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beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister, living room , bag , rice , study

1.family member(家庭成员):__________ ___________

2.food (食品): ________ _________ __________

3.school things (学习用品): ______ _______

4.room(房间):_______ ________ ________


( ) 1. —We have a new computer. —Really?

A. Let’s go and have a look.

B. Let’s go to school.

C. Let’s go to the classroom.

( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag? ________

A. It’s a panda.

B.It’s yellow.

C. It’s on the desk.

( ) 3. —How many notebook do you have — I have(15) ______.

A. fifteen


C. fifty

( ) 4. —What _______is your pen? —It’s red.


B. nice

C. colour

( ) 5. She ______long hair, big eyes and ears.


B. have

C. is

()6. Let ________clean the door.

A. me

B. my

C. we

( ) 7 Is she in the bedroom? ________________

A No, they aren’t.

B Yes, she is.

C Yes,she isn’t.

()8. How many ________ do you have?

A. pencil

B. pencils

C. ruler

( )9. What ________ you like for dinner?

A. are

B. do

C. would

( ) 10. Are they near the phone? ________________

A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes,there is.

C. No, there isn’t.

六、情景对话(10分)找出下列句子正确的答句,并将其序号填在题前括号内。()1. May I have a look? A. She is a teacher.

()2.What’s her name? B. Three.

()3. Is this your bedroom? C. Sure. Here you are.

()4. What’s your mother? D. Yes, it is.

()5. How many people are there in your family? E. Her name is Amy.



A. What’s your uncle?

B. Who’s your uncle?


A. What do you like?

B. What would you like?


A. What’s for dinner?

B. What’s dinner?


A. Where is my Chinese book?

B. Where is my notebook?


A. The driver is in the study.

B. The teacher is in the kitchen. ( )6.早晨见到老师和同学

A.Good morning!

B.How are you?

( )7.对同学说圣诞快乐

A.Merry Christmas!

B.Happy birthday!

( )8.老师将新同学John介绍给大家

A.This is John.

B.This is my friend, John.

( )9.你告诉朋友John你的年龄

A.How old are you?

B.I am ten.

( )10. 要和同学们打扫教室

A The classroom is clean.

B Let’s clean the classroom.

八、阅读理解。阅读短文,判断下列句子正误,正确 ( T ) 错误 ( F )(10分)My name is Amy. I’m a thin girl. There are three members in my family. My parents and me. I have a good friend. She is Miss Li, my Chinese teacher. She likes music. She is from China.

1. Amy is strong. ( )

2. There are 4 members in Amy’s family. ( )

3. Miss Li is Amy’s friend. ( )

4. Miss Li likes music. ( )

5. Miss Li is from China. ( )
