Chapter 1 the basics of E Commerce 第一章 电子商务基础




UNIT 1 Internet
Most would say that E-mail was and still continues to be the killer application that makes the Internet irresistible as a technology for both business and individuals. It's hard to fathom a world without Email; however it wasn't that long ago that we relied on post or at most the fax. E-mail has made sending a text message half way around the world instantly child's play. Not only was it fast, easy and very effective, it was free. Originally conceived in 1972, E-mail is now essential to practically all types of businesses and personal communications. We still usually log on only to check our E-mail and whether you send one E-mail, two or thousands the cost is free.
UNIT 1 Internet
Looking back, the essential idea of the Internet is extremely basic; however with several innovations, the Internet has grown and evolved to where it is currently at today.



《电子商务专业英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:040942002课程英文名称:English for E-Commerce课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0上机:0适用专业:电子商务大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.6一、大纲使用说明(一)课程的地位及教学目标本课程是电子商务专业的一门专业选修课程。


















Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce 电子商务综述Case: (引例:)1.1 The Basic Concept of E-commerce(电子商务的基本概念)1.1.1 The Definition of E-commerce(电子商务的定义)1.1.2 The Contents of E-commerce(电子商务的内容)1.1.3 E-commerce Functional Features(电子商务的功能特性)1.2 E-commerce Emergence and Development(电子商务的产生与发展)1.2.1 The Developing Process of E-commerce(电子商务的发展过程)1.2.2 The Current Situation of E-commerce(电子商务的发展现状)1.2.3 The Trend of the E-commerce Development(电子商务的发展趋势)1.3 E-commerce Influence(电子商务的影响)1.3.1 E-commerce Influence on Economy(电子商务对经济的影响)1.3.2 The Impact of E-commerce on Enterprise(电子商务对企业的影响)1.3.3 The Impact of E-commerce on the Government(电子商务对政府管理的影响)Chapter 2 E-commerce Mechanism and Modes 电子商务机理与模式Case: Digital Beijing Project(引例:首都电子商务工程)2.1 Basic E-commerce Modes(电子商务的基本模式)2.1.1 B2B Mode(B2B模式)2.1.2 B2C Mode(B2C模式)2.1.3 B2G Mode(B2G模式)2.1.4 G2G Mode(G2G模式)2.1.5 C2C Mode(C2C模式)2.2 Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的结构)2.2.1 General Framework of E-commerce(电子商务总框架)2.2.2 Application Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的应用框架)2.3 Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务的系统组成)2.3.1 Major Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要组成部分)2.3.2 Network Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的网络架构)2.3.3 Applications Level of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的应用层次)Chapter 3 E-commerce Infrastructural Facilities 电子商务基础设施Case: Covad(引例:Covad)3.1 The Basis of Computer Network(计算机网络基础)3.1.1 Definition of Computer Network(计算机网络的定义)3.1.2 Computer Network Classification(计算机网络的分类)3.1.3 Function of Computer Network(计算机网络的功能)3.2 Network Communication Protocol(网络通信协议)3.2.1 OSI and IEEE 802 Protocol(OSI与IEEE 802协议)3.2.2 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(TCP/IP协议簇)3.2.3 WLAN Communication Protocol(WLAN通信协议)3.3 Internet(互联网)3.3.1 The Emergence and Development of Internet(互联网的产生与发展)3.3.2 Internet Application(互联网的主要应用)3.3.3 IP Address and Domain Name(IP地址和域名)3.3.4 Internet Access(互联网接入方式)3.3.5 Intranet, Extranet and Internet(内联网、外延网和互联网)3.4 Network Program Technology(网络编程技术)3.4.1 Markup Language(标识语言)3.4.2 Java(Java)3.4.3 .NET(.NET)Chapter 4 Information Processing Technology 信息处理技术Case: General Electric(引例:通用电气)4.1 Electronic Data Interchange(电子数据交换)4.1.1 Introduction of EDI(EDI概述)4.1.2 EDI Standards(EDI标准)4.1.3 EDI Network(EDI网络)4.2 RFID Technology(RFID技术)4.2.1 Brief Introduction to RFID(RFID技术简介)4.2.2 Contents of RFID Tracking System(RFID跟踪系统的组成)4.3 GPS Technology(GPS技术)4.3.1 Brief Introduction to GPS(GPS技术简介)4.3.2 Content of GPS Tracking System(GPS跟踪系统的组成)4.4 GIS Technologies(GIS技术)Chapter 5 E-commerce Payment Technology 电子商务支付技术Case: First Internet Bank of Indiana(引例:印第安纳第一网络银行)5.1 E-money(电子货币)5.1.1 Bank Cards(银行卡)5.1.2 E-cash(电子现金)5.1.3 E-check(电子支票)5.1.4 E-wallets(电子钱包)5.2 E-payment System(电子支付系统)5.2.1 E-cash Payment System(电子现金支付系统)5.2.2 Bank Card Payment System(银行卡支付系统)5.2.3 The E-check System(电子支票支付系统)5.3 Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry(互联网技术与银行业)5.3.1 E-bank(网上银行)5.3.2 Mobile Bank(移动银行)Chapter 6 E-commerce Security Technology 电子商务安全技术Case: Bibliofind Company(引例:Bibliofind Company)6.1 Introduction to E-commerce Security(电子商务安全概述)6.1.1 Security Issues in E-commerce(电子商务的安全性问题)6.1.2 The Basic Requirements for Security in E-commerce (EC对安全的基本要求)6.1.3 Measures for E-commerce Security(电子商务安全措施)6.2 Encryption Technology(加密技术)6.2.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.2.2 Symmetric Encryption Technology(对称式密钥加密技术)6.2.3 Asymmetric Encryption Technology(非对称密钥加密技术)6.2.4 Mixed EncryptionTechnology(混合加密技术)6.3 Authentication Technology(认证技术)6.3.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.3.2 Message Digest and Digital Signatures(数字摘要与数字签名)6.3.3 Digital Certificates and CA Security Authentication (数字证书与CA安全认证体系)6.3.4 Public Key Infrastructure(公钥基础设施)6.4 Firewall Technology(防火墙技术)6.4.1 Basic Concept of the Firewall(防火墙的基本概念)6.4.2 Firewall Principle(防火墙原理)6.4.3 Security Policy and Limitations of Firewall(防火墙的安全策略及局限性)6.5 Security Payment Technology(安全支付技术)6.5.1 Secure Socket Layer(安全套接层协议)6.5.2 Secure Electronic Transaction(安全电子交易协议)6.5.3 Comparison between SSL and SET(SSL与SET比较)Chapter 7 E-commerce and the Law 电子商务与法律Case: Legal Issue Related to Hyperlink on the Website(引例:关于网站中的超链接的法律问题)7.1 Introduction to E-commerce Law(电子商务法介绍)7.1.1 The Legal Issue for E-commerce(电子商务引发的法律问题)7.1.2 Concepts and Features of E-commerce Law(电子商务法的概念及其特征)7.1.3 The Legislation Course of E-commerce(电子商务立法进程)7.2 The Law Issues in E-commerce's Transactions(电子商务交易中存在的法律问题)7.2.1 Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China(《中华人民共和国电子签名法》)7.2.2 Contracting and Contract Enforcement in E-commerce (电子商务中的合同和履行)7.2.3 Digital Signatures and Authentication(电子签名及认证问题)7.3 Intellectual Property in E-commerce(电子商务中的知识产权问题)7.3.1 Copyright(网络著作权的法律保护)7.3.2 Domain Names(有关域名的法律保护)7.3.3 Database(数据库的法律保护)7.4 Customer Right Protection at E-commerce(电子商务中的消费者权益保护)7.4.1 Customer Privacy Protection(消费者隐私权保护)7.4.2 Virtual Property Protection(虚拟财产的保护)Chapter 8 E-commerce and Taxation 电子商务与税收Case:eBay'ers(引例:eBay用户)8.1 Introduction to Taxation in E-commerce(电子商务税收概述)8.1.1 Taxation and Its Significance(税收及其重要性)8.1.2 Characteristics of E-commerce Taxation(电子商务税收的特点)8.2 Taxation Issue in E-commerce(电子商务带来的税收问题)8.2.1 Argument for E-commerce Taxation(电子商务征税的争执)8.2.2 Permanent Establishment(常设机构)8.2.3 Tax Jurisdiction(税收权限)8.3 International Legislation of E-commerce Taxation(国际上电子商务的税收法规)8.3.1 Two Perspectives Over Taxation Policy(电子商务税收政策的两种观点)8.3.2 Nexus(直接关系税)8.3.3 European Union Value Added Taxes(欧盟的增值税)8.3.4 The OECD Five Key Principles for E-commerce Taxation(经济发展与合作组织对于电子商务税收的5点原则)8.3.5 Alternative Ways of Taxing the E-commerc(对电子商务税收的几种方案)Chapter 9 E-commerce and Business Management企业电子商务管理Case:P&G and Wal-Mart(引例:宝洁和沃尔玛)9.1 Critical Success Factors and E-commerce Strategies (关键成功因素与电子商务策略)9.1.1 Critical Success Factors(关键成功因素)9.1.2 Critical Success Factors in E-commerce(电子商务的关键成功因素)9.2 E-commerce and Supply Chain Management(电子商务与供应链管理)9.2.1 Supply Chain Introduction(供应链介绍)9.2.2 E-supply Chain Management(电子商务供应链管理)9.2.3 Supply Chain Integration with the Application of E-commerce(运用电子商务进行供应链整合)9.3 E-commerce and Human Resources Management(电子商务与人力资源管理)9.3.1 HRM in the Context of E-Commerce(电子商务环境下的人力资源管理)9.3.2 Knowledge Management(知识管理)9.4 E-commerce and Logistics(电子商务与物流管理)9.4.1 E-logistics Management(电子商务物流管理)9.4.2 E-logistics Differs from Traditional Logistics(电子商务物流与传统物流的区别)Chapter 10 Construction of E-commerce System电子商务系统建设Case:Sinochem Corporation E-commerce System(引例:中国化工进出口总公司电子商务系统)10.1 System Design of E-commerce System(电子商务系统设计)10.1.1 Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统结构)10.1.2 E-commerce Website Design Elements(电子商务网站设计要素)10.2 The Developing Process of E-commerce System(电子商务系统建设过程)10.2.1 Lifecycle of System Development(系统开发周期)10.2.2 System Analysis and Planning(系统分析和规划)10.2.3 System Design and Development(系统设计与开发)10.2.4 System Testing/Implementation/Maintenance(系统测试/实施/维护)10.3 System Software of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要软件)10.3.1 Web Server Software(Web服务器软件)10.3.2 Application Server(应用服务器)10.3.3 E-commerce Software Package(电子商务软件包)Chapter 11 E-commerce Website 电子商务网站建设Case:Circuit City's E-superstore(引例:Circuit City的网上超市)11.1 E-commerce and Portal Site(电子商务和门户网站)11.1.1 Types of Portal Site(门户网站的类型)11.1.2 Importance of Web Portals(网络门户网站的重要性)11.2 Website Construction(网站建设)11.2.1 The Pattern of E-shops(网上商店的模式)11.2.2 Launch an Successful Online Business(启动一个成功的网上商业项目)11.2.3 Website Design(网站设计)11.2.4 Actualization of E-shops(网上商店的实现)11.3 E-shop Fore-end(网络商店前台)11.3.1 Online Catalog(网上产品目录)11.3.2 Shopping Cart(购物车)11.3.3 Online Payment(网上支付)11.4 E-shop Back-end(网络商店后台)11.4.1 Order Processing(订单处理)11.4.2 Customer Relationship Management(CRM)(客户关系管理)11.4.3 Logistics(物流配送)Chapter 12 E-commerce and the Latest Development电子商务发展动态Case:The Future Store in Germany(引例:德国的未来超市)12.1 Current Status of E-commerce(电子商务现状)12.1.1 Global E-commerce Latest Development(全球电子商务发展的基本情况)12.1.2 Development of E-commerce in China(中国电子商务的基本情况)12.1.3 Problems in China's E-commerce Development(中国电子商务发展中存在的问题)12.1.4 Policy for the Promotion of E-commerce Development (中国促进电子商务发展的方针政策)12.2 M-commerce(移动电子商务)12.2.1 Technologies of M-commerce(移动电子商务的实现技术)12.2.2 M-tickets(移动电子票务)12.3 Other E-commerce Development(其他电子商务的发展情况)12.3.1 IPTV(数字电视)12.3.2 Blog(博客)。



Forms of Business Ownership
Sole Proprietorship

Disadvantages — Total (unlimited) personal liability. — Limited financial resources (capital). — Lack of continuity as a result of disability or death of owner. — Owner may have limited managerial expertise.
Forms of Business Ownership
A partnership is a legal relationship between persons carrying on a profit-motivated business Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business.

Forms of Business Ownership
Sole Proprietorship

— Owner in direct control (you are your own boss). — Keeping the profits from the business — The easiest form of business to start — No double taxation

电子商务 第一章 ecommerce

电子商务 第一章 ecommerce

Chapter 1Overview of Electronic CommerceLearning ObjectivesUpon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:∙Define electronic commerce (EC) and describe its various categories.∙Describe and discuss the content and framework of EC.∙Describe the major types of EC transactions.∙Describe some EC business models.∙Describe the benefits of EC to organizations, consumers, and society.∙Describe the limitations of EC.∙Describe the role of the digital revolution in EC and the economic impact of EC.∙Describe the contribution of EC in helping organizations respond to environmental pressures.∙Discuss some major managerial issues regarding EC.ContentQantas Airways – A New Way to Compete1.1 Electronic Commerce Definitions and Concepts1.2The EC Framework and FieldEC Application Case 1.1 - Individuals and Communities: The Success Story of 1.3E-Commerce Business Plans, Cases, and ModelsInsights and Additions: The Content of a Business Plan1.4Benefits and Limitations of ECEC Application Case 1.2- Interorganziation and Collaboration: Orbis Corp.Changes a Linear Physical Supply Chain to an Electronic HubInsights and Additions: Cutting Organizations Cost with EC1.5The Digital Revolution and the Economic Impact of ECInsights and Additions: Statistics Related to the Digital Revolution in the United States1.6The Contribution of E-Commerce to OrganizationsEC Application Case 1.3- Interorganization and Collaboration: FedEx Solutions EC Application Case 1.4- Interorganization and Collaboration: The Internet and the Intranet Shorten Time-to-Market for New Drugs1.7 Putting It All Together1.8 Text OverviewManagerial IssuesReal-World Case: E-Commerce Cures HospitalsProgress Check Pause/Break Section Review QuestionsSection 1.1 Review Questions (page 5)Define EC and e-business.Section 1.2 Review QuestionsList the major components of the EC framework.List the major transactional types of EC.Section 1.3 Review QuestionsDefine business plan, business case, and business model.Identify business models related to selling.Identify business models related to buying.Section 1.4 Review QuestionsDescribe some EC benefits to individuals, organizations, and society. Section 1.5 Review QuestionsDefine the digital economy.Section 1.7 Review QuestionsDefine intranets and extranets.EC Application Case QuestionsEC Application Case 1.3 (page 28)What are the benefits to a company of outsourcing logistics (shipping, etc.) to FedEx? Visit and identify more EC-related business services.Discussion Questions (page 37)4. Why is it said the EC is a catalyst of fundamental changes in organizations?EC causes fundamental changes in organizations because it requires business models and processes to be redesigned and streamlined. This is required for firms to have successful EC.Internet Exercises (page 37)1.Go to and identify the services the company provides to its customers. What type of EC is this? What business model does Bigboxx use?End-of-Chapter Real-World Case Questions (page 38)1. Review the EC applications listed and classify them asB2C, B2B, etc.Internet based communications system-Portal -Corporate intranet -Drug checker –Quoting system -Digital records -E-procurement -Digital medical records –。



00888电⼦商务英语课⽂Unit1Text A Introduction to E-businessIt is widely acknowledged today that new technologies, in particular access to the internet, Tend to modify communication between the different players in the professional world, notably: Relationships between the enterprise and its clients,The internal functioning of the enterprise, including enterprise-employee relationships,The relationship of the enterprise with its different partners and suppliers.E-business, therefore, is a term used to describe businesses run on the internet, or utilizing internet technologies to improve the productivity or profitability of a business. In a more general sense, the term may be used to describe any form of electronic business, that is to say, any business which utilizes a computer. This usage is somewhat archaic, however, and in most contests e-business refers exclusively to internet businesses.The most common implementation of e-business is as an additional, or in some cases primary storefront. By selling products and services online, an e-business is able to reach a much wider consumer base than any traditional brick-and-mortar store could ever hope for. This function of e-business is referred to as e-commerce, and the terms are occasionally used interchangeably.An e-business may also use the internet to acquire wholesale products or supplies for inhouse production. This facet of e-business is sometimes referred to as e-procurement, and may offer businesses the opportunity to cut their costs dramatically. Even many e-businesses which operate without an electronic storefront now use e-procurement as a way to better track and manage their purchasing.In addition to buying and selling products, e-business many also handle other traditional business aspects. The use of electronic chat as a form of technical and customer support is an excellent example of this. An e-business which uses chat to supplement its traditional phone support finds a system which saves incredible amounts of time while providing opportunities unavailable through traditional support. By using virtual computer systems, for example, technical support operators can remotely access a customer’s computer and assist them in correcting a problem. And with the download of a small program, all pertinent information about the hardware and software specifications for a user’s computer may be relayed to the support operator directly, without having to walk a customer through personally collecting the data.Using email and private websites as a method for dispensing internal memos and white sheets is another use of the internet by e-business. Rather than producing time-intensive and costly physical copies for each employee, a central server or email list can serve as an efficient method for distributing necessary information.In the past few years, virtually all businesses have become, to some degree or another, an e-business. The pervasiveness of internet technology, readily available solutions, and the repeatedly demonstrated benefits of electronic technology have made e-business the obvious path. This trend continues with new technologies, such as internet-enabled cell phones and PDAs, and the trend of e-business saturation will most likely continue for some time.。


Байду номын сангаас
Unit 1
Text A The Ecommerce Basic Text B The Business Planning Phase
Text A The Ecommerce Basic
1.1 Introduction ☺secure, real time online credit card transactions
cross section 横截面
go through 经历, 经受
shopping cart购物车
tie together 配合 Web site 网站 search engine 搜索引擎
operating system 操作系统 figure out 解决,领会到,计算出 word of mouth 口头传播
1.4 SSL Secure Socket Layer Server Certificate
1.5 Finding a Provider of Online Transactions what exactly you need? How many transactions do you expect to be completing in a month? How many products do you have to put on your Web site? How complex does the software need to be? How much are you willing to spend?
1.6 Shopping Cart Software 1.7 Conclusion Design your site Marketing your site Strategy to cope with the increased load

最新新编国际商务英语 第一章 课件教学教材

最新新编国际商务英语 第一章 课件教学教材
Patterns of international trade
theories show why countries specialize the way they do
Role of the government
theories help articulate the role of government policy
Balance of Trade surplus
Economic power
Political Power
Instruments of Trade Policy
Tariffs Subsidies Import quotas (and “voluntary” export restraints Local content requirements Administrative trade policies (bureaucratic
David Hume (1752) critique on mercantilism
Long-run surplus is impossible
If England had a trade surplus with France,
Expensive goods export decreased
新编国际商务英语 第一章 课件
Unit 1 International Trade Theories
Goals of the Unit
1. Identify theories of international trade 2. Understand the implications of the theories to businesses.


Unit Goals
After studying this chapter, you are expected to:
Acquire basic knowledge about the definition and characteristics of
Cross -border E-commerce
Passage Reading
PART 2 Passage Reading
Concept and Characteristics of Cross - border E-commerce
Cross-border E-commerce refers to the international business activity that transaction subjects in different countries electronize the traditional trade in terms of exhibition, negotiation and transaction through the means of e-commerce, and deliver products through cross-border logistics or international warehousing services to complete the transaction.
PART 2 Passage Reading
3 Cross-border import and export business process
From the process of import and export of Cross-border E-commerce, producers or manufacturers display the products information on the platform of Cross-border E-commerce business. After the products are ordered and the payment is completed, Cross-border Ecommerce enterprises will deliver the products to logistics for shipment, after two (export and import countries) customs clearance & commodity inspection, the products are finally delivered to consumers or companies. Some Cross-border E-commerce companies directly cooperate with the third-party integrated service platform, and let the third-party integrated service platform deal with logistics, customs clearance &commodity inspection and so on, so as to complete the entire Cross-border E-commerce process. Cross-border E-commerce import is basically the same with export except for the directions of process.

商务导论Chapter 1

商务导论Chapter 1

How Resources Limit the Ability to Satisfy Wants and Needs
Resources limit the number of needs and wants people can satisfy. Example: You may want a new pair of jeans and a new camera. You may have only enough money to buy one of these two things.
How to Define Business
Business is any commercial activity that seeks profit by providing goods and services to others in exchange for money. Profit is the money left over after a business has paid the cost of providing its goods and services.
Wants and Needs Drive the Economy
• Private wants A group of people share the same wants. Individual people also have private wants. • Public wants Wants widely shared by many people.
The Significance of Competition
The result is that goods and services are produced and sold at the lowest possible cost.



Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts

Pure vs. Partial EC depends upon the degree of digitization (the transformation from physical to digital) of:
Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts
• e-business: a broader definition of EC, which includes:
– – – – buying and selling of goods and services servicing customers collaborating with business partners conducting electronic transactions within an organization
Exhibit 1.1: The Dimensions of Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts
(cont.) • Virtual (pure-play) organizations conduct their business activities solely online • Click-and-mortar organizations conduct some EC activities, but do their primary business in the physical world (Home Page) • Electronic market (emarketplace) online marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money, or information


It exists because the founders believe that the firm provides something (e.g. help to the homeless, education) of value that is not being provided well or at all by other enterprise.
individuals, corporations, or other LLC’s.
Limited liability Flexible profit distribution No minutes(无会议记录) Flow through taxation转移课税
Sole Proprietorship
An organization that is owned, and usually managed, by one person
The sole proprietor is usually an active manager, working in the shop everyday.
business Domestic: incorporated in one province or country
and doing business within that province or country
Foreign: incorporated in one province or country and doing business in another province or country
The parent businesses don’t provide sufficient leadership and support in the early stages.



4. from… perspective
from … point of view
e.g. 1. From our perspective, the NC doesn't make the PC
obsolete. 按我们的想法,NC不会使PC过时。
2. 从客观的角度来讲,这个地区的天气太差了。 From an objective perspective, the weather in this region is simply too bad.
1. He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
2. Early in the morning they embarked on the ship for Shanghai. 他们一早就登上了开往上海的轮船。
3. 他开始使用一个新办法来连接办公室内的所有机器。 He embarked on a new method to link every machine in an office.
2. engage in
take part in or be occupied in sth.
e.g. 1. He has engaged in farming for 20 years. 他从事农业20年。
2 . 我没有时间说闲话。 I have no time to engage in gossip.
3. They are engaged in import and export. 他们做进出口贸易。
3. in that
for the reason that ,because. e.g. 1. I like the city, but I like the country better in that I



The DOWNS The freedom to fail. No paid vacations. No health insurance. No daycare.
(Spotlight on Small Business)
* *
*The Importance
of Entrepreneurs to the Creation
* of Wealth LG2
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneurship
5. Knowledge
• Entrepreneurs use what they’ve learned to grow their businesses and increase wealth.
• Businesses take risks, but with great risks could come great profit.
* Businesses Add to the Standard of Living and Quality * of Life LG1
• Art for a Cause, a company that creates and sells hand-painted tools and furniture, employs special needs children and adults throughout Michigan.



课程涵盖了从temu课程大纲介绍英文回答:The course covers everything from the basics of e-commerce to advanced strategies for optimizing your Temu store. You'll learn how to create a listing that sells, drive traffic to your store, and provide excellent customer service. By the end of the course, you'll have the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on Temu.Here is a more detailed overview of the course content:Module 1: Introduction to Temu.What is Temu?How does Temu work?Who is the target audience of Temu?Module 2: Creating a Listing that Sells.How to choose the right products to sell.How to write compelling product descriptions. How to take high-quality product photos.Module 3: Driving Traffic to Your Store.How to use social media to promote your store. How to run paid advertising campaigns.How to get your products featured on Temu.Module 4: Providing Excellent Customer Service.How to handle customer inquiries.How to resolve customer complaints.How to build a loyal customer base.Module 5: Advanced Strategies for Optimizing Your Store.How to use data to improve your store's performance.How to create a branded experience for your customers.How to scale your Temu business.中文回答:课程涵盖了从电子商务基础知识到优化您的 Temu 商店的先进策略的所有内容。

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视频: 世界最新趋势: 视频: 世界最新趋势: 网上贸易 (网页上附稿 文) E-Commerce Evolution E/v_show/id_XMjQ5OTY5 NTAw.html 7 minutes
Electronic Commerce E-Commerce(eC) Internet Commerce(iC) Digital Commerce(dC) E-Trade(eT) Internet Trade(iT) E-business(eB) 电子企业
电子商务定义的归纳: 电子商务定义的归纳: 广义的电子商务不仅包括企业间的商务活 广义的电子商务不仅包括企业间的商务活 动,还包括企业内部的商务活动,涵盖了 企业的采购、生产、管理、财务、营销等 各个方面,通过网络化的过程,实现企业 内部的信息共享,并且通过供应链对企业 的上下游合作伙伴进行整合,促进企业的 业务流程的重组,形成协同化的作业,提 高经营效率、降低运行成本,增强企业竞 争力。
Consumer Via Browser
Alerts / Events Notification
Source: IBM
1.1.1 什么是电子商务? 什么是电子商务?
第二页 1.1.1 What is E-Commerce 电子商务利用因特网和万维网进行商业交易。 电子商务利用因特网和万维网进行商业交易。 更正式地说, 更正式地说 , 是数字化使能的企业间和企业与个 人间的商业交易。 人间的商业交易。 数字化使能的交易包括所有以数字技术为媒介 的交易。 在很大程度上 , 的交易 。 在很大程度上, 这意味着通过因特网和 万维网发生的交易。 万维网发生的交易。
1.1.1什么是电子商务 1.1.1什么是电子商务? 什么是电子商务?
第2页 1.1.1 What is E-Commerce E– E-Order, Catalogues – E- Supply-Chain Cross-sell, up-selling – E-Payment (EFT, Credit Cards – E-Transactions (B2B, B2C, B2G etc.)
1.1.5 电子商务的类型
第7页表1-1列出了本书主要讨论的五种电子商务类型。 页表1
企业对消费者电子商务(B2C) 企业对消费者电子商务(B2C) 企业间电子商务(B2B) 企业间电子商务(B2B) 消费者间电子商务(C2C) 消费者间电子商务(C2C) 对等电子商务(P2P) 对等电子商务(P2P) 移动商务(MC) 移动商务(MC)
电子商务 = 虚拟场所 + 电子文件
交 易 前
主要内容 卖方发布产品的有关信息, 卖方发布产品的有关信息,买方寻找适合 自己商品的交易机会; 自己商品的交易机会;买卖双方通过网络 交换信息,比较价格和交易条件, 交换信息,比较价格和交易条件,并了解 对方国家、地区的有关贸易政策。 对方国家、地区的有关贸易政策。 主要指签订合同,进行交易的过程。 主要指签订合同,进行交易的过程。本过 程涉及面很广,如与金融机构、 程涉及面很广,如与金融机构、运输部 税务机关、 门、税务机关、海关等方面进行电子单证 的交换和实现电子支付等。 的交换和实现电子支付等。 当交易双方完成各种交易手续之后, 当交易双方完成各种交易手续之后,商品 交付运递部门投送, 交付运递部门投送,或直接通过电子化方 式传送信息产品或提供服务, 式传送信息产品或提供服务,并向用户提 供方便、实时、优质的售后服务等。 供方便、实时、优质的售后服务等。
Consumer Via Browser Alerts / Events Notification
Consumer Via Browser Alerts / Events Notification
Shopping Site
Collaboration Applications
Content Privacy Security Governance Infrastructure
E-Commerce Web-site
电 子 商 务
图1 电子商务概念模型
e-business = IT + Web + business
狭 义 的 电 子 商 务 也 称 为 电 子 贸 易 ( ECommerce) Commerce),主要是借助计算机网络进行 网上交易活动。 网上交易活动。 广义的电子商务( Business) 广义的电子商务(E-Business)则包括电子 交易在内的通过Internet进行的各种商务活 交易在内的通过Internet进行的各种商务活 动,这些商务活动不仅仅局限于企业之间, 这些商务活动不仅仅局限于企业之间, 也包含在企业内部、 也包含在企业内部 、个人和企业之间发生 的一切商务活动。 的一切商务活动。
电子商务的中文称谓: 电子商务的中文称谓: –电子贸易 电子贸易 –无纸贸易 无纸贸易 –电子商务 电子商务 –电子业务 电子业务
[教学内容] 教学内容]
1.1 E-Commerce: the revolution is just Ebeginning 1.2 E-Commerce I and E-Commerce II EE1.3 Understanding E-Commerce: EOrganizing Themes (今年不讲不考)
Chapter 1 the Basics of E Commerce
主讲 信息管理系
购物商场 / 商店
对电子商务概念的理解还应该从“ 对电子商务概念的理解还应该从 “ 现代信息 技术” 商务”两个方面考虑。 技术”和“商务”两个方面考虑。
1.1.2 电子商务与电子商业的区别 (page 2)
电子商业” “ 电子商业 ” 术语主要指在企业内部进行的 电子化交易和过程,包括企业控制下的信息系统。 电子化交易和过程 , 包括企业控制下的信息系统 。 在很大程度上,电子商业并不包括越过企业界限、 在很大程度上 , 电子商业并不包括越过企业界限 、 涉及价值交换的商业交易。 涉及价值交换的商业交易。 说明了两者的区别及其复杂关系。 图1-1说明了两者的区别及其复杂关系。Βιβλιοθήκη 2B模式 模式B2C模式 模式
1.1.7 电子商务的起源与发展
从电子技术(电话、电报… 出现开始. 从电子技术(电话、电报…)出现开始. 20世纪70年代电子数据交换(EDI)和电子 世纪70年代电子数据交换(EDI) 20世纪70年代电子数据交换(EDI)和电子 资金传送(EFT) 资金传送(EFT)作为企业间现代电子商 务应用的系统雏形 务应用的系统雏形
电子商务可以分成狭义和广义的概念 电子商务可以分成狭义和广义的概念 狭义的电子商务是指各种具有商务活动能力的实 狭义的电子商务是指各种具有商务活动能力的实 体(生产企业、商贸企业、金融机构、政府机构、 个人消费者)利用网络和现代信息技术进行的各 类商务活动。 这个过程包括了信息的查询、询价谈判、价格磋 商、电子合同订立、电子支付与认证、发货配送、 货物接受、售后服务、购买评估等一系列活动, 整个过程完全借助于电子工具,是无纸化的操作。
1.1 E-Commerce: the revolution is just beginning E电子商务革命刚刚开始
1.1.1 什么是电子商务? 什么是电子商务? 1.1.2 E Commerce 与E Business 的区别 1.1.3 为什么学习电子商务 1.1.4 电子商务技术的7种独特特征 电子商务技术的7 1.1.5 电子商务的类别 1.1.6 互联网和万维网的增长 (到第2章去讲) 到第2章去讲) 1.1.7 电子商务的起源与发展 1.1.8 技术和电子商务的未来 1.1.9 B2C 电子商务的局限
1.1 E-Commerce: the revolution is just beginning E电子商务革命刚刚开始 电子商务发展简介 第1-2段 在1994年,我们现在所熟知的电子商务并不存在。 从1995年开始,电子商务经历了大大超过每年100% 1995 100% 的增长率,成为第一个数字电子市场的基础。而其飞速 增长更令人难忘的是其未来的预期增长。 21世纪将是社会与商业生活数字化的年代,现在 我们只能大致认识到的它的轮廓。看起来电子商务很 可能最终影响几乎所有商务,或者说,到2050年,所有 商务都将是电子商务。
典型服务功能 网上广告宣传服务; 网上广告宣传服务;网 上咨询服务。 上咨询服务。
交 易 中
网上交易洽谈服务; 网上交易洽谈服务;网 上产品订购服务; 上产品订购服务;网上 货币支付服务; 货币支付服务;交易活 动管理服务。 动管理服务。 网上信息商品传递及查 询服务; 询服务;用户意见征询 服务; 服务;商品操作指导及 管理服务。 管理服务。
交货 检定货 承制厂商 发货单
电话 传真
New Words & Phrases
technological advances 技术进步 personal computer 个人电脑 mouse 鼠标 consumers 消费者 display screen 显示屏 acquire 获得,得到 purchase 购买 screen credit card 信用卡 products and service 产品和服务 HTTP=HyperText Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议 Web site 网站 manufacturer 制造商 Wholesaler 总经销商 distributor 分销商 retail marketing 零售营销 catalogue 目录 whisper 吹口哨 innovation 创新 sophisticated 复杂的 creative 有创造力的