
最常用50个英文短语1、first of all2、in the meanwhile3、from one’s point4、generally5、in conclusion /all in all6、in accordance with/ according to7、in terms of8、apart from that/beside/in addition9、rather than/ instead of10、due to11、in case12、as far as I know13、in view of14、even though15、prior to16、as long as17、as a reminder18、from one’s perspective19、in that case20、on one’s behalf21、for reasons outlined above22、be subject to23、in light of24、as well25、in my opinion26、compared with/ in comparison with27、by the way28、to my knowledge/ based upon my understanding29、actually/ as a matter of fact /in fact30、to tell you the truth/ fankly speaking31、in spite of32、in order to33、as usual34、in principle35、on the whole整体而言36、as for至于37、as you know38、with regards to39、as yet/ so far40、for the time being暂时41、in any case42、what’s more /moreover/furthermore再者,而且43、account for44、be in line with45、on the basis of46、on the ground of因为;基于以下理由47、in advance事前48、all first sight初看之下49、in this regard就这方面而言50、run into遇到if anyone runs into barriers,please feel free to call or email me.最常用29个英文成语1、across the board 全员2、ball park 粗略估计give me a ball park?3、At a loss 亏本地they sold the goods at a loss4、Bottom line 最后底线5、Break even 损益两平after only three months the company was able to break even and startmaking profits6、Cold call 陌生推销电话7、Double check 进行复核8、Carry through 完成9、Cut off 中断10、Figure out 想出11、Go through with 同意we have decided not to go through with our plans to launch thenew product until we have solved all of its problems.12、Hard sell强行推销13、In black and white 书面want this agreement in black and white as soon as possible14、In charge of 负责15、In the back 赢利16、In the red 赔钱17、In the long run 最终18、Work out 制定出;算出19、Keep track of 记录they have been making a great effort to keep track of the number ofvisitors to their store20、In place 准备好you need to have solutions in place before friday21、Trade-off 交换we can’t achieve both goals at the same time because this is trade-offissue22、Take on 雇佣23、Take over 接管24、Hand over 交出I’ve handed over my place on the committee 我已让出了在委员会的职位25、Be in the dark 一无所知I’m as much in the dark as you are26、Take into account 列入考虑please take your difficulties into account before making adecision27、Rolled out 展开28、Trial and error 反复试验the company doesn’t have money to waste on testing by trialan error, you must be more systematic in your approach 公司没有经费可以浪费在反复试验上,你的方法必须更系统化29、From time to time 有时I’m taking my annual leave but I will check my email fromtime to time 我正在休年假,但我会时不时查看我的电子邮件常用缩写FYI = for your information 供你参考ASAP=as soon as possibleVs.= verse 比i.e.=id est(拉丁文) 也就是Q1=first quarter 第一季度Int’l=internationalATTN=attentionTypo= type error 打错字YTD=year to date 年初到现在QTD MTDRGDS=regards 敬上用缩写显得不尊重Info= informationIncl.=includingH.Q.=headquater 总部BTW=by the wayPls=pleaseFAQ=frequently asked questions 常问的问题COB=close of business 上班结束the end of day 美式用法P.S.=postscript 附录cc=carbon copy 抄送bcc= blind carbon copy 密送re=regardingdept.=departmentencl=enclosed附上pros and cons=advantages and disadvantages 优点与缺点;赞成及反对的意见CUL=see you laterOIC=oh,I seeF2F=face to faceHF=have funWB=welcome backTIA=thanks in advance先谢了BRB=be right backAfk=away from keyboardNP=no probleme.o.m=end of month。


下面给大家整理了最常用的英文短语,希望对大家有所帮助!最常用的英文短语11. Have a niceday. 祝你今天愉快2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好3. Take it orleave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油5. Good foryou. 好啊!做得好!6. Time flies!时光如梭7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱8. That's life.这就是人生9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛10. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张11. You asked for it. 你自找的12. read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意13. The rest is history. 众所皆知14. A little bird told me. 我听说的15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行16. Mind your own business. 不关你的'事儿17. Hang in there. 坚持下去18. could be worse 可能更糟19. Money talks. 金钱万能20. count me out 不要算我21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了24. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!25. It's Greekto me. 这我完全不懂26. take my word for it 相信我的话27. not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口28. Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了29. head over heels 深陷;完全地30. Suit yourself. 随你高兴31. What's the catch? 有什么意图?32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密33. sth. is touch and go 危险的情况;惊险的;一触即发的34. beat a dead horse 白费劲35. The sky's the limit. 没有限制36. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得一次37. Be prepared. 准备好38. It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简单39. have second thoughts 考虑一下;犹豫40. behind someone's back 在某人背后;背着某人41. Better lucknext time. 下次运气更好42. come inhandy 派得上用场43. rains catsand dogs 倾盆大雨44. First come,first served. 先来先招待;捷足先登。

英文短语汇总1. A piece of cake -轻而易举的事情2. All ears -全神贯注地倾听3. As cool as a cucumber -非常冷静4. Barking up the wrong tree -跑错了方向5. Beat around the bush -绕圈子,不直接说6. Better late than never -迟到总比不来好7. Bite the bullet -咬紧牙关,勇敢面对8. Break a leg -祝你好运9. Call it a day -停止工作,收工10. Catch someone's eye -吸引某人的注意11. Cold feet -害怕,紧张12. Cut to the chase -切入正题13. Down to earth -脚踏实地的14. Every cloud has a silver lining -黑暗中总有一线光明15. Face the music -勇敢面对困境16. Fit as a fiddle -身体健康17. Get a taste of your own medicine -吃一堑,长一智18. Get cold feet -临阵退缩19. Get the ball rolling -开始,开始行动20. Give someone a hand -帮助某人21. Go the extra mile -进一步努力22. Hit the nail on the head -一针见血,说到点子上23. In a nutshell -简而言之24. It's a piece of cake -轻而易举25. Keep your chin up -保持乐观26. Let the cat out of the bag -泄露秘密27. Long time no see -好久不见28. On the ball -聪明,敏捷29. On the same page -意见一致30. Piece of cake -轻而易举的事31. Pull someone's leg -开某人的玩笑32. Put all your eggs in one basket -孤注一掷33. Rain cats and dogs -倾盆大雨34. Saved by the bell -临时脱险35. See eye to eye -意见一致36. Sit tight -保持安静,耐心等待37. Smell a rat -察觉到不对劲38. Speak of the devil -说曹操,曹操到39. Take it easy -放松,别紧张40. Take the bull by the horns -勇敢面对问题41. The ball is in your court -你轮到了,由你决定42. The best of both worlds -兼顾两者的最佳选择43. The early bird catches the worm -早起的鸟儿有虫吃44. The pen is mightier than the sword -笔者胜于剑者45. The sky's the limit -没有限制,无限可能46. Time flies -光阴似箭47. To be honest -老实说48. Under the weather -身体不适49. Up in the air -悬而未决50. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it -问题到了再解决51. When pigs fly -基本不可能发生52. You're pulling my leg -你在开我玩笑53. Actions speak louder than words -事实胜于雄辩54. Back to the drawing board -重新开始55. Can't judge a book by its cover -不能以貌取人56. Don't count your chickens before they孵化57. Every dog has its day -各有各的好运58. Fortune favors the bold -幸运眷顾勇者59. Give it a shot -试试看60. Haste makes waste -欲速则不达61. It takes two to tango -一个巴掌拍不响62. Keep your fingers crossed -祝你好运63. Let sleeping dogs lie -不要惹麻烦64. No pain, no gain -不劳无获65. Out of the frying pan and into the fire -从一个困境跳入另一个困境66. Practice makes perfect -熟能生巧67. Rome wasn't built in a day -伟业非一日之功68. The grass is always greener on the other side -这山望着那山高69. There's no place like home -没有比家更好的地方70. Two heads are better than one -三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮71. When in Rome, do as the Romans do -入乡随俗72. You can't have your cake and eat it too -鱼与熊掌不可兼得73. A picture is worth a thousand words -一图胜过千言万语74. Actions speak louder than words -事实胜于雄辩75. All that glitters is not gold -闪光的未必都是金子76. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder -情人眼里出西施77. Don't put all your eggs in one basket -不要孤注一掷78. Every cloud has a silver lining -黑暗中总有一线光明79. Hindsight is 20/20 -后见之明总是最清晰的80. Ignorance is bliss -不知道就没烦恼81. It's a small world -世界真小82. Laughter is the best medicine -笑是最好的良药83. Love is blind -爱情是盲目的84. Practice makes perfect -熟能生巧85. The early bird catches the worm -早起的鸟儿有虫吃86. The grass is always greener on the other side -这山望着那山高87. There's no place like home -没有比家更好的地方88. Time is money -时间就是金钱89. Two heads are better than one -三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮90. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade -当生活给你柠檬,做柠檬水91. Where there's smoke, there's fire -无风不起浪92. You can't judge a book by its cover -人不可貌相93. You reap what you sow -种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆94. A watched pot never boils -心急吃不了热豆腐95. Actions speak louder than words -行动胜于言辞96. Don't bite the hand that feeds you -不要恩将仇报97. Don't cry over spilled milk -不要为已经发生的事情懊悔98. Don't put all your eggs in one basket -不要孤注一掷99. It's a piece of cake -轻而易举的事情100. The early bird catches the worm -早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

常用短语英文常用英文短语中,你们经常用的是哪些?下面是给大家整理的常用短语英文,供大家参阅!常用英文短语arisearise from 由…引起,起因于arise out of 起于……attendattend on 照料;侍候attend by 伴着belong belong in v. 应归入belong to 属于benefitbenefit from 得益于;得利于;因…而得到好处benefit by 得益于breakbreak through 突破;突围;有重要创见break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服break out v. 爆发;突发break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑break into 闯入;破门而入break away from vt. 放弃;脱离……break of v. 放弃;改掉(习惯)break from v. 决裂break with v. 结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂break off 折断;突然停止,暂停break out of 摆脱(束缚等);突破…break up with 跟…分手;与…断绝关系常见英文短语bringbring about 引起;[航]使掉头bring forward 提出;提前;结转bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下bring in 引进;生产;增加bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态bring out 出版,生产;使显示;说出bring back 拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来bring down 降低;打倒,打死;击落bring on 导致;引起;使…发展bring along 带来;使……发展bring with v. 带来;拿来;取来bring into being 使…形成;使…存在burstburst into 闯入;情绪的突然发作burst out 闯出来;突发;摆脱;大声喊叫burst in 闯入;突然出现;打断burst with 突然发生burst upon v. 突然来到;突然明白burst through 冲开,冲破;推开,拨开burst out of 冲出;用力解脱;突然出现burst on 突然出现;突然来到bornborn on 出生于(时间)born of 源于,出生于born into ..家庭callcall for 要求;需要;提倡;邀请;为…叫喊call on 访问,拜访;号召,请求call of 邀…同去call in 召集;召来call back vi. 回电;收回call upon 号召;要求;拜访call up 打电话给;召集;使想起;提出call at 拜访,访问;停靠(车站)call out 唤起;出动;大声叫唤必备英文短语accountaccount of 在某人帐上重视,记帐account for 对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因addadd up v. 合计add in 添加;把…包括在内add on 插入;另外加上去agreeagree with 同意,和…意见一致agree on 对…取得一致意见agree in 在…方面意见一致;在…相同agree about 对…有相同的看法;就…取得一致意见agree upon 对…取得一致意见agree to do sth 赞成做某事agree to do something 同意做某事agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意answeranswer for 因……而受罚;对……负责answer back 应答,回复;顶嘴answer up 迅速回答。

英⽂短语⼤全 英语学习中了解⼀些英语短语是很有必要的,为了帮助⼤家更好地记忆英语短语,以下是⼩编整理的.关于英⽂短语⼤全,供⼤家参考。
1、想出think of 2、思考,考虑think about 3、拍照take photos 4、等待、等候wait for 5、穿上 / 穿着put on / have on 6、直到…才…not…until… 7、为…⽽准备get ready for 8、扫⾛ sweep away 9、全年all the year round 10、保持健康stay / keep healthy keep fit 11、复习,温习revise for 12、野炊have a picnic 13、期盼做某事look forward to doing 14、游览do some sightseeing 15、去观光go sightseeing 16、去骑⾃⾏车go cycling 17、砍伐,砍倒cut down 18、在某⼈的帮助下with the help of sb 19、在将来in the future 20、和…相⽐较compare… to / with 21、变暖get warm 22、擅长be good at 23、带某⼈参观show ( take ) sb around 24、接通/断开(电器)switch on / off 25、出⽣于…be born 26、陷⼊困境be in trouble 27、朝…四周看look around 28、把…变成…change…into… 29、在…岁时at the age of… 30、穿过go through 31、度假go on holiday 32、和…玩play with 33、向某⼈问好say hello to 34、被称为…be called 35、迷路get lost 36、写下;记下 write down 37、互相each other 38、过得快乐 enjoy oneself 39、总是;⼀直 all the time 40、起飞;脱下, take off 41、实现come true 42、多于,超过 more than 43、卖完sell out 44、与某⼈相处融洽get on well with sb 某事进展顺利get on well with sth 45、听说hear about /of 46、以…为⾷ live on 47、越来越少less and less 48、例如,⽐如 for example / such as 49、发⽣/举⾏take place 50、⾸先,最重要的是above all 51、参加take part in 52、退学drop out of school 53、找出;查明(真相)find out 54、究竟on earth 55、除…以外 inaddition to 56、当然of course 57、熄灭;离开go off 58、有点⼉a bit 59、握⼿shake hands 60、阻⽌…做某事stop /keep … from doing 61、有时;偶尔fromtime to time 62、稍等hang on / hold the line 63、打扫卫⽣do some cleaning 64、采访…do an interview with sb、 65、收拾tidy up 66、占⽤take up 67、对…感兴趣 be interested in 68、并且,还as well as 69、结果as a result 70、出版come out 71、能,会be able to 72、事实上in fact 73、同意某⼈的意见agree with sb 74、觉得 feel like 75、顺便说 by the way 76、遥远的 far away 77、害怕做…be afraid of 78、和…交朋友 make friends with 79、担⼼ worry about / be worried about 80、为……感到⾃豪be proud of 81、提⼀些建议give some advice 82、在…结束时atthe end of 83、⾄少at least 84、不管怎样,毕竟 after all 85、赶快 hurry up / come on 86、⾯对⾯的face to face 87、以某⼈的观点,某⼈看来in one opinion 88、叫醒 wake up 89、⼀…就…as soon as 90、依靠,依据 depend on 91、⼀天天地 day by day 92、倒数 count down 93、⼩⼼look out (for) 94、不客⽓。

1. I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩)2. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你)3. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。
)4. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。
)5. Be my guest.(请便、别客气)6. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)7. Far from it.(一点也不。
)8. It's a pain in the neck [麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)9. We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。
)10. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。
)11. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。
)12. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。
)13. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)14. Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。
)15. I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。
)16. I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。
)17. For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前)18. Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。
)19. It's up on the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。
)20. It slipped my mind.(我忘了。
)21. You can't please everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。
)22. I'm working on[着手;从事] it.(我正在努力。

英文短语大全2000 Aa (large) number of 许多a bit 一点儿a block of 一块a bottle of 一瓶a few 少许,几a good/great deal of 大量(的);非常多(的)a great/good many 很多的, 非常多的a group of 一群,一组a little 一点点a lot of/lots of 许多a pair of 一双,一对a piece of 一片(张,块)a pile of 一堆a place of interest 名胜a set of 一套a sort of 一种a type of 一种类型的a waste of 白费; 浪费above all 首先;首要according to 根据…act as 充当;作;起…的作用add up to 加起来是add… to 把…加到…上admit doing sth 承认做过某事advise doing sth 建议做某事advise sb. against doing sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事advise sb not to do sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事afford to do 有经济条件做某事after a (short) while 不久以后after all 毕竟;终究after graduation 毕业以后again and again 反复地;再三地agree on 商定;决定;达成共识agree to do sth 同意做某事agree to sth 同意(计划或建议)agree with sb/what sb does 同意某人的意见all along 一直,始终all day and all night 整日整夜all kinds of 各种各样的all night 整夜all of a sudden 突然,冷不防all one’s life 终生,一辈子all over 到处,遍及…,浑身,结束all over the country 遍及全国all right 好吧,行吧,病好了all round 周围,遍及四周all sorts of 各种各样的all the best 万事如意all the same 一样,照样,完全一样all the year round 一年到头all through 自始至终allow into 允许进入allow doing 允许做某事allow sb to do 允许某人做某事and so on 等等answer for 对…负责apply for 申请…arrive at /in 到达某地as a matter of fact 事实上;其实as a result(of) 结果as if/though 好象;好似as many/much as 多达…as soon as 一……就……as usual 象往常一样,照例as well 也;有as…as 像;如同as/so far as 一直到… (程度)ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事ask…for 询问;向…要at (the) most 至多at (the)least 至少at a high price 以高价…at a time 每次;一次at all 全然,究竟,到底at breakfast 早餐时;正吃早饭at first hand 第一手地,直接地at first 起先;开端at hand 在手边,在近处at home and abroad 国内外at home 在家里at night 在夜晚,在夜里at noon 在中午at once 立刻,马上at one time 以前;曾经at present 现在;目前at sea 在海上at someone’s hands 出自某人之手,因为某人at the age of 在…岁时at the beginning of 在…的开始at the end of 最后;尽头at the foot of 在….的脚下at the latest 最迟;至迟at the mercy of 在…支配下at the same time 同时at the school gate / at the gate of the school 在学校门口at the time of 在…的时候at the top of one’s voice 高声地喊叫at work 再工作,在运转,在起作用Bbe able to do sth (有能力)做某事be about to 即将be afraid of 害怕be against 反对be angry at sth 对某事生气be angry with sb 愤怒,生某人的be anxious about /for 为…担心,焦急be away from 远离…be bad at 在…弱,差be busy doing sth 忙于做……be busy with sth 忙于…be careful (of) 当心,小心be covered with/by 为…所覆盖be different from 与…不同be famous as 作为…著名be famous for 因…而著名be far away from 远离…be filled with 用…装满be fit for 适合be fond of 爱好;喜爱be for 支持be free to do sth 随意做某事be friendly to sb 对…友好的be full of 充满…be good at 在…擅长,善于…be in love with 与…相爱be in the habit of doing 有做…的习惯be late for 迟到be made from /of 由… 制成be made in 由……(产地)制造be made up of 由…构成;由…组成be of great help 对…很有帮助be on fire 在…着火be on holiday 在假期中be on show 展览be poor in 在…差be popular with sb 深受…欢迎be prepared for 为……做好准备be proud of 为…而自豪be ready (for) 为……做好准备be rich in 在…充足;富含…be satisfied/content with 对……感到满意be seated 坐下;坐着be strict with(in)对某人(物)要求严格be sure about/of 确信;有把握be terrified at 被……吓一跳be tired of sth/doing sth 厌倦做某事be tired with/from 因…感到厌倦be torn open 被撕开be unfit for 不合适,不称职,不胜任be used to do … 被用来作某事be used to sth/doing sth 习惯做某事be weak in/at在…弱be worth doing 值得做…be wrong with 出毛病,不对头beat…to death 把…打死because of 因为;由于before long 不久beg one’s pardon 企求begin…with 从…开始believe in 信任,信仰belong to 属于beyond help 不可挽救的beyond hope 没有希望的blow away 刮走;吹走break away from 脱离…break down 分解,机器等坏了;身体跨了break in 插话;强行进入break into 闯入break off 打断;折段break out 爆发,突然发生break the law 违法,犯法break the habit of doing 改掉…的习惯break the rule 违反规定break up 分解,腐蚀,驱散break with 与…断绝关系bring down 使到下;降低bring in 引来,引进;吸收bring on 使前进bring out 说明,阐明bring up 教育;培养;提出burn down 把…烧成平地;烧光burn…to the ground 把…烧成平地by accident 偶然by air 乘飞机by and by 不久,不久以后by day 日间;白天里by far 很,极by hand 手工地by means of 通过这种方式by mistake 由疏忽所致by sea 乘船by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船by the end of 在结束之前by the side of 在…附近by the way 顺便说by this means 通过这种方式by turns 轮流,交替Ccall at some place 访问某地call back 回电话call for 去取(某物);去接(某人);要求,需求call in 召集call on sb to do sth 号召某人做某事call on(upon) sb 拜访某人call out 着急,大声叫call sb up 给某人打电话can’t help doing 情不自禁的做…care for 喜欢;想要carry away 冲掉;冲走carry off 夺走carry on 进行carry out 实行,执行,贯彻carry through 进行到底,完成catch/take a cold 着凉,感冒catch fire 着火catch hold of 抓住,抓牢catch sight of 望见catch up with sb 赶上(某人)change for 换成change one’s mind 改变主意change…into 把…变成clear away 把…清除掉clear up 整理;收拾collect money for 为…募捐come about 发生come across 碰到come along 快点,来吧come back 回来come back to life 苏醒,复活come down 下来,下降come from 来自come in 进来come into being 形成,产生come off 从…离开;脱落come on 快些,加油come out 出版;开放come to 共计;达到come true 成为现实come up 走进,上前来compare with 把…和…进行比较compare to 与…相比connect to 把… 接到…connect with 与…相连consider doing sth 考路做某事consider sb as/to be 认为…;把某人看做…cut off 切断cut through 剪断cut up 切碎Ddate back to 追溯到date from 起始于;追溯到day after day 日复一日地day and night=night and day 日日夜夜deal with 对付;处理decide to do sth 决定做某事depend on 依赖;靠…决定devote to 把…献于;把…用于die from 死于(外因)…die of 死于(内因)…die out 灭绝divide into 分成do a good deed 对某人做了一件好事do fine 赶得好do good 有好处do harm 有害处do one’s homework 做家庭作业do one’s best 尽力do sb a favour / do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙do sb good / do good to sb 对某人有好处do some cleaning/cooking/washing/shopping 打扫卫生/做饭/洗衣服/买东西do up 收拾,打扮;包装do well in 在…做的好do with 处理do wrong 做坏事;犯罪dozens of 几十dream of 向往;渴望;梦想dress up 打扮drive off 赶走drive sb mad 使某人发疯drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地Eeach other 彼此,互相earn one’s living 谋生eat up 吃光either…or… 或者…或者end in 以…结束,最后end up 告终end with 以…结束enjoy oneself 过得愉快even though/if 尽管;即使ever since 自那时起一直到现在every few years 每隔几年every other year 每隔一年every two years 每两年Fface to face 面对面fail in doing sth 做某事失败fail to do sth 没做成某事fall asleep 入睡fall behind 落后于fall ill 生病far away 遥远的far from 远离…feed on 以…为主食feel free to do sth 觉得自己可以随意做某事feel like doing sth 想要或喜欢做某事feel one’s way 摸索着前进fight about/over 因为…争吵fight against … 与…作斗争fight back 抵抗,反击fight for … 为… 而斗争fight off 击退,竭力摆脱fight on 继续战斗fight out 通过争斗解决争论,平息不和fill … with… 用…把…装满fill in 填充;填写find out 查明;发现;了解fire at 朝… 开枪first of all 首先fix a date for 确定…的日期fix one’s eyes upon sth/sb 盯着…看fix up 安排,安顿for ever 永远for example 例如for fear of/for 由于担心…,因为怕…for free 免费for fun 为了消遣for joy 高兴地for the first time 第一次form the habit of doing 养成做…的习惯free of charge 免费from … to… 从… 到…from hand to mouth (生活来源)足够糊口的from now on 从现在起,从此以后;今后from the very first/beginning 从一开始,从最初from then on 从那时开始from time to time 不时地Ggeneral idea 大意generally speaking 总的说来get along ( with ) (与人)和睦相处;(事情)进展get away 逃;离get back 返回get down to doing 开始认真做…get down 降下;下车get hold of 抓住get in one’s way 妨碍某人get in 进入;收集get into 进入,陷入get into trouble 陷入困境get off 下车get on 上车get on with 与某人相处get out 离开,出去get sb into the habit of doing 使某人养成做…的习惯get the feel of 习惯get through 通过;打通(电话)get to 到达get to know 认识get together 聚集get up 起床give /lend a hand to 帮忙,支援give a concert 举行音乐会give a talk 作报告,演讲give advice to sb 给某人提建议give away 捐赠,分送give back 归还,送还give in 屈服;投降;让步give lessons to 给…上课give off 发散,放出(液体,气体,气味等)give out 发出(声音等);用完,耗尽give sb some advice on how to do sth 给某人提出关于如何做某时的建议give someone a free hand 放手让某人干give up 放弃,抛弃,终止glance at sth 匆匆看看glare at 怒目而视go after 追求,追逐go against 违背,反对go ahead 先走,先行;好吧go along 继续,进行go around / round (疾病)传播go away 离开go back 回去go by 经过;过去go down 下降,降低go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming (去)钓鱼/买东西/滑冰/游泳go for a walk 出去散步go for nothing 白费,毫无用处go for one’s holiday 去度假go for 求得go home 回家go into 进入go off for 出发去…go off 爆炸go on doing sth 继续做同一件事go on strike 举行罢工go on to do sth 继续做另一件事go on with one’s work 继续自己的工作go out for a walk 出去散步go out 出门,外出;(火,灯)熄灭go over 检查;复习go through with 完成,做完go through 遭受;经历;忍受go to bed 上床睡觉go to the cinema 去看电影go under 沉没go up 上升,增长go with 相配;协调go without 没有…也行;将就Good heavens! 天哪!graduate from 毕业于grow rich on … 靠…变得富有grow up 成年;长成大人;生长Hhad better 最好half an hour 半小时hand in hand 手拉手hand in 交上;交进hand out 分发hand over 移交(权力,责任等)hand sth down from generation to generation 把…一代一代传下去have ( got ) to 不得不;必须have a cold (患)伤风have a fever 发烧have a headache 头疼have an idea of 知道…have breakfast 吃早饭have sb do/doing 让某人做某事have some/nothing to do with 和…有些(没有)关系have sth done 使某人做某事have sth on 穿着;戴着head for 朝…前进,向…去head off 把…引导别的方向去hear about 得悉,听说hear from 收到…的来信hear of 听说heart and soul 全心全意help oneself to sth 自取;随便吃help out 帮助克服困难,帮忙help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事help to do 有助于here and there 各处;到处hold back 控制(感情,眼泪等)hold down 压下,抑制hold off 挡住hold on (打电话时) 等着,别挂断hold one’s breath (由于激动、害怕等)不出气;并住呼吸hold one’s head high 昂首,趾高气昂hold out 提供,提出hold up 举起hold up one’s head 高昂着头hope for the best 尽量望好处想how far 多远how long 多久how many 多少how much 多少how often 多久how old 多大how soon 多久以后human being 人hurry up 赶紧;急忙Iin a hurry 匆忙地in a minute 不一会儿,立刻in a short while 不久in a word 总之,简言之in all 总计,全部in common 共同in danger 处于危险状态in English 用英语in fact 实际上in favour of 支持,赞同in fear of 在…恐惧中in front of … 在…的前面in fun 开玩笑似的in future 今后in good health 身体健康in half 一半in need of 需要in order 按顺序,井然有序in order that/to 为了in other words 换句话说,也就是说in place of 代替in poor health 身体不好in public 当众,公开地in rags 穿着破衣服in search of 寻找,追求in sight 在视野内,看得见in someone’s/something’s favour 对…有利in space 在空间in surprise 惊奇地in the day 在白天in the daytime 在白天in the distance 在远处in the distant future 在久远的将来in the end 最后;终于in the face of 面对…而不顾in the front of … 在…的前部in the future 在将来in the hope of sth 希望…in the near future 在不久的将来in those days 在过去,在那些日子里in time 及时,最终,迟早instead of 代替;而不是Jjoin in 参加join the army 参军join up 连接起来join…to… 把…和…连接起来jump off 跳下jump onto 跳到…上just a minute 等一会儿just now 刚才;不久以前just then 正在那时Kkeep (on) doing 继续;反复不断地做某事keep …out of… 使…不进入…keep a certain distance 保持一定距离keep a record (of sth.) 作记录keep back 扣留keep fit 保持身体健康keep in touch with 与……保持距离keep off 让开;不接近keep one’s balance 保持平衡keep one’s promise 遵守诺言keep one’s word 守约;守信keep sb doing sth 让某人不停地做某事keep silence/silent 保持安静keep up with 跟上keep up 保持;维持;继续keep watch 守望,值班keep…alive 存活keep…away from… 使远离……keep…from doing sth. 阻止做某事keep…in mind 记住;想着keep…out/ keep…out of… 不让……进入key figure 关键人物kick off 踢脱(鞋子等)kick the habit of 改掉……的习惯kiss sb. hello / goodbye 亲吻某人问好╱吻别knock against 撞击knock at / on(the door)敲(门)knock down 撞倒knock into撞上knock over 撞翻knock…in/ knock…into… 把……敲进……knock…off… 撞离knock…out / knock…out of… 把……敲出来know about / of 了解有关情况Llack of… 缺少last (for) 持续last time 上次laugh at 嘲笑lay eggs 下蛋;产卵lay the table 摆设餐具lead / live a … life 过着……的生活lead to 通向;导致learn about 获悉;了解learn…by heart 记住;背诵learn…from… 向……学习leave a message for sb. 给某人留口信leave out 漏掉leave sth. to sb. (遗)留给某人……;托付……做某事leave sth. with sb. 交给某人看管,照看leave…doing / done / adj. / prep. 使……处于某种状态let out 泄露;发出(叫喊声)let…in / out… 让……进入/出去lie in 在于lie on one’s back / side / stomach 仰卧/侧卧/趴着lie to / in / on 位于light a fire 点火listen to 听little by little 渐渐地live by doing 靠做……为生live on 靠……为生;继续存活live through 活过;经历过……未死living conditions 居住条件living room 起居室long ago / before 很久以前look after 照顾,照看look around 四处看看,环顾look at 看look back upon / on 回顾look down upon / on看不起……look for 寻找look forward to 盼望;期望look into 向……里面看;调查look on 看待,观看,旁观look out 留神;当心look out for 当心;找寻look round / around 仔细查看look through 仔细查看,浏览,看穿look up 向上看,仰望,查询look up to 尊重lose a battle 战败lose courage 失去勇气lose face 丢脸lose heart 失去信心;灰心lose one’s heart to 爱上;倾心于……lose one’s life 牺牲lose one’s sight 失明lose one’s voice 失音;嗓子哑lose touch with 失去联系lose weight 减肥;降重量luckily for sb. 对某人来说幸运的是……Mmake a / one’s living by doing 已做……为生make a copy of 复制make a decision 做出决定make a face / make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸make a film / films 拍摄电影make a fire 生火make a list of 列一张……的清单make a long distance call 打长途电话make a mistake 犯错误make a noise 吵闹,发出响声make a plan for 为……作计划make a point 立论;阐明观点make a promise 答应;允诺make a record 录制唱片make a search for 找寻make a speech 作演讲make a suggestion 提建议make a telephone call to sb. 给某人打电话make a trip 作旅行make an advertisement for 为……做广告make an announcement 宣布make an answer 回答make an attack on 攻击make an explanation 作解释make an offer of 愿给以……make an offer to do 想做某事make ends meet 量入为出;使收支相抵make enemies with 树敌make friends with… 与…交朋友make fun of 取笑(某人);开…的玩笑make it a condition that… 以……为条件make it possible to do ; make it possible that… 使可能做某事make money out of 靠……挣钱make no difference 毫无差别;没有影响make noise 制造噪音make oneself done 使自己被别人……make progress 取得进步make repairs 修理,修补make room for 为……腾地方make sense 讲得通;很有意义make sentences with 用…造句make sure of 确保;确定make the best of 充分利用,善用make up 编出;组成make up one’s mind (to do sth.) 下定决心做……make use of 利用make……to one’s (own) measure 按照某人的尺寸做……make…from / out of… 由……制作……make…into… 将……制成manage to do 成功地做……;设法做……mark…with… 用……标记……masses of 大多数;大部分match…with… ……与……相搭配mean doing 意味着;意思是mean to do 意图做measure…with a ruler 用尺子量medical care 医疗护理meet sb. at the station / the airport 到车站/飞机场接某人men’s room 男厕所millions of 数百万的minority groups 少数民族miss doing 错过做某事miss one’s footing and fall 没站稳摔倒了mix…with… 把……混合于……more and more 越来越(多)more or less 差不多;或多或少mouth to mouth 口对口地move in 迁入move on 继续移动;朝前走Nnatural gas 天然气neither here nor there 与所述无关的,不相干的neither…nor… 既不……也不never mind 没关系,别介意newspaper reporter 新闻记者next door 隔壁next to 紧挨着;接下来;次于no more /longer 不再no more than 不过;仅仅no wonder 不足为奇,难怪not …any longer/more 不再not at all 一点也不;根本不not more than 不超过not only…but (also) … 不仅……而且……not so…as 不像;不如not…any more / longer 不再not…at all 一点也不not…but… 不是……而是not…unless… 除非;如果不not…until… 直到……才……not…without… 没有……不……now and again / then 有时;不时地now that 既然;由于nuclear waste 核废弃物Oobey the rule(s) 遵守规则object to (doing) 反对(做)……of one’s own 属于某人自己的off the coast 在海岸附近off the point 离题offer first aid to sb. 给某人实施急救offer sb. a lift home 让某人搭便车回家offer sb. sth./ offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供……official language 官方语言on (the) average 平均而言on (the) one hand…, on the other (hand)… 一方面……另一方面……on (the)one hand…on the other (hand)一方面…另一方面on (the) top of 在……顶上on / at the weekend ; on / at weekends 在周末on board 在船上on business 为公事;出公差on condition that 条件是……on doing sth. 一……就……on duty 值班,值日on earth 在世界上;到底;究竟on fire 着火on foot 步行;走路on hold 等着通电话on holiday 休假;度假on one’s knees 跪着on one’s own 独立地;独自的on one’s way home 在…回家的路上on one’s way to 在去…的路上on show 显示;展示on the air (用无线电、电视)播送on the coast 在海岸上on the contrary 相反地on the edge of 在……的边缘on the farm 在农场on the left/right 在左/右边on the march 参加游行on the other hand 另一方面on the other side of 在…的对面(另一面)on the point of 正要……的时候on the radio 通过收音机;通过广播on the shore(s) 在岸上,在海滨on time 准时on top of 在…上面on TV 通过电视机;在电视上on watch 守望,值班once again / more 再一次once in a while 偶尔;间或once upon a time 从前one after another 一个接一个地,连接地, 相继;顺次one another 相互,彼此one by one 一个一个地one day (过去或将来的)某一天open to 向……开放operate on sb. 给某人做手术or else 否则;要不然or rather 更确切地说or so 大约……;……上下ought to 应该out of breath 上气不接下气out of control 失控out of doors 在户外out of hand 即时,即刻out of one’s reach / out of the reach of 够不着out of place 不适当;不在合适位置out of question 没问题out of repair 失修out of sight 在视野以外,看不见out of the question 不可能out of work 失业over again 再一次over and over again 反复不断地;再三地over there 在那边owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb. 欠债owe sth. to sb. / sth. 把……归功于……Ppaas by 经过pass down/on from generation to generation 一代一代传下去pass further laws 又通过了一些法律pass through 通过,经过pay (one’s) attention to 注意pay a visit to 拜访,游览pay back 偿还pay for 付钱pay off the debts 还清债务pay sb. a visit 拜访某人pay the bill 付帐per cubic metre 每立方米perform a dance 表演舞蹈personal affairs 私人事件persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事pick out 挑出来pick up 拾起来,接收(广播),开车接某人piles of 一堆一堆的place an order 订购(货物)place of interest 名胜play a joke on sb. 捉弄…play a trick on 开玩笑,恶作剧play an important part/role in sth. 扮演着重要的角色,起着重要的作用play football 踢足球play on words 双关语,俏皮话play the piano 弹钢琴play the role of 扮演…的角色,起着…的作用play tricks on 开玩笑,恶作剧play with 同…一起玩play with fire 玩火,冒大风险plenty of 大量的point at 指着point out 指出point to 指向pop music/star 流行音乐/歌星post office 邮局prefer +n./doing …to +n./doing…比起…更愿做prefer to do sth. 情愿做…prefer to do…rather than do…比起…更愿做…prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为…作好准备press against/on 挤,压,按pretend to do/be 装作prevent sb. (from ) doing sth. 防止某人做某事primary school 小学protect against 防范provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供publishing house 出版社pull on 穿上,戴上push on 推进,努力前进push over 推倒push…aside 把…推到一边put away 放到一边,收起来put down 放下put into 把…转换成put off 推迟put on 穿上,上演put on performances 表演节目put on weight 增肥put one’s heart into 全神贯注于…之中put out 扑灭put sb. in/into prison 把某人送入监狱put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. 麻烦某人做某事put up举起来,上演,张贴Qquarrel about 为…争吵quarrel with 与某人争吵quiet a few 相当多quite a lot of 非常多的quite by accident 很偶然,碰巧Rrather than 比reach one’s understanding 使某人理解reach out (for) 伸手去够read bits here and there 这读一点儿那读一点儿reception desk 接待处refer to 指,查询regard …as… 把…看作relate to 联系rely on sb. (for sth.) (在某事上)依赖某人remember me to sb. 代我向…问候remind of 使某人想起reply to 答复respect sb. as 把某人尊敬为…rest rooms 休息室result from 由于result in 结果是,导致return to normal 恢复正常right away 马上right now 现在ring back 回电话ring off 挂断ring up 打电话rise by 上升了rise to 上升到rise to one’s feet 站起来rise up 起义,起来反抗roll over 翻滚rot away 烂掉,腐烂round up 聚拢,赶拢run across 不期而遇run away 逃跑run out of 花光,用光,消耗光run the length of 长度为…rush hour (上下班时)车辆拥挤时间rush off one’s feet 忙地不可开交,忙地不亦乐乎Ssave one’s time 节约时间say “Hi” to sb. from sb.代我向… 问候say hello to sb 向…表示问候sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物school-leavers 毕业生scold sb…for sth… 因为… 批评某人scores of 大量的second largest 第二大see sb.off 为某人送行see through 看穿,识破see to 负责,注意seem as if 看上去好象seize every minute 抓住每一分sell out 售完send for 派人去请send off 派遣,寄出send out 发送,派遣send up 发出,射出sentence sb. to death 判处某人死刑separate from 分离set an example to sb. 给某人树立一个榜样set fire to =set sth. on fire 点火,使…着火set free 释放;使自由set off 出发,动身,使爆炸set one’s heart on sth 非常想要某物set out 出发,开始set sail 起航set sb. an example 把某人树成榜样set up 建立settle down 定居seven in ten 十分之七shake hands 握手shapes of letters 字母的形状share a ride 搭车share one’s memories of the dead person 悼念亡人share the same tastes and interests 有共同的品位和爱好shoot at 朝… 射击short-wave 短波shout at 朝…大喊show off 炫耀show sb. around 领某人参观show sb. out/in 领某人出去/进来shut down 关闭,倒闭,破产shut off 切断,关掉side by side 肩并肩sign an agreement with 与… 签定和约smile to oneself 暗自微笑smooth away 克服so as to 为了,以便so far 到目前为止so far as 就…而论so far, so good 到目前为止一切还算顺利so long as 只要so that 以便于so(as) far as I know 据我所知so…that… 如此…以至于…solve the problem 解决问题sooner or later 或早或晚sound lab 语音室sound like 听起来象sound the fire alarm 鸣响火警警报spare sb. some time 为某人匀点儿时间spare time 匀出时间speak out 大胆地说出spend …on sth. 在某物/事上花(时间,金钱)spend…(in) doing sth. 在某物/事上花(时间,金钱)spoken English 英语口语sports meet 运动会stand at a attention 立正stand by 站在旁边,和…站在一起stand for 代表stare at 盯着start all over again 重新开始start doing/to do sth 开始做某事starve to death 饿死stay away from 远离stay up 挺立,熬夜step by step 逐步地,一步一步地step forward 站出来sth be familiar to sb 某物对某人是熟悉的stick to 坚持stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地stop doing sth 停止做某事stop sb. (from ) doing 防止某人做某事stop to do sth 停下来去做某事strike a match 划一根火柴struggle against 为反对… 而斗争struggle for 为争取… 而斗争struggle to one’s feet 费力地站起来succeed in doing 成功地做某事such as 例如suffer fever 发烧suffer from 遭受suit…to… 适合supply sb. with sth. 给某人提供supply sth. to sb. 给某人提供Ttake (a) pride in 以…而自豪take (a) pride in 以…为骄傲take …for example 拿… 举例take …nationality 加入…国籍take a …degree 获得…学位take a deep breath 深呼吸take a false name 冒名take a look at…看一看take a photograph (of) 照相take a taxi 乘出租车take a taxi home 乘出租回家take action 采取行动take along 带着take an interest in 对…感兴趣take away (from)带走,拿走take back 收回,带回take care of 照顾,保管take charge 负责take down 拿下take exercise 做操take hold of 抓住,握住take it easy 放松,别紧张take measure 采取措施take off 脱下,(飞机)起飞take on 呈现take one’s place 代替take one’s seat 就座take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s turn 依次,轮流take out 拿出来take part in 参加take photos 拍照take place 发生take possession of 拥有take sides in 偏向…一边take sth in one’s armtake the place of sb. 代替take the role of 扮演…的角色,起…的作用take the side of 和谁站在一起,偏向take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事take up 占据,从事take up arms 拿起武器take with 带着talk about (泛泛地)谈talk of 谈到talk on (系统地)谈tea room 茶室tear down 拆卸tell lies 撒谎tell the difference between 分辨两者之间的不同tell…apart 分辨tell…from 分辨tens of thousands of 数以万计的thanks to 多亏了,由于that is 也就是说that is to say 也就是说the Communist Manifesto 共产主义宣言the day after tomorrow 后天the day before yesterday 前天the minute…一… 就…the moment… 一… 就…the more …the more 越…越…the number of …的数量the other day 前几天the public 公众,民众there is no doubt about it. 对此毫无疑问there is no help for it 没得救了,木已成舟there 's no need for sth. 没有必要there’s no need to do sth. 没有做某事的必要these days 现在,如今think about 考虑think of 思考,想think over 仔细考虑think up 想出thousands of 成千上万的throw at 向…扔throw away 扔掉throw off 匆匆脱掉,扔掉,摆脱throw up 呕吐tidy up 整理time and time again 一次又一次to be honest 诚实的说to make things worse 更糟的是to one’s joy 令某人高兴的是to one’s astonishment 使某人惊奇的是to one’s delight 使某人高兴的是to one’s joy 使某人高兴的是to one’s measure 按….的尺寸to one’s sorrow 使某人悲伤的是to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是to put it another way 从另一个角度说to tell you the truth 实话给你说to the point 扼要,切中要害trade in sth. 做…方面的生意trade with sb. 与某人做生意training centre 培训中心translate …into… 把… 翻译成travel to 到…旅行treat …as…作为…对待treat …as through/if… 象…一样对待try on 试穿try one’s best 尽某人全力try out 试验turn against 背叛turn away 不准…进入turn down 关小点儿声,拒绝turn in 交出,上交turn in a semicircle 转半圈turn into 变成turn off 关掉turn on 打开turn out 结果是,证明是turn over 翻动,耕翻(土地)turn to 转到,翻到turn to sb for help 向某人求救turn up 开大声,出现Uunder an English name 用一个英文名under the leadership of … 在…的领导之下under the name of 用…名字under the protection of 在…的保护之下up and down 上上下下up to 直到up to a distance of 距离为upon one’s death 在某人死后use one’s head 动脑筋used to do 过去常常做某事Vvarieties of 各种各样的various of 各种各样的vote against 投票反对某人vote for 投票选举某人V oting Rights Bill 选举权法案Wwag from side to side 左右摇晃wagging dance 摇摆舞wait for 等候wait on 服侍,伺候wake up 醒来walk along 沿… 走warm up 变暖,热身waste time on sth./in doing sth. 在某事/物上浪费时间watch for 守侯,注意,监视watch out 密切注视,当心,提防watch over 监视,看守wave one’s head 摇头wear out 筋疲力尽weather report/forecast 天气预报well-kept secret 保守地很好的秘密well-known 著名的well-paid job 报酬高的工作well-trained 训练的很好的what a pity 真遗憾what a shame真遗憾what about + n./doing sth.?… 怎么样?what is more 而且what is worse 更糟的是win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖wind one’s way 蜿蜒向前wind the handle 摇动把手wind up 卷紧,上紧… 的发条wipe off 擦去wish …every success 祝成功with the help of 在… 的帮助下with the name 用… 的名字with the permission of 在…的允许下with the purpose of doing sth. 带着…的目的without fail 必定,一定without fear or favour 公正的,不偏袒某一方的without mercy 毫不留情的,残忍的work as 干…工作work at 从事,致力于work hard at 在…努力work on 建造,制作work out 解出,制订出worry about 担忧worse is to come 更糟的事情发生了worse still 更糟的是write down 写下,记下write to 给某人写信written English 英语书面语Yyear after year 年复一年的(表每年的重复)year by year 逐年的(表变化)。
750 条最常用的英文短语搭配

750 条最常用的英文短语搭配以下是一些常用的英文短语搭配及其用法,共计20条双语例句。
1. Break the ice (打破僵局) - We played an icebreaker game to break the ice at the beginning of the conference.我们在会议开始时玩了一个破冰游戏来打破僵局。
2. Make ends meet (收支平衡) - With the high living costs, it's becoming harder for young people to make ends meet.面对高昂的生活成本,年轻人越来越难以收支平衡。
3. Get the hang of (掌握) - It took me a while to get the hang of using this new software.我花了一些时间才掌握使用这个新软件的技巧。
4. Put off (推迟) - I had to put off our meeting untilnext week because of a scheduling conflict.由于时间冲突,我不得不把我们的会议推迟到下周。
5. Take advantage of (利用) - We should take advantage of the good weather and go for a hike.我们应该利用好天气去远足一下。
6. Keep an eye on (密切注意) - Can you keep an eye on my suitcase while I go to the restroom?你能在我上洗手间的时候照看一下我的手提箱吗?7. Make sense (有道理) - His explanation didn't make sense to me, so I asked for clarification.他的解释对我来说没什么道理,所以我请求他解释清楚。

1. Let go! 放手! Let go of him.放开他。
2. No way! 不行!3. Hold on.等一等。
4. Not yet.还没。
5. Cheer up! 振作起来!6. My treat.我请客。
7. They hurt(不及物动词)(伤口)疼。
It hurt.疼。
8. What's up? 有什么事吗? 9. Guess what? 猜猜看? 10. Time is up.时间快到了。
?10. Take it easy.别紧张。
11. Help yourself.别客气=MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME.12. I'm on a diet.我在不能节食。
13. You set me up! 你出卖我!14. He set up a fine example to all of us. 他为我们树立了一个好榜样。
15. How's it going? 怎么样 16. I just made it! 我做到了! 17. I'll see to it 我会留意的。
18. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。
19. I don't mean it. 我不是故意的。
20. So far,So good.目前还不错。
21. I'm On your side.我全力支持你。
22. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。
? 23. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃! YOU DESERVE IT.24. You have my word.我保证。
YOU GOT MY WORD.25. I'll check it out.我去查查看。
26. It’s a long story.说来话长。
27. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!!28. The wall has ears.隔墙有耳。

一、动词短语:look for(寻找)、take care of(照顾)、give up(放弃)、put off(推迟)、think about(考虑)、try on(试穿)、turn off(关闭)、work out(解决)、come up with(提出)、get along with(相处)、keep up with(跟上)、make progress(取得进步)、do well in(擅长)、go on (继续)、happen to(碰巧)、belong to(属于)、pay attention to (注意)、stand for(代表)、make sense(有意义)、set up(建立)、break down(分解)、look forward to(期待)、pass by(路过)、run out of(用完)、get in touch with(取得联系)、stay in touch(保持联系)、be interested in(对……感兴趣)、be good at(擅长)、be afraid of(害怕)、be capable of(能够)、be used to(习惯于)、be responsible for(对……负责)、be proud of(以……为骄傲)、be familiar with(熟悉)、be grateful to(感激)、be committed to(致力于)、be devoted to(献身于)、be addicted to(沉迷于)、be opposed to (反对)、be related to(与……相关)、be associated with(与……联系)、be influenced by(受……影响)、be determined by(由……决定)、be based on(以……为基础)、be aware of(意识到)、be concerned about(关心)、be worried about(担心)、be nervous about (紧张)、be confident about(自信)、be happy with(对……满意)、be satisfied with(满足于)、be disappointed with(对……失望)、be angry with(生……的气)、be strict with(对……严格)、be patient with(对……有耐心)、be kind to(对……友善)、be nice to(对……好)、be friendly to(对……友好)、be polite to(对……礼貌)、be respectful to(尊重……)、be grateful to(感激……)、be thankful to (感谢……)、be sorry for(为……感到抱歉)、be ashamed of(为……感到羞愧)、be jealous of(嫉妒……)、be envious of(羡慕……)、be proud of(为……感到骄傲)、be confident of(对……有信心)、be sure of(确定……)、be certain of(确信……)、be afraid of(害怕……)、be worried about(担心……)、be nervous about(紧张……)、be happy about(高兴……)、be excited about(兴奋……)、be interested in(对……感兴趣)、be passionate about(对……充满热情)、be committed to(致力于……)、be devoted to(献身于……)、be loyal to(忠诚于……)、be attached to(依恋……)、be addicted to(沉迷于……)、be dependent on(依赖……)、be independent of(独立于……)、be influenced by(受……影响)、be inspired by(受……启发)、be motivated by(受……激励)、be encouraged by(受……鼓励)、be supported by(受……支持)、be opposed by(受……反对)、be restricted by(受……限制)、be limited by(受……限制)、be prohibited by(被……禁止)、be protected by(被……保护)、be guaranteed by(被……保证)、be insured by(被……保险)、be funded by(被……资助)、be sponsored by(被……赞助)、be regulated by (被……监管)、be inspected by(被……检查)、be audited by(被……审计)、be evaluated by(被……评估)、be approved by(被……批准)、be authorized by(被……授权)、be recognized by(被……认可)、be respected by(被……尊重)、be admired by(被……钦佩)、be loved by(被……爱)、be hated by(被……恨)、be liked by(被……喜欢)、be disliked by(被……不喜欢)、be appreciated by(被……欣赏)、be praised by(被……赞扬)、be criticized by(被……批评)、be blamed by(被……责备)、be punished by(被……惩罚)、be rewarded by(被……奖励)、be thanked by(被……感谢)、be forgiven by(被……原谅)、be forgotten by(被……忘记)、be remembered by(被……记住)。

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
2. A penny saved is a penny earned. 省一文等于赚一文。
3. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言语。
4. All is fair in love and war. 爱情和战争没有不公平的。
5. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。
7. As easy as pie. 轻而易举。
8. As fit as a fiddle. 身体健康。
9. As good as gold. 像黄金一样好。
10. As happy as a clam. 心情愉快。
11. As mad as a hatter. 疯疯癫癫。
12. As old as the hills. 古老的。
13. As poor as a church mouse. 贫穷的。
14. As quiet as a mouse. 安静的。
15. As strong as an ox. 像牛一样强壮。
16. As thick as thieves. 关系密切。
17. As white as snow. 像雪一样白。
18. As wise as an owl. 聪明智慧。
19. Barking up the wrong tree. 找错了对象。

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下面是店铺给大家整理的常用英文短语,供大家参阅!常用英文短语1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.) e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!2. 活该! you had it coming!e.g. a: i gained weight!b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much without exercising.3. 胡闹that’s monkey business!e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛!注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”3.请便! help yourself.do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。
)4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。
若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。
5.才怪! yeah,right!as if!e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.b: yeah, right!a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪!注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。

1.ace up (one’s) sleeve 袖子中的A,指秘密武器,隐藏的绝招2.across the board 全盘的,形容全面的,包括一切的3.affluenza富贵病4.after one’s heart 形容完全符合自己的心意5.against the grain (逆着纹理) 违反意愿,不符6.all mouth and trousers = all mouth and no trousers 一个腰部以下什么都没穿的空谈者,光说不练7.apples and oranges 形容根本上不同的事物和人,无法进行比较8.bad apple/rotten apple 烂苹果,形容某个讨厌的人9.the apple never falls far from the tree 苹果落地,离树不远;形容家族特征总会很明显地表现出来10.at a crossroads 在十字路口上,形容面临重要抉择11.at sixes and sevens 形容一种极度无序的状态12.ax to grind 斧子去磨,形容做某事时怀有私心或别有用心13.back-handed compliment 反手恭维话,形容讽刺挖苦的恭维话14.bark up the wrong tree 叫错了树,形容精力花在不该花的地方,攻击错了目标(bark at themoon)15.fortean incidents 科学无法解释的异常现象16.bats in (one’s) belfry 某人钟楼里的蝙蝠,一种幽默的说法,指发疯或很古怪17.a bee in (one’s) bonnet (软帽) 帽子里的一只蜜蜂,形容那些沉迷于一种想法或事物的人18.beard the lion 揪狮子的胡子,形容挑战危险或有势力的人19.bell the cat 为别人或自己的利益去做危险的事20.beat around / about the bush 抽打丛林四周,指迂回地达到目的,旁敲侧击21.between a rock and a hard place 在石头和硬地之间,形容左右为难,进退维谷。

1.I see.我明白了。
2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too.我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on.来吧(赶快)8. Hold on.等一等。
9. I agree。
10. Not bad.还不错。
11. Not y et.还没。
12. See you.再见。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long.再见。
15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me.让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full.我饱了。
23. I'm home.我回来了。
24. I'm lost.我迷路了。
25. My treat.我请客。
26. So do I.我也一样。
27. This way。
28. After you.您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me.跟我来。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise.我保证。
35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. Try again.再试试。
40. Watch out! 当心。
41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。

下面是关于英语常用短语,希望大家认真阅读!---1. 弹吉他 - Play the guitar2. 想做某事 - What to do sth3. 加入音乐俱乐部 - Join the music club4. 说英语 - Speak English5. 与...匹配 - Match with...6. 下棋 - Play chess7. 游泳俱乐部 - The swimming club8. 什么俱乐部 - What club9. 一个体育俱乐部 - A sports club10. 擅长讲故事 - Be good at telling stories11. 讲故事俱乐部 - The story-telling club12. 喜欢做某事 - Like to do/doing13. 让我们加入 - Let's join14. 听起来不错 - Sounds good15. 学校表演招聘学生 - Students wanted for School Show16. 跟某人谈话 - Talk to/with sb17. 放学后 - After school18. 表演功夫 - Do kung fu19. 把某物展示给某人 - Show sb sth = Show sth to sb20. 做事情很有趣 - Have fun doing21. 和人们做游戏 - Play games with people22. 在周末 - On the weekend23. 在学校音乐俱乐部 - Be in the school music club24. 给某人打电话 - Call sb at25. 需要某人做某事 - Need sb to do sth26. 帮助某人 - Help + sb + v27. 帮助某人做某事 - Help sb with sth28. 说英语的学生 - English-speaking students29. 弹钢琴 - Play the piano30. 给某人讲故事 - Tell sb stories31. 对某人来说做某事是... - It + adj + for sb to do sth32. 善于与某人相处 - Be good with33. 对老人的帮助 - Help for old people34. 和某人交朋友 - Make friends with35. 学生的运动中心 - The Students’ Sports center36. 教某人做某事 - Teach sb to do sth37. 需要帮助来教音乐 - Need help to teach music38. 老师做他能做的事来帮助学生 - The teacher does what he can to help students39. 下棋/打球 - Play + 棋类/球类40. 弹/拉乐器 - Play the + 西洋乐器41. 擅长做某事 - Be good at doing sth = Do well in doing sth42. 善于与某人相处 - Be good with sb43. 需要某人做某事 - Need sb to do sth44. 能/会做某事 - Can + 动词原形45. 一点儿... - A little + 不可数名词46. 加入俱乐部 - Join the... club47. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 - Like to do sth = Love to do sth1.a big headache令人头痛的事情2.a fraction of一部分3.a matter of concern焦点4.a series of一系列,一连串5.absent from不在,缺席6.abundant in富于7.aount for解释8.ause sb.of sth.控告9.add to增加(add up to)10.after all毕竟,终究11.agree with同意12.ahead of time/schedule提前13.ahead of在...之前(ahead of time提前)14.alien to与...相反15.all at once突然,同时16.all but几乎;除了...都17.all of a sudden突然18.all over again再一次,重新19.all over普及20.all right令人满意的;可以21.all the same仍然,照样的22.all the time一直,始终23.angry with sb.at/about sth.生气,愤怒24.anxious about/for忧虑,担忧25.anything but根本不26.apart from除...外(有/无)27.appeal to吸引,申诉,请求28.applicable to适用于29.apply to适用30.appropriate for/to适当,适宜31.approximate to近似,接近32.apt at聪明,善于33.apt to易于34.around the clock夜以继日35.as a matter of fact实际上36.as a result(of)因此,由于37.as a rule通常,照例38.as far as...be concerned就...而言39.as far as远至,到...程度40.as follows如下41.as for至于,关于42.as good as和...几乎一样43.as if好似,防腐44.as regards关于,至于45.as to至于,关于46.as usual像平常一样,照例47.as well as除...外(也),即...又48.as well同样,也,还49.ashamed of羞愧,害臊50.aside from除...外(还有)51.ask for the moon异想天开52.at a loss茫然,不知所措53.at a time一次,每次54.at all costs不惜一切代价55.at all events不管怎样,无论如何56.at all times随时,总是57.at all丝毫(不),一点也不58.at any rate无论如何,至少59.at best充其量,至多60.at first sight乍一看,初看起来61.at first最初,起先62.at hand在手边,在附近63.at heart内心里,本质上64.at home在家,在国内65.at intervals不时,每隔...66.at large大多数,未被捕获的67.at last终于68.at least至少69.at length最终,终于70.at most至多,不超过71.at no time从不,决不72.at one time曾经,一度;同时73.at present目前,现在74.at someone's disposal任...处理75.at the cost of以...为代价76.at the mercy of任凭...摆布77.at the moment此刻,目前78.at this rate照此速度79.at times有时,间或80.aware of意识到81.back and forth来回地,反复地82.back of在...后面83.back up后备,支援84.bare of几乎没有,缺乏85.be able to do能够86.be around差不多87.be available to sb.可用,可供88.be bound to一定89.be capable of doing能够90.be concerned with关心…,涉足…91.be dying to渴望92.be fed up with受够了be tired of93.be in hospital住院94.be in season上市的/in peak season旺季95.be in the mood to do sth.想做96.be pressed for time时间不够97.be tied up with忙于98.be under the weather身体不好99.beat around the bush拐弯没角100.beat the crowd避开人群。
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常用英文短语FX: Foxconn --- 富士康科技集团FXGL:Foxconn GuanLan. 指富士康观澜厂区FXZZ: Foxconn ZhengZhou 指富士康郑州厂区QSMC: Quanta Shanghai Manufacturing Center广达上海制造城MLB:Mother Level Board -- 指为NAPA生产主板的部门FATP:Final Assembly and Test of products –指成品组装及测试部门。
我们主要设计此部门EPM:Engineering Project Management 工程开发管理部PD:Product Design 结构开发部R&D:Product Research and Design 研发部PE:Product Engineering --产品工程NPI:New Product Introduce --新产品导入工程IE:Industry Engineering 工业工程ME:Mechanical Engineering -- 结构/制程工程TE-AP:Testing Engineering Application Function 测试工程TE-RF:Testing Engineering - Radio FrequencySCM:Supply Chain Management 供应链WH:Warehouse 仓库MC:Material Control 物控CUS:Customs Department 关务EPD:Engineering Purchase Department 工程采购QA:Quality Assure 品管IQC:Incoming Quality Assure 进料检验SQE:Supply Quality Assure 供应商品质管理IPQC:In Process Quality Control 在制品品质管理OQC:Outgoing Quality Control 出货品质管理系统流程相关:ETA:Evaluated Time of Arrival --预计到达时间ETD:Evaluated Time of Delivery -- 预计发货时间ATA:Actual Time of Arrival -- 实际到达时间CPT:Cupertino City --- 库比提诺镇–NAPA在加州的总部DUT:Device Under Test --- 待测机台OP:Operator ---作业员UPH:Units Per Hour ---每小时产量Radar:Radar System that NAPA used that to track the issues.X-Track:FA record track system that SW team developmentPDCA:This is NAPA product testing data tracking systemSFC:Software Floor Control system, be used for production process controlSOP:Standard Operation Process -- 标准作业流程WI:Working Instruction -- 作业指导书WIP:Work In Process --- 在制品CT:Cycle Time -- 完成一个动作或测试的时间TCT:Testing Cycle Time --测试时间周期OCT:Operation Cycle Time –作业时间周期RMA:Return Merchandise Authorization --不良品返修产品试产阶段:ENG:Engineering Build --- 泛指产品试产阶段Proto:Prototype build ---- 模型验证阶段EVT:Engineering Validation Term --- 工程设计验证阶段DVT:Design Validation Term ---设计验证PVT:Plan Validation Term --- 量产前制程与工程验证RAMP:Ramp Build Term --- 产量爬坡验证阶段MP:Mass Production Term --- 大量生产阶段EFFA:Engineering Failure Analysis --- 工程不良品分析测试治具厂商:Tod:图德精密科技–主要制作QTs 和RF 测试治具Innorev:应诺精密科技–主要制作Camera, ALS, FACT 测试治具Wilwin:图创治具–主要制作IQC ALS, Prox 及Sub line Button Testing FixtureOCT:圆璐–主要制作Sub Line Sensor and CG testing fixtureWord:沃德–主要制作IQC CG testing fixtureBojey:博杰–主要制作MLB RF Inner FixtureMYZY:迈致–主要制作主线上的Grape 测试治具TRI: 德律泰–主要生产MLB RF Inner Fixture & FCT 测试治具TopTest: 拓普–主要生产MLB SOC 和DFU测试治具NAPA文件资料术语:Gerber File:NAPA产品主板(PCB) 设计文件,用于厂商制作Bare PCB.BOM:Bill of Material. 为记录产品所有的物料,文件等料号,清单与层次;Schematics:线路图, 为产品电子设计线路。
是我们设计的主要参考资料;MCO Drawing:主要为产品MLB各尺寸及贴装元件后的尺寸图纸;2D Drawing:主要为产品组成原件的二维尺寸;3D Drawing:主要为客户产品的三维立体图档,是我们设计的主要图档;Test Flow:产品测试流程图,包括MLB 段与FATP 段;Test Coverage:各工站测试项目,Command, Response, Spec ,etcEquipment List:设备清单, 为测试工站中使用到的所有的设备,治具,Cable 等ERS: Engineering Requirement Specification对产品或元件的规格定义、测试方法、品质管控等元器件与测试相关:CPU:Center Process Unit -- 中央处理器PCB:Printed Circuit Board --- 空白电路板PCBA:Printed Circuit Board Assembly ---电路板,上面有贴装相应的原件PMU:Power Management Unit --- 电源管理单元Codec:Codec. This is audio control center of Phone --音频处理单元ICLCM:Liquid Crystal Module –Phone and pod display module --- 液晶显示模组Grape:Touch Panel of Phone and pod --- 触摸屏HP:Head Phone, --耳机Compass:A device used to determine geographic direction. --- 指南针ALS:Ambient Light Sensor. Be used for detect the brightness of the ambient --–环境光学感应器Prox Sensor:Proximity Sensor. Be used for detect the distance of the block; -- 距离感应器Acc:Accelerator. One sensor that can detect the direction of the unit --- 重力加速度感应器Gyro:陀螺仪. 用于侦测机台的转动状态VGA Camera:Phone上的前置摄像头,又称之为Front Camera;Back Camera:Phone上的后置摄像头Camera LED:Phone上后置摄像头上使用的闪光灯MLB:Mother Level Board. 手机主板或其他电子产品上的主控制板FF:Form factory. 一般意义上NAPA将在开发阶段的手机成品称之为FF;NED:NAPA将工程验证阶段将产品的主要元件组装在一个大的结构上面,便于更换与验证。
测试Stations:MLB SideDFU:Download File to Unit. MLB测试的第一个工站, 用于将测试软件灌到测试主板的Nand 里,便于后面工站的测试;FCT:Function Cycle Test. 在MLB 段,主用用于测试MLB 上主要的电压,电流及个别功能测试, 确保主板功能正常;RF Inner:在MLB 测试端,用于测试主板的RF 功能模块功能。
主要有GSM,C2K, WiFi, BT& GPS etc测试Stations:FATP SideSensor Flex Testing:Sub Line 测试工站,用于测试机台在组装Sensor flex 后的Sensor功能是否正常;Button Flex Testing:Sub Line 测试工站,用于测试机台在组装Button flex 后的Button Flex 功能是否正常;CG Module Testing:Sub Line 测试工站,用于测试机台在组装CG Module 后的LCM & Grape功能是否正常;PAT Testing Station:Passive Antenna Testing –被动天线测试Grounding Testing:接地测试–主要用于RF天线及产品与地的联通性测试CT Testing Station:Connection Test –用于测试产品在组装中是否存在连通性问题QT0 Testing Station:Quick Test0 –主要在产品刚刚组装完成后,对产品上的主要连接元件进行快速测试, 确保产品功能的正常。
QT0B Testing Station:Quick Test0B –主要在产品刚刚组装完成后,对产品上的主要连接元件进行快速测试, 确保产品功能的正常。
此工站由原来的QT0 工站分离出来, 主要包含那些不需要测试治具支持的测试项目。