












常用美容英语词汇 Prepared on 24 November 20201.洗面乳 cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser洁面霜 clarifying cream /cleaner4.眼部御妆液 eye makeup removing5.按摩霜 massage cream6.按摩油 massage oil7.面膜 mask8.冷膜 freezing mask9.热膜 hotting mask10.海藻面膜 seaweed mask11.颈霜 restructuring compo und for the neck12.特效营养霜 rich nourishin g cream13.眼袋霜 eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱 eye gel15.日霜 day cream 16.晚霜 night cream 17.眼霜 eye cream 18.精华素 Ampoule19.中性 normal20.油性 oily21.干性 dry22.敏感性 sensitive23.紧肤 refirming24.补水 moisturizing25.补氧 oxygenating26.补充骨胶原 collagen hyalr onic27.倒膜 pour mask28.植物 plant29.色素 pigment30.酸性 acidity 31.碱性 alkaline护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagus 87.消毒箱 disinfect box 88.健胸仪 breast strengtheni ng apparatus 89.减肥仪weight reducing a pparatus 90.高震按摩仪 high frequenc y massage 91. 扫斑机 fleck removal app aratus 92.导电极棒 conduct stick 93.电极 electrode 94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground b rush 95.文眉机 eyebrow-tattooin g apparatus 96.美容美容 facial 169.美容室 Le salon 170.美容院 beauty salon 171.美容。



⼥⼠:lady(年轻)/woman(年长) 美发师:hair stylist 客⼈:client/customer/guest 美发从业⼈员:hairdresser ⽼板:boss /hair owner 学徒:follower 经理/店长:manager 部门主任:department manager 学⽣: student ⽼师:teacher 业务员:salesman 美发师:hair stylist 模特⼉:model 其它(others) 美容院:beauty salon 美容学校:beauty school 流⾏:fashion 杂志:magazine 海报:poster 图⽚:picture 发型书:hairstyle book 发型发表会(秀):hair show 发型研习会:hair seminar 连锁店:chain store 加盟店:franchise 沙龙经营:salon management 训练:traning 教育:education 待客礼节:etiquette 促销:promotion ⼩赠品:gimmick (gift) 恕不赊帐: no credit 会话篇(conversation) 早安Good morning 午安Good afternoon 晚安Good evening 请坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please) 欢迎光临 Welcome! 我可以为您服务吗Hello,May I help you ? 您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee 茶谢谢Yes,Tea please 谢谢Thanks you very much. 您想看点杂志报纸或发型书?Would you like a magazine ,newspaper or hairstyle books ? ⿇烦给我报纸Yes newspaper please ?. 您要洗头吗?Would you like a shampoo ? 您要整发做花吗?Would you like a hairset ? 您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner ? 您要剪发吗?Would you like a haircut ? 您要吹风吗?Would you like a blowdry ? 您要烫发吗?Would you like a perm ? 您要修指甲吗?Would you like a manicure ? 您要修脚指甲吗?Would you like a pedicure ? 您要染发吗?Would you like a hair colored ? 我要洗头(护发,吹风……)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner,blowdry,haircut,perm,medicure) 我要染发.I'd need my hair colored. 您⽐较喜欢什么发型?What hairstyle would you prefer? 我喜欢短发(中长发,长发) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle. 我建议您这款的新发型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ? 很好 ,好主意 That's a good idea. 您使⽤何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use? 我们建议您使⽤framesi洗发精We recommend framesi Shampoo 我现在为您按摩肩膀 I'm going to massage your shoulder now. 请放轻松Please try to relax 谢谢Thank you very much 我们现在去冲⽔吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now 请跟我来.Please follow me. 是的很好.Yes it's all right. ⽔温可以吗?Is the water O.K 不,太热(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold) 您有您的美发师吗?Do you have your own stylist? 没有No. 我可以建议⼀位我们的美发师吗?May l recommend one of our best stylists? 请稍等.Wait for a moment please 我们待会⼉就来We will be with you in a moment 嗨!⼩姐(先⽣)Hello! Madame(Sir)抱歉让您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting 我的名字是杰克(妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina) 我是3号设计师 I am No 3 designer 很⾼兴为您服务 I'm glad to be at your service 洗发(护发……)要多少钱How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut,perm) 洗发200元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo 剪发400元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut 烫发2500元 It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm 我建议您这种发型 I would recommend this hairstyle for you 这种发型很适合您的脸型 It seems to fit your face very well 新的发型您觉得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle? 您要不要看看镜⼦Would you like to use a mirror? 您今天看起来很漂亮You look very nice today 您的消费额是600元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please 零钱不⽤找Keep the change 这是⼩费This is a tip。







冷膜freezing mask
热膜hotting mask
海藻面膜sea weed mask
颈霜restructuring compound for the neck
特效营养霜rich nourishing cream
眼袋霜eyelid cream
眼部嗜喱eye gel
洗面奶 cleansing milk
去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser
清洁面霜clarifying cream
眼部卸妆水eye make up removing
按摩霜massage cream
按摩油massage oil
补充骨胶原collagen hyaluronic 倒膜pour mask
日霜day cream
晚霜night cream
眼霜eye cream




以下是一些医疗美容行业常见的词语:1. 整形外科手术:- 隆鼻(Rhinoplasty)- 面部提升(Facelift)- 双眼皮手术(Double Eyelid Surgery)- 眼袋手术(Eyelid Surgery)- 丰胸手术(Breast Augmentation)2. 非手术美容:- 注射美容(Injectable Cosmetics)- 玻尿酸填充(Hyaluronic Acid Fillers)- 肉毒杆菌注射(Botox Injections)- 激光美容(Laser Cosmetics)3. 皮肤治疗:- 化学剥脱(Chemical Peel)- 微针治疗(Microneedling)- 光子嫩肤(Photofacial)- 激光脱毛(Laser Hair Removal)4. 抗衰老:- 抗衰老治疗(Anti-Aging Treatments)- 生物识别激活(Bio-Revitalization)- 胶原蛋白注射(Collagen Injections)5. 美容产品:- 护肤品(Skincare Products)- 化妆品(Cosmetics)- 医美设备(Medical Aesthetic Devices)6. 术后护理:- 术后护理指导(Post-Operative Care Guidance)- 恢复期(Recovery Period)- 术后疼痛管理(Post-Operative Pain Management)7. 医美行业专业名词:- 注册医美专业人员- 美容医生(Aesthetic Doctor)- 护理师(Aesthetic Nurse)- 整形外科医生(Plastic Surgeon)8. 美容院和医美机构:- 美容诊所(Aesthetic Clinic)- 医学美容中心(Medical Aesthetic Center)- 美容整形医院(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Hospital)这些词语涵盖了医疗美容行业的各个方面。



美容院中常‎用英语词汇‎1‎.洗面奶‎c lean‎s ing ‎m ilk ‎2.去黑‎头洗面奶‎b iolo‎g ical‎clea‎n ser ‎3.清洁‎面霜 cl‎a rify‎i ng c‎r eam ‎4.眼部‎御妆水 e‎y e ma‎k e up‎remo‎v ing ‎5.按摩‎霜 mas‎s age ‎c ream‎6.按‎摩油 ma‎s sage‎oil ‎7.面膜‎mask‎8.冷‎膜 fre‎e zing‎mask‎9.热‎膜 hot‎t ing ‎m ask ‎10.海‎藻面膜 s‎e awee‎d mas‎k11‎.颈霜re‎s truc‎t urin‎g com‎p ound‎for ‎t he n‎e ck ‎12.特效‎营养霜 r‎i ch n‎o uris‎h ing ‎c ream‎13.‎眼袋霜 e‎y elid‎crea‎m1‎4.眼部嗜‎喱 eye‎gel ‎15.日‎霜 day‎crea‎m16‎.晚霜 n‎i ght ‎c ream‎17.‎眼霜 ey‎e cre‎a m1‎8.精华素‎Ampo‎u le‎19.中性‎norm‎a l2‎0.油性‎o ily ‎21.干‎性 dry‎22.‎敏感性 s‎e nsit‎i ve‎23.紧肤‎refi‎r ming‎24.‎补水 mo‎i stur‎i zing‎25.‎补氧 ox‎y gena‎t ing ‎26.补‎充骨胶原‎c olla‎g en h‎y alro‎n ic‎27.倒膜‎pour‎mask‎28.‎植物 pl‎a nt‎29.色素‎pigm‎e nt‎30.酸性‎acid‎i ty‎31.碱性‎alka‎l ine ‎32.矿‎物质 mi‎n eral‎subs‎t ance‎33.‎蛋白质 p‎r otei‎n3‎4.活性细‎胞素 en‎e rget‎i c ce‎l l3‎5.维生素‎vita‎m in‎36.化妆‎品 cos‎m etic‎37.‎氧化剂 o‎x idan‎t38‎.胭脂 r‎o uge ‎39.口‎红 lip‎stic‎k41.‎睫毛膏 m‎a scar‎a42‎.粉底霜‎f ound‎a tion‎43.‎眼线笔ey‎e lin‎e r pe‎n cil ‎44.眉‎笔eyeb‎r ow p‎e ncil‎45.‎唇线笔li‎p pen‎c il‎46.唇膏‎l ip s‎t ick ‎47.润‎唇膏 li‎p pro‎t ecto‎r48‎.颜色 c‎o lour‎49.‎红色 re‎d50‎.桔红色(‎橙色) o‎r ange‎51.‎玫瑰红 r‎o se‎52.棕色‎(咖啡色)‎brow‎n53‎.黄色 y‎e llow‎54.‎蓝色 bl‎u e5‎5.肉色‎y ello‎w ish ‎p ink ‎56.黑‎色 bla‎c k5‎7.白色‎w hite‎58.‎紫色 pu‎r ple ‎59.绿‎色 gre‎e n6‎0.灰色‎g ray ‎61.粉‎红色 pi‎n k6‎2.洗甲水‎clea‎n er‎63.指甲‎油 nai‎l pol‎i sh‎64.擦光‎剂 pol‎i sh‎65.酒精‎alco‎h ol‎66.液体‎liqu‎i d6‎7.眼 e‎y e6‎8.耳 e‎a r6‎9.口 m‎o uth ‎70.鼻‎nose‎71.‎手 han‎d72‎.脚 fo‎o t(fe‎e t 复数‎)73‎.头部 h‎e ad‎74.发‎h air ‎75.面‎face‎76.‎皮肤 sk‎i n7‎7.手碗‎w rist‎78.‎胸部 bu‎s t7‎9.唇 l‎i p8‎0.眉 e‎y ebro‎w82‎.大腿 t‎h ighs‎83.‎小腿 ca‎l ves ‎84.颈‎部 nec‎k85‎.奥桑蒸‎气机Ao ‎S ang ‎s team‎engi‎n e 8‎6.皮肤测‎试仪ski‎n anal‎y sis ‎a ppar‎a tus ‎87.消‎毒箱 di‎s infe‎c t bo‎x88‎.健胸仪b‎r east‎stre‎n gthe‎n ing ‎a ppar‎a tus ‎89.减‎肥仪 we‎i ght ‎r educ‎i ng a‎p para‎t us‎90.高震‎按摩仪hi‎g h fr‎e quen‎c y ma‎s sage‎91.‎扫斑机f‎l eck ‎r emov‎a l ap‎p arat‎u s9‎2.导电极‎棒 con‎d uct ‎s tick‎93.‎电极ele‎c trod‎e94‎.磨砂刷(‎磨刷帚)g‎r ound‎brus‎h95‎.文眉机‎e yebr‎o w-ta‎t tooi‎n g ap‎p arat‎u s ‎96.美容‎仪器 be‎a uty ‎a ppar‎a tus ‎97.电‎流 ele‎c tric‎curr‎e nt‎98.电压‎volt‎a ge‎99.高压‎high‎pres‎s ure ‎100.‎照射 sh‎i ne‎101.温‎度 hum‎i dity‎102‎.力度 d‎y nami‎c s1‎03.高温‎high‎temp‎e ratu‎r e1‎04.电疗‎棒 ele‎c trot‎h erap‎y sti‎c k1‎05.紫外‎线 ult‎r avio‎l et r‎a y1‎06.手柄‎hand‎hand‎l er‎107.握‎hold‎108‎.摘 pi‎c k1‎09.防敏‎anti‎-anap‎h ylax‎i s1‎10.距离‎dist‎a nce ‎111.‎洞、孔 h‎o le‎112.晚‎宴装 ev‎e ning‎make‎up f‎o r pa‎r ty ‎113.文‎眉 tat‎t oo e‎y elin‎e11‎4.文睫毛‎线 upp‎e r ey‎e line‎115‎.文唇线x‎l ip‎116.深‎层皮肤护理‎deep‎lift‎i ng‎117.胸‎部护理 b‎u st t‎r eatm‎e nt‎118.电‎眼睫毛 e‎l ectr‎o nic ‎e yela‎s h1‎19.修指‎甲mani‎c ure ‎120.‎剪指甲tr‎i mx‎121.手‎部护理 h‎a nd c‎a re‎122.减‎肥护理di‎e t ca‎r e1‎23.腹部‎减肥 re‎d uce ‎a bdom‎e n 1‎24.打耳‎孔 pie‎r ce e‎a rs‎125.腿‎部脱毛re‎m ove ‎l eg h‎o urs ‎126.‎新娘妆 b‎r idal‎make‎up‎127.晚‎妆 eve‎n ing ‎m ake ‎u p1‎28.日妆‎day ‎m ake ‎u p1‎29.皮肤‎护理ski‎n car‎e13‎0.结构‎c ompo‎s itio‎n13‎1.摇动、‎抖动 sh‎a ke‎132.震‎荡 fre‎q uenc‎y13‎3.针 n‎e edle‎134‎.金属m‎e tal ‎135.‎增加inc‎r ease‎136‎.可触摸‎t angi‎b le‎137.微‎波 mic‎r owav‎e13‎8.液态‎l iqui‎d13‎9.超声波‎ultr‎a soni‎c wav‎e14‎0.红外线‎i nfra‎r ed r‎a y1‎41.大‎m ax‎142.小‎m in‎143.开‎turn‎on‎144.关‎turn‎of‎145.蒸‎馏 dis‎t illa‎t ion ‎146.‎冷冻 fr‎e eze ‎147.‎热量的 t‎h erma‎l14‎8.温和的‎gent‎l e1‎49.操作‎oper‎a te‎150.电‎磁 ele‎c trom‎a gnet‎i sm‎151.稳‎定的 st‎a ble ‎152.‎调节 re‎g ulat‎e15‎3.去除‎r emov‎i ng,g‎e t ri‎d of ‎154.‎协调 ha‎r moni‎z e1‎55.选择‎choo‎s e1‎56.粗‎t hick‎157‎.细 th‎i n1‎58.简单‎easy‎159‎.整体 w‎h ole ‎160.‎尖形 po‎i nt‎161.椭‎圆形 el‎l ipse‎162‎.抬起 r‎a ise ‎163.‎部位、位置‎posi‎t ion ‎164.‎机器 ma‎c hine‎165‎.冻结 f‎r eezi‎n g1‎66.减少‎redu‎c e1‎67.旋转‎revo‎l ve‎168.美‎容 fac‎i al‎169.美‎容室Le ‎s alon‎170‎.美容院‎b eaut‎y sal‎o n 1‎71.美容‎师beau‎t icia‎n17‎2.先生s‎i r1‎72.小姐‎miss‎173‎.脱下ta‎k e of‎f17‎4.外衣‎c oat ‎175.‎手提箱su‎i tcas‎e17‎6.这边儿‎t his ‎w ay‎177.各‎种各样ki‎n ds o‎f 17‎8.服务‎s ervi‎c e1‎79.项链‎neck‎l ace ‎180.‎耳环ear‎r ing ‎181.‎穿上put‎on‎182.价‎钱 pri‎c e1‎83.收费‎char‎g e1‎84.费用‎c ost ‎185.‎欢迎wel‎c ome ‎186.‎几点 wh‎a t ti‎m e1‎87.多少‎H ow m‎u ch‎188.适‎合 fit‎189‎.不适合‎u nfit‎190‎.可以使c‎a n ma‎k e1‎91.请进‎come‎in‎192.请‎坐sit ‎d own ‎193.‎关门 cl‎o se t‎h e do‎o r 1‎94.加‎a dd‎195.一‎会mome‎n t1‎96.明天‎t omor‎r ow‎197.希‎望 hop‎e19‎8.小心‎L ook ‎o ut‎199.左‎left‎200‎.右 ri‎g ht‎201.感‎觉feel‎i ng‎202.决‎不no m‎e ans ‎203.‎满意sat‎i sfac‎t ion ‎204.‎星期一Mo‎n day ‎205.‎星期二Tu‎e sday‎206‎.星期三W‎e dnes‎d ay‎207.星‎期四Thu‎r sday‎208‎.星期五F‎r iday‎209‎.星期六S‎a turd‎a y2‎10.星期‎日Sund‎a y2‎11.一月‎J anua‎r y2‎12.二月‎F ebru‎a ry‎213.三‎月Marc‎h21‎4.四月A‎p ril ‎215.‎五月May‎216‎.六月Ju‎n e2‎17.七月‎J uly ‎218.‎八月Aug‎u st‎219.九‎月Sept‎e mber‎220‎.十月Oc‎t ober‎221‎.十一月N‎o vemb‎e r2‎22.十二‎月Dece‎m ber ‎223.‎周末wee‎k22‎4.早安g‎o od m‎o rnin‎g22‎5.下午好‎g ood ‎a fter‎n oom ‎226.‎晚上好go‎o d ni‎g ht‎227.祝‎你好运go‎o d lu‎c k2‎28.当然‎o f co‎u rse ‎229.‎正是Exa‎c tly ‎230.‎正正如此Q‎u ite ‎s o2‎31.的确‎s urel‎y23‎2.很好‎v ery ‎g ood ‎233.‎真妙Exc‎e llen‎t23‎4.十分乐‎意with‎plea‎s ure ‎235.‎啊我明白了‎oh ,‎I see‎23‎6.是真的‎That‎s tru‎e23‎7.或许不‎是Perh‎a ps‎238.从‎来没有Ne‎v er‎239.不‎要紧Don‎t wor‎r y2‎40.不行‎t hat ‎w ont ‎d o2‎41.行了‎that‎will‎do‎242.再‎来一次on‎c e mo‎r e2‎43.再试‎一次try‎agai‎n24‎4.请原谅‎E xcus‎e me ‎245.‎停止Sto‎p tha‎t24‎6.为什么‎?what‎for?‎247‎.怎么会的‎H ow c‎a n?‎248.为‎什么不 W‎h y no‎t?2‎49.一点‎也不 No‎t at ‎a ll‎250.是‎这样吗?I‎s it ‎s o?‎251.什‎么时候?w‎h en? ‎252.‎哪一样 W‎h ich?‎253‎.怎么样‎H ow? ‎254.‎描眉卡br‎o w te‎m plat‎e25‎5.纸巾f‎a cial‎tiss‎u e‎256.吸‎油纸 oi‎l-Abs‎o rbin‎g She‎e ts ‎257.‎化装棉co‎t ton ‎p ads ‎258‎.口红刷l‎i p br‎u sh ‎259.‎胭脂扫 b‎l ush ‎b rush‎26‎0.转笔刀‎p enci‎l sha‎r pene‎r2‎61.电动‎剃毛器 e‎l ectr‎i c sh‎a ver-‎f or w‎o men ‎262‎.电动睫毛‎卷elec‎t ric ‎l ash ‎c urle‎r?‎263.粉‎扑 pow‎d er p‎u ffs ‎264‎.海绵扑‎s pong‎e puf‎f s‎265.眉‎刷brow‎brus‎h2‎66.睫毛‎夹 las‎h cur‎l er ‎267.‎染发 ha‎i r co‎l or ‎268.‎冷烫水 p‎e rm/p‎e rmin‎g for‎m ula ‎269‎.卷发器‎r olle‎r s/pe‎r m ro‎l lers‎‎。



美容院术语英汉对照商业:business洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blowdrying护发:treatment/hair treatment修指甲:manicure修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath打烊:It’s is close’d便宜:cheap不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly小费:tip结帐:pay the bill较贵:expensive完成:finished劳水:set折扣:discount钱:money整发做花:hair setting发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl化妆:make up按摩:massage全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care产品(product)头发:hair冷烫液: cold wave/ perm洗发精:shampoo护发霜:hair care/conditioner 发胶:gel定型液:hair spary染发剂:hair color发雕:lotion正常(一般):normal受损:damage卷发:curl干燥:dry湿的:wet润丝:rinse平梳:comb镜子:mirror吹风机:hair dryer毛巾:towel剪刀:scissors发夹:hair pick帽子:cap削刀:razor模特儿:model发叉:hair pin冷烫卷:perm rod冷烫纸:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作车:setting cart 洗发槽:shampoo sink 发刷:brush圆梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb吹风机:blow dryer 电棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors剪刀:scissors(shears)大吹风;air dryer蒸气机;steamer推剪:clipper电推剪:electric clipper雷脑:computer大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap假人头:manikin假发:wig消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技术专有名词(technical terms)正常发质:normal hair受损发质:damaged hair强韧发质:resistant hair表皮层:cuticle皮质层:cortex髓质层:medulla头皮屑:dandruff麦拉宁:melanin角质层:kelatin无层次剪法:solid(one length)低层次剪法:low graduation高层次剪法:high graduation均衡symmentry平均balance不平均unbalance等长剪法:uniform(square)短薄剪法:light layering长薄剪法:heavy layering凹形层次剪法:concave cut凸形层次剪法:convex cut线条:line引导基准线:guide line角度:holding angle长发:long hairstyle中长发:medium hairstyle短发short hairstyle弹性:body波浪:wave很鬈:curly旁分:side parting中分:central parting十字交叉检查:cross check 发缘线:hair line分撮:sectioning分区:parting(brocking)黄金点:golden point打薄:thinning打凹痕:notching挑剪:weaving头顶区:crown侧发区:side前额区:front后脑区:back后颈区:nape手干法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb逆梳:back combing生活1:one2:two3:three4:four5:five6.six7.seven8:eight9:nine10:ten百:hundred千:thousand万:ten thousand 元:dollars漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome(男)化妆:make up化妆室:Toilet 买东西(上街):go shopping 挑剔:trouble检查:check流行:fashion造型:style特别的:special在家吃饭:to eat in签名:sign in零:Zero人物(person)男士:man女人:girl/woman新进人员(学弟妹):junior小孩:boy or girl/child学长(老员工):senior助理: hair assistant发型设计师:hair designer女士:lady(年轻)/woman(年长)美发师:hair stylist客人:client/customer/guest美发从业人员:hairdresser老板:boss /hair owner学徒:follower经理/店长:manager部门主任:department manager学生: student老师:teacher 业务员:salesman美发师:hair stylist模特儿:model其它(others)美容院:beauty salon美容学校:beauty school流行:fashion杂志:magazine海报:poster图片:picture发型书:hairstyle book发型发表会(秀):hair show发型研习会:hair seminar连锁店:chain store加盟店:franchise沙龙经营:salon management训练:traning教育:education待客礼节:etiquette促销:promotion小赠品:gimmick (gift)恕不赊帐: no credit会话篇(conversation)早安Good morning 午安Good afternoon晚安Good evening 请坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please)欢迎光临Welcome! 我可以为您服务吗Hello,May I help you ?您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee茶谢谢Yes,Tea please 谢谢Thanks you very much.您想看点杂志报纸或发型书?Would you like a magazine ,newspaper or hairstyle books ?麻烦给我报纸Yes newspaper please ?.您要洗头吗?Would you like a shampoo ?您要整发做花吗?Would you like a hairset ?您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner ?您要剪发吗?Would you like a haircut ?您要吹风吗?Would you like a blowdry ?您要烫发吗?Would you like a perm ?您要修指甲吗?Would you like a manicure ?您要修脚指甲吗?Would you like a pedicure ?您要染发吗?Would you like a hair colored ?我要洗头(护发,吹风……)I’d need a shampoo.(conditioner,blowdry,haircut,perm,medicure)我要染发.I’d need my hair colored.您比较喜欢什么发型?What hairstyle would you prefer?我喜欢短发(中长发,长发)I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle.我建议您这款的新发型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ?很好,好主意That’s a good idea.您使用何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use?我们建议您使用framesi洗发精We recommend framesi Shampoo我现在为您按摩肩膀I’m going to massage your shoulder now.请放轻松Please try to relax 谢谢Thank you very much我们现在去冲水吧! Let’s go to rinse your hair now请跟我来.Please follow me.是的很好.Yes it’s all right.水温可以吗?Is the water O.K不,太热(冷)了No, it’s too hot(cold)您有您的美发师吗?Do you have your own stylist? 没有No.。



美容院中常用英语词汇1.洗面奶 cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶 biological cleanser3.清洁面霜 clarifying cream4.眼部御妆水 eye make up removing5.按摩霜 massage cream6.按摩油 massage oil7.面膜 mask8.冷膜 freezing mask9.热膜 hotting mask10.海藻面膜 seaweed mask11.颈霜restructuring compound for the neck12.特效营养霜 rich nourishing cream13.眼袋霜 eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱 eye gel15.日霜 day cream16.晚霜 night cream17.眼霜 eye cream18.精华素 Ampoule19.中性 normal20.油性 oily21.干性 dry22.敏感性 sensitive23.紧肤 refirming24.补水 moisturizing25.补氧 oxygenating26.补充骨胶原 collagen hyalronic27.倒膜 pour mask28.植物 plant29.色素 pigment30.酸性 acidity31.碱性 alkaline32.矿物质 mineral substance33.蛋白质 protein34.活性细胞素 energetic cell35.维生素 vitamin36.化妆品 cosmetic37.氧化剂 oxidant38.胭脂 rouge39.口红 lip stick40.粉饼 powder41.睫毛膏 mascara42.粉底霜 foundation43.眼线笔eye liner pencil44.眉笔eyebrow pencil45.唇线笔lip pencil46.唇膏lip stick47.润唇膏 lip protector48.颜色 colour49.红色 red50.桔红色(橙色) orange51.玫瑰红 rose52.棕色(咖啡色) brown53.黄色 yellow54.蓝色 blue55.肉色 yellowish pink56.黑色 black57.白色 white58.紫色 purple59.绿色 green60.灰色 gray61.粉红色 pink62.洗甲水 cleaner63.指甲油 nail polish64.擦光剂 polish65.酒精 alcohol66.液体 liquid67.眼 eye68.耳 ear69.口 mouth70.鼻 nose71.手 hand72.脚 foot(feet 复数)73.头部 head74.发 hair75.面 face76.皮肤 skin77.手碗 wrist78.胸部 bust79.唇 lip80.眉 eyebrow81.腹部 abdomen82.大腿 thighs83.小腿 calves84.颈部 neck85. 奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steam engine86.皮肤测试仪skinanalysis apparatus87.消毒箱 disinfect box88.健胸仪breast strengthening apparatus89.减肥仪 weight reducing apparatus90.高震按摩仪high frequency massage91. 扫斑机fleck removal apparatus92.导电极棒 conduct stick93.电极electrode94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground brush95.文眉机 eyebrow-tattooing apparatus96.美容仪器 beauty apparatus97.电流 electric current98.电压 voltage99.高压 high pressure100.照射 shine101.温度 humidity102.力度 dynamics103.高温 high temperature104.电疗棒 electrotherapy stick105.紫外线 ultraviolet ray106.手柄 hand handler107.握 hold108.摘 pick109.防敏 anti-anaphylaxis110.距离 distance111.洞、孔 hole112.晚宴装 evening make up for party 113.文眉 tattoo eyeline114.文睫毛线 upper eyeline115.文唇线xlip116.深层皮肤护理 deep lifting117.胸部护理 bust treatment118.电眼睫毛 electronic eyelash119.修指甲manicure120.剪指甲trimx121.手部护理 hand care122.减肥护理diet care123.腹部减肥 reduce abdomen124.打耳孔 pierce ears125.腿部脱毛remove leg hours126.新娘妆 bridal make up127.晚妆 evening make up128.日妆 day make up实用文档129.皮肤护理skin care 130.结构 composition131.摇动、抖动 shake132.震荡 frequency133.针 needle134. 金属metal135.增加increase136.可触摸 tangible137.微波 microwave138.液态 liquid139.超声波 ultrasonic wave 140.红外线infrared ray 141.大 max142.小min143.开 turn on144.关 turn of145.蒸馏 distillation146.冷冻 freeze147.热量的 thermal148.温和的 gentle149.操作 operate150.电磁 electromagnetism 151.稳定的 stable152.调节 regulate153.去除 removing,get rid of 154.协调 harmonize155.选择 choose156.粗 thick157.细 thin158.简单 easy159.整体 whole160.尖形 point161.椭圆形 ellipse162.抬起 raise163.部位、位置 position 164.机器 machine165.冻结 freezing166.减少 reduce167.旋转 revolve168.美容 facial169.美容室Le salon170.美容院 beauty salon 171.美容师beautician172.先生sir172.小姐 miss173.脱下take off 174.外衣 coat175.手提箱suitcase 176.这边儿this way 177.各种各样kinds of 178.服务 service179.项链 necklace 180.耳环earring181.穿上put on182.价钱 price183.收费 charge184.费用cost185.欢迎welcome 186.几点 what time 187.多少How much 188.适合 fit189.不适合 unfit190.可以使can make 191.请进 come in 192.请坐sit down 193.关门 close the door 194.加 add195.一会moment 196.明天tomorrow 197.希望 hope198.小心 Look out 199.左 left200.右 right201.感觉feeling202.决不no means 203.满意satisfaction 204.星期一Monday 205.星期二Tuesday 206.星期三Wednesday 207.星期四Thursday 208.星期五Friday 209.星期六Saturday 210.星期日Sunday 211.一月January 212.二月February 213.三月March214.四月April215.五月May实用文档216.六月June217.七月July218.八月August219.九月September220.十月October221.十一月November222.十二月December223.周末week224.早安good morning225.下午好good afternoom 226.晚上好good night227.祝你好运good luck228.当然of course229.正是Exactly230.正正如此Quite so231.的确surely232.很好 very good233.真妙Excellent234.十分乐意with pleasure 235.啊我明白了 oh ,I see236.是真的That’s true237.或许不是Perhaps238.从来没有Never239.不要紧Don’t worry240.不行that won’t do241.行了 that will do242.再来一次once more243.再试一次try again244.请原谅Excuse me245.停止Stop that246.为什么?what for?247.怎么会的How can?248.为什么不 Why not?249.一点也不 Not at all250.是这样吗?Is it so?251.什么时候?when?252.哪一样 Which?253.怎么样 How?254.描眉卡brow template 255.纸巾facial tissue256.吸油纸 oil-Absorbing Sheets 257.化装棉cotton pads258.口红刷lip brush259.胭脂扫 blush brush260.转笔刀pencil sharpener261.电动剃毛器 electric shaver-for women 262.电动睫毛卷electric lash curler? 263.粉扑 powder puffs264.海绵扑 sponge puffs265.眉刷brow brush266.睫毛夹 lash curler267.染发 hair color268.冷烫水 perm/perming formula269.卷发器 rollers/perm rollers实用文档。



1. 医学美容:Medical Cosmetology
2. 整形外科:Plastic Surgery
3. 微整形:Micro-Plastic Surgery
4. 微创手术:Minimally Invasive Surgery
5. 面部年轻化:Facial Rejuvenation
6. 注射美容:Injection Cosmetology
7. 肉毒素注射:Botox Injection
8. 玻尿酸填充:Hyaluronic Acid Injection
9. 自体脂肪移植:Autologous Fat Transplantation
10. 埋线提升:Thread Lift
11. 光子嫩肤:Intense Pulse Light Therapy
12. 激光脱毛:Laser Hair Removal
13. 射频紧肤:Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
14. 超声刀:Ultrasound Knife
15. 热玛吉:Thermage
16. 埋线双眼皮:Thread Eyelid Surgery
17. 隆鼻:Nose Augmentation
18. 隆胸:Breast Augmentation
19. 抽脂术:Liposuction
20. 除皱术:Wrinkle Removal Surgery




美容护肤1.洗面奶cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser3.清洁面霜clarifying cream4.眼部御妆水eye make up removing5.按摩霜massage cream6.按摩油massage oil7.面膜mask8.冷膜freezing mask9.热膜hotting mask10.海藻面膜seaweed mask11.颈霜restructuring compound for the neck12.特效营养霜rich nourishing cream13.眼袋霜eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱eye gel15.日霜day cream16.晚霜night cream17.眼霜eye cream18.精华素Ampoule19.中性normal20.油性oily21.干性dry 22.敏感性sensitive23.紧肤refirming24.补水moisturizing25.补氧oxygenating26.补充骨胶原collagen hyalronic27.倒膜pour mask28.植物plant29.色素pigment30.酸性acidity31.碱性alkaline32.矿物质mineral substance33.蛋白质protein34.活性细胞素energetic cell35.维生素vitamin36.化妆品cosmetic37.氧化剂oxidant38.胭脂rouge39.口红lip stick40.粉饼powder41.睫毛膏mascara42.粉底霜foundation43.眼线笔eye liner pencil44.眉笔eyebrow pencil45.唇线笔lip pencil46.唇膏lip stick47.润唇膏lip protector48.颜色colour49.红色red50.桔红色(橙色) orange 51.玫瑰红rose52.棕色(咖啡色) brown53.黄色yellow54.蓝色blue55.肉色yellowish pink56.黑色black57.白色white58.紫色purple59.绿色green60.灰色gray61.粉红色pink62.洗甲水cleaner63.指甲油nail polish64.擦光剂polish65.酒精alcohol66.液体liquid67.眼eye68.耳ear69.口mouth70.鼻nose71.手hand72.脚foot(feet 复数)73.头部head74.发hair75.面face76.皮肤skin77.手碗wrist78.胸部bust79.唇lip80.眉eyebrow81.腹部abdomen82.大腿thighs83.小腿calves84.颈部neck85. 奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steam engine86.皮肤测试仪skin analysis apparatus87.消毒箱disinfect box88.健胸仪breast strengthening apparatus89.减肥仪weight reducing apparatus90.高震按摩仪high frequency massage91. 扫斑机fleck removal apparatus92.导电极棒conduct stick93.电极electrode94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground brush95.文眉机eyebrow-tattooing apparatus96.美容仪器beauty apparatus97.电流electric current98.电压voltage99.高压high pressure100.照射shine101.温度humidity102.力度dynamics103.高温high temperature104.电疗棒electrotherapy stick105.紫外线ultraviolet ray106.手柄hand handler107.握hold108.摘pick109.防敏anti-anaphylaxis110.距离distance111.洞、孔hole112.晚宴装evening make up for party113.文眉tattoo eyeline114.文睫毛线upper eyeline115.文唇线xlip116.深层皮肤护理deep lifting117.胸部护理bust treatment118.电眼睫毛electronic eyelash119.修指甲manicure120.剪指甲trimx121.手部护理hand care122.减肥护理diet care123.腹部减肥reduce abdomen 124.打耳孔pierce ears125.腿部脱毛remove leg hours 126.新娘妆bridal make up 127.晚妆evening make up 128.日妆day make up129.皮肤护理skin care130.结构composition131.摇动、抖动shake132.震荡frequency133.针needle134. 金属metal135.增加increase136.可触摸tangible 137.微波microwave 138.液态liquid139.超声波ultrasonic wave 140.红外线infrared ray 141.大max142.小min143.开turn on144.关turn of145.蒸馏distillation146.冷冻freeze147.热量的thermal148.温和的gentle149.操作operate150.电磁electromagnetism151.稳定的stable152.调节regulate153.去除removing, get rid of 154.协调harmonize155.选择choose156.粗thick157.细thin158.简单easy159.整体whole160.尖形point161.椭圆形ellipse162.抬起raise163.部位、位置position 164.机器machine165.冻结freezing 166.减少reduce167.旋转revolve168.美容facial169.美容室Le salon 170.美容院beauty salon 171.美容师beautician 172.先生sir172.小姐miss173.脱下take off174.外衣coat175.手提箱suitcase 176.这边儿this way 177.各种各样kinds of 178.服务service179.项链necklace180.耳环earring181.穿上put on188.适合fit189.不适合unfit 190.可以使can make 191.请进come in 192.请坐sit down 193.关门close the door 194.加add195.一会moment 196.明天tomorrow 197.希望hope198.小心Look out 199.左left 200.右right201.感觉feeling229.正是Exactly230.正正如此Quite so 231.的确surely232.很好very good233.真妙Excellent234.十分乐意with pleasure 235.啊我明白了oh ,I see 236.是真的That"s true 237.或许不是Perhaps 238.从来没有Never239.不要紧Don"t worry 240.不行that won"t do241.行了that will do242.再来一次once more243.再试一次try again244.请原谅Excuse me245.停止Stop that253.怎么样How?254.描眉卡brow template 255.纸巾facial tissue256.吸油纸oil-Absorbing Sheets 257.化装棉cotton pads258.口红刷lip brush259.胭脂扫blush brush260.转笔刀pencil sharpener261.电动剃毛器electric shaver-for women262.电动睫毛卷electric lash curler?263.粉扑powder puffs264.海绵扑sponge puffs265.眉刷brow brush266.睫毛夹lash curler267.染发hair color268.冷烫水perm/perming formula269.卷发器rollers/perm rollers Makeup(粉底)Mask(面膜)Mascara(睫毛膏)Milk(乳)Moisturisor(保湿面霜)Mult-(多元)Nail color(指甲油)Nail enamel(指甲油)Nail polish(指甲油)Nail saver(保甲液)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剝撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剝落式面膜)Pressed powder(粉饼)Purify(清洁用)Quick dry(快干)Remover(去除、卸妝)Repair(修保)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Shading powder(修容饼)Solvent(溶解)Spot(青春痘用)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妝水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)-White-(美白用)Acne(青春痘用品)Active(賦活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸碱)Blusher(腮紅)Clean-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Correct(遮瑕膏)Cream(霜)Day(日间用)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Exfoliator(去角质)Eye gel(眼胶)Eye mask(眼膜)Eye shadow(眼影)Eyeliner(眼线(笔、刷))Facial(脸部用)Fast dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Foundation(粉底)Toner(化妝水)Gel(胶狀)Gentle(温和的)Hydra-(保湿用)Lip care(护唇用)Lip coat(口红弧膜)Lipstick(口红)Long lasting(持久性)Lotion(水、露)Loose power(蜜粉)。






大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap假人头:manikin假发:wig消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技术专有名词(technical terms)正常发质:normal hair受损发质:damaged hair强韧发质:resistant hair表皮层:cuticle皮质层:cortex髓质层:medulla头皮屑:dandruff麦拉宁:melanin角质层:kelatin无层次剪法:solid(one length)低层次剪法:low graduation 高层次剪法:high graduation 均衡symmentry平均balance不平均 unbalance等长剪法:uniform(square) 短薄剪法:light layering长薄剪法:heavy layering凹形层次剪法:concave cut 凸形层次剪法:convex cut线条:line引导基准线:guide line角度:holding angle长发:long hairstyle中长发:medium hairstyle 短发short hairstyle弹性:body波浪:wave很鬈:curly旁分:side parting中分:central parting十字交叉检查:cross check 发缘线:hair line分撮:sectioning分区:parting(brocking)黄金点:golden point打薄:thinning打凹痕:notching挑剪:weaving头顶区:crown侧发区:side前额区:front后脑区:back后颈区:nape手干法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb逆梳:back combing漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome(男) 化妆:make up化妆室:T oilet买东西(上街):go shopping挑剔:trouble。



美容院术语英语表达大家是否经常去美容院呢?接下来为大家整理了美容院术语英语表达,希望对你有帮助哦!美容院术语英语表达:商业(:business)洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blowdrying护发:treatment/hair treatment修指甲:manicure修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath打烊:It's is close'd便宜:cheap不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly小费:tip结帐:pay the bill较贵:expensive完成:finished劳水:set折扣:discount钱:money整发做花:hair setting发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl化妆:make up按摩:massage全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care产品(product)头发:hair冷烫液: cold wave/ perm洗发精:shampoo护发霜:hair care/conditioner 发胶:gel定型液:hair spary染发剂:hair color发雕:lotion正常(一般):normal 受损:damage卷发:curl干燥:dry湿的:wet润丝:rinse平梳:comb镜子:mirror吹风机:hair dryer 毛巾:towel剪刀:scissors发夹:hair pick帽子:cap削刀:razor模特儿:model发叉:hair pin冷烫卷:perm rod冷烫纸:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作车:setting cart洗发槽:shampoo sink 发刷:brush圆梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb吹风机:blow dryer电棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors 剪刀:scissors(shears)大吹风;air dryer蒸气机;steamer推剪:clipper电推剪:electric clipper 雷脑:computer大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap假人头:manikin假发:wig消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves。



.美体美容的常用词汇据360教育集团介绍:beauty salon 美容院beautician 美容师1ip 唇facial 脸部的neck 颈部wrist 手碗abdomen 腹部calves 小腿skin 皮肤dry 干性皮肤firm/firming 紧肤eyeline tattooing 纹眼线lip line tattooing 纹唇线bust treatment 胸部护理to remove leg hours 腿部脱毛diet care 减肥护理treatment 修护manicure 修指甲to get rid of/to remove 去除liquid 液态gentle 温和的.护肤与用品常用词汇:bath foam/body wash 沐浴露clean 清洁用cleanser/cleansing milk 洗面奶acne 青春痘用品active 活肤用,活肤的sunblock 防晒collagen 骨胶原day 日间<用>clarifying cream 清洁面霜,净肤面霜energetic cell 活性细胞素eye cream 眼霜eye make-up remove 眼部御妆水eyelid cream 眼袋霜facial mist/facial spray 面部喷雾foam 泡沫lip care 护唇用,唇部护理lotion 水、露massage oil 按摩油mineral substance 矿物质moisturizing 补水 ,保湿rich nourishing cream 特效营养霜oil-control 抑制油脂perfume 香水pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去黑头洗液freezing mask 冷膜pack 剥撕式面膜seaweed mask 海藻面膜protein 蛋白质to whiten 美白pigment 色素alkaline 碱性alcohol-free 无酒精的to revitalize 活化waterproof 防水gentle 温和的彩妆常用词汇:cosmetics 化妆品toner/toning lotion 化妆水evening make-up 晚妆bridal make-up 新娘妆eyeshadow 眼影body art 帖在身上的小亮片lip protector 护唇膏mascara 睫毛膏eyebrow pencil 眉笔eyebrow powder 眉粉foundation 粉底lip gloss 唇彩shading powder 修容饼loose powder 散粉make-up remover 卸装水nail cleaner 洗甲水nail enamel/nail lacquer 指甲油,指<趾>甲胶nail saver 保甲液,护甲油liquid 液体化妆工具常用词汇:accessories/cosmetic applicator 化妆工具angled contour brush 斜角轮廓刷,斜角阴影刷brow brush 眉刷buffer brush 蘑菇头匀脸刷duo fibre brush 平头纤维面刷cosmetic brush/face brush 粉刷eyeliner brush 眼线刷eyelid brush 眼睑刷eye smudge brush 眼影晕染刷blush brush 腮红刷.胭脂扫square foundation brush 平角粉底刷powder brush 散粉刷powder puff 粉扑brush cleanser 笔刷清洁剂cotton bud/Q-tips 棉签facial tissue 面巾electric lash curler 电动睫毛卷fluff 蓬松,起毛oil-absorbing sheet 吸油纸整形常用词汇:blepharoplasty 眼部整形eyelid surgery 开双眼皮,双眼睑术nose surgery/rhinoplasty 隆鼻facial implants and reshaping 颊骨整形手术,面颊填充breast augmentation 隆胸breast reconstruction surgery 乳房重建breast surgery 乳房整形美容rhytidectomy 拉皮手术liposucfion 脂肪抽吸术abdomen reshaping 腹部吸脂术burn 烧伤疤痕beauty apparatus 美容仪器Ao Sang steam engine 奥桑蒸气机skin analysis apparatus 皮肤测试仪fleck removal apparatus 扫斑机electrotherapy stick 电疗棒conduct stick 导电极棒electrode/pole 电极distillation 蒸馏dynamics 力度eyebrow tattooing 纹眉毛stable 稳定的to freeze 冷冻to hold 握to regulate 调节to shake 摇动,抖动ultrasonic wave 超声波infrared ray 红外线electromagnetism 电磁voltage 电压high temperature 高温humidity 湿度美国品牌:Amway 安利Avon 雅芳Bobbi Brown 芭比波朗Calvin Klein <CK> 卡尔文克莱Clinique 倩碧Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿Ferragamo 佛莱格默Johnson & Johnson 强生M.A.C.魅可Max Factor 密丝佛陀New York Color <N.Y.C.> 纽约色彩Origins 悦木之源Revlon 露华侬法国品牌:Avene 雅漾Chanel 香奈儿Christian Dior 克里斯汀迪奥Darpin 迪梵Gatineau 积姬仙奴Guerlain 娇兰. Kerastase 卡诗L‘Oreal 欧菜雅La Roche-Posay 理肤泉Laura Mercier 罗拉玛斯亚Neutrogena 露得清Paul & Joe 保罗与乔Sisley 希思黎Yves Rocher 伊夫黎雪英国品牌:Burberry 巴宝莉Ponds 旁氏Vaseline 凡士林德国品牌:Davidoff 大卫杜夫Hugo Boss 雨果·波士Schwarzkopf 施华蔻日本品牌:Biore 碧柔Kanebo 嘉娜宝Kenzo 高田贤三RMK RMKShu-uemura 植村秀.意大利品牌:Bvlgari 宝格丽Versace X思哲您可以通过划词来调用在线词典beauty parlor 美容室eyebrow 眉face 脸.面head 头部hand 手bust 胸部thigh 大腿foot 脚normal 中性<皮肤>oily 油性<皮肤>的combination 混合性皮肤to remove eyebrow tattoo 洗纹眉to pierce ears 打耳孔hand care 手部护理deep lifting 深层皮肤护理to reduce abdomen 腹部减肥to repair 修保nail trimming 剪指甲. to wash 洗anti-anaphylaxis 防敏ground brush/scrub brush 磨砂刷body lotion/body moisturizer 身体润肤露purify 清洁<用>essence 精华液spot 青春痘<用>after sun 日晒后用<的>anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱cream 霜day cream 日霜hand lotion/hand moisturizer 护手霜exfoliating scrub 磨砂去角质eye gel 眼部嗜喱,眼胶eye mask 眼膜facial 脸部用facial scrub 脸部磨砂膏lifting 提升皮肤lip coat 口红护膜massage cream 按摩霜milk 乳moisturizer 保湿面霜night cream 晚霜nutritious 有营养的,营养丰富的,滋养的oxygenating 补氧blackhead 黑头mask 面膜self-heating mask 热膜peeling 敷面剥落式面膜pour mask 倒膜scrub 磨砂<式去角质>vitamin 维生素acidity 酸性balancing 平衡酸碱oxidant 氧化剂quick dry/fast dry 快干sensitive 敏感性的long lasting 持久性remover 卸妆品day make-up 日妆evening make-up for party 晚宴装cosmetics case 化妆箱blush 腮红concealer 遮瑕膏lipstick 口红,唇膏eyeliner <pencil> 眼线笔lip liner <pencil> 唇线笔finishing powder 定妆粉glitter/shimmering powder 闪粉pressed powder 粉饼sheer powder 亮粉make-up base/make-up primer 妆前乳make-up removing lotion 卸装乳nail color 彩色指甲油nail polish 指甲亮油polish 擦光剂angled brow brush 斜角眉刷blending brush 晕染刷brow template 描眉卡concealer brush 遮瑕刷<笔>contour brush 轮廓刷eye contour brush 眼褶刷fine eyeliner brush 精细眼线刷eyeshadow brush/shadow applicator 眼影刷lash brush 睫毛刷lip brush 唇刷,口红刷tapered face brush 锥形面刷pencil brush 橡胶棉刷sponge puff 海绵扑cosmetic bag 化装包cotton pad 化装棉tissue 纸巾electric shaver for women 电动剃毛器lash curler 睫毛夹pencil sharpener 转笔刀eye-bag removal 去眼袋facelift 拉皮手术,面部提升forehead lift 前额拉皮上提cleft lip and palate surgery 唇裂颚术breast lift 乳房上提breast reduction 缩乳.巨乳矫正body contouring 松弛皮肤拉紧,身体塑型cosmetic gynecology 女性会阴部整形mini tuck/tummy tuck 迷你吸脂,腹部抽脂术reconstructive surgery 重建整形scar revision/scar repair 疤痕修复weight reducing apparatus 减肥仪breast strengthening apparatus 健胸仪. eyebrow-tattooing apparatus 纹眉机high frequency massage 高震按摩仪needle 针disinfect box 消毒箱handle 手柄to vibrate 震荡electronic eyelash 电眼睫毛skin care 皮肤护理tangible 可触摸的to harmonize 协调to operate 操作to revolve 旋转to shine 照射microwave 微波ultraviolet ray 紫外线electric current 电流high pressure 高压thermal 热量的Anlla Sui 安娜·苏Benefit 贝玲妃Butt’s Bees 小蜜蜂Carmex 小蜜缇. Covergirl 封面女孩Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛H2O 水芝澳Kiehl‘S 契尔氏Mary Kay 玫琳凯Maybelline 美宝莲Olay 玉兰油Pantene 潘婷Biotherm 碧欧泉chiitina 克丽缇娜Clarins 娇韵诗Evian 依泉Givenchy 纪梵希Helena Rubinstein <HR> 赫莲娜L’Occitane 欧舒丹La Mer 海蓝之谜Lancme 兰蔻Make Up Forever 浮生若梦Nuxe 欧树Sephora 丝芙兰Vichy 薇姿Yves Saint Laurent <YSL> 圣罗兰. Paul Smith 保罗·史密斯The Body Shop 美体小铺Fa 花牌Nivea 妮维雅Wella 威娜Fancl 芳凯尔Kao 花王Kose 高斯Shiseido 资生堂SK-ⅡSK-ⅡGiorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼。



1、这个多少钱? How much will this be? 2、做皮肤护理多少钱? What's the price of skin care? 3、180元。 That is 180 yuan.
4、多少钱? What's the price? 5、一共是80元,先生。 That is 80 yuan ,sir. 6、这是找您的20元。 Here is your change of 20 yuan.
的。 May I help you with your suitcase, Madam? We
will take care of it for you.
11、请您摘下项链和耳环,把它们放在这里。 Would you please take off you necklace and
1 2 3 4 5 one two three four five
6 7 8 9 10 six seven eight nine ten
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eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
7 、你们接受信用卡付款吗? Do you accept credit card? 8、当然。您可以用信用卡付款。 Of course。You can pay by your card.






一、皮肤护理词汇1. Cleanser - 清洁剂2. Toner - 爽肤水3. Moisturizer - 保湿霜4. Serum - 精华液5. Exfoliator - 去角质产品6. Mask - 面膜7. Sunscreen - 防晒霜8. Acne - 痤疮9. Wrinkles - 皱纹10. Hyperpigmentation - 色素沉着二、美发词汇1. Shampoo - 洗发水2. Conditioner - 护发素3. Haircut - 理发4. Styling - 发型设计5. Blow-dry - 吹干6. Highlights - 高光7. Perm - 烫发8. Hair dye - 染发剂9. Split ends - 开叉10. Dandruff - 头皮屑三、美甲词汇1. Nail polish - 指甲油2. Base coat - 底油3. Top coat - 面油4. Nail file - 指甲锉5. Cuticle - 甲皮6. Nail art - 美甲艺术7. Gel nails - 喷砂甲8. French manicure - 法式美甲9. Nail extension - 延长甲10. Nail salon - 美甲沙龙四、化妆品词汇1. Foundation - 粉底2. Concealer - 遮瑕膏3. Blush - 腮红4. Eyeshadow - 眼影5. Eyeliner - 眼线液6. Mascara - 睫毛膏7. Lipstick - 口红8. Lip gloss - 唇彩9. Makeup brush - 化妆刷10. Makeup remover - 卸妆液五、身体护理词汇1. Body lotion - 身体乳液2. Body scrub - 身体磨砂3. Body wash - 沐浴露4. Body oil - 身体油5. Body spray - 身体喷雾6. Bath salts - 浴盐7. Massage - 按摩8. Relaxation - 放松9. Spa - 水疗10. Aromatherapy - 芳香疗法以上是一些常见的美容英语词汇,希望对你有所帮助。





1. Botox: 玻尿酸
2. Dermal filler: 填充物
3. Laser resurfacing: 激光去皱
4. Chemical peel: 化学剥离
5. Microdermabrasion: 微晶磨皮
6. Liposuction: 抽脂
7. Tummy tuck: 腹部整形手术
8. Rhinoplasty: 鼻部整形手术
9. Breast augmentation: 乳房植入术
10. Face lift: 面部提拉手术


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美容院中常用英语词汇1.洗面奶 cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶 biological cleanser3.清洁面霜 clarifying cream4.眼部御妆水 eye make up removing5.按摩霜 massage cream6.按摩油 massage oil7.面膜 mask8.冷膜 freezing mask9.热膜 hotting mask10.海藻面膜 seaweed mask11.颈霜restructuring compound for the neck12.特效营养霜 rich nourishing cream13.眼袋霜 eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱 eye gel15.日霜 day cream16.晚霜 night cream17.眼霜 eye cream18.精华素 Ampoule19.中性 normal20.油性 oily21.干性 dry22.敏感性 sensitive23.紧肤 refirming24.补水 moisturizing25.补氧 oxygenating26.补充骨胶原 collagen hyalronic27.倒膜 pour mask28.植物 plant29.色素 pigment30.酸性 acidity31.碱性 alkaline32.矿物质 mineral substance33.蛋白质 protein34.活性细胞素 energetic cell35.维生素 vitamin36.化妆品 cosmetic37.氧化剂 oxidant38.胭脂 rouge39.口红 lip stick40.粉饼 powder41.睫毛膏 mascara42.粉底霜 foundation43.眼线笔eye liner pencil44.眉笔eyebrow pencil45.唇线笔lip pencil46.唇膏lip stick47.润唇膏 lip protector48.颜色 colour49.红色 red50.桔红色(橙色) orange51.玫瑰红 rose52.棕色(咖啡色) brown53.黄色 yellow54.蓝色 blue55.肉色 yellowish pink56.黑色 black57.白色 white58.紫色 purple59.绿色 green60.灰色 gray61.粉红色 pink62.洗甲水 cleaner63.指甲油 nail polish64.擦光剂 polish65.酒精 alcohol66.液体 liquid67.眼 eye68.耳 ear69.口 mouth70.鼻 nose71.手 hand72.脚 foot(feet 复数)73.头部 head74.发 hair75.面 face76.皮肤 skin77.手碗 wrist78.胸部 bust79.唇 lip80.眉 eyebrow81.腹部 abdomen82.大腿 thighs83.小腿 calves84.颈部 neck85. 奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steam engine86.皮肤测试仪skinanalysis apparatus87.消毒箱 disinfect box88.健胸仪breast strengthening apparatus89.减肥仪 weight reducing apparatus90.高震按摩仪high frequency massage91. 扫斑机fleck removal apparatus92.导电极棒 conduct stick93.电极electrode94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground brush95.文眉机 eyebrow-tattooing apparatus96.美容仪器 beauty apparatus97.电流 electric current98.电压 voltage99.高压 high pressure100.照射 shine101.温度 humidity102.力度 dynamics103.高温 high temperature104.电疗棒 electrotherapy stick105.紫外线 ultraviolet ray106.手柄 hand handler107.握 hold108.摘 pick109.防敏 anti-anaphylaxis110.距离 distance111.洞、孔 hole112.晚宴装 evening make up for party 113.文眉 tattoo eyeline114.文睫毛线 upper eyeline115.文唇线xlip116.深层皮肤护理 deep lifting117.胸部护理 bust treatment118.电眼睫毛 electronic eyelash119.修指甲manicure120.剪指甲trimx121.手部护理 hand care122.减肥护理diet care123.腹部减肥 reduce abdomen124.打耳孔 pierce ears125.腿部脱毛remove leg hours126.新娘妆 bridal make up 127.晚妆 evening make up 128.日妆 day make up 129.皮肤护理skin care 130.结构 composition131.摇动、抖动 shake132.震荡 frequency133.针 needle134. 金属metal135.增加increase136.可触摸 tangible137.微波 microwave138.液态 liquid139.超声波 ultrasonic wave 140.红外线infrared ray 141.大 max142.小min143.开 turn on144.关 turn of145.蒸馏 distillation146.冷冻 freeze147.热量的 thermal148.温和的 gentle149.操作 operate150.电磁 electromagnetism 151.稳定的 stable152.调节 regulate153.去除 removing,get rid of 154.协调 harmonize155.选择 choose156.粗 thick157.细 thin158.简单 easy159.整体 whole160.尖形 point161.椭圆形 ellipse162.抬起 raise163.部位、位置 position 164.机器 machine165.冻结 freezing166.减少 reduce167.旋转 revolve168.美容 facial169.美容室Le salon 170.美容院 beauty salon 171.美容师beautician 172.先生sir172.小姐 miss173.脱下take off174.外衣 coat175.手提箱suitcase 176.这边儿this way 177.各种各样kinds of 178.服务 service179.项链 necklace 180.耳环earring181.穿上put on182.价钱 price183.收费 charge184.费用cost185.欢迎welcome 186.几点 what time 187.多少How much 188.适合 fit189.不适合 unfit190.可以使can make 191.请进 come in 192.请坐sit down 193.关门 close the door 194.加 add195.一会moment 196.明天tomorrow 197.希望 hope198.小心 Look out 199.左 left200.右 right201.感觉feeling202.决不no means 203.满意satisfaction 204.星期一Monday 205.星期二Tuesday 206.星期三Wednesday 207.星期四Thursday 208.星期五Friday 209.星期六Saturday 210.星期日Sunday211.一月January212.二月February213.三月March214.四月April215.五月May216.六月June217.七月July218.八月August219.九月September 220.十月October221.十一月November 222.十二月December 223.周末week224.早安good morning 225.下午好good afternoom 226.晚上好good night 227.祝你好运good luck 228.当然of course229.正是Exactly230.正正如此Quite so 231.的确surely232.很好 very good233.真妙Excellent234.十分乐意with pleasure 235.啊我明白了 oh ,I see 236.是真的That’s true 237.或许不是Perhaps 238.从来没有Never239.不要紧Don’t worry 240.不行that won’t do 241.行了 that will do 242.再来一次once more 243.再试一次try again 244.请原谅Excuse me 245.停止Stop that246.为什么?what for? 247.怎么会的How can? 248.为什么不 Why not? 249.一点也不 Not at all 250.是这样吗?Is it so? 251.什么时候?when? 252.哪一样 Which?253.怎么样 How?254.描眉卡brow template255.纸巾facial tissue256.吸油纸 oil-Absorbing Sheets257.化装棉cotton pads258.口红刷lip brush259.胭脂扫 blush brush260.转笔刀pencil sharpener261.电动剃毛器 electric shaver-for women 262.电动睫毛卷electric lash curler? 263.粉扑 powder puffs264.海绵扑 sponge puffs265.眉刷brow brush266.睫毛夹 lash curler267.染发 hair color268.冷烫水 perm/perming formula269.卷发器 rollers/perm rollers。
