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1 宣载

Declaration of DWCC

To (Shipper) Date:

To (Charterers)



Dear Sirs,

Mv XXXX,under my command,will load the cargo of about 50,000 MTS maize in bulk in Dalian pursuant to the charter party dated 25th October 2008.I hereby declare that my vessel’s DWCC for this cargo could be 52,500MTS in accordance with the vessel’s capacity and the stowage factor of (XXX) provided by the charterers in the charter party.Please note and arrange accordingly.

Very truly yours

(Signature and Stamp)

Master of MV XXXX

注:1、DWCC-deadweight cargo capacity



2 申请验舱

Application for Holds Inspection



To (agent full style)

Attn (person in charge)

Please be adviced that my crew will complete cleaning of all the vessel’s holds at 1200L on 23rd October 2001.You are hereby requested to arrange an independent hold surveyor to conduct the holds inspecion on board on pm 23rd October 2001.

Your truly


Master of MV XXXX


2、有时要申请“a surveyor from relevant authorities”进行验舱。

3 备妥通知书

Notice of Readiness

To Shipper (or receier)

To Charterers

To Agent

To Other parties concerned (if given in the voyage instuctions)

Dear Sirs,

Please take notice that M/V xxx,under my command,has arrived at the port of Xingang at 0600L on 12th October 2008,and she is ready in all respects to commence discharging/loading her cargo in accordance with the terms,conditions and exemptions of the relevant charter party and/or agreement concerned.

Notice of Readiness tendered at 0600L on 12th October 2008.

Notice of Readiness accepted at on

Yours faithfully

The master of MV xxx

注:1、备妥通知书递交的两个条件是抵达船舶(arrived ship)和事实备妥(physically ready in all respects)。原则上无论是否备妥,在没有特别要求时,船长一定要在船舶抵达港界时(河港在抵达入海口的第一个引航锚地)递交nor,尽可能在中午1200lt,下午1700lt之前递交.

2、在需要递交第二份备妥通知书的情况下(如:公司有指示、验舱一次未通过等),应在第二份备妥通知书上加注“WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE ORIFINAL”,即不影响第一份nor的效力。

4 签发提单授权书

Authorization for Signing Bills of Lading



To (agent)

Dear Sirs,

MV XXX,under my command,is loading a cargo of bulk maize in Dalian and will complete loading on 5th November 2008.As requested I hereby authorize you to sign the orginal bills of lading on by behalf strictly in conformity with the Mate’s Receipt.However you must always get the owner’s written approval before signing the bills of lading and release the same to the parties concerned.

Truly yours

(signature and stamp)

Master of MV XXX

