安全操作1. 操作员应具备一定的技术知识在进行动态信号分析仪的操作时,操作员应具备一定的技术知识,了解其原理和工作方式。
2. 正确连接电源和信号线在接入电源前,应检查电源和电压是否符合动态信号分析仪的电气参数要求,避免供电不足或过大,导致设备损坏。
3. 使用过程中应注意安全防护措施操作过程中应佩戴防静电手套,并注意保护设备不受损伤,设备外壳应经常擦拭,避免受到外界污染。
4. 关闭设备前,应注意操作步骤在关闭设备之前,应先关闭设备的软件,在断开电源之前,给设备一定的停机时间,保证设备内的部件安全、准确、稳定地停止运转,然后再关掉电源,避免短路和电流浪涌对设备的损害。
保养规程1. 定期清理设备动态信号分析仪的频率转换器、计算机等部件上会积累灰尘、油污和异物,影响设备正常工作,因此需要定期进行清洗。
2. 注意电源接口的保养动态信号分析仪的电源口很容易受到污染,长时间不进行干净的保养和维护,会使电源接口损坏,该接口损坏后会影响设备使用,因此要定期进行检查和清洁。
3. 驱动器的保养动态信号分析仪中的驱动器是重要部件,如果不注意保养就会出现摩擦、磨损等情况。
1. 高精度动态信号分析仪采用了高精度、高速度的模数转换技术,可以对微弱的信号进行高精度的测量和分析。
2. 高速度动态信号分析仪具备高速度的数据采集和处理能力,可以在短时间内采集和处理大量数据。
3. 多功能性动态信号分析仪具有多种功能,可以进行振动分析、频谱分析、时间频率分析、谐波分析、共振测试、幅值分析、相位分析等多项功能。
4. 易于操作动态信号分析仪采用了人性化的操作界面和简便的操作方式,可以快速上手操作。
5. 高可靠性动态信号分析仪采用了高品质的元器件和制造工艺,具有高可靠性和长寿命。
6. 可拓展性动态信号分析仪具有良好的可拓展性,可以与其他测试设备、数字信号处理器等设备相连接,实现更为精细的检测和分析。
是德科技PXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 N9030B 3 Hz 至 3.6、8.4、13.6、26.5、44 或 50 GHz技术资料目录利用杰出的全方位信号分析,促进对信号的深入了解PXA 是可加快苛刻应用创新的性能基准。
凭借从优秀到卓越的测量选件,PXA 让您一路领先。
分析高达 510 MHz 分析带宽、超过 70 dB SFDR 的最新信号,并发现此前由本底噪声扩展(NFE )所隐藏的信号。
通过添加是德科技获得专利的基于 DDS 的 LO,看到器件的真实行为,获得业内领先的相位噪声性能。
利用向后代码兼容性和紧凑的 4U 外形,简化从传统安捷伦/惠普频谱分析仪的过渡。
定义与条件 ..............................................................................3频率和时间技术指标 ..................................................................4幅度精度和范围技术指标 ............................................................6动态范围技术指标 .....................................................................9PowerSuite 测量技术指标 ............................................................15一般技术指标 ...........................................................................16输入和输出 ..............................................................................17其他输出选件 ...........................................................................20I/Q 分析仪 .................................................................................21I/Q 分析仪――选件 B40 ...............................................................24I/Q 分析仪——选件 B85 或 B1X ...................................................25实时频谱分析仪(RTSA ) ............................................................27相关文献 (27)本技术资料是 PXA 信号分析仪完整技术指标和条件的摘要。
动态信号分析仪的特点都有哪些呢 分析仪操作规程
动态信号分析仪的特点都有哪些呢分析仪操作规程动态信号分析仪是一款便携式多通道并行同步采样的动态信号测试分析系统;包含动态信号测试分析系统所需的直流电压放大器、抗混滤波器、A/D转换器、DSP实动态信号分析仪是一款便携式多通道并行同步采样的动态信号测试分析系统;包含动态信号测试分析系统所需的直流电压放大器、抗混滤波器、A/D转换器、DSP实时信号处理系统、锂电池组及采样控制和计算机通讯的全部硬件;以及操作简便的管理和分析软件,用于多通道电压、电荷、ICP 传感器及4~20mA变送器的输出信号的采集和分析。
特点:高度便携:利用计算机的1394接口实时进行数据传送, 实现了热拔插和即插即用;并且较大程度上满足了对便携式仪器和采样速度的要求,测试系统不仅可在实验室使用,也可方便地应用于生产现场;高度集成:模块化设计的硬件,每个测量机箱可插入两个4通道数采和1通道转速测量模块;每台计算机可控制8通道数采和2通道转速同步并行采样,满足了多通道、高精度、高速动态信号的测量需求;每通道包含独立的DSP实时信号处理系统:可选择的模拟滤波 + DSP实时数字滤波,构成高性能抗混滤波器,还可根据转速周期,实时完成连续的整周期采样;每通道独立的16位A/D转换器:实现了多通道并行同步采样,通道间无串扰影响及采样速率不受通道数的限制,大大提高了系统的抗干扰能力;准确的采样速率:先进的DDS数字频率合成技术产生高精度、高稳定度的采样脉冲,保证了多通道采样速率的同步性、准确性和稳定性;数字磁带机信号记录功能:利用计算机海量的存储硬盘,长时间实时、无间断记录多通道信号;DMA方式传送数据:测试数据通过嵌入式实时操作环境下,DMA方式实时传送,保证了数据传送的高速、稳定、不漏码;先进的工艺:多层线路板,全贴片工艺,大大提高了硬件的可靠性和抗干扰能力;供电:智能化管理的可充电锂电池组供电;完全便携:防潮、防振设计,工作温度范围可拓宽至-10℃~60℃;信号适调器:配套各种可程控的信号适调器(包括电压适调模块、应变适调模块、电荷适调模块、双恒流源应变适调模块);不仅具有极强的抗干扰能力,而且由于参数由数采统一控制,系统的单位量纲实现了“傻瓜”设置。
2、应用范围2.1 可完成全桥、半桥、1/4桥(120Ω三线制自补偿)状态的应力应变的测试和分析;2.2 配合桥式传感器,实现各种物理量的测试和分析;2.3 配合IEPE(ICP)压电式传感器,实现振动加速度、振动速度、振动位移(模拟二次积分可选)的测试和分析;2.4 配合压电式传感器,实现振动加速度、振动速度、振动位移(模拟二次积分可选)及压力、自由场的测试和分析;2.5 电压输入,与热电偶、电涡流传感器、磁电式速度传感器及各种变送器配合,对多种物理量进行测试和分析;2.6 各种热电阻(如铂电阻、铜电阻等)温度传感器和热电阻适调器配合,对温度进行测试和分析。
3、特点3.1 实现多通道并行同步高速长时间连续采样(多通道并行工作时,256kHz/通道);3.2 高度集成:模块化设计的硬件,每个模块有16、32或64通道机箱形式;3.3 每台计算机可控制多通道以上同步并行采样,满足多通道、高精度、高速动态信号的测量需求;3.4 每通道独立电压放大器,24位A/D转换器,低通滤波器,抗混滤波器,消除通道间串扰影响,提高系统的抗干扰能力;3.5 准确的采样速率:先进的DDS数字频率合成技术产生高精度、高稳定度的采样脉冲,保证了多通道采样速率的同步性、准确性和稳定性;3.7 数字磁带机信号记录功能:实现长时间实时、无间断记录多通道信号;3.8 进口雷莫接插件:输入接插件采用了进口高性能雷莫头,大大提高了小信号输入的可靠性,操作也十分方便;3.9 信号适调器:配套各种可程控的信号适调器,通道自动识别,输入灵敏度实现归一化数据;3.10 转速/计数器通道:可接各种脉冲/频率输出型传感器或计数器,用于转速、脉冲计数或频率的测量;3.11 信号源输出通道:多通道输出互不相关,可输出多种信号,包括:正弦、正弦扫频、随机、伪随机、猝发随机、半正弦、方波、磁盘输出等,可与多种实验设备配合使用;3.12 运行于Win2000/XP/7/8操作系统,用户界面友好、操作简便灵活;3.13 计算机通过USB3.0接口与仪器通讯,对采集器进行参数设置(量程、传感器灵敏度、采样速率等)、清零、采样、停止等操作,并实时传送采样数据。
Keysight N9020A MXAX 系列信号分析仪10 Hz~3.6、8.4、13.6 或26.5 GHz技术资料目录定义与条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (6)动态范围技术指标 (8)PowerSuite 测量技术指标 (12)一般技术指标 (13)输入和输出 (14)IQ 分析仪 (16)IQ 分析仪-选件B40 (17)IQ 分析仪-选件B85/B1A/B1X (18)实时频谱分析仪(RTSA) (19)相关文献 (19)本技术资料是 MXA 信号分析仪的技术指标和条件摘要。
如欲获取完整的技术指标指南,请访问: /find/mxa_specifications 加速上市每个器件都需要您在客户技术指标、吞吐量和产率等目标之间做出权衡。
是德科技中档MXA 是您的终极加速器,可帮助您加快产品从设计到上市的速度。
借助是德科技MXA 信号分析仪,您可以最大限度地提升灵活性并缩短产品上市时间。
定义与条件技术指标是指产品保证中所包括的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在0°C 到55°C1的完整温度范围内有效。
95% 表示环境温度在20 至30°C 内时,预计有95% 的把握在95% 的情况下能够达到性能容限范围(~ 2σ)。
当性能超出技术指标时,80% 的样本在20~30°C 的温度范围内可表现出95% 的置信度。
Agilent 35670A动态信号分析仪00000产品指标:现场进行测试,测试质量可达实验室等级产品信息:Agilent35670A动态信号分析仪Agilent35670A可在各种现场进行测试,测试质量可达实验室等级,比如在小汽车测试轨上,或飞过城市上空时,或在潜艇狭窄的密闭舱内。
NI myDAQ 使用简介
重要警示 !
数字万用表(DMM)的 最大
测量值为:60 VDC/20 Vrms !
请勿连接DMM线缆至危险电压 电路!如:墙面插座等。
模拟输入(AI) 在通用模式下,测量信号范围为±10 V。 在音频模式下,两个通道分别表示左右立体声信号输入。 模拟输入用于NI ELVISmx 示波器、动态信号分析器和Bode 分析仪。 模拟输出(AO) 在通用模式下,生成信号范围为±10 V。 在音频模式下,两个通道分别表示左右立体声信号输出。 4 模拟输出用于NI ELVISmx 函数发生器、随机波形生成器和Bode 分析仪。
数字输入/ 输出(DIO) NI myDAQ 带有8 个DIO 数据线。 每条数据线为一个可编程函数接口(PFI),表示其可被配置为通用软件 定时数字输入或输出,或可用作数字计数器的特殊函数输入或输出。 电源 NI myDAQ 有3 个可供使用的电源。 +15 V 和–15 V 可用于电源模拟组件。例如,运算放大器和线性稳压器。 +5 V 可用于电源数字组件。例如,逻辑设备。
数 字 万 用 表 (DMM)
函 数 发 生 器 (FGEN)
模拟 输入信号
任意 波形 发生 器 (ARB)
模拟 直流输入
数 字 读 取 器
数字 输出显示
数 字 写 入 器
数字 输入信号
Bode 分 析 仪
动态 信号 分析 仪 (DSA)
振动烈度计是指专用于测量振动烈度(10 Hz~1000 Hz频率范围的速度有效值)的振动测量仪器。
AVANT系列振动台检定系统(动态信号分析系统)美国VICON TECH.INTERNATIONAL公司振动台检定方案描述本方案采用国家计量检定规程JJG948-1999 和JJG 190-1997 标准。
本振动台检定系统由一台AVANT 系列动态信号分析仪、一台笔记本电脑和四个单向传感器、一个三向传感器ICP 加速度传感器构成。
AVANT 系列动态信号分析系统是基于双DSP 处理器,高质量的动态信号分析系统。
系统采用国际上最先进的分布式系统结构、低噪声硬件的设计技术、浮点数字滤波技术和24 位分辨率的ADC/DAC。
AVANT 系列动态信号分析系统提供实时信号采集、分析、存贮,具有时域分析、频域分析、统计分析、三维瀑布图分析等多类分析功能。
4~16 通道同步输入通道独立的模拟抗混叠滤波器和160dB/OCT 数字滤波器量程分为:±0.1V、±1V、±10V24 位模数转换器(ADC)动态范围110dB谐波失真:-100dB 的谐波失真+噪声通道匹配:相位0.5°;幅值±0.05dB采样频率为96~192KHz耦合方式有AC 单端、AC 双端、DC 单端、DC 双端、ICP信噪比大于100dB频率精度达0.001%时域分析功能:时域采样、自相关分析、互相关分析、轨迹图频域分析功能:实时谱分析、自功率谱、互功率谱、功率谱密度、传递函数、相干函数、FFT、冲击响应谱检定项目正弦振动的检定操作数字式振动台控制仪产生检定所需的正弦激励信号(定频信号或扫频信号),通过安装在振动台台面上的传感器将振动台台面上的振动频率和幅值数据采集回AVNAT 系列动态信号分析系统,再由分析系统计算出功率、谐波失真等测试值。
这款手持式数据采集仪还配备了具有多点触控的7.0英寸彩色液晶显示屏和物理键盘,USB 2.0端口,100Base-T以太网端口,802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi连接,SD卡接口,HDMI接口,CANbus串行端口,立体声耳机和麦克风插孔以及GPS连接。
每个模拟输入由两个24位的A/D转换器和一个实现美国专利号7,302,354 B2的双AD采样技术的DSP提供服务,以实现超过150 dBFS的动态范围(同时测量小至6μV和大至±20 V的信号)。
测量的原始时域波形以32位单精度浮点格式(IEEE 754-2008)存储,所有后续的信号处理都是使用浮点运算进行。
提供了从0.48 Hz到102.4 kHz共54种采样率,具有优于150 dB的无混叠数据,每通道配置有超过160 dB/Octave抗混叠滤波器,有效分析频率可达45KHz。
八个通道的振幅匹配在0.1 dB以内,相位匹配在0.1°@1KHz以内。
二、仪器概述动态力学分析仪由以下几个主要部分组成:1. 控制系统:负责对实验参数进行设置、数据采集和信号处理。
2. 传感器系统:用于采集被测物体在受力作用下的位移、速度和加速度数据。
3. 信号处理单元:用于对传感器采集到的数据进行滤波、运算和分析。
4. 显示和输出系统:将分析后的结果以图表或文字的形式进行显示和输出。
三、准备工作在使用动态力学分析仪之前,需要完成以下准备工作:1. 确保动态力学分析仪已经正确连接至电源,并处于工作状态。
2. 确保传感器已经正确连接至被测物体,并调整到合适的位置。
3. 在控制系统中设置实验参数,包括采样频率、采样点数等。
四、实验步骤1. 启动动态力学分析仪控制系统,并进入实验界面。
2. 设置实验参数,如采样频率、采样时长等。
3. 在控制系统中选择相应的实验模式,如冲击响应、连续振动等。
4. 点击“开始实验”按钮,仪器将开始采集数据。
5. 在实验过程中,观察被测物体的动态响应情况,并确保传感器采集到的数据稳定和准确。
6. 实验结束后,停止数据采集,并保存实验数据。
7. 利用信号处理单元对采集到的数据进行滤波、运算和分析,获取相应的动态力学参数。
8. 根据实验结果进行分析和讨论,得出相应的结论。
五、注意事项1. 在使用动态力学分析仪进行实验时,应严格按照操作步骤进行,确保实验的准确性和可靠性。
2. 在连接传感器时,需保证传感器与被测物体之间的连接牢固可靠,并避免产生额外的振动干扰。
3. 在进行实验过程中,应注意实验环境的稳定性,避免外界干扰对实验结果产生影响。
4. 实验结束后,应及时清理和维护动态力学分析仪,确保其正常工作和延长使用寿命。
六、故障排除在使用过程中,可能会遇到一些故障或问题,以下为常见问题及解决方法:1. 无法启动:检查电源连接是否正常,是否有电流输出,确保控制系统处于正常工作状态。
二、安全须知1. 操作人员应熟悉该仪器的安全操作方法和相关规程。
2. 操作人员应穿戴符合要求的个人防护装备,包括耳塞、护目镜等。
3. 在使用过程中,应注意防止电击、触电等风险。
4. 当发生电器故障、烟雾或异味时,应立即停止使用并通知维修人员。
三、仪器准备1. 检查仪器的外观是否完好无损。
2. 确认仪器与电源的连接是否牢固可靠。
3. 检查测量电缆和传感器是否正常工作。
四、仪器设置1. 打开仪器电源,确保仪器处于正常工作状态。
2. 根据测试需求选择适当的测量模式和参数设置。
3. 设置参考信号源,校准仪器零点和增益。
五、进行测试1. 将被测信号正确连接到仪器的输入端口。
2. 调整测试信号的频率、幅度等参数,确保测量范围和分辨率符合要求。
3. 开始数据采集前,应等待足够的稳定时间,确保测试结果的准确性。
4. 运行测试程序,记录测量数据。
5. 检查测试结果是否符合预期,并及时记录和报告异常情况。
6. 完成测试后,关闭仪器电源,并及时清理和归档数据。
六、维护和保养1. 定期检查和校准仪器,确保其工作状态和测试精度。
2. 清洁仪器外壳和按键,防止灰尘积累或影响操作。
3. 确保仪器周围环境干燥、通风良好,避免潮湿和高温环境。
4. 定期更换电池和消耗品,避免因电力不足或耗尽导致测试中断。
5. 对于长期闲置的仪器,应采取适当的防护措施,避免损坏或老化。
• 92•计算机从动态信号分析仪获取到的离散数字信号,进行离散傅里叶变换后,其频谱的频率、幅值和相位都可能存在较大的误差。
现行的规程《JJG 834—2006 动态信号分析仪检定规程》中,对频率示值误差的校准时,采用手动调整正弦信号发生器的频率使得动态信号分析仪的幅值示值最大的方式进行。
1 比值校正法校准频率示值误差理论分析比值校正法利用频率(窗长)归一化后差值为1的主瓣峰顶附近二条谱线的窗函数比值,建立一个以归一化校正频率为变量的方程,解出归一化校正频率,进而进行频率、幅值和相位校正。
设窗长归一化窗函数的频谱函数为W ( f ),W ( f )对称于y 轴,则可以构造出窗谱函数主瓣峰顶附近最大值和次大值之间的比值函数:(1)式(1)中,y k ——最大值和次大值所对应的靠前的谱线处的幅值;y k +1——最大值和次大值所对应的靠后的谱线处的幅值;——要求解的窗长归一化的频率校正量。
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Agilent Technologies 35670A Dynamic Signal AnalyzerProduct OverviewThe Agilent 35670A is a portable two- or four-channel dynamic signal analyzer with the versatility to be several instruments at once. Rugged and portable, it’s ideal for field work. Yet it has the performance and functionality required for demanding R&D applications. Optional features optimize the instrument for troubleshooting mechanical vibration and noise problems, characterizing control systems, or general spectrum and network analysis.Take the Agilent 35670Awhere it’s needed!Whether you’re moving an instrument around the world or around the lab, portability is a real benefit. Small enough to fit under an airplane seat, the 35670A goes where it’s needed. But there’s more to portability than size. Like a nominal 12- to 28-Volt DC power input and self-contained featuresthat do not require externalhardware, such as built-inpiezoelectric integrated circuitpower supply, analog trigger andtachometer inputs, and optionalcomputed order tracking.Versatile enough to beyour only instrument forlow frequency analysisWith the 35670A, you carry severalinstruments into the field in onepackage. Frequency, time, andamplitude domain analysis are allavailable in the standardinstrument. Build on that capabilitywith options that either add newmeasurement capability or enhanceall measurement modes.Versatile two- or four-channel high-performanceFFT-based spectrum/network analyzer122 µHz to 102.4 kHz 16-bit ADCKey SpecificationsFrequency Range:102.4 kHz 1 channel51.2 kHz 2 channel25.6 kHz 4 channelDynamic Range:90 dB typicalAccuracy:±0.15 dBChannel Match:±0.04 dB and ±0.5 degreesReal-time Bandwidth: 25.6 kHz/1 channelResolution:100, 200, 400 & 800 linesTime Capture:0.8 to >6 Msamples (option UFC)Source Types:Random, Burst random,Periodic chirp, Burst chirp, Pinknoise, Sine, Swept-Sine (option1D2),Arbitrary (option 1D4)The Agilent 35670Ashown with fourchannels (option AY6)AY6Add Two Channels (Four Total)1D0Computed Order Tracking1D1Real-Time OctaveMeasurementsUK4Microphone Adapter andPower Supply1D2Swept-Sine Measurements1D3Curve Fit and Synthesis1D4Arbitrary Waveform Source1C2Agilent Instrument BASIC1001D0 - 1D4 bundle2Agilent 35670ADynamic Signal AnalyzerShown with option AY6 - Add Two ChannelsInput Channels•Analog A-weighted fil-ters (switchable)•Transducer sensitivity input•Engineering units: g, m/s 2, m/s, m, in/s 2, in/s, in, mil, kg, dyn, lb,N, and pascals •Built-in 4 mAconstant current power supply(17 cm) display Display area is not compromised by portabilityPrecisionMeasurements •16-bit ADC•±0.15 dB spectrum amplitude accuracy •±0.04 dB, ±0.5degrees channel match (full scale)•90 dB dynamic range (typical)•130 dB dynamic range with swept-sine (option 1D2)•Up/Down autorange •Up only autorangeMath FunctionsPowerful math and data editing functions to quickly modify meas-urement results. (Curve fit and frequency responsesynthesis available with option 1D3.)Built-In 3.5 inch Flexible Disk Drive Store instrument states,programs, time captured data, waterfall data,trace data, limits, math functions, data tables,and curve fit/synthesis tables.Supported disk formats are HP-LIF andMS-DOS. Internal RAM may also beformatted as storage disk.Powerful Markers Extract information from measurement data with trace and special markers:•Individual Trace •Coupled Trace•Absolute or Relative •Peak Search •Harmonic •Band•Sideband Power •Waterfall•Time Parameter •Frequency and DampingVersatileMeasurement Modes Standard and optionalmeasurement modes include:•FFT Analysis•Real-Time Octave Analysis (option 1D1)•Order Analysis (option 1D0)•Swept-Sine (option 1D2)•Correlation Analysis •Histogram Analysis •Time CaptureAll measurement options may be retrofitted.RPM Display Read RPM in any measurement modeAgilent Instrument BASIC (Option 1C2)Develop a customuser-interface, integrate several instruments and peripherals into a system using the 35670A as the system controller, or simply automate measurements.Online Help Applications oriented help is just a few keystrokes away.Source Types •Random Noise •Burst Random Noise •Periodic Chirp •Burst Chirp •Pink Noise •Fixed Sine •Arbitrary Waveform Source (Option 1D4)•Swept-Sine Source (Option 1D2) Note: The source is located on the front panel of a standard two-channel 35670A.GPIB ConnectorIntegrate the35670A with otherinstruments andperipherals forsystem operationor printing/plotting.System controllerfor GPIB (IEEE-488.1and 488.2) compati-ble instrumentationvia AgilentInstrument BASIC(option 1C2).Provides direct con-trol of GPIB printers,plotters,and HP SS80 diskdrives.Serial PortPlot to HP-GLplotters or print toHP-GL and rasterprinters.Parallel PortPlot to HP-GL plottersor print to HP-GL andraster printers.DC PowerAccepts 12 to 28 voltsdc (nominal). Use the35250A power cable forDC power source con-nection, or the 35251Apower cable with ciga-rette-lighter adapter.Low Noise FanFan may be turnedoff for acousticapplications.Running speed dependsonambienttemperature.External MonitorDrive a VGA monitorfor remote viewing bylarge groups.Tachometer(42 Volt Peak Max)No external signalconditioning hardwarerequired. Readsfrequency (RPM) onselected levelsbetween ±20 Volts.External Trigger(42 Volt Peak Max)No external signalconditioning hardwarerequired. Triggers onselected levelbetween ±10 Volts.KeyboardUse a standard PCkeyboard to title data,edit Agilent InstrumentBASIC programs,or to operate theinstrument.Power SelectSwitch betweenAC and DC powersources withoutinterrupting instru-ment operation.AC PowerUniversal powersupply will operatewith anycombination ofvoltage between100 and 240 VACand line frequencybetween 47 and440 Hz. Themaximum powerrequirement is350 VA.34Laboratory-qualitymeasurements in the fieldObtain all of the performance of your bench-top analyzer in a portable instrument.Ease-of-usePortability, versatility, and perfor-mance are valued attributes, but to be really valuable an instrument must also be easy to use. The 35670A has a friendly front panel,plus online help that’s alwaysavailable to answer your questions.An interactive measurement state lets you configure the instrumentsetup from a single display.Two spectrums of road induced vibration measured at different speeds are comparedusing the front/back modeof the Agilent 35670A.FFT-based spectrum analyzers, such as the 35670A, are ideal for measuring the spectra of low-frequency signals like speech or mechanical vibration. Transient components,usually missed with swept-frequency analyzers, are easily measured and displayed at speeds fast enough to follow trends. The 35670A has both the performance and features required to take full advantage of this technology.16-Bits for High PerformanceWith a 16-bit ADC (90 dB typical dynamic range) and a real-time bandwidth of 25.6 kHz, you can be sure nothing will be missed. Resolve signals using 100 to 1600 lines resolution, or for really close-in analysis, use frequency zoom to resolve signals with up to 61 µHz resolution. Use time or RPM arming to develop waterfalls of sequential vibration spectra for trend analysis or for an overview of device vibration.Power and Linear SpectrumsMatch your spectrum measurement mode to the signal being tested. Use linear spectrum analysis to measure both the amplitude and phase of periodic signals such as the spectra of rotating machinery.Power spectrum analysis is provided for averaging nonrepetitive signals.AveragingVarious averaging modes let you further refine spectrum analysis measurements. Time averaging extracts repetitive signals out of the noise while rms averagingreduces the noise to its mean value.Exponential averaging, available for both time and rms averaging, is useful for reducing the noise while following changing signals—tracking the resonance shifts in a fatiguing structure for example.Spectrum Analysis5Time DomainUse your spectrum analyzer as alow-frequency oscilloscope or view signals in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. (Note: anti-alias filters can be switched off.) Special markers for time-domain data facilitate extraction of key control system performance parameters: overshoot, rise time,setting time, and delay time.Data TableUse a tabular format to keep track of key frequencies in the spectra of rotating machinery. The amplitude and frequency of the signal and a 16-character entry label field are listed for each selected point.Automatic Units ConversionDisplay vibration data in the units of your choice. Select g, m/sec 2, in/sec 2, m/s, in/s, m, mil, inch, Kg, lb, N, dyn,or pascals as appropriate for your application.The instrument automatically converts frequency-domain data from specified input transducer units to the units you select for display. For example, accelerometer data is automatically converted and displayed as mils when mils are selected. Of course, dB, dBV, dBm and volts are available for electrical applications.MarkersMarkers streamline analysis by helping you select and display specific data. Marker functions include marker to peak, next right peak, and coupled markers for selecting points in multiple data displays. Markers readouts are absolute or relative to your selected reference.Special MarkersThree special marker functions facilitate analysis of your spectral data. Sideband markers aid analysis of modulation signals. Use thisfunction to quickly locate sidebands in the complicated spectra of rotating machines. A band-power marker reads the total power in a selected band of frequencies and a total harmonic distortion marker lets you calculate total harmonic distortion without including the effects of noise.Measurement results at key frequencies can be labeled and listed using data table.Harmonic markers are used to calculate the THD of a signal without including the effects of noise.Simultaneousdisplay of frequency and time domain data facilitates analysis of gear mesh vibration.6The 35670A has the flexibility to make measurements of both electrical networks and mechanical devices. FFT-based network analysis is fast enough to allow real-time adjustments of circuit parameters while the swept-sine option provides exacting measurements over more than six frequency decades, and a 130 dB dynamic range.SourceSelect the optimum stimulus for each application—random noise,periodic chirp, pink noise, fixed sine, burst random, and burst chirp.For zoomed network analysismeasurements, the source is band-translated to match the zoom span at frequencies up to 51.2 kHz. An optional arbitrary source lets you test your product using real-world signals. A ±10 Volt DC source offset facilitates tests of control systems.Impact TestingForce and exponential windows allow impact testing for modal and structural analysis. Quality measurements are ensured using preview and accept/reject during averaging. A 4 mA constant current transducer power supply is built-in for true portability.Frequency ResponseMeasurementsLimits are used for go/no go testing in production. The response of an accelerometer is being checked inthis example.Characteristics of a selected resonance are automatically calculated from an impact measurement using the frequency and damping marker.LimitsTest network measurements against preset limits. Up to 800 separate line segments are available for setting upper and lower limits.Limits are also used for testing spectrum measurements.Four Channels (option AY6)Test up to three devicessimultaneously with a four-channel 35670A. Channel one is the common reference channel and two, three,and four are the response channels.Alternatively, select channels one and three as reference channels for two totally independent network measurements. See option AY6 description for more information.7MarkersA frequency and damping marker provides the resonant frequency and the damping ratio of single-degree-of-freedom frequency response measurements.Gain and phase margin markers extract key frequency-domain stability data from frequency response measurements of control systems.Signal Injection for Control LoopsUse one of three Agilent signal injection devices for testing control loops. The 35280A summing junction provides convenient DC to 1 MHz signal injection for most control loops. Use the 35281A clip-on transformer when it is not possible to temporarily open the loop, or use the 35282A signal injection transformer when secondary voltages are up to 600 Vpk.Capture transient events or time histories for complete analysis in any measurement mode (except swept-sine). Use either the entire time-capture record or a selected region of interest for repetitive analysis in the FFT, octave, order track, correlation or histogram instrument modes.Standard 16 Mbytes of memory for deep time-capture capability.Time CaptureAn interval of time-capture data has been selected for analysis in the octave mode.8Taking the measurement is only half the job. Raw measurement data must be stored, recalled, printed,plotted, integrated with other data for analysis, and reported. The 35670A has a variety of tools to help you finish the job.Enhanced Data Transfer Utilities for PCsStandard Data Format (SDF)Utilities, provided with the 35670A,allow you to easily move data from the instrument to wherever it’s needed:Using Measurement ResultsSelf-contained—no ratio synthesizer or tracking filter required Order Maps Order Tracking RPM or Time Trigger Display RPM ProfileTrack Up to Five Orders/Channel Up to 200 Orders Composite Power RPM MeasurementsOrder tracking facilitates evaluation of spectra from rotating machines by displaying vibration data as a function of orders (or harmonics)rather than frequency.All measurement spectra is normalized to the shaft RPM.Now you can have order tracking without compromising portability.Traditional analog order tracking techniques require external tracking filters and ratio synthesizers. With Agilent’s computed order tracking algorithm, external hardware is gone.Because order tracking isimplemented in the software, data is more precise and your job is easier. Compared to traditional analogorder tracking techniques, computed order tracking offers:Computed Order Tracking(Option 1D0)The slice marker feature is used to select and display an order or suborder from an order map.•For general digital signal processingand filtering , translate data files to formats compatible with MATLAB and MATRIX X , Data Set 58, or ASCII for use in popular spreadsheets.•For specific applications, useapplication software that reads SDF files directly, such as STARModal and STARAcoustics from SMS and CADA-PC from LMS.•Transfer data to and from the 35665A, 3566A, 3567A, 3562A,3563A.•Use the viewdata feature to display data on your PC or to convert to the HP-GL format for transfer to Microsoft’s Word for Windows or Lotus’ AMI PRO word processing software.•Convert between HP-LIF and MS-DOS ®formats.•Read data files into a program.Documented ResultsThe 35670A supports a variety of GPIB, serial and parallel printers and plotters for direct hardcopy output.The internal 3.5 inch flexible disk drive stores data, instrument states,HP-GL plots and Agilent Instrument BASIC programs in HP-LIF or MS-DOS formats for future recall or use on HP workstations or a personal computer.Entire display screens can be import-ed directly into your word processing program by plotting HP-GL files to your named DOS file. HP-GL files are interpreted and displayed directly by Microsoft’s Word for Windows and AMI PRO from Lotus Development Corp.•Improved dynamic range athigh orders•More accurate tracking of rapidly changing shaft speeds•Accurate RPM labeled spectra with exact RPM trigger arm •Wide 64:1 ratio of start to stop RPMsOrder MapUse order maps for an overview of vibration data versus RPM or time.Display the amplitude profile of individual orders and suborders using the slice marker function. Alternatively, use trace markers to select individual traces for display.MS-DOS and Microsoft are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.9Order TrackingMeasure only the data you need.Order tracking lets you measure the amplitude profile of up to five orders plus composite power simultaneously on each channel. Up to four orders or three orders and composite power can be dis-played simultaneously.RPM ProfileUse RPM profile to monitor the variation of RPM with time during order tracking measurements.Composite PowerComposite power provides the total signal power in a selected channel as a function of RPM.Run-Up and Run-Down MeasurementsRun-up and run-down measurements of any order are made using external trigger as the phase reference.Display the results as bode or polar plots; both are available.Markers allow convenient notation of important shaft speeds.OrbitsObtain oscilloscope-quality orbit measurements with your 35670A.Unlike traditional FFT analyzers, the 35670A equipped with computed order tracking displays a selected number of loops (usually one) as theshaft RPM is varied.Order tracking is used to simultaneously display up to four orders or a combination of orders,composite power and RPM profile.Markers are used to annotate shaft speeds at selected points in a run-up measurement.Oscilloscope-quality orbit diagrams mean you carry only one instrument onto the shop floor.10Real-Time Third Octave to 40 kHz ANSI S1.11-1986 Filter Shapes Microphone Inputs and Power A-Weighted Overall SPLRPM or Time-Triggered Waterfalls Eliminate the expense and inconvenience of multiple instruments in the field. With optional real-time octave analysis,and the optional microphoneadapter and power supply, you have a complete real-time octave analyzer added to your 35670A at a fraction of the cost of a second instrument.Now you can carry both your FFT and real-time octave analyzers to the job site in the same hand.Real-Time 1/3-Octave to 40 kHz on One ChannelWith two input channels of1/3-octave real-time measurements at frequencies up to 20 kHz, you get all of the information you’ll ever need to understand the noise performance of your product. No misinterpreted measurementsbecause transient components were missed. When the frequency range requirement is 10 kHz or less, use four channels to characterize spatial variations. For those exceptional circumstances, use 1/3-octave resolution at frequencies up to 40 kHz on a single channel.Resolutions of 1/1- and 1/12-octave are also available.Real-Time Octave Measurements (Option 1D1)Microphone Adapter and Power Supply (Option UK4)Overall sound pressure level and A-weighted sound pressure level can be displayed with the octave bands individually, together, or not at all.A fan-off mode lets you use the instrument in the sound field being measured.ANSI S1.11-1986All octave filters comply with filter shape standards ANSI S1.11-1986(Order 3, type 1-D), DIN 45651, and IEC 225-1966. An 80 dB dynamic range for the audio spectrumprovides the performance required by acousticians. Switchable analog A-weighting filters in the input channels comply fully with bothANSI S1.4-1983 and IEC 651-1979 Type 0.Advanced AnalysisUse waterfall displays of octave data for an overview of device noise versus time or RPM. Display individual frequency bands as a function of RPM or time using the slice marker function. Alternatively,use trace markers to select individual traces for display.A pink noise source is available for testing electro-acoustic devices.Sound LevelMeter MeasurementsPeak hold, impulse, fast, slow, and L eq are all provided with optional Real-time Octave Measurements. All measurements conform toIEC 651-1979 Type 0 - Impulse.Real-time 1/3-octave measurements at frequenciesup to 40 kHz.T his waterfall display of a flyover test can be analyzed trace-by-trace or by selecting time slices along thez-axis.Agilent 35670A with option UK4 microphone adapter and power supply.11130 dB Dynamic Range Logarithmic or Linear Sweeps “Auto” Frequency Resolution While FFT-based network analysis is fast and accurate, swept-sine measurements are a better choice when the device under test has a wide dynamic range or coversseveral decades of frequency e swept-sine measurements to extend the network measurement capabilities of the 35670A.Network Analysis Over a 130 dB RangeWith traditional swept-sine, the 35670A is optimally configured to measure each individual point in the frequency response. The result is a 130 dB dynamic range. With FFT-based network analysis, all frequency points are stimulated simultaneously and the instrument configures itself to measure thehighest amplitude response—thereby limiting the dynamic range.Characterize Nonlinear NetworksUse the auto-level feature to hold the input or output amplitude constant during a sweep. This provides the device response for a specific signal amplitude. With FFT-based network analysis using random noise, the randomamplitudes of the stimulus tend to “average out” the non-linearities and therefore does not capture thedependency of the response on the stimulus amplitude.Logarithmic SweepTest devices over more than six decades of frequency range using logarithmic sweep. In this mode,the frequency is automatically adjusted to provide the same resolution over each decade offrequency range. With FFT-network analysis, resolution is constant—not a problem when measuring over narrow frequency ranges.FlexibleMake the measurement your way.Independently select logarithmic or linear sweep, sweep up or down,automatic or manual sweep, and autoresolution.Automatic Frequency ResolutionUse autoresolution to obtain the fastest sweep possible without sacrificing accuracy. With autoresolution, the 35670Aautomatically adjusts the frequency step according to the deviceresponse. High rates of amplitude and phase change are matched with small frequency steps. Low rate-of-change regions are quickly measured with larger frequency steps.Test Multiple Devices SimultaneouslyIncrease throughput in production.Swept-sine measurements up to 25.6 kHz can be made on three devices simultaneously using swept-sine on a four-channel 35670A. Channel one is the common reference channel for these measurements.Alternatively, channels one and three can be designated asindependent reference channels for two totally independent swept-sine measurements.Swept-Sine Measurements(Option 1D2)The stability of a control loop is quickly character-ized using the gain and phase margin marker function.12Agilent Instrument BASIC (Option 1C2)Realize the advantages of using your instrument with a computer without sacrificing portability. Agilent Instrument BASIC provides the power of a computer inside your 35670A.Keystroke RecordingMost program development begins with keystroke recording. Each keystroke is automatically saved as a program instruction as you set up your measurement using the front panel. The recorded sequence can be used as the core of asophisticated program or run as an automatic sequence.Program entry and editing Program debugging Memory allocation Relation operators General math Graphics control Graphics plotting Graphics axes and labeling Program controlBinary functions Trigonometric operations String operations Logical operators GPIB control Mass storage Event initiated branching Clock and calendar General device I/O Array operationsOver 200 Agilent InstrumentBASIC Commands13Add Two Channels (Option AY6)Curve Fit and Synthesis (Option 1D3)51.2 kHz Frequency Range On One and Two Channels 25.6 kHz Frequency Range On Four ChannelsOne or Two Reference Channels Enhance your productivity by adding two additional inputchannels to your portable analyzer.Having four channels often means the difference between solving a problem in the field and having to schedule time in a test bay.Monitor four signals simultaneously or use channel one as thereference channel for up to three simultaneous cross-channel measurements. Two totally independent cross-channel measurements are made by selecting channels one and three as independent reference channels.All channels are sampled e triaxial measurements to simul-taneously characterize the motion of mechanical devices in three axes. For control systems, simultaneously measure several points in a single loop.20 Poles/20 Zeros Curve Fitter Frequency Response Synthesis Pole/Zero, Pole/Residue and Polynomial FormatUse curve fit and synthesis in the 35670A to take the guesswork out of your design process. The 20-pole and 20-zero multiple-degree-of-freedom curve fitter calculates a mathematical model of your system or circuit from measured frequency response data.The model can be expressed in pole/zero, pole/residue, orpolynomial format.Curve fit provides an exact mathematical model of your circuit or device.Transfer the circuit model to the synthesis function to experiment with design modifications. Add and delete poles and zeros, change gain factors, time delays, or frequency scaling, then synthesize the frequen-cy response from the modified model. Design modifications are tested without ever touching a sol-dering iron.14Standard 16 Mbytes RAMArbitrary Waveform Source (Option 1D4)Expand the data storage and time-capture capacity of your 35670A.Frequency or Time Domain Entry Data EditStore Up to Eight Arbitrary WaveformsTest your products using real-world signals. Measure a signal in either the time or frequency domain, then output it via the arbitrary waveform source. Use math functions and data edit to obtain precisely the output waveform you need. An arbitrary waveform may be output once or repeatedly.Standard source types can beoptimized for specific applications.For example, random noise can be shaped to improve the effectivedynamic range of your measurement.Alternatively, you can use data edit and math functions to create an arbitrary waveform.Use time capture as a digital tape recorder, then playback captured signals through the arbitrarywaveform source.Math functions are used to optimize a burst chirp signal for a frequency response measurement.Expand the data storage and time-capture capacity of your 35670A.Number of Spectra Stored Per ChannelStandard 16 MbyteFFT - 1 Channel 11400FFT- 2 Channels 2600FFT - 4 Channels 33001/3-Octave Spectra 448000Time Capture 1>6 MSamplesStandard 2 Mbyte Nonvolatile RAMUse the 2 Mbyte nonvolatile RAM in environments too harsh for the 3.5inch flexible disk drive. The memory functions as a high-speed disk for storage of the following information.•Instrument Setup States •Trace Data•User Math Definitions •Limit Data•Time Capture Buffers•Agilent Instrument BASIC Programs •Waterfall Display Data •Curve Fit/Synthesis Tables •Data TablesInformation stored in nonvolatile RAM is retained when the power is off.1Conditions: Preset with instrument mode switched to 1 channel.2Conditions: Preset3Conditions: Preset with instrument mode switched to 4 channels.4Conditions: Preset with instrument mode switched to octave.。