................................................................................................................................... 96、定时................................................................................................................................................. 97、故障查询......................................................................................................................................... 98、数据查询......................................................................................................................................109、参数与密码设置..........................................................................................................................1010、强制化霜....................................................................................................................................12五、室外主控板.................................................................................................................. 13六、功能描述...................................................................................................................... 141、温度控制对象..............................................................................................................................142、功能选择......................................................................................................................................143、运行模式转换..............................................................................................................................144、联动功能......................................................................................................................................145、化霜压机方式选择......................................................................................................................146、化霜模式选择..............................................................................................................................147、定时方式选择..............................................................................................................................148、相位保护功能..............................................................................................................................149、设置温度极限范围可调..............................................................................................................1410、水温温度传感器补偿................................................................................................................1511、制冷盘管温度过高保护............................................................................................................1512、制冷运行防冻结保护................................................................................................................1513、制热运行出水温度过高保护....................................................................................................1514.水流不足温差保护....................................................................................................................1515、冬季防冻保护............................................................................................................................1516、压缩机运行和停机延时保护....................................................................................................1517、压缩机高压保护........................................................................................................................1518、压缩机低压保护........................................................................................................................1619. 压缩机排气高温保护可选........................................................................................................1620.备用保护....................................................................................................................................1621.压缩机过流保护........................................................................................................................1622. 压缩机板换低温保护可选........................................................................................................1623.水流开关保护............................................................................................................................1624.防冻开关保护............................................................................................................................1625、负载分时顺序启停功能............................................................................................................1625、压缩机平衡磨损运行................................................................................................................16七、控制方法...................................................................................................................... 171﹑制冷运行......................................................................................................................................172﹑制热运行......................................................................................................................................173﹑电加热运行..................................................................................................................................174﹑自动防冻......................................................................................................................................175﹑除霜运行......................................................................................................................................186﹑曲轴电加热运行..........................................................................................................................18八、系统故障保护.............................................................................................................. 18九、线控器尺寸图.............................................................................................................. 20十、机组接线图.................................................................................................................. 21附录1:版本说明................................................................................................................. 22一、概述DF2FS-FLXW控制器适用于风冷冷(热)水机组,可以控制单台或2台压缩机,控制器由室外主板和室内线控器组成,并有风盘联动接口。

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F 型换热器





















