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当我拿到演讲主题时,实话说,我的大脑当时一片空白(My mind has become a blank.)。尽管我在学校学过遥远的历史,讨论过令人愤怒infuriating的近代史,但却从来没有认真考虑过我们这一代,受宠的一代。



幸运的:一.我们生活的年代没有战争,只有和平。充斥着信息、现代科技。生活很便利。我们不会为食物发愁,不会感到饥饿和寒冷。有很多机会,有很多时间去学习很多知识,发展自身的兴趣爱好。二、每个家庭又只有一个孩子,有足够的关爱,能得到充分的关注Fully attention。所以,我们很幸运,我们很健康。

不幸的:一:事情总是相对的Things are always relative,换个角度想,科技发达也不是很好。处在成长的我们变得懒惰,沉迷于电脑游戏,甚至会学坏,变的暴力。我们无法亲近大自然We are unable to be close to nature,每当父母跟我描述他们骑着自行车,一起说笑着上学时,我就会羡慕。我喜欢风的感觉,却不喜欢生活在汽车尾气里面。Don't like living in automobile exhaust

二:上面说到的,幸运的我们有足够多的关爱。但一旦父母远离了我们的身边,没有兄弟姐妹的我们,会变的孤单,性格往往变得冷漠。还有,爱给的太多,有时就变成了溺爱Dote on。青少年会变得不满足,性格倔强,自傲,偏激,自私,缺乏宽容大度。初中时,我有一个朋友,她很美丽很有钱,却很自大狂妄,不允许人对她说不。他可以做任何他想做的事情,然而结果却是,她想交到真心朋友,却不能达成。







The judges:

hello everybody I am a modern fashion "90 after" girl, was born in 1998 called Emma,.

When I get the speech topic, to be honest, my mind was a blank. Although I studied at school the distant history, discussed the modern history of anger, but had never seriously considered our generation, spoilt generation.

Since junior high school, my father because busy with work, moved to far away company to live. A week or even every month, I can only see his father again. Because mother perennial value evening class, I also common when less than her. Very late every day very late at night, I a person at home, a person to take care of yourself, often feel lonely. I

don't have any brothers and sisters, only myself, I miss my father, hope to have a warm dinner, not only myself.

Now already three years, think carefully, I want to ask, in The Times of favored, shall I go, I lucky?

In my opinion, living in an age of favored, is lucky and misfortune.

Lucky: a. We lived without war, only peace. Full of information, modern science and technology. Life is very convenient. We won't worry about food, don't feel hunger and cold. There are a lot of opportunities, there are a lot of time to learn a lot of knowledge, develop their own interests. Second, each family has only one child, there is enough love, can get sufficient attention Fully attention. So, we are lucky, we are very healthy.

Unfortunately: a: things are always relative, want to change the Angle, developed science and technology also is not very good. In growth we become lazy, addicted to computer games, even is corrupting, become violent. We can't close to nature, when parents described to me their riding a bike, talking and laughing together with school, I would envy.

I like the feel of the wind, but I do not like living in automobile exhaust.

2: the above said, lucky we have enough love and care. But once the parents away from our side, we don't have any brothers or sisters, will be lonely, character tend to become indifferent. Also, love give too much, sometimes will become spoil. Teenagers become unsatisfied, personality is stubborn, arrogant, extreme, selfish and lack of tolerance. Junior high school, I have a friend, she is very beautiful is very rich, but very arrogant arrogant, does not allow people to say no to her. He can do anything he wants to do, but the result is that she wants to make real friends, but can't reach.

Due to spoiling, a 16-year-old rapist li, a defiant "my father is li gang" and so on.

When we love, the more responsibility the greater pressure. We want to return the love, so more hard. But once you don't succeed, too little experience setbacks, we would collapse, desperate jump off a building suicide do not cherish the life of their own... My good friend, because of the test the defeat, has since fallen, I'm very sad for that.

Generally speaking, in the modern era, we both lucky and unlucky. But whether lucky or not, we should live in the present, in our take root where flowering, converting the misfortune to lucky.

Anyway, in a few months, I can see my father, I am very happy.

Thank you for your listening.


The judges:

Everybody is good. I am a modern fashion "after 90" girl, was born in 1998 called Emma,. When I got the topic, to be honest, my mind was a blank. Although I learned distant history at school, discussed a recent history of angry, but never seriously considered our generation, spoiled generation.

Ever since middle school, my father because of busy work, moved to long to live. Weekly
