国际园艺博览会 International Horticultural Exhibition

世界园艺博览会是一项具有较大影响和悠久历史的国际性活动,它既是人类社会发展进程中对当时文明的真实记录,更是对未来美好前景的展望和憧憬。 世界园艺博览会的雏形起源于中世纪欧洲商人的定期集会--集市。当时,集市的主要功能是初级商品的现场交易,人们注重的是为了满足生产活动和生活需要所进行的物资交换或单一商品买卖。进入十九世纪,集市规模逐渐扩大,入市交易的商品种类和参加的人员越来越多,影响范围越来越广,集市期间的人文气氛越来越浓。大约在十九世纪二十年代,人们就把规模较大的定期集市称作世界园艺博览会,并将其单一的商品买卖功能逐步扩展为物资的交流和文明成果的展示,人们关注的重点也随之从简单的商品交换、买卖关系演变为对生产技术的交流、文明进程展示和对理想的企盼。 十九世纪中叶,是英国资本主义社会发展的鼎盛时期,工业革命的完成和殖民主义的扩展,使英国成为欧洲乃至全世界的头等强国。为了显示其伟大和自豪,英帝国于1851年在伦敦海德公园内,一改当时盛行的石头建筑风格,动用了整个英国工业界的技术和力量,耗用4500吨钢材和30万块玻璃,建成了一座长1700英尺、高100英尺的“水晶宫”。这是一座新颖而独特的建筑,它向人们展示了钢结构、玻璃装饰的大空间,预示着工业化时代的到来。维多利亚女王始创了通过外交途径邀请各国参展的传统,接受邀请参展的10个国家,集中了1400余件各类艺术珍品和时尚产品向世人展示,最令观众瞩目的是引擎、水力印刷机、纺织机械等技术产品。在160天的展期中,共有来自世界各地的商贸人员、社会名流和旅游观光人士约630万人次观赏。英国人自豪地把这次盛况空前的“集市”取名为Great Exhibition.意为“伟大的世界园艺博览会”。自此,人类社会的交流形式完成了从低级阶段初级产品的简单交易到工业时代的技术交流和文明成果展示的重大转变。因为这一划时代的创举,伦敦世园会被世人确认为首届世界园艺博览会。 随着美国的崛起,新大陆的主人们不甘示弱,为了向全世界展示其风采和辉煌成就,于1853年在美国纽约举办了第二届世界园艺博览会,参展国家增至23个,展示内容也有较大突破,开辟了伦敦世界园艺博览会上没有的农业部分,展出了农机产品和优良品种;特别是附有安全装置的电梯首次亮相并进行实地演示,赢得了广大观众的喝彩。这些最新文明成果的展示,代表着当时工农业的迅速发展和人类无限的想象力和创造力。 1855年、路易·波拿巴统治下的法国在巴黎举办了第三届世界园艺博览会,建造了XY轴构筑的网型和拱型会场,首次展示了混凝土、铝制品和橡胶。而最具新意的是本届世界园艺博览会开创了艺术展览的先河,展出了名家名画;第一次邀请外国首脑参观世界园艺博览会,形成了后来历届世界园艺博览会的沿袭传统。 到1900年4月在法国巴黎举办的冠名为“世纪总结”的万国世界园艺博览会(这是巴黎第三次举办世界园艺博览会),十九世纪内全世界共举办过8届世界园艺博览会。 进入二十世纪,世界园艺博览会的举办地仍然主要集中在美国和欧洲的发达国家。由于世界园艺博览会举办得过于频繁,耗费大量资财,给参展国家的财政造成很多困难,导致各种矛盾迭起。为了控制世界园艺博览会的举办频率和保证世界园艺博览会的水平,1928年35个国家的政府代表在法国巴黎缔约,对世界园艺博览会的举办方法做出若干规定,如:举办世界园艺博览会要有主题,展示时间规定不超过6个月,由法国政府代表发起成立一个协调管理世界园艺博览会的国际组织,并负责起草制订《国际展览公约》等。在这次会议上,有31个国家的政府代表签署了公约,并成为国际展览局的首批成员国。 作为近代产业社会最大规模的国际活动,世界园艺博览会写下了她光辉的历史。自1851年英国伦敦举办的第一届世界园艺博览会开始,风雨兼程,历经百余年,无论是生活在河海之滨,或是居住在平原高山之中的人们,都受恩于大自然的润泽,都在同一个天空下创造自己的文明,追求自己的理想,都将各自的文明成果和实现理想的起始点聚焦于世界园艺博览会。 正像“一切始于世园会”的名语所言,现代社会的组织结构和系统中的很多因素都是从世园会孕育诞生的。如:将许多商品汇集一处买卖的百货店,组织观光游览的现代旅游活动,提供休闲娱乐的各类公园、游乐园、度假村、俱乐部等,无不经由世界园艺博览会获得启示、萌生创意。时至今日,世界园艺博览会不再只是技术和商品的展示会,她以广阔的胸襟,熔人类创造的一切文明成果于一炉,伴以精彩纷呈的文艺表演,富有魅力的壮观景色,设置成日常生活中无法体验的、充满喜庆节日气氛的空间,成为各种技术交流、学术研讨、旅游观光、娱乐和消遣的理想场所。风雨兼程,历经百余年,无论是生活在河海之滨,或是居住在平原高山之中的人们,都受恩于大自然的润泽,都在同一个天空下创造自己的文明,追求自己的理想,都将各自的文明成果和实现理想的起始点聚焦于世界园艺博览会。

成都世界园艺博览会宣传英语作文The Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition is an international horticultural exhibition held in Chengdu, China. It aims to promote the integration of nature and urban development, as well as showcase the achievements of horticulture and landscape architecture.The exposition covers an area of 535 hectares, with 52 indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. More than 1,000 exhibitors from around the world are expected to participate in the event, showcasing their latest innovations in horticulture, landscape design, and sustainable development.One of the highlights of the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition is the Garden Expo, which features over 50 international gardens designed by renowned landscape architects. These gardens showcase the unique cultural and natural heritage of each country, as well as the latest trends in sustainable landscaping.In addition to the Garden Expo, the exposition also includes a horticultural expo, a flower show, and a science and technology exhibition. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, attendworkshops and demonstrations, and participate in guided tours to learn more about horticulture and sustainable development.The Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition is not only a platform for sharing knowledge and innovation in horticulture, but also a celebration of nature and creativity. It provides a unique opportunity for participants and visitors alike to connect with nature, explore new ideas, and inspire positive change in their communities.Don't miss the opportunity to experience the beauty and diversity of horticulture at the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition. Join us in Chengdu and be a part of this global celebration of nature and urban development!。

合肥14届园博园英文介绍The 14th Anhui International Horticultural Exposition, also known as the Hefei Expo Garden, is a magnificent event held in Hefei, China. This international horticultural expo is held every few years, showcasing the beauty and diversity of horticulture from around the world.The Hefei Expo Garden covers a vast area of over 250 hectares, making it one of the largest expo gardens in China. The park is beautifully landscaped with various themed gardens, pavilions, and exhibition halls. The main aim of the expo is to promote the importance of green living, environmental protection, and sustainable development.Visitors to the Hefei Expo Garden are welcomed by stunning natural scenery, including colorful flower beds, lush greenery, and serene water features. The garden is divided into different sections, each representing a different theme or country. Visitors can explore the Chinese Pavilion, which showcases traditional Chinese horticulture techniques and plants, or the International Pavilion, which exhibits horticulture from various countries around the world.The Hefei Expo Garden also hosts various cultural and entertainment events throughout the year. Visitors can enjoy musical performances, dances, traditional art exhibitions, and even attend horticulture workshops and conferences. The park also offers recreational activities such as boat rides, cycling, and picnicking areas.The 14th Anhui International Horticultural Exposition provides a unique opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature and learn more about horticulture from around the world. Whether you are a nature lover, a gardening enthusiast, or simply looking for a tranquil escape, the Hefei Expo Garden is a must-visit destination. Come and be inspired by the wonders of horticulture and the importance of environmental conservation.。

园博园作文400字英文回答:The Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition (Expo 2011), also known as the Xi'an Garden Expo, was an international horticultural exposition held in Xi'an, China, from April 28 to October 23, 2011. It was the firstCategory A1 horticultural exposition to be held in China.The expo's theme was "The Green City: Harmony between Man and Nature". The expo site covered an area of 2.8square kilometers (1.1 square miles) and featured more than 100 national gardens from around the world. The expo also included a variety of cultural and educational events, such as lectures, workshops, and performances.The Xi'an Garden Expo was a great success, attracting over 10 million visitors. The expo helped to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable development in China. It also left a lasting legacy in theform of the Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition Park, which is now a popular tourist attraction.中文回答:西安世园会,全称西安国际园艺博览会,又称西安世园,是一次2011年4月28日至10月23日在西安举办的国际性园艺博览会。

世园会资料一、世园会简介世园会(International Horticultural Exhibition),全称国际园艺博览会,是由国际园艺产业协会(AIPH)主办的世界规模最大的园艺展览活动之一。
1.1 世园会的历史世园会的历史可以追溯到1860年代,当时法国巴黎举办了第一届国际园艺展览,开创了世园会的先河。
1.2 世园会的目的世园会的主要目的是促进园艺产业的发展和创新,加强各国之间的园艺交流与合作,推动园艺技术的进步和应用。
二、首届中国世园会2.1 世园会的举办地点首届中国世园会于2019年在中国北京举办,展示面积达到500多公顷,是迄今为止世界上规模最大的一届园艺博览会。
2.2 世园会的亮点首届中国世园会以绿色、生态、可持续发展为主题,突出了中国在园艺领域取得的成就和创新。
2.3 世园会的遗产世园会结束后,园区将继续作为公园和休闲区域向公众开放。
3.1 园艺产业的发展世园会为各国园艺产业的发展提供了一个展示和交流的平台,吸引了来自世界各地的企业和专业人士参与。


世园会作文200字英文回答:The International Horticultural Exhibition, commonly known as the Floriade, is a world horticultural exposition held every 10 years in different cities around the world. It is sanctioned by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the governing body of world's fairs and expositions. The Floriade is a showcase for the latest advancements in horticulture and landscape architecture, and it offers a unique opportunity for visitors to learn about different plant species and their importance to the environment.The 2023 Floriade Expo will be held in Almere, Netherlands, from April 14 to October 9, 2023. The theme of the expo is "Growing Green Cities," and it will focus on how cities can become more sustainable and livable through the use of horticulture. The expo will feature over 40 different gardens and pavilions, each with its unique takeon the theme. Visitors will be able to learn about the latest in urban gardening, sustainable landscaping, and innovative plant technologies.The Floriade Expo is a major international event that attracts visitors from all over the world. It is a great opportunity to learn about horticulture, sustainability, and the future of urban living.中文回答:世园会,也被称为国际园艺博览会,是一项每10年在世界各地不同城市举办的国际园艺博览会。

西安世界园艺博览会简介西安世界园艺博览会(Xian World Horticultural Exposition)是一项大型国际园艺展览,于2011年4月28日至10月22日在中国陕西省西安市举办。

—Look at _____ boy over there。
He looks excited.—Yeah, he has won _____ first prize in the school English Reading & Writing Competition.A. a ; theB. the; a C。
the ; the D. a ; a答案:C解析:第一空,在那边的那个男孩,特指,用the;第二空,序数词前用the。
2. —Annie, _____ books are all over the place。
-Sorry, mum。
I'll put them away.A。
you B。
your C. yours D。
The 2021 International Horticultural Expo _____ in Yangzhou。
holds B。
will hold C。
is held D. will be held答案:D解析:根据句意“2021年国际园艺博览会在扬州举办”,2021年还未到,用一般将来时,国际园艺博览是被举办,用被动语态。


2024世园会作文英文回答:As an international event, the 2024 World Horticultural Exposition is a great opportunity for countries to showcase their achievements in horticulture and sustainable development. It is also a platform for people fromdifferent cultural backgrounds to exchange ideas and learn from each other. I am looking forward to attending this event and experiencing the beauty and diversity of horticulture from around the world.The World Horticultural Exposition is not only a showcase of horticultural achievements, but also a platform for promoting sustainable development and environmental protection. Through various exhibitions and forums, participants can learn about the latest technologies and practices in horticulture, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities in sustainable development. It is an opportunity for countries to share their experiencesand work together towards a greener and more sustainable future.Attending the World Horticultural Exposition will also provide me with the opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions. Through interactions with people from different countries, I can gain a deeper understanding of their horticultural practices and appreciate the diversity of horticulture around the world. It is a valuable experience that will broaden my horizons and enrich my knowledge.中文回答:作为一个国际性活动,2024世界园艺博览会是一个展示各国园艺和可持续发展成就的绝佳机会。

花博会观后感600字作文英文回答:The International Horticultural Exhibition, commonly known as the Flower Expo, is an event of international significance and prestige. It is a showcase of the world's finest horticulture, floriculture, and landscaping design. The Expo provides a platform for experts in the field to share their knowledge, innovations, and best practices.The Flower Expo is not only an educational event; it is also a cultural celebration. It brings together people from all walks of life to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the plant kingdom. The Expo offers a wide range of entertainment, including live music, dance performances, and art exhibitions.In recent years, the Flower Expo has becomeincreasingly focused on sustainability. The event promotes the use of environmentally friendly practices inhorticulture and landscaping. The Expo also raises awareness of the importance of protecting our natural resources.The International Horticultural Exhibition is a truly global event. It has been held in cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Hamburg, Beijing, and Liverpool. In 2023, the Expo will be held in Doha, Qatar.The Flower Expo is a wonderful opportunity to learn about horticulture, floriculture, and landscaping design. It is also a chance to experience different cultures and celebrate the beauty of the plant kingdom.中文回答:花博会,又称国际园艺博览会,是一项具有国际意义和声望的盛会。

成都园艺博览会英语作文The Chengdu Garden Expo is a large-scale international horticultural exhibition held in Chengdu, China. It showcases a wide variety of plants, flowers, and gardening techniques from around the world. The expo aims to promote environmental protection, sustainable development, and cultural exchange through the beauty of nature.Visitors to the Chengdu Garden Expo can exploredifferent themed gardens, attend gardening workshops and demonstrations, and participate in various cultural activities. The expo also features exhibitions on landscape design, horticultural technology, and eco-friendly practices.One of the highlights of the Chengdu Garden Expo is the elaborate display of flowers and plants from different countries. Visitors can admire the beauty and diversity of flora from around the world, including rare and exotic species. The expo also provides a platform forhorticultural experts and enthusiasts to exchange ideas and knowledge on gardening techniques and plant care.In addition to the stunning displays of flowers and plants, the Chengdu Garden Expo also offers a range of entertainment options for visitors. From live music performances to traditional cultural shows, there is something for everyone to enjoy at the expo. Food stalls showcasing local cuisine and delicacies are also available for visitors to sample and enjoy.Overall, the Chengdu Garden Expo is a wonderful opportunity for people to appreciate the beauty of nature, learn about gardening and horticulture, and experience different cultures through the language of flowers and plants.成都园艺博览会是在中国成都举办的一场大型国际园艺展览。

成都世园会:绿色交响,共筑生态梦想The Chengdu International Horticultural Exposition, a grand event that embodies the city's commitment to environmental sustainability and cultural diversity, is set to take place in Chengdu, China. This exposition, themed "Green Symphony, Building Ecological Dreams Together," aims to showcase the beauty of horticulture, promote environmental awareness, and foster international cooperation in the field of sustainable urban development. The exposition will span over a vast area, featuring various themed gardens that highlight the unique botanical wealth of Chengdu and beyond. From the lush greenery of tropical plants to the delicate flowers of temperate zones, the gardens will offer a visual feast for visitors, whowill also have the opportunity to learn about the ecological significance of these plants and the role they play in maintaining a healthy environment.Apart from the gardens, the exposition will also host a range of cultural and educational activities. These include workshops on horticultural techniques, lectures on environmental conservation, and exhibitions showcasing thehistory and development of horticulture in China and abroad. These activities aim to educate and inspire visitors to appreciate the importance of protecting our planet'snatural resources and fostering a culture of sustainability. The Chengdu International Horticultural Exposition isnot just an event, but a symbol of the city's commitment to green development. By hosting this exposition, Chengdu is demonstrating its leadership in promoting environmental sustainability and cultural exchange. The city is also sending a strong message to the world that it is committedto balancing economic growth with environmental protection, and fostering a culture of inclusivity and cooperation.The exposition is expected to attract a large number of visitors from around the world, who will come together to celebrate the beauty of horticulture and share ideas on sustainable urban development. This gathering of minds and hearts will undoubtedly lead to new collaborations and partnerships that will further advance the cause of environmental sustainability and cultural exchange.In conclusion, the Chengdu International Horticultural Exposition is a remarkable event that showcases the beautyof horticulture, promotes environmental awareness, and fosters international cooperation. It is a testament to Chengdu's commitment to green development and a call to action for all of us to play our part in protecting our planet and fostering a culture of sustainability. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that every small step we take towards sustainability counts, and that together, we can build a brighter, greener future for ourselves and the next generation.**成都世园会:共筑绿色梦想,展现园艺魅力**成都国际园艺博览会,这一盛大的活动,充分展示了成都对环境保护和文化多样性的承诺。

成都世界园艺博览会的意义英语作文The Importance of Chengdu World Horticultural ExpositionIntroductionThe Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition is a prestigious international event held in Chengdu, China. This exposition, also known as the World Garden Expo, showcases the beauty of horticulture and promotes sustainable development practices. In this essay, we will discuss the significance of the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition and its impact on the global community.Promoting Environmental ConservationOne of the primary goals of the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition is to raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainable development. By showcasing innovative horticultural techniques and green technologies, the expo encourages visitors to adopt eco-friendly practices in their daily lives. Through educational programs and interactive exhibits, the expo promotes the importance of preserving our natural resources for future generations.Celebrating Cultural DiversityThe Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition serves as a platform for countries from around the world to showcase their unique horticultural traditions and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore themed gardens representing different regions of the world and learn about the diverse flora and fauna that exist in each country. This cultural exchange fosters understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of global biodiversity.Supporting Economic DevelopmentThe Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition provides a boost to the local economy by attracting tourists, stimulating trade, and creating job opportunities. The expo generates revenue for businesses in the hospitality, tourism, and horticulture industries, contributing to the growth of the regional economy. Additionally, the expo fosters collaborations between countries, leading to enhanced international trade relations and investment opportunities.Promoting Innovation in HorticultureThe Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition serves as a platform for horticulturalists, researchers, and designers to showcase their latest innovations in plant cultivation, landscaping, and urban greening. Exhibits at the expo demonstrate cutting-edge technologies in sustainableagriculture, water conservation, and environmental protection. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the expo drives advancements in horticultural practices and inspires new solutions to global environmental challenges.Enhancing Global CooperationThe Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition promotes international cooperation and dialogue on issues related to horticulture, sustainability, and climate change. Through conferences, symposiums, and workshops, experts from around the world come together to share their knowledge and expertise in these fields. The expo provides a platform for policymakers, scientists, and industry leaders to discuss innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues and forge partnerships for a more sustainable future.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition plays a crucial role in promoting environmental conservation, celebrating cultural diversity, supporting economic development, fostering innovation in horticulture, and enhancing global cooperation. By bringing together countries, experts, and visitors from around the world, the expo serves as a catalyst for positive change and inspires collective action to create a moresustainable and harmonious world. Through its commitment to promoting horticulture, sustainability, and cultural exchange, the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition has a lasting impact on the global community and serves as a beacon of hope for a greener and more sustainable future.。

77.Is it a long time since you came to shengyang? 你来西安很久了吗?
78.When are you off ? 你什么时候走?
81.Could you please tell me the time now?
27.May I know your name? 我可以知道您的名字吗?
28.I hope it stays fine for the whole day.
29.The exposition is closed to Xi’an Botanical Garden. 世博园毗邻西安植物园。
7. This way please. 请这边走。
8. I have to go now. 我必须走了。
9. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
10.See you later.待会儿见。
11.I’m easy.我随便。
12.Where are you going? 你去哪里?
Organizer: Xi'an Municipal People's Gov陕西·西安
Hosting Cit·Province·Country: Xi’an·Shaanxi·China
Host Unit: People's Government of Shaanxi Province; State Forestry Administration; China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; China Flower Association

园博园作文300字英文回答:The International Horticultural Exposition (IHE), also known as the Garden Expo, is a world-renowned event that showcases the latest advancements in horticulture and landscape design. It is held every two years in a different city around the world. The 2019 IHE was held in Yanqing District, Beijing, China, and was a resounding success.The Beijing IHE covered an area of 503 hectares and featured over 10,000 plant species from around the world. The expo was divided into six main zones, each with its own unique theme:The China Pavilion showcased the history and development of Chinese gardening.The International Pavilion featured exhibits from over 100 countries and organizations.The Landscape Gardens displayed a variety of garden styles from around the world.The Plant Nurseries offered a wide selection of plants for sale.The Research and Development Zone showcased the latest advancements in horticulture.The Cultural and Entertainment Zone offered a variety of activities and performances for visitors.The Beijing IHE was a major success, attracting over 9 million visitors from around the world. The expo was praised for its stunning gardens, innovative exhibits, and educational programs. It left a lasting legacy in Beijing, with many of the gardens and pavilions remaining open to the public.中文回答:园博园,也称为国际园艺博览会,是一项世界知名的盛会,展示了园艺和景观设计领域的最新进展。

推荐去绿博园玩作文300字英文回答:The International Horticultural Exhibition (Expo 2023 Doha) in Qatar, themed "Green Desert, Better Future," is a groundbreaking event showcasing horticultural innovations and sustainable practices amidst the arid landscape. As a green oasis in the heart of the desert, Green Expo 2023 Doha offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors of all ages.From towering botanical gardens to interactive exhibits and cultural performances, the expo promises an unforgettable journey into the world of horticulture. Visitors can admire breathtaking floral displays, discover cutting-edge technologies in sustainable agriculture, and learn about the latest trends in urban gardening.Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the expo, where colorful pavilions representing over 80 countriesshowcase their horticultural wonders. Engage with experts, attend workshops, and participate in hands-on activities designed to inspire and educate.Savor delicious cuisine from around the world at the expo's many dining options, and relax in tranquil gardens while enjoying live music and performances. Green Expo 2023 Doha is a celebration of nature, innovation, and sustainability, leaving a lasting legacy on Qatar's horticultural scene.中文回答:绿博会全称为国际园艺博览会,是全球著名的园艺盛会。

园博园一游作文300字学校举行的I recently had the opportunity to visit the International Horticultural Exposition Park with my schoolmates, and it was an unforgettable experience.最近我有机会和同学们一起参观了国际园艺博览园,这是一次难忘的经历。
The park was a vibrant display of various plants, flowers, and landscaping designs from all over the world. It was truly a feast for the eyes and a great opportunity to learn about different horticultural practices and techniques.园博园展示了来自世界各地各种植物、花卉和园艺设计,真是一场对视觉的盛宴,也是了解不同园艺实践和技术的绝佳机会。
One of the highlights of the visit was the beautiful display of traditional Chinese gardening techniques, which showcased the harmony between man and nature. It was fascinating to see how the Chinese have perfected the art of creating beautiful and serene garden spaces.参观的一个亮点是美丽的传统中国园艺技术展示,展现了人与自然之间的和谐。

花博会旅游的英文作文英文:I recently visited the International Horticultural Exhibition, also known as the Beijing Expo 2019. It was an amazing experience, filled with beautiful flowers, impressive landscapes, and unique cultural exhibits.One of my favorite parts of the Expo was the China Pavilion. It was designed to look like a giant Chinese lantern and showcased the country's rich history and culture. Inside, there were interactive exhibits,traditional performances, and even a virtual reality experience.Another highlight was the International Pavilion, where I got to learn about different countries and their unique horticultural practices. I especially enjoyed the exhibits from Japan and South Korea, which showcased their beautiful gardens and innovative technologies.Overall, the Expo was a great way to learn about horticulture and appreciate the beauty of nature. It was also a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures.中文:我最近参观了国际园艺展览会,也称为北京博览会2019。
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国际园艺博览会International Horticultural Exhibition
The Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition hosted nearly 3,300 activities and attracted 9.34 million visitors from home and abroad during its 162-day run. It has brought together exhibitors from 110 countries and international organizations, as well as more than 120 unofficial exhibitors, for indoor displays and outdoor gardening.
Around 8,000 gardening plants and 820 vegetable, fruit and herb species were displayed at the event.
Nearly 1,000 pots of fine orchids were exhibited at the exhibition. The flowers were sent by 48 competitors from dozens of provinces, regions and municipalities at home as well as Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, according to the expo's coordination bureau.
More than 3,200 cultural events showcasing the culture and ecology of participating countries were also held during the expo, including concerts, dances, operas and displays of intangible cultural heritages.
Passionate African dances, exquisite Thai fruit carvings, fascinating Turkish paintings and authentic French baguette baking offered exotic experiences and were widely adored by visitors.
The expo, themed "Live Green, Live Better," has promoted the idea of green development among the public over the past several months. Yanqing, the site of the expo, is a good example of pursuing green development.
With a forest coverage of nearly 60 percent, one can barely believe that Yanqing once suffered from desertification when its forest cover rate was less than 7 percent in the early 1950s.
After the expo, the park will serve as an education center to display achievements in ecological civilization and convey the importance of nature, plants and environmental protection to the next generation.
The park, as a legacy of the expo, will also be used to support the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Yanqing will host several Winter Olympics events, including Alpine skiing, bobsled, skeleton and luge.
bobsled ['bɒbsled] n-count
A bobsled is the same as a bobsleigh.
bobsleigh [ˈbɒbslei] n-count
A bobsleigh is a vehicle with long thin strips of metal fixed to the bottom, which is used for racing downhill on ice.
luge [lu:ʒ] n-count
A luge is an object that is designed to be used for racing downhill over snow or ice. Riders lie on their backs and travel with their feet pointing towards the front of the luge.
生态文明ecological civilization
harmonious coexistence between humans and nature
可持续发展sustainable development
生态治理ecological governance。