
手指长短决定报复心理强弱(图)Let's say you recently turned someone down for a raise or a promotion, and he has now retaliated -- for instance, by quitting in a huff and taking a valuable client list with him。
According to a new study of the role of testosterone in business negotiations, you might have foreseen that, and maybe even prevented it, if you had checked out his right hand before making (or refusing) an offer. Specifically, if someone's ring finger and his index finger are the same length, look out。
Little or no difference in the size of those digits is an indicator of high prenatal testosterone, which tells you two things. First, this is a person who is preoccupied with preserving his status and saving face. Unless you handle his ego with kid gloves, he will be quick to take offense. And second, if you cross him, he will get even。

是直译还是意译?1. Her face was an open book.2. It's a sealed book to me.3. She is a book-keeper.4. All the officers should open their books.5. Ration books insured that all the citizens could receive at least enough food for living1.她喜怒形于色(或者:她心里有什么都表现在脸上。
有时,由于各种因素,译者不得不“背叛” 自己的一个“主人”,于是就出现了“归化”或“异化”的现象。
Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
a lion in the way 拦路虎lick one’s boots 拍马屁Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手A flash in a pan 昙花一现Have one foot in the grave 风烛残年To grow like mushrooms 雨后春笋One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。


双语:FBI二十六招教你读心术1.To start, always get a baseline reading so you can distinguish personal quirks from real tells。
2.Notice others trying to read your baseline with seemingly innocuous questions like, "How are you today?"发觉别人试图通过貌似无关痛痒的问题打探你的价值基准,比如“你今天过得怎么样?”。
3.When you have a chance to ask questions, be pointed and observe without interrupting。
4.An expansive pose means somebody feels like they're in power; when they're more hunched, they feel powerless。
5.Word choice provides insight into what people really mean。
6.There are an array of non-verbal authority signals leaders use。
7.Always watch the hands. Palm up gestures indicate submission, palm down gestures indicate power。


《怪兽大学(XX)》电影完整中英文对照剧本惊吓小学 -我吓着你了 -才没有呢 -I scared you! -No, you didn"t. 听着别忘了我们的纪律 Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 不许推搡不许撕咬更不允许喷火 Uh, no pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 我说到哪儿了What did I just say? 十八 ___ Eighteen, nieen... 我们少了一个是哪个不见了 Okay, we"re missing one. Who are we missing? 麦克·华斯基 Oh. Mike Wazowski. 谢谢乔 Thanks, Joe. 希望你能早点猜出来 Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle. -抱歉麦克 ___看见你 -没关系 -Sorry, Michael. I didn"t see you. -That"s okay. 刚才在车上我捡到一个硬币When I was on the bus, I found a nickel! 有个兜就好了 I wish I had pockets. 好了孩子们自♥由♥组合找你们的旅伴吧 Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your fieldtrip buddy. 詹米咱们俩? 没事无所谓 Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie. 艾丽你找克莱尔? 有眼光她是好人 Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? Great choi ___. She"s a good egg. 拉塞尔? Russell. 麦克? 华斯基? Mike? Wazowski? 搭个伴儿吧 We car-pool? -我们是表兄弟 -嘿 -We"re cousins. -Hey! 好吧真有品味 Okay. Good catching up. 嘿麦克看来又得咱俩搭档了 Well, Michael, it looks like it"s you and me again. 快点儿瓦伦我们已经 ___了Come on, Karen. We"re falling behind. 叫我老师好吗 Please don"t call me Karen. 我们惊吓因为我们喜欢大家千万不要掉队哦 Now, stay close together. 因为我们要进入最危险的区域啦We"re entering a very dangerous area. 欢迎来到神秘的惊吓工厂 Wele to the Scare Floor. 这里就是我们采集尖叫能源 This is where we collect the Scream Energy 供应整个世界的中心 to power our whole world. 你们知道是谁去采集这些尖叫能源吗 And can anyone ___ me whose job it is to go get that scream? -惊吓专员 -完全正确 -Scarers! -That"s right! 你们谁能给我秀一下最恐怖的吼叫 Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar? 我我我 Me, me, me! 我能绿色的宝宝 Oh!Sir! Right here! Little green guy, 两点钟方向 two o"clock! 看我的 No, it"s like this. 看这个 Hey, guys, watch this one. 我真的很在行 Hey, I got a really good... 早啊孩子们你们是来见学的吧? Well, hey there, kids. Are you on a tour with your school? 是的 Yes. 我们来学习尖叫能源的知识了解如何成为惊吓专员 We"re here to learn about Scream Energy and what it takes to be a Scarer. 是吗你们真走运我正好就是一个惊吓专员 Well, hey, you"re in luck, because I just happen to be a Scarer. 我会的一切都是在学校学的 I learnedeverything I know from my school, 著名的怪兽大学 Monsters University.那是世界上最棒的惊吓学校 It"s the best Scaring School there is. 别忽悠了恐大才是最棒的 You wish! Fear Tech"s the best. 好吧看看我们就知道是哪个学校最棒了对吗 Okay. You guys watch us and ___ me which school"s the best. All right? 怪兽大学 MU is. 站住别动 Oops. Stop right there. 别越过这道警戒线 Don"t cross over that safety line. 人类的孩子都有剧毒碰着就死 Hu ___n children are extremely toxic. 你们看那边 Look at that! 看着点别撞着我 Whoa! Hey, guys, watch the eye! Ow! 看那个真神奇 Look at that! It"s a___zing! 劳驾让一让 Excuse me. Fellas. 有点样好不好? How about we do tallest in the back? 这个家伙太恐怖了 Look, he"s going to do a real Scare! -我也要当惊吓专员 -对我也是-Cool. I want to be a Scarer. -Yeah. Me, too. 让我也看看Come on, guys. I want to see. 你算了吧麦克 Out of the way, Wazowski. 惊吓工厂跟你没关系 You don"t belong on a Scare Floor. 布莱恩别越过那条警戒线 Brian! Do not step over the line. 老师麦克也越过警戒线了 Mrs. Graves, Michael went over the line. 麦克 Michael! 看见了吗我说过他没事 See? Itold you. He"s fine. 可我觉得有动静 Well, I thought I heard something.怎么啦 What? 你觉得好玩是吗 Are you okay? 你没事儿吧 You could have gotten hurt! 这怎么解释怎么会出现这种情况? I don"t understand how this could happen! 刚才太危险了孩子我都不知道你进去了 That was real dangerous, kid. I didn"t even know you were in there. 我真没想到你会进去 Wow. I didn"t even know you were in there. 真不赖小家伙 Not bad, kid. 麦克你刚才是怎么回事 Michael, what do you have to say for yourself? 怎么才能成为一个惊吓专员 How do I bee a Scarer? 怪兽大学怪兽大学到了有下车的没有 Monsters University! Anybody getting off? 同学们我也不想煽情 Well, everyone, I don"t mean to get emotional, 但是我一生都在等待这一刻 but everything in my life has led to this moment. 希望这不仅是我的 Let it not be just the beginning of my dream 也是你们梦想的开始 but the beginning of all of our dreams. 格莱迪斯继续试镜好吗答应我 Gladys, promise me you"ll keep auditioning. 玛丽你的真命天子会出现的 Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere. 菲尔记得继续抹药直到皮肤白白 Phil, keep using the ointment till that thing goes away. 祝大家万事如意谢谢非常感谢 I wish you all the best. Thank you allso much! 说得我都热泪盈眶啦快下车吧 I"m welling up with tears. Now, get off. 你好请多指教 Hello. How are you doing? 用力用力 Stroke! Stroke! 好嘞一件件来Okay! First thing on my list, 先去教务处 get registered. 嘿小帅哥我是热心肠 Hey there, fresh ___n. I"m Jay theR.A., 想知道去哪报道是吗往前看 and I"m here to say that registration is thataway! -谢谢热心肠 -有事就找热心肠 -Okay, Jay. -Have a great first day. 嘿我是开心果这是你的新生手册 Hey, I"m Kay! Here"s your orientation packet. 谢谢你 Thanks, Kay. 你可以把包存在这儿跟憨豆哥去照相 You can drop your bags off here and get your picture taken with Trey. -说万岁 -万岁 -say hooray! -Hooray! 怪兽大学秋季/春季学期有效学生麦克·华斯主修吓唬我这不是在做梦吧 I can"t believe it. 我是怪兽大学的正式学生了 I"m officially a college student! 介绍一下我是小甜甜 Okay, everyone, I"m Fay, 在这个阳光明媚的日子我带你们熟悉一下校园 and I"ll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day! 这里是惊吓学生专用实验室 Here are the labs where students learn 专门建造设计通往人类世界的大门 to design and build the doors to the Hu ___n World. 教授们好像在实验一扇新门 Looks like the professor is about to test a door! 怪兽大学提供一日三餐都是自助式的 The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet, three meals a day. 走怪兽! 击败恐惧科技! 我个人认为本校食堂拥有最棒的厨师 I personally believe we have some of the best chefs in the world. 第一学期篝火晚会! 学校设置了多种多样的专业 The campus offers a wide variety of ___jors,但是戴在王冠上的明珠还是这所惊吓学院 but the crown jewel of MU is the Scaring School. 惊吓学院来我们辩论队吧欢迎你来加入 Wele to the Debate Team. We"re happy to have you. 我持不同意见 I disagree for the following reasons. 真正的快乐只不过是理论上的概念 True happiness is a theoretical construct... 嘿小弟 ___一下浩瀚的宇宙吧 Hey there! Keep your eye on the sky 天文俱乐部欢迎你 at the Astronomy Club! 艺术社嘿嘿嘿参加极限表演团 Hey, hey, hey! Come join the Improve Club. 你是我自己从不总是 You"ll wish you were a... Never... Always... 真笨 Ah, dang it! 怪大希腊议会举办一年一度的惊吓杯大赛 MU"s Greek Council. We sponsor the annual Scare Games. 你们举办什么 The Scare what now? 怪大惊吓杯大赛 The Scare Games! 超级火爆的惊吓高手绝技 A super-intense Scaring petition! 极其疯狂危险什么都有可能发生 They"re crazy dangerous, so anything could happen. 去年一大票选手被送进了医院 A bunch of guys went to the hospital last year!-你有可能会挂掉 -但是非常值得 -You could totally ___. -And it"s worth it. 你有机会证明你是怪大最棒的 You get a chan___ to prove that you are the best! 惊吓杯大赛证明你是最好酷 Cool. 麦克 319 房♥间 Wazowski, Room 319. 你的室友也是惊吓专业的 You know, your room ___te is a Scaring___jor, too."你好我是你的室友" 这太老套了 "Hello, I"m your room___te." Oh, that"s too bland. 不要刻意自然就好了 Don"t for ___ it. Just let it happen. 你这一辈子的挚友就在这扇门的后面 Your lifelong best friend is right behind this door. 嘿你好我是你的室友 Hey there. I"m your roomie. 我叫蓝道·保基惊吓专业的 Name"s Randy Boggs. Scaring ___jor. 我叫麦克·华斯基惊吓专业的 Oh! Mike Wazowski, Scaring ___jor. 我预感我们会成为死党 I can ___ we"re going to be best chums, Mike. 你先挑床铺好了 Take whichever bed you want. 我把这个优先权给你啦 I wanted you to have first dibs. 你居然会隐形? You just disappeared. 抱歉如果在课上这样我就闹笑话了Sorry. If I do that in Scaring class, I"ll be a joke. 不你这是独门绝招应该好好利用 No, it"s totally great. You got to use it. -真的? -把眼镜摘了 -Really? -Yeah, but lose the glasses. 穿帮了 They give it away. 惊吓好了 Okay! 房♥间搞定张贴海报搞定 Unpack. Check. Hang posters. Check. 现在还需要门门得 A 以优异成绩毕业 Now I just need to a ___ my classes, graduate with honors, 做最伟大的惊吓专员and bee the greatest Scarer ever. 天呐真希望我也能这么自信Boy, I wish I had your confiden ___, Mike. 你一点都不紧张吗Aren"t you even a little nervous? 事实上没有 Actually, no. 我等这一天都等了一辈子了I"ve been waiting for this my whole life. 真想马上就开始上课 I just can"t wait to get started. 天呐我不能第一天就迟到 Oh, ___n! I can"t be late on the first day! 我没看花眼吧 You got to be kidding me. 我紧张得发抖 I"m so nervous! 镇定一会儿就好了 Relax. It will be fine. 早上好同学们Good morning, students. 我来教你们惊吓入门 Wele to Scaring 101. K.教授惊吓基础课 101 我是奈特教授 I am Professor Knight. 我相信你们在家乡都是最吓人的怪兽 Now I"m sure all of you were the scariest monster in your town. 但是今非昔比这里是我的地盘 Well, bad news, kids. You"re in my town now, 我可不容易被吓到 and I do not scare easily. 郝刻薄院长这可真是意外之喜 Dean Hardscrabble. This is a pleasant surprise. 她是个传奇 She"s a legend. 她用那个尖叫搜集罐打破过所有的惊吓记录 She broke the all-time Scare Record withthe scream in that very can! 我不想打扰各位 I don"t mean to interrupt. 只是心血来潮 I just thought I"d drop by 见识一下今年又来了哪些凶神恶煞 to see the terrifying fa ___sjoining my program. 我想同学们一定很想恭听您的至高教诲Well, I"m sure my students would love to hear a few words of inspiration. K.教授惊吓基础课 101 至高教诲? 没问题Inspiration? Very well. 可怕是一个怪兽必须的条件Scariness is the true measure of a monster. 如果你长得不吓人 If you"re not scary 那你还算什么怪兽 what kind of a monster are you? 我的职责就是让杰出的学生更杰出 It"s my job to ___ke great students greater, 而不是让平庸的学生变得更平庸 not ___ke mediocre students less mediocre. 所以这学期期末你们要进行一个终极考试 That is why at the end of the semester there will be a final exam. 考试不及格的就要从我的惊吓学院开除 Fail that exam and you are out of the Scaring program. 我希望你们现在该清楚了 So, I should hope you"re all properly inspired. 肃静肃静 All right. All right. 谁能告诉我有效吼叫的特性 Who can ___ me the properties of an effective roar? 说吧 Yes? 特性一共有五个There are actually five. 分别是吼叫的共振 Those include the roar"s resonan ___, 吼叫的持续性还有吼 the duration ofthe roar, and the... 抱歉 Whoops. Sorry. 刚才我听到有人说吼叫我就吼了一下 I heard someone say "roar," so I just kind of went for it. 不好意思 Oh, excuse me, sorry. 吓到你了对不起各位 I didn"t mean to scare you there. Hey, how you doing? 吼叫很震撼请问 Very impressive, Mister... 苏利文詹姆士·苏利文 Sullivan. Jimmy Sullivan. 苏利文 Sullivan. 有个比尔·苏利文你认识吗 Like Bill Sullivan, the Scarer? 认识那是我爹Yeah. He"s my dad. 他是苏家的 He"s a Sullivan! 我早该想到的但愿你是虎父无犬子 I should have known. I expect big things from you. 放心我不会让您失望的 Well, you won"t be disappointed. 不好意思我能接着说吗 Uh... I"m sorry. Should I keep going? 不必了百闻不如一见 No, no. Mr. Sullivan"s covered it. 请大家拿出惊吓学教材 Everyone take out your Scaring textbooks 翻到第一章的第一页 and open them to chapter one. 嘿哥们借支铅笔 Hey, bub. Can I borrow a pencil? 我忘带了 I forgot all my stuff. 对哦喔舒服 Ah! All right. Yes. There we go. That will get it. 去吧麦克今天是兄弟会 Come on, Mike. It"s a fraternity... 和女生一起联谊这样的机会很难得 and sorority ___. We have to go! 可是如果期末考试挂掉就 ___完了 If we flunk that Scaring final, weare done. 我可不能冒这么大的风险 I"m not taking any chan___s. 别整天看书本了 You"ve got the whole semester to study, 以后可能再也没有这样的机会 but this might be our only chan ___ 跟那些校花校草打交道了 to get in good with the cool kids. 我还做了一些蛋糕 That"s why I ___de these cupcakes. Oops. 差点闹笑话 That could have been embarrassing. 等你成功了好玩的事多着呢 When I"m a Scarer, life will be a nonstop ___. 你可别惹事野小子 Stay out of trouble, wild ___n. 野小子Wild ___n. 这是 What the... 阿奇 Archie! 嘿你 Hey! What are you... 你嘘嘘什么呀你不能 Wait... You"re shushing me? Hey! Hey! You can"t... -他去哪儿了 -我要扒了他的皮 - Where did he go? -He"s dead meat. -他摊上大事了 -没错 -That guy"s in big trouble. -Yeah, he is. 伙计们去那边 Hey, guys! Over here! 恐大的白♥痴♥ Fear Tech dummies. -对不起小不点 -这是我的房♥间 -Sorry about that, buddy. -Why are you in my room? 你的房♥间? 这明明是 Your room? This is my... 这不是我的房♥间 This is not my room. 阿奇快快出来小宝贝 Archie! Come here, boy. 阿奇? Archie? 阿奇是惊吓猪恐大的吉祥物 Archie the Scare Pig. He"s Fear Tech"s ___scot. ___在这 Why is it here? 我偷的要带它去惊吓会 I stole it. Going to take it to the RORs. 去哪 The what? 著名的惊吓会怪大最顶级的兄弟会 Roar Omega Roar. The top fraternity on campus. 他们只吸收精英学员 They only aept the highly elite. 好了我开床你抓猪 Okay, I"ll lift the bed, you grab the pig. 准备抓猪走你 Ready? One, two, three. 不要让他跑了That"s it. Don"t let go. 当心一点他是食肉动物 Careful. He"s a biter. 抓住它 I got him! 小淘气 That was awesome! 差点忘了我叫詹姆士·苏利文 What am I doing? James P. Sullivan. 麦克·华斯基 Mike Wazowski. 很高兴认识你和那个那个 Listen, it was quite delightful meeting you 那个什么猪and whatever that is, 如果你不介意的话我现在要练习技巧了but if you don"t mind, I have to study my Scaring. 不需要什么技巧 You don"t need to study Scaring. 只要乱吼就可以了You just do it. 是吗我认为练好惊吓技巧很重要 Really? I think there"s a little more to it than that. 谢谢你来拜访But, hey, thanks for stopping by. 还给我 Let go of that! -我的帽子 -我的猪 -"My hat!" -My pig! 回来 Hey! Come here! 嘿 Hey! 抓住它 Catch it! 给我回来 Come back here! 抓住它Ride it to frat row! 尝尝? Cupcake? 搞定 Got it! 这是恐大的吉祥物怪大万岁Fear Tech"s ___scot! MU rules! 怪大怪大 M-U! M-U! M-U! 看到我怎么抓猪了吗 Did you see him catch that pig? 你应该加入我们健将兄弟会先生 You are Jaws Theta Chi ___terial, fresh ___n. 这个我还没想好 Oh, thanks. I don"t know... 不不不他是我们的新成员 No, no, no. He"s an Omega Howl guy. - ___ 是我们先看到的 -不行我们要定了 -Back off. We saw him first. -No way. We did! 这位兄弟归我们了先生们 I"ll takeit from here, gentlemen. 叫我强哥好了菁吓兄弟会的会长Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar. 你叫什么大个子? What"s your name, big blue? 詹姆士·苏利文朋友叫我毛怪 Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley. 你是老苏家的? 大名鼎鼎的老苏家? This guy"s a Sullivan? Like the famous Sullivan? 真不敢相信你是人才呀 I can"t believe it! That is crazy! -淡定查查 -对不起 -Chet, calm down. -I"m sorry. 毛怪有胆量这样做的新生将来一定会 Sulley, any fresh ___n with the guts to pull off a stunt like that... 成为惊吓界的传奇怪兽 has got "Future Scarer" written all over him. 看见我骑猪了吗我也挺猛的 Hey, did you see me ride the pig? That took guts. 站住小不点儿这个派对只邀请惊吓学院的学生 Slow down, squirt. This ___ is for Scare students only. 抱歉小怪兽你应该跟般配的小伙伴儿一起玩 Oh, sorry, killer, butyou might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed. 比如像那几个 Uh... They look fun! 小朋友快加入 OK 会吧 Oh, hey there. Want to join Ooz ___ Kappa? 我们有蛋糕We have cake. 去玩儿吧Go crazy. 你看不起我? Is that a joke? 毛怪劝劝你的朋友Sulley, talk to your friend. 我跟他算不上是朋友 Oh, he"s not really my friend, but sure. 你听到了? 这派对只邀请惊吓生 You heard him. This is a ___ for Scare students. 我就是惊吓生啊 I am a Scare student. 我是说那种真的 I mean for Scare students who actually, 真的能吓人的 you know, have a chan ___. 精辟 Aw, snap! 我吓起人来绝对不会比你差 My chan ___s are just as good as yours. 可你和我根本就不是一个级别的 You"re not even in the same league with me. 不信走着瞧Just wait, hotshot. 今年我要让你知道我的厉害 I"m going to scare circles around you this year. 好啊我拭目以待 Oh, okay. I"d like to see that. 狂妄自大等着瞧 Oh, don"t worry. You will. 站成两排 Ready position. 基本蹲姿 Common crouch. 亮出你们的乱发和发黄的牙齿基本吼叫 I want to see ___tted fur and yellow teeth. Basic snarl. 流出你的口水Show me some slobber. 口水也是武器要利用 Drool is a tool, kids. Use it. 这位还有点儿惊吓专员的样子 Now here is amonster who looks like a Scarer. 如果你们要通过考试就要没白天没黑夜的进行练习 You want a hope of passing this class, you better eat, breathe, and sleep Scaring. 9 月好棒 Yeah! 再搞一个 Give me another one. -怕蜘蛛的人 -蜘蛛恐惧症 -Fear of spiders. -Arachnophobia. -怕闪电的? -闪电恐惧症 -Fear of thunder. -Keraunophobia. -怕筷子的? -筷子恐惧症 -Fear of chopsticks! -Consecotaleophobia. 都是小屁孩儿啊来个高端的 What is this, kindergarten? Give me a hard one. 怪兽怪兽全力得胜 Go Monsters U! You know what to do! 答案是 C 尖牙 The answer is C, fangs. 正确华斯基先生 Well done, Mr. Wazowski. -一碗大蜘蛛 -正确 -A bowl of spiders! -Correct! -一个夜班的小丑 -又答对了 -A clown running in the dark! -Right again. 痦子疖子黑痣以此为穴 Warts, boils, and moles, in that order. 太出色了 Outstanding! 半工半读食人魔吼 Ogre slump. 僵尸怪叫 Zombie snarl. 银背大猩猩哀嚎Dominant silverback gorilla. 你的进步令人印象深刻麦克 That is some re ___rkable improvement, Michael. 合格的惊吓专员不能只有一张面孔苏先生 One frightening fa ___ does not a Scarer ___ke, Mr. Sullivan. 12 月流着口水的狰狞血兽 A Tauntaun Gri ___ ___ with Extra Slobber. -完全正确 -小菜一碟 -You got it! -That"s what I"m saying. 我真想把那个万事聪踩在脚下擦地呀 I am going to wipe the floor with thatlittle know-it-all.我支持你大个子 Yes, you are, big blue. 为... ___? Hey, wait. What are you guys... 我们只是以防万一 It"s just a precaution. 惊吓会员都是学院的精英 RORs are the best Scarers on campus, Sullivan. 怎么能接受小豆儿的手下败将Can"t have a member getting shown up by a beach ball. 我感觉棒极啦 Whoo-hoo! I am on a roll. 我能打败那小子 I"m going to destroy that guy. 那我再把会服还给你 Well, then you"ll get this back right away. 拿出行动来证明无愧于你的家族It"s time to start delivering on that Sullivan name. 今天的期末考试要评估儿童的恐惧度 Today"s final will judge your ability to assess a child"s fear 并且对儿童做出适度的惊吓地点在模拟舱 and perform the appropriate Scare in the Scare Simulator. 模拟舱的敏感参数将从尿床 The Child Sensitivity Level will be raised 逐渐提升到深度睡眠级 from Bed-wetter to Heavy Sleeper, 把看家本事都拿出来 so give it everything you"ve got. 郝刻薄院长将莅临现场见证 Dean Hardscrabble is with us this morning 谁能留在学院继续学习 to see who will be moving on in the Scaring program 谁卷铺盖卷走人 and who will not. 考试正式开始 Let"s get started. 我是一个害怕蜘蛛和圣诞老人的 5 岁小女孩儿 I am a five-year-old girl afraid of spiders and Santa Claus. 你打算怎么惊吓我 Which Scare do you use? 我要偷偷摸摸爬进去? That"s a Seasonal Creep and Crawl. 开始示范 Demonstrate.成绩会贴在我办公室门外 Results will be posted outside my offi ___. Next. 要专注 FOCUS. 噼啪作响和"嗖" 对啦 Johnson, Crackle and Howl. Yes! 嘿你看不见吗 Hey. Do you mind? 真的看不见 Don"t mind at all. 算了麦克我们换个位子吧 Come on, Mike. Let"s just move. 别来惹我 Stay out of my way. 我不像你我可是费尽千辛万苦才考进来的 Unlike you, I had to work hard to get into the Scare program. 那是因为你没有那个本事That"s because you don"t belong here. 你真的很逊 That"s what I thought. 我真的很抱歉 I"m so sorry. 这是个意外 it was an aident. 你说意外? What? This? 这是我辉煌惊吓事业的见证品吗 My one souvenir from a lifetime of Scaring? 意外防不胜防不是吗 Aidents happen, don"t they? 好在老天保佑大家毫发无损 The important thing is no one got hurt. 院长您真是太大气了 You"re taking this re ___rkably well. 好了我们还是继续考试吧 Now, let"s continue the exams. 麦克·华斯基先生 Mr. Wazowski, 我是堪萨斯农场害怕闪电的 5 岁小女孩儿 I"m a five-year-old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid oflightning. 你打算怎么吓唬我 Which Scare do you use? 我是不是该进 Shouldn"t I go up on the...快回答我你怎么做 Which Scare do you use? 在黑暗中靠近然后发出噼啪的声音 That is a Shadow Approach with a Crackle Holler. 开始示范 Demonstrate. -停谢谢 -可是我还没 -Stop. Thank you. -But I didn"t get to... 这就够了 I"ve seen enough. 我是一个 7 岁的男孩 I"m a seven-year-old boy... 我还没说完呢 I wasn"t finished. 我吓唬人不需要听那些废话 I don"t need to know any of that stuff to scare. 那些废话会让你了解 That "stuff" would"ve informed you 这个特殊的孩子最怕的是蛇 that this particular child is afraid of snakes. 所以吼叫不能令他尖叫只能让他大哭 So a roar wouldn"t ___ke him scream, it would ___ke him cry, 引来他的父母曝光我们的世界 alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, 毁掉我们的生活 destroying life as we know it, 我们一定要避免and of course we can"t have that. 所以我不赞成你留在惊吓学院学习了再见 So I"m afraid I cannot remend that you continue in the Scaring program. Good day. 喂什么? 我爸是苏利文 Wait, what? But I"m a Sullivan. 是吗那我相信你的父亲一定非常非常失望 Well then, I"m sure your family will be very disappointed. 而你华斯基先生我认为你缺少的是无法弥补的天赋 And, Mr. Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught. 你一点儿也不吓人 You"re not scary. 所以你也不能留在我的惊吓学院了 You will not be continuing in the Scaring program. 求你了让我试试模拟舱会让您惊喜的 Please. Let me try the simulator. I"ll surprise you. 让我惊喜? 我对此深表怀疑 Surprise me? I doubt that very much.开学了 Wele back. 希望大家度过了一个愉快的假期 I hope everyone had a pleasant break. 有人说设计采集罐是个极无聊的工作 Some say that a career as a scream-can designer is boring, 没有挑战性是浪费怪兽潜能的职业 unchallenging, a waste of a monster"s potential. 大家把课本翻到第三章 Open your textbooks to chapter three. 从今天起我们学习设计尖叫采集罐的历史 We will now plunge into the rich history of scream-can design. 惊吓大赛证明你是最棒的别挡着我 Out of my way! 让一让抱歉 Coming through! Oh, sorry. Ha-ha! 欢迎参加由我们主持的惊吓杯开幕式 Wele to this year"s Greek Scare Games kickoff. 惊吓杯 The Scare Games! -耶 -好了悠着点儿 -Yeah! -Okay, relax. 我们有请特殊的嘉宾这个赛事的创始人 We have a special guest, the founder of the games, 院长郝刻薄女士 Dean Hardscrabble. 各位好 Good afternoon. 学生时代我发起了这个赛事 As a student, I created these games 宗旨是友好竟技 as a friendly petition, 但是要有精神准备 but be prepared. 要想赢得奖杯 To take home the trophy, 你们必须是这个大学中最吓人的怪兽 you must be the most fearsome monsters on campus. 我祝愿最好的怪兽赢得冠军 So good luck, and ___y the best monsters win. 好了各位同学 All right, everybody.报名截止时间即将结束我们马上有请 We"re closing downsign-ups, so we"ll see you all... 等等 Wait! 我也要报名 I"m signing up! 什么? What? 你必须加入社团才能报名 Uh... You have to be in a fraternity to pete. 没问题我加入了夺冠的热门社团 Behold the next winning fraternity of the Scare Games, 下面有请我的队友们 OK 兄弟会的成员们 the brothers, my brothers, of Ooz ___ Kappa! 嗨 Hi. 华斯基先生你在干什么Mr. Wazowski, what are you doing? 刚才你说胜者是全校最恐怖的怪兽 You just said the winners are the most fearsome monsters on campus. 那如果我赢了就意味着你们把最优秀的惊吓专员开除了 If I win, it means you kicked out the best Scarer in the whole school. 你不可能赢 That won"t happen. 敢不敢跟我打个赌 How about a little wager? 如果是我赢了你就让我回惊吓学院 If I win, you let me back in the Scaring program. 那又能证明什么? And what would that prove? 证明你没眼光 That you were wrong. 那好哇 Very well. 如果你赢了我让你们整个社团 If you win, I will let your entire team 全都进入我的惊吓学院 into the Scare program. 但是如果你输了 But if you lose, 你就乖乖地离开怪兽大学 you will leave Monsters University. 成交 Deal.现在你只要找到足够的成员就行了 Now all you need to do is find enough members to pete. 六个就行对不对 We need six guys, right? 抱歉老弟 Sorry, Chief. 我们数身体不数人头他只能算一个 We count bo ___s, not heads. That dude counts as one. 你们谁愿意加入我们有愿意的吗 Anybody else want tojoin our team? Anyone at all? 劳驾来晚了抱歉 Excuse me. Sorry. I"m late. -我可以 -蓝道 -Can I squeeze by you? -Randy! 蓝道谢天谢地快加入我们队吧 Randy, thank goodness.I need you on my team. 抱歉我已经有队啦 Oh. Sorry. I"m already on a team. 蓝道 Boggs. 我好不容易混成了精英 I"m finally in With the COOL kids, Mike. 你可不要毁了我的机会Don"t blow this for me. 露一手 Do the thing. 噢他哪儿去啦Oh! Where did he go? 拜托来一个 Please, anybody. 我只需要一个怪兽一个就够了 I need one more monster. Just one more! 抱歉学弟看来希望不大 Yeah, sorry. Doesn"t look good. 你的团队没有资格 We have to move on. Your team doesn"t qualify.不我们有资格 Yes, it does! 明星出场总得耍耍大牌 The star player has just arrived. 不要换一个拜托谁来都行 No way! Someone else! Please! Anyone else. 报名要截止啦他到底算不算数? We"re shutting down sign-ups, okay? Is he on your team or not?够啦快开始吧 Come on! Let"s go! 好吧就算他一个 Fine! Yes, he"s on my team. 祝贺你 Good luck. 那么好了麦克有什么计划 All right, Wazowski, what"s the plan? 这就是我们的会所吗 This is a fraternity house? 嘿麦克苏利文同志们到家啦 Hey there, team ___teys! Come on aboard! 作为 OK 兄弟会的 ___ As the president of Ooz ___ Kappa, 我荣幸地欢迎你们来到新家 it is my honor to wele you to your new home. 我们管这儿叫派对中心 We call this room "Party Central." 其实我们一次都没在这里派对过 Technically, we haven"t actually had a ___ here yet. 但是要想办随时都可以 But when we do, we"ll be ready! 热巧克力火车进站啦 The hot cocoa train is ing through! Whoa! 下一站是你 Next stop... You! 我呢是打算这么开始的 I would like to start us off first by... 难道你们都是惊吓学院的 So, you guys are Scaring ___jors? 曾经是不过谁都没撑太久 We were! None of us lasted very long. 我估计是我们入不了郝刻薄的法眼 I guess we just weren"t what old。


Your heart is all of my life, I can't go further. We live in the remotest corners of the globe, not a walk the earth, but human companionship.有些人,有些事,该忘就忘了吧,人家从没把你放心里过,你又何必自作多情。
Some people, some things, forget that you forget it, never put your trust in others, why do you love.我们从没有忘记真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。
We never forget the truth, but we are more and more likely to tell lies.有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空,有时候你需要退开一点,清醒一下,然后提醒自己,我是谁要去哪里。
Sometimes I silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom, sometimes you need to back off a bit, clear your head, and remind yourself, I is who is going to go.那抹淡淡地愁绪,不经意间在回忆起你时出现。
The spread of light melancholy, inadvertently recall you appear.花开了,又谢了,只有荷叶还撑着,痴情地回忆花的容颜。

搞笑5人剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》演员表: 西门吹雪叶孤城花满楼 king 旁白道具: 牛奶两袋, 匕首一把, 戒子一枚, 纸屑若干。
第一幕: 决战紫荆城之颠旁白: A quiet village is covered with white snow .Birds are dancing in the cold .A man is walking along the street ,step by step .Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches .Y与X相遇.X: Oh ,I am sorry to knock you !Y.H.ha.Neve.min.baybay.?Y.H.ha..won’.n.matte.wha.happens.I’.th.mos.f amous-------YeGucheng.Wh.ar.you?X:.a.Ximenchuixue.Y惊讶:Ar.ximenchuixue?X:Yes.wha.i.wrong?Y:.hear.tha.yo.ar.th.bestin.MartialArts?X:Great.yo.kno.m.!Y抱腿: Please.please….Don’.kil.me.le.m.yo.go!X.No..mus.kil.yo.!Y..don'.wan.t.b.killed.Ther.ar.a.eighty-year-ol.mothe.an..t hree-yea.ol.so.t.b.looke.afte.b.me!X.Noway.Becaus.w.ar.fightin.now.yo.know?Y突然站起冷冷的说: Don'.forc.me!X.Pardon!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)X抢过牛奶:milk.ver.good..lik.drinkin.it.ho.d.yo.kno.that? Y.Pleas.drin.it!X喝完牛奶:Thanks.ha,haY.D.yo.stil.wan.t.kil.me?k.Y(恼怒+冷酷):Ver.good.Ver.good..hop.yo.wil.no.forge.wha.yo.said!? X.I’.sur..won’t!Y:.mus.giv.yo..lesson.I..don'.bea.yo.thi.time.you’l.neve.b.hav.properly.3-2-1-0!..X捂着肚子, 蹲下: Oach,Oac.! Y大笑: HaHa……X可怜状.help.help.Wher.i.th.washroom?Y:Wha.?X:Toliet?Y:Wha.?X:Th.“WC”?Y:Oh,.se.,g.alon.thi.stree.an.tur.righ.whe.yo.se..corssin.r oad!X:Thanks,byebye.Y掏出纸屑吹:Thi.i.genuin.snow!H:Stop!Protectin.th.environmen.i..basi.obligation!Y:Wh.areyou?H:Hua---man----lou.Hav.yo.see.ximenchuixue?Y:Yes.h.wa.beate.b.mean.i.in“WC.now,ha……H惊讶:No.yo.ar.th.bes.i.th.world!Y:Yo.ar.right!H:Teriffic!? Y:Yes,It’.ver.good.H:Ok.follo.me.Let’.g.t.se.m.king!Y:Ok,Let’.go!第二幕: 无间道H:M.deares..le.m.introduc.Yeguchen.t.you.(指Y.thi.i.Yegucheng.K:si.dow.plese.yegucheng.H走到Y前, 《婚礼进行曲》起, H神甫状:Yegucheng.D.yo.wan.t.follo.m.kin.n.matte.wha.happen.suc.a.col.headache,sai.an.aids?Y.Yes,Ido...pu.th.rin.o.hi.finger!(音乐停)X唱着上:Onlyyou……(看到戒子.thi.rin.shoul.b.mine!K:Bu.wh.ar.you.Wh.shoul.i.belon.you?Y急切.king.Dea.king!.mus.g.now,m.brothe.i.lookin.fo.me.huoxi(维语再见)K:huoxi.Wha.doe.tha.mean.I.i.no.English.isn’.i.?Y:Ho.clever……X冷酷:.here!Iwan.t.tel.yo.something!Y抱X的腿:oldbrothe..Forgiv.me!X:Forgiveme.Why?Y.Onc.ther.wa..chanc.befor.me..los.it.I.th.go.giv.m.a.othe. chance.I’l.tel.you,.lov.you,I.ther.mus.b..limite.period,.hop.i.i.tho usan.year!X:Yo.shal.chea.me!al.yo.di.ar.wrong!dy’s “WC”!Y:dy’.W..I.I...thin.tha.yo.lik.wha..like.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)X.m-i-l-k?haha.ayixidailu!(我爱你的意思)K.ayixidailu?What’.th.meaning.Wh..als.can’.understan.you? X:Yo.ar.stupid.I.means“.lov.you”.K:Don’.sa.tha.yo.lov.me.I’l.kil.yo.fo.yo.sayin.dirt.wor.t.me!X:What.(侧耳装着听不到.You---kill----me?e…(X抓住K)K:Fuc.you..mus.kil.you!X:Ho.ca.yo.kil.me.haha……Y:Le.m.hav..try.3-2-1-0(X捂着肚子,蹲下)K:than.yo.ver.much,yo.sav.me.Now.I’l.giv.yo.th.ticke.fo.America.t.le.yo.hav..vacation.Y:That’.good.Bu.ther.i.on.mor.thing.Ca.yo.giv.m..M.?.wan.t .g.America.wit.her.K:o.couse.Yo.ar.th.on.wh.ha.th.simila.tast.wit.me.Hahaha……Y:Hahaha-----H:Where’.som.where?K:What?Y:dy’s“WC”?X:Yes,I……I….do.H顶着摇头:X,no.no.yo.can’dy’.“WC”.Tha.i.no.th.plac.wher.yo.ca.g.int..becaus.yo.ar...yo .ar.th.bes.ma.o.Chines.kongfu!X.wha.i.I’.th.bes.i.th.word.Wh..tr.m.bes.t.liv.bu.I’.stil...s.miserabl..whe.ca..ge.m.freedom.Mus.b.th.dea.da..!K.yo.ar.right.On.wil.no.b.cleve.unti.th.da.h.die.I.tha.cas. ,wh.wil.yo.di.i.suc..ba.sorro.wa.!dy’.W..the.di fortabll..g.ahea.!H.yo..stupi..ba.behavio..g.awa.!K.wh..wh.d.yo.hel.hi..wh.acturall.ar.yo.?H.m.rea.nam.i.LuXiaofeng------th.wif.o...I’..spy.K惊讶.!you---you---Yo.ar.LuXiaofen..X’wif.?Y..hav.alread.recognize.yo...tricke..d.yo.know.yo.ar.th.fir s.perso.wh.cheate.m..becaus.o.yo.,.deeid.neve.believ.anyon. els.,includin.mysel..yo.hav.destroye.m.lookin.fo.yo.fo.man. year.,jus.fo.toda..(轻声说)Xwil.di.,g.an.se.hi.,pleas..H扑倒在X的身边:X,do’.di.,yo.shoul.b.aliv.,ther.ar.muc.hop.i.th.fatur.an. tomorro.i..goo.beginnin.!K:wha..movin.stor.!.wa.impresse.!Y:lif.i..progres.,bu.i.i.depresse.tha.i.ca.no.resum.!H.lif.i..progres.,an.i.i.deligh.tha.i.needn’.resum.!(H忽然将一把匕首插进Y的心脏,K吓跑.音乐《再见,警察》起) Y痛苦状:don’.leav.m.her..yo.kno..lov.yo.an..hav.nothin.excep.yo .no.,pleas.no.abando.m...realiz.tha.I’.wron..hel.me,.inten.t.b.bac.,hel.m.,.ke.yo.,be.you------hel.m..I’l.neve.d.tha.agai.!(Y死,音乐停)(X咳,H扑到身边,电影《我的父亲母亲》原声音乐起)H...o..n.,yo.can’.di.,w.wil.g.hom.togethe..X:g.hom..?H:s.secon.t.live,yo.sh oul.b.aliv.,no.onl.fo.m..bu.fo.ou.lov.!X:D.yo.wan.m.liv..lif.i.suc..sorro.wa..o..o...promis..wil.b ealiv.fo.yo..bu.!yo.know..hav.no.tim.lef.,bu.yo.hav.,promis .tha.yo.wil.b.happ.everyda.!Yo.mus.d.m.thi.honor...promis.m .yo.wil.survive...tha.yo.wil.neve.giv.up...n.matte.wha.happ ens...n.matte.ho.hopeless...promis.m.no.,an.neve.le.g.o.tha .promise.H..promis..X:Neve.le.g..H:.promis...wil.neve.le.g.,X.I'l.neve.le.go.(X死)H:b.alive.yea..b.aliv..b.aliv.withou..hendanc.!lif.ca.b.cha nc.lik.tim.ca.g.t.bac..ther.i.beautifu.sno.bu.i.sprin..s.li .fro.th.beginnin..(H自刎,艰难的爬到X身边死.音乐停。
辛普森一家看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

我们是为和平而来让猫和老鼠和睦共处吧!We come in peace for cats and mice everywhere.嘿,你好吗?见到你们真高兴!(支持依奇竞选总统)Hey, how you doing? Good to see you. Thanks for coming out.依奇,依奇…Itchy,,,, Itchy,,,,无聊!Boring!爸,我们没法看电影了Dad, we can't see the movie.难以置信!我们居然花钱来看这种东西这些明明能从电视上免费看I can't beIieve we're paying to see something we get on TV for free.要我说的话这电影院里的人都是超级大衰人If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker.特别是…EspeciaIIy you.你!EspeciaIIy you.《辛普森大电影》大屏幕上的电影!Movie on the big screen! 对不起,我屁股快滑下去了Excuse me. My heinie is dipping.多谢各位前来捧场AII right, weII, thanks a Iot for coming.我们已经表演了三个半小时We've been pIaying for three and a haIf hours.现在,我们只想占用大家几分钟宝贵时间来谈谈环境问题!Now we'd Iike just a minute of your time to say something about the environment.- 真讨厌!- 闭嘴,继续演出!-You suck! -Shut up and pIay!- 话唠!- 我们才不话唠呢!-Preachy! -We're not being preachy.…但这儿湖里的污染物正在吞噬我们的游艇!But the poIIution in your Iake, it's dissoIving our barge.我觉得他们谈及的问题至关重要I thought they touched on a vitaI issue.我可不这么想I beg to differ.先生们,今晚能和你们同台演出真是三生有幸GentIemen, it's been an honor pIaying with you tonight.悼念新近在这里死去的摇滚乐队For the Iatest rock band to die in our town. . .…主啊,请聆听我们虔诚的祈祷. . .Lord, hear our prayer.主啊,聆听我们的祈祷Lord, hear our prayer.我讨厌迟到!I hate being Iate.我还讨厌来这里呢!WeII, I hate going.为什么不能以我自己的方式向主祈祷呢?Why can't I worship the Lord in my own way. . .临死之时我一定会不停的祈祷祈祷!. . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed?荷马,里面的人能听到你的!Homer, they can hear you inside.别担心,里面那帮人正忙着应付他们鬼话连篇的假主子呢!ReIax. Those pious morons are too busy taIking to their phony-baIoney God.你好吗?祝你安康!婴孩狂欢How you doing? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.今天我的宣讲形式与以往不同Today I'd Iike to try something a IittIe different.我会请…你们当中的一个I'm going to caII on one of you!主的意志与你们同在Now, the word of God dweIIs within everyone.现在我希望你们能大声宣读出来让你们的灵魂…I want you to Iet that word out. Let your spirit--什么事?奈德?What is it, Ned?主要求我忏悔…The good Lord is teIIing me to confess to something.同性恋,同性恋…Gay, gay, gay.…我们社区最不庄重的尊严An immodest sense of pride in our community.还有别人想发言吗?Somebody eIse?让主的光芒照耀于你Let the Lord's Iight shine upon you.感受圣灵FeeI the spirit.大声说出来吧!Let it out!恐怖!可怕的灾难就要降临!HorribIe, horribIe things are going to happen!会发生在你、你、你…还有你身上!And they're gonna happen to you! And you! And you! And you.哇,耐莉!Whoa, neIIy!斯普林菲尔德的居民们仔细听好下面的警告PeopIe of SpringfieId, heed this warning:扭曲的尾巴Twisted taiI!一千只眼睛A thousand eyes!被困终生Trapped forever!爸,快想想办法Dad, do something!《圣经》上根本没写该怎么办?This book doesn't have any answers!当心!当心!迫在眉睫!Beware! Beware! Time is short!相信我!一定要相信我啊!BeIieve me! BeIieve me!多谢聆听!Thanks for Iistening.好啦,谁想吃蛋奶饼?Okay, who wants waffIes?我要,我要,我要!I do, I do, I do!等一下,爷爷刚才的事儿怎么办?Wait a minute. What about Grampa?- 我要糖浆的- 我要草莓的-I want syrup! -I want strawberries!爷爷他出事了!Something happened to that man.我来告诉你是怎么回事吧刚才我目睹了"老年一刻"I'II teII you what happened to him. A certain someone had a senior moment.不过没事的,因为我们都爱他发发癫还能多条免费的毯子But that's okay, because we Iove him and we got a free rug out of it.如果我们连周围的亲人…What is the point of going to church every Sunday. . .亲身经历的宗教体验都视而不见那周日上教堂礼拜意义何在呢?. . .when if someone we Iove has a genuine reIigious experience, weignore it?对吗,爷爷?Right, Grampa?我要香蕉味的蛋奶饼I want bananas on my waffIes.没什么好说的了I rest my case.这事我不会善罢甘休的I'm not dropping this.等一下,我还在车上呢!Wait a minute. I'm stiII in the car.哦,没错Oh, right.把大黄蜂窝移走''T ake out hornets' nest. ''办好啦,大漏坑Check. ''Fix sinkhoIe. ''办好啦Check.重新盖房顶?!''Re-shingIe roof''?别动Steady.别动Steady. 你笑什么,你这个小…!Why, you IittIe--!我来好好教你该怎么笑?I'II teach you to Iaugh at something that's funny!我们现在在房顶上…我们可以找点乐子的You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun.哪种乐子?What kind of fun?"勇敢比赛"怎么样?How about a dare contest?那好啊,我说你敢…That sounds fun. I dare you to. . .…爬到电视天线上去!. . .cIimb the TV antenna!- 小菜一碟~- 地震啦!-Piece of cake. -Earthquake!余震!Aftershock!荷马,别说我大惊小怪…Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis. . .但要是他不小心掉下来,下肢瘫痪怎么办?. . .but if he faIIs, couIdn't that make your boy a parapIege-arino?闭嘴吧,佛兰德斯Shut up, FIanders.- 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯- 说得好,小子!-Yeah, shut up, FIanders. -WeII said, boy.别动,别动Steady. Steady.待好别动…Steady. . . .您好,抱歉周日还打扰您HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . .但是我想您一定和我一样忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题. . .but I'm sure you're as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am.斯普林菲尔德湖水汞含量高于以往…Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIs of mercury than ev--原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘Why, it's the IittIe girI who saved my cat.斯普林菲尔德湖水…Lake SpringfieId is--来吧,丽莎Come on over, Lisa.和我聊多久都成You can canvass me as Iong as you want.维尔豪斯,你才不在乎环境呢!MiIhouse, you don't care about the environment.嘿!我对地球家园无比热爱!Hey. I am very passionate about the pIanet.说"全球变暖"纯属扯淡!Say gIobaI warming is a myth.是扯淡!还需要经一步研究调查!It's a myth! Further study is needed!轻易放弃信仰,这拳是赏给你的!That's for seIIing out your beIiefs.哦,可怜的维尔豪斯Oh, poor MiIhouse.终于美梦成真了Dream coming true.您知道漏泄燃料…Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet can waste over--?一年损耗2000加仑?Two thousand gaIIons a year.- 随手关灯所节省的能源…- 足够供给整个匹兹堡-Turning off Iights can save-- -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.如果冬季我们能将温控计设置在16度…And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--仅需17年,我们即可不受海外石油的影响We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years.我叫科林I'm CoIin.我从没在学校见过你I haven't seen you at schooI.我们刚从爱尔兰搬来,我爸爸是音乐家Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician.- 他难道是…- 他不是Bono(爱尔兰U2乐队主音)-Is he. . .? -He's not Bono.- 我只是在想,你是爱尔兰人,又…- 他不是Bono!-I just thought, because you're Irish and-- -He's not Bono.你也弹奏乐器吗?Do you pIay?只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.他就是我的神啊!这次你可一定要矜持住He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool,你的芳名是不是如你容貌般赏心悦目?So is your name as pretty as your face?你还好吗?You okay there?扭曲的尾巴、一千只眼睛,被困终生Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever!那是什么意思?What couId that be?我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . .扔到酸缸后发出的尖叫声. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat of acid.多谢来访Yeah. Thanks for coming over.多谢你的孕妇裤咯Thanks for giving me your pregnancy pants.真不知道有这么舒服呢Never known comfort Iike this.为什么我要…Why did I suggest this?好啦,小子,现在该"终极勇敢比赛"了AII right, boy, time for the uItimate dare.我说你敢踩滑板往返"克里斯蒂汉堡"I dare you to skateboard to Krusty Burger and back. . .不穿衣服哦. . .naked.- 怎么个不穿法?- 一丝不挂呀-How naked? -Fourth base.那女孩子会看到我的小JJGirIs might see my doodIe.哦,我明白了那我宣布以后就管你叫胆小鬼了Oh, I see. Then I hereby decIare you chicken for Iife.每天早上我都会对你说"早上好啊,胆小鬼"Every morning, you'II wake up to''Good morning, chicken. ''你结婚那天,我会高歌…At your wedding, I'II sing:我现在喜欢男人啦!I Iike men now.别看我正指着的地方!Don't Iook where I'm pointing!以美国专制的名义,快给我站住!Stop in the name of American squeamishness!孩子们,在我们尽情用餐之前别忘了感谢上帝赐予我们丰盛的Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord for this bountifuI--小JJ?!Penis?!- 丰盛的小JJ - 丰盛的小JJ-BountifuI penis. -BountifuI penis.阿门Amen.听着,孩子,没人喜欢身上裹着衣服不过法律就是这么规定的Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothes in pubIic, but, you know, it's the Iaw.吃午饭咯!Lunchtime!你们不能就把我扔在这儿You can't just Ieave me out here.别担心,我们找了个小朋友陪你玩Don't worry, we found a friend for you to pIay with.纳尔逊,亲爱的,你上哪儿去了?NeIson, honey, where have you been?- 爸!- 出什么事了,警官?-Dad! -What seems to be the probIem, officers?快告诉他们是"勇敢比赛"TeII him you dared me to do it.果真如此的话绑在这儿的应该是你,而不是你儿子If that's true, then you shouId be taking the rap here, not your son.如果事出于我,你们要如何处置?And what happens to me if it's my fauIt?一小时的"养育子女"课程You'II have to attend a one-hour parenting cIass.都是他的主意!他做得太过分了!It was aII his idea! He's out of controI, I teII you!我根本管不了他!I'm at my wits' end.真是太…It's so. . . .法庭见,孩子See you in court, kid.好了,儿子,咱们去吃午饭Okay, son, Iet's get some Iunch.你有没有带我的衣服?Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?衬衫、袜子,全带来了Shirt, socks, everything you need.- 你忘了带我的裤子!- 你以为我是汤米·巴哈马吗?-You didn't bring my pants. -Who am I, Tommy Bahama? 今天是我这辈子最倒霉的一天!This is the worst day of my Iife.是"目前为止"最倒霉的一天The worst day of your Iife so far.- 嘿,巴特- 你想怎么着,佛兰德斯?-Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders?要是你需要裤子,我这儿有条备用的If you need pants, I carry an extra pair.因为男孩子总是淘气嘛You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees.为什么要帮我?我和你无亲无故Why are you heIping me? I'm not your kid.我们是邻居啊,要是我家孩子碰上这事你爸一定也会伸手相助的We're neighbors. I'm sure your father wouId do the same for my boys.谢谢啦Thank you.- 嘿,你这是怎么了?- 你真想知道?-Hey, what's with you? -You reaIIy wanna know?当然咯Of course I do.什么样的老爸会不关心…?What kind of a father wouIdn't care about--?…戴帽子的猪!A pig wearing a hat!开拍Action.嘿,嘿,是我,你们的老朋友克里斯蒂这次向大家推荐新款猪肉汉堡"克拉克" Hey, hey! It's your oId paI Krusty, for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.除非在墨西哥,否则你不可能找到比这更高脂流油的汉堡啦If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico!好啦And we're cIear.太好了!伙计,把这头猪宰了吧Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.什么?!你…它衣冠楚楚,你怎么忍心下手?What--?! You can't kiII him if he's wearing peopIe cIothes!我会带你回家的You're coming home with me.一千只眼睛?什么意思?''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be?嗯…我很确定…一千…是个数字I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number.嗨,玛芝,嫁给性情中人是不是很幸福?Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive?说实话,我一直为这事懊悔不已呢ActuaIIy, it's aged me horribIy.快和我们的新成员打个招呼吧!Then say heIIo to the newest Simpson.荷马!Homer!我相信教堂里发生的就是警告眼前这事I beIieve what happened in church wasa warning about preciseIy this.快把这只猪弄走!PIease, get rid of that pig.你会喜欢上它的!瞧,它还会模仿你呢!Oh, you're gonna Iove him. Look, he does an impression of you.你吓着她了You naiIed her.它还会取笑我呢He aIso does me.你笑了,那现在就没事啦You smiIed. I'm off the hook.你造型真是千变万化啊Oh, you have so many Iooks.原来这才叫做温馨啊So that's what snug is.谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?谁是好猪猪?Who's a good pig?心情不爽是吗,孩子?Rough day, huh, son?你根本不知道什么是"不爽",嬷嬷You don't know what rough is, sister.巴特,我家孩子不开心时Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . .…我就带他们去钓鱼散心. . .I take them fishing.你爸爸有带你去钓过鱼吗?Does your dad ever take you fishing?爸!拿灭虫器来逮鱼可不太厚道!Dad, it's not fair to use a bug zapper to catch the fish.如果你和我一样对这些鱼充满关爱之情就会希望它们带着尊严,庄重的赴黄泉If you Iove fish Iike I do, you want them to die with dignity.有鱼咬钩啦I think I have a nibbIe.和你一起钓鱼应该更有趣吧?I think fishing might be more fun with you.太好了,我帮你冲杯可可吧?Oh, great. Now, how about I fix you some cocoa?少来啦,可可是女孩子喝的No way. Cocoa's for wusses.要是你改主意的话…就到窗台这儿来拿啊WeII, sir, if you change your mind, it's on the windowsiII.哦,天啊!Oh, my God.等一下,最精彩的地方忘和你说了他关注环境问题Oh, wait. I didn't teII you the best part. He Ioves the environment.不对,那不是最精彩的地方他有着爱尔兰人特有的神情Oh, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part. He's got an Irish brogue.不,等一下!那还不是最棒的地方No, no, wait! I stiII didn't teII you the best part.他是活生生、真实存在的!He's not imaginary!亲爱的,这太好了Oh, honey, that's great.不过最重要的是,他愿意聆听你的心声But the very best thing is that he Iistens to you.因为对男人来说,这点是最…Because nothing means more than for a man to--猪蹄子印怎么跑到天花板上了?How did the pig tracks get on the ceiIing?蜘蛛猪,蜘蛛猪Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig施展浑身解数,尽显蜘蛛猪神威Does whatever a Spider-Pig does它能游走于蜘蛛网吗?Can he swing from a web?当然不行,它归根结底还是猪呀No, he can 't, he's a pig当心啊,它是蜘蛛猪Look out He is the Spider-Pig玩够了吗?Are we having fun yet?现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了We are now. You've got a bite.哇,我的妈呀!Whoa, mama!不!我的宝贝鱼竿!Oh, no, my good poIe! 你怎么没掐我?You're not strangIing me.什么?"掐"只有…What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for. . . ."掐"可解决不了任何问题WeII, it's not good for anything.与孩子唯一能有的身体接触就是…The onIy time you shouId Iay hands on a boy. . .…轻拍他后背. . .is to give him a good pat on the back.嘿!你到底要…?Hey, what the heII are you--?再拍一次One more time.(紧张性排汗)亲爱的,我回来啦~Honey, I'm home.我们现在处于大规模污染一触即发的引爆点We are at the tipping point, peopIe.如果我们仍置若罔闻的话(斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况)If we don't do something now. . . .抱歉,我思维有些混乱…他是不是令人芳心寸乱?I'm sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy?完全赞同Agreed.好吧,这是底线Okay, so here's the bottom Iine:如果我们不马上付诸行动的话…If we don't change our ways right now. . .斯普林菲尔德湖的污染将达到这种程度!. . .poIIution in Lake SpringfieId wiII be at this IeveI.并不太糟啊That's not so bad.不,升降机卡住了…No, the Iift is stuck.大家明白我的意思吗?Am I getting through to anyone?明白!我们需要一台新升降机!HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things.赞同购买新升降机的请说"赞成"AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say''aye. ''- 赞成- 不!-Aye. -No!这湖水离彻底变成剧毒之湖仅仅一步之遥This Iake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic nightmare.但是我知道我说的你们只会充耳不闻But I knew you wouIdn't Iisten.所以我擅做主张把你们喝的水都换成了湖水So I took the Iiberty of pouring water from the Iake in aII your drinking gIasses.所以说不能给孩子好脸色看!This is why we shouId hate kids.这事事关重大This is serious, peopIe.今后禁止向湖中倾倒废物我现在宣布进入紧急状态No more dumping in the Iake. I hereby decIare a state of emergency.黑色紧急状态!Code bIack.黑色?这可是最糟糕的颜色!BIack? That's the worst coIor there is.- 不是说你,卡尔- 算了,这种事我都习惯了-No offense there, CarI. -I get it aII the time.对不起,湖里禁止丢弃废物Sorry, sorry. No dumping in the Iake.好吧,那我就把后院清理的垃圾扔到车里去Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmings in a car compactor.警长,我觉得那好像是具尸体Chief, I think there was a dead body in there.我也是这么想的,泰利说了是后院废物I thought that too, untiI he said ''yard trimmings. ''卢,你得会听才行You gotta Iearn to Iisten, Lou.现在来看看这屏障是不是对傻子也百毒不侵Let us now make sure this barrier is compIeteIy idiot-proof.- 克里特斯?- 有何吩咐?-CIetus. -Yessum?往湖里扔点东西进去Try to dump something in the Iake.好的Okay.不行啊,扔不了啊!I can't. I simpIy can't.- 太好了- 真有效啊-BriIIiant. -Very effective.千万别瞎想Don't get any ideas.也许我们应该亲一下以缓解我们之间的紧张关系Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension.这儿是怎么了?What's going on here?没什么,没什么Nothing. Nothing.我觉得猪不应该进屋的I'm not sure that pig shouId be in the house.另外,你打算怎么处理…它的排泄物?And by the way, what are you doing with his Ieavings?别担心,这事尽在掌握之中Don't worry. I've devised a most eIegant soIution.这玩意儿漏了It's Ieaking.不是漏,是溢出来了It's not Ieaking, it's overfIowing.才两天它就拉了这一大罐子?!He fiIIed up the whoIe siIo in just two days?也有我拉的WeII, I heIped.荷马,等等!停下我知道你容易三心二意Homer, stop! Stop. I know it's easy for your mind to wander. . .…你一定要好好听我说. . .but I want you to reaIIy concentrate on me.我一直觉得这就是爷爷试图警告我们的灾难I can't escape the feeIing that this is the crisis Grampa warned us about.你一定得把这罐废物处理好You have to dispose of that waste properIy.好的,玛芝,我会的Okay, Marge. I wiII.你可以带上蜘蛛猪一起!You can take Spider-Pig with you.它不叫蜘蛛猪了,现在叫哈里·波洛特He's not Spider-Pig anymore, he's Harry PIopper.喂HeIIo.荷马,快过来Homer, you gotta get over here.卫生部门关掉了甜甜圈店现在正免费发放呢!HeaIth inspector shut down the doughnut store, they're giving out free doughnuts!哦,天啊!天啊!把手头这件事办完我就过去Oh, my God, oh, my God! I just got one thing I gotta do first.那你可得快点啊,估计一会儿就没了WeII, you better hurry. They're going fast.哇~好险啊Whoa, that was cIose.邪恶!Evil!开车!开车!快开车!Drive, drive, drive!哦,对啊Oh, right.往那儿看,那是与斯普林菲尔德接壤的四大州Look at that. You can see the four states that border SpringfieId:俄亥俄、内华达、缅因和肯塔基州Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.哦,是啊Oh, yeah.如果你仔细看的话,你几乎能…And if you Iook reaI cIose, you can aImost--这东西可真怪…WeII, this certainIy seems odd. . .…不过上帝无所不能啊. . .but who am I to question the work of the AImighty?感谢万能的上帝创造出这么非凡、精致而又智能的生物We thank you, Lord, for this mighty fine inteIIigent design.太神奇了Good job.戳!戳!戳!Jabbity, jabbity, jab, jab, jab!嘿!要是再戳它眼睛,就是触犯法律!Hey! Jab one more eye and it's a federaI crime.- 你们是谁?- 环保局(EPA)-Who are you? -EnvironmentaI Protection Agency.罗斯·卡吉尔,环保局局长,来见总统Russ CargiII, head of the EPA, here to see the president.总统先生Mr. President.对,我就是(施瓦辛格总统)Ja, that is me.斯普林菲尔德的污染已经到了危急状态PoIIution in SpringfieId has reached crisis IeveIs.我真讨厌这差事不是危机,就是什么世界末日I hate this job. Everything's ''crisis'' this and ''end of the worId'' that.就没人先说个笑话引出议题我想念丹尼·狄·维托Nobody opens with a joke. I miss Danny De Vito.你想听笑话?要是你听过这个的话,就阻止我讲下去You want a joke, huh? Stop me if you've heard this one.看看这些愤怒的眼睛和巨型獠牙Look at those angry eyes and giant teeth.就跟在肯尼迪家过圣诞节一样恐怖It's Iike Christmas at the Kennedy compound.总统先生,您委任我为环保局长时…You know, sir, when you made me head of the EPA. . .您将百年不遇的人才. . .you appointed one of the most successfuI men in America. . .低就于千年不遇的无能部门. . .to the Ieast successfuI agency in government.可我为什么还是欣然接受呢?And why did I take the job?因为我是个富翁,希望回馈社会Because I'm a rich man who wanted togive something back.我不是指钱,而是回馈些非物质的东西Not the money, but something.眼下这就是我们施展拳脚的机会So here is our chance to kick some ass for Mother Earth.- 接着说- 我已经提炼出-I'm Iistening. -WeII, I've narrowed your choices down. . .…五个不可思议的议案. . .to five unthinkabIe options.每个都有难以预计的恶果…Each wiII cause untoId misery--我选第三个I pick number three.您不先读读再做决定吗?You don't wanna read them first?我当总统是为了"领导"不是为了"读议案" 我选第三个!I was eIected to Iead, not to read. Number three!我们被封在圆盖里了!We're being seaIed in a dome!我该怎么办?我不知道!What do I do? I don't know what to do!要是进来就被关在这儿要是出去就孤零零一个人If I stay, I'm trapped. If I Ieave, I'm aIone.天啊!进来!出去!…Oh, God. In, out, in, out!我还没亲眼见过威尼斯I never saw Venice.被困终生!''Trapped forever. ''这一切都是真的It's aII come true.教堂发疯的老头子说得没错!That crazy oId man in church was right.圆盖!Dome!好了,伙计们,开火AII right, men, open fire.谁受伤了?受伤的举手Who's hurt? Raise your hands.就没好点的表现Without the attitude.大家注意!有重要事件向大家宣布PeopIe, peopIe. I have an important announcement.我刚刚改进了一台喷酸式超级无敌钻孔机I have just perfected an acid-firing super-driII. . .- 它可以无坚不破!- 太好了!-. . .which can cut through anything.-Hey, that's cooI.就在那儿!It's right there.就在圆盖外面Just outside of the dome.什么粗暴无耻之人会对我们下此毒手呢?What ruthIess madmen couId have done this to us?美国联邦政府The United States government,我叫罗斯·卡吉尔,EPA的主管My name is Russ Cargill and I'm head of the EPA,什么?The what?- 环保局- 再说一遍?-Environmental Protection Agency,-Come again?我是大屏幕上的人,你们给我听着Look, I'm a man on a big TV, Just listen,- 斯普林菲尔德已经…- 斯普林菲尔德! -Springfield has become-- -SpringfieId!成为有史以来最为污染的城市…--the most polluted city in the history of the planet, 小题大作Drama queen!为了防止向外散播污染To keep your poisons from spreading,,,政府将你们封于此圆盖内,,, your government has sealed you in this dome,除此之外别无他法It's the last thing we wanted to do,圆盖是我公司造的,不过这是题外话I own the company that makes the dome, but that's beside the point,你是说我们象老鼠一样被困这儿了?You mean we're trapped Iike rats?不,想困住老鼠可不这么容易你们更象是…胡萝卜No, rats can 't be trapped this easily, You're trapped like carrots,等一下,不再有污染了呀大家都不再向湖中倾泻废物了Wait. We couIdn't be more poIIuted. Everyone stopped dumping in the Iake.很显然,有个家伙可不听这套Apparently someone didn 't get the message,自然点Act naturaI.嘿!迟早会有人路过这儿将一切公之于众的Hey, buddy, sooner or Iater, peopIe are gonna discover this.别担心,我们知道怎么把你们从地图上抹去Don 't worry about that, We found a way to take you off the map,你右侧将出现的…Coming up on your right:无名地Nothing,我是肯特·布鲁克曼,向您报道严重危机This is Kent Brockman, reporting to you on a crisis so serious. . .此危机拥有独一无二的名字和主题曲. . .it has its own name and theme music.圆盖是为了灭绝生命The dome has put an end to Iife as we know it.现在城里汽油、除皱针等种种资源短缺The town is running Iow on suppIies of everything from gasoIine to Botox.请稍等Moment, pIease.与往常一样节目最后我们来看看"鸿毛一瞥"Now, as aIways, we end our news on ''The Lighter Side. '' 现在正是燕子回归斯普林菲尔德的季节It's the time of year when the swaIIows return to SpringfieId.我想我最怀念的,还是夏日中的一缕微风I think the thing I miss most is a simpIe summer breeze.玛吉?Maggie?无腊、无需抛光、无需翻修你需要的就是"圆盖地波"We've got dome wax, dome polish, dome freshener, all your dome needs,,,"圆盖地波"位于圆盖及105号,,,at Dome Depot, located at the 1 05 and the dome,圆盖地波!Dome Depot!玛吉跑出去了!玛吉跑出去了!Maggie got out! Maggie got out!玛吉刚才就在那里,就在圆盖外面Maggie was right there, just outside the dome.玛吉,她在这儿Marge, she's right here.这圆盖会叫你产生幻觉你一定要镇定,而且…This dome can pIay tricks on you. You just have to keep caIm and--天啊!Oh, my God.我从圆盖里出来啦!新鲜空气!自由!I'm out of the dome. Fresh air! Freedom!我会给你写信的,多保重!I'II write you. Lead good Iives!晚上好,我是肯特·布鲁克曼Good evening, this is Kent Brockman,寻找污染环境、自私自利…Efforts to find out whose selfish crime,,,连累我们受困圆盖的罪魁祸首…还是没有任何进展,,,caused our entrapment have been fruitless,但是不久之前…Until moments ago!斯普林菲尔德湖有了令人震惊的发现A shocking discovery has been made here at Lake Springfield,用这种猪便便罐子的人多得是…That couId be anybody's pig-crap siIo.荷马,原来是你干的!Homer, it was you.你将这个镇子置于死地啊!You singIe-handedIy kiIIed this town.我知道,这好奇怪I know. It's weird.提醒大家,我们电视台并不鼓励义务警员行使正义Just a reminder, this station does not endorse vigilante justice,除非能将罪犯绳之以法,而这是迟早的事Unless it gets results, Which it will,你根本不把我的警告当回事You didn't Iisten to me after I warned you.别担心,这种无聊节目没人看的Don't worry, nobody watches this stupid show.远处那些不详之光是怎么回事?What's that ominous gIow in the distance?杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!玛吉,快来看啊!那帮蠢蛋连我们住哪儿都不知道Marge, Iook. Those idiots don't even know where we Iive.杀!杀!杀无赦!Kill! Kill! Kill!交出荷马!交出荷马!We want Homer! We want Homer!恶魔!你是个恶魔!You monster. You monster!你也看了新闻?Did you see the news?亲爱的,别这样,眼下还有更棘手的事Honey, come on, we have bigger probIems.但是…我好生气But I'm so angry.你是女人,你要克制满腔怒火You're a woman. You can hoId on to it forever.好吧Okay.荷马,你得出去,面对大家…Homer, you have to go out there, face that mob. . .…为你的所作所为道歉. . .and apoIogize for what you did.我会的,但是我担心一开门他们连你和孩子都不放过I wouId, but I'm afraid if I open the door, they'II take aII of you.不会的,我们只要荷马!No, we won't. We just want Homer!也许不是你们,但是他们会杀了爷爷WeII, maybe not you, but they'II kiII Grampa.我就在楼下人群里!I'm part of the mob!泰尼,把孩子带走!Teeny! Take out the baby.我来帮你点上Here, Iet me get that for you.后退!我这儿可有电锯!Stay back. I got a chain saw.巴特!Bart!爬过来!快点!CrawI across. Hurry.要是被发现,他们会杀了你的But if they see you heIping us, they'II kiII you.我肯定你爸也会这么…I'm sure your father wouId do the same for--你明白了,快点过来Point taken. Now, hustIe your bustIes.弓箭!Archers.我的箭是红色的这样就知道谁是我的箭下冤魂I'm using a red arrow so I know who I kiII.不要!波洛特!要是再推,爸爸的小命就不保了。
Leon 《这个杀手不太冷》电影中英对照剧本

Leon 《这个杀手不太冷》-Tony: Let's talk business.business: 生意来谈谈正事吧。
This fat bastard is moving in on Morizio’s business.bastard: [口语、戏谑语] 家伙move in on: 挤进这下流的死胖子一直想介入Morizio的地盘。
You know Morizio is a reasonable guy.reasonable: 通情达理的guy: (男)人,家伙你也知道,Morizio是个明理的人。
He just wants a little conversation.conversation: 谈话他只是想和对方谈谈。
But this guy, he doesn't wanna hear about it.但这个死胖子就是不买他的帐。
Maybe he'll listen to you.或许他会听你的。
He comes to town every Tuesday. Are you free on Tuesday? free: 空闲的他每周二都会来这儿你星期二有空吗?- Leon: Yeah, I'm free Tuesday.有,我有空。
-Reception: Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones.很高兴又看到你,Mr. Jones。
-Jones: Remember, neatness counts.neatness: 干净,整洁记得干净利落。
You got one half-hour. One hour. What?你有半个小时时间,嗯…一个小时。
什么?-Tonto: It's Tonto, downstairs. There's a guy wants to talk to you. downstairs: 在楼下我是楼下的Tonto。

TheMonster歌词及翻译:TheMonster魔物I'mfriendswiththemonsterthat'sundermybed我与魔物为伍,它在我的床下蛰伏Getalongwiththevoicesinsideofmyhead脑子里声音嗡响不住,我得与它好好相处You'retryingtosaveme,stopholdingyourbreath你想要把我救赎,那就别把呼吸屏住AndyouthinkI'mcrazy,yeah,youthinkI'mcrazy你认为我癫狂日笃,是,认为我癫狂日笃[Verse1]Iwantedthefame,butnotthecoverofNewsweek我想要名气,但不是《新闻周刊》的封面【《新闻周刊》是一本周刊新闻杂志,涵盖商业和政治领域的内容Em因他的争议性歌词上过该杂志封面】Ohwell,guessbeggarscan'tbechoosey好吧,我想乞求之人不能太挑剔Wantedtoreceiveattentionformymusic想要因我的音乐受到关注Wantedtobeleftalonepublic,excuseme想要远离公众视野,原谅我Forwantingmycake,andeatittoo,andwantingitbothways鱼和熊掌,我想兼得,Famemademeaballooncausemyegoinflated名气让我成了个气球,因为我的自我开始膨胀WhenIblew;see,itwasconfusing——当我出了名;看见吗,这很让人迷惑CauseallIwantedtodoisbetheBruceLeeoflooseleaf因为我想要的只是成为我活页上的李小龙【Em常在笔记本的活页上随手记下他想到的歌词李小龙:著名华人武术家、武打电影演员且被认为对Hip-hop文化也有启示作用】Abusedink,useditasatoolwhenIblewsteam狂虐笔墨,在我喷射蒸汽的时候用作一种工具(Ooh!)Hitthelottery,ohwee(噢!)中了彩票,噢耶ButwithwhatIgaveuptogetwasbittersweet但我放弃那么多得来的,苦乐参半Itwaslikewinningahugemeet就好像赢了一场大比赛IroniauseIthinkI'mgettingsohugeIneedashrink真讽刺,因为我觉得我已那般巨大,我需要收缩一下/我需要个心理医生【shrink双关“缩小”和“心理医生”】I'mbeginningtolosesleep:onesheep,twosheep我开始失眠:只能数着一只羊,两只羊GoingcuckooandcookyasKoolKeith像KoolKeith一样疯狂古怪【KoolKeith:说唱歌手,因在艺术领域的精神分裂症而著名】ButI'mactuallyweirderthanyouthinkcauseI'm...但我其实比你想的要更古怪,因为我...[Hook][Bridge:Rihanna]Well,that'snothing没事,那不算什么[Verse2]No,Iain'tmuchofapoetbutIknowsomebody不,我不是个怎样的好诗人但我知道Oncetoldmetoseizethemomentanddon'tsquanderit有人曾告诉过我把握好当下,不要挥霍时光Causeyouneverknowwhenitallcouldbeovertomorrow因为你永远不知道,可能明天就是一切的终焉SoIkeepconjuring,sometimesIwonderwherethesethoughtsspawnfro m所以我不断召唤魔物,有时候我想知道这些想法念头都是哪里来的【conjuring暗指恐怖电影TheConjuring】(Yeah,ponderit,doyouwantthis?(仔细掂量,你想不想要这些东西?Nowonderyoulosingyourmind,thewayitwanders)怪不得你丧失心智,心神漫游)Yodel-odel-ay-hee-hooYodel-odel-ay-hee-hooIthinkyou'vebeenwanderingoffdownyonderandstumbledontoJeffVan Vonderen我想你的思绪已经飘到老远,碰上了JeffVanVonderen【JeffVanWonderen:干涉主义作家、演讲家、牧师】CauseIneedaninterventionisttointervenebetweenmeandthismonster 因为我需要一个干涉主义者来介入我与这个魔物Andsavemefrommyselfandallthisconflict从我自己手中,还有所有这些矛盾争斗中拯救我CausetheverythingthatIlove'skillingmeandIcan'tconquerit因为我唯爱的就是杀死自我,我无法克服MyOCDisconkingmeinthehead我的强迫症在脑袋里折磨着我Keepknocking,nobody'shome,I'msleepwalking一直敲门,但家里没人,我是在梦游I'mjustrelayingwhatthevoiceinmyheadissaying我是在传达我脑子里的声音Don'tshootthemessenger,I'mjustfriendswiththe... 别射杀我这个传信人,我只是与...[Hook+Bridge][Verse3]Callmecrazy,butIhavethisvision说我癫狂,但我看见这样的幻象OnedaythatIwalkamongstyouaregularcivilian某一天我能在你们之间作为一名普通百姓走在街上Butuntilthendrumsgetkilled但那要等到我的节奏被杀死AndI'mingstraightatMC's,bloodgetspilled我直奔MC们而去,鲜血四溅AndItakeitbacktothedaysthatIgetonaDretrack我把一切带回我还在Dre的伴奏上说唱的日子【Dr.Dre:西海岸说唱元老Em导师、老板、制作人是他发掘了Em并为他制作歌曲beat】Giveeverykidwhogotplayedat,pumpedupfeeling 给每个被欺负过的孩子们热切的感觉Andshittosaybacktothekidswhoplay'em还有用来对那些玩弄过他们的恶霸们回应的东西Iain'theretosavethefuckingchildren我并不是在这拯救操蛋的孩子们Butifonekidoutofahundredmillion但如果一亿人中的一个Whoaregoingthroughastrugglefeelsandthenrelates,that'sgreat正在历经磨难的孩子能感觉到我,并感同身受,那就足够It'spayback,RussellWilsonfallingwaybackinthedraft那就是我的回报,就像RussellWilson回到选拔的那段日子【RussellWilson:美国橄榄球运动员,因体重个头小最初没有被选上】Turnnothingintosomething,stillcanmakethat,strawintogoldchump 把无变成有,依旧能把那干草变成金块IwillspinRumpelstiltskininahaystack我会在干草堆里狂虐侏儒怪【出自德国民间故事,讲的是一个男人为了虚荣而谎称自己的女儿能把干草变成金子】MaybeIneedastraightjacketfacefacts,Iamnutsforreal或许我需要一件约束紧身装,面对现实,我确实是个疯子ButI'mokaywiththat,it'snothing,I'mstillfriendswiththe...但我没关系,这不算什么,我依旧与...2fk0f0c9d 北京治疗癫痫病的医院/jkbk/dianxian/。

Small amounts of trauma can make us moreresilient, a new study has foundHe said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger –and it seems that philosopher Friedrich Nietzschewas right.新的研究表明,少量的创伤能够增强我们的心理复原能力哲学家弗里德里希?尼采曾说过:没有杀死你的只会让你更强大---现在看来尼采是对的。
Scientists have found that although traumaticexperiences such as losing a loved one can bepsychologically damaging, small amounts oftrauma can make us more resilient.科学家发现,一些诸如失去爱人之类创伤性经历会给心理造成一定损害,少量的创伤反而能增强我们的心理复原能力。
使你痛苦者必使你强大In one study, those who experienced many difficult life events were found to be moredistressed in general –but the same was true of some who had not faced any.一项研究中发现,那些在生活中经历了一些困难人总体上表现得更加紧张和忧虑,但一些没有经历困苦的人其实也一样。
Those who had experienced some difficulties were the best off.那些经历过困苦的人通常健康状况是最好的。

冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版1♪Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2♪This icy force both foul and fair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲3♪Has a frozen heart worth mining.♪誓破坚冰续奇缘4♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.♪劈开冰块冷又坚5♪Strike for love And Strike for fear.♪战胜恐惧求真爱6♪See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.♪冰雪美人冷艳又危险7♪Split the ice apart.♪掘开寒冰勇向前8 ♪And break the frozen heart.♪用爱融化冰封的心!9♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去10 ♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去11♪Beautiful! Powerful!♪美丽又强大!12♪Dangerous! Cold!♪寒冷又危险!13♪Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.♪冰雪的魔力难驾驭14♪Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.♪一当十一当百15♪Stronger than a hundred men!♪谁人能挡寒冬至?16♪Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17♪This icy force both Foul and Fair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲18 ♪Has a frozen heart worth mining.♪誓破坚冰续奇缘19♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.♪劈开冰块冷又坚20♪Strike for love and strike for fear.♪战胜恐惧求真爱21♪There's beauty and there's Danger here.♪冰雪美人冷艳又危险22 ♪Split the ice apart!♪掘开寒冰勇向前23♪Beware the frozen heart.♪用爱融化冰封的心!24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特!25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂26 Elsa!艾莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法!35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦! - 喔...36This is amazing!哇!好神奇!37Watch this!看好了!38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!39I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦!41Again! Wait!再来一次! -等下!42Slow down!慢一点!43Anna!安娜!44Anna?安娜?45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉! -我知道怎样救她50Ice?雪?51Faster, Sven!快点斯特!52Sven!斯特!53Please... Help!请帮帮我们!54My daughter!救救我的女儿!55He is the King!哦!是国王!56Trolls...?地精?57Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘听听他们在说什么58Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱干脆留下来别走了590Your Majesty!陛下!60Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是受到了诅咒?61Born. And they're getting stronger.天生的而且越来越强了62You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏63The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心很难融化64But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法65Do what you must.快救救她吧66I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果67even memories of magic to be safe...还有关于魔法的记忆,也一同抹去68But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心我会留下快乐的记忆69She will be okay.她会好的70But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔法?71- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全 - 听着艾莎72your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大73There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福74But also great danger.也会带来灾难75You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力76Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人77No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护她她能做到的相信我78Until then,在那之前79we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门削减人手80We will limit her contact with people减少她与外界的交往81and keep her powers hidden from everyone...她的魔力决不能被别人知道82including Anna.包括安娜83Elsa?艾莎?84♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?85♪Come on let's go and play.♪快来我们一起玩86♪I never see you anymore. Come out the door.♪好久没有见到你了出来吧87♪It's like you've gone away.♪你就像消失了一样88♪We used to be best buddies.♪我们曾是最好的伙伴89♪And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.♪现在你却不理我你能告诉我原因吗90♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?91♪It doesn't have to be a snowman.♪玩什么都可以呀92♪Go away, Anna.♪走开安娜93...♪Okay bye.♪好吧拜94The gloves will help. See...这幅手套可以控制你的魔力...95- Conceal it. - Don't feel it.隐藏好 -别去想96Don't let it show.别让别人发现97♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?98♪Or ride our bike around the hall?♪还是在城堡里骑车?99♪I think some company is overdue...♪我一个人烦闷又无聊..100♪I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.♪每天跟墙上的画像讲话101♪Hang in there, Joan.♪坚持住贞德102♪It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.♪这些房子空得让人好寂寞103♪Just watching the hours tick by.♪只能盯着钟表数着一秒一秒104I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕我的魔力越来越强大了105Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控制它106Calm down.冷静下来107No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别碰我我怕伤着你108See you in two weeks.两周后见109- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你们真的要去吗? -你会没事的艾莎110Elsa?艾莎?111♪Please, I know you're in there.♪艾莎我知道你在里面112♪People are asking where you've been,♪大家都在问你去哪了113♪They say have courage and I'm trying to...♪他们叫我要坚强我会的114♪I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.♪我在外面等你让我进来吧115♪We only have each other.♪现在只剩我和你116♪It's just you and me.♪姐妹相依为命117♪What are we gonna do?♪我们该怎么办?118♪Do you want to build a snowman?♪你想不想堆个雪人?119(三年后)120Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到阿伦戴尔欢迎!121Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下大门马上要打开了122Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗?123Because the Queen has come of age.今天城门就要打开了124It's Coronation Day!女王的加冕日!125That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系126- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯特? -给我点吃的!127What's the magic word? Please!先说口令! -求你了!128A..a... a... a! Share!喂!给我留点!129I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!真不敢相信,城门终于打开了!130And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!131Faster, Persi!快亲爱的!132Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.阿伦戴尔我们最神秘的贸易伙伴133Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密134and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富135...Did I just say that out loud?我是不是说的太大声了?136Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急要进去了137See the Queen and the Princess.拜见女王和公主!138I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了139I bet they are beautiful.她们一定是大美女140Princess Anna...?安娜公主?141...Huh? Yeah?恩?142- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.很抱歉叫醒您 -哦,没,没事143I've been up for hours.我早就起来了...呵欠144Who is it?嗯?谁在外面?145It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.呃,还是我,城门马上就要打开了146Time to get ready. Of course!您该起床做准备了! -哦,当然!147Ready for what?准备什么?148Your sister's coronation, ma'am.您姐姐的加冕典礼,殿下149My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕...150It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!151It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!152♪The window is open! So's that door!♪所有的门窗都打开了!153♪I didn't know they did that anymore.♪真不敢相信门开了!154♪Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?♪宴会的盘子足有八千个155♪For years I have roamed these empty halls.♪空荡荡大厅独徘徊156♪Why have a ballroom with no balls?♪不举办舞会好寂寞157♪Finally, they're opening up the gates!♪今天终于把门打开了!158♪There'll be real, actual people♪四方宾客汇聚一堂159♪It'll be totally strange.♪这是多么奇妙的事160♪But wow am I so ready for this change!♪为了今天的改变,我已准备多时了!161♪For the first time in forever,♪这将是我生命里第一次162♪There'll be music, there'll be light.♪引吭高歌点亮希望163♪For the first time in forever,♪这是我生命里第一次164♪I'll be dancing through the night.♪热舞狂欢彻夜不眠165♪Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,♪也许我太激动了166♪But I'm somewhere in that zone.♪但我真的好开心167♪'Cause for the first time in forever,♪因为这将是我生命里第一次168♪I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...♪我不会再寂寞!我已等不及见大家了169♪What if I meet "the one"?♪对了,如果遇到那个"他"?170♪Tonight, imagine me gown and all.♪想象今夜穿着新晚装171♪Fetchingly draped against the wall.♪优雅妩媚倚着墙172♪The picture of sophisticated Grace.♪美丽端庄又大方173♪I suddenly see him standing there,♪有个帅哥站一旁174♪a beautiful stranger tall and fair.♪身材高大眼睛亮175♪I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!♪我心跳加速小鹿撞,想把巧克力全吃光!176♪But then we laugh and talk all evening,♪我们整晚欢笑聊不停177♪Which is totally bizarre.♪这感觉美妙又奇异178♪Nothing like the life I've led so far.♪我的生活此刻才开放179♪For the first time in forever,♪这将是我生命里第一次180♪There'll be magic, There'll be fun.♪感受惊喜充满乐趣181♪For the first time in forever,♪这是我生命里第一次182♪I could be noticed by someone.♪邂逅爱情不再孤单183♪And I know it is totally crazy.♪这种想法也许很疯狂184♪To dream I'd find romance.♪幻想就要遇到真爱185♪But for the first time in forever,♪但这至少是我第一次186♪At least I've got a chance!♪改变人生的好机遇!187♪Don't let them in. Don't let them see.♪别让人知道别让人发现188♪Be the good girl You always have to be.♪做个好女孩,就像你的从前189♪Conceal. Don't feel.♪躲藏收敛190♪Put on a show.♪在众人面前191♪Make one wrong move and everyone will know.♪一出错会让大家都发现192♪But it's only for today.♪但是只有在今天193♪It's only for today! It's agony to wait.♪-只有在今天! -跟痛苦说再见194♪It's agony to wait.♪-跟痛苦说再见195♪Tell the guards to open up the...♪让守卫把大门全打开!196♪The gate!♪-打开!197♪For the first time in forever.♪这是我生命里第一次198♪Don't let them in don't let them see♪-别让人知道别让人发现199♪I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.♪多年梦想终实现200♪Be the good girl you always have to be.♪-做个好女孩,就像你的从前201♪A chance to change my Only world.♪改变我孤单的世界202♪Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.♪-藏好,别去想203♪- A chance to find true love♪♪- Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.♪找到真爱的机遇 -躲藏收敛不要被发现204♪I know it all ends tomorrow,♪明天起一切将结束205♪So it has to be today!♪从今天开始改变!206♪'Cause for the first time in forever...♪这将是我第一次...207♪For the first time in forever!♪这是我生命里第一次!208♪Nothing's in my way!♪幸福前路无人挡!209Hey! -I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?喂!! -对不起!你没事吧?210Hey!嘿!211 I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure?哦我...没事 -真的吗?212 Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚走路没看路...213- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.但是我没事,真的 - 哦!谢天谢地214Oh... Umm... 喔...嗯...215Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南艾尔斯的汉斯王子216Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess...?我是阿伦戴尔的安娜公主 -公主?217My Lady.殿下!218Hi... again.嗨...呵呵219Oh boy.噢...欸220Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,嗯...这有点尴尬,呃...我不是说你221but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实...我是说我挺尴尬的222You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很...优雅...呃,什么?223I'd like to formally apologize for我正式的为我不小心224hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...骑马撞上了美丽的阿伦戴尔公主以及... 225And for every moment after.之后所有的事情道歉!226No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.哦...没关系的,我不是“那种”公主227I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果你撞到的是我姐姐艾莎,喔~~那可惨了...228'Cuz, you know...你懂的,哈哈...229Hello.你好啊~~230But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好,你...撞到的是我231Just you?你?232...The bells. The coronation.哦!敲钟了,典礼要开始了233 I... I...我...哎呀我...234 I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了,我要...我真的得走了...235 Bye!再见!236Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下,手套!237(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok♪诵经♪238krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...♪诵经♪239...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎240Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎241Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎242Princess Anna of Arendelle!阿伦戴尔公主安娜243Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.站这儿?你确定?我觉得有点...好吧244 Hi.嗨245Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我说吗? 噢...嗨246You look beautiful...Thank you.你很今天漂亮 -谢谢247You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更“泡亮”...哦,不是“泡亮”248You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.不是“胖”...我是说...你更漂亮一些249Thank you.谢谢250So, this is what a party looks like?原来,舞会就是这样的啊?251It's warmer than I thought.比我想的还要热闹一点252And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香253... Chocolate.巧克力!254Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下猥琐屯公爵求见255Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威斯顿!我是威斯顿公爵...256Your Majesty,陛下257As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴258 It seems only fitting that I offer you.我想邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞259Your first dance as Queen.望陛下赏光260Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢...但我不会跳舞261But my sister does.不过我妹妹会262 Lucky you... -Oh, I don't think...你真幸运 -我可不觉得...263 If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.如果你被我转晕了,我会接着你的264 Sorry.不好意思265 Like an agile peacock...看我像只灵活的孔雀266 Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.你们能打开城门真是太好了267Why did they shut them in the first place?以前干嘛要关上呢?268 Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 嗯?269 No. -No...不知道 -不知道?270Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧,我们继续271They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.我可是个“舞林高手”哦!272Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.看我跳“鸡舞”...“猴子舞”...飞起来啦!273Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.希望下次还能有幸邀您公主殿下274Well, he was sprightly.哈!他真是活跃275Especially for a man in heels.穿了高跟鞋还这么能蹦跶276Are you okay? - I've never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢!277This is so nice.我今天好开心278I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样279 Me too...我也希望...280 But it can't.但是不行281Why not? -If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行282Excuse me for a minute.对不起我失陪一会儿283Glad I caught you. - Hans!又接住你了 -汉斯!284I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry.经常只有我一个人在大厅里滑...哦不好意思285... Your physique helps I'm sure too....你这么强壮肯定没问题286What's this? I was born with it,这是什么? -哦,生下来就长了287Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.其实,我曾梦到被一个地精吻过288 I like it.真有趣289Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.对!整个都吞下去!哈哈,你做到了290Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?对了,你有多少兄弟来着?291Twelve older brothers.十二个哥哥292Three of them pretended I was invisible...其中三个哥哥在过去两年里...293literally... for two years.完全把我当透明的294- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了 -兄弟之间就是这样295... And sisters.姐妹之间也是296Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟艾莎小时候玩的可好了297But then, one day she just shut me out, and...可是有一天,她突然把我关在门外不理我了298And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道为什么299 I would never shut you out.我的门永远向你敞开300Okay, can I just say something crazy?呃,我能不能说点“疯话”?301 I love crazy.你说什么我都爱听302♪All my life has been a series of doors in my face.♪我的一生总有很多门挡着我303♪And then suddenly I bump into you.♪直到今天遇见你304♪I was thinking the same thing, because like...♪我也是这么想的,因为...305♪I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.♪我也用我的一生寻找新天地306♪And maybe it's the party talking,♪大概是舞会上的偶遇307♪Or the chocolate fondue.♪不知是否有意义308♪But with you...♪直到遇见你...309♪I found my place.♪我看到新天地310♪I see your face.♪我找到新感觉311♪And it's nothing like I've ever known before.♪这种感觉我从来未有过312♪Love is an open... door!♪爱的门打开了!313♪Love is an open... door...Door...♪爱的门打开了314♪Love is an open... door...♪爱的门打开了315♪With you! With you!♪遇见你!遇见你!316♪Love is an open door.♪爱的门打开了317♪I mean it's crazy. What?♪我们很疯狂 -怎么了?318♪We finish each other's...Sandwiches!♪我们吃彼此的... -三明治!319♪That's what I was gonna say!♪你抢了我的词!320♪I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me.♪我从未见过谁想法和我一致321♪Jinx... jinx again.♪巧合...你看多巧!322♪Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation,♪我们心有灵犀,这只有一种解释323♪You and I were just meant to be.♪我和你注定在一起324♪Say goodbye.♪跟昨天325♪To the pain of the past.♪的痛苦说再见326♪We don't have to feel it anymore!♪不用再感受它的折磨327♪Love is an open... door!♪爱的门打开了!328♪Love is an open door!♪爱的门打开了!329♪Life can be so much more...with you! With you!♪生活有多快乐...能够跟你一起!330♪Love is an open... door.♪爱的门打开了331♪Can I say something crazy...?♪我能不能说句“疯话”?332♪Will you marry me?♪你愿意嫁给我吗?333♪Can I just say something even crazier?♪我能说句更疯狂的吗?334♪Yes.♪我愿意335Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?哦!不好意思,借过!336Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢...哦,她在这儿337Elsa! I mean... Queen...艾莎! 我是说...陛下...338 Me again. May I present,我又来了我想向您介绍339Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南艾尔斯的汉斯王子340Your Majesty.女王陛下341We would like...your blessing...希望您能...祝福我们的...342of... our marriage!婚礼!343Marriage...? Yes!婚礼?! -是的!344 I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思...我有点晕345Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧我们确实还有一些细节需要商量346We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.得花上几天好好策划一下我们的婚礼347Of course we'll have soup,宴会上要有鲜汤348roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉,冰淇淋还有...349Wait. Would we live here?等下我们可以住在这里吗?350Here? -Absolutely!这里? -当然!351Anna...安娜...352Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的十二个哥哥都请来住...353What? No, no, no, no, no.什么? 不不,等一下354Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...这里的房间足够给他们住,而且...355Wait. Slow down.不,等一下356No one's brothers are staying here.他们不能住在这儿357No one is getting married.你也不能和他结婚358Wait, what?什么?359May I talk to you, please. Alone.我能单独跟你谈谈吗? 就我们俩360No. Whatever you have to say, you...不无论你想说什么...361you can say to both of us.跟我们两人一起说好了362Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个你才刚认识的人363You Can if it's true love.我能,如果是真爱就可以364Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜你知道什么是真爱吗?365More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你清楚,你只会把人拒之门外366You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你要我祝福你们两人的婚礼我的答案是不可以367Now, Excuse me.不好意思,我失陪了368Your Majesty, if I may ease your...陛下,请允许我...369No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.我不允许而且我想...你该走了370The party is over. Close the gates.舞会结束了把门关上371Yes, Your Majesty.是,陛下372What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 艾莎不!不!别...373Give me my glove!把手套还给我!374Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.艾莎,求你了!我不能再忍受这样的生活了375... Then leave.那就...离开吧376... What did I ever do to you?!我到底哪里招惹你了?377Enough, Anna.别说了...安娜378No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外?379Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?!380What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?381I said, enough!别说了!382 Sorcery. I knew there was妖术我早知道383something dubious going on here.这里一定藏着不可告人的内幕384Elsa...?艾莎...?385There she is.女王来了386-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa...-陛下! -女王万岁! -女王陛下... 387-Come drink with us.-来跟我们一起喝酒388-Queen Elsa.-女王陛下389Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下?你没事吧?390There she is! Stop her!她在那!抓住她!391Please, just stay away from me.求你们,离我远一点...392Stay away!远一点!393Monster... Monster!妖怪...她是个妖怪!394Elsa!艾莎!395Elsa...艾莎...396Wait, Please!请等一下!397Elsa, Stop!艾莎不要走!398Anna! -No.安娜! -不!399The Fjord.看!峡湾...400Snow?下雪了?401Yes, snow!是雪!402Are you all right? -No.你没事吧? -有事403Did you know? -No.你以前知道吗? -不知道404Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看!下雪了!下雪了!405The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!406She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!407You have to go after her... -Wait, no!你们快去追她 -等等,不要!408You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你!你也会使妖法吗?409Are you a monster, too?你也是个妖怪吗?410No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不不我只是个普通人411That's right she is.当然,她很普通412... In the best way.我是说...很正常的人413And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是妖怪414She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我!415You slipped on ice...-Her ice!你自己在冰上滑倒了... -那可是她变出来的!416It was an accident. She was scared.这只是一次意外她被吓坏了417She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的,不是有意造成这一切... 418Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚全是我的错惹恼了她419So I'm the one that needs to go after her.我一定要把她追回来420-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.什么? -把我的马牵来421Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜别去太危险了422Elsa's not dangerous.艾莎一点也不危险423I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来把一切恢复原样424I'm coming with you... -No.我跟你一起去.. -不425 I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留守阿伦戴尔426On my honor.十分荣幸!427I leave Prince Hans in charge!我授权汉斯王子暂时负责这里!428Are you sure you can trust her?你真的信任她吗?429 I don't want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤430 She's my sister,她是我的姐姐431 She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我432♪The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,♪白雪发亮今夜铺满山上433♪Not a footprint to be seen.♪与世隔绝的地方434♪A kingdom of isolation.♪孤寂的王国很荒凉435♪And it looks like I'm the Queen.♪我是这里的女王436♪The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.♪狂风呼啸就像心里的风暴一样437♪Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...♪只有天知道我受过的伤...438♪Don't let them in, Don't let them see,♪绝对不能让人发现439♪Be the good girl you always have to be.♪做个好女孩就像你的从前440♪Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.♪藏好,别让他人看见441♪Well, Now they know.♪但已被发现442♪Let it go. Let it go.♪随他吧随他吧443♪Can't hold it back anymore.♪回头已没有办法444♪Let it go. Let it go.♪随他吧随他吧445♪Turn away and Slam the door.♪一转身不再牵挂446♪I don't care what they're going to say.♪我不管随他们说什么447♪Let the storm rage on.♪任凭风吹雨打448♪The cold never bothered me anyway.♪反正冰天雪地我也不怕449♪It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.♪远离喧嚣我心终得安逸450♪And the fears that once controlled me.♪曾经困扰我的恐惧451♪Can't get to me at all.♪已远离我回忆452♪It's time to see what I can do,♪现在开始放下一切453♪To test the limits and Break through.♪挑战我的突破和极限454♪No right, No wrong, No rules for me...♪没有规则,没有界限455♪I'm free!♪自由的天地!456♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随他吧随他吧457♪I am one with the wind and sky.♪与风和天空对话458♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随他吧随他吧459♪You'll never see me cry.♪眼泪不再掉下460♪Here I Stand And...♪让我坚持461♪Here I'll stay.♪让我留下462♪Let the storm rage on...♪哪怕风雪一直刮463♪My power flurries through the air into the ground.♪我的力量从空气中扩散到地上464♪My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.♪我的灵魂与冰共舞塑造各种形状465♪And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...♪我的思想结晶变成锋利的闪光466♪I'm never going back,♪我永不回头看467♪The Past is in the Past!♪过去已被埋葬468♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随他吧随他吧469♪And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.♪迎接曙光找回自我470♪Let it go! Let it go!♪随他吧随他吧471♪That perfect girl is gone.♪多年压抑全随风去472♪Here I stand in the light of day.♪拥抱阳光我重获新生473♪Let the storm rage on!♪就让风雪咆哮吧474♪The cold never bothered me anyway.♪反正冰天雪地我也不怕475 Elsa! Elsa!艾莎! 艾莎!476 Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎是我安娜..477 Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你把全城都冻住478 I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起都是我...我的错479 Of course, none of this would have happened真是的,她以前怎么不告诉我480if she'd just told me her secret... ha...早知道的话,这一切也不会发生了...481She's a stinker.真讨厌482Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.啊!别跑别跑快回来不483Oooo-Kay.好...吧484Snow, it had to be snow,雪干嘛非要是雪485She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic她怎么不使个什么火焰系的魔法486that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...把峡湾铺上热带沙滩还有暖和的... 487Fire! Whoa!火!有人生火!488Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.旅行者的奥肯小屋489Ooh! And Sauna...喔!还有桑拿...490Big summer blow out.嗨!夏日大酬宾491Half off swimming suits, clogs,泳装半价木屐打折492And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜,怎么样?493Oh, great.哦,好494For now, how about boots,不过...有靴子吗495Winter boots... and dresses?冬天穿的...还有冬装?496That would be in our winter department.都在冬季服装专区497Oh. Um, I was just wondering...Has another young woman,哦,嗯,我打听一下...有没有一位年轻的女士498The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?看起来像是女王什么的,可能是吧...路过这里?499Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这样的奇葩才会在这种天气出门,亲500You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.又进来一朵...哟呼!501Big summer blow out.夏日大酬宾502Carrots. -Hah?胡萝卜! -啊?503Behind you.你后面504Oh, right. Excuse me.哦,不好意思505A real howler in July, Yes?七月飞雪,好大的雪啊506Where ever could it be coming from?你这是打哪嘎达过来的?507The North Mountain.北山508North Mountain.北山?509That'll be forty.一共40,谢谢510Forty? No, ten.40? 10块!511Oh dear, that's no good. See.这可不行,亲512These are from our winter stock,这些都是我们冬季的存货513where supply and demand have a big problem.反季商品,我已经亏本卖了514You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你跟我说亏本?515I sell ice for a living.我可是卖冰的啊亲!516Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.晕,这种天气卖冰块...517 I mean, that is really...你可真会做生意518Ahem. That's unfortunate.倒霉孩子519Still forty. But I will throw in a不,不能还价,不过可以免费...520visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!赠送一次奥肯桑拿哟呼!521Hi, family.嗨亲们!522Ten's all I got. Help me out.我就剩10块了,帮个忙523Ten will get you this and no more.10块,那就只能买萝卜了524Okay, just tell me one thing...What was等下,我先打听个事儿...525...happening on the North Mountain?北山那边到底发生了什么?526Did it seem magical?被人施了魔法?527Yes! Now, back up是的!你先闪边儿528while I deal with this crook here.看我怎么收拾这个奸商529What did you call me?你叫我什么?530Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa!别别我...哇!哎呀...531Bye bye.拜拜532No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.没有,斯特,我没买到胡萝卜533But I did find us a place to sleep.但是我找到了一个过夜的好地方534And it's free.免费哦535I'm sorry about this violence.不好意思没吓着你吧536I will add a quart of lutefisk,我可以附送一罐腌鱼537So We'll have good feelings.作为小小的补偿538Just the outfit and boots, yah?衣服和靴子还要点别的吗?539Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿的心地比人好540Sven, Don't you think that's true?斯特你早知道541-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-那些人会打你会咒你会骗你542-Every one of em's bad, Except you.-他们的人品可没你好543Oh, Thanks, Buddy.哈,谢了兄弟544But People smell better than Reindeers.但是驯鹿的气味可没人好545Sven, Don't you think I'm right?斯特,你说是吧?546-That's once again true, For all Except you.-没错人身上可没臭味,除了你547You got me. Let's call it a night.还说我赶快睡觉吧548-Good night.-晚安549Don't let the Frostbite bite.不要冻伤了就好550Nice duet.唱的挺好啊551Oh, it's just you.又是你552What do you want?有事吗?553I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我想让你带我去北山554I don't take people places.我不带人555Let me rephrase that...那么我换一种说法...556Take me up the North Mountain...带我去北山557Please.请带我去558Look, I know how to stop this winter.我知道怎样终结这个严冬559We leave at Dawn...天亮出发...560And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯特的胡萝卜561Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't...噢不好意思我不是故意...562We leave now. Right now.我们现在就出发!563Hang on! We like to go fast!坐稳了!我要加速了!564I like fast!没事我不怕565Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.喂!把脚放下来这可是刚上的漆566Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的你是在乡下长大的吧?。

music《What Is Love》What is love If it's not with youI know when you're alone you feel it tooIn your arms is where I long to beCause being with you gives me sanityoh...Listen to me darlingI wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feelI wonder if you know itAnd what good is the party If you're not aroundListen to me nowWhat good is loveIf it's not your loveWhat good is loveIf it's not your loveIt's a crazy party Im so glad to be with everybodyBalance Shake your body down to zhe groundMe?What's a song If you can't heart it tooCan't imagine dancing without JewelA shooting star, ain't really nothing to seeIn the brighest night, be nice to meoh....Listen to me darlingI wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feelI wonder if you know it And what good is the partyIf you're not around Listen to me nowWhat good is loveIf it's not your love明尼苏达州来的鸟还有自己的舞步For a bird from Minnesota you've got own moves 这不是舞步这是事故Oh actually that's wasn't a move,that was an acident.不过我接受你的恭维But I'll take the compliment.多亏拉斐尔能帮我们照顾孩子Glad Rafael is watch the kids.是啊,这样今天你得和我在一起..一整晚Yes and it Looks like you're stuck with me...all night. 你是我的唯一布鲁You are one of my only Blu.那太好了,因为公的就剩我一个了(...汗!!!)Ah,that's a good thing, since I am be the only other one.-比翼鸟新年快乐-拉斐尔他们在哪?- Hi, lovebirds, happy new year! - Rafa, where are...孩子们和路易兹在一起不用担心!The kids are with Luiz.dont worry!担心?我们很担心Worries, right here.-路易兹孩子们呢?-什么?我又没有孩子- Luiz, where are the kids? - What? I have no kids. Jewel & blu - 我们的孩子Our Kids!-哦对了我交给小不点了-小不点!- oh right! I leave them with Tiny. -Tiny?干嘛她可是这里最棒的保姆What? She is the excellent babysitter.我是这里最差劲的保姆I'm a horrible babysitter.这一定会很炫的This must be awesome!行了我已经计算过了All right,I've done all the calculations每次爆炸都会完美的踩在节奏点上And each explosion will be pperfectly synced to the beat.除非我没有算上这个...Unless I didn't carry the one...我觉得...这里会有红色蓝色绿色黄色...紫色Here's my vision...Red, blue, green, yellow, yellow... purple.我觉得会是...And it'my vision...我觉得你们爸妈不会想看到这个的I don't think your parents will like see that very much那我们开始吧Here we go.-你这是要去哪儿啊小鸟-这是什么?- Where are you going, little birds? - What is it?-爸爸-你们知道规矩的- Ah Dad! - Guys, You know the rules没有大人的监督不能放烟花No pyrotechnics without adult supervision.我们问过小不点了We ask Tiny这就更糟了抱歉小不点That's even worse. Sorry Tiny.工钱我不要了布鲁先生You don't have to need pay me salary, Mr Blu.下次玩一定要先问我Kids next time, ask me.-可你每次都说不-不我没有- But you always says no. - No I don't.-爸爸你在否认现实- Daddy, you're in denial.-好吧亲爱的我经常说不嚒Ok honey, did I always say no?是的哦我是说...不...yes! oh I mean...no.太好了,现在妈妈也在说不了Great, now Mom same too.听着我们是地球上最后的蓝斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉Listen, we are the last blue speakes Macaws left on this planet我们得注意安全We have to stay safe.-有蓝色羽毛的鸟- Birds with blue feathers...-要团结在一起-Have to stick together我闻到烤鸡味了I smell chicken.啊不不不....No, no, no!啊不不不....No, no, no!根据我的计算这是他今天说的第27个不了By my count he said "no" 27 times today.-救命-啊...- Help! - What?大家伙快跑Everybody fly!这不公平凭什么只有爸爸玩的这么爽Oh man! How can Dad gets time all the fun?看啊成功了Look! It worked!看来今年开了个好头Well, this year has a great started.里约大冒险2RIO 2亚马逊之行第七天Amazon Expedition. 7th day.距里约热内卢2000英里3200km from Rio我们到达热带雨林的中心We can reach the center of the rainforest.当我们沿着河流毫不费力的向前划行的时候We are surrounded by plants and animals struggling for survival.周围都是挣扎生存的植物和动物As we effortlessly guide down the river.毫不费力的是你Effortless for you.哇哦好漂亮Wow! How pretty!吐出来快吐出来Spit it out! Spit it out!我们已经接近亚马逊树林鹌鹑的栖息地We are nearly the nature ground of the Amazon uru-buck.六个月前我们从走私者手中救下这只小鸟 6 months ago, we rescued this little bird form smugglers.那时候它生着病,营养不良还断了一条腿It was sick, malnourished, with a broken leg.而现在我可靠的助手..But now, my trusty assistant...我是说我的妻子兼同事I mean, loveing wife and colleague就要把它放归回自然will release it back to natural habitat.都没事了你可以走的就像这样It's okay, you can go now. Just like this.还是让我跟他说吧Let me talk to her.走吧Go on!-你觉得他会没事吗-给他一点时间- Do you think she's gonna be okay? - Give her some time 欢迎回家Welcome home.等一下它..好像在说什么图里奥Wait a minute. What she is saying, Tulio?他是不舍得我们在和我们说再见It is just hard for her to say goodbye.不我觉得他好像在警告我们No, I think is trying to warn us.不不不琳达这可能是吸引异性的舞蹈No,no,no, Linda,It may be some mating dance.图里奥看那快划快啊Tulio, look! Paddle! now!好的好的Okay, okay!往右...不不不往左To the right ! No,no the left往前往前Forward! Forward!你想清楚再说图里奥Make up your mind, Tulio!这下可糟了Chese and sprinkles!哦不快划快划快点!Oh no! Row, row! Faster!琳达Linda!琳达Linda!图里奥Tulio感谢上帝你没有事Thank heavens you're ok.图里奥这是..Tulio, is that...啊琳达真难以置信Linda, this is incredible!Dialogue: 0,0:08:54.65,0:08:58.72,music,,0,0,0,,《Breakfast in Rio》早上好珠儿Goodmornning, Jewel嘿你们看我找到了什么Hey,everyone look what I found.布鲁?Blu ?孩子们?Kids?大家都去哪儿了?Where's everyone...-好了谁肚子饿了想吃早饭-难以置信Okay, who is ready to some Breakfast? -Unbelievable.你知道么那些全麦煎饼Did you know that this whole pancakes所含的维生素矿物质是普通煎饼的两倍has twice the vitamins and minerals?而且加上蓝莓后味道会好上4倍and with blueberries is 4 times to tasty.嘿蓝莓都哪去了Hey Where are the blueberries?爸爸你在找这个吗Oh Dad, looking for this?给我吧bring it!已经到了最后关头他的脚仿佛有魔力一样In the final minutes, he has his magic in feet他射门了he shoots!球进了!- Goal!噢耶我接到了我真是太棒了Oh yeh, I got, I'm good.爸爸注意了Hands up, Dad.啊哦Aho!哦帅呆了Awesome!嗨妈妈Hi, Mom!-这下惨了-该走了- Busted. - Time to go.亲爱的你饿了吗Hi, honey. Are you hungry?布鲁我跟你说过的Blu, we talked about this.是吗我不记得了哦对的你拿的是什么Did we?Ummm,so,uhhh,so whatta you got there?-早饭-很好笑不过说真的这是什么- Breakfast. - That's funny, but Seriously what is that? 这是个巴西栗It's a Brazil nut.离城市这么近的地方居然也有I never thought I'd find one this close to the city.-我要教孩子们怎么打开-你是说打开这个吗- I want to show the kids how to open it. - I mean, so?爸爸已经教过我们了Daddy already shown us.等等来了Wait back.爸爸妈妈你们上电视了Mom Dad you're on TV.巴西鸟类学家图里奥蒙泰罗博士Doctor Tulio Monteiro,the"birdman"of Brazial今天宣布了一项重大发现announced a major discovery today我们相信我们在亚马逊丛林深处找到了野生的We believe we having encountered a wild blue speakes macaw蓝色金刚鹦鹉in Amazon jungle蓝色金刚鹦鹉之前被认为在野外全部灭绝了The blue speakes Macaw was thought practically extinct仅存的一家鹦鹉With the last remain family目前居住在里约的布鲁鸟类保护区living under the protection at the "blu" bird's shrine In Rio de Janeiro我们出名了We are famous .如果找到这些野生鹦鹉他们的家园将受到保护If these birds can be found their home will be saved那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flock of birds there如果真的有我们会找到他们并保护他们If here is, we'll find them and protect them你好布鲁Hi, Blu!你好琳达Hi, Linda!我们不是唯一的We are not the only ones.我们还有活着的同类啊There are more of us there.-是啊太好了-这么长时间我一直...- Yes, that's great. - All this time I thought...我一直以为...我们是孤独的I thought we were alone.嘿以前也没有那么糟糕This was not bad?是挺好的可是...Of course not, but...想象一下有一大群同类Imagine there was a whole flock of us.那该有多么美妙啊How amazing will that being!-我们得做点什么-真的吗- We have to do something. - We do?对我们去亚马逊Yes, we have to fly to Amazon去帮助琳达和图里奥找到他们And help Linda and Tulio find them.哦...我们不能说走就走Wow...We can't just pack up and go.为什么不能现在正是时候出去让翅膀吹吹风了Why not? It's time this family feel the wind in their wings.看看我们音乐播放器电视煎饼Look at us! IPod television pancakes?亲爱的我们不是人类我们可是鸟We are not people, we are birds!我们应该回到野外做真正的鸟布鲁We have get out to the wild and be birds, Blu.让孩子们回到大自然吧Let the kids know their roots看看我们从前的生活Show them what I had.他们需要这样我们也需要They need this we need this.来吧,布鲁!你说呢?Come on Blu! What do you say?我不知道...也许吧...I do not know. Maybe, but...他没有说不He didn't say no.这就意味着他说行That's mean he probabiliy said yes.-嘿等一下-亲爱的,一定会很好玩!- What, no! - It will be so much fun!耶...我们要去亚马逊咯We are come to the Amazon.等一下,亚马逊是什么?Wait, what is the Amazon?亚马逊,目前世界上最濒危的生态系统之一The Amazon is one of the most danger ecosystems 由于非法砍伐和耕种Due to illegal deforestation and framing我们希望博士和他的团队Let's hope the dr.Monteiro and his team能找到那些珍惜鸟类,让他们的家园得以保存find these rare birds so their home can be save 那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flockout of there如果真的有,我们会找到它们并保护他们If there is, we'll find them and protect them Ecochatos 把我的船准备好Ecochatos. get my boat ready.我要亲自去处理这件事情I need to do this personally.下一个Next轮到我了,行了你们可以回家了It's time for me, everybody can go home now.你们正在看着的下一位,狂欢之王You are looking for the next King of Carnival.嘿大鸟祝你好运Hi,big bird, good luck!走路小心点,别躺着进去!Whach out buddy!棒极了!Bravo!棒极了!你唱的真是太好了Bravo! That was amazing!我亲爱的,你刚才一个音符也没落下Eva, darling, you hit every note.-伙计们?-对!是的!-Huh guys? -Yeah yeah还多了很多我从来没听过的音In various a lot of notes I've ever heard of.-拉斐尔-别别担心- Rafa! - Do not worry!我会和他们说的I'll talk to them.我会为你找到完美的角色!We will find a perfect part for you!嗯...潜规则也没用Antarctica maybe.最好如此回头见You bet! Bye bye!再见孩子们!Goodbye, boys!我们家里见,我的美味小芒果See you back at home, my tasty mango!哎...这些表演一点都不好我连一点灵感都没有None of the acts are inspiring.I am just not inspired!狂欢节眼看就要到了The carnival is right on the corner.我们的名声会毁于一旦的And our reputations are on the line.明白!我们需要一些能让我们嗨起来的节奏Copy yeat! we need something make us wild我们需要动感火爆激情Something like jungle. We need something pop...你知道激情怎么说么?You know pop is that word?啪...下一个...- Pop - Next.-布鲁-对不起兄弟- Blu! - Sorry, man!没关系路易兹我也很高兴见到你It's Okay, Luiz! Good to see you too!听着布鲁我们在寻找一位歌手Listen, Blu, we are looking for a singer一个舞者样样都会的a dancer, the whole package.不要唱歌跑调跳舞摔跤的你懂我的意思么?Yeah and you're more of a mumbler-shuffer.you catch my drift?我不是来面试的No I'm not here for the audition.我有事情要宣布I got news!我准备要去亚马逊了I'm going to the Amazon.亚马逊Amazon!那可真够野的That's wild.是呀珠儿觉得这对我们有好处Yes, Jewel think will be good for us.-有多野-超级宇宙无敌野- How wild? - Real wild.那里的蚊子能够一口吸干你的There mosquitoes suck your blood like slurpess.那里的蛇能一口将你整个吞下去There snakes that swallow you whole.那里还有吃肉的食人鱼会吃肉的!There carnivorous piranhas... eat fresh哦!好极了真不赖Great,sounds pretty nice!-我不去了-得了伙计们- I will not going! -Gus guys guys!布鲁你根本不用担心这些Blu, you have nothing to worry about.他们说的这些都有点夸张的过分了All those stories are highly exaggerated.-你真的这么想?-当然了!- You think so? - Of course!如果这对珠儿很重要那你就去吧If it is important to Jewel, Just do it.老婆开心日子舒心...Happy wife happy life...-一定要记住-好的对!- Remember that. - Okay, you're right.你说的对就当全家一起去度假一定很有趣You know,a little family vacation, might actually be fun.再说了又不是定居在那里Plus it's not like it's foever!这就对了That's the spirit.好的谢谢伙计们!Okay, thanks guys!过段时间见See you in a couple of weeks.-一路顺风布鲁-记得带纪念品回来- Safe treavles Blu! - Bring me back a souvenir!得了他不会回来了Dog, he can't come back.他一定会挂在那里的He's end...there.亚马逊!Amazon!我们走快点爸爸快点Let's go! Come on Dad! come on!好的驱虫剂净水剂还有创可贴Ok, bug spray check, water purifier cheak, Band-aids...哦我好像忘了点什么I feel like I'm forgetting something.哇哦酷是多功能瑞士军刀Wow! Cool, the all-in-one Adventurer's knife.-这个交给我来弄吧-这不是给你准备的-I'll be in charge of this. -That's not for you!嘿爸爸来看我这个Dad, look at this!你知道亚马逊的蛇能一口把你吃掉吗?Did you know the Amazon has snakes that can swallowyou whole?事实上这些故事写得太夸张了Actually, Bia ,all those stories are highly exaggerated不一定吧你看这个No, really! Look!哦这个好恶心啊Oh..That's sick!准备好出发了吗?All right, Are we ready to go?你带了个腰包?A fanny pack?是的琳达给我的用来装GPS定位Yeah Linda gave it to me, I need it for the GPS.哦我的GPS呢Where's the GPS.卡拉我们要走啦Carla we're leaveing.我才不去呢!肯定很无聊I'm not going! It's gonna be lame.行了找到了OK, Here it is!它有语音识别功能很好用的你看着The voice recognition makes totally easier. Here watch this..给我找琳达和图里奥Finding Linda and Tulio.正在搜索去东京吃料理Seaching for dining in Tokyo好的额事实上这个还真不错Ok,actually that is a nice suggestion.-你相信这个女人?-是的我相信- You trust this woman? - Yes, I do.嘿等下伙计们我们也要一起去Wait us family, I will going too.别担心哥们我们会罩着你的Do not worry buddy. We'll get you back.-你老婆让你去了吗?-当然!- Eva let you come? - Sure!我答应她在狂欢演出里给他弄个角色Promised her a place in the carnival show.-答应他什么-你们迟到了- You did what? -You guys are late.-是有点晚-但我们可是音乐家-Clock late. - But musicians early.等等你们也要去吗?Wait your guys are coming?我们当然不会错过We wouldn't miss it for the world.我们要去丛林寻找最棒的歌手We're gonna scout the wildest coolest talent in that jungle.这是我们今年狂欢节演出的创作灵感And it's our inspiration for the carnival show.狂野的亚马逊Amazon untamed.酷我是说...好吧Cool! I mean... Okay...我也会去的I guess I will go.去亚马逊放手一搏Amazon jungle for bust, baby!都准备好去热带探险了么Who's ready for a tropical adventure?等等等等孩子们还没有点名Guys, wait up! We didn't do a head count! Hey guys wait up! 重新规划路线Recalculating嘿小鸟快回来Hey Birds come back!又是这样丢下我自己走了!They were go without me..again!太让人伤心了!This is Sadly!Dialogue: 0,0:17:35.04,0:17:37.24,music,,0,0,0,,《O Vida》Dialogue: 0,0:17:37.24,0:17:42.24,white,,0,0,0,,里约热内卢{\fade(255,0,255,100,500,4000,5000)}Dialogue: 0,0:17:43.49,0:17:48.49,white,,0,0,0,,欧鲁普雷图{\fade(255,0,255,100,500,4000,5000)}Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.21,0:18:02.21,white,,0,0,0,,巴西利亚{\fade(255,0,255,100,500,4000,5000)} 前方道路拥堵Heavy traffic ahead多谢了GPS小姐Great..Thanks a lot GPS lady.快点快点快点Faster, faster!慢点...Slower...我们到了孩子们,这里就是亚马逊的大门了Here we are, kids! The gate way to the Amazon. 生存还是....毁灭"alive .." Or... Do not be!这是个问题That is the question!究竟哪一个更高贵去忍受这命运Whether is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings还是去忍受着无边的烦恼And arrows of outrageous fortune经受无边的摧残Or to take arms against a sea of troubles还是把它忘个干净And by opposing end them噢真实太美妙了奈杰尔这是什么意思Oh that's beautiful Nigel. What does it mean?死亡噶比Death Gabi.说的是死亡Is about death.哦奈杰尔我爱死你了Oh Nigel, I love it when you get all dark and brooding.嘿笨鸟该上场了Hey bird, it's showtime!我的观众正等着我呢My audience waits!从里约的丛林到亚马逊的街头From the streets of Rio to the Amazon jungle有请神秘的大鸟The Bird of mystery.别害羞,快来了解属于你的命运吧Don't be shine learn your destiny喂别打蚂蚁的主意干你的活去Hey Get away form the ants. Back to work.妈妈我要玩这个占卜Mami, I want one, I want to furtune!欢迎光临夫人Welcome, madam.这只难以置信的鹦鹉能够预示你的未来This amazing Cockatoo reveal your future.好了小鸟选一个吧All right bird.Take the furture.快点小鸟Come on bird!你干的很好奈杰尔You're doing right, Nigel.快一点Pick it up already.加油伙计们就快到了今天不用再飞了Come on,almost there.No more flying today晚一点我们能赶上一艘船We've got a boat to catch.根据GPS的计算明天一早我们就能到According my friend here will get there by the morning. 他能活下来但永远也飞不起来了You will live but could never fly again快点小鸟快给我算命Come on! My luck-很好奈杰尔-怎么要这么长时间- You are very cute.- Why is it taking so long我会这么惨都是那只蓝色的鸟害的That blue bird caused my misery小鸟乖Nice birddy.为什么要打自己为什么要打自己Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? 哇哦奈杰尔好有男子汉气概Wow..Nigel is very macho.谢谢Thank you.我自由了I'm free!这里有只箭毒蛙Poisonous frog!嘎嘎叫的凤头鹦鹉呐喊着要去复仇The croaking cockatoo doth bellow for revenge.这是莎士比亚写得That's Shakespeare, by the way.-没有你的表演他一文不值-说得好Without your interpretation it's nothing. -Good point. Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.61,0:22:29.33,white,,0,0,0,,一个完成旧任务的好时机哦这空气又清新又舒适Oh this air is so fresh and full再见了城市里的雾霾Goodbye, smelly city air!对!再见!Yes, goodbye.嘿谢谢你能为我这样做真的很谢谢你Hey Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate.为了你我愿意做任何事情I would do anything for you.-你懂得对么?-我当然懂- You know that, right? - Of course I know.我们不是来这吃点心的我们是来复仇的We aren't here for neck, We are here to revenge.等乘客都睡着的时候When these pesky passengers flat sleep我们就好好关爱下我的蓝色朋友们We'll show our blue friends some love给他们一点...毒爱Some poisonously love.哦这个我最拿手了Oh..That is my specialty.我们在午夜发动攻击这样显得更加邪恶We will attack at midnight hour because it is more evil.保持警惕Stay alert.午夜!袭击的时间Midnight. Time to attack!奈杰尔奈杰尔Nigel. Nigel.看看我们两个另类的生物Look for us mistys.一只剧毒的青蛙一只不会飞的怪鸟A toxic frog and a flyless freak.我们如此的不同又如此的相同So different and yet the same亲爱的当你睡着了我们是朋友那样很好My darling whilesleep all is well We're friends and that's swell可是有个秘密一定要告诉你....我爱你But the truth I have a secret to tell...I love you Dialogue: 0,0:24:23.63,0:24:30.20,music,,0,0,0,,《Poisonous Love》人们说这不对很可笑一只青蛙怎么和鸟恋爱People says it is wrong and absurda frog and a bird love可我心里知道这是命中注定的But I know in my heart this is ment to be如果我们能拥抱亲吻那真是天堂般的幸福If only we could could hug and could kiss be in heavenly bliss可你的肺会烂掉就像这样But your lungs would explode and you'd look just like this你会窒息脸涨成蓝色As you'd hemorrhage and gag would cough up your face turn blue 哦...Oh不过亲爱的我会照顾你But darling I'll protect you我会的你尽管放松Do not worry just chill因为我能杀掉任何鸟只要是为了你Cause there isn't a bird that I wouldn't kill ..for you你看不出来吗Can't you see...我们注定要在一起oh we were destined to be因为我们的爱For we have love有毒的爱...Poisonous love-爱... -虽然是的-Love - Yes i know是的- Yes我知道你没法拥抱我I know that you can't hold me投入我的怀抱吧Feel me close now你爱的翅膀围绕着我Your loving wings enfold me命运告诉我爱...Fate told me..love..有毒的爱...Poisonous love...站在这里Standing here你离我是如此的近可是..You're so near and..-又那么远-就像一颗星星Yet so far..like a star我们到了Here we are-哪儿?-该怎么办?- Where - What to do哦oh poo你是我的罗密欧我是你的朱丽叶Your my romeo I'm juliet我们天生一对可是如果我们触碰哪怕一点点We are so perfect and yet if we touch not bymuch可以确信一点Still on all you can bet那就是永别It's good bye我会哭泣And I'll cry因为你已不再As you die死于我们有毒的...From our poisonous...爱...Love...好可怕的梦What a nightmare.查理你应该把我叫醒的Charli, you were supposed to wake me.要行动了It's time.能做奈杰尔的搭档真好I love being on team of Nigel.我想不出什么比在夜晚下I can not think of anything more romantic than给乘客下毒更浪漫的事情了poisoning passengers on a moonlight cruise住手Stop!那家伙是我的That one is mine.一闪一闪小布鲁...找你找得好辛苦...Twinkle, twinkle, little Bluey.How I wondered where were you?高高的挂在天空中...Up above the world so high.今天让你..一命呜呼Are you ready to die?你应该吃块绿箭薄荷糖You need one breath mint.你睡着了都要嘲笑我!Even you sleep you mock me?等等我Wait for me.别丢下我Do not leave me!-迪耶戈别到处乱跑-我什么也没干啊- Tiago, stop leaveing around. - I didn't do anything.孩子听你妈妈的话Tiago Gunderson, listen to your mother.哦天Oh man.-我们快到了-等一下伙计们-We're almost there right. -Hey Guys wait up...记住有蓝色....算了Remember... Birds have...never mind.他们都跑了They are getting away.快醒醒你这个吃蚂蚁的笨蛋快跟上他们Wake up, you ant-eating idiot. follow them!好多了现在给我快一点Better! Now get to times faster!这个笨蛋!River hugs!我一直在想你是不是比猴子还笨You! I always suspected that was dumber than a monkey.现在我懂了And now I know.老板您来丛林里干什么?Boss, what are you doing in the jungle?你应该问他们来这里干什么Perhaps the better question is: What are they doing?那些环保狂Nature Freaks.这里有几百万平方英里的丛林Too million hectares of jungle可替他们偏偏跑到这里来And they play in my backyard?我可不是好惹的家伙I don't think so.你也知道朋友我们的伐木作业As you know my friends, these our operations稍微有点....违法is a bit... illegal.如果这些人找到那些鸟我们的生意就完了If these two nuts found those birds, we have no business所以你现在要尽快结束他们的寻鸟丛林探险And that's why you must end their little bird watching expedition找到他们赶走他们Find them! And get rid of them.其余的人都给我砍树去The rest of you go cut some trees.谁在乎一群什么破鸟Who cares a bunch of birds?鹦鹉会把鸟巢筑在巴西栗树附近The macaws should be nesting near the Brazial nut trees所以我觉得我们应该...So..I think that we should continue with...图里奥你在听我说话吗Tulio, are you listening to me?你已到达目的地You have arrived at your destination看!是不是很管用我们到了You see? It worked like a charm. Here we are.这是哪?Where?嗯这东西稍微有点误差Oh..These things have a margin of error.我跟你说过别相信那个女人I told you not trust that woman.这是一个幼虫他就要进入变蛹的阶段了That's a Heliconius larva.it's about to enter the pupa state哈你说桶Ha! You said poop-你们跟紧了-我要去找他们\N-hey kids stay close. -I'll get them.好吧你们留在这里别动我去周边看看Okay, you stay here and I take a look around.别担心我们就在这我们哪儿都不去Do not worry, we'll be here.Not going anywhere.-我后背的羽毛都竖起来了--My feathers is poppin'up on the back ofmy neck.-我可不喜欢这个感觉- I don't like this.我们掉头吧Let's back it up.比亚迪耶戈Bia? Tiago!拜托小姐别让我失望Come on lady don't let me down.规划前往...秀场的路线Calculating route to: funky town好吧太好了Ok great伙计们?Ok guys...Guys?呵呵可以这很好玩Haha come on guys. Very funny.很好很好很聪明的玩笑Funny same. Very clever.珠儿你在哪?Jewel where are you?孩子们老婆?Kids? Jewel?啊蓝色金刚鹦鹉琳达!Ah it's a Macaw! Linda!放开我Let me go!放开我你这个野蛮人Let me go! you barbarian.布鲁?Blu?我发誓这声音听起来像布鲁的I swear that's sound like my Blu.不不可能琳达That's impossible, Linda.他在家里既舒适又安全He is home in Rio safe and sound.我可是美国公民你这个野蛮人I am an americian citizen, you savage!我要求见美国大使我知道我有这个权利I demand to see my ambassador.I know my rights. 我有这个权利I know my rights.退后野蛮人Back up barbarian.对没错这是个勺子也是个叉子Yeah That's right.Is a spoon and a fork.害怕了吧怕的发抖了吧Be afraid. Be very afraid.啊哦...把你的东西放下Aho my buddy put that spork down.放开我...有种来啊Let me go...leave me. Luckily I'm bigger.真不敢相信我们找到他们了I can't believe we found them.严格的说是他们找到了我们Well, technically they found us.好吧得找点东西来写名字Ok we're going to need some name tags.哦那是绿箭薄荷糖Oh hello em.. There are mints.你用不到它不过味道还不错...你可以试试Don't you need it but they are good.you eat them.不别连盒都吞下去No no no... not the whole box.赶快..把它..吐出来Get that out of your mouthDialogue: 0,0:33:58.24,0:33:59.70,music,,0,0,0,,{\fs14\fn华文细黑} 还记得第一部里珠儿还有布鲁么?出什么事情怎么了?What is this doing here? What's going on?我们发现他们飞得离人类太近We found them flying too close to the humans.什么你是谁?What? And who are you?额可不是一个合适的回答我问你话呢Er...This is not the appropriate answer.I asked a question.你们到底从哪来Where did you come from?- 嘿退后-Hey back off- 不好意思小姐...-Excuse me young lady, is it...真不敢相信I can't believe it.这...这怎么可能How... How did this...伐木工来的时候到处都是大火Some loggers came到处都是浓烟然后...There was fire and.. so much smoke.我把你藏在翅膀下面I hide you under my wing.然后你就...不见了-And you were.. -Gone我一直在找你I was looking everywhere for you.我在这I'm here爸爸Daddy爸爸?Daddy?我好想你I missed you.没事了一切都过去了It's Okay.It's Okay. Now...有爸爸在Dad has you.看看你我的小女儿Look at you. It's my little girl.已经长大了Have grown up.长得这么漂亮So beautiful.就像你的妈妈一样Just like your mother.对不起我把你弄丢了I'm so sorry I missed you.我无法想象这些年你一个人到底怎么过来的I can not imagine you were alone all this time. 没什么爸爸我不孤单It's okay, Dad. I wasn't alone.布鲁找到我了Blu found me.很高兴见到你先生Nice to meet you Sir.把翅膀收起来布鲁到我这来Cut down wings away Blu.Now come here.-当然-近一点- Sure okay. - Closer.-是吗?-再近点- Really? - Closer.你把我女儿带回来了You brought my jewell back to me.我谢谢你I thank you.现在我要拥抱你I'll hug you now.额好的Em..Okay.-行了过来吧-抱上了- Come here. - Here we are.真是我的荣幸My pleasure.什么你在哭吗?Nico, Are you crying?看到这么感人的场面我内心很脆弱啊It's a heavy moment and I'm very vulnerable right now. 拥抱吧我们Let me give you an arm.妈妈你没事吧Mom, are you okay?妈妈?我当外公了Mom ? I'm Grandpa.我当外公了I'm Grandpa.看看我是外公了Look at me I'm a Grandpa!爸爸这是卡拉比亚迪耶戈Daddy is this: Carla Bia and Tiago.-你好呀先生- Nice to meet you, sir-不要叫我先生我的小姐- There is no sir around here, my young lady.-你应该叫我..帕帕-You'll call me papa-帕帕哦我喜欢- Pa Pa? Oh I like that.。

3.With great power comes greatresponsibility. This is mygift, mycurse.
4.Failureis thefogthrough which we glimpsetriumph.

开放英语形成性考核册及答案作.1第一部分.交际用.(每题2分.共10分)一、阅读下面的小对话, 从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.Ma..hel.you.madam?_________D____________.A.....Sorry..hav.n.ideaB.....Yes..kno.wha.t.buyC.....You’.bette.giv.m..handD.....Yes..‘.lik..kilo.o.oranges2.Ma..kno.you.address?________A______________.A.....Sure.Her.yo.are.B......hav.n.ideaC.....It’.fa.fro.hereD.....Sorry.I’v.forgotten3.Well.Mary.ho.ar.you?_________C______________.A.....I’.goodB.....I’.pleasedC.....I’.fineD.....I’.nice4..don’.lik.th.sport.program.o.Sundays.__B______A.S.d.IB.Neithe.d.IC.S.a.ID.Neithe.a.I5.Wil.yo.g.o..picni.wit.u.tomorrow?_________B___________________.A.....Yes.bu.I’l.hav.Englis.classes.B.....Sorry..hav.a.appointmen.wit.Dr.Brown.C.....I’.afrai..hav.n.idea.D.....Neithe.a.I第二部分: 英语知识运用(40分)二、选择填空阅读下面的句子和对话, 从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
(每小题2分, 共20分)6.I.happened___D____..winte.night...kno.i.isn’.importan.bu..can’.help__B_______.abou.it.A.bu.t.think............B.thinking............C.to............D.think8.That’.al.settled.It____D______.talke.about.A.shouldn’t................B.mustn’.be........C.can’t............D.needn’.be9.He.parent.die.whe.sh.wa.ver.young.s.sh.was___A_______.b.he.aunt.A.brough.up............B.brough.out........C.grow.up........D.grown10._____B__________.h.sai.i.quit.right.A.That....................B.What................C.How............D.Why11.Don’.worry.Ther.is___C_______.roo.fo.al.you.book.here.A.more....................B.much................C.enough........D.some12.What’.happene.t.Tom?____D__________.t.hospital.A.He’.taken............B.He’l.b.taken........C.He’l.take........D.He’.bee.taken13..don’.suppos.h.wil.atten.th.meeting.___B__________?A.won’.he................B.wil.he............C.d..............D.don’.I14._______A_________.fin.weathe.i.is!A.What....................B.Wha..............C.How............D.Ho..1.No.onl..bu.als.Jan.an.Mar.____B_______.tire.o.havin.on.examinatio.afte.another.A.is....................B.are................C.am........D.be三、完型填空阅读下面的短文, 从短文后所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

读心神探经典语录1. 一个人如果说的是事实,他的眼神和手指指的方向应该是一致的。
2. 当一个人到了一个陌生的环境的时候,为了找寻安全感,他们会靠墙站。
但美国人类文化学家Edward Hall曾经说过,人与人之间有四种距离:第一种,public distance---公众距离,可以去到360cm那么远;第二种,social distance---社交距离,大概是由120cm到360cm;第三种,personal distance---个人距离,由45cm到120cm,虽然认识,但无特殊关系;最后一种,intimate distance---亲密距离,由45cm到零距离。
3. 人的双脚会比我们身体的任何一部分更加诚实,人在正常的情况下,会双脚站立,用来保持平衡。
4. 双手微震,在大腿上摩擦,想擦走手心里的汗,并用手脚触摸去镇定自己。
5. 真正的笑容,两边脸颊会抬高,眼睛下面的皮肤会起皱,甚至有鱼尾纹,两边脸会宽一点。
6. 通常自杀的人大部分在跳楼之前都会除下身上的私人物品,例如鞋子,眼睛之类的,代表解除了世上所有的束缚。
7. 美国心理学教授Paul Ekman曾经说过,当一个人受到信息会在四分之一秒内在他脸部不经意泄露出他当时真实感受,例如快乐,愤怒,厌恶,羞涩,仇恨,这就叫做micro—expressions,微表情。
8. 嘴角向下拉,视线向下望,神情尴尬,是羞愧的表情。
9. 嘴角绷紧,向上翘起,是不屑的表情。
10. 嘴唇紧闭通常是表示压力和焦虑,不安的时候会做出这个动作,例如听到坏消息,会下意识的抿一抿嘴。
11. 当人或是动物在恐惧不安的时候,会用尽一切方法去挡住自己,这个动作在心理学上被称为blocking behaviors---遮蔽行为。

阻碍觉醒的21条绳索1. 觉知到自己如何缺乏觉醒的激情痛苦常数=身体痛苦+心理痛苦+灵性痛苦,事实上只有灵性的痛苦,灵性的痛苦会转化成身体和心理的痛苦,痛苦的根源是“分离感”。
2. 觉知到我们如何无法宽恕别人不能宽恕别人,背负着对别人的恨,自己受苦。
3. 觉知到自己如何缺乏寻求别人的宽恕不能原谅自己犯下的错,不愿意承认自己犯的错而请求别人原谅,自己受苦。
4. 觉知到自己多么不敏感对别人的感受、需求,没有足够的觉察力。
5. 觉知到每个关系中自己是如何处于死亡状态生命就是关系,我们和父母、配偶、孩子、周遭人及万事万物,关系如何?当我们在关系中受伤、不去面对处理时,关系变成死亡状态,让我们自己成为一个孤岛。
6. 觉知到自己如何缺乏内在的诚信当内在撒一个谎,外在会撒一百个谎掩盖,结果在和真实的自己之间筑了一堵墙。
我们所有所作所为的真实的目的,真的是我们平时认为的这样吗?我们是否在内在和外在美化了自己、而不愿去看自己的"黑暗面"7. 觉知到自己多么渴求重要性看到自己“对重要性的渴求”,我们所做的一切都是为了“重要性”,希望得到别人的认可、赞赏。
8. 觉知到自己内在的恐惧与无法面对恐惧很多时候,人们恐惧的不是死亡,而是恐惧未知,恐惧失去已知。
9. 觉知到自己如何缺乏对自己的接纳所有对外在的不接纳(比如对父母、配偶、子女、老板、同事、朋友等)都源于内在不接纳自己。
A Scanner Darkly《黑暗扫描仪(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本

这个失效的喷嘴可以用许多小一点的喷嘴来顶替The idling jets could be replaced with smaller jets that would compensate. 用上一个转速计他就可以看着每分钟的转速以防转速过快And with a tach, he could just watch his rpms so it didn't over-rev.通常只要放开油门Usually just backing off on the gas pedal...就能够让他转到高速档如果自动连接装置没有起作用的话...causes it to upshift if the automatic linkage doesn't.你们这些修车工干吗呢?What are you grease monkeys up to?鲍勃有一个曲柄轴卡住了Bob's got a bent choke shaft.- 这辆“黑斑羚”有多重? - 大概1000多磅吧-How much does this Impala weigh? -Weighs about 1000 pounds.一千磅的车以每小时 80英里的时速行进力量相当于Thousand pounds traveling at 80 miles per hour builds up a force of--是1000磅再加上乘客和满满的油箱That's 1000 pounds with passengers in it and a full tank of gas.- 你肯定?那好 - 多少乘客?-For a fact? Okay. -How many passengers?- 12个 - 六个坐前面六个坐后面-Twelve. -Six in the front, six in the back.不是11个坐后面驾驶员一个人坐前面No, that's 11 in the back and the driver sitting alone in the front.后面增加重量以防车子甩尾Extra weight on the rear wheels is to keep from fishtailing.我们说的乘客总重1250磅吗?We talking about 12 50-pound passengers?- 整一个儿童足球队 - 那么这到底是金属还是塑料夹板-Kids' soccer team. -Now, is that metal or plastic cleats?- 金属夹板更安全些 - 好吧我的计算完成了-Metal cleats for safety. -Okay, my computations are complete.你爱钻牛角尖你被虫子咬傻了You are just heckle tweak, but you are bug-bite squared.- 什么样的虫子? - “操♥你♥妈♥”虫-What kind of bug? -About-to-get-fucked-up-bitch beetle.- 嘿好了好了冷静点伙计们 - 跟我来啊-Hey, come on. Cool it, you guys. -Tell me--退后退后看左手看右手艾涅现在要动手Step back. Freck-and-frack, Ernie's on the attack.- 你这是搞什么东西? - 来啊-What is this? -Come on.- 我还真是害怕啊 - 我要把你的睾丸敲下来-I'm desperately afraid. -I'm gonna knock your nads...塞到你鼻孔里让你说话清楚些...up into your nostrils for talking to your betters that way.好啊我可是正牌技术员你只是个无牌小贩All right. I'm a technician, you're an interloper.你天生就没办法闭嘴You are constitutionally incapable of not shutting the fuck up.- 动手啊! - 你♥他♥妈♥闭嘴!-Bring it! -Shut the fuck up!不不你这得痔疮的小子我要逮住你No, no, proctology boy, I'm coming after you.闭嘴嘿!嘿!Shut it. Hey. Hey.我有一样最合适的工具来干这个I have the perfect tool for this job.- 我只不过跟他开玩笑而已 - 去你♥妈♥的♥-I was only kidding him. -Fuck.该死!Fuck!要是他进去拿枪和消声器出来怎么办?What if he goes in there and he gets his gun and his silencer?我得走了这个地方已经不安全了I'm leaving. This place has become unsafe.不用喂喂福瑞克!不得了!你是我哥们留下来No, hey, hey, Freck. No, come on. You're a bro, man. Stick around.你拿锤子干什么柏瑞斯?What's the hammer for, Barris?没什么我在里面看到这个然后想我应该把这东西拿出来No, I just saw it inside and thought I, you know, should bring it along with me. - 这也一样 - 你准备好了吗?-Same with this. -You ready?是啊你想要干什么?Yeah, what do you want?- 来吧你这铁块脑袋 - 闭上嘴-Come on, hammerhead. -Shut up.- 你要敢动一下 - 我不愿意-Make a move. -Don't like it.好吧要是你们这帮家伙喜欢互相杀来杀去我就跟你们分道扬镖Okay. lf you guys are gonna kill each other, I'm splitting.- 这里已经一团糟了 - 喂福瑞克-It's getting very fucked up over here. -Hey, Freck.最危险的人就是那些害怕自己内心阴影的人The most dangerous kind of person is the one who's afraid of his own shadow. - 那是什么意思? - 让我告诉你-What is that supposed to mean? -I'll tell you.意思是如果你那种东西吃得太多It means that if you take too much of that stuff...你就不单单只是看见虫子到处爬...you not only start seeing bugs all over...然后你就开始讲外星语言没人能听得懂你...but you start talking like...and no one can understand you.你说什么柏瑞斯?我弄不懂What'd you say, Barris? I didn't understand.看见了你们这些家伙已经完了See, you guys are fucked up.不不是勒这家活已经玩了No, no, it is y-uck-uck-ou that are fuck-ucked-ed up.嘿去搞你自己吧福瑞克Hey, go Freck yourself.别开车了你会送命的Don't take the car, you'll kill yourself.这个家伙到处说自己是世界上最著名的伪装者So this guy's been going around claiming to be a world-famous impostor, right? 说他伪装成有时候是约翰·霍普金斯大学的外科医生Says he's posed, at one time or another, as a surgeon at John Hopkins...有时候又是研究亚分子学说做高速...as a theoretical, submolecular, high-velocity...粒子实验受哈佛大学资助的物理学家...particle-research physicist on a federal grant at Harvard...或者是获得了诺贝尔文学奖的芬兰作家...as a Finnish novelist who won the Nobel Prize for literature...又或者是已经下台的阿根廷前总统...as a deposed Argentinean president...还娶了芝加哥来的舞♥女♥做老婆...who was married to a go-go dancer from Chicago--他就这样都没被人揭穿?He got away with all that?- 他从没有被抓住过? - 唉我被你打断了-He never got caught? -Okay, you broke my flow...所以我只好从最接近的地方继续讲起...so now I guess I'll just have to segue down to the near.就是这样你看他根本没有假扮成其中任何一种身份That's just it. You see, he didn't pose as any of those.他只是假扮成世界上最著名的伪装者就这样He just posed as a world-famous impostor. Yeah.后来《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》登出来了It came out later in the L.A. Times.他们查过他只不过是在迪斯尼乐园拿扫帚的They checked up, and he was pushing a broom at Disneyland or something. 他看过了迪卡普里奥以前那部电影He saw that old DiCaprio movie.你知道的就是那部他在里面演世界知名的伪装者的电影You know, the one where he plays a world-famous impostor...就在莱昂纳多登上艾尔维斯的舞台之前...before Leonardo hit his Elvis stage.他最开始的想法就是And his first thought was:“嘿我可以扮成那些希奇古怪的家伙同时还不被人抓住”揌ey, I could pose as all those exotic guys and get away with it. ?不过他马上又想到“嗨干吗那么烦呢But then, his next thought was, 揌ell, why bother?我可以只扮演伪装者这可容易多了。
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右手食指和无名指决定你的报复心强度(双语)Let's say you recently turned someone down for a raise or a promotion, and he has now retaliated -- for instance, by quitting in a huff and taking a valuable client list with him。
According to a new study of the role of testosterone in business negotiations, you might have foreseen that, and maybe even prevented it, if you had checked out his right hand before making (or refusing) an offer. Specifically, if someone's ring finger and his index finger are the same length, look out。
Little or no difference in the size of those digits is an indicator of high prenatal testosterone, which tells you two things. First, this is a person who is preoccupied with preserving his status and saving face. Unless you handle his ego with kid gloves, he will be quick to take offense. And second, if you cross him, he will get even。
That's the conclusion of an intriguing study called "Lex talionis: Testosterone and the law of retaliation," to be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology。
上述是一项名为《Lex talionis:睾丸激素与报复定律》的研究得出的结论。
Lex talionis is Latin for "retributive justice," and here's how the experiment went down: Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations. Lex talionis是拉丁文,意为“因果应报”。
The first bargaining session was rigged so that the test subjects were, in effect, cheated out of $40 they had thought they could win. In the second round, which the subjects were not told about ahead of time, the researchers turned the tables so that, this time, the volunteers controlled the bidding process for a second $40 pot。
Some people played fair during the second round, swallowing their disappointment at "losing" the first time and making reasonable efforts to reach an evenhanded outcome. Other subjects, however, responded quite differently. They aggressively lowballed the researchers, clearly determined to get payback。
After it was all over, the researchers used a flatbed scanner to measure everyone's right-hand index and ring fingers ("from the ventral proximal crease of the digit to the tip of the finger"). In every case, they found a direct correlation between "digit ratio" and vengefulness: The less of a difference between the two fingers, the greater the urge to get even。
Many other studies have established "digit ratio" as an indicator of prenatal testosterone -- that is, how much testosterone someone was exposed to before birth, often as a result of birth order (older children in a family tend to have more than younger ones) or a mother's genes。
But until now, the behavioral implications for negotiation strategy have not been clear。
"Testosterone is a hormone associated with status-seeking and a need to save face," notes Adam Galinsky, the Kellogg professor who co-wrote the study. "It makes a powerful difference in how people respond to situations.[/en]“睾丸激素是与追求地位和挽回面子的需求有关的荷尔蒙。
”"People with low testosterone -- that is, with a noticeable difference in the length of their second and fourth digits -- may perceive that they're being treated unfairly, butthey're likely to go sulk in a corner." “睾丸激素少的人,也就是其食指与无名指长度有明显差异的那些人,虽然也会认识到自己遭受了不公平待遇,但他们很可能只会生闷气,而不会采取报复行为。
”However, Galinsky says, "If you're looking across a bargaining table at someone who has a slight difference, or no difference, between the second and fourth digits, be careful." Make an extra effort to mollify that person and stroke his ego, because doing otherwise is "like slapping a sleeping tiger."但是,加林斯基表示:“如果你放眼望去,看到谈判桌对面的人食指与无名指长短差不多或者根本就一样长,那你就得当心了。