
雅思出国旅游英语作文翻译英文:Traveling abroad is always an exciting experience, especially when it comes to exploring new cultures and meeting new people. As a frequent traveler, I have had the opportunity to visit many countries and learn about their unique customs and traditions.One of my favorite destinations for internationaltravel is Europe. With its rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes, Europe offers something for everyone. From the romantic canals of Venice to the breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps, there is no shortage of amazing sights to see.When traveling abroad, it is important to be prepared and organized. This means having all necessary documents, such as passports and visas, in order, as well as packing appropriately for the climate and activities planned. It isalso important to research the local customs and etiquettein order to avoid any cultural misunderstandings.Another important aspect of international travel is communication. While English is widely spoken in many parts of the world, it is always helpful to learn some basic phrases in the local language. This not only shows respect for the local culture, but it also makes it easier to navigate and communicate with locals.Overall, traveling abroad is an amazing opportunity to broaden your horizons and experience new things. By being prepared, respectful, and open-minded, you can make themost of your international travel experience.中文:出国旅游总是一次令人兴奋的经历,尤其是探索新文化和结识新朋友的时候。

雅思大作文范文:国际旅游带来文化冲突?Tourism can create jobs and other opportunitiesfor almost all communities. Therefore, Governmentsworldwide have worked out many incentives aimed atdeveloping overseas market. Personally I believe,tension is always accompanied with influxes of foreign visitors, which has alreadyovershadowed understanding achieved via travel.Let me start by talking about the tension brought by international tourism. LastIndependence Day Festival , I , followed by a couple of friends, traveled to a small countylocated in Bolivia. Surprisingly we happened to see thousands of people singing and dancing onthe street. Three guys dressing in local costume swayed badly towards us, bringing drinkingbeer for us. Owing to our arrival in a totally new place, we declined to take any alcohol in caseof being entrapped. Unexpectedly quarrels occurred as a consequence of lang uage barrier.What’s worse, one of them spitted on us, whose behavior turned our journey to be a trip ofhumiliation and resentment. As a matter of fact, the local residents were celebrating yearlyBeer Festival. Our refusal was regarded as a bad manner to look down upon them. For thisreason, I would infer that international tourists usually spend only one or two days staying inthe same place. It is impossible for them to thoroughly have a good knowledge of the localculture. Consequently misconception and disputes happen frequently between peoplesembodied with varied culture backgrounds.Now let me turn to the discussion of understanding gained on the tour. Generally a westerntourist is fond of visiting different places with exploring different customs, particularly thoseprimitive cultures in remote mountainous areas. Such an exploration can expose himselfwith more opportunities of communicating with local people, which might be considered as agood way to better understand the local culture. However, different interpretation andreligion eventually would probably lead him to conclude that those odd traditions handeddown generation by generation in the destined region are no more than a superstitious belief.Such understanding does little good to maintain sound relationship between nations.All in all, global travel should be discouraged until understanding amid peoplesoverwhelmingly outweighs negative effects like tension.雅思大作文范文:游客是否必须入乡随俗What is a culture? Although there is no an agreement about the definitionof culture, peoplegenerally consider it to be the ways people eat, play, dress, drink, think, and work. When oneperson travels in a foreign country, the foreign culture is not necessarily completelyincompatiblewith his or her native ways. Therefore, it is not always true to do in Rome as aRoman Does.If one travels in a public culture, that is, where the social order, economic and otherrelationships between people are maintained by laws rather than by custom or kinship, it issafe for the traveler to do things in his or her own ways,because the public culture welcomesdifferent or even conflict opinions, people, and ways. Take New York, the big pot, as a typicalcase in point. In this city everybody has an angle and everyone has the right to do whateverdelights him or her in cast that it is not illegal.If one travels in a folk culture, however, it is better to do in Rome as Romans do. A folkculture is a culture featured by clans, kinships, and customs. In a folk culture different ways ofdoing things are less welcomed. In such a culture, if one remains his or her own ways of doingthings, hardly can he or she be able to enjoy the journey. Worse, the traveler might be in thedeep troubled water.Therefore, whether one must follow the new ways of doing things and whether one mustkeep the native culture depend on a variety of specific conditions.雅思大作文范文:上学前是否应该旅行一年The seemingly constructive proposal thatyoung people who have just accomplished theirhigh school career should be encouraged to work ortravel for one year has been warmly accepted byseveral educationists on the ground that this policywill really benefit the growth of these young in along run. But there are also many who oppose theidea, saying that the measure is unnecessary andits advantages can be generated by complimentarymeans during college. In what follows, I shall discussthe pros and cons of the policy.Those who believe in the measure say that students benefit a lot from travelling orworking for a year before their formal university education. First, they can more broadlyacquainted themselves with the society, deepen their understanding of the outside world, andthus better coordinate their objectives of learning with the needs of the society. In contrast,by immediate entrance to university they can not steer the direction of their study well andmay display a poor combination of the theory with practice. Second, study at high school isreally exausting, especially when to win college admission. So it is necessary togrant thesechildren a relatively long period of relaxation or buffer, say, travelling or working for a year, toloosen the chords of their brain, so that when they go back to school later again, they canbecome completely refreshed and rejuvenated.However, many others hold the opposite opinion that these young children should stick totheir usual life course. The first reason they cite is that there is always a proper time in one’slife for doing a proper thing and that the one year is just a golden period for advancedlearning, which simply can not afford any squandering. They also cast doubt on the view thatthe kids can gain social and working experience by questioning what kind of jobs thefledglings can find and what if our universities can offer the same opportunities. They furtherexpress their concern that the young, innocent and immature, may go astray and be misledwhen exposed to a world so trickily alluring. They are worried if the “sophisticated” mencould sit still in their classrooms when they come back to the campus.To be frank, I believe we do not need to be so imaginative. The notion of travelling orworking for one year before college sounds flashy, but will bring about more troubles than wecan control. In my opinion, we may as well perfect our college education systems, for example,by creating more chances for social practice, to achieve the same benefits that the boldmeasure can contribute.。

雅思大作文范文:英国人旅行方式的变化Through comparison of figures of the averagedistance traveled per person per year in different modes of transportation, the table indicatesthe changes that occurred to some common ways of travel by the English people over a spanof 15 years from 1985 to 2000.As is indicated in the table, three modes of travel including walking, bicycling, and takinglocal bus showed a trend of decline while the rest revealed a general trend of rise, though themargins of rise differed.First of all, we see that the average walking distance of people dropped from 255 miles in1985 to 237 miles in 2000. The average distance of traveling by bike decreased by 10 mileswhile that by local bus saw the greatest drop by 155 miles.The use of car increased greatly from 3,199 miles in 1985 to 4,806 miles in 2000. Thosewho traveled by long distance bus also witnessed a fast increase by 70 miles. People travelingby train and taxi, on the other hand, saw an increase by 77 miles and 29 miles respectively.Meanwhile, we see that the total average distance per person in England rose by 1,735 milesbetween 1985 and 2000.Overall, British people experienced great changes in terms of the modes of traveling andthe actual distance traveled over a period of 15 years.雅思大作文题目:The first table below shows the results of asurvey whichsampled a cross-section of 100,000people asking if they traveled abroad and why theytraveled for the period 1994-98. The second tableshows their destinations over the same period.Write a report for a university lecturerdescribing the information shown below.雅思大作文范文:The two tables reflect the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000British people over a span of four years from 1994 to 1998. The first one shows the purposesof their visits abroad and the second indicates their choices of destinations.As can be seen from table 1, holiday-making was the main reason for British people totravel abroad. Next were for business sake and for visiting friends and relatives. Table 2 showsthat Western Europe was the primary destination of the British people traveling abroad andnext came North America and many different countries and areas as a whole.First, in 1994, there were 15,246 visits abroad for holiday spending which contrastedstrikingly to 3,155 visits for business, 2,689 visits for visiting friends and relatives and 982visits for other reasons. In 1995, we see that the number of visits paid by the sampled Britishpeople in the survey decreased to 14,898, but it was still much higher than visits for all otherreasons. In the following years, we find that visits for holiday making, business and for visitingfriends and relatives continued to rise, among which 1996 witnessed the biggest growth,increasing from 14,898 to 17,896. In 1997, visits for business and for seeing friends andrelatives saw the largest growth and there were an increase by 390 and 277 respectively. Visitsabroad for other reasons fluctuated, dropping from 982 in 1994 to 896 in 1995 and thenclimbing back to 1054 before finally falling to 990. In termsof the total of each designatedyear, 1998 boasted the highest with 28,828 while 1995 was the least with 21,610.Second, the destinations of the visits of the sampled people in the survey followed a similartrend to table 1. We see that Western Europe received the largest number of visitors from theUK. In 1995, even when the visits were at its bottom, it was also as high as 18,944 and in1998, it was 24,519, the highest. People who went to North America rose from 914 to 1,823.Those who went to other areas also accounted for a large proportion, with the smallestnumber at 1,752 and the largest at 2,486. The total of visits to various areas saw the smallestin 1995 which was 21,610 and the largest in 1998 which was 28,828.From the two tables, we can see the changes in the reasons for British people to travelabroad and their preferred destinations.雅思大作文题目:The chart below shows the number of Japanesetourists traveling abroad between 1985 and 1995and the graph reveals Australia's share of theJapanese tourist market.Write a report for a university lecturerdescribing the information shown below.雅思大作文范文:The chart and the graph respectively show the number of Japanese tourists travelingabroad and the number of Japanese tourists to Australia from 1985 to 1995.As is indicated in the chart and graph, there was a steady increase both in the number ofJapanese tourists traveling abroad and in Australia’s share of Japan's tourist market.To begin with, from 1985 to 1995, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad wastripled, growing from just about 5million to more than 15 million. The only exception was theyear of 1991, when there was a slight decline as compared with the previous year. Bycontrast, all the other years witnessed a gradual increase.Second, the graph displays that during the first three years, the percentage of Japanesetourists to Australia rocketed from 2% to 4.8%. This is an increase b y 2.8%. Nonetheless, inthe following year, we see a slight drop. Surprisingly, between 1989 and 1993, there appeareda significant rise from 4.2% to 6.2%, which was the peak in the designated decade, and itended up at 6% in 1994.To sum up, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and those Japanese peoplewho chose to go to Australia as destination both showed an overall trend of rise over a spanof 10 years.。

旅游类2015年5月30日雅思写作考题解析与范文(旅游话题)题目:Many countries believe that international tourism has harmful effects. Why do they think so? What can be done to change their views?2015-5-30As the international communication grows, travelling abroad has become increasingly popular. However, some countries believe that developing international tourism is harmful to their countries. In this essay, I will analyze the possible reasons that make them think so.The first concern may come from the potential damage to the cultural relics and local environment. For example, in some ancient cities, there are many old buildings with historical value that have been passed on for hundreds of years. If they are visited by too many tourists, there is a high risk of being damaged. Also, some tourists show improper behavior, like littering or graffiti when they visit natural sceneries and historic sites. This is why many countries are cautious about the arrival of the large number of tourists.Another important reason may be that host countries are concerned about the impact of cultural difference. Some cultural of minority groups are unique , but they would be assimilated by foreign cultures with many visitors arriving. Some foreign tourists may lack respect for the local culture and it may lead to misunderstanding or conflict.However, we should also see the positive side of international tourism. Firstly, it can increase the revenue of the host country and create jobs. Tourism has become the main industry of many countries and boosted the local economy. An important thing that should be noted is that the money earned from ticket sales can be used to maintain the historical sites and scenic spots. As for tourists’ wrong behavior, a good way is to strengthen the monitoring and give them strict punishment, like fine tourists if they violate the rules.To summarize, it is reasonable for some countries to worry about the negative impact of developing international tourism, but we should also consider the substantial benefits it can bring to the country.。

TourismBy tonyIn recent years, with the improvement of living standards, more and more people arebeginning to travel. At the same time, some places with tourist resources are also making the development of tourism industry as their main target. In this article, I will make a discussion about this phenomenon.First of all, everyone has to admit that tourism industry makes a great contribution to local economy.Fortourist city,tourism has become the principal source of tax revenue and local people`s income. For example, tourism in China has become a key factor for the increase of GDP. Besides, in many tourist attraction, tourism provides local habitantsmore jobs,even many of them don't have any diplomas, they can make a living byselling souvenirs or local specialties. What`s more, tourism provides an opportunity for people from different countries to have a better understanding of different culture or customs.In addition, compared to other industry such as chemical or steel, tourism is anunquestionable green economy, which will achieve a sustainable development for less polluting the environment.However, if too many tourists, there will be a disaster. Obviously, too many tourists will destroy the balance of the ecological environment, especially in the natural scenic area. For local habitants, the floodingtourists will disturbtheir quietlife, making local areas overcrowded.And overexploitation of tourist attraction will result in a dramatically increase in the cost of living. Last but not least, if tourists do not respect the local customs, and even make impolite comments about it, which will leadto inevitable conflictsbetweentourists and local habitants.Generally speaking, the tourism industry has more advantages than disadvantages to the city. But while enjoying the convenience it bringsus, we should pay attention to controlling the scale so as to avoid the harm caused by too many tourists.。

雅思大作文关于文化旅游雅思写作中有关于旅游文化这一方面,一直都是一个热门话题,怎么写好这类话题的作文,让文章出彩?雅思大作文关于文化旅游,我们一起来研究研究吧!先看一个雅思写作题目:Some people believe that culture will be ruined if it is used to earn tourism revenue, but others consider that tourism is the only way of protecting a culture. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.范文:There is little room for doubt that tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. However, its impact on culture remains a source of constant debate. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects of tourism from a cultural perspective.Providing economic incentives for cultural preservation is unarguably one of the main contributions of tourism. To many tourists, culture and history are what they first consider when choosing a destination. Their mindset has been recognised by many tourism sites and money has been subsequently directed toward cultural protection, including the maintenance of key historical sites. Tourism is therefore one of the primary forces contributing to the preservation of a culture.In addition to raising financing, tourism can make an indigenous culture known to the world and rally support worldwide to protect it. When a historic site or a site that shows a country's cultural heritage is made accessible to the public, visitors from all over the world will soon flock there. They will share their experience in the local culture with their friends and families once they return home, assisting this site to gain international fame. Both financial and technological support will flood in for the conservation of natural and cultural resources.On the negative side, tourism develops sometimes at the expense of part of culture. Food, festivals, costumes and other stimulating elements of a culture are highlighted to entertain tourists, constituting an insult to the locals and causing damage to the unique nature of a culture. Moreover, cultural commercialization has made the sacred elements of a culture commonplace and tourists are encouraged to attach little importance to a unique tradition, which cannot be found elsewhere.In the light of these facts, one can conclude that tourism is neither a boon nor a bane to cultural preservation. While its endeavor lo protect an indigenous culture should be recognized, it has put the integrity of a culture at risk.烤鸭们在备考的时要掌握一定的方法和技巧,同时,也要多看范文,吸收其中的好词好句,当你看多了就会潜移默化地在自己写作的时候随手拈来好词好句,这样就能更快速的提高自己的写作水平。

雅思作文-旅游业(共五篇)第一篇:雅思作文-旅游业Topic:Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries.Why is the case? Is it a positive development?Sample Answer:Currently, there is a hot discussion about the reasons why there are developing countries in growing number expanding tourist industries and whether it is a positive development or not.As far as I am concerned, I am convinced that it is a positive development.In this essay, I will make an analysis of the reasons in the following paragraphs.The first and foremost reason is that, tourism, which becomes the principal source of financial revenue in many developing countries, is financially beneficial to the economic development.For instance, China needs an increasing amount of foreign currencies for its modernization drive.Tourism is one of the most crucial channels to obtain such currencies.Furthermore, tourism facilitates the development of the catering business and transportation service as well.Additionally, tourist industries make primary contribution to the national income and tax revenue.In the second place, tourism provides local habitants in tourist attractions with more opportunities of employment, which has eliminated some social problems to some extent.In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of the local st but not least, it is true that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between people from different countries, whichwill unquestionably enhance the future cooperation in international affairs.Tourism provides people with a good opportunity to have better understanding of the culture, history and customs in foreign countries.All in all, it is of great benefit for developing countries to promote the tourist industry, for it will play a positive role in both the economic and political development of a country.参考译文:当前,人们对发展中国家大力发展旅游业的原因以及这是否有利开展了激烈的讨论。

雅思自驾游英文作文Self-driving Tour in the UK。
Nowadays, more and more people choose to travel byself-driving, which is a convenient and flexible way to explore the world. The UK is a popular destination forself-driving tours due to its rich history, stunning landscapes, and diverse culture. In this essay, I will share my experience of a self-driving tour in the UK and provide some tips for those who plan to embark on a similar journey.My self-driving tour started in London, where I rented a car and set off to explore the countryside. My first stop was the Cotswolds, a picturesque area known for its rolling hills, charming villages, and thatched-roof cottages. I spent a few days here, wandering around the quaint towns of Bourton-on-the-Water, Stow-on-the-Wold, and Chipping Campden, and enjoying the beautiful scenery.Next, I headed north to the Lake District, a region of stunning natural beauty with lakes, mountains, and forests.I stayed in a cozy cottage in the village of Ambleside and spent my days hiking in the hills, boating on the lakes, and visiting the charming towns of Keswick and Windermere.After the Lake District, I drove to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The city is steeped in history and culture, with its medieval Old Town, elegant Georgian New Town, and iconic Edinburgh Castle. I spent a few days exploring the city's many attractions, including the Royal Mile, the National Museum of Scotland, and the Scottish Parliament.From Edinburgh, I continued north to the Scottish Highlands, a wild and rugged region of mountains, lochs, and moors. I drove along the famous North Coast 500 route, which took me through some of the most spectacular scenery I have ever seen. I visited the Isle of Skye, the remote village of Ullapool, and the stunning beaches of Durness.Finally, I returned to London, where I spent a few moredays exploring the city's many attractions, including Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and the British Museum. I also took a day trip to the charming town of Bath, famous for its Roman Baths and Georgian architecture.Overall, my self-driving tour of the UK was an unforgettable experience. I loved the freedom andflexibility of traveling by car, and I was able to see so much more than I would have on a guided tour. However,there are some tips that I would like to share with those who plan to embark on a similar journey:1. Plan your route carefully, taking into account the distance between destinations, the driving time, and the attractions you want to see.2. Make sure you have a good map or GPS system, as some rural areas may not have good cell phone coverage.3. Be prepared for different driving conditions, including narrow roads, roundabouts, and driving on theleft side of the road.4. Check the weather forecast before you set out, and be prepared for rain and cold temperatures, especially in the Scottish Highlands.5. Book accommodation in advance, especially during peak season, as some popular destinations may fill up quickly.In conclusion, a self-driving tour of the UK is a wonderful way to explore this fascinating country. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and diverse culture, the UK has something to offer everyone. So why not rent a car, hit the open road, and discover the beauty of this amazing country for yourself?。

去其他地方旅游的原因和影响雅思作文Traveling to other places is a common activity for people all around the world. There are various reasons why people choose to travel to different destinations, and these reasons can have a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole.One of the main reasons why people choose to travel to other places is to experience new cultures and traditions. Experiencing different cultures can broaden one's perspective and help them gain a better understanding of the world.It can also help individuals appreciate the diversity that exists in the world and foster a sense of empathy and understanding towards people from different backgrounds. For example, when someone travels to a country with a different language, they may have to learn some basic phrases in that language, which can help them connect with the locals and gain a deeper appreciation for their culture.Another reason why people travel to other places is to escape from their daily routine and experience something new and exciting. Many individuals feel the need to take a break from their regular lives and explore new places that offer them a sense of adventure and excitement. This can have a positive impact on their mental well-being, as it allows them to relax and recharge, which can ultimately improve their overall quality of life. Additionally, traveling to new places can also provide individuals with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, as they are able to tick off items from their bucket list and create lasting memories.Furthermore, traveling to other places can also have a significant impact on the local economy. Tourism is a major source of income for many countries, and the influx of tourists can help boost the local economy by creating job opportunities and stimulating the growth of businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry. For example, when tourists visit a new destination, they often spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, and souvenirs, which can contribute to the economic development of the local community.On the other hand, there are also some negative impacts of traveling to other places. One of the main concerns is the environmental impact of tourism. Theinflux of tourists can put a strain on the natural resources of a destination, leading to issues such as pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. Additionally, the increase in air travel can also contribute to carbon emissions and global warming, which can have detrimental effects on the environment.Another potential negative impact of traveling to other places is the risk of cultural appropriation. When tourists visit a new destination, they may inadvertently disrespect the local culture and traditions by engaging inactivities that are considered offensive or inappropriate. This can lead to tensions between tourists and the local community, and may result in a loss of respect for the cultural heritage of the destination.In conclusion, there are various reasons why people choose to travel to other places, and these reasons can have both positive and negative impacts on individuals and society. While traveling can provide individuals with new experiences and opportunities for personal growth, it is important to consider the potential impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities. By being mindful and respectful travelers, we can ensure that our travels have a positive impact on the destinations we visit.。
旅游 英文作文模版

旅游英文作文模版1. Traveling is an amazing way to explore the world and experience new cultures. It broadens our horizons and opens our minds to different perspectives. It's like a journey of self-discovery, where we can learn so much about ourselves and the world around us.2. The thrill of stepping into a new city or country is indescribable. The sights, sounds, and smells are all so different from what we're used to. It's like being transported to a whole new world, where everything is unfamiliar and exciting.3. One of the best things about traveling is trying new foods. Each place has its own unique cuisine, and tasting the local dishes is a must. From street food to fancy restaurants, there's always something delicious to try.It's a great way to connect with the culture and get a taste of the local life.4. Another aspect of traveling that I love is meeting new people. Whether it's fellow travelers or locals,there's always an opportunity to make new friends. It's fascinating to hear their stories and learn about their lives. These connections can often lead to lifelong friendships and create memories that last a lifetime.5. Of course, there are also challenges that come with traveling. Language barriers, getting lost, or dealing with unexpected situations can be stressful. However, these challenges also make the journey more exciting and memorable. They push us out of our comfort zones and teach us how to adapt and problem-solve.6. One of the most rewarding aspects of traveling isthe sense of freedom it brings. Being able to explore new places, make spontaneous decisions, and go wherever our hearts desire is truly liberating. It's a break from our everyday routines and responsibilities, allowing us tofully immerse ourselves in the present moment.7. Traveling also teaches us to appreciate what we have.Seeing different lifestyles and living conditions can make us realize how fortunate we are. It's a humbling experience that reminds us to be grateful for the little things in life.8. Lastly, traveling is a constant source of inspiration. It sparks creativity and encourages us to see the world in a different light. The beautiful landscapes, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultures all inspire us to think outside the box and see things from a fresh perspective.In conclusion, traveling is a wonderful adventure that enriches our lives in so many ways. It allows us to discover new places, meet incredible people, and learn about ourselves. It's an experience that everyone should embrace and cherish.。

旅游业可以促进偏远地区发展雅思作文The tourism industry has the potential to significantly contribute to the development of remote areas. This essay will explore the various ways in which tourism can benefit these regions, as well as the potential drawbacks and challenges that may arise.One of the most significant benefits of tourism in remote areas is the economic impact it can have. When tourists visit these regions, they spend money on accommodation, food, souvenirs, and various other goods and services. This influx of tourist spending can provide a much-needed boost to the local economy, creating jobs and business opportunities for the residents of these remote areas. Additionally, the revenue generated from tourism can be reinvested into the community to improve infrastructure, healthcare, and education, further contributing to the overall development of the region.Furthermore, tourism can also help to preserve and promote the unique cultural heritage of remote areas. Many of these regions have rich traditions, customs, and art forms that are not widely known or appreciated. By attracting tourists to these areas, local communities have the opportunity to showcase their cultural heritage, fostering a sense of pride and preserving their traditions for future generations. This can also lead to cultural exchange and understanding between tourists and locals, promoting tolerance and mutual respect.In addition to the economic and cultural benefits, tourism can also have positive environmental impacts in remote areas. Many of these regions are home to diverse ecosystems and natural wonders that are often under threat from unsustainable development or neglect. By promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices, these areas can benefit from increased conservation efforts and environmental protection measures. Furthermore, the revenue generated from tourism can be used to fund conservation projects and support the preservation of natural habitats and wildlife.However, it is important to acknowledge that there are also potential drawbacks and challenges associated with developing tourism in remote areas. One of the main concerns is the potential for negative environmental impacts, such as pollution, habitat destruction, and strain on natural resources. Additionally, the influx of tourists can put pressure on local infrastructure and services, leading to issues such as overcrowding, waste management, and increased traffic.Furthermore, there is a risk of cultural commodification and exploitation, as the influx of tourists may lead to the commercialization of traditional practices and the loss of authenticity in local customs. There is also the potential for social and economic disparities to arise, as the benefits of tourism may not be equally distributed among the local community, leading to issues of inequality and gentrification.In conclusion, while the development of the tourism industry in remote areas can bring about numerous benefits, it is essential to approach this development in a responsible and sustainable manner. By addressing potential drawbacks and challenges, and by actively involving local communities in the planning and management of tourism, it is possible to maximize the positive impact of tourism on the development of remote areas while minimizing its negative effects. Ultimately, when managed effectively, tourism has the potential to be a powerful tool for promoting economic growth, preserving cultural heritage, and protecting the environment in remote regions.。

雅思国际旅游优点大作文The Unfolding Tapestry of International Tourism: A Journey of Enrichment The world is shrinking, not in size, but in the ease with which we can traverse its vast landscapes and diverse cultures. International tourism, once a luxury reserved for the elite, has become a transformative experience accessible to many, offering a kaleidoscope of benefits for individuals, communities, and the global landscape. Stepping beyond our familiar borders opens doors to new perspectives, shattering preconceived notions and fostering understanding. Immersing ourselves in different cultures allows us to appreciate the tapestry of human experience, recognizing both the common threads that bind us and the unique threads that create our individual identities. We become students of the world, learning from the traditions, values, and lifestyles of others. From the intricate rituals of a Japanese tea ceremony to the vibrant celebrations of Carnival in Rio, each encounter expands our understanding of the human spirit and its myriad forms of expression. Beyond personal growth, international tourism acts as a powerful economic engine, injecting vital resources into local communities. Tourists bring with them a demand for goods and services, creating jobs and stimulating local businesses. This influx of capital can revitalize communities, funding infrastructure projects, cultural preservation initiatives, and educational opportunities. It can transform sleepy villages into thriving hubs of activity, empowering individuals to improve their livelihoods and build a brighter future. The benefits extend far beyond economic prosperity, fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. As we engage with people from different backgrounds, we break down barriers of fear and prejudice, replacing them with bridges of empathy and respect. We learn to appreciate the beauty of diversity, recognizing that our differences are not sources of division but rather enriching threads in the fabric of humanity. This exchange of ideas and perspectives is crucial in a world grappling with complex challenges, paving the way for collaboration and peaceful co-existence. Of course, responsible tourism is paramount. We must tread lightly, minimizing our impact on the environment and respecting thecultural heritage of the places we visit. Sustainable practices ensure thatfuture generations can continue to enjoy the wonders of our planet and the richtapestry of human experience. In conclusion, international tourism is more thanjust a vacation; it is an investment in ourselves, our communities, and our shared future. It allows us to become global citizens, fostering understanding,prosperity, and a more interconnected world. As Saint Augustine wisely noted, "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." Let us turn the pages together, embarking on a journey of discovery, enrichment, and shared humanity. Idioms Used: Students of the world: Learning and gaining wisdom from global experiences. (Origin: Unknown) Economic engine: A driving forceof economic growth and prosperity. (Origin: Economic theory) Tread lightly:To act with care and consideration for the environment. (Origin: Environmentalism) Turn the pages: To explore and discover new things. (Origin: Literary metaphor) Word Count: 498。

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average 'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities.Do you agree or disagree?Model Answer:Holidays are important because they provide a break from our normal daily routine and from the world of work. Traditionally, holidays have been seen as a time for relaxation and as an opportunity to visit another country in order to find out about its geography and customs. Nowadays, however, it seems that other types of holiday are becoming popular.Some people want their holiday to be a kind of adventure, and find this more exciting than going to the beach or visiting museums. On an adventure holiday, you may stay in quite basic accommodation, rather than a luxurious hotel. Activities may involvethings such as bush walking or cycling, or may form part of an aid project designed to help communitiesin remote areas. Holidays such as these are popular with people of all ages and can often help to promote tourism in rural environments.The increasing popularity of dangerous sports has also boosted the number of adventure holidays; for example, water sports, mountain climbing or paragliding. These holidays are more popular with the younger generation, as they can be both physically and mentally demanding. Participants are often seeking the sort of thrills that they cannot get in ordinary life.There is now greater awareness of the damaging effects of mass tourism and this may be one reason for the changing nature of holidays. This can only be a good thing. But perhaps people are also discovering that it is just as refreshing to take an active holiday, as it is to lie on a beach - though that is still a question of personal preference.。

旅游英语英文作文I love traveling. It's so exciting to explore new places, meet new people, and experience different cultures. Traveling opens my mind and fills my life withunforgettable memories.The best part of traveling is trying new foods. I loveto taste local dishes and street food. It's a great way to understand a place's culture and traditions. Plus, whodoesn't love to indulge in delicious food?One of the most memorable trips I've taken was to Japan. The country's beautiful landscapes, rich history, andunique traditions left a deep impression on me. Iespecially enjoyed visiting traditional temples and experiencing a traditional tea ceremony.Traveling can be challenging at times, especially when dealing with language barriers and unfamiliar customs. However, these challenges also make the journey morerewarding. I've learned to be patient, open-minded, and respectful of different ways of life.Meeting new people is another highlight of traveling. I've made friends from all over the world during my trips. It's amazing how travel can bring people together and create lasting connections.I believe that traveling is not just about seeing new places, but also about personal growth. It teaches me to be adaptable, independent, and appreciative of the world's diversity. I can't wait to embark on my next adventure and continue to expand my horizons.。

雅思出国旅游英语作文范文Title: Exploring the World: The Importance of English Proficiency for International Travel。
Traveling abroad is an enriching experience that allows individuals to immerse themselves in new cultures, broaden their horizons, and create lasting memories. Among the many skills necessary for successful international travel, proficiency in English stands out as particularly crucial. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why English proficiency is essential for individuals venturing overseas and examine how it enhances the travel experience.First and foremost, English is widely regarded as the global language of communication. Whether you're navigating the bustling streets of London, ordering food in a Parisian café, or seeking directions in Tokyo, proficiency in English can significantly facilitate interactions with locals and fellow travelers. English serves as a common linguistic denominator, bridging cultural and linguisticbarriers and enabling meaningful exchanges in diverse settings.Moreover, English proficiency enhances safety and security while traveling abroad. In emergency situations, such as seeking medical assistance or reporting incidents to authorities, the ability to communicate effectively in English can be a literal lifesaver. Additionally, understanding safety instructions, signage, and announcements in airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs is paramount for ensuring a smooth and secure travel experience.Furthermore, English proficiency opens doors to a wealth of resources and opportunities for travelers. From accessing online travel guides and booking accommodations to engaging in conversations with locals and participating in cultural activities, fluency in English enables individuals to fully immerse themselves in the destinations they visit. Moreover, many tourist attractions, museums, and historical sites offer guided tours and informational materials in English, allowing visitors to gain deeperinsights into the places they explore.Beyond practical considerations, English proficiency also enriches the cultural exchange inherent in international travel. By conversing with locals, sharing stories with fellow travelers, and engaging in cross-cultural interactions, individuals can gain profound insights into different ways of life, perspectives, and values. Language serves as a conduit for understanding and empathy, fostering connections that transcend geographical boundaries and fostering a sense of global citizenship.In addition to enhancing the travel experience, English proficiency also has long-term benefits for individuals. In an increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in English opens doors to educational and professional opportunities, facilitates international collaboration, and enhances competitiveness in the global job market. Whether pursuing higher education, advancing in one's career, or simply broadening one's horizons, fluency in English is a valuable asset with far-reaching implications.In conclusion, English proficiency is indispensable for individuals embarking on international travel. From facilitating communication and ensuring safety to enriching cultural exchange and unlocking opportunities, fluency in English enhances every aspect of the travel experience. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, proficiency in English will continue to be a valuable skill for travelers seeking to explore the world and connect with people from diverse backgrounds. So, whether you're planning your next adventure or dreaming of far-off destinations, remember the importance of mastering the language that opens doors to the world.。

Topic 1: Increasing travels between countries enable people to learn different cultures or to increase tension between people from different countries?外来人口的增加有利于文化的交流:•游客或者移民都具备经济利益和价值(commercial interest and economic value);而外同人的停留时间是和东道国的合作密切相关的(The length of stay depends on the cooperation of the host society.);很多当地人因此表现得非常好客和友好,这有助于文化的交流(Many local people are very friendly and hospitable, which promote the cultural communications.);•对其他的文化和人民更为了解(a better understanding of other cultures and other peoples),改变人们对其他民族和文化的态度(alter one's attitudes towards another people or culture);人们因此可以接受不同的文化和价值观(embrace different values and cultures),可以和平共处(create motivation to coexist peacefully), 并促进对"多元文化的理解(promote multi-cultural understanding);•促进文化的融合(promote integration),消除文化障碍(remove cultural barriers), 外来人口的增加导致冲突:•违反当地的习俗会激怒当地人(breach of local customs can irritate the locals);•不同文化的人看待同一事物总有不同的角度(harbour different perceptions),并给予不同的解释(different interpretations),比如对手势、衣服、言行举止有不同的理解;举止不当会引起当地人意想不到的反应(provoke unanticipated responses); •外国游客增多会对当地环境造成压力,甚至破坏环境,而移民增多可能导致工作机会减少,致使竞争更加激烈,这些都有可能引起当地人的反感(cause resentment in local communities).Globalization is a catch-all term that refers to any activity that involves more than one country, for example, travel from one country to another. The dramatic increase in transnational travel in recent years has sparked controversy over the potential impacts of this trend on individual countriesf especially those new member states of globalization. Some people are concerned that the upsurge in new arrivals will prompt local hostility against visitors instead of promoting their understanding on mutual cultural background. This notion should be rejected as one can see many facts in favor of this development between countries.The first reason why international travels would never bring conflict is rooted in the fact that both visitors and locals are economically motivated. International travel opens up opportunities for business development throughout the world. Entrepreneurs are interested not only in the domestic market but also in the oversea market. Foreigners should learn the culture of a country before winning over the local people. In turn, locals should show their hospitality to visitors in exchange for their trust. They share a view that acceptance of each other's cultural background is a necessary condition for cooperation.Understanding a culture has other implications. Differences in social background, cultural values and religious belief might make the discrepancy of foreigners and local inhabitants on some issues indelible; however, the higher interaction, the higher level of communication and understanding. Arabians, for example, used to consider westerners as their foes. Now they have concrete relations with their western allies in many fields. In the initial stage, their divergence seemedinherent but over time, with better mutual understanding, they take the same position on many issues.Undeniably, it is likely that in some resorts, foreign visitors repel the local community with their scant regard for the local environment and conventions when they first arrive. However, it should be noted that most offense is accidental, rather than intentional. Instead, visitors disobey rules and conventions simply because they have no knowledge of them. This situation is expected to be improved with the passing of time when visitors from different countries increase their knowledge of a local culture.According to the above analysis, we can observe that the increase in the international travel should not be taken as the cause of any conflict that arises between two countries. Alternatively, one should recognize its role in improving mutual understanding between two countries.1. catch-all = all-embracing:包罗甚广的;包括一切的2. hostility=enmity=resentment:敌意,怨'恨,愤恨3. rooted in=derived from=based on:基于4. entrepreneur=tycoon=mogul=industrialist:企业家,实业家5. discrepancy=disagreement=difference=divergence:分歧,矛盾6. foe=enemy=rival:敌人,竟争对手7. concrete=tangible=solid:具体的,实际的8. overtime=in due course=sooner or later:最终,早9. resort:胜地;tourist resort:旅游胜地;holiday resort:度假胜地;beach resort:海边度假胜地;scenic spot:景观;place of interest: 旅游景点10. repel=revolt=repulse:使厌恶,憎恶11. scant=limited=scarce:缺乏的,不足的Topic2: When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programs) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion?媒体信息一致的缺点:•国际媒体(global media)—般掌握在少数几个有实力的机构手中(in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations);有了媒体的宣传(propaganda)后,西方文化成了主流(domineering force),大规模的、有吸引力的广告(mass seductive advertising )唤起了落后地区人们对物质新的向往(create fresh desires),经济联系增强(strong economic ties),西方产品取代了本地产品,使人们更加向往西方的文化;•文化开始融合在一起(mingle),人们被新的价值观所围绕(bombarded with new values),对自己的文化失去信心和自豪感(confidence and pride),拒绝接受自己的文化传统(rejection of their cultural heritage)转而接受西方的文化习惯(adoption of Western cultural practices);西方媒体削弱了民族的特征(ethnic identity)和社会的凝聚力(social cohesion);因为担心失去观众(a loss of viewers),当地的电视台也开始播放西方的电视节目(television shows),•国际媒体的普遍会降低世界文化的品质和多样性(degrade the quality and diversity of world culture);文化被商业化(commercialized), —些文化产品(cultural goods),如音乐、服装,都变成了商品(commodities in the marketplace)。

英国旅游作文模板英文英文:When it comes to traveling, the United Kingdom is definitely one of the top destinations on my list. There are so many unique and interesting places to visit, each with their own charm and history.One of my favorite places to visit in the UK is Edinburgh, Scotland. The city is full of beautiful architecture, including the famous Edinburgh Castle. The Royal Mile is also a must-see, with its many shops, restaurants, and street performers.Another great destination in the UK is London. There is so much to do and see in the city, from visiting the iconic Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, to exploring the many museums and art galleries.But one of the best things about traveling in the UK isthe opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions. For example, I love trying traditional British foods like fish and chips or a full English breakfast. And attending events like the Edinburgh Fringe Festival or the Notting Hill Carnival are great ways to immerse yourself in the local culture.Overall, I highly recommend traveling to the UK for anyone looking for a unique and memorable experience.中文:说到旅游,英国绝对是我清单上的顶级目的地之一。

旅游英文作文高级Traveling is one of the most exciting things in life. It gives me the opportunity to explore new places, experience different cultures, and meet interesting people. Every time I travel, I feel like I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into a world of endless possibilities.The best part about traveling is trying new foods. I love to indulge in the local cuisine and taste flavors that I have never experienced before. From street food to fine dining, every meal is an adventure for my taste buds. I believe that food is an essential part of understanding a culture, and I always make it a point to try as many local dishes as possible.Exploring nature is another highlight of my travels. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, snorkeling incrystal-clear waters, or simply taking a leisurely stroll through a picturesque park, I find so much joy in being surrounded by the beauty of the natural world. Nature has away of grounding me and reminding me of the wonders of the earth.One of the most rewarding aspects of traveling is the people I meet along the way. I have had countless meaningful conversations with locals and fellow travelers, and each interaction has broadened my perspective on life.I cherish the connections I make while traveling and the friendships that span across continents.Traveling also allows me to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. Whether it's trying an adrenaline-pumping activity like skydiving or simply navigating through a foreign city where I don't speak the language, I always find opportunities to push my boundaries and grow as a person.Overall, traveling is a transformative experience that enriches my life in countless ways. It opens my eyes to the beauty of the world, introduces me to new flavors and cultures, and connects me with people from all walks oflife. I am grateful for every opportunity to explore and can't wait for my next adventure.。
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雅思写作旅游类范文范文一International travel is becoming cheaper,and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?Air travel combined with early retirement and people with money to spend has meant that more and more people can travel the world. Some countries,especially those with famous historical sights and beautiful natural scenery try to attract this large market. While there are some problems that can be caused with all this travel,generally it is a positive thing.Firstly,consider that all these tourists mean money that governments are eager to tap into. For many countries,tourism is a big part of GDP and without it their economies would suffer. Foreign tourists bring important dollars to the service industry and lots of small shops and vendors.Secondly,by encouraging tourism governments are promoting their cities and countries. In my country,China,for example,increased tourism and hosting the Olympics has changed people’s perception of our country. At the same time,tourism allows local people to gain exposure to people from other countries,which is also a good thing.Of course it’s not always a perfect picture. Not all tourists have a good attitude and manners. And in some cases they may even have a negative influence on the local population. But these situations are not so common,and embassies can create tough guidelines for getting a visa. This seems like a reasonable compromise.To conclude,international travel is a great thing,but it is a privilege that should not be abused. Governments should encourage it,but also put in place measures to keep dangerous people away. This will result in a win-win situation for everyone. (251 words)点评:写作线索:首段,国际旅游利大于弊;第二段,刺激本国经济;第三段,加深双方了解;第四段;不利之处。
先学习下面的词汇和短语,然后再重读范文,体会它们在文中的运用词汇Retirement n.退休Tourism n. 旅游业V endor n.卖主,小贩promote vt.促进,推广host vt. 主办perception n.观念,理解embassy n.大使馆guideline n.指导方针compromise n.妥协,折衷privilege n.特权abuse v.滥用短语famous historical sights 历史名胜beautiful natural scenery 美丽的自然风光be eager to渴望tap into 利用in some cases在有些情况下have a negative influence on对…有负面影响win-win situation 双赢局面三分钟熟读或背诵本文最实用的三个句子Some countries,especially those with famous historical sights and beautiful natural scenery try to attract this large market.Secondly,by encouraging tourism governments are promoting their cities and countries.This will result in a win-win situation for everyone.范文二Tourism is a multibillion dollars industry that supports economic development. Some people think that it causes damage to the local environment and culture. What is your opinion?Tourism is acknowledged by many people as a multibillion dollar industry. Some people still think that it causes damage to the local environment and culture. I have some reservations about such a negative view.Many successful experiences demonstrate that the development of tourism can realize the “win-win” of economic development in an area. It can improve the well-being of local inhabitants and provide jobs for many people. Take Hangzhou for example. It earned 237 million dollars through its tourism industry last year. Another case is Suzhou, one of the four key tourist cities of China. In 2006 the city received 20.1 million domestic and foreign visitors. The income from tourism is currently close to RMB 20 million.Another positive example is the large recreational and cultural value of ecosystem services which are now sufficient to attract the l ocal government’s attention and encourages them to plan further development and thereby accelerate a city’s construction. For instance, in the coming three years, RMB 120 million will be invested(这儿最好用injected)into Jiuzhaigou, a World Natural Heritage site, to return the area to its original scenic beauty. As well Zhejiang Province has planned to invest 990 million US dollars in the next five years to develop 10 tourist projects on and around the ocean. Furthermore, tourism supports the cross-cultural contact with foreigners promoting friendship, goodwill and cultural diversity that might otherwise be lacking .In conclusion, our tourist dollars can do much, often unrecognized, good –not only by helping financially, but by placing public value on local culture and heritage.结构清晰,表达流畅,用词丰富,语法规范,立属优秀范文之列。