



常见辅音字母组合(1)(几个辅音合在一起分别拼出每个辅音的发声)常见辅音字母组合(2)(几个辅音字母合在一起,共同发出一个声)wr[r]wr ite wr ongwh[w]wh ite wh aleck[k]clo ck so ck smb[m]la mb bo mb co mb cli mbkn[n]kn ow kn ew kn ocksh[?]sh op sh ipwi sh ca shchtch[t?]ch atlun ch wa tch pi tchth[?]ba thth inkth[e]th is th eseph[f]ph oneele ph ant自然拼读五个元音字母组合讲义1.五个元音字母与字母e的读音a_e[ei]c a k e v a s e n a m e g a m ee_eee[i:]e v e th e s e b ee g ree nf ee tsl ee pi_e[ai]k i t e b i k e f i v e sm i l eo_e[?u]r o s e h o m e b o n e r o p eu_e[ju:]c u t e c u b e t u b e fl u t e2.Firstreadthesewords,thenaddan“e”.Readthesewordsagain.先读,再加e,再读a-e mat__tap__can__fat__pan__i_e hid__kit__rid__pin__fin__o_e hop__cop__con__not__rob__u_e us__tub__cut__rud__dun__3.ee Icansaiaya_D a v e can m a k e a fr a m e anda v a s e nexttothe l a k e.Craigdoesnotliketo w ai t forthe m ai l inthe r ai n.JayandItakethesubw ay totheb ay foraholid ay.Thel a dyandab a bypl ay ag a m e onap a perpl a t e.Listenandwritethemissingwords.Thenreadthetext.Tod ay isSund ay.K a t e andR ay arepl ay ingag a m e.R ay hasabat.K a t e hasab a s e balland acap.R ay hitstheballwiththebat.K a t e can’tgetit.Lookatthat!R ay m a k e sittotheb a s e.Oh,no,Iseer ai n.Nog a m e stod ay.元音字母组合(2)ee[i:]beegreenfeetsleep_________ea seameatreadspeak______eyy happyhungrykeymoney______ie fieldpieceniecepiece________末尾e heshewepeople_______句子Icans ee thr ee b ee sinthatbiggr ee ntr ee.canf ee lthlsinthes ea.Taresohapp y!Yipp ee!Iuseabr igh tl igh tinmyr igh thandtoseeatn igh t.Itr y nottocr y whenIseeafl y onm y pieceofp ie.Icanf i ndthree tigers andtwol io nsinthezoo.Listenandwritethemissingwords.Thenreadthetext.M i k e andIl i k e tor i d e b i k e s.Wel i k e toflyk i t e stoo.M i k e r i d e shisredb i k e.Ifl y mygreenk i t e.That’swhatwel i k e todo!M i k e r i d e sleftandrightonhisb i k e.M i k e r i d e sveryfasttoo.Myk i t e flieshighupintothesk y.That’swhatwel i k e todo!元音字母组合(4)o_e[?u]rosehomebonerope________oa boatsoaploafgoal_______ow bowlslowelbowyellow_______o重读,末尾oldmangotomatohotel______句子Mydogsitsonthest o n e andeatshisb o n e ath o m e.Ih o o toplainthesn o w[u]u句子Iplayat u n e onmyfl u t e formyc u t e catinJ u n e.Thecr ew rowtheirc oo lboatinthebign ew p oo l.S ue drankj ui ceandatealotoffr ui tonT ue sday.Thest u dentslistentom u sicintheir u niforms.Readthetext AcooltrickS ue candoac oo ltrick.S ue hasabl ue c u b e andan ew fl u t e.Shehassomefr ui tt oo.S ue putsthef r ui tinthebl ue c u b e.One,two,three,four,five.Sheplaysat u n e onthen ew fl u t e.Canyouhearthem u sic?Canyouseethefr ui t?Wow!Thatwasac oo ltrick,S ue.常见辅音字母组合(1)sh[?]sh op sh ipwi sh ca shchtch[t?]ch atlun ch wa tch pi tchth[?]ba thth inkth[e]th is th esewh[w]wh ale wh itesh. Sh aleonit. Sh Th eyea c hor[?]单词末尾弱读calculatordoctormirror句子:Adogcanb ar k.Iliketoeatc or n.Thegirlhasap ur plep ur se.Mycomput er hasamonit or.元音字母组合(7)oo[u]woodcookfootgoodoo[u:]noodlestoothzoobroomou[a?]mouseshoutmouthgroundloudow[a?]cowbrowndownowloi[??]coinoiljoinnoisytoiletvoiceoy[??]boyannoytoyroyal句子:Mymothercookamealverysoon.Thecowshoutsatthemousetogetoutofthehouse.Ihavemanycoinsinthepiggybank.Idon’tlikeflies,they annoyme.元音字母组合(8)Thebearholdsabear.元音的弱化(10)aeiou Schwa读音弱化在非重读音节中由原来的响亮的发声统一弱化成[?]a[a->?]banana[b?'na:n?]again[?'gein]e[e->?]chicken[t?i:k?n]problem['pr??bl?m]i[i->?]pencil['pens?l]holiday['h??l?dei]o[?->?]lemon[‘lem?n]welcome[welk?m]favorite['feiv?rit] u[∧->?]circus['s?:k?s]辅音字母组合(4)tion[??n][?n]actionstationsion[??n][?n]televisionexplosion ture[t??]pictureous[?s]dangerousful[f?l][fl]beautifulusefular[[?]doll[??]wea[e]br[ei]gr ea tbr ea k [i?]id ea r ea llyear[?:]l ear n ear th [i?]h ear n earer[?:]t er mp er fect [?]teach er ang er or[??]sh or tf or m [?:]w or kw or ld [?]doct or act or oor[??]d oor fl oor[??]p oor our[‘a??]h our fl our[??]c our tf our [??]t ourtour istou[a?]h ou sem ou th [?]en ou ght ou ch ow[??]wind ow kn ow [a?]n ow t ow nc ow前缀ab-非,不abnormal不正常的abuse滥用的anti-反对,相反antiwar反战争antitank反坦克bi-两个bilateral双边的biweekly双周期刊bicolor两色的co-com-con-dis-en-使en-置fore-il-ir-不im-in-inter-mis-micro-multi-multimedia多媒体的non--不非non-smoking禁烟nonexistent不存在nonstop不停over-过度overuse过度使用在..上,外overlook俯瞰overseas post-后postpone推后,延期postwar战后的pre-前的预先preschool学前prefix前缀preposition介词re-再重新replant又种reappear再出现recall回忆super-超级过度supermarketsupersized超大尺寸的step-继stepfather继父stepmother继母stepsontw-两twicetwentytwinstri-三triangletriple三倍的un-不无非untidy不整洁unreal不真实的unfair不公平un-打开unlock开锁uncover揭开under-在...下underground地下underline下划线underwear内衣uni-单一uniformunique独一无二的后缀--ability可...性可...changeability可变性readability可读性ibility可...性可..sensibility敏感性extensibility可伸展性--ableible--ance--ant--ant...--ation--ed已..的--ee--en--en----ent--er--ess actresshostesswaitresspoetesslionessgoddess--ful放在名词后面表示充满时的量spoonful一满匙cupfulmouthful 可..的形容词后缀usefulfearfulpeaceful--hood时期性质名词后缀boyhoodgirlhoodneighborhood--ing名词后缀feelinglearningshoppingteaching--ist..主义者..家,..师从事某活动的人socialistnaturalistartistphysicistdentistchemist--tion/sion名词后缀actioninflationdiscussionelection--tive的competitive比赛的sensitive敏感的definitiveprimitive--zation..化modernizationrealization--less没有..不...无..homelesscarelessuseless--ness名词后缀kindnessweaknessdarkness--ment名词后缀agreementstatementbasementdepartment --ous的dangerouspoisonouscourageousfamous--proof防...waterprooffireproofairproofsoundproof音标总结[?u]o_e/hole oa/boat ow/bowl o重读/h o tel,末尾/mango [ju:]u_e/cute oo[u:]zoo[u]book ew[u]crew[ju:]newui[u:]在开音节中[ju:]human.ar[ɑ:]shark or]corn ir]girl ur[??][?:]Thursdayer[?]单词末尾弱读teacher or[?]单词末尾弱读doctorou[a?]mouse ow[a?]cowoi[??]coin oy[??]toyau[??]author aw]sawall/al[??l]ballaugh[??]daughter ough[??]boughtare[e?][?r]share air[e?][?r]chair ear[e?][?r]bear相同元音组合的不同发音ar[a:]f ar m[??]w ar m[?]doll arerorou[a?]h ou se[?]en ou ghow[??]wind ow[a?]t ow n。



26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]Hh[eit∫]I i [ai] J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [əu] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:]R r [ɑ:]S s [es] T t [ti:]U u [ju:]V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai]Z z [zi:][zed]音标知识一、音标国际音标共48个,元音音标20个,辅音音标28个。




2. 音标没有书写体,也没有大小写,因此书写时必须和印刷体一样,直上直下,没有斜度.三、26个字母在单词中的读音规则(概述)[ei] [æ]… [i:] [e]… [ai] [i] …↑ ↑ ↑a b c d e f g h i j k l m n↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓[b] [k][s] [d] [f] [g]ge[dʒ] [h][dʒ] [k] [l][m][n][əu] [ɔ]… [ju:][ʌ] … [ai] [i]↑ ↑ ↑o p q r s t u v w x y z↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓[p] qu[kw] [r][s][z][ʃ] [t][v] [w][ks][gz][j] [z]常见字母、字母组合的发音字组指的是一个或几个字母在起,发一个音素。




一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]二、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]:字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫][d3ei] [kei]2)含元音音素[i:]: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:][vi:] 3)含元音音素[e]:字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 音标: [ef][el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4)含元音音素[ju:]: 字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]:字母: Ii Yy 音标: [ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1./i:/ea tea eat teacher please ice-cream peach jeans sneakers read meal seal seat beatee meet see green coffee three thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen jeep queen feed teen sheep sweet beef weekend Halloween tree sleep need week feel seed deepbetween bee feet2。



自然拼音法(Phonics)Unit 11)先来认识26个字母所代表的发音A aB bC cD dE eF fG gH h L l J jK k L l M m N n O oP p Q q R r S s T tU u V v W w X xY y Z z2)认识5个元音字母与21个辅音字母。

五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u) y不在单词开头时,一般被看做元音, 每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音Unit 2短元音 a e i o u 的发音规律※如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音, 且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短音.1)短元音:a [æ]: b a g c a t m a t m a p a pple b a t h a t f a n h a nd St a n h a ppy2)短元音:e [e] e gg w e ll r e d p e n n e t h e n b e d b e ll b e st 3)短元音:i [i] l i ck s i x b i b p i g p i n k i ss i nk h i ll4)短元音:o [ɔ] p o t o x t o p d o g f o x b o x l o st t o p5)短元音:u [ʌ] s u n u mbrella c u p b u s n u t g u n u ncle u nder ※y在末尾 (作为元音处理):1) 单音节词, 没有其他元音,y发[ai]y [ai]: m y, wh y, fl y sp y sk y sh y cr y m y t y pe dr y2) 多音节词, y发[i]y [ i ] pupp y dirt y rain y sunn y happ y bab y dizz y pon yey [ i ] monk ey turk ey jock ey donk ey k ey hock ey mon ey※如果一个单词或音节里只有一个元音,而且元音在末尾,这个元音一般发长音(其字母音)如:me, she,hi, goUnit 3一个单词或音节里有两个元音时,一般来说,前边一个元音发长音(其字母音),后边一个元音不发音.长元音1:Magic E (神奇的E)a-e ,e-e,i-e, o-e,u-e 发音规律1)长元音:[ei]: a-e sp a c e c a k e sn a k e l a k e pl a n e n a m ewh a l e gr a p e c a g e(c a fé)2)长元音:[i:] e-e th e se Japan e se Chin e se3)长元音:[ai] i-e b i t e f i v e n i n e k i t e m i n e n i c e r i d e s i d e4)长元音:[əu] o-e r o s e n o s e r o p e n o t e p o se h o m e r o d e th o s e 5)长元音:[ju:] u-e t u b e c u b e J u n e c u t e h u g eUnit 4长元音2:ai ay ee ea ie igh oa ow oe ui ue发音规律ai [ei] : p ai nt p ai n t ai l r ai n n ai l m ai d j ai l r ai lay[ei]:r ay s ay b ay w ay h ay l ay m ay p ayee[i:] : b ee p ee l r ee ds ee l s ee t ee th j ee p f ee tea[i:] : p ea nut m ea t ea gle s ea l ea f p ea p ea ch t eaie[ai] : t ie p ie l ie d ieigh[ai]:igh t s igh t n igh t t igh t l igh t s igh f igh t h ighoa [ou] : c oa t t oa st r oa d b oa t c oa l g oa t t oa d s oa pow [ou] :yell ow pill ow r ow rainb ow b ow l wind ow holl ow l ow oe[ou]: d oe, h oe, t oeui [ju:] : s ui t j ui ce fr ui tue[ju:] : bl ue gl ue s ueUnit 5带元音的特殊读法 or ar ur ir er ear er发音规律※or[ɔ:]:p or k p or ch h or se h or n c or n f or k m or ning※or[ə:]:w or k w or m w or ldar[a:]:ar m c ar d ar m c ar c ar t p ar k g ar den f ar mur[ə:]:h ur t t ur key t ur tle s ur fing n ur se p ur se f urir[ə:]:b ir thday c ir cus d ir ty b ir d c ir cle d ir t g ir ler[ə:]:m er maid t er m h er n er d s er veear[ə:]:l ear n ear n ear th h ear der[ə]:sist er broth er mark er roost er und er moth er wint erUnit 6带元音的特殊读法单元音au aw oo ea all发音规律au[ɔ:]:au gust s au sage s au ce n au ghty au tumn appl au seaw[ɔ:]:s aw p aw dr aw str aw berry str aw l aw n※oo[u:]:m oo n z oo r oo f r oo ster sp oo n r oo m b oo ts f oo d※oo[u]:b oo k c oo kie w oo ds w oo l h oo k l oo k f oo t c oo kea[e]:h ea d sw ea ter sw ea t l ea ther f ea ther l ea dall[ɔ:]:w all f all b all c all t allUnit 7带元音的特殊读法双元音 ou ow oi oy ew 发音规律ou [au] m ou th ou t h ou se c ou nt sh ou t m ou seow [au]:cl ow n c ow ow l t ow el fl ow er t ow er cr ow n br ow noi [ɔi]:c oi n oi l p oi nt n oi se p oi son c oi l b oi l s oi loy [ɔi]:oy ster b oy s oy t oyew [ju:]:n ew neph ew n ew spaper f ew d ew vi ewUnit 8带元音的特殊读法双元音 are air ire ear eer 发音规律are [ɛə] : c are sh are sc are d areair[ɛə]: h air air rep airire [aiə]: f ire w ireear[iə]: n ear t ear d ear cl ear y ear h eareer[iə] : d eer b eer ch eer s engin eer pion eervolunt eerUnit 9辅音字母组合构成的一种单音1.ch sh wh ph th kn wr 发音规律ch[ʧ] :bea ch lun ch ch eese ben ch ch air ch erry ch urch ch icken sh[ʃ]:sh eep sh irt sh ip fi sh sh oes di sh pu shwh[w]:wh eel wh ite wh ale wh eat wh eel wh isper wh ip wh istleph [f]:ele ph ant ph oto tele ph oneth[ð]:bro th er fea th er lea th er fa th er mo th er (舌头放在上下牙之间,然后迅速收回,此音一般在单词的中间,后接元音)th[θ]:th umb ba th mat th ree th irsty mou th tee th th ief ba th舌头放在上下牙之间,不动,让其留从舌尖滑过,此音一般放在单词的开头或最后,属于气音。


字母K-O的自然拼读及配 图
/k/,发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软腭, 憋住气,然后舌突然离开,将气送出 来,像咳嗽一样。
一个卡通形象的大写字母K,旁边有一 个打开的国王的王冠,象征着字母K的 发音与“国王”有关。
/ziː/ 或 /zed/,类似于 单词“zee”或“zed”
一个熟睡的斑马(zebra ),象征着平静和安宁

自然拼读法能够帮助学生将字母 或字母组合的发音与单词的拼写 联系起来,从而提高阅读速度和
字母F-J的自然拼读及配 图
最新26个字母自然拼读带配 图(完整版)
• 字母A-E的自然拼读及配图 • 字母F-J的自然拼读及配图 • 字母K-O的自然拼读及配图 • 字母P-T的自然拼读及配图 • 字母U-Z的自然拼读及配图 • 总结与展望






两个相同的辅音在一起,只读一个音.当一个词拼了两次或以上时,需要出现重读ꞌ一.26个英文字母自然拼读1.A \ æ \ B \ b \ba \ bæ \Eg.bag\ bæg \ bat\ bæt \bad\ bæd \ back\ bæk \2. Cc \ k \ \ s \Cc \ k \Eg.cap\ kæp \ cat\ kæt \ can\ kæpn\ cast \ kæst \Cc \ s \+ e, i, yEg.cell phone\ se l…\ city \ ꞌsɪ…\cybe \ ꞌsаɪ…\Cindy \ sɪn…\3. Dd \ d \ da \ dæ \Eg.Dad\ dæd \ damn\ dæm \ dance\ dæns \ cad\ kæd \4. Ee \ e \\ be \\ se \\ de \Eg.bed \ bed \ beg\ beg \det \ det \Ed\ ed \5. Ff \ f \\ fæ \\ fe \Eg.fat \ fæt \ fend \ fend \ fans \ fæns \ fax\ fæks\6. Gg \ g \\ gæ \ \ ge \Eg.gab \ gæb \ gas \ gæs \ get \ get \ flag \ flæg \7. Hh \ h \\ hæ \ \ he \Eg.hat \ hæt \ hen\ hen \hand \ hæd \has\ hæz \8. I i \ ɪ \\ bɪ \\ sɪ \\ dɪ \\ fɪ \\ gɪ \\ hɪ \Eg .dig \ dɪg \ sit\ sɪt \if \ ɪ f \ fit \ f ɪ t \9. Jj \ ʤ \\ ʤæ \\ ʤe \\ ʤɪ \Eg.jam \ ʤæm \ jelly \ ʤeli \ jack \ ʤæk \jill\ ʤɪl\ 10. Kk\ k \\ kæ \\ ke \\ k ɪ \Eg.Kathy \ kæ… \ kiss \ kɪs \ kettle \ ketl \ kick \ kɪk \11. Ll \ l \\ læ \\ le \\ l ɪ \Eg.leg \ leg \ lips\ lɪps \ flag \ flæg \ last \ læst \12. Mm \ m \\ mæ \\ me \\ m ɪ \Eg.math \ mæɵ \ map \ mæp \ men \ men \Miss \ mɪs \13. N n \ n \\ næ \\ ne \\ n ɪ \ \ net \ Nick \ nɪk \ neck \ nek \nill \ nɪl \man \mæn \ Ben\ ben \ hen \ hen \dance \ ꞌdæns\14. Oo \ ɒ \\ b ɒ \\ f ɒ \\ ʤɒ \\ n ɒ \\ k ɒ \\ g ɒ \\ l ɒ \\ d ɒ \\ h ɒ \\ m ɒ \Eg.lot \ lɒt \ not \ nɒt \hot \ hɒt \on \ ɒn \15. Pp \ p \\ pæ \\ p ɪ \\ pe \\ p ɒ \Eg.pants \ pænts \ pop\ pɒp \pig \ pɪg \ pen \ pen \16. Qq\ kw \qu \ kw \\ kw æ \\ kw ɪ \\ kw e \\ kw ɒ \Eg.quiz \ kwɪz \ quick \ kwɪk \quit\ kwɪt \ question \ kwes…. \17.Rr \ r \\ r æ \\ r ɪ \\ r e \\ r ɒ \Eg.rock \ rɒk \ red\ red \ rat \ ræt \ rabbit \ ꞌræbit \18. Ss \ s \\ sæ \\ s ɪ \\ s e \\ s ɒ \Eg.Sam \ sæm \ set\ set \sit\ sɪt \ soft \ sɒft \19. Tt \ t \\ tæ \\ t ɪ \\ t e \\ t ɒ \Eg.Tag\ tæg \ten\ ten \top \ tɒp \ pot\ pɒt \ 20. Uu \ ʌ \\ b ʌ \\ f ʌ \\ ʤʌ \\ k ʌ \\ g ʌ \\ l ʌ \\ d ʌ \\ h ʌ \\ m ʌ \\ n ʌ \\ r ʌ \\ p ʌ \\ s ʌ \\ kw ʌ \\ t ʌ\Eg.but \ bʌt \up\ ʌp \ cup \ kʌp \ fun \ fʌn \ 21. Vv \ v \\ væ \\ v ɪ \\ v ʌ \\ v e \\ v ɒ \Eg.very \ ꞌverɪ \van \ væn \vivid \ꞌvɪvɪd \vomit \ ꞌvɒmit \ 22. Ww \ w \\ w æ \\ w ɪ \\ w ʌ \\ w e \\ w ɒ \Eg.wet\ wet \ win \ wɪn \ watch \ wɒtʃ \ where \ weə \ 23. Xx \ ks \\ ksæ \\ ks ɪ \\ ks ʌ \\ ks e \\ ks ɒ \Eg.ax \ æks \ exit \ ꞌeksit \box \ bɒks \ fox \ fɒks \ 24. Yy \ j \\ ɪ \Yy \ j \\ j æ \\ j ɪ \\ j ʌ \\ j e \\ j ɒ \Eg.yes \ jes \ yet\ jet \ yam \ jæm \ yellow \ ꞌjeləu \ Yy \ ɪ \happy\ ꞌhæpi \ city\ ꞌsɪti \family \ꞌfæ \lady \ ꞌleɪdi \25. Zz \ z \\ z æ \\ z ɪ \\ z ʌ \\ z e \\ z ɒ \Eg.zip \ zɪp \ zigzag \ꞌzɪgzæ g\zest \ zest\quiz\ kwɪ \。



[æ] [æ] [æ]
apple 、apple、on the tree
[b] [b] [b]
boy,boy, one,two,three
[k] [k] [k]
cat, cat, miow, miow, miow
[d] [d] [d]
dog, dog, woof, woof, woof
[n] [n] [n]
nose, nose,smell, smell, smell
[ɒ] [ɒ] [ɒ]
ox, ox, very angry
[p] [p] [p]
[kw ]
[r] [r] [r]
pig, pig, eat and sleep queen, queen, wear a crown rabbit, rabbit, jump, jump, jump
[dʒ] [dʒ] [dʒ]
juice, juice, good for me
[k] [k] [k]
kid, kid, run, run, run
[l] [l] [l]
lamb, lamb, on the farm
[m] [m] [m] monkey, monkey, walk, walk,walk
[ks] [ks] [ks]
fox, fox, clever, clever
[j] [j] [j]
yo-yo, yo-yo, up and down
Zz Zz Zz
[z] [z] [z]
zebra, zebra, run, run, run
字母 Aa Aa Aa Bb Bb Bb Cc Cc Cc Dd Dd Dd Ee Ee Ee Ff Ff Ff Gg Gg Gg Hh Hh Hh



英语自然拼读校本教材一、48个英语国际音标二、26个字母在单词中的发音规则韵律诗A is for apple [æ] [æ] [æ]B is for bat [b] [b] [b]C is for cat [k] [k] [k]D is for dog [d] [d] [d]E is for elephant [e] [e] [e]F is for frog [f] [f] [f]G is for girl [g] [g] [g] H is for head [h] [h] [h]I is for it [i] [i] [i] J is for jug [dʒ] [dʒ] [dʒ] K is for kite [k] [k] [k] L is for lion [l] [l] [l]M is for monkey [m] [m] [m] N is for nose [n] [n] [n]O is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ] P is for prince [p] [p] [p]Q is for queen [kw] [kw] [kw] R is for rain [r] [r] [r]S is for sweets [s] [s] [s] T is for teddy [t] [t] [t]U is for up [ʌ] [ʌ] [ʌ] V is for vase [v] [v] [v] W is for way [w] [w] [w] X is for x-ray [ks] [ks] [ks] Y is for yellow [ j ] [ j ] [ j ] Z is for zoo [ z ] [ z ] [ z ] 三、26个字母在单词中的发音规则例词●字母音标音素拼读●Aa [æ] am at act●Bb [b] bat bag bad●Cc [k] cat cap cad●Dd [d] dog dad duck●Ee [e] egg bed red● F f [f] fat fish fit●Gg [g] girl gate get●Hh [h] ham hat have●I i [i] it is this●J j [dʒ] jug jam jeep●Kk [k] kid kip kick●L l [l] let leg left●Mm [m]mum mad mess●Nn [n]nag not neck●Oo [ɔ] log hot dot●Pp [p] pig pen put●Qq [kw]queen quick quack ●Rr [r]red ram rap●Ss [s] sit sad see●Tt [t] ted tip tick●Uu [ʌ] bus cut cup ●Vv [v]vet vex vase ●Ww [w]wed wet way ●Xx [ks]box six tax ●Yy [ j ] yes yet yep ●Zz [ z ] zap zoo zoom 四、26个字母发音例词小故事Story about AFrank the Rat •Frank is a rat.•Frank is in a bag.•Frank is in a hat.•Frank is in a pan.•Frank is on an apple.•Frank is on a bat.•“Oh , no!” Frank is on a cat.Story about BThe biscuitsA biscuit can be a bus.A biscuit can be a bike.A biscuit can be a boat.A biscuit can be a banana.A biscuit can be a bear.A biscuit can be a butterfly.A biscuit can be bird.Story about CCool Cat Cary is cool cat.Cary can cut carrots like this.Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. Cary can clean a crocodile like this. Cary can catch flies like this.Yes, Cary is cool cat.Story about DDancing Dad Dad loves dancing.Dad is dancing with the desk.Dad is dancing with the duck.Dad is dancing with the door.Dad is dancing with the dog.Dad is dancing with the deer.Where is Dad?Wow! What a dancing dad.Story about ERed BenBen likes red.Ben paints the egg red.Ben paints the eggplant red.Ben paints the lemon red.Ben paints the hen red.Ben paints the elephant red.Oh, we like red.Story about FThe Frog’s Love Story A frog falls in love with a fox.Fresh fruit for you, dear fox.A fish for you, dear fox.Flowers for you, dear fox.On day, the fox’s house is on fire.Help! Help!The fox is frightened.The frog saves the fox.You are my hero.The fox falls in love with the frog.Wow ! A Goat! Wow! A goat!Gaby gives the goat some grass.The goat doesn’t like grass.Gaby gives the goat some grapes.The goat doesn’t like grapes.Gaby gives the goat her glasses.The goat doesn’t like the glasses.Gaby gives the goat her guitar.The goat loves the guitar.Story about HHungry Hat The hungry hat is hungry.Hi, Ham! I’m hungry.Hi, Hot dog! I’m hungry.Hi, Hamburger! I’m hungry.Hi, Hen! I’m hungry.Hi, Horse! I’m hungry.Hi, Hippo! I’m hungry.HI, House! I’m hungry.I’m hungry, too.A Big, Big Day Today is a big, big day.Bill brings a big ship.Rita brings a big lollipop.Jill brings a big dish.Tina brings a big fish.Lily brings a big, big kiss.Happy birthday, Tim.Story about JJack and Jim This is Jack.This is Jim.Jack is wearing jeans.Jim is wearing jacket.Jack is playing with jigsaw.Jim is playing with jeep.Jack is having jam.Jim is having juice.Jack is listening to jazz.Jim is listening to jazz, too.Story about KThe King is…The king is…AHCHOO!A kangaroo flies away.A koala flies away.A kid flies away.A kite flies away.The kite is in the tree.The kid is in the tree.The koala is in the tree.The kangaroo is in the tree.Story about LLook! Look! Look!Look! A ladybug!Look! Look! Look!The ladybug is looking at a lizard.Look! Look! Look!The lizard is looking at a lamb.Look! Look! Look!The lamb is looking at a lion.Look out!The lion is looking at you!Story about MIf You Give a Mouse a Mooncake.A monkey gives a mouse a mooncake.May I have some milk?The monkey gives the mouse some milk. May I have some music?The monkey gives the mouse a CD.May I send a message?The monkey gives the mouse a mobile phone. What a mistake to give a mouse a mooncake!Story about NMr. No-Nose Mr. No-Nose wants a nose.I need a nice nose.I need a new nose.Wow! I love this nose.But……Mr. No-Nose doesn’t need a nose.Story about OWhat’s going on? The dog is on the clock.The fox is on the dog.The peacock is on the fox.The doll is on the peacock.The frog is on the doll.“ Shhhh!”“Good night!”“Good night!”Story about PThe Pig’s Backpack. The pig.The pink pig.The pink pig in pants.The pig is going for a picnic.The pig puts a pear in the backpack.The pig puts a peach in the backpack.Story about QA Quiet Duck The queen has a quiet duck.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.The queen brings a quacking duck.Quack! Quack! Quack!Can you be quiet?Quack! Quack! Quack!Story about RRabbits Run, Run , Run The rabbits are running.The rabbits are running down the road.The rabbits are running along the river.The rabbits are running by a rat.The rabbits are running for carrots.Story about SSam is a snake.In spring, Sam runs in the sun.In summer, Sam swims in the sea.In autumn, Sam sweep the leaves.In winter, Sam is sleepy.Story about TTick tock what’s the time? Tick tock what’s the time?It’s ten o’clock.It’s tomato time!Tick tock what’s the tim e?It’s twelve o’clock!It’s T-shirt time!Tick tock what’s the time?It’s two o’clock.It’s tea time!Story about UJump,jump, jump.•It’s fun to jump, jump,jump,jump.•Jump over the duck.•Jump over the drum.•Jump over the bus.•Jump over the sun.•Up! Up! Up! It’s fun to jumpStory about VVicVic visits a village.Vic sits in a van.Vic brings a violin.Vic brings a vest.Vic meets a vet.Story about W •I am a witch.•I want to be a wolf.•I want to be a waiter.•I want to be the wind.•I want to be the winner.Story about XThere is a box. There is a box.The fox wants the box.The ox wants the box.The fox kicks the ox.The ox kicks the fox.They break the box.Story about YMaya has a yellow yo-yo. Maya has a yellow yo-yo.She plays with the yo-yo.The yo-yo goes up.The yo-yo goes down.The yo-yo is here.The yo-yo is there.Maya likes the yo-yo.Story about ZZack is a zebra. Zack is a zebra.He lives in a zoo.Zack is crazy.He can make you dizzy.But everyone likes Zack.五、字母及字母组合发音规则韵律诗Aa is for apple [æ][æ][æ]a is for cake [ei][ei][ei]a is for class [a:][a:][a:]a is for watch [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]a is for about [ə][ə][ə]ay is for day [ei][ei][ei]ai is for train [ei][ei][ei]ar is for park [a:][a:][a:]ar is for warm [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]al is for ball [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]au is for autumn [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]aw is for law [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]air is for chair[εə][εə][εə]are is for hare [εə][εə][εə]Bb is for bat [b][b][b]Cc is for cat [k][k][k]ck is for duck [k][k][k]ch is for lunch [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]d is for dog [d][d][d]ds is for birds [dz][dz][dz]dr is for dress [dr][dr][dr]Ee is for elephant [e][e][e]e is for these [i:][i:][i:]e is for decide [i][i][i]e is for the [ə][ə][ə]ea is for bread [e][e][e]ea is for meat [i:][i:][i:]ea is for great [ei][ei][ei]ee is for sheep [i:][i:][i:]er is for term [ə:][ə:][ə:]er is for father [ə][ə][ə]ey is for they [ei][ei][ei]ei is for eight [ei][ei][ei]ew is for news [ju:][ju:][ju:] ear is for tear [iə][iə][iə]ear is for bear [εə][εə][εə] ere is for here [iə][iə][iə]ere is for there [εə][εə][εə] eir is for their [εə][εə][εə]Ff is for frog [f][f][f]Gg is for girl [g][g][g]ge is for age [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] gh is for cough [f][f][f] Hh is for head [h][h][h] Ii is for chick [i][i][i]i is for ice [ai][ai][ai]ir is for shirt [ə:][ə:][ə:] Jj is for jug [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] Kk is for kite [k][k][k]kn is for knee [n][n][n] Ll is for lion [l] [l] [l]l is for doll [l] [l] [l]Mm is for monkey [m][m][m] Nn is for nose [n][n][n]ng is for song [ŋ][ŋ][ŋ]Oo is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]o is for home [əu][əu][əu] o is for mother [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]o is for move [u:][u:][u:]o is for today[ə][ə][ə]or is for horse [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]or is for work [ə][ə][ə]oor is for door [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for four [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for our [au][au][au] oo is for zoo [u:][u:][u:]oo is for book [u][u][u]oa is for coat [əu][əu][əu]oe is for toe [əu][əu][əu]ow is for snow [əu][əu][əu] ow is for cow [au][au][au] ou is for mouse [au][au][au] ou is for young [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]oy is for boy [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]oi is for coin [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]Pp is for prince [p][p][p]ph is for photo[f][f][f]Qqu is for queen [kw][kw][kw]Rr is for rain [r][r][r]Ss is for sweet [s][s][s]s is for his [z][z][z]s is for sure [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]s is for treasure[3][3][3]sh is for shop [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]Tt is for teddy [t][t][t]tr is for tree [tr][tr][tr]ts is for cats [ts][ts][ts]tch is for match [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]th is for Math [θ][θ][θ]th is for this [ð][ð][ð]tion is for station [ʃən] [ʃən] [ʃən]ture is for picture [tʃə]Uu is for up [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]u is for music [ju:][ju:][ju:] u is for ruler [u:][u:][u:]u is for bush [u][u][u]u is for busy [i][i][i]ur is for purple [ə:][ə:][ə:] ui is for fruit [u:][u:][u:] ure is for sure [uə] [uə] [uə] Vv is for vase [v][v][v]Ww is for way [w][w][w]wh is for wheel [w][w][w] wh is for who [h][h][h]wr is for wrap [r][r][r]Xx is for box [ks][ks][ks]x is for exam [gz] [gz] [gz]Yy is for yellow [j][j][j]y is for city [i][i][i]y is for fly [ai][ai][ai] Zz is for zebra [z][z][z]。



.页脚自然拼读法归纳(可打印)大家下载后打印,经常拿出来给小朋友练习,相信一定会对发音有很大帮助英文的26 个字母,分为元音和辅音,其中元音只有5 个,即a,e,i,o,u,其余字母均为辅音。


字母与发音一一对应的辅音:b -- ball d -- dog f -- fish h -- hat j -- jump k -- kite l -- leg m -- man n -- not p -- pen q quick r -- run s -- sun t -- ten v -- vest w -- water z -- zoo (注意q 与u 总是连在一起的)有多个发音的辅音:字母发音例词c 字母c 后面接a,o,u 的时候,c 的发音与字母k 发音相同,叫做hard c soundcat, cap, call, coat, cup 当字母c 后面接e,i,或y 的时候,通常c 的发音与字母s 发音相同,叫做soft c sound city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent, voice, pencil, juice 有时在e 或i 前面,c 会发/sh/音ocean, racial, social g 字母g 后面接a,o,u 的时候,所发的音叫做hard g sound girl, gas, get, give, go 当字母g 后面接e,i,或y 的时候,有时g 的发音与字母j 的发音相同,叫做软g 音age, change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge 特例:forget, give, girl 中的g 发hard sound x x 在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音box, next, mix, six, fox x 在单词中间时有时发/gz/音exit,exam, exact x 在单词起始位置时发/z/音xylophone, xerox y y 在单词起始位置时发音为辅音yes, you, yard, year, yell y 在单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音y 在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y 发长/i/音,y 在结尾,单词有两个或以上音节时y 发长/e/音y 在单词或音节中间时,发短/i/音小测试:my, cry, fly, sky 辅音字母组合辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音字母的发音连在一起就可以了。



英语自然拼读法教程目录第1章英语国际音标学习 (3)第2章自然拼读法学习 (5)2.1 26个字母首字母发音 (5)2.2 元音字母发短音 (10)2.3 元音字母发长音(魔法E) (12)2.4 发前一个字母音的双元音组合ai、ay、ee、ea、ey、ie、oa、oe (13)2.5 带r的双字母组合发音——ar、or、er、ir、ur发音 (16)2.6 -re音节字母组合的发音:-are、-ere、-ire、-ore、-ure的发音 (19)2.7 其他元音字母组合的发音 (21)2.8 三字母组合发音及三个以上字母组合发音 (26)2.9 辅音组合位于词首的发音之一 (31)2.10 辅音组合位于词首的发音之二 (34)2.11 带s的辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (37)2.12 三个辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (40)2.13 在单词结尾的字母组合的发音 (42)2.14 有字母不发音的字母组合 (47)第3章特殊发音规则归纳 (50)第4章音节的划分与重读音节识别 (54)4.1 英语单词音节的划分 (54)4.2 重读音节识别 (55)第1章英语国际音标学习本教程中英语音标的学习不是重点,是作为学习英语自然拼读法的辅助工具。




一、20个元音音标[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:][ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]其中[i]、[ə]、[ɔ]、[u]、[e]、[æ]、[ʌ]为短音(也叫闭音节)。


辅Hale Waihona Puke 群sp, st, ll, ch, tch, dge, ph, sh, th
clasp, chest, shell, which, switch, bridge, graph, brush, cloth, crisp
bag, cat, ant, hat, lamp, sand, man, gas, jazz, mask, jam, mask,
bed, end, jet, net, neck, red, yes, pet, egg, left, very, let, desk, hen
bus, cup, huff, sun, sunny, suck, jump, run, subject, summer, uncle
music, pupil, supermarket, computer, beautiful
ai, ay, a-e
ie, igh, i-e, -y
pie, tie, fight, light, night, bike, five, beside, fine, ice, my, bye
oa, ow, o-e, —o
coat, soap, goat, bow, low, window, yellow, home, rose, no






字母Ll 有两种发音,在元音前发/l/例词:lot,在元音后发/l/。

例词:fall3、闭音节的结构是:“辅元辅”和“元辅"4、开音节的结构是:辅元辅e和辅元一级拼读:(字母操)Aa Aa Aa /æ/ /æ/ /æ/Bb Bb Bb /[b/ /b/ /b/Cc Cc Cc /k/ /k/ /k/Dd Dd Dd /d/ /d/ /d/E e Ee Ee /e/ /e/ /e/F f Ff Ff /f/ /f/ /f/Gg Gg Gg // // //H h Hh Hh /h/ /h/ /h/Ii I i I i // // //Jj J j J j /dʒ/ /dʒ/ /dʒ/Kk Kk Kk /k/ /k/ /k/Ll Ll Ll /l/ /l/ /l/Mm Mm Mm /m/ /m/ /m/Nn Nn Nn /n/ /n/ /n/Oo Oo Oo /ɒ / /ɒ / /ɒ /Pp Pp Pp /p/ /p/ /p/Q q Qq Qq /kw/ /kw/ /kw/R r Rr Rr /r/ /r/ /r/S s S s Ss /s/ /s/ /s/T t Tt Tt /t/ /t/ /t/U u Uu Uu /ʌ/ /ʌ/ /ʌ/V v Vv Vv /v/ /v/ /v/W w Ww Ww /w/ /w/ /w/X x Xx Xx /ks/ /ks/ /ks/Y y Yy Yy /j/ /j/ /j/Z z Zz Zz /z/ /z/ /z/二级拼读ba ca da fa ga ha ja ka la ma na pa qua ra sa ta va wa ya za be ce de fe ge he je ke le me ne pe que re se te ve we ye ze bi ci di fi gi hi ji ki li mi ni pi qui ri si ti vi wi yi zi bo co do fo go ho jo ko lo mo no po quo ro so to vo wo yo zo bu cu du fu gu hu ju ku lu mu nu pu quu ru su tu vu wu yu zu 部分字母特殊发音规律:Cc /k/ Gg// Ll /l/ l+元:like Ss/s/ qu/kw/ /s/:ce,ci,cy /dʒ/ ge(get除外) /l/元+l:wolf /z/a-/ /-Max a-/ /-Jan a —/ /—van a-/ /—dad a-/ /-cata-/ /—capa —/ /—fat a —/ /-rat a-/ /-am a-/ /-and a-/ /-rani- —Jim i — -dig i — -ship i- —chick i — —hill i- —sixi- —fish i- —chin i- —him i ——pick i — -chip i- —tick 辅元辅结构单词的拼读练习:e—/e/—bed e —/e/-pen e-/e/-ten e —/e/—wet e —/e/—red e —/e/—yes e —/e/-desk e-/e/-hen e —/e/—egg e-/e/-tell e-/e/-mend e 短音Ee短音Ii 短音Ooo —/ɒ/-on o-/ɒ/—top o —/ɒ/—stop o —/ɒ/-cock o —/ɒ/-pot o —/ɒ/—Tom o —/ɒ/—rock o —/ɒ/—soft o-/ɒ/—fox短音Uu闭音节:辅元辅(bad) 开音节:辅元辅e(bade)元辅(up)辅元(he)Magic-E a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e开音节:在“辅元”(以一个发音的元音字母结尾)和“元辅e"结构中(一个元音字母加上辅音字母再加一个不发音的e)结构中五个元音字母读长音,及字母名称音。




1字母与发音一一对应的辅音b —— balld —- dogf -— fishh —- hatj —- jumpk —- kitel —- legm —- mann —— notp —- penq – quickr -— runs —- sunt -- tenv —- vestw -— waterz -— zoo(注意q与u总是连在一起的)2有多个发音的辅音:字母发音例词c字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound"cat, cap, call, coat, cup当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent, voice, pencil, juice有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音ocean, racial, socialg字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound" girl, gas, get, give, go 当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j的发音相同,叫做“软g音”age,change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge特例:forget, give, girl中的g发hard soundx x在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音box, next, mix, six, foxx在单词中间时有时发/gz/音exit, exam, exactx在单词起始位置时发/z/音xylophone, Xeroxy y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音yes, you, yard, year, yelly在单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音y在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y发长/i/音,y在结尾,单词有两个或以上音节时y发长/e/音y在单词或音节中间时,发短/i/音3辅音字母组合辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音字母的发音连在一起就可以了。

26个英文字母发音及自然拼读发音 A4打印版

26个英文字母发音及自然拼读发音 A4打印版

bus /bʌs/ 公共汽车
cup /kʌp/
dog /dɒɡ/

egg /eɡ/
fish /fɪʃ/

goat /ɡəʊt/
[eɪtʃ] [aɪ]
hat /hæt/
rose /rəʊz/ 玫瑰花 rice /raɪs/ 米饭
snow /snəʊ/ 雪 sea /si:/

tiger /ˈtaɪɡə/ 老虎 tea /ti:/

duck /dʌk/ 鸭子 up /ʌp/

quick /kwɪk/
[ɑ:r] [es]
rose /rəʊz/ 玫瑰花
snow /snəʊ/

tiger /ˈtaɪɡə/
duck /dʌk/
very /ˈveri/
egg /eɡ/ 鸡蛋 red /red/ 红色
fish /fɪʃ/
鱼 frog /frɒɡ/ 青蛙


Dd [d]
Dog desk doctor (医生) deer (鹿) duck doll (洋娃娃) dancer (舞蹈演员) door (门) dame(夫人) dam(大坝、 阻挡) day dark (黑暗) dead(死的) dear (亲爱的) deaf (耳聋的) decay (腐败、衰败) deep(深 的) doom(毁灭、注定) dense (稠密的、浓密的) desert (沙漠)。
Aa [ ?]
Apple(苹果) ankle (踝关节) ax(斧子) ant (蚂蚁) arrow (箭) anger (生气、怒火) actor (演员) actress (女演员) alligator (短吻鳄)
Bb [b]
Ball bed book bench (长凳) box banana (香蕉) bird body (身 体、躯体) boy bag (袋子) bug (虫子) bus big back (后面) bald (秃 头的) balloon (气球) bank (银行、岸) bare (赤裸的、仅有的) bark (咆哮)
1、字母 Aa 可发 [ei] 、[ ?] 、[ ?] 、[ ?] 、 [i] 2、字母 Ee 可发 [i:] 、[e] 、[i] 、 [ ?] 3、字母 Ii 可发 [ai] 、[i] 、[i:] 、[ ?] 4、字母 Oo可发 [ ?u] 、[ ?] 、 [ ?] 、[ ?] 5、字母 Uu 可发 [ju:] 、 [ ?] 、[ ?] 、[i] 、[u] 字母 Bb 发[b] ;字母 Cc 可发 [s] 、 [k] ;字母 Dd 发[d] ;字母 Ff 发[f] ;字 母 Gg可发 [g] 、 [ ? ] ;字母 Hh 发[h] ;字母 Jj 发 [ ? ] ;字母 Kk 发[k] ;字母 Ll 发 [l] ;字母 Mm发[m] ;字母 Nn 发[n] ;字母 Pp 发 [p] ;字母 Qq发[kw] ;字母 Rr 发[r] ;字母 Ss 发 [s] ;字母 Tt 发 [t] ;字母 Vv 发 [v] ;字母 Ww发 [w] ;字母 Xx 发[ks] ;字母 Yy 可发 [j] 、 [ai] 、 [i:] ;字母 Zz 发[z] 。
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26个字母音 自拼步骤 自拼游戏 chant 自然拼音整体图解
自然拼音是以英语为母语的国家 的人学习英语的最直接的一种方法。 即根据26 个字母及字母组合所代表 的音源,做有系统的整合,形成字母 与发音的直觉音感。



12、字母配对 *13、听音摘字母

1) What letter is a drink ? 2) What letter has a lot of water ? 3) What letter is an insect ? 4) What letter is something that can be
Pp pants
Cc cow
Jj jelly
Qq quiet
Dd deer
Kk kiss
Rr rabbit
Ee elephant Ll lemon Ss seven
Ff foot Gg girl
Mm monkey Tt toe Nn neck
Uu umbrella Vv vase Ww Walkman Xx box Yy yes Zz zero
1)含元音音素[ei] 字母: Aa Hh Jj 音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei]
Kk [kei]
2) 含元音音素[i:] 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]
3) 含元音音素[e] 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]
4) 含元音音素[u:] 字母: Uu Qq Ww 音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]
小班先讲完26个字母再讲字母音。 中大班一节课同时讲一个字母和它的发音。
Demo 课
3、拼读练习(简单拼读) 4、讲解自拼单词 5、游戏 6、Chant或歌曲
1、红绿灯 2、图形法 3、颜色拼读卡 4、抢人 5、扔色子(一个全是辅音,一个全是元音) 6、日历 7、抽条PK 8、Sticky ball(在白板上画一个自拼圆盘)
使学生达到以下能力: 1、熟练掌握字母及组合所对应的基本发音; 2、做到看字读音,听音拼字; 3、达到准确的认读,流利的朗读; 4、能快速而扎实的记住单词。
Aa apple
Hh hand
Oo ox
Bb banana Ii ink
5) 含元音音素[ai] 字母: Ii Yy 音标: [ai] [wai]
1、基本功(发音、书写、字母操) 2、教授过程 3、扩充知识(谜语、元音、字母画)
了解字母的基本功及字母 教学的重要性,尽情发挥,大 胆创新。
自 拼
• 笔顺 • 格式 • 美观(书写习惯)
老师展示字母操面对孩子做反的 (左手边),教孩子时让孩子站到你 的后面,你们同时面对家长也是做反 的(左手边),这样下面家长看的是 正的。
• 标准、规范 • 方向(正向展示)
• 字母发音 • 歌曲的完整性
Demo 课
1、讲解直线和曲线。 2、引出字母:Aa
★摸 ★动作★推理 ★神秘写★火柴棒 ★字母歌。
3、卡片认读字母(大小写)——检验。 4、写法——写法检验。 5、字母操 6、游戏
1、你在哪里? 2、扔色子。
4、少了哪一个? 5、击鼓传花。
eaten ? 5) What letter is a question? 6) What letter is a part of face?
A a [ei] H h [eit∫] O o [əu] U u [ju:] B b [bi:] I i [ai] P p [pi:] V v [vi:] C c [si:] J j [d3ei] Q q [kju:] Ww [d∧blju:] D d [di:] K k [kei] R r [ɑ:] X x [eks] E e [i:] L l [el] S s [es] Y y [wai] F f [ef] M m [em] T t [ti:] Zz [zi:][zed] G g [d3i:] N n [en]
8、加加减减成字母:c( ) P( ) E( ) Q( ) 9、在图形中找出字母。(图)
11、字母填空 分两组 E_____G_____ E_____G_____ I ______K____ I ______K____ M_____O_____ M____O______ _____R S_____ ____R S_____ WX_____ _____ WX_____ ____
字母和自拼教学是英语基础教学 中一个重要的组成部分。充满乐趣, 轻松愉快的学习过程,将为学生的英 语学习打下良好的基础。
字1 1
母2 培3 训
字母的基本知识 讲解字母的步骤 字母游戏 扩充知识
基本知识—字母的写法 z.flv
字 母 表
*11、纸上芭蕾 。
12、 cowboy 13、林荫小径。 14、赛车道 扔色子 15、辨音题
1)( ) A cookie B look C room D wool 2)( ) A zoo B spoon C cook D roof 3)( ) A leaf B sweater C leather D head