
英美最实用的日常口语三篇英美最实用的日常口语(1)1 早上好!Good morning.2闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm clock go off[B]?(got off)是闹钟响的意思Did the alarm clock buzz?Did the alarm clock ring?[B]3 该起床了It's time to get up.It's time to wake up.It's time to get out of bed.It's time to get ready.4 快点起床!Get up soon.5 你醒了吗?Are you awake.6 你不舒服吗?Are you feeling sick.7 睡得好吗?Did you sleep well?8 能帮我关掉闹钟吗?Would you turn off the alarm clock?9 你终于起来了。
You finally got up.10 今天是个好天!It's a nice day!It's a beautiful day!It's a wonderful day!It's a great day!11 昨晚你熬夜了?Did you stay up late last night?1Did you got to bed late last night?12 把被子叠好。
Let's fold up the futon.13 昨天晚上你打呼噜了。
You were snoring last night.14 我做了个可怕的梦。
I had a nightmare.15 你一直没关灯。
You left the light on.16 我得洗脸了I have to go wash my face.17 该吃早饭了。
it's time to eat breakfast.18 我还困着呢。

• (一)民间口语 • ( a ) folk colloquialism • 言语是在群众中流传的固定语句,用简单通俗的 话反映出深刻的道理。英语格言绝大多数来自民 间,是人民群众生活经验的总结,凝结着人民大 众的智慧。 • Speech is the spread of the fixed sentences, using simple words reflect the profound truth. English proverb most comes from folk, is the people's life experience, condensation of the people the wisdom of the masses.
• 《剪刀手爱德华》 • I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. • (我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一 起。) • 《恋夏500天》 • Love makes man grow up or sink down. • (爱让人成长或者沉沦) • 《廊桥遗梦》 • We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone • (我们都生活在过去。我们用一分钟去认识一个人,用一小时去喜欢 一个人,再用一天去爱上一个人,但是却要用一生去忘记一个人)
• 综述 • Overview • 英语格言以生动形象、通俗简洁的语言总结和概括了广大 英语国家人民的经验和智慧而有广泛流传于群众中间,是 英语语言的精辟。正如英国伟大的哲学家、作家培根所言: 一个民族的天才、智慧和精神寓于它的格言之中。 • English proverbs with vivid, concise language and summing up the majority of the English National People's experience and wisdom and widely circulated in the middle of the mass, is an English language incisive. As the great philosopher, writer Bacon said: a nation's genius, wit and spirit in its motto.

0001 A Feather in sb.’s Cap 令某人引以为傲的成就、功绩或荣誉R:Louis,I'll make a deal1 with you.Instead of this petty charge you have against him, you get something really bigsomething that would chuck him in a concentration camp for years.Be quite a feather in your cap, wouldn't it?N:It certainly would. Germany and Vichy would be very grateful.R:Then release him. You'll be at my place a half-hour before the plane leaves.I'll have Laszlo come there to pick up the letters and transitsand that'll give you the criminal grounds on which to make the arrest.You get him, and we get away.0002 A Fly in the Ointment 令人扫兴的人或事C:We need to talk.You see, you and I have something in common.P:Sounds familiar. Appetite for destruction?Contempt for the czars of fashion?Wait, don't tell me... naked sexual charisma.C:Batman. The thorn in both our sides.The fly in our ointment.P:Oh, him again. No bother.He's already history. Check it out. We'll disassemble his Batmobile, and turn it into an H-bomb on wheels.0003 A Horse of a Different Color 完全是另一回事,风马牛不相及Doo:The Wizard? But nobody can see the great Oz!Even I've never seen him!Dor:I've got to see the Wizard.The Good Witch of the North sent me.Doo:Prove it!Sca:She's wearing the ruby slippers she gave her!Doo:Oh!So she is! Well,bust my buttons!Why didn't you say that in the first place?That's a horse of a different color! Come on in!But first I'll take you to a place where you can tidy up!0004 A Little Bird Told Me…有(知情)人私下告诉我了J:So, I hear, you hate me!T:I, ah, I never said “hate”.I was very careful about that.J:A little bird told me something about you wanting to rip your arm off and throw it at me.Y:And you got a “hate” from that?! Your taking a big leap there. I...0005 A Mount / Hill of Beans 微不足道,无足轻重I:And I said I would never leave you.R:And you never will.But I've got a job to do too.Where I'm going, you can't follow.What I've got to do, you can't be any part of.Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble.But it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little peopledon't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.Someday you'll understand that.Now, here's looking at you, kid.0006 A Price on sb.’s Head 缉拿或杀死某人的悬赏金M:I do not wish to be seen with an outlaw.R:You prefer the company of Nottingham?M:There's a price on your head. A hundred gold pieces.R:Is that all?I'll have to annoy the good sheriff more.Soon it will be 1,000.M:For 1,000, I would turn you in myself.0007 A Shot in the Dark (没有根据的)乱猜或瞎蒙W:...I was wondering if maybe we could get together, um, sometime this week.You know, sit out at a café, and maybe have some caramels.S:Oh, well, that sounds wonderful.Yeah, sure. Where are you?W:Uh. Well, actually, this is a... this is just a shot in the dark, but uh...there's no chance that you're pre-law, is there?0008 A chilles' Heel 性格上的致命弱点或缺陷B:What's wrong?C:Last night I noticed something about Two-Face: his coin.It's his Achilles' heel.B:I know. You called me for this?The bat signal is not a beeper.C:What I wish I could say is that my interest in you was purely professional.B:You trying to get under my cape, doctor?C:A girl can't live by psychoses alone.B:I don't blend in at a family picnic.0009 Add Insult to Injury 加倍伤害,落井下石M: Shame! I'm not saying it's a bad thing.In fact, I think it's something that we should take pride in.I'm going to give the last bonnie as a prize to the saddest act here.B:And most of her limbs work, whereas I'm stuck in this thing day and night, in a house full of ramps. And to add insult to serious injury, I've totally given up smoking, my favorite thing.And, um, well, the truth is, we can't have a baby.W:Oh, Belle.B:...Still, um, we're lucky in lots of ways.And surely that's worth a brownie.0010 An Eye for an Eye 以牙还牙,以眼还眼D:Well, governor, the murderer is not deterred by the thought of execution.Every single study that's been done on this subject has reached the same conclusion and all said the same thing.G:Well, maybe you should read your Bible. Deuteronomy 19:21.D:What did Gandhi say about that?"The old law of an eye for an eye leaves us all blind."G:Well, I'm sorry...and with respect...that's fuzzy liberal thinking.。

英美人常挂在嘴边的口头语(1)Not so bad.不错。
No way!不可能!God works.上帝的安排。
Hope so.希望如此。
Go down to business.言归正传。
I'm not going.我不去了。
I'm going to go.我这就去。
Between us.你知,我知。
Sure thing!当然!Talk truly.有话直说。
Never mind.不要紧。
Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?I don't care.我不在乎。
None of my business.不关我事。
It doesn't work.不管用。
Your are welcome.你太客气了。
Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。
It is a long story.一言难尽。
Is that so?是这样吗?Come on, be reasonable.嗨,你怎么不讲道理。
When are you leaving?你什么时候走?Good for you!好得很!Price is so arising. If it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西可煮的了。
(2)You don't say so. 未必;不至于这样吧。
Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。
You bet! 一定,当然!It's up to you. 由你决定。
The line is engaged. 电话占线。
I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。
How big of you! 你真棒!Poor thing! 真可怜!How about eating out?外面吃饭怎样?Don't over do it. 别太过分了。

英美妙语1.burn one's fingers (= get one's fingers burned) 是“不成功”,“碰钉子”。
例If you mess around with her, you'll get your fingers burned. 如果你跟她乱来,准会吃亏。
2.burn one's bridges behind one 指一个人做事把自己的退路都断绝了,一点儿后路也不留。
You're burning your bridges behind you if you do that. 你这样做等于自断后路。
3.burn a hole in one's pocket 此语指爱花钱的人,花钱如流水,象口袋被烧穿了一个洞一样。
I bet he'll spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket. 我敢说不出几天他就会把钱花光,因为他是个有钱就要花光的人。
4.bull dog 原意“喇叭狗”,是一种非常恶的狗。
He is really a bull dog. 他难相处极了。
5.bud, buddy 指相互熟悉的人,尤指感情较为要好的朋友。
Hy! Buddy. Long time no see. 嘻!老朋友。
6.B.T.O. 是big time operator 的缩略语,指一些游手好闲、浪费时间、无所事事的人。
He is a typical B.T.O. 他是个典型的浪荡公子.7.brush up (on) brush up 或brush up on 都有着与brush 愿义不同的意思,指温习或复习从前学过的东西。
Let's brush up on our English for the exam. 让我们温习英文,准备考试。

•最佳拍档:《365天英语口语大全》《9小时快学国际音标》《英语入门王》AA Feather in sb.’s Cap 令某人引以为傲的成就、功绩或荣誉A Fly in the Ointment 令人扫兴的人或事A Horse of a Different Color 完全是另一回事,风马牛不相及A Little Bird Told Me…有(知情)人私下告诉我了A Mount / Hill of Beans 微不足道,无足轻重A Piece of Cake 小菜一碟,小事一桩,非常容易,很简单A Price on sb.’s Head 缉拿或杀死某人的悬赏金A Shot in the Dark (没有根据的)乱猜或瞎蒙Achilles’ Heel 性格上的致命弱点或缺陷Add Insult to Injury 加倍伤害,落井下石An Eye for an Eye 以牙还牙,以眼还眼Apple of sb.’s Eye 某人的掌上明珠Apple-pie Order 有条不紊,井然有序,井井有条At Loggerheads (with sb.) (和某人)不和,(和某人)势不两立At the Drop of a Hat 立刻,马上;毫不迟疑,刻不容缓At the End of O ne’s Ropes 束手无策,筋疲力尽,忍无可忍Back to Square One 回到起点,从头再来Bark up the Wrong Tree 找错目标,错怪了人,白费精力Basket Case 废物,疯狂的人Be All Ears 洗耳恭听Be All Thumbs 笨手笨脚,不能胜任Beat around / about the Bush 拐弯抹角(浪费时间),旁敲侧击Behind the Eight-ball 受到挫折,不顺心Below the Belt 暗箭伤人Beyond the Pale 出格,越轨Bite the Bullet 咬紧牙关应对,硬着头皮应付Black Sheep 害群之马,败类Blow off Steam 发泄,释放压力Blow One’s Cover 暴露身份,揭穿秘密(使无法隐瞒)Blow the Whistle 揭发,告发,检举Born with a Silver Spoon in One’s Mouth 出身富贵,生于富贵人家Break a Leg 祝你好运Bury / Hide One’s Head in the Sand 躲避问题的态度,采取驼鸟政策Bury the Hatchet / Tomahawk 休战,讲和,摈弃前嫌By Jove! 天啊!老天爷啊!CCall a Spade a Spade 实事求是地说Call sb. Names 辱骂某人,诋毁某人Call the Shots 发号施令,掌控全局Carry a Torch for sb. 暗恋某人Cast Pearls before Swine 明珠暗投,对牛弹琴Close Shave 十分惊险Close, but No Cigar 差一点,几乎就要猜对了Compare Apples and Oranges 把风马牛不相及的两个人或两种事物作比较Cook sb.’s Goose 毁掉某人成功的机会Crocodile Tears 假哭,假慈悲Cross One’s Heart 我发誓,我说的是实话Cry over Spilt / Spilled Milk 浪费时间做无能为力、于事无补的事情Curiosity Killed the Cat 好奇害死猫Cut Corners 减少费用,节省时间Cut No Ice 不起作用,不能让人相信Cut sb. Some Slack 放某人一马Cut the Crap 废话少说Cut to the Chase 别再浪费时间,切入正题,干正事DEFH I J K L M N P R S T U W Y。

You want a bet?
Who wants?
December heartbeat.
Follow my nose.
Cheap skate!
Go to hell!
Come seat here.
Does it serve your purpose?
I don't care.
Not so bad.
No way!
Don't flatter me.
Your are welcome.
It is a long story.
Between us.
Don't get high hat.
Right over there.
Doggy bag.
That rings a bell.
Sleeping on both ears.
Play hooky.
I am the one wearing pants in the house.
Watch you mouth.
What if I go for you?
Any urgent thing?
How about eating out?

1. “A stitch in time saves nine.”(一针及时省九针)这是一句英语谚语,意思是及时处理问题可以避免更大的麻烦。
2. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”(生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道)这是电影《阿甘正传》中的一句经典台词,形容生命的未知和多样性。
3. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”(敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过懒狗)这是一句包含了所有26个英文字母的句子,常被用来练习打字。
4. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”(患难见真情)这是一句英语
5. “Out of sight, out of mind.”(眼不见,心不烦)这是一句英语谚语,意思是如果你看不见某样东西,你也就不会想起它。

Aa bit trying 有些苦恼,有一点难堪about time 早该……,总算……啦above board 光明正大的absent-minded professor 盲头苍蝇,做事心不在焉者absolutely 无条件同意,绝对支持ace buddy 老友,老兄across the board 包括一切地,全面地actually 岂有此理affair 男女之间的关系after you 你先请ages 很久ahead of the game 提早,事先a.k.a. also known as 亦成为……,又名……alive and kicking 经历充沛,活跃非常all at sea 茫然不知所措,毫无主意all bark and no bite 只敢动口,不敢动手的人all burnt up 如火中烧,怒火如焚all dressed up 穿得很漂亮,all ears 全神贯注地听;觉得很奇怪,很愕然all eyes 全神贯注地看all for it 完全同意,完全赞成all gone 消逝,丢失all in all 总的来说,总而言之all in good time 在适当时机,在时机成熟时all my eye 岂有此理,胡说八道,瞎说all out 力争上游,全力以赴all over 全部;全完了;到处;完全是一贯如此all over the shop\place\show 在许多不同的地方,周围all right 表示满意;表示处于满意的情形,状态和位置;表示没有反对,或无需焦虑,惊惶等;表示赞成或同意;在说话时连接上下两组解释或话题;放在恐吓别人的说话只前;表示走对了方向;加强语气用,表示肯定,毫无疑问;表示不耐烦,无可奈何,勉强从事之意all set all lined up 准备好了,事事定当了all systems go 一切就绪,万事皆妥,一应俱全all that jazz 诸如此类的东西(带有点不以为然的意思)all the better 更妙,更好了all the rage 非常流行的,引起极大兴趣、刺激或热潮时all there 神智清醒的,没有问题的all the same 没有意见,并无分别,虽然如此all the world and his wife 人人,诸色人等all thumbs 笨手笨脚的,一窍不通的all turn out 达成……的结果(通常指好的结果)all you have to do 你只要……,你最好……all yours 别人问自己借东西用时,用此语作答,会显得很亲切,“尽管用吧”always the case 经常这样,常常如此ambulance chaser 惟利是图的低级律师(专替那些干伤天害理的事情的人辩护图利)and Co. ……那一帮家伙and how 当然啦,说得妙ants in one’s pants (因焦急或气愤等而)坐立不安anybody 有地位,有身份的人anything-goes 无限的,不被干预的anything under the sun 普天下任何事情any way 究竟,到底a-okay 极其令人满意的,完好无缺的apple-pie order 井井有条的,有条不紊的are you kidding (me) 你在开玩笑吗?不要开玩笑,不要骗我吧are you telling me 要你来发号施令吗?用得着你来告诉我吗?arm’s-length 非亲近的,非友善的around 大约,左右,到来artsy-crafty; arty-crafty 装腔作势,附庸风雅,矫揉造作as clear as crystal 象水晶一样透明as it is 事实上,就目前这个样子ask for the moon; cry for the moon 水中捞月,缘木求鱼,异想天开,想入非非as old as Adam 和亚当一般老,非常古旧as plain as the nose on one’s face 最明显不过了,一目了然as right as rain 非常的,龙精虎猛的as sure as eggs in eggs 的的确确,千真万确,毫无疑义as the saying goes 正如俗话所说at a loose end 指一个人整天到处游游荡荡,无所事事at any price 无论如何at my expense 由我出钱,入我数at one’s fingers’ tips 了如指掌at one’s wit’s end 智穷计尽,不知所措A to Z 由头到尾,事情的始末attention-getter 引人注目的人或物at the boiling point 比喻表示一个人要发脾气at the drop of a hat 一见信号就马上行动at this point in time 相当于现在at times 偶然,有时at your disposal 由你做主,听你支配awesome 好极了,棒极了Bbaby-in-the-woods babes and sucklings 未出道者,没有经验的人,天真无知的人,baby 称呼自己亲爱的人back-alley 难登大雅之堂的,卑劣的;鬼主义,狡诈的手段back a winner 表示从事一项到头来非常成功或获利甚丰的事业back burner 延迟或搁置back down 指某人行事没有胆量,临阵退缩;开慢车back-mouth 说……的坏话back on one’s feet 再站起来backseat driver 指一些恃者自己有些权势而对人颐指气使的人back the wrong horse 支持了失败的一方,打错算盘back to square one 退回起点,从头再来bad-mouth, bad mouth 诽谤,恶言中伤;抨击,非难bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人bags of 许多ball game 常用来指事态或情况ball-park 大致上相近的bankable 可赖以挣钱的,保证赚钱的banker 付帐人barking up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标,把精力浪费在不该花的地方bats 发痴,态度疯狂,异想天开bawl out 责骂Be a good sport! 爽快些!不要婆婆妈妈的!bear in mind 记在心上bear a dead horse 徒劳无功bear around the bush 指人说话饶圈子beat it 走开beat one hollow 把某人打个落花流水,彻底胜过某人beat one’s brains (out) 指做事很难,伤透了脑筋Beats me! 我不知道!beat someone by miles 远胜于他beef 表示争吵;表示抱怨,投诉;表示实质的东西,主要成分before you know it 很快behind the scenes 幕后be history 离开,不在be into (something) 对……非常热衷,嗜好,对……成瘾believe it or not 信不信由你belly 捧腹大笑;勇气十足belly-up 死了的;破产belt up 安静,住嘴be off 走吧;滚蛋best bet 指最理想的人,事物或行为best thing since sliced bread 形容某些东西非常出色bet 肯定,确信bet one’s bottom dollar/one’s life 敢打赌,肯定better luck next time 下次好运些吧B.F. bloody fool 蠢材big 受人欢迎的,事业兴隆的,极喜爱,偏爱big bluffer 吹牛之辈big fish, big frog 指小地方中的大人物bite one’s head off 指一个人说话时怒形于色bite off more than (one) can chew 指某人承担力所不能及的事情bite the dust 死black sheep 害群之马blind alley 失败之路blood in one’s eye 指一个人极其愤怒,眼睛充血blow 表示惊奇;表示不耐烦或恼怒blow a gasket 勃然大怒,暴跳如雷blow it big time 表示犯了大错blow hot and cold 指人的脾气喜怒无常blow it out 表示把烦恼(或失败等不如意事情)忘掉,继续工作或从新开始blow off steam 出气,发脾气blow one’s cool 沉不住气,无法自制blow one’s cover 身份被揭穿blow one’s own horn (=blow one’s own trumpet) 自吹自擂blow one’s top 怒发冲冠blow someone away 使某人大吃一惊,使某人大为惊讶blow someone up 把某人骂个狗血淋头blue 忧郁的,伤心的blue-sky 指某种事物价值很少,甚至全无价值,不稳妥boil down 缩减,撮要boiling 很热的boiling point 爱情的沸点bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳bomb 失败(美国用);巨大的成功,轰动一时的作品(英国用);大比款项(英国用)bombed 美国人喜欢用此语来形容一个人喝得酩酊大醉bomb out 失败,惨败bone up on 指在一段短暂的时间内对某一特定的题目进行专注的研究bone-weary 十分厌倦的bonkers 发狂似的,古灵精怪的book; book it 迅速的移动,发狂的奔跑boot someone out 把某人踢走,特别是马上把某人解雇boot strapper 白手兴家的人,依靠自己努力成功的人bore the pants off someone 烦死某人born yesterday 乳臭未干born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth 家庭非常富有boss (someone) about 把某人差来遣去bottomless pit 指胃口奇大之人box office, box poison 卖座的;票房毒药brag 吹牛brain storm 突然而来的灵感,心血来潮brand new 全新的,崭新的break 喘一口气的时间,暂歇一下的机会break down the door (to do something) 非常想(做某件事)break it gently 表示婉转地把不幸的消息讲给某人知道break one’s heart 使某人心碎break one’s neck 竭尽己之所能拼命地去做某一件事break the ice 打开僵局或打破沉默break up (使人)捧腹大笑bred in the bone 表示一些习惯行为好象生来就有bring back the good old days 回忆昔日好时光bring down the house 获得满堂彩,掌声雷动bring home the bacon 带来胜利bring me up-to-date 把最新的消息讲给我听吧broke 破产,不名一文brown bag 用牛皮纸袋携带自己的午餐browned-off 对某些事物厌烦透了,或者失意而满肚子不高兴brush off 撇开,撇甩brush up (on) 温习从前学过的东西,准备应用B.T.O. big time operator 指一些游手好闲,浪费时间,无所事事的人buck 十万美元buck up 雀跃,兴奋起来buddy-buddy 指表面上或过分亲热的bug out 推卸责任,逃避责任bull dog 指一些难相处的人bull shit 废话(粗俗)bummed 失望的,气馁的,垂头丧气的burn a hole in one’s pocket 花钱如流水burned out指人做事情做到筋疲力尽burn one’s bridges behind one 指一个人把退路都断绝了,一点儿后路也不留burn one’s fingers=get one’s fingers burned 碰钉子,不成功bury one’s head in the sand 指一些人不敢面对现实bury the hatchet 讲和business is business 公事公办busy as a bee 忙得不可开交busy-body 专好管闲事的人,特别是多嘴的人butter up someone 奉承某人,拍某人的马屁buy your story 相信你的话By golly! 天呀!by hook or by crook 指人做事不择手段,相当于by fair means or foulby the by 顺便说道by the look of it 从表面上看,看起来by the skin of one’s teeth 勉强地,惊险地,间不容发的。

1.Absurd! 荒唐!可笑!2.Adieu! 再见!再会3.Aloha! 您好!欢迎!再见!4.Asshole! 笨蛋!傻瓜!5.Attention! 立正!6.Baloney! 胡说八道!7.Banzai! 万岁!8.Bigbore! 讨厌鬼!9.Birdbrain! 笨蛋!傻瓜!10.Boast! 吹牛!臭显!11.Bozo! 傻瓜!12.Bully! 棒极了!好!妙!13.Bummer! 懒鬼!懒人!14.Camera! 开拍!15.Cheerio! 再见!祝你健康!16.Chump! 笨蛋!傻瓜!17.Coward! 胆小鬼!18.Crook! 恶棍!流氓!19.Crumb! 人渣!杂碎!20.Damn! 该死!21.Deuce. 平分。
22.Dismiss! 解散!下课!23.Dope! 笨蛋!24.Dummy! 笨蛋!傻瓜!25.Eff! 操!26.Fathead! 笨蛋!猪脑袋!27.Fink! 告密者!间谍!可恶的家伙!28.Fudge! 胡说!瞎扯!29.God! 天啊!哎呀!糟糕!30.Gracious! 天哪!哎呀!31.Hag! 母夜叉!恶婆婆!32.Hellion! 恶少!恶棍!捣蛋鬼!33.Honey! 亲爱的!爱人!34.Hooey! 瞎扯!胡说!35.Hurrah! 万岁!加油!36.Idiot! 白痴!傻瓜!37.Jake! 乡巴佬!38.Jiggers! 哎呀!哎哟!zybones! 懒鬼!40.Lousy! 笨蛋!傻瓜!41.Lowlife! 卑鄙的家伙!无赖!42.Man! 喂!老兄!43.Minx! 浪货!浪荡女!44.Moron! 低能儿!傻瓜!45.Nerts! 废话!鬼扯蛋!呸!46.Nitwit! 笨蛋!傻瓜!47.Nonsense! 废话!胡说!鬼扯蛋!48.Nut! 怪胎!疯子!傻瓜!神经病!49.Ouch! 哎唷!痛啊!50.Pig! 猪猡!脏鬼神!贪吃鬼!51.Pshaw! 呸!哼!啐!52.Psycho! 神经病!脑筋有问题!53.Question! 有异议!回到本题!54.Rat! 鼠辈!小人!55.Rats! 胡说!我才不信呢!56.Salute! 敬礼!57.Sayonara! 再见!58.Scoundrel! 恶棍!无赖!59.Screw! 操!快逃!60.Shake-up! 振作起来!61.Shame! 真可耻!多可惜!62.Shithead! 笨蛋!63.Shuck! 唉!呸!哼!不好意思!哪有这回事!64.Slob! 脏鬼!懒鬼!65.Snacks! 平均分吧!66.Snob! 势利鬼!67.Socko! 嗖!68.Speaking! 我就是。
英语俚语 (American Idioms)

英语俚语(American Idioms)1、the apple of one's eye:掌上明珠,珍爱的人(或物)这里的apple是指瞳孔,是眼睛里最敏感最珍贵的部分。
这条成语来自《圣经. 诗篇》第十七篇第八节:"求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳孔。
"(Keep me as the apple of the eye.)[例]The little girl is the apple of her parents' eye. 这个小女孩是她父母的掌上明珠。
2、bad egg: 坏蛋;流氓,骗子,二流子;没出息的人此语大约于上世纪中叶在美国出现,十年后传到英国。
[例] Trust him nothing; he is a bad egg. 别相信他,他是个坏蛋。
3、burn one's boats (bridges): 破釜沉舟,自断退路,有进无退这句成语源自某些军事家的行动。
[例] "That's done it" said Manby, tearing up the agreement. "Now we've burned our boats behind us and we've no option but to go forward with the project.""事已如此,"曼贝一边说,一边撕掉协议书,"现在我们已破釜沉舟,除按计划前进外,别无选择。
"4、castle in Spain (the air)空中楼阁,白日做梦来自法语chateauxen Espangne.为什么提到西班牙?可能因为西班牙一度被认为是个富于浪漫色彩的国家。

1 The harder the life is, the stronger you'll become. The stronger you become, the easier the life will be.生活越是艰苦,人就越发坚强;人越是坚强,生活也就变得越发简单。
2 Not always estimating your status in others’ hearts. You will lose yourself when you live in other’s look. Do you best and walk on your own way. ——不要总是估量自己在别人心中的地位,活在别人的眼神里,就等于失去了自我。
3 Maybe the so-called happy ending is to have endless hope, never give up and move on.也许所谓的幸福结局,就是抱着永不放弃的希望,继续前行。
4 There is no fast track to success, and no highway to happiness. All success comes from tireless effort and pursuit, and all happiness comes from daily struggle and perseverance.成功没有快车道,幸福没有高速路。
5 Life is like an onion: you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.人生像洋葱:你只能一层一层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。
6 No one indebted for others, while many people don't know how to cherish others.没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

Explanation Example give me a hand帮我一下忙foot the bill付帐(1) 规模很大的,排场很讲究的聚会We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charle'sbirthdayWhen the Lees celebrated their 25th anniversary, they invited我们晚了两个小时才到达查理举行生日宴会的地方。
当李家夫妇庆祝他们结婚二十五周年的时候,他们在当地最高级的旅馆里举行了一个规模盛大的聚会,把所有的朋友都请(2) 指汽车的轮胎炸了because our car had a blow-out.My car smashed int o a tree when I had a blow-out.由于我们车胎炸了当我的轮胎炸了的时候我的车就撞到一棵树上去了(3) 把火灭掉You'd better blow out that candle before it sets fire to thetablecloth.你最好还是把那蜡烛灭了吧,否则台布都要烧着了。
(4) 电灯的保险丝断了All the lights went off in the building and the elevators stoppedwhen the master fuse blew out.大楼的总保险丝一断楼里所有的灯都灭了,电梯也停了。
(1) 最常用:用炸药炸毁什么东西The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridgesacross the Rhine river to stop the Allied troops from crossinginto Germany.正在撤退的德国军队设法炸毁莱茵河上所有的桥梁来阻挡联军越过莱茵河进入德国。

50. Thousand times no! 绝对办不到! 51. Easy does it. 慢慢来。 52. Don't push me. 别逼我。 53. Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 54.What is the fuss? 吵什么? 55. Still up? 还没睡呀? 56. It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。 57. Don't let me down. 别让我失望。 58. God works. 上帝的安排。 59.Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。 60. Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?
143. I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。
144. It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的! 145. It’s worth a try! 值得一试!
146. It doesn't take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。
1. What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了? 2. Chin up. 不气 ,振作些。 3. You never know. 世事难料。 4.High jack! 举起手来(抢劫)! 5.She'll be along in a few minutes. 他马上会过来。 6.He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。 7.I'll get even with him one day.
91. You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。

英美实用交际口语Who knows! ——天晓得!It is not a big deal! ——没什么了不起!How come…——怎么回事,怎么搞的。
Easy does it. ——慢慢来。
Don't push me. ——别逼我。
Come on! ——快点,振作起来!Make it up! ——不记前嫌!Have a good of it. ——玩得很高兴。
It is urgent. ——有急事。
What is the fuss?——吵什么?Still up?——还没睡呀?It doesn't make any differences. ——没关系。
Don't let me down. ——别让我失忚。
God works. ——上帝的安排。
Don't take ill of me. ——别生我气。
Hope so. ——希忚如此。
Go down to business. ——言归正传。
None of my business. ——不关我事。
It doesn't work. ——不管用。
I'm not going. ——我不去了。
Does it serve your purpose?——对你有用吗?I don't care. ——我不在乎。
Not so bad. ——不错。
No way! ——不可能!Don't flatter me. ——过奖了。
You are welcome. ——你太客气了。
It is a long story. ——一言难尽。
Don't play possum! ——别装蒜!Watch you mouth. ——注意言辞。
Any urgent thing?——有急事吗?how about eating out?——外面吃饭怎样?Don't over do it. ——别太过分了。
Can you dig it?——你搞明白了吗?I'm afraid I can't. ——我恐怕不能。

当前英美最实用,最简洁,最生动的日常口语11、昨晚你熬夜了?Did you stay up late last nightDid you got to bed late last night12、把被子叠好。
Let’s fold up the futon13、昨天晚上你打呼噜了。
You were snoring last night.14、我做了个可怕的梦I had a nightmare.15、你一直没关灯。
You left the light on.16、我得洗脸了I have to go wash my face.17、该吃早饭了it’s time to eat breakfast.18、我还困着呢I’m still sleepy.19、我还打哈欠呢I’m still yawning.20、我是个夜猫子I am a night person.英语常用句式1. What's bothering you?2. what's bugging you? 什么事使你忧戚不宁?3. what's on your mind? 到底有什么心事?4. what's the matter? You seem trouble.怎么啦?好像你被什么困扰。
5. what's eating him? 什么事使他坐立不安?6. Nothing's the matter? 没什么要紧的事吧?7. what's the matter? 怎么啦?8. what's wrong?9. Problem got you down? 难题使你沮丧吗?(got you down = depressing you.) (Don't let it bring you down. 不要为它丧失斗志。
)10. Problems at work? 工作上出麻烦了?(problem = distress 苦恼,不安宁unease ; Business worries? 为生意而烦恼吗?Business troubles? 生意出了纰漏了?Business difficulties? 事业遇到了难题?)11. why so sad? 为何如此悲哀?(why so gloomy? 何以愁容满面? Why are you so down? 干嘛如此沮丧?down=feeling grief, sorrow)12. why are you so bumped out? 你要死不活地,是怎么搞的?(bummed out = 无精打彩lethargic, 郁郁寡欢in a stupor; = withdrawal )13. why the long face? 干嘛拉长着脸呢?14. why are you so pouting? 赌什么气呢?(干嘛噘着个嘴?why are you puckering up? )15. How do you feel? 好点了吗?(feel = the status of your illness)16. I waited on her hand and foot. 我无微不至地照顾她。

英美人常说的100句话及其文化内涵(二)51-----Love finds a wayLove is considered one of the most powerful and determined forcesin the world. Two people in love will "find a way" to get together.52-----Absence makes the heart grow fonderWhen lovers are separated, they may think about each other constantly. their love may deepen.53-----Out of sight, out of mindThis is said of someone not considered important or worthy of loyalty. One forgets about that person as soon as he or she is out of sight.54------Love makes the world go aroundLove is the driving force in all of life. Love makes life worth living. If you understand love,you understand everything about life.55-----Marry in haste and repent at leisureDo not rush into any long-term commitment. In the past this meant, "take your time before you commit yourself to a marriage partner." Nowit means, "Do not commit yourself to anyone you will be sorry." or it may mean, "Live with a person for a while before marrying him or her."It may also apply to any long-term partnership, such as a joint business venture.56------Talk is cheapTalking is not doing, It is easy to talk about a plan, but this gets little respect untill one takes a risk and puts the plan into action.57-----Love is blindWhen people are in love, they do not see each other's faults.58-----Time is moneyTime can be converted to money, that is, wages are often paid per hour of work. Managers want employees to do things quickly because "time is money." If employees waste time, the company loses money.59-----If you're so smart, why ain't you richThis question implies that intelligence, like time, can be converted into money. It is used to cut down an ordinary person (not a rich one) who has expressed an opinion as if it is the final word on the subject.60-----Beggars can't be choosersBeggars have to accept whatever they get. A poor person has very few choices in life. This harsh reply may be used if people complain about the size or quality of a gift.61-----The love of money is the root of all evilGreed will lead a person into many other evils such as cheating, oppression and violence. (one also hears, money is the root of all evil, which places the blame more on money than on greed.)62-----A fool and his money are soon partedFolly will always show up in the way a fool handles money. Wise people are the ones smart enough to guard money once they have it.63-----It isn't whether you win or lose, it's how you play the gamePlaying well and fairly is more important than succeeding. This saying is sometimes used to console someone who has lost a game. The ideas is that in spite of losing, one may still feel like a success if one has played as well as possible.64-----Money can't buy happinessThere are some things money just can't buy. This reminds peoplethat money is not an ultimate value although it often is treated as one. The saying may be used as a comment when a wealthybut lonely and wretched person commits suicide.65-----Nice guys finish lastSuccess is valued more highly than kindness and politeness. If unkindness and impoliteness contribute to one's success, they are sometimes excused as "toughness" or "what it takes." This is more often applied to men than woman.66-----The one who dies with the most toys winsThis recent, cynical saying makes fun of three common American desires-- competing, accumulating property, and having fun.67-----Just do itThis proverb is actually a recently invented advertising slogan for the Nike Shoe company. It may also be the best three-word summary of American cultural values. It means, "quit being indecisive, Don't bother consulting a lot of people. Don't waste much times on planning. Just do it and do it now.68-----You only go around once in lifeEnjoy life, do what you want to do, experience everything you can.69-----Put your money where your mouth isGet serious about what you are saying. When you have spoken infavor of something, prove that you mean it by risking some money on it in a bet or an investment.70-----The best defense is a good offenseBe pro-active and goal-oriented, not timid or conservative. Aim to conquer, not merely to protect yourself.71-----The road to hell is paved with good intentionsLike talking, intending is not doing. Actions matter far more than intentions. Actions determinewhere a person ends up.72-----Never put off till tomorrow what you can do todayDoing is better than waiting. If you wait, you might lose your opportunity73-----Action speak louder than wordsTo know people's hearts, pay more attention to what they do than what they say.74-----Idle hands are the devil's workshopWhen people have nothing constructive to do, they get into mischief. The child who is bored may pick up a crayon and color on the wall, something that would not happen if the child were happily occupied in some other activity.75-----You've got to take the bull by the hornsGrab directly and fearlessly for the toughnest part of a problem. Don't look for an easy way out.76-----Money doesn't grow on treesYou have to work for things. Success does not come on its own.77-----Easy come, easy goIf you have received something without working for it, it may soon be gone. You will not be as careful with it as you will be with something you earned.78-----Too many cooks spoil the brothIndividual action or action by the smallest group possible isbetter than consulting a lot of people. Too much consultation will waste time and create problems.79-----Stand on your own two feetGrow up; act like an adult. Don't ask me to do something for you. This may be said to a young or immature person who depends too much on others. It is like a cow kicking a grown calf that wants to suckle.80------If you want something done right, do it yourselfThis discourages people from trusting anyone except themselves. It maybe said to someone who ask another person to do a job for him/her and then complains about it was done.81------Necessity is the mother of inventionWhen a person really needs something, he or she figures out some new way to get it. This creative initiative to change one's situation is considered much better than giving up and accepting things as they are.82------First come, first served.This saying is used when there is a limited supply of something such as tickets to an event or food at a picnic. The idea is that no matter what your status, if you want some of what is being given away or sold, you must present yourself in person and in good time.83-----No pain no gainone must put forth an effort in order to succeed. This saying comes from physical fitness instructors. They say that if you do not exercise hard enough to make your muscles hurt, the exercise is not doing you much good.84-----Give him an inch and he'll take a mileBe careful of presumptuous people who take more initiative than they should. If you do someone a small favor or delegate a little permission or a little power, he or she may take advantage of you.85-----If it isn't broke, don't fix itDo not bother trying to improve something if it is already working satisfactorily. That is a waste of time and you run the risk of breaking the thing while you are trying to improve it.86-----There is no harm in tryingA person expects to be respected for making an effort even if it does not succeed.87-----The cure is worse than the diseaseWhile trying to solve one problem, we create an even bigger problem. We would have been better off if we had done nothing.88-----Count to ten before you lose your temperDo not instantly let your feelings control your actions. Slow down. Think before you react.89-----All things come to him who waitsSometimes patience is better than initiative.90-----There is many a slip between the cup and the lipThis refers to a plan that has gone wrong. When one is drinkingfrom a cup, one intends to get all the drink into the mouth, but this does not always happen. The plan is good but it can still fail.91-----Boys will be boysPeople will act according to their nature, including some mischief. This is sometimes used to describe irresponsible but not too seriously wrong behavior by men. In other words, grown men will sometimes act like little boys.92------One bad apple can spoil the whole barrelDo not associate with bad people. They may spoil you as a rotting apple spoils the apples next to it in the barrel.93-----Better the devil you know than the devil you don'tPeople are generally not trustworthy. It is therefore better todeal with a familiar person or situation than an unknown one. That way you know what to watch out for and you can protectyourself better.94-----Nobody is perfectEveryone has shortcomings. This is used as an excuse for a minor Mistake that has been made.95------The grass is always greener on the other side of the fencePeople are never satisfied with what they have. They always want what someone else has.96-----A man is only as old as he feelsA person's energy level is more important than age.97-----A man's home is his castleAt home a man is like a king, completely free to do as he wishes.98-----Clothes make the manThe way a man dresses will affect the way he sees himself and the way other people see him. The implication is that if you want to succeed, dress for success.99-----Two heads are better than oneTwo people are more likely to succeed than one working or thinking alone. It is better to consult than to act alone.100-----Beauty is only skin deepOne should admire a person, particularly a woman, for her deep, inner character and not simply for her superficial beauty.。
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妙语举例1 I'm beat这是一句美国人很喜欢的口语,句中的beat不是“打”,此语表示“我很累”It beats me也是非常流行的口语,含义是“我莫名其妙”,或“我搞不懂”。
2 beat around the bush指人说话绕圈子,不切正题,尽是些废话。
Let us be frank and don't beat around the bush.大家都坦诚点吧,不要绕圈子了。
3 bear in mind意思是:“记在心上”。
Bear in mind that I'm no longer a child.请你记着我已经不是小孩子了。
4 be off这是不客气的驱逐语,较缓语调时可以解释为“走吧”,如果大声疾呼地叫喝出来,则等于“滚蛋!” Be off, or I'll kick you downstairs! 滚吧!否则我会将你踢下楼梯去。
5 Be a good sport!sport 可指具有体育精神的人或“堂堂正正者”。
劝勉一些志气消沉、行动犹豫的人可以用“Be a sport!" 对于喋喋不休或毫无勇气的人也可说"Be a good sport!" ("不要婆婆妈妈的!”) 此外,这句话又含有“爽快些”之意。
Be a good sport and sing us a song.爽快些为我们唱支歌吧。
6 bawl outbawl 是大叫大喊,甚至嚎哭。
bawl out 则是美国俗语,“责骂”。
Peter's boss bawled him out for being lazy.彼得因偷懒被老板臭骂了一顿。
7 barking up the wrong treebark 除了指狗的吠叫外,也可以指人大声叫骂。
Why ask me? You are barking up the wrong tree.为什么要问我?你找错人了。
8 bag of bones指“骨瘦如柴者”When he got out of the prison, he was nothing but a bag of bones.出狱时,他骨瘦如柴。
9 Are you kidding (me)?在口语中常用,意思是“你在开玩笑吗?”或“不要开玩笑”,“不要骗我吧”。
Are you kidding me? I’ve got to think it over.不要开玩笑吧,我要好好地想一想。
10 apple-polish此语作动词用,含义是“逢迎”、“讨好”、“拍马屁”。
He hopes to be promoted by apple-polishing his boss.他猛拍老板马屁以求提升。
11 anything under the sun此语意思是“太阳下的任何事情”、“天下任何事情”。
They can do practically anything under the sun.他们几乎无事不可为。
12 any way此语的含义是“究竟”,通常用于疑问句,希望对方能把真实的情况说出来。
例如有一个二十多岁的人对你说他有三十岁,你可以对他说:Are you kidding? How old are you any way?你在开玩笑吗?你究竟有多大岁数?13 ants in one’s pa ntspants 是“裤子”,如果一个人的裤里有蚂蚁,他那种狼狈情况可想而知。
如果此人是女性而又穿着裙子的,可以说ants in her skirt.Wallace has got ants in his pants.华莱士坐立不安。
14 and how此语经常独立使用,是一句感叹语,表示“当然啦”,或“说得妙”之意,等于“of course” 或“well-said”.You said that she is popular with the boys. And how!你说她是“男人之宠”吗?说得妙!15 ambulance chaser字面意思是“追救护车的人”,真正的含义是指那些“唯利是图的低级律师”,专为那些干伤天害理勾当的人辩护图利Don’t trust him. He’s an ambulance chaser.不要相信他,他是个唯利是图者。
16 always the casecase 在这里指“情况”,此语的意思是“经常是这样”、“常常如此”。
“Tony is telling stories now”. “It’s always the case.”“托尼又在谎话连篇了”。
17 all woman这是一个颇特别的口语,含义是“最标准的女性”。
但口语中却没有all man 一语。
She is all woman!她是个最理想、最标准的女性。
18 all you have to do常放在句子之前,意思是“你只要……”,“你最好……”All you have to do is to sit still and keep your mouth shut.你静静的坐着,闭起嘴好了19 all turn out此语含义为“达成……的结果”,通常指好的结果。
所以也可解释为“如愿以偿”Don’t worry. All will turn out right.不要担心,一切都会如愿以偿的。
20 all thumbsthumbs 是拇指,在10个手指中的样子是比较笨拙的。
When it comes to singing and dancing, I’m all thumbs.谈到唱歌跳舞,我真是一窍不通21 all there此语含义为整个人都在,指人“神智清醒的”,“没有问题的”。
She’s not quite all there these days.近来她的神智有些不清醒。
妙语举例1 blue经常作形容词用,含义为“忧郁的”、“伤心的”。
She looks blue today.她今天情绪很忧郁. 2 blow one's top此语指一个人情绪激动,勃然大怒。
Better talk to him later. He's going to blow his top.最好以后再跟他谈吧,他要发怒了。
3 blow one's own born (=blow one's own trumpet)是表示“自吹自擂”的意思。
I know you too well, so don't blow your own horn before me. 我太了解你了,因此不要在我面前吹牛了。
4 blow off steam含义是“出气”、“发脾气”。
He just needed to blow off steam.他只想出出闷气而已。
5 blow hot and cold指人的脾气忽冷忽热,喜怒无常。
He is always blowing hot and cold.他总是喜怒无常。
7 blood in one's eye指一个人极度愤怒,眼睛充血。
I can see blood in his eyes. 我看得出他非常愤怒。
8 blind alley指“死胡同”、“陋巷”。
You are heading into a blind alley.你的想法行不通。
9 bleed white一个人如果流血太多,面色便会变得苍白,甚至死亡。
My children have bled me white.我的积蓄都为孩子们花光了。
10.black sheep指家庭中的不孝子女,或人群的“害群之马”,并不是“黑羊”。
Terry is the black sheep of his family.特里是个败家子儿。
11 black and blue意思是“遍体鳞伤”。
He came out of the fight black and blue.打完架后,他遍体鳞伤。
12 bite one's head off是指一个人说话十“怒形于色”,好像要把对方的头咬掉似的。
Youdon't have to bite my head off just because I asked you to keep quiet.我只不过叫你安静些,你没有必要这样大发脾气。
13 big bluffer指“吹牛的人”,这种人专爱talk big (吹牛)。
He is nothing but a big bluffer. He always talks big. 他是个吹牛大王,经常吹牛。
14 B.F.是一个缩略语,完整形式是bloody fool, 即“蠢材”,是经常骂人者的口头禅。
You are a B.F.你是个蠢材。
15 better luck next time这是安慰一些失意者的话:“下次走运吧”。
Your girl-friend brushed you off again? Better luck next time.你的女友又拒绝你啦?下次交好运吧16 better half是对自己妻子诙谐的称呼,即“老婆大人”。
I'll go if my better half lets me.老婆大人批准我便去。
17 You bet!是含有感叹意思的用语,意思是“当然啦!”,“还用说吗!”“Frightened? You bet I was." “我害怕吗?当然啦!”18 bet it is具有“当然是”的意思。
You bet your life it is.你可以肯定是这样的。
19 betbet 的愿意是“打赌”,但有几个含有bet 的口语都和实际的“赌博”无关。
如"I bet"是“我敢打赌”,其意即“我十分肯定”。
I bet they must have missed the last bus.我敢打赌他们又没赶上公共汽车了。
20 best-seller不是“最佳出卖者”,而是“最畅销货品”。
Old Man and the Sea is a famous best-seller.《老人与海》是一本著名的畅销书。
21 believe it or not与口语中的“信不信由你”完全一样。
He is worth five millions, believe it or not.他拥有五百万财产,信不信由你。