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A Unit 5
1.Professor Wang has a strong view against video games and the closing of al I
the recreation faci I ities 休闲设施;娱乐设施for such games.
A. assists 协助
B. acknowledges 承认
C. advocates 主张
D. admits 承认
2.The movie is not for the chi Idren to see: it contains too much
violence and too many love scenes.
A. profound adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的
B. val idadj.有效的,有根据
C. decent adj.正派的;得体的;相当好的合宜的
D. uprightadj.正直的,诚实的;垂直的,直立的;笔直的;合乎正道的n.垂直;竖立
3.They are trying to the waste discharged 排放by the factory for
expose vt.揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示B. exhibit vt.展览;显示;提出(证据等)C. exhaust vt.排出;耗尽;使精疲力尽;彻底探讨 D. exploit vt.
4.Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tel I you that she
i s an force who pushes her students to excel far beyond thei r own
A. inspi rational
B. educational
C. excessive adj.过多的,极度的;过分的
D. instantaneous adj.瞬间的;即时的;猝发的
5.We can1 t help being of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just
after the money was stolen from the office.
A. skeptical adj.怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的
B. appreciative
suspicious adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的D. tolerant
6.For three quarters of its span n. 跨度,跨已巨;范围on Earth, I ife evoIved n.进化了的v.使逐步形成(evo I ve的过去分词)aImost as micro-organi sms . 微生物. 一
A. prec i se I y adv.精确地;恰恰
B. i nstant I y—■•就,立即地
C. initial
ly 最初,开头D. exclusively adv,唯一地;专有地;排外地
7.The secret agent 间谍;特务concealed adj.隐蔽的,隐匿的her real
therefore many local people were into thinking that she was a good person.
A. betrayed v.出卖,背叛
B. driven
C. deceived
D. convinced
8.When peopIe become unempIoyed , it is which is often worse than lack of
A. laziness
B. poverty
C. idleness 懒惰,,失业
D. inabi I ity 无能力
9.In order to stimulate 刺激the domestic economy , the government has
to reduce imports.
A. hesitated
B. suggested
C. resorted 求助
D. p I edged 许诺保证
10.According to the Amer ican federal government, residents of Hawai i have
the longest Iife , 77. 2 years.
A enclosure 附件,围墙C. closure 关闭,终止 11. Amer ican footbaI I and basebaI I are becoming known to the British pub Iic through televised from the United States. A. deliveries 交货 B. transmi ssions 传动 C. transfer D. transportation 12. This writer, as well as his , was interested in the same subjects.
A. contemporaries n.同龄,同辈人
B. temporaries n.临时变量;暂时 存储单元
C. temporaIs 世间万物
D. temptations 诱惑物
13. I think the way she' s been treated is a disgrace 耻辱.
A. partial adj.局部的;[口]偏爱的;不公平的
B. downright adj.明白的;直 率的;显明的,完全的.,.adv,完全,彻底;全然
C. partly
D. complementary adj. 补足的,补充
14. I have to question the of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment.
A. moral ity
B. obstruct ion 障碍
C. conscience
D. advantage
15. They suggest that vi rtues 优点,美德 is an essential ingredient in the for success.
A. recite
B. receipt
C. reception
D. recipe
16. A good i s a soft pill ow.
A. conscious
B. conscience 道德心,良心
C. cautious 谨慎的
D. courteous 有礼貌的
17. In defense 防御 of his poI icy, the Minister the sharp decrease
in road deaths.
A. pointed to 指出,
B. pointed at
C. pointed out
D. pointed up
18. After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and journaIi sm.
A. took on
B. took out
C. took to 开始从事
D. took off
19. John di dr? t come to his off i ce on time this morning, because his car on the way to work.
A. broke out
B. broke in
C. broke down 发生故障
D. broke through
20. He didn' t want to visit her but conscience him to.
A. obstructed 阻塞;妨碍;遮住
B. compeI Ied 迫使
C. propel led 驱动, 好地驱动,自愿的推动
D. requ i red
21. Any pub I ic of thi s information would be very damaging to the
D. pleasure
22. T understand how difficult it must be for you. " she said with.
A. compassion 同情心
B. company
C. conscience
D. companion
23. The clerk at the foreign exchange counter is too slow and each seems to Iast forever.
A. transaction 事务,交易
B. transmission
C. transportation
D. translation
24. The bad weather me from attending the meeting.
25. Man wiI I suffer many disappointments in his for truth. disclosure
26. Those who A. request B. conquest C. Quest 追寻 D. inquest
for doctor-ass i sted 医助自杀 suicide be I ieve that
the terminal ly 末期 i I I shouldn ,
t have to suffer.
A. advocate 主张
B. support
C. propagate 传播
D. pub I icize
27. Repub I icans 共和党 three Senate 参议院 seats that had been held by Democrats 民主党.
A. captured 巧取
B. segmented
C. arrested
D. captivated
28. Women 1 s empIoyment opportunities are often severely by family commitments and by low expectations.
A. sustained 维持
B. detained
C. remained
D. constrained 约束,
29. Did he feel any for the victim of his crime?
A. compass
B. companion
C. company
D. compassion
30. He was fined for the work of the police.
A. abstracting 摘要
B. obstructing
C. constructing
D. obtaining 得到
31. The film the idea that women should be pretty and dumb. A. advances 提出 B. refines C. restores 恢复 D ・ reinforces 加固 reinforce 对某个观点、主意、感情表示支持,并极力扩大其影响
32. I have batt I ed with my over whether I should actua I I y send this letter.
A. consciousness
B. conscientiousness 尽责
C. conscience
33. The train was because of the accident and many peopIe got i njured.
A. derai led 出轨,毁坏
B. delay
C. blocked
D. denounce 谴责
34. Opposition leaders said that the elections had been by corruption 贪污.
A. fainted 昏厥的
B. painted
C. pol luted
D. tainted 污染的
35. Your shows that you , re just the one we need.
A. testimonial 证明书,推荐书
B. testament
C. texture
D. evident
36. The continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients
of happ i ness and for most men th i s comes chiefly through the i r
A. in accordance
B. in consequence
C. in the long run 最终
D. in
37. The committee is totaI Iy opposed any changes being made in the plans.
A. of
B. on
C. to
D. against
38. The meeting ended with a(n) to step up cooperation between the six states
of the region.
A. decaying
B. offer
C. proverb
D. pl edge 保证
39. The moody athlete was with loaded questions such as why he didn' t quit
skating since he had always choked at big events.
A. compensated 补偿
B. enraged
C. spurred 鞭策
D. compe I Ied
42. The bank charges a fixed rate for each
A. trade
B. transaction 交易,事务
C. deal ing
D.43. A.44. Over a of only three years, shopping integral part of many people' s everyday Iife session B. passage
C. span
D. scopeSome job applicants were taken i n
because of 足的 of negative information about the transcr i pt i on on Iine has
the insufficient 不
A.45. it we I I with
40. They sued the company for of contract 合同.
A. breach 违约;违反含同
B. breakdown
C. col lapse
D. transgression
41. LocaI housing author ities have been by the housing crisis to make offers
of sub-standard accommodat ion.
pub I i cat ion B. propaganda 宣传 C. advert i s i ng D. disclosure 披露
The boss said that the error the empIoyee had made would come back
to them for years to come.
A. pub Ii sh
B. haunt 困
C. impress
D. improve
46. If you give your baby juice, you should boiled water. A. di lute 稀释;冲淡;削弱 B. st i r C. diffuse D.
47. There is a(n) assumption IPxiS that younger workers are easier to train.
A. potent i a I
B. definite
C. inherent
D. under lying 潜在的
48. The app I icat i ons were carefu I I y i n case any of them conta i ned false information.
A. selected
B. screened 筛选
C. inscribed
D. presented
49. Beat the mixture unti I it has the of thick cream.
A. dentistry 稀释
B. intensity 牙医
C. cons i stency 稠度,
D. competency
50. They both have learnt that ambition and successful fatherhood can be mutua I I y 互相 .
A. tolerant
B. exclusive
C. acceptable
D. indispensable 不可缺少的。
