Egg Street 1目标:2枚鸡蛋时限:1:00初始条件:1只鸡,100金币玩法:开局再买1只鸡,收集鸡蛋完成耗时:23秒Egg Street 2目标:4枚鸡蛋,2只鸡时限:1:30初始条件:1只鸡,90金币玩法:收集1枚鸡蛋,卖出小车返回,再买1只鸡收集鸡蛋,过关完成耗时:1分5秒Egg Street 3目标:6枚鸡蛋,4袋蛋粉,200金币时限:2:20初始条件:2只鸡,140金币玩法:收集2枚鸡蛋,卖出小车返回,建造蛋粉厂制造蛋粉抓熊,抓熊完成后,应已收集6枚鸡蛋,卖出熊和鸡小车返回,应已制造2袋蛋粉,卖出蛋粉,凑足200金币继续制造蛋粉,凑足4袋蛋粉完成耗时:1分47秒Crossroads 1目标:2个生面团时限:2:00初始条件:1只鸡,200金币玩法:开局建造蛋粉厂抓熊,卖出继续抓熊,收集2枚鸡蛋后,卖出鸡和熊飞机购买2袋面粉制造蛋粉小车返回,金币=200,建造面团厂制造生面团完成耗时:1分34秒Flour Street 1目标:12袋蛋粉,6个生面团时限:3:30初始条件:6只鸡玩法:开局卖出4只鸡,抓1头熊小车返回,建造蛋粉厂,卖出熊,飞机购买3袋面粉制造蛋粉,制造生面团小车返回,飞机购买3袋面粉抓熊,卖出熊和生面团再抓2头熊,持续制造生面团小车返回,卖出2头熊小车返回,制造蛋粉和生面团完成耗时:2分40秒Flour Street 2目标:10个生面团,550金币时限:3:30初始条件:500金币玩法:开局蛋粉厂升1级,购买2只鸡,10袋面粉抓熊,卖出,继续抓熊小车返回,再次卖出熊制造蛋粉、生面团抓第三头熊,此时应已制造2个生面团,卖出熊和2个生面团小车返回,等待再次制造2个生面团,此时应已收集够10枚鸡蛋,卖出2个生面团和2只鸡小车返回,金币>550,升级面团厂继续制造生面团,凑足10个,过关完成耗时:3分14秒Flour Street 3目标:20袋蛋粉,10个生面团时限:3:10初始条件:1只鸡,400金币玩法:购买2只鸡,购买10袋面粉抓熊,卖出,生产蛋粉、生面团小车返回,抓熊,卖出小车返回,升级蛋粉厂,抓熊,卖出制造蛋粉、生面团完成耗时:2分42秒Flour Street 4目标:30袋蛋粉,20个生面团,2000金币时限:3:20初始条件:5只鸡,750金币玩法:开局升1级仓库、1级面团厂,购买10袋面粉抓2头熊,卖出飞机购买10袋面粉重复抓熊,卖出制造生面团,并全部卖出完成耗时:3分12秒Flour Street 5目标:40袋蛋粉,10只鸡时限:4:20初始条件:玩法:开局购买3只鸡,飞机购买10袋面粉生产3个生面团,同时抓熊,卖出小车返回,再买1只鸡,飞机购买10袋面粉生产6个生面团,卖出小车返回,升1级蛋粉厂,飞机购买10袋面粉,购买1只鸡生产6个生面团,卖出小车返回,升1级仓库继续生产生面团,抓熊,卖出凑够500金币,再购买5只鸡,达到10只鸡,然后立即卖出5只生产足够的蛋粉,过关完成耗时:4分9秒Flour Street 6目标:30个生面团,5只鸡,1500金币时限:4:20初始条件:2只鸡,250金币玩法:开局购买1只鸡,飞机购买10袋面粉抓2只熊,卖出小车返回,飞机购买10袋面粉抓1只熊,卖出1只熊和3个生面团小车返回,购买2只鸡抓2只熊,卖出小车返回,飞机购买10袋面粉生产9个生面团,卖出小车返回,生产6个生面团,抓熊卖出熊和5个生面团生产12个生面团,卖出继续生产蛋粉,卖出,凑足1500金币过关完成耗时:3分40秒Flour Street 7目标:50袋蛋粉,50个生面团时限:4:20初始条件:1头羊,500金币玩法:购买5只鸡,卖出羊小车返回,仓库升1级,飞机飞3次,购买30袋面粉抓2头熊,卖出小车返回,生产8个生面团,卖出抓2头熊,生产4个生面团,小车返回,升1级蛋粉厂,卖出2头熊和4个生面团小车返回,飞机飞2次,购买20袋面粉生产8个生面团,卖出小车返回,升1级面团厂抓熊,生产面团,卖出熊和面团完成耗时:3分55秒Chicken Lane 1目标:5个生面团,500金币时限:2:15初始条件:1只鸡玩法:抓2只熊,卖出飞机购买5袋面粉,3枚鸡蛋抓熊,等鸡生产2枚鸡蛋后,卖出熊和鸡注意,鸡生产1枚鸡蛋,就立即进行蛋粉加工过关要点:1.需点击蛋粉厂和面团厂加速生产2.至少要卖出5头熊完成耗时:2分13秒Chicken Lane 2目标:2个生面团时限:1:05初始条件:100金币玩法:开局立即购买1袋蛋粉,2袋面粉抓2头熊,立即卖出飞机回来,立即生产生面团小车返回,飞机立即购买1袋蛋粉飞机回来,立即生产生面团完成耗时:1分1秒Chicken Lane 3目标:5枚鸡蛋,2个生面团时限:1:20初始条件:1只鸡,19金币玩法:开局卖出鸡小车返回,飞机立即购买2枚蛋,2袋面粉抓1头熊,立即卖出飞机返回,接收鸡蛋和面粉,立即开始生产蛋粉小车返回,飞机立即购买3枚蛋蛋粉生产完毕,立即开始生面团生产抓1头熊,卖出完成耗时:1分15秒Chicken Lane 4目标:2只鸡,2个生面团时限:1:00初始条件:180金币玩法:开局飞机购买2袋蛋粉,2袋面粉抓熊,暂时不卖飞机返回,立即生产生面团生面团生产完毕,立即和熊一起卖出小车回来,购买2只鸡,过关完成耗时:57秒Chicken Lane 5目标:4个生面团时限:1:40初始条件:1头羊玩法:开局立即卖出羊抓2头熊小车返回,飞机立即购买3袋蛋粉,4袋面粉,建造面团厂小车立即卖出2头熊飞机返回,开始生产生面团抓2头熊,卖出飞机购买1袋蛋粉,生产第2个生面团小车返回,升1级面团厂,生产第3和第4个生面团完成耗时:1分26秒French Street 1目标:1块法国披萨,5个生面团,1块黄油,1块凝乳时限:4:00初始条件:19990金币玩法:开局升1级仓库,1级小车,买1头牛飞机飞2次,买1块凝乳,1块黄油,5袋面粉,1个酸黄瓜抓到的所有熊卖出收集6枚鸡蛋后,把鸡卖掉,5枚鸡蛋做5个生面团,卖出4个收集羊奶、牛奶卖出金币大于14000时,卖掉羊(1000)和牛(5000)小车返回,建造法国披萨制造厂,制造法国披萨完成耗时:3分35秒Crossroads 2目标:2块凝乳,20个生面团时限:3:20初始条件:10只鸡玩法:开局卖出5只鸡小车返回,飞机飞2次,购买20袋面粉抓2头熊,卖出收集鸡蛋,制造生面团再抓2头熊,卖出小车返回,卖出10个生面团小车返回,购买1头羊,卖出5只鸡小车返回,卖出10个生面团小车返回,建造凝乳工厂制造2块凝乳完成耗时:3分3秒Curd Lane 1目标:1块凝乳,1块乳酪时限:3:00初始条件:玩法:卖出1桶羊奶抓熊,制造蛋粉小车返回,卖出熊,飞机购买10袋面粉制造生面团小车返回,应已采集够15枚鸡蛋,卖出鸡+5个生面团飞机购买5袋面粉和1个酵母小车返回,小车升1级,卖出10个生面团和抓到的熊小车返回,卖出羊和羊奶小车返回,建造乳酪工厂,生产乳酪完成耗时:2分53秒Curd Lane 2目标:12块凝乳,2500金币时限:3:55初始条件:1000金币玩法:购买1头羊,抓1头熊,卖出熊抓2头熊小车返回,飞机购买2个酵母,卖出2头熊小车返回,飞机购买8个酵母制造5块乳酪,卖出小车返回,再买1头羊,凝乳厂升1级卖出1块乳酪收集羊奶,制作凝乳完成耗时:3分29秒Cheese Street 1目标:10块凝乳,10块乳酪,2头羊时限:5:40初始条件:6只鸡玩法:开局卖出1只鸡抓2头熊小车返回,卖出熊生产5蛋粉,抓2头熊,小车返回,升级1级仓库,卖出熊生产5蛋粉,抓2头熊,小车返回,飞机购买10袋面粉生产5蛋粉,卖出2头熊小车返回,飞机购买10袋面粉生产5蛋粉,抓2头熊小车返回,卖出5只鸡+1头熊生产5生面团小车返回,卖出5生面团+1头熊生产10生面团小车返回,卖出10生面团,购买1头羊生产5生面团,抓2头熊小车返回,小车升1级,卖出2头熊+5生面团生产1凝乳小车返回,再买1头羊,卖出1凝乳小车返回,飞机购买10个酵母收集羊奶,制造3乳酪,抓2头熊此时羊奶应已收足11桶,卖出2头羊+3乳酪+1头熊小车返回,升1级乳酪厂再制造7乳酪,过关完成耗时:5分30秒Cheese Street 2目标:20块凝乳,3头羊时限:5:00初始条件:10只鸡,320金币玩法:开局卖出10只鸡抓2头熊,卖出小车返回,购买1头羊,飞机购买2个酵母抓2头熊,卖出制造2块乳酪小车返回,卖出2块乳酪,飞机购买8个酵母小车返回,购买1头羊制造2块乳酪,卖出小车返回,升1级仓库,1级小车抓4头熊,卖出3头熊制造2块乳酪小车返回,飞机购买10个酵母,卖出2块乳酪+1头熊小车返回,购买1头羊制造4块乳酪,抓2头熊,卖出4块乳酪+2头熊小车返回,升1级凝乳厂制造凝乳、乳酪完成耗时:4分58秒Cheese Street 3目标:20块乳酪,5个生面团,5000金币时限:4:15初始条件:2只鸡,2头羊玩法:开局卖出1只鸡,飞机购买2个酵母抓3头熊,卖出2头,飞机购买2个酵母制造2块乳酪小车返回,卖出乳酪和另外一头熊飞机购买6块乳酪持续制造乳酪小车返回,仓库、小车各升1级,购买10个酵母抓3头熊,卖出小车返回,此时应已收集5枚鸡蛋,卖出鸡和6块乳酪,飞机购买5袋面粉制造5个生面团,4块乳酪小车返回,卖出4块乳酪和5个生面团小车返回,购买1头羊,乳酪厂升1级制造乳酪,卖出过关完成耗时:3分58秒Crossroads 3目标:30块凝乳,30块乳酪,4头羊时限:4:10初始条件:5只鸡,1头羊,2000金币玩法:开局购买1头羊,仓库、小车各升1级,飞机飞3次,购买20袋面粉,10个酵母制造5个生面团,2块乳酪卖出制造5个生面团,2块乳酪收集20枚鸡蛋,将鸡和5个生面团、2块乳酪卖出仓库升1级,飞机购买10个酵母抓4只熊小车返回,购买1头羊,卖出3只熊制造10个生面团,4块乳酪小车返回,卖出10个生面团,4块乳酪,飞机购买10个酵母持续制造乳酪,直至完成目标可以升级凝乳厂、乳酪厂各1级完成耗时:3分54秒Cheese Street 4目标:10个生面团,40块凝乳,40块乳酪,20000金币时限:6:00初始条件:1头牛,50金币玩法:收集1瓶牛奶,卖出抓1头熊小车返回,升级1级小车,1级仓库,购买2只鸡,飞机飞2次,购买10袋面粉,10个酵母卖出1头熊,1瓶牛奶小车返回,升1级水井,卖出1瓶牛奶,飞机购买10个酵母小车返回,升1级仓库,飞机购买10个酵母卖出1瓶牛奶和牛抓3头熊小车返回,购买5头羊,卖出3头熊制造6个生面团,抓1头熊小车返回,卖出6个生面团+1头熊制造2个生面团,卖掉2个生面团和2只鸡卖掉4个乳酪和2个生面团,飞机购买10个酵母制造乳酪,卖出完成耗时:5分29秒Cow Lane 1(该关在牛奶加工厂,包括酸奶油厂和黄油厂的等级未达到顶级时,无法实现金牌过关)目标:5个生面团,5块黄油,5块乳酪时限:0:45初始条件:5只鸡,5头牛,5头猪,13500金币玩法:(第一种,酸奶油制造厂和黄油制造厂未达到满级时)开局小车升2级,飞机升2级,仓库升2级飞机购买5桶羊奶,5袋面粉,5个酵母,5个增稠剂小车卖出5头猪收集5瓶牛奶,卖出牛抓捕4头熊收集5枚鸡蛋,卖出鸡和4头熊制造生面团,乳酪,黄油(第二种,酸奶油制造厂和黄油制造厂达到满级时)开局小车升满级,立即卖出5只鸡,5头牛,2头猪飞机升满级,立即购买5枚鸡蛋,5袋面粉小车返回,立即将仓库升满级,卖出3头猪飞机返回,立即再次购买5瓶牛奶,5桶羊奶,5个酵母,5个增稠剂立即开始生产生面团小车返回,立即将酸奶油厂和黄油厂升到满级飞机返回,立即加速生产奶酪和黄油(第三种,目的:达到不点击熊和产品过关的目标)开局小车升满级,分2次卖出所有鸡、牛、猪小车返回,仓库、飞机升满级购买4只狗,由狗抓熊,注意不能点击熊两拨熊过去且时间也超过了45秒+1分40秒后,购买2只猫飞机飞2次,购买5枚鸡蛋,5袋面粉,5桶羊奶,5个酵母,5瓶牛奶,5个增稠剂飞机返回后,视金币情况,升级相关建筑,最好升到满级生产5个生面团、5块乳酪,5块黄油过关注意:全程不能点击任何产品,必须由猫拾取完成耗时:2分13秒(第一种)0分44秒(第二种)2分32秒(第三种)Cow Lane 2目标:2枚鸡蛋,2桶羊奶,2瓶牛奶时限:1:40初始条件:10000金币玩法:开局购买1头牛生产1瓶牛奶,立即卖出小车返回,购买1头羊收集第2瓶牛奶,连同牛一同卖出小车返回,购买2只鸡,1头羊,升2级仓库,为后续抓捕熊做准备收集2桶羊奶、2枚鸡蛋,过关完成耗时:1分30秒Cow Lane 3目标:2个生面团,2块黄油,2块乳酪时限:1:20初始条件:1只鸡,1头羊,1头牛,5000金币玩法:开局升1级飞机,购买2枚鸡蛋,2桶羊奶,1瓶牛奶开局卖出1只鸡,1头羊飞机返回,抓取掉落的鸡蛋、羊奶、牛奶后,立即开始生产立即飞第二次,购买2袋面粉,2个酵母,2个增稠剂收集1瓶牛奶,小车返回后,立即卖出牛之后抓紧生产生面团、黄油、乳酪出现熊时,只是抓住,不入仓库完成耗时:1分19秒Cow Lane 4目标:1块法国披萨时限:1:40初始条件:2只鸡,2头羊,2头牛玩法:开局卖出2只鸡,2头羊收集2瓶牛奶小车返回,升1级小车,1级仓库,1级飞机抓2头熊,卖出2瓶牛奶和2头熊收集2瓶牛奶小车返回,再生1级小车,卖出2瓶牛奶收集2瓶牛奶,抓2头熊小车返回,卖出2瓶牛奶,2头熊和2头牛小车返回,飞机购买1块法国披萨完成耗时:1分28秒Goat Street 1目标:2头羊,10个生面团时限:3:40初始条件:5只鸡,1头羊玩法:开局卖出全部鸡小车返回,购买6个酵母制造1块乳酪,卖出飞机购买10袋面粉小车返回,建造蛋粉厂、面团厂,飞机购买6枚鸡蛋制造2块乳酪,卖出制造1块乳酪小车返回,买1头羊,此时应已收集到6桶羊奶,卖出2头羊和乳酪制造1个生面团,2块乳酪小车返回,蛋粉厂、面团厂各升2级,卖出2块乳酪和1个生面团,飞机购买4枚鸡蛋制造8个生面团,过关完成耗时:3分19秒Goat Street 2目标:10块乳酪,10枚鸡蛋时限:2:00初始条件:4头羊,200金币玩法:开局飞机购买6个酵母收集8桶羊奶,卖出2头羊抓捕5头熊,但不要放到仓库中制造2块乳酪,卖出2头羊和2块乳酪,飞机购买4个酵母,2枚鸡蛋飞机返回,再购买8枚鸡蛋持续制造8块乳酪,过关完成耗时:1分58秒Goat Street 3目标:2块乳酪,10枚鸡蛋,1个生面团,1块黄油时限:3:20初始条件:1头牛玩法:开局收集1瓶牛奶,抓捕1头熊,卖出小车返回,小车升1级,仓库升1级抓捕另1头熊,收集1瓶牛奶,卖出建造1级蛋粉厂,1级面团厂飞机购买2枚鸡蛋,5袋面粉,返回收开始生产生面团抓捕1头熊,收集1瓶牛奶,卖出飞机购买8枚鸡蛋抓捕另1头熊,收集1瓶牛奶,卖出升1级仓库,抓捕2头熊,生产生面团完成耗时:3分10秒French Street 2目标:5块法国披萨,5块乳酪,5头羊时限:4:20初始条件:2头牛玩法:收集2瓶牛奶,卖出小车返回,升1级小车,2级仓库抓2头熊,收集2瓶牛奶,卖出飞机飞2次,购买5袋面粉,5个酵母,5个酸黄瓜小车返回,再升1级小车,购买5只鸡,收集2瓶牛奶,卖出小车返回,收集5枚鸡蛋,制造5个生面团,收集2瓶牛奶,抓2头熊,卖出牛奶和熊小车返回,再收集5枚鸡蛋,收集2瓶牛奶,卖出牛奶和5只鸡小车返回,购买5头羊,收集2瓶牛奶,卖出小车返回,收集5桶羊奶,制造5块乳酪,抓2头熊,收集2瓶牛奶,卖出2头牛、2头熊和2瓶牛奶小车返回,收集5桶羊奶,制造5块凝乳,卖出5头羊,飞机购买3块黄油小车返回,制造1块法国披萨,卖出5块乳酪和1块法国披萨小车返回,抓2头熊,制造1块法国披萨,卖出熊和1块法国披萨小车返回,升1级法国披萨制造厂,制造1块法国披萨,卖出,飞机购买2块黄油制造2块法国披萨完成耗时:4分12秒Sour Cream Street 1目标:1个酸奶油,5头羊,1头牛时限:4:10初始条件:3头羊,1000金币玩法:开局升1级小车、1级仓库,飞机飞2次,购买20个酵母制造6块乳酪,卖出小车返回,购买2头羊抓3头熊,卖出制造6块乳酪,卖出,飞机飞2次,购买12个酵母制造10块乳酪,卖出收集10桶羊奶,卖出5头羊小车返回,购买1头牛制造10块乳酪,抓4头熊,卖出10块乳酪,2头熊小车返回,建造酸奶油工厂收集1瓶牛奶,制造酸奶油完成耗时:3分54秒Sour Cream Street 2目标:3个酸奶油,1块黄油,10000金币时限:4:00初始条件:5000金币玩法:开局升1级小车,1级仓库,购买4头羊,飞机飞2次,购买16个酵母制造8块乳酪,抓3头熊,卖出8块乳酪和2头熊制造4块乳酪,一共收集20桶羊奶,卖出4块乳酪和4头羊制造4块乳酪,卖出4块乳酪和1头熊小车返回,购买1头牛,飞机购买1个增稠剂抓2头熊,卖出制造1个酸奶油,卖出,再升1级小车,制造1个酸奶油,收集够3瓶牛奶,卖出1个酸奶油和牛制造1个酸奶油,小车返回,建造黄油工厂,制造黄油完成耗时:3分52秒Sour Cream Street 3目标:10个酸奶油,2头牛,5块乳酪时限:5:40初始条件:1头羊,5000金币玩法:购买4头羊,小车、仓库各升1级,飞机飞2次购买20个酵母制造5块乳酪,卖出小车返回,小车、仓库各再升1级制造5块乳酪,卖出小车返回,飞机飞4次,购买30个酵母,8个增稠剂制造15块乳酪,卖出,小车返回购买1头牛制造5块乳酪,抓4头熊,卖出5块乳酪和4头熊制造15块乳酪,卖出,小车返回再买1头牛制造5块乳酪,1块黄油,卖出5头羊+5块乳酪+1块黄油小车返回,升1级酸奶油制造厂制造酸奶油完成耗时:5分36秒Crossroads 4目标:10块黄油,5块乳酪,5个生面团时限:6:10初始条件:5只鸡,5头羊,1000金币玩法:开局小车、仓库升1级,飞机购买5袋面粉,15个酵母抓1头熊,收集5枚鸡蛋,卖出5只鸡和1头熊制造5个生面团,5块乳酪,卖出收集10桶羊奶,卖出5头羊制造10块乳酪,卖出,飞机购买10个增稠剂小车返回,购买1头牛抓3头熊,卖出制造4块黄油,卖出小车返回,再买1头牛制造3块黄油,卖出小车返回,升1级黄油工厂再收集3瓶牛奶,卖出牛,制造3块黄油完成耗时:5分23秒Leaven Lane 1目标:1块法国披萨,1个生面团,1块黄油,1块乳酪时限:1:50初始条件:1头猪玩法:开局卖出猪,熊只抓,不入仓库小车返回,小车、飞机升2级,购买1块法国披萨,1枚鸡蛋,1桶羊奶,1瓶牛奶飞机返回,立即开始制造,小车卖出法国披萨,飞机再次购买1袋面粉,1个酵母,1个增稠剂小车返回,建造面团厂、黄油厂、乳酪厂,制造生面团,黄油,乳酪完成耗时:1分18秒Leaven Lane 2目标:16000金币,1只鸡,1头羊,1头牛时限:2:00初始条件:12000金币玩法:开局升2级小车、飞机飞机购买1枚鸡蛋、1个生面团、1块凝乳、1块黄油、1个酸黄瓜飞机返回,抓取物资,制造法国披萨卖出小车返回,购买1只鸡、1头羊、1头牛过关完成耗时:48秒Leaven Lane 3目标:1块黄油时限:1:50初始条件:10头羊 1500金币玩法:开局升2级小车,卖出10头羊小车回来后,升2级飞机,购买1牛奶,1增稠剂顺序制造酸奶油,黄油,完成任务完成耗时:1分2秒Crossroads 6目标:1块松露,15个增稠剂时限:3:50初始条件:3头牛,10000金币玩法:开局建造2个分离工厂三头熊中抓两头卖掉,收集三瓶牛奶,制造酸奶油小车回来,卖掉3个酸奶油和剩余的一头熊,同时升一级仓库,继续收集牛奶,造酸奶油小车再次回来,升两级小车,卖掉3个酸奶油。
Franzea 1:游戏开始后先向左边跳跃,进入隐藏地区吃第2个果实,之后向版面右边移动,路上的花碰到后可以取得音符。
Perculcka 1:游戏开始往左边移动,吃到果实后往左边跳可以进入隐藏区。
第4关目标:6蛋、4蛋松、2蛋饼、300金钱;初始条件:1火鸡、150金钱;时间要求1:50 买1火鸡,抓2狮子卖,钱回来建蛋饼厂。
第6关目标:12蛋松、10蛋饼、6火鸡、1K金钱;初始条件:1火鸡、90金钱;时间要求3:30 抓2熊卖,回来买3火鸡。
欢乐农场2——攻略 基本操作:⿏标左键控制⼈物,右键取消所有指令,⽅向键移动画⾯;单击⿏标执⾏基本移动,双击⿏标挖掘并耕种⼀块⼟地或放下⼀个物体。
第⼀关:被遗弃的农场 (奖杯:铁锹,获得奖杯⽤时00:10:00) 1、松⼟4块,双击⼟地的空⽩区域松⼟; 2、种植西红柿4棵,点击种⼦袋拾起,再点击⼟地; 3、挖⽜蒡8棵,双击⼟地的空⽩区域,把西红柿种⼦袋放下,再点击杂草; 4、卖掉西红柿1箱,点击包装箱拾起,再点击西红柿,4棵1箱,然后点击⾕仓卖掉; 5、购买包装箱1个,先点击供应品,再点击包装箱,然后点击⼟地的空⽩区域放下; 6、卖掉西红柿1箱。
第⼆关:⽺羔 (奖杯:V I P卡,获得奖杯⽤时00:15:00) 1、卖桃1箱,卖梨1箱,点击包装箱拾起,再点击有果实的树,1棵1箱,然后点击⾕仓卖掉; 2、买胡萝⼘种⼦1袋; 3、种植胡萝⼘12块; 4、卖掉胡萝⼘3箱; 5、修复⽺棚1个,需要200⾦币; 6、饲养绵⽺1次,先装1箱胡萝⼘,再点击⽺棚; 7、给你的作物施肥12块,⼟地出现红⼼表⽰需要施肥了,先从供应品中购买⼩袋化肥,先拾起化肥,再点击⼟地施肥,⼩袋化肥可以给6块地施肥,需要2袋; 8、给作物浇⽔12块,⼟地出现⽔滴表⽰需要浇⽔了,先拾起⼩⽔壶,然后点击⽔泵装满⽔,再点击⼟地浇⽔,⼩⽔壶只能浇6块地; 9、卖⽺⽑1箱,拾起包装箱,点击⽺棚装满⽺⽑,再点击⾕仓卖掉。
第三关:夜袭 (奖杯:⼿电筒,获得奖杯⽤时00:10:00) 1、偷⼀袋化肥,洗车左下⽅ 2、偷兰花球茎1袋,洗车左上⽅ 3、偷⼀箱葡萄,先拿包装箱,洗车右上⽅ 4、偷⼀箱黄⽠,先拿包装箱,地图左边中间位置 5、偷⼀箱菠萝,先拿包装箱,地图左边上⽅ 6、断开所有闸⼑开关 7、前往市场 第四关:沼泽地 (奖杯:有⼀个⼩象的雕像,获得奖杯⽤时00:20:00) 1、卖⾹蕉2箱 2、移动仓库,先点击供应品中的起重机,移动到⾕仓上,当⾕仓变为红⾊时表⽰被选中,这⾥点击⼀下⾕仓被吊起,然后移动到地图左边翻好的⼟地旁边,放下就可以; 3、种植⼤理花12块,需要再开垦5块地 4、赚钱100⾦币 5、铲平⼀棵倒掉的树,铲平沼泽,利⽤供应品中的推⼟机 6、种植玫瑰12块,需要先开垦⼟地 7、雇⽤⼀名浇⽔⼯,雇⽤⼀名果蔬采摘⼯,果蔬采摘⼯雇⽤费300⾦币,⼯资100⾦币,总共400⾦币,浇⽔⼯雇⽤费150⾦币,⼯资70⾦币,总共220⾦币。
这场比赛的关键是优化配置资源。例如,你会想要把石榴果汁机尽量 接近石榴,所以可以有效地填充机。你也会想把一个工具包接近机很快修 复。 同样的,你会想种植一些蔗接近骆驼,这样你就可以养活他们迅速。
这些山羊是一个例外。你要把山羊钢笔6至8格离开野花。这是因为山 羊将尝试让你从他们的牛奶(像蜜蜂在第一牧场)。你要去山羊有至少5平方 得到的野花。这样你可以得到无干扰的山羊奶。 然而,如果你把山羊距离过远,野花,他们不能回来快足以使牛奶一 样快,你需要它。距离6广场是最佳的。 随意添加一个以上的井,工具包,农药,连谷仓和桥梁,如果你有足 够的钱。有时有一个好的两边的牧场,或一个谷仓在河的两岸之间的差 异,会使一天的目标并不是。 你将能够购买两架升级速度在游戏过程中,快速和快速鞋手套。同时 购买,一旦他们成为可。 一旦你有了迅速的鞋,你可能会不需要第二个谷仓。这腾出空间,您 将需要的机器,需要在以后的游戏。 也曾有速度升级,你将能够收集牛奶快。
每个生产者(动物或机器)除山羊可以存储3个输出,其位置,加上一些 额外的投入。所以猴子/椰子树可以存储3个香蕉作为输入(1)加3个椰子作 为输出(2)。果汁机可以存储3个石榴作为输入(3)加上3汁(4)。骆驼可以储 存满料盘(6)和3(7)。 山羊是例外。他们靠步行的野花,所以他们不存储任何输入。它以3罐 的部分(5)之前,你可以收集牛奶,所以他们只能储存1输出(牛奶)每个地 点。这意味着牛奶往往是最困难的item-it需要很长时间才能生产,你不能 建立商店前面的时候,除非你购买升级存储托盘。 研究一天的订单之前,你开始一天!如果你看到你将需要15果汁,你知 道你会想要买第二果汁机,如果你没有。如果你需要20个浆果,你只有5 种,你可能想开始一天的种植更多的而不是取决于他们的再生。 我们发现,一般12补丁的任何植物足够的头4个星期,无论休闲或专家 模式。然而,一旦我们可以买一个桥过河,我们需要一个额外的6至12个补 丁的石榴汁有这么大的订单,因为。 5周,我们还需要一个共15片香蕉要跟上椰子订单。(猴子吃香蕉和椰 子。) 每一轮开始时你会想先卖掉,然后左右移动的东西,然后店。这是反 秩序的按钮在屏幕上,但它会确保你总是可以厂新产品对你想要的地方。 你也可以移动或出售一些项目无休在过去几周时,订单很复杂。 把你的资源在休闲和专家模式
狂热农场攻略Farm Mania小技巧
疯狂牧场2[Rush 2 Collector's Edition]图文攻略
疯狂牧场2Ranch Rush 2 Collector's EditionWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips: Modes and Profiles∙Overview of the Game in Casual and Expert Modes∙Starting the Day in Casual and Expert Modes∙Placing Your Resources in Casual and Expert Modes∙Décor Items∙Multistep Products∙Market Day Strategy∙The Fishing Games∙Plants (except Coconuts)∙Animals and Animal Products (including Coconuts)∙Machines∙Gear and Upgrades∙Freeplay Mode (Collector’s Edition Bonus)∙TrophiesGeneral Tips: Modes and Profiles∙At the start of the game, you will choose between 3 modes: Casual, Expert, and Freeplay. Freeplay is only available in the Collector’s Edition.∙The first time you play under a new profile, you will automatically start in Casual mode. Eventually you will unlock the Expert mode. Players who own theCollector’s Edition will also unlock Freeplay mode.∙You can only have one Ranch of each mode type per profile. If you have been playing in Freeplay mode and want to go back to your Casual Ranch, go to theMain Menu, choose Continue, and then the mode you want to use. If you want to have two Ranches of the same mode type, you will have to play them under twodifferent profile names.∙However, each new profile starts over again with Expert and Freeplay locked.∙The Trophy Room is unique to each profile. This means that if you want to win all the trophies you must eventually play all the modes under the same profile.However, trophies do stay with your profile even if you start a new Ranch, as long as you keep playing under the same name.∙The cut scenes are just for story purposes—you can skip any of them without missing anything you need for game play.∙The cut scenes are mostly the same in all modes, although there are a few ―déjà vu‖ jokes in Expert mode to acknowledge that you’ve probabl y already watched the story once.∙We do not recommend going directly from the Freeplay mode to the Expert mode if you are trying to get the Trophy where you don’t fail any levels, because the Freeplay mode will tend to throw off your rhythm for the timed modes. Instead, play a couple of levels of the Casual mode first, then start a new Ranch in Expert mode.∙Use the MENU button to return to the Main Menu. This is in the lower left on some screens and in the lower right on the Ranch screen.∙The game autosaves automatically. If you leave a level before the round is finished, you’ll return to that exact same set-up when you return.∙You can play the game in zoom in view and scroll to different parts of the Ranch, or you can play in zoom out view so you can see the entire Ranch at once. To change the zoom, click on the magnifying glass or use the scroll button if your mouse has one.∙Love your Ranch? Take a picture anytime! Clicking on the Photo Button on either the Ranch screen or in the Trophy room will sav e a .jpg ―picture‖ of it for you to look at later or share with friends. The game will also automatically take a picture of your Ranch in your final set-up when you complete a mode.∙Gameplay Changes from Ranch Rush 1: in addition to new animals and products, there are several significant changes from Ranch Rush 1.∙The change most players will notice immediately is that the Ranch is not perfectly rectangular. There are curves and bumps along the edges. To place items, move your cursor until the item is out lined in green. If it’s outlined in red, there’s anobstruction there.∙Second, you now have a zoom in/zoom out feature. This lets you see the entire Ranch without scrolling.∙Third, you can purchase Décor items to decorate the Ranch. These are availablei n the Shop, but are purchased with Coins instead of dollars. You’ll earn Coins inthe Fishing mini-game.∙Fourth, the ―audible cues‖ from the first game are mostly gone. You will have to watch your animals for ―thought bubbles‖ that tell you when they need something from you.∙Finally, players who bought the Collector’s Edition have 9 bonus levels in an untimed play mode in the Freeplay version. This is especially nice if you like to use the Décor items, since the untimed mode means you don’t need duplicatemachines and you’ll have more space on the Ranch.Overview of the Game in Casual and Expert Modes∙This is a Resource Management game. You will buy things for your Ranch and then use them to meet the goals of each day. You have the same Ranchthroughout the game, so anything you buy will be there the next day.∙You will have many choices about what to buy and where to place things.∙There are 9 weeks in the game, and 7 days in each week. Monday through Friday you will fill orders from customers.∙Every Saturday, you will go to Market, where you will have a minute or two to sell as much as you can of any products you have available.∙Every Sunday is a mini-game where you will catch Fish and earn Coins.∙Each weekday (Monday – Friday) has a timer. You must complete all the orders for that day before the timer runs out. As the weeks go on the orders get morecomplex and the time allotted gets longer.∙Expert Mode has the same play as Casual mode. The difference is that the orders are larger and more complex, and the time is shorter.∙You can chain dozens of actions by simply clicking on each thing you want to do next. There will be a check mark on each thing that is already in the chain.∙If you change your mind about what you want to do next, just right-click to clear all check marks.∙You can get speed bonuses for doing the same thing several times in a row. These are easiest to get when you are harvesting large orders of plants.∙It’s up to you whether you want to do more than the required orders on a given da y.Although you do get a $ bonus for finishing early, it’s often better to use the time to prep for the next day.∙Monday – Friday taking things to the Barn that are not on an order tablet will not get you any extra money, but you can get rid of things that way if you picked them up by mistake.∙What is more useful, though, is to use any extra time to build up reserve stocks of item at the machines and animal pens.∙For example it will be a lot easier to fill an order for 8 Ice Cream tomorrow if you use time today to get 3 trays of Ice Cream on the output tray and have someingredients waiting on the input tray.∙The day will end when you fill all the required orders, so if you want to do some extra work to get ready for the next day, wait to fill the last order of the day until you’ve done everything else you want to do.∙For Expert mode in particular you will want to study both the day you are about to play and the day that’s coming up, as you are going to need to do some prep work if you want to complete all the days without the timer running out.∙When you don’t get all the orders done in the allotted time, you will have to play the day over, but you will start with the Ranch as it was at the exact moment that you ran out of time. This means you can use a round to store up items you’ll need, let the time run out, and then play again with all the stored items available. This is particularly helpful for rounds where you need a lot of Milk or Juice as these can take a long time to prepare. However, there is one trophy you can only get if you complete ALL levels without ever running out of time.∙Initially your Ranch is divided into sections, one on the west of the river and one on the right—but you can’t get over the river! Don’t worry about it. Later in the game you will be able to buy a Bridge to take you across. Until then, just work on the left side.∙Time does not pass when you are in shopping, moving, or selling mode.Starting the Day in Casual and Expert Modes∙Different crops take different amounts of time to grow. This is critical in rounds where you will need to pick more than once from the same patch of dirt. You want to pick slow growing products first so they’ll have time to replenish before the day runs out.∙On the other hand, if you have more dirt patches with a particular plant than you need for the day’s order; you don’t have to really worry about the plant’s growthspeed, since you can just pick what you need without waiting for more to grow.∙Orders that require machines like the Juice Machine or the Ice Cream Machine will always take longer than orders that just require plants, because you have toprocess the ingredients.∙You can greatly reduce the time it takes to fill an order by adding a 2nd or even 3rd machine of the same time. A good rule of thumb is that one machine can easilyproduce 6 to 9 items in a typical 3 or 4 minute round. If you have an order for 15Juice, you’ll probably need two Juice machines. Of course if it’s a particularly long round, you can produce more from one machine.∙Similarly, one animal can easily produce 6 to 9 items in a typical 3 or 4 minute round. If you need 15 Peacock Feathers, you may want to have 2 Peacocks.∙Each producer (animal or machine) except Goats can store 3 outputs at its location, plus some additional inputs. So a Monkey/Coconut Tree can store 3Bananas as inputs (1) plus 3 Coconuts as outputs (2). A Juice Machine can store3 Pomegranates as inputs (3) plus 3 Juices (4). Llamas can store a full feed tray (6)plus 3 Wools (7).∙Goats are the exception. They feed themselves by walking to the Wildflowers, so they don’t store any inputs. And it takes 3 tank sections (5) before you can collect Milk, so they only store 1 output (Milk) per location. This means that Milk is often the most difficult item—it takes a long time to produce and you can’t build upstores ahead of time unless you’ve purchased the Storage Tray upgrade.∙Study the day’s orders before you start the day! If you see that you will need 15 Juice, you know you may want to buy a 2nd Juice machine if you don’t have one.If you’re going to need 20 Acai Berries and you only have 5 planted, you may want to start the day by planting additional ones rather than depending on them toregrow.∙We found that in general 12 patches of any plant were enough for the first 4 weeks in either Casual or Expert Mode. However, once we could get buy a Bridge andget across the river, we needed an additional 6 to 12 patches of Pomegranatesbecause the Juice orders got so large.∙By week 5 we also needed a total of 15 patches of Bananas in order to keep up with the Coconut orders. (Monkeys eat Bananas and produce Coconuts.)∙At the start of each round you will want to first sell, then move things around, and then shop. This is the reverse order of the buttons on the screen, but it will makesure you can always plant new products right where you want them.∙You may also want to move or sell some items mid-round in the last few weeks when the orders get really complicated.Placing Your Resources in Casual and Expert Modes∙The key to the game is to optimize the placement of your resources. For example, you will want to put the Pomegranate Juice machine as close as possible to thePomegranates, so Sara can fill the machine efficiently. You’ll also want to put aTool Kit close to the machine so it will be quick to repair.∙Similarly, you’ll want to plant some Sugar Cane close to the Llamas, so you can feed them quickly.∙The Goats are an exception. You’ll want to put the Goat pen 6 to 8 squares away from the Wildflowers. This is because Goats will try to keep you from taking their Milk (like the bees in the first Ranch Rush). You want the Goat to have to go at least 5 squares to get to the Wildflowers. That way you can get the Milk without the Goat interfering.∙Howeve r, if you put the Goats too far away from the Wildflowers, they won’t be able to get back quickly enough to make Milk as fast as you need it. A distance of6 squares is optimal.∙Feel free to add more than one Well, Tool Kit, Pesticide, and even Barns and Bridges if you have enough money. Sometimes having a Well on both sides of the Ranch, or a Barn on both sides of the river, will be the difference between making the day’s goal and not.∙You will be able to buy two speed upgrades over the course of the game, the Speedy Gloves and the Speedy Shoes. Buy both as soon as they becomeavailable.∙Once you have the Speedy Shoes you will probably not need a 2nd Barn. This frees up space you will need for the machines that are required later in the game.∙Also once you have the speed upgrades you will be able to collect the Milk faster.∙Once you get to week 6 you should have plenty of cash on hand. Study the orders for the level carefully before starting. On some days you may want to have a 2nd Duck for Eggs while on other days you will want to have a 2nd Peacock forFeathers. 1 Duck takes up about the same amount of space as 1 Peacock +Gloves, so these are good ones to trade back and forth.∙If you have enough cash to buy machines back later, you may even want to sell something you only have one of if you won’t need it that day. For example, maybe you’d rather have an extra fruit roll-up machine on a day where you don’t need to make ice cream. It’s up to you how strategic you want to be.∙When you sell something, you get back half the price you paid for it.∙Because the time is so short in Expert mode you need to be much more careful about how you place items to minimize the distance that Sara has to walk. You will definitely want to have one Tool Kit per machine, for example.∙Because time doesn’t pass while you’re in Move or Shop mode, you will be able to change the configuration of your Ranch whenever you want to meet a particular day’s goals.∙Early in the game before Sprinklers are available, you need to use the Wells for water. In Casual Mode, you can just put one Well on each side of the river, pretty much wherever you want.∙For Expert Mode, you may want to put the Well in the center of the field, to minimize the time it takes to walk in any direction.∙Once Sprinklers are available, you can move the dirt patches to make room for them. One Sprinkler can cover an area 3 x 3 if the Sprinkler is in the center.∙Sprinklers are not that important in Casual mode until they get the AutoPest upgrade where they also kill pests. You can use some Sprinklers and continue to use the Well some all the way through the end of the game.∙Sprinklers are essential in Expert mode. You will want to use as many as you can afford as soon as they become available, especially if you are trying to get thetrophy for completing the entire game without ever losing a day on time.Décor Items∙You will buy Décor items with Coins, not dollars. You’ll earn Coins in the fishing game (and, for the Collector’s Edition, in the Freeplay mode).∙Déc or items are just for fun, but they do take up space on your Ranch. It’s up to you whether you want to use them or not. They are not requires for any dailygoals.∙There is one trophy that requires buying all décor items. Players who have the Collector’s E dition will find this easiest to do in Freeplay mode.∙Two of the Décor items, the Sea Turtle and the Fish, don’t take up any room on the Ranch—they just add these creatures to the ocean view.Multistep Products: How Fast Can You Make Ice Cream?∙The key to the strategy for any day is to know how many steps each product takes.∙Anything that just grows and is picked takes just one step. That includes Wildflowers, Bananas, Pomegranates, Sugar Cane, Oranges, Acai Berries, andPineapples. Although some of these take longer to grow than others, if you have 6 patches of Acai Berries ready to be picked, they’ll take the same amount of time to get to the warehouse as 6 patches of Wildflowers. Crabs are also a one-stepproduct, because you just pick them up and take them to the warehouse.∙Pomegranate Juice and Fruit Roll-ups are three step products. You put the ingredients in the machine, the machine makes the product, then you pick up theproduct once it’s made.∙Coconuts are a four step product. You get bananas, give them to the monkey who takes time to eat it, then the monkey climbs the tree and throws down the coconut.Then you collect it.∙Llama Wool, Peacock Feathers, and Duck Eggs are five-step products. You pick the food, the animal has to eat it, the animal asks for more food and you pick thatand it eats it, and then you have to collect the product. You feed the Peacock, the Peacock eats a couple of times, then you pluck the Feathers.∙Milk is a four-step product, because the Goat has to go to the Wildflower patch 3 times, and then you have to collect it. However, it can take as much time as if itwas a five or even six step product because you have to time when you collect the Milk. You can’t collect the Milk until the Goat is at least 4 squares away from it spen.∙Ice Cream, Coconut Pies and Fruit Baskets are three step products once the ingredients are ready. You put the ingredients in the machine, the machine makes the product, you pick it up. However, the ingredients that go into these aremulti-step products in themselves.∙Ice Cream needs Milk (4 steps) and Acai Berries (1 step), plus 3 steps to make the Ice Cream.∙Fruit Baskets need Fruit Roll-ups (3 steps), plus 3 steps to make the Fruit Basket.∙Coconut Pies need Milk (4 steps), Coconuts (4 steps) and Eggs (5 steps), plus 3 steps to make the Coconut Pie.∙If you have all the ingredients stockpiled at the start of the day, Ice Cream, Fruit Baskets, and Coconut Pies only take 3 steps. But if you have to start from scratch, these become 6 to 8 step items, which is why they can be so slow.∙Once you understand which products take the most steps to produce, you’ll know how to plan your strategy for each day. If you have to make a whole lot of amultistep item, you may want to add more resources, like a 3rd coconut tree or a 2nd Juice machine.∙You can also sell a machine you won’t need that day if you need the space for a different one.Market Day Strategy in Casual or Expert Mode∙Every Saturday is Market Day. The strategy is simple—take anything you want to the Barn to sell it and try to earn as much money as possible.∙The exact amount of time you have varies, but is usually between one minute and two minutes.∙You will not have enough time to prepare most multistep items, so you need to have prepped as much as possible on Friday.∙Not surprisingly, the items that take the longest to make, like Fruit Baskets, bring the most money.∙Don’t waste any time with watering or Pesticide. Just pick up prepped items, sell them, then harvest whatever you can as quickly as possible.∙If Milk becomes available, collect it—it’s worth a lot.∙It’s up to you whether you want to use the Clippers on a Llama that is ready, but do so only after you’ve sold all the ready high value items.The Fishing Game∙The Fishing Game occurs every Sunday in Casual or Expert mode, and at the end of each level in Freeplay mode.∙It is always played the same way, but the amount of time and the number of lures available changes over the course of the game.∙Your reward for this game is Coins that can be used to purchase Décor Items in the Shop. You don’t get dollars, so it doesn’t help with your Ranch goals.∙The Fishing Game also unlocks new Décor items.∙It helps to think of this like a magnetic fishing game. If you touch the fish anywhere with the lure, it will stick to it.∙You can capture more than one fish at a time simply by touching the 2nd fish after you’ve caught the first one.∙There is a trophy for catching 2 fish at one time, and another trophy for catching 4 fish at one time.∙If you are going for multiples on one line, start by catching the lowest fish first, then work your way up.∙Whenever you catch a fish, your line will automatically start to reel in. Click the mouse again if you want to move the line before bringing the fish back to the boat.∙Your lure is color-coded. Just like a magnet fishing game, some fish will be too heavy for your lure. If you try to catch one of those, the lure will come off the line.∙Once you have caught 7 fish, you will get the next size lure plus a 10 second time bonus.∙The meter (1) in the upper left corner shows you how close you are to the next lure.∙You can catch fish near the surface faster than fish lower down, so if you’re close to the next lure, catch fish quickly to get there.∙The tiny yel low lure can lift only the tiny yellow fish (2). It doesn’t matter if the fish has a stripe or not.∙The second lure is green, and can catch green (3) or yellow (2) fish.∙The third lure is pink, but it’s a little confusing as it can only catch the smaller kinds of pink fish (4) (plus the green or yellow ones). You get used to this pretty quickly.∙The fourth lure can catch the larger pink fish (5), plus any smaller fish.∙The fifth lure can catch the glowing Bass (6). If you can catch 10 of these in one da y of fishing you will get a trophy, but it’s not easy.∙There are two evil fish—the Sting Ray (7) and the Scissor Fish (8).∙If you hook the Sting Ray, you will get zapped with electricity and not be able to catch any fish for a few seconds.∙If the Scissor Fish touches your line anywhere it will cut through it. You will lose anything hooked to the line and have to wait a few seconds to get a new lure.∙From time to time a Treasure Chest (9) or Necklace will appear at the bottom of the sea. You can catch these just like a fish. They have bonus Coins in them.∙When you bring your catch to the surface, it will flip into the air and you have to position your boat so that it is underneath it when it falls. Usually this is easy.However, you should try to avoid fishing at the very edges of the screen, as theFish may jump off the screen and you won’t catch it in the boat.∙Although there is a timer, you can’t ―fail‖ fishing mode. You just get to fish until the timer runs out.Plants (Except Coconuts)∙It is completely up to you how many of each plant you grow and where. The game will tell you if you are missing something altogether that you need for the day’sorders, like if you don’t have an Ice Cream Maker but you have an order for IceCream.∙ A good rule of thumb is to aim for 12 patches of each plant type, with some extra Bananas and Pomegranates, but it’s up to you.∙Each seed packet holds 20 seeds. You plant 1 seed per dirt patch.∙Each plant will produce from 8 to 16 times before the ground goes bare. This is completely random. If you plant 2 Pomegranates planted side by side at the same time, one might last for 8 harvests and one last for 16.∙Once the ground goes bare, you can replant it by putting a new seed there. The seed can be the same type or different.∙When a seed packet gets down to its last 2 seeds, it will turn red. This is helpful information when you are doing very long advance chains, since the chain will be off if you are trying to plant with seeds that don’t exist.∙Plants may be moved at any time. Just use the move button.∙If you want to change the type of plant on a particular piece of dirt, use the Sell button to remove the plant. The dirt will remain and you can plant a different seed there.∙If you want to remove a piece of dirt altogether, first sell the plant (if any), then sell the dirt.∙Most players like to keep patches of one type together as it makes it a little easier to plan ahead, but it’s up to you.∙Initially Sara will have to make one trip to the seed packet each time you want a seed to plant. So if you are going to plant 12 Pomegranates, it will take 12 trips back and forth. So at the beginning you will definitely want to place each seed packet right next to where you want to plant.∙Remember you can move the seed packet later if needed.∙Once you have the 3 Seeds upgrade, you can click 3 times on a Seed Packet and get 3 seeds to carry. So now it will only take 4 trips back and forth to plant 12Pomegranates. You will have to dig each plant individually, but you will save a lot of steps/time just picking up seeds.∙Although the Seed Upgrade shows a picture of 3 different types of Seed Bags, it only works when you are picking up 3 seeds of one type. So you can carry one, two, or three Wildflower Seeds, but you can NOT carry 1 Wildflower seed and 1 Pomegranate seed on the same trip.∙To harvest a plant, pick up a Crate, then pick up the plant.∙You will never run out of Crates in this game. The only reason to buy a 2nd stack of Crates is to place it in another location so Sara will have fewer steps to get to it.∙Wildflowers grow quickly. You need them to feed the Goats, the Ducks, and to fill some orders. They’re not much use on Saturdays. Make sure you plant them 5 to8 squares away from the Goats.∙Bananas. You’ll need more Banan as than you think, because you have to trade them to Coco the Monkey for coconuts, but you’ll also get direct orders for them.They grow slower than Wildflowers but quicker than anything else. It’s a good idea to keep at least 12 or 15 patches of Bananas for all weeks. Try to plant them close to the Coconut Trees.∙Pomegranates. Pomegranates grow slowly, about the same rate as Sugar Cane.You will need them for both direct order and to make Pomegranate Juice. Makesure you place the Juicer closer to the Pomegranates. 9 to 12 Pomegranatesshould be enough in the beginning. It takes 3 Crates of Pomegranates to makeone pack of Juice. Eventually you will need more Pomegranates to make moreJuice.∙Sugar Cane. Sugar Cane is used to feed the Llamas and sometime the Peacocks.You will also need it for Fruit Roll-ups and Coconut Pies. To start with a patch of 3 per Llama should be enough, but eventually you will want to add another 6 to 12.∙Sugar Cane appears to die off faster than the other plants, so you will want to keep its seed packet close to where you need to plant it. Also be aware of thisissue for very long action chains, particularly if you’re trying to fill a large FruitRoll-up order.∙Oranges grow the slowest of all. However, you won’t get a lot of ord ers for them in the first four weeks. 5 patches should be enough.∙Once you start making Fruit Roll-ups, you will probably want 10 or more patches of Oranges.∙Acai Berries. Acai Berries grow slowly, about the same as Oranges. You will need them to make Ice Cream, and to fill some direct orders. Sometimes a Peacockwants one. You can start out with 12 but eventually you will want to have 15 ormore so you can fill Ice Cream orders.∙Pineapple. Pineapple grows slowly. You will need it for direct orders and for the fruit baskets, but you’ll never need very much. 6 patches near the Fruit Basketmachine and one patch near the Peacock should be enough for the whole game.Animals and Animal Products (including Coconuts)∙It is completely up to you how many of each animal you have and where. The game will tell you if you are missing something altogether that you need for theday’s orders, like if you don’t have an Ice Cream Maker but you have an order for Ice Cream.∙Animal products are Crabs, Coconuts (from Monkeys), Goat’s Milk, Duck’s Eggs, Llama Wool, and Peacock Feathers.∙You do not need Crates to pick up animal products. If you have an empty Crate in your hand when you pick up an animal product, that’s fine—it will disappear whenyou deliver the product. But d on’t stop to pick up Crates if all you need are animal products.∙Crabs. You will be able to catch the Crabs when they come up on the beach. Just click on them. It can be difficult to put Crabs into an action chain since they are always moving, so it’s usu ally best to end your chain somewhere near the beach (usually the Barn on the left side of the river), then immediately catch a few Crabs, then go back to chaining your other actions.∙Once you have a Bridge across the river you will find that a lot of the Crabs only appear on that side, so you’ll need to go over there to catch them.∙You don’t need Crates for the Crabs. Like everything else, you can carry up to 3 ata time until you get the upgrade that lets you carry 5 at a time.∙Try to catch half the C rabs you’ll need before the time for the day is half gone.That will help keep you from losing the level just because there weren’t enough Crabs on the beach.。
疯狂农场2全金牌通关攻略每一关都是根据这个顺序关卡名过关条件需要时间攻略详细内容关卡太多了,如果找不到你想找的关卡,请使用CTRL+F搜索关卡名~chichen lane 14个鸡蛋1分钟教学关,上来就买只鸡等着下蛋吧。
chichen lane 26个鸡蛋 3只鸡1分30秒得到2个鸡蛋就赶紧用小车买掉,这样才可以买第三只鸡。
powder street 16个鸡蛋 3只鸡 2个蛋粉?(成包的那种,也不知道是什么东西)2分钟刚开始就把加工厂买了,后面出只熊加上一个蛋粉正好100块够买只鸡的,也很简单。
powder street 22个蛋饼 2只鸡2分30秒上来买蛋粉加工厂和一只鸡,第一个蛋粉加上两只熊足够开蛋饼加工厂的,喂鸡的时候一次就喂一块草地就够啦,尽量不要用井,只有一只鸡应该没问题的。
powder street 312个蛋粉 1袋面粉(好象是面粉)2分50秒这关就有点难了,金牌几乎是卡着时间只差几秒。
crossroads 120个鸡蛋 5个蛋粉 10个蛋饼3分10秒上来买两只鸡,鸡蛋最好都2个2个的一起加工。
powder street 42000块钱3分30秒什么都不用升级,开始就有1000块钱,买一只猪等着收猪肉吧,收8块猪肉的时候(可以得到1600元的时候),把猪也一起卖了,猪卖500正好够目标了。
powder street 51个蛋饼测试版本这关时间是1分10秒,害我过了N次都没过去。
GBC 牧场物语2 攻略研究.讲义
农场物语2 攻略
种菜升级 开心农场2全攻略
信尘ed 投箱 rcn 编韩ffsc 美辑e io 术e 稿/nnn 辑煜 e r 编王 ,l i 风 @
第 一 步 :添 加 应 用
进 入 ht:w t l ww. ne o /页 面 . pl r rnc r e n
的 性 别 , 通 过 单击 “ 并 衣服 ” “ 型 ” “ 、发 和 眼 睛 ”等 项 中 的 左右 箭 头 。设 置 好 虚拟 人 物
作 物 收 获 后 .我 们 要 将 残 株 从 田 里 清除 . 以便 能 继续 种 植 新 作物 。清 除 方 法 很 简 单 . 只 需单 击 相应 的地 块 即 可 。 清 除
完 毕 .单 击 工 具 栏 中 的 “ 植 物 ” 按 钮 . 动
中心 ” 方 的搜 索 框 中 。 入 “ 下 输 开心 农 场 2 , ”
第 三 步 :收 获 并 种 植 作 物
默 认 情 况 下 , 农 场 会 分 配 给 我 们 八 左 侧 ,单 击 “ 加应 用 ” 按钮 ,在 “ 添 应用 块 地 。其 中有 六块 已经 种 上 了小麦 且 已成 熟 获 .用 鼠标 双 击 这 些 。即 可将 其 采 摘 下 来 放 到 “ 获 物 ” 仓 库 中 ( 图 4) 以 收 如 。 后 如 果 要 售 出这 些 果 实 ,只需 在 农 场 下 方
的造 型 ,设 置 完毕 ,单 击 “ 入 游 戏 ”按 进 钮 ( 图 3)中 . 单击 “ 部 售 出 ” 钮 全 按
然 后 在 出现 的对 话 框 中 . 击 “ / 单 、 ”按 钮
黄 灿 灿 的金 币就 到 手 了 ( 图 5 o 如
秘诀 3 :为 朋 友 帮 忙
为 朋 友 帮忙 是 在 开 心 农 场 2获 取 金 币和 经 验 值 的一 条 重 要渠 道 ,这 个帮 忙 流 程 ,其 实 是和 我 们 在 第一 部 分 写 的帮 助 托
种菜升级 开心农场2全攻略
1.到现实版开心农场种菜去 [J], 陈媚娜
2.迎接新时代,升级老机器--岁末PC平台升级全攻略 [J], 托蒂与巴蒂;村里人
3.租地种菜首选:月亮湾开心农场 [J], 曹进冬;月亮湾开心农场
4.现实版开心农场喊你来种菜 [J], 金玥彤
5.开心农场“种菜过年” [J],
6 游戏中的设施建造和升级,除非必要,情况允许时考虑不建造或升级。
疯狂农场2 全奖杯攻略
疯狂农场2 全奖杯攻略找到所有隐藏要素就是那些从上面挂根藤下来,或者从地下钻出来的熊,共17个。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
【攻略简介】每一关都是根据这个顺序关卡名过关条件需要时间攻略详细内容chichen lane 14个鸡蛋1分钟教学关,上来就买只鸡等着下蛋吧。
chichen lane 26个鸡蛋 3只鸡1分30秒得到2个鸡蛋就赶紧用小车买掉,这样才可以买第三只鸡。
powder street 16个鸡蛋 3只鸡 2个蛋粉?(成包的那种,也不知道是什么东西)2分钟刚开始就把加工厂买了,后面出只熊加上一个蛋粉正好100块够买只鸡的,也很简单。
powder street 22个蛋饼 2只鸡2分30秒上来买蛋粉加工厂和一只鸡,第一个蛋粉加上两只熊足够开蛋饼加工厂的,喂鸡的时候一次就喂一块草地就够啦,尽量不要用井,只有一只鸡应该没问题的。
powder street 312个蛋粉 1袋面粉(好象是面粉)2分50秒这关就有点难了,金牌几乎是卡着时间只差几秒。
crossroads 120个鸡蛋 5个蛋粉 10个蛋饼3分10秒上来买两只鸡,鸡蛋最好都2个2个的一起加工。
powder street 42000块钱3分30秒什么都不用升级,开始就有1000块钱,买一只猪等着收猪肉吧,收8块猪肉的时候(可以得到1600元的时候),把猪也一起卖了,猪卖500正好够目标了。
powder street 51个蛋饼1分20秒测试版本这关时间是1分10秒,害我过了N次都没过去。
cake street 1 (crossroads 1 右边)6只鸡 16个蛋粉 12个蛋饼3分钟开始的400块钱卖一只鸡,升级一下蛋饼加工厂。
cake street 2 (crossroads 1 右边)16个蛋饼 2000块钱3分10秒刚开始买三到四只鸡,升级一下蛋粉加工厂。
cake street 3 (crossroads 1 右边)30个鸡蛋 20个蛋饼3分40秒开始的时候买三到四只鸡,升级2次蛋粉加工厂,后面有钱了再升级工厂,挺简单的。
cake street 4 (crossroads 1 左边)15只鸡2分30秒上来就有10只鸡,太多了没钱会饿死的,卖掉5只。
cake street 5 (crossroads 1 左边)50个鸡蛋 10个蛋粉1分40秒这一关很有意思,上来就有8000块钱和15只鸡。
cake street 6 (crossroads 1 左边)1头猪2分钟什么都不用升级,把鸡全部卖掉可以卖750块钱呢,然后卖熊赚够1000买头猪就过关啦。
crossroads 210个蛋糕3分10秒买4只鸡,另外买5袋面粉,后面有钱了再买5袋,正好够做10个蛋糕的。
bun lane 130个蛋粉 30个蛋饼3分20秒鸡太多了没什么用处,卖掉4-5只鸡,升级2次蛋饼加工厂,有钱了再继续升级它。
bun lane 25只鸡 40个蛋饼 1500块钱4分20秒一开始卖熊和蛋饼的钱来买鸡,买5,6只才够,然后升级两个加工厂。
bun lane 340个蛋粉 40个蛋饼 1袋面粉 2600块钱4分10秒先买掉4-5只鸡,没得到钱之前先不要开加工厂,这关开始就给2500块钱,买完鸡就达到2600钱的目标了,即使再用掉也没关系。
cake street 1 (bun lane 3 左上)4只鸡 2个蛋糕 20个蛋饼3分钟蛋糕和蛋饼加工厂都是最高级的,买最少5只鸡,每次尽量5个5个的加工。
cake street 2(crossroads 2 右下)30个蛋饼 4个蛋糕 2块加工猪肉3分20秒时间有点紧张了,开始4只鸡才可以,后面最好再买1-2只,卖猪肉和蛋饼的钱买蛋糕加工厂,别忘了买面粉~等攒够钱就开猪肉加工厂,一定要手快~pork street 1 (crossroads 2 上面)1块猪肉1分50秒什么都不要买什么都不要升级,等熊,大约30秒的时候才出现,卖了熊的钱直接买猪。
pork street 2 (crossroads 2 上面)1块加工猪肉 5个蛋糕2分50秒这关有奶牛啦,不过没用,等奶牛产第一瓶牛奶的时候,把奶牛和牛奶一起卖掉,可以卖6000块钱,HOHO~用这钱先买猪,产第一块肉就把猪卖掉(不卖也可以,但是只加工一个猪肉就够了),加工完猪肉再买蛋糕加工厂,不然猪肉加工厂就没了,两个加工厂在同一个位置只能同时用一个。
meat street 1 (crossroads 2 左上)10个加工猪肉3分20秒卖掉3-4只鸡,与鸡有关的加工厂就不需要升级了,但是面粉不要忘记买,毕竟蛋糕还是挺值钱的嘛。
meat street 220个蛋糕 1头猪4分30秒开始就有1000块钱,直接买头猪,猪赚钱快。
meat street 35只鸡 3头猪 24个加工猪肉4分50秒刚开始就买3头猪,加工不过来的猪肉直接卖掉,比加工完的才少50块。
crossroads 320个蛋糕4分钟没有猪肉加工厂,所以先卖掉4头猪,留一头猪可以用猪肉来赚钱,钱用来买鸡和蛋糕加工厂。
product street 1 (crossroads 3 左上)5200块钱1分30秒刚开始就有5000块,离目标只差200,金牌要求的时间又短,我什么都没升级,只买了2只鸡,2袋面粉,买完后还有4780块钱,这样只需加工出2个蛋糕卖400块,加上两只鸡100块就到达目标了。
这关我试过买3只鸡2-3个面粉也一样可以过~product street 2 (crossroads 3 左上)6只鸡 1000块钱1分10秒先不考虑6只鸡的目标,先达到1000块钱,然后一次性买6只鸡就行。
刚开始产1个猪肉就和熊一起卖掉,一定要速度,卖完回来应该又产了1块猪肉,连同猪一起卖掉,得到1020块钱,瞬间买6只鸡,不用管是不是有熊在地面上,先买了就是,呵呵~cake street 1 (crossroads 3 右上)1个蛋糕 1个加工猪肉 1个牛奶2分20秒上来有9900钱,什么都别买,等熊出来,卖掉熊够1W块钱直接买奶牛,而且刚出来的两只熊只能分两次卖,如果升级仓库的话就差10块钱买不了奶牛。
cake street 2 (crossroads 3 右上)5个蛋糕 1块加工猪肉3分30秒开始就卖掉4头猪只留1只,卖猪的钱先买猪肉加工厂和2-3只鸡,加工完一个猪肉立刻把它换成蛋粉加工厂,并把猪卖掉。
cake street 3 (crossroads 3 左下)30个加工猪肉3分40秒虽然上来就有10000的钱,可是目标只和猪有关,买3头猪,升级猪肉加工厂到2级。
cake street 4 (crossroads 4 右上)50个蛋糕 50块加工猪肉7分30秒这关比较手忙脚乱的,因为开始就有5只猪5只鸡,如果照顾不过来可以先卖2-3只鸡,因为蛋粉和蛋饼加工厂刚开始需要买,也只够买1级的。
卖完鸡升级一下仓库,不然猪肉都放不下,卖加工猪肉很赚钱呢,升级所有加工厂到最高级,买面粉一定不要间断了,后面加工猪肉的目标完成后就可以把猪卖掉了,然后就是狂点鼠标~~~crossroads 410000块钱 5袋面粉4分钟开始时有5000块,买4只猪,升级一下仓库,就不需要养鸡了。
cake street 5 (crossroads 4 左下)2个熏肉 6只鸡2分20秒上来就买1只鸡,达到6只鸡的目标,然后把鸡全卖掉。
cake street 5 (crossroads 4 左下)2个包装猪肉 2头猪1分45秒买2头猪先,奶牛产奶后卖掉,买2个包装盒,这时候钱已经够买猪肉包装厂了,一个一个的加工就过关了。