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A:I want to sue the teachers for their physical punishments at school .. A:

如果把卡车听在这儿, 会妨碍交通的.我的车一会儿就要退出来.B: 我会告诉司机,... 本文档由YY198308 收集整理。


1 、 a bad apple 坏蛋

A :Oh, my God! What happened? Why are you black and blue?

B :I got beaten by Peter ' s brother

A :Tha t ' s a bad apple! Let ' s think up a way and teach him a lesson



2、a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人;占有有利条件却不会利用的人

A :Give the skates to me!

B :You shut up!

A :If you don ' t know how to skate, why don ' t you give the skates to me? Don ' t be a dog in the manger.




3、a gay dog 快活的人

A :It ' s strange they should get along so well!

B :That ' s nothing unusual.

A :You don ' t know much about the couple. One likes to be alone, but t he other is a bit of a gay




4、a hard nut 冥顽不化的人;无知无觉的人

A :Bob refused all his classmate ' s invitations.

B :I really couldn ' t understand him.

A :He' s surely a hard nut, nobody likes approaching him.

B :We' d better also leave him alone. 甲:鲍勃拒绝了班上所有人的邀请。乙:他这个人我真不明白。


5 、 a hen-pecked husband 妻管严;怕老婆的男人

A :Aunt is scolding uncle again.

B :Don' t worry. Your uncle won ' t utter a word back.

A :I didn ' t know my uncle is a hen -pecked husband

B :He isn ' t. He thinks it ' s not necessary to quarrel with women.




6 、big shot 要人 A :Do you know Mr. Smith?

B :No, but I know of him. He ' s a big shot in the local politics.

A :I ' m told he s on'ly a yes-man.

B :Yes, I hate that. At present, what we want is a strong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man.

甲:你认识史密斯先生吗?乙:不认识,但我知道这人,他在本地政界是个举足轻重的人物。甲:我听说他是个和事佬。乙:没错儿,我就恨这个。现在,我们要的是强有力的、有主见的领导人,可不是和事佬儿。7 、fat cat 大款

A :Where ' re those popular actresses in our school time?

B :Get into marriage.

A :Can everyone find a fat cat?

B :Everyone wants to, but not everyone succeeds. 甲:咱们上学时的那些女影星都哪去了?乙:结婚了呗!甲:人人都能找到大款吗?


8 、bosom friends 知心朋友

A :Is Jack a friend of yours?

B :Yes. He is one of my bosom friends.

A :He' s a nice guy as far as I know

B :You can be certain of that. 甲:杰克是你的朋友吗?乙:是,他是我的一个知心朋友。甲:我也知道他是一个好人。乙:这点毫无疑问。

9 、con artist 大骗子手

A :Is this your first visit to this city?

B :Yes, why?

A :Perhaps I should warn you that this city is full of con artists.

B :Thanks for telling. I ' ll take care.



10 、the long and short of it 概括地说

A :Do you know why John left our company?

B :It ' s a complicated story but the long and short of it is that he transferred a large sum of

money wrongly.

A :Who should be responsible exactly?

B :A crook took advantage of him. Our boss would never forgive such a stupid act. 甲:你知道为什么约翰离开我们公司了吗?乙:这事很复杂,但概括地说,他错转了一大笔资金。


11 、no point 没理由

A :There ' s no point in losing temper on me. It ' s unfair!

B :What did you do to him?

A :If I did something bad, I wouldn ' t blame him for getting angry with me. The point is that

I did nothing wrong.

B :Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager. 甲:没理由向我发火。这太不公平了!乙:你对他怎么了!甲:如果
