大学英语语法 陈述句

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3. He will give you a lot of help. → He will certainly give you a lot of help.
4. I
have never seen a queer man like him. Never have I seen a queer man like him.
(statement) statement) (declarative sentence)
陈述句的交际功能主要是说明事实, 陈述句的交际功能主要是说明事实, 肯定什么或者否定什么。 肯定什么或者否定什么。这种句子 主要分为: 主要分为: (1)肯定陈述句 ) (2)否定陈述句 )

5. No one was seen in the house. → Not a single soul was seen in the house.
1.Some of us have finished it already. ↘ Some of us have not finished it yet. 2.I told somebody something. ↘ I didn’t tell anybody anything. 3.I can understand both of these two questions.
否定陈述句主要用来表示否定意向或提出对比,分为带否定 词not的否定句和带其他否定词的否定句。 否定陈述句通常带否定词not,置于操作词之后和主动词之前。 例如: This material does not conduct electricity. I have not yet finished my essay. “操作词+not”的缩略形式有两种:一种是“主语+操作词的 缩略形式+not” 例如: We’re not hungry. He’d not do it. 另一种是“操作词+not的缩略形式n’t”.例如: We aren’t hungry. He wouldn’t do it.
为了强调还可在never 之后加助动词do的一定形式。 I never did like her, you know. The letter we were expecting never did arrive. 4.用某些固定搭配来加强否定。 I didn’t sleep a wink all night. He won’t left a finger to help us. We didn’t see a soul there. 5.当然还可以使用某些加强否定意义的特殊结构。例如: You won’t catch me doing that again.(我绝不会再干那种事) I’ll be hanged if I’ll do any such thing.(我绝不会干这种事)
mistaken, I think, I suppose, I guess, if I might say so, if you please, if you don’t mind等。例如: Teaching 16 hours a week, I’m afraid, it’s too much for me. We have met before, if I’m not mistaken.
5.除了上述几种强调手段以外,在口语中人们还可以重读 操作词的方法来加强肯定的口气。例如: welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New I’m telling you the truth → you must believe me. Content design, 10 years experience You need not lie to me, you did go to that place and many people saw you there.

I cannot understand either of these two questions
4.There is someone doing research in this field.

There isn’t anybody doing research in this field.
5.I have quite a lot to do in the morning. ↘ I never have much to do in the morning.
在上述例子中,not是用来否定谓语动词,从而构成否定句。 但是not也可以用来否定句子中的其他词语,仅表示局部否定, 而不构成否定句。例如: He said it not to you but to me.(否定介词词组) You are wrong in not making a protest.(否定-ing分词结构) He visited her not long ago.(否定副词词组) He wrote a not very successful book.(否定形容词词组) 这些例子都不能算是否定陈述句,而仍为肯定句。但是若局部 否定出现在句首,又是也会构成否定句。例如: Not very often did she go there to see him. = She did not go there to see him very often. 除not以外还可以使用其他否定词构成否定句。例如: No honest man would lie. He is no longer there. I never smoke. I did nothing to be ashamed of. It will get you nowhere.(那会使你徒劳无功)
4.使用“修辞疑问句”来起强调作用。修辞疑问句是一种 形式上为疑问句而实际上为陈述句的强调句型。它的否 welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, 定形式相当于受强调的肯定陈述句。例如:New Isn’t Content design, 10 today? it lovely weather years experience =The weather is very lovely indeed. Who doesn’t know that? =Everybody knows that. 反之,修辞疑问句的肯定形式相当于受强调的否定陈述 句。例如: Who cares where you slept? =Nobody cares where you slept. Can anyone doubt the truth of his statement? =Surely no one will doubt it.
陈述句在肯定事实时采用不同程度的肯定口气。人们在 肯定某项事实时往往采用一些委婉的词语,使说话人的
Content design, 10 years experience 态度更有礼貌。这些词语常见的有:I’m afraid, if I’m not welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New
1.I was very glad to hear the news.
was indeed very glad to hear the news
2. He smokes like a chimney.

He smokes like a chimney, he does.
有时为了交际的需要,必须加强肯定的语气。强调的手段 主要有: welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New 1. 增加强调词,常用强调词有:indeed, really, definitely, Content sure, without any question, certainly, for design, 10 years experience without doubt, undoubtedly, surely, virtually, actually等。 Many people will certainly lose their jobs. I really need you help. 2. 增添强调附加结构。 That was a trap, that was. You have got mad, you have. 3. 采用双重否定,比较含蓄地加强肯定。 That kind of result is not impossible(=quite possible) She went to that place not infrequently(=quite frequently)
1.将否定成分移至句首构成倒装。例如: On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals. Not a moment should I waste. Never have I smoked a cigarette. 2.用“not one/ not a (single)+单数可数名词”来加强 否定。例如: Not one door was left unlocked. Not a word came from his lips. Not a single sound was heard. 3.重复否定词never或者用never in (all) my life等结构 来实现强调否定。 I shall never, never go theLeabharlann Baidue again. I’ve never in my life heard of such a thing.