
Higher risk jobs attract a Project Risk/Liability Uplift fee 风险较高的项目应增加项目风险/责任费 风险较高的项目应增加项目风险 责任费
Do not take on the risk – sometimes clients want to pass on risks which they are best placed to manage 不接受风险 – 业主将风险转移给, 业主将风险转移给, 以使风险得到更好的管理 Accept risk but limit financial liability by having a specified limit of liability in the contract 接受风险,但在合同中列出具体的责任限额,从而限定的财务责任 接受风险,但在合同中列出具体的责任限额,从而限定的财务责任 责任限额 Accept risk but limit extent of exposure eg report disclaimers 接受风险,但限定受影响可能性的范围, 接受风险,但限定受影响可能性的范围,如:提出否认责任 Accept risk and manage 接受风险, 接受风险,并进行管理 Transfer risk to a third party 将风险转移给第三方

Develop An Effective Mitigating Strategy
More often than not, a risk will require multiple actions to be effectively mitigated.
Analysis often reveals that the same mitigating action is assigned to a variety of risks; another indication that the true risk has not yet been properly identified.
Risk logs quickly become unmanageable because of their size.
Identify Risks
This problem will not only cause schedule delays, budget overruns, poor quality, etc., but also lead the project team to lose confidence in their ability to effectively mitigate risk.
Avoid the risk. Do something to remove it. Use another supplier for example.
Transfer the risk. Make someone else responsible. Mitigate the risk. Take actions to lessen the impact
Project Risk Assessment (项目风险评估英文版)

XXXXXX ProjectHSEC Risk Assessment DocumentVersion HistoryContentsSection 1 -Introduction (4)Section 2 -Purpose (4)Section 3 -Scope (4)Section 4 -High Level Finding (4)Section 5 -Definitions (5)Section 6 -Assumptions (5)6.1Basic project details (6)6.2Assessment assumptions (6)Section 7 -Process (7)Section 1 - IntroductionThis Execution Risk Assessment document provides the construction team with a detailed assessment of potential risks/hazards associated with the construction work to be performed during the course of the XXXXXX Project (SRWCP).It is a living document and shall be regularly updated as new risks/hazards are determined and mitigation factors resolved.The content of the Execution Risk Assessment shall be employed in the development of site-specific risk control measures, which shall be formally utilized in the field to ensure that all work is undertaken in the safest manner possible.Section 2 - PurposeThe following has been developed to outline the identified Risks strategy within the various phases of the SRWCP.The overall purpose of the document is to outline risks or threats to which the organisation, project and personnel are exposed. This includes, but is not limited to the design and execution phases of the Project.When assessing the risks to the organization the following impact or consequences shall be considered:- The risks to the health and safety of employees to which they are exposed whilst at work;- The risks to others not in his employment and those potentially affected by his acts and omissions;- Subsequent risks to the environment.- Subsequent loss to the organization.Section 3 - ScopeThe scope of the Risk Management Programme is identified below and simply stated addresses:- FEED Contract stage- Execution Phase (EPC)The process of risk identification and mitigation is required throughout each phase of the SRWCP, until completion.To assist in this process it is imperative that all disciplines focus on the identification of hazards prior to the commencement of any work activity and take appropriate action to remove, modify or protect personnel, plant, environment and equipment from such hazards.To support the hazard identification and risk potential this document shall be read in conjunction to the project HSE procedures and in particular the procedure – Hazard identification and Risk Management.Section 4 - High Level FindingDuring this primary risk assessment of the project, there were over 200 initial risks identified, and of thesematrix because of their initial perceived impact levels. Of these 99 were identified as critical or high risks prior to any risk management actions. After reassessing with the effect of the risk management actions, this reduced to 47 (see appendix 1 and 2). A point of note on this is that the majority of the remaining (38) are in the rare and unlikely frequency probability bands (see appendix 3 PID). Further controls and actions will be investigated to manage these as a priority through the FEED phase.The remaining lower risk level risk will be brought into the overall risk register and also will be assessed, and risk management plans put in place, along with any further risks identified.As more information becomes available the overall risk register will be updated and reported as and when requiredSection 5 - DefinitionsSection 6 - AssumptionsDue to the early nature of design and construction methodology, assumptions have been made to allow initial hazard identification to begin. These assumptions will change as more detailed information becomes available, and will then impact on the risk identification already conducted.6.1 Basic project details- 670 to 700 km of new rail line- 670 km of new rail sub grade- 67 rail bridges (over 70km total)- 2119 Culverts- 4 tunnels – 3 drill and blast, 1 TBM- 25 rail stations- 30 man camps- 7 explosive magazines- 9 fuel dumps- 24 concrete batch plants- 7 medical facilities- 60km of new construction road- 7 Workshop areas- Several quarry areas- Approx. 40,000 persons- Assume project $10 Billon USD costing (for impact levels).- Work area divided into 9 sections6.2 Assessment assumptionsAfter award of FEED contract, the risk identification process will be continue through a series of workshops with the various teams, the objective of this is to refine the information gathered so far, and to provide assurance that the control measures are incorporated into the design and work execution planning.Risk and Hazard inform ation and HSEC incidents for the project will be recorded in the software “Active Risk Manager - ARM”. This will be purchased at contract award.Categories, coding and other reporting elements of the risks identified, will change over time, to encompass R io Tinto’s reporting requirements as they become known and further information is known about structure of the project etc,.At this early stage, the main assessment of risk minimisation techniques will be based around existing administrative and engineering controls.Risks identified have been compiled from sources within the Company.Actual ownership of individual risks and its methods of treatment will be determined during the on-going review process.Section 7 - ProcessProject management will adopt a life cycle approach. This structured approach identifies, analyses, and manages areas of risk or hazard. In addition, other specific risk assessments and reviews may be used to analyse specific areas of risk or hazard.The Company has a commitment to achieve the highest possible level of hazard and risk identification. Consistent with this commitment, the company will strive to exceed the minimum standard of local legislation, standards, and codes of practice.As a summary to the various parts of Risk Analysis and Hazard Identification, please see diagram (from ISO 31000):As indicated, the risk analysis and hazard identification process is a reiterative process and will continue for the life of the project.Project management will verify that their HSE&S management systems address as a minimum the hazards identified. The risks associated with each of these hazards are to be addressed through the means of a HSE&S work procedure.Particular attention will be paid to the tasks that are complex in nature or that have a higher than normal level of risk (e.g., vehicles and transport, aviation work, working at height, blasting, tunnelling etc).Risks shall be managed by adhering to the ‘As Low As Reasonable Possible’ (ALARP) prin ciple.Appendix A - Risk List with risk ranking at ‘ClassIII’ or ‘Class IV’ (Critical and High risklevel)Current as at 3 Jan 2012Risk Register- Criticaland High Level Risk Only.In order to open this file, please refer to the attachment [1.Risk Register- Critical and High risk levels only.xls] of this PDF File.Appendix B - Register List –with risk ranking at‘Class III’ or ‘Class IV’ (Critical andHigh risk level), with controls Current as at 3 Jan 2012Risk List WithResponses - Critical andIn order to open this file, please refer to the attachment [2.Risk Register-Critical and High risk levels only with controls.xls] of this PDF File.Appendix C - Over-all Risk Matrix Summary(Probability Impact Diagram-PID) Table: PID (risk count per level)Table: Overall score change by risk level:Printed copies are UncontrolledLast Reviewed: [10 January 2012]Appendix D -Risk cross analysis (Source and Category)Table - Risk cross analysis (Source and Category)CountryDelivery ofOreEnvironmentalLogisticalQualityRail InfrastructureSafety and Health of Persons UndefinedWeatherWorkforce UnrestCompliance 8011201122011Design/Engineering 1012111819020Materials and Substances00200020000Method of Work 20411230001Operational 212411015000Other Hazards 0010003000Place of Work 40400124110Plant and Equipment 00200222000Stakeholders 3001000001Strategic 4004000001Undefined00300141510Work Organisation 50220016002Working Environment80401137112Total Count1211641205516320270554134494130243604136026Category4602560221421Risk CountSourceCommunity UnrestTotal CountAppendix E - General total risk metrics Table: Count by Category:Table: Count by Source:Appendix F - Assessment information andcriteriaTable: Probability Impact Diagram (PID). (To determine risk level)Table: Likelihood (Probability/Frequency) levels and descriptionsTable: Impact Levels and descriptions- Economic (Cost and Time)Table: Impact Levels and descriptions- Non-Economic (Social and Environmental)Last Reviewed: [10 January 2012] Printed copies are UncontrolledLast Reviewed: [10 January 2012] Printed copies are Uncontrolled。

外文翻译As one of the important subjects of project management originated the First World War, and now it has been becoming more and more systematic and professional. In China the systematic project risk management framework was developed by the end of last century, but the practical application of project risk management still needs further improvement. With above background, this thesis focused on the medium or large real estate project, research project character, project management, typical Chinese construction project process, risk management, and project risk management. The first chapter briefed the current international and domestic study status of the subject, thesis purpose, and thesis scope, which are risk and its countermeasures research for the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. The second chapter briefed the concept and character of real estate project, risk of project, and project risk management, which is the theoretical foundation of further risk management study for the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. Chapter3,4 and 5 are the project risk management practice on the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. Chapter 3 is for project engineering risk management, which introduced the concept, purpode, and principle of project engineering at the beginning, and then analyzed the engineering objective, including schedule, cost, and quality, at last it identified and analyzed the project engineering risks and provided design change procedure and design company selection procedure as the risk response. Chapter 4 detailed the concept, principle, objective and key roles of project procurement, identified and assessed the project procurement risk, and also provided contractor selection procedure, vendor selection procedure, examples of procurement plans to response and monitor project risk. Chapter 5 firstly introduced the construction concept, character, process and project construction objectives, including quality objective, schedule objective, and safety objective, and then identified and assessed construction quality risk, schedule risk, cost risk and safety risk, The postscript of this thesis briefed the dynamic project risk management concept, restriction and limitation of this thesis, and opportunities for further research. Totally there are 14 appendixes attached after the thesis. These appendixes could be used as guidance and reference of risk management for real estate project. They are provided to be very useful in term of risk management for real estate project implementation phases.Project risk management as a procedure of optimism and decision, in which information will come out gradually in the multistage construction. The key to the risk management is how to select the risk response plan. Directed by the system theory and combined the theory of option pricing and project risk management, this paper adopts criterion method to analyze the management and activity in the stage of engineering project implement on the base of comparison to relative documents. This paper emphatically argues the choice of response plans under the condition of risks according to the established analysis frame. These forecasts are hypotheses abstract form the similar project performed before, whether they are actual or not will hugely affect the success of project The implement stage means project period from the location to product whose target is transform the plan to real and mark the aims. The implement stage occupies the most period of project, has huge work, consume the most resource. What is worth to mind is that the implement stage isprocess not only to form the real proprirty but also product information, for example, the knowledge of field status and the capability of contractor can only be obtained form implement. So in order to mark the target, the manager must test the hypotheses and use the new information assess the status of influence element, choose the best response plan according to the condition. This paper has value in instructing the project investor/manager in how to establish a risk management configuration and making decision under risk condition in the implement stage of construction project.This thesis begins with the knowledge system of project management, analyses the whole course of risk management and sets forth the method and program of project risk identification, risk appraisement and risk monitoring in project minutely. Finally, It shows a risk case of building project focal point for the investment decision of early stage with qualitative and quantitative analysis. Chapter 1 Discuss the important concept, method and knowledge system of project risk management, such as the definition of project, the knowledge system of project management PMBOKX the intension of risk, the content of risk management and so on ,carry out the risk analysis of building project emphatically. Chapter 2 Mainly introduce the tool and technology of project risk identification, such as checking table, the rules of systems analysis(WBS), the method of SWOT technology. Thinking of the demerit for every tool, hence author emphasize that we should appraise the gained information resource synthetically. Chapter 3 Explain how to go on the estimation and assessment of project risk, put forward the tool and technology of project risk analysis (as AHP, probability and sensitivity analysis ). When analyzing project risk quantitatively, first we should have definite warranty, do not surmise risk without foundation; Secondly, distinguish confirmed project from unconfirmed project in quantitative analysis. When using two important tools of quantitative risk analysis—probability and sensitivity analysis, one side is to estimate the probability of risk variable exactly; the other side is to judge and analyze the guidelines of probability analysis truly, as square margin, expected figure, disperse modulus. Through quantifying risk, it can strengthen our sense of risk management. Chapter 4 Elaborate the basic method of monitoring project risk. In order to carry into execution monitoring project risk, it is essential to establish perfect replying risk plan. The main steps is: lessening risk, take precautions against risk (as project method, instructing method, program method), conveying risk selling, inviting public bidding, the contract of absolving obligation, insurance and guarantee), avoidance, leave behind and measure in support. Chapter 5 A risk management example. First, analyze the various possible existent risk factors of this project systematically. Secondly, study its sensitivity factor thorough quantifying assessment risk for the project, as well as establishing and putting in practice a plan in order to control the negative influence in minimum level. The building has total 130500 square in architectural area, superior geographical location and tremendously potential value, its overall investment is 4.26 hundreds million. This chapter first studies the market from place environment all around traffic and market requirement, then analyzes systematically financing risk and organic risk of joint venture. On the basis of foregoing analysis, it establishes some parameter of risk quantifying analysis, calculates its selling revenue running expense and cash flow form, uses sensitivity analysis to gain best sensitivity factor. As the uncertain essence of risk, it is extremely important to analyze probability factor of the project. So we confirm the probability form of every variable, then calculatepresent value of each possible event according to different constitutes of risk variable; and sort all possible events according to their present values from small to big, calculate accumulative probability, square margin and disperse modulus, thus analyze the risk of project quantitatively, provide quantitative support for supervisor when they will make a decision. Comparing with international advanced level, our country has great gap on the link of how to apply theory of project risk management to practice of project management, especially short of system research in project risk management. On the basis International project contracting is rather a complex project in the cooperation of international economy and technology, and the implementing of the projects will be influenced by political, economy and social situations Firstly, this paper systemically analyzed the market situation of the international project contracting, and concretely analyzed the market structure in Asia, America, Africa and Europe. It concluded the trend of the development of the international contracting market; projects are becoming large-scale and complex and the contracting pattern is diversified, and the management of the international project contracting is standardized. Secondly, this paper analyzed the development status and characteristic of the international project contracting in our country. Although the internationalization tendency of our country’s international project contracting firm is preferable, there is large gap in the whole strength when compared with firms from the developed countries, and also there are limitations in the distributing of the projects in different regions and industries. Thirdly, this paper summarized the technique of international project contracting risk identification, estimate and appraise in our country. Put forward to finance and non-finance risk treating means, and apply the energy release theory to international project contracting risk management, and research the dominating risk in the bid phase and construction and build the energy release model of each phrase. In the cases of Kun River Hydroelectric Station Project in Vietnam and Aromatic Plant Shali Irrigation Project in Nepal, this paper put forward to the technique of the international project contracting risk identification, estimation, appraise and reply in dealing with the project risk. Finally, in the risk estimation and risk appraise, this paper paid attention to evaluate the losing caused by the risk exactly; in the risk reply ,give attention to two aspects of cost and return, look after the economic and logical risk reply measure, in order to make the project risk least, the operating of companies most efficiently and the return highest外文翻译项目风险管理作为项目管理的重要内容之一,起源于第一次世界大战之后。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Project Risk AnalysisChapter 1 Introduction1.1 About this compendiumThis course compendium is to be used in the course “Risikostyring is projector”. The focus will be on the following topics:• R isk identification• Risk structuring• Risk modeling in the light of a time schedule and a cost model• Risk follows upWe will also discuss elements related to decision analysis where risk is involved, and use of life cycle cost and life cycle profit models. The course compendium comprises a large number of exercises, and it is recommended to do most of the exercises in order to get a good understanding of the topics and methods described. A separate MS Excel program, pRisk.xls has been developed in order to assist numerical calculations and to conduct Monte Carlo simulation.1.2 DefinitionsAleatory uncertaintyVariation of quantities in a population. We sometimes use the word variability rather than aleatory uncertainty.Epistemic uncertaintyLack of knowledge about the “world”, and observable quantities in particular. DependencyThe relation between the sequences of the activities in a project.Observable quantityA quantity expressing a state of the “world”, i.e. a quantity of the p hysical reality or nature, that is unknown at the time of the analysis but will, if the system being analyzed is actually implemented, take some value in the future, and possibly become known. ParameterWe use the term parameter in two ways in this report. The main use of a parameter is that it is a quantity that is a part of the risk analysis models, and for which we assign numerical values. The more academic definition of a parameter used in a probabilitystatement about an observable quantity, X, is that a parameter is a construct where the value of the parameter is the limiting value where we are not able to saturate our understanding about the observable quantity X whatsoever new information we could get hold of. Parameter estimateThe numeric value we assess to a parameter.ProbabilityA measure of uncertainty of an event.RiskRisk is defined as the answer to the three questions [14]: i) what can go wrong? ii) How likely is it? And if it goes wrong, iii) what are the consequences? To describe the risk is a scenarioRisk acceptanceA decision to accept a risk.Risk acceptance criterionA reference by which risk is assessed to be acceptable or unacceptable.ScheduleA plan which specifies the start and finalization point of times for the activities in a project.Stochastic dependencyTwo or more stochastic variables are (stochastically) dependent if the expectation of one stochastic variable depends on the value of one or more of the other stochastic variables. Stochastic variableA stochastic variable, or random quantity, is a quantity for which we do not know the value it will take. However, we could state statistical properties of the variable or make probability statement about the value of the quantity.1.3 DEFINITIONSUncertaintyLack of knowledge about the performance of a system, and observable quantities in particular.Chapter 2Risk ManagementGenerally, risk management is defined (IEC 60300-3-9) as a “systematic application ofmanagement policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analyzing, evaluating and controlling risk”. It will comprise (IEC definitions in parentheses):• Risk assessment, i.e.–Risk analysis (“Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the r isk to individuals or populations, property or the environment”)–Risk evaluation (“Process in which judgments are made on the tolerability of the risk on the basis of risk analysis and taking into account factors such as socio-economic and environmental aspects”)• Risk reduction/control (Decision making, implementation and risk monitoring).There exists no common definition of risk, but for instance IEC 60300-3-9 defines risk as a “combination of the frequency, or probability, of occurrence and the consequence of a specified hazardous events”. Most definitions comprise the elements of probabilities and consequences. However, some as Klinke and Renn suggest a very wide definition, stating: “Risk refers to the possibility that human actions or events lead to consequences that affect aspects of what humans value”. So the total risk comprises the possibility of number (“all”)unwanted/hazardous events. It is part of the risk analysis to delimit which hazards to include. Further, risk usually refers to threats in the future, involving a (high) degree of uncertainty. In the following we will present the basic elements of risk management as it is proposed to be an integral part of project management.2.1 Project objectives and criteriaIn classical risk analysis of industrial systems the use of so-called risk acceptance criteria has played a central role in the last two or tree decades. Basically use of risk acceptance criteria means that some severe consequences are defined, e.g. accident with fatalities. Then we try to set an upper limit for the probability of these consequences that could be accepted, i.e. we could not accept higher probabilities in any situations. Further these probabilities could only be accepted if risk reduction is not possible, or the cost of risk reduction is very high.In recent years it has been a discussion in the risk analysis society whether it is fruitful or not to use risk acceptance criteria according to the principles above. It is argued that very often risk acceptance criteria are set arbitrary, and these do not necessarily support the overall best solutions. Therefore, it could be more fruitful to use some kind of risk evaluation criteria, rather than strict acceptance criteria. In project risk management we could establish acceptance criteria related to two types of events:• Events with severe consequences related to health, environment and safety.• Events with severe consequences related to project costs, project quality, project duration, oreven termination of the project. In this course we will have main focus on the project costs and the duration of the project. Note that both project cost and project duration are stochastic variables and not events. Thus it is not possible to establish acceptance criteria to project cost or duration directly. Basically, there are three types of numeric values we could introducein relation to such stochastic variables describing the project:1. Target. The target expresses our ambitions in the project. The target shall be something we are striving at, and it should be possible to reach the target. It is possible to introduce (internal) bonuses, or other rewards in order to reach the targets in a project.2. Expectation. The expectations are the value the stochastic variables will achieve in the long run, or our expectation about the outcome. The expectation is less ambitious than the target. The expectation will in a realistic way account for hazards, and threats and conditions which often contribute to the fact that the targets are not met.3. Commitment. The commitments are values related to the stochastic variables which are regulated in agreements and contracts. For example it could be stated in the contract that a new bridge shall be completed within a given date. If we are not able to fulfill the commitments, this will usually result in economical consequences, for example penalties for defaults, or in the worst case canceling of the contract.2.2 Risk identificationA scenario is a description of a imagined sequence or chain of events, e.g. we have a water leakage, and we are not able to stop this leakage with ordinary tightening medium due to the possible environmental aspects which is not clarified at the moment. Further the green movement is also likely to enter the scene in this case. A hazard is typically related to energies, poisonous media etc, and if they are released this will result in an accident or a severe event. A threat is a wider term than hazard, and we include also aspects as “wrong” method applied, “lack of competence and experience”. The term threat is also very often used in connection with security problems, e.g. sabotage, terrorism, and vandalism.2.3 Structuring and modeling of riskIn Section 2.2 we have identified methods to identify events and threats. We now want to relate these events and threats to the explicit models we have for project costs and project duration.2.3.1 Model for project execution time/schedule modelingWhen analyzing the execution time for a project we will have a project plan and typicallya Gantt diagram as a starting point. The Gantt diagram is transformed into a so-called flow network where the connections between the activities are explicitly described. Such a flow network also comprises description of duration of the activities in terms of probability statements. The duration of each activity is stochasticVariables, which we denote Ti for activity in a flow network we might also have uncertain activities which will be carried out only under special conditions. These conditions could be described in terms of events, and we need to describe the probability of occurrence of such events. Thus, there is a set of quantities, i.e. time variables and events in the model. The objective is now to link the undesired events and threats discussed in Section 2.2 to these time variables and events. Time variables are described by a probability distribution function. Such a distribution function comprises parameters that characterize the time variable. Often a parametric probability distribution is described by the three quantities L (low), M (most likely) and H high. If an undesired event occur, it is likely that the values of L, M and H will be higher than in case this event does not occur. A way to include the result from the risk identification process is then to express the different values of L, M and H depending on whether the critical event occurs or not. If we in addition are able to assess the probability of occurrence of the critical event, the knowledge about this critical event has been completely included into the risk model. Based on such an explicit modeling of the critical event, we could also easily update the model in case of new information about the critical event is obtained, for example new information could be available at a later stage in the process and changes of the plan could still be possible in light of the new information.2.3.2 Cost modelingThe cost model is usually based on the cost breakdown structure, and the cost elements will again be functions of labor cost, overtime cost, purchase price, hour cost of renting equipment, material cost, amount of material etc. The probabilistic modeling of cost is usually easier than for modeling project execution time. The principle is just to add a lot of cost terms, where each cost term is the product of the unit price and the number of units. We introduce price and volume as stochastic variables to describe the unit price and the number of units. The price and volume variables should also be linked to the undesired events and threats we have identified in Section 2.2. Often it is necessary to link the cost model to the schedule model. For example in case of delays it might be necessary to put more effort into the project to catch up with the problems, and these efforts could be very costly. Also, if the project is delayed we may need to pay extra cost to sub-contractors that have to postpone their support into the project.2.3.3 Uncertainty in schedule and cost modelingAs indicated above we will establish probabilistic models to describe the duration and cost of a project. The result of such a probabilistic modeling is that we treat the duration and cost as stochastic variables. Since duration and costs are stochastic variables, this means that there is uncertainty regarding the values they will take in the real project we are evaluating. Sometimes we split this uncertainty into three different categories, i) Aleatory uncertainty (variability due to e.g. weather conditions, labor conflicts, breakdown of machines etc.), ii) para meter or epistemic uncertainty due to lack of knowledge about “true” parameter values, and iii) model uncertainty due to lack of detailed, or wrong modeling. Under such thinking, the aleatory uncertainty could not be reduced; it is believed to be the result of the variability in the world which we cannot control. Uncertainty in the parameters is, however, believed to be reducible by collecting more information. Also uncertainty in the models is believed to be reducible by more detailed modeling, and decomposition of the various elements that go into the model. It is appealing to have a mental model where the uncertainty could be split into one part which we might not reduce (variability), and one part which we might reduce by thorough analysis and more investigation (increased knowledge). If we are able to demonstrate that the part of the uncertainty related to lack of knowledge and understanding has been reduced to a sufficient degree, we could then claim high confidence in the analysis. In some situation the owner or the authorities put forward requirements. Which could be interpreted as confidence regarding the quality of the analysis? It is though not always clear what is meant by such a confidence level. As an example, let E(C) be the expected cost of ap roject. A confidence statement could now be formulated as “The probability that the actual project cost is within an interval E(C) ± 10% should at least be 70%”. It is, however, not straight forward to document such a confidence level in a real analysis. T he “Successive process (trinnvisprosessen)” [4] is an attempt to demonstrate how to reduce the “uncertainty” in the result to a certain level of confidence.We also mention that Even [12] has recently questioned such an approach where there exist model uncertainty and parameter uncertainty, and emphasizes that we in the analysis should focus on the observable quantities which will become evident for us if the project is executed, e.g. the costs, and that uncertainty in these quantities represent the lack of knowledge about which values they will take in the future. This discussion is not pursuit any more in this presentation.2.4 Risk elements for follow up: Risk and opportunity registerAs risk elements and threats are identified in Section 2.2 these have to be controlled as far as possible. It is not sufficient to identify these conditions and model them in the schedule and cost models, we also have to mitigate the risk elements and threats. In order to ensure a systematic follow up of risk elements and threats it is recommended to establish a so-called threat log. The terms ‟Risk Register…and ‟Risk & Opportunity Register…(R&OR) is sometimes used rather than the term ‟threat log.… A R&OR is best managed by a database solution, for example an MS-Access Database. Each row in the database represents one risk element or threat. The fields in such a database could vary, but the following fields seems reasonable: • ID. An identifier is required in order to keep track of the threat in relation to the quantitative risk models, to follow up actions ET.• Description. A description of the threat is necessary in order to understand the content of the problem. It could be necessary to state the immediate consequences (e.g. occupational accident), but also consequences in terms of the main objectives of the project, e.g. time and costs.• Likelihood or probability. A judgment regarding how probable it is that the threat or the risk condition will be released in terms of e.g. undesired or critical events.• Impact. If possible, give a direct impact on cost and schedule if the event occurs, either by an expected impact, or by L, M and H values.• References to cost and schedule. In order to update the schedule and cost models it is convenient to give an explicit reference from the R&OR into the schedule and cost models. • Manageability. Here it is descried how the threat could be influenced, either by implementing measures to eliminate the threat prior to it reveals it self, or measures in orderto reduce the consequences in case of the threat will materialize.• Alert information. It is important to be aware of information that could indicate the development of the threat before it eventually will materialize. If such information is available we could implement relevant measures if necessary. For example it could be possible to take ground samples at a certain cost, but utilizing the information from such samples could enable us to choose appropriate methods for tunnel penetration.• Measures. List of measures that could be implemented to reduce the risk.• Deadline and responsible. Identification of who is responsible for implementing and follow up of the measure or threat, and any deadlines.• Status. Both with respect to the threat and any measure it is valuable to specify the development, i.e. did the treat reveal it self into undesired events with unwanted consequences, did the measure play any positive effect etc.2.5 Correction and controlAs the project develops the R&OR is the primary control tool for risk follow up. By following the status of the various threats, risk elements and measures we could monitor the risk in the project. This information should of course be linked to the time and cost plans. If a given threat does not reveal in terms of undesired events, the time and cost estimates could be lowered and this gain could be utilized in other part of the project, or in other projects. In the opposite situation it is necessary to increase the time and cost estimates, and we need to consider new measures, and maybe spend some of the reserves to catch up in case of an expected delay. During the life cycle of a project it will occur new threats and risk elements which we did not foresee in the initial risk identification process. Such threats must continuously be entered into the R&OR, and measures need to be considered.一、介绍(一)关于本纲要本课程纲要过程中研究的是“风险也是一种项目”。

英文项目管理模板1A general English project management template is a powerful tool that can guide us through the complex process of bringing a project to fruition! It typically consists of several key components. Firstly, there's the project scope definition, which clearly outlines what the project aims to achieve. Then, we have the detailed project schedule, mapping out the timelines and milestones. Don't forget the resource allocation section, determining who and what is needed at each stage.Let's take organizing an English speech competition at school as an example. To plan using this template, we'd define the scope by specifying the number of participants, the judging criteria, and the topics. The schedule would include dates for registration, preliminaries, and the final event. Resources would cover the judges, equipment, and the venue.During the execution phase, we'd closely follow the schedule and ensure the resources are in place. Monitoring is crucial! We'd constantly ask questions like, "Are we on track with the schedule?" and "Are the resources being utilized effectively?" If there are any deviations, we'd take corrective actions promptly.In conclusion, a well-structured English project management template is essential for the success of any project. It provides clarity, direction, andcontrol!2Project management is of vital importance in various fields, and different types of projects demand specific management templates. Let's take business expansion projects and scientific research projects as examples. In business expansion projects, the focus of the management template is often on market analysis, financial planning, and risk assessment! How crucial these aspects are for the success of the project? The template emphasizes strategic decision-making and resource allocation to ensure maximum profit and market share. On the contrary, in scientific research projects, the template pays more attention to the research design, data collection and analysis, and the validation of results. Isn't it interesting to note the differences? Here, the accuracy and reliability of the research process are of paramount importance. However, both types of projects share some common elements such as clear goals, timelines, and team communication. But the emphasis and weight given to each element vary significantly. So, understanding the characteristics and differences of these management templates is essential for effectively managing and achieving the success of different projects. Isn't that so?3Project management is a crucial aspect of achieving success in anyundertaking. A well-crafted English project management template can be a game-changer! But how do we customize it to meet the specific needs of a project? Let's take an innovative community service project as an example.First and foremost, we need to clearly define the project's objectives. For this community service project, is it to provide free educational classes to underprivileged children? Or to organize a volunteer-driven environmental cleanup campaign? Once the objectives are clear, we can tailor the template accordingly.The task breakdown should be detailed and specific. For instance, if it's the educational classes, we need to list tasks like finding qualified teachers, preparing teaching materials, and arranging the classroom. Oh my goodness! This requires meticulous planning.The timeline is of utmost importance! When will the classes start? How often will they be held? We must set realistic deadlines to ensure smooth progress.Resource allocation is another key factor. Do we have enough funds for textbooks and equipment? What about human resources? Are there enough volunteers?In conclusion, customizing an English project management template for a specific project is no easy task, but with careful thought and planning, it can lead to amazing results! Isn't that exciting?Project management is of great significance in today's fast-paced business world. English project management templates play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and quality of projects. Imagine a successful corporate training project! How could it achieve remarkable results? The answer lies in the effective utilization of an English project management template.A well-structured template provides a clear roadmap. It helps define project goals, tasks, timelines, and responsibilities precisely. With everything organized and documented, team members know exactly what to do and when to do it. This eliminates confusion and reduces the chances of errors or delays.For instance, in a recent corporate training project, the template was used to schedule training sessions, assign trainers, and monitor progress. The template made it easy to identify potential issues in advance and take corrective actions promptly. Wasn't it amazing how smoothly the project went?In conclusion, English project management templates are not just tools; they are powerful assets that can lead to project success. So, why not embrace them and unlock their potential for better project outcomes?In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, the future of English project management templates holds tremendous promise and exciting possibilities! As technology continues to advance at a breathtaking pace, one can't help but wonder how these templates will transform. Will they seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence-assisted features to streamline processes and offer real-time insights? It's highly likely! Imagine having an intelligent assistant within the template that suggests optimal strategies based on historical data and current project parameters. This could revolutionize the way we plan, execute, and monitor projects.Moreover, could we expect templates to become more customizable and adaptive to the unique needs of different industries and project types? The answer is undoubtedly yes! With the rise of agile and hybrid project management methodologies, templates need to be flexible enough to accommodate rapid changes and evolving requirements.So, what else lies on the horizon for English project management templates? Will they incorporate advanced visualization tools to present complex data in a more intuitive and understandable manner? Will they enable seamless collaboration across geographically dispersed teams in real-time? The potential for innovation is vast, and the future looks incredibly bright. We must keep our eyes wide open and embrace these changes to stay at the forefront of efficient project management.。

外文翻译As one of the important subjects of project management originated the First World War, and now it has been becoming more and more systematic and professional. In China the systematic project risk management framework was developed by the end of last century, but the practical application of project risk management still needs further improvement. With above background, this thesis focused on the medium or large real estate project, research project character, project management, typical Chinese construction project process, risk management, and project risk management. The first chapter briefed the current international and domestic study status of the subject, thesis purpose, and thesis scope, which are risk and its countermeasures research for the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. The second chapter briefed the concept and character of real estate project, risk of project, and project risk management, which is the theoretical foundation of further risk management study for the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. Chapter3,4 and 5 are the project risk management practice on the implementation phase of medium or large real estate project. Chapter 3 is for project engineering risk management, which introduced the concept, purpode, and principle of project engineering at the beginning, and then analyzed the engineering objective, including schedule, cost, and quality, at last it identified and analyzed the project engineering risks and provided design change procedure and design company selection procedure as the risk response. Chapter 4 detailed the concept, principle, objective and key roles of project procurement, identified and assessed the project procurement risk, and also provided contractor selection procedure, vendor selection procedure, examples of procurement plans to response and monitor project risk. Chapter 5 firstly introduced the construction concept, character, process and project construction objectives, including quality objective, schedule objective, and safety objective, and then identified and assessed construction quality risk, schedule risk, cost risk and safety risk, The postscript of this thesis briefed the dynamic project risk management concept, restriction and limitation of this thesis, and opportunities for further research. Totally there are 14 appendixes attached after the thesis. These appendixes could be used as guidance and reference of risk management for real estate project. They are provided to be very useful in term of risk management for real estate project implementation phases.Project risk management as a procedure of optimism and decision, in which information will come out gradually in the multistage construction. The key to the risk management is how to select the risk response plan. Directed by the system theory and combined the theory of option pricing and project risk management, this paper adopts criterion method to analyze the management and activity in the stage of engineering project implement on the base of comparison to relative documents. This paper emphatically argues the choice of response plans under the condition of risks according to the established analysis frame. These forecasts are hypotheses abstract form the similar project performed before, whether they are actual or not will hugely affect the success of project The implement stage means project period from the location to product whose target is transform the plan to real and mark the aims. The implement stage occupies the most period of project, has huge work, consume the most resource. What is worth to mind is that the implement stage isprocess not only to form the real proprirty but also product information, for example, the knowledge of field status and the capability of contractor can only be obtained form implement. So in order to mark the target, the manager must test the hypotheses and use the new information assess the status of influence element, choose the best response plan according to the condition. This paper has value in instructing the project investor/manager in how to establish a risk management configuration and making decision under risk condition in the implement stage of construction project.This thesis begins with the knowledge system of project management, analyses the whole course of risk management and sets forth the method and program of project risk identification, risk appraisement and risk monitoring in project minutely. Finally, It shows a risk case of building project focal point for the investment decision of early stage with qualitative and quantitative analysis. Chapter 1 Discuss the important concept, method and knowledge system of project risk management, such as the definition of project, the knowledge system of project management PMBOKX the intension of risk, the content of risk management and so on ,carry out the risk analysis of building project emphatically. Chapter 2 Mainly introduce the tool and technology of project risk identification, such as checking table, the rules of systems analysis(WBS), the method of SWOT technology. Thinking of the demerit for every tool, hence author emphasize that we should appraise the gained information resource synthetically. Chapter 3 Explain how to go on the estimation and assessment of project risk, put forward the tool and technology of project risk analysis (as AHP, probability and sensitivity analysis ). When analyzing project risk quantitatively, first we should have definite warranty, do not surmise risk without foundation; Secondly, distinguish confirmed project from unconfirmed project in quantitative analysis. When using two important tools of quantitative risk analysis—probability and sensitivity analysis, one side is to estimate the probability of risk variable exactly; the other side is to judge and analyze the guidelines of probability analysis truly, as square margin, expected figure, disperse modulus. Through quantifying risk, it can strengthen our sense of risk management. Chapter 4 Elaborate the basic method of monitoring project risk. In order to carry into execution monitoring project risk, it is essential to establish perfect replying risk plan. The main steps is: lessening risk, take precautions against risk (as project method, instructing method, program method), conveying risk selling, inviting public bidding, the contract of absolving obligation, insurance and guarantee), avoidance, leave behind and measure in support. Chapter 5 A risk management example. First, analyze the various possible existent risk factors of this project systematically. Secondly, study its sensitivity factor thorough quantifying assessment risk for the project, as well as establishing and putting in practice a plan in order to control the negative influence in minimum level. The building has total 130500 square in architectural area, superior geographical location and tremendously potential value, its overall investment is 4.26 hundreds million. This chapter first studies the market from place environment all around traffic and market requirement, then analyzes systematically financing risk and organic risk of joint venture. On the basis of foregoing analysis, it establishes some parameter of risk quantifying analysis, calculates its selling revenue running expense and cash flow form, uses sensitivity analysis to gain best sensitivity factor. As the uncertain essence of risk, it is extremely important to analyze probability factor of the project. So we confirm the probability form of every variable, then calculatepresent value of each possible event according to different constitutes of risk variable; and sort all possible events according to their present values from small to big, calculate accumulative probability, square margin and disperse modulus, thus analyze the risk of project quantitatively, provide quantitative support for supervisor when they will make a decision. Comparing with international advanced level, our country has great gap on the link of how to apply theory of project risk management to practice of project management, especially short of system research in project risk management. On the basis International project contracting is rather a complex project in the cooperation of international economy and technology, and the implementing of the projects will be influenced by political, economy and social situations Firstly, this paper systemically analyzed the market situation of the international project contracting, and concretely analyzed the market structure in Asia, America, Africa and Europe. It concluded the trend of the development of the international contracting market; projects are becoming large-scale and complex and the contracting pattern is diversified, and the management of the international project contracting is standardized. Secondly, this paper analyzed the development status and characteristic of the international project contracting in our country. Although the internationalization tendency of our country’s international project contracting firm is preferable, there is large gap in the whole strength when compared with firms from the developed countries, and also there are limitations in the distributing of the projects in different regions and industries. Thirdly, this paper summarized the technique of international project contracting risk identification, estimate and appraise in our country. Put forward to finance and non-finance risk treating means, and apply the energy release theory to international project contracting risk management, and research the dominating risk in the bid phase and construction and build the energy release model of each phrase. In the cases of Kun River Hydroelectric Station Project in Vietnam and Aromatic Plant Shali Irrigation Project in Nepal, this paper put forward to the technique of the international project contracting risk identification, estimation, appraise and reply in dealing with the project risk. Finally, in the risk estimation and risk appraise, this paper paid attention to evaluate the losing caused by the risk exactly; in the risk reply ,give attention to two aspects of cost and return, look after the economic and logical risk reply measure, in order to make the project risk least, the operating of companies most efficiently and the return highest外文翻译项目风险管理作为项目管理的重要内容之一,起源于第一次世界大战之后。

Multiple fatalities
Extensive damage
Significant harm*
International impact
Single fatality
Major injury
Major damage
Localised damage
Where the risk assessment is generic it should be clearly stated.
Indicate the people who could be affected (including contractors and the public) and the frequency and duration of exposure – precise details are not required.
Hazard: The hazard is the thing with the potential for harm, such as a flammable substance, rotating
machine or deep water. Record all of the significant hazards associated with the activity being assessed.
F Consequence (outcome) Details of harm
Broken limbs
Value 1 to 5
Existing control measures used

回迁安置区项目风险管控方案英文回答:Risk management is a crucial aspect of any project, especially when it comes to a resettlement and relocation project like the one I am currently working on. In order to effectively manage the risks associated with this project, I have developed a comprehensive risk management plan that outlines the steps we will take to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks.One of the key components of our risk management plan is the identification of potential risks. This involves conducting a thorough analysis of the project and its surrounding environment to identify any factors that could pose a threat to its successful completion. For example, we have identified the risk of delays in obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local authorities, as well as the risk of community resistance to the project.Once potential risks have been identified, we assess their likelihood and potential impact on the project. This involves assigning a risk rating to each identified risk based on its probability and severity. For example, therisk of delays in obtaining permits may be rated as high probability and high severity, while the risk of community resistance may be rated as low probability and high severity.After assessing the risks, we develop risk mitigation strategies to minimize their impact on the project. This may involve taking proactive measures to address potential risks before they occur, such as engaging with local community leaders to address concerns and build support for the project. It may also involve developing contingency plans to address risks that cannot be fully mitigated, such as identifying alternative locations for resettlement if community resistance becomes too great.In addition to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, we also regularly monitor and review the project to ensure that our risk management plan remains effective.This involves conducting regular risk assessments to identify any new risks that may have emerged, as well as reviewing the effectiveness of our existing risk mitigation strategies. For example, if we identify a new risk of inclement weather disrupting construction activities, we may need to adjust our construction schedule to account for potential delays.Overall, effective risk management is essential for the success of any project, particularly one as complex and sensitive as a resettlement and relocation project. By identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, we can minimize the likelihood of potential disruptions and ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.中文回答:风险管理是任何项目的关键方面,尤其是像我目前正在进行的这个重新安置和搬迁项目。

(全面版)项目交付流程中的风险控制英文版Comprehensive Guide to Risk Control in Project Delivery ProcessIn the project delivery process, it is crucial to effectively manage and mitigate risks to ensure successful completion. Risk control plays a vital role in identifying potential threats and implementing strategies to minimize their impact. This comprehensive guide provides an overview of key steps and best practices for risk control in project delivery.1. Risk IdentificationThe first step in risk control is to identify potential risks that may arise throughout the project delivery process. This involves brainstorming with team members, conducting research, and analyzing past projects to anticipate possible challenges.2. Risk AssessmentOnce risks are identified, they should be assessed based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. This step helps prioritize risks and allocate resources accordingly to address the most critical threats.3. Risk MitigationAfter assessing risks, the next step is to develop strategies to mitigate or eliminate them. This may involve implementing preventive measures, creating contingency plans, or transferring risks to third parties through insurance or contracts.4. Monitoring and ControlThroughout the project delivery process, it is essential to continuously monitor and control risks to ensure that mitigation strategies are effective. Regular risk assessments should be conducted, and adjustments made as needed to address new challenges.5. Communication and ReportingEffective communication is key to successful risk control in project delivery. Stakeholders should be kept informed of potential risks,mitigation strategies, and any changes in the risk landscape. Regular reporting on risk management activities is essential to maintain transparency and accountability.6. Lessons LearnedAt the conclusion of the project delivery process, it is important to conduct a thorough review of risk control activities. Identifying what worked well and areas for improvement can help inform future projects and enhance overall risk management capabilities.ConclusionRisk control is a critical component of successful project delivery. By following these key steps and best practices, project teams can proactively manage risks, minimize disruptions, and increase the likelihood of achieving project goals. Stay vigilant, communicate effectively, and continuously monitor and adjust risk control strategies to ensure project success.。

Risk Management Planfor<project><author><date><version>Table of ContentsTable of Contents ................................................. Revision History .................................................. Purpose .......................................................... Roles and Responsibilities ........................................ Risk Documentation ................................................ Activities ....................................................... Schedule for Risk Management Activities ........................... Risk Management Budget ............................................ Risk Management Tools ............................................. Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form .......................... Revision HistoryPurposeThis document describes how we will perform the jobof managing risks for <project>. It defines roles andresponsibilities for participants in the riskprocesses, the risk management activities that willbe carried out, the schedule and budget for riskmanagement activities, and any tools and techniquesthat will be used.Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Manager The Project Manager will assign a Risk Officer to the project, and identify this individual on theproject’s organization chart. The Project Manager and other members of the Project Management team<list names or roles> shall meet <state frequency; biweekly suggested> to review the status of all riskmitigation efforts, review the exposure assessmentsfor any new risk items, and redefine the project'sTop Ten Risk List.Risk Officer The Risk Officer has the following responsibilities and authority:<describe what the risk officer will do; mightinclude coordinating risk identification and analysisactivities, maintaining the project’s risk list,notifying project management of new risk items,reporting risk resolution status to management; theRisk Officer should normally not be the ProjectManager.>Project Member Assigned a Risk The Risk Officer will assign each newly identified risk to a project member, who will assess the exposure and probability for the risk factor and report the results of that analysis back to the RiskOfficer. Assigned project members are alsoresponsible for performing the steps of themitigation plan and reporting progress to the RiskOfficer biweekly.Risk DocumentationRisk List The risk factors identified and managed for thisproject will be accumulated in a risk list, which islocated <state where risk list is located; could bean appendix to this plan, or in a separate document,or in a database or tool somewhere>. The ten riskitems that currently have the highest estimated riskexposure are referred to as the project’s Top TenRisk List.Risk Data Items The following information will be stored for each project risk: <list and define risk data items. Somesuggestions: Risk ID, classification, description, probability, impact, risk exposure, first indicator that risk is becoming a problem, mitigation approaches, owner, date due, contingency plan, contingency plan trigger>Closing Risks A risk item can be considered closed when it meets the following criteria: <example: the planned mitigation actions have been completed and the estimated risk exposure of probability times impact is less than 2>Activities Risk Identificatio nandPrioritizationRisk ManagementPlanningRisk ResolutionRiskMonitoringSchedule for Risk Management ActivitiesRisk A risk workshop will be held on approximatelyIdentification<date>.Risk List The prioritized risk list will be completed andmade available to the project team by approximately<date>.Risk Management Plan The risk management plan, with mitigation, avoidance, or prevention strategies for the top ten risk items, will be completed by approximately<date>.Risk Review The Risk Management Plan and initial Top Ten RiskList will be reviewed and approved by the ProjectManager on approximately <date>.Risk Tracking The status of risk management activities andmitigation success will be revisited as part of thegate exit criteria for each life cycle phase. Therisk management plan will be updated at that time.<If the project is tracking cumulative riskexposure, that will be updated and reviewed duringat this time, also.>Risk Management Budget<Describe the budget available for managing theproject’s risks>.Risk Management Tools<Describe any tools that will be used to store riskinformation, evaluate risks, track status of riskitems, or generate reports or charts depicting riskmanagement activity and status. If specificquestionnaires or databases will be used during riskidentification, describe them here. If lessonslearned about controlling the risk items will bestored in a database for reference by futureprojects, describe that database here.> Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form。

风险管理程序英文版1.0 PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for identifying and evaluating risks.2.0 ScopeThis procedure applies to risks related to the QMS.3.0 Procedure3.1 The need for risk identification is determined on the basis of information and trendsregarding the performance and effectiveness of the QMS. In particular:●Regulatory requirements●Product safety requirements and considerations●Product and service nonconformities●Process problems and nonconformities●Supplier quality performance records●Reject and scrap rates●Field service records●On time delivery performance●Production equipment maintenance records●Customer feedback and complaints●Quality management system audit records●Data loss/corruption incidents, network outages, etc.3.2 Risks are identified and evaluated when quality performance data indicates that there are trends of decreasing quality capability and/or effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system. For example: increasing incidence of product nonconformity; excessive equipment problems; or increasing number of audit findings against the same quality system process or department.3.3 Initiating risk management projects3.3.1 Risks are identified, evaluated and addressed in DaMei Risk Management module; within a framework of a Risk Management Project.3.3.2 Risk management projects may be proposed by any organizational unit and any employee in the company. Requests for initiating a risk management project are submitted to Management representative or General manager, as appropriate. Only Management representative and General manager have the authority to initiate, or approve the initiation of risk management projects. This is to prioritize and direct resources where risk control is most urgent.4.0 Risk management project4.1 Risk management projects are initiated in DaMei Risk Management module using electronic form EF-380-1 Risk Project.4.2 When initiating a new project, select in form EF-380-1 the risk assessment method that will be used for the project:1) Hazard Evaluation: This is a method for evaluating hazards and related harms, rather than estimating the actual risks. The method is based on evaluating hazardous situations and associated harms (risk cases), and existing controls that reduce the likelihood of the hazardous situation occurring and/or reduce the severity of the harm. The evaluation results in a decisionwhether additional controls need to be implemented to further reduce risk. Although no a full fledged risk analysis, it is an excellent method for demonstrating 'risk based thinking' without going into formal and complex risk analysis studies. This method should not be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.2) Risk Matrix Analysis: This is a structured, formal method for assessing risks using a riskmatrix. The risk matrix for the project is defined using a template provided in formEF-380-01 (click the Risk Matrix tab in the form). This method is often referred to in technical literature as a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). It is a top-down approach, using a list of known hazards as input for the risk analysis. The risk matrix method is the most flexible and versatile, as it can be applied to any product, process or system, and does not require detailed knowledge about the system to be analyzed. Where appropriate, the risk matrix Analysis method should be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.Other Method: Select this item when some other risk assessment method will be used, for example: Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), etc.4.3 Risk management projects are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant and up to date. Review dates are scheduled, and the review are documented in form EF-380-1 in the 'Reviews' block.5.0 Hazards5.1 Hazards are conditions, circumstances, practices or other'things' that can be a source of harm or loss. Hazards do not cause harms; they just make harms possible. Hazards are usually constant, i.e., they are always there, unless the hazard is completely removed.5.2 For each risk management project identify all relevant hazards and enter them into DaMei Risk Management module (select the project and enter hazards into the 'Hazards' grid).。

项目风险评估报告(中英文对照)模板项目风险评估报告Risk Assessment Report for Project中文部分一、项目概述名称:XXX项目起止日期:XXXX年XX月XX日-XXXX年XX月XX日二、项目背景和目标项目背景:XXX项目旨在实施XXX系统,以提高组织内部运营效率,并改善客户体验。
项目目标:1. 实施XXX系统,确保在规定时间内上线,并符合预期的功能要求;2. 提高内部业务流程的自动化程度,降低人力投入成本;3. 提高客户满意度和忠诚度。

relates. Where the risk assessment is generic it should be clearly stated.
Indicate the people who could be affected (including contractors and the public) and the frequency and duration of exposure – precise details are not required.
Unsafe working practices
Continuous loading & unloading of components
F Consequence (outcome)
Details of harm
Value 1 to 5
Broken limbs
Broken fingers
G Existing control measures used
Annual monitoring @ OHD
Page 1
Re-assess risks to show how proposed actions will be effective in reducing the risk.
Also consider whether any new hazards will be introduced .
Hazardous Event: Give a very brief description of the hazard scenario or event – i.e. what
happens that could lead to harm.

Engineering projects are complex endeavors that involve a multitude of factors and uncertainties. As such, they are prone to various risks that can lead to delays, cost overruns, and even project failure. Effective risk management is crucial in identifying, assessing, and mitigating these risks to ensure the successful completion of engineering projects. This article aims to provide an overview of engineering project risk management, including its importance, key steps, and best practices.Importance of Engineering Project Risk ManagementRisk management is essential in engineering projects for several reasons:1. Cost savings: By identifying and mitigating risks early on, engineering projects can avoid costly delays and rework.2. Time savings: Effective risk management helps in planning and scheduling the project, thereby reducing the chances of delays.3. Quality assurance: By addressing risks that could affect the quality of the project, risk management ensures that the final product meets the required standards.4. Stakeholder satisfaction: Risk management helps in maintaining the trust and confidence of stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to delivering a successful project.Key Steps in Engineering Project Risk ManagementThe following are the key steps involved in engineering project risk management:1. Risk identification: This step involves identifying potential risks associated with the project. Risks can be related to various factors, such as technical, financial, environmental, and organizational aspects.2. Risk assessment: Once risks are identified, they need to be assessed in terms of their probability of occurrence and potential impact on the project. This helps in prioritizing risks and focusing on those that pose the greatest threat.3. Risk mitigation: After assessing the risks, the next step is to develop strategies to mitigate them. This can involve transferring risks to third parties, avoiding risky activities, or implementing contingency plans.4. Risk monitoring and control: Once risk mitigation strategies are implemented, it is essential to monitor the risks continuously and adjust the strategies as needed. This helps in ensuring that the risks are effectively managed throughout the project lifecycle.Best Practices in Engineering Project Risk ManagementTo ensure the effectiveness of risk management in engineering projects, the following best practices should be followed:1. Involve stakeholders: Engage all stakeholders in the risk management process to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the risks and their potential impact on the project.2. Use a risk register: Maintain a risk register that contains all identified risks, their assessments, mitigation strategies, and responsible individuals. This helps in tracking the risks and their management status.3. Regularly review and update the risk register: Review the risk register regularly to ensure that it reflects the current risk status and to update the mitigation strategies as needed.4. Implement a risk management plan: Develop a risk management plan that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and processes for managing risks throughout the project lifecycle.5. Use risk management tools and techniques: Utilize various risk management tools and techniques, such as risk matrices, probability and impact analysis, and risk workshops, to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.In conclusion, engineering project risk management is a critical aspect of project success. By following the key steps and best practices outlined in this article, project managers can effectively identify,assess, and mitigate risks, thereby ensuring the successful completion of their projects.。

项目风险管理报告模板(精选)项目风险管理报告模板1. 项目概述本报告旨在对当前项目的风险状况进行全面分析和评估。
2. 项目目标及Measurable outcome项目目标:【项目目标】。
Measurable outcome:【可衡量结果】。
3. 风险识别和分类3.1 风险识别通过细致的风险识别,我们能够快速发现和备案未来可能出现的项目风险。
以下是我们识别的主要风险:- 风险1:【风险描述】,潜在影响:【潜在影响】,概率:【概率】- 风险2:【风险描述】,潜在影响:【潜在影响】,概率:【概率】- 风险3:【风险描述】,潜在影响:【潜在影响】,概率:【概率】3.2 风险分类根据风险的性质和来源,我们将风险分为以下几类:- 技术风险:【技术风险描述】- 市场风险:【市场风险描述】- 组织风险:【组织风险描述】- 法律风险:【法律风险描述】- 财务风险:【财务风险描述】4. 风险概述在本报告期间,我们特别关注以下三个重要风险,并对其进行了详细分析。
4.1 风险1:【风险名称】- 风险描述:【风险描述】- 潜在影响:【潜在影响】- 风险等级:【风险等级】- 风险控制措施:【风险控制措施】- 目前状态:【目前状态】(例如,风险已发生、风险已解决或正在进行中的风险应对活动)4.2 风险2:【风险名称】- 风险描述:【风险描述】- 潜在影响:【潜在影响】- 风险等级:【风险等级】- 风险控制措施:【风险控制措施】- 目前状态:【目前状态】4.3 风险3:【风险名称】- 风险描述:【风险描述】- 潜在影响:【潜在影响】- 风险等级:【风险等级】- 风险控制措施:【风险控制措施】- 目前状态:【目前状态】5. 风险评估和应对策略对于每个已识别的风险,我们进行了评估,并采取了相应的应对策略以降低潜在风险对项目目标的影响。
5.1 风险评估我们使用风险概率和风险影响的矩阵对每个风险进行了评估,并确定了风险等级。

本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:Risk Management in BOT ProjectsRisk management in BOT projects is studied, following the risk management framework, i.e. risk identification, risk classification, risk analysis, risk attitude and risk response (or risk allocation).1.Risk identification in BOT projectsThe risks of BOT projects can be identified in the following categories (Baker, 1986; cited in Nadeem, 1998): political risks; construction completion risks; operating risks; finance risks and legal risks.2.Risk classification in BOT projectsThere have been several types of risk classification. The following are some examples of them: Construction phase: completion delay, cost overrun, force majeure, political risk, infrastructure risk (referring to other facilities in direct competition with the BOT project in question). Operational phase: raw material supply, market, performance/technical, operation/maintenance, foreign exchange, other contingencies (Tiong, 1990b). Development phase: technology risk, credit risk, bid risk. Construction phase: completion risk, cost overrun risk, performance risk, political risk. Operating phase: performance risk, cost overrun risk, liability risk, equity resale risk, offtake risk (Beidleman et al., 1990): Global risks:–Political: government, technology.–Legal: framework, type of agreement.–Commercial: market, input, currency.– Environment: impact, ecological. Construction, design,Elemental risks:–Technical: physical conditions, training.–Financial: form of technology.–Operational: operation, maintenance, ownership, return, currency.– Revenue: demand, financing, evaluation, development (toll/tariff, Woodward et al., 1992).There are some other classifications, some of which are: static or dynamic;fundamental or particular; government source or private source; speculative or pure; financial or non-financial; and measurable or immeasurable (Charoenpornpatiana, 1998).These classifications facilitate all the following steps of the risk management framework.3.Risk analysis in BOT projectsThe reasons of risk analysis in BOT projects are summarized by Walker and Smith (1995) as follows:A rigorous risk analysis is necessary before a project is embarked upon in order to establish its financial and technical feasibility. It can help to screen out financially unsound projects and get minds working together early enough to overcome foreseen technical difficulties. An increased understanding of the project risks leads to the formulation of more realistic plans in terms of cost estimates and programmes. Knowing the magnitude of the possible impact that may be caused by the contingent factors, the parties can seek for better allocation of the risks through the agreement of suitable contract clauses, procurement of insurance or other risk response measures. Apart from these, a more positive and rational risk-taking attitude will result from a carefully prepared risk analysis as the risk-takers know where they stand.There are several, or many, tools and techniques, which are applicable to risk analysis in BOT projects. The application is dependent on the contents and contexts of projects.4.Risk attitude in BOT projectsThe government is moving away from taking on project risks (ASIAMONEY, 1996).Government see BOT schemes as a method … with al l the technical and financial risks being borne by the private promoter … In a traditional method of contracting, risk-sharing may be allowed and the contractor may be able to negotiate with the client as far as claims for cost overrun is concerned. Under the BOT method, in which the contractor is normally also the developer, this is no longer possible … It is very important for promoters to demonstrate to the government that they are able totake all the risks that the government is apprehensive about (Tiong, 1995a) These descriptions are particularly pointing out the government's attitude that it is expecting the private sectors to take as many risks as possible so that it be free from them.Tiong and Alum (1997a) analyzed the requirements in BOT projects from the viewpoint of governments. The topics in these studies are, proposal evaluation criteria, the financial and contractual elements in final negotiation, requirement in request for proposal (RFP) (Tiong, 1995a), financial commitment (Tiong and Alum, 1997b), and importance of equity in the financial package (Tiong, 1995b). Particularly in his one study (Tiong, 1995a), he testified a hypothesis:[…] the ability to be awarded the concession in a BOT tender is strongly related to the ability of the project promoter to retain and reallocate risks and offer guarantees against risks and uncertainties.From an analysis of the study, he concluded:There is a positive agreement in the views of the promoter and government respondents with regard to the hypothesis.One thing governments should recognize is the additional cost of risk transfer.The government provides funds for public sector projects at cost and without charges for the project risks. The private sector prices risks and charges more for projects with highest risk (Saunders, 1998).Joshua and Gerber (1992) pointed out the potential problem that the public have to bear a higher toll price caused by unreasonable risk transfer in a privatized tollway. It is called value for money (VFM) paradox, which may occur in PFI projects in trying to achieve VFM through the transference of risks to private consortia (Owen and Merna, 1997).On the other hand, what is a contractor's view is surveyed in the UK, and Walker and Smith (1995) summarized the reports as follows: “Major contractors in the UK would have to achieve higher levels of return, a quick pay-back or achieve other spin-off benefits such as development gains or business for other companies within their organization”, according to the report in 1989. “The 1993 report suggested that amarket for private investment could be created by the transfer of a network of roads to tolled status within the public sector, the creation of a number of companies owning significant shares in the network and the subsequent privatization of those companies”. This report indicates that a market for private investment could not be created if the road networks were not transferred to particular independent bodies:Contractors stated that they would only be prepared to take the perceived increased risk in privatized projects if the government takes a positive stance on the subject rather than playing with the issue on a piecemeal basis The 1989 survey revealed … that the private sector was expected to take the whole burden of risk, and this made many of them wary about their involvement.How ab out bankers in the UK? The 1989 report “gave the consensus view that the banks did not adopt a proactive role leaving the contractors to be the prime movers. One of the reasons cited for this rather passive approach is the long gestation period of these pr ojects … Indeed, bankers believed that their risk position was far worse than that facing contractors.’ It is also reported that banks would not make loans to finance public sector projects without risk capital also being available (Saunders, 1998).5.Risk response and risk allocation in BOT projectsThe PFI guidelines in the UK recognize that the minimization of risk and the cost of accepting it is generally achieved by allocating risk to those best placed to accept it (Saunders, 1998).In cases of developing countries, some government guarantees are generally required for funding. McCarthy and Tiong (1991) described the common risks and securities considering the proper riskThis section discusses the risk analysis from the standpoints of major project participants, i.e. host government, funders.Host government:The government's principal responsibility is to achieve VFM or cost efficiency (CE) by implementing a project. In this regard, the best alternative for infrastructure arrangement must be selected. However, VFM and CE of a project contain uncertainty and risk, because they are values of the project in the future.Therefore, evaluation of VFM and CE should be conducted in terms of risk analysis, too.Generally, VFM includes not only money terms, but also non-monetary terms, such as social welfare and time saving in transportation. If all of these non-monetary terms are convertible into monetary terms, a decision-maker can analyze risk by the money term as a single criterion. Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis are applicable in this case. On the other hand, if it is not the case, MCDM, which can incorporate plural criteria in a systematic way, is applicable to the analysis.Selection of the most cost-efficient concessionaire is also an important responsibility of government. Concessionaire selection under risk should be considered. In this regard, Hatush and Skitmore (1997) presented a potential use of probabilistic risk analysis to bid evaluation and pre-qualification of concessionaires. In addition, in order to recognize the cost-efficiency in a concessionaire's bid, government needs to know how risk is anticipated and involved in the bid. For example, let us suppose Concessionaire A offered a higher bid price (or higher tariff rate, longer concession period) because he anticipates risk sufficiently and as a result included the risk premium in the bid price. Concessionaire B, in turn, offered a lower price simply because he does not analyze risk sufficiently. In such a case, awarding the concession to Concessionaire B may cause a disaster. Because BOT projects contain much more risk than traditional ones, governments must understand how risk is analyzed and anticipated by concessionaires so as to avoid the disaster as shown in the example.Another important point is risk transfer. In BOT projects, governments expect private companies to assume as much risk as possible. However, risk transfer is always accompanied by risk premium as an additional cost. By analyzing risk in terms of likelihood, severity, and risk premium, a government must consider the best risk transfer. Likelihood and severity of risk can be assessed subjectively but in a systematic manner by AHP and some other MCDM methods. Risk mapping technique is a simple and easily understood technique for this purpose. Once these two attributes of risk, i.e. likelihood and severity, are well assessed, risk premium can be considered.In so doing, the utility theory would be working. The suitable risk premium can be settled in a negotiation with concessionaires.Finally, the most essential thing governments have to do is to set up clear objectives, either single or plural. Without doing it, risk analysis cannot be conducted sufficiently.Funders:There are two major categories as funders in BOT projects. One is lender and the other is investor. “Lenders tend to focus on the downside risks while investors tend to look at the upside opportunity” (Walker and Smith, 1995). Lenders are mainly concerned with the cash flow of a project. Cash flow of a project is analyzed and measured by the following terms, as examples:•return on investment (ROI);•return on equity (ROE);•net present value (NPV);•pay back period (PBP); and•internal rate of return (IRR).By constructing cash-flow models, lenders take a look at some of these terms of a project. One of the very important and difficult things in cash-flow modeling is how to predict an interest rate and an inflation rate, or, in other words, a discount rate, which must be involved in the modeling, over the concession period of a project as long as 20-30 years. A small change in these rates results in a very big change in the project cash flow.The cash-flow analysis is often conducted by means of Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis. Since lenders, such as bankers, cannot assume so much risk, their concern is directed to the down side, i.e. the worse cases in sensitivity analysis. In many cases of BOT projects, the loans are made on the limited or non-recourse basis, lenders need to be very aware of risk. Therefore, any worst-case scenario is necessary and needs to be examined by sensitivity analysis, and other analyses as well. The impacts of change in the interest rate and the inflation rate should be tested by sensitivity testing, too.However, cash-flow analysis is difficult to incorporate qualitative risk factors. These factors include political risks, risks in management by a concessionaire and so on. Since these factors are very important in BOT projects, they should be analyzed separately from cash-flow analysis.Things are more complicated and serious in BOT transport projects than in BOT power projects, because lenders are more exposed to the demand risk in the former than in the latter. Generally, there are many factors influential to the demand, and they interact in complex manners. In this case, risk factors and their relationship should be fully identified. Because income of a project solely depends on the demand, the lender should recognize the impact of various risk factors to the demand by sensitivity analysis.Sensitivity analysis is applicable when functions between input variables and output variables are explicit. On the other hand, neural network approach has great potential for sensitivity testing in BOT projects in case the functions are implicit. However, this approach requires a sufficient amount of recorded data.In many cases of BOT environments, a risk of currency exchange rate is one of the most concerns for project participants. This risk factor is inherent in BOT projects, particularly in developing countries. It must be fully understood through a thorough risk analysis process from identification to sensitivity testing. Lenders in general are supposed to be well-knowledged in financial techniques. Accordingly, techniques for financial risk hedging, such as exchange rate swap, can be employed as long as the risk is fully analyzed.On the other hand, for external investors, their equity investment to a BOT project normally forms one portion of their portfolio. Risk analysis for investors is directed to diversification of risk in their portfolio. Because BOT projects are highly risky by nature, much higher return is expected and required by investors.Source: Prasanta K. Dey, Stephen O. Ogunlana. Selection and application of risk management tools and techniques for build-operate-transfer projects.Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2004(4): P334-346.译文:BOT项目风险管理BOT项目风险管理研究证明:风险管理框架包括风险识别、风险分类、风险分析、风险态度和风险应对(或风险分担)。
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Risk Management Planfor<project><author><date><version>Table of ContentsTable of Contents (ii)Revision History (ii)Purpose (1)Roles and Responsibilities (1)Risk Documentation (3)Activities (5)Schedule for Risk Management Activities (11)Risk Management Budget (13)Risk Management Tools (13)Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form (14)Revision HistoryPurposeThis document describes how we will perform the job ofmanaging risks for <project>. It defines roles and responsibilitiesfor participants in the risk processes, the risk managementactivities that will be carried out, the schedule and budget for riskmanagement activities, and any tools and techniques that will beused.Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Manager The Project Manager will assign a Risk Officer to the project, and identify this individual on the project’s organization chart. The Project Manager and other members of the Project Management team <list names or roles> shall meet <state frequency; biweekly suggested> to review the status of all risk mitigation efforts,review the exposure assessments for any new risk items, andredefine the project's Top Ten Risk List.Risk Officer The Risk Officer has the following responsibilities and authority: <describe what the risk officer will do; might includecoordinating risk identification and analysis activities,maintaining the project’s risk list, notifying project managementof new risk items, reporting risk resolution status tomanagement; the Risk Officer should normally not be the ProjectManager.>Project Member Assigned a Risk The Risk Officer will assign each newly identified risk to a project member, who will assess the exposure and probability for the risk factor and report the results of that analysis back to the Risk Officer. Assigned project members are also responsible for performing the steps of the mitigation plan and reporting progress to the Risk Officer biweekly.Risk DocumentationRisk List The risk factors identified and managed for this project will be accumulated in a risk list, which is located <state where risk listis located; could be an appendix to this plan, or in a separatedocument, or in a database or tool somewhere>. The ten riskitems that currently have the highest estimated risk exposure arereferred to as the project’s Top Ten Risk List.Risk Data Items The following information will be stored for each project risk:<list and define risk data items. Some suggestions: Risk ID, classification, description, probability, impact, risk exposure, first indicator that risk is becoming a problem, mitigation approaches, owner, date due, contingency plan, contingency plantrigger>Closing Risks A risk item can be considered closed when it meets the following criteria: <example: the planned mitigation actions have beencompleted and the estimated risk exposure of probability timesimpact is less than 2>ActivitiesIdentificationPrioritizationPlanningRisk ResolutionMonitoringLearnedSchedule for Risk Management ActivitiesRiskIdentificationA risk workshop will be held on approximately <date>.Risk List The prioritized risk list will be completed and made available to the project team by approximately <date>.Risk Management Plan The risk management plan, with mitigation, avoidance, or prevention strategies for the top ten risk items, will be completed by approximately <date>.Risk Review The Risk Management Plan and initial Top Ten Risk List will be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager onapproximately <date>.Risk Tracking The status of risk management activities and mitigation successwill be revisited as part of the gate exit criteria for each lifecycle phase. The risk management plan will be updated at thattime. <If the project is tracking cumulative risk exposure, thatwill be updated and reviewed during at this time, also.>Risk Management Budget<Describe the budget available for managing the project’srisks>.Risk Management Tools<Describe any tools that will be used to store risk information,evaluate risks, track status of risk items, or generate reports orcharts depicting risk management activity and status. If specificquestionnaires or databases will be used during riskidentification, describe them here. If lessons learned aboutcontrolling the risk items will be stored in a database forreference by future projects, describe that database here.> Appendix. Sample Risk Documentation Form。