












1. 美国89


2. 西班牙720.0

3. 阿根廷665.0

4. 希腊489.0

5. 立陶宛462.0

6. 土耳其301.0

7. 意大利300.0

8. 塞尔维亚234.0

9. 澳大利亚224.0

10. 中国219.7

















7.德国322.0 8.意大利300.0

9.中国254.7 10.波多黎各252.6

11.澳大利亚234.0 12.安哥拉205.0


在北京奥运会、残奥会总结表彰大会上的讲话 (2008年9月29日) 胡锦涛 同志们,朋友们: 举国关注、举世瞩目的北京奥运会、残奥会已经胜利落下帷幕。从8月8日北京奥运会火炬点燃的那一刻,到9月17日北京残奥会火炬熄灭的那一天,我国人民和世界各国人民共同经历了激动人心的历史时光,共同分享了激情澎湃的奥运欢乐,共同书写了奥林匹克运动新的辉煌篇章。 举办一届有特色、高水平的奥运会、残奥会,实现两个奥运同样精彩,这是中国人民对国际社会的郑重承诺。经过7年多不懈努力,我们终于取得北京奥运会、残奥会的巨大成功,广泛弘扬了团结、友谊、和平的奥林匹克精神,大力促进了世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊,让同一个世界、同一个梦想的口号响彻寰球。中国人民以坚忍不拔的执着和努力,实现了中华民族的百年期盼,完成了海内外中华儿女的共同心愿,履行了对国际社会的郑重承诺,赢得了国际社会高度评价,在现代奥林匹克运动史册上深深钤上了彤红的中国印。

北京奥运会、残奥会的成功,凝结了全国各条战线无数人们的智慧和心血。广大奥运建设者、工作者、志愿者满怀为国争光的豪情壮志,在北京奥运会、残奥会各个岗位上无私奉献、奋力拼搏,涌现出一大批支持奥运、参与奥运、奉献奥运可歌可泣的先进集体和先进个人。今天,我们在这里隆重集会,就是要全面总结北京奥运会、残奥会创造的成功经验,弘扬北京奥运会、残奥会培育的崇高精神,进一步动员全党全国各族人民为实现党的十七大描绘的宏伟蓝图而继续奋斗。 同志们、朋友们! 为了实现举办奥运会这个中华民族的百年期盼,中国人民追求和奋斗了整整一百年,付出了几代人锲而不舍的顽强努力。 1908年,中国人就发出了中国要参加奥运会、举办奥运会的第一声呼唤。1932年,我国只有一名运动员参加了洛杉矶第十届奥运会,开启了中国参与现代奥林匹克运动的艰难征程。新中国成立前,我国运动员费尽周折参加了3届奥运会,虽然竭尽全力,但从未获得一块奖牌。这也是旧中国苦难深重、积贫积弱在体育事业上的反映。


北京2008年北京奥运会及残奥会环境卫生 保障工作实施方案 为确保高标准、高质量地完成奥运会及残奥会期间环境卫生保障工作,贯彻落实《北京奥运行动规划》、《北京2008奥运会与残奥会城市运行环境卫生保障工作的指导意见》等相关文件的精神,为2008北京奥运会及残奥会提供一个整洁优美的城市环境,特制定本方案。 一、指导思想及工作目标 (一)指导思想。 以党的十七大提出的“办好2008年奥运会、残奥会”的指示精神为指导,围绕“新北京、新奥运”的战略构想,践行“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的理念,形成“以场馆为基础、以竞赛为中心、以属地为保障”的环境卫生保障组织体制,建立运行高效的环境卫生保障工作机制。 (二)工作目标。 以“洁净城市、服务奥运”为目标,充分满足奥运会及残奥会对城市环境卫生公共产品和服务的需求,实现“到2008年城市垃圾全部安全处理,垃圾资源化率达到30%,分类收集率达到50%。奥运会垃圾全部分类收集、集中处理、回用率达50%”的奥运承诺目标,提升首都环境卫生的管理水平,推进首都宜居城市、环境友好型和资源节约型城市的建设和发展。

二、组织机构及职责分工 (一)组织机构。 为确保2008年奥运期间环境卫生保障工作的顺利进行,成立“2008奥运会及残奥会环境卫生保障工作指挥部”。 总指挥:陆海军市“2008”环境办主任、市市政管委主任副总指挥:陈玲市市政管委副主任 谈志民市“2008”环境办副主任 余小萱北京奥组委工程和环境部副部长 成员单位: 市“2008”环境办、市“2008”工程办、北京奥组委工程和环境部、各区县政府、市市政管委、市建委、市交通委、市水务局、市商务局、市文化局、市卫生局、市交管局、市环保局、市园林绿化局、市旅游局、北京铁路局、市城管执法局、市运输局、市路政局、天安门地区管委会、西客站地区管委会、北京经济技术开发区管委会、奥林匹克公共区管委会、各场馆团队、北京环卫集团、北京金州安洁公司。 以上成员单位主管领导为“2008奥运会及残奥会环境卫生保障工作指挥部”领导成员。 指挥部下设“2008奥运会及残奥会环境卫生保障工作指挥部办公室”,各单位确定一人作为办公室工作联络员,纳入指挥部办公室。 办公室主任:吴其伟市市政管委


Part of script in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Roll: With the start of a video , we will see a beautiful Chinese picture roll, across time and space,it tells the profound Chinese story , friends around the world will enjoy the elegant oriental charm , understand long history of Chinese culture , feel China’s modern attraction. The TV Screen is presented with Chinese four treasures——ink,paper, brush and ink . And Xuancheng city is the hometown of Chinese four treasures. In the sound of Guqin, we can see a complete process producing paintings , paper making, colored by ink, framed into the shaft , tonight, the story begins from a piece of elegant graceful , ever-changing picture of China. The picture magically appeared in the middle of field, a huge piece of up to 70 meters slowly open in front of us. Melodious sound of the piano, watermill dip, are full of Chinese classical art and elegant charm. Picture shows the evolution of ceramics, bronzes and other cultural origins, iconic cultural symbols in development of China. The Chinese four treasures reflect the origin of Chinese culture flow. Chinese ink painting emphasizes the spirit and cha rm, dancer’s unique body language reflects in the unique charm of Chinese ink painting and charm. At the moment, the painting has been completed, it is being lifted off the ground, a staggered and undulating mountain has been presented in front of us.


北京2008奥运会(残奥会)开闭幕式购票人登记表 (中央国家机关及有关单位用表) 购票人所在单位或邀请单位声明并盖章:

填表说明 Form Instruction 1、本表专用于采集中央国家机关及有关单位开闭幕式门票购票人的有关信息。 This form is specially used for guests from government. 2、本表所收集的观众信息和照片,将用于制作门票和入场查验。请购票人仔细阅读本填写说明并按要求正确填写。 The personal information collected in this form will be used for ticket production and entry checking. Please read the instructions and fill in the form carefully. 3、请将填写完整并粘贴了照片的登记表与身份证件复印件(采用A4纸复印)一同交给有关归口管理单位票务工作联系人。北京奥组委仅接受归口管理单位提交的购票人登记表,不接受购票人个人直接提交信息。 Please deliver the filled paper form with your photo to the organization which is recognized by BOCOG as the ticket distributor. 4、本表粘贴的照片应符合如下要求:购票人近照(拍摄日期不早于2006年8月)、正面、免冠、白背景或均匀背景、无边框的彩色小2寸证件照(尺寸为48mm*33mm)。 The photo should be taken after August 2006, passport sized (48mm*33mm), in one color and on a light or off-write background, show a clear, front view and no head coverings. 5、购票人姓名必须和其身份证件信息一致。中文姓名请使用简体中文书写;英文姓名请使用大写英文字母书写。 The name and ID information filled in the form must be the same as that you used to purchase the ticket(s). Chinese name must be filled in with Simplified Chinese, for English name, please fill in with capitalized letters. 6、填写的国籍须与所持有效证件签发国家或地区一致。 The nationality filled in the form must be the same as the information shown on the ID. 7、通讯地址须填写包括国家或地区、省、市、区、街乡、楼、门牌号等全称信息内容。 The Permanent Address, Present Address, and Mailing Address must contain detailed information, e.g., No., Building, Street, District, City, Province, Country/Region. 9、选择身份证件类型时请参照: Please refer to the following abbreviation of ID types. CID:中华人民共和国居民身份证 Resident ID Card of the P.R.C. PAS:护照 Passport TWT:台湾居民来往大陆通行证 Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents GAT:港澳居民来往内地通行证 Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Resident JGZ:中国人民解放军军官证(士兵)证 Chinese Military Officer’s ID / Chinese Millitary Soldier’s ID WJZ:中国人民武装警察部队警官(士兵)证 Chinese Armed Police ID 10、本表请用黑色钢笔或签字笔清晰填写,购票人必须在声明下方签名处亲笔签名。北京奥组委不对因为购票人填写不清、错误或不真实信息而导致无法成功获得门票或不能顺利入场的后果负责。Please complete the Registration Form by pen with black ink. Applicants must sign under the Declaration. BOCOG will not be responsible for unsuccessful ticket purchase or entry rejection due to invalid information. 11、此表需经购票人所在单位和归口管理单位盖章方为有效。 This form is valid only being stamped by the organization recognized by BOCOG. 12、如果您填表时有任何疑问,请联系所属归口管理单位门票工作联系人。 If you have any questions on filling out the Registration Form ,please contact the organization. 第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会


北京奥运会菜单中英文对照 凉菜 八宝辣酱(Eight Delicacies in Hot Sauce)、夫妻肺片(Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce) 川北凉粉( Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce)、棒棒鸡(Bon Bon Chicken) 麻辣小龙虾(Hot and Spicy Crayfish)、扒猪脸(Snout) 桂花糯米藕(Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice) 醉蟹(Liquor-Soaked Crabs) 酒水 茅台(Moutai)、红星二锅头(Red Star Erguotou) 衡水老白干(Hengshui Laobaigan)、青岛啤酒(Tsing Tao Beer) 长城干红(Great Wall Red Wine)、绍兴女儿红(Nu'er Hong)、 茶 碧螺春(Biluochun Tea)、大红袍(Dahongpao Tea) 陈年普洱(Aged Pu'er Tea)、祁门红茶(Keemun Black Tea) 茉莉花茶(Jasmine Tea) 汤 西红柿蛋花汤(Tomato and Egg Soup)、紫菜蛋花汤(Seaweed and Egg Soup) 鱼头豆腐汤(Fish Head and Tofu Soup)、老鸭汤(Duck Soup) 酸菜粉丝汤(Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelli Soup) 萝卜丝鲫鱼汤(Crucian Carp Soup with Shredded Turnips) 黄豆排骨汤(Pork Ribs and Soy Bean Soup) 木瓜花生炖鸡脚(Chicken Paw Soup with Papaya and Peanut) 主菜 川菜:麻婆豆腐(MaPo Tofu)、回锅肉(Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili)、干烧鱼翅(Dry-Braised Shark’s Fin)、豆花肉蟹(Sautéed Hardshell Crab with Tofu Pudding)、坛子鸡(Chicken in Pot)、樟茶鸭(Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style)、魔芋鸭(Braised Duck with Shredded Konjak) 粤菜:佛跳墙(Fotiaoqiang)、叉烧(BBQ Pork)、烧鹅(Roast Goose)、白斩鸡(Chopped Boiled Chicken)、脆皮乳猪(Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig)、脆皮乳鸽(Crispy Pigeon) 鲁菜:葱烧海参(Braised Sea Cucumbers with Spring Onions)、九转大肠(Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce) 北京菜:北京烤鸭(Peking Duck)、京酱肉丝(Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce)、羊蝎子(Lamb Spine Hot Pot) 贵州菜:酸汤鱼(Fish in Sour Soup)、花江狗肉(Huajiang Dog Meat) 湘菜:剁椒鱼头(Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers)、莲蓬扣肉(Braised Pork with Lotus Seeds)、农家小炒肉(Shredded Pork with Vegetables)、干锅茶树菇(Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushrooms) 淮扬菜:红烧狮子头(Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce)、蜜汁火方(Braised Ham in Honey Sauce) 浙江菜:西湖醋鱼(West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy)、东坡肉(Braised Dongpo Pork) 东北菜:小鸡炖蘑菇(Stewed Chick with Mushroom)、酱骨架(Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce) 新疆菜:大盘鸡(Braised Chicken with Potato and Green Pepper)、孜然寸骨(Sautéed Spare Ribs with Cumin)


北京奥运会、残奥会先进个人名单 (共566名) 丁伯成奥林匹克公园北区场馆群场馆团队运行副主任兼运行秘书长 于次北京奥组委媒体运行部二级高级项目专家,工人体育场场馆团队媒体副主任于建平北京奥运会、残奥会开闭幕式技术制作组组长 卫峥北京奥组委总体策划部综合处副处长 马遂北京协和医院副院长,奥运村(残奥村)运行团队综合服务副总经理 仇淑君(女)天津市体育对外交流中心副科长,奥足赛天津赛区办公室接待部干部 卞留念中国东方歌舞团国家一级作曲,北京奥运会开闭幕式运营中心闭幕式音乐总设计 尹秀峰北京市朝阳区市政管理委员会主任,朝阳区“2008”环境建设指挥部办公室主任 牛英明(女)北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司车辆通号部部长 王宁北京奥运会开闭幕式运营中心主任 王芹(女)沙滩排球场场馆团队服务副主任兼运行秘书长 王恺北京奥组委秘书行政部秘书处处长 王春北京市朝阳区人民政府办公室主任,奥林匹克公园公共区管委会运行秘书长王骐北京市公安局公安交通管理局特勤处副调研员,奥运村(残奥村)运行团队交通副总经理 王智北京燕山石化公司炼油厂第二作业部工段长 王石民中建一局集团建设发展有限公司国家游泳中心项目安全员

王志忠北京奥组委文化活动部城市文化活动处副处长,北京科技大学体育馆场馆团队服务副主任 王建斌北京市丰台区市政管理委员会主任,丰台区“2008”环境建设指挥部办公室主任 王树立(女)北京市自来水集团有限责任公司第三水厂党支部书记、厂长 王泉生北京首都旅游集团有限责任公司北京饭店党委书记、总经理 王淑莲(女)青岛市海洋与渔业局副局长,奥帆赛残奥帆赛城市运行指挥部海域保洁组副组长 王焕福北京奥组委体育部体育信息处三级项目专家 王童洁(女)北京奥组委体育部体操项目竞赛主任,国家体育馆场馆团队竞赛主任 王福全北京人民广播电台总编室主任,北京奥运新闻中心副主任 卢江北京市外办国际交流一处主任科员 古越仁北京奥组委监察审计部部长,第29届奥运会监督委员会办公室主任 史捍民北京市环境保护局局长 叶如陵北京市朝阳区卫生救护培训中心高级讲师,北京奥运会、残奥会社会志愿者 田建芬(女)辽宁省沈阳市体育局法规处处长,奥足赛沈阳赛区办公室财务部部长兼物流经理 白宏云北京体育大学场馆设备处处长,北京体育大学训练馆团队经理 艾郁公路自行车赛场场馆团队运行秘书长 任小珑奥运村(残奥村)运行团队文化活动与媒体工作副总经理 任晓云北京环境卫生集团有限公司一清分公司工人 刘岩(女)北京舞蹈学院教师


北京奥运会英语作文 The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has recently received the ISO14001 certificate, meaning that the environmental management system (EMS) set up by the BOCOG conforms to the ISO14001:1966 standards and requirements. The certificate issued by China's national environmental authentication center on October 13 covers areas including BOCOG's office work, the event route planning, venue planning, partners selecting, contracted hotels selecting, communication and environmental management. The BOCOG started establishing the EMS following BOCOG president Liu Qi's approval in April 2004. After experts' examination and appraisal of a trial practice of several months, the BOCOG passed the certification in September this year. The system will be implemented from now on to ensure BOCOG's scientific management of the Olympiad's preparation and hosting. As a theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Green


北京奥运会和残奥会的基本知识题 1. 北京奥运会和残奥会分别是什么时间开幕和闭幕? 北京奥运会于2008年8月8日开幕,8月24日闭幕。残奥会于2008年9月6日开幕,9月17日闭幕。 2. 北京奥运会有多少个比赛项目? 北京奥运会比赛项目为28个大项、302个小项。这些体育大项包括:田径、游泳、体操、篮球、足球、排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、棒球、垒球、手球、曲棍球、赛艇、帆船、皮划艇、射击、射箭、铁人三项、现代五项、自行车、马术、拳击、击剑、举重、柔道、摔跤、跆拳道。 3. 北京奥组委筹备工作的总体目标是什么? 北京奥组委筹备工作的总体目标是举办一届“有特色、高水平”的奥运会和残奥会,实现“新北京、新奥运”的战略构想。 “有特色”是:中国风格,充分展示中华民族五千年悠久历史和灿烂文化,体现浓郁的中国韵味,让2008年奥运会成为世界人民更充分地了解和体验中国的历史、文化、民众和自然风光的最佳窗口;人文风采,突出人文奥运的理念,表现奥林匹克的精神,倡导人们陶冶情操,实现人的身心和谐发展,展示精彩纷呈的多元文化,展现中华儿女和谐至美的优良传统;时代风貌,表达当代中国人民自强不息、奋发有为的精神风貌,中华儿女积极进取、昂扬向上的朝气和活力,与世界人民共同追求和平、友谊、进步的强烈愿望;大众参与,展现占世界人口

1/5的13亿中国人民、广大港澳台同胞和海外侨胞积极参与奥林匹克运动的风采。北京奥运会既是在世界人口最多的国家举办的一届奥运会,也会成为人民群众参与程度最广泛的一届奥运会。 “高水平”是:高水平的体育场馆、设施和竞赛组织;高水平的开幕式及文化活动;高水平的媒体服务和良好的舆论评价;高水平的安全保卫工作;高水平的志愿者队伍和服务;高水平的交通组织和生活服务;高水平的城市文明形象;高水平的体育竞赛成绩。 “新北京”意味着古典与现代相接,东方与西方相融的北京。 “新奥运”意味着在一个良好的环境中,通过高科技的手段,推出一个独具特色的人文奥运。 4. 北京奥运会的三大理念是什么? “绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”是北京奥运会的三大理念。 “绿色奥运”,把环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件,制定严格的生态环境标准和系统的保障制度;广泛采用环保技术和手段,大规模多方位地推进环境治理、城乡绿化美化和环保产业发展;增强全社会的环保意识,鼓励公众自觉选择绿色消费,积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,大幅度提高首都环境质量,建设宜居城市。 “科技奥运”,紧密结合国内外科技最新进展,集成全国科技创新成果,举办一届高科技含量的体育盛会;提高北京科技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化和在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。


sports provide an opportunity for young people to develop their bones; heart and lung function, and improve motor skills and coordination. Sports do not just affect your physical health, but have a positive effect on your mental health as well. Sports can increase self-confidence and self-awareness, Reduce depression and anxiety Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendsh ip and peace--and blessings from China--to children all over the world. Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, Fuwa also embody the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals--the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow--and the Olympic Flame. Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name--a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China. Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow. When you put their names together--Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni--they say "Welcome to Beijing," offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Oly mpic Games. Fuwa also embody both the landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China. In their origins and their headpieces, you can see the five elements of nature--the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky--all stylistic rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences of Chinese folk art and ornamentation. In the ancient culture of China, there is a grand tradition of spreading blessings through signs and symbols. Each of Fuwa symbolizes a different blessing--and will honor this tradition by carrying their blessings to the children of the world. Prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck will be spread to every continent as Fuwa carry their invitation to Beijing 2008 to every part of the globe. At the heart of their mission--and through all of their work--Fuwa will seek to unite the world in peace and friendship through the Olympic spirit. Dedicated to helping Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World, One Dream to every continent, Fuwa reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through the Games--and to invite every man, woman and child to take part in the great celebration of human solidarity that China will host in the light of the flame in 2008. Like all antelopes, Yingying is fast and agile and can swiftly cover great stretches of land as he races across the earth. A symbol of the vastness of China's landscape, the antelope carries the blessing of health, the strength of body that comes from harmony with nature. Yingying's flying pose captures the essence of a species unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, one of the first animals put under protection in China. The selection of the Tibetan Antelope reflects Beijing commitment to a Green Olympics. His head ornament incorporates several decorative styles from the Qinghai-Tibet and Sinkiang cultures and the ethnic design traditions of Western China. Strong in track and field events, Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring. Every spring and summer, the children of Beijing have flown beautiful kites on the currents of wind that blow through the capital. Among the kite designs, the golden-winged swallow is traditionally one of the most popular. Nini's figure is drawn

北京奥运会 开幕式 英文开头

The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years, but for the world's greatest wall builders, makers of a forbidden city, what happens tonight is not merely a small step, but a great leap. China is welcoming the world. Who will they be when this is over? The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency. They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, for this summer, to be here, now, and nowhere else. Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation, 1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century, a China both outside time and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation. They have made themselves anew, relentlessly, devotedly, so they might, on these days (if you want) step into history. They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery, repetitive motion, technique polished toward an impossible(guys) ideal. fall fail get up. It's not the triumph,but the struggle. It's not the triumph,but the struggle. It's not the triumph, but the struggle. Not the triumph,but the struggle. Why did they begin? Why do they endure? 郭晶晶(中国女子跳水):08年奥运会在北京,在自己家门口.所以就会一直,一直继续坚持鲍威尔(美国男子100米短跑):I compete, because I want to run faster than any man has ever run. 肖恩·约翰逊(美国女子体操):Flopping on a 4-inch beam, I like the daredevil proud of it. 沃尔什/梅伊(美国女子沙滩排球):(Y ou) know, to get the chance to try to defend your gold medal, I couldn't write a better story. 刘翔:中国男子运动员第一个拿到金牌,所以说我也才会被大家记住。 It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies. It is time to chase eternal youth. Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity. Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt, California brilliance. It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines, and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian. It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations. Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over. Are we about to see the fastest race ever? A dynasty confirmed? A victory cheered by a billion voices? They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments, to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time. They have made themselves anew, for this summer, for Beijing, for this NOW ! 解说词翻译: 他们的历史足迹可以追溯至5000多年前 他们铸就了世界上最伟大的城墙 他们建造了宏伟的紫禁城


北京奥运会残奥会 全国先进集体名单 中国农业大学体育馆团队 北京奥运会残奥会 全国先进个人名单 皇甫国胜后勤基建处 北京奥运会残奥会 北京市先进集体名单 中国农业大学体育馆运行团队 保卫部(处) 北京奥运会残奥会 北京市先进个人名单 秦世成党委副书记(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 杜学振纪委(监察处)(中国农业大学体育馆团队)高建文后勤基建处(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 唐学磊后勤基建处(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 邓淑娟团委(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 景发团委(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 潘志华资源与环境学院(中国农业大学体育馆团队)

敖松人文与发展学院(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 郭大海体育与艺术教学部(中国农业大学体育馆团队) 国家体育总局“体育运动荣誉奖章” 黄春贵水利与土木工程学院 教育部“全国奥运火炬传递勇攀珠峰优秀大学生” 荣誉称号 周鹏信息与电气工程学院 黄春贵水利与土木工程学院 苏子霞经济管理学院 北京奥运会残奥会 海淀区先进集体名单 后勤基建处 后勤基建处小区物业管理部 东区居委会 北京奥运会残奥会 海淀区先进个人名单 江顺平保卫部(处) 黄清波后勤基建处

李怀霞后勤基建处 袁旭明后勤基建处 张欣后勤基建处 北京奥运会残奥会 中国农业大学先进集体名单 农学与生物技术学院 农业部饲料效价与安全监督检验测试中心(北京) 中国农业大学动物医学院兽医药理毒理教研组 食品科学与营养工程学院 信息与电气工程学院 党政办公室 党委宣传部 后勤基建处 北京都丽梦食品有限公司 共青团中国农业大学委员会 北京奥运会残奥会 中国农业大学先进基层党组织名单生物学院研究生第九党支部 资源与环境学院2007级博士第二党支部 工学院党委 水利与土木工程学院水利06级大学生2党支部 经济管理学院党委 理学院本科生化学06级党支部


有关2008北京奥运会的_大学英语作文 The lucky baby first time declares a position MV Austria transported the subject music “ 2008 “ the MV real-life scenery photography to the day before yesterday evening officially in 81 factories open machine, this section of MV first time used the lucky baby image in the image photography. “ 2008 “ composes music, the great light by the famous composer Artemisia stelleriana auspicious light arranges the tune, combines “ the classical fashion “ by the Western happy 7 people the performance, MV New Year’s Day the bilingual party always directs Luo by 2006 great directs and first time uses in this party, on December 31st the evening in central 3 set, central 9 set, Yang regards the Spanish French frequency channel first time meets with everywhere audiences. According to directs Luo Wei introduces, entire MV except that “ the classical fashion “ in the combination 7 individual performances images, other parts all will use the three dimensional animation manufacture, the lucky baby defer to Austria transport conduct the city the order, will fly in turn Athens Wei Cheng, the ancient Egyptian pyramid, the French 埃菲尔iron tower, Australia’s Sydney opera house, the Japanese Mount Fuji, the American free goddess picture, Russia’s Kremlin, finally will come to the Beijing Temple of Heaven. “ Classical fashion “ when combination performance uses the cello, the violin, the flute and so on 3 kind of musical instruments also all can “ use “ by the lucky baby. 福娃首次亮相MV 奥运主题音乐《2008》MV的实景拍摄于前天晚上正式在八一厂开机,这段MV首次在影像拍摄中采用福娃形象。《2008》由著名作曲家薛瑞光作曲、张宏光编曲,由西洋乐7人组合“古典时尚”演奏,MV由2006年元旦双语晚会总导演罗伟执导并首次在该晚会中使用,于12月31日晚在中央3套、中央9套、央视西班牙语法语频道首次与海内外观众见面。 据导演罗伟介绍,整个MV除了“古典时尚”组合中7个人的演奏形象,其他部分均采用三维动画制作,福娃将按照奥运举办城市的顺序,依次飞过雅典卫城、古埃及金字塔、法国埃菲尔铁塔、澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院、日本富士山、美国自由女神像、俄国的克里姆林宫,最后来到北京天坛。“古典时尚”组合演奏时使用的大提琴、小提琴、长笛等3种乐器也均会被福娃“使用”。 Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China’s history. In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the h ereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor.
